Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 18, 1881, Image 2

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GlOBQl B. G 00 1 lander, Editor.
Reader, If yott went to koow what Is going on
In too bosiness world, lust read our advertising
oolnmns, too fyeet'aj ooluno le partloular.
A Good Sell. A cotomporary aaya:
"Dr. Tanner, tho luster, Ia out West
soiling to dentists a machine for ad
ministering laughing gaa."
A Good Doctor. The editor of tho
J, owes (Del.) Light appcare to have
much contempt for chromoa. He is a
physician, and, instead of chroinos,
he offers to vaecinato every now sub
acriber to his papor.
A Joke. Henry A. Wise, of Vir.
ginia, is said to have beco the author
ol tho phraso, "Tho ofllco seeks the
man ; not the man tho office." Add
liia name to the list of American au
thors of fiction. Boston Post.
Cash, Anviiow. An exchange re
marks: "Colonel Ingersoll is said to
havo cleared 820,000 from his lecture
on 'Hell,' whoreupon somebody re
marks that it thore is no hell this is
making a good deal out of nothing."
Editor Hatstead, of IheCinciooeti Cmmreial,
wants somsbodj to tak. Conkling, bend bim ofar
a ebfttr and spank blin with a olippcr. Baltimort
As the Commercial man haB been on
gagod in tho "slipper" business for
over fifty years, why doos ho not sail
in now ? Why play tho boy ?
II is A Posey. A cotcmporary
says; "Mr. S. W. Dorscy, ex-Senator,
appears to havo knotted and tied him
self with telegraph wiro so that he
cannot he extricated from the Star
routo inlamy. This is an allliotion ior
bis raoro intimato friends, but honest
men can stand it."
On Hohbiback. The Chambors
bnrg Spirit says ; "Daily ovening rides
in the saddle aro taken by President
Garfiold. He's getting proud. Last
year he was contont to bo on 'the tow
path.' Now ho tukes his daily gallops
with a view to being known in 1884
os 'the man on horseback.' "
MoreThouhi.e. A Washington cor
respondent says: "Thero is a split in
tho Pennsylvania delegation in the
Senate on tho Conklmg-administration
fight. Simon Cameron's 'boy' goos with
Conkling, and Mitchell, having gotten
to the windward of tho corn-crib, in
tends to go with tho administration."
Losing Klesii. Tho Cleveland Plain
dealer hingos in this way: "A regret
from Governor's Island : Somebody
told Goneral Hancock the other day
that Garfield had lost forty pounds in
weight since his inauguration. 'That
is tho Grst thing 1 have heard,' quickly
icsponocd mo Ocnerul, 'wliluu causes
mo to regret that 1 was defeated.' "
Saddle baootd. "Tbo devil himself.
must be in it," was tbo spirited rcruaik
by tho Ohio Itcpublican who wont to
Washington to see tbo row for himself.
Whether bo had Conkling, tho Presi
dent or Blaine in his mind's eye did
not appear. Ho has, bowovor, con
cluded that tho dovil is running the
machine and none but Ohio men need
A Campaign Note. Tho editor of
the Now York Express tallies this for
tho President: "'Please tell mo how
the departments generally are doing,'
says Garfield in his begging letter to
Urady, through his alter ego Iluhbcll.
In other words, '.Squeeze the clerks
somo more' Yet Garfiold wroto such
edifying articles on civil service reform
that Mr. D. 15. Eaton weeps when be
thinks of them."
The Common I.iiiei.ik. Tho dailies
of the I3lh inst. all had this to say
about the proprietor of tho Now York
Herald. Although at tho hcutofthe
greatest nowspapor on this Continent,
the nowsmonger had no right th pla
card him la this wny :
S. Gordon rtsnnett ie e.ld to he, lost $26,000
At eardaln Moo, Franee, ooo sight recently,
JfttnM Gordon Bennett, It It announced by tho
H'AiffAaHi England) Retitw, ii engaged to nierrv
tho daughter of tho I'rioet do Faratonhtrg.
However, somo nowspapor mon are
hngcly prolific on personals, and they
may as well exhaust that special tal
ent on Mr. Bennett as on somo coun
try journalist.
"The Government" on A
cotomporary says: "A Senator who
called on the President recently to talk
over the situation, describes Garfield
i becoming very much excited, giving
emphasis to his words by striking the
table with his fist and saying that, in
his opinion, Conkling had planned to
act upon the nominations of his own
fiiends and then to force a final ad
journment, leaving tho r.ominalion of
ltobertson in bis own Committee to
smother until Decombcr. Such an ac
lion, tbo President claimed, would not
bo just to him, and ho has determined
to nso all of his efforts to securo some
action on iiobertson's case. This p
pears to dispel all doubts as to whether
Garfield belongs to the order of vertebra-."
Model Statesmen. Tho editor of
the Philadelphia Timet, on the 14th,
thus alludes to tome facts in which
the publio has an interest, vir. : "Tho
Pennsylvania Legislature has reached
the spit ball stago and tho statesman
like practice of throwing paper wads
about the House seems to have expe
rienced a sudden and wonderful devel
opment during tho week. It became
eo much of a nuisanco that yesterday
the aseistanco of theSergeant-at-Arms
was invoked to put a slop to it, but it
was not stopped. In tho midst of the
flying wads there was discussion
over the action of the insurance com
panics which are accused of seeking to
avoid the payment of all their liabill
ties growing out of the Danville Asy
lum flro, and a resolution directing the
Asylum Trusees to report the facts was
pawed. Jt had been arranged that
Representative McKee should call up
the Tax Office bill, but Spcakor Howitt
conveniently overlooked him when he
rot for that purpose. The Speaker
is a very handy man for the ringstere
Jo have around."
- : It.. -
lie s'ri'uniumiuy iiiiu u m i.jiuivi i
editor who is as much nl a MucUguanj
as the lnwest corner-louier, who is bo
expert in canvuHxing the h'lica and
geiitlt-uiiii as thuy pitmi nlni'g tlie ulieot.
Ono of these inun proved to bo tbn edi
tor nt un Huston paper. Wu adopt
the views of the iditor of the Sentinel,
Mr. Nciman, of tho eamo place, on tho
iuestiou indicated. He says :
"Tho Kastou Daily Argus, which we
boliovo still professes to bo a Demo
cratic journal, in it issue ol Monday
ovening, takes occasion to assail tho
character of ex-Senator Wallace, be
cause that gentleman saw proper to
publish a card in reiutation of a charge
made by some anonymous Washington
eorrcspondentof the New York Times,
that the money of tho Star mail routo
contractors had been usod to secure
tho nomination of Gcoural Hancock
for the Presidency, and connects Mr.
