Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 11, 1881, Image 1

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roiuiaao avaav VBDnaabAr, at
file lara-eat Circulation of any Newapaper
la North Central Peuueyltanla.
Terms of Subscription.
ir iaid la adeanee, or within S OO
If oaid rtr t and before S moatba 9 AO
If uatd afur the axptratlon af I aonthf.. OO
Ratei ot Advertising,
Trnelenl adTertieemente , par aqnaraof II lineaor
l.a, a timea orleea $1 II
For aaob aobeequent InaartiuB at
t. Iminietratora' and Bxaontore'aolioua....... S 60
Auditor.' notice I it
Cautions and Eitrays ... I II
pieaolution notleea S II
Profeialonel Carde, I Itnaa or Ian,! year.,.. I II
L'ieal notice., par Una II
I aiiuare ...S8 01 I eolnmn. $& II
t eiiuarce.. II II I t eolumn. ....... 71 II
I anuejee.. SI II I 1 eolumn. ...... 1 SI II
Xau'jjfrs' Cards.
jj w. SMITH,
lt:l:TI CloaiHcId, Pa.
1:11 Phlllpaburg, Centre Co.. Pa. yipd
Curwcnerille, CI -arleld eounty, Pa.
oat. I, '71-lf.
r-Offlca In tba Opart Houaa. oatC, '78-tf.
Clearfield, Pa.
aerOmce one door east of Sbaw Honia.
OS) .a in Alaeonie building, Beeend atreet, op.
rio.ite tha Court Houee. Je28,'7S-tf.
Clearfield County, Penn'a. TSy
uflif- hi Opera lloura. ap Sa.W-ly
.Mr-OBtie In tha Maeoule Building, over tba
Ci.uoly Kellunal Hank. Ituarzt-Bn.
A T T O R N B Y S - A T - L A W ,
j.-cil -l Ctearfiald, Pa.
l!ica over lha Cuuatj National Bank.
June , 'JSlf.
Firil'clan Lila and Fiia Inaaranna Conpaaiaa
MT-Otloe In Iba Opera Huue.-M,
Mar. H,'ll-I)'
urava oobdor.
VOISoa Is Pia'a Opera llonea, aaeond floor.
JTTOU.rKf'.l T-t.A If,
OFKICB over T. A. flack Co.'a (tore,
rtrWlll attaad to all laal bu.lne.. with
rtuptDeae and lldalilj. fabt,'aO-t(.
lu.are a. anALtr.
maiai. w. h'cfbdt,
ncarttrld, fa.
rtSLairal builnaai attended to protnptlj withj
3 Jrhly. Ofllea on Haoond atraet, above the Kirat
Nallonal Bank. jan:l:7l
All lecal butlnee entraited to bia eara will re
eelva prompt attantioa.
Jr-0fflee la tba Conrt Home.
Real Eitato and Cotloottoo Agent, .
CI.KAHF.fcl.!), PA.,
Will promptly attood to all Ugal buiintu or
tmitH to bia ear.
Ofllao la Pio' Opera Ilouao. Jan 176.
Vmt Heal Eatale Ag-eut, Clearfield, Pa.
Uffict on Tblrd atreot. bot.Cborry A Walnut,
f4r-RoBptetfully offeri bia aorTleeala aelllng
and buying land a in Olotwflold and adjoining
onntUs; and with aa exporioBeoot orortwontT
ytari at a ivrvoyor, flatten binaolf that bo aa
rander aatlafaetloa. Peb. ItiMitf,
glijisitinns' CardJ.
Offiee in reiidenoa an Pint it.
April 24, 1871. Cleafleld, Pa.
rH. W. A. MEANS,
V ill attend profaiilonal ealla promptle. aug!l'7l
"jyi. T. J. BOTER,
OOca on Harket Street, Claarleld, Pa.
,Hr0ffloa boura i I ta IS a. m., aad I to I p. aa.
"Omre B'ljolnlnc tha reeidenne af Jamaa
tiiley, K.., on tieoond SI., Claarleld, Pa.
Jlj4l,'7li tf.
1' U Y S I C I A N A N D S C R G E 0 N ,
Officee at reridenoe, eoraer of Sleta and Ploa
''ti. J. a lib, ll tf.
(i.i:arhif.i.ii, penwa.
J- OBea houra- From IS ta I P. M.
May IS, 1171.
Saraeaa af tha lid Reflmeal.PeaaiylraaU
Volaateere, haala rataraad fraa tha Army,
"'era hie profeeeleaal eerrleee ta IkeelUieae
fviearloid aoaaly.
"Prefeirioaal ealla prempUy attaaled ta.
laeoad treat, lomarl aaeapiad by
ln.Wa.4a. .... (rra.'tlu
GEO. B. GOODLAHTJEE, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEBMS-$2 per annnm in Advance.
JOB W OH. All kinda of job work eioeulad
la ibe beat manner al ihtt offioo.
Wo bavo printed a lerga aambor of lb bow
ikb jJiLbaUd wui on ibe of meaty.
Be mqU. mail opy to any addreee. mvlet
CITY. Collootlona mada and money promptly
paid oror. Artiolea of tgrnantit and dced of
eooreyaooe aeeuy iinuku ana werremeti cor
root or bo charge. HJy'TI
Jaatlee of tho Poaco and Berivener,
CarweiievUle, Pa.
trWColloetloBi mada and money promptly
paid over. fabM'Tltf
( OUTER t 1. 0.)
May I, 1871-ly
oxabaa in
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
V. 110YT,
Land Surveyor and Civil Irjjinc
at-All bnelneie will be atteada ! to promptly.
Dee. 15, 18801;.
Houso and Sign Painter and Paper
lleardeltt, Penu'a.
toevWill eieeute lobe la bii line prooiptlv and
to a workmanlike aianner. arr4,67
iTTOnA'i:'S-JtT'l.A If,
Not. 17lh, 1SSI If. ,
Real Estate. Square Timber, Saw Legs,
rOffleo on rJeennd atreet, ia rear of atoro
room of tieorge Weaver A Co, jantt, 79-tf.
littntur Totnthlp,
Oaeaola Mill. P.J).
All official badneea antraetad to him will be
promptly attanded to. mch29, '7t.
Hbop en Market fit., oppotlte Court Uow.
A elaan towel for ovary oattoaier.
Alao dealer ia
Ilrt lira in la of Tobareo and Clears
niivaid. P. may 1, Ti.
H allaceton, Pa.
9Ht bai prepared httnaetf wwlth all the
neoetwary blank forma nnder the Ponaioa and
Bounty lawe, aa well aa blank DeeOa, eto. All
logai uattora entraated to bia eare will receive
prompt attention. aiay Tin, ltwv-.i.
