Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 04, 1881, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
(paid Id advanct.or within thraa tnontbt.,.$1 AO
i.atd llitr uir via hudidi.m
If after tbeeapiretlon of ill mounts... I 00
IlKl.lf.lOIJtt OTIC EH.
MrtltuUlM i:nlMopI Church-RT. Uio,
Liii'T, Paet'ir. Herrioet every ttabbeth tt lol
A.M., and 74 Y. M.
Sabbath School at 9 A. M.
.'raver Meetint; try Wednesday, at Tt P. U.
ComuiunioQ Harriot, flrat babbits of trtry
month, at H A.M.
e.t riearflcld M. E Cliurrb. Hv.
ilKoriii B. Auus, Paator, Preaching atry
alternate flunday, it I o'clock, P. M. Sunday
Sclioui at i, r. w. aii art lnrut to attend.
I'reoMterlaii Church-.HeY. II. S.Botlik.
Sabbath lervlc! morning and arealng Bab-
,lU School at I V. H. 1'rayer iMeenog w adn
lay trtntnjr.
liaiillNt I' hurt h. IUt , Pur.
Sabbath H'-bool ats P. M. Prayar Matting every
WpiiDcuday trt&ing.
M. Praurla' I liurrh tatltullr Rbt. P
J.iirhidaii. Dlvkne larvloa at 10J A. M., on
the firel, third and loarlblsundayaoreaob niontn:
Vi-inera and Benediction of tha lUeaaed Haertmtnt
at 7 o'clock, P. M.- (Sunday tiebool avary Sunday
ifte moon at 9 o oioek.
Second Monday of Jannary.
Third Monday of March.
Hint Monday af J ana.
Fourth Monday of bepUmbar.
Pint Monday of Jaca.
Second Monday of November,
I 'mi ltd Stat Stmatort J. P on aid CaneroOi
llarrlaburg, Dauphin county John I. Mitchell,
Welleboro, Tioga oounty.
ruNprftimati Ei-Movirnor Andrtw Q.Curtia,
IIMlelunte, Centra county.
Senatorlion, Cyrui T. Aleitndtr, Bellefontt,
Centra county.
Atttmbif Hon. Jurats Flynn, Smith' Mill,
Ljpnrneia county.
FrfiHtnt Jnilgt Hon. Cbtrlta A. Mayer,
Nock Haven .
Aitant Law Judge lion. John II. Or? If, gf
Aeeoeinte Judge Ahram OgJo, Cletrfleld;
Vincent U. I lolt. Clearfield.
Hrotkonatary Jame hrr.
itgitter and Recorder George M. Ferguion.
Treaturtr Philip Uottl.
Oietriet Attorney J. P. McKenrtrk.
Sheriff Jatnei MabnlTey.
VjiHfy ShoriffV. I. Thompioa.
County Surveyor Samuel P. McCloekey, Cur
Unttntw OommieeiontrtC. W, Kyler, Ore bam
ton P. 0.; Klah Joliniton, Grampian Iil)i P. 0.)
John Norm, Br., turwanevll.t.
f'ammiiiiontr' Cltrk3obn W. Howe.
t,unt Mrfifor Wllliftin V. Wright, Clear
field : Joieph Ulllilimd, Thrtt Rune; J. 8. Nor-
rip, noodlaad.
Cunim t'oroaer Jatnr A. Moore, Clrarfleld.
Jury (5oaiitiift AndrewJ, Jarkioo, Clear
fled, wm. K. Itrown. viearneia.
$,,p4ritneUnt of PvMie HtkooltfA , L. Me
ftnnwn nittartinld.
Kotarif f'ubtie John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra-
dbau(ch, Cyme Gordon, Clearfield Joirpb R,
Irwm.N. E. Arnold, C'orwf nitille ; J. A. Living
atone, Dnlloii City.
Will tiu thke wheat, oati or flora for lub
fiTifiion i" We are often inquired of in thla way
br Irtter ff io j.atront who reaida at a diitance
from 'It Brficld. We agnin aay yea. Tha receipt!
of a rerponaible merchant or mill owner in the
vicinity, will anawor ua juat aa well bj the eaih.
To illltiatrate: If any of our patrona will deliver
iit a I- of grain at tha mill ol Joaepn It. nrem,
in Chnt tf.wimhit.. Horaoe Pitchin, in ltorneide,
Thntniia II. Foroey, in Graham, Wm. Porter or
Shaw'a, in Lawrence, or Ilruwn A Seylcr'a, at
lUckton, I'nlon townihip, and forward their
rm lpta for tbn axiount, we will credit tnern on
tht ir aocoutit for the aitnte. In tbla way all may
no'tu ptiy whitt tbey owe, It they will puraue thia
atarAdvorliftun and others will bear
in mind that all artlclea Intended lor publication
in thia paper mutt be banded la. Dot later than
Tuesday, at 9 A. M. Don't forget It!
Ili-ud Fleck's fifty loculs in this paper.
The snow is loaving, and so art) the
Additional Sheriffs nalcn appear this
wrck in the IlBf rtir.
New poods! Cheap goods ! ! Good
KO)da, at Moori.
A new awning was pnt up in front
of lleilbrun'a atore lait week.
The largest and finest assortment of,
trimmed beta and bonneta at Lebmin I.
The flue Spring weather has already
brought outatra bau and bure footed boya.
The hrick layers havo commencod
work at At. M. Row'f new reildanee, on Loeuat
m f
Tholes arc being put up for tele
graphic communication between Puoxautawney
and BrookvlHe.
Goorgo Gearhart recently purchased
thrre handoome buggiea at Kalona, Clinton
county, for bla livery atable.
Tho Monro brothers received a largo
and handaome mirror on Monday for oat in their
ba atore, Id tba Opera Houao.
Napoleon MePonald, at Koekton,
offera a Bhinglt Machine for aa'.e, vary eheap.
Sea hia advartiaement In thia paper.
lion. Wm. Ij. Corhott is announced
aa a Dtmoeratle candidate for the nomination of
President Judge In tha Clarion diitrieC
Duforo buying olsowhero ezamino
the ear pet, oil clothe, window abadea, rnrtalna
nd lambrequin materiala at D. A. Kralier a.
- ii a f -
The Punximtawney Spirit say that
the number of rafti run out of tbo Mahoning
thia Spring waa fror hundred and twenty eight.
Tho M. K. tiulies' Aid Society will
meet on Friday afternoon of tbla week at tha
reaidenct of Mra. Dr. Btewart.on f ecend atrcet.
a i.:..r rnt l-'lnm W. llmvn'fi
meat market on Pint etreet, one nigbtlait week,
and took away 19 or u poanaa oi i who
John Green, ct Funxsutawney, shot
large grey taglt recently near that town, whlob
mcaaured flvt feet and tight Inebta from lip to
The first ball of tho Reason will bo
given at the platform in Merrell'a Wooda to-mor-'
row (Thuraday) evening. Tony McAllete, Dave
Hlcbarda and Richard 01 lb am will furnlih the
a -
Frof.Dalbey's school for ponmaiiHhip
I in a flourlitilngoondktioo.and the marked im-
p no re ma at of bla puplli apeal wen ior aim av a
thorough andakilirulteacber. II bnglna another
term ntxt week.
George W. Johnston, who left Clear
field a liult over a year ago for tha far Weat,
njonrnlDg moat of tht time in d iffereot parti of
Colorado, returned home on Tuerday evening of
laat weak, looking bale and hearty.
W. 8. Kovnolds has severed his con
nection with tba Raynoldavillt I'apwr, and will
be incettlod by . C. DraadJi, Bi , of Ut Ht.
Mary'a tfaHe. Mr. Reynold!, we leara, latenda
going U New York, where ht baa aacored a poal
tlon od one of the leading dilliea.
Will. Koiiser.stcin, of New York, a
on of laaae I. Reiienateia, a former Ctearneld
marL'biDt, bu bota renewing aualnlaooea tb
peat week among the aeioolatet of hia youth, ten
yeart having elapatd elnetbt left Clearflald. He
drpartrd on Monday afternoon.
The Town Council, at a recent meot-
Inj, appropriated $l0 for plaolug a new itnot
around Iht apper park and othtrwiat Improvitg
tk tame, Hevtial of Ut eltlaeaa living In tht
T.ciiilty havt agreed to aiatit In railing a balaaoa
of any fuhda that may be aeeded to finiih the
Tho alarm ol fir on Friday lore
ao o waa earned from aa overheated aiaveplptla
tht kiiehfa attached to tht rear of Mr. Joba
Llvlnjitona't rwldenoe, m Ioeaat itrtcL The
demagt dona waa amall. It was (oft ua ale that
the Qro wai dieeovtrtd andeitlngtiibad ia Ita la
Uncyi for a high wind wai blowing at tht time
rd bad it got well aoder wey tba reault woald
bare beta vtry dieettroaa to all bntldfngt In that
A logman named George Qtiinn, ol
U k Havta, waa drawotd la Liurel ma, on
ThareJay afternoon, April Hit, abot two !)
from tbt mouth oftbtatrtam. Dtrlnga"aplaah"
be attempted it ford tht mo and waa takes off
hia feet (then only a abort dlitaaet from tat bank.
