Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 04, 1881, Image 2

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(jtonoi B. Goodlandib, KJitor.
Reader, If you want to know whet la solne, on
In the baalneae world, jaet read oar advertlalng
olomai, the Spttiat oolumo In particular.
In Trouble. Not riitiifled to cut
Indiana in making bis appointments,
President Ciarllold appears to bo din
posed to got rid of tbo Indiana stutes
nien bequeathed to bim by tlio IJnycs
Administration. This ia too, too d- d
The Juiiicial Apportionment. Tbo
bill reapportioning tbo State for Judi
cial purposos passed tbo Senate on
Kridny last, and was sent to tbo Homo
for concurrence In it, Clearfield ia
mado a separate Judicial district in ac
cordance with tbo now Constitution.
Not a Stately lit mark. The Cbiim
boraburg Spirit makes a "cornor" on
our eouior Sonator in this way: "Al
though gray with years, Judge Hoar
is not stupid. When Cameron nroso
tlio other day to make a fieico answer
to General Hill, tbo Judgo adroitly
seized Don.'s coat-tails. Ho know be
wasn't far from bis brains."
Uenerat Longetreet li now Republican mid
Bio. Butler ia a kind of buahwhacking Demn
orit. Huntingdon Oloht.
Yos; the formor stuffed Liliby Prison
and filled tlio Andorsonvillo pen to over
flowing with Union soldiers, whilo tbo
latter was risking bis own life and that
of thousands of bis fellow-soldiers to
empty thoso prison pens and eavo the
Union. Which do you prefer 7
Blood. We notico that a genuine
live Indian has been appointed door
keeper in the Indian Department nt
Washington. If that Indian bo truo
to the flag of bis fathers and lmvo any
remnant of tlio Indian's proclivity to
vengeance, we shall soon hear of a
first-class scalping-Btory from the seat
of government concerning tbo heads
of tbo Indian Department.
That's So. The Philadelphia llec
ord remarks: "They do not tolerate
bungling at executions in I'ussia.
When the Nihilists wero banged on
April 15, Micbaeloff s rope broko twice,
and tho executioner bis received a
hundred lashes for not preventing the
uccident. If such a rule wcro adopted
in this country there would bo a good
many streaked and scarred bucks."
Awfcl Carelessness.- The lust hor
ror is the capsizing of a ferry boat, or
scow, whilo crossing Fox river, at
Klgin, Illinois, on Friday lust, drown
ing thirteen men, women and children,
through the carelessness of (oo many
passengers gathering on tlio upper sulo
of tho vessel. As may well bo imagin-
od, tbn err-ilnmpnt tvfls prnltt Twonty
persons wero rcecued by boats that
went to them from Iho shores, or tho
disaster would have been fur worse.
ItAscALiTr. The New York Sun
prints a "ifoll of Dishonor," being the
records of 178 army officers who bavo
been tried, convicted and dismissed
since 18C7 fur various offenses 07 for
stealing, 70 for ungentlemanly con
duct, 30 for drunkenness and tho bal-
ftneo for various other offenses. Cf
tho 178 only 8 wero graduates from
West Point, tho othor 170 being ap
pointed from civil life. Ono of tho
Wost Point graduates proved a thief.
Change of Officers. On Tuesday,
Hon. Wm. P. Schell, Democrat, left his
desk as Auditor General, and wits su
perseded by John A. Lemon, liadical
of Blair county. Tho Democrats last
Fall did not squoezo this Lemon enough
Honcc, a Democrat is relegated out of
oflico and a Radical substituted. How
evor, ho is a very clever gentleman,
woll-known by tho business men of
this vicinity as tho buildor ! tho rail-
road from Clearfield to Curwensvillo,
and, in our judgment, is all right, ex
copt bis tniserablo politics.
Liobt Weights. Tho llaltimoro
(tazrttt says :
General Mahen. bai two fona and a dane-hter.
all old enough to tako fboir pleeea io eooietr at
Waahiogtoa. Jill wifo ! a rare aeoompliahed
laa; and theeieeteonlraat phrelcallr to bar oua
bind, Hhe weighe ovar 2D0 pound, and If raid
to hart noateaaed remarkable peraonel beautr in
bar day. Next to Alaxandar titepbeoa, Ueneral
Mehone ia tlif axaalleat man that baa tror bean
In Congreaa.