Market Htreet. Ckardeld, Pa.,
aatiracTOBaB aap dbalbb ib
Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
Horse-lurnuhmg uoods.
ptrAW kiadi of repairing promptly attended
to. Haddlera' Hardware, hone Uruobea, Carry
Uombe, e., alweye od baAd aad for tale at tba
luweel eaib pnoe. piercb IV, 17
vaPumpi alwaya on band aad made to order
on anon noitoo. r ipea oorea on reaeonanie lerma.
All work warranted to render aatiafaction, and
delivered if deal red. my36:lypd
lalvery Ktable.
rpIlB nndertlgaad bega leave to Inform thepnb
X He that be ia row fully prepare to aeoommo.
4au all in the way of foroiahing IK.aea, Buggrea,
saaoiea and iiarneaa, oa the anorteat aottoo and
tn reaaonable term a. Reaidenee on Loo oat atreet,
betweea intra and fourth.
Clearfield. Pab. 4, 1874.
C.R All AMTON, Pa.
Alao.exteuaiva manufacturor and dealer In Square
limber ana tawed Lumber of all kinde.
pvOrderi aollolted and all bllla promptly
alien. I J J 10 '
ana bra lb a ih
Watchoa, nocks and Jowolry.
Qrakmm'l How, Marlttt Strt,
A'l klnda of repairing tn my line promptly at
oihioo mi. jaa. i, IB7V,
iaaxa rrrr.
CARROLL I,. B 11) t) LI
Clearfield Insurance Agcnr)'.
k t:iin k it i inn. t:, jtteni,'
Rrpreeent the followlnf an l other Aral-alaaa Co'a
Compaoiee. Aaieta.
Liverpool London A Olobe 0. R. Br..$4..Hn,a9
Lraomiar oa mnraal Aoa.h plani...H ft.lon.lfla
I'biaaia, of Hertford, Conn S.I34.0D.1
Ineurenoa Ca. of North Amerira ,4ll,74
North Britl.k A Mercantile U. B. Br. 1,7I,IM
rVotli.h Commarelal V. 8. Branch. ... 171,141
Walertowa (lt,ll
Treeelore (Life A Accident) 4,SS,44
OOira na Market PI., opp. Court lloara. Clear
Id, Pa. Jane I, '7111.
Insurance Agency
PaltoH tllatk, VurwrtmrUlt, I'a.
Companies Represented i
Commercial Union Inc. Ca., Aeeall .II.OIVToi H
Fireman 'a Fund Ine. Co.,A.eta I.ian.flirao
I'nioa Ineurenoa Co.. Aeiete 1.020,0.17 oa
Traeelere' Accident loe Co . Aueti.. I.4IV. 19171
Nortbera Ine. Ca.of New York Ae'ie J4rltHuu oa
laeuranea placed oa all aiada af property at
equitable retea.
Curwenarllle, Pa, Feb. II, 1'Hl lf.
West End Drug Store,
(Halfway bat ween Moeenp'a and Fleek'a
TnE anderlraed baa opened ap a Dm, Stare,
wlih a full eupply of parteetly pure and
lit.k Draya. NvdlriaM, Chrmleala and Toilet
Arllelea. Theea Dra,a bare hM eoleoted wlih
ireel eere and are uaraalaad ta aa perfectly
pure aad reliable. I will give my pereonal etten.
tioa aa hie denartraeat, end will abaaafally (lea
aay ad. Ire and laronaeiba IB rciard tomeHlclaaa
fofrt.r,e. DR.V.J.BOYIi.
Otatrteid, P., Oa t, lMdtt
Wbore wood-viol eta love to grow,
Thickly Ilea the Winter aaow;
Where the atrea inlet aung and daaeod,
Aad tho fiumaier aDaboaia glaaoed
Throagb tho meadow, do wo tho dale,
All ii buabed, and chill, pale I
Whore tbo erew-foot'f tender greaa
Earliaat tn tbo Spring la aeeo j
Where tho ebeekwrberriaa bido
By the palo arbutaa' aide.
And tho oo wall pa, tipped with gold,
Over bill and dale ntifuM t
Where tho ferret, aoft and brown,
Starve bia oeat with pi If trad down )
And the field-atouao la the heather
8tofp fur daya and weeka together
And the aquirrol. wiae and dome ;
Wait for better day to eoma ,
Liea the Winter bitter atrong
llraped through free a tug night and long
W bile 'he letuprat evtDoa and guea,
rlidiog awift o'er drifted isoei;
Ctouda abovo and gloiB below ;
Tell mt when will Wiotor got
Whra 4he buda begia to awell ;
W hea iho alreawa leap through the dell.
When tba awalluwa dip and By,
WbieliDg, elreliug, tbruugb the iky;
Wben ibe vtelat tide the roao
Waken from Ha long repoaej
Wbea lha gnat. In raothina danoe;
Wben tbo long, brigbl boura advauea
W'hon lha robiu by the dour
Btrtga aa ne'er be aang before ;
Then, when heart, and flower, en.1 wing
Leap and lauh- -then oninae tbo 8pr-ag 1
Wm. ti. Britfgt,in Scribmtr.
From the Cbieege Tribune.
The corrcnt number of Harper'
Weekly contains a cartoon, evidently
ny some now arum, and very much i
tbe style of Ungarlh. Upon one aid
three young luda are applying to
nkilllul workman at bid boncb ior
cbunce to Ivarn bin trade. Tho work
man replies: "Want to learn tbe
trade, eb 1 No, no, we can't oncour
bl'o aiipretilict'S. Iho 'Union won
ullow it. You would cheapen the price
of labor." On tbe other side we seo
tha raull of tha relueril. The sumo
three luiln, trrown into youni; men. are
loanng in "nample room, drinking
wniKKy, smnEing, ana reading loo
rutin, una ine meet is thus described
"Jgnorunt, inteinperalo, and dishonest
young men. Interior work, through
the eiiiovced employment ot incompe
tent workmen." Ibe cartoon is enti
tled 'One reason why tbcro aro o
many idle young men."
Tbe picture is a strong and striking
one, tinu it tons a story, tbo truth ot
wbieb is becoming more and more ap
parent evory day in turn country
I'hero never was a timo wben there
was a greater, or even as great, a do
mand lor skillful American mechanics
and there novcr wasa timo when there
was so few skillful American moclian
ins to meet the demand. Tbe advance
of knowledge and scientific research
is continually opening up now depart
menu of mechanical labor, and ex
ponding tbe old ones. Tho great do
mand of the day is for intelligent skill
ful labor in our workshops and manu
factories, and in connection with the
great railroad, steamship and tele
graphic systems ot the country. It is
a constantly increasing domand, for
peoplo are using live limes more of
mechanical products than they did a
generation ago, and yet Amctican
mechanism is not represented by Amer
ican labor, instead ot active, outer
prising, skillful young Americans, our
mocliamcal occupations are mainly
absorbed by unskilllul toroigners, and
tbe picture in Harper s Weekly graph
icully shows one cause, namely : tbe
wicked ostracism ot American boys by
trades-unions upon tho miserable pre
text that their employment will cheap
en labor. It is only in telegraph and
printing unices, and a lew othor places,
that American young men can be found
in mechanical pursuits, although tens
of lliourunds of them would be glad to
avail themselves ot such opportunities.
