Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 11, 1881, Image 2

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    She Wpttbliran.
Tit. V
Gioboi B. GoouLAifDiR, Editor.
Reader, If jot want to know whet I, Rolne; on
la the balloon world, lu.t read oar advertielug
elamna, the eeai oolataa ia partleular.
Wuai A Defeat. Tho Now York
Commercial Advertiser, u IUdickl or
gan, including to wlmt bnpponod to bis
party friends in tho United StuUis Son.
ate, tbo otbor day, remarks :
"Allbeuga lae Republican Benalora are unwill
ing to ednitl tbat they have beetea a retreat and
"ear ad in" before ttia bold and revolutionary aa
ault on tho Democracy on tba Cooelltatloaal
rfgbu of tba majority, there la no doubt tbat
tbtir aotlon ! an unconditional arraadar. No
ona tbat tba BtragKle orer tba orRanila
lion will ba reeutaed, or tbat if again Ukan op
will ba anything but a faroa. For tba igDoniini
out defeat of tba party tba administration ti ra
ponilbla, and at lU door will lie all tba aril
eooaequeneea tbat may now from IL
The editor of the Washington Post,
in alluding to tbo sumo subject, Bays :
The Conkliogitea are Tory mad orer the Pree
Ident'a withdrawal meoaage, and ewear that it ia
eltremely nodigolAed in the thief eleoulire offl
oar of tbia great nation to atop to tba employ
ment of t be petty trioke of a ward oauoui or a
oountyoonrention. lianlel O'Conoall relate! that
be once beard a Uilliog.frete flab-woman euriing
an eel with horrible oattie beoaoae, aa ehe raid,
''It wouldn't lie itill while ibe waa skinning It."
CENTAGE. Tbero ia etich a thing as a public
conscience. It recognizes a flagrant
wrong; and finds ways, sooner or later,
ta make- itacll felt in tho actions of a
very respectable percentage of voters
who aro not diverted from their pur
pose by sneers. Tbia percentage,
oftentimes tormed independent votors,
will, if opportunity offers, most assur
odly emphasize tbeir distrust of tho
men who press the apportionment
Bcheme now discussed. Wo endorse
much that the Post (ays on this sub
joe t. Tho Post puts the case fairly,
wo think. The apportionment pro
posed is unjust, and if carried out, will
only work injury to the Slato. The
Post admits "tho Republicans are en
titled to an apportionment that will
givo them a fair majority in both
branches of tbo Legislature." And
we tbink it rises abovo a mere party
cry when it calls on honest mon of all
parties to npposo tho scheme, for we
believe, with the Post, that it "will be
just as hard on bonost Republicans as
Domocrats," and for this reason we
echo tbo Post's Innguago : "The bill
should bo resisted to tbo last ditch,
and by every means honest men can
employ to protect life, liborty anil
property, for it involves them all."
Pittsburgh Chronicle, (Republican.)
President Gartleld is credited by the
millions with being a fortunate man.
Wo don't see it in that light. II o is
drawing a salary of (50,000 per an
num out of tho United States Treasury,
and we suspect from recent ovents
that bis head docs not rest any easier
on bis pillow than did that ol tho Czar
ol Russia. More: history, ornamented
by the Congressional Record and reports
from tbat one, Oakes Ames, and an
other DeGolycr, fooled the aforesaid
frequently whilo bo was a mombcr of
Congress. The President is also cred
ited ljerally for being "a Christian
Statesman," but in our judgment be
ignores all that and is drilling on the
breakers as recklessly as a steamboat
without a rudder.
Wo suspect that the poor man has
fallen into tho hands of the same class
of men that woro found by a traveler
on the publio road leading from Jeru
salem to Jericho, something over eigh
teen hundred years ago. Sco Luko
X. chapter, 30-37. Garfield's Chinos,
letter was bad enough, but his cash
corruption loiter is still worse. The
editor of the Philadelphia Times elabo
rates on the subject in this way :
' The Star route thieves are determin
ed to make President Uarfiold share
their disgrace or compel a halt in the
investigation. It is now alleged that
when the campaign looked unpromis
ing and money had to bo raised by
tons of thousands to debauch Indiana,
the Star route gang rolusod to contrib
ute nnloss specially invited to do so by
General Garfield, and tbat ho did in
vite them to do so by the following
letter :
MaJTon, Ohio, Auguit 13, lego.
Mr Dram HraaaL:
Vonra of the 10th Inatant received and eootenta
noted. Pleaae aay to Brady I hope he will giro
oa all tba aaaiatanoe poaaible. I think he oan
help effectually. Pleaea tell ma bow tba depart
ment! generally an doing. Aa orer, youn,
J. A. Oarpiblij.
To lion. J. A.lii-aar.u., Waabiogton, O. C,
Tho first impression mado by the
foregoing lotlor, com i ng as it does f rom
a discovered and sorioualy threatened
band of Star route plunderers, is that
It ia an imitation of the Morcy forgery ;
but President Garfield has admitted
the genuineness of the document, and
its meaning must be interpreted by
the peculiar circumstances under which
it was written. The impression sought
to be mado by thoso who have given
it publicity ia that it was practically a
compact between the Star rotito thieves
and Uarfiold, guaranteeing them pro
tection and tho gift of continnaneo in
case of hia election, and thore is some
degreo of plausibility in the assump
tion ; but it must bo romembercd that
the lottor was written in tho itloomiost
puriou oi ids uarnem cause, ana when
the Dorsoys and others who bad the
management of hia campaign, demand
ed hundreds and thousands of dollars
as ncccsaarr to savo the election.
Garfield was panic stricken and de
moralized; all of hia fine theories of
an elevated civil aorvice, given in party
speecnos ana magazine essays, hail
vanished, and he thought only of the
supreme necessity of carrying Indiana
in October. II o, therefore, wrolo a
foolish lotter to JJubbell; ono that is
eminently discreditable to a Presiden
tial candidate bat it was un to the
regulation standard of the politics of
mu uy, mm cmuomoa me same politi
cal morality that Mr. John Welsh and
Mr. William L. Scott publicly present.
ed to their respective parties in tbeir
appeals lor money to promote party
The publication ot this letter will
fail in ita chief purpose to implicate
President Garfield in the Star route
frauds of which lirady and Dorsey are
the central figures, but it will do
much good in directing publio opinion
... !. :. r ., . . r l it. . ,
w tuv nuvoniiy-ui selecting ootn 1 resi
dential candidates and campaign lead
ers hereaflor, who will have some
higher conception of political contests
than to reduce thorn to a quostion of
extortion from dependent oflice-holdora
and plundering contractors and the
systematic pollution of the ballot. Gar-
noia was in the Home that the Repub
lican leaders had built and he simply
did aa Rome demandod. He wrote a
a panic-stricken, discreditable letter,
but the fact that he happened to write
it to one of the many publio thioves
which evor infest protracted party
power, will not bo accepted aa evidenoe
that be bargained with thioves to se
cure hie eleotion.
The following appeared in tbo Phila
delphia Timet of Mondtty :
Ceiluin WaLihgloii eiinvsp uidents
of the Philadelphia Prist, New York
Times, llotiton herald and other news
papers give currency to statements
"that money to a large amount received
from tho Star Route ring was used to
aid in nominating General Hancock at
Cincinnati ;" "that money from tho
same source was used in the Pennsyl
vania Democratic Convention of 18S0,"
and that in my capacity aa Chairmun
of bub-Committee of the Senitto Appro
priation Committee on the Post Olllce
Appropriation bills, I aided the Star
liuuto ring.
Jt is not my habit to contradict
newspaper falsehoods, but the truth
touches the purity of Gen. Hancock's
nomination, and, therefore, 1 write.
ro money whatever cumo from any
sourco to carry the delegation from
bis own ntato lor tieneral llancotk.
and none was used, liis enemies and
mine trumpeted the result of that Con
vontiotuts a victory over Gen. Hancock
and hia friends. Gen. Wig, It. Frank,
lin waa in charge of the Hancock bead
quarters at Cincinnati and controlled
the expenditure of all moneys used
there. No such sum as (30,000 waa
eithor raised to expend or was expended
there. Tho whole sum exponded did
not exceed $1,500, and this was for
rent, music, banners, badges, eto.
Those in churgo of his interests there
did not believe in securing either his
nomination or his election bv tho use
of money.
In tho passage of the Post Olllce
Deficiency bill of 1880, as Chairman of
the Sub-Committee, I was asked for a
bearing by thoso interested in routes
which would be cut oft by failure of tbo
appropriation, They complained that
the Ilouao Commitleo rolusod to heur
them. The Sub Committoo, Sonators
lieck, Booth and myself, gavo tbom a
hoaring. It was public, and tho state
ments mado to us woro printod. Wo
reported the bill back to tho full Com
mittee favorably. Our report was
adopted, and I was instructed to call it
up and put it upon its passage It
passed the Senate without a call of tho
yeas and nays. 1 gave my views of
the subject toon, which aro in tho
In our action upon that bill tho guilt
or innoconco of no public official was
passed upon, but we acted aololy upon
the conviction that it would be unwiae
publio policy to break down the mail
service west of the Mississippi by re
fusing to vote the money to curry it on.
Respectfully Yours,
William A. Wallace.
Clearfield, Pa., May C, 1881.
