THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WKDNKFDAY M0HN1N0, MAY 11, 1IS1. Term! of Subscription. If raid in e.lvanee.or within three months,..! 3 CO If (.Md after three aid before in months.,, 2 60 f ,,iiJ alter theeipiralluo of ix menbla... I 00 Hr.MC.IOU8 NOTICE!!. Met hod M r.i'Ioopl Church Rt. Oko, Lsir.T, Part of. HerriM every Sabbath at lOJ A. M.,and Ti 1'. . Sabbath Bcbool at 9 A. M. I'raver MetttDC every Wednesday, at TJ P. M CouiD. union Service, Brit Hibbath of ovary mot-lb, at 10) A. M. W tni ClearUelit M. E, Church Rt. (imin.i ! Acta. Peator. Preaching ivi'j llcrnate Sunday, at t o'clock, P. M. Sunday -cl.uul t ii, r. M. All are inn ted to attend. lresbterUn Church Rer. H. S.Butlbr, .-Hal,ltatb services morning and evening Sab- sntb School at I r. . rrayer Meeting eases Uy evening. Itaptlet CMiurch. Uev. , Pastor. .--aMi-itta School at 1 P. M. Prayer Muting every UcilnoKlaj evening. St. Praucli ChurchCathotlr Hr. P ;.uiiiiDAM. lito lartlca at 10 A. M., oi iiio Grat, third and fourth Hundavi of each month; Vecf-en and lienodiotion oft ha blessed Sacrament at 7 o'clock, P. M. Bon day School every Sunday afternoon at I o Bloca. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, TIKI OF BOLD 10 QUA IT 11 1 1 Mil 01 COURT. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday of J una. Fourth Monday of September. TIKI Of BOLDIRO COM HO FLRAI. Pint Monday of Jane. Beeond Monday of November. publio omenta. Vmittd Stat Senator J. Donald Cameron IlarrUburg, Haophin oonnty , John I, Mitchalli Wtlliboro, Tioga county. Vongrwman Ea-Uovernor Aadraw O.Curtln, Brlieluntc, Centra county. Stnalor Hon. Cyrus T. Altxandrr, Dellefonte, t'entre county. AtttmWy Hon. James Flynn, Smith's Willi, tieirneid county. Prident Jmdyo Hon, Charles A. Mayir, Lock Haven. Atiiitant Law Judge Hon. John II. Orvla, o I'ollefonta. Auoeinte Judy Ahram Ogden, Clearfield; Vincent U. Holt, Clearfield. f'ruthonotary James Kerr. tttgler and Ketorder Ueerge M. FergunoD. rreu.rr Pbillp Dotte. IHttriet Attorney J. P. McKanflok. Sheriff Jama i Mahaffey. Dtputv Sheriff P. I. Tbompion. County Smryevor Samoal P. MoCloikey, Our- .mrilla. County CowimieetonertC. W. Kyler, Graham- ton P. 0.; Ulan Johnston, u ramp lea unie r. u. John Norris, Br., Curwensvllle. Cmmiitionere' Clerk Jacob A. Pauit. founlf Auditor William V. Wright, Clear flaM : Joseph UHHIand, Three Runaj J. S. Nor rir, Woodland. Count Coroner James A. Moore, Clearfield. Jury Commiionere Andrew J. Jack ion, Clear- r..,.i U'm. K. Ilrown. Clearfield. Superintendent of Public School M. L. Mc Unown, Clearfield. iWmnV. Public John W. Wrljcley, Vfm. Ka pliaufh, Crroa Gordon, Clearfield ( Joaeph K. Irwm. N. K. Arnold, C urw en r villa ; J. A. Lirlng dione, Dulloia City. M Jt OF COURSE ! "Will vn taka wnral, oMt or enro for tub rripii.m V We are often Inquired of in thla way r letter from rnlroni who reiido at a dutanca tr'-m Ji'trfieli. We apraln ny yea. The reoelpta of a reFpomhle mtrrhant or niUt owner in the vicinity, wll' annwer u jnl an well ai the cah. T illlua.rate: If any of our patroni will deliver ui a bnit of grain at the mill ot Joseph II. Uretb, in Chest lowtixhip, Horeea Patchio, in Hurneida, Thomai II. Porcey, In U rah am, Wm. Porter or Sliaw r, in Lawrence, or Drown A Beyler'e, at Hock ton, In ion towoihip, and forward their receipts for the amount, we will credit main on tlirir arcnunt for the aame. In tbii ray all may foon pny what they owe, If they will pursue this eour.e. U. terAdvertiHera and others will bear in mind that all articles intended for publication Id this paper muit be handed in, not later than Tuesday, at 9 A. M. Don't forget it t Moro Sheriff's sales this week.' Head Fleck's tilty locals in this paper. Drain Lick postofllco, in Morris iTwmhtp, baa been dlMmtlnatt. mm Go and seo Flock's new good, w belli- rr too wish to buy anything or not. i Lehman & Co.uro selling dres-t goods, nil wool filling, fur 12 cents per yard. - - mm -- - Thoro arc live Mondays in this mouth. Decoration da and Fourth of July both o-cur this year on Monday. There will bo a total eclipse of the moon on the 1Kb and I2tb of June, visible throughout the whole country. j Tho M. K. Ladies Aid Society will idcU on Friday afternoon of tble week at tbe reiiJcnoe of Mn. 0. D. Uoodlander. - - m e Street Commissioner Uomphill and a vrew of workmen commenced operations on the weit and of Market etreet oa Monday. Samuel 13ell eommencod tho brick eork on tbe l.ook-up on Monday. Tbe structure is to he completed by tbe Ant of June. Tho dandelions lift up their golden bends on tht grail ptats and Uwm in Btid about ClearBeld to greet tha riling sun. There are millions of them. Moses B. Cowdrick, of this place, baa been awarded the eontraot for tbe erection of , a large brick building for Menri, Gray, Wolf A Co.'i I'.ore, In Phllipiburg. ! i mm The Grand LocJl'O ol tiio 1. O. 0. F. of l'mniylv!)!., will nt i ll.rrlibutj, .n Tu.l7, My 17th. AI. M.Row will Rirfint ClorSglJ I.oJko, No. IV!. . tm New cnirino nro being built ot tho M.chin. Soup, of BiUr, Rooil Co., Ia!tbi nlic, M Iho ClilTlold Fir Iirlck Wuik, D.I (or Ibo Wonllind tin Drlck Work.. Twonty-Bovon yen no tho nalnry vt the Soi.riiitonJ.Dl or Hchooli ( CltKrfl.ld roonlj wi $240 per onum. Dr. A. T. Solirjreer w (he Orel rnin tleotod lo tht ofAiio. - m II. M. McKnally 1ms fitted up tho room in Moiiop a buil-ling, on Maraoi sirees formerly oacupUd by Dr. Boyer, for bb office. It baa been rep apered and makei a very pleas ant office. Coquet young ladies and aentimental swaina have had a rrgular plcnla tbe past two weeks in trailing after tba fragrant arbutus, which la Midi ta abundant on tie mountaini north of town. ThoB. J. MeCullough, Ksq.. publishes an Autltor's notloe, and also a notice ol hla ap nototment a Com mil si oner to take testimony In a divorce oeae, to which wa cell the atlentiun of all parties interested. ra i a H is hinted by many that Col Forney will not be bare on Uaooratica day. Tbe Committee Inform us that ha will po.UWely be i re rent with oi, and nothing hut a providential interference will kerp him away. . The publio has long since awarded to Ayer's Hair Vigor the fonmoit placeamoog reliablt Hair Restoratlvee. It Is effeoiuat, egree able and abiolutil barmlew. It mekee the balr fnb and luxuriant, and old age ajarce and on fashionable. mm e M iMS fiallio l't'tcni died lnt Satur Jij eight la Weil ClurdelJ, of oinlumtiol. Ilr fon.r.l took .l.e. o MonJ oroin. She wi aerd .boul 20 jrirl. We leirn that lit f Chi. f.milj pirt died frox thil dlnue lorlde ( lik inioth. Alfri'd Mnrlin, of this plmo, wa "oeoflha Srerrterlei l UreeoWk mello In litll.funtr, od F.torde; ihtweek. The raectin, wu tddrenrd by Ucn. Jemel B. Wetrer, ri c.rnlidete for the I'reiideoc, on the Netlonel Hi'.ol.eck Llior ticket. i. e - - Wm. M. .MeCullough, K., ban so I. r rteovrrtd from bit roloafed and eorera III " lo be able t walk eboet oar alreeto agtla . II. wai out eojoytni the Sua weather on Monde., ad althoii(h he luoki a liltli thla, wa hope to ' n ire bin eojej aioelleat health. - - m e ei Leo. J. Parish and W. W. Rowlos, AJmlniitratere of tbe titate of John kuboley, e or l)el township, deitd, ftdTertlae S valtt piece of real estate In this week's Una. Any 1"rir,a wishing to purchase a fo4 farm will da U to read tbe adverlliemeBt referraJ to above. - Jim. Frank A. Fleming (lied at her lira, la ibli borovgh an Tharida evealeg laat, a long illntu from eontumptlon. Her re "oi vere Ukaa to the M. R. Chureh on Satur ifternoon, at t a 'a leek, and after earvteaa 1 IttT.'a LeUy aad Bulier, tba wart followed tt tkt ton.. I T. A. Fleck'- Btoro ift filled with bandioma fooda of avery daaerlptloD, Tbe fincMt lot ol parasols and bud ibadaa la the land and at all prioei, from 10 oaoU ua, at Lehman a. Will publish the progruramo fur Doco latlon da next week. It waa rtaelved too lata for thia waak'a lame. Rev. EmcliuB W. Smith, of Fitch burg, Man , will preach in the Eptaoopal Church in thtl place next Babbath. I erdons vifitiiig town, should not fail to vlilt Moora'e at ore and take a look round tf they do nut wiih to purchaae. 