It is a notorious fuct that town boys
win not go into the country to work
on farms, and only a tew ot them aro
capable ot succeeding in tbo overcrowd
cd professional pursuits. Tho Ameri
can boy in town or city who has a
"trade is last becoming a rara avis.
Country boys are almost as unwilling
to remain upon laims as city boys are
to go to them. Tbo result is that thov
flock to the cities and join tho great
tnrong wno are shut out Irom mochan
ical vocations by tho blind soltisbnoss
ot the trades unions and other causes.
What is tho result? fbey live lives
ot indolence and gum a suhsistonco by
queslionablecxpcdienls. They become
street tramps, saloon loafers, and hood
lums becauso they can find nothing
eiso to do. iho pluces which they
might fill are occupied by foreign
workmen. The trades unions object
to American Doys loarning trades, but
they do not object to tho importation
ot tens of thousands of foreign mechan
ics, i heso aliens are at once admitted
to tho "Unions," tocompcto with them
for work. They exclude American
boys lest they mar when thov have
learned trades compete for work, but
they don't exclude tho hundreds of
ship loads of foreigners who seek this
country to compete with thom for em
ploy ment. 1 hero is a shocking incon
sistency in this action of the trades
unions. And tbcro ia a blind ignor
ance! in it, for if American boys were
allowed to learn trades they would
supply the increasing demand for more
artisans, and the foreign mechanics
would stay at home, their service not
being needed. But as tho ranks of
skilled workers aro not filled by Amor.
itan boys, foreigners aro imported to
meet the demand tor more workmen.
Why is it that tho trade", unions do
not perceive tho practical effect of their
prohibitory rules against apprentices
and change them f
It is bigh timo that something- was
done to mitigate tho crying evil which
is crowding our cities with idle young
men, and if thcro is no other way to
accomplish it then the people should
reform or smash these Uniuns, which
sto accountable for it. It is the shame
of this country that tho vigor and In
telligence ot our youth aro being wast
ed and frittorod away and that our
young men instead of working at some
uscliil I ran oa aro living on starvation
wages as clerks and shop boys, or,
failing to secure even this poorly-paid
kind of employment, aro growing up
to bo hoodlums and vagabonds, gam
blers and capper, and roinforcinir tho
criminal classes, filling jails, bridewells,
ana pcnilentiano. A returm is nec
essary, and tan only be found in open
ing the doors of lha work-shops, mills,
fuclorics, and forges, to all American
boys who seek to become skilled arli
sans and uselul, independent, and pro
ductive ritisens.
"Who was tha first man f" askod
a Sunday School teacher of bor prodigy-
"(loorgo Waslilngton," was the
prompt reply,
"No, no," corrected the teacher, "it
wasn't Washington, It was Adam, yon
"Oh," said the boy in rather a dis
gusted tone, "perhaps Adam was, If
you'r goto' to count fureignefa"
From lha 8t. Louie Olobo.1
Among the Northwestern tribes of
Indians innocence is as marked among
tbe girls as their color. '1 bo impression
that the red maiden does not entortain
a high standard of morality is an error,
for she is taught aa other irirls are, and
grows np with well-developed ideas of
the responsibilities ot lite and a firm
resolution to discharge thom. Educated
in the faith that she was ordained to
work, she trains herself to undergo
hard labor, and at sixteen years of age
ia sturdy and strong, brave against
fatigue and perfect housewife. She
may not possess tho Now England no
tions of cleanliness, but sbo tukea not
a littlo pride in her personal appnar
anco, and in the arrangement of her
lodge she displays some crudo ideas of
tastes and a certain amount of neat
ness. II she marry a white man she
makes him a good wife as long as sho
lives with him. Ilia home is her sole
comlort and his borne bor ambition.
Sho thinks of him and lor him, and
makes it ber study to pleaso him and
make him respect and love ber. She in him one of a superior
race, and by his dignity and devotion
endears herself to him and struggles to
make him happy.
Atllio agencies on tho uppor frontier
thousands of men are employed, and it
is not an exaggeration to say that the
majority ot them have Indian wives,
and live happily. Tbey are not sought
alter by the maidens, for tho Indian
girl's custom is to remain quiet until
the marriago contract is made, and tbo
marriage purtion paid over. The hus
band must have the dowry, with
which ho must invest bis projected
mothor-in-law before the ceremony
takes place. The process is a little out
ot tbo usual run, and a description may
be ot interest. Iho aspiring bride
groom must bo well-known in the tribe
betoro he can hope to win a wile, tier
people want to thoroughly understand
him and now if he can support not
only her but also ber relatives in tho
event of a pinch. Ho must be a kind
hearted man, with a temper warranted
to keep in any domestic climate, and
be must have a good lodgo and at least
half a horses. If he be, and
have all theso," he can a wooing go.
Selecting the lady, ho makes applica
tion to her mother, and at a council tho
price is fixed upon. It the girl bo
especially pretty, ber mother will do
mand a gun, two horses, and a lot
of provisions, blankets and cloth. A
gun is valued at f 50, a horse at 120,
and he must furnish material to bring
tho amount up to from $100 to 1150.
Then bo tries to beat tbe damo down,
und if he succeeds, he knows there is
some reason for letting tho girl go ; if
not, he understands that he is making
a good choice. The courtship is loll
entirely to the mother, bhe communi
cates the intelligence to tho brido
elect, who dutifully sets upon prepar
ing the lodge for the nuptials. Rela
tives and friends congregate in a circle,
pound a drum and bave a feast, at tho
conclusion of which the man and tbe
girl stand up. A blanket is thrown
over their heads under which they can
exchange vowa of fidelity, after which
tho mother blesses them, and tbo cere
mony is complole. But it fares badly
for tho man who plentifully stocks his
wedding lodge. His wile will give
away everything bo give her, and
stores intended tn last a month will
disappear in an hour. lie, if ho be
cautious, will gave ber barely enough
to cat until he teaches her economy, a
lesson which once thoroughly learned
she never forgets. For some littlo
time alter the wedding the new-made
relatives haunt tho happy lodgo, de
manding that tbey bo learned and cured
lor. Woo unto bim who accedes in
the slightest. A firm refusal, well per
severed in, is all that will save him a
lilo ot misery.
