Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 25, 1881, Image 2

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Gioaoi B. Goodlandib, Editor.
Reader, If yoa want to know what la irolnff on
la tba bnitnaii world, Juet rand our Bdeertising
Botunoa, tha Sjfial oolnmB la pftrtleular.
Sarah Bombard t, the Fronch actress,
sailed from Now York a fow days since
for Franco.
SoiTjcninq. The spine of the lie
publican party is about as limp now as
an afternoon shirt-collar in dog daya.
A Goon JUdical. Dorscy employed
Jlob Ingersoll as his attorney in the
Star routo investigation. Perhaps ho
hired Bob because Jiob doesn't believe
JSoy Aoain. General J!. P. Butlor
Laving announced that ho 'feels like a
boy again," the ISoHton Herald is wick-
cd enough to suggest tuai noprouauiy
moans tho "old boy."
How Nice I An exchange dots it
down in this way : "Ho asked me so
prettily for my hand," aaid Princess
Stophanio, concerning hor bridegroom,
Rudolph, "that I could not refuse it."
Boy-like. Senator Conkling is
somewhat in a fix of the boy who
threw away his bread and butter be
cause his mother refused him a dainty
bit of cake. He gets neither bread or
cako, and will havo to exist on dignity
or temper.
Eatiier Biblical. An exchange
romarka: "The great quoslion which
Sonntor Conkling baa been revolving
in bis mind lor several weeks past is:
What shall it profit a man if ho gain
tho wholo oi the minor Fcdoral offices
and lose tho Now York Collectorshipf"
Exactly Riout. Over in Altoona
the Mayor has ordered tho Chiof of
Polico to employ a force to go through
the alleys with a team, and cloan them
of ash piles and oilier refuse matter,
and ehargo tho cost, with 10 per cent,
addod, to parties living on tho premi
ses. Wf str IT Now. It was no wonder
that tho Star route patriots wore
afraid that Hancock's election would
"obstruct business." The PoslolHco
thieves wore having a good time, and
the election of General Hancock might
have broken up their infamous busi
ness. A Good Thing. .n item in tho Star
routo fraud la tho discovery by the
Chicago Tribune of a routo on tho
Mississippi rivor, between St. Louis
nnd St. Paul, on which ?2!),000 a year
was paid lor carrying an empty mail
bag, with no letters in it, back and
lortb, by stoamboat.
A FlOUBATIVE Himark. The Pit
triot remarks in this way: "General
Grant's Iriond and biographer, General
lladcau, is left out in tho cold by the
appointment of General Merritt, of
Now Yolk, lo tho Consul Generalship
at London. There is but little sympa
thy among the 329 lor tho 306."
A Matter or Taste. President
Garfield has appointed tho colTuo-col-orcd
ox Senator (Bruce) ol Mississippi
Register of the United States Treas
ury, in the room ol Scofield promotod,
This shows that the African is follow
ing our ex-Congressman very closely,
and whether tho African will improve
en the Caucasian, or vice versa, is a
more question of limo.
Saeretarj Windnm'a ptao of funding Ara and
all par oaot. bonda Into ft) par aanta. ia b eom
n!ata aucttaa. Radical Eickang:
Why did you not bring that fact to
the notico of Fraud Hayes, so aa to
prevent liia voto of an Act passed by a
Democrat; Sonato and House? If it
is a good thing now to reduce tho in
terest op our Federal debt, why was a
veto the result six months ago? Stand
apt "Honor bright," as tho boya
bavo it.
A l)iu Tiam. It ib announcci that
rroBidcnt Garfield and Governor lloyt
will both orate at Gettysburg on Dec
oration Day. It is a wonder that
l.onntrout, ilosliy, Kiddlvbeigor and
Malmna are not Invitod. Tliey wcro
all thers on a former occasion, and
should not be "unuhbcd" now when
they hare ignored their rebel feelings
and havo becomo loyal.
Kabcam roE JtuLim. We dedicate
nearly tho wholo of our first page this
week to the purpose of giving our
readers an Inside view of the rascal!
lion perpetrated on the pooplo by tho
party in power during the last cam
paign. It is an insido history of tho
caao and there is not "a Democratic
lie" in it. The rovelation come from
loyal sources and must necessarily bo
true as against tho wrigglers.
Diath or Tuomai A. Scott. Tom
Scott, the greatest railroad man that
over lived, diod at hii Summer resi
dence in Delaware county, near T'bila
dclphia, last Saturday night, of paraly
sis, In the 58th year of his age. He
was ono of the moot rcmarkablo men
Pennsylvania over produced, and al
though ho never visited this section,
his name waa familiar to every man
and woman in the county. Ilia fu
neral took place ou Tuesday. A sketch
of hie life will bo published in this pa
per next weett.
The CowrtNl Monument. The Cow-
pens Spurtansburg, 8. C,
waaunvailed on Wednesday, May 11,
with imposing civio and military dem
onstrations, in the presence ot 20,000
people. Addresses were mnde hy Sen
ator Qamption, representing Virginia,
North Carolina, Georgia and Tennes
eoo; Don. Thomas W. Iligginaon, rep
resenting isew Hampshire, Uassacha
eetta, Rhode Island and Connecticut,
and Hon. Win. D. Francis, represent
ing New Tork, New Jersey, Pennsyl
vania and Delaware. The speakers
all corored large territories, embrac
ing the original thirteen State which
established the Federal Union.
COSKLI.Xa AXP pi.att HE- i
.SffiV. j
After Iho it'tiiling of lliti jutii'lnil of
t lie Kcimtc. uri Monday uf IbbI week,
tliu Vice I'rcNidcnt nuiil, "1 liuvo tlio
! lioimr nf laying tlio lullowiiig column
I iil uliiiiiK lieloru tliu Scnulc. The Clerk
will rend." Tim rii'ik then tend s
fullnwk :
W4.H1BUT0., ll. C, Mnjp la
To VhftrrA. Arthur, Met Prfidinl !
HiB i Yuu will anBuuuoe tu Ilia Senate
that my resla;BBtiiiB aa rieBatnr of th. linitsd
Htalee from tb. Klale of ew York bM berB for
warded lo tli Uuveroor of that 8tale. I have
Ihe honor lo bo with (root rrfMt(
t our Ubcdieut Hervaut.
K"fOB OoBkilMI.
rlRNATi Chaubbb, May II.
70 Chttlrr A. Arthur. 1'ice VesioVal i
8m i 1 have forwarded lo Ibo (JoTernor of Now
York ray reslgaatioB aa Haoalor or lb Uatted
Slate, from the Slate of New orb. Will .von an
Bounea tba fact to Iba Banal, t With great re
spect, Your Obedient Servant,
T. 0. Putt.
Thin waa ft flrstclass surprise to
everybody an net that m enjoyed
by JlomocruU and regretted by ltuJi
call. Tlio bitter content between Conk
ling and (larficld over tlio cunlliina
tion by tbo Semite of Judge HoberUon
aa Collector of Customs at tlio port of
How York, in which Conkling hus
been vanu,uiBhcd, in, of course, tlio con
trolling reason for bin unexpected no
tion, a welt o for that of bin cob
leapnn. IMatt : and in their letter to
tho (iOTOrnor of NlJW Vork trun81I1it.
t-ng hjm lh(jir reV,gImtioIls aU
u t t l) lbeW cour(10 becaUB0
of Garfiold'a nomination of Robertson
in defiance ol their protest aguinst it.