It will bo remembered that Senator
Butler promised to give tho public "ir
refragable proof" of a corrupt bargain
botween the Republicans and Mitliono
to control tho organization of tho Uni
ted States Senate. Ono day recently
Air. Butler, in tho course of a reply to
the virulent tirade of abuse uttered by
Frye, of Maine, against the peoplo of
tho South.proceedod to fulfill bis prom
ise, and in support of hia position
he piuaentcd tho following seventoen
facts, which Republicans can answor
in tbeir leisure moments:
First Tbo Senator from Virginia
(Mr. Mahone) was elected to tho Sen
ate as a Democrat.
Second Hia purpose to voto with
the Republicans had never been an
nounced until his vote disclosed that
Third Following that voto ho had
boon assigned to the chairmanship of
an important committee by tbo Repub
lic caucus.
Fourth This had boen followed by
the nomination of Mr. Riddlebcrger for
Fifth Cioorge O. Gorbatn, an earn
est friend of the Senator, has been
nominated as Secretary.
Sixth Ho (Mr. Muhono) had ap
pointed Mr. Gorham's brothorinlaw
as Clerk of hie Committee.
Seventh The nominations by the
President of Mr. Mnhono's political
friends to Federal offices.
Eighth Tho Senator boa voted on
every motion with tho Republicans.
Xinth Hy anch votes bo was carry
ing out tbo will of the Republican
Ti-nth He has moved his seat to tho
Ropublican side ot the Chamber.
Eleventh The Republican cbucub
refused to transact publio business un
til Gorham and Riddlebcrger wore
Twelfth Tho Sonator still claimed
to be a Democrat and voted with tbo
Thirteenth Riddleberger was an
avowed Domocrat and ropudiationist,
and therefore offensive to the Republi
cans. Fourteenth The Senator from Ohio
(Mr. Sherman) avowed that anything
that would boat down tho Democratio
party waa justifiable.
Fifteenth The Democratic Senatora
had been assailed bocauso they votod
as their consciences dictated, in order
to divert the attention of the country
from an unlawful alliance.
Si.rteenth Instead of inviting an in
vestigation of the charges tho Sonator
from Virginia and his friends sought
to prevent free spoech and legitimate
discussion by threats and denuncia
tion. Seventeenth Tho reason assigned for
the coalition waa that tbo Senator from
Virginia waa in favor of a froo ballot
and a fair count.
A free ballot and a fair count I con
tinued Mr. Hutlcr, when at the last
election the Slato of Indiana was col
onized with ncL'ro voters from the
South in order to nullify and neutral
ize the Democratio voto of that State.
The State Sonato, on Wednesday,
April 27th devoted an altornoon to the
consideration of that part of tho Gov
ernor's message referring to tho death
of Gov, Bigler. Senator Alexander
led off in au eloquent historical eulogy,
and was followed by several other
Senators. Tbellarriaburg correspond
ent of the Philadelphia Timet says:
"The eulogies wore of unusual inter
est. Senator Hall, of Klk, distinguish
ed himself and hie aubjoct by a thought
ful and interesting review of the Gov
ernor's career, and Sonator Srailoy, of
Perry, contributed a graceful tribute
in which prose could scarcely be dis
tinguished from pootry. Among otbor
curious tacts, ne mentioned the birth
of five distinguished Pennsy Iranians in
one room of what is known as the old
Gibson Mansion, in Shorwin's creek,
Perry county, loss than fifty miles from
me Mate capital, J be men were : J.
Rannistcr Gibson, the distinguished
C'hiof Justico of the Supremo Court of
rennsyivania : bis brother, tieonm
Gibson, for many years rnor to the
rebellion the Commissary Genoral of
mo t niicd otiitoa Army j William Big
ler, the late Governor: John Uio-lur.
who by a singular coincidence waa
made Gorornor of California at the
time bia brother waa Governor of tbia
State, and John Bernhoiaol, who adopt
ed the Mormon faith ant) aftorward
represented Utah in tho National Con
gress. These men were not only born
in the 'same room, but were distin
guished contemporaries in publio life."
Kveryboily that pays taxes of course
wants the debt funded at aa low a ruto
us possible. Tbo llartisburg Patriot
elaborate on the subject In this way:
In the debate ill tbo State Senate on
ii recent Wednesday afternoon un the
lull In relund ten millions ol ibe public
debt in lour per conu arose a some
what lively scene of which II i Cooper,
i of Delaware, waa inciler. Mr. Cooper,
aueonuiig to me report, made one ol
hia "violent" speeches against tho Dem
ocrats. Wo all know what Mr. Cooper's
violent speeches consist ol. They have
a considerable rescinblunoe to Greek
flro making a great deal of noise, but
possessing neither warmth nor lorce.
In tho course of this speech Mr. Cooper
gave expression to his prolbuud sorrow
tbat some of the Republican Sena
tors were "weak enough and foolish
enough" to aid the Democrats in em
barrassing tbo Slate authorities and
"stopping the wheelB of government,"
To this pathetic allusion Senators Nor-
is and Nowmyor furnished tho chorus
of responses : "So they are; that's just
what they are doing."
This course of the "foolish" Itotuib
Means and "wicked" Demooiats which
aroused ao much virtuoua indignation
in the breasts of Cooper, Norris and
Nowmycr, and tho -nachine Republi
cans generally, waa their support of
an amendment ot Senator Craig fixing
the muximuin ruto of tho loan at three
and a hull instead of four per cent.
Why not refund tbo debt at the lower
lato? .No ono will pretend to say that
Pennsylvania cannot refund its debt
at this rale of interest in the present
condition ot tho money market. An
investment iu tho United Stales por--cents
at tbeirpresent premium realizes
less than thro and a bull' per tent, in
terest. Tho holders of the United
States six per cents aro eagerly ac
cepting the three and a half rate offer
ed by tho Treasury, instead of de
manding payment, becntiso they can
make no better interest. What better
could the holders of tho Pennsylvania
loan do than accept tbreo and a half
por cent, whon the Slato can borrow
all tbo money it wants at that rato 1
Hut tho Slato administration wants to
givo them a bonus of ono half of ono
per cent, above the rate that tho loun
is worth in tho money markot. When
tho independent Republicans and Dem
ocrats of the Senate insist tbat Penn
sylvania shall liavo the benefit of her
high credit by borrowing on tho best
terms, Sonator Coopor charges that
they are "stopping the whoels of gov
ernment," and Sonators Newmyer and
morris, his eetioon, shout in rosponso:
"just so; that's just what thoy aro do
ing." Before charging tho independent Re
publican and Democratio Senators with
seeking to embarrass the State eov
eminent Mr. Cooper and his fellow
laborers at the machine should bavc
rcflocted that tho boot ia on t'other
leg. The State administration have
done IhoirbosUocmbarrasa the Lcgia
loture. Tho proceeding of the Attor
ney General was the act of tho admin
istration, done with their counsel and
approval- Its object was to disperse
mo legislature upon the insulting pro-
aumplion that tho representatives of
tho people would precipitately aban
don their duties in sordid dread of
losing a portion of their salary. That
thoy did not obey tho opinion of the
Attorney General and adjourn was
only a miscalculation of tho adminis
tration, in view ot all this it was
rather maladroit in Senatorial sup-
porters of tho Stitte administration to
charge tbo independent Republicans
and the Democrats with seeking to
omoarass mora. Mill more so, whon
there ia no other foundation for this
charge than an honeat effort to refund
the State debt at a rato consistent with
tho condition of the money markot
ana tno crcuil ol tho Commonwealth
How the insurance craze is affecting
Sbo people is illustrated by tho follow
ing fact: Karly in tho year wo insert
ed an advertisement elating that mon
ey could be had on good soenrity, and
for furthor particulars apply at this
office. Last wock a person came in
who owns a little farm, and wanted to
know who had tho money to loan.
Inquiry developed tho fact that he
wanted money to pay some insuranco
assessment, and that be had already
paid out ovor $ 100, most of which be
bad borrowed, on a t.r,000 policy ho
uciti on an oia person residing in Tur
bett township, Juniata county. Thore
waa now, he said, thirty five dollars
again due, and if ho did not pay that
uo wouiu lose all be bad invested, and
he wound up his appeal bv savins.
"and tho old man is almost dead and
cannot possibly hold out much loncer."
In ordor to obtain this money ho was
wining to pay two por cent, por month
for the use of it three months, and by
that time bo would cortuinly tret bis
money from the company. During tho
past inrco months thia man has de
prived his family of things thoy need
ed, being unable to pav bis liltlo debts
he should have paid, encumbered his
nome with a lion he may never bo able
to pay, and done all this with tbo hope
that a fellow creature would soon die.
Doos not a man so situatod commit
murdor in bis hoart? as nothing but
the spocdy death of tho insured can
save this man from the hands of the
Sheriff. This ono case is no doubt a
fair representation of hundreds of oth
ers. Xexc Bloomfteld Times.
The annual reunion of the Pcnnsyl
vunia Rcsorvea will be held thia year
at Bollcfonto, Centre connty, Pcnn'a.
JUiv dwtl$nncnt$.
DIVOKCn Nori( K--T0 the Court of
Common Pleat of Clearleld oountj, l'ft.
Mar K. Wiaont )
. Snh. Sr. DWorce.