According to praino law it is disren
ulable In a while man to abandon bis
dusky wile until she is too old to work
tor Inm. lbcn he may send her back
lo tho tribe it ho so elect. Tbo obli
gation upon tho wile is different. Sho
may not desort the husband lor another
white man, but sho may loavo him for
an Indian who wants to marry her,
provided Bhe has no children. If a
nuaw wishes to abandon bor husband.
tho Indian of her choice must pay
back the prico originally paid to hor
mother, ilo may abate no jot or titlo,
and it is in such payment that tho
divorce is perfected. Sbo then becomes
a single woman, froo to marry, but she
cannot live in tho vicinity inhabited by
nor termor uusnand. bba must movo
away with ber now venture. Such
divorces are not infrequent. It is a
difficult thiug for tho squaw to perlectly
adapt herself to bur win to husband.
lie may bo of the kindliest disposition.
out ms Ways are not ber ways : and
though she struggles with all hor
strength to draw closo to him and try
10 niano ber existence a part ot his,
ne cannot mako him one ot nor kind.
llio birth ol children directs her
thoughts into anew channel and lessens
the chasm between them, but without
thorn ho has but littlo bope of keeping
her to himself. Sooner or later she
will find her affinity.
England has mot with nothing but
master in her war auainst the nullum
Boers in tho Transvaal, and tbe pcaco
wnicn is now dawning upon that un
happy but brave colony is ono which
reflects credit upon tbe Gladstone ad
ministration, whilo it may not appear
to glitter with glory for English arms.
It is full of honor for tho Dutch farmers
who bave been fiirhiinu- in a cause as
juslasihccausool iheAmerican colon-
isls, which moro than a century ago
was crowned by a glorious indepen-
luncent me treaty ot unenl. i ho war
n the Iransvaal was a legacy Irom the
brilliant but precarious policy of llei-
consfleld'a administration to that of hie
successor. Mr. Uladstono may not
poasesa ine spirit ot aggression and
thirst for glory at tho cost of national
faith and humanity which character
izod the policy of the favorite premier
ol tho Queen, but his policy in tho
South Alrican war will not fail to com
mend itself the applause of the con
servative and liberty loving portion of
tbo English people. It has been tele
graphed Irom London with much per
sisutnee that tbe Uoora have acceded
to tho terms ot the English Govern
ment ; as a matter of fact the English
have accoded lo tbe lorms ol the Boors.
Liberty was tbo pric. of peace for
wnicn ino iransvaal army under Jou
bort proposed lo soli its lifo-blood, and
liberty ia what England proposes to
guarantee thom. Alter the disaster at
Spiukop tbo clamor was loud in En
gland that no peace waa possible until
English proslige had been redeemed,
and it waa no trifling matter for the
adminiatration of iir. Gladstone to
yield to lb demands of Justio and
right, so far even as to troat with
the Boors upon terms as bonorablo
to the English peoplo aa they were
consistent witb the trao spirit of liberty
which basbcon me const ot the Uritla!
for more than two centuries, Mr.
Gladstone, It not tbo most brilliant, is
the wisest of Ungliih statesmen, for be
looks beyond the loiniiorury approval
of a fickle and oftea mistaken public
clamor to tbe guiding star ot justice
and right, and recognizing that tliM
best "honor which peace can bring
the honor ot exact justice, be baa so
tar lent his counsel toward tbo aecom
plishmont of peace in South Africa,
even at the risk of present popularity,
lie may bo sure that bia vindication
may safely rest with posterity. ISaltv
more uazette. ,
It ia under eontempUitinn in Con
gross to repeal so much of the law as
makes it imporalivo to flaco a two
cent stamp on checks. A large rove
nuo ia derived from this sturce, but it
is so far such a tax on btsincss that
that the country can afford lo dispense
A more griovoua tax of this sort,
moro wide reaching and ctmprehen
sive, and fur more unjust, h tbo tax
through stamps on. mutchts, which
realized to the Government moro than
three million dollars annually. Both
should go, but if only ono is to bo abo.
shed lot it be that upon malutes. 'ibe
uovernmeiit, in this stamp lusiness
drines a wholesale and retail trade.
At tho best, counting the cost of man
ufaoturing or printing the stamps, and
tbe commissions allowed midcle men
for dispensing thorn, it little
more, it aa much, as ninety pr cent
on the trnde, for so we may sail it :
that is to say, on 1U0 worth of match
stamps sold the Government does well
It it nets t'JO. 1 be Government has
no moro occasion or excuse for UiOick
ing in this manner with its issues of
stumps than it would bavo in its issues
ol coin or gioenbacks, but it docs, and
the peoplo pay the round face vtlueof
them every timo they buy matcjos or
put ono on a chock. It pays lis sub
ordinates a salary for serving it, and
to such as aro assigned the tale of
stumps this sou ot a perquisite is added
But it is less to that point thin the
inequality and iniquity or this itamp
on mutches wo would speak. Before
tho imposition of this tax Dutches
wore rotailcd at ono cent per box Tbe
imposing ot it baa given the muiutac
Hirers a bonanza, in that we now pay
at retail flvo cents lor two boxes. Any
ono can calculate how much moie the
manufacturer realizes now thai be
fore tho stamp had to be attached
Consider tbe discount of five per coot
he gets in the purchasing at whclesalo
in this connection and you arrive at
the additional prout bo realizes upon
what bclore was a remunerative retail
trado at one cent a box. Any school
boy who baa made progress in frac
tions can answer tho quostioa. rimall,
yon aay, to tho individual I But in
the aggregato over threo millions of
dollars drawn from tbe resources main
ly of tho masses! it is tbe little
things that make or mar at last,
"Take caro of tho pennies and the
pounds will take care of themselvosi
Paint all tools that are oxposod to
tno weather or tbo hem ol the sun.
Dip the tip ol nails in groase and
they will easily drive in bard wood
Frost will not penetrate as deep
when the ground is dry as when it is
very wol.
1'arafino oil on whetstones is supo
rior to any ollior liquid, and will keep
too stono in a better condition.
Spent tun bark baa boon ploughed
into a compact clay soil with the best
result, aa it rendered the soil mellow
and increased Us warmth.
Wben good earth is used for potting,
plants seldom noed any special ma
nuro. Tbe best soil for plants is found
in old meadows, and the corner of
fences where tho sod has grown a long
Timo intelligently given to tho boea
will pay aa well aa any othor farm
work, and when too many are not
kept, most of their work can bo done
either bcloro or after thoir regular
working nonrs.
Curn docs not auccoed well after
II rakes aro qiiarrulsomo: the fewer
on hand tho better.
Wator filtered through charcoal be
comes perlectly pure.
wan is stronger man iron,ootu pieces
being of equal wciiht.
England imports t20,000,000 worth
ot lortiiizers annually.
uuo nrm at Urundy Uontro, lows,
shipped luirty-hvo car loads of flax
seed tho past season.
Tho simplest method to remove tho
hull from corn is to make a weak lyo
from cloan wood ashes and soak the
eorn in it.
I'oor cows are dear at any price ;
really good onos, ir young, are nevor
sold too high. A cow should give at
nasi (mo worth ot milk a year.
It ia well for farmers to boar in mind
that the avorago fur all breeds of cows
is about six pounds of hay, or its equiv
alent, lor one quart ot milk.
Tho Agriculiurnl Department is in
formed that the codling moth aro mak
ing such ravages among tbo orchards
ot iniiiorma as threaten tho destruc
tion of all tbe apple troos on tho Pacific
Wnr Titxr Orrrn Kail. Young
mon olten tail to get on in the world
because they neglect small opportuni
ties. Not being faithful in little things,
they aro not promoted to tho charge
of greater things. A young man who
gets a subordinate situation somotimos
thinks it not neccst-ary to give it much
attention. lie will wait till he gets a
place of responsibility, and then ho
will show people what ha can do.
This is a very great mistake. What
over his situation may be, ho should
master it in all its details, and per
form all Its duties faithfully. The habit
of doing hie wnrk thoroughly and con
sciontiously is what is most likely lo
cnablo a young man to make his way.
tin this bubil, a person, of only or
dinary abilities would outstrip one of
greater talents who Is In tho habit ol
slighting subordinate matters. But.
niter all, this great essential rule of
success adopted by a young man shows
bim to be possessed ol superior abili
There are only five ladies now living
whose husbands were Presidents of
the Uniiod States. Mrs. Polk, Mrs.
Tyler. Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs. Grant, and
Mrs. J I ayes, wile ol tbo fraud.
Millinery Item. Spring bonnets
this season will cost about what a three-
story bouae would bring at aSnerifTs
A newspaper correspondent who
came within a few millions of bushel
of estimating the whoat crop of-18S0
predicts that the yield for 1881 will bo
ozD.uuu.uuu bushels, 'ibe production
of wheat last year in tho United Slates
was, in detail, as lollowi :
Anlea. H'Aeal lu.lAalee. B'ea( aa.
Malae.... liJ.UJ Arkaaaaa t, 167,900
N. H'mpibtro. Si4,52STenneeeee .... 1.1111,1111
Vermont no.nmiiW. Virfinia. 4.M,H
Rhode Ielaad.
Kenteoky..... ,34,l
Ohio ...J7,7V:,BO
Connecticut... 43,7211
Miohifao III,7IIS,II00
Mow York 11,1.11, M7
New Jereey.. 1,471, 11.14
Delaware I.SAv.lMO
Maryland..... 7.4S,Ht
Virginia W.32I.850
Indiana..,.., ss,Itl,vvu
Wleeoneia IS.4M.0HI
Iowa .14,0118,401
Miaeouri J'J.SHS.OOe
N. Carolina.,
rl. Carolina..,
,470,08lllKeolaa I ,50 ,000
SV0,720 ; Nebraaka 10,211". OHO
!,SJ,377 i Ualiforaia.....4i,7SH,0l0
lOrtfoa 11,710,100
4,0Ji' Other btelee
I74,0Wiead Tar'lur'e.18,007,000
l,0l,ll)0 Total bu...48l,S4,7U
This same person referred to abovo
has made a careful study of the growth
of tho Winter wheat thus fur this
season, and in answor to questions put
to bim somo days ago replied that be
bad never soon the Winter wheat look
so uniformly well In ten years. '-I do
not think, he said, "there aro 500
acros of bad Winter wLcat in all
Kansas, Illinois, Missouri and Indiana
In Kansas and Missouri the growing
crop never looked so well. Ibrougb
out Indiana it could not look better.
In Southorn Illinois and Dp lo the
Spring wheat lino it could not bo im
proved. Unit novcr fulls, southorn
Iowa is all right. In Wisconsin to day,
though it is not a Winter wheat State.
1 saw tho Winter wheat looking
Concerning tbe spring wheat be
spoke in as encouraging a way.. He
said "the Spring wheat forms a small
percentage ot the DOU,OUU,000 bushels,
but It is in regard to the Spring wheat
that tho bear croaker is doing most of
bis croaking, ihoro bave been local
snows near Chicago and out in Dakota,
but not to hurt tho coming crop. All
complaints about the Spring wheat
crop oeing conditional are ntlerly
groundless. In a word, I wish to say
that all tbis bear grumbling is wicked,
and has no bottom in it. It is utter
humbug. Tbe Spring is as early in
Minnesota and Wisconsin as usual
To be sure there isabolt ol snow from
little above Chicago to Milwaukoo,
which narrows to forty miles wide from
Janeaville and itoloit to Belvidore.
Tbis belt grows etill narrower as it ap
proaches the Mississippi, 'iben tt ex
lends about thirty five miles wide out
through Northern Iowa and Southorn
Minnesota to Sioux City and Yankton
Even in Iowa thoy are now sowing
wheat on this snow belt, the snow
having molted. Now in regard lo the
average yield : This year the wheat is
almost all drilled, i he ground was in
better condition last roil than usual
Tbe snow has protected tho wheat.
Last year tbe wheat in many localities
was very noor. The ernn nnlv aver
aged thirteen and one-tbird bushels
per aero. How tbe yield per acre ol
wheat in Europe and tho Unitod States
has been as lollows :
Con. Ir,. M'tral e. ftunlry.
meal la.
Coital St. I.. t, e,
...Jo.t D.ljiam ,
...15 I Fraeoe...,
..... JDS
Ureal Britain..,
llunaery ll.SIHpaio..
Pruaaia -17.0
This year, with improved drilling
and tillage, I believe tbe crop
average fourteen basbels per acre.
ibe long ana sovero winter upon
which many ot oiirfarmers looked wilb
dread, scorns to have treated us kindly
and wo greet the advent of Spring
with happy prospects of abundant
Mark Twain, in bis book called
"Tramps Abroad," tells bow a party
ol tourists got wet, and what they did
when ibey got back to the botel:
"We stripped and went to bed, and
Bent clothos down to be baked ; all tho
horde of soaked tourists did the same.
Tbe chaos of clothing got mixed in the
kitchen, and Ihoro were consequences.
I did not get back tbe same drawers 1
sont down, when our things came at
hid: 1 got a pair on a new plan
Tbey wore mcroiy A pairof long, white,
ru filed, culled sleeves, hitched loguther
at tho top with a narrow band, and
they did not como down to my knees.
They were pretty enough, but they
mado mo feel like two poople, and dis
connected at that. Iho man must
have been an idiot to got himself up
like that to rough it in tho Swiss
"ibe shirt thoy brought me was
shorter than tho drawers, and badn't
uny sleeves to it at least it hadn't
any more than Mr. llarwin could call
rudimentary sleeves: these bad otlging
around them, but the bosom was ridic
ulously pluin. The knit silk under
shirt they brought me was also on a
plan and was really a aensiblo
thing : it opened behind and had pock
ots in it tor tbe shoulder blades ; but
they did not seem lo fit me and I
lound it a sort of uncomfortable gar
ment. They gave my bobtail coat to
somobody else and sent mo an ulster
suitable lor a giratto. l had to lie my
collar on becauso tbore was no button
on the foolish thing which I described
a littlo while ago.
Live i;p to tub Mottoes. There is
no use in putting up tbo motto "God
mess our Home it tbo lather is a rough
old bear, and the spirit of discourtesy
and rudeness is taught by parents to
children, and by the older to tho
younger. There is no use in putting
up the motto "1 he Lord will l'rovido,
whilo tho father is shiftless, the boys
roluso lo work, and tho girls busy
hemsclves over gowgaws and nnery.
Tbore is no use in putting up the
motto, "Tho greatest of theso is Chari
ty," while the tongue of the back biter
wags in tho family, and silly gossip is
ispenscd al tbe tca-lablo. i hero Is
no use In placing up conspicuously the
motto, "The Liberal man Dciiacth
Liberal Things," while the money
chinks in the pockets of the ' head of
the household, groaning to get out
and see the light of day, and there are
dollars and dimes for wine, tobacco
and other luxuries, but positively not
one cent lor tbe church. In bow
many homes aro these mottoes stand-
ng lot us say banging sarcasms,
which serve only to point a jest and
Horn a satire i 1 ho beauty of qurcl
livos, of trustful, hnpclul, and free
handed, frco-heartcd, charitable lives,
is ono of surprising loveliness, and
those lives shed their own Incompara
ble fragrance, and the world knows
where to find them. And they still
remain fresh and fadeless wben the
colors ot the pigment and tbe floss
bave tadeu, and tne very trames nave
rotted away in their joints. Christian
at D ork.
Tbe fushionsbls shad, this Sommor
Will be the shady aid. ot the street.
The following is a list of tbe direc
tors of Clearfield county, and the vote
ol each, as recorded by tbe tellers at
tho Convention for tho elootion of
County Superintendent, on Tuesday,
May 3d :
Tboraai Flick ...- ..
Jona II. Weld .........
Jacob Spangle......
Reuben Hal
William Poeey M
Frederick Sbuff.
bbll rawaaflia.
Lerl SiiBderlla
0. W. Campbell a
Auitfa BeatlyM ,
Henry Btre;ner
Chrtatiaa E.lrioker
Robert Maheney
a loo a fowaisip.
laaac Tbomae
Frank McUrlda. . ....
Hugh Leech
t -
I -
Oeorae Korb.
Jaeob Zillioa....H M.....
Iiaaa Woode
Boaaa rowaaaia.
Barloa Merrlna
Knack MoLarren
tioorfe Ilea.a
Daeid Fle.e . .
Jamee hleaeea
aaioroBD Towgenir.
Darld llltchlngia
John L. Paarca. h.....h
Wm. B.Foreeea .
Alex Urabam .-
John C. Cawdar......
liar id Wlleonn
BRanronn lanBi-Bartaar Bieraicr.
Peter 8. Laniborrja
I. 0. Merger- ,
leaaa UargerO
Jamel Laneberry
Herry UrabamM H
Jobn U.btewarta HH....
akanr fowaenip.
ElUha Aahenfeltar...
Jonathan Shaffer........
Jacob Ediagar. H .,.
Jacob Hummel
Joeeph Heeler, Jr M
tred bonier
aamnapoar inDBrasBSBT Bieraicr.
Joeeph Wbilaker
Vincent spanner
Ja.oa K.bpeaeer
w. a. aiurr H H. -
William Clearer. -
Jamaa Cbembere M -
BrsaalDS tewaauip.
Adam Beck
Ruaaell Hurabaugh..... ..
Daaiel GormkB
. 1
Jaoob HoKea...,.H.,t. 1
lieorge Petchin ... H 1
Tbomae Mitchell
Dr. T. B. D.ri.e ..
Malt Irwin
Ur. George F. Prow. II 1
Luther Hanay ,
Jobn C. Connor. H
Jamea Wetecl M
obbbt vowaanir.
Auatln Curry H
laaac Relney M....,..H.
Rcbort Mctlarrer
Jobn M- Weiterer
Robert Duubnt Frailey..
Q. L. Reed
Wm. R. Brown
A. B. 8baw
Jemea T. Leoaard
Henry Snyder.
Jamaa L. LaaTyaH,...H...H.
Dr. 1. W. Potter..............
Uale I'leard'.....
Jobn Reae .
F. L. Coulriet
Mr. Muieon
Mr. Koyer.....M - . ..
Hob. John Patios
Daniel Faaet .....hh m.
oomuel Arnold.
T. Jell Galea ....
laaac Norrla
A. M.kirk.
bbcatvb fowaiBta.
Wm. A. Reami....
JobB Hugboe
C. C. Mullen........
0. P. Meltern -
John 8. Bunk......
Riohard Uughea-
raaeuaoa vowaaHir.
Heary Owane
J. 8. McCreery
k. II. line.
Browb Barrett. ...... .H
JobB Young......
Tfawmaa Norrie -
aiKABo TownaBir.
Augaetua Migoet
O. W. Steeror
Andrew Shone.
Mitchell Sbope.....
Jamee Urahem.
J. B. Loigey
eeanaa towaauir.
Lawla Irwin
Joha Kullua ........
Joha Smith .....
Pel. lot Hurley
Ellia Kytor
Samuel Laniberry
eaaBAH rowaiair.
Philip Sblmmel. -
v. n. ecnoonorer.
Benjemin Suackmao
Luclen Werd
Daniel Corley
llenry Eraai....MH
CBBBawooa Towaiair.
Jamee Sterebaoa
Aeroe V'eweomor
Frampton Bali M
Joba Hell -
Cuarad Hollibaa. H .
M. W. Jobnaoa
erLicn TownaBir.
Heary Allemao
Derid 8. Spencer
Wm. B. Wbiuaida
Edward Milled
William Scoll.
Dr. J. 11. Ideal da
Charley Laogelerd
W. A. Chai
W. Dkkee
Andrew Oleeaoa.
P. J. McCullough
Mr. Ward......
Dr. I. U Kline
Peter C. Uould..
Theodore C. Hert HH.
Jemee Ceileben.
B. Pmnamo
Ueerga K. William.
ioboab rewaeBir.
Ileieklah Paltereoa -
Iteuboa Straw
Robert M. Jwbaaoa ............
Dafid Jobneen.... ..........
ulena William ..
BABTflatra rowaenir.
Oenrge HeehendorB.H
Andrew Rankin,.
T. L. Ilenleia
Cbrlallaa llertlela
Daaiel B Maararsw. ......
Ueerga Ron
aax Towaaair.
Jared Bloom ,.,H
Lewie Ernord
Reuben Caldwell.
William Col.
11. D. Straw - -
H. Danlap .
Wm. K.Oranam v
Lerl Cnnelie H.M
linear Conklln .-
Daniel Welch . ...