Tho Legislature of New York is now
in session and it is supposed that bo-
fore Conkling decided to resign bo had
satisfactory assurances from Albany
that he and Piatt would both bo re
elected. This may havo been tho pro
gramme, but it looks now as though
their seats will be tilled by somo one
olso. Tho anti-Coiikling men have
succeeded in postponing the election
lor ft wock by adjourning the Senate
on Monday before (ho official notifica
tion of tho resignations was received,
tho law requiring an oloction to tako
place on the second Tuesday after a
formal notification. This gives them
time to rally their forces. There are
10G Republicans and 61 Democrats in
the Now Y'ork Legislature, and eighty
ono votes are required to elect. Thus
it will be seen it only lakes twenty
seven Republicans to decline to sup
port Messrs. Conkling and Plait to
prevent their election without Demo
cratic support, which neither aide can
get without giving tho Democrats ono
Senator, which thoy cannot afford to
give. It is claimed by tho anti-Conk-linu-
tenders tliut thev can control the
nectary twenty seven vote. TriB hut it is imposrblo that he can be any
greatest trouble Mr. Conkling win loss fit for the place than i.o Due. The
havo will be with tho Senate, of which purtment should bo one of real im
hodvMr.Hobe.tsonisamember. Thisl !"rtum'1' 1,1 th" "K'iculturul interests
body is composed of 25 Republicans
and 8 Democrats. Twelve Republican
mombcrs, and possibly fourteen, ol Iho
Senate, will decline to support Mr.
Conkling so Ihul if the DumocruU vole
with them it will be possible to pre
vent an election at all this session.
The reports Irom Albany are that the
opinion grows hourly stronger that
the Sonata will refuse lo go into elec
tion for United States Senators.
JUdical Rlavkb. Tlio Philadelphia
Herald remarks : "We venture the ro
mark that tberu la not a department
under Jicpublican control, cither in
Nalionul, State, or municipal ufluirs,
that is not double-dyed and steeped in
corruption. Tho Republican party
havo ruled to ruin ; their thievery has
bocome so palpably bad that the bet
ter class of their number have bocome
so disgusted with the boldness with
which the thieving has been accom
plished that they aro paving a way for
now organization. People of this
country aro slow lo move, but onco
launch them in tho road of inquiry,
and they luuxl hold a forward career.
They often aro checked, and they may
seem to retrograde, but their retreat is
only that of a receding wave in the
inning tide. Their mnstor movement
is always in advance. To hold (hem
still, they must bo claimed. Snap
tho chain, and they ppiing lorward.
That political bonds are much, tho
twenty years of sorvilo bonilitge which
men who cluim tho proud lillo of tree-
men have undergone, they alone must
answer. Iho time has Co mo when
corruption and venality must be check
ed. That tho Republican party is
doomed to ultor rout thero is not a
shadow of doubt. Patched up issues
and snap judgmenls are tilings of tho
past; they must fall by their own
weapons, and lhatero another national
TiilNtis Vnttino. There is groat
excitement in both army and navy
circles over tho recent deparlnicnlul
events. Paymaster Stevenson, of the
navy, haa been ordered back to Now
York to turn over his accounts to Pay
master Caswell, who succeeds him at
tho Now York navy postofllco. Ste
venson's examination for promotion
meanwhile ia postponed for sovoral
days. Fourth auditor of tho Treasury
Moore and his chief clork bavo resign
ed, at tbo request of Secretary Win
dom, for irregularities in passing Ste
venson's accounts. Nothing criminal
ia alleged against them, however. Sto-
venson haa complained to Garfield that
Secretary Hunt is prejudiced agaipst
him, and baa retained Bob Ingersoll
and Senator Voorboos aa counsel
Army people are itirrod by a woll-
grounded report that Sui goon General
liarncs has been retired and his placo
Tba bill to eootert tha Huntingdon peniten
tiary Into B refornatary In.titutloa paried aaa
ond reading Ib tha Henete on Tueiday. Il,m1ig
dom aioht.
We rejoice at the change. Hunt
ingdon ia a good missionary field. That
oounly went crasy (politically, we
mean) In 1873 on the anti-Musonio
question, and a majority ol its pooplo
have adhered to that humbug organi
sation ever since, no differs nee whether
the lenders of that faction labeled them
selves Whkga, Know-Nothings, ltcpub-
Means, etc., that mental aberration has
alwaya stuck to thorn over thoro. The
now penitentiary may improve tho
oters of that county in tho future.
Finnmo It is clearly demonstrated
by facta submitted to the public thro'
a leading New York paper that Gar-
Mold doliborately lied to Senator Conk
ling about the New York nominations.
But that is Dot startling. A Congrcs
aional Committee, only a few years
aince, declared that bo had lied in a
bolder way on a graver question. Tho
difference it that that timo he swore
ll niu-l be vleihlu In every intelli
gent tnun itnd uuiiiiin who havo tukon
an inventory of I'risiilent (iuilield's
doings siiii o ho took his seut in the
Whitti House lli ut he tilunilcrud in the
inn Uo up of his Cabinet, lie Munilvr
ed In his iihlinuiy upfioiiiluieiitK, aiid
the allium i) formed by him with Hid-
dleberger, Goihuin, lluhono k Co, is
the wont of all. For over two months I
this syndteuto of slutesmen und coin
men ial traders bus been trying lo eon
duct the Federul ulliiirs at Washing
ton, bill fitiluro is stumped on every
movement. Tliu Semite wastoconreno
in F.xcculivo session for a shntt period
it was supposed, but over two months
of limo wus wasted in doing nothing,
except something shabby, and had not
tho body fallen into tho hands of tho
Democruts ten days ago by tho resig
nation of the two Senators Iroin New
York Conkling and Piatt confusion
would still reign at tbo Federul Capi
tal. The Democrats having hail tho
control ol tho United States Senate
transferred to theiii in Iho manner in
dicated, proceeded und discharged their
publie duties at once, and adjourned
iiko statesmen.
If President Gurlield's l'.xecutivo
management dues improve within the
next six months his Administration
will "go to pot" by December next,
when Congress meets. Being unublo
to handle tho few men who made up
tho Seuute, how will ho succeed in con
trolling a elo-e House. The fniilties
of tho President are visible on every
hand, and if statesmanship does not
superscdo personul spile, hiu Adminis
tration must break down prematurely.
A Ciianoe, Anyhow. No class of
citizens hivo been so hugely imposed
upon for the past Ave years, us tho
agricultural, or Granger, element of
our country, ho Duo, who has had
charge of tho Department of Agricul
ture for some timo, is either a fool or
a knave, and President Gailield has
mado a change, whether it will prove
to be an improvement, is a question for
the future. Tho Philadelphia Timee,
in alluding to the case, says: "Having
got Conkling oft" bis mind, tho Presi
dent has found time to look around
him and request the resignation of Mr.
William 0. I.o Due, Commissioner of
Agriculture. Tho resignation wasgiv.
en as requested, without a moment's
delay, and Dr. I.oring, of Alassachu
sctts, has been appointed to tho va
cancy. What qualifications Dr. Lor-
ing hafturo not known to '.be country,
of tho country, but it could never bo
under the administration of such offi
cials as Le Due, and that, unfortu
nately, bus been tho kind of olllciuls
which tho department has generally
suffered from. Dr. Luring won't find
much to start with, since Lo Duo has
devoted tho most of his turm lo urging
that he bo made a Cabinet oflicor, and
experimenting with tea and banboo,
but to far as anybody knows bo hasn't
been successful with either effort."
Tux Sick Wife. Mrs. Garfield, wife
of the President, has been seriously ill
for a fortnight, and tho editor of tho
Cincinnati Enquirer, who is a personal
friend ot the President's family, thus
alludes to tho afllictcd wife:
'All tho pooplo will deeply syiniia-
thize with the President In this supremo
anxiety. Mrs. Gurlicld has been to
tho I resilient 'fur ahove rubies. Jn
boyhood and girlhood they trod the
puths of learning almost hand iu hand.
It wus learning that brought them to
gether, and learning and lovo bavo
kept them together ull theso years.