'Squii-a Connley bus opened an office oa ocoond it reel, ta We old neatera Hotel bnild Ing, one door north of tbe Pint National Pack, for the diipeofatlun of Juatlca. ErfTRAT. Came trespaHKitifr on tbe premiiei oi nm. A. uead, la Lawrence town bip,en or about the tth of April, atpotted alf, red and white, auppoaed to he about fifteen monthi old. m i i ' - - A Market. The farmers In thin vicinity ara agitating the curb-jUna market, and will 61 upon Saturday morning, May Slit, if after a mora general eomulutbn it la act couidored t'jo early la tha learoa. A destructive fire has boon rain in the woodi northweat of town, for leveral dayi, Bear Pfogel'a farm, in Lawrtncetoaoctiip. Some body deierra to be puoUhr J fur eareleimeaa ia atartlng tbeae fore it I ret, cam log great loaa In the dtitniction of timber and often buildinga. - a The Bteam whistle of Shirk's nuw tannery wai beard ta the land for the Brat time on Tueeday forenoon. They art making rapid progreia and will aoon have everything read for operation!. The hare oomtaeaoed work, but will put on an lacreaitd force 1b tbe Bear future. Mr. X. K. Arnold, of Curwensvillo, recently had anpleaiant experienoa with a bon aaw. When thegaih la one of hla arma heala up, ha will be able to me the member ai formerly ; and ha will be a little careful in tha future about feeling tbe edger in a taw mill to tee whether It la going or not. A Valcahi.k Shekp. Wo learn that a awe, owned by Mr. Adam Hagy, of Cheat town- hlp, dropped two Iambi on (be 13th of April lait, another on the 14th, and a fourth one on tha loth of the tame month. The are all alive and thrlr lng,eioept the left one. Curb iheep are worth hav ing. mm i T. IJ. Matifihan, Ksq., ot Sandusky, Ohio, delivered ta eloquent lecture, In tha Court Ilonie, lait Friday evening, on the land q out Ion in Ireland, giving a hiitory of how the people on tha Emerald Iile ate being op pre tied by English landlord! and enptlallili. Mr. ManaLia la a pleasant and interesting apeaker. The members of the Orphoun Band were fnrniebed an excellent eupper lait Monday evening at (tbe residence of Mr. W. D. McKay. TTbo terenade and supper were gotten op In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jonei, who are guests of Mr. and Mrr. McKay. The boyi were greatly pleaied with the treatment the received by tbe hniteia and hoiL mi i Tho election of County Superinten dent In Forest county was hotly contested, and did not adjourn until after II o'clock P.M. The candidates were Miti J. E. Copeland, Mr. J, E. Milliard and Mr. N. F. Williams. Milliard was elected on tbe Sith ballot. Tbe JtlTerron county directors transected all their buiinaia and ad journed iniide uf an hour. Mrs. Annio Wittonmeyor, President of the Pennsylvania Woman's Temperance I'nlon, will visit Clearfield on Thursday or this week, May 12tb. She will speak at a public meeting In the Methodist Church, at 8 o'clock P. M. Tba ladlci are invited to meet Mn. W. a the M E. Church, at 3 P. M. for oonfrrenoa on special work . Mrs. Wltteumeyer is one of the best speakers in the State, - - mm 1 - - Collar-bone Fractured. Tho Phil ipiburg Jonrnmt, of laat Saturday, lays: "Jeaie Deem, an old and respected farmer residing In Morris township, Clearfield county, met with an accident one da last week which resutted In the breaking of his collar-bone. He bad been to Kyler- town and waa returning home lo a boggy with a friend, when the horse soared, and be was thrown nut with the remit above stated." Fiai at BniDOKPoRT. The Saw mill and Woolen Factory on Anderson creek, on tba Lutberiburg pike, a mile and a-half wait of Cur wenivllle, took fire en Saturday evening lait and burned to the ground. Tbe property waa owned by Mr. Samuel Arnold, and waa a very valuable one. Tha Ore originated In the machinery. Al though pretty well Insured, Mr. Arnold's loss abort that will be from $1,600 (o $2,000. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Poitoffloe at Clearfield, Pa., for tha week -nding May Sib, 1881 : James Caieariy, Alferd Dugan, Wm. II. Hard, John Ruff, Harry King, Little Kriie, Thomia M MoKeery, JohnS. MoCrum, D. P. McNeills, Miss Sarah Miller, Oeorgo Merrell, Ann Philips, James Russell, John B. Toby, John R. Wiley. P. A. UAl'LIN, P. M Rev. A. J. Bean, of Lovovillo.Contro county, will preach in tbe Clearfield Lutheran Church next Sabbath, morning aad evening, and every two weeks thereafter. Mr. ilean .hating been regulerly called, waa accepted tbe pastorate of this church, and he will make Clearfield bis home In the future. The reverend gentleman Ii laid to t floe irholar and In every way qualified for the work devolving upon him. Tbe eongrego tioa ( very highly pleated with him. m mm Bit Br a Bitll-doo. Last Sunday a we-sk Backer Oweni, eon of Robert Owens, of Lawrence township, eged 17 or 18 years, while playing or tusiellng with another boy, was at tacked by a bull dug that lacerated bis face In an ugly manner. A surgeon wai required to stitch the torn parts together. The dog was shot t.y Mr. Offtii, who had parahaied blm this Spring while down the river. The d"g wai ai- iiting tbe smaller boy of the twn, and no doubt we sect log from a friendly and not a malicious mo- tit e. Prize Awarded. Prof. I)aliey, teacher of I't'otnsnship closed bis first term In the Leonard cVhonl building on Saturday evening last. Thirty or forty sprctinetii of writing were numbered and submitted 'o a Committee of five disinterested gentlemen, via : tleo, W. 11 beam, R. M. McKnally, L. II. Ale, L. J. Morgan and A. W. Uraheia, selected by tbe class. Alter careful examination the Committee unanimously decided that specimen numbered 18 shewed tbe greatest improvement, and wee therefore entitle! to tbe prise, which wai duly awardid to tha aucieiful competitor, Mn, J. A.Stadler. The prlta Ii an en graved copy of the Lord's Prayer, after D. T. Ames' eelebrated pen picture, ilse 32x28 lanhei, hand eomely framed, and valued at $.1. W hile all tha pupils desem great praise fr the rapid improve ment they mda, a few are entitled to special notice. Tbe finest specimen of writing waa that of Miss Minnie Watson, and we doubt very amk If there Is younf lady