Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 18, 1881, Image 3

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Terms or Subscription.
rf rid Id .vlvinoo.or wttbia three 00
If flr ltirM Mun BiOBiht.M 1
f (iJ rtpr tb xftrtlDB oT ill tnonhti... I tt
ni:M.itm xoticeh.
MrthodlBt i;pliooil tliirf h R.t.Obo.
Liinr, Poitof. tiervloe trry Babbitt, tt Hi
.,M.,and 74 P. M.
Sibhtth Hnhool at 9 A. M.
vtxar Meeting etery WedDoad..y, tt 14 P. M.
Communtoo Berylee, Int Sabbath of oTery
jionth, il ln A. M.
Wett ( leirttrlil M. E Ctiurcb-Rvf.
iifuRt.w I). Aura, Paitor. Preaehinf every
literati SutnUy, tt I o'oluflk, P. M. Buodny
Sflbool at 2, V. M. All are ID t tied to attend.
preehjterlaii Church Rt. H. S.Bdtlbr.
-tjebbalh MrTlcfli morning and Trtinf-Hab-t,tb
Behool at I P. M. Pioyor Meeting Wedne
Itr oreolng.
lliptlet Churf h. Rer. , Pealor.
FtLtitih Bobool at I P. 11. Prayer Meeting amy
WeUotiday eTening.
xt. FrancU Church Cftthollr Kf. P
J. Siibmidaii. Divine eervloe at 101 A. M., on
ib flnt, third and foartb Sundayiof oeoh month;
Veeperi and Benedietion of tho Bleaeed Haerunent
kt 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday Bobool ovary Sunday
efteraoon at I o'clock.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday of Mareh.
Plret Monday of Juno.
Funrth Munday of September.
Tim or iotoma oomtov flbai.
Pint Monday of Juno,
fieoond Monday of NoTembor.
rniLio orricma.
Cniud Stat 8tator-J. Donald Ctmeron
Herrlabnrg, Deuphin coonty I Jbn I. Mitohell'
Wellaboro, Tioga eonnty.
Ex -Governor Andrew B.Curtln,
Belletonle, Centra oeunty.
SauUor Hon. Oynie T. A Illilit, Bellefonto,
Centre county.
AtMy Hon. Jimel Fljno, Smith'! Mills,
Clearfield eounty.
Pmidiut JndpHon. Charlee A. Mayer,
Look Haven.
Assistant taw Jmitt Bob. John H. OrTll,
Asioefarc Judy Abram Ogden, Clearfield
Vincent B. Holt, Clearfield.
ro(onolry Jam.. Korr.
RtoiiUr mnd recorder U.erge M. Ferguson.
Treasurer Philip IolU.
Kitritl Alrovaeir J. P. McKenrlek.
Sa.n Jumee Mahalfey.
Dmtf Sktrift. I. Thompeon.
Counly Surveyor Samuel '. MeCloahay, Cur.
County Contmfeefeaere 0. W. Kylor, Oraham
ton P. 0.; Klah Jobnelon, Grampian Hilli P. O.i
Joho Norrle, Sr., Curwenavllle.
(ImIiu'hW Cltrk Jacob A. Fourt.
C...I, it.d.'lof-Wllll.m V. Wright, Clw
lold ; Jop UillUand, IhrM Hum I J. S. Nor
ri. Woodlaod.
( Coronor Joiool A. Moor., CUiroold.
Jun (? Andrew J. Jickion, Clear
m.a u' n Hn. Clearfield.
'...i'.i..d..l . ".ilio SoW. M. L. Be
w P;.John W.Wrltlej, Wm. Ra-
debauih Cyrua tlordon, Clearfield; Joieph K.
Irwin N. K. Arnold, CurwenaTille J. A.LIin-
Hone, DnBola City.
Will to" tka wlieat, oaU or aor for lub.
v We are ollen Inquired of la thia waj
b Irtter from patrona who reaide at a diitenee
from ClaarOeld. We aaln aaj jea. The reeelpta
of a rcipunaibla merchant or mill owner in the
rioinilr, will anawer na Juat u well aa Iba oaib.
To lllluatralei If any of our patrona will deliTer
oi a bn of grain at tne mill oi joaono n.
... ...? h,. lioraoa l'.Uhin, in Burnaido,
TLomaa II. Koroey, In Uraham, Wm. Porter or
Sba'i, In Lawrenoe, or Brown A Beylera, at
Rocklon, l aion townihip, and forward their
reciible for the anonnt, we will oredit them on
ik.i, .nnt for tbe una. In thia way all may
oon pay what they owe, If they will purine tbla
jor-Advertinure and others will bear
in mlud that all artlolea intended for publloatioa
In tbla paper muit be banded ia, not later Ibaa
Tuesday, at 9 A. M. Don't forget it !
liiad Flock's 6fty lotuls in thie paper,
A bail-storm viited Luthcrsburgand
vloinlty on Monday.
Trimmed bats anil bonnets In end
lesa variety at Lebman'e,
C'urwcnsville has organised a fire
department It la well oBeered and fully equip-
Cnl John W. Korncv will bo tbe
guoat of Judge Barrett during bia stay In Clear
field. ,
liov. K.1I. Hovcv.ol Mercer county,
III preach In the Clearfield Baptlat Church next
fabbeth evening, at 7) o'clock.
Tho J.atlics M. Jl. Aid Society will
meet on Friday afternoon of tbla week at tbo
leiiJeoco of Mrs. Israel Test.
Col. John W. Forney, editor of tbe
Philadelphia Progm, will deliver the oeeorauoa
addrees at Clearfield en tbe stltn.
m i r-
Pi.ronn visitinir town, should not
fall to visit Moore's elore and take a look round
Iftbey do not wish to purchase.
We aro authoriiod to announce that
the "curbetone market" will open la Clearfield
next Saturday morning, May Slat.
ill boL'in on Monday next
and continue two weeka. Tbe trat week will bo
taken up with Ihe trial of civil aauiaa.
Tho fine showers of rain during tbo
Iral few daya of tbla week bad a beneficial effect
on perapring humanity aa wall aa fauiltblug
Tbe directors of the Wayne Camp
meeting Association have decided that the oamp
meetlng will open on Tuesday, the tthof August,
and continue ten deya.
m e- - -
We are informed that the citir-ens of
Phlllpaburg bald a meeting last Friday night
and eubeoribed $S,000 for Inylng pipes and sup
plying tbe town with water.
(porta of both Nationitl Hunks are
published In the RariaLinn this week, and both
ibow a healthy riaanoial etandluf. These Insti
tutions aro excellently managed.
A number of now pavomonts have
been made by elllacna of tbla borough during Ihe
pest week. Bcaidet improving tbeir property, It
la a great aeeommodatloa to pedratrlans.
Ardell's up-river drivo reached. this
place last Friday, and bung up In Shaw'e dan.,
below town, until a flood oomee. This Is the rear
drive and cleans everything up from Cherrytree
down. m
ftntr. J. S. McMurrav. D. I), of
Sbemekln, has beea Interviewing old eoquelnt
anoee la Ibis aectlon tba put few deya. He
preached one of his solid sermons on last Sunday
ll the M.B. Church.
Tbo hour of holding the Clearfield
Frtabrterlaa Sabbath School haa been changed
from IJOo'oloek In the afternoon to o'clock In
tbo averting. Tboae lotereitcd will please aotlee
the ehangc. a
A numbor of maple shado trees were
planted Ibis ennsoB on ma pooiio acnooi gn.u
ia this boiough, both la the vicinity of the old
Academy, on Firat street, and at the Leonard
Graded aehool.
We have been requested to state that
Harry Mollcnry will bo at tbo Allegheny House
during Coart, ready lo do all kinds of repairing
la Ihe watch and clock line, end will have a fell
aerply of tbe eamo oa band,
A dwelling house in Curwensvllld
occuplrd by Olmstoad Lewis (colored), was burn
ed on Tuesday oronlng of last week. All tbe
household goods and n small sua of money were
destroyed. A defective ue wsa tbe cause. The
buildiog wu In cured forgot.