Deugherty, Jr. H
8. Head.. .
lawrbbcb innsr-BBBBBT auraicr.
Joacph tkowera...H.......
. U. Schryeer
Samuel Kelt -
Samuel Hbeak ...........
llenry Markk
at. Slaom -
Lcaiea cirr toaeroa.
F. Warti .
L. Fergaaea.
L. Coolbrotn h m.
ha S. McQuowa
Ilaeid Smith.
Edward Uerral
laeaa P. Oereoa
loeeph Deaay
eel naoa
aalal Helgley -
Lemael Alexander9.
NoBBis TewaeBir.
Oood Merrill....
Pelar M ure, a,
Joha M. Ueala
Oeorge Ardery..
William Kothreeh ..... ......
aWft M M VOC eaetteng eeaaei aaaaa. oecaaaeae) ooe.
K manual IIHdebrand
Uilbert 8. Toaer e I
Wm. Hunter
Kli CleaiaoB...
John Had da a 1
David Miebaela H 1
aiw wAtaiROTOR loRoroa.
Henry NelT.Jr ...
Ada Bre'.h.,...M .w I
W, W. Barclay m
Dr. A. V. Dennett
John M. Cueinioft m
ft. A. Arnold-
obcrola Roaot ai.
J. J. Pk
T borne Heltai ft.,
Kliana Weaton-
Dr. D. R. Oood ,
Dr. 1. 11. Head
Pat aUarifati
TorrsBee Keenaa m 1
Joba H.Howala ..,... 1
Jamea II. Clark 1
hdffard Parrel 1
T I. Moore.. M 1
Lewia KeaMr....., ... ............
Joaeph L. Dale I
Job- Bon HoMea- .j,
Jeiae Way I
Jamee Norria, Jr , 1
W m. A. Bloem...'.
Samael UcKradriok
Hnry Hummel. ,
William Wdty w I
Richard Leborde 1
Jamee Cloeaer, , 1
Jaoob 8mitin 1
Pelar Beer... I
Aujoitua HehorlingV.
P. b. Walter .
Heary iletrlek
Andrew Liddla. 1
Jainae 0. iiundy
Dr. A. J. Smatbera
8. H.Bailey 1
II. P. b to wall 1
Prank Harley 1
Jamea llenrye
Jobn She tr
W. W. Danlap
Mr. Waittbroohe
Edward Kuliiaoa MH - I
Jamee K. Turner 1
itorge Emigb
rrrd tatnpuiao
William U.Leeriah 1
B. F. D.tTaobeugb 1
fidwera LNt 1
Daaiel Pen in a; 1
Boa! Aleiandar... 1
Wh.1 laid l.dy I
Robert Btotu w
Total vote - lit
Majority Tor McQuowb over Weaver. ... bi
Abaeat from tha Cob v lion.
Tha following is a list ot pupils re
ceived for the "Roll of Honor'' for the
week ending May Ctb. All whose
nsmos appear in tbis list attended the
school to which they belonged every
day ot tho school term :
Marron School, in Ferguson town
ship, Annie L. Ilall teacher I. Straw
Aeltie Barrett and Ulair Sholl.
Turkey Hill School, in Knox town
ship, D. M. Bloom teacher J. Harnett,
Eliza J. Sbugorl, David M. Shugert.
Chestnut Grove School, in Bloom
township, Juliet 8. lieed teacher
Andrew Stull. Four others missed but
one day each.
let Primary School, ill Osceola bor-
ouch, Mrs, M. II. driest teacher 11
Head, son ot ir. iieatt, aitcnaeu every
day of the term.
Mount Calm School, in Lawrence
township, Wood It. McCloskey teacher
Jamea M. Howies (aged sevenj at
tondod every day of tbe term.
Coal Ilill Shool, in Brady township,
E. Ellsworth Jimoson teacher Koland
Wright, Ellis Wingortnnd W.Cochran.
An exhibition was held tbe Inst day,
Glen llono School, E. A. Horton,
teacher Delia C. Maya and E. Hunter
wore tbe prize pupils, eucb receivings
book as tbe compliments ot tbe teacher.
Penfiold Grammar School, A. II.
Roscnkrans toacher terra 8 months
Morris Dunn, llenry Wolfgrum and
Maggie Dailey attended every day of
the eight months.
Crooked Sower School, in Boggs
township, Helen Irwin teacher Ella
Davis, Robert Picklo attended every
day ot the term, and Kate n iser miss
ed but one half day.
Westovor School, in Chest township,
Maggio J. Wetzel toacbor Maggie
Wallers, Minniorry, Vincent Moore,
The lust two namod have not missed
a day for two successive terms.
The Directors' Convention bos mot
and adjourned, and tho decree has
gone forth. We had intended to give
to the public a review of tbe impru
dent and uniust course pursued by an
outside element, but we rofrain, be
hoving that the result is a sufficient ex
posure of thoir futile uttompts. Tbe
school mon of the county bavo said by
their voles that they aro not ready to
surrender the purity vouchsafed to
the Common School system ot Penn
sylvania hy act of Assembly to a class
of individuals wbo bave shown a desire
to drag our Common Schools into the
ravine of politiculstrifo. Ouropponent
in thocontost was a gentleman of tbe
highest typo, an exponenced and sue
cessful tenehur, whoso work and influ
ence greatly strengthened our bands
in tho work ol tbo past three years.
Wo have enjoyed bis acquaintance and
friendship tor a number of years, and
know that be bore no part in the cir
culation of the malicious falsehoods
intended to secure our defeat. Our
remarks, Ihcroforo, have special refer
ence lo a weak and pretentious circlo
of young politicians, representing both
politicul parties, who attempted to
tarnish the question of public school
education with their profane bands.
When men of questionable integrity
attempt to defame the character of
those wbo bave been entrustod with
the management of tho Common
Schools, by circulating debased and
malicious falsehoods, when such a class
make night hideous by their corrupt
prowling ovor the county, awakening
honest School Directors at tho mid
night hour, and attempt lo force npon
them the biggest lie of tbe campaign, it
ia not much wonder that the school
men of the county believ. it lime to
rise in tbeir strength and bestow upon
thom such a rebuke as they did on
Tuesday, May 3d. "To err is human
tofi rgivodivinr." Whether weshali be
able lo follow tho injunction of this
quotation in our future relations to
these apologies for mon is a question.
Tho four children of Mr. J.M.Diilcy,
of Penfield, viz. Jonme, Lizzio, Maggio
and Willio, all attended school during
tho late term of eight months without
missing a day. la there another fam
ily in tbe county that can show a bet
tor record ?
W. A. Kelly was re-elected Superin.
tendent of Jefferson connty, and T. N
McGbee in Centre connty. Wm. R.
Baker waa ro olocted in Blair county.