Cbarlet Den oat. )
To Chnrlti fmont. Defendant Yon will
take lotioe that the umlemlgned hu been ap-
taOintad a fnmmiiainna' I taitiaa UillmAtiia I. it..
above onie, ftnd that the erldeane In lupport of
ina 1 lamiitt reiitlon, will be taken at the offloe
of O. R. A W. ltarrett, la tbe norougb of Clear
floltl, Pa., on FRIDAY, the I7tb d.y of MAY,
A. D. 18h. When and where ytm ran attend,
A. P. M'LRoD,
CUftrfleld, Maj 1Kb, 1881-Xt
Estate of John kuhnlej, Dee d.
V VIRTt'Rof an order of the ORPHANS'
Jl COtlRI ofCle.rB.IJ eoontr. there will be
arnad to nubile aale on the aremiaea, in HULL
. u . f 11 1 r, county of Clearflold, Slate of I'enn
eylranin, on a
Friday, May 27th, 1881,
Til K following deaeribed real eitate. ln Th.t
eerUiB FAKM ittated in Bell towaihlp, on the
mad leading frosi I'enortlle to PhiihUwiot,
bounded fvllowi Beginning ftt ft baeeb. ooraar
of traeta Noa. own 4 and AtfUfti thence by line or
ot No. bIM aonth M 6-IOdegreeieeet I e pens bee
ta ft oit i Ihenra by lamliol Lightnereed Heed
oath 1 degreei weit lilt parehni to poet ;
thaoM north 18 drgreei weet liO perehet to
ft torner of land "H to Oeorge Login ; tbeoea
by Haa of tract No, jpftrt north 1 6-10 degreee
eftii iav perehti to tho plan or beginning, con
lain log
102 ACRES.
And IALLOWANCK, being i-artof tmct No.
wiid ta.rj, funiii fiiii A.nCB
Ul.KA ft Hll a (Mill h
chard, Log Houm and
para inareoa. lata the
ettaU of Jaha HmWm
lej, deoeaaed.
vn-BBii oa voDRrnaiivo oi ftftie, and tat
balanoo ia owe tear, with Itareat Mrared b bead
and mart gag aa Ibe pram I tea.
Iw ttiu, Pa., War, Hlb, Hl-3t
rvlNHOI.HTKIN III' I'AllTM'.limilP,
j Thepartoerablp heretofore ealatliig between
Hie undesigned Hotter the Sim of tl. R. A W.
berreit, waa diaaolvnl hy mutual euoeent on the
M day ol Fi-liruary, A II IS8I HAKHKTT,
tir,J,l,l,r, April 17, IsM at.
llTll't be aVtllll V"? ( t "I'tM ftlt Mtla,
ri1u.l.!etln.Sr lM''t nl ,0,M ACIU.H, to
b hit pen lirwiuliip, CtUBafun oouttijr, known
m n'surtiit No. SJ.14 j hm Iimb uwotJ ft Ditobar
of ytn li? a I'll I .ilt'li. hi i iftiulljf, ftn. will bt
old ftt tjeeliltftl birftiD
ill ii Aroh (St., PhiU.
April IBHl-lm.
Millinery! Millinery 1 1
TTAKK the jilfiiurt of Informing tlio pub lift
that I ibiill ulTor iptxtial ntluoeoi"Ot In
Milllnftr; Uuodt, iuuh fti Hi I lit, Rfttlni, Itlbbon,
Plowftri, 4o Trlmmd anil latritnneJ Uit fttid
UoDnfta, la tba vry latent tjrU'i Nutluia ftoi
Mania-up Clutbiuf fur tiillrn. I kin ily illicit
ft ill art of your patronage).
MlSd M. A. WKLCI1,
Marka! St , OltarAal.l, Pft.
Apr. Iu, mi-y.
TVVOIU'i: NOTII IC.-Iq I ha Court of
J Ciiurnun Plifti of Clearfield mtuntv. Pft,
II ... f w l. (.. i
O. J. M vera. oir. Ulroroa.
To O. B. Ayrrtr You are berebr notirled to be
and appear at tbe unxt term of Court aa afore
mentioned, and there defend In the above aaaa , or
ahow eauae why a derree of divorce a viaeello
Marrmoait aboald not bemide.
Hnrmrr'a Ornra. 1 J. UAIIAFPRY,
Cloarrlold, Apr. 17 '8 1 -41. j Bb.rifT.
4 MrrKM NOTK K.-Io tb matlarof
XI. lb Mlalft of John UtrUonk, lato of Kart
baui town hip, (leoaad.
March 2.U, T. J. Me Cull ugh appolatad
to dinpoie gf tba axptiilloui filed to th account
of Uodfrajr Fiahar, tba Admlolitratur, bj tba
widow and baira uf aaid daoedaut. Tba laid
Auditor harat7 givea nolica that ba will attend to
tba dutlti of bii appolntinant at hli nffloa, in tba
unrmigQ oi uioarnelj, ra,,ou r IllUAY, the I0T11
VAX of HAY, Itttfl, ftt ID o'clock A. M. of wtd
dnjr, whoa ftnd when all partial intaratted may
appear peraooanjr or ftr attorn fy.
T. J. UvCi LLUUUU, Auditor,
CIrilIJ, l'ft., Majr 4, 1881. St.
WILLIAM Jt, DBAS, Proprittor. 9
-Tbti bouia tl tilaaaotlT located uo East
Market itreet, and eon ran tent to tba Court liouta
and ftll uuiinrai placai of the town. It hai ra
oentlr bean re tit ted and rafurniahad frtm aellar
to ftttlo. liar m m lied with rbutoait llqnora.
Tub la rumii bed with tbe bet the markttftltoruft.
Hood ft ah la attached. Kalea modarftto
April U, I8l-tf.
X iriearpeia riamog Mill, Well located to tba
bull neti part of tba town, and eloaa to tba S (ftt Ion.
The bnildlos la bftilSA feet, twa itoriet. cood
office, ware room and iheda tbt wholo length of
na let, witn orat-eiam raaobinary. Alio, good
ntlne. boiler 4i1 feet, with fiftv-thrae lt-inoh
tubee, line ibalt beneath the lower lour. Lft'ce
fliaj A Woed aarfaeer, large itleker wnrki four
atdei onoa through, oommon it loiter, double-head-
ad 'Harper, ioroll uw, panel rier, norma ma'
ehlne, iwlnglng out off and itatlonary eut-otT
aawi, two rip lawi.raBtlpaper.Qg naohina, lattloe
mac Una, lb a flint and Dulleyi, Knowlen
pump, XoO feet of bote with patnp attachment.
ALSO, ona bear? one-bone waggon, two or three
pair ot lumber aladi, mowing tniioh.nai and farm
ing tmpletnrnta, nab, doori and window framea,
on eaar term. All prowrtv 00 band ot Mar
Hlh, I8M, will ba diapoMd of at publio iale at
me fiariing at ill. n tl. HKUttA HKU.
Clearfield, Fa , Ma; II, IS8l-3t.
Newark, N. l.
Ahrti, Jan. 1, UH, ai aaoertaloed
by Kianlning Comtaiuinneri
of Maitaobuiettl. Ohio and Mow
Jeney 15,72,31i 0,1
LiAiiUTlRft, aa nated by theiatne, 31,91 1.4H.1 86
oDitPLUi by .Mftii ehu a btandard.. I,HI&,.1S1
Si rplui by New York Standard... !i8S IS
All polieieioonfurfeltabla after leoond
yearj luweipemei; large dividend de
olared ftnd paid ererjr year liaaa organ
liation j ample inrplui ; or render r el net
moil liberal ; loaiaa promptly ail jutted
and paid; nO aiieaimeaii.
OrriciRi i
LKWI9 C. (1R0VBR, PrbiiibsT.
JAWKS B. PLARMON. Vica PaaaitifaT.
Eu. L. Duiaiaa, 8ec'jr. Taao. Mftcajvarr, Treaa.
II. M., Special Agent. Office la
Moasop'i building, Market ilroet, CleftrReld, Pa.
81 If.
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
Qats and Capjj
bS: Furnishing kh
That Ever Came into the
AT THEIR STOKE, 1100)1 0. 1
ClearteU, Fa., li,
In the oonntj la to bt found at
Reliable Clolhins Store.
Western Hotel Corner,
TK hare jaet retaror4 froaa the Kaateraj
Mara. la wlta a lerga Itork af fret elan
Spring Summer CIiIHej,
K'blrt Hill be a.ld eaearier taal arat. Thaoklnf
taie tralilie for paat tarora, we iorlle a aall
brfora purthaeiof elaewhera.
Old Western Hotel Corner,
April IT, llll-tf.
War un (UtTtljtuuiit.
fabllabad avary Wedaaaday by
Haa the l.rgeat t Irrulatloa of any paper
111 Naiinweateru Peuuaylvaiila.
Tbe large and constantly Increasing
circulation of tbe Republican,
renders It valuable tobusinesa
men aa t medium thro'
which to reach the
Tsrjh or Subsoriptiom i
If paid In adraooo, . . . 12 00
If paid aftor tlirea moutha, . 2 60
If paid aftor six months, . , 8 00
When papera are lont oulaidu uf tbo
oounty puy wont mual be in advance.
