I THE CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN,' CLKARHIELD, PA. r.ATAULINUtO IN I tie Urge- Circulation of an jr Newipaper In North Central Penniylrinitu Terms of SubBoription, f piid ia adruio r withta t aoatki....) M If i.aid ftfMr 1 vnd bforo Booth! H SO If id fcfur thxpirttoB of mmlhi. S (Ml Rates ot Advertising, Trmient adnrtlioniMti, ft qaartof Iftltotujor iei, 3 timM orUti M for mob inbiequent .nurtion.. 60 I'niniitrktort' and tiiMUtori' aotloei. t 60 Auditori' ooticei m S to Cutiom and Kitrj! H 1 0 hiiolutton notice!. 00 Krofeiinl Card!, Udm or jtar.... I 00 L'Ktl notitwi.per Una SO YKAKLY ADVERTISEMENTS. i-u-irt 00 flo1utnn .S0 00 3 iiuarBii.- 15 00 i oolumnM 70 00 3 i juarti 20 00 1 1 aolamnH ..110 00 G. B. QOODLANDKR, Publiibar. au'jjfrs' (fartls. II W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ll:l:7 Clearfield, Pa. J. LINGLE, ATTOKNEY-AT - LAW, 1:13 Pblllpiburf, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd J ROLAND D. SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curweneville, Clearfield oounty, Pa. oou I, '78 If. 0 SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNKT AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. tJ-Offlpe in tbe Opera Home. oete, '78-tf. JSUAKL TEST, tTTORNKY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. alr-OBee ODe doer oaet or She Honae. UJll,' -yjl. M. McCULLOUlin, ATTORNKT AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. offi.-e id Maaoote bulldiBE, Second atreet, op- ,n.il. tbe Court Houae. JeSS, '78-tf. C. A RNOLP, & COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWENRVILLE, Cl.arflold County, Pann'a. TSy LAW s. BROCKUANK, ATTORNKT AT LAW, CLKARFIKLD, PA. v.t in Opera Jlouie. ap it,n f 8 MITU V. WILSON, .iorni-:f-.fftr, l LEAK FIELD. . - PKNN'A. Office tn tbe M.lnta Bnlldinr, oyer the j Cuntj Nalioual Iieoe. (u,er2e.8a. V rAI.LAC'E & KREDS, ATTORN K Y S-AT-L A W, M Cleartlold, Pa. J. F. SNYUEIt, ATl'tllNEV AT LAW, CLKARFIKLD, PA. :;ice ur.r (he Uuuutj Natlooal Dank. June 20, 'TSlf. jiRA.MC G. HARRIS, ATTORNKV AT LAW, Clb&r rtKLn, Praa'a. Kirlt-clnM Life and Fire Inruranre Compaolel rwj. relented. f-C-Om, In tbe Opera II' u...- Mr. 10, 'silt n. otaiiar. cruti fluaroa. UKUAY & UOKDON, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. .30-OJSne Id l'ie't Opera IJoa.e, leeond floor. fll.l.lAM A. HAGEUTY, in 1- II K over T. A. I'lcck Co.'i store, CI.F.AHFIKI.D, PKNN'A Ir-Will attead to all leaal bu.lne.1 with p riu.i tn Fee nod ndellt,r. frOII.'SClf. ""ara a. m'bnallt. cENALLY oaribl w. H'etanr. MoCUJIDY ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, ClearHeld, Pa. r4r-Leitl butioeei attended to promptly wlthj loiitT. Dflloe on tieeond itreet, eboee tbe Pint .Vutional llink. jan:l:7( T F. MeKKNRICR, a DISTRICT ATTORNRY, CLEARFIELD, PA. Ail leeal hniineei entrn.ted to hli eara will re r.tio pruntpt atteatloa. T4rOffice In tbe Court Home. uuu,is;s ij. Y KJAMER, ''a T T O It N E Y - A T - L A W , Real Estate and Collection Agent, cm;ahhi;i,i, pa 'iil promptly attend to all legal huiineie en tMti-te.l tn bii eara. tr-Office in Ple'i Opera llouta. janl'79. J 6IIN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real RotBte Ag;ent, Cleartlrld, Pa. Ome ob Third itreet, bet. Cherry A Walnut. Mr Reapeetfully offer! hit eerfioe In telling aod buying land! la Clearfield and a ljoining ountlee ( and with an aiperienoaol or er twenty yara aa a larTeyor, Dattar! blmielf hat ha eaa render aatlafaetlon. Feb. SO.Mttf, J'busifiaus' CnnU. D n E. M. SCIIEUItER, UOMKOPATIII0 PHYSICIAN, Offloe In reildeaee oa Fir.t it. April 4, 1871. CleertoM, Pa. jyt. W. A. MEANS, I'll Y8IOIAN ft 81! RO RON, Dt'BOIS CITV, PA. H ill attend profeliional ealll promptly. au10'70 J)R. T. J. BOTEU, PUY8ICIAN ANDSUROKON, Offlte on Market Strett, Clearfield, Pa. . 03io hour.: la 12 a. a , and 1 to I p. B. JJU. J. KAY WRIOLEY, noMKOPATIIIO PHVSIt'IAN, OOre aJjolnlnf the reilJenee ef Jaraei ,v"llry, K.e,., on Second (it., Clearfield, Pa. )IJ-H,'78 t(. r(J C. JENKINS, M. I)., V e PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON, Cl'RWENSVILLK, PA., frtet at re.ld.Bre, eoroer ef Plele and Pise "I.. Jen. tih, IrKl-lf. ) It. II. IJ. VAN VALZAII, ( I.EAHKI fcl.D, PES H A. I' I K K IN HKS1HRNUK, CORNER OF FIRST AND PINK ollvaar. fir OKee honre- FrOBi II te t P. M. Uay II, 171. )H. J. V. BURCUF1ELD, y SoriooB ef Ihe fisd ftenlmeBt, PeaaaylTaala I' "leeleara. ha? In. retnraed freaa the Army. pLn hla pr.feaal.nel aerrlaaa le IbaelUaaaa Ji t.iarBeld eoaaty. aKPref...t..t .all. uamLI. eltaadeel te. jO'B ea Seeead atreet, formerly aeeapled hy CLEARFIELD GEO. B. QOODLAKDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. 2,723. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1881. NEW SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 21. aaaaaaaa aai mm m aaai aaMM aaaaaaaa n a mm mmm mmm aaa m aaai mm '"""''" I Cards. JOB WOlllt. All kltd.of jcbwoik ozoeuted la tbe belt meaner at tbie offioe. JHHTICKH' COHHTABI.KS' KEEi We hare printed a lare;e aamber of the a.w FEB BILL, and will ea the receipt of twanty Ive oente. mail a eopy te any addreea. my28 WILLIAM M. HENRY, Jubtice or tai Pbaoi inn BcBiTama, LUMBER CITY. Coltaotioi)! niada and money promptly paid over. Artlolei of tgrMmaut and dredt of OOBTtyanea naally aieautcd and warranted cor root or bo ebarg-a. lYjjr'71 JOHN D.THOMPSON Juillca of the Peace and SorWantr, CurwensTllle, Pa Collection i B.ad and paid ovate tonay promptly fabll'7Ur HENRY BRETII, (JITKM) r. O.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE fob bill ToWMsatr. May I, 1ST-Ij JAMES MITCHELL, riBALBa IB Square Timber & Timber Lands, Jell'73 CLEARFIELD, PA. V. HOYT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, PHILIPSBURO, PA. aTAll buiincf. will be alteado : to promptly, bee. IS, 1880 ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Petiu'a. fL.Wlll eieoute Jobe ia bit line promptly and in a woramanuae manner. arMt07 I7RAKK FIELDING AND WILLIAM 1). B1GLER, CI.KAIlFIKI.Ii, PA. . 1 7th. man if. No. WEAVER & BETTS, DKALBRI tM Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs, AND LfMIIKK OF ALL KINDS. Jt0Ofllee on Boeond itreet, In rear of itore revui of Ueorfe Wearer A Co. IJantP, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, Jl'fTICE OF THE PEACK roa llrratur Township, Oieeola Mill. P. O. All official bn.tnoM entrailed to hint will be promptly attended te. moh29, '78. II ARRY SNYDER, HARDER AND HAIRDRESSER Shop on Market St., oppoelta Court Houie. A tlean lowat for avery euotomor. Alao dealer la Hot Ilrauda of Tobarro and t'lgari. ripfl, p. mtty 0, 'Tl. JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE, Wallacetoii, Pa. a9IIa hi prepared himaalf with all the neeee.ary blank fur in i nnricr the Pen i ion and Bounty lawa, aa well aa blank Weill, etc. All legal matter! animated to hia cere will receive prutnpt altentioB. May 7th, l87V-tf. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. kfr-Pumpa alwaya on hand and made to order an abort aotiea. I'ipea bored ob reaaonabla term a. All work warranted to render eat laf act. on, and delivered 11 deal red. uy26:lypd lalvcry W table. rVll 8 andenigned begi leare to Intorm thopab. X He that be ! now lully prepared to aeeoatmo. Am .11 i. k. ...nrri.ni.kl.. II. a., n...:.. tiaddlee and Harneet, oa the iborteit notlee and n reaionable termi. Reildenoe on Loealt itreet, eeiweea intra ana i oarin. UKO. Oleatteld, Feb. 4, 1874. W. OEARHART THOMAS H. FORCEE, BBALBB IB OK.NKHAL MERCHANDISE, ORAIIAMTON, Pa. Alao, eitenalee menufaotarer and dealer In Sqnare Timber and Sawed Lumber of all klndl. itew-Orderf lollotted and all billa promntlr filled. ej.16'72 S. I, SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER aar. hbalbb ia jWutthiw, ClorkH and Jewelry, Umknm'i A'.te, Vaiket Htrtrt, I.KAHI-IM l, PA. All kind, of reealriria In Bay line rrotuptly at- ended to. Jen. lat, 187V. 4 LI.KfiHKSY IIOUSB, iV CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. WILLIAM II. VKAN, VonWrior. 4""Th!l houae la pl.a.ently Sealed oa Kaal M.rket atreet, end eonvenlent to tbe Coort Houae end all bu.inp.a nlacea of the town. It baa re. eeally been rerlttad and refaralab from eellar te attie. tier atiprilM with eholeeat liqaora. Tabl. forniahed with tbe beat tbe market alWua. tlood .table a'tarbed. Ratea moderate April LI, 1881-11. Jeaea xrrb. CARBiiLL L. BirDLB. Clearfield Insurance Asenej. liKRtt H II I IHH. i:, .Irenln, U.pre.ent the following ea l other firet olaaa Co'a Companlea. A...U. Lle.rpool London A O lobe IT. 9. llr.-tl.-10l.HV I.Yer.ming on metoal Aeuab plana. ..H A.floo.oou 1'hernit, of Hartford, Conn 2,621,088 Inauraoee Co. of North Amoriea fi,4.'(8,674 North Urlti.b A Mercantile U. 8. Dr. I,7hl,88.1 Rrotilih Commerelal U. V. Braneh.... l,14a Watertowo tl.8l Trarelera (Life A Aeeideal) 4,1111.444 Office oa Mnrk.t hi., epp. Court lloeae, Ol.ar l.ld. I'a. June I, '7-tf ?OK TINVAH2, II A It 1) A It K, and HOUSE FDRNISEINQ GOODS, and NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, aoil all klnda of SEWINO MACHINES, 00 TO O. B. MKUIiELL, Agent, CLEARFIELD, PA. June I, '81 If. Insurance Agency or WILLIAM 0. HELMB0LD, I'alloH llloek, ltirirrit$rllle, Pa. Companies Represented I Commerelal Union Inl. Co , Aaeeta -H.08,7o 19 Firemea'a rand Im. Co .Aaeeta 1.100,01 T en I nten Ineuraaee Co.. Aa.ru I.DJn.l)7 M Trarelen'Aeeidenl Ini. C. . Aaeele. .H,1U Northrra lae Co. of New Verb Aa'ta , Inaeraeee plaeed ea all kind, ef property at equitable retea. Carweaerllle, Pa, Feb. U, 1MI-U. BE CAREFUL HOW YOU SPEAK OF OTHERS. Iu ipfkiD( of a perioo'i fault, Pray don't forget your own ( Rrmuiber, thoie wklb bomea of glaii bbould ntvar tbrow aitooe. If wo hive nothing alia to do Tbao tt Ik of ttio.e who tin ; 'Ti letter to eommenea at borne, And from tliat polut begin. We have no right to Judge a man Until be'i fairly tried; kuld we not like hli oomptny. W know the world Is wide. t'eme may have fault!, (and who bat not t) The old ai wt-li ai Joudj( ; Perhapi we may, for aught wa know. Have fifty to their one. Ill tell you of a better plan, I find it worka full well ; To try my own dlerti to cure, Ere othere' laulta I tell. And though t lumetlmei hope to bo No wonethao aoine I know, My own ahortootnitig bid ma let The fault! of other go. Then let at all, when we begin To ilander friend or foe, Th ink of the harm one word may do Totboia who better know. Remember, blunder! lomeiiinei, like Our chicken, rooit at home;" Don't ipeak of olhen' fault! until Wa bavo none of our own. THE WRIGGLER. Inside History of the Last Presidential Campaign. Q A Ml ELDS "PL KLHSE." Incxnmplcd Pronilsln?, Dick, erliif? and lincksliding. Ornnt and CoTiklint? Como IU lite Itl'HCUU. The Cabinet Seven TlmcM t illed on "I'letlget." C0NKLING AT MENTOR. BLA.INE, MAH0NE, R0BIRTS0N. WILL GARFIELD DESTROY THE PARTY 7 From an Oeeaaione) Corre.poodvnl Wasiiinoton, May 10, 1881. Wliilo tho jrrcut political duel now beinir foucht out in tlie United Statoa Henato between Senator Conkling on the one aiilo and Kccielnry lilaine on the other ia mill undecided it ia only fitir nnd proper that as a matter or his tory tho atoiy of the conaultnlions, conferences, conttpiraeieg and intrigues that have led up to th is aingulur aim. alinn should he fully net forth. Tho battle, aa 1 hnvo ettid, ia bctwoon Conk ling and Ulaino. Ostensibly tho Presi dent ia tho antagonist of the great New York Senator, but how small and pituible a part he plnya in tho conical win oo readily seen Irom tlio facts which 1 ahull endeavor as briefly as iiooBible to narrate. Wo liuvo had soma men in tho Executive chair who woro not very Blrong intellectually mon who wero managed and moulded by the crafty party leaders among their cotempoiarics, and whoso names remain to us aa synonyms of political stupidity and imbecility; but it is doubtful if thero over was an occupant of the U'liito Houso who has been so completely fooled and blinded as tho twentieth President of tho United States. Thero is something supremo ly ridiculous botween the promiso and the performance of his administration. Ilia advent to uflice was hailed aa tho beginning of tho golden ago of Ameri can politics and statesmanship. We woro told by troops ol fawning trienda that at lat wo wero to have a slates- man in tho Whito House compared with whom all his predecessors were of tho puniest stature. In him wero united tho purity of Washington, the gonitis of Jefferson, tho firmness of Jackson, tho honesty of Lincoln. Wo woro to have an end of the raco of small men liko Uayoa and of rough, uncultured soldiers liko (Jrant. W wero to enter upon a new era ol politi cal reformation and civilization. Our new Augustus was a scholar. lie bad studied mon and books and carried un dur his black aombrero the gathered wwuoni oi a thousand years. I ndor him tlio machinery of government was to become as tho music of tho spheres wnuo an wimirmg world looked on and wondored at the now Presidential prodigy. If idlo promises and vain glorious boasting could muke a groat administration that of Mr. (iartield would bo a stupendous succoss from tho very outset, llul what bavo wo got? iloro than two months of his term havo passed away a poriod suf ficient for every ono ot his predeces sors to start thoir administration and put tho political machinery in motion but Mr. (iarlleld is stuck in the po lilical qnagmiro, and unless his oppo nents should tuko compassion on him the chances aro ten to one ho will ro main in this unenviable and pitiublo condition almost Indetiuituly. ON A nil) OF THORNS. Every movement he has made sinco tho4(hol March has been a blunder. Who has shown so littlo real strength and influence as he? Who, of all our Presidents has becomo so completely