A numb of met war watching him at tht time
but were unable tt rtndef him aialataaet. He
waa awapt dowa with tht currant, and aa the
wtiar wai vary muddy ha waa leoa Ut U right.
New Goods at H. A. KruUer'i.
Now tick in if at Kleclt' aLora. nn
Market itrtet.
Wo are rocoivingnew atylea in min
istry gtodi daily. Call and at.
II. Law a ait k Co.
Persons visiting town, ahould not
fall tt vlait Moort'a iiort and taka a look round
If they do not wiab to parehaaa.
No scrofula can be so deep seated,
no aort io atubbora, but that Ayer a Baiaapanlla
will ba found helpful. It will total a euro, If
turt bt potelblt.
e i
The Rov. M. llovey, of Greenville,
Mtreer oounty, will preach In tha Clearfield Bap-
tiat Cbureh nit Saturday evening and Sabbath
morning. A cordial Invitation la attended to
tvarjbody to attend. Beata tret.
Wo remiblidh the committees ap
pointed for Deeoratlon day la order that all may
have a oopy of the paper for reference and know
where they are placed. Several additional aamei
hart been placed on tht Floral Committee.
- - i -
Prof. Uulhey closes his term of
Writing School thia week, and will begin another
term nest week. Tbo rapid improvement of hia
aebulara apeak a well for hiineeaakillfuljluatruotor,
and oar young foUi who are Juat "a III tie off" on
tbelr writing abouli take It la.
The Uloonibburg (Pa.) Daily S'un is
among the Dew anlerpi lata in journaliam, Meiara.
Alem B. Tate and II. W. Kahler art tbt publiah-
eri, and we truat tbrlr amall but neat and ably
edited dally will return them a bandaomt eoapt
tenet. Ill motto li : "Indrpendent la every thing
neutral In notbitg."
Among tho handsome presents re
ceived by Mr. and Mra- Judge Or via , at their allvtr
wedding, at Bellcftnit, on Friday, tbt 22d alt
waa a handaome ellver lot-cream aerviot from tht
membera of tbt Cleai field County Bar, and a
beautiful tolld aiiver dinner aervlct frem tht
Centre County Bar Aaaoolatlon.
Penmanship. "Tho noblest acquitti
tloa of mankind la aptech and tbt moat uaaful
art la writing." You can better your band-writ
Ing wonderfully, and pertupJ acquire an elegant
baainaaa atyle, by taking leaaona at your homta
during tba day 13 leeaoni $3.
A. 8. Daldkt, Penmao.
. i
iiEo IIroken. On Tuesday of lust
week, Nr. David Welty, a oltnan or Lnton
.townihip, fill from a high door In tbt front of
hit reaidenct to the ground, a diatanot of el or
tight fie'., and fractured one of bit lega. Mr.
Welty la quit an aged man, which fact rendera
the acoident more atrloui than If It had happened
to one of younger yeara.
JIow She Saved HerDahlino. '1
aball never again feel 10 awfully nerroua about
my babiaa teething," wrltea a grateful mother.
Wt almofct loat our little darling by a long attaok
of cholera infantum, bat happily hoard of Parker'!
Ginger Tonic In time I tok a few apoonfola
myaeif, wbiob aoon cured my nuning baby en
tirely, and an oooaaiunal dole haa kept mt and
baby In iuh perfeot health, and made ua ao
atrung and comfortable that I would not be with
out thia rehal le medicine for worlda." A Mother
of Brooklyn. 6 4 4t
JIad His Picture Taken. Tho
Phillpaburg Jumrnal, of Saturday laat, eaya
''Laat Saturday, Mr. Stewart, aa old reaident of
Gulioh townihip, Clearfield county, boarded
lb train at Rauiey, and came to Pbilipaburg, la
tompany with bla daughter end aon-in-law, fer
tba purpoat having bit picture taken. They
urooeeded to Ibn seller v of Joteph Hainea, who
waa auooeiiful In taking a life like repreientation
of the old genlkmen. Mr. Htewart oelebntlod hia
ont hundredth birthday on the 2jth of lait
March, and up to laat Saturday, bad never taken
a ride in the can, and bad not been to Philipa
burg for forty yeara. Nutwlthi landing hia pree
tnt age ht ia quit hale and hearty, and walka
along fulu briskly. "
Tii a Stati Normal. Tbo success
of tht Lock Haven State Normal School, In which
Prof. Gregory of tbla county la teaching, txoceda
tbt moat aangulnt eipeetatlwna of Ita frlenda.
Tbt number of atudenta In attendance during tht
preiant term la fully thirty par oeat. ia txoeaa of
that of any previoua term. The graduating olaia
iialiaoo of tht largeit, if not the very largeat, la
the Slate, numbering over forty mvmbtra. Bta-
denta art la atttndanoo from thirty different
eo qn t lea la tht 8tate, beaidet oibera from the
Statea of Minntaota, New York and New Jeney.
Fully two hundred of thla number art practical
teach era men and women who havt ootne from
different porta of the State to avail tbematlvaa of
the advaaUgea offered by (bla Institution.
- -
The"IIawkeykm Man's Lecture.
Mr. R. J. Burdeite, of tbe Burlington (Iowa)
flavlctyi fame, lectured In Pie'a Opera Houit
laat Wedneaday trailing to an appreolativt au
ditntt.lf It waa not aa large aa it might have
been. However, tba rtoeipta ware auffioient to
defray all expeuaea and havt a little left. Mr.
Burdettt la a much younger looking man than
our ptople expected to see, and he la an tntereat
lng talker. 1IU lubjtct waa "Tbe Riat and Fall
of tht Mouitache," and be entertained tie audi
ence for about two boora with a great deal of
fun. blended with common aenie. Tboat who
endeavored to refrain from laughing at Mr. Bur
delta 'a witty cayingi violated their contract, and
ooncludei to Join with tht majority and give el
preaittn to their fvtllnga Id a good, hearty loud
laugh. Everybody preaent teemed to enjoy tbe
entertainment very much, and we doubt not that
if the Havkryt man ahould every return to Clear
Held he will bo greeted wltb a orowded bail.
Tin Suow. Our citizens have seen
larger crowd than waa ia town on l1 rider lait to
attended tbe "U rand (7) Clreua Royal EaglUh
Menagerie," Ac and thoat who attended tbe
afternoon and evening exhibition! havt wlinetied
better afaowa. Tbo it reel parade at noon oon
aiated if John O'Br ten, tht manager, in a buggy,
driving a pair of bandaomt black bore!, a band
wait on drawn by tight apotted borate, followed
by tht large elephant "Kmpreaa," and another
band wagon, drawn by four gtay noraci, brougbt
up the rear. For totnt tauat tr other the half a
doien or to of eagea were omitted. The manage
ment of tbe affair itemed to bt onppltd, and
were a little alow In mejting their ohgtioai.
loalead of an ag nt editing and paying bille, aa
per agreement with Col. Toole, tha advanct
agtnt, tbe hoi lera of the "proiniaes to pay" bad to
hunt up the Treasurer and gat their duoate the
beat way they could. Mr. O'Brien had tome dif
ficulty about bia Ileenat, and aoald not find It
when wanted, lit, however , waa allowed to pro-
oetd with therhow and, eo far aa we know, tba
lieeme la not paid yet. Better management will
Ininre better luoeeie.
A Fearful STitoKi. We luke tho
following particular of tbe affray between Chriit
Frankhouaer an it a river policeman at Lock Haven
from tha RtjmbHeam, of tbt 27th net: "On
Satuiday laat, Harbor Policeman Jame Becker,
to prevent a jam, waa dropping a raft from Ita
mooring i, when tbe two men Id charge quarreled
with him. Cbrlatian Frankhouaer, from Cletr
fleld ootfoty, telaed a club and dealt Becker a
dcarful blow on tht right aide of tha head, which
atrered tbt tar, fractured the ahull, and In fall
ing Backer'! head and feet waa out la ftvaral
places. Ha waa conveyed to hi bom Id aa na
ooDKiona condition, wbtr tht belt medical aid
ministered to bla Buffering. Th outer table or
tbt bra la la fractured and tbt aymptom trt con
aldered aofavtrabla. Frankhooatr was arrcated,
and ia bow In Jail awaiting development! la tbt
oast. Tht lambormea at anet prooetded to ralat
fun da for Mr. Becker' family. Toeaday morn
ing tba aymptom wort) moro favorable, bat
Becker' condition I critical.