Of course, the editor in question is
alluding to bis flesh and blood weight
when ho speaks of Mahono. II r. Ste
phens ia a light weight too, hut he is a
giant as a statesman, and a man of
honor. Tho other is the proprietor ol
neither, but a full-Hodgcd domagoguo
in politics.
A Good Law Pass (.Wo notico
that our Stato Senate has passed a bill
to punish merchants, or other person
for selling or giving minor children
pistols, gunpowder, or other cxplo
sives. We hope the bill will pass tbi
llouso too. A twolvo year old boy has
no more right to carry a loaded pistol
secreted in his pocket than a bottle of
whisky. Both cases should bo treated
its a crime, and tbo boy who obtaii
either intoxicating liquors or pistols
through fraud or misrepresentation,
should be punished equally with tbo
giver or seller. Put both on the same
fooling and then tbo law will bo pro
nounced good.
Uurrtino Blaini Up. The liultl-
moro Gazette remarks: "Mr. Wains
had bettor hurry np and bully Kngland
on the fishery award, or haul up Italy
altout Our pork exportalions, and thus
draw attontion to his own aggrossivo
and magnetic nature, in the game of
political tbimblo ngConkling has prov
ed too strong for bim, and Gai field loo
weak to build on. lie must hurry and
kick up a big row with some groat
warliko power, and make the Stato
Department a power and a centre of
interest. Garfield's backbone is melt
ing away like a snail with salt on it.
Ho is making ready to conclude i
peace with Conkling and Cameron
and throw Blaine overboard as a peace
offering. Anse, James Blaine, arise I
Where it your magnetism V
.General Juhn.V l.ogun, one of the
Grunt boomers, and a United StMrs
Si-nulor In. in liliiinis, loyal to thu iii,
bus fit-iiitntly been cliargt-d with lull
ing a regiment fur the rebel urmy in
suiillierii Illiuoin at the bivuking nut
ol tlio reliollion, Two weeks ago, on
tint floor of tho Somite, lie lock par
ticular puins to tinny this piece of his
tory. Wo then believed he was lying,
an J we are now convinced that he did
lie Wo, therefore, introduce General
Stet'duian, of Toledo, Ohio, as a wit
ness. The Generul is thu editor of tlio
Toledo Democrat, and wus one of the
real fighting Generals of the army.
He has this to say ubout the Lngun
affair in bis lust issuo :
General John A. I.ol'uii bus denied,
and repeated tho denial in the United
States Senato that lie- wus ever in sy m
pathy with tbo rebellion. If bo did
not orgunizo men In Illinois to aid the
rebels, his own brother lies, whom we
licurd tell President Johnson, in spring
field, HI., in the presence of Generul
McClurnund and oursclf, I nut General
Logun Bent him into thu rebel army.
If Logan was not persuaded by Col.
W, A. liichardson out of Iho intention,
with his mon, to attack a regiment of
Union soldiers at "Big Muddy Bridge,"
Col. liichardson slandered him outra
geously, fur ilichaidson told us at the
Democratic .National Convention in
New York, in 18C8, that horodoono
hundred and filty miles to seo Logan
and dissuado him from attacking the
Union soldiers, and that alter a labor
ed effort ho succeeded.
Wo beurd Gen. Stephen A. Medio-
arty, botwoen Chatunooga and Nash
ville, in lS(i4, while lying on a pallet
in thu cur with his arm cut off, accuse
Lovan to his face, of expressing strong
sympathy with tlio Rebellion, in his
conversations in Washington.
If Logan was not strongly in sym
pathy with tho rebels at the boi'itiniiii;
of tho war, and until alter he returned
from Richmond, his position lias been
misrepresented more than that of a iy
other man in this country.
Tin Mubev Chinese Letter Tho
reader will remember that upon tho
appearance in print of what purported
to bo a letter of Mr. Garfield involving
the question of tho employment of
Chinese labor, just befuro tbo close ol
the lalo Presidential campaign, it was
at onto denounced ns a forgery, and a
prosecution was commenced against
an alleged forger, with a grout flourish
of liadical trumpets. Since tho elec
tion tho prosecution has lagged. When
inquired ol why ho did not prosecute
the suit, tho Chairman of the liepubli
can National Committeo declared tho
reason to bo that bo had no money.