In the Borough of Clear t eld to day that writes so elegantly. Metier Doynton McPherson, for a led of hla age, (7 ears handles the pea with remarkable skill, end others in the class of whom a want of spaoe will not allow ua to mention are nicely on the wa to a good huil nesi handwriting. A DISASTROUS FIRE AT HOUTZ DALE. A flro druke out between 12 and 1 o'clock lait Friday morning, In MeCaiilley'e hardware estab lish moot at Houtxdale, which rapidly communi cated to other bulldlngi, and for a lime threaten ed the destruction of the greater pert of tbe town. By extraordinary hard work the flames ware ex tinguished, after the following buildings and places of business had been destroyed, vil : The postoEce, McCaulley'i hardware store, 8har bangb'f drug store, A h ton's oonieetlonery store and residence, Mxre's butcher shop, Nelson's Jewelry aitabltfhment, Mrs. Jennie Smith's milliner store, and the law office of W, A. Chase. A correspondent ef the A 1 toon a sVat'y Tribune gives farther parllonlais, as follows : "Fries' hardware establishment was for a time in great danger, but It waa saved by the active and unremitting exertions of the eiliiens. Van Dusen'a large and bandaome new ha tiding en Ike opposite aide of the street wu aavta with maob diffloulty. It was badly scorched and tba windows war all broken. The Si. Cloud Hotel, on tbe opposite corner, wai alio pretty effect oelly eeoreh ed. The origin of the fire li not known, hat the first alarm aroee from a terrife explosion la tba hardware store of C. W. McCaolley. Tbe flames then apread with great rapidity and the occa penti of tbe various buildings escaped through the aeoond story windowa In their night alothea. Tbe losses areabont as follows, vll Charles Me Caulisy, $10,000 lBiemnee,tn,000 W, J. Sfaar bangs, t3,IO Inanraneo, $1,109 i J, 8. N eere, $1(00-Insrano,$lftti Mrf. Jonalt Bmlth, $1, C00-no Uinraaotj A. B. Aahtoa, $.--nr4 W. A. Ohaaa, $80 Inaorante. $40$ j U. 0, Nelaon no laioraace. DIRECTORS1 CONVENTION. In accordance with the Actaf Assembly In snob eases made and provided, the regular triennial meeting of the School Directors from the various d 1st riots In Clearfield county, forty-one in num. oer, waa neia m tbe Vourt room on Tueedar. May Id, H81, for tha purpose of electing a Couny Superintendent for the ensuing term of inree yeara. All tno dtitrlota ware represented, except Roggs. Osceola, SanJy and Karthaui eaii but one vote eaob. The Convention was called to order by Super intendent MeQuown at precisely one o'clock, aad tbe object of the meeting stated. Itwaa evident from appearancea that there wae a quorum pre, ant. At the conclusion of Mr. Moguown a re mark i, Mr. Joseph L. Dale, of Pike district, moved that Dr. J. W. Potter, of Covington, act as President, No other nominations having been made, the motion was unanimously adopted and tbe Doctor took bit seat, returning thanks for this mark of respect. The next business in order waa tbe eteotton of two beeretarlei. On the motion of Mr. I. B.Darger, of Brad ford, Messrs. 0. C. Mullen, of Decatur, and H. F. Htowell, of I'nioa, were elected. Mr. Mullen de clined lo aarre on account of ill health, although he mede n vigoruue speech afterwards, and Mr. Daniel Faust, of Curwensvillo wai elected In his stead. Messrs. Q. L. Heed, of Clearfield, (lo. W. Dickey, of Uoutadale, and Dr. J. il. Edwards, of Uuliob, were appointed Tellers. Ihe President then ordered a call of tba dis trict and the names ef tbe Directors. Secretary Stowell proceeded with tbe ceil, and It wae an neunoedtbat 1"U Director! had answered tbe call. The'-ealary question" baa disturbed the mindi of hundreds ot statesmen, bnt it had to be dilpoied of ia lomc manner by thil Convention. The President announced that he was ready to receive motions on that lubjret, stating aiao that, according to the law, the salary could not be re duced blw $1,1)0, but oould be raised above that auto Ii toe present salary wai deemed Insufficient. At thie ttoint of tbe prooeedinga P. J. MoCul lougb, of lloiitidale, moved that tbe salary be fixed at $1,&1)0. Tbe motion haviug been seconded, Mr. James B. Clark, of Penn, moved as an amend ment to the motion, that the salary be made $1,300. General Patton.of Curwensvllle moved to add $184 to the present salary as fixed by law, making it $1 ,300. A vote was of lied for, and Ibe President ordered a vote to be taken on Gen. Patton'e motion, requesting them to rise and stand until eouoted. It was apparent that at least two-thirds of tbe Directors were on their feet. The Tellers, having finished tho count on tbe part ef the aflirmative vote, tbe President oalled those up on the part of the oegatlve. This was a kind uf a Uiddlebergor-M ahone-Conk-ling syndicate. Tbe majority of the negatives wanted the salary fixed at $1,500, while the minority were advocating $1,200. The Tellers baring agreed in their count, the President an nounced that the salary would be $l,00 in the future. The "salary question" having been disposed of, tba election uf County (Superintendent was In order, and the President Informed tho Conven tion that he was ready to receive nominations for tbatoflioc. Mr. Ashenfelter, of Brady, nominated George W. Weaver, of Pen field, and Adam Breth nominated M. L. McQuown, of Clearfield. K. O. Hayes, of Brady, waa alao nominated, but he at once arose and requested fall friends to withdraw his name. Thia privilege was granted, and, on motion, the nominations were oloeed. At this point tbe President requeued tho See retariee to call the names of all tba Directors on the roll, "checking off" the names of those who failed to answer. The Tellers were Instructed te be careful with their tally and the roll call pro oeeded. At tbe conclusion of tbe call tha vote stood for George W. Weaver - 68 M. L. Motjuowc 112 The Tellers having agreed in their tally, the President announced the vote and declared Mr. MeQuown eleoted Or Ihsr eriiuing term. The President aad .secretaries then filled op and signed the uaual certificate, closing the du ties for which the Directors were oalled together, when, on motion, Ihe Convention a J journed. A queer freak occurred during the Conven rentlun In tbe case of Morris district. Tbe names of six Directors were on the roll , end two other gentlemen Messrs. Hoover and Merrell pre sented tbemselvee before the Convention as Di rectors, thus giving the District eight Directors. Tbe President suggested that tbe, case had belter Da reterrea to a committee. Mr. nwiitiuttfi, of Morris, moved that the President appoint aecmmilteo ot three, to whom alt matters bear1 iog upon tbe Question should be referred. Itwaa airreed to. The President oppoioled Oea. Patten of Curwomville, Mr. Cuiuminis of New Washington and Mr. Ueckeudorn of Kartbaaa, who for a short time retired to a Jury room and bad all the par ties betore them. The Committee in a ebort time made a verbal report, throuch their Chairman, lien. I' at ton, admitting the ounteitanti to seats in the Convention. The absence of half the Board of Clearfield District is accounted for In this way: About ae hour previous to the meetinc of the Convention, Judge