Later new i to tbt tffect that Becker Is wt ill
Improving, and It llktly to get well. Frankhouaer
waa rtltaaed laat weak on fMOO bait, and la now
tt bla home, Bear Carwentvlltt.
' An Attempt to Break Jail. Jack
Nevllog, wbo was tent need la January last t
bt hanged for tht kllliag of Samuel Pesoingtoa,
tnd la sow In Jail awaiting tbe actioa of tbt 6a
premo Court In Jnnt Beit, almoel aaeeeeded In
making hi teeapt from tha priion last Thursday
morning. Bt got Into tbt corridor of tht jail by
removing a I ont aad brieka from tht wall abort
tha door of hi ell, and hen diaoottrtd, qnitt
ttrly la tbt mora I eg of tht dty mentioned above,
by Turnkey Clark, bt waa Indattrioaaly aawiag
tht Iroa bare off tht window In tbt weat tnd of
tbt priaoa with t taw mannfaetarod for tba
oeeaaioa fro" east-half. Ktrllng, whta la
ttrmgated as to what bt wat, doing, rp1ld that
ht intended taking French Ita vt. He wai im.
mediately plaotd la a mora woirt tell, and will
here after bt vigilantty gaarded. It waa afttr
wards attained (hit he had knotted bed -clothe
together, by which wieaft ht waa to ltt himeelf
dowa la th prlB-)ard,wba StwoauBBvt
bad Unit diftealle In g"iaB xU W,U' U
wrote a aote, btquetthiag all Hi peraonal effects
found afttr his departure to Oeorgt Evan a, a
felluw prlttBtr. Thla aott, howtvtr, wa Dot Ntr
Iroi't last will and tostameat.a ht will now hare
aa opportaalty aad plenty tf list ta retlae an
add U It.
The Oration will he Delivered ly Colonel
Jihn TV. Forney, of Philadelphia t
"Coar tbem over with beautiful flower,
Deeh tbem with garlanda, thoat brothers of oari,
Lyiog io illeat br aigbt and by day,
Sleeping ibt jeara tf their manhood away,
Yeara tr ey had marked for the joya of tht bravt
Year they must waata ia the mouldering graft
All th bright laurele they waited to bloom
Pell from tbair hope when they fell tt tbt tomb.
Givt Ibem tht aneedthoy havt won ia tht paet,
Givt tbem tht honor their fnturt forecast t
Girt tbem tht ebapleta they won Io tht atrift,
Givt them tbt laortla tbey loat with thtir lift.
Cover tbem over yta, oovar them over
Parent, husband, brother and lover I
Crown Io your heart those dead beroe of our,
And oovcstbem over with beautiful flower."
Thetltlaen of Clearfield and rloinlty and tha
mem bora of Larimer Post, Urand Army of tbo He-
publio will anltt tbi yar In tht obetrvanoa of
Decoration day, May 10, and will Die every effort
to make the ceremonleaol that day mora Imposing
than evtr before known in tbi vicinity. Col.
John W. Forney, of Philadelphia, baa been
ecu red to deliver the oration, and will bt pre tent,
unless prevented by atokneas or some other
unavoidable oiroumtanct. Ltt all unite In hon
oring tbt memory of tbt fallen heroes. Every
body in Clear' la county fa Invited to be present
and participate In tbt ceremonies of honoring
tbe fallen dead.
Th Committee ef citlians and tb Committee
appointed by Larimer Poit met and organised
tb following programme:
Citf MankalVr, S. M. Scvburib.
com a lira a on irvitatior.
W. A. Barr, A. M. Row,
J. F. McKrnrlck, B. A. Bigler,
J. Frank Snyder.
Jains Kerr, W. M. Shaw,
11. F. Wallace, A. P. Bnvntoo,
George Ferguson, W. R. Mol'berson.
Qo. C. Moore,
P. A. Gaulio,
James Kerr,
Alice Sbuweri,
Jennie Reynolds,
Nannie McLaughlin,
Mary Houston,
Aggie How,
Juliet Ueauilgneur,
Nellie Young,
Nannie Hbr.w,
Paitle Sm ith,
Kate Bri Jga,
Mioni W ation,
Kditb Kurehfleld,
Alice Worrelt,
Maud spaceman,
Annie Laltainger,
Lillia Riley,
Mae tie Leidy,
Gunie K ratter,
Mary Brown,
Kitty McCullough,
Alice Belts,
Carrie Wilaoo,
Nannie Lowinan,
Minnie Kennard,
Helen Shirk,
Guaie Geirheart,
Minnie MitUr,
Alloc Ogden,
Ide OKden,
Ruth .MoGaughey,
Mary Whitehill,
Jennie Bridge,
Ruth Row,
Francea McKenrick,
Bailie Ganlin,
Mary Knyder,
Annie Krasle,
Kmma Graham,
Ida Thompson,
Nl lie McCullough,
Capl. P. A. Gaulin, Smith V. Wilson.
Corneltua Owens, Oliver Con kiln,
W. A. Og k-n, K. J. Sheffner,
Jerry Gardner, Lam At.tia,
W. B. Miller. John Barclay,
rt.'mil. OOMMITTIB,
J. I. Patterson,
Amos Row,
J. L. Leavy,
Harry WaUac.
J. Maurice llofler,
C. L. Biddle,
J L. R. Heichhuld,
A' Bowman Weaver,
L- J. Morgen,
C. H. Haltord,
KM Bloom,
J. F. Powell,
Frank Cardun,
J. Kay Wrigley,
J. M. Stewart,
Harvey Ait,
Mike NoDonild,
Mrs. 8. J. Row,
" Walter Barrett,
" Frank Fielding,
" J. K. McKnally,
P. G. Harris,
" F. G. Cborpenning,
" J. W. Wright,
' T. H. Murray,
" Wm.D. Hicler,
' J. P. Burchtleld,
" J. I. Patterson,
" J. M. Stewart,
" A.M. Kills,
" 1!. M. Hebeurer,
Harry Bigler,
" D. L. Krebs,
' G. L. Read,
" W. R. McPbersoo,
" Joseph Baird,
G. Leidy,
" A I. M. Row,
T. A. Fleck,
" James Hutton,
" II. 8. Butler,
" H. B.VanValaah,
Mrs Beckie Fulton,
" Anna Fulton,
8.8. Liddell,
" Wm. K. Wallace,
W. II. Dill,
11 Kiiiabeth Shaw,
" Jame Mihaffey,
" J. M. Haitinga,
" Jamea Dougherty,
" J. K. JobniloD,
" JohnGulich,
Frank Short,
" G. O. Goodfallow,
" V. Benner,
h J. Morgan,
" I). W.Moort,
" Mary Crom,
" C.Clay Rogers,
" F. B. Shtfler,
" 0 L. Moore,
T.J.Boyer, .
" 1. G. Nevliug,
" A If. Mitebell,
" A. J. Sharbaugh,
' L. K. McCullough,
" Harry Llvingitun,
" Kd. BurohOeld,
" Harry Hemphill,
M W. B. Tavlor,
" Jobo Rtailler,
" U. T. King,
" Fred. Irwin,
" Thad. Shaw,
" Dr. Sweeney,
" Putnam Smith,
Harvey Paismor,
" W. A. Ogden,
" J. F. McKenrick,
Wm.R. Broan,
" Newton Heed,
11 Henry Bridge,
Mill Kdith Tate,
" Blanche Mosiop,
" Lillia Tile,
Guiilt Wallaot,
" Carrie Boyer,
" Jennie Bigler,
" Ruth Row,
M Rutb Weaver,
M Kmma Foley,
' France Foley,
" Ann is Wright,
" Carrl Bogg,
Katt Lynch,
" Alio Panning,
' Lou Heiaey,
" Helen Powell,
, " Jennie Shaw,
' Frank Shower,
" Blanche Robin,
" Jennie Powell,
" Jennie McCullough
" John Fuirord,
' Rd. Bigler,
" W. A. Wallaot,
W. W lietta,
" W. J. Hnfftr,
" Mel I Pit Bigler,
" Eli Bloom,
" Geo. Weaver,
" P. A. Gaulin,
M Geo. W. Kb aim,
B. B. Row,
J. G. Hartawick,
Richard 8 ba finer,
11 Harrison Speaae,
Richard Bhaw,
M Jamaa Kerr,
" Jamra McLaughlin,
" D. W. McCurdy,
' A. F. Boynton,
" Helen Huiton,
" K. W. Graham,
" J. L. Mcl'heraon,
" Reuben McPheraoo,
P. K. Smith,
J. S. Showers,
W. M. Shaw,
M Joseph Shirk,
Rtebard Shirk,
lira. I Teit,
" George Tbern,
" J, D. Hnoke,
' Harry Nbw,
" John Simmons,
" Samuel Bnka,
" Henrietta Welch,
" F. M. Cardon,
" W. 0. Cardon,
" Georgt Young,
Jaate Adama,
Cyrus Gordon,
G. B. Goodlander,
Geo. D, Ruok,
' P. I. Snvder,
Wm. H. MulbollanJ,
Wm. V. Wright,
" John MoGaugbey,
" II. W.Smith,
Frank Reed,
" II. C. Larimer,
Geo. W. Gulioh.