Ton line or loan, 8 times, , a 1 50
Each subsequent inaertion, SO
Administrator' Hotices, , . 2 60
Ezecutcra' Notiooa, . . . . 2 60
Anditois' Notices, .... 2 60
Cautioiaand Estraya, ... 1 60
Pissolttioti Notioea, . . . 2 60
Profoaiiunal Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00
Spocial notices, per line, ... 20
One s-iuare, 10 lines, . . . $8 00
Two iquares 15 00
Thret aqnarea, 20 00
One fburth column 60 00
One-lull column, . . . . 70 00
One column, 120 00
We have always on band a large atock
ofblankaot all doaoriptions.
to., io., &o.
We are prepared to do all kinda of
Ao., &o.,
tieo. II. CloodUnder,
Clearfield County, Pa.
Uru? dnrtisrmrnts.;
Real Estate at Private Sale 1
Homestead of A H. Shaw, Deo'd.
fpilK ki af A. II. 8be, dre'd. rlloale
X la J.aerrenee tuiraahip, adjolala Cl.arfinld
Uniueh, I'a , la fltlered fur aale. Il I. iM.uitil.d
ami rfr.cril.etl a. follim.: Krunl in a e.te fert on
Ibe river I tlienua eltendtea; Iteok almia the
brou)(h llRe.jutb TdJ d,,rreeee.l 'Hit feel to the
rtiunda of the Hallrvad Cnmpanr I Ibenee elana
Ibe eame north II di'ifrrea eeat 4 1 A fret lo lot of
uaa louipany r tuenne elun aetoe Btirlh 7d d.
greea treat W Water atreet, ouotelulaf
aed barlnir tberaua erected a large and well Sn.
leh.d dweilina houea 4uaS feet with "L" at
taehad 16i30 eel, alio a good hara about ellatO
leet ear it la other outbuildioga. i'or tarua or other
arlleuiera laifutre of
T. H. Ml RHAV, tluardian,
or W. W. IIKTTM, Adulolelrator,
Cloarlleld, Pa., April lilh, IKSI-St.
Trustee's Sale
Valuable Ileal Estate !
BY flrtut of in or.Itr or tbr Orphan' Court of
Claarfltlii oouoty, nulo Uarcb Sllb, 18HI,
ttioro will bo ipoitjfj te publio aila at tbo CO I HT
HOI HK, In CLKARF1K1.D, If A., on
Monday, May lCth, 1881,
A certain traot of Uof, lit (bo propirtjr of
rK K DKH ICK KRAILti, dtwawod, lituato in
CUKhT TOWNKU1P, Cliirfl-ld oounty, Penn
ylTnia, boandtd & followa. vlt t Oa tbo north
by landi of Juhn M. Woatoror, aoath by laodi of
nuiua laioaiaj, (ih n; linai oi Anltiun; JUcdar
Tfjr, and wost by landi of Henry I'osrco,
Coritaining lOO Acron,
And ALLOWANCE, moro or lt, baring about
0 aoita olearcd and under a good itatt of cultt
t at ion, with good growing orchard, good booat,
larga baro, aod good aprtng of water thereoo.
Tlie roioiindor la eoTorad with good PINK TIM
BKR. Tbo aato ia nndarlaid wuh UITI MIN
One-third caib on confirmation uf mIo, ono
third In ouo yw thoroaltar, with In tor eat, aaurad
by bond and uortgago upon tlio promiato, and
tboTetualQlng on-tblrd to remain In tbo proporty
and to bo aoourod by reeogniianoo, tho tntorott
t hereof to ho paid annually to Kllta Ann Frailoy.
widow, during ber lifo, and at ber death tba
principal to bo paid to tho heln of laid Frederick
V'ralley, deoeaitd. J. P. FRY, fruftM.
Waitoror, Pa., April IS, 18H1-6U
Save moneY
Geo. Weaver & Co.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Boolsf Shoes, HatslCaps,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c, &c.
Thenifal for fevora. we Invite the nubile
to eall and aea our larte and Beer aloek of aooda.
hiob we will diapoea of al reaeooablo rale, for
aaaa, or eionanire lor eoaatry proiluca.
Polite aotl attcnttra elerka to wait upon you,
aou pncea B.ea low.
ClaarBeld, Pa., April :, lSDI-tf.
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Ronpectfully solicit thoir pittrotu
and the pnblie renerallr to eall and eiam.
ina their aew atooa of
Spring and Snininer Goods,
Canhmere", Velvotcena, DelHines.
J.awns, Oinfrliamn, 1'rinta, Un
btoacbrd and lilcacliod Mus
lins, Kancy Skirts, Sheet
ings, Tickings, Carpets,
lings, Oil Cloths,
Laundriod, Whito,
Cheviot and Percale
Shirts, Olovos, Keckwrar,
Mon'a and Boys' Clothing,
Hals, Caps, Boots, Shoos, eto., eto
Groceries & Gen'l Merchandise
Will be found ol first quality, and
satisfaction is guaranteed. Tlio fol
lowing aro always kept on hand,
(.some lew only in tlioir season;:
Sugars, Teas, Coffoos, Spices, Ryrtipa
Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons.
Bananas, Figs, Dates, etc, Hard
ware, Quconswaro, Glnssware,
Tinwaro, Wood and Willow
ware, Taints, Oils, Clocks,
Tmnks.Valiaes, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furnltnro,
& Minors' Supplies,
July 28, 1880 ir.
Jtpt g.fll'frtiSf.tnts.
SherilT's S.;.e.
BT rlrtua of a writ of Fierw Fnciat lua4
at of th Court of Oomaoa PIm of Olaar
ftald aoolT,PanD'a, ani to na dtraetad. thara will
h aipntad to H'HMC BALK, at tbt Court
nonaa, id ma oorongn oi flat maid, Fa., oi
WediiMtay, June lt, imni.
At 1 o'olook P. M., tba fnllowlnt drarribed m1
lata, to wit :
AU of drandaot'a in t era at la all Ihoaa two ar
laii lota ailnatad la tba Tillara of Uwnrill.
Oranwood townahlp, Claarfltld oounty, Ptait'a,
DQonava Bra aimioia aa roiiowi : HfiDBIoj at
tona on lha oornar of Wntar tod Mia atraat j
thenea by Main atraat aonifa 64( dif raaa went 1ZH
fi to poitj thane by land lata of Wm. T.
Thorpa tort I. til dffraaa waat Ml foot to an
allay I tbonoaby taid allay nortb 1) dagreoa oaat
Kit fnat U poblio mad tbneo by aald road
aoatb 4lt dif rooa oait Mi foat to nlaoa uf bi .
ninK, balng known la plan af laid illra aa loll
no. ia ana no. ii, navtDf inaroon orootad ft litf
two-atory fraao atarabouao, framo houao, amall
atabla and otbar ontbiiidingi.
All or dafandant'a Intaroat In all that ocHaIb
trat ar piaoa of land alt oa tad In tba br ou(h or
Newborn, Clearfield county. Pa , bound l
followi, via r fetftnuinr " Mb ; thanoo North
"9 doitraoa tat l parclioa to Man i aouth
4ft drcraoa waat 10 roreboa lo i ibaniM ki
dtRrtwa oaat 1 paroha to noit, aouth in dagraao
waat I porohoa, toulb 71 difraoa oaat U parobaa,
aouth IS dKraeaaut bi porobaa, aouth SO dagroaa
awat 14 parobai o plaa Hump, toutb 80 droai
r-.t rciia io uiapiB, ooria i Uffrao aait 74
porobaa to pott, north 36 dot raaa waat I0S ninhH
to pi aea of balnnln, ooataminf about bt rm
and 43 porobta, rtaartingoal otibo aanta aehool
houM lot, baTio thara.. u oractad a framo aloro- , a youn otohara of appla traoa,aad
baviuc ftbout it acroa olutrad bJ mwd .avu
Hatiod. utiaa ta aireutlon, aid to ba laid aa
Hot pr oporty or E. R. Rota. I
All that aortal a trust of land altnatad la HrtJ
towaia p, Claarfiald oowaty, P., roodd and
j Jffpt drrrtisnufnts.
j de(riljid a follow t llrirliiBinf at a ml nlt fnr-
nnr at tba eornar f lamia of Joob Hunt I and
! (iforra Pcotaj tbaona north oil docrcaa SatT
pxrctiaa to a iot tbt nee outb 44V 1 19 prtl.
to a pofft tlianea wtil 314 I. ID prolin to a dcJ
i Hi iniu'ik i thoooa ourtn it atuica ir.u iir
cli to a atmr bttiy i tlecno outb Hi ut-fin-eo
wait l.7 pcrchea to a aauiUtvk ibeuoa Punh
drfrvo tl 141 prrctea U a pott ; lbrar north
Ji-rci oait lift percb' to arvieo btrrjr ;
trx-iiiw oorlb t djrB want bll porfbai tu liio
.l'i)l bcifinniua, cootaiaia Iv'iS 7-m1 a- re.