Leonard, while coming op town, tripped and leu on tbe pavetuent , lnjunog himself lertouiiy. The fact waa brought to the notice of the Con vention by Gen. Patton. Mr. Leavy waa com pelled to attend a funeral in Bradford township, and unable to be pre sent, while Mr. Sbaw was down the river, and everybody in Clearfield county knows how that keeps a fellow from borne lo raft ing time. If tbe balance of the absentees can furnish excuses equally as good, we will record then if loey send them along. Clkarpield Coal Tradb .State ment of Coal and other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for the weekending April SOth, 1881. and the aamc time last year :- COAL. For the week Same time last year torn. M,m 18,fl:i7 Increase 24,034 Previously during year A9,I7& Seme time last year 370,118 Increase Total lo 1681 Same time last year H, Increase 353,9tiV othke rnKtonrs. Lu tnber Miscellaneous freights 1-16 ears. 228 " IMPORANT TO THE LADIES! The most reliable place to get Arst-class, fash ionable mlllner goods, and fancy variety goods, Il at Mrs. Watson's. Market street, ant door to the postoffiee. Mrs. W. has jnat returned from Philadelphia, and Is now receiving an elegant stock of goods, which will surpass anything ever before brought to Clearfield, These goods are tba only reliable Summer atytea for the season, as goods bought before May lit arc unreliable, both ai to quality and style. Ladeis visiting town will do well by examining my goods before buying. My goods, considering the luparlor quality and late stylea of trimming, will be sold very low, as I bay goods for cash only. Mai. T. R. Watio-. Clearfield, Pa,, May 4, l8Sl-.1t. ii i mm We call the attention of our readers lo the advertisement of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J-, for which old and reliable corporation R. M. McKnally, of thia place, bai lattl been appointed Special Agent. ' Mrs. Larimor will shortly remove Into bernew rasidenoe lo West Clearfield. D. W, Jordan will move Into tbe toll house when vacated by her. mm - Dr. JI. B. VanValnah, of this place. la absent attending the Mate Medical Boclety( wblob meet! at Lancaster to-day. Tha Doctor will ba abiont from home a week or ten dayi. m i a i All wbobavo looked at Monro's stock so far, concede it to be the best, finest, end most itylisb (bat ever came into Clearfield. At Moore's, In tha Opera House, is be cheapest place to buy our boots and shoes, bats, caps, and Gents' furnishing goodi. Burt's ft no shoes for ladies, and Hurt A M ears' shoes for gente', can only be bought at Moore's, and don't you forget it. Fleck's store, in Clearfield, is the place for dry goods, dress goods, fane-goods, notions, ear pets and oil cloth a. A beautiful assortment of children's lace collars, and ladles' lace ties and neckwear of ever description at Fleck 'a. All the latest styles and novelties in tbe way of genu' neck wear, arc to be seen at Moore'i. Hoe the trimmed hats and bonnets in Lehman's ahow-window I cUmethtng new erery eroain,. The Fleck'a are Ibem ladies' furnishing goods at 'are too for anything. Call and Now silk mitts, long, and in all the a.w ahadea, at T. A. Fleek'a. Kid gloves in all tho beautiful and deelrabla ahadea .1 Fleck'a. New goods! Cheap goods ! I Cloud gooda, .1 Moor.'.. Nuw ticking at Fleck's store, on Market alreeL, Now goods roceivod every woek nt 1'l.ek'e. New linen handkerchiefs at Flock's. Now funs and parasols at Fleck's. New Yankee notions at Fleck's. Now (ioods at 11. A, Kralter'a. Nsw Fancy Hoods at Fleck's. "Ely's Cream Balm U tbe only Catarrh remedy or man I have triad which has acted as n cure. I have been troubled for over fifteen yeara ; my bead baa bean most of tha time lopped and vary naeh In flamed. It hag opeaed ay ncitrllf and reduced tha Inflammation. M eyes ara Improving, ao that I can stand strong light, alt lob I have in alia to do for yean." Nathaniel Pgley, with B. F. Monti, Merchant, Wilkes-Bar., Pa. "My son, aged nine years, waa afflicted with Catarrh) tha nacof Ely's Cream Balm effected a complete cure." W.K. Hammao, Drugglit, Ear too, Pa. "Ely's Cream Balm telle better then any other preparation for Catarrh, and gives better satis faction, B. Armstrong, Druggist, vYllkef-Barre, Pennsylvania. &-4-2U How Suk Saved HerDahlino. "I shall never again feel so awfully nervous about my babies teething," writes a grateful mother. Wa almost lost cur little darling by a long attack of cholera Infantum, but happily beard of Parker's Ginger Tonic la time. I took n few spejunfuli myself, which aoon cured my nursing baby en tire), and an occasional does has kept ma and baby In such perfect health, and made ua ae itrong and comfortable that I would not be with out ibis reliable medicine for worlds." A Mother of Brooklyn. b 4-t New Daily Staoe Link. Jamca L. Leavy hat succeeded in baring a dally mail estab lished between Clearfield and Pennlleld, and will hereafter run a dally stage between the two points. Ills contract began with April lit, and the stage will leave Clearfield every morning (exoept Sun day) at S o'olook, making connections with all trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Pennfleld, re turning after tbe lait train tbe same evening. Passengers and freight will be carried at low rates. Orders left at any of the hoteli will ba attended to. 16apr70-tf This Way por Your Pumps! The underilgned la now icle agent for tha tale of tbe Celebrated Wooden Pomps manufactured by tbe Toledo Pump Company. They are without doubt tha beat pump tn tba world. They throw more water, work caller, and laat longer than any pump aver put on tbe market. Alio, for sale. Iron Force and Pitcher Pumps. Repairing done promptly. Fbbo Sackbtt. Cleartleld. March 23d, 1881.2m. Coal In. If any of our coal bank men feel like trading soma of their product for a aeries of numbers of ooplea of tha Clbahfibld RarcBLicAif, we will gladly ihow, them where to put two or three hundred bushels on account In that way. We bare n bin at our residence and one at tbe office that will hold a load every now and than. A hint to the wise la n very cage re mark, and should be sufficient. tf A Fact. An aavonisomont inserted In the Rbfcblicah will reach more readers than if published In all tha other papers In tha coun ty, and coat tha advertlset leaa than one-half In other words, an advertisement published in our jcurnal ta worth double the price of that oharged by any other publisher in the county. It la a fact." tf. A handsome lot lawns, ginghams, Bcotob aepbyr ctetbs, buntings, Jameatown al pacas, cashmeres, and all kinds ef ladlea' dress goods at II, A. K ratter's. To Sportsmen. I havo finning tackle of all kinds j alio, powder, shot, lead, capi, car tridges, ate, Fred Pack an, March 23, 2m. Our ladies can get everything they want at Fleck's cheaper and 11 less time than yon could send to Philadelphia, or elsewhere. Ladies, why do you shop in tho city, when on cin get everything you want cheaper at homer Call at Fleck's. Call at Morrill's hardware storo and lee th. nd beat Sewing Machine for tb. I.ftet moaey. Dee. 21. tf. Tho nioxt stylish lino or slippers that erer oame into