Ol superior education and gentle ways,
Mrs. liarhcla has been utile to teach
her own bo-s quito to Iho entrance of
collego ; so that 'her children ariso up
and call her blessed ; her husbuud also,
and ho pniiscth her.' 'Sho opened her
mouth with wisdom; and her tongue
is tlio law ol kindness, hho bas looked
'well to tho waya of her household,'
and has not eaten the bread of idle
ness.' 'Tho heart of her husband doth
safely trust in her.' 'Strength and
honor aro bcr clothing, hlio has been
a raro wife ; and now when her wild-
ost girlish dreams havo just been more
than realized all tho American millions
will fervently hopo that she may ho
spared to enjoy her high station, to the
guining of which horBplcmlid and cul
tivated womanly qualities and capaci
ties havo largely contributed."
SiiAiinv Statesmanship. Ascertain
ing that tho confirmation of Robert
son as Collector of the port of New
Y'ork was certain to be accomplished
in spito of his vigorous opposition,
Conkling found acquiescence in a viu.
tory for tho Administration too hu
miliating, and accordingly ho has taken
a shrewd method of covering his do
foul. On Monday be lorwarded his
resignation as V'nitcd Stales Senator
to tho Governor of New York, and his
colleague und "shadow," Senator Piatt,
followed suit. Mr. Conkling's new
stroke is to socuro his re-election by
tho New York Lcgislaturo, and then
to fluunt it in tha fnco ol Mr. Garfield
as an approval of his (Conkling's)
course by the Republicans of Ilia groat
Stato of New York. His re-election
seems certain, although tho friends of
Robertson and tho Administration in
the Now York Legislature will do
their host lo socuro his dolcat.
A Straw Bid Rooster. A leading
Republican paper has this to soy:
"Juines N. Tyner, First Assistant Post
master General, a tall, blondo man
with a white uioustuche, who is
charged with sharing in tho Star
routo contracts, lias been in tho Post
ofllco Department in one prominent
position and another since his lerin as
Congressman expired at the closo of
Iho Forty-third Congross. Sinco then
Tynor bas gono through bankruptcy,
lived well at an expensive hotel, and
ia now credited with a handsome for
tuno, all on a email Gnvotnment sula
ry. Aside from Morton's political In
fluence, fjTifr owed his first position
to voting for a third term resolution
in tho House in 1H75, with a few other
Thosi Savaois or Ocas. Ono
hundred and thirty five Indiana .from
Sitting Bull's camp arrived at Fort
Bufbrd, Dakota, and surrendered on
the 11th Inst. Forty five of the num
ber wcro men. Sitting Lull was ex-
- . i i- ,,
pooted to start for r ort lluford with
Captain McDonald, of the Dominion
Mounted Police, on the 13th.
The United States Scnato adjourned
tine die on Friday last
(iciicrul (.iranf hits written tlio fj
lowing letter to Menutor Junes, nf Col
ornilo :
"City op .Mkxico, April 21. My
Dear Senator; I fee by the latest de
si ntehea received hero Irom I lie (iini
I till nl our i Miiiilrv lljut the deml lock
! in organising the Semite i led yet
! broken and that nothing Ims been done l,..i.l..,.l i,. .,(!., It.. i hill, o-
wlil.,, IIIllHt ,0 t,llol;, by bis
m,.i.l recent appoinlineiiis ben the
firsl butch of nomination lor .New
York wus r-ont in 1 win delighted, 1
believed then the President bad deter
mined to rucognir.e tho Republican
party, und not a taction But bis
nominations of the next day convinced
mo that tho first act was but a part of
a deep-laid scheme by somebody to
punish prominent leudora for being
openly friendly to mo. 1 cannot be-
licvo that Gen. Garfield is tho author
of this policy. I give him credit lor
being too big a man to descend to sncii
means for tho punishment of men who
gavo him a heurty support In hi. elec
tion and who aro disposed to givo him
tho samo support now, for tho offence
ol having bod a former prefcrenco for
some one else for tho office which ho
now holds. But Garfield Is President
and is responsible for all tho acts of
tho administration. k Conkling and
Piatt are tho chosen Senators of Iho
great Statu of New York, and thai,
too, aguinst all tlio opposition ol an
administration crcutcd by tho fume
liarlv tliut elected them. This should
givo them ull the sttonger cluim to bo
consulted in tho matter of appoint
ments in their blulo. When it comes
to filling tho most influential olllce in
their State without consulting these
Senators it is a great slight. When ho
selects the most inoffensive man to bo
found it becomes an insult and ought
to bo resented to iho bitter end. 1
sincerely hope the President will sco
tins and coiruct the mistuko linnsell,
and restore harmony lo the party. He
owes this to himself und to those with
out whom ho could not havo been
elected. Nobody believes that he
could havo carried tho State of New
York without tho active support of
her present Senators. Their passive
support would not have auswerod.
Without tho State of New York Gen.
Garfield would lint now bo President.
His rewarding Robertson is not only
oflensivo to tho New York Senators,
but it is olfensivo to tho Now York
"Tho change of Bedeau and Cramer,
tho two appointments in which I fell
a strong personal interest, wus very
distasteful In mo; tho first, because of
our personal relations and my wish
that ho should bo kept where his office
would support him until ho finishes
some work be is engaged upon, and
which he could do without interfering
with his publio duties. The second,
becauso it wus at the expense of re
moving tho Bon of my old Secretary
ol State, who probuhly never hud his
superior certainly never lor morul
worth in iho Department, it is true
Kish resigned. But ho did this Irom a
sciiho of liunnr, supposing it to bo tho
duty of representative uhrnad to give
a new administration the opportunity
of saying whether they were wunted
or not. t cry truly yours,
.1'. S. GllASiT.
lion. J. P. Jones, Tinted Statu Sena
tor, Washington, I), C."
The editor of the Philadelphia TVhcs
gives our old Congressman this kind
of a "puff":
Mr. Ulrnni W. Sc.OeU. ol tliil .Slate, ha. baon
tran.f.rred from Register oftheTreafury lo Judfte
of tba Court of Claim.. He ha. occupied a prom
inent position lo Penn.ylrania, bavins boon a
member of both braoobea af tba Legiilalure,
Prerident Judge, Cu-Jgrcman for Ova term, and
Kea-i.teref tba Trea.urr. and now ha I. tranr-
ferred to a life Judicial poaitlon. Mr. Bnonrld ia
one of tba few mro who ara tuorv able than tbey
a.auma lo ba, and it ha. not hern creditable tu
the Plate to arnd Cameron, and Milchrll lo the
frienale whi'a Hcofield wa. put at tha bead ol a de
partment bureau I but Hcofield lore, eare and he
ba. been di. fenced in the race. He 1. well fitted
lor tba bench, and will rank among tba flr.l men
who bare aat In the Court uf Claiina.
To fill tho bill, Col. McClure should
have refuted the wholo story. Scofield
was our Congressman for ten years,
having crowded General Pulton out of
his second term through the Cameron
influence But, smart us he has been,
his nanio as a Credit Mobilier stock
holder is recorded in tho Mussachu
sotls shovel-maker's Oukes Ames
hook as a bribed Congressman. See
f'oland's Congressional Report, pagos
0, l!l, 21, 28, 20, 32, D'.l, 4(1, 80, l.'IU, 181,
2H9, 300, 303, 333, 352, -155, and '150.
Tho reader will find lots of political
meat by reading the book in tjuistion,
and what puziilc us is, that a relormcr,
liko the editor of the Timet, "iiufl's" u
man who Is covered all over with moral
and political sores,
aioio: in jdio, wnue rconeiu wus
mnlrin.r n smooth nt Hir-nr-.! i-'rii, eriiin.
b 1 , , , .
IV, sumo II iliy lieeman llllllliri il ll ue
(3,.r.n.,l,l r.ul.l t..ll ll, .rMril n nv.