Tbe inorcury in the tbcrmometor
vaulted between SO" aad far aevoral days lest
week. Oa Thursday aflernoee II boiled up to tl.
Tbo heavy shower aad storm oa Salarday owning
brought about a change la tho weather thai a
Northerner eel endure with some comfort.
Farmers, and others owning horses,
he may visit Iowa daring Court, are invited to
call at Andrew Harwich'! heraeea rooms aad aeo
his stock of seddloa, harness, whips, fiy lata, lap
eovera.aal all kladt of horse furo lahing goede
He can give yoa good bargalee. Read hia aew
advertiaoaent la Ihla paper.
e m
Tbe flint quartcpiy meeting of tbe
preieat Coaleronee yearwu held ia Ihe Clearfield
M. E. Church last Saturday aad Sabbath. Rer.
Dr. Mr Murray, a former pastor, preached II
Sabbath morning, and Ihe Fruidiag Elder, Rer.
J. II. Metlarrab, cf Tyrone, preeohed In the even
lag. It wu Mr. MoOtrrib'a irM appearance
before oor people, aad they area to bo wall pleued
tit hia.
New lawniand lattice buntinir inst
rteeirew at Lebman'e.
Go and aeo Flock'a new iroods.whctk-
er yon wiah to buy anything ar noL
m m
Tba brick work of tbe now look up
la Inlehad, and the betiding la ready for the roof.
Aycr'g Xfft Core a purely Vege
table bitur and a powerful tnaio, free from qui
nine or any athrr mlaeral lubitaaee, and alwaya
onrea tba aerereat eaaea.
Mori (iood Stock. It ii reported
that W, P. Merria A Co. hare purchased one of
the Ineat'blaoded draft horaea erer brought Into
tbla eonnty, Thia ia a queatioa for tba farmora,
log and timber men to eoaatder.
(JiRi-e Wantid. The iiropriutor dl
tbe 6ufquebaana llooio, Curweoarllle, deilna to
employ a nook and dining-room girl. Tboaa
who are not otborwlw engaged will pleaee eall or
addroea at oaoa. Lawia 0. Bloom,
41 It Curwenayllle, Pa.
Win at in UiAD. In a field of
wheat balooging to Abram filill oa the weatere
edge of West Cbaator the atalka will enrage
eighteen Inehea In length, and aome of them had
aeen neede upon them. Tbli la tbe t'urtbeat ad
vaneed wheat we bare beard of yet H'rit
Clr Rnori, May tih.
Tbe three (icorireBarea matter oi bin.
torioal nole, bnt they were unnatnrallaed aodeould
aot aerre. If allra. Tbe 8elloegro?o Timm ia7a:
Tbero are four eandidatei in Northumberland
oouoty for the nomination of Praildent Judge:
Truman 11. Furdy, Ueorge Hill, Oaorgo W.Rjoa
and George W. Ziegler. The Qoorgee hare a
We bave received tbe 48th annual
report of tba maaegera of tba "Pennaylrania
Inalilution lor the Inatraetion of tbe Blind.
Thia unfortunate elafe of people are reeelvlog
every advantage poaeible for their preaeot eom-
fort and future proeperity at the banda of tbla
Initltulloa whloh la poaiibleto beitow. The only
ate from Clearfield eounty la Uiaa Annie E.
Minto, received la January, 1B77.
Fatality. We loam from tho Tri
lane that Charles Lammer.a Johnetown boy, was
killed by the ears at Little Conemaugh on Wednes
day. Tba widowed mother of tola boy hat had a
aad experience. Ia 1871 ber husband died away
from borne of rmall-pox. Six yeara ago her old-
act eon Hairy wu killed by a corn crib falling on
him, aad now she loses her only remaining ehild
by a still mnre terrible ecoldent.
F'or The Wabte Basket. We are
oRen-lod because wo have rooeived DO less than
three aaonymout communications the current week
We have so often informed our readers that eproper
name mtat aecom any every communication be
fore tt wt.uld receive our attention. For thin
reaaon the "Decoretioa Hymn" aad ihe other
communications go into tbe wute basket, Instead
of the columns of tbe RapcaLlcaM.
What Vennob Savs. After the lOtb
of May, hot waatber may be expected, and after
tho 16tb bush Urea will probably break out la
come dUtrlcts, although thunder storms are also
probable on the 13th and ll'h. Betwoea ihe 2(ltb
and 2lh there will bo probably cloudy weetber,
with ralna, and vegetation will have advauced
considerably by the 24th of the atobth. Between
the 20th and 2otb the weather will probably be
cool. Tbe month will end but anJ aultry.
m e - -
For Local Consumption. Tbo Oil
City btrrirk man perpelralea the following oa
the currant campaign :
How doth tbe lit'.le busy wife
Improve Spring's shining hours,
And chuck tbe carpet out o'doora
Aa round tbe bouse she soours.
How skillfully she sets tbe tack
I'pon Ita bead ao neet,
And wondera wbalher "bub" will run
Tbe daroad thing in hia feet.
Tua Normal. Tbe Clinton Demo-
trat acre that at a recent election for Truatscs of
the State Normal Soboolat Look Havea, A. H
Best, A. N. Raub, and T. C. Hippie were ro-olcol.
ad Stookholdera' Truttaes, and J. F. Clark was
elected In plaoo of E. P. McCormiek, Riq., re
moved to PLllad'lphie. Uoveroor Curtla, of
Centre, Hon. C. A. Meyer, of Clinton, Hon. J. G
Hall, of Elk, and Col. E. A. Irvln, Esq., of Clear
field, were recommended for State Trustees. From
these the Stele Superintendent will ealeet two
At a meeting of the members of tbe
Orpbeua Band, on r rluay evening last, tbe follow
lag officers were elected to servo Ibo eosulng year,
Presldeot Thouas A. Fleck,
Treasurer William M. Shew,
Secretary J. Frank Snyder,
leader Tbomae F. Cooper.
The Oniheoa boys aro making good progress
meeting regularly twice a week for practice. It
ii now In tbe fourth year of Ha orgaulaatioo , and
Ibc prospects for the future are bright and favor
able. .
Hov. Kmolius W. Smith, rector of
the Episcopal Church at Fitcbburg, Mass., wu
married oa Tuesdey of last week, Mey lotk ,to
Miss Emma Louise Crocker, of the above named
place. Mr. Smith, with hia bride arrived la
Clearfield leal Saturday evening lo visit his
felber, Jotlab W. Smith, Esq., and other relatives
ia this plaoo. He haa a boat of friends and ac
quaintances la this borough, where he wu born
and crew lo manhood. He officiated at eervleea
la St. Andrew's Episcopal Church lut Sabbath,
and wc arc pleased to announce that ha will
remain over next;Sahbath nnd preach la the same
plaoe morning and evening.
We hope that tbe citixens will take
great price, wnno visiting ino ei .uv ueei
on Decoration day, and point out to atrangeri
the beautiful manner (f) In which our cemetery Is
kept, aad tell what Interest our people take le
reverencing aaj keeping green the memory of all
who sleep Ibe sleep that knowa ao waklag lo Ihla
world. Many of the graves have been trampled
upon by eowa until almost obliterated, an d shrub
hery has been torn and in many tnatanoes pulled up
by the root nnd destroyed. Tbe condition at
present of oar cemetery Is n strong argument In
favor of tbo cremation of bodieat for than no
tbonghtlssaous on tho part of friends or tres
passing animals wculd desecrate Ibe place where
repose Ihe athea of those whom we loved while
living. .
Another Train on the Low Grade
R. R. The Brookvlllc ,ffersoeioe, last week,
nubliihed the following information I "We ate
eble this wvvk to canounce on Informetlon ob
tained from A. A. Jackson, Superintendent of
Ibe Low tirade Division, Ibat on Ihe 22d Inst.,
new train to run from Brookvlllc to Driftwood
aad return, will bo pul on the road. This trail
will leave Brookvlllc la the morning, mahlng
eoanretlona with trelaa on the P. A. E. road, cast
aad west, aad retura Ibc same evening, arriving
at Brookville about tin or eleven o'clock. Th
will he a great convenience to our people havla.
baslacss up lbs road, M well u along the lino
From the aama authority no learn that the train
now known aa the Reynoldsville Aceomodatlon
will be run to DuBola Instead of Reyaoldavllle.