t.tfJ, tBkr tn aiocution, auu ! ha ai'ld ai
ti fioptrty uf (leorfa Kriafaar and William K
All of defobdanta lotereit u that carta la uit
juaet or tract tt laud altuated in farjruoo towa
ihlp, CltarBeltl euuntjr, Pa., bounded aa fvllowi i
ItririBDlof at a i-ott oornrrol .aod or Jama rrr-
Kuion Ibfnou by aaid VrTtuma't land no u I it fid
u jrreei ct C4 j t.erohut U a nua 0-m.or bv an
old mad) thencu by laid rut I aouth 17 degree i
wat 2A pcrclwa to a haniiook.ioutb 2trlaKrr wcat
24 porobaa to a poat ojrnr on Una of Knoon htrawj
ttieueo by, amd (Straw land auotb ollj dr?r
oaat V0 8-10 pareboa to a poat In publio road
tbrnoo by aald ruaa auu lanu of lioo. Miohatii
north 17( degreaa oast porabai north 1) j da
(rota wcit 2U pcrfbaato a pica atump north Hi
(ictrreaa weat iv paronaa noria l dauroeaoBat iv-
ptrobaa nortb 8 dagrroi waat 7 parebta north
una di-arooa waat it ierohra north tan ua.
grooa 6 porobaa to a hemlock north 48 drgraea
aaat IV 7-lu parenea nortb IV Uitroa aait o ft-10
parobai to tho tJlen llopo and liilla Ha Id Km'
turnpika roau ; tbfnea ty aama nortb 304 argraei
wrat ij T-iu paronoa to poat and tiiaea ol iioaia
ning, oontaining8S aorta and 37 porchaa, baring
theraon a rati led a lug homo, log bam, aad balog
partly cleared.
8aned takaa In aieoution, and to lo auld ai
tbo prrporly of Jainoa J. Dillen.
All tba tnlareat of tba defebdanta of la and to
all thma oartain pramlaaa aituated in H"g&i
luwnanip and nuitaoaton, tloarnaid oounty fa,
oao o( lhata known aa the Uauahtnaa farm, lta-
ginnlng at a poat and itoaea j tbanoo oait by land
ut MtMirfra nuitnujoll iwn parohaa to poat i thanea
north 211 degrooi aiat 108 perchei to a black oak ;
thenoo norlh M pnrobci lo poat by whito plna j
tbrntx auutb 7i dtgraei wrat by la a ill of Jamea
H. Turnar 1 7tt parubaa to whita oak; thonoe woat
CI porobaa to poat ( thanoo aouth by lioo ot J hn
Hall aurvay lUparohoato brgionlog, evnialning
10 it ooroa aod Nit perohaa.
Another tract litUAd In Bjggi tunoahtp, ba
rlnulbs at a whita oak eornar: tbenoa north bv
land ot liixon and old traot Una 17 porobaa to
wbita oak; thanoo wait by K umber ft or landk 92
perch to alonea ; tbenoa aouth by Urnlt lata of
J. M. bbaw Ia7 parobaa'to alonei on old line ;
tbonoa aaat ill parobea by Oearbart and Shttninell
to white oak and l4co of boginniog, ooiitaii'.iog
as aerai anil allowance.
A nether traot tn Bngjii townihlp, bogirtning at
a wbita oak on tba nortneaat ooroer ot tbo traot ;
tbenoa aouth by Jamea liilligno aurvay 51ft par.
to poat i tbeoco woat br C. (J raw lord aurvov tn
Javub B meal 'a corner ( tbenoo nortb abuut St)
perchei to line of bhippey tract; thrnoa aat by
ai J land about 80 pareboa to hli ooruar theuoe
by bia lino north about 111 perehea to bia hem
lock: lhanro weat ICO porobaa to whito oak cor
ner ; tbenoo north 1 1 ft perehea to ebeetout ; t hence
by William Uingtiam eurrey aaat 2.10 perehea to
beginning, containing about Suo aoroa part ol
Joaaph ilell turray.
Another of them altuatad In Ilngga towo.hip
part of John Tbnmaa aurvay, bagloDiug at ituoei
by blaok oak; thenoo aouth t drgrooa weat I US-4-10
parobea to pino atump ; tbenoo aouth 711
dgroea oait 97 7-10 perehea to pilch plna ;
tbenoo north H degreei weat Oft 2-10 perchee to
birch; theoee up aama 10 pareboa to whito plna
to up ; tbenoo north Hi dagroea aaat bH 7-1 0 perch
aa to atako j thence norib 67j dagroaa weat 72-0-10
parebea to beginning, containing ftfi aerea
13ft peroheiand allowan.knownaitbe Dixon lot,
which II known aa tbo Wailaootoa property, the
Intercut of tbo deft-noUnta, luppoaed to be j in the
whole, aod in tba aeoond and tail darribad tract!
but a nominal tnlareat, tho Irat deaorilHtd tract
baring tbreo dwelling huuaaa, ona barn, alable
and "iter vutboildinga thereon, with aa orchard
and 7ft acrei of cleared land, raitrving all of tba
luta aold In WaUaceton whan they acquired an
Intereat In the tame, and tbo premiiea eon rayed
tn tho Hailrnad t'ompnay, and lutyret to the
right of thoae part lea who are lo actual peiata
iuo of any part of Ibe premtica. and have writ
ten eooiracta or deoda for the laiite,
All that tract of land ai to a ted la Lawrence
townahlp, bounded by landa of Alaxandor Road
on tbo aait, by llham bpackmao oa the north,
by lantli formerly ol Jordan Heed on the woat,
and by landa of W. P. Iteed aod Leonard eitate
ah the Mnib, onrtralnirrg lHIarefl aed aMowanre,
with ft largo frame homo, barn and other out
building, a bearing orchard, and about 1.10 acre!
of cleared land thereon, and underlaid with two
voine of bituminoua ooal.
Seised, Ukan in execution, and to be aold ai
the property of J. K. Ueod and L. J Morgan.
All of drrenJttOt'a Intereat in all tbntoerUia
tract or place of land situated in Brady and
Bloom towoiblpi, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bound
ed and deaeribed aa followa, via: Beginning at
a poet on tho aortbeart ooroer i thenoo aouth
partly in line or land of Irvin'e belra, and partly
in lino of Unda of aatd Hollo peter and Ilru
bakor 107 perehea, more or leaa, to a hemlock ;
thanoo weat In lino of Nick Simpaoa 44 perobea,
moro or leaa, to a poat on towoihip road ; thence
aouth 74 degree woat In line of aaid township
road 31 4-10 perehea, mora or lets, to a poat in
aaid road; thoooa north io line of liraacker'e
land ft4 1-10 perehea, moro or leu, to a poat ;
thence wast In the aouth boundarj line of war
rant No. 8577, lUft 8-10 perehea, moro or leaa, to
a post In lino of land of C. Smith ; thenoo north
partly In lino of land of said Haiti, aod partly In
lino of land of John Kaama, formerly belonging
to J. W. Ilaya 111 perches, more or Icm, to a poat
la lino of land of G. M. Thompson, formerly own
ed by Peter Arnold ; thence east partly In line of
land of laid Thompson, and partly in line of land
of aaid llellopeter and Bru baker, tho grantees
hereto ltfft 8-10 perehoa, moro or leu, to a poet ;
tbenoa north by same 111 perchei, more or leaa,
to a post ; thenoo aaat In lino of land of K. Parker,
formerly owned bj J. H. Seyler 73 9-10 perobea,
more or less, to a post and place of beginning,
containing 210 acrea, mora or less, being pan of
tract aurvejred In warrants Si77, 3i8l and lO'JO,
and conveyed by K. Cole to otbara, having 2ft
acres cleared, and erected thereon a small frame
houao, log barn and a young bearing orchard,
above land being well limbered with oak, hem
lock and chestnut.
All of defendants right, title and Interest ia
Littlo Andaraon Crock ISarigatloa Company.
Seised, takoa in execution, and to be auld aa
tbo property of J. tl. Urubakor and 8. 8. Hoi
lope tor.
Ono other tract of land in Union township, de
aeribed as follow j Beginning at a post ; thenoo
by land late of Joseph Lines and land uf H. Pentt
north Ul perch to a poat ; tbenoa west 'dt per
chee to a stone ; thence south 07 perohaa to
post ; thenoo west SB perohaa to a post ; thence
north I perehea to a poat; thence weat 122 per
ohaa to a hemlock thenoo aouth T7 perobea to a
poat) thaoee oaat 84 perehea to a post j thence
aouth 10 perehea to a chestnut; thenoo oast 102
perches lo a poat and place of beginning, con
taining 10ft acrea 49 perehea and allowance I
acrea cleared and being well timbered wilfe ham
look, ebeitnut and oak timber.
Boiaed, taken In elocution, and to bo sold aa
tho property of llollnpetor and Brubaker.
Ono other traot or parcel or land situated In
Brady tuwnship, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded
aod detcrihisl aa followa ; Beginning at a corn or
of G. M.Thompaon'alandonliDeofJ. 11. (seyler;
thenoo aouth U0 perehea, moro or less, to a piae;
thenoo eaat by laud of J. A W. Irwin 1..0 perches,
mere or leu, to a poat ; thenoo north by land ol
T. W. Dorr Park l t perehea to a post j tbenoo
waat by land of J. II. ttevlor I SO pero bet, m ore or
leaa, to a stone corner and place of beginnin g .con
taining 110 acrea, moro or less, being part of
larger traot or survey of land ooovayod to Joha
II. boyler, and being well timbered with hem
lock, chestnut and oak.
Beiaed, taken in execution, and to bo sold as
tba property of Holioptter and Brubaker.
All of defendant's, J. II. BroUker, Interest In
all those four certain lotaiituatol In tbo Tillage of
Hock ton, t'nton towaihlp, Clearfield county, Pa.,
bounded aa follows! Begnaing at a stone on the
nwtb side and adjoiaing Packervllle and 8now
ahoo turnpika ; tbenoo north 2 degreei oatt along
alley 10 perches to stone on atreet 10 Teat wlta,
running east aod waat ; tbenoo Itlll the aama bear
ing north 10 perohaa to atonea sat for a corner ;
thenoo north 88 dagroea weat 8 perehea to ttono
on street 20 feet la width; tbenoo aouth I dagroea
weat along aaid atreet 10 aerohea to stone at alroet
mailing aait aod waat 1 0 feet wide; tbenoa still
by aamo hearing north 10 perehea lo stone at aaid
turnpike abovo named ; thence eooth Bo degrees
east 8 perohaa to place of begiantng, containing
1 aero, and knowa ia plan of said village aa Iota
No. 6, No. 7, No. 14 aod No. 1ft, having thereon
oractad a largo frame dwelling bouse, frame stable,
lee bouse, and other outbuildings, also fruit trees
growing theraon.
Seised, taken la execution, and te hi a,,U .
tbo property of J. II, Brubakor.
All of defendant's Intereat in all that ear tain traot
or piece ef land situated la Beecaria townibip,
Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded and deaorihed as
followa: Oa tba oast b lands of A ah lev w.ij
on tho south by lands of Nerllag.on the waat
ny rteier, and on too north bf Wiibe0
containing about ft eeree more or less, with about
acrea eieared and under good oulliratioa, and
having erected thereon a loe? bars. Inr hm..
other outbuildings.
Deisod take In elocution and to ba anld ik.
property of 4eere Peareo.
By wrlU of Vtmititioni Ariiontia, at tba soma
time and place, will bo aold tho following
All of defendant'! Interest la an undivided moltty
r one-half part of a eertaia nioMor ti i i.a
situated In Decatur township, Clearfield county
Pa., bounded and deaeribed aa follows t Begin
ning at a birch la a north west eornar i thanoo by
land "f llardmaa Philips weat 121 bimIim .
post t thence by lands of II. Philips formerly aouth
12 degree weat 129 perch as to a hemlock, onrner
of Umwell survey thenoo aouth 17 perobea to a
poet hy a maple of A. floss survey j theooo br
aamo aouth 42 dagroea oaat 180 pare lire to a poet
by a maple by eald (Jom turvoy i thence by A.
tioea' new survey north bi degrees east I lOpetobea
to a poet ; thenoo by aamo uth 40 degree oait
27 parobai to ft poat oa waat aide of Moihannoa
oraok ; tbeaea down tho aama north 80 dagroea
Oaat g perobea t a pool north tt dagroea aaat
41 perehea ta Joha Ithimmot upper awraar oa ;
tbo reo thenoo by aamo weal .7 perobea ta ft I
atoao heap tbenae by aaaa aorta 121 perehea ta !
tho plaowof boglBBlag,oaat4iaiag two hand rod aad i
thirty ataa (2S.J aoraa aad twoaty four (24poroh- I
oa, being oat of twa larger nrvevs la tao names
of Thoaaa Kdmaaeoa aod Jena . lylar, be lag
all underlaid with blMiislniua eoat and baring one
drill t'pea and In good running order.
Tba undivided moiety or one-half pari of anoth
er certain piece of land In Decatur towniliip,
Clearfield county Pa., bounded and desoiiued ai
followa i Beginning at a hemluck sapling eloao to
a white oak in tho Hoe of i homos Itillingtoa sur
vey ; thenoo by lands of A. Umi 62 decree oait
I ft ft perohaa to a post by a small run ; K7J
degress east 27 perches to post on weit hank of
M oahannon creak I thenoo auutb ft 25-100 degree
weat Oft parches to poit thence north 84 a -100
degroea weet I Off perehea to poat aouth T 10-100
degrees weat 19 4-100 perehea to poit; 'hence
oulh at 16-100 degreei eaat 18 0-100 Larches to
post on weat hank of eioabannnn creek j (hence
south ft 30-1 00 degrees west 7 08-100 perches to
post south 00 4ft 100 degrees east IS peroheo to a
poet aouth 10 20-100 degrees eaat 13 perobea to
post south 10 10-100 degreei west 6 4-10 perches
lo post south 38 44-1 CO degrees wail 0 72-H0
perahes to post south II 30-100 degrees east 10-PS-loo
perches to p st south 19 degrees eaat 10
parch to a post aouth 66 100 degreea oast 8
S arches to a poat aoutb 2V ft lOO degrees west I
-100 perches to a poit south 2ft 30 100 degrees
wost II 8-lOperi-ho to post sooth M 60-1 Hi) de
grees wast 8 porcbeito puat south 29 ftft loO de
grees eaat 14 22-100 perehea to poet south 2 ftft
ll0 degroea eaat 7 2-10 perches to a post oa west
side of the Moibannon creak ; tbenae north 46 de
grees wtst 171 ft 10 perehea to a hemlock sapling
aad the place of beginning, containing 79 acre
and 8 perobea and ti rods, aa per survey made la
1872, by A. V. Hoyi, It being part of a Isrgnr sur
vey of land conveyed by David McKnlgbt and
Win. W. Hale, Aduinlitratora of Joha M. Hale,
lo Leonard il. Kosiler, aod being underlaid with
bituminous aoel, and having thereon erected four
dabble frame dwelling bouses, two stories high.
All defendant's lotereit In one other place of
ground etluated lo the borough of Osceola, Clear
held oounty, Pa., bounded aad describnd as fol
lows i Beginning at a poit earner of D. H. Good
lot on lino of Lingle atreet; tbenoa by said street
ft2 feet lo poat corner ef lot of Livorlght A Com
pany ; tbenoo bv said lot Tft feet to line of D. T.
Caldwell's lot ; tbenoo by same ft! feet to a pot
on Hoe of D. R, Good's lot t tbeoco by same Tft
feet to post and place of beginning, and known In
plan of said borough aa p rt of lots No. 12 and 13.
N tlied, takfn lo execution and to be sold aa
the property of Jamas P. Hale.
All of defendant's interest In a certain tract of
land situate in Bradford toonkblp, Clearfield
county, Pa , bounded south by lands formerly
of VYm. Albert A Uro., now In posieiaion of John
A. Green, north by land of Daniel b taw art and
also adjoining land aold to C. W. Barker, G. W.
Barger at al., containing 90 acre, mora or leaa,
with from 7ft to 80 acres cleared an,! nnder culti
vation, having thereon a large orohard compris
ing 4 or ft acres of bearing fruit trees, also a good
coal bank opened thereon, and which haa been
worked about two yean paat, furnishing a good
and auperior ja lit y of coal, with a good demand
therefor at Woodland, lata than a mile distant,
with a large two story dwelling, plank bouse, and
a large bank baro, and other eutbuildingi,
Hciaed, taken In execution, and to be snld as
the property of I. O. Barger.
A certain tract of land situated la Boggi town
ship, Clearflald oounty, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows, vis: Beginning at a large
white pine; thenoo east by Thomas Bears' land
HI) perchei ; tbenoa north 1 ftt perches to a post
and a chestnut ; thence west 111 perches to post ;
thence south 154 perches to plaoe ef beginning,
containing lot acre and 47 perchei, beiag part
of a larger survey in Ibe name of William Stew
art, and being the same piece of land conveyed
by Josiah W. mith to Josm Stone by deed bear
ing data 21it of May, 1864, recorded among tho
recoras oi Heart) cu county, la book It. page eto..
about 60 acrea cleared, having a dwelling house,
oarn ana omer outbuildings erected tbereoa.
tfttised taken in execution and to be eold aa tba
property of tbo estate of Jane Stone deceased,
with notice to tbe heirs of aaid deoedeot, lo wit i
Vincent Mono, Hatnual Htooe, Jen Stone. Rliia
both Stone, Tburaa Jane Stone, and 8. V. Wilson,
their guardian ad litem, and Jacob K. Parka terre
Terms or Pali. The price or sum at which
the property ahall bo etruck off mual ba paid at
the time of sale, or such other arrangement
made aa will be approved, otherwise the proper
ty will bo immediately put ap and aold agBin at
the expanse and riak of tho paraon to whom It
waa simon on, ana wno, tn ease of ae&eiency at
uah re-sale, shall make good tbe aamo, and la
no Instance will the Deed ba preeented ta Court
for confirmation anleaa the money Is actually
paid to the bneriff. JAri. MAllAKr ki,
nnaairr s Orrica, I (Iberia.
Clearfield, Pa., May 11,1881. 1
Sheriffs Sale.
BY rlrtua of writs or Ft. fa., Issued
out of tho Court of Common Plena of Clear
field oounty, and to mt directed, there will ba
axpoaad to PUIiLIO SALE, at tht Court Hoaat,
In the borough of Clearfield, oa
Thuradfty, May 341, lrM,
At 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real
estate, to wit : -
Ono lot lo tbe village of Weat Clearfield, Law
rence township, Clearfield oounty. Pa., frontina
on River Street 60 feet and extending back IV0
teat to an alley, being about 1VV teet by flU reet,
bounded by Lot No. 2 on the South, and by an
alley oa the North, having thereoa oraetad ft
large frame building oonaisting of lour separata
dwelling houses, and other outbuildings. The
dwelling houitjs being roofed with tin and good
oellar under each, and known in tbe plan of aa Id
village as la-nt no. a.
Ono lot In tlio village of Wtst Clearfield, town
ship and oounty aforesaid, adjoining tba above
lot, and known In tho plan of aaid village aa lot
No. 2, fronting on Hirer Street 00 feet; tbenoa
hy lot No. S, I WO feet te Vront K treat, thence by
Front 8 tract 10 feet mora or leaa, tbenoo by N let
ols Street about 110 feat to Hirer Street, having
thereon erected a frame ahop, oue story high, 10
by 30 feet.
One tot in aama village, townahlp and Bounty.
known in tho plan of the village of Wost Clear
field aa Lot No. 27, fronting ftO Teet on llerrell
Street and extending back 180 feet to aa alley,
bounded oa tho West by Weaver Street, and aa
tho East by Lot No. 20.
Lot in aama village, township and county, and
known In the plan of aaid village aa Let No. 2A.
fronting ftO feat on Merrell Street, and extending
bask 1 10 feet to an alley, bounded on tba W eat
by Lot No. 27, and on the East by Lot No. 2ft.
Lot la aamo village, township and oounty, and
known la tbo plaa of aaid village aa Lot No. 2ft,
fronting ftU feet on Merrall Street and extending
back 10 feet to an alley, bounded an the Woat
by Lot No. 20, and on the East by Lot No. 24.
Lot lo same village, townibip and county, and
known in the plan of aaid village as Lot No. 24 ,
fronting ftfl feet oa Merrell Street, and ex tan dm
back IHU feet to aa alley, bounded oa tba Waat
by Lot tin. 2ft ftnd on the Eaat by aa alley.
Lot in same village, towaihiD and eouotv. and
knowa la the plan of aaid villege aa Lot No. 23,
fronting ftO foot on Merrell Street, and extending
back 100 fret to aa alley, bounded oa the Weat
by an alley and on tba East by Lot No. 21.
Lot la sama rill ate, townrhlu and eouotv. and'
knowa tn the plan of aaid village as Lot No. 22,
fronting ftO feet on Merrell Street, and extending
back IUO feel to an alley, bounded oa tho West
by Lot No. 23 and on the Eaat by Lot No. 21.
Lot ia sama village, townibip and county, and
known ia the plan of said villaae aa Lot No. 21.
fronting ftO feet on Merrell Street and extending
back I ho feet to an alley, bounded oa the West
by Lot No. 22 and on the East by L it No. 20.
Lot in aamo Tillage, towmhln and eountr. and
known la tbe plan of aaid village aa Lot No. 20,
fronting ftO feet oa Merrell Street and ox tending
back ImU feel to an alley, bounded en the West
by Lot No. 21 and oa tho Kail by William St,
Lot In same village, towmhln and oonntr. ami
known in the plaa of aaid village at Lt No. 19 ,
fronting oa Merrell Street ftO feet and extending
back 1 HO rMt to an alloy, bounded on the Weal
by-William Street aad on tba Heat by Lot No. 18.
Lot lo sama village, township and oounty, and
known In tho plaa of aaid villact aa Lot Nn. II.
fronting ftO feet on Merrell Street and exteadlag
back IMI feet to aa allay, bounded on the Weal
by Lot No, 19 and oa tho Eaat by Lot No. 17,
Lot In tame Villaa. towmhln and ttonni h 4
knwa la tba plan of said village as Lot No. 17 ,
fronting on Merrall Street 60 feet and extending
back 180 teat to an alley, bouoded on the Weat
oy ioi no. in and on tba aait by Lot No. 10.
Lot In same village, township and oounty, and
known In tho plaa of said village at Lot No. 10,
"renting 60 feet on Merrell Street and extending
back 1H0 feet to an alley, bounded oa the Wast
by Lot No, 17 and on the Kait by an allay.
Lot In sama village, townibip aad county, aod
knowa in the Plan ol said villi aa ik
fronting ftfc feet aa Merrell Street and extending
back 10 feet to aa alley, bounded oa the West
by an alley and oa the Eaat by Lot No. 14,
I.M la a.m. .III... ....Lt I . .
. ...u , j. aauu cimii i, BDq
knoal tn lha nlin r a.iJ it1... I -a k i a
fronting ftft feet on Merrell Street and extending
h.fsk Ian ful I- .11.. I l.j il. ...
uuuoiiiu ua me neei
by Lot No. 1ft and oa the East by Lot No. 13.
fronting ftft foot on Merrell Street and extending
k.b I HA fail I .11.. L. J.J .v . ...
- - "t wuwaiutJU ua Ul nest
iv twv. mum vm vu im ey l.Ol ilO. II,
Lot la sama village, townihlp and connty, and
knnwH In Ihn nlti of a.lrl !).. I if. . .
fronting ftft feet oa Merrell Street and extending
bp aiiey, Dounaeoj on tbo Weet
by Lot No. it aad oa tba Eaat by Front Street.
All of tbe before mentioned alxiaea Lola ara
boaadod aa tho South by Merrell Street.
Lot la tame village, towaaklp and foanty, aad
kaawa La te plaa of aaid vtllaga aa Lot No 4ft
freallag aa both MerraU Street d the tovashia
road, holaga Lot M ay 180 hot, beaeUd M tJ
Monk Ivy Mar red 1 8 ereM, oa tba teat b Law
Lot in aama village, townibip aad county, and
kaown la the p'eo ot aaid village ai Lot s i. 4
fronting on both Merrell Street aod the twnihj.'
road, being a Lot 60 by I HO f, tt, Wutnirj u
Merrell Street on the Norlh. hyLatNo. t, j,
tho hast, the township road on the South tm
Lot No. 43 on tho Wesi.
l,.d In sama ttllaga, uwoil;p anj cuutr, y,
knuwa in the plan ot said village as L.t.N.j t
imnnag oa oum iiierreii rirrei and ibe toD
ship load, twin lot 60 by IftO feet bimnd
oa tbe North by Meriell Street, on lbs Kast t,T
Lot No. 44, on the South hy township read inj
on tbe Weat by Lit Ne. 42.
Lot In aama village, township aod aountv, Uqi
known In the plan of said village aa Lot Nj, 43
fronting oa both Merrell Street and the lownthii',
road, beta g a Lot 60 hy 140 feet, bounded bv
Merrell (Street oa tho North, Lot No. 41 on iL.
Kast, tbe towmhip rtad oa the South, ard ,
No. 41 oa ibe Woat.
Lot in same village-, townahlp and conn'?, j
kuown In the pUo of laid village aa Lot Xu. t
I root log un iMith Merrell Street and the town-'
ship rad, hounded by Merrell Street on tbi
.orin, iin no. 14 an iua rasi, lowninip mtj on
the South, Park Street on the Wost, being U
IftO by 1:0 hat.
All of the Iefodant's intereit In a certtin lr,-(
or piece ef land situate la Lawrence luwnihip,
Clearfield county Pa , being tbe oue unit viiio.J
one fuurtb intereat (subject to widow's duweri iD
the aaid traot, bounded aa follows : B tunded by thi
turnpike road. Iota of K. Newton Shaw, Himu
Bell, Milton Nichols, lnd of theoatate of Hich.
ard Sbaw,Sr.,dtoeaet-d,Martio Niehols, deotar-d.
and Uulicb, contnining about 17 acres, m jn
or Irai, being part vl the estate of Jooathio
Niehols, dnceajM-i, with about 12 acres cleir.J
thareou aud uodr cultivation.
One other piece or tract of laud lituute jD
Lawrence tuwaihip, Clearfield county and S.ute
of Piiio.vlvania, and kiiowa ai 'ft1errelli
Woodi," bounded and dexarihej aa follows, vit;
Beginning at a poet corner uo ttnf townihlp ra4,
thane South 2iii Weit .ill perobea to noil on hn
or Fair Gromdt ; Ihenoe South B7 West ali.n.
tbe hue of tbo Fa r Ground 2W ft lo perchei t,
a po.t ; thenea North Ji Kent 2fi ft-hi pernbe u,
b post ; thence North st T i Ett 0 perchei to a pot
thence North 0lj Eest IS ft-10 perchei to put ,o
townibip road; thence -outb OiJ Eiit H:' pri'hti
along townibip road 10 place of beginning, coa
lainiog eeven acrrt aad twenty bro perchei.
There is erected ob tbe latue, a large frame build'
ing ft0x70 feet, abiogle r"if and a gnod an,
with a porch all around it. There are lo ertn-u-i
upon it live other building. The wood arj ut,.
dcrbruihed and cleaned off- The Whole hv;ng
been arranged f'T the purpose uf a pie-die ground
and the building are suitable for that iur(Mt
One olbe. place of ground situate In tbe v.IUm
uf Weat Clearheld, an t bounded and descrilie.1 a
follows, vir: Beginning at the K.t lide i.f
Norlh "id of Front Street in said tillage ; thpnri
along 1 root Street South 2U0 leel to Mvrrell m -thenoo
.South 87 East 147 feci tj a 2i f0Jf mn) "
thonoe North 2:t E. O.'t feet to pH; ihec-i
North 02i West l:tl (eat to a post ; thence North
2ft East 100 feet tu a poat; tfaeoce Nurth 8;i
Weito7 feet to post aud piaee of heginnioi.
All of the interest of the Dtft-nJaut or in et,d
to tbe following deaorihed Lot or piee uf
alluate Io tbe village of Weet Clearlieli, Law
renoe township, Cle-trueli ouuty. Pa., ItniLnirl
and described aa fallows, vit : Beginning at a
poet, corner of land of K. Shaw, jr., at tbr wuter
oigo on me oan K 01 the riutqueban na Ki.rr
thence along line of Shaw's land N. Hi Weit Ik'
8 10 perohes to a puxt t ibenoe S, 2ft W. 0
perches toapctt; "jeooeH. tli K U K-Ul per-bei
o apoft on the bank of (be .""u-quehnona hiter,
Tbenoo down said HiVcr S. 21 E. 17 i-iu pvtrhtl
to place if beginai&g. eontilning tw.i re mor
or lesi, exoop'ing and reierring nut of snute a r,t
conveyed to Franrta Nichnla, aod alio pirt of
aiid Und eoaveyexl to Wni. U. Biler. hiring
thereon erected a large I wo-itory irata,
with kitchen, stah!o and oiUer outbuilding.
SeUed takru In execution aad t. be told 4. iu
property of Uscir B Merrill.
All tbe right, title and Interest of the lUu&.
ante In and to all lhat portion of a trart of land,
situated partly in the townibip of Kuah, in Hie
c.unty of Centra, and partly io the townili-p of
Morris, in the county of Clearlleli, Pi,oylia
nia, lying and being in the townibip of Morm
aforesaid, the wbola tract being bounded and !
icrihsdas followa 1 Oa tba norlh by lata
of Henry Loraine, deceeied, oa the hy lati
of Quay and Kyler, wn tbo aouth by a tract uf land
in tba warablee Berne of Andrew (iruff. nj na
ibe weit by lands late of Brown A Co., contain
ing 407 aerea and U7 perchei, aurveved the Ul
day of April, 17U3, on a warrant in the name of
Christian Muaier.
All tba right, title and interest of tba Defecd
ante In and to all lhat certain traot of Und situ
ated In tho townahip of Morris, in Ihe oounty ef
Clearfield foresaid, bounded and doer ibid as
followa : beginning at a tone-hep, formerly a
white oak corner ; thenoo by land late of Lever
aod Loraine aouth fM perobea ta a poet ; tneaca
aait lit perchee to a post; thence hy land sur
veyed to Robert Hniney nrh 339 ft.lOtbs per
ehea to a whita plna) thenoo along lands tur
reyod to Stephen Kingston l.4 perches to (be
place of beginning, oeutalning 2itU acres aod 37
perches and allowance, and wat turret ed in pur
euance of a warrant, dated lath of March, 1BJ7,
issued to Leonard Kyler.
All the right, title and intereat of the UeWtii
anta in and to all that certain tract of land situated
in the townahip of Morris, in the oounty of Clear
field aforesaid, bounded and deaeribed i fullowt :
Beginning at a fallen hemlock 1 tbence toatb 2)
degrees west 21ft perchee to a white pine; thence
north 87, degroea west 0 10 0- lOths perchei to a ma
pie tree; thence north 2i degrees east HU ft.lOibi
parebea to a poat; thence south 84 degreei wert
61 2-lUtha perches to a post ; thenoo artb 2 de
greae aaat 0 S-lOtba perches to a hemlock;
thenea south 88 degrees east 247 ft lOtbi percba,
to tbo place of beginning, oontainiog 412 acres
and 84 penhea, more or leia, it being a part ol a
larger traot tur rayed ia the name of John Hous
ten. ALSO,
All the right, title and interact of lha DefeDd
anta in all that eertaia tract of landeiioated ia
the township of Morrie, in tho county af Clear
field aforesaid , bounded and described aa follows :
Beginning at a spruce corner; thanne hy the
Daniel Mills purcttBse north 88 degreoe weit 160
perches to a pine ; tbeoco hy tba Joha Taylor and
Joha Houston surveys 22i perehea to a pine;
thenoo south U degree west (corner, eal led ta
tho original survey aouth); tbenoa eaat 7fi perches
to a poit ; ibence north lj degrees aait Mi per
ches to spruce ; tbenne aouth 8s degrees can 84
perchee to a po?t ( ihtaeo north H degreei eait
120 perehea to the plaoe or beginning, oonlaiaing
170 acres, and being parte of two larger mrvevi
in tbe warrantee names of David Beverage sod
Francis Johoeton. Thereupon erected a two
atoned frame houet, atabla, and OTber out huild
inga. Seised, taken la execution, nod to ba aold as
the property of John II. Wagoner, Admlnietrator,
Ac , William C. Wagoner, deceased, Mrs. Enti
tle th Wagoner, mother, John 11 . Wagoner, Im-tU-or
and heirs of said deceavel, and Jun II. Wag
oner, 00. Defendant of aaid William O. Wagoner,
All of Defendant's Interest In all that certain
bouse and lot situated in tho village of Allensa
vilie.Oulieh township, Clearfield countr. Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows : Be
ginning en Main street ; thenoo south 20 decree
along the road known ai the"Stoae Hoed" 17.1 feet,
thence along land of II. Allemaa north Mt, degree
ait 104 feet : thence along alley adjoining laodi
of John Bowman degreea oast IftO feet ; thence
aouth 60 degreea west 134 feet to plaoe of begin
ning, having therenn erected a 2j-story frame
dweiii-g house, frame stable, aed other outbuild
ing. ALSO.
All of Defendant's internet ta four other
lots, situated in Allcmaoville, Clearfield eountr,
Pennsylvania, bounded and deaeribed as f llowi :
Commencing on Main atreet, Ihnnoe along the
alley of Jam Bowman north X0i cVgre eart
312 feel; tbence aouth, ftll degreei eait along
the line of Daniel Spangle liroi.ertv 12N fr
tbenoo aouth 80 degreea west 200 ft, or suflk
distance ai Ihe grouad may give to Maia street ;
thence along Main street a or lb &U) degreei wt
tuu pitww 01 eeginning, exeepting aod
reserving Ibe water where II ia now flowing io
pipea under Ibe ground, with the prink! (
repairing the aama for th as of Joseph Fry.
Seised, taken in execution and to be soli ai lha
properly of lesao J. K on man.
All of Defendant' Intoreit in a certain tract of
land situated ia Woodward township, Cteirlleli
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and doKfibel as
follows, vis i Beginning at awhile pine; iha
aouth inj perobea to a post ; thenc well along
the lino of John M. Chase 14 ( perehea to a pott,
thanoo norlh 3 degreei aaat 200 pe-ehe id a
hemlock 1 tbenoo aaat li.O pa robe to a hemUck ;
thenoo eoulh 1.1 degrees weat l.lii prohi to a
hemlock weet 1ft parches to the plae of begiaanf .
oonUining 2o acrea aod 110 perohes, more or
less, with acre cleared and under agnoj Mate
of cultivation, and having thereon erecte t a lit
framo dwelling houao, largo frame bank bars,
blacksmith shop, wagon shed, grain home, aad
other outbuilding! ( alio, a large orchard of ap
pie trees.
Seised, taken la oxecntioa and to b s A ai ik
property of AusIb Kline,
All of the Defendant's Interest la all ih-ii cer
tain lot of ground situated In t'ht t wnibi?.
Clearfield Of-iuty, Panmvlvanla, bounded "J
deaeribed a followa ; Beginning at a p" hT
Cheatereeki tbenoa north Ott degrees writ
perehea by lend of Joseph H Broth te a pf" 1
ibanooby lend or said Joseph II. llreth aorlh M
dagroea east IV 0 10 perchei to a pt 1 lhra
lead of aaid fireth aouth 81 f degree aait s 1
perchee to a pott thence bv land or laid Breth
aoulh .tt degreea weet II 0 10 perches lo a pJ
ftnd plate of beginning, ooataiaing I era
4 0-10 percaee, ail cleared aad haring it""01
oroctodatwo-itory frame houao 10x7 frel.k iic'
alt ached, UiU feet, and otororoom itel.ea.
10x22 feet, alio a wagoaioaker shop, and a
frame labia, 10x20 root.
Seised, takes la exeeuilca aod to bt M
the property or O. P. Pierot.
Tonus or flat.a The price or torn at i
tbt property ahall bt alraok off must be pal'
tbt time ef aait, ar each at her arrange."""
mad at will 0 approved, othtrwist tbt proprrty
will bt Immediately pal ap aad aold agaia al
lha ex pease aad risk af the person te otte "
waa tuatk off, aad wbo, la aaat of deleteeer H
tatb re-aale, ahall make geod Ihe aaae,at4 .
M iaaUaee will Ut Deed bt praecated In n
rf ova Ar motion aaiaaa Ua moaey ia aainaw
paid ta aba Sheriff. JaA. UAAAtflit
Bwtwr'B Omei, I
ClaarteM, Pa., AprUtr, UU j