tho slave of petty spites and the tool of reckless, designing politicians? This may bo considered harsh criticism, but it is truo. And ho lias nobody to blame for it but himself. A President who through Imbecility or design, stu pidity adopts a policy based upon treachery and deceit must expect to sleep upon a bed ol thorns, and that is what Mr. (iarflcld has done. In tho end he may succeed in confirming Mr. Robertson and crushing Mr. Conkling ; he may enjoy a sort ol temporary tri umph through tho aid of Jiumocrnlio votes, but tho ruin of his own party and the prostitution of his great office will bo tho price to be paid lor It, "DICTATION." Tor several woeks past the Kxecu tivo organs all over tlio country, whose editors are looking out for poatrnaatcrshipa and tho other drip pings ol fiatrouago, have been blaaing with articles about Senatorial dic tation and especially about tho Senatorial dictation or the senior Senator from New York. In these expectant shoots we havo Mr. (iar field painted as a sort of deified Executivo, calmly resisting usurpa tion on tho part of the heaate, led by "my Lord lioseoo," as they love to call him. W have been luld of the terrible outrage that it ia longht to perpetrate) upon th executive branch of the Government; that our liberties aro in peril and the Republic in danger unless Presidential behests are promptly complied with by the united imiucb senate it has boen pointed out that Mr. Conkling is on deavoring to arrngato to himself tho luoctions ot tho f.xocutive and make the Prosldout the moro register of li will. Now, what aro tho facts? The timo lias coma to draw asido at least a portion of tho veil, and in a general way to let one or two rays of light in upon tho Executivo mysteries and machinations ot the lust couple of months. Ana nrst ol all lot me say innt senator uonxnng has not askcu the present administration, eitbor bo fore tho election or since, for a singlo appointment, llo has not been a par ty to any bargain or plan for the dis tribution of pu blic plunder, and nil that tho PrcBidontial organs have said, aro saying, or may say in the future to tho contrary is untrue. President Garfield has from timo to timo sent for Sonator Conkling and askod his advice. BEFORE THE ELECTION. 11a has invitod suggestions from him and obtuinod thorn; but, as 1 shall show beforo I closo this letter, the President has invariably pursued a policy diumetrieully opposito to that recommended to him. In this respect let mo muko a brief presentation of some general facts which 1 may possi- oiy ioiiow up in a more precise and particular way in the luture commu nication. To take things in tho order oi tneir occurrence, let me go back to tho period beforo the election in No vember lust, ileforo tbe great battle camoofl' there wero days and weeks and almost months of gloom and uncor tainty,when the intimate friends ol Gen. Garfield among the leaders of tho lio publican party were on tho very vcrgo of despair concerning the success of tho contest. Many of them conceded that they wero beaten. It was difllcult to get money. In every Bcction of tho country thero was a feeling of apathy and indifl'erenco as to tho result that it was almost impossible to shake off. Tho clouds on the Republican horizon wero black with portents of evil. Tho gentlemen who had supported General Grant at Chicago seemed to tuko no interest in tho campaign. It luckod management, direction, courage. In fact, thero was not a singlo element of success in it. Tho "Premier" was up in Maino, making a despcrato effort to carry his State, which was to be tho omen of victory to tho rest of the country. The Republican organs woro making almost suporhuman efforts to koep their courage up. Inspired by Mr. Dluine, they kept up promising tneir friends what they wero pleased to cull "an old fushioncd Republican victory," but those who were ucurato ly informed on tho political situation in that State knew that Mr. lilaine was fighting for life anil that bo was on the very vergo of defeat. In this gloomy condition of affairs General Garfield, in sort of despair, suggest ed a conference in the city o( New York of tho leading men of tho party from all sections of the country. THE "SPOILS" CONFERENCE. The object of that memorablo Fifth avenuo conference was to doviso ways and means by which a low rays of sun shino and u littlo spirit might be thrown into tho campaign. It was then felt that .Now York was tbe piv otal Stato in the kalllo: that defeat hero meant defeat all along the lino. alio importanco, nay, ino aDsolulo necessity, ot securing tho support and advocacy of Sonator Conkling and General Grant was universely rocog- nixeu. iiolhor rightly or wrongly, it was supposed that Senator Conk ling, line Achilles, was sulking in his tent, and that if ho could not be induc ed to enter into the battle defeat nnd disaster wore inevitable. In tins pos ture ol affairs Mr. Conkling was invit ed to attend this conference. He ub solutcly declined to go, not for tho sup posed roason that ho was acting tho Achilles role, but becauso thore was excellent reason to believe that at this conference a sort of a plan ol a divis ion of the spoils all over the country was to bo considered and dovised in tho prosenco of tho assembled wisdom nnd leadership of the party. As the journals ol tho day recorded, tho con ference was held, but without the presenco of Mr. Conkling. Tho situ ation was fully considered, tbe dan gers freely admitted and the methods to improve tbo outlook thoroughly dis eussod. ASSORT!!) BAIT FOR MORTON. Among tho plans for improving tho situation was ono suggested by Gor.. Garfield himself. It recommended that .Mr. Levi P. Morton, of New York. should bo wurmly enlisted in a financial way; that ho slionld act as Chan man of tho rinnnco Committco, subscribe liberally himself ol course, and collect as much money as possiblo to defray tho expenses ol tho electors. A Com mittee was appointed to wait on Mr. Morion nnd inform him of the great honor it bad boon proposed to thrust upon mm. Mr. Jlorton was profound ly grutoful, but at tho samo timo beg- ged to be excused; the responsibility was loo great, his timo and business engagements of too much importanco to him to permit him to accept. In somo mysterious way, however, Mr. .Morion una ueneral Uurhuld Were brought together and anothor confer ence held, at which there woro pres ent nesiucs tno two gentlemen indica ted sovcrnl prominent mombcrs ol tlio Republican party, who, il it shall be como nccossnry, will be quoted in proof; oi tno accuracy ot my account ol what took place. As an inducement to Mr. Morton to undertako the labor of rais ing money for tho campaign General Garfield then and there offered him in tho event of his election his choico of ono of four places as follows : First Tlio Secretaryship of tho Treasury. Second Tho