But the money was promptly furnish
ed by leading Democrat, upon condi
tion of honest efforts to find out the
real author of the letter. Now word
comes that the prosecution of thoso at
present under arrest is to bo disniir-sed
and no other instituted I The truth
seems to be that tlio letter has been!
traced to tho author, but that is not
pleiiMint to Republican officials to ad
mit that James A. Garlleld is that au
thor! The action of tho Republican
leaders can not bo accounted for in any
other way. Clinton Democrat.
A Goon Card. General Gurfield is
"not at homo" or ' begs to be excused"
when delegations of Virginia Republi-
oana fall to ntVer ftdvien "oiwortiing
unices. This means that Garfield sticks
to his bargain with .Mahono, and snubs
even tho old Union men and Republi
cans in favor of tho itcudjiistcrs. It
was for tho ptirposo of buying .Mahono
that ho was mado Chairman of a Sen
ato Committee and given a scat in tho
Postoflice Committee, wbcro ho could
control postmaslcrships. General Ma
hono denies that bo made a bargain,
but tho moro candid Garfield bIiows
that there was a bargain by turning
his back upon tbo Republicans to keep
faith with rcpudiatnrs. Tho Repub
lican administration is seeking to
strengthen repudiation in Virginia:
assaulting tho financial hopes of a
Stato. Tho Democrats in tho Senate
would bo less than men if they failed
to resist to tbo uttormost tho consum
mation of this dirty bargain. Better
far that tho dead lock should lust for a
It Looks Like FilLiUusterino.
Tho Grant family is off for Mexico.
But if his Canal Presidency breaks
down as hurriedly as his New York
World's Fair Presidency, his canal
business will not last long. If Grant
fools around much over thoro the
Spaniards will treat him as they did
poor deluded Maxamillian.
The following facts are put forward
suggestively by a Wosturn journal:
Grant bus gone to Mexico. General
E. O. S. Ord, fora long timo command
or on tho Rio Grande, has bis resigna
tion in the hands of the President.
Gen. Grant's own son Fred resigns his
sinccuro in tho regular army and joins
his father in Mexico. With theso
overwhelming indications that thoro
is a great flllibusturing movement on
foot, having for its object tho annexa
tion of Mexico, sixty representative
Illinois Republicans woro struck with
its momentous Importance, and every
ono favored it.
A Hayesism. Docs the Now York
Herald mean to insinuate that Kx
President dc facto II ayes was bribed
by the star roulo contractors? That
paper's Washington correspondent of!
lhursday makes tbo following point
"It would gratify public curiosity if
Mr. Hayes would explain what hold
tho star routo jobbers bad on him
strong enough to oompol him to stand
during his wholo term betwoen them
and daylight. Already in 1870 one
contractor, Barlow, swore beforo a
Congressional Committeo that ho had
boon eompollcd to pay $40,000 "hush"
money to obtain safety." It is not
surprising that a public journal which
understands how Hayes was tho bono
ficiary of tbo biggost theft tbo world
ever saw should covertly accuse him
of making tho best me of bis stolen
properly he oould.
A Blundering Legislature. For
phenomenal blundering the Logisla-
turo of Wisconsin bears off the palm.
It passed an apportionment law which
came to nought because it entiroly
overlooked a town of 2,500 inhabitants;
it passed a tax law which came to
nought because it providod for doing
something with the tax certificates on
the 31st of June; it passed an antl-
trcstinglsw which also came to nought
because it formally repealed another
law which was not in existence. This
blundering la so gross that one is all
but tempted to behove that it was com
mitted purposely.
Gxmuiu's New Mabiul. General
l.ongstivet', a iiinii who won high dis
tinilirii honors on the Confederate
sido during tho rebellion, alterwards
joined tho Jtepubliraii party, and from
tho very day lit! declared his inten
tions that party uwardud him .vilh lut
appointments and big pay. First at
Nuw Orleans us u Custom olllviul, then
abroad as Minuter to Turkey, mid
now ut homo again us Marshal fir
Georgia. Thu last position will mulio
linn, In a certain sense, tho muster of
thu political situation in Georgia, al
though it remuins to bo seen whether
even Longstreet, aided by thu minions
who aro dcslgnud to bo appointed us
his aids in bulldozing thu ignorant
black Vote, will bo powerful enough to
overthrow tho viwl Democratic mujnr
itius that Georgia bus givun o( Into
years. Shu was tho first Stato to
throw oil' tho curpot buggors, and the
moment she did this sho aroso rapidly
into the high plane of prosperity. Tho
intelligent natives, buth black and
white, will not welcome anything that
threatens to disturb tho pence and
progress sho has mado under a happy
Democratic Administration of her in
ternal afl'alrs.