Wallace with tho transaction because
he favored an appropriation to carry
the mails on these routes, when ho was
in the Senate. Now, these people know
this cbargo was talso in every particu
lar, if they know anything at all about
tho matter, and benco as Democratic
journalists it was their duty to assist
to vindicalo Mr. Wallace, Instead of
endorsing tho calumny. But this did
nut suit this purpose, because, tbu peo
ple who own and contiol the Argus
do not like Mr. Wallace personally, and
benco their columns must be used to
vilify him. Another evidence of what
theso people seem to believe is legiti
mate journalism. Mr. Walluco has a
public record that no respectable Re
publican journal has over presumed
to assail that business having been
leit entirely to small politicians in his
own party who havo imaginary pri-
vato grievances to assuage. If all our
publio men had as clear a record as
Senator Wallace has made fur himself
during his long years ol publio service,
the country would not bo so often hu
miliated as it is by tbo disclosures of.
frauds and stealings that aro from time
to tiino uncovered."
A Modern Fraud. "Speculative"
Life Insurance is a fraud of recent in
vention in our Stato, and remarkable
as it may seem, has broken out with
great violence in sections whore the
ruling or governing morality haB been
the reverse. Tho counties of Lebanon,
Snyder, Union and York havo each
been particularly scourged in this par
ticular. Wo are glad to chroniclo tho
fuel that the West Susquehanna Classia,
bolonging to tho Eastern Synod of tho
Reformed Church in the United States,
covering Centre, Snyder and Union
counties, took some action in this mat
ter at their recent sossion at Selins
grove. Tho following resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
WusnKaa, Almoit tbo whol. territory of Woat
Smquehann Clauil il sneered bj what la oooa
monly known aa "spsrulative" lifo Inmranee,
Hfolvd, That wa regard tbia buainaaa aa fraud
olantaod wrong lo prinoiplo and ia Tory demor
alising la ita .Oeots.
finolvtd, That wo hereby earnestly othort all
oor people to dirooorage and thun thia bnainaaa
ea a great poblio evil, hurtful to the t'barob end
to tho State, is well 00 to tba Individual.
Rttolvtd, Tbat our poatora try to aeoaro the
early publication of thia aotioa In tbe various
oounty papers which circulate among their people.
uoiber religious bullion w ill give this
question somo consideration, business
men will soon fall into lino, the fraud
will bt exposed, and the crimes now
committed under tho guiso of insuring
one's life with a fraudulent intent will
be abated, and the morality of tho
State greatly improved.
A Shameful Job. By a bare ma
jority of one voto, Hayes' brother-in-
law and rrosident Garfiold 't "butty,"
Stanley Matthows (an Ohio man), has
at last been confirmed by the Senate
as a Judge of tho United States Su
premo Couit. We have now before
us the humiliatiag spectacle of a man
in tho Supremo Court whose honesty
and truth have been questioned and
whoso championship and counsel of
monopolies and corporations is sup.
potted by a lobby of great railroad
men. His record alone as one of the
Southern "visiting statesmen," and the
disgraceful part he took in the great
national fraud through which Mr,
Hayes was seated in tho Presidential
chair, should have boon sufficient to
have caused bis rejection for any post
of trust and honor. He has been con
demnod as unfit for the Supreme Court
Judgeship even by tho Republican
press, and it is difficult to imagine
what claims he possessed that secured
his confirmation. It is to be hoped
however, that his futuro record as a
member of tbe highest tribunal may
bo such as to, at least measurably, re
deem that of the past, which has made
him the subject of such caustic but just
It was a Mistake. A cotompora
ry, in alluding (o the case, has this to
say: "We do not know undor what
view of thoir duty Democratic Sona
tors found thomsclvcs required to voto
to put Stanley Matthews on the Su
premo Bench ; and we fear wo never
will know. Certainly it was not out
of regard for their parly, of whom ho
has boon an unscrupulous and most
dishonorable foe. Surely it cannot be
out of regard for the country, of whoso
intorosts ho has shown himBolf to bo
the onomy, undor the Democratic idea
of those intorosts, by his support of
grasping monopolies. The Supreme
Bench is degraded by his elevation,
and tht power of the people, in their
impending confliat with corporate
power, weakened. Was it a Demo
cratic duty to do this, er were they
who did it faithless? We say that
they wore.
A Constitutional Question. Tho
Atlanta Constitution says: Rcmaik by
Burnside: "I repeat, I am not mad
But, blast your soul, please remember
that I am a monsoon when I begin to
expand. At this time, however, as you
will porceive by the splintort around
my desk, 1 am perfectly cool and col
lected, you infernal villains." General
Burnsido became almost ctacy in the
Sonate the other day, and the journal
in question has paraphrased him In
tint way.
Good Advice. Tho Now York World,
in alluding to current political events,
remarks : "While Democratic Senators
will bo wise not to interfere actively
in tho fight between the Republican
bears and tho Republican hedgehogs
of the day, Democratic Senators will
do well also to maintain on every fit
ting occasion the dignity and tradi
tional power of tho office of President."
Tho editor ol tho Washington lie
public, in cracking soma nuts on tho
suffrage this at his view
of tho case:
"There are many curious ants to'
crack presorted by history to the
Btuluiiinuu w ho believes in lltu fniir
teeutli umciidmcht. I uni nut jfoing
into any argument about the question
in such a small compass; but every
one knows that Imperialism in Rome
would have been impossible but for
tbo enfranchisement of tho plebs, or
common people, and the siiUcqucnl
grant of cltironship to freed sluves. A
vast purchasable throng was thus let
loose wilh dangerous weapons in their
hands and the Caviars came along and
used them. By degrees tho sons ol
the froedmun became solo possessors
of tbe city, and meanwhile Homo was
leaving tho bones of her froo-born cili
ions on every foreign shoro and get
ting millions of slaves in return for
them. Wo are told by Mitchelel that
in the litnu of the Gracchi theso treed
men almost filled tho forum, monopo
lised every public highway and undor
tho name of tho Roman people gave
laws to tho world. On ono occasion
this rabble interrupted Scipio .Emilia-
nus in the course of a speech, when
the old soldier thundered out : "Silence,
ye stepchildren of Itulyl Think yo
that I will rcnpool theso whom 1 led
in chains to tho city because thoy aro
released from their bondage?" The
most appalling silence followed this
remark. Tho crowd knew its foreo
and justice. They feared that tho
conquoror of Carthago and Numunlia
might como down from the tribune
and display tho scourgo murks on his
African and Spanish slaves' If that
eloquent Eternal City speaks anything
from her ashes she tells the world to
be careful about an indiscriminate
grant of the franchise Wu may as
well bo candid enough to admit that it
opened an avenue for rascality right
after tbo war in tho South, and that
many unscrupulous adventurers from
the North made use of the illiterate
freedman to advanco thoir own selfish
schemes of plunder.