Clearfield enuoty ar. only to b. eea at Moore'e. I Apr. 97, '81-lt Flock employ) a millinor of exporl- eace and teal, to trio. hit. .nd aenneia 10 oraer. on abort aotio..' Ladies' gosonmor waterproof cloaks end gentlest. b b goaaraer w.ter.proor co.ia .t Flook'a. A fino lot oi Ladies' new Spring Co.ta of the l.teit atylaa end p.leraa Juat weired ai-Lehman's. llavo you seen the latent Spring and Bummer etylea la millinery goodl ? If not, call at'i. Tho stock of ladies' slippers and Hiaa.a' alipparB at Mooro'a o.nnot b. In tb. oity. Moore's are just rocoiving all tho lateat atyl.a I. men', .nd boya' bate aad ahoea. I have a fine line of bats and bon neti for ladle. the lateel atylaa. T. A. Flics. Fleck has enough goods In his lino ol buoineaa to supply .rery lady in tb. oounty . Beautiful luces, embroideries and whit, gooda .1 II, A. Kr.laer. t-e-IM If tod don't believe Fleck has nice ebe.p guodr, o.ll ua ae. tn.m tor youraeu. Trunks! Trunks t! Satchels! Sulcb- ela 1 1 very cheap at Moore'e. AlcCnll's Now York glove-fitting paper peiioroa aoiu oy u. A. ewi.r. Now silk handkerchiefs at Flock's. for both ladlea aad goatlam.n. New muslins, bleachodand unbleach ed, all widlba, .1'i. Ladios' Bkirts and hosiery of all alae. aad eolora at Fleck'a. A largo stork of Brussels and In- gr.ia e.rpele .t Fleok e. I. allies shoes from 7S cents up can o. Doujrot .t Moore a. Did you seo the handsome goods in Flaok'a abow window t A handsomo Block gooda cheap at Flook'o. of ladies' dress Flock Invites you to go there for your millinery gooda. Now hats and bonnets lor ladies and tuUael at Fleck's. Now hats and bonnets for ladies and mlaaea .t Fleck'a If you don't sco what you want at Fleck'a. ek for it. New black silk mitts, perloctly beau tiful, It Fleck'a. Straw huts can be bought at Moore's for l oenla. New oollaraand cuffs tor ladies, at T. A. Fleck'.. Flock's now goods are ready fur Inspection. Whito and Fleck'.. black Kid glovos at New goods rocoived every week at Flecks. (io to T. A. Flock's and seo his new gooda I I bavo a good assortment of ladios' Ilea. T. A. Fl.c. Tho best f 1 shirt is for sale at Moore's. Now oil cloths and mattings at Fleck's. New ginghams at Flock's. Now funs and parasols at Fleck's. Now Yankoo notions at Flock's. New Fancy Goods at Fleck's. Now table linen at Flock's. Now dross goods at Fleck's. Now dress goods at Flock's. New carpots at Flock's. New carpets at Flock's, New corsets at Fleck's. SnarrlrfJ. CRK88WELL McOONNKU. At DoDoll, on W.dueadee, Ua, lb, loBI, h, Kef. Vim. M llurehleld. Ur. W. II. Cauiawiu.. of DulloH. Clearfield 000.017, Dd "' 8a & McCouaaLL, of ruaiauiawa.y, j.u.rioa 000017. SMITH IIERRII AI the mlderio, of Ihe hndo'i father, .0 Thunder, April ,81b, 8I, bjr Rot. t. Adamt, Mr. Jon Buna, of Ulea Hope, and Miaa AU.tua HaaaH.of Hager, ' H Hoada. FALKNER HBI5D. At tha realdone. of the brlde'a tiareota, .0,, Majr 4th 1881, Ur.CHaiaTiAnFAl.KaRa aad UimKhua J, Raau, both of Dulloti, Uearneiu count?. DUNKKL-FELTON.-Attho M. E. pareoa air. la Tyrone, oa Toured.;, April loth, lool, by Roe. V. U. Kiddle, Ur. Jab,B. DanaaL and Uiae TiLLta PaLroa, both of Uorriadale, Clear- neia .ouoi. TH'TTON-BYKRS.-AI th. brlde'f home, near New Waabinfton , on Tbured.T, May otb, Itinl, b, Rer.U. Ilioka, Ur. Joeara lit iron and Miaa J. llraaa, all Of ClearBeld oounty, Jl'RY KYLKR. In Cle.rl.ld, oa Thur.der, May Ua, lsl, by liar. II. r). liull.r, Ur. N. U. Juur,of Lloydaville, Cembria eouoty, P., eod Miaa Floha M. Kiliu, of Decatur towuahip, Cle.rfl.eld eounty. BIIIBKY. In Bradford township, on Monday, May 2d, 1881, FnANt ia A., son of Mr and Mrs. John Shiroy,aged 2tt ears, 8 months and 18 days. FLEMING. Tn Clearfield borough, oa Thurs day evening, May Otb, 1HSI, of consumption, Kbtubah U., wile of Frank A. Fleming, aged 3i yeari, 4 monthi and 29 days. Sill II EY. In Bradfoid township , on Monday, May tub, 181, of pneumonia, i nam is A., aoo or John and Martha tshirey.sged 26 years, 8 months end 13 days. "Asleep In Jesus that deer friend On whom our hopes of Ueaten depend." A Fainsa. LANSBEKKY. In Graham township, on Fri day morning, April l&tb, 1H8I, of membranous aroup,' HAnar L., ion of lleiekiah and buiaanah Laos berry, aged 4 years, 11 monthi and 17 days. Dearest Harrt, thou halt left us, Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'Hi God that hath bereft us, lie can all cur lorrow heal. i He aaw tbe angeli In bli room, Thoy beck ootid him away j And now be walki with them In white, Our darling angel 11 ara.'. Specials Ori IIuxdrbo Prb Cbmt. Disco lit on Old Pricrc. Hewing Machines can now bo purchased at M"rreU's tin and variety store, froai $36 up wards. A.i kinds of sewing maehluei repaired on tha shortest notice. t Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. Wartrd. Delivered at the Rail Roat. 100,000 20-inoh shaved shingles. 100,000 24-incb sawed abinglea. 100,000 feet of pine boards. 600,000 14 -feet ebaved hoops. , 6,010 railroad tiea. 60,000 feet of good hemlock boards, For which I will pay the blxbeit ark el price, delivered at Clearfield, or at any point ca tne lyrone UearnolU Kailroad. J. F. Kramir. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 1ft, 1878-tf. Just llwclved. Just Revived by ARNOLD, at CUKWKxNSVILLE: Car Load Nova .Scotia Plaster! Car Load pure Corn, Ryo aud Oats Chop ! Car Load Deaken Fait ! Car Load of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry Goodu, Groceries, &e.l ferrSI)in.rJes, Bark. K. Ji. Tioa and drain will bo takon in exchange. Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878. CLEARFIELD MARKETS. Ct-BARrtBLD, Pa. May 10, 1681. Flour, per owl. Buckwheat Flour, per owt 13 00 S 00 1 80 1 60 1 40 1 00 Corn Meal, per awt unop, rye, per owt Chop, miied, per cwt ... Mraa, per cwt , Wheat, per buahel..M Rye, per buahel Oata, per buahel Corn, .era, pejr buahel Buckwheat, per buahel t..., Clorer eeed a... Timothy eeed Potetoea, per buahel Applee, per buehel Oniona ..,; ..., per pound I 80 to 40 60 ( 80 8 74 1 00 0 i tlO 111 Shoulder, per pound . 0 IV to It It I 01, II Dried Ueef, per pound Chlckeaa, per pair Butter, per pound Err., per doaen Bait, per aaok, lent. Coal Oil, par galloa Lard, per pouud , Dried Apples, per pound.... Dried Peaohea, per pound... Beana, per buahel 8 10 I to Oil Quotations ! CENTRAL PENN'A OIL DEPOT, UNDERHILL & CO., I.Hfrrlcfiliir. Iltnnrd Ar .Tfinrrs' OILS, rmursnnu;, tenn'a. Wa quote our brands of Petroleum and other oils (tubjtci to martn change) aen versa iree ob board cars at aoy station on tha Tyrone A Clearfield Haiiroad. Refined Oil, State Test per gal. I At Prime White, io " WaterWhitcUD " ., Blaine, 150 " ., market rotoa witboutreror .no. t. ooaL BeDtlne, 72Uravity ..parrel.. .10 .14 ,J3 .12 .III .It .1.1 .22 .20 .IS .26 Naplba, 7S " " Oe.oline, 88 " " Minora' L.rap, .100 teat " C.r All. Oil, (W. Va.) Eltra. " " (W.Va.)M.d'm. " ' (W.Ve.)ltuinm'r " Natural Lubricating " Franklia " Kitra. " " ' Eumm.r. " Black Diamond " Oreen Engine " Golden " 11 Amber ' XXX " No. 1 Spindle M.tchl.aa Cylinder Oil " .20 .80 .8t .40 .40 No. I " SO Wool Oil, No. 1 " U L.rdOil('d" " S6 " ' No. 1 " 76 " No. 1 " 68 Ecllpae Engine, No. 1 " " 