Those "Star Routes". U is a mean
thing to say "I told you so" when a
friend or even an enemy is in trouble,
but tho Dcmocials will bo forbearing,
indeed, if they do not remind tho coun
try how hard llioy fought tho "star
route" swindles and how tho Adminis
tration of llayos bulked all their ef
forts and kept tho rascals in pluee.
Tho investigations of this brunch of
postal iniquity, though impeded in
Congress as much as possible by the
executive, unearthed enough to show
what as going on. Mr. Blackburn
made some ringing spoeches on tho
subject, and wen denounced thu chief
conspirator of tho star route swindles,
who was buttonholing members of tho
House on tho floor and in the lobbies,
trying to head off the investigations.
Tho Republicans in Congress wero
helping the Kxeculivo to hush the mat
tor up. Now Garfield, for purposes of
his own, lets the cat out of tho bag.
Death of Mr. Woodruff. Wo
learn from tho Krie Observer, that
Samuel E. Woodruff, Iq., the well
known attorney of that city, and fori
many years Register of Bankruptcy,
died at his rusideuco on State street,
on tho 22d ultimo, alter a brief ill
ness, in the C5th year of his ago. Tho
deceased was a son of a Connecticut
Presbyterian minister, and a graduate
of Hamilton Collego, New York. Ho
was admitted to tho bar in Cincinnati
in 1811; locuted at (Tirard in 1HII;
was elected District Attorney of Erie
county in lsiiOj moved to Krio in 187li
Ho was married to a daughter of Rob
ert Sterrctt, deceased, of McKean, and
his wife, ono son and two daughters
survive him.
Mr. Woodruff was personally known
to many of our citizens who will re
gret to learn of bis death.
Hayesiso Him. Tho man who
drow Samuel J. Tilden's suluiy of ?50,
000 per annum for four years (Hayes,
Rutherford It.) hadhis cullers nt the
White House, beliuvo that ho was a
teetotaler by way ol bisappctite. Sinco
ho has retired to Fremont, Ohio, it has
been charged by somo rude Washing
ton correspondents that Hayes did
drink more than water and coffeo.
Tho minion editor of the Philadelphia
Times hurls this kind of a brick at tho
head of tho Fraud :
R. B. Harea, of Fremont, Ohio, baa taken tho
trouble to write to a remote Weetero Journal to
aaaarer bia temperance eonvioliona. Ha an
nouncea aome eharaeteriatio reaaona guiiltog bim
in hia adherrnee to tolal alirllnence. When be
went to Waabingtoo in 1 877 be waa not, he
avowa, a total aliatainer, but hia wife "bed bran
a total ehatineoee woman aince childhood." Mra.
Harea, it will Ihua be aeen, waa a prngeor alie
waa a woman from childhood up. The question
oomea in naturalljrwaa aha arer a babe? The;
do aajr in Waihington that abe waa a good deal
more Freaident Ihan her builiand quite a aafa
aaaerlion, bearing facta in mind.
A Veteran. A Washington corre
spondent says that Hon. R. C. Win
tbrop, who was Daniel Wobstcr's im
mediato successor in tho United States
Senato, and who delivered tho oration
at tho laying of tho cornor stono of tho
Washington monument, was on top of
tho unfinished shaft on Wednesday,
with his wifo and daughter, enjoying
the grand view from tho summit.
The observer of current events is
aware that Massachusetts has not
furnished tho' United Slates Senato
with a statesman sinco tbo days of
Wobslor and Winthrop. That tony
Commonwealth has sent some smart
men to that body, but ihcy all turned
out to bo demngoguos, Credit Mobilier
stock dealers, etc.
Worse Than a Shot oi;n. Tho ab
hored shot gun isn't tho worst intiini
dutor in existence, as was truly inti
mated by Goneral B. F. Butler in ro
sponso to an interviewer tho other day.