"Now, just as tho opening of theso
ballot-gates was fatal to tho public
spirit and to the liberties of Rome.BO it
was to tho Italian republics, and ho is
but a poor student of history whoso
eyos aro blinded by tho wealth and
prosperity that for a time wont hand
in-hand with the change. Rome was
the treasury of the world and its mis
tress in power and tbo arts when Au
gustus was spreading couches of lux-
ury for tho populaco on which thoy
might slumber away the memories of
their vanished freedom. The greatest
commercial glory ol 1'loronco was the
period when Lorenxo was riveting
more firmly the shackles with which
Cormo had bound the Florentines.
Venice was in her maratime splcrrdor
when Francesco Foscari had wiped
out the last vcsligo of Venetian free
dom by dispersing tho popular parlia
ment. Modorn Italy as an unit was
never moro distinguished for her com
merce, scholarship and arts than when
the body of tbe patriot Porcari was
hanging from the battlements of St.
Angolo in tho middle of the filtoenth
century and tbo last spark of Roman
liberty was extinguished in his blood.
Spanish power was at its zenith in tho
same century wbon Ferdinand hud re
duced Spanish independence to as ab
solute a myth as freedom always has
been nnder the Russian Czars. Let
us not deceive ourselves. National
wealth and prosperity do not imply
the unmixed glory and success of a freo
ballot or the perfect roaliaation of pop
ular freedom."
Tin Lion and the Lamb How
this world does wag on private account
sometimes I We were a spectator at
the late sitting of the School Directors'
Convention, and thero wo took in faces
that wo bavo often seen beforo. The
Bjndicalo, formed by an alliance be
tween General Ration, Daniel Faust
et cetn, Wm. Tucker, John Ray Bix
ler et al, carried us away off into a
kind of romatilio garret whoro strange
bed-fellows do congregato occasionally.
When those veteran regulators of pub
lic afi'uirs locked horns, wo were satis
fied that somebody's ox would be
gored. Tbe alliance was so monstrous
ly unnatural that we at ono time be
came ularmcd; but it passed off all
right after all, and nobody was hurt
However, consistency is still to be
looked upon as a jewel in the futuro,
and thoso who "got away with il" no
doubt will exhibit it to their neighbors
on thoir return to their home. To
tho boys presout, and in eight of the
manipulations that took place between
the pump and tho lamp post ou tho
Court Houso cornor, it must have been
a puzzler. But it happened tho lion
and the lamb, through nso of the
Tucker attachment, slept in the tame
Tnr it Auain. Somehow or other
that patent plan for disintegrating tho
solid South by the disruptive power of
official patronage has not worked fully
up to tho expectations of the palont
ecs. Hayes begaf Koy, and Key bo
gat Brady and Dorscy and tho Star
route gang, and Conkling begat Ma
bono, and Mahune begat Riddlcbefgor
and Gorham. Tho Republicans of tho
iNorth tried bullying, but they found
that truckling and lime aorving are
not popular at the south. They have
since tried buying, but thoy find that
tbe only Southern Democrats who are
for salo are Badly unmerchantable.
Supposo they now try decency, atten
tion to publio business and strict ab
stinence from Hoar and Dawes and
Frye? New York World.
Hands Off. Tbe Garfield-Conkli
Mentor contract turns out to have been
a very dirty job, if cither side tells the
truth. It takes two to make a bar
gain ; and if it be true tbat Garfiold
has violated tho terms of his bargain
with Conkling, then thero must have
been a bargain. Now, will somebody
kindly nso and explain why It
worse tor tbe bargainer than for
bargainoo? Was it not a dirty
r busi-
ness on both sides, into which Demo
crats ought not to dabble, on the
) pic
of "Senatorial conrlosy, or any
f other
Bold, Indeed. Tho annearanoo of
Alexander III in public witboutguards
and the adoption at tho aamo time of
a strongly reactionary policy In the
direction of absolutism look at this
distance like an audacity that borders
on desperation.
To the American citizen this is a
sacred priv'lege and should not be
tampered with by tho agent or repru
aentative.wliile the petitioners are relut
ingsome wholesome facts. On this point
the citizens of Lackawanna county
threw a it, to the House on
Friday a wtek, in tho shape of a peti
tion demanding lite impeachment uf
Governor Iioyt niel Attorney General
I'ulmcr, giving as reasons among oth
ers, tho purdoning of Kombla mid his
gang, and the commissioning ol cer
tain oflloeis in Luckawunna county,
contrary to law. The reading of tho
document caused an immense ronsa
tion, especially among tho roostur cle
ment ol the Republican party. Mr.
Kuddiman, Republican, of Philadel
phia, characterized tho petition as im
pertinent, improper and scandalous,
and movod that it be relurned to tbe
persons who sent it, and that all pro
ceedings in connection with it should
be c-xpugned from the journal of the
House and from that wonderful publi
cation known as The Legislative Bee
ord. Mr. Hackott's motion to rofer
tho petition to the Judiciary Gonora!
Commit leo was defeated yoas, 52 ;
nays, 87. Mr. Ruddiman's motion was
carried by a voto of 80 lo SI, and tho
Lackawanna petition was thus kicked
out of the House.
Tho petition in question will be
found on our first pago, and when read,
it will prove lo contain mora truth
than poetry.
A Good Turkish Example Tho
Supremo Court at Washington recent
ly delivered a decision that may great
ly help tho cause of official morality by
making it difficult to carry on negotia
tions between bribe-talting publio offi
cers and bribo giving traders. A Turk
ish Consul in New Yolk made an
agreement wilh the Winchester Arms
Company, whereby, in consideration
of his securing orders from his Gov
ernment for Winchester rifles, ho was
to recetvo ten per cent, commission on
sales thus effected. He procured the
purchaso by Turkoy of $1,300,000
worth of rilles, but was obliged to sue
for bis commission. The Lower Court
directed a verdict against him, and the
Supremo Court affirmed the judgment,
holding that "tho services stipulated
for and rendered wcro prohibited by
considerations of morality and policy
which should prevail at all times and
in all countries, and without which,
fidelity to public trusts would be a
matter of bargain and sale, and not of
duty." Uribery.will go on inspitoof
this judgment, but it will bo refreshing
to havo the two dishonest parties con
stantly suspicious and hi fear ol each
other, because their agreement cannot
bo enforced in a court of law.
Our View. Tho Alloona Sun has
this to say :
"Those Democratic Senators who
voted for tho confirmation of Stanley
Matthows arc not receiving much credit
for tho act. 1 1 is generally regarded
as another Congressional blunder, of
which tho Democratic party has had
enough, and ono that will work lo its
injury. Thero is only one correct way
of dealing with Prosidonlial appoint
ments confirm all fit and reputable
nominoes and reject all unfit and dis
reputable ones, and let so called "Sen
atorial courtesy" go to tho d ogs."