60 " No. 2 " " 46 No. I " 88 Minora' Yellow, nerealloa 1 At loweat mar- " White k.t ratea wilh- J out rrf, to coat. II KV.tll.i.rTt.E prUci and men all tomptltlton mny 4, '81-ly. m 2U'frtiiSfirntiJ. rtTACIINai .IR SAI.KI-Th. aubaerlber TV hu two Two-llorae We.noa, aeerly new, for a.l. Wilt b. .eld .heap. Calloo or tdHr.18 JOHN A.8TADLER. ClearBeld, Pa., March I, ISNI-tr. BNCOUKAGK HOME INDUSTRY. "T1IIB undersigned, having established a Nur X. eery on the 'Pike, about halfway between Clearfield and Curwensville, Is prepared to fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TltKKS, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawton Blackberry, Strawberry, and Raspberry Vines. Also, Siberian Crab Trees, Quince, and early scarlet P. ha barb, Ac. Ordere promptly attended to. Address, ti, u. w nl u Hi, sep20-6-y CurweDsvllle, Pa. FORALEI hoi sEeWi nro lotsi ALL those two certain lots of ground with dwelling bouse thereon, situate on Market street, opposite tbe Allegheny House, la the hor euth of Clearfield, having a front oa said atreet or loo feet, and esiendlng In dpth 172 ret to ao alley, known la tba plan of said borough as tola Nos. lfto and 174, being the estate of Jamai Thompson, deceased. Apply to rninK rini'iiinui W. It. UKILKK, j Attorneys for owner. Clearfield, Pa., Mey 4. lfl 41. ! A Bargain t FAtlM FOK SALE 1 The nnderalarned oftVa at erlvate sale that val uable farm aitualed lo UK All AM TUWN8JI1P, Clearfield eounty, known ae the Ooniatnlng 112 ceres, in ef whlrh are cleared, and having thereon erected a large frame dwell ing heave, large frame bam, and tbe ether neera aery outbaildtnga, together with a large orchard, arodid wtvtar. ate. The nronert will be eeld on very easy tertae. For further partirnlara Inquire . of the onbierlber, il peraon, er by letter. FRANK F1KLDINO. Clearfield, Pa , Wirrh Stth, IMO-tf. fUJ dwti$ntuut$. J X t COn P" dF bome. flamples worth V" Vv 06 free, i Address Stir no a A Co. Portland, Maine. Imch2,8lly.j ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curwenetllle, Jan. t, "I l-tf. Shingle Mill for Sale. A LARGE Buckeye Shingle Machine oan be l purchased very cheap irum the undersigned. The terms will be made easy to the purchaser in price and ttnio. ror further information call at "Blanchard'e Home Camp." In Union township, or address the underilgned at Koekton, Clearfield county, fenn a. A AFOLKOH MoDOALU, Hookton, May 4, iHl-4t. LIME AN DPL ASTER I Idodunic&l and Agricultural Limo of tho Vory Boat Link. 1 Low XUtos of Froight on . Full Cir Loads. I AND PLASTER. YY. Bell tlieCayuga (round J plaater .t low price by th. o.r load, la api-aklD, of thia celebrated pluter .a ootapered with the Koveaoott. or whit, plaater, th. Ureug. Judd Co., publibere of th. A.rtoan Agri'oNtitr. i.l. Bay, "There ii no dirTereoo. ; the prio. ia the only eooBidBratioa." Aildreaa, ALEXANDER ICO. April olb, 18S13m. Bellofonte, Fa. Wis Farm for Sale! WILL bo add at private isle, a first-class farm, aituate 1b Jordan townihip, Clear field county, Pa., known as the WILLIAM WILL IAMS farm, containing 120 acres and allowance, with about T6 acres cleared and under good atate of cultivation, having thereon erected A LARGE FRAME HOUSE, Well finished, a large bank barn and all the necessary outbuildings. Alio, a good bearing orchard of about 76 trees, Ae. Will be sold cheap for cash, or on payments to suit purchaser. For I articular., Ac, Inquire of, or address A. O. rimer, Clearfield, Pa , or tha under igned at Nswburg, (lluid P. O.) Clearfield county, Pa. 1KAAC MAKKLE. Hurd, March .10th, 1831-tf. Re-Union of Trade. rpHE undersigned wishing to Inform the public X thai he opened a COMMINHIOX HTOHll At tbe old stand in Troutvllle, Clearfield county, Pa., on tbe 18th iniU, with a full slock of DM Y C.OOIW, ;it()Ci:HIKM, NOTIONH, Itoota, Shoea, Ktc, In feet everything to be found in a flrst-elasi store, all of which I am determined to eel) at tbe lowest easb prioes. FARMERS AXD MJMI1ICRMKN Will find It to tbelr advantage to do their dealfog with me, as the highest prioes will be paid for Grain, Shingles, or Produce of any kind. Part or one-half oash will be paid. Trading for Shingles or Lumber of any kiod a specialty. Alio, agent tor Singer Sewing Machines. Ilarlng mad. .rrane;emente with Eaati-rn mer chant, to aell gneda furniabed me, theiefore call and era, ae I will be enabled to eell cheaper thaa the oheapeat. J. W. CARLU.K, Troutrille, P.., Sept. 24, ij. Agent. Trustee's Sals -OF- Valuable Real Estate ! BY virtue of an order of tbe Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, made March 24th, 1881, there will be exposed to public sale, at tbe C0UKT HOUSE, la CLEARFIELD, PA., on Monday, May 16th, 1881, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M., A certain tract of land, late the property of JO SH'H YOTUEKS, situated In KAHTUAUS TOWNSHIP, Clearfield oounty, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows : On tbe north by lands of I. C. McCloskey.south by lands of Cbarlee Hahn estate and Thomas While, east by lands of Oliver Moore end Thomas White, and on tbe west by lands of Oliver Moore and I. C. McCloikey, con taining 107 Acres and Allowance, i Having about 70 aerea cleared and under a good state of cultivation, with good orchard of choice fruit, tbe balance having about lo,uou feet of oak and pine timber thereon. There la also a large two and one-half story frame house, and barn about 40x60 feet, thereon erected, and a good spring of water near the buildings. The greater part of It ia underlaid with good ooal. I TERMS OP SALS. One-third cash on confirmation of sale, one-! third In one year, and one-third In two years tnereatter. me deterred payments to be with interest, and secured by bond and mortcaxe upon 1 Ibe premises. W. J. HOPPER, Trustee. Uearlield, Pa., April IS, 1881-M. Sheriff's Sale. 1Y virtue of writs of renrfVrioiW Kxmna. I Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield eounty, and to mo directed, I will ex pose to publio sale, at the Court House In Ibe Wough of Clearfield, on Thuradny, May 20, IH8I, At 1 o'oloek P. M., the following described real estate, to wit i A ocrtain tract of land situated In Woodward iwnehip, Clearfield oountr. Pa., bounded and described as follows: beginning at a birch tree on tbe east bank of Clearfield creek ; thence south east on tbe main Company's line 40 perches, ujore er lees, to a itone pile; tbenee southwest to a hemlock tree about 40 perches; tbenee north weat to Clearfield creak ; thence along said creek to place of beginning, containing five acres, more er less, and having tberenn erected a saw mill, dwelling house, stable, and other outbuildings. lieliej, taken In execution, and to be told as the property of Wm. H. Joy. ALSO, All of Defendant's Interest In a certain tract of land aituated in Decatur township, Clearfield ooun ty, Pa., hounded aa follows: 'Ou tbe east and south by Mothannon creek, on the north and wet by land of J. P. Slelner and George H- Zcigler, dc about 10 acres, more or leaa, and nartlr cleared, open to the commons. ALSO, All of Defendant's interest In that certain lot or niece of