headship of tho now syndiculo then contomplatcd for re funding the debt. Third Tho English mission, or Fourth Tho Kronch mission, if he preferred that. GARFIELD PLEPQF.8 ALL ROUND. This offer was made to Mr. Morion in language so clear and unmistakable that there could be no doubt as to its meaning. The next question consider ed was tha distribution of tho patron age or Now York, and the promiso was given by Goneral (iarlleld in an equal ly clear and emphatio way that in tho event ol his election the wishes of tho Stato organisation in ail tbe appoint ments should be fully consulted and that their advice and recommenda tions should govern him in all that ho did. That there may ba no mistake about what ia meant by tho Stats or ganization, let mo say that it was un derstood to mean, primarily, tha two United Slate Senator and the Stato Committee A memorandum ol these agreemenu was mado at tha time and other memoranda in the shape of tbe recollection by tboaa who were pre, nt ol what was said and don I am prepared to produce il it shall bo found necessary to do so to substantiate the aceurucy ol my aiatomonts. From timo to timo scandalous revelations have como to light iu connection with our politics, but tho spoctaclo of Presidential candidato offering to Bell tho high offices in tho gift of his ad ministration is burpily raro. It may not come within the provinco of tbe grand juries and of the courts, but it is a high crimo and misdemeanor against tho law of political honesty and mor ality. By way ol contrast let mo point to another political conference thnt was Held in tbo city ot Tvow York about tho samo timo in fact, 1 do not know but that tho two wero almost coincident. Unlike General Garfield, his competitor, Goneral Hancock, was not so craxed on tho subject of the Presidency that he was willing to put bis honor in pawn to secure it. Some of tho Democratic politicians and lead ers who woro striving to elect him woro restless and uneasy over his reti cence in regard to the future His olection was almost cerluin, and with a spirit of thrift for which Iho leaders of that party have always boen dis. lingiiiHlred they thought it timo to put a mortgagi upon uis administration HANCOCK RKrilSES TO PLEDUE A CON TRAST. And so tliov came to him to consult with bim and bind him up in regard to tho Treasury and tbo Stato De partment and tho fostotlico, tho Col lectorships and the foreign consulates. Instead ot offering to auction them off at so much in consideration of mnnoy for tho campaign fund, Goneral Han cock replied, substantially; "No, gen tlemen ; 1 cannot do what you ask. I cannot pledge myself to you. I havo been nominated for the highest oflico in tbo gift of tho country and if I am elected I must go into it free and un trammelled. 1 can mako no pledges." Mr. Garfield was not only willing to muko pledges, but he was willing to barter away overythinjf in his gift pro vided ho could only win. It should not bo forgotten tiiat while tho Men tor Btntesmun was thus bargaining with every politician who he thought could influence a vote or givo hint a dollar with which to buy ono ho was in tno pauses ol the political inlriguo delivering that wonderful scries of moral and political platitudes which were the delight ol the Sunday schools in an sections oi tho oouulry. n mio through a friend he was urging Star Routo lirady to como down and help along tho good fight Le was masquer ading as a rclormer and a 1 hnstian statesman on tbe porch ol tbo Mentor homestead. To use a slang phrase of tno uapitai, "llo is a daisy. ' OltANT AND CONKLINO TO THE RESCUE, All this time ncilhor Goneral Grant nor Mr. Conkling hod mado a sign. Garfield was fairly driven to despair. To enlist thorn actively in the canvass was absolutely necessary it bo would avort an ignominious defeat, with all its consequonces to himself and to bis friends. The impression was steadily gaining ground that tho cx-Presidont and the political chieftain who led tho famous 300 at Chicago sccrotly desiro J tho defeat of the Republican ticket. All efforts to draw tho ono or tho other from his retirement had failed. Finally tho good ofllcts of Genoral Ar thur, General Garflold's associato on Iho ticket, wero invoked, and at last Mr. Conkling and General Grant, tho lormer at a great personal sacrifice to himself, woro induced to begin that memorablo campaign which threw lifo and spirit Into tho canvass and from the very jaws of defeat wrenched tho victory which has sent Mr. Garfield to Washington and given him the oppor tunity to show that in duplicity and political ingratitude he stands nlone among Ainoncnn politicians. When Conkling and Grunt threw themselves into tho breach tho Republican cause was almost lost. Tho party in Maine under tho leadership of iilaino bad come out of tho fight with battered, broken ranks. In every part ol the Republican camp thero woro disnny and disaffection. Slates doubtful be fore becamo doubly so. FROM DESPAIR TO ELATION. Hancock, it wss predicted, would sweep Now York hy 00,000. Indiana was moro uncertain than ever. Even Ohio was thought to bo in danger. Nothing was to bo expected in tbo South. From Ihe distant Pacific Stales every brecro across tho Kocky Moun tains whispered ol discouragement and disaster. In less than thirty days from the (Into ol tho lust speech by Mr. Conkling and Gcnornl Grant tho wholo situation becamo changed. Tho lio- publicnn outlook begun to brighten in New York, and Iho enthusiasm of the party hero soon extended to every quarter of tho Union. In assigning tlirco fonrths of Iho honor and credit of tho November victory to Conkling ami tiritni wo aro only simply re echoing the testimony that was borne on every stump at tho timo and that was heard in the columns of every party organ, tiencral darnold him self, in ono of his gushing moments, swelled tbo chorus ot applause and commendation that arose on every sido. Tho plaudits for tho real victors in the batllo, however, wero soon drowned in tho pnian of adulation that went up uoiore tho shnno nt Mentor. About this timo a wonderful chnngo camo over tho spirit ol Garfield's dream. A PARALYSIS OF MEMORY. Tho politician of a few weeks beforo who was showering bis promises thick ns tho November leaves all over tho country became suddenly stricken with a curious paralysis of the memory. Tho great bargainer suddenly forgot lliat ho had over mado a bargain ; the great dickercr in poliiics could not rocollcct that ho hail ever dono such a thing in his life. To thoso who wero tho recipients of his pledges his actions nbnut this timo were a curious illustra tion of tho sinuous courso of a politi cian without principles who at tho same lime was endeavoring to mas quorado in the robes of reformer. Vt liilo his fate trembled in the lialanco beforo tho Novcmhor batllo of tho bal lot tboro was nothing ho was not willing