Tho editor should have said that
demagogism is not statesmanship.
Mr. Matthows was born and educated
as a Democrat, and may havo tome of
tho old Icavon within him, and when
ho gets on tho Bench, will allow bis
virtue to drift in tho right diroction.
Who will be Repulsed. A sen
tence in a recently publishod letter of
Thiers, written at the time of tho dead
lock between tho Prince-President and
tho French Assembly in 1S51, comes
up out of tho mist of thirty years to
otnphasno the political situation at
Washington as between Presidont Gar
fiold and tho senior Senator from Now
York. "Wbon twopoworB in a Stato,"
said Thiers, "como into collision, one
of them seeking to infringe upon the
prerogative of the othor, if tho powor
which makes Hie attack is repulsed,
the repulse will bo disagreeable to it.
But if tho power attacked gives way
it will simply be destroyed."
A Bad Trade. Secretary Blaine is
credited with declaring that "Mahono
has never repudiated his secession nor
seceded from his repudiation." After
tho Republican coalition with tho un
repentant secessionist and repudiation
Isl it is in order for that party to
pipe low about Confederate Briga?
diors and disloyalty. It is perfectly
willing to accept any horesy if there
by spoils can bo retained. Tho party
of Lincoln has certainly come to a bad
ending when il has lo depend upon a
purchased secessionist and rcpudiulor
to maintain its power in tho Govern
ment, At Rest. Mr. L. A. liobright, agod
07 years, died at Washington on the
15lh inst. For noarly thirty years ho
was the rcpresontutivo of Iho Associa
ted Press, at Washington. Liko othor
mon ho lometimos ma lo mistakes, but
ho was generally crodttod wilh being
an honest man. Tho newspaper world
has lost a character and it will bo a
good thing if hit eucccssor proves to
bo as good a man.
Statesmanship. The Boston Jour
nal thinks that the presont is a very
solemn period for Iho ordinary Sena
tor or Congressman, who hat only en
gaged to peddlo out Federal offices ;
from the fact that Garfield withdraws
about half the names he sends to tbo
Senate lor confirmation. There it no
telling where the lightning will strike
after the namo of your Iriend goes into
the Senate
Broad Charges. The indictment
brought against President Garfiold, by
Senator Conkling, of New York is a
hngo affair and if 4 it half true it puts
"theGovornmcnt" in a bad light. Why
not tond for Crodit Mobilior Amos, Do
Golyer etc., and settle this sublime
question of voracity between "Chris
tian statesmen."
The Innocent Assailed. Gorham,
the Itcpublican caucus nominee for
Secrotary of the Senate, charges Gar
field with ''infamous vitriol throwing,"
and playing "polecat."
" - '
So Wi Oo. Montpelior, the borne
ol rrosident James Madison, in Orange
oounty, Virginia, it advoitlsed to be
told at motion In July next.
Tho Washington correspondent of
the New York Herald hus furnished
tlnit jottrnnl with tbo most elaborate
schedule of political jugglery over
brought to the notice of tho public.
If half ol' what he relates is true, Pre.
ideiit (iurlield is as badly compi otiiiitcd
in recent transactions us he was in the
Crudit Mobilier and DoGolyor jobs,
two of the most shameful t-aset ever
debated in Congress on personal ue
count. We will publish the article in.
dicated next week, for iho purpose ol
giving our readers a lull insight into
tho political rascalities that uru being
perpetrated by whut aro called "Chris
tain Statesmen I " In alluding to the
Blaino-Riddleberger Maliono-Gorham-Garfiuld
combination, tho Herald edi
torially remarks:
In tho meantime, while the live
clerks aro unhappy because their pla
ces aro not for moro thun four years,
there is ono man with a mind of his
own, and a will and a clear, definite
purpose tho recklcjs Secretary of
Stale. If wo keep our eyes kiii Mr.
Blaine tho situation becomes as clear
as a Colorado landscape. Mr. Blaine
has no illusions, no sentiments I Hois
a man without gratitude, without con
vlctions, without friendships, without
shame a dominant intellectual force,
who has risen to great authority and
consequence in the Ropublicun party
not by accident, liko iluyes; not by
the power of a Treasury, like Sherman ;
nor by Bneccssful intrigue in politics,
like Garfield; nor by lofty courage
and stately eloquence, liko Conkling ;
nor by tbo prestigo of an illustrious
name like Grant, but by impudent au
dacity. He has carried his position in
public life Is storming masked batter
ios of Quaker guns. And now at the
bead of a Government, wilh a chief
whose force bas dissolved into powors
of conversation and exposition, with a
Cabinet which obeys him as tho spin
ning wheel cbeys tho maiden's nimble
foot, bo drives on to his purpose. War
upon Conkling, war upon Grant, war
upon Mahono, war upon tho Republi
can party in tbo South especially. Ue
fights, not for the good of tho country;
not for tbe good of the Republican
party: not even for tho good of Gar
field, but only for the advantage of
liluuio ; ant while tbis not very lofty
purpose is his motive, his methods are
such as turn the Presidency into a
mero huckster shop for tho salo of
places. Ho sounds Democratic Sena
tors only to know if they have a prico
and whut it is. Ho tries one wilh a
post office and mother with somo other
scrap of Exccutivo temptation, and
supposes that of coitrso they sympa
thize with the President in his
wish to havehisnominalionseonflrmed.
As wo havo hitherto mid, tho Demo
crats may bo caught by these poor
baits, for they have in lato years not
shown nice political perceptions, but
wo aro inclined to doubt if upon tho
whole tho Democrats will for such
cheap reasons so easily help their op
ponents out of a scrape and bo them
selves bribed away from the principles
lliey pretend to support.
Js the Republican parly sulest in
tho hands of Mr. llluine? Does his
leadership commend itself to tho high
er sense of tht party ? Is thero any
detnagogery he has not preached and
would not ireto4i and call it Republi
canism if it would carry a township in
Maine t Is tbo Republican party in
the South lobe abandoned and Ma
bone in Virginia to be thrown over to
win Domocratio Senators? Docs it
not brood ill for the Democracy, this
dalliance of its leaders with tho dis
ponser of Federal palronago ? No
statesman since tho days of ibe Pel
hams knows hew much value lies in
patronage as our Secretary of Stato.