"With a shot gun," said tho General,
"you influence- hut ono vote, but Iho
manufacturers iiiflucnco thousands of
votes by tho meanest kind of intimida
tion." Ho was referring particularly
to Massachusetts. Tho same thing is
Irtio, however, of all the manufuelur
ing districts. As the General reitera
ted : "It is more disastrous to a free
volo than thousands of shot guns,
General Biillcr has served long enough
in public life to render a truo verdict
in such cases.
Don orr of I'lace. An exchnngo
in alluding to tho conduct of United
Stales Senator Cameron in that body,
the other day, says :
The peraonal dlaeredlt that Don Cameron brlnga
upon bimpelf in the I'. S. Senate ia ao far of lit
tle eoniequence, but the dligrnce to the Slate ia
eoraethliig that arere Pennarlvanian ia oonerrned
in. The querrel wilh Dawea (of bia own pertv)
the other iter, waa diacradilable enough to bin
to have made him hold bia mumh for a aearioo,
but to be compelled to vole againat hia own mo
tion beoaaoe the leoaoerete Toted for it waa low
ering hieoaoir to (be grade of a acarcnger. Hav
ing BuSlcientlj eetaulnhed that be ia neither It
to talk nor mnke mcllonc it ia lima for him to
Moro: Our Senator is entirely com
petent to mitnago tho Radical Con
gressmen from this Slalo, and tho
members of the Legislature loo, but
be should keep his mouth shut in Iho
TnosE Assassins. An exchango
says: "There aro several rumarkablo
coincidences in connection with tho
lives and deaths of tho Ctar and Abra
ham Lincoln. Both wero tho great
emancipators of this generation ; both
died by assassination ; the chief assassin
in each caso was injured and his death
followed speedily ; a woman was bang,
ed in both cases and the executions in
both cases took place under martial
law and on a scaffold surrounded by
troops and in garrisoned capitals."
'A Wanton Acr of Oi'I'ression."
"Do you pretend to say," said Post-nuister-ttcnerul
James to John L.
French, for eleven years Chief Clerk
ill tho olllco ol thu Second Assistant
Postmaster Goneral, "ihut you can sit
idly by and see tho Government mon
ey squandered and not report tho facts
to tbo I'oslmaster tiVneru! or to the
President '"
"1 dn, sir," replied French ; "it was
no pu t ol my duly us a subordinate to
exorcise control in this mutter."
This is French's on repo' t of the
question und answer, printed in tbo
Washington A'atiimal Republican. Yet
French seems to regard his removal
as a wanton act of oppression.
Amendment No. Fifteen Set Aside.
Chicago, April 1!!). Something of a
sensation has been created at Spring
field, Illinois, by thu refusal of the ho
tel keepers to receive tho members of
tho troupe of Jubilee Singers from tbo
F'isk University of Tennessee as guests
for two days liiis week.
The great point is mado of this ro
lusul being made ut tho homo of Mr.
Lincoln, the emancipator of the color
ed raco. All the hotel men, with one
exception, base their action on the fact
llikt, tho Legislature boing in session,
their houses uru lull. At tho Loland
House, however, the munager says he
runs a hotel to make money, and can
not afford to drive away his whito
guests by aceonimo dating colored peo
ple. Let it he Repeated. The New
York Herald recommonds, in view of
tho exposures of the Star route frauds
und Doisey's implication in thoni, that
thu company which so lately banquet
ed and toasted thut statesman in Now
York be reconvened and invited to ro
view its judgment of him. Grant, wo
believe, presided and Rev. Henry Ward
Bccchcr said grace, and Vico President
Arthur praised the guest of tho occa
sion for his judicious distribution of
"tracts" in Indiana, which made Gar
field's election in November possible
It was u del'ghtful company. By all
means let it come together again and
give Dorsey and Brady u new certifi
cate of character.
Director's Convention As we go
to press (Tuesday, 1 o'clock, P. M.,)
Iho School Director's of our county are
assembling in tho Court Room and or
ganizing as n Director's Convention,
for tho purpose of electing a County
Superintendent for tho ensuing tonn
of threo yoars. What tho result will
bo wo uro unable to state. There are
quite a number of candidates willing
to tako the office but just who will ap
pear on the bulletin board when voting
timo comes around is not settled, ex
cept that Mr. Weaver and Mr. Mc-
Qiiown had tho floor this morning.