around situated in Decatur town ship, ClearBeld oounty, Pa., bounded as follows: On Ihe west by land of Char lei R. Foster'i hein, on the eait by George H. Zelgler, on tbe aouth by unknown part lei, being about three acrer-cleared and open to tha commons. Belted, taken lo execution, and to bo sold es the property of J. II. Jonei. ALSO, A certain tract of land situate In Huston town- ahip, Clearfield eounty, Pa,, bounded on the louth by la ltd of Ueorge tlllema, on Ine north by land of George Williams, and on the east and west by aame, containing one hundred acres, more or leu, all timber land. Heitad, taken In execution, and eo be lold ii the property of John 0. Tyler, ALSO, A certain tract of land situate In Jordan town ihip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded and de son bed ss follows : Beginning at atones, oorner of piece sold to i homes (strong : thenoe X7t de grees east 42 pirohei to stones t tbenee north .VH degreei east 77 perches tn stonesalso oorner ef pieoe sold to Thumei (Strong, and both of the t lait mentioned eorneri being along the line of the piece sold to said ntrone; tbenee souta 141 de grees east H pair lies to hemlock thence south i2i degrees wast 117 perohes to a line tbenee nor lb aw degrees west 00 am perohes to stones and place of beginning, containing 4V acres and 74 6.10 perches net measure, being part of n tract oi lanu surveyed in name oi vtniiam jonnson Co., having about lo aerea cleared, more or leu. bened, taken In eiecutioa, and te be eold as the property or A, Ii. htraw and lllraia etra ALSO, By writs of Lewi Facia on tho aame day and dale, tne following tracts, to will All tbat certain tract or piece of ground situ ated In Graham townsh ip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described aa follows j Beginning at a white oak corner i thenea north by land of John Holt 40 perches to post corner thence by land of John Martin east OR perchea to post) thence south by land of Thomas Coleman 40 perches to post corner, and thence weat 08 perches to white oak and place of beginning, eontaining thirty acres, more or less, being part of a larger tract ef land surveyed on I lib October, 17ft, on warrant granted lo Tench Francie. neited, taken In execution, and to be sold ai tbe property of Mary A.Sbimeland Isaac Hbimel. ALSO, i A certain two-story frame dwelling house with lot and curtilage appurtenant t hereto, being 16 by 14 feet in lite, without any back buiidmgi. : Said building Ii sit anted In East Clearfield en lot Ho. 04 la plot of Hills' addition. netted, taken In execution, and to no eold ai the prop art v of I'avld Gray, Defendant, and Samuel McLaughlin, tenant In possession. ALSO, I A certain two-etory dwelling house situate tn lloultdale, on the north weal oorner of Klita end Charles strels,wllh lot aad or) rill age apparteaaot , thereto. Halted, taken In execution, and to be eold aa the property of William Challls. Tan us or Bam. The price or som at wblrh the property shall be struck off mast be paid at the time of sale, or such Mber arrangements made as will be approved, otherwise the properly will be Immediately pat up and eold again at tbe expense and risk ef the person to whom It was strnok off, and who, la case of defieienry at aaeb re-sale, shall make gnnd the same, aad In no Instance will the Deed be preeented In Court for eon tiros a tioa unleia the oney ii actually pat a ine iberiff. J A aval m AUAr r r (tnantrr'e Office, hberit. Clearfield, Pa., May 4, Utl. 1 OB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIP fj tioa neatly executed at thla otBoa. "VTOTirE, The undersigned, residing In the XI village of weatover, in unesi townsutp, baa made the necessary arrangements and pro poet to enn aa EATING Uul'riii for the ac commodation of the public generally, and I hare- oy eo licit a liberal snare of tbe public patronage, JOHN J. SKYDKH. Wei lover, Pa., Feb. 0, 1801-tf. TAHM LANDH FOR PAI.E Tn Huston J and Pioetownthipi,Clearfieldeoonty. Reasonable time given for part of purchase money. Prices $6.00 to I0.00 per acre. mncra'i reserved. u. olrtu, Agent, Penfluld, Pa. or Wallace A Km as, Sept 10, 1870-tf. Clearfield, Pa, ApNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAAVKD. Curwensvllle, Jan. 0, 78 -If. C -lOl-M AKINC-I hereby Inform nr na O troni, and mankind in general, tbat 1 have removed my ahoemaking shop to the room la Graham's row, over S. I. Snyder'i jewelry store, and that I am prepared to do all kinds of work in mnjpne cheaper ibau any other sbop tn town. All work warranted as good as ran be done any. where else. Positively Ibis li the cheapest shop iu learueia. JU3. 11. UAblliPiU. Dee. 11, 1871-tT. Valuable Farm for Sale. THE nnderiigoed ofieri a first- clasi stock and grain farm for sale, situate one mile north ot bomber Lily, containing 230 ACRES, Most of which la cleared and under a good atate oi cultivation, ana having a large plank noma, well finished, a large bank barn, and all necessary outbuildings, all new. Fountain pump, good water at Ibe door j alio, one at the barn. A good bearing orchard, etc. For further particular!, oall on the premises or address GEO. C. PASSMORH, Lumber City, Pa. April 20, 1881-tf. JOR TINWARE, HARDWARE, and HOUSE FUMISHINQ GOODS, and NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, and all kinds of SEWING MACHINES, 00 TO O. II. M KRKELL, - Agent, CLEARFIELD, PA. (June i, 'SO. If. Eight Farms forSale or Rent! The subscriber prupoaei to sell or rent a num ber of term i located aa folio wi j The first situate in Burns ide. township, Centre eounty, eontaining UO acres, having thereon erected a frame dwell ing, frame barn , adjacent to a church, and known as tbe Jauei Mulbolland farm. ALSO, another farm situate in Graham town ship, Clearfield oounty, contain ing 117 acres, with tbe necessary Improvements. This farm ia under laid wito a GOOD VEIN OF COAL. ALSO, six other farms tn tbe vicinity or French-Till-?, containing reRneotfutlv 112. 101). Hi. 5. 60 ana 20 acres, inese larins all have bouses and barm thereon, good water, bearing orchard! on lame, aa well as aome good wood land. For further particulars call in person, or arid re us the uoaersignca oy letter. L, M. mijUKlKT. Jen. 10th, 1881-tf. Freuchvlllc, Pa. FARM FOR SALE 1 The undersigned has come to tha conclusion te quit farming and follow hn occupation, a car penter, and now offers for aale his farm, aituate one and abalf miles north ef Clearfield borough, ooDiaioing EIGHTY AOrLXSeS, Most of wblob is cleared and under good oultiva lion, aod baring thereon a good TWO-STORY A'TL" "L" HOUSE, Large frame barn, and other necessary outbuild ings, together with an orchard of all kinds of milt, and an eioellent spring of water. Tbe whole ia UNDERLAID WITH GOOD COAL. This property will be exchanged for smaller prop erty, or sold on easy terms in payments. For farther particulars call on the prem Ises or address. JOHN O. HEED, Clearfield, Pa. March lfith, 1881-tf. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN 3F'TEX-jEI-3Cji. I HERE BY give notice to the cititena of Clear field and the surrounding vicinity that I am prepared at all tlmrs to furoiih familial and manufacturing establishments with a superior juamy ui Coal, Wood f Coke, Whft'h I am prepared to dellrer la . few honra1 aolioe. 