If patronage can assure it the Repub
licans will soon have a party free f rom
tho virus of Conklihgism and Grnntism
a parly of practical men with no
leader but Blaine. As for our l'rcsi
dent, bis position is a secondary mat
tor. Nobody appears to caro verv
much about bim now. Indifference is
a reality that grows. Anger awakens
only a feeling ol pity and contempt
nmong Americans. Wnsbinirton noli
ticians who moaned and mourned over
tho third term heresy, as they hear
mis enuiess story ot evasion, equivo
cation, surprise and folso pretence.
long for an hour of the veracity of
urant. Air. Conkling and his friends
n oui their place in publio esteem in
spite of patronage, and will hold it.
Where Blaine's policy will lead il
would Do a boltl speculation to hazurd,
As for the President, ho will bo certain,
allor March 4, 18h", of timo and op
portunity tor a tories of lectures as
successful as thoso in which Mr. Collax
has been engaged sinco his withdrawal
from public life.
A few days bcloro Hayes had sorved
out Mr. Tildcn's terra ho convened the
Senoto iu special session "to act upon
such matters as would be submitted
for their consideration hy tho Presi
dent." In obedience to this mandato
the Sennto met, and tho Republicans
immediately went to work to change
tho organization of nil the committees
so that they would have tho chnirmon
and a majority of tho members of each
committee. At this timo tho Senate
was Democratic, and tho Democrats
were, therefore, clearly entitled to the
organization. Hut the Republicans.
forgotful of that "Senatorial courtesy"
of which we now hear so much, Went
into caucus and decided to filibuster
until nil the Stato Legislatures bad
cloctcd Senators. Thoy accordingly
began their filibustering tactieg, and
although roundly reprimanded by tho
independent press, and even by the
siaiwan jew lork Jjcrald, porsistcd
in thoir course and prevented that or
ganization which il was necessary to
perfect before any business could bo
trnnsactctl. I he Democrats were un
willing to have tho public business ob
structed, when, by a sacrifice on their
part, they could prevent it, and they
magnanimously relinquished their
right and gave the organization to the
But when all the Legislatures had
elected Senators it was tlisoovorod
that tho Senate would still bo Demo-
cralie, and tho Republicans again
rusncu into caucus and solemnly ro
solved to buy Midget Mahono. of Vir
ginia. Mahono s vole, wilh ihn cast
ing volo of tho Vice Presidont, would
make tho Senato Republican. Dawes
ana nis gang shouted thcinselvos
boarso for joy when Mahono turned
traitor to his jiarly for tho contoinpti
bio consideration of dollars and cen In.
Tho Republican plan was to turn out
mo omcors ol tho Senate, who wore
Democrats, and replace Ihom wilh
their own creatures. Tbo Democrats
insisted that there was no noccssity
for changing the Senato officers, that
the Senate was properly organized and
could dispoto of such matters aa should
bo brought befbro It, that they had
boen called together for the express
purposo ot confirming tho President's
nominations, and for no other purposo,
and that this Important duty should
bo tulfillcd at once.
But tho second position taken by
tho Democratic Senators, was, if pos
sible, still stronger than the ono above
outlined. Thoy assorted that there
had boen a corrupt bargain between
Mahono and the Republican Senators,
and that the candidates of the latter
for Hergeant at-Arms and Hccretary of
tne oenaie were poiiuc-ai anavea ana
unfit to bold the high offices to which
they were aspiring. Our Senator! as
serted that lliey represented sovereign
States, not, a political putty, and thai
tho brand ol shaiiio should never bo
stumped upon the brow of the Repub
lie when they could prevent it.
That there was a bargain un I sale,
no ono but a blind partisan will deny.
On Iho morning alter the day upon
which Mahouu llibt voted with the Re
publicans a magnificent hoquol was
p'ucvil upon his desk, with the compli
ments ol the 1'n sol, -tit and Mrs. tiur
field. Iliddlebtrger, Mllhoiie's chief
supporter in iho repiidisliiui parly of
i iiiiou, was itiuuu mo iteptioiicitn
candidate for Serjeant-at-Arms. Tho
postmistress of Richmond, Miss Eliza
beth Van Lew, was dismissed and an
ox rebel and repudintor appointed In
her place. Miss Van Lew was given
Iho Richmond postofllco long ago by
Gruiil as a reward for i in pun ma ser
vices rendered Iho Union cause at
Richmond duriug the war, and because
she had sacrificed hor property and so
cial position lo her patriotic convic
tions. All through irginia, tried and
trusted servants of tho Government
woro displaced by Malione's.dograded
and unprincipled followers.
ThoSoutliorn Senators, w ho, twenty
years ago, took up arms to destroy tbe
Union of States, now struggled upon
the floor of tho Senato to save that
Union from shame and disgrace, and
to tear tho hand of Iho polluter from
tbu breast of the Virgin Republic.
And they wore victorious I
After a contest unequulled in the
history of this country, tho corruption
ists abandoned their position and fled
in dismay before tho irllltcntiir lances
of Iho righteous. Tho result is cause
lor great rejoicing. Let us exult, not
over the glorious victory achieved by
mo nemocratio party, bin ovor our
country's honor saved, and the dis
comfiture of the plotting enemies of
the Kepublio JSedjord Uazettc.
Nor A Loan. Garfield is paying
olf Hayes' old debts. To both Attor
ney Gonc'rul MacVeagh and Associate
Justice Matthews tho lato President
stood indebted for unrequited favors.
1 1 is a little odd that settling day
should havo boon postponed so long.
The Fiust Centennial. Suturday
was the anniversary of tho great fire
at Milton, Pa. The town has been
largely rebuilt during the pt,st year.
When it is finished it will be tho finest
litllo place on tho West Branch.
Cute. A Washington telegram an
nounces that Secretary Blaino and
Don Cameron aro Presbyterians, and
attend the sanio church, dividing the
pew between them.
Jlnu dmtisftutnta.
TVVOHCE NOTICE.-!,, the Court of
J. Common Plena of Clearfield oounty, Pa.
Murjraret K. Myers, by bar 1 v ,(n w m
u.!u fnaod, Jama. Fy. " 1 r' T'.
O. J.Myara. M S':r .
To O. B. Jj.r. .- Voo are hereby notiSed lo be
an.1 appear at tbe next term of Court aa afore
mrntiuncd, and thore defend In the above oase , or
allow eauae why a decree of diroroe a winrulto
m-ilrimoaii should not be mnde.
BSKnirr'e Orriee, ( J. MAUAPFKY,
Cleerlield, Apr. 11 '81-41. J bberiff.
Millinery! Millinery 1!
I TAKE th pltnuri of Informing th pvblio '
that I thftil efter pec ill itnluoeiBola Id
M illlntrj Gouttn , RUob u Kilki, Satin, Kibbonf,
Flo wen, Ac, Trlmintd snt I Dtriraurd IUu nd
BuoDtti. in tht wry ltt tyUi, Notion ind
Mult-up ClotbiDf for children. I kindly solicit
a lli art of your patroiagt.
Uarlitl St., CltarfitUt, P.
Apr. 10, IRSU7.
WILLIAM U. DBA If, PropriHor.
p9Tht fcooit ti pltaitntlf Una ted on Eait
Market ft net, and ooo rtn lent to tho Court Uomt
and all butloeti placet of tbo town. It bai ro
otntljr boon refitted and refurnished from oellar
to attie. Bar tupphed with aholotit liquon.
Tabl furoiibfd with tho beit tho markotaflordi.
Good Mablt attached. Katot moderate
April 13,
Clearfield Planing Mill, well located In tbo
buiineit part of tho town, and eloeo to tho Station.
Tho building It 6flxlS0 foot, two torioi, good
offioe, wan room and ahedi tho whole length of
tho let, with flrit-elatf machinery. Alto, good
ongino, boiler 4ilS feet, with fifty. three 8 -inch
tubei, lino theft beneath tho lower floor. Largo
(Ira A Wood mrfaotr, largo tticktr worki four
idei onoo through, oonmon ttioker. doable head
ed (harper, leroll taw, panel raiter, nortioo ma
chine, swinging out off and lUtiooary out-off
nwi, two rip tawt, ranilpapering naobino, lattfso
maotine gum mar, ihafting and pulleyt, Know I mi
pump, I(l(l feet of bote with pump aUaohmnt.
ALBU, ont heavy ont-borte waggon, two or tbreo
pair of lumber iledi, mowing inaohioti and farm
fog impletuenti, taih, doori end window frames,
on eaiy tormi. All property on band on May
Stth, 181, will bo diipoted of at publio tale at
the Planing Mill. M ii. BUOWN A 11KO.
Clearfltld, Pa , Mty II, 188131.
Thlx Way tor four lliirnexs t
"I K yuu want to study your own Interest, do not
! fail too. Hat ANllltKW HARWICH'S HAH.
NKSK BHOP.on Market rtreet, Beit door to John
A. Stook'a tohaocoaloro, Clearfield Peao'a.
All flrsl-elaas work ia done al
Neat, foot oil and aile grease at
Double and single harness of all klnde at
Uidlng i.dJl.a of all kinds at
1 ,ar Btts and horae ooeera of nil kinlr at
Wblf s of all kinds and as low as 16 eouts at
arneia of all klnda made to order at
Vll kinds oroollars at botlou r-rires at
Uemetnber an of horae furnish
ing goods at HARWICH'S.
Will keep and make all kinds of lumber bar.
T rory and all olbor kinds ofrlngaof all alias at
(e,nniba, btusbes, and interfering boot, on band
J at-- IIAHWIi-U'H
Knee robes, knee dusters, and aoreeoa of all
kinds at HARWICH'S.
Job work and repairing promptly attended to.
Remember the shop--In Hbaw'a row, on Market, unwvii tua manaion uonae and tbe Shaw
House, Clearfield, 1'enn'a.
May 18, 1MI Otn.
SherilTs Sale.
1)Y elrtue of writs of Fl. V, Issued
J ) oat of tbe Court of Common Plena of Clear
Held eoanty, end to m. directed, there will b.
oipoaed to 1TIII.1C 8AI.K, at the Court House,
In the borough of Clearfield, on
Katurday, June 4lh, IHHI,
At 1 o'clock P. M., the following dcjfirtbrd rtal
stale, lo wit
All those eerlain two tracts of land lltuatod la
Karthaua township, Clearfield oouote. Pa., hound.
ed and d.soribod as followa i One nieoo ik.rMtf
beginning at a hemlock on lb. weat branch of
me nusquananna river theao. down aatd rlrsr
hy Ihe several eoanos thereof 7AS porches to a
posi eomsr ; tnenee nortb n degrees west IS nor
ohes to a laaplo comer, north 41 degrees east IS
perrbea lo a maple corner, south In degrees east
13 perehea to birch eoraer on bank or .
tbeneo down said rlror tbe sereral courses thereof
ea percn ea lo a wall, oak i thenoe north IS per
ohes t. a port corner, weat til pore hoe to poat
oorncr, south lis perehea to a post, west 1ft por
ches to a white pine f tbeneo snath 1114 porehee to
a atone corner ( thence sooth 40 degrees oaat 40
percheetoa hemlock and place of beginning, con
taining v.1 aerea and 141 perrb.a, baring there
on erected a log booee, log burn and other out
bnildings, also aa orchard of about lot hearing
treea, and about 100 acrr-e, asora or leas, cleared
and uader good eultlration.
The other thereof beginning al a black oak an
left bonk of Susqucbannn river at a cornor r l.nnl
formerly owned by P. A. Karlbauai tbenoo down
aaiu riv.r tna several courses porches
to a white pio.t theact due aorta 1v perches to
a port i thtnoo woat lit perehea to a hickory cor
ner thence aonlh 4ft perehea to place .r begin
ning, containing U ncraa and 11 perehea, being
Iho .era. lw. pieces or tracts .f land of Weaver
4 Belts, tbe present grantees do. Above tracts
of land being underlaid with bituminous coal.
Seised, taken ia oieenlloa, end to bo sold as
th. properly ot Kdward Mctlerr.y.
Ta op San. Th. price or saw at which
tho property ahull be .track of mutt be paid al
th. lion, of cel., or such other arrangements
ado aa will be approved, .Ih.rwla. th. property
will h. Immediately pal ap and sold again at
th. aipen.e and rlak of lb. person to whoa II
was atraek ff, and who, in eeee f deloi.aey al
such re eel a, shall stake good ah. same, aid ia
a. iaeteae. will th. Ueed is preeceled ia Court
for fuwarcaatloa wolee. th. ttoetoy I, actually
paid e th. Dberlf. JAS, MAHAFFKi.
aaeirr's Orricn, I
Cleorleld, I'a., May II, US J
entrr a vesica, I wheril.
iHcii' ai'crtis.mfiits.
NOTK'I-:. AH ptTtenn bavlog any claim
galntt tho etlalo of Jnnrpb Hulhruok, do
raMJ,ltte of Morrlt towoikip, aro reUfrtud to
preftot the Mine to tlio umlertigned fr et
t lenient. Pim I offioe adilret, MurnMalt Mtnoa,
Clotrflold, county, Ptnn'a.
May 18, USl 4t.