to do for those who had it in their power lo moke or unmake him. Wo have even seen how he was ready to set a price upon every place in his gift, from a Cabinet oflico down to a gungersbip. In municipal matters, in iho petty intrigues ana jealousie of local factions like those of tho Democ racy in Now York, wo bavo seen many illustrations ol political prosti tution ol tlijs character, but this was th first time in all our history that tho great offices ol the (iovernmont were made merchandise of hy a Prcsi- liul candidal. A TIM OF ALLEGED DOUBTING, Hut snddenlr, aa vie have said, the mind of tho Presidentelect began lo become confused and cloudy. Mentoi commenced to give out strange, uncer tain utterances. Every atory from REPUBLICAN. tbe great abode ol statesmanship con trad ic ted its predecessor. The tabor of the campaign had broken down the heultn ol tho I'rcsrdont that is, the labor of bargaining and dickoring and promising everything that would be promised while hia election was in doubt. Ho was worried about his Cabinet. It was impossible to recon cile the conflicting claim of suctions and politicians. He thought tho South should bavo somothing and Iho Wost and tho Pacific slope ; and then bo was anxious to do somothing for Now York. Those who had Mr. Garfield's prom ises in their pockets wore amazed ; but they discrootly held their silenco. Tho foreign missions woro bothering him and no ono could tell who would be appointed. Less than ninety days ago at, least, one oi I hobo t unmet olllccs had been given away to Mr. Morton or, if bo choso to accept, ono of tho two leading missions. ENTER ULAINE MORE GREEN-SICKNESS. At last a rity of light hroko through tho murky atmosphoreot Mentor. Mr. Ulaino was to bo Secretary of Slato. And then thero followed another flash iilaino was (o have tho Cabinet con structed to suit himself, liut how about Mr. Morton? It was bard to convince Mr. Garfiold at this timo that such a person as Morton existed. Fi nally, however, bis recollection of Mr. Morion rolurned, and gradually it dawnod upon bim that some sort of n conferonco had been held in New Y'ork at which, in consideration of cer tain services, somothing was said to that gentleman about tho Treasury Depaitmcnt, the English or somo other mission, liut Mr. Garfield had boon so bothered through tho campaign mat tno wnoio Hung had slipped that treacherous memory which could hold in its statesmanlike recesses gravo maxims of government and the chaste and heautilul passages of Virgil and Homer. Ho admitted that hemust have said somothing to Mr. Morton on that interesting Treasury question, but his recollection was thai iho bestowal of its portfolio was fo bo at tho option of tnoi'residonttooner, notol Mr. Morton to decline. And so of tho Knclmh mis sion and tho French mission. Although it was a curious misundorslanding. It was about this lime that Mr. Garfield mado the horrible discovery that Mr. Morton was a great banker, and it would nover do to place a great Now York financier in control of tho finan ces of the Government. Tho situation at Mentor nppoared to go from bad to worse at Uiib timo. Tho pledges and promises of tho campaign loaded down tho Mentor mail, so thnt it required the lubors of three or four secretaries to send back statcsmanliko notifica tions ol their dishonor and repudiation. THE MENTOR I'lLllKIMAIIE. At last matters began to look omin ous, nnd it was decided that somothing should ho dono. What that somothing should be no one could exactly tell, so, in the absence ot anything better, it was determined to call a council ol the chiefs of tbe party, or rather to sum mon the chiclsone by ono. The Pres ident was in great distress, and solhcy all haste nod to his relief. They came from tho North and iho South and tbo Fast and tho West, and they all con ferred and conferred, and each man camo back with the certainty that he was to find the tender of a Cabinet oflico in his Ieltor bag tho moment ho got homo. Jlow many Cabinet and other offices were promised during that memorable series of pilgrimages will probably nevor be found out, but if Iho truth wero known, Gen. Garfield, if ho wero President for half a century, would not bo ablo to uso up the supply of Cabinet materia! which ho then discovered and generously signified that lie would avail bimseli ol, Mil. CONKLING AT MENTOR. Finally it camo to the turn ot Mr. Conkling to be invited, and liko a loyal Kepubiicun leader ho went to see how ho could aid and assist the struggling statesman in tho snows of tho Western Reserve Thero has been a good deal said and written about that memora ble meeting, but tho truo inwardness of it is this morning for tho first time explained. A MEMORABLE CONVERSATION. Goneral Garfield opened tho dia logue with a sorics ol interrogatories in regard to the characters of various personages who had neon spoken of lor various olllccs. Among these cull oiis queries was ono concerning Judge Folger. ' What Bort of a man is ho '" said tho President-elect. To this Mr. Conkling vory quietly replied that ho had known Judgo Folger lor thirty years and iu all that tuna had found biro to bo a man of tho highest chur actor, "liut," said tho Seuutor, "why do you ask V" "charges" against foi.ger "Well," said Mr. Garfield, "the fact is I bavo heard some queer things con corning Mr. Folger bad charges and I want to know Irom you what you think of them und ol him ? " To Ibis tho answer was in ado thut he (Senator Conkling) did not think it fair to discuss men's characters in that way ; that in fact it was not tho kind of a banquet that ha had supposed ho nan neon uidiicn to; mat ho did not liko tho thing. W bat wero tho charges? "Well," said tho sorely perplexed president-elect, "tho fact of the matter is it has been said by somo people that Judgo Folger is a mnn who drinks, and also that he is a man who is somo- what corrupt." Mr. Conkling, I am informed, smiled nt this tcrriblo charge, and said that he had known Judgo Kolgeragood many years and novor beforo had hoard any thing ol tho kind in connection with his name. Hut what was Mr. Garfield's object In Making these inquiries ? Did he mean lo givo hun a (Jalnnot position? WOT NEW VOIIK WAS LEFT OUT Tho coversntion then turned upon Mr. Morton. Mr. Conkling said ho did not purpose to ask him for any position. At, however, ho intended to give a placo to tho Slato of Now York he thought tha treasury Department was tha one to which th Stuta, be causo of its dignity and importance, wns entitled, i hen In his opinion, the Stale was entitled to it becauso ot its great services in tho campaign. Mr. (iar lield replied that he had boen con sidering tho mine of Mr. Morton in connection with tho Treasury, but ho had concluded lor many reasons that it would bo very inconvenient for him to make him Secretary of the Trcar- ury ; that he had promised bun