" Jemee MrDuoald,
Gua Leavy,
" Andrew Pentt,
J. K. Hottorf,
" John Mcllride,
J. G.Brhryver,
" J. Irvia MeBride,
0. W. Snyder,
Harry Soyder,
0. B. Metre! I,
' Klam Brown,
" Samuel Sfbank,
' J. M. Adama,
J. F. Irwin,
C. Owens,
Henry Owen.
" D. R. Ful If rt do,
' Samuel I. Burge,
" J. A. Stock,
' M. G. Rook,
" J. A. Fault,
fcJr.ii Mcuullougn,
Marie McAlpine,
Annie MacLeod,
Kat Moore,
Cornelia Larimer,
l.ihble Bmiley,
Ella Gnodfellow,
Clara Beauiignanr,
Mary MoGaugbey,
Maud Gear heart,
Belie Mitchell,
Sadie Mitchell,
Annie Mitchell,
Ylra Thompson,
Mary Haokett,
Grace Row,
Clara Howe,
Ada Ale,
Jennie How,
Mlonte Bridge,
Carrie Shaw,
Hatli Swan,
Annie Mitohell,
Lulls Reed,a
Pennio Hbaw,
Kile Shaw,
Kdith Ritter,
May Moore,
(1 unite Graham,
Joiepbia Lnoaaa,
Carrie Lucas,
Sarah Cleary,
Maicgle Irvln,
Suai MacLeod,
Sophie Smith,
Paisle Wilsoo,
May Merroil,
Sarah Porter,
Mary K raiser.
Helen Irvin,
Lillle McKlnitry,
Lydia Hnugart,
Mary Worrell,
Kllaa Johnion,
Kmma Watsoa,
Klla McClellan,
Belli Cooper,
Alice Ogdea,
Lilli Geodrellow,
Kmma Camp,
Martha Tat.
New Da ilt Stagk Li n a. James L.
Leary baa succeeded In having a daily mail eetab
liahed between Claarfield and Pen n field, and will
hereafter run a dally stage between tho I wo point.
His contract began with April let, and tht atagt
will leave (learfltld tvery morning (except Bun
day) at I o'clock, making connect Ion i with all
train on tbt Low Grade Railroad at Fen n field, re
taining after tha lait trala lb tarn tvanlng.
Passengers and freight wttl bt carried at low rata.
Order left at any of tht hotel will ht attended
to. ldaprTH-tf
Tina Wat for Your Pumps 1 Tbe
undersigned la now tel agent for tbt salt of tbe
Celebrated Wooden Pump manufactured by tha
Toltdo Pomp Company, Tbey art without doabt
tht best pump la tbt world, Thtr throw mora
water, work easier, aad last longer than any pump
ever pnt on tha market. Also, for sale, Iron
Force and Pitcher Pomp. Repairing don
promptly. raan backbtt.
Clearfield, March SSd, lBSI-Sia.
At tho regular monthly mooting of
tbt Town founoil OB aaooaay tvtnmg, uarry
Ilempbill wa elected Street Commlsaioner af
Clearfftld borough for U9I.
AtMooro's, in the Opera llouso, is
tbt cheapest place ta buy your boot and sboaa,
hat, eapa, aad Gsnt' furaiihlog gooda.
Fleck employs a milliner of expert
toot and taile tt trim hat aad henna ta to order,
on abort aolTe.
Call at Morrill's hardware store and
set tbt cheapen and boat Sewing Machine for
the least moaty. Dee. JMf.
The ladies' furnishing goods at
Fleck "art too lovely tor aaytaiog. van ano
see them.
Kid cloves in all the boautiful and
Hlrablo i had at Fleck'e.
Now muslins, bleacbod and unbleach
ed, all width, at Fleck'.
Now silk milts, long, and in all the
new abad, at T. A. Fleck .
N'ew linon handkerchiefs at Fleck's.
New Tans and parasols at Fleck's.
''.Ely's Cream Balm is the only
Catarrh remedy of many I have triad which ha
acted a ft care, I have beta troabltd for over
fifteen yaarat my head haa been most of tha tlma
topped and vtry math Inflamed. It hai optatd
my aoatrll and reduced tht Inflammation. My
tyt art Improving, to that I ana stand strong
light, which I bav been able to do for yeara."
Nathaniel Feglty, with B. F. Moats, Merchant,
Wllkai-Barra, Fa.
"My son, aged Blot years, wai afflicted with
Catarrh; the aatof Ely't Cream Balm affected a
oompltta turt.' W.;B. Ham man, Druggist, Baa
ton, Pa.
'Ely' Cream Balm stlla batttr thin any other
preparatloa for Catarrh, and givta better aatia
faction." B. Armatrong, Druggist, Wilkea-Banra,
Ptnnsylvania. ft -4 it.
Clearfield Coal Trade Stato-
mant'of Ctal aad other freight aent over tht
Tyront A Clearfield Dirlalon, Ponneylvanla Rail
road, for the week ending April 33d, 1881, and
tbe tame tlma laatyear :
For tbo week
Stmt time laat year
Prevloualy during year
Same time laat year
Total ia 1S81
Same time laat yar
oTBRB ration?.
Miioellaneou freight
370,1 1 B
140 oar.
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
man feel like trading lomt of their product fur a
aerie of n urn ben of copies of tbe Clbabfibld
Rbpublicak, wa will gladly ihow them whara to
pat two or thrtt hundred bushels od account In
thai way. Wa hara a bin at cur residence and
ont at tht offlot that will bold a load every now
and then. A hint to tht wist 1 a very gt re
mark, and ahould bt sufficient. tf
List of letters remaining unclaimed
In tht Poatofflot at Clearfield, Pa., for tht week
tnding May 2d, 1881 :
David IJ loom, John H. Call, BenJ. F. Crosby,
Mlaa Alice Day, Wm. R. Derrick, Mr. Julia C.
Gill, Air In Henderson, Margery L. Lanabarry,
Miss Tillla Muni, Mr. Maria Murray, Thome
McDal, Mi Kmma B. Smeal.
"A Fact. An advertisement msertod
In tb RtruaucAB will reach moro reader than
If published In all tbe other paper la tbt ooun
ty, and oost tbt adrtrtiaci lesa than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published In
our Journal la worth double tht price of that
charged by any other publlaber in tbt oounty,
It Is a fact." tf.
Thanking our many old customers
for tbeir past patronage, wa would solicit a con.
tinuanca of amt from old and new euatomers,
giving all a cordial invitation to oall and e ont
of tbt largeat stock of mtn'i, youth', boys' and
children ' clothing tvtr brought ta Cltarfltld.
apr. U-3t. Hirliksbb A Rook,
Our ladios can get everything they
want at Fleck's cheaper and in leas time than you
could aend to Philadelphia, or tlaewhert.
All whohavo looked at Mooro's slock
ao far, concede it to bt tht beat, finest, and moat
styliih that ever came into Clear fletd.
A beautiful assortment of children's
laot collar, and ladles' lent ties and neckwear of
tvery description at Fleok's.
Hurl's fino shoes for ladies, and Burt
A Metre' shots for gen ta', can only be bought at
Moort'a, and don't you forget It.
Fleck's store, in Clearfield, ia tho
plaot for dry-gooda, drcaa -gooda, faney-goods,
notions, carpet and oil clolhs.
Ladies, why do you shop in tho city,
when yon can get tvery th leg yoa want cheaper
at home? Call at Fleck'.
Buy Richardson's Klmira boots and
C aril ile fine ahoea. Noot belter made, field
only by II. A. Kratscr apr2Q-3t.
Springtime has comoagain with new
tyloa and low prices at Uirlinger A Rook's. Call
and aea. apr. 13-tt
A fino lot oi Ladies' new Spring
Coat of tbe latest styles and paltrns Just received
at Lehman's.
Havo you seen the latost Spring and
Summer style In millinery gooda? If net, tall
at Flack's.