A eligbt change In tbe arrival and departure of
trains on tba Low Grade will be madeoa tho loth
In. tent."
Cleaning Up. Our old-time friend
and neighbor, A. L. Scbncll, Esq , for many yean
a resident of this county, but sown ellisen of
Rrcokvillo, is desirous of serving the dear peopti
of Jefferson county la tbo near future In the
eepaclly of County Commiasloner, and, therefore.
bo waata to present na respectable eppearanee aa
water and the other supplies cf nature will per.
mlt. He took n balk In Redbank the other oven
log, tad tho editor of Iht Brookvlllc aieenat
makes fun of bim In tbla elyle i "In Ibc qaiet
twilight, down by tbe old covered bridge, we saw
a familiar loohlng figure, who might be posing
for tbe ' Loae Fishermen.' Oa n naerer approac
wc discovered that It waa cur old friend, Gust.
Scboell-and he waa fishing he wu only coak
lag aome of his old Jokee. which from age, and
much handling, wore becoming too dry for Imme
dials um during Ihe heated term." (lust, hu
Iota ofatorles to tall, and good enu, too.
A Kemarkabi.e Kstape. On last
Wednesday forooooo, after George Powell bad
delivered coma wlndow-glaaa at tbe aew residence
cf John L. Kragle, cast end of Market street
with his teaa of sorrele, be wu turning aroand
(the wcgoa belag one of those made to turn with
out baching) whea tba wbeela became loetM en
Ibe vehicle wu upset. George, who wu driving.
was oa tho front gearing of thawagea.and near tbi
hones' heels, tad Tommy Rellly, egd about S or
t vsara. who waa a peeaongsr, wu laying oa tbe
footboard. They were dragged o distance of SO. rods
or more, when the teaa waa alopped by werkmea
engaged nl Caeper Lelpoldl'a tew eetlJlog, wao
-.leased the boya frca tbeir perilous situation.
Ertrybody wu eorprleed to find that aallher cf
tb.a were seriously Injured. loang neuiy was
act burl or even seared la the local aad walked of
ae cool and dignified aa a Judge. Ueorge, nctng
avowant heavier, tared woreo, aad although
ao bonea were broken nor wounds made, be wu
trained badly and fell quite core for several deya
trtarwerda. He Is o all right agl
tltuatloa of the hoys wu oao of great danger,
aad H waa fortunate for tbea thai Ihe bonce were
otogbt aa cool, ttbtrwlto tbo ooaeeqeeneee Bight
bare beea quite aad parhapa fatal.
Wo have publiabed the rartoua eommitteoa
appointed to make preperalions for Decoration,
day, and It la hoped they will all get their work
done ia good lima.
The following programme has beea arranged :
The Oralloi will bo delivered from a stand ia
front of tbeCeart Houae nl 1 o'clock F. M., sharp,
by Col. John W. Forney, of Philadelphia.
The proeession will form na Market etreot, tut
of the Coart Hoaso, Immediately after the oration,
and march to the eemelery in the following
order i
CLIef Marshal Dr. I. M. Beheurer.
Aids Cept. Amoa Row, Cant. Feter A. (Julio,
Orpheus Band
Larrimor Foal, No. l;f. U. A. R.-ll.T. King,
eteraa Boliiera and Heilora, not belonging to
the Grand Army 8. 1. Ilurg-e, Commander.
Saebere, Uuests, Clergy, Burgess and Tewa
OlDolala, Members of tbe Bar, Maeone, Odd
Fellows, Aaerlean Meehanios, and Good
Templero Jaa. kerr.Ksa , Marshal,
Deooration Committee F. Q. Harris, Ksq., Mar
shal, bin 8.8. Liddell, and Mary Balrd, Aids."
Citiaene' Band.
Sabbath Schools Lr. J. L. H. Helohhold, W, 0.
Tate and Maurice Holfcr Marshals.
Cllllana Al. W. Wallers, Marahal.
It ia desired that our oitlaena will help to make
this occasion aa Itapreeaive and intareatlng one,
and that many or all of the buildiaga will bo
deooratsd and lLat atraugere vialting our town on
that day will bo rooeived la a oordial and
respectable maaaer.
Committee of Reception Hon. 0. R. Barrett,
Frank 0. Harris, D. L. Kiebe, 8. J. Raw, 0. B.
Ooodlauder, Wm. It. Brown, W. Milton Shaw, P.
Gaulin, Smith V. Wilson, John I. Irrln, Dr.
P. Burahfiold.
A Cure at Last. Specifics without
number for tbe euro of Catarrh have bun txlea-
alvely advertlaed, and doubtltaa there la soma
virtue In all, but the ovidenoe Is overwhelming
that Ely's Cream Balm goes more direotly than
any other to tbe cent of the dieeaae, aad though it
ia a comparatively new discovery, It bu resulted
In more cures within tbe range of oor observation
than all the othera pal together. Wilku-Barro,
Pa., L'ai'oa Ltadtr, December mb, 1879.
Wo have cold Ely'e Cream Balm for Catarrh for
the past year have never had a eomplalat but
have received praises. It gives aatisfactlos to
every one using It. Nat. Wolfe A Co., Druggists,
Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 8th, 1880.
Fatal Kick from a Horse. A cor-
rerpondent lnformc ua of a aad and fatal accident
that occurred la Beocaria towoahip, on Tuuday
evening cf last week, the 10th inst, by which
John Herbert Weld, a Utile con of J. II. and
Jennie Weld, wu kicked by a borsa, and Injured
aeverely that death ensued In aa hour and
t-htlf tftarwarda. Tbe hired man wu returning
with the boreee from the field to tbe bam at aup-
per time. One of them, which waa rnnnlng along
looae, bad alopped and wu pleking grass, when
the little fellow ran pltyfully up behind to cbaac
him, and tba horse lei drive with both fool, In
juring him aeriously and causlog hie death In n
few memento after. The grief-etriokea parenta
hare the sympathy of all lo thia dark hour o
tbeir sad bereavement.
That's Sol When a hen lays an
egg ehe cochlea. When n maa geta In n new
atoek cf goods II Is human for him to crow over tt,
When he eachles, people know that he haa laid In
aome fresh stock nnd feels rnlber proud of it.
When tbo merchant epeno his new styles and
blows his trumpet In the newrpapers people know
that be hae something on hand that la worth
advertising and pntronise bim accordingly. When
he site still aad aaya nothing about it they knew
thet It ia the aame old slock which thsy have so
often seea that he le trytog to batch aome profile
out of. Look over tbe columns of tbe Ruruau.
can and see who our lire mereoanta are.
The Altoona Jhnlu Tribune made its
appearance on Monday morning in aa enlarged
form, adding one colnma to oaoh page and
lengthening all the columna In proportion. Thia
enlargement la cauaed by the Increased patroaage
from advertlaera. Tho publishere are generous
u well at enterprising, and they do But intend
that tbeir largo number of readerc aball bo do
prlved of tho loteat bappenlnga throughout Ihe
country, which they alwaya give in detail.
ia e
The tax-nevere of Clearfield borough are hero
by notified that the duplicate of Borough Taxec
fur 1881 baa beea placed IB my Banda lor eollec-
ion. All peraona desiring tne abatement allowed
by law, mult pay tbeir tales witbia THIRTY
lAi tf trom into date.
J. C. WltivnaL, Dist. Troaa'r.
Clearfield, Pa, May 18, 1881-St.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the Postofflco at Clearfield, Pa., for the week
ending May Ittb, 1881 :
P. B. Carpenter, Ada J. Crowell, Chaa. A.
Dickie (1), Qlanra Mibtly, Molllt Shankle, A.N
Tuthlll (2), Mies Kate Wagnar, Ellas Williams,
P. A. QAULIn, P. M
A number of logmen croated a senna
lion at the Leonard House on Tuesday forenoon,
One fellow flourlshsd a revolver and defied every.
body, making it uncomfortable for tboae nreundnt
tho time. We have not learned of any emits.
e m
ilow can a single does of Ayor's Pills
oure headache f By remorlog ooetruotious irom
tho ayatem relieving tbe atomaoh, and givln.
healthy utlon to tbe digestive opparatua.