DIVOItl'IS KriCI-:,rn lb- Court el
Cnroinon pleat of Clrarlrld e-mi.ty, Pa.
hlri K. beu'int
t. Sub. Sir. Dirureo
( herle )
T'o i'knrlit JJtmont, Defendant : Yuu will
tatko notice that the undtrtigned bat buen ap
pointed a Cotnuilttiontr to take ttititnooy In the
a Soft cam, and that the artdeaoo in up port of
tho Platntifl t Felttt-io, Will be taken at the offioe
of (1. K. A W. Ilarrett, In the Borough of Clear
told, Pa., on FRIDAY, the 17th day or MA V,
A. D. IBM. When and where you e an attend.
A. P M'LKOli,
Clearfield, May 1 1 th, ISM St
UKI'OMTof tho condition of the COUNTY
NATIONAL HAN K of Claar&eld, at Clear
Held, in tlie 8taUof Peuniltania, at tho eloeo
buiiotM, Mty 0, IHHI :
Loant and diteounU ..$.yJ,41 27
Overdraft M.4T Oft
U. B. Uondl to euro circulation lOO.OdO 00
U. H. Bondt on bond Jndgmonte.... lftJ7T U
Duo from approved reeerve agenti 1 1 ,670 16
Due from 8tato ttankt nod hankert... 22,1111 84
Heal ettatt, furniture, and Axturet... 7,129 01
Current expeaiei and taiei paid 9,714 79
Premium! piid 2,0,11 ii
Check atd other otib item m. 64 89
Itilli of other Banks AflO 00
Fractional paper currency, including
nickel, and pouniei 3(1 11
Specie 82U Oft
Legal-tender note 5,878 04
Redemption fund with U. S. Treat-
nrer, ft per oent. of elroulatito 4,600 00
Dot from U. S. Treaiurer, other than
b per cent, redemption fund 4i 00.
Total ..$4H2.44i, 21
Capital ttovkpald lo H $10,0Hil 4-0
Kurplu fund It, )( OU
Undivided proflu 9.914 IS
National It auk not, outstanding 89,400 00
Individual deposits tubjeot to check... 18(1,711 28
item and certificate! of deposit 82.4T6 19
Cashier's obeckt outstanding. 70 18
Vat to other National llanks 3,872 46
Total 482.44i 21
eSVa re t Punntylvamia, County of Cltarjiald, SSi
I, WILLIAM M. SHAW, Cashier of tho aboro
named bank, do tolcninly twear that tho above
statement is true to ll best of mr knowledge
and belief. WM. M. SflAW, Caahier.
Subscribed and l worn to beforo mo this 12th
day of May, 1M. WM. RADKBAl tlH, N. P.
(JoRrbct Attest: U. L. HKKI,
T. H. FtlRCEY,
May 18. 1SH1.
REPOHToftheronditoQ of tbo FIRST N A
TIONAL BANK, at Clearfteld. In the State
ot Pennsylvania, at the close of business, May 6,
lost :
Loans and discounts- $205,13) (II
Overdrafts 844 0(1
U. B. Bonds to eoflureeircaUtion lOO.ilOQ 00
Other stocks, bonds, nod mortgagee 14,210 00
Duo from approved reserve agent.... 33, HI 2 81
Due from (State Dankt and bankers... 1,172 01
Real estate, furniture, and Allures... 1,2A0 00
(surrent eipentes and taxes paid f87 24
Checks and othor cash items 1 ,526 71
Bills or othor Dankt 1,.16 00
Fractional paper currency, niokels an d
pennict &7 80
specie COS M
Lcgal-tender ootae 6,52i(00
Rfdrmption fund with U. 8. Treas
urer percent, of circulation) 4,494 90
Tolat ,H7I.777 24
Capital atock paid in $10f..OOO 00
Burpluafund M 21, One 00
Undivided profit 0,118 84
National Bank notes outstanding 91,00-1 00
Diridends unpaid 4ft 00
Individual deposits lubieot to ehack. 7I.8SS 4)
Demand certificates of deposit. 20,694 00
Time certificate of deposit 63,1 41 41
Due to other National Banks !,F00 04
Duo to Bute Banks and banker 980 4
Total $371.777 24
Suit of Pwyltxinia, County of Cttarjittd, SS:
I, WILLIAM II. DILL, Cashier of the abo re
named bank, do aolemnly swear that tho aboto
statement it true to tho best of my knowledge and
belief. WILLIAM H. DILL, Cashier.
HahteHHed and tworn to beforo mo this 11th
day of May, 1881. WM. RADKBAIUH.N. P.
ConmtT Atteat : R. MOHSOP,
May 18, 1881.
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
als and Capjj
Usui's h::i G::;;
That Ever Came into the
hv.a. c. atom w, moon is.
Clearlvl.1, Pa, (apt. 11, 1110. If.
' Il ike KW; la t. be foaod at
Reliable Clothing Store,
Western Hole! Corner,
oisHaiifi xi xjX3, arA.
rE hare jat ret oread froa tho Boston
eaarieti with a large Hook of ftrst-eleta
Spring Summer Ming,
Wblek will be ..Id cheaper tliaa ever. Then Ho.
Ike publie for past favors, w. Idle a .all
before purehasiei .la.wh.ra.
Old Western Hotel Corner,
April 17, llll lf.
John Irvin I Bros,
All Kinds of Merchandise,
-81'CII AH
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
Nti iiti: TmiiEic,
Tht) Only Munufucturorn in Clearfield
County of Iho
t l.ttt ll, CHOP .!." t'KKU
ICnsli paid fur nil kinds of
unun Wheat, llye, OiUh, Kte.
Curweasvlll., Pa., Jao. I, ISSO-tf.
Cheap Cash Store
Clearfield, Pa.,
Comprising Dress Goods of tho rery latest stylet,
eonitiof Id part of Cashmeres, Manchester
Fancies, Alpacas, and all manner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Such as, .Mob air Lusters, Plaids, Dress
liinfchami, Dress Fanoies of tho very latest
it j Ice, and as cheap as thoy oan bo sold
in this market.
Consisting of OIotos for Uents, Ladies and
Mines, llnso of all shailei, Silk Fringes,
Lanes, Fancy Dress buttons. Laities'
Ties of all shades and styles, Cuffs
and Collars, KibUons of all kinds and
qualities. Merino Underwear, Trimmings, etc.
Queeusware, Hardware, Tinware,
Carinas, Oil Cloth,
Wblcb will b. Mid wh.lasal. .r null. Will Uk.
Country Produce
In Eichaugfl fur Oooda at Market Price.,
Clearfield. Ha.. Mit. it, letew, tf.
Fire-Proof Safes.
tn. ir ffli
The only 8-Flange Safe in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
Mors toouro from fiurclata limn on y
FiraTroof Safe, and no oxpenna
in repairing Rolta or Locks.
Patenl Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Theao Safes are now being Hold in
this Suio In
And iTe the
Greatest Satisfaction,
Being the Mont ITiglily Finished,
Boat llaio, and Cheapest First
Cl&ss SATE vor rroduoel
f4 1
These Culebrated.Safea bad the
Champion Record
IN Till
Great Boston Fire,
And since that time oitEATand !N!or-
boon made.
Belore giving your order to any
othor conoern, aond for prioee and
doserlptive Catalogue.
.. It, UM Ij. x
2Wuj g,drrrtl5frafnt$.;
VirniTOH'H MOTICE.-Imb, matter of
tho estato of Jwba Herueok, late or Ksrt
baus township, deceased.
maroo j.m, iroi, j. r.oitU0 ap)uiBtj
to depose of tbe eii-optiuns Bled to the ao(,u,(
of .iuilfrejr Fher, tbo AdrninUlratur, k it.
-,A.,m .,,,1 h.U. nf n-L ' '
- - -- 1 ot n,A
Auditor hereby fives uutteo tbat ba will attend t
tbo duties of bi appointment at his office, ia tike
burougb of Clearfield, la., on FMlAY, theVuTU
DAY of MAY, 1801. at 10 o'eloob A. M. of
aj, sun ana winrt mn panic iBiertfteo: rai
appear peioaMy or br atturaey.
T. J. UvCX LLOtUU, Adiu,r.
Clear 114, I'a., May 4, tutu-it.
Newark, N. J.
Assiti, Jaa. 1, IftBI, as aio.rl.ioe4
bv Kietaloini
et Mes.acbu.eMs, Ohio ao'l N.w
J.raey IJ
I LuBlLITlee, as stated by the mob.. 31, 1 1 l.uj
HrarLi'S by Messoous fitaadard- l,al9,.lS!u
Si by N.w York h,9SSMi
All pvlioi. noaforfalubl. aftar seooed
yar; low.xpeoeMi lergedivideDdi da.
elered attd paid av.ry year si.e. orgea.
laatieo ; .eopl. e'jrplus ; serrauder valees
cost liberal ) loasea promptly adjusted
and paid.
Grririas :
I.IWI8 C. (1ROVKR, PnisiDisr.
JAMK4 B. PKARS'IN, Vloa faasiosxr.
Ed. L. Dki.i... Hee'y. Tula. U.cKM.Tr, Traw.
PuTTKK A KKYErJ, HUH Afeots, ill Ual.
nut alreel, PhiladelphL, I'a.
H. M. M'ESIAI.LV, Splel Asent. OSea ia
M oaaup'a butldmf, M.rk.t str..t, Clearfield, p..
i-l-'l If.
Real Estate at Private Sale I
Eomostead of A H. Shaw, Dec'd,
rilUK koncrtttd of A. H. Ehtw, dre'd, iltuiu
X laiwrtne tow ni hip, Ijoid.ok ClwIieU
boron Kb, Fa., ii off red fur !. Il bounded
snd Htcr)bd u folio wi : Fronting 4S& fet ot
tba rivtrt tkno sUoding belt long ib
borough Hot wrntb Tflft dttfrvMCiat 349 fat u th
groundi of ibt Kfttlroad Company ; thtoM aloof
tht iiai nortb I degrei Mat 41 fet lo let ef
Uu Company ; tbeoo alone ortb "ii dt
(root wPt to Water itrtct. ouaUiDiof
nd having (hereon tree led ft lrjr,e and well fli.
iihed dwelling bout 4iS0 feet with "L" at
tached 14x30 feet, aho a good barn about 4Ui'
feet with other outbuilding!, for lermi or other
part lou Ian laquirt of
T. H. MURRAY, Guardian,
sr W. W. ntTTH. AdmiDiitrater.
Cltarfleld. Pa.f Apri: 37lb, 1 SSI -flu
Estate of John kuhnler, Doe'd.
Y VIRTI'Eof an order of thr ORPIUXS'
COURT of Clterfiold ooo n It, tbera will he
eipoeed to publio tale on tho prtraiMi, ia BSLL
TUW.NSHir.Uoanty or Uearfleld, State of Paa.
aIran ia, on
Friday, May 27th, 1881,
TIIK following dwioribfrd real eitato, vlt: That
eeruio FARM situated in Boll lownthip, on tht
mad Irading from Penavillt to fuaif utmnej,
bounded at fullowa : Bgioisiog at a UeL , eurntr
of tracti Noi. 6 VI 4 and iVDft : thenre bv line ef
of No. 67(8 routb 88 -10 degree! eaat UV ftrchti
to a Bt; (nance by landa ol Liibtoer aud Htti
oath I &-10 degreee weat lit) perch toapcit;
in?nf? nrin ft a i a?grf wtsi i ;w peresu ti
ft torn er of land mid to George Login ; tbcoei
nj lino ol tract fto. &vub norm l aVlodtrnti
rait lOpetehea to tht pleoe of bfginBinf, cot
tat&lng 102 ACRES,
And ALLOWANCE, being ptrtof traft No.
with about FOUTTY-F1VK ACHES
CLKAUKU.agiod or
chard, Log Home and
Barn thereon, lata ht
tatato ol John Kahn
ley, deer ate d.
Out-half on confirmation of Bale, and tit
balanot in ono fear, with iUrrat ecured hr Loatl
and mortgage on tht prtmfeee.
TkorTriLLi, Pa., Mar. I Ilk, 1881 St
Save moneY
Geo. Weaver & Co.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Boots? Shoes, HatsfCaps.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c, &c.
Ihaohr.l f.r peat farora. v. tori, rb. psl'w
le e.ll anil sr. our large .ad a.w stark af ro.4i.
wbieb w. will dispoe. r al reaeeealile retef fit
ra.h, or eiehaaKe ler Muatry produre.
Polit. and auretir. .Urks to w.kl upoi r.s,
aod prlees dowa low.
Cl.arf.ld, Pa., April SO, 1881-tf.
New Goods,
Come to Frenchvillel
IITAVE iut received tU terp
took of Eooda eror bronchi t(
th in ncctlon ol the fxiintv, wbich 1
will tell fur cash or product chcp
s Itioy can be bought el.ewhem.
tack coneiBii (,f
Dry goodS,
Groceries, Bools'SSks,
jTNaila a Speoinlty,'
Ready Made Clolliinir.
1 C.II 1. .rDtolt u-tt In liri
n lull .tuuK Ul r JOI1. im
or email tacke, or by the barrel.
eion or clay. QUKENSWAltM1'
etylee end qaslily. In ehort, 1
eTcrythlng needed by the farmer, t
mechanic, the laborer, or anybo7
eHo, which I will ecll utt an enw --
il.. ... k. ..k...J anVn"'
olie. I'leaa call and examine ;
gooda and pnoea belore inn"1
Fre ncbville, Pa., Mar. , 81-tf.