J ...
llllllf! about tbo v..rcelll iUObllier IIUSI-
ness. 1 ho "t'hristian slati'sinan, una
ourCongroe.m!in,replied that thowords
which Iho iiitorrogiitur used wcro too
French for him to understand, and,
thoreforc, ho could not inform him in
elotiufl (o that uffair. Politiinlly
jicaking, this man K'nfn-lil hv.) had
tho small o.x, yellow fever, scarlet
fever, and almost every other politi
cal epidemic, and still he lives. Out
side uf the pure Cameron ranch ho has
no equal as a demagogue uid a public
plunderer. And why cx-preachcr Gar
field has again been imposed upon, ia
beyond our comprehension! It was
no shovel-maker this time, becauso be
is dead, and cannot tulk French.
Tu tlao editor of the Philadelphia Times!
I !,.,, v..,...iv,.,l I,.,,,, i.!imiiilMr
Wtallaoo a copy of his nolo addressed to
tho Timet, dated Clearfield, Pa., Muy
ti, 1HR1.
What Mr Wallaca says concerning
the expenditure nt Cincinnati by Gen.
llanoock's friends who went there lo
advocato his nomination by tho Demo
cratic Convention in Juno last is abso
lutely true. The money collected all
passed through my hands and was
paid by personal friends ot General
11 uncock. Tho wholo number of con
tributors wits loss than a
and tho wholo amount contributed vus
precisely 81,250.
Ol thl8 amount 1100 W cro expended
r.,w Mni e l,Aa,lnnk,inM , ' m
parlors in a small hotel; f too wero
puid for thirty thousand badges, ab
sorbing nearly all of tho propor aiised
and colored ribbon in Cincinnati, and
making a "corner" in ribbon, and (315
wero paid for banners, portruits, print
ing placards and telegraphing. The
remainder, 1105, was leit in my hands,
and was turned over by me to one of
the Demneralio National Committees
during the campaign. Only onoof tho
contributors was in political life, and
tho name of no one of them has been
connected wilh tho Star routo or any
other scandal. When we saw the
brilliant parado slid displays and tho
splendid quarters of our rival aspirants
for tho nomination, our hearts sank
within us, but tho very poverty of our
surroundings was a help to ns, remind-
'ilia tliu uuit-Ltltli-i v iiu vinmii lis unit
, whll, fc, ui , of tho d
when simplicity and ahsonco of show
was a sign ol true Pennsylvania De
mocracy. Respectfully yours,
W. II. Franklin.
IlARTronn, May 11, 1881.
Annirr. Dorscy 'saved Indiana," j
in tho Iuiil'Uul'O ol Vice President Ar-1
tlmr, and now the question is begin-1
ning to arise, ''Vt bo will save Dorsey I
Hrw dmHsf. units.
Clearfield Nursery.
ri'IIK nudaMKned, hnvlu aatal.liibad a Nnr
X ary on tlia '1'ika, aWut ball wht batwtt.fl
Clearlleld and Curwt-naville, la lrairad to lor
niib all klnda of HICIT Tlll;KS, (.landanl and
dvarf.) Kvargravna, Bbrubbory, Uraua Vluaa,
Oooiiobvrra, Latrion IllaekUirr, fctrowbrrry,
and Raipbarrj Vinat. i b, Siberian Crub Trcuh,
Qulnoa, and aarlj acarlct Kbubarb, Ao. Orjtra
promptly atlendrd to. AJdiaaa,
J. D. WKItlHT,
ir.2u AK.j Cutweoavilla, i'a.
A Bargain !
Tbt imdenijrncii oftVri t prlrtta i.ilf that m1-
uuble fur id aituttcd in UKAli AM TOWNHllIP,
Cltirlicltl oounijr, known a th
Con I ail. log 121 aerea, 511 or fttilrh r cloimrt,
utiil bviu ttwreon arectavi a large frninc d wall
ing b utile, .nrga Crania harti, anil tbo otbur Dec ca
nary outLiitldiDgi, togethar wltb ft large orchard,
guod water, do. The property will be all on
very my tertua- For furlbar partiroUm ioiiilr
of the r-tibicribor. in per f on, or by letter.
T HAN ft r 1 1'.I.UJH.
Clearfield, IV, March 34th. ItinO.-lf
Mechanical and Agricultural Limo
of tHo Vory Best Maico I
Low Eatos of Freight on
Full Car Loado.
I AND FLASTKU. Wi itll tlia('ywg4 Kr'.und
J platter at low prirai by the cr loud. In
niu-aking of thi eekbratrd plaiter I cutiipuri d
with the Novancdtt or wblla plaiu-r, the Orange
Judd Co., publiebori of the 4ririt AyrimUur
tat, aay. "There ia no tiitlervncp ; ll ( rice is
the only coiuliieration." AddrfM,
ALU A A. Ml Ml CU.
April 8ibl(IKSI 3m. Jlrlietunl, IV
The Kslej Organ !
From North to Poiith, from Ent tutVtut,
The l .atfy Urgana lire the Heat-'
1T11KN Company, by lejtltitn He nvnnfe-
turo and actual production, re"hei the
Ia proo ci of eomarntira ntunb'rinff, it ii an
event which doierve mora tbo paiiiojf men
tion or oikuiI remark. It inunui very niur-b In
many wyi. It indicate
I'lrat. A high tut in en itaDdirg, and g'toJ
reputation for probity ami fair detling.
Hrrond. - A very 'jijjh reputation for quality
of work, in
Third, A vtry titectjve ijntmn of inaau fai
lure. Wo furnWh any ituta of Orgmi or I'ianui.
V W. I'HICK. Agent.
Curweniville, IV, May lb, iMI-litu
AN OH PIN AM K In rrCard lo tilt !)
ponllton of ' DlMirderl) Pemona I
FfCTinn 1. Tie it rtjird and oHained by the
Hufft' and Town Council of tbo tx.riTUjjb of
Clrirrield, and ll it beroi.y na'-ted and orJuind
I, .n ((luj i0i,iru,d'io any of thenreeie or
by eiithonty of tba fame: That it any peri on
biirbwa. of aaid burnugb, ererr t.eraon
oiTrudiug iball. ob eonvieiioo tbereof, ba fined
net let. than two nor more then Un dollar., and
on failure lo pay laid fine or glre aecurity to pay
the aatue within ti-n dev., be or they .hall be
committed to tho Herougb Lock up out ler. than
twelve nor more than loily-elght twurr, at tlia
direretiftn of the liurgeii.
rjv.eTl" X. If any perron or penona .ball ba
convicted of fiitbting, or of other diiorderly eon
duct wilhin tiia boroujfli limit., .ucb prr-nn or
per.on. ao offending .hall be fined not In.a than
Iwo uortnoro than Ian dollar., and .hall ba eom
miltrd to (he U.nonzh Lo-'b-up not more than
lorty-eigbl bour. at the dieeretlon of the fiurge...
Iu tevtimooy that tha above Ordinance wa.
parsed the 2ld day of May, l"sl, 1 have here
unto act my band and affixed the real of .aid
Ilorougb. 8. iNVOEII, Uurgeri.
Seall Atte.t I
J. F. Savnsn, Clark -
N tin DIM KSVK requiring; certain
venders of mert-liaudlafi tu oblnln a
llrniKC t
Fxellox I. lie it ordained by the llorgtra and
Town Council of tha Borough of Clearfield, and
it ia hereby ordained by authority of tba eetae :
That from and after the peerage and pnhlicaliuo
of tbl. ordinance all perroue not rendenl. ot the
Boroogh who .ball de.ire to hawk, peddle, Bell,
barter or truffle in sny jewelry, dry good., hard
ware, drug., groeariea, picture., framea, furniture,
or any olbir articlea, good., ware, or inercbau
dire, upon any of tlia atreetr, lance, alleya or
Miuare. of Ibo llorough. or in or at any of the
dwelling bouse., .bop., .lor.., or other building,
or place, in lb .aid Uoruugb. .hall first
obtaiB from Iba liurge... or in bi. ab.ence, from
the Treasurer or Keoreiary uf (be Uorough, a
liceo.o or permit for thoeauie, for which he .hall
pay not le.. tbao una dollar nor wore than Ova
dollar., according t.) Iba ducretioo of tha officer
granting tha same, for Bach day .aid applicant
derire to engage in said bu.inars. Provided,
Ihi. ordinance .ball not horonilrued a. applying
tu the rrtire.cntalivr. nf wholesale who
merely receive ordera for goods at wh. derate, nor
to any prnoo telling Inno products.
Ill terllmony thai Ibe above Ordinance waa
paeecd on tbo 2::d day ul May, A. U. 18&1, 1 have
hereunto aft Inr band and Btliie.l the real of aaid
llorough. b. I. r i liKlt, tturge.e,
Mvlir-p, Cl.ik.
1 K till 1)1 NAVt P' In relation loaax-Dt.
i t.larr-a. an oir-h) 11 lliir. hall-lilm hiir
RrrrrioN 1. He ll cmetid and ordalBed by the
Ilurge.t and Town Council of iho Uorouitb of
Clearfield, and it la hrieliy enaclod and oMainrd
by tba authority of tha same: That ll .hall be
unlawful forall paraona, whether minor, or adults,
to congrrgala ou any ot the .treat croanngs, cor.
persona parsing or repealing may bo oh.tructed
or wnereny ine goou enter ana peace oi tna em
sen. may be diaturuod, and every peraun so olfend.
ing shall, Biter autuinary oonvioiion thrroof be
fore tba Burgees, or any Justice of Ilia Peace, he
fiord not lev. than one nor more than fivednllera
or cemmilled to tho borough Lock up not exceed
ing foity-eigbl hours, cr both, at the discretion
of the committing ofbeer.
Kir. f. Any per.oa or person, who .hall engige
in any sie fc. or nan pie)ing, snow-naiung, or
nlatioi at ciiinny blCu a.iy pi the .tier:, or
all'ys of the Borough, or any perron or persons
who shall atrike or beat doore, windows, or door
.tens, or throw by means of any sling or other.
wise, any cero, grain, sand, dirl, at'-ors, shot, or
olher mireile at or upon any windows, doors
steps, porch or houee, or upon any of the street,
or alleya of tha borough, or pull any door-ball of
any dw.lling w.tb intent to annoy the owner or
occupant tiiercor, ar wnn omcr tniactilevou. in
tent, or any per.on or perron, removing any
lepa, sign or any portion or fixture in and upoo
any p-euilsea within the borough without the
oonsrnt or the ownir sbatl u'UU oinrtolloo 01
ent-h and every snob offenaohcliiretha tlurges. or
eny Justice of the Paaea uf the borough be fined
uot le. than two nor mora Ibaa five dollar, and
pay Ihe ooat. of tlia prootedinga, one-half of the
nue to go to ine iniormer, and lo 4'tamt inerni
shall be onnftnod in Iba borough Lock up not
exceeding lorty-etgnt hour.
lo tvttimnny that the above Ordinance wa.
paired Ibis 2.11 day of May, A. 1). IriKI, I have
hereunto act my band and afSard the seal of said
Uorougb. D. 1. cn 1, Burgess
'Sesh Attest ,
J y. riirnas, Clnk.
N (III DIN A Ml-'. relBlllig In rnaallngl
hrt-rtoR I. He it enacted and ordained hy tbe
Burgess and Town Couucil of the llorough of
Clearfield and it is hereby enacted and ordained
by Ihe authority of the semei That en and alter
the lawlnl promulgation of this ordinance, all
ooa. ling or riding l.y gravity upoo any of the
atreels, setewelaa ad alleys of tha borough hy
sleds, coasters, .lumpers or similar contrivances,
is hereby prohibited, and any person so olfend
Ing shall, upon ennvirtton thereof before Ihe llur
or noy J itllce of the Peace In salt Borough,
be fined not let. then una dollar nnr more than
two dollars for each uSensa, or In default thereof
bo Imprisoned in the Uorougli Lock-up not ex
eeeding forty-eight hour.
c'rr. 2. It i. hereby declared to be Ihe duly of
the High con.lanie lo arraat any parson or per
.on. violatiog aay of the proviriona of thi. ordi-
bbbcc, and take him or them before the Burgr.
or a Justioa ot tna I'eaoa of sail Uorougli, and
iLero to Im dealt with as prof idcl In Un. ordi
nanoe. In testimony that tha ab"t a oiilinahL. ara.
petie.l ob tbe 2 Id day of May, A. D. I'll, 1 bare
hereunto set my bend and arnxrd Ihe real of aaid
Uoroogb. SAtlt Kl, I. cMI'r.K, Burgrrs.
Seal I Atlealt
i. If. Sarntn, Cloth,
H )III)1MA( L: in rrUUon to Unci
ml lorlrhure i
ttrTTiojt I. ll it mrttil Hitl ot dull tfl by tht
VuTfft ftDd Tfiwn Cuanfil ol the Harnniib of
ClrttrAeld, And it ii btrihjr in0awl Di nrdB.nftd
iy lh mtboritr of bt tt,mi '1 baV frm
ft tr (h pHft of thit OrdintnA all Bqi and
l(irlliurM ollsrelfxj undtr lh fron-vinoi or ordi
ttt. cat in In nrt r thai mf bTafttr ba
paiaon. abail ba paid Into tba lioroaga iraatnr
fur lb in of tba Horntigb.
Is iMllmnDT that tba abovf f4iiaiaa wai
piifd oa Iba Md day of Mmj, 1911, 1 bafa bar
tinta act mj band and affl4 tba ai rf tb
Boroafb. 8. 1. SNYDBR. Ilirgait.
(HaalJ Altatti
4. f. Univt, Clark.
Claaraalti, Pa.. t5 0f Si .
Jlfltj (IrfrtlSflllfatS
1)",, y
Oavin L- Khaaa,
Wa. K. 'ltii .
Jail M t'ltarUclil, Pa.
Notice of Incorporation.
"VOTieit S herrby gien that the "Kawliior
X Cun.t-1 Hand," ut Iu Hma, will prerent a
petiiioo tu the Ceurt of Quarter t'eatlom, an
Wednesday, May S, lbI, tor a t'liarter ol In
florpomti'in for vatd Ilaml,
ilK(t. U. H.HiU'SnN, ltcrdr.
Oli-arfield, IV, May i, UKI-.1t.
Shingle Mill Tor Sale.
A LA HUH Due lie to hhlngl Maobina eao bo
purobaneil very cheap Irom the undersigned.
The termi will be mad eay lo the purcbaier In
price and time. For further inforuiailon rail at
"Ulanrhard'a lloma Camp," la Union tow nib ip,
or addreai tba andcrnixned at Hockton, Clearfield
oooftty, F.nn'a. NAFuLON McbUALU.
KnoktoD, May 4, lfHI t.
F.CI'TI.II'n HOTK If.-Nolic. I. b.ra-
by Kli-ao that tba follnwina afloounta bara
baan exaiDinad anil aw4 by uia, and romain
filail orraeord iu tbia uBioa for tha inipejliun at
blra, p;ataa, aradilnra, auj all utbara iutareftad,
and will be riraaantud to Iba next Orpbana' Court
of Claartlulil oounly, to ba held at Iba Ctturt
lloma, in tba borough of Claarljald, coturBanciug
nn tba fourth Monday (bring tha l:id day) of
May, A. I). 13I :
Final aoouont of Edward t'urry, Adiulnitlralor
of W. S. Curry, lata of Cbatt town.bip, C'l.arfiald
roulily, I'anoiylrania, deoeaied.
Partial amount af W. W. Ilrlti and Mary K.