Tho etock of ludieB slippers and
Mis sea flippers at Mooro's cannot bt beaten in
tbe tity.
All the latest styles and novelties in
the way of gents' ntok wear, art to ha acta at
A Brick Moixder Wanted! Ap
ply to Samuel Bell, Clearfield, Pa. 4 OL
Mooro's are just receiving all tho
latest atylta in men's and boys' hats and shoes.
Straw bats and white vests cheap
this week at Hirlinger A Rook's. 4 27-21
We keep our stock up to meet tho
demand of all. Call and set for you reel f.
H. LaiiMAR A Co.
I have a fino lino of bats and bon
net for ladiea tha lataat atylta. T. A. Fbin.
Fleck has enough goods in his lino
of busineis to supply every lady In tht county .
Beautiful luces, embroideries and
wbitt goods at II, A. Kralier. S 3t
If you don't believe Fleck has nice
aheap goods, call and settbtm for yourself.
Trunks! Trunks!! Satchels! Satch
tlt ! 1 vtry cheap at Moore'.
McCall's Now York glove-fitting
paper pattern sold by II. A. Kratiar.
New silk handkerchiefs at Fleck's,
for both ladle and gentlemen.
Ladies' skirls and hosiery of all
aites and colors at Fleck's.
A largo stock of Brussels and In
grain carpet at Fleck's.
Ladies shoes from 75 cents up can
bt bought at Moore's.
Did vou sco tho handsome goods in
Fleck's snow wladow f
A handaomo slock of ladies' drens
goods cheap at Fleck's.
Flock invites you to go thoro for
your millinery goods.
Now ha Is and bonnets lor ladies and
misses at Fleck's.
Now hats and bonnets for ladies and
mine at Flock's
If you don't sco what you want at
Flack', aik for It.
New black silk mitts, period ly bcuu
tlful, at Fleck's.
Straw hats can be bought at Moore's
for cents.
New collars and cuffs tor ladies, at T.
A. Fleck's.
Fleck's now goods are ready for
Whito and black Kid gloves at
New goods received evory woek at
Go to T. A. Fleck's and see his new
goods I
I have a good assortment of ladies'
tit. T. A. Flics.
The best S 1 shirt is for salo at Mooro's.
New oil cloths and mattings at Fleck's.
New ginghams at Fleck's.
New fans and parasols at Fleck's.
, e -
Now Yankoe notions at Fleck's.
Now Fancy Goods at Fleck's.
Now tablo lineo at Fleck's.
New Yankee notions at Fleck's.
H. A. KraUor Is goneral airont for
Cltarfltld touoty for tht New Improved Domes
tit Sewing Machine. A large discount from tba
regular price will bt glvaa to partita buying ter
oath. apr20-fiU
A handsome lot lawns, ginghams,
Scotch aapbyr sloths, buntings, Jame to wo al
pacas, oMhmerta, and all kinds af ladles' dm
good at U. A.Kratier1.
To Sportsmen. I havo fishing tackle
of all kind j also, powder, hot, land, tap, aar
trldge,tto. Fbbd Bacxitt.
March 23, 2m.
The most stylish line of slippers that
ever eama iato CI ear field county art only to bt
ten at Moort'a. Apr. 27, '31-41.
Ladies' gossamer water-proof cloaks
and gentlemen 'a gossamer waterproof coats at
Go and see Flock's new good,whelh
or you wiih to buy anything or not.
T. A. Fleck's store is filled with
handsome goods of tvery description.
Now goods received every week at
Now Fancy Goods ut Fleck's.
New dress goods at Fleck's.
Now dress goods at Fleck's.
New carpots at Fleck's.
New carpets at Fleck's.
Now corsets at Fleck's.
day, March Otb, ISBI, by Rev. W. 11. Dlvtn, Mr.
Kmkbbo FBi.LiauTuif, of Clearfield, Pa., and
Miaa Katb Uollohbteb, tf Balona, Clinton
oounty, Pa.
TAYLOR DUNLAP. At tht rtaldenct of
tht bride'a rtrenta, on Sunday, April 24th, 1481
Rev. B. K, Winger, Mr. J. W. ItrLon and Mil
M. n. iftRLAi', botn ot tnt viointy oi burner
burg, Pa.
aonage InClearfleld, on Sunday, Ma I at, 1881, by
Rev. G. Leidy, Mr. Gborob W. FiXLaaroa and
Mil A Lit a V. Cartes, both of Lxvrtntt town
L0WER3-FEKMAN.-0n Tueaday, April
2oth, 1881, by Rev. H. M. Burn, Mr.Ii. C.Low
im and Miaa M. A. Frbehan, bott of DuUoia,
Clearfield county.
BLOOM LONG. At the Preaby.erian par
sonage In Clearfield, on Thuraday afternoon,
April 28tb, 1881, by Rev. II. a, U tiler, Mr. J.
Roll Bloom, of Curwenarillc, and Mias Livaja
F. Losu, of Pike township.
WAUOH BROCKBANK. At tht rasidenot
of tbe bride' parent i, near Lntberaburg, on Tues
day morn in bt, at ft o'clock. May 3d, 1H81, by Sam.
ual Hollojieter, Esq., Mr. Cn F. W a ton, of
tbe Mate or Maine, and Misa AlAHta A. iiitoc k
bark, of Union township, Clearfield oouity, Pa.
Tbe bridal party left Clearfield on tho train
Tuesday afternoon, for their futurt borne In tbt
East. Wt wish tbem a aafe Journey.
BTHAW. At tbt residence of Mr. J. J . Dillon,
In Ferguion townihip, on Saturday, April 2:td,
Mr. Jamb Bib aw, aged 78 year and 4 month
Dear mother tbou art gone I
Na mort we et thy loving fact ;
Wt miss that here on earth ;
Thou'rt gone from tby accustomed place.
No more tby loving word
Or kind reproof we ever hear,
For huabed i tby dear voice,
And will not now our aad heart obaer.
We bid tbet sad adieu,
With bopt of meeting the one mort,
In the bright realms above,
Where all our partings will bt o'tr.
Centra county paper pleaae copy
HENCIIBARGER. In Ltwreoet township,
on Tuesday, March Mtb, 1681, of scarlet fever,
Wili.mah (J., son of Manuel and Hannah Heneh
barger, aged 2 years, 1 month and tSt days.
HKNCHBARGRR. In Lawrence townabip, on
Tuesday, March 27th, 16S1, of acarlat fever, Kbya
mum a, daughter or Manuel and It an nab Uencb'
barger, aged 4 yeara, 6 months and 2 day.
Two bright little an tell God did land as,
And great lova and joy on earth tbey gara as;
it was uod s will to call tbem borne,
And in Heaven tbey are waiting fur n.
We're hung away their dresses.
Oar heart ara sad to-day
W ara thinking af those little grave
Of Krra and Will man.
They aaw tht angela in tbair room,
Beckoning tbem away j
And now tbey are walking with them In whit I
Our darling angela, Krra and Wlllman.
Orb HtranBBD Pib Caar. Diboourt oh Old
Pbicb.. Sawinf Uaobinaa eaa now b. purcbaaad
at M.rrall'a tin and variety .tor., from $36 op
warda. All kindaof aawlnt maohinoa rapairad
on tb. abortaat ootioa.
Claarllald, I'a., Jul; 18, 1877.
Witbd. Delirarad at tn. Rail Road.
100,1100 26-lnoh abarad ahln,loa.
1110,000 ia-fooh aawed ahingl.B.
100,000 f.t of pin. bo.rda.
600,000 M-feet abarad boopa.
6,000 railroad tiea.
60,000 feet of good hemloak boardl.
For wbiob I will pa, tha higbeet market prioa,
delirared at OlaarAald, or at an point on tba
Tjrooe A ClaarQeld Railroad.
J. 1. KUBBB.
CI.arS.ld, Pa., Oat. 18, 1878 tf.
Just KecrivtMl.
Just Hocnivfil by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia Tlastcr!
Car Load pare Corn, Rye and OatB
Chop I
Car Load Drakon Sail I
Car Load of Choice ramily Flour!
tar iiouu tn y utnju., unn.i'i ivo, ul.i..
UaTtiliinu-lcs, liurk. if. Jt. 1 ica ana
Grain will bo taken In exchange.
Curwonflvillo, May 1, 1878.
Cliarpiblp, Pa,, May Xd, Ibfll.