Miss Marie Moore,of West Clearfield,
has been employed to teach a term ol
two months publio school at Madera,
at t good salary.
There ia a growing feeling In every
healthy community against the jour
nals who make it their special object
to minister to perverted taste by seek
ing out and serving ap in a seductive
form disgusting scandals and licentious
revelations. There is good reason to
believe that tba clean newspaper is
more highly prized to-day than it was
four or five years ago. It is also sal.
to predict that, as people Id all ranks
ot life, wbo wish to protect their own
at least from contamination, become
more conscious ol tb. pernicious influ
ence ol a certain class of journals, called
'enterprising" because they are ambl
tious to show up dirty acandula.they will
bo careful to Bee that tbe journals thoy
permit lo be read in the family circle
are of a class that never forget the
proprieties ot life. Already meu and
women of refinement and healthy mor
ula bave bad their attention called to
tbe pernicious influence of bad litera
ture, and bave made commendable
efforts to counteract the same by caus
ing tbe sound literature to be publish-
ed and sold at popular prices. These
efforts are working a silent but sure
revolution. Tbe best authors aro more
generally read to day than lit any pre
vious time. Tbe siskly sentimental
slory paper, the wild ranger and pirate
story book, are slowly yielding tbe
field to worthier claimants. To tbs
praise of tbe decent newspaper it may
be said, that where it has a place in
tbe family, and bus been read for years
by young and old. it has developed
such a healthy tone and such a dis
criminating taste that the literature of
the slums has no admirers. Fortu
nately tbe number of such families is
increasing In tho land, and as they in-
crease tho journal tbut devotes itself
10 sickening revelations of immorality
will bo compelled to find its supporters
solely among those classes that prac
tice vico or crimo, or are ambitious lo
learn to follow such ways. Boston
A terrifio runaway of a horse at
tached to a spring wagon and driven
by a man named James Coons, occur
red on the turnpike, noar Mine Ilill
Gap, on tho 20th nit. Tho horse, gen
erally a well disposed animal, was
jogging along quietly,' whon one of
bis tore loot grazed a black snake which
was crossing the road. The snake at
once reared its head and sank its fangs
into tbe horse s leg, abovo the knee,
at the same time coiling itself around
the limb. Tbe horse snorted wilb
terror and dashed off at a terrific pace.
The driver was almost thrown from
his scat, bnt managed to retain it and
hold a firm grip on tho roins. The
road was rough and the wagon thrown
first to one side of the road then to
the other of the thoroughfare, as tbe
maddened horse tried to shake off tbe
snake in its wild race. Tbe snake
clung to his hold, but the race was
brought to a sudden termination by a
sharp curve in tbo road. Tbo driver
was unable to make the turn and horse
and wagon dashed into a brush fence.
Tbe driver was thrown over the fence,
but fortunately lit in safety on bii feet.
The horse mudo desperate efforts to
extricnto itself and showed such ex
treme terror that Coons concluded
something uncommon must havs caus
ed the fright and subsequent runaway.
Catching the horse by the bridle be
endeavored to calm the animal. While
ongagod in the tusk be noticed the
snake which was still colled around
tbe animal's log. Suddenly catching
tho reptile by the tail be pulled with
all bis strength. The lip ot the tail
camo off in his grasp and the snake at
once uncoiled and fell to tbe ground.
Tbe horn, was finally extricated from
bis unpleasant position and securely
tied nntil be had bocome somewhat
quiet. Tbe snake was killed and it
measured four feet lix inches in length.
Pottseille Miners' Journal.
(From tha Chicago Inter-Ocean.
There are a number of theories for
the origin of the dollar mark. One is,
that it is a combination of U. 8., the
initials for the United States ; another,
that it is a modification of the figure
8, tho dollar being formerly called a
"piece ol eight," and designated by the
character 8 8. The third theory is
that it is a combination of II. S., the
mark ot tbe Roman unit, whilo a lourth
is, that it is a combination of P. and S.,
from the Spanish peso duro, which sig
nifies "bard dollar." In Spanish ac
counts, peso is contracted by writing S.
over P., and placing it after the sum.
But the best origin of the sign is offer
od by the editor of tbe London H'Aife.
hall Review, wbo recently propounded
tbe question at a dinner party in
that city, at which tbe American
Consul was present. As no one could
tell, tho editor gavo the following ex
planation : "It is taken from the
Spanish dollar, and tbe sign is to be
lound, of course, in Iho associations of
tho Spanish dollar as a representation
of the Pillars of Hercules, and around
each pillar is a scroll, wilb tbe inscrip
tion, 'plus ultra. i his aovice, in
course of time, has degenerated into
the sign which stands at present lor
American aa well as Spanish dollars
'$ .' Tbe scrolls around tbe pillars, 1
tuko it, represent the two serpents
sent by Juno to destroy JJorculos in
bis cradle.
Tommy Dorkins came running into
the house tho other day with thia co
nundrum lor bis long suffering mother:
'II you were en tbe top of a church
spire on the back of a gooso,how would
you get down ? "
Mrs. imrkins thought shod tump
down, slide down the lightning rod, fly
down on tho goose, fall down, and at
last gavo it up.
"Vt hy, if you wanted to got down,
you could pick it off the goose," said
Tommy exultantly.
A Typographical Error. A rather
amusing typographical error appeared
in a Washington paper the other day.
Alfred Foreman, colored, wae ahot on
a man'e premises there and died from
the effects of the wound. He belonged
lo a "colored Benovolont Society," but
had a weakness for towls that was the
cause of hisnntimcly end. The Society
sont to the paper in qnostion suitable
resolutions on tbe sad occasion, which
appeared duly. But the last lines
were rendered thus: "Our brother has
gone whore chickens, sorrow, pain and
death are felt and feared no more."
The explanation by the editor that
"chickens" is a misprint for "sickness"
has been of no avail, and he has bad to
lesv. town abruptly.
Hi Pluos Him. Tbe minion editor
of th. Baltimore Gazette counters on
Bcecher In this way for abasing th.
quill drivers: "Considering th. alti
tude of the thermometer last Sunday,
that waa a cool sermon In which Mr.
Ileecher bawled out n 'bope that edi
tors might become thoroughly chris
tianised.' Ws hop. so, loo, but w.
also hop. the editors will not adopt
Beecher as a modol, whose Christianity
soems to ba 'all on account of Eliza.' "
Will Stick. "Really, my dear,"
said Mr. Jones to bis better-half, "yoa
have sadly disappointed me. I one.
considered you a Jewel ol a woman,
bat you'T. turned out only a bt of mat
rimonial past.." "Then, my love,"
was tho reply, "console yourself with
lb. idea that post, is very ad heal v.,
and will atick to you as long a yoa
Maiden lady's quotation, slightly
altered from an old aphorism . "Where
singleness is bliss, 'tis lolly to bo wives,"