To Sportsmen. Ihavefishingtacklo
of all hinda ; alio, powder, shot, lead, eopc, car
tridges, etc. Faun StciBTT.
March 28, 2m.
Our ladies can eet everything they
want nt Fleoh'a cheaper and la leas time then you
could aend to Philadelphia, or elsewhere.
At Moore's, in the Opera II on so, is
the cbeepest place to buy your boots and anoes,
hats, caps, and Gsnts' furnishing goods.
Call at Morrill's hardware store and
sec tho cheapest nnd best Sewing Machine for
the least money. Dec. 22-tf.
Burt's fine shoes for ladios, and Burt
A Mews' shoos for feats', eaa oBly bo bought
Moore's, cod don't yon forget it.
Fleck's store, in Clcarflold, is the
plaoe for dry-goode, dreaa-goods, faney-gooda,
notions, oarpets and oil cloth c.
A beautiful atMortment of children
loco oollers, and ladlea' lcoe ties and nsohwear
every deaorlption at Flvch'a.
Ladios, why do you shop in the city
wbeo yoB cob get everything you want cheaper
at home? Call at Flech'a.
All the latest styles and novelties in
the way of gents Beck wear, are to no aeon
See the trimmed hats and bonnets
Lebman'e ehew-window I Something new ovory
Tho ladies' furnishing goods
Fleek'a "are too lovely for anything." Cell
aeo them.
A nice assortment of lacs mitts
feaa aad paranoic at Lcbmaa'a.
T. A. Fleck's store is filled
handsome goods of every description.
New silk handkerchiefs at Fleck'i
for both ladies aed goBtlomea.
Trunkal Trunksll Satcholsl Satch-
ola 1 1 very cheap al Moora'c
New silk mitts, long, and in all the
new abodes, at T. A. Fleck a.
Now muslins, bleached and unblcac!
ed.all wldlha, al Fleck's.
Ladios' skirts and hosiery of
alsea and eolera at Fleck'c
A large stock of Brussels and In
grain carpeta at r leek t.
Kid gloves in all the beautiful and
desirable sbadee al rieot'a.
Ladios shoes from 75 cents up can
be hoagbt at Moore s.
Now goods! Cheap goods!! (iood
goods, at Moore a.
Now ticking at Flock's store, on
Market street.
New goods received every week
New linen handkerchiefs at Fleck1
New fans and parasols at Fleck
New Yankee notions at Flock's.
Now Goods at IX. A. Krataer's.
New Fancy Uooda at Fleck's.
II la aarprlslag lo most everybody what 'piles
d pUu of do lb log, boots and shoes arc carries
away from tho Boston Clothing Hoaaa, Juat opened
Baxter'c building, Long street, at DuBola, re.
People arc to bo seen nt that House supplying
Ihemselvoe with men's, boya' and children c
loth Ing, boots aad tboot frca every pert and
direction, frca most every Iowa and Tillage ia
this and adjoining Mantlet. DuBola baa never
teaa to aany etraagan coming Into Iowa u low.
Since the opening of tho Qreat Boatoa Clothing
Heuse It won't bo very long until most everybody
for M miles around will bo eonvinoed that a vlait
that coacora, area for aa ordinary purobue,
III pay them well. Tho sales af that House since
the opening la vary large, and the low prices they
are solllnc clothing, boots aad ohoea for will
make the Boston Clothing House, In DuBola, the
load ing place for clothing, booU, shoes, and
everything In the lino of men nnd boys' wear. It
sa the facility of doing it. 6-ia-It
The moat reliable plaoe to get Arat-elaee, faeh.
loaablo millocry goode, and fancy variety goolf.
at Mrs. Watson's, Market street, next door to
the postofllce. Mrs. W. bsa Jutt returned from
Phlltdtlphin, aid la low receiving aa elegant
nook of gooda, wkieh will rarpua any tblag ever
before brought to Clearfield. Tbeeo gooda aro
tbe oaly reliable Summer atylet for the acuon,
gooda bought before May let are nareliable,
both aa to quality and stjls. Ladele visiting
town will do well by examining my gooda before
buying. My goods, eoneidericg the auperlor
duality aad lata styles of trimming, will be cold
very low, u I buy goods for oasb only.
Wax. T. E. Witiou,
Clearfield, Pa., May i. 1881-lt. .
Clearfield Coal Trade State
ment of Goal and other frelghta tent over tho
Tyrone A Clearfield Dlvlalon, PennaylvanlaRail
road, for the week ending May Ttb, 1881, and
tho name time laatyear :
or the weeh
Same time loot year.
Previously during year
Same time last year
otal In 1881
Seme time laet year -
i her
13S ours.
Mieoellaneoua freigbtc
, 210
How She Saved Her Darling. '!
Bball ncvar agaia feel en nwfully nervous aboat
my babies teething," writes a grateful mother.
We almost leat our little darling by a long attach
of cholera Infantum, but happily heard of Parker'
Ginger Tonic Id time. I took a few spoonfuls
myself, which soon cured uy nursing bnby en.
tlrely, aad aa oooaslooal dose hu hept me and
baby In aueb parfeot health, and made u
atrong and comfortable that I would not bo with
out thia reliable urodicine for worlda." A Mother
of Brooklyn. 4-41
New Daily Staoe Line. Jamos L
Leavy haa succeeded in having a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Pennfield, nnd will
hereafter rua a daily Ittgc between tba two points.
His contract began with April 1st, nnd the etege
will leave Clearfield every uomlng (excrpt Bun.
dnri at t o'eloch. maklnr eonneetiona with all
tralnaon the Low Grade Railroad at Pennfield, re.
turning after tho laat train the eamo evening.
Paeaengcra and freight will be carried at low ratee.
Orders left at any of Ibc hotels will be nttonded
This Wat for Your Pumps! Tbo
nderslgned le now cele agent for tbe sale of tho
Celebrated Wooden Pumpa manufactured by tbi
Toledo Pump Company. They are without doubt
tbe beat pump In the world. They throw mora
water, work eaaler, aad laat looger thaa aey pump
over put OB tbe market. Also, for sale, Iroo
Force end Pitcher Tumpa. Repairing done
promptly. Faan SacaarT.
i;iearneld, siaron xcu, looi-aiu.
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
en feel like trading aome of their product for a
eeriea of numbers of ooplu of tbo CLBAkriBLO
RarrjBLicAB, wc will gladly show them where to
put two er throe hundred buahels on noeonnl In
that way. Wo have n bin at cur reeldrneo and
one at tho office that will hold a load every new
nnd tben. A hint to the win It a very aage re
mark, and ehould bo auffloient. tf
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
In the RarnlLlcta will reach mora readers than
if published In nil tho other paport In the coun
ty, and cost tbo advcrtisei leal than one-half
In other worda, an advertlsemeBt pablished in
oor Jcurual it worth double tbt prloo of that
oharged by auy other publisher 1b tbo eouBty.
It Is a fact." If.
A handsome lot lawns, ginghams,
Scotch aopbyr cloths, bantioge, Jamutown al-
paote, euhmeru, aad all kiada of ladlea dreec
goods at H. A. Kratser't.
All wbo have looked at Moore's stock
ao far ooaeede It to na tbe beat, flneat and Boat
tyllah that over eamo lato Clearfield.
Tho most stvlish line of slippers that
ever come lato Clearfield eounty arc only to bo
nl Moora'c. Apr. 27, 'Sl-tt.J
Flock employs a milliner of experi
cnoo and tasto to trim hats and bonnets to order,
on short notice'
Ladies' gossamer wator-proof cloak
and gentlemen c gossnmer watcr-proor coats
A fino lot oi Ladios' now Spring
Coats of tbt latest styles and paterae Just rooeived
at Lebman'e.
llavo vou soon the latest Spring and
Hummer styles in nunnery gooos r it not, cai
nt Fleek'a.