Flour, per owt $3 00
Duck wheat Flour, per cwt ... S 00
Corn Meal, per owt - 1 80
Chop, rje, perowt 1 AO
Chop, mi ted, per ewt - I 40
Mran, per owt 1 UO
Wheat, per bnihel 1 10
Kyt, per bushel BO
Oata, per buabel 60
Corn, ear, per buahel,... 40
Duckwheat, per buabel nO
Clover ated fl ftO
Timothy feed I T6
rotatoea, per buabel 1 u
Apple, per buahel 00
Oniona I 00
llama, per pound 13)
Shoulder, per pound ... o
Dried Htef, per pound IV
Chickana, per pair 60
Butler, par pound 2
Kim, Per dosan li
Salt, per lark, large 2 Of
Goal Oil, par gallon 12
Lard, per pound 12
Dried Apples, per pound 6
Dried reach, par aound - 10
Ueans, per buabel 1 60
Pnti.Anai.rai A, May 2 Tbe trade In bread it ulfa
waa very light and prioee ruled about aleady. Cot
ton la unchanged and quiet at 114 for middling
upland, liark I nominal at $27.60 per tea fur
No. 1 quercitron. Beeda Clever ta quiet and
rangea Irom lie tt TJo aa la quality. Timothy
and flat ar unchanged. Flour and Meal Flour
quiet but ateariy. Balea of 1,400 for lowtt fancy
dear, and at 0(d,1.2d fur elraigbt I'eanaylvaaia
ettrn family at $i.76(gi& j western flour la eteedy
at ti SO per barrel.
Whiky la aiaaJy, and 70 barrtls we tern aold
atl U9.
CniiAno, May 2 Floor steady and la fair de
mand. Wheat art ive, firm and higher) No, 2
Chlragt spring. $1 .01 fm 1 .014 for cab ; $l.0l
f.r May $l.o.:(ifvl.oa far June i lladajfal 04
for July. Corn aleady arid la fair demand ; 42i
for ca'h !o for May 4 (Jo for June and July,
Oata active, trmahd higher Intrastate for cash ;
3ic for May; Mie for May j Snjo lor Juat ; aso
for July. Hot and barley ateady. Pork fairly
act I re anl a shad bit;ber 'T 46(17 60 for
etRh aad May 17.47t(.iJ 17.60 for June; $17.67.
, 17.00 for July. Lard flrmer at $11.20(4 11.221
lor taah and May i $11.!, 1(11.30 for June;
$1 1 .17 , for July. Bulkmeata steady. Whisky
Ntw Ynnit, May I. Flour Is heavy at 0(2.'a
lewerj No. 2, $.i(3.66; in par One weatem and
itate,$-H .76fn,4..H6 i common tegood estra weatern
atate, $.1.764 M tommon to gnod eitra wet era
and tiat$4.(' V0 ; good toebolta, $6(,0.76 ;
Mimmoa to ebotot while wheal weatern estra,
$Miif fancy de., M.lOfT. Kyt floor heavy
and lower at li iO'O, Wheat 1 f 2o lower j
eloaed firm t angraded red, 1.10(1.4 t No. $
do $I.2I$ 1.21; tamer do., $l.$ufol 21 ;
mlted winter, $132; ungraded whit, I.I6fu
119; No. 2 do., $1 2d fill 20 i No. 1. do., $1.22
foil 2.14 l No. I rd, April, $1 .2Uf 1 .26 i May,
$1 2lj(.tl 22 ; Jnnt, $t IWOyl.H'f July,
$1 I i Na. 1 wbHt, 9.Z7Ul.rH ; May, VI. IV'
flltl; Juaa,$ Hve dull and nominal ai
$l.oy(ii,.. Barley dnll and nominal. Cora
2fra4t lower; angradtd, 6t((iAITe; No.X,65(t
nfla i t earner, 6Ri(tj,60jci No. 2, Sl'itfiWt New
York ytllow. K2c j sonthern do., Ol ; dock, No.
2, April, fl0fa.Het May, 6S(a.60e i J ant, 64 ft i
Joly, .'-((ii6ie. Oats a shade stronger and rather
qutet ; ho. S, 4.'.,(4ij do White, 40; No. I,
4(46ic do. wfar.a, 6ue do. I arrive, 4Ma;
No. 1, 4C ; do white, 6?ie mlied weatern, 4.
4011 Nt. $ whtit, A Oft I. 46ici do. Mty, 46(ak
4ie; June, 46j do. July, 4iC46ia.
Oil Quotations !
Lubrtcatinr, Arflnril H JHinrr,'
W. aiiot. our brand, of Ptrolom ud olh.r olil
(tkbjtct to mark ca.,M) d.llv.rd rrM
on board Mr. at any atatioa OB
tb. Tjron, Cle.rO.M
ReDa.d Oil, 81.1, fa!. 1 At low.,1
Priia.Wblt.. 160 " .... " - m.rk.t
Water WMI.,II " " " llbo,trl.r.
El.lno, liO " " J too. tot.
Boniin., JIUraTltjr I.r1 -IO
N.plba, It " " " "
l..ho.. ,8 " ' " M
Mlo.r.' Lamp, -100 li.t " 13
Car Ail. Oil, (W. V.. Kalra. ' 18
(W.Va.)M.d m. " " 1
' (W.Va)B.oiia r " " 1
N.tural Labrlcatini ' " 23
Kr.oklin " " "
Ulark UlmoDd " "
tlrc.o Kngln. " "
Uold.n " - "
Ambor ' " "
XXX ' " "
No. 1 Splodl. ' "
UaUhl... Cvlind.r Oil " " 7'
No. t ' ' " "
Wool Oil. No. 1 " " M
LirdOiU.itra)Wint.r,trala'd" " 86
"K.. 1 " "
No. I " m S
gcllpia Kngio., No. 1 " 6
' No. 1 " "
" No. ... " " -
Mlo.r.' Y.llow(Wlnt.r)pi.n At oar
' Wbit. - " U.t rat., witb-
j out rr. to ooaL
ll'c UV.Ul.lJrTEU prtm and
mtet all competition.
may 4, 'll-lj.
99 tloa aatl, .iMat.d at tbi, offloa.
IfACOMt K)H HAI.EI Th. mbiorlb.r
11 ba, two Tao-llor. WiBon., n.arlr now.
for ,.!. W ill b. ,.ld cb.ap. C.lloo or addrai.
JU11N A. b lAULttt
Clo.rn.ld, 1'.., M.rch , HHLtl.
1I1HI I'Olt HAI.CTh. und.ralra.d b
J four lood MIl.t'H COWS for aala. Tbra.
of tbaia ara of tb. Alderney brard. Call on
addraaa ll.W. Ml'U.KN.
Cnrwcnavllla, Pa.
aprJO, 'II 31.
"VtOTICETh. andaral,nl, raaldln( in tb.
X TillaK. of W.atov.r. to Cbeat towoibip,
baa road. th. Dacaaaarr arraniraoi.ota and pro'
poaoa to apm an KATINU llut'KK forth, ao
oommodation of tb. publio ,Darallj, and I b.r
bj aolictt a llbaral abar. of tha publio iiatrnnag..
JU11N J. Ian k ilbtt., Pa., Fab. t, 1881. If.
1 J Tba parto.rabip b.r.tofor. .xiatina bat
th. and.rai.n.d andar tb. Arm of 0. R. A W, waa diaaolrvd bj raotiial aooaaDt oa th.
33d d. of (tbruary, A. V. 1881.
CU'arlaM.Pa., April 17, 1861-st.
Prices of Shingles.
Corw.naTill., Jaa. 9, '78-lf.
OIIOl'MAKlNC.-I b.r.h. inform ht pa
k3 trona, and mankind in ,an.ral, tb.t 1 bar.
ramorod mj ahoemakinit ahup to th. room in
Orabam'o row, orarH. 1. Hnyder'a jewalr, atore,
and that 1 am pronarad to do ail kfnda of work
in m, Una ebe.p.r than an, othor abop In town.
All work warrantod aa irood aa aan ba don. an,.
wb.ra .la., l'oaitir.l, tbia ia lb. ohaapoat abop
in I'laarlield. JUB. It. Ufibninu.
Dm. II, 1878-tf.
Notice of Incorporation,
"VT0TICK is hareby given that tbe "Eicclilor
X 1 Cornet Band," of Du Boia, will preaent a
petition to tb Ueurt or Quarter tfeaaloos, tn
vttdneaday, nay 2b, ism i, ior a Charter or in
corporation for said Band.
OBO. M.-FKROUSOX, Recorder.
Clearlleld, Pa., May 4, ISSLSt.
Sheriff's Sale.