1 am always readr to beul and deliver irom ana 10 tne uepot, or an.wbero elae, and mora faniiliea and buuaehnld gooda on abort noliee. T1I08. A. DLCKEIT. Clearileld, Pa., Mar. II, ISSS-lf. REMOVAL ! James L. Leavy, Having purchased the entire stock of Fred. Sackett, hereby gives notice that be has moved Into tbe room lately occur led bv Reed A Hairertv. on Second street, where he ia prepared to offer to ine puouo ffj.f r.v i; af.ri.1 PARLOR STOVES, of the lateat Improved patterns, at low prleei. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware, lUoflng, Fpootlng, Plumbing, Gaa Fitting, and Repairing I'utnpl a epecinlty. All work warranted. Anything In my line will be ordered special If deiirod. J AH. 1j. i.kavi. Proprietor. FRKD. BACKKTT, Agent. Olearfied, Pa., January 1, 1879-lf. EXECUTORS' SALE or Desirable Ilea 1 Eslatc ! Estate of Richard Shav, Srn Doe' A. rilllR undrr.ltrt.ed, Kieutora of lb. e.lele of X KICHAltU rillAW, Br., d-waiwd, will oner at publio aale at Ihe COI1KT IIOUbK, la tbe bor ough of Clearileld, Pa., oa Wednesday, Juno 1st, 1SS1, AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M., Tb. following raloab). raal .atate, Tie t Tb. three. atorjr BRICK IldTbl. proport,, corner of Market aod Plrat BtreeU, 1. Ihe bor. ougb of ClearBeld, known a. 'Tho Shaw IIousc,'' Fronting with two lots of ground thereto belonging iuu teei on Market street, and ,vu UM dwelling house attached. Tbe be txr tel trnrar has aittv brxJ -reo m S and all eoaveniennee fur a flrst-class hotel. One of the anil desirable hotel properties in Central Peansylranla. The above will be sold together with a two storv frame dwelling house on Market street, ad jacent to tbe Hotel, and one other frame dwelling house and a two -story it ore building, all fronting on Market atreet. Al.HO. All that certain lot, known In the plat of Clearfield borough as hoi fio IM, fronting 60 feet en Locust atreet, run ning bad 171 reel, mere or ien, to an aiiey with dwellini house and all necessary out buildings thereon tree ted, and other improvement!. TERMS or Mil! One-third cash at delivery of good deed, and the balance te be severed by bond and mortgage, payable In one and two yeara, with Interest. A. B HIAW. JOS. SHAW, Surviving Ii'n ef Richard Sbaw, flrdee'd. Clearleld, Pa April iMl-ti. i'rsaa $r.n gitli'rrtlsriurnfs. The Great CLOTHING Emporium! PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, T F YOU want to etuJ v your J tho above establishment i J THANH LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF CLOTHING, fjats, Gens' "Furnishing Qoods, &c., Whether yon wish to make a purchase or no, nhall tn ptiaed el all times le ihe yuu our assortment of gouts, which will at unco aunvluoa you that our Styles are the Best, and our Prices the Lowest. , Remember, alto, tbat we Lave an eltgaot assortment of PIECK GOODS, of the latest novelties, especially intended for MERCHANT TAILORING, And we are prepared to MAKE SUITS TO OK to suit the taste of tne most lailiiiious. ALBERT TIIANHAUSEIt, Opera Houbo Block, oppoaito postoffioe, CLEAEFIELD, PA. S-1S-H8I If. WAGONS! WAGONS!! 2 CAR LOADS. 2 The lurffost and best assortment of wagons ever brouirlit lo Clearfield. One car load of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which we will sell at factory prices. We buy these wagons by the car load and pay CAfcll for them, therefore we are able to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county, We guarantee these wagons to be first-class in every respect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring WagonsBuggies. One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which wu will sell chenner than ever hefore sold. (Jive lis F. M. CAltDON & February 23, 1881-tf. CurnTcnsville, Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, FDRHISHIHC GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I buy direct from jobbers nnd manufacturers, receive goods nt car loud rates, hence can compete with New York and Fhiladel phi a houses. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, CURWENSVILLE, Sept. 39, 1880-LI. JAMES L. xyjsrxy 33: 3Ft a?1 a 3S 3Ft , MAKKHT HVHKUT, (MCAKI IKI I), Vl'.TiH'A. All kinds of Caskets nnd Collins kept on hand, and furniahod to order on short nntico, including tho finest an well a tlio cheapest that can he manu factured. Our oonraa rnuiBinnvBn In tho boat In ii so, and will be furnished when required. Funerals attended in any pnrt of the county. Call at my oflico, on Socond street, or leave jour orders ot Troulmnn's Furniture Store, adjoininc the J'ostoffice. oct 1,70-tf. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. CarweniTille, Pa. Jan. f , lSTH-tf BUY AlIOlE ! IIOrSES, LOTS AND FAI1MS FOB SALE ! rpWKXTY IIOI'FKS eaJ LOTS la ClewJeld X for sale at reen.BeUe l.rieea ani na ea.T teraia. Alan, aereral IAHM.A la Uredford and (Jraban tuwn.liifa. Apply tn WALI.ACK A KHKllfl, Dee. I. 'SO tf ClearBeld, Pa. miursEtTEa MAltlllK WORK'S! TDK LAKOKST 6T(CK OF Fine Italian Marble In fheSialo. Both miMIFD ar t'NKINISIlKD. Wa put ap ant wnrk Ibet ean be doae Id the eitjr et nuQh aheeper rates. We will put ap MONUMENTAL WOI1K. Ia Ilaliaa Marble ot Oranlla, eheapir than tt eaa ba dote in eajr other part of the Btate. An.r per eoa boylpft mnnenaeatal work loaiuountor 5?& end p wards, will bete fare paid to and fron Fhllipa hmrg. ho not ba fooled with cheep Aneripu is tble whea yoa eaa buy ine luliaa marble at lower prioes. fTUKAD PTONKS a specltlijr. Trodnea and approved paper will be tab en la eicbeniro for Cemetery work. AHoaih permetita will Iw node t tba Hobaanol llenkina; C., to tbe ereditof R P1KRCK. FhlUpibarf, V ,Jm. 1, llll.-nea. fttip U'frtlSfrafMS. own intercut, do not Tail to cull at and exniuino AUSER'S Drill AT SHORTEST NOTICE, and shall endeavor n call before buying elsewhere. BR0., Glearfirld. Pa. PA. LEAVY, JAD. Ji. IjI'.A T I , Clcirfiold, P. J it Cortty outfit free. Aildrtn Tara Co., Aunit, Maine. meblly,) ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwettarille, Pa.( Jan. 0, '7t-tT. V Tt) l.OAN.-O. Irat rlu. Im. Vren '.ne. Ci 1rrftd fan. prnperty, ke the Mntaal LU. le. Comn.nT uf New York, on tret snort (a,o, ia earaa iron ... ror rertker la. formatio. apple ta tbe undere',nod. BIIRXTHALW. SMITH. Cleerteld Pa., Hej Tlk, ISTt tf. coal.: COAL ALL THE YEAR II TIIK sol. briber heraby Hires wot toe tbat ba Is aow delivering aoe) of aa eieclleatqsalltj and proposes to operate hla Mine .ILL rTI.Ttfl, Bo tbat be will ba enabled ta luppty bis eos tomera at all limes wilb Rond fuel. No Sumaief vaca tion. Orders by aaall promptly I lied. R. KM. BIIAW. ClearfifU, Pa, M.irh 1, 1M-lf. Coal iCoal i i TIIK i.denlroed, haTlttg procured a laaaa af a Iret elase ooal in, baa opeae4 a seloe, aad Is aow prepared ta furnish eutt outre wilb a flrtt-elaee article of ooal oa abort not too, ad h tha Modnrato priea of RIX CK.NTS per bashel, All ordere loft at my sbop will fa promptly at tended to. WM. ft. UROWN. Clterfleld, Pa., Feb. 1, 1"8I ly.