The stock of ladies' slippers and
Hiaau alipperc nt Moore a cenaot be beaten
tbo city.
Moore's are just receiving all tho
latest styles ia men I and boys' bite aau snoec.
I have a fine line of bats and bon
acts for ladlea the lateet atylea. T. A. Flbcb,
Flock has enough goods in his line
ol business to supply every ledy ib ibo eouniy
Beautiful laces, embroideries an
white gooda at II, A. Krataer. 0 4 fit
If you don't believo Fleck has nic
cheap goods, oall and seetnem lor yourseii,
McCall's Now York glove-filliii
paper patternc sold by U. A. Krataer.
Did you see the handsome goods
Fleek'a enow wiadow 7
A handsome stock
gooda cheap at Flech'a.
of ladies' dress
Fleck invites yon to go there for
your millinery goods.
New hats and bonnets for ladies an
misses nt Fleok'o.
New hats and bonnets for ladies an
misses at Fleeh'e "
If you don't sco what you want
Fleck'c, aak for It.
Now black silk milts, perloctly beau
tlful, at Fleck a.
Straw bats can be bought at Mooro'
for I eonte.
New collars and cufla for ladies, at
A. Fleek'a.
Fleck's now goods aro ready
and black Kid gloves
Now goods rooeived every weok
Go to T. A. Fleck's and see bis now
gOOlll I
New Fancy Goods at Fleck's.
New tablo linen at Fleck's,
.a-. a.
New dross goods at Fleck's.
New dress gooda at Flock's.
Now carpets at Flock's.
New carpols at Fleck's.
New corsets at Fleck's.
Me Karroo, Will Too kindly allow mo lo
vo aa account of a birthday party, which mat
the home af Wa. 0. TBoau, la kit county,
laat Tueedav. Tho oooeatoo wu the 77lh
birthday of Mrs. Mary Thomas. Id re. Thomas
wu bora In Lycemlng county, and after muriage,
moved with ber husband, Williaa Thomee, to
Maoeh Chunk, Pa., and arterwarde returned to
tbe Weet Breach. Ftftoea years ago her hueband
id. Siaoe Ibeo she haa uvea wilb ker children,
hnm all eiebt in BumberBamelr t John.
amee, William, Mra. l'oue, Mre. Froeland, Mra.
Bendy, Mrs. Morcaa and Mra, MoCullougb are
etlll living. All these children eacept John, who
In Kaoaaa, aad Mrs. morgan, wno nvee in
Hasqusbanaa oouoty, Pa., were present al tbe
arty. Healdoa male, more were aueeui, are.
raaland'e eldeet eon. Mre. Pease'c daughter aad
wo obildren, Mre. Buady'a eldeat daughter and
her huaband and too grandchildren, and one
great-grandchild of Mra. Thomas ll dud.
IB lelt me numuer ei reiuea present i o onii-
ebilren, 42 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren.
Mre. David Tyler, a aousia of ihe
family, and aevoral invited friende were preaent.
Mr. David Tyler, aa old and valued friend of tbe
family oould not bo there. A grand dinner waa
aerved. No leu than twenly-lve large cakes and
other good Ihlags in proportlca belag OB hand.
The young people bed a table for theiaeolvu, aad
all enjoyed the occasion grutly, a. n. a.
I have a good assortment of ladies'
i. A. rbeca.
The bust $ 1 shirt is for sulo at Moore's.
Now oil clothsand mattings at Fleck's.
New funs and parasols at Fleck's,
Now Yankoe notions at Flock's.
New ginghams at Flock's.
R0VCH-J0NE3. On Sunday, May ltb,
1881. bv Aadrew Rankin, Ksq., Mr. S. B. Hoi'ca
and Miss Civaxau J. Joxtt, all of Kartbaua
CONDON WILSON On Sunday. May 8th
1881. bv 0. W. Strever.b'sq., Mr. John T. Conoon
nnd Miaa Annin WlLaon.ell of Glrard lowaahip.
LINES PATT0N- At Pennvlllo, on Satur-
ay, May 14th, 1881, by Uberleo Helper, ivsq..
Mr. Ku M. Lirbi, of Bloom township, and Miss
abt J. Pattom, of Curwansville borough.
WILSON 8F.LFRID0B. On Wednesday,
May 1 1 th, 1881, by J. B. Sbe, Esq., Mr.jAUua
wiioonand Miaa babab j.BtLraiDue, an oi
Goahea township.
RAINEY RAVtinT. At the residence nf the
bride's parenta, on Tburaday, May 12th, 1881, by
Kav. Wm. M. Alurobtleld, Mr. w. w . HAiaxv and
Miaa Mat Havuht, both of DuBola, Clearfield
GRAHAM. lo Uraham township, May 2d,
I8HI, Ci una Obaiiak, at-ed 10 yeara, 7 montba
and 8 daya.
QLANTZ. In Clearfield borough, on Wedner-
dav. Mav 11th. 1881. of dlahthena, Mantle M.,
daughter of M.S. and E. S. Olanta, aged 8 years,
months and 10 days.
WELD. In Beocaria township, on Tuesday
evening, May lutb, 1881, Irom tne kick oi n
lorse, Johu HauanaT, son ol J . xt. aim Jennie
eld, aged 4 years, a montns and in uaya.
THOMPSON. In BradT township, on Satur-
ay, May 141b, 1881, CitaisvlAau, wlta of George
M. Thompaoa, aged to yeara.
Wc rompad with her many a time some forty
years ago. She wu I alster at Mr. namuoi
Arnold, of Curwooavilla, and F. K. Arnold, of
eynoldsvillc, aad wu a noble slater, wife and
mother. Now, after life's tint! fever she rests
POTTER. In South Stillwater, Mianeaota, on
F,l,L. morulao. Mav (lb. 188 1, oi biatn lever.
Mre. Katib Pottba, aged 20 yeara, 2 montha aad
10 daya.
Deareat Katta thofl hast left us i
Here .thy lose we deeply feel
But 'tis God that hut bereft us ;
He cub all our sorrows heal.
Yet egals wa hope to meet thee.
Wbeo ourlife cb earth hu tied
Tbes in lloaven with Joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tear Is abed.
There a loved one lies in beauty rare,
With tbe while alili lips on death damp hair !
When aball tbe aaswor oome to mc
And eolvc tbis cwful mystery. A. A. A.
Out Ui nnnaD Pan Cant. Dlsoorav o Olo Hewina- Machines con now be purchaaM
at M.rr.ll's tin and variety atora, from eUt up
wards. All kinds of aewlng machines rapairad
OB the ahortaat Botiee.
Clearneld, Pa., duly 18, 1177.
WatTBO. Delivered at tne Rail Road.
100,(100 20-inoh abaved ahinglee.
100,000 14-ineh aawed shingles.
011,000 fct of pine boarda.
800,000 14-feet abaved boopa.
8,000 railroad tiee.
60,000 f..t of good hemlock boards.
For which I will pay the highest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on tho
Tyrone A Clearneld Kallroad.
a. a. ivnauao.
ClearBold, Pa., Oct. 16, 187S-U.
Jiiett Ilecclred.
Jmt Rooniveti by ARNOLD,
Car Load Nova Scotia riastor !
Car Load puro Corn, Rya and Oats
Chop I
Car Load Deauen sail i
Car Load of Choice Family Flour I
Car Load Dry Roods, Grocories.&c!
BdrShinclca, Bark. 11. R. Tics and
Grnin will be tuken In exohange.
Curvronsvillo, May 1, 1B78.
CLBABriBLD, Pi., May 17
Flour, per wt.
Buckwheat Flour, perewt ...
Corn Meal, per ewt -
Chop, rye, par cwt
Chop, mixed, per ewt
Bran, per ewt .....
Wheat, per bushel
Rye, par buabel
Oats, per bushel
Corn, ears, per bushel
Buckwheat, per buibel
Clorer seed
Timothy seed
$3 00
1 M
1 40
1 00
1 10
e to
1 00
I 00
Potatoes, per auabel
Applee, per bushel
Hams, per pound
Bboulilar, per pound
Dried Beef, per pound
Chickens, per pair
Butter, per pound
Kggi, par doien
Belt, per sack, Urge
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Applee, per pound...