Star RoCtk iNiyi iriEs Washing
ton, D C, April 21. A table showing
tho mcreaso ol tlio annual pay of ninety-three
star routes out of tho 9,225,
whereby tho annual pay of tho ninety
threo routes was raised bolween tho
lettingsnf 1H78 and Januarv 1, 1880,
from v727,18!l to $2,802,214, is furnish
ed from ollicial sources. Iho regular
appropriation for star route, sorvico
lor tho year ending ,1 line .10, 1880, was
83,900,001). Of this amount 82,802,214
was absorbed by the ninety-three
routes embraced in tho ubove table,
leaving :!,0!i7,78ti for the runiiiinini;
0,132 routes It appears from this
lout ilaycu lamony ol tlio 1 residency
was not tho only heinous crime.
A Lovely Example. Light-colored
Republicans have an excellent lesson
of self abnegation offered thorn by cx
Scnator Bruco of Mississippi. Ho de
clined the lucrative mission to Brazil,
which was tondcred him by the Presi
dent, because ho was unwilling to leave
his wife at home, and loves her too
loudly to tako her with him on ac
count of tho yellow fever and other
iinlicullhl'iilncss of that far away conn
try. No such caso is of record as to
white Republicans.
Pecksniffism. It is woll under
stood in Washington that Mahono is
afraid of Conkling, and ho truckles to
tho New York Senator in such nn ob
vious way as to bo very noticeable.
Conkling, who usually only conde
scends to address bis conversation to
tbo older and more pretentious Sena
tors, is flattered lay tbo diminutive
Virginian, and he sometimes permits
a shako of tbo hand and occasionally,
but very seldom, a confidential chat.
The Rei'Uhi.ican Convention.
Tho Republican Stato Committeo met
at llarrisbiirg recently and fixed
upon tho 8th day of September next,
as tbo day for tho meeting of their
Stato Convention to nominate a candi
date lor Stato Treasurer. They havo
vory sensibly decided upon a short
campaign, and wo hope tho Democratic
Stato Commiltoo will do likewise.
What A Hprctaclk! Tho ('lutm
bcrnluir Spirit my: ii&r.o nt ami
ttdmiro, if you can, the "great" Ilonub
lienn party with Mnhone und KiJrilo
bcrtfor, ftnd I.oriL'Htreut, and Moahr,
ropudiminhiHlH, guerrilla mid rel-clt,
itft nupoeiul potn, und tho chosen nip-
rescntittivof ut tho Htylo ol Iho nrom'nt
ndministiittion'rt Southern policy."
Its a picture thut ftn artin comtlr.t
do full juHlice to wilh anything m till
er than a whito wanh brtinh.
ftrui drrrttscmcnts.
Tl(Ut( l'. N(TI( K,.-Mr(b K. Dlrnm,
1 by her nest (, a . K. Arnold, rs. Wio
L. Bloom. Sub. Snr, livorew.
The underaienel, having been appointed In
open Court a Comniisvloner lo take leitimony In
the abort stated ease, will attend to the duties of
his appointment at hia office, In the borough of
Cloaifl'ld, l a , en HA H KDAY, thellHT DAY
of MAY, 181, at 1 o'olook P. M. or said daj,
when and wbera the Defendant can appear tocroas
larnine. T. J. Ma' I l.UOUUH,
may 4 .It. Comniasioner.
Millinery I Millinery II
TTAKE the ptraniri of Infnnning the pahlifl
that I ahall oiler aptvial induceu-nti In
M illlnorj Qoor), such as (Si las, Patina, Kihbnn,
Flowers, Ao., Trimmed and t'ntrltnmrd Mats and
Hon net, in the very latott stylfa, Notions and
iwaae-up LioiDing ror enildren. 1 Kintll s ilictt
a Share of jnur palroaage,
Market 6t , Clearflsld, Pa.
Apr. 3d, iNM-lr.
TAIVORCH NOTM K. In tha Conrt of
1 Common Plena of Clearfield eonntr, 1'a,
VI .. r..t li LI .... I., a... ,
nlt frleaJ. Jamea Fra N ' ''
O.J.Mrera. I
Tn O. It. JUjth Voa are brretir .otlfleil In ba
ana appear at IDe irni or Coort aa arora
mentloaen.and there defend In lha abara aaaa . A
allow eauee why deerea of dlrorea a eirl(
munmonn ahtinld not be mnde.
Saa.irp'a Orriro, I J. MAIIAFFKV.
ClearUeld, Apr. II 'II. It. J Khrriff.
af not sKet.n riro t.orHt
At.L (host two otrtaia lets of ground with
dwelling hnoie thereon, situata on Market
street, oppoiito tbe Alle((heny Huoaa, In the her
on gh of Clearfield, having a front on said street
of 100 feet, and attending Id depth 12 fot to aa
alley, knnwa lo the plan of said horoogh aa lots
Nos. 14 and 174, being lha asiata of James
TbompioQ. deceased. Apply to
W. 1). BhiLKK,
A'tornayi ftrawotr.
CUsrfis'd, Pa., Hay 4. 1M St.
iarur- 2tli'frtlsrw.futs.
Shingle Mill for Sale
VLARf.K lturktyt BMnfrl MaehlM r.B be
purab-fj fry ohup Iruta (be ntiJrtiitn4,
1 be terme will be nade ty to lb purobtirr in
pric And lima. l-'ur further inf-irtuetioo oall tt
"lt.aDeh..rrJ Hume Camp," lo Union tow D ship,
or Kldrffki Dtitlfriiftnetl at Korklon, Clrftrlleld
oounlj, rUuDV IS A POL HON J.lclUN ALU,
Hufltalon, Hajr 4, ISM eil.
4 riPITOK'i) KOTK'i:. In the tn titer of
J tbeeitate of Julia HeriMtk. Ule of Kirt
haua lownihip, deltas J.
Mttroh MJ, 1841, T. J. MoCulliifth app.nt.iei.
to tlitposoof the oxoipliont til tit to the .v-0uui.t
or (iodfrejr rider, tbe Adioinitrator, by the
widow mid biin of laid decedent, Tlie laid
Auditor bereiiy gitrwe pulioe that be will attuDd to
tbe Jutiei of bin appointuieot at hii office, Id the
bormijrb of Clearfield, ).. mi PkllMY.tli 2u Ml
DAY of MAY, I !!,,( 10 o'c luul. A. M. of m.J
dny, wbeft and where all paitiea intereitcd may
appear penoeally or by at tori. py.
T. J. ll'iCl LI.OUUU, Auditor.
Olearflelti, Pa., May 4,
COI HT PKO I,AMAT!0.Wiititlu,
J lloo. C. A. MAYKK, I' ro M. I cut Jui .f
tbe Court of CotuiiioD 1'lt-aa of tbe twenty flith 1
Jndiolal Diitriet, ootnp'ned of the rouutioi of!
Clearfield, Centra and Clinton, and Hon, Annan
(Join:. anil Hud. Vixcicnt 11. lloi.T, Ariociatel
Judgei of Clearfield eoun.y, bare limed their 1
precept, to me dirreted, dr tbe holding or a Court j
of CouiiuoD Flea, at the Court I!ui, at Clear
field, in and for the eeunty of Clearfield, emu-1
meneinfr on the Fourth MolnU) of May, ImhI,
be lit the 43d day of lite mouth, and eoo-J
linumg one week.
NUTICE ia therefore boruliy giJ to juror and I
witneiiee, in and fur raid county of Clearfield to
be and appear in their proper periuni, at 10 I
o'clontt A.M. of laid day. to do tbore
which in their behalf pertain to be done.
UIVKM under ruy hand at CUariiold, this flth
dj of April, in the year of our l.rd one;
thouaand eight hundred and ftehty-me. ,
JAMK3 UAllAFr KY, Sheriff. !
Cray's Spooiflc Llciicino.
Greet Kngliih
TWniedy. An un-
fnling euro for
reiniual VVrak
orai, Sperma
torrhea, ItllpO
tencji a nd all'
1 1 leases th a t
fiueuce Sul!-iouae; aa loia ol Memory, Univeraal
l.arailude, I'tin in the lliioh, Uimne-s of Viiion,
Prematura old Ago, and many other Diseases
that load to Insanity or Coma uj pi ion and a Pre
matura rave.
ftf-Pull particulars In eur painph'et, hif h
we 1 desire to end free by mail to averyout. The
bpecitio Melioiu is sold by all drug,;iti at $1 per
pajkuge, ot sis packages Ijr fj, or will tie seat
free by mat on receipt of the money, by addre us
ing Ull. URAV MEDlCj N K CO..
liullalo, N. V.