TY rlrtat of a writ of Ltvari Faeiat Issued
J) owt of th Court of Oommoa Pleas of Clear
held oonntv.Ponn'a, and to m direeted. there will
bt tzpoaed to PUBLIC BALE, at tba Court
nonaa, in tnt oorougn or citarfleid, l a., on
Thuraday, Nay 40, IMrtl,
At t o'clock P. M., tht following described real
aetata, to wtt :
All that certain Iraot or piece of ground li ta
tted in Ureham townabip, Clearfield oountv, I'a.
bounded and deaeribed aa fellowa i Beainnim at
a wbitt oak corner; tbenot north by land of John
ttoii av parent io poet corner; tnenot by land
of John Martin teat 08 perches to poat ; tbtnot
south by land of Tbomaa Coleman 49 ptrohea to
poat corner, and thencaaweat 08 perohea to white
oak and plaot of beginning, oontaining thirty
acrea, more or leia, being part of a larger tract of
land aurvytu on iitnuotootr, i?vz, en warrant
granted to lenoo Jrrenoi.
Seised, taken In execution, and to be aold aa
tht property of Mary A. Shimel and Iiaao Sblmel.
A certain two-itory frame dwelting-boua with
lot and curtilage appurtenant thereto, being 18
by 24 feet in aise, without any Lack buildings.
Said building la aituated In Cast Clearfield on lot
No. 04 in plot of nil la' addition.
Seised, taken in rxeflntloa, and to be aold a
tht property of David Oray, Defendant, tnd
bamuel McLaughlin, tenant tn poaaenion,
A oertain two-story dwelling house situate la
Ilontidal, on th northwest oornar of Elian and
Charleatrtt,with lot and eurtilag appurtenant
Ketaed, taken in eieegtion, and Io be aold ai
tho property of William Challla,
Tanua or Pai.b. Th prlct or aum at which
tbo property aball bt atruck off moat ba paid at
tbt tiu of al, or auch other arrange menu
made aa will b approved, otherwise tbe proper
ty will bt Immediately put up and sold again at
tba aipensa and risk of tht person to whom it
wat (truck off, and who, In oast of deficiency at
aua r-ale, aball matt good to tarn, and in
no Inatanot will tht Deed bt presented la Court
for coo Arm at Ion nates tbt money 1 actually
paid to tnt ftnarin. jab. ju a U A r r n i ,
Saanirr's Oppicb, I Sharif.
Clearfield, Pa., May 4, 181. J
SherilT's Sale.
1Y virtut of writ tf Venditioni Rrpt-nai.
I lamed out of tbe Court of Common Pleaa of
ClearBeld county, and to m directed, I will ei
pose to publio aale, at tba Court Hon it la tbe
oorougu oi Jicarneiii, on
Thursday, May 3U, 1NM1,
At 1 o'clock P. M., tht following described r-al
tstatt, to wtt r
A oertain tract of land ltuled In Woodward
township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded and
deirribed as follows: Beginning at a birch tree
on tbe east bank of Clearfield ereek tnenoe so otb.
east oa the main Company'a line 40 perch ra, m ore
tr leas, to a atone pile ; thenee aoutbwe.t to a
nemioi'K irt annul 4V pcrcne ; inrnot aerin
weat tt Clearfield ereek ; tbenot along said ereek
to place of beginning, ooatalaiog Ave acrea, more
r irri, una uaving inereon armea a aaw mm.
dwelling houit, atable, and other outbnildingi.
Heiiad, takrn In eteoation, and to ba aold a
tht property of W m. II. Joy,
All of Defendant's Interest In a certain tract of
land situated inDscatur townibip.Clearfleld coon
ty, Pa., bounded a follows t "Om tbe eait and
oath by Mnahannnn erk, on tbe north ai.d wait
by land of J. F. Kleiner and Oeorgt U Zelgler,
being about 10 acres, more or Is, and partly
olrtrrd, open to the eommnns.
All of Defendant's Intereit In that ttrtaln
lot or niece of grnnd sitaaled in Decatur town
ship, Clearlleld oounty, I'a., boumlM as rollnws;
On tht west by land of Charles R. Fetter' heir,
on th etat by Ueorge II. Zelgler, oa the aouth by
unknown partita, being about three tcrta cleared
and ona to tbe eommona.
Keiaed, taken In elocution, and Io bt soldi as
the property of J. II. Jonas.
A certain treat of land situate la Uust'a town
ship, Cleerftrld oounty, I'a., bounded on the sooth
by land of Oeorgt William, on tht north by Itnd
of fltorg Wliliema, and nn the eait and weat by
earn, containing ont hundred acre, mora or leas ,
all timber land.
Seised, taken in fSecutif, and o bt tnld at
tht property of John C. Tyltr.
A certain tract of land sltutt la Jordan town
ship, Claarfield county, Pa., bounded and dt
acribed a follows i Beginning at atonaa, corner
ofpitotaold to Thome Strong) thenoo 3T de
gree taat 41 prrchee to atonea tbenoenorth "4j
degrtea eaat T7 perchet to atonaa also corner of
bite aold to Tbo ma Htronr, and both of the two
lait mentioned corner being along the Hat tf tba
pieet aold to eaid Strong; (bene aoutn 14 da
greea eaat A4 perrh-a to ham look thenc south
iJi degrees west 117 psrehet tt a line; thence
north V1 degree weat AO 1-10 perches to atonea
and place of beginning, containing 49 acre and
74 6 10 perch net measare, being part of a tract
of land aurveyed la name ef William Jobnaoa A
Co., havlnr about 16 acre cleared, more tr )
Seised, taken tn txecatioa, and to b aold at
tbt property of A. B. Straw and III ram straw.
Tana or Balm. Tht prlca af aum at wnlrh
tbt property shall bt l truck of vast be paid at tht
time of salt, or sarh other arrantemenla made aa
will be approved, otherwise tht property will ba
immediately pat up ana oia asjaia a. um iipmn
and risk of tb perton to whom it wa struck off,
aad who. la cast of deficiency at auch re-a)e,
hall make good tbt aamt, aad In no Instance
will tht Deed ht pre sealed ia Court for tonfirma
tioa unit tht money Is actually paid tt th
BberiB. JAHHl at A ti A F r it i ,
Bannipp Orrica, I fehatit.
OlaarltldL, PH May 4, Ml.
"I.1AHM I,AN1H FOR AMC la Hue to a
X "d Pint townships, Clearfield oounty.
keaaonablc time given for part of pure haa
money. Price Ift.OO Io $I.0I per aort.
uintrai rtHrrta. a, pmu, npn.i
Pen n eld, t'a.
orVTALLAOt A Knaas,
B.pL 10, 1179-tf. Claarfield, Pa,
1 btrebv nlvan that Letter of Administra
tion Jt bomit mom on tbt attattof SAUVHL PO W-
ILL, lata of Clearfield, Pa., deo'd, having beta
duly granted to tha andtreigned, all parsons la-
dlbied to (aid tatata will pltaat mak immtuiait
payment, and tbott having elaima or demands
agatnat tht aamt, will preaent litem prtperiy
authenticated lor stttlamtnl without delay.
A dm In lit rat or D. B. N.
Cltarflald, Pa,, March KUU, lbol-OL
AnOlitandTritMl llvmedf A'morea (V H Vrmi
and the mrrti-in thtU ktcp Uirmidtt. Wa TUairailt
It virtue. Wo havo hundred of TmliiHUilnla, col-
looted tn the last 16 ytwra, pntvhiK com-lutilvrlv tArrt
if no rtmetly equal to lr. Ilulrlttiiaan'o VVann
IHelroyvr to rt'inovo the Wnnua tall kliuli. Hound,
.Vrii, Jny, and Tlipfl. tlKt inff-t the litiman avKteto,
Wytirtmu buy thnn, and s;lve Ilium to ihvlr aufltring
EtivnU. 7Vry u no humbug or miarkrry about this) i
uroiitdily reliable mi'4tcinc. Price, UAo. cr bux.
A.W.WKIliHT 4 CO., WKoletale DrurirUli,
Market snd Front Slrtali, Philadelphia,
Februarys, 18M-.1m.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE undersigned offers a fir it- class stck and
grain farm for aale, situate one milt north
of Lumber City, containing
230 ACRES,
Most of which Is cleared and nnder a good state
of cultivation, and having a large plank bouse,
well finished, a largt bank barn, and all neoestary
outbuilding, all new. Fountain pomp, good
water at the door ; also, ont at the barn. A good
bearing orchard, oto. For further particulars,
oall on tht premises or addrtsa
Lumbar City, Pa.
April 20, 1881-tf.
and all klnda of
ao to
O. B. MKRKEI.L, . Agont,
EightFarmsforSale orRcnt!
Tht subscriber proposes to sell or rent a num
ber of terms located as follows : The first situate
in Burn ide township, Centre oounty, containing
160 acre, having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a church, and known
as the Jamea Mulbolland farm.
A I. HO, another farm aituate In fir ahem town
ihip, Clearfield oounty, containing 117 acrea, with
tht necaaaary improvement.. Thia farm ta under
laid witn a UOOD VEIN OF COAL.
ALSO, aix other ferine In tht vicinity of Freneh
ville, containing respectfully 112, 100, 96, 86, 60
and 20 acrea. These farms all bavt houses and
barns thereon, good water, bearing orchards on
same, a well as aom good wood land. For
farther particular tall la person, or addr the
undersigned by letter. L. M. COLDHIKT.
Jan. IWb, ISM-tf. Frencbvllle,Pa.
The underlined has oome to the conclusion tt
quit farming and follow bia occupation, a car
penter, and now effera for aale bia farm, aituate
on and ahalf mil north tf Clearfield borough,
Most of which la cleared and under good cultiva
tion, and having thereon a good
Large frame barn, and other neceiiary outbuild
ings, together with an orchard of all kinds of
fruit, and an excellent spring of water. Tbt
Tbia property will bt exchanged for smaller prop
erty, or aold on oaiy terma in payments. For
further particulars eall en the premises or address.
JOHN C. HEED, Clearfield, Pa.
March 16th, 1881-tf.
Thomas A. Duckett,
IIIEREBY givt notice to tba eitisens of Clear
field and tbe surrounding vicinity that I am
prepared at all time to furniih famllia and
manufacturing establishments witb a auparior
quality of
Coal, Wood g Coke,
Whlrh I am prepared to deliver In a few hour'
notice. I am alwaye ready to haul and deliver
Irom and to the depot, or anywhere tlit, end
mova familic and household goods anywhere on
short nolioe. TI10S. A. DL'CKEIT.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. SI, USO-tf.
James Li, Leavy,
Hating parchased tb tntirt stock of Fred.
Racket., hereby give notice that n has moved
Into the room lately occupied by Reed A Hagarty,
on Bccnnd street, where he is prepared to ol)r to
tnt public
of tba latest itnprortd patterns, at low prlco.
Gas Fixtures and Tinware.
Roofing, Rpoutlng, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, and
Kepairing rump a spec i any. ah
work warranted.
Anything In my lint will be ordered special If
desired. JAri. u. LKA V i ,
Olaarfled, Pa., January 1, IBTO-tf.
.ujoi it.rt.n
Desirable Real Estate !
Esttvto of Richard Shaw, Sr.,X)oe'l.
rpHR Bnr.i,tiarf, Fieutnr, of tha ..lata of
X HII'HAltD 8IIAW.Br., dK.aead, will orT.r
ai pakllo aale at Ibe CO I HI HOUSE, Is tb. bor
ough of Clearlleld, Pa., oa
Wednesday, June 1st, 1881,
AT 1:30 O'C l.tll K P. M.,
Tba MIowlDg .alaabl. raal aetata, Tla I
Tha Ihrw atorr BRICK HOTEL nron.rla.
eornM of Markt Bad Flrit atraata. la tb. bor.
oogb ef Cl.arlleld, koowa a,
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lots of groan d thereto belonging
xoo feet oa Market slraet, aad wu
festna Unt street, with a two-story
dwelling hooae at tabbed. Tht ho
tel proper ha ilty bed-rooms and
all convenience for a firat-elaaa
hotel. Oct of the moat desirable hotel pro pert ie
la Central peanavlranta.
Tha abovt will bo aold together with a two
tor frame dwalllnc boast on Market etreet, ad
jacent to the Hotel, and ont ether frame dwelling
bouse and a twe-itory stor building, all fronting
on Market street.
ALflO. AM that carta la lot, known ia tbt
plan or Claarfield borough aa Lot No 139,
fronting ftO feet on Lomitt atreet, run
ning back 172 itet, more or less, to aa amy
with dwellina boo and all neoeeiary ont
building tbreoartettd,and other Improvements.
One-third eath at delivery of good deed, aad
tht balanat to be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable ia oat and twt yttrs, with IntartaL
Surviving Sx'rs of Richard Shaw, firdtt'd.
Ctotriald, Paa, April fi, IsH-U.
The Great CLOTHING Emporium!
F YOU want to study your own interest, do not fuil to call at
the above OHtabliBliment nnd examine
J-ats, Gen-S' Furnishing Gds, &c.,
Whether )ou wish to mak a puroUi r nt, we ihall U plaastd si all tlmai to ihew yoa oar
aortmeut ul gio , whiuh will at .noe cunviuo you that eur
Styles are the Best, and our Prices the Lowest,
Remember, alio, that wt havt an alfgaat assortment of PIKCK GOODS, of tha lattt novel tie,
specially intended for
Aod wa ar. praparad to MARK SUITS TO ORDER AT SHORTEST NOTICE, aad ahall aadaaf or
to ault tb. taalo of tba moat f.itldioua.
Opera Houso Block, opposite postoffioe, CLEARFIELD, FA.
Tho lurgest and bent nssortment of wagons ever brought to
One car load of CONKLIN wagons,
One car load of STDDEBAKER wagons,
Which we will oell at factory prices. We buy these wagons by
the car load and pay CAfcll for them, therefore we are able
to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county.
We guarantee these wagons to be first-class
in every respect. Also, a lot of
Platform Spring Wagons ? Buggies.
One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper
than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere.
F. M. CARDON & BRO., Clearfield, Pa.
February 23, 1881-tf.
Curwensvillc, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers nnd manufacturers, receive goods ot
car lond rates, hence can compete with New York and Philndel
phia houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
Sept. it, mo. If.
- ... - - - -
All kinda of Caikots and Coffin, kept on bant), and iarnisbed to ordor on
abort notice, including Iho finoat aa well aa tbe chcapoit that can be matin-
faolurcd. Our
ooiubii znxiszin-vxDxx
Is tho boat In uo, and will be furniihcd when required. Funerali attended
in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second atreet, or leare
vour ordera at Trouloian'e Furnituro Store, adjoining the" Poatofflee.
oct 1.70-tr. Clearfield, P.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Cor..n..illa, Fa. JaB. I , ISJS-tf
rpWKXTT 1IOVSK8 and LOTS la CI. art. Id
X. for aala at reaanoabla rrlraa and oa m,
Urme, Alao, aeterol FAHMA Ib Bradford aad
Urabaaa toaa.bipa. Appl, to
p.e. 1, 'M l.) ll.arbld, Pa.
Fine Italian Marble In UieSlnte,
Botb FINISHED, or 1'NFINIfllIED. Wa pot
a, aa, work that cao b. dnaa la th. .11, .t naaob
abMpar rat... W. will ,at ap
la Itellaa Marble tr O ran It, theaner than It eaa
bt done la aay other pert ef tha Htalt. Any pot
on buying moaasacntal verb toaaaoantof II and
anwarda, will bare fare paid to and frua I'blhpa
bnrc. Ie not be foelrd with eheap Anerloaa
arblt arheB yoa eaa bay flat Italiet mark It at
lover arltta.
dMIBAD STONES a apetialty.
Prod net aad apprtftd spr fill Wa talea la
tlflbange for Ceaietery werk. AH eath totymtau
til be nadt tt Ibt Mobanaoi Bank tot. Co- It
lbs eredlt of PI IRC,
rhtlipeburg, Pa., JaB. M, 1MI. -at.
(I y A
Cosily outfit frtt.
Aojrotta, Mala.
Addraai T' S A Co.,
(bl ly.j
Canrenarllla, Pa., Jan. I, '71-lf.
MONEY TO l.OAR-Ot Irtt-ele Is.
Brored farta property, by tht Mataal Lift
Iuaaranet Conpaay of Near lurk, aa tret aort
gait, la latai trom ,6ot ap. For farther ta
formatioa apply ta tha anderi;ntd.
Clearleld Pa., May 7th, ls7-lf.
COA3L, :
TUB anhserihar htrtby flrti attltt that ha
it aow deliftrlof toalof aa tsetlleatcjaaJlty
aad pro pete ta tptratt hi aiat
Bo that ht will bt taabled tt tappty hi ttttotr
at all tint with food fatl. fit "aaaar vac
Hob. Order by Ball prtaptly 1114.
R ial. SHAW.
ClearleU, Pa., March t, IMI-tf.
Coal i Coalii
Till andtrtlfned, havlaf prteartd a laasa af
a Irat altia etal tela, he epeeed a slat,
and la aow prepared ta faraiah eaitoeaer wltb a
lrt-tlaa article tf eaal o short aatlta, aad at
tht aaderatt priea af SIX CKNT8 ft haahtl.
All ardera left at mj hoa will at praasptly at
Uadtdta. WM. E. BROWN
Citarfleld, Pa., Fab. t, Ult-ly.