Shaw, Adminielretora of A. II. hbaw, lata of
I.awrenea town.bip, Clrarlleld county. Pa , dee'd
Final account of Joacpb M. Ki enear, Quardiaa
of Lydia F. Porter, (iu ..late cl Nancy Purler,)
late uf Clearfield eouuty, PenBaylvania, Ueceaaed .
Final aeoi.unt of Zaobarla McNaul, flanr.llan
of Arlhur Mcllride, eon and hairof W'm. M'Urlde,
r-r., lata of Curwen. villa borough, Clearfield coun
ty, 1'onn'a.
lir.Bl airouuntof LyJia P. Leonard, Admini.lra
trii of tba estate of Cbatlee W. Leonard, lala of
Lawrence town.bip, i'learbald c.unty, Prutpyl
vania, decra.ed,
Final acioiuit of J. II. Pent, Guardian ofVV.C.
IVntB, one of the heir, of Jaoob Peota, lata of
Urady town.bip, Clearfield oounly, Pen&'a, dee'd. aceoont of P. K. Peota, Xieeutorof the
Let will end le.tauirot i.f Jaoub Paula, late of
Urady townabip, Clearlleld county, Pa., deceaaed.
Final ancountof Ilr. J. W. Potter and C. Ilrown,
Adminl.lratuia C. T. A. tha peraonal data ol Heiter, tr , lala of Covitieton town.bip,
Clearfield county, deceaatd, with di.lrinutioa ac
count. Final account of Joienh Pjtterjon and Alex.
Frau.un, In e.lalo uf Joiapb McCully, dveeaeed.
Clearfiald, l'euu'a, April 27, 1881.
MEAbK, Trearurerof i"tx' town.bip, in
amount wilb the Kad fund of .aid towo.liip for
If SI.
To Dup. of Daniel Emeal, Eupartl.or...$ 5 OH
To liup. of Jnu. II ambarger, " ... 4.111 lo
... l.n?t 21
By work dnno by cltiaana $ B4ft 41
lly axnneraliiin. M H4
Hy bid 't returned to rjunarviiora. .11 411
..l,02fl 11
Joi.n U.nihargor, Supervisor f 271 711
Cll. 1
n.v cash paid David Mev.e t- lffl 55
i'y em'i returned to Commissioners 17 07
Ily exonerations 9 VS
tie p-.rer.ta?e nn reh duplicate IS 68
by amount to balanoe od da
llanicl Smeul, Supervisor S75 S2
fly ea.h paid Treasurer Mease $ 1.17 44
lty exonerations and returned 10 vn
Py peroentageoa 1.171 12 IS 7V
By amount tu balanco S I ti
$ STft f2
To tih ro'd from Daniel Pineal..
U7 00
tt 87
18 0
2Vt 87
To aa't reer.-. from Co. Trcai...,
To eaah ree'd fratu Jao'b Dimf llo.
To order o Treaiarvr Meaia
To tal, ob itUlemrnt of
bbf T4
Ilr ciKflpratson on order from I. De.b..l 44 15
Ry lot. piid to Jamea Tt-rnar 3:i lf
liy rr eantafa ob at X par re. V r3
Ily atn't la baodaof 1. Uetib M 45 WO
Ily or-ler redefined 41'S 70
Total $ 5!tt 74
Wa. tha undtrrisned Auditor., bavin: exam-
fnrd ttia leTaral account of faid towaittip, fiod
Ibetu aa abort stated.
Attait: JOHN COI'MfcR,
Clerb. I K1AII LIT.,
JefTriai, Fa., May ti, 18M 3t.
SherilT's Sale.
T)V virtu of Writ! of Vrnditioni A'rnotia,
1 1 iiuid out of tbe Court of Common Pi on of
CiearOoliJ poantr, and to ma directed, I will ex
no to putli iale. at tha Court Hodfa lo tbe
biTOtigh of ClaarlifilJ. on
Thursday, May 20, IKHl,
At I o'clock P. M tha fol)owio ddcribed fral
et-iaia, lo wit :
A certain tract of land aituatei ia Won J ward
totTDKhip, Clearfield coantr. Pa., bounded and
doer i bed a follow! Hnginaing at a birch tree
on in aant ban a ot twaartield ore It ; tbenea tooth
ea1 oa tba roiio t'omt-nny'e line 40 nerchri, mora
or lent, to a ttona pile ; then iouthwtt to a
limnlock tree about 40 pvrrhca ; theno north
wet to riir field creek i tbvnt al'iit aiid erak
to placaof bcglnninjr, contatoiog fire aorai, n)'re
orieepi, nd having thereon erected a aw will,
awe in tig biui. itaui,anl other outbuild. nm
Keiiel, Uka fa eteotion, an-( to be toll ai
lb property of n m, 11. Joy,
All of Defanditnt'a Interctt In a certain traal of
lunJ tltunted inUecatiir townthit'.CIemrfiild coun
ty, I'., bounded aa fullowai "Ou tha aait and
at.uib by Moihtonon creek, on tba north atd wait
by land of J. . btetnar and Ueorge II Zeigbr,
being atwut 16 acrea, mor, or tt, and purity
eleartil, open to the common.
All orPefandaota Intaroit to Inat eartaln
lot or pleoa of grttund fttiiated Ib Deotitur twn-
fltiit, (Jlewrlifid eonnty, t'a., bounded aa follows
Oa tba waat by land of Charlea K. Foatar'i helri,
on tna eaet by uoorce ll. ieliilor, ob tha tout h by
unknown parttei, being about three acrei olearrd
na opnQ to tna com mom.
Hciied, taken in executini, and to lie told ax
Un; projietty nf ,T. If, Jonei,
' A Lb 6,
A certain tract of land lituaUla IIuton town
ibip, t'learftrld county. Pa., bounded on Ihe aouth
br land of lleorfre William, ob tba north hy Und
ol (leorjt nilllaio, and on tba eatt and weat by
ame, oonminms one nundrcu acre, mora or I,
all tiitiber land.
belied, taken In eieoytlon, and ro be $q& bi
th property of Jobs 0. Tylif,
A certain traot of land ttuat In Jordan town
thin, ClaarIiU county, IV, bounded and da
aorilifxl m follow i llegintilog at iloou, corner
ol ptaoe iiii to i noma (Htrotif : thenca JtTl de
great et 41 perelie to Monei ( tbanoa north &.'(
degrees eaal 77 p err hot to atone alao corner of
piece lold to Thuina Stronir, and both of the two
lat mentioned corner being along tlia hoe of tha etrong; tnenea aoutb 84 i da
greca aat f-4 perelie to beuilock j theae aouth
i'2i deitrae wit 117 pcivhet to a lin thonce
Bono flwt argreei wen CO j id percbe to lionet
and plaoa of beginning, oonlalning 4V acra and
74 i-10 perohgti Bet tneanira, hclng part of a tract
m unu lurreysa in mm ol. n tliiam Johnaoa
Co., having about s acre cleared, mora or ten
Bailed, taken In a location, and to ba Bold a
Iba properly of A. U, 1st raw and H tram Straw.
Ily writ of l.rrari Fad on (ha eanie day and
date, in following tract, to will
All that certain tract or pieca of ground iH
aled in Urabam townnhip, Clearlleld county, P.,
boands-d and diecribod ai followi : Bnamnina at
a while oak corner i Ibcne north by land of Jolm
ii.-ia v jiBrrn-t to pnn eoroeri thence hy land
of John Martin axt V8 nercbtta to aoit : ihnn
aoitlb hy land or Tbomai Coleman 49 perches to
pot eoroar, and thenca waat VN parrbei t whll
oak and place of beginning, eottainiiif tblrty
aerc, mora or Iris, being pari of a larger tract of
j aurt eyeu on i nn uciooar, i7l'I, on warrant
granted to Tench Franoia.
beiind, taken In eteiutlon, and to be sold aa
tha property ol Mary A. hbimel and laaacISblmel.
A certain Iwo-ilory framadwellinr bouaa with
lot and corlilnge appurtenant thereto, being IK
by 14 feet la -lie, without any lack building.
8aid building Is ltnaied In Kaat Claarfli-ld on lot
No. 64 in plot of Hill adilitloa.
Selted, uket in eteeullon, and to he sold aa
Iba property af 1'arid Uray, Defendant, and
oauuei juoi.angtnm, tetiani lo pceiioa.
A aerial n two- tory dwelling bono tltuata In
Houttdala, oa ha ttorthwrat a iraer of Kliaa and
Charlea atrta,witb tat aad curtilage appajlMani
Halted, takan In aieaotioa, and to ba sold a
tba property of William Challla.
Tiam of Tha prl-a or auai at which
the property "hall beitruok of Part be paid at tba
lima of tala, or aach ether arranrcmanta mal a
will ha approftd, otherwise tba property will be
imaarniaiery put up ana sold again at toaaipa
ana nea ot ioe parton m wnom ii waa siraoa an,
and wbo, In aaae af defieleney at aueh ra aala.
hall maka good tba lama, and la InaUnaa
will tba Dead ba presetted ! Coart for aoaflrma
tloa bbIon tko aaoney la aetaaJly paid U tbt
Haaairp'i Orrira, I Bbaxif.
OenraaM, fa. May t, llil.
Hnr 3,drrr(isfmfiiti3.
"VJ"tTI4'i:.--A)l peraans having any elaiui
X against Iba rr'ate ot Jorh Unlbr'k, ile
iwaard, I nte of Morris lowiitbip, are requ-ctod tu
prerrnt thi awme to tba undesigned for at
iliiuebt Poaiofflna adiln'-f, Morrinlala Mine,
ClrarHclil, tfouolr, Peon'a.
May I, 1681
not &t:i.n two i.oth!
ALL l Imie two certain loll of ground with
dwelltag buuc thrreon, situate on .Market
iitxft, oppont the AHegbcoy House, In Ilia bor
ouh of Cleailiold, having a front on Raid street
of IU0 feat, and axtaoding In depth 172 fet to an
alley, knowo in the plan or said borough at lot
Sot. llli and 174, Wing tbo eitala uf iamas
Thompson, deceased. Apply tu
W. 1. 11IULKH,
Attorneys for owoar.
Clearfield, Pa , May 4. Ml 41.
This Way for i'onr iiarntHt
IF you want to study your own Interest, do not
fail to tall at ANDKKW IIAKWU K S IlAK
Mir-.s bllUP.on ftlaikat slraat, Beit door to J ono
A. (Stock's tobacco store), Clearfield Peno'a.
All Arxl-clas work Is don at
Teat foot oil and ailc greaa at
MAt ii. w n.
V'ubte and vinale harness of all kinds at
tiding sd )l of all kind at
ar nvta ind hurec oovt-r of all kinrl at
rhips or all kind ai.ll as low as 15 cents at
arnere of all 1 ind mad to ordrr at
HAltWICK ri.
11 kiod of cellars at bottom rilcei at
I etoembtjr an X X N T li.t of liorae furnub
IV i ig goods at UAKWICK'H.
keep and maka all kinds of lumber bar
arts at IIAKWK'K H
It ory and all otbtr kinds offing' ot all iies at
Cloiuls, btushas, and Interfering boot, on hand
Knea robes, knee duflcra, and screens of all
kinds at HAKWlCK'tJ.
Job work and repairing promptly altendrd ta.
Hemeuber tba shop in Shaw's row, on Mnrkat
it reel, between the Mansion IJouf and (be b-iW
House, ClearfioIJ, Peon 'a
May 18, lhl Cm.
SherifFs Sale.
1Y ?!rtue of writs of Fi. Fa., Issued
1 out of tba Court ot Common Pleaa cf Clear
field eonntT, and to ma diractad, there will re
aiposcd to PUllLIC HALK, at tha Court lions,
in tba borough of Clearfield, on
At 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described rati
estate, lo wit :
Bailurday, June, IHHI,
All those certain two tracts of land situated In
Kartbaus township, Clearfield county, Pa., bound
ed and dtsnribvd a follows i Ona piece thereof
beginning at a hemlock on tba wst branch of
the CSus(uebatina river; theno down said river
by iba several Course tbereof 708 perches to a
post corner ; thene north 66 degrees weal 13 per
chea to a maple corner, north 41 drgrae east 13
perch as to a in a pie corner, aouth 60 degrees east
lil percbe lo birch corner on bank of said river :
thence down said rirrr Ihe several courses thereof
41 perches to a whit oak ; thenca north 3s per
ches to a post corner, weet oil pctcbes to a post
curoer, south 238 perches la a post, weat I A per
cbca to a wbtte pine ; thence south li'4 perches to
a stone corner; thenca aoutb 4'j degnes ens! 40
perches lo a he to lock and place of beginning, con.
takoicg :it( acre and 147 perches, having there
on tit cued a log boose, log hern and other out
buildings, also ao orobaJ of abitut 1 id bearing
tree, and about 100 acres, mora or cleared
and under good cultivation,
Tha other thereof beginning at a blnok oak on
It-It bank of Sukjui hanna river at a corner of lund
formerly owned by P. A. Kartbaus; thenca d-wn
aid rir tbo several courses tbrrrol'UMI perches
to a white pine ; thenca dua north 112 pcrrl.u lo
a post ; thence west 1 5o p relies to a bickory cor
ner ; thence aouth 48 perch"! lo plac of begin
ning, containing 79 acres and 21! porches, boing
Ihe name two pieces or tracts of land of Weaver
A H-tt?, the prater.! gr.ii.ltea tie. A bore traot
of land being underlaid witb bituminous oa1.
Seised, takan In execution, and to ba sold as
th property of KdwarJ MctJarvey.
Tumi or Salb. Tha price or aitm at which
tha property aball ba struck ofF aiust b paid at
tha lima of aala, or uch other arrangement
madeaswillb approved, otherwise th property
will ba immediately put up and sold again at
tba aipense and risk of tb parson to whom ll
wa struck of, and who, la ease of deficiency at
such r sale, shall mab good th san., and in
bo instance will Iba Ied ba presented In Coart
for fondrmatlofl unless th money 1 actually
paid to tba rtberiff. JAN. MA 11 AFi-'KV,
fiHBRirr'a Urrcta. I Sheriff.
Clearfield. Pa.,May l"fIHSl. J
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
als and CapJ
That Ever Came Into the
ATTIIKIH STDKK, lt()(l 0. 1
riaarlelJ, Pb, 8eit. 31, 111 If.
euoTTi i 'g
In tha count? I lo b fnood at
in mi i ii iiniT
Western Hotel Corner,
rE hara ,luit ntarmd from th Eastern
nuraiMi wnn a large stork of drst-atasi
Spring Summer Clo
Wbiek will b. aeldebeapar Ibaa aeaf. Than Hue
lb. puMI. for paat farors, era iBella b eall
befnr, purchaiiag alaahar.,
i0! r roR.iKi Tm i-lacki
Old Western Hotel Corner,
April 17, 11 If.
Join Irvin & Bros,
All Kinds of Merchandise,
Dry Guilds, Groceries, Etc.
sn iiti: Tiiiuicit,
Thu Only ilnuuftttturcrH in Clt'itrfkltl
Cotinty of tho
ri.oi it, i iiop .. rKEit
.JLIf-.f I'M OA' U.1.YIH
tCnsli miJ for all kinds of
Ciriiin Wheat, Rje, Outs, Etc.
CursreB.tllle. Pa., Jane !,"lSMI.f.
Cheap Csh Sore
room mi. ill it oii:nA iMim;,
Clearfield, Pa.,
Comprising I) res Goods of tha rery latest styles,
consisting In part of Cash mere, Miocbe'tar
Fanciea, Alpacas, and all manner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Siicb a Cratnna, Mohair Lnstere, Plaids, Dreaa
liiuftHaina, Uraa Fancies of tha very latest
stjles, and as cheap as they can be sold
in tbi market.
Consisting of Jlore fur (leots, Ladies and
Misses, llosa of all sbadaa, Silk Frio pel,
Lares, Fancy Dress 1 till ton. f.-Hi'
Ties ul all shades and styles, Cuffs
and CoMars, Rlb)ons of all kinds and
'(ualitiea. Merino Underwear, Trimmings, ate.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
Jnrcts Oil C'IoIIih,
Which will be aold irbelesal. or retail. Will take
Country Produce
In KkrhBiige fur Good, at MBrket Prlrea,
I'lrarltrlil. Pa., HrU 34. 1HW) tf.
firefroof Safes
I:- - -
The only 8-Flange Safe in tho World,
AND coxtainino
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
Moro eoouro from Buretam thsn any
Firo Proof Siifu, n ml no expense
In ropalring lloln or Lock).
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Whecl Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Thpio Siifen are now being nolil In
this Slulo in
Ami give tho
Greatest Satisfaction,
Doing Iho Moat nihly finlnhoil,
Best Mi4e, anl Choapost First
Class SAFE tror Froducod.
These (iolohratcd ,Slo lintj tho
Champion Record
Great Boston Fire,
efCllSr5- B. -i K ins
And nne that time onitAT and inpor.
tant iMPaovEMKura bave
bon mads.
Hoforo giving your ordor lo any
other conenrn, ond lr pricen and
deicriptivo Catalogue.
Dm. it, IIIHj.
$tiv gidrrrfisfrafutj.
Millinery I Millinery n
ITAKK Ihe pleasuia of In fury. In a, te pu1,)e
that I shall oiler spirial inducsio-nti )t)
Millinery (foods, sutb as Hilaa, (tatin, Ki',Ua.t
Fluwrrs, Ac, Truamsd and 1'BlrlniaiM Hst and
liinnets. in tha very latet stjlsi, Nliti stid
MJ-up Clothing tor children 1 k:n.ty ,iici,
a shv of )'ur palronaff.
UltiH M. A. WKLC1I,
Mrkel St , Clear&alJ, '
Apr. M, ISdl-ly.
Newark, N. J.
AiaiTa, Jan. t, IflSt, as asoarlained
by Kianlnins; ComnaissioBsrs
of Massaobueetli, Ohio and New
Jersey f-lfr'TM.ilS lt;i
LiABiLtriaa, as sUted by the sain. ai,9ll,4.i;( m,
SrafLi by Mass'cbu's Susdrd. .lip:isi; mj
81 a I'LL s by New Vork Standard... ,VIaUj Oh
All pclicte nonfoifeitabte after aecond
year; low espense ; large dividends de
clared and paid ovary year sine orjrsn
Itatiou ; ampte aarplus ; surrender values
most liberal j losses prouiplly adjtuti'd
nd paid.
Orni'ifts :
LKWLS C. (1K0VEK, l'MBarnaxr.
JAMKai B. I'KAKS .N, Vkb l'aat(i.rr.
Ki. L. Doiatsa, Hec'y. Tiiko. Mai aairr, Tr.,.
.nut aire', Philadelphia, IV
i K. M. M'llN Al-I.V, S pre is I Aitent. Odice is
I Mossop's bmldiog. Market lret, Clartiell, V.
( 4-i 81 tf.
Real Estate at Private Sale I
Homestead of A H. Shaw, Dec'd.
fpilK bome-tved or A. If. F haw, dee'd, situate
I In Lawrence township, adioiolog ClearAeld
Iwrougb, l'a., is ollerotl for aala. It 1 boandid
and described as follows; Fronting 4.15 feet or,
i lb river ; tbeno extending back alur.g the
I borou)(b lina uo'b Tj 1 di-grsat 140 feel to the
rnnnrli nf lk Ullr.i ('..ntnant IhinM
the nmi north I d'tiite esl 411 feet to lot nt
Gas Compniiv ; lhnoo along same north 7-'4 d
gree wext to Water street, oonlsiuing
tiki ai hi:h ANDlll PKH( ll
and hav'ug tbcrroo erected a larg and well fin
ished dwelling bou 4Ui3tl fci witb "L" at
Inched et, a Wo a good" barn about 4Hi4d
feel wilb other outbuildings. For tettui or other
particular Inquire of
T. H. MCRRAY, Ouardi.n,
or W. W. ItKTIH, Administrator.
Clearfield, l'a , April 27tb, IbSl-St.
Estate cf John Ktilinlej , Dee d.
I V VI BITE or ao oHer gf the ORPHANS'
COt'Hr of Clearfield eounle, ibere aill U
esposeij lo publie sale on Ihe, ia 11KLL
TYVN.''Hl,CiUDly of Clearfiel.1, Stale of I'rnn
sylraDia, on
Friday, May 27th, 1881,
THE following described real Cfclato, t.i ; Thit
rt-rUin FAKM siluaipj in heU tiwm-hii, cm lbs
nai leading from l'cootillfl to I'lioxsutnwiM'T,
bounded as In I low n : Bcginninx it a beech, cirnrr
of tracts .Nos. bW4 and .'itlUA : thfi.os hr line nl
of No. 67r)fl south H8 510drreSFast lilt n-hti
to a aoft ; thenfa bj lands ul Lightiier and Kfi
oth 1 5-10 drffrest west 1 1 6 reh?s to a (t :
Ihooc north 8S 5 10 degrees west 15(1 perchtM t i
a (wrber of land snM to (JeorK Login ; tin-n't
hv MttM nf traat Nn. &VJ i Durtb 1 fc-lu drgrse
cast 1 50 (icrchfs to tlia jiIjco ol befiooing. p-m-Uititig
102 ACRES,
Aod ALLOWANCK.btring part of trart Ko.51Hg,
with almut f'uKTTY-KlVK AUllK.-
-cit? CLKAlt hU.a rood or-
tjS'Tj fhard, Mk ll'iuft icd .
-Basatt. t ftntn of Kuho I
On half on ronflrinitiun uf aah'. and ths
bnlsooa in ona year, with ilarest secarnl hj Koml
ana murigage on tuo prototsfs.
LKO. J. FAK1S11,
A dmiDislratiirr.
Trohvim.1, I'., May, 1 1 tfa, IhSi-Si
Save moneY
M liUVINO Vol'K (lOOliS PIKill
Geo. Weaver & Co.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Bootsf Shoes, ITatsf Caps.
Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c, &c.
thankful for pa.t farurs. ajelnriia the pulilio
to eall aDil ae our large aB.l Baw atock ot o'di,
which a will di.pose of at reasonaMa rates fur
fBH, or axrhanira for ooutitry produna.
Polite and atimtiva clerks Ut wait opon i(u,
BBd prlcea deern low.
ClearaslJ, ra., April 2t, ISILlf.
Lots of
New Goods.
Come to Frenchville I
I HAVE just received tlio lur-oet
Mock of goods over Iroiiiflii lo
tbi f?ollon ol the county, vim-h I
will sell forcnnh or produce tu cheap
in they can bo liought elsewhere. My
atock cotiita of
Groceries. Bonis?- Shoes,
"Nai'.B a Specialty,"
A rul I atoek of FISH. Salt in hrft
or small sacks, or by ths barrel
lone or clay. QURRSSWAKK, "
styles and quality. In nhort, I liaT
everything nocded by tho farmer, tin
mochanin, thu labnror, or anybuJjr
else, which I will soil ul as cheup
ths goods can be purchased snywhers
else, rirase eall and examine mj
Roods and priota bslore lnvelinj
Preocbvillo, Pa., Mar. 2, '81 If.