Soil In Jlejrfleld bj C. l. Walnon.
apr27p '61 lj.
Glaror.Dnt'hn, Mandrake, fUllllat tan!
utlaer of the lxt nir-tinir
kill nil y combined in PAHi-rt' t'-iN(.i't 1 oni, ,
it . nuke it the i;rtle,t Blood Purifier end '
fie ht Uealth and KtroagtU Uoilorer;
trr t'aed.
Jtoprrfp" ! the compmmini f Park pa's Cm-
..a 1 onic that noli-icnn Ihdk rxiM whfn ,
: it uwi. li you have Oytpepeie, Headeche.
Rheumatitm, Neuralgia, Bowel. Kidntv or'
Jver Disorder, 01 it yuuneeilj ttiilJ.umuUiU.l
1 apiiiKr, Ihe To If i juit the ihcOi uk.
Dry it it i highly curative and uivij;Hiiii( '
ut never intoKii jting.
U ymi are klowlr waiting awar ifn Con
lumnliAB rir mv tn knm. it vriu hire a Painful'
tCough r a bad Cold, 1'AWkiK itiireGim 'lun ;
HI aureiv nrtp you. 11 five n-w me an1'.
Iigir lo tne (erble and b:t1, and 11 a etrian
me fur Rheum atum and Cholera Infjntum. '
It lilt bared Ilnadrerte of Ureal It Hay
hare lours.
If ynu are frelmf mi.ciibU d"nt wn!t unti
Vu nre down .Kit. Imt ue the Tonic -d.ry ',
', No rruiir what ynur tlisrue or ft) iii;iotn. !)
je, it will civc ttrfimitl relirf.
' R;meinlrl Vakk km' (iiMnpn Twr N nrt
. mm (tniik hut the Beit and Purest Family.
Medicine ever made, tmMun(lcti by a ncv
I'rwtce, and entirrljr d.lli're'nt ir'.tn jittr r s ,'
I ini-.-r prrfiaratinn ind all twher Tonir, Trj
'., tr, liirilc. oiirdnir-i't rn mpc'v ym. '
Thnltcatand Host Crononlral llalr Dressing
.."iisiilv prrfumed antl perlccily lurmlci.
Will Always KrvtoreOray or I'aded
j't wirjinal youlfilitt rolor and ariiwariin'-''. ft- t
It irr.inlpii to ll"p lit tjKlli, 111 fuWi I
A I. W fit.; It. it inns of Tt v!'l tnft-n t'
d r,,!r i.taca Ulinrlmfl atvt ( uro in I I u-
L.itvi IhI.'i. WwiwlrV eailtal ll ..I t UK
April tlth, ISSl-lj.
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
als and CapjJ
That Ever Came into the
GEO. C. ATOM W. I()(HU1.
Clearllel.t, Pa., Fopt. 22, UBO-tf.
J II It Y MNT.Naines and looatioo of those
persons drawn as jurors to aerre at May
term, otnmeoeing en tha fourth Mon da (l.tdj,
ana oontinumg two wet'lta :
Travrrhi J i' rorb Mom DAT, Mat 23n.
torn I.awhead,Clear(lfld .1 aa Ulenn, Ferruaon.
M L I'ctftvin, Unutidalei Wash Ileta, Oreeuwood,
jnnn 11 neon, " jJaa rvitinbell, Lawrence,
K H Itartman, Osoeoli, J oh., Ilrown, "
.1 II Friday, " J.) Mnoabarger, Morris,
F lliilh'piMer, Tlepcarla, J L Stewart, "
.larkoo Kamaley, liell,A A Long, Tihe,
Jno lluinharger, liogita,, John Heed, Banay,
Wm Crow nil, Hradtord, 1 1 H Wioiver, "
J W Uearhart, " TP Hollister, "
Ell Hartunn, llra-lj, Inao l Hi tier "
llro llartsfelt,
: I hos roster "
i Frank Fob, m
T II Mimon,
! Joa Harrison, Woodward
W W King, tlarnride,
Hhrff Corson, "
K McKfa,
Jno Addletnan, Chest,
I Jas Harrison,
W Hohnarrs, Covington,; WW Hepburn,
v 9 iiugnea, uaoatur. