TUB CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN,' rVBllSaaS avoaT WnanasDAV, AT CLEARFIELD, FA. .ITAHLIIHcl) IN !!. ihe Urges! Clreulntlon ef nay Newspaper In North Central Penuaylvnula. Terms of SubBoription, if piid l advance, or within I month!....? (Ml if uutd after and before month! 9 SO If paid sfter th! sxpirstioa of 6 months... 3 (Ml Bates ot Advertising, transient advertiaementa, per equarsof 10 llooaor ics, S times or loss $1 60 For each eubaequent Inaertlon 60 AJmlnlHrntorl' and Rteoutora' notices- S 0 Auditors' notices m I 50 Cautions and Bslrnye. H 1 60 niisnlutiou BOtloeS t 00 Professional Card!, 6 line! or loss,l yssr..... ft 00 l,cel notices, per line SO YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. square 00 I column.. ...tit 00 J squares... 10 00 I f eolutnn.. ......... TO 00 I squares.- 30 00 1 oolamnH.....lZ0 00 Q. D. QOODLANDEH, Publisher, Xau'ltcrs' Cards, jy w. SMITH, ATTOMNEY-AT-LA W, il:l:7l ClfarfltW, Pa. J JcLINQLE, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW I;I5 Phillpaburs;, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd JOLAND D. SWOOPK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curweusville, Clearfield eounlj. Pa. ocl 9, '78-If. QSCAK MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. .srM)fflee In tbe Opera Hima!. oeto, '78-tf. JSRAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. ear-Office one door east of Shaw floaa!. V Til. il. McCULLOUGIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. iffl in Mssonio hulldlni, Second street, op ,nile tho Court lionn. Je!6,'7ll-tf. Ty C. ARNOLD, LAW k COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWEN8VILLE, ijr, Clearfield County, Penn'a. T5y a T. HROCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. OSicc in Opera House, ap Ie,77-ly gMlTII V. WILSON, .ortui-n-f.ir, CLEARFIELD, . - l'ENN'A. .piff-Offlee is tli! Masonic Building, orar tha C.iuoty National Bank. taar'4-80. ALLACE 4 KREBH, TTO KN EYS-AT-LAW, junl'sl Clearfield, Pa. J. K. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. cilice uvar tba County Natiooal Bank. Jon. JS, 76lf. jRANK G. HARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CiBAnriKi-n, Pass's. 1 irst-elnsa Life and Fire Iniuranot Compaaiee rrc.entod. jrfr-OITice in tha Opera House. -nx. Mar. I.'el-1 ta.... a. bl'shat. crst's nonnos. jyjUKHAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. jSTOQioc In Plo'a Opora House, laeoud floor. W74 AY TIL L1AM A. HA&EKTY, .iTTon.ret'-.iT-L.4 ir, lll'HH E over T. A Klerk Co.'! (tort, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A 4T-Wll sttr-nd to alt Isgal builncaa with piouiptnes and fidelity. febllkO-lf. sru a. m'snallt. PAiflal. w. M'coaor. cENALLY A McCCKDY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Clearfield, Pa. Cr-Legal bnalnaa attandad to promptly withj . Iclity. Office on Sooond street, above the Firat National Bank. Jan:l:70 J P. McKENRICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All laical business entrusted to hla ear will re lra prtiwpt attanllon. JSeT-Ofllce In tha Coart llouio. auiu,i8;ai7. Y O. KiiAMER, T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , Real Ratate and ColleolloB Agent, Cl.liAKI'lELO. PA., Hill proinntly attend to all legal builnm an. iru.ted to faia oaro. ,SrOffice in Pia'a Opora House. Janl'7t. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. in! Keel Estate Agent, Clearfield, Pa. uffli-o oa Third atroot, bat.Charrj A Walnut. 9ReipoAtfull7 offera hi! aarTleoiln Billing aad buying land! la OlaarOeld and aIJolning ouantlel and with aa oiparianoool OTorlweutv rian aa a avrrejor, flatten hlmielf Ibat he oan randor eallafaotloB. Feb. l8:'S:tf, ghusUlnns' Cards. -)R E. M. SCHEURER, nOMEOPATUIO PHYSICIAN, Oflloa la roaidenee on Firat at. April S4, 1871. Clearfield, Pa. IAU. W. A. MEANS, I'll YSICIAN 4 8U ifU EON, DUBOIH CITY, PA. " ill attend profeailonal oalll pn.niptlr. luglO'lO J)U. T. J. BOYEK, ill YSICIAN AND SUROKON. uBre oa Market Street, ClrarOeld. Pa. Or-llHIce Imam I to II a. ra , aad 1 to I p yil. J. KAY WIUGLKY, UOMKOI'ATUIC PHYSICIAN, tlfCi&e, adjoining lha realdence af Jatnae "ll'j, K.q., oa itaooad St., ClearOeld, Pa. Jlj!l,'7-tf. (.'.JENKINS, M. U., f '1 V SI C 1 A N AN I) S U UG EON, CI R1VKNSVILLE, PA., 1 (fir ft at realdi Bfa, eoroer of State and Pint Ml.. Jan. etb, IShl II. yi. U. B. VAN VALZAH, I I. .'.ARIVIKI.il. PKNN'A. ' II V. IN IlKSIPENCK, CORNER OF FIRST A.NU P1AH rUltE.E.10. Cftoa hnora-Front II to I P. M. May II, 1ST. )K. J. I'. nURCH FIELD, Hargoon ef the 094 Regiment. Pennsylvania '..iHn, aaviag retaravo irwm f'"i his professloBal servlees to IheelUeeae Prefeaelonal eaill prempUy artealed On. fx en leaaai alraet. formerly eeeapled by ' Wee CLEARFIELD GEO. B. G00DLANDEE, Editor VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. Cards. f Oil WORK. AH klBda of job work aiocutaj l Ib the beat maBBer at tbla offioa. TUXTK'EH' COMNTABLErV FEE We have printed a large number of the new ran utui,, ana win on toe reoeipi 01 twenty. Ova eento. mail a ant, to any addreaa. vjl ATTILLIAM 41. HENRY, Justice T or tub Pbacb aid Siibithib, LUMUEK CITY. Colleetioue made and money promptly paid over. Artiolea of agreement and deeda of ounreyanoe Beatly axeauted and warrantea eor- root or Bo ohergt. MVy e JOHN D.THOMPSON, JagtlM of th PtMi End Seriveatr, Curweusvllle. Pa ftCoIleetiooi nid mi moot? prompt) pfttd rr. leua mi HENRY BRETH, (OHTB1IO F. 0.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ron bill Towaantr. Hay 8, 1878-ly JAMES MITCHELL, OKALBB IS Square Timber & Timber Lnnds, Join CLEARFIELD, PA. A V. UOYT, Land Surveyor and Civil Iigine PBILIVSBI RO, PA. , All bualnaea will bo atleade I to promptly. Dee. IS, 1880-ljr. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penu'a. 4-M.WIII eieeute joba In hla line promptly and In a workmanlike manner. ayr4,n7 MIAN II FIELDING X' AND WILLIAM I). 1UGI.ER, . TTO II. vt: 1 T-1. CLEARFIELD, PA. Nor. i;ib. 180 If. WEAVER &, BETTS, DRALKBR la Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs, AND Ll'MUER OF ALL KINDS. JHf-Ofllne ob Heeond atreet, In rear of atore room of Ueorge Wrater A Co. Jantl, '76 tf. RICHARD HUGHES, Jl'PTICE OF THE PEACE roe Itteatur Township, Oaeeola Mills P. O. All official bualneaa entraited to him will be J promptly attended to. mob3v, '70. EL A HEY SNYDER, BARBER AND HAlnDKttbsKH. Shop on Market St., oppoalte Court Hoate. A eleao towel for every ouatomer. Also dealer la Heel Hi nude of Tobarrn and Cigars, ri.arO.ld. Pa. may 10. '70. JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF TUB PEACE, Wallaeetou, Pa. JkOT-Ho haa prepared hlmaelf wllh all the Beoeaiary blank forma under tbe Pooaion and Bounty laws, as well aa blank IleeUa, oto. All legal mature sntruated to hia eare will receive prompt amotion. May 7th, I ST W-tf. A NDRKW HAKWICK, Market Htreet, ClearUeld, Pa., KA!f 1' FACTO It A Hit MALIK IN Harriets, Bridlei) Saddles, Collars, and MT AH ktoili of rcpftiriiu prompt It (vttaBild to. baJdltn' Htrdwan, Hun liruibei, Carry Conibt, Ac, alwKji on hand and for talc at tbe lowvat caflh prlo. Mirch IV, 1 WTU. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. par-I'umpa always on band and made to order an ebort notion, ripee noren on roaaonaoie tome. All work warranted to render satisfaction, and delivered If desired. mylsilypd Ielvery Stable. rpiIK underalgned bega leave to inlorna thepnn X. He that he is now fully preparer to accommo date all in the way of furnishing lU.sea, Buggies, Baddies and Harness, on the shortest notice and an reaeonehlo terms. Realdenoe oa Loeuet street, between Third and ronrth. (1KO. W. OEARIIART llearOeld. Feb. 4. 1874. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DBAI.BB IB (jKNKHAL MKHCII ANDISK. I.HAIIAMTDN, Pa. Also, rxtensiva manufacturer and dealer In flqnars Timber end Hawed Lumber ol ell ainaa. 47-Ordors sollclled and all hills promptly Oiled. L-JJien S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER T. ABB BBALBB IS jteffiaWatolicnj Clock a and Jonolry, taJiaai's Uou, Marktl Street, I I.GARPIELI), PA. All kinds of repelling la my Hbo promptly Bl ended to. Jan. let, 1170. jiano nana. cabbdll i ainnLn. Clearfield Insurance Agency. mi.hn n i inn. k, r'"'. Repressnt the following and other flrst -elass Co's Companies. A lifts. Liverpool London A Oli.be V. S. Br..UHI,o Lveomlng ob mutual Aeaah plans. .. 0,0011,000 l'honis, of Harlford, Cona J.1.0HJI Insurance Co. of North America 0,4471, 074 North Britl.h A Mereantlle-II.B. Br. !,?, Bcotll.h Commereial U. B. Branoh.... 7,l4t . atert.,wn Ten .SI Travelers (Lite A Accident) 4,1,H tiOioeoo Market ht., e,p. Court llouae, Clear O.ld. Pa Jane I, '70-tf. 2I)R TIN HANG, HAHI'rV AKH, nnrl HOUSE FDRNISHINO GOODS, and NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, and all kinds of SEWINO MACHINES, (10 TO O. fl. 4IEHHELL, Agent, CLEARFIELD, PA. (June I, '00 If. Insurance Agency OF WILUAM 0. HELMB0LD, Pallon Hlotk, C1rorrHrllr , Pa. Companies Represented i Commercial lalon Ins. Co., Amets 7"! 15 Flrames'l Fund Ina. Co , Aeeels ! laloa Insarsaee Co., Assets !'f"'"7. " Travelers' Aeeldent las Oa.. Amrts. .". Kortbera Ian Ca. af New York As ts , 00 InsaroBee planed aa all kinds af property at equitable rates. . . Carwenavuis, Pa, eh. It, llll-tf. & Proprietor. 2,722. L1NESON THE DEATH OFOLIVIA. DLUUM. Dear Ollle's surTeriogs now are o'er, And she has gone to rest ; Her body's witb its kindred oloy, Her spirit wllh the blest. We tnlas tbe face we used to greet. The eapresaioB of those oyee ; For Ollie s gone, forever gons, To dwell 1b yonder tki.s. Too lovely end too fair a flower, In this rude soil to bloom Bhe hes beeo early taken To a wcrld beyond the tomb. Then weep not, father, tho' thy ehit-l, From tliyombreoe baa flown, For Ood io pity bade ber oome, E'ro sorrow she had known. TlIA T lilPEA CUM EST PETI TION. FULL TEXT OF THE DOCUMENT AH IT WAS READ IN THE HOUSE. Tho fiillowing tlio complete tuxt ot tlio potitinn iircHontcd in the House of liepruKcntutivcs on the Ctb inst., for the impeachment ot the Governor and Attorney (ienornl which has not hith erto been printed in full in any news paper: To the Honorable the House of Hep- rescntativet of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth if rtnnxylvama : Your petitioners, citizens of I'ennsyl vama and residents of the county ol Lackawanna, rcspecttully represont that they believe that Governor Henry M. Uoyt and Attornoy Gonoral H. Y. Palmer have been cuilty of conduct in ollk-o that calls lor their impeachment and removal at yonr bands. Your petitioners believe it to be your duly to call tbe said offlcials before yon to answer for tlmir corrupt conduct in shielding Kenible and bis criminal companions Irom tho puiiihlimcnt due their gravo crimes against tbe laws.' Tbero will be little respect for law in ibis Commonwealth as lonir as the abettors of crime are allowed to fill tbe higher)! positions in the .Slate. The pardoning power was not conferred on the Executive Department ot the Com monwealth for tbo purposo ot fostec- ing crime. baid iioyl and l alincr bavo conted- erated with politicians to impose upon tbe citizens ol said Lackawanna county an unconstitutional Judiciary. The pcroona wbo aro acting as Judges of said Lackawanna county are kept in said offices by said Iloyt and Palmer in violation ot the uonstilution and in defianco ot the decision of tbe Supremo Court of tbo State expressed at tbe lime ot tbo granting ot tnid manda mus by said Court directing the Judges ol tbe Eleventh Judicial District to organir.0 the Courts of said oounty. Said Palmer with the sanction of said Hoyt, in pursuance of taid political arrangements, though petitioned somo months smco by about twenly-nve hundred of the citizens of said Lacka wanna county to test through quo warranto proceedings tbe right of the Associato Judges ot said county, to exorcise tbe Judicial functions bas not vouchsafed to notice tho pruyer of taid petitioners. - lb is petition menioraiir.ca mm ns follow! : "To Honorable U. If. I'.ilwicr, Attor ney General of the Commonwealth of Vennsuktnia : We, the undersignod citizens and electors of Lackawanna county, desiro to call your attention to tho following tacts: ibat V. J. JOwis and P. 41. Moflltl have acted at Asso ciate Judges of said county since the first Monday of January, A. V. one thousand eight hundred and tcvonly- nine, and are still acting as such j udgcB under commissions issued, we are con vinced, erroneously, to thorn for five years instead of for one. 1 hat theso commissions wero issued lo thorn for tbe period of five years, by Governor Hartrunft, at a timo, when it was tbonirht that tbo electioniunder wbich llicy claimed, and by reason of which they wero commissioned to said ottlces,)beld in Lackawanna county in tbo month ol November, A. D. 1878, for Associule Judges, as well as for other officers was legal. That, sinco tho issuing of said com missions, tbo Stiprome Court of this Commonwealth bat dccidod (in tbo caso ot Commonwealth ox rel, Ilicbard Evan vs. Patrick 41. Walsh,) said eleo lion as illegal and invalid. That, in the month of November, A. D. 1783, anothor election was held in said county of Lnckawanna, at which Associato Judges were voted for. Hon. William 41orrick and I. V.Lyncb, esq., being candidates, and the only candidates lliorctoro ; at wbich eleo tiod said Merrick received two tbnu sand llireo hundred and forty-two (2.:i 12) votes, and I. V. Lynch, esq., two thousand three hundred and twenty-four (2,324) votes as appears from tlio certificate (a duplicate ol which waa duly forwardod to the Secrotary of tbe Commonwealth) of said election given by the Judges of the Courta of said county to said Merrick and Lynch, and of which in tbe caso of taid Mer rick tho following it a true copy : Certificate of result of the Gonoral Election, held in and for tho County of Lackawanna, on tbo 4th day of Jnovombcr, A. 1). Ia7!l: We, the undersignod Judges ol the Court of Commt.n Finns of Lackawana county, Slate ol Pennsylvania, do boreby cortily that at ii o clock on tho Ctb day of Novcmbor, A. 1). ISTii, being tbe soeond day after election held on tbo 4 1 li day of November A. U. 1879, tbe Prolbonotary of said Court, having presonted the returns ol said eloction according to law, and caused them to bo computed in our presence, by tbe proper ctticcr and bis assistants, who wore duly sworn, and the votes cast at said election having bocn carofully added togcthor, it ap peared that lor the office of Associato Judge, William 4lerrick had two thou sand throe hundred and lorty-two votes, (2,312,) and 1. V. Lynch hail two thousand throe hundred and twenty-four votes, (2,324.) In testimony wherool wo have here unto sot our bands, and caused the seal of tbe said Court to be affixed this 8th day of November, A. 1). 1879. John llANM.xr, seal. i W. J. Lewis, seal Judges. P. 41. 4IOFFIT, seal J ) Attest : BEAL OF V. L. HlTrllCOCK, corn. Prothonolary. That, by virtue of taid eloction, hold in 1711, in oar opinion, guided at we are by said decision of the highest Ju dicial tribunal of thit Commonwealth, said William Merrick and laid J. V. Lynch are tho propor persona to be commissioned, and to tit in tha Court of Lackawanna county as tbe Associato Judges thereof. That it it extensively alleged tbat for personal and party reasons, said commissions are withheld from taid Jlorrlrk and Lynch at tha Instance and by the advioo of persons connocted with th Pxeeutlve Department ; ana that yon refuse to auggest tha issuing of a writ of quo warranto to test the CLEARFIELD, title of said Lewis and Uoflltt to said office of Associate Judge, although re quested ao to do by Messrs. Merrick and l.yncb, in a letter written by 11 r. Merrick, and forwarded to yon at this date mentioned therein, of wbicb the following it a copy : Sciianton, Pa., January 20, 1880. Jjonorame II. w. f aimer, Attorney uen eral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia: Dear Sir Will you, knowing as you do all tbe facts involved, suggest tbe issuing of a writ ol quo warranto to tost tbe tillo of Messrs. W. J. Lewis and P. M. Mofiltt at Associate Judgos of Lackawanna county ; or otherwise will you advise the Governor to issue commission! to Mr. I. V. Lynch and myself as such Associate J udges, aa wo understand bo withhold! said commis sions at your suggestion. Respectfully, your obedient servant, YVM. Merbick. That your preducossort in office, learned men at they invariably wero, never refused to perform their duty towards any citizen, or body of citi zens of this State, and that that pro found and fair minded Attorney Gen oral, K. Carroll Ilrewstor, did not hesi tate to have that most learned and just Jurist, John N. Cunyngham, oustod from the position of Recorder of the Mayor's Court for tho city of Scranton, by tjuo warranto proceedings. o, therefore, in view of the fore going facts, respectfully request, and demand it as our right of you, who are simply the people's servant, not their mastor, that you suggest tho issuing of'fiud writ, in order that it may bo le gally determined wbo of taid parties claiming to be said Associato Judges ol taid county, have tbe right to exer cise the functions and perform tbe du ties tbereol." Judges Hundley and Hand are hold ing their positions in taid county by as illegal a tenure as Judgos Lewis and Mollitt, and said Iloyt and Palmer know tbo fact, but thoy uro deter mined, for tho personal and political reasons that their wishes and their croaturcs shall bo respectively the laws and the Judi'es lor the people ol said Lackuwanna county. Ibepooplo ot J.uckawanna county should enjoy tho rigbu guarantccd-by the State Constitution, and if they can bo deprived of theso rights at tho cap rice of a suporcillious and intriguing Attorney General, then government in I'cnnsylruma it a sham. The official conduct of these men hus been tho principal cause of tho emi nently bad repute that attaches to tbe name of Pennsylvania among tho State! ot tho Union to day, and as long at theso men are countenanced by your Honorable body in imposing on lha people of any locality an un constitutional Judiciary for their own personal ends, and in pardoning great criminals for corrupt and political con siderations, there will not be tbat re spect for porsont in authority that gives purmanenco and stability to government. lour petitioners are ready to pre sent aucb facts to your Honorable body as will prove that said Hoyt and Pal mer have used their said offices to car ry out infractions of tbo Constitution und laws ot the State, and to secure immunity to tho violators of said laws." WASTIXO A WA Y THE EAIl Til. No particle of sand wbich goes down into tbe aca ever comet back. Yet the particles leave the surface of tbo earth evory second and nre carried, suspended in tbo waters of more than twenty thousand rivors, out into tlio oceans. Thoro are moro than a hun dred strcamB, classed on the maps at rivors, in Louisiana alono. Each one of theso bat tevcral bundled crocks, brooks and spring branches tributary to iu Each brook or spring branch, witb ita counties! rivululs, clasps tho hillside! and drag down tbo surfaces thereof down into tbo brooks down into tbe creeks down into the rivers down into tho ocean. And tbero the atoms rest patiently ; cacb atom wait ing for its sisters and its cousins and its aunts still lingering in tbo fields and on tbo bills, yet crooning toward the gullies and thence to the sea. Thit process bat been going on since tho time whon "tho world was without form and void;" whoroby the pri mo ral rocks wero disintregated and spread abroad in fertile fields ; whoro by the fertilo fields are slowly being washed back into the oceans; where by tbe bottom ol tho oceans it being prepared to bo elevated again to the light and to form other fields whereon cotton and wheal or something or olhor will grow. This is tho very apolhcsis of "demnilion grind." Ho wbo originated Unit phraso spoke moro scientifically than ho knew. Life, ani mated and inanimated, is simnlv a grinding down of tho higher purls and the aisiiiuuuon inoreol in tho hollows. Tho final outcome of earth, after mill ions of years, must bo something in the nature ol a large billiard ball whirling through tho sky, with noth ing in the world on it except a smooth, dead surfaco. MEYERBEER AND THE POET. One night while ho was in Brussels a duet came into bis mind at 2 A. 41. Ho leaped from his bed, rang tho bell for n sorvanl and asked for a poet. 1 ho servant, not Knowing what dish that was, awoko tbe master of tho bouse, and, after satisfy ing himself tbat Meycrboor really wanted at that hour of the night a biped wbo turned out verses, gave him the address of a well known llelgian poet, ordered a cab und sent Moyerboor to the dramatist's home. Meyerbeer tuggod tbe boll till he brought tho master, who answered the alarm in tbe worst possible humor until the visitor said : "I am Meyer beer. Are you a poet ? " "Yes, when 1 am in the vein, but at these untimely hours, whon only churchyards yawn, the humor is not on me." "Humor is will; will is in spiration, 'twill come. Sit at your desk and write a duet between a lover and his sweotheart; hero ia the idea." Meyer boor gave bis thoughts. "I would write what you want a groat deal belter after thinking ovor it to. nigliL Give mo till to morrow. ".No, no, no; write at once ; to morrow I'll be in liorlin." Tho poet wrote tho duet. Moyerboor was pleased with it ; ho drew out bis wallet, took a l,000t bank note from it, gave it to the poet, saying : "He good enough to accept thit rag lor your nuibot a royally, witb a thousand thanks, it is said thit duet was nsed in L'Africaine. i'tirii Letter to Nric Orlcam Picayune. They stood at the door preparatory lo saying gnod-night. "When shall 1 call again?" he asked, with an emo tion that made hit eyes misty ana nit voice soft. "When imps returns," she answered, calmly. "And whon will that be!" be eagerly added. "Wall, be starts on a vovnuo around lbs world to-morrow, and I'll lot yon know when be gets back, PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1881. HARD TO TELL. It is really getting to be difficult for a stranger to it to tell that bo is read ing a Republican newspaper. But a few months since its politics were ob vious enoui'b ; it bad then no aim in the world but to elect Garfield and no delight so great as to expatiato, after the deed was done, upon tho virtuo of tbo liepublican party and the great glory it was to continue lo shed upon tuo country. mo liepublican press is not so unanimous now. Its tunes uro dis cordant. Tba orpins do not blow sweetly and id unison. J. hey are not alone occupied in denouncing the De mocracy. In truth wo get but a small sliaro ol their attention, and come in lor more ha'pence than kicks, and more smiles than frowns. J be house ts di vided against itself, and the warring factions even look to the common ene my lor aid and comfo-t. Tbo Now York Tribune, wbich Ins bocn con- spicuons of luto years for the exceed ing blucknesa of its Jienuilicanism and the extremity of its phobia against anyiuing Democratic, reaim now al most like a Democratic sheot in tbo expression of its disgust tt tho conduct ol tbo Jlepublicau Setiiitonal bosses, wl om it charges with tttempting to Uflt rp a power that does not belong to them iu refusing to go on wiUi the public business until tbo Presideut nominates tbo men to office whom thoy want to bavo nominated. Are we sorry that Garfield was elected? asks tho Tribune; and it thinks not; but nevertheless recognizes tbo fact that while "six months ago the Republican party was wild wilh joy" becauso Gar field was elected, it is Dot thus joyous to day. It refuses to belie vo tbat it is because it has changed its mind and repents ol what it did, but finds thai tbo difficulty is that "tome men, wbo could not bo elected themselves, think that tha 1 resident belongs to them as part of their live stock,'' bscauso thoy turned in at the lust moment and so cured bis election. Tlio wholo story is tlic old 03c ; the Republicans having secured tho bono now fight among thcmsulvcs for its marrow ; and thoso who don't know them as of one party would never recognize the foot in their present demeanor. J hat other metropolitan newspaper, the New York Times, n moro free and conspicuous a great deal than tbe lribune In its assault! upon Republi cans. Keally tho party politicians can got no juslico done them snvo at Dem ocratic hands. Standing belwocn tho factions with onprejudiccd minds, we can discern readily enough that ono is as good as tbe other, and that thoro is no principlo at all lu-a fight which is simply in its issue to detormino which set of leaders shall walk tbo plank. no rocognizo the energy with which the Garfield-Blaine combination aro seeking to bury tbe Conkling-Grant men, and we cannot got up any vio lent indignation ovor tlio strenuous ef forts at aolf-presorvation wbicb the proposed victims aro making, even though in tho effort tboy obstruct tho public business for two months and lull under the condemnation of their party organs of tho lllainc-Gartiold typo, as "usurpers" and "Senatorial bosses." Tbero is no doubt at all tbat it is a simple question of "bosses," and though wo object to tho country being made lo pay tho oxpenso of tho strug gle, our fairness won t let us demand that tho Sonatori U viclims seloctcd for the Presidential juggernaut shall deliv er thomsolvcs up to it. We are willing to pay our quota of tho cost to secure fair play and seo tbe fun ; and whon evor we got a chance we will bo dis posed to help up the under dog in the light. It is quite comlorlablo to loci that wo aro out of it and bound to profit by it, wbocvor wins. We can read the remarks of our Republican contemporaries with groat complacen cy and onjoymonl, now that they aro directed towards exposing and de nouncing the (ins ot ono another. We frankly confess that wo novor found thorn so interesting before, nor so truthful and full of inlormalion. They aro spoaking now from the in side on subjocta Willi which they are lumilliar and about which they have a great deal to toll. Rut really for tbe bonctil ot strangers they ought to label themselves and put up in big typo at tho head of tbeir editorial columns, "This is a Republican organ." Hero aro two local organs of tha party in our town daily firing away at ono an othor as though thoy really wore po litical enemies. No one could possi bly tell Irom tho way they talk that they wore members ol one politicul family. They aro edifying to tho pub lic in that they tell it a great deal that is bad but very true about each other, and bow they sell their oditoriul opin ions and generally aro corrupt and hypocritical to tho last degroo; but they aro not lovely examples ol family unity. Lancaster Intelligencer. II A YE CO WS FRONT TEETH IN UPPER J A WS? A Connie of Third Ward eitieens mot each otbor on tbo sidewalk last Mon- lav moruinir as thcr were startinir for tbeir place of business, and ono of them, wbo resides on an Huron street nsked the other, a Jackson street mnn it cows bad any front teotb on tbeir upper jaw. 1 be Jackson street man was a litllo astonished at the nuoHtinn. as there bad bocn nothing said about cows, but replied promptly: "Why, of courso thoy have front teeth on their uimer iaw: bow could they bile off grass if they hadn't?" ihe Van Ituien street man said it waa not a nuostion of lorrin. but a nuoA. tion of fact ; and if tho Jackson etreot man did not know whother cows bad front tcctk on tbo utiocr law or not. ho ought to say so. "1 did not ask you for your opinion," bo said ; "I ask ed H you know. The Jackson street man was a little nettled at this, and replied witb somo warmth. He said if ho had a child thieo yoars old wbo would ask sucb a question aa that be should be afraid the child was an idiot. "You would ?" "I corlninly should " "Then." said tho Van Duron street man. "as It is such a eimnlo onestion. ot courso you can tell me whether cows isvs trot front tool!) on their unncr jaws or whether they have not." "Yhy, ol courso they have. ' "Tboy have, eb f" "I'll bet vou ten dollars thev havon'L" aid the Van Huron alroet cilir.on, pull ing out a roll of bills, and peeling off a couple of Uvea and shaking thorn at is neighbor, "i ut up or abut up. "There is some infernal catch about ibis thing," said tbe olber, suspicious ly ; "1 might have known it loo, the minulo vou asked me such an infernal idiotic question." "So catch at all about it." rcnlied the other, "if cows have trot front teeth od their upper jaws the tea dollars is yours. If they haven't tbe money Is REPUBLICAN. mino. Nothing could be fairer than that, could thoro r But still the Jackson Btroct man hesitated. It was barely possible that cows aid not nave any tront tcctb on their upper jaws. Ho remembered, then, that cowa in biting off grass al ways throw their coses outward, whilo horses nipped it off by jerking tbeir noses inward, ilo was astonished at how near be bad como to boing vic timized, but bo did not liko to como down. Tho two wore the near tbo meat market, near tbo corner of Jack son aiKJ Michigan streets, and the Jackson street man was suro that tbe butcher would know for a cortuinty wbetber or not cows had front teeth on their upper jaws: so ho pushed tbo uoor open ana said to the proprietor: "Linohan, bavo cows got front tooth on thoir upper laws?" Lineban was running a skewer througli a roast ol bcol, but bo stop. ped, looking up in astonishment, ho suid : "What!" "Havo cows got front teeth on their upper jaws r "Cows?" "Yes." "Got front teelb on Ibeir upper jaws I "ies. "I'pon my word I don't know." "You don't know?" "No. You see I buy my boef by tbe quarter at tho slaughter-house, and don't bavo anything to do with the heads. Hut J can lind out for yon when I go ovor." "I wish you would.'' So the Jackson street man closod tbo door, and rejoined his neighbor, and tba two walked along without saying a word. A milk wagon was seen coming np tho street, and it was rosolved to hail tbe driver and ask bim the question, as it is popularly supposed tbat milkmen aro more or less lumihar witb cows. J ho Van Huron street citizen cleared his throat and yelled, "Hello I" Tho milkman ruined up, and said : do ahead witb your tests. It you find any water or chalk in that milk 1 II givo you tho whole ot it. J ho citizen told bim to be calm, as tboy had no intention ot testing bis milk, but only wanted to know il cows had front teeth on tbeir upper jaws. the milkman looked at tbein about a in in ii to and then whipped up bis horses and drove oil, mentioning some kind of a fool that tboy were. Up on n isconsin street they saw another milkman, delivering milk, and over taking bim they explained tbe dis- puto. Ho smiled pityingly upon tbeir ignorance, and said : "Ut courso cows have front teeth on thoir upper jaws a driveling idiot ought to know tbat much. A cow would bo a handsome looking object without any front tcctb on ber upper jaw, wouldn't she t" I vo concluded to tako tbat botof yours," said tbe Jackson street man to other. "Come, now, down with your dust, rut up or shut up. " by didn t you do it, thon, when you bad tbo chance ? I novor claimed to know wbnthor a cow bad any up per teotb on her front jaw or not ; 1 only thought 1 bad road so somewhere, and asked to know if you know about it tor certain. Uut now that the thing is sottled, there is nothing to bet on as I can see." Oh, of courso not," said tho Jackson stroet man sarcastically ; "of courso not. Just then Mr. Clark, of Ibe Newball Houso, bapponcd along, and as tho milkman picked up his lines and drove oft", tho an Uutcn street asked 3Ir. Clark if ho know anything about cows. Mr. Clark said be did, having formerly boon a farmer and a cattle buyer. oil, said tho v an Huron strocter, "do you know I got tbo queerest Idea into my bead this morning about cows that a man over bad. Somehow or other 1 got the idea that cows had no Ironl teeth on their upper jaw ; and I actually oflcrcd to bot ten dollars wilh this man that such was the caso. 1 don't see what possossed mo." "Well, il you Had bet, you would have won tbo money," said 41 r. Clark. " hat I exclaimed both tbo citizens togcthor. "I say ii you had bet you would havo won the money, for cowb have no front tcclh on thuir upper jaws." "hwoet spirit hear my prayer, said tbo Van Huron alroet citizen, as bo brought out bis roll and peeled off tbo two fives again and shook them at tbo Jackson street man, who turned away witb a sickly smilo and soul ho could not always be pulling out his money. Ignorance seems to be stalking through tbo land like a Kansas gross boppor on stilts. Peck's Sun. WINDMILLS OF RHODE ISLAND. Ono of tbe many pleasing objects presenting themselves to tho eyo in tho numerous lino drives from Now port to tho othor two towns Mitldlo- lown lo Portsmouth on the sumo is land aro the old-fashioned windmills. Thoy may truly bo called old fashioned, not only on account of tho antiquity of this method ot grinding grain, but also bocauso of tbe venorttlilo ago of tho structures themselves. Most promi nent among those Is tho Old alono 41 ill, built two hundred years ago by Governor Arnold, which hat so ab surdly boon made to do duty aa a relic of the legendary visit of tbo Northmen lo Nowport. The Govornor mentions this structure in a deed of land adjoin ing its site, ami be evidently built it alter tbo model which bo bad scan near his own birthplaco in Knglund, wbich is still in activo working order. Doubtless many a grist was, in years gone by, ground within this roofless rolic. Tbo lack ol running streams, tidal or othorwise, on the island, com pelled the first English occupants of it lo bavo recourse to this method of manufacturing their breadstuff. It otters a pretty fairly balanced compar ison ol laciiitici and cost with the uso of walor power. J hero aro eight ol theso windmills on tho island besides Arnold's, seven of them doing active duty when the elements are favorable to their opera tion ; and tho view ol them fn motion ia very agreeable-though horses aro very npt lo be (lightened by tbo sight ot their expanded wings. Tbe ono nearest to Nowport it on tbe odgo of Middlctown, to the west ol lbs Para dise road. This was built and origin ally sot up at Tiverton more than a hundred and twenty tlv years ago. Its substantial oaken limbers, which, of course, have been often re-covered, aro at bard aa iron, Sucb a structure needs to It very strong, or else tho wracking which a stiff wind gavo to its sails would toon tear it to pieces. Tbo main timbers and cross limbers are firmly stayed, so aa to allow noth ing more than tbat apparent working which is felt on mid-ocean in tbt best built wooden, or even iron shun. Tbe NEW nether millstone it tot about eight foot Irom tba floor, ao thoroughly secured as not to be started in its position. A windlass arrangement draws up a sup ply of corn to feed tbo boppor, and tligbls ot stops go to tho top to lucill tale tbo oiling of the machinery and tho regulation of the movement. An. other external wheel tcls tbo sails or fans to tho wind, the sails being ex panded or drawn in by ropo gearing. Tbo borizontul rovolving abaft is con- nccted with a perpendicular one, lo wbich is firmly attached the upper millstone, ot courso tlio power und capacity of tho mill for work doponds upon tbo force ol tho wind. If this be tempestuous and gusty, it is not safe to allow its oporation. A force ol at least ten or twolvo horse-power Is req uisite lor grinding hard Indian corn into one nu ai, but rued may be manu factured with somewhat less lorce, Twenty-five bushels of flue meal is a lair product ot tho mill lor ouo day. Soon ut a little distance, tbo bugo funs turn gracefully in apparent silence, ns il in harmony with tbe zephyrs. Hut when one stands immediately under tho shadow ol tbo structure there is a majestic sweep in them atlunded Witb a corresponding sound, not exuetly a noise, and one is made to imagine what would bo tha ctlect on bis body or skull, if bo stood in tbe way. Yet tbo acquired momentum seems to be less thun tbat ot machinery moved by steam or walor power. from the ttoston Jransenpt. HOW MR. HE.RY SUA W SA W THE ELEPHANT. Mr Henry Shaw, a well known and comparatively wealthy citizen of the town of Nowry, sold his farm in Hlair county and deposited S3,0U0 of the purchase monoy with Gardner, Mor row k Co., bankers at llollidaysburg, witb instructions to purchase tor him I'nitod SiateB bonds for the same. On Saturday, he wont to Uolliduysbiirgto lift bia bonds, but tboy hadn't arrived. On bia way back to Newry, bo stopped lor a while to look at Ibe tents und pictures and listen to tho music at tbe circus wbicb was on exhibition in a field by tbe roadside. While standing in front of one of the side shows a vert' genial gentleman, apparently one of tbo managers ol llio allair, engaged in conversation with him, pretending to want to purehaso somo borses. It w asn't long until the genial gentleman knew that ho was talking with Henry Shaw, of Nowry, wbo nad recently sold bis furm for a snug sum and who bad a bank account witb Gnrdnor, 41orrow & Co. Thon bo invited Hen ry to como in and look at tbo curiosi ties; it shouldn't cost bim anything. And so Uunry wont in. After be bad scon what was to bo seen, two other gentlemen invited him to a sort of a back room attached to the side show, and bore tboy wanted Henry to try bis luck at a certain game ot chance, wbicb he cannot describe. Ho de murred on tbe ground that bo badu't any money, lbon it was suggostod that ono ol the "gentlemen try lor Mr. Shaw and see wbat bis luck would be. This be agreed to. The experi ment was tried and tbo result was wonderful. Tbe "gentlemen" held up their bands in astonishmonL Mr. S. had drawn fl,000. This was just one litllo formality. 41r. Shaw must cover the 61,000 with 500. To mako a long story short, Henry was persuaded to go to bis bunkers and got tho money. Ilo went back tq tbe place, was chlo roformed and lost bis monoy. When be came lo himself ho was alone. Yesterday, 41 r. Shaw and another gentleman irom Newry came ovor to Altoona, and after somo investigation, succeeded in picking up two of tbu parties wbo swindled Henry. They wero arrested and taken colore Mayor Howard, where Mr. Shaw Identified tbein. Aftor refunding Shaw bis money and paying all costs in tho caso tboy wero discharged. Altoona Trib une. AGED PARENTS. lly somo, aged parents aro consider ed a burden, ot which tboy would glad ly rid themselves. Y o often oeo theso persons treat their parents unkindly, apparently forgetting the debt of love and gratitudo wbich they owe to their lather and mother. Ah, bow ungrate ful ia tho human heart I How apt it is to becomo cold and hardened to ward thoso whom it once loved witb tbe tonilorcst, holiest affection! Oh, heartless children I Was it not your mother who watched over you in tho hours of inlancy ? Was it not sbo wbo spont so many sleepless nights by your sido as you lay in your nttio nod, But tering from disease which sbo feared might tako tbo loved ono from hor sight? And, when tba danger was past, knelt and offered a prayer of thanksgiving lo liod lor his groat kind ness in sparing the life of ber dulling f Sho has prayed tor you all through by gone years, and she prays lor you still. It was she who taught you to Bay your simple prayer each evening as you knell iiesido tier Knee, un how you loved ber then ! Every childish caro and sorrow wat poured into ber listening ear, and you evor tound in bor a sympathizing friend and counselor. And your father! Do you not ro- momber when you used to stand at tbe window and watch bim coming Irom the field, or tbo workshop, where ho bad labored bard all day long, that you might not want? And, when tho ovening meal was over, then he took you on bis knoo, told you pretty sto ries and called you bis precious child 7 And thul whon you came to be of tbo proper ago, bo sent you to school that you might obtain an education and prepare youiscll to becomo wiso and usolul, and bo an honor to yourself and to the world; llavo you forgot ten all Ibis? It cannot be. Slop and think what you do whou you pronounce your father and mothor burdens, and treat them as though they sustained no relation to you. Consider that tho vigor ol life is gone, that tboy bavo become weak and de pendent, and that their poor old hearts need cheering by kind words and pleasant smiles. The sLadowB of thoir lives aro lengthening their sun is about to set. Then be careful that you cause no cloud to settle and ob scure tbe glory ol tbat sunset. PnaBint.r A M ibtak e ".Tames." said a motherly woman to a young man whose first sermon she bad just nearo, "jamua, wny uni yon enter tno ministry?" "1 had a call from tbe T.nf.,1 " aairl ttiA vnunrr man anil then came the reply, "Hut aro you not aure il wasn i some otnor noise job nenru r "Wbat ia the meaning of a backbit or ? " asked a gentleman at a Sunday school examination. This waa a pus- clor. It wont down tho class until il came to a simple litllo urchin, wbo sold, "Perhaps it o a lien. TEEMS-S2 per annum In Advaaoe. SERIES - VOL. 22, NO. 20, ON THE FAPM. Hoosters orowiog, Cattle lo wing, Wateb-doge oaylng, Horses neighiug, Fcscoi-ks In plumes efspleojor screaming. In Ibe morning, At Ihe dawning, Hieing early, Reaping barley, lha aiaeter regulating tcaulog. Oien feeding, Weelber heeding, bright or bery, ' Milking Daisy, lueen of the field, pride of the dairy. Then comes Ligbt-laee, Then cornea firigbt-fsce, Then Uleckborry, And Red Cherry, Tbe milkmaid, meadow fairy. Ripe fruit tumbling, Karmera grumbling, Cm MBfolaiog, Women eoolding, And dl.sppoiBted meideni "pouting." When the orcein 's oft, Handing teama off To tbe oheeee-preas ; The milk weigbe less, but there racy be a brook Irout lo. Ah ! the nighttime brings the bright time, W hen barsb Doi.es, And loud voices Are drowned la deep seas of iluinhcr. The whip-poor-will W ill not be still i Hbe's sppraling, Without feeliujr. For stripes for poor " Will" without number. In thickets hid, The katydid Wakee to tell ns Phe Is Jealous ; It may be Action, or flirtation. Of some coquette Wbo when she mol Sweet Eaty fair Out in the air, Said some soft things witb palpitations. O'eo, W. f.eioe, is Trmptrmnet Banner. SEC RET A R Y LINCOLN AND THE ARMY RING. Secretary of War Lincoln has start ed off in a reform that be can not ac complish, much aa bis desire may be to do it. He bad an idea that he would got rid of tbo army barnacles, who, while they draw Bularicfl from (jcnerul dowh lo Lieutenant, never render any servico in return. Ibe caso thai be started out on was that of Lieut. Dradluy, wbo managed to get a 'special act passed through Congress giving him tho pay of Cap tain. Lieut. Bradley has not seen his regiment for seventeen years. During this time bo bas not performed one week's servico really, though ho has bcon suffered lo be iu charge of one of the hundred of rod tape bureaus of tbe Vt ar department. Hut be bas been a leader ot tbe gcrman regularly and is 'beuvy waltzer. lie has never missed a society gathoring and it a delightful lellar, you know." Ho parts bit hair in the middle and playa polo. vt ben Mr. Lincoln wat told ol these things there aro a hundred sucb cases in tbe War Department he made np his mind ibat bo would reform tbe business or smash up trying to do to. no bogan on isradiey, but it was not two days before Bradley brought so cial influonco to have tbe order re scinded. Otbor Secrotarios ol War have tried to do exactly what Lincoln wanted to do, but they lulled every time, as Lin coln will fail. Tho Army Ring It too strong for the Department to manage. there aro hundreds ot barnacles on tbe Naval rolls also, but nothing can be done about it. Thoro are Buveral Naval officers now on duty, "special duty," at tbo Washington Navy Yard that bavo not boon one hour on a ship, except when they went traveling for pleasure, since the day they lelt An napolis witb their appointments as Lieutenant. Judge Hunt will take no steps lo correct wbat he knows is an evil, becauso ho knows ho cannot mako a succost of it. Lincoln, bowovor, is very rash, and swears bo will do something or know tbo reason why. Ho will probably discover tbe reason, but his reform will not amount to much. Hartford Times. CARRYING AN EMPTY MAIL BAG. Last year a contract was made with William F. Davidson to carry a daily mail packet Irom St. Paul to St. Louis at (08,788 per annum, tbo term com mencing July 1, 1880, and ending Juno 10, 1881. Tho criminal absurdity ot any such contract is apparent on tbe face ot it. lo carry mail Irom St. Paul lo St. Louis by boat takes about flvo days; to do it by rail lakes one. Tbe service in question waa to bo a through service botwoen those two cities. This route was discontinued 4larcb 31, 1881. Tbero was paid reg ularly the quarterly pay of 117,107 from July 1st of last year to 41 arch 31 of this year, with ono month's extra pay on the discontinuance ot tbe route. The amount of extra pay was 15,932. There wa.) deducted Irom tbe pay for failure to perform the sorvico duting the first quarter (227, during the next (13,417, and during tbo third (15,008. Tbe total amount paid for this extra ordinary service lor tho throe quarters, including tho deductions, was C".i,!im. The extent of tbo service rendered may bo understood Irom tho fact that, after the first protest against carrying mails in tins way bad been overruled, the post office clerk mado up an empty pouch on tbe boat daily from St. Paul to St. Louis. To put up letters into it, and to delay them four days, was some thing wbicb they would not consent to do. So during tho lifo of tho onntruct tbo post office authorities wont through tho lurco ol paying a man (20,000 for carrying an empty sack back and forth between St. Paul and at. Louis. Tbo State Senate on Monday was ithout a ii nor um. Out of fifty mem bers only twenty-throe nnswored to tbeir names at roll-call. The doubt about tbo pay for the timo exceeding ono hundred days, now expired, may have compelled tbo twenty soven miss inn Senators to co somowhore to cam something to meet board bills, Ao. A book publisher upon returning from a parly given by a member ol the "best socicly," remarked tbat tome of tbe expensively attired young men (iresent reminded him of a dime novel lound in Turkey morocco wilh gill edges. The man who expressed an opinion bad to pay charges clear through bo fore the company would take it. A New York man calls his sweet heart Kitty, because sbo gets her hack up so often. Tat sayt tbat Balaam wat tbe first Astronomer wbo discovered an ass- lo roid. Gloves art worn very long now by people who cannot aflord to buy new onct. EDUCATIONAL. BY II. L. MoQUOWN. The directors of Ferguson township have let tbe contract for building a new school houso at r'rieudship. Tha examination nf lhA o-railiinlino' class at the Lock Havon Normal School will tako place on tba 20th oi June. Thomaa C. Hopkins, toacbor ot Jef ferson school, in Decatur township, it now attending Dickinaon Seminary, at n illiamsport. In bia recent lecture m Philadelphia, Honry Ward lieecher said : "If there ia any economy that is spendthrift economy, il It tlinginoes in supporting tbe common schools." Tbe local Normal Schools at Lum ber City, Pennville, New Washington, Pine Grove, and Clearfield, are well attended by atudenta. In tbe aggre gate about 300 students are attending theso schools. S. T. Hroekbank, Ksq , lectured be fore tbe Kducutioiial Association at Now Millport, on Saturday evening. .May 7tb, and before tbe Pennville Normal School Friday evening, May 13th. His lectures are purely educa tional, and ate well received by all who bear them. An opiuion has roccntly been ten dered by W. A. Lindsey, Esq., Deputy State Superintendent ol schools, that if a School Hoard provides sufficient accommodation for all scholars of tbe district, it it then optional with tbt Hoard to grant or refuse the school building lor other purposes. Dr. K. K. Uigbee, our new State Su perintendent, is lectuiing at different places throughout the Slate, and got ting acquainted with Ibe people. An effort will be made to have him pres ent at the dedication of the new school building in Houtzdale during the month of August or September. We have in preparation a small book ol nearly a hundred pages, containing the plan bl work lor Ibe ensuing three years. It, whon completed, will be a manual lor the teacher, in wbicb tbt wishes of tbe Superintendent can easi ly be ascertained. A more extended nntico will be given it in the future. Clearfield oounty school teachers loomed op quite prominently at tbe late election of County Superintend ents, as candidates, in different parts of the State. Prof. E. N. Root waa a candidate in Hlair county, Prof. Geo. tlarsden in Cambria oounty, and frot. W. J. King in Cameron county. None ot them, however, wore successful. The printers made us commit sev eral errors last week in naming tba .Superintendents elected in adjoining counties. Corrected, they are as fol lows: Hlair, John H. Stevens; Hunt ingdon, W. R. Baker; Centre, D. 41. Wolf, Clinton, Thomaa N. Magee; Cameron, N. H. Scbenk, Jefferson, W. A. Kelly; Indiana, S. J. Craighead. School Hoards should begin at once to prepare tbeir annual reports in or der tbat they may be sent in promptly at tbe boginning of tbe new school year. We caution the Presidents of Boardt against making affidavit to tbe report when tboy know the school law has not been complied with. Where schools have been kept open on Satur day, or bave been in charge of persons not having valid certificates, nor have not been kept open tha required time, the oatb cannot be taken by the Presi dent of tbe Board unless greatly modi hod. ROLL OF U0SOH. Tbe following ia a list ol pupils re ceived for the "Roll of Honor" for the week ending May 6th. AH whose names appear in this list attended tbe school to wbich they belonged every day ot tbe school term : West Liberty school, in Sandy town, ship, Peter S. Hoborling, teacher A. L. Poellolhwait and M. A. Hoberllng. Three Runs school, in Karthaus township, H. E. Kisbor, teacher Mary Conaway and Taicy Glace. THOUGHTS FOB TEACHERS. Fortune unmasks men. At nothing astonishes men ao much as common sense and plain dealing, bo nothing it more rare in a man than an act of bit own. Emerson. Iu this age of multitudinous studies be sure tbat whatever else is taught, your pupils shall be able to think cor rectly, and express their thoughts clearly. You cannot stand still. It you are not Improving every terra, both in general information and in methods of instruction, rest assured that you are losing ground. Education la a treasure which you cannot lose; goods which tha sheriff cannot sell from you ; property which no thief can steal; a satisfaction of which no inisfortuno can doprive you. Facts are valuable, and it is well to store the mind with them. Hut it Is not the main object of education to ao quire facts, but to learn bow to reason clearly, and to express our thoughts correctly. Do not delude yourself with the Idea that you can please everybody. Al ways do tbat which is right, be dili gent, do the most you can, pay no re gard to tha fault-finders, and you will find at many friends as any aensible man need desire. "Kneonrago" ia tbe bast word it our language. It is a lifting word, and ita port or Is equal to the strength of the user. The teacher, more than any other, needs to foel its strengthening influence ; and he, mora than any other, should know how to encourge wisely. Two gifts are offered to men in thit world ; they aoldom can bave both. One ia success, witb weariness; tbe otbor failure with hope. Tha last is much the best. Tbe man who succeeds finds tbat hit success does not amount to a groat deal ; the man wbo lailt, but keeps bit hope, it tbt happy man. Before a teacher can set about hia professional work intelligently and with assurance of success, lie must not only understand its technical details, but ha ahould also have a broad and comprehensive knowledge of the gen eral objects of education, and the means by which these are to ba ac complished. Do not becomo the slave of method. Methods are valuable, but none nre so good aa not to permit of variation. Even a perfect method will become wearisome il too often repeated. He full ot expedients. Novor lot your pu pils know how yon ait) going to hoar the next lesson. You will then keep tboir attention on the alert. Moral education considers tha rela tions which exist botwoen tilt individ ual and other human beings, and the conduct proper to observe in conse quence of those relations. Analogous to the divisiona ol physical and men tal education consists, first, ot moral growth, and. secondly, of moral strength. Physical education bat for ill object the growth and nurture of tho body, and the attainment of bodily strength. I'pon the accomplishment of these ob jects the entire welfare of tba banian being depends, n ilhout proper bodi ly growth and nurture) it ! impossible to achieve either mental cr moral excellence. ''Weeds, anra,' -tf