Dried Peaohea, per pound,
Deans, per bushel
I to
Oil Quotations !
f.iibrtYnffrir. Kttlntd tf .Wlnm'
nilLirSBUIUi, l'ENIJ'A.
Wc ojoot. our broods of Pstrolcum and olbcr oils
(sOfel (0 etnrffei c.anye.) oraiivereu irw
oa board cere at any atatioa on
Ihe Tyrone A Cleerfield
Reined Oil, Stale Test... .per gal.
PrimeWhite, 160 " .... " "
WelerWblte.ltO '.,"
Ilalne, ! ' ....
At loweal
market ratea
cooc lo cost.
B.ntln., tl Gravity..
Naptha, 711 " ...
...per gal $
(leaolln., tt " "
Winer.' Lamp, '00 test "
C.r Axla Oil, (W. Va.) Kim. "
., (W.Va.)Mrdm. "
(W.Va.)Bomm'r "
Natural Lubricating "
Kranhlla " Kxlra. "
i. ii Summer. "
Black Diamond "
flroea Knglne "
Gulden " -
Amber " "
XXX ' "
No. I Spindle "
Matchleaa Cylinder Oil "
N..J " . "
Wool Oil, Ne. 1 "
Lard Oil (.itralWiatar etrala'd "
" Ne. 1 "
No. I "
kVllpee Inglne, No. I "
.. .' No, I "
No. t '
" 32
a It
" ..... 40
' .... .5
i 4t
Itinera' Yellow, per galloa...,
At loweal mar
ket ratee with
out rof. to cost.
HV ttVJttt-TKK prUtt nf
mrrl alt fomprfllloit.
may 4, 'll-ly..
gi-u) giflvtrtisrmruts.
rirA!;0JB) poH ajAI.EI The eubserlbn
W has two Two-HorM Wagons, B..rly bow,
for calc. Will be acid cheep. Celloa or oddrest
Cle.rfl.ld, Pa., March I, 1 nil I t.
Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs.
Camaavtllo, Jaa. , 'Tl tf.
gUur flmtistrntuts.
Notice of Incorporation.
NOTICE la hereby given that the "Exoolaler
Cornel Band," of Du Bols, will present a
petition to the Court of quarter Sessions, on
Wednuday, May Ii, ISBI, for a Charter of la
corporatioD for aaid Band.
GEO. M. FERGUSON, Recorder.
Clearfield, Pa., May 4, 1881-JU
Shingle Mill for Sale.
A LA RUB Buok.yo Bblngl Maobiao m U
, purohaiad rery chaaplron thanltraigntd.
Tb Urmi will bo mada nay to tbt purobatar in
prloo and tfma. Fur furlbor Information eall at
'lilanohard'i Hotnt Camp," la I'aloa towothip,
or addreii tba underiljtntd al Koebton, ClaarHaU
eouniy, PD0'a. N APOLKON MeDU.NALD.
Kuokton, My 4, I8SI.41.
Clearfield Nursery. ijS
npJII andtrrirntd, harlnf titabllihod a Nur
JL aory oa tba Tib a. about half way balwon
Clearfield and CurwonirilU, Ii praparo! to fnr
Diib all kiodi of FHLIT IKK US, (standard and
dwarf,) Krrrgrooni, Bbmbbary, Urapo Vlnaa,
Uooiebarnr. Lawton Blackberry, HtrawbanTt
and Haapbarry Vlaca. Alio, Bibarlao Crab Troai.
Uulnoa. and oarly loarlat Kbabarb. Ao. Ordan
promptly attandnd to. Add ran,
wp3tM8.j Cnrwaoavllla, Pa.
ALL Ihoie two etrtaia loti of ground with
dwalliag houae thereon, situate on Market
treet, oppoiite the Alleghany Houae, Id the bor
ough ol Uiearoeia, Having a iron, od im nreet
of 100 feet, and aiundina In depth Vt fvet to an
alter, known in the plan of aaid boroucb ai lota
No a. lAi and 174, being the estate of James
Thompson, deceased. Aiipiy to
W. U. tJIt.LKK,
Attorneys for owner.
Clearflald, Pa., May 4. lflH-tl.
A Bargain !
The nnderaitrned offer at nr. rite sale that Tel
uiible farm situated in UKAllAM TOWNtilUP,
Clearfield oouoty, known aa the
Containing 122 aores, 5(1 of which are eleared,
and baring thereon erected a large frame dwell
ing huuae, I tune frame barn, and the other Beers
sary outbuildings, together with a large orchard,
good water, etc. Tba property will be sold on
very cany terms. For further particulars inquire
of the Subscriber, In person, or by letter.
Clearfield, Pa., March 24th,
Mechanical ani Agricultural Lime
of the Very Best Make !
Low BatoB of Froiglit on
Full CarLoaAa.
JAND PLASTER. Wt sell IheCayuga ground
J plaater at low prices by the ear load. In
apeaklng of Ikit oeleurated plaster ae compared
with the Novaeootta or while plaater, the OraBge
Judd Co., publishera of tbe Aawn'eaa AoriewllMr.
'(, aay, "There le bo difference; the price ia
the only consideration." Address,
April Otb, 13813m. B.llefonle, Pa.
br cirea that the following accounts hare
been examined and paused by ma, and remain
filed of record In this oflloe for the inspeotion of
belrs, legatees, creditors, and all otbera intereetcd,
and will be presented to the next Orphans' Coart
of Clearfield oounty, to be held at the Court
House, in the borough of Clearfield, commencing
tbe fourth mod Jar (being tne z.ta aay) ui
May, A. D. mi :
Final accouot of F J ward Curry, Administrator
of W. 6. Carry. laU of Cheat township, Clearfield
ooanty, Penoaylrania, deceased.
Partial aoeount ef W. W. Betta and Mary K.
Shaw, Administrators of A. U. Shew, late tf
Lawrenoe township, Ulearneia county, re., dee a.
Final account of Joseph M. gpenoer, Guard lao
of Lydia t. Porter, (ia a-1 ate of Nancy Porter,)
late of Clearfield oounty, Pennsylvania, deceased .
Final aepount of Zacharla McNaul, Guardian
of Arthur Mc Bride, son and heir of Wm. M' Bride,
Sr late of Curweni fills borough, Clearfield ooan
ty, Penn'a.
Final aceountof Lrula P. LeonardsAdmtofstra-
trlx ef tbo estate ef Charles W. Leonard, late of
Lawrenoe townablp, Clearfield oounty, Pennsyl.
vanla, deceased.
Final aoeount of J. H. Pentt. Guardian of W. O
Pents. one of tbe heirs of Jacob Penis, late of
Brady township, Clsarfleld couaty, Penn'a, dee d
Final aceountof P. K. Pents, Execntorof tbe
last will and testament of Jacob Pents, late of
Brady townablp, Clearneld county, Pa-, deceased.
Final account of Dr. J. W. Potter and C- Brows
Adminittratoia C. T. A. the pereoual estate of
John Heiter, Sr., lata of Covington township,
Clearfield eounty, deceased, with distribution ao
eount. Final account of Joseph Patterson and Alei.
Ferguson, In estate of Joseph HoCully, deceased.
OROKORU. FHKUU80N, Register.
Clearfield, Pean'a, April 27, 1881.
SherilT's Sale.
BY rlrtue of Write ef K-nai(foN. Erpenat,
Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Clearfield eounty, and te me directed, I will ex-
Kse to publis sale, at the Court House in the
rough of Clearfield, on
Thursday, May 2U, IKHI,
At I o'clock P.M., the following deacrlbed real
estate, to wit t
A certain tract ef land situated In Woodward
township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded and
described as follows: lleginoiug at a birch tree
oa the east bank of Clearfield creek ; thence south
east on tbe main Company'e line 40 perches, more
er less, to a stone pile ; thenee southweit to a
hemlock tree about 40 perch oe j thence north
west to Clearfield creek ; thenee along eaid ereek
to plaoe of beginning, containing Ore aores, more
or less, and baring thereon erected a aaw mill,
dwelling house, stable, and oilier outbuildings.
Kelisd, taken In elocution, and to be sold as
the property of Wm. 11. Joy,
All of Defendant's Intersil In a eertain traot of
land situated In Decatur township, Cleerfteld eoun
ty, Pa., bounded aa follows: 'Ou tbo east and
south by Mosbannon ereek, on the north and weal
by land of J. F. titeiner and George H. .etgler,
being about 1ft acres, more or less, and partly
oleartd, open to the commons.
All of Defendant's Interest fn that eertain
lot or piece of ground situated in Decatur town
ship, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aa loiiowa:
On the weal br land ofCbarlea H. Fester'e heirs,
on the east br Oconto 11. ZoiirUr, on tbe south by
unknown parlies, being about three acre eleared
iid onen to the commons.
Belied, taken io execution, and to be sold as
tbe property ol J. II. Jones.
A eertain tract of land situate In Huston to
ahin. Clearfield aountr. Fa., bounded on the south
by land of Ueorge Williams, on tbe north by land
Of tleorgo, and on tne easi ana waa. oj
same, containing one hundred acres, more or less,
II timber lend.
Heised, taken In eiecuHon, and so be sold as
the property of John C. Tyler.
A eertain tract of land situate In Jordan to -ru
sh In. Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded and de
scribed aa follows! Beginning al stones, eoroer
of piece eold to Thomas Htrong; thenee 37, de
crees east 42 perches to stones t thenee north 631
degrees east TT perehea to atones also comer of
pieoe eold to Thomas Htrong, and both of Ihe two
laat mentioned corners being along the Hoe ef the
piece sold to said Htrong; thenoe south JU de
grees east fl4 perches to hemlock thenee south
i2 degrees west 1IT perches to a line t thence
north Wt df ptrees west 60 Ml perehea lo atones
and plaoe of beginning, containing 4V acree and
7) o-io peroQM net measure, oeing pan oi tbv
of land aurreyed In name of William Jobnooa A
Co .harins: about 1 acres eleared, more or Itii.
Heised, taken In execution, and te be eold as
the property or A. . straw and titram niraw,
By writs ef Lnari Fana on tbe same day and
dale, the following traeta, io wu:
All that eertain traot or piece of ground sita
ated in Oraham townhii. Clearfield oounty, Pa.
bonnrled and deaer bed c follows t Becinninf al
a white oak corner ; thenee north by land ef John
Unit 4v perches to post eoroer, tbence ny maa
of John Merlin east 98 perch ee le post i thsnce
south by land of Thomas Coleman 4V perches to
post eoroer, and l Hence west VH percnes io wniie
oak and ulaoe of beginninc, containing thirty
aores, more or less, being part ef a larger tract of
land surveyed on 1 1 tb Uotober, iivi, on warrant
ranted to Tench Francis.
Keiied, taken la execution, and to be sold as
tbe property ef Mary A.&bimalaad Iiaao Sbimel,
A eertsla two ilorr frame dwelllna houae with
lot and eurltlafe arnurteoant thereto, being 16
br 14 feet in stis, wilbnul aay bark buildings.
Ha Id building tl i Hasted in nasi uieerneiq on tot
Ao, M in plot of Dins adiiitioo.
Heised. taken la execution, and lo be sold as
tbe propertr of Derld Uray, Defendant, and
Samuel McLaughlin, tenant ta poasesilon,
A eertain two-story dwelling house situate In
lloatsdale, on tbe northwest earner of Kliie end
Charles streets,wlth let and curtilage appurtenant
Heised, taken in execution, and le be told as
tbe property of William Cballis,
Tonus or fl.LB. The price or tnm at whl"h
the property shall be struck off mast be paid at the
time of eale. or aueb Ather arrangements made as
will be approrod, otherwise tbe property will be
Immediately put up tad sold agaia at tbe expense
and risk of tbe person le whom ll was struck off,
and who. In ease of deficiency al ouch re-sale,
shall make good tbe aame, and ta wo Instance
will tbe Deed be presented Is Court for eonnrma
tloa unless the money Is actually paid te tbe
htrtff. JAMS') MMlArr-ni,
I Hainirr's Orrtca, 1 Sheriff.
I Clearfield, Pa May 4, 1111.
guv &mi$mtn$.
lion aaatly exoeatod at thic oflleo.
4 1. ton f " "m'
Bamplec worth
ejirj eavu free.
Addreat Sviaaoa A Co.,
Portland, Maiac.
VTOTK'K. Th. undaralgnod, residing In Ihe
1 Tillage of Weilover, In Chert township,
net Bade tba aaeeasarv arranxementa and pro-
poees to open aa BATING llOt'SK for tho ao
oouaodatioo of the public generally, aad X here
by aolielt a liberal share of tbe public patronage.
JOHN J. DhlVAlt,
We.tover, Pa., Fab. , 1881-tf.
and Pino townships, Clearfield county.
Reasonable time given for part of purchase -tP
money. Prices 18.110 to 114.00 per acre.!F
Minerals reserved. L. BIRD, Ageat,
P.nfield, Pa.
orWaLLtca A Kaaaa,
Sept. 10, mil-tf. Clearfield, Pa,
Prices of Shingles,
CurwcBOvlUe, Jaa. , '7-"-
SIIOENAKINa I hereby Inform my pa
trons, nnd mankind In g.n.ral, that 1 bave
removed my ahoemaking abop to tho room ia
Urahem'e row, over 8. 1. Snyder's Jewelry store,
and that I am piepared to do oil kindc of work
in my lino cheaper tbaB any other shop In town.
All work warranted na good at can bo done any
where else. PoelUvely this Is tbe cbeapeat abop
in Clearbeld. JOS. 11. DEKRINO.
Deo. II, 1878-tf.
Eight Farms for Sals or Rent!
The subscriber proposes to fell or rent a num
ber of I arms located as follows t The first situate
In Burnslde townihip, Centre oounty, containing
160 acres, baring thereon erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to aeburch, and known
as the James Mulbolland farm.
ALSO, another farm situate fn Graham town
ihip, Clearfield eounty, containing 117 acres, with
Ibe neeesiary ImproTemeots. This farm isnnder
laid wita a UOUU VK1N OF CUAL.
ALSO, aii other farms in tbe vicinity of French -
Tlllr, containing reapectfully 112, 100, VS, 6&, 60
and 20 acree. These farms all hare biases and
lvirtii thereon. ood water, beer lot orobuds on
same, aa well as tome good wood land. For
farther particulars cell In person, or add ran the
undersigned by letter. i.. at. tuiuninr.
Jan. IVtD, 1881-tt. ircncnriue, re.
The underalfned haa oomo to the cooclutlon le
quit farming and follow Bis oocupauon, a ear-tit-nter.
tad now offers fr sale his farm, situate
one and a half miles north of Clearfield borough,
Most of which tt eleared and under good cult Ira
Uon, and baring thereon a good
Larve frame barn, and other necessary outbuild
ings. toKetber with ao orchard of all kind of
fruit, and an excellent spring ef water. The
This nronertr will be exebanred for smaller prop
erty, or sold oa easy terms in paymente. For
further particulars eall on the premises or address,
JOHN C. HEED, Clearfield, Pa.
March loth, 8Sl-tf.
Thomas A. Duckett,
I HEREBY giro notice to tbe citliena of Clear,
field and the surrounding rlcinity that I aro
prepared at all times to furnish families and
manufacturing establishments with a superior
quality of
Coal, Wood g Coke,
Which I am nreperad to d.llvvr io a few boure'
Botlce. 1 am alwaya ready to haul and deliver
trom ond te the depot, or anywhere elao, and
move femiliea and bonsebold goode anywhere on
abortnotioe. thus. a. ULUKnit,
ClaarOeld, Pa., liar. 41, 18ot-tf.
Re-Union of Trade,
rpilE undersigned wishing to Inform the public
J. tnat ne openea a
At th. old st.nd In Troutvllle, Cla.rl.ld county,
Pa., on tbe 18th laet, with n full stock of
Ikxita, altoca, Etc.,
In fact avervthini to be found In n first deal store,
all of which I am determined to sell at tbe lowest
oash price..
will And it to their advaataxe to do their dealing
with me, aa the blgbeet pricee will bo paid for
Urain, Sbioglea, or Produce or any kind. Part
or one-bilf oaab will be paid. Trading for
Shinglee or Lumber of any kind a rpecialty. Also,
agent lor
Singer Sewing Machines.
HarLnff made arrangements with Eastern nsr-
chants to aell goods furnished me, therefore call
and sea, as I will be enabled to sell cheaper than
the ebeapest. J. W. UArtL.ll.ri,
1 rout vi lie, re., oepu z, i-iy. "
James Lg. Leavy,
Marine purchased the entire stock of Fred
Beckett, hereby gives notice that he bas mored
Into the room lately occupied by Reed A Hagerty,
on Second street, where he ta prepared lo odor to
ne publlo
of the latest luiprored patterns, at low prices.
Gas Fixtures and Tinware.
Roolng, Spooling, Plumbing, Oat Pilling, and
Kepalrlag Pumpa a apeolaliy. Ail
work warranted.
Anything in my lino will be ordered apodal
deoired. jaa. l,. i,aA i,
Clearled, Pa., January I, Hit tf.
.llfJOl Ml.VLIf
Desirable Real Estate
Estate- of Zlicli&rd Sha vr, Sr., Doe'l
rTlIIR nnd.rvlgn.d. Fxwutors of th. estate
I RICI1AKU till AW. Sr.. deposed, will .fl.r
at public s.l. .1 ibe tot HI liuutn. la tbe nor
ongb ol utoarueid, ra., ou
Wedncsdny, June 1st, 1881,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. hi..
The followiag valuable real estate, vis t
The three. ctory IIRICK BOTKL properly,
eorner of Market and first streets, IB tne
ough of Clearteld, known na
'Tho Shaw House,
FrOBtlog with two lots of ground thereto bele.glni
IOO feet on Market street, naa
I j 14 dwelling koun eli'arhed. The tt
ill tol pr.n.r bos sixty hod-rooms .nd
Xal all oonvealencee for a Irsl-eleoc
hotel. Oa. of tb. moot desirable hotel properti
Ib o..hI p.anevlvania.
vl. .iw... will b. .old tox.lher with atwi
.i... rv.m. dw.lllna boos, on M.rb.t alreel, ad
Jeceat to tne lioiei, ana one m.i .u, .,..
kouse and a iwo-eiory ei.i. hum,.,,
oa M.rk.t atroot.
ALSO. All thai oerlalt lot, kaowa ll the
plat, of ClaarSeld borough ae Lot No lav,
(mating 51 foil oa Locust etreot, rua-1
alng b.rk 1 71 foot, more or less, to aa alley J
with dwelllna house and out -J
buildings therooaereetod,udolb.r improvement!.
Tf.H.n or BAt.Ki
On.-t bird eaah at d.llv.rr of good dd, aai
lb. b.l.neo lo he Hcurad by bond and mortgage,
payable la oao and two years, wlin
ring Ki
Clearleld, Pa, April I, l-tt.
$m. g.fli'rrtiSfrafats.
The Great CLOTIIING Emporium!
IF YOU want to study your ow
the above establishment and
Hats, Gents' Furnishing G.ods &c,
Whether yoa wieb to make a porobaae or not, we ihall be pleased at all timet te shew yea ear
asiurtment of goo la, which will at -no eoarlnee J that ear
Styles are the Best, and
emciobor, nleo, that wo have aa elegant aesortmsnt of PIKCI GOODS, of tb latest aoveltlca,
Aad we arc prepared to 1IAK SUITS TO 0RDKR
M Sail IB INH III IB bWWB. iaill(livli
Opera House Block, opposite postoffice,
Tho largest find best assortment of wagons ever brought to
One car load of CONKLIN wagons,
One car load of
Which we will sell at factory prices. We buy these wagons by
the car load and pay CAclt for them, theretore we are able
to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county.
We guarantee these wagons to be first-class
in every respect. Also, a lot of
Platform Spring Wagons Buggies.
One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper
than ever before sold. Give us a
February 23, 1881-tf.
Curwcnsvllle, Pan
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
T iiuv direct from iobbers nnd manufacturers, receive iroodi at
car loml rates, hence can compete
pbia houses.
Also, jjeaier in
Saw Logs, Lumber,
Parties having bark to haul
and receive liberal advances.
Give me a call.
Sept. X, HtO-tf.
TX3VX H3 3F1.
an Lir.,1. nr rv.lrta .ml CnlTlna
short notice, including the fioeiit as
lacturcd. Uur
COXU'Xfju A'At-xanv-iaa w
Ia tho bnt In uno, and will bo furnithed when required. Funerala attended
in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second elreet, or leare
your ordon at Troulmon'i Furmturo
. , ,n ,r
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curw.nsvill., Pa. Jan. I , lltl lf
mWKNTY II0USK8 and LOTS la Clearneld
1 for nl. at r....n.H. jrjeto and oa oesy
lirms. Also, severel FAKMS In Drodford end
Orah.a townships. Af ply to ..
Deo. I, 'ao-lf-l Cleartold, Pa.
Fine Italiau Marble in thcSlatc,
Both FINISI1RD or 1'Jf KINISBKD. Wc pat
op aay work that .n bo dote in thceily at mnoh
cheeper rates. Wc will ,al ap
a Itellen Marble or flrealta, cheaper thoa It eaa
be done la aay other part of the Hlale. Any por
eon keying monumental work te amoaat of 114 and
upward., will have faro paid to aad from Philipe
barg. De aot ho fooled with cheep Aanerieau
marble when yoa eaa buy lac ItaJlaa marble at
lower pricee.
tr-UIAD STORKS a specialty.
Produce aad aonvoved ..r.r wiU bo tekea ia
exobange for Cemetery work. Alleeae paymcatc
will be aad. ta Ibc Mobenaoa Uantleg to, i
th.orHl.f R. P1KRCB,
Pbillpshurg, Pa., Jaa. It, llll.-tm.
m ,tttxMtmtt.M.
n interest, do not fail to call at
our Prices the Lowest.
idwpuh ivr
AT SHORTEST NOTICE, aad aball endeavor
call before buying elsewhere.
BRO., Clearfield, Pa.
with New York and Fhiladel
Shingles and Bark.
during the Winter, can contract
Also, advances made on Saw isogi.
X" -A. T3L 3E. 3E1. .
kent on band, and furnished to order Ol
well ai the cheapest that can be mam-
ritore, adjoining tne """"'"'i-
Clearfield, Pa-
1 1 1 a day at hoaao oallty ojada.
ejt I av Coalty oatat iree uem. a. a.
Aagusia, HtU.a.
C V (
Curwenovllle, Pa., Jaa. I, 71-ti.
ONEY Tf LOAffaOa tret-elnet
wrovotl font nrcnertr, ty tke Matnal Lift
Id iure
urence Cos poo 7 ef Ne Tork, n re mii- w rrooi l,o) , rer rortker ia
fometioa uplf to the imfereiirM!.
OlcorfleK fo M7 It, UTf -If.
Till snbeeribor hereby glvoc aolloo thai be
la now delivering coal of aa excel leat a.aeniy
and propoeee to oporeto his miaa
So that bo will bo eaabm lo eopply bis metemerc
at all timet with good faoL Ho Semmer vaca
lloa. Ordan by mail promptly tiled.
R. m. tBAW.
Clearleld, Pa, Mareb 1, Ul-if.
Coal iCoal i !
Till loderelfaeti, kivlag rocreJ t keM of
Irtt ewsn eeel vela, kM ftm4 ltkii,
e4 le bow Brftrel to firalfh oneteeien wlik
Iret-eleee ertlele of eoJ ot efcert aetleo, it
tho Moderate priee of BIX CUNTS hwhd.
All orden Ion ot t eboB will We proaoU? ot.
Uadedto. WM.E. BUonW
Clotrlold, ftv, r.h, t, lltl-lj.