either the headship ot tho syndicnto or the mission to England or France. Mr. Conkling remarked upon this that altogether there wero seven Cab inet appointments, If Now York can not hav th Treasury, "1 have only on request to mako namely, that you will pas New Y'ork over; at all events, that you will not give us tbe Navy when there is no Navy. That department would probably aatisfy some othor Stato, and tha multiplica tion tablo will explain why Now Y'ork is left out." "WILL YOU TAKE TEA ?" It was now nearly six o'clock in the evening. Mr. Conkling was anxious to take an early train for homo. Gen. Garfield, bowover, pressed him to stay to tea, urging that ho could tuko a train which left nt midnight. Mr. Conkling asked if he intended mere hospitality or business. "If it means hospitality," said ho, "1 must ask to bo excused, lor 1 havo left important mat tors bohind me which need attention if it ia business X will stay." General Garfield replied that it was business. At this point Gonoruj Garfiold went lo tea, Mr. Uonkiuig declining to ac company him. When that important repast in tho Uarnold household was ovor the political threads wero again takon up by Mr. Conkling' host. What Mr. Garfield said wns of vory little importanco ono way or the other, but it was characterized throughout by want of frankness. Ho never once, 1 am assured, informed Mr. Conkling why he summoned him to Mentor. FOLGER MADE ANXIOl 8. Tho Now Y'ork Senator loft on the midnight train. At Syracuse Judgo Folger, who, of courso, had heard (hat Mr. Conkiinir had boen in the presenco ot tho august Ohio stutesman, boarded the train and sent bis card to the Ben ator. Ho was exceedingly anxious to nnu out what had taken place. Mr. Conkling pretty frankly told him. with out, howovor, disclosing certain ques tions that had been asked him by Mr. Garfield. They travolcd to New York together, Semi tor Conkling going to tho Fifth Avenuo Hotel and Judgo Folger to tbo St. James. Whon Judge Folger got to his hotel ho found a despatch awaiting him from General Garfield asking him to como to Jlontor. Judgo Folger, in view of his conversation with Sonator Conkling, thought the wholo proceeding wus exceedingly strange ; that either Garfield bad been ploying a sharp game on him or that for. Conkling was not dealing with him in tho proper spirit. To set his mind at rest on tho subject he went to Mr. Conkling and asked him if he know anything about it. Mr. Conk ling, of courso, said no; ho had not lira most remote idea why tho President elect called him to Mentor except it was to offer bim a placo in tho Cabinet the Treasury, be supposed, as Ihoro was no other oflico ho could offer Now York, tho State Department having gone to lilaine. Judgo Folger started for Montnr and bad his lumous talk with Mr. Garfiold about which so much was said and written at tho lime. WHAT FOLGER DECLINED. In viewol all tho misrepresentations and misconceptions on tbo subject per haps I bad butter givo you tho wholo thing in briof. Mr. Garfiold said that be bad sent for him to offer him ono pluco, or, it might bo, another place, if things could be arranged to tbo satis faction of certain parsons. Ho wanted to offer him tho Attorney Generalship. and ho might be able to give him the Treasury Department. . Mr. Folger immediately answered that be could not think of accopling tho Attorney Generalship or of resigning his posi tion on mo iew i ork Siupromo licnoh to tuko any placo less than that of tho Treasury Department, for which oflice ho perhaps might hnvo somo lilness ; but ho instantly and emphatically de clined tho Attorney Gcnornlship. VACILLATION, DUPLICITY OR WHAT? If the conversations, promises, in. triguej, bargains and broken plodges of Mr. Garfield since his nomination at Chicago to the present timo could bo arranged and printed, as it is not im possible thoy may be, they would pre sent a rpenn! u-lu'nk .,,., 1,1 mil it iTlifllcult to decide whether ho is not Iho weakest and most vacillating of mon or tho most cunning and adroit of political wirepullers of tho baser Bort. Hero is a specimen brick : Sonator Conkling some timo ago learned that Goneral Garfield had caused lo bo written a lottor, which was to bo shown to -Mr. William II. Vanderbilt, in which il was stated lhat if Mr. Vandorbilt desired it Mr. Elliott F. Shcpaid would ho mode United States District Attor ney for tho district of Now Y'ork. In a conversation between Gon. Garfield and Senator Conkling subsequent to tho writing of this Idler Gon. Garfield spoko about his obligations to the gen tlemen in (hat Slate, liko Mr. Robert son, through whoso instrumentality bis nomination becamo possible. He said thut ho desired to regard them in some way which would be least detri motital to tho public interests, while at tho same time ho satisfied their le gal demands. SOMETHING FOR IIOIIEItTSON. For instance, ho had thought of up. pointing Judgo Robertson District At tnrney, but that ho did not liko to ad vanco that idea lor he had heart! Judge Robertson was not a good low yor or of sufficient legnl ability to fill so important a position nnd that ho did not know what to do about it. It is understood that Senator Conkling, in reply, intimated that Mr. lioborl son's want of ability need not bo an liisnperablo objection il bo desired lo muko the appointment; thnt in En eland it is not the man who holds tho cliiil position who is the important one, but his assistant, who is always a man or ability, and upon whom gener ally tho burden of the administration falls. Thero might bo a similar con. di'.ion of affairs brought about in Now Y'ork givo Judg iioberlsoii tho Dis trict Attorneyship with a firstclnss, cnpahlo man as Irs subordinate, liut, alter all, perhaps Iho services of tho gentlemen to whom ho attributed his nomination were overrated. In his (SenatorConkling's) opinion il was not to the so-called independent ltcpuhli cans, or, as they are popularly styled, tbo "half-brood," that Mr. Garfield wa indebted for tho nomination so much as to tho threo hundred and six gentlemen through whoso firmness, constancy and devotion at Chicago Sherman and lilaine were driven Iroin tho field and tho nomination of a new man liko himself made possiblo and desirable. Resides that, Mr. Robert son and the men who acted with him had been guilty ot a violation ot thoir pledges to tho convention of the party who nominated them. SIIEPARD OVERBOARD. They had accepted oflice wilh the implied pledge to vote as a nnit and broken it. Did ha propose tn reward men for a breach ol faith ? Would it redound to his credit to adopt such a policy? Mr. Conkling, it ia under stood, then referred to tho Shcpard let lor, and said that it hud boen asserted that ho wns nndora pledgoto giro Mr. Sbepard tho position. The I'tesidont answered that the loiter had been mis interpreted, and no matter io what terms it may be couched he could not now give Mr. Shenard the oflico. So much for Mr. Garfield' political prom ise and plodges. THE "OLD MAN OF THE SEA" AOAIFI. Wo now como to anothor stage iu this curious story of political chicanery and deceit. If Mr. Gurlield meant anything when be summoned Conkling to Mentor it was that he should con sult him and take his advice in tho construction of his Cabinot, so fur at least a tbo Stato of Now Y'ork went. It meant nothing if it did not mean that. Mr. Conkling plainly signified i his wishes. Tho Treasury would boi acceptable lo the Empire Slutc ; it that was impossible, let it be pussod over, and tho understanding upon Senator Conkling's part was thut it should be passed ovor. What was the result ? A low days boforo General Garfield's departure Irom Montor to tho Capitol ho telegraphed Mr. Morton: "The cost of my Cabinot must be mado bo foro ton o'clock. Please telegraph me instantly that you will accept tho post of Secretary of tho Navy." Now, that was mo ono thing Mr. Uonkling hod asked Mr. Gitrfiold not to do, and it wns the only thing ho did. It was lor this that ho dragged him thousands of, miles ut tho most inclement season ot the year all tho way to tho snow hills ol Jlontor. In tho absenco of tho friends with whom ho could consult, Mr. Morton, whose namo has been mentioned lor all manner of places tho Treasury, tho English mission, the mission to France not wishing to make himself ridiculous if ho were not named at all, accepted it in a mo ment of hesitation. This became ru mored about Washington, and so led to a good deal of excitement among tho stalwart branch ol tho party. Mr. Morton becamo bo annoyed that ho emphatically withdrew his accoptnnco, and so the famous Cabinot was all bro ken tip again. Tbo timo was now get ling short, nnd at last after months of incubation everything bad to bo dono over again, and at the eleventh hour it was patched op and thrown togolher in tno marvellous Shane in which wo see it, sont lo tho Senate and con firmed. MORE GARFIELD PICKERING. During all this time Senator Conk ling expressed a sincere desiro to Mr. Gurtreld and his friends to make tho administration a success, offering to do everything in his power to aid him finally, an interview wns brought anont. uno hunday night a Now York Congressman came lo Mr. Conk ling with tho message that tho Presi dent was anxious to soo and confer with hint about important matters ai fecting tho administration. Mr. Conk ling agreed to go and koep his promise. Tho New Y'ork appointments wero mentioned by President Garfield, who said ho was vory anxious about cer tain places and would like to have his ideas on tho Bubject. Among othor oincei mentioned was thnt held by In ternal iiovcnuo Colloctor Webcr.whose place ho was anxious to givo to Judgo Robertson. Ho desired to know what Mr. Conkling thought of it. Mr. Conk ling said it was a matter to ba sort ously considered. There were no charges against Mr. Wobor. Ho was a German; tho German Republicans wero vory important and tbe removal might oll'cnd them; in fact, he pre ferred not tooxprossan opinion on the subject. Tbo President then said: "Mr. Conkling, 1 am extremely anx ious that yon and your friends should agree upon somo projet by which 1 can got in tho Independents. He said ho wished Senator Conkling would consult with Mr. Arthur, Mr. Tlatt, Governor Cornell and other prominent gentlemen belonging to tho party nnd drnw up some plun which would ena blo bim to dispose ol tho wholo mattor with the least injury to tho public ser vice, and at tho samo time with as much satisfaction as possiblo to tho gontiemcn interested.' Alter somo further consideration Mr. Conkling agreed to propose a plan or a number of plans for him, any ono of which ho might adopt under certain contingen cies. Under No. 1 ho might do so nnd so, und under No. 2 there would be another line of policy. Mr. Conkling men asked turn H he cared to do any. thing in regard to tho Now Y'ork Cus torn JIouso. THE NEW YORK CUSTOM HOUSE. Tho President replied ho did not ; that ho had been considering tho mat ter and bad arrived at tho conclusion thnt the best thing to do was to allow the present oflicers to remain ; thnt somo ot them, ho understood, hud a year yet to serve, and perhaps it gavo mm saiisiaclion to allow these mon to servo out their timo. Senator Conk ling answered ho was mistaken, that somo of them hud two year. Tho President professed Ignorance of lhat fact ; at all events bo did not intend to do anything with tho Custom House at present and when he did resolvo to do so ho would let him know and con sult with him, Mr. Cornell, Vice Prosi- dent Arthur, Senator Plult and the n great mistuko in Ihe policy he hud pursuod in antagonizing one wing of ino party; that blunder ho proposed to avoid." This ended the conference with Mr. Conkling, who immediately proceeded to consult with his friends and draw up the projet for Iho Execu tivo. THE ROBERTSON BOMB This celebrated conference took pluco on n Sunday evening. On tho following Wednesday, whilo Mr. Conk ling and his mends woro endeavoring to agreo upon somo plan to extricate 1 ne i resiucnt irom tno neipicss condl lion in which ho admitted he was placed nnd from which ho had request od to bo delivered, without saying one worn to citnrr oi tno senators irom Now Y'ork tho nomination of Mr. Robertson was thrown into the Senate chamber. What wa tho meaning of this chango of base on Iho part of tho President f 1 1 seems that on that very Sunday night Mr. Rlaino had heard of tho consultation botwoen the rresident and tho Sonator Irom New York and tho purport ol it. Tho "Premier" was ill at tho timo, anu so lie despatched a nolo to the President requesting ns a personal favor that tbo namo of Judgo Robertson should bo sent to the Senate as Collector of tho Port. . Blaine's threat. Not hearing from bis missive as quickly aa ho expected, bia impationce got tho Doner ol his illness, and, call ing his carriage, ho drove to the Ex ecutive Mansion, where, it appears, an exceedingly lively time ensuing bo tween His Excellence and tho Sccro tary of Stnto. Mr. lilaine, afler rav ing around th hxooiitive ofllea for soma lime, insisted upon having th nominations made at once, llo threat oned o resign and smash things gen erally unless hi wishes were accoded to, and in order to pacify bim and pre vont something like a second attack ofaunstrok th nomination was made. Thi ia th whol itory from begin ning to nd. Sine then there hav i V......V,. ... ; nciii, oi vt orcesier township, wasdnv- bo heard on tho subject in tho Slate of j ine lw0 10r(,. whirll wcr itehed rtew lork. lie declared further that: t , drDfr barrow, in a field on his fa- in tlinmrht Prnairlon, 1 1 n l'o L nrl m., . I . . , , - .." .- ....J.O ...... .......V , M,, a boon frcqueut consultations betweon tho Prosidcnt, the Vic President and Sonator Piatt, in which efforts bavo boen mad to put tbe fragments to gether, but all to no purpose. Th President has refused to withdraw th nomination. Alt APPEAL TO TUB DEMOCRATS. Thi bas boon tho situation during all these woary week while th coun try bas boon hearing about Mahouo and Uorham and iiiddlcbcrgor. It only remains to add one brief chapter. The Senate liepublican cancu having resolved to confirm no nomination to which the two Sonator from a Stat aro opposod tiro Secretary of Slato I now ondoavoring to trado off tho offi ces in tho Southern States for Demo cratic votes in litvor of Robertson's contirinaliou. In this, of course, ha has the support and countenance of Iho Executivo. Never in tho history of the Capital ha titer been such a lively trado in ofllcos as at present. Tho corrupt speculation is ot course cloaked and concealed under tho high sounding names ol diplomacy and ex pediency, but it ia rank fostering cor ruption all tho same. To this pas the Mentor statesman both brought the high office of tho Presidency. Hav. lug belraved and abandoned the I'i iend. who saved and elected him, ho is now preparing to betray what remain of tho Kepuhlican party in tho South. Garfiold is great and Iilaino is bis prophet. UISTOMCAL LI A US. Tho oditor of tho GiniinVj Freeman bits a class in that line iu this way : "Adam iladeau, who was a member of Grant's staff during the war, has written a military history of General Grant in threo volumes, and, judging from an article on lladeau's production which appeared in tho Johnstown Tribune of. last Monday, it will neither do Gran;, any good in tho estimation of tho country, if Hodosu's statements are lo bo believed, nor will it establish the reputation of the latter as a histo rian of trulb. According to tho Johns town Tribune article, liadeau represents Grant as saying of Frank Sigol, the Germnu General: "Ho will do noth ing but run. He never did anything clue." Iiodeau must havo made a mia tuko and substituted Sigel's name lor that ol Schurx, for after lhat General' sorry performances at tho second Dull Run batllo, und elsewhere, it was suid to bo a common expression among the German soldiers, "Wo fijht mil Sigol and wo rim mit Sebum." Sigel's rep utation for courage was nevor que. tioncd. Wbon tho bravo Gen. Lyon wos killed at tho commencement of tho war near Springfield, in south western Missouri, Sigel conducted the retreat and lor his ability and skill re ceived tho highest praise of the best army oflicers. After that he fought liko a hero at tho bloody battle of Pea Ridge, in Arkansas, just over tho Mis souri line, and fully sustained his rep utation os a munot undoubted couragu. We don't exactly believe that Grunt ever said of Sigel what liadeau repre sents him as having said, but when wo rctnombor how ha deliberately lied about General Hancock last Fall in an interview with a Chicago jireachor, liaduau's statement becomes highly probable. Grant may havo been as willing to injure Sigel as ho was to defuine Hancock, but his malice will fail in accomplishing its purpose." The Oldest City in the World. Damascus is the oldest city in the world. Tyro and Sidon have crum bled on the Bhore ; liaalhee is a ruin ; Palmira is buried in a dcBort : Ninoveh and Habyloo havo disappeared from the Tigris and Euphrates. Damascus remains what it was betore the days of Abraham a conttwj ol trado and travel an island of verdure in tbo desort; "a presidential capital," with material and sacred associations ex tending through thirty centuries. It was near Damascus that Saul and Tar sus saw the light abovo the "brightness ol tho sun ; tho streot which is called Strait, in which it was said "ho prav- ed," still runs through the city. Tbe caravan comes and goes us it did a thousand years ago; there is still tho Sheik, tho ass, and tho wator wheel ; the merchants of tho Euphrates and Iho Mediterranean still occupy these "with tho multitudo of thoir wares." The city which Mohammed surveyed from a neighboring height, and wa afraid to ontor "bocause it was given to man to have but one paradise, and for bis part ho was resolved not to havo in this world," is to day what Julian called tho "eye of the East," aa it was in tho timool Isaiab, "the head ol Syr- What Next. Don't troublo your self about tho next thing yon aro to do. No man can do tho second thing. He can do tho first. If be omits it the wheels of tho social Juggornaut roll over him, and leave him, mora or luss, crushed behind. If ho duos it, be keeps in trout and finds room to do the next again ; and so ho is sura to arrive at somothing, for tbe onward march will carry him with it. Thero ia no say ing to what porl'eetion of success a man may come who begins with what ho can do, and uses the means at bis hand. Ho make a vortex ol action, however slight, towards which all the means instantly begin to gravitate. Let a man but lay hold of something anything, and be is on the highroad to success, though it moy bo very long before ho can walk comfortably in il. Singular Accident to two Horses. Tbo Norristown Hegislcr,o( a recent tluto says : A young son ot Ucnjamin premises, a uay or two ago. In attempting to turn a corner, the har row was upset, and in somo way both horses were thrown backward upon the sharp upturned teeth. The bodies and legs ot the poor beast wero cut in a shocking manner, and tho intes tines of ono protruded at several per forated spots in bis sido. It was at first feared that it would ho necessary to kill both horses, but thoy are now doing well and are in a fair way of re covery. Young liclffnai rawly escaped being caught under the harrow. They had been engaged to be mar ried filteen years and still ho had not mustered up resolution enough to ask her tn namo th happy day. So ono evening ho called in a particularly spooney frame of mind and asked her to sing liiin something tender and touch ing, somothing that would "move" him. She sal down at tho piano and sang : "Darling, I am growing old." Ubei.es Ornaments. A cotempo. rary eaya: Madamo Ambre, th tru ant opera singor, scattored pearls all Iho way from Now Orleans to Phila delphia. They were left in. pawn. It is said the lairownei left ,'i,000 worth of jowolry in this country which she uiu not noed so badly aa ready cash. Ever since Hayes was inaugurated tin tho 4th of March, 1877, Senator t.onkimg is reported never to have spoken of him in any other manner than as Kathcr fraud 1). llayoa. Mr. Conkling is unbeatable generally, bill ho somotimts says a good thing. Cool. "Let them go as a loan," is tlio way Garfield now construe pledg es and promise made to the Stalwart last August. Exchange. That may have been a good thing in th day of Oakoa A me and DoGolyer, but now, it' no go. An old printer, who played hi first gam of ten pins and knocked them all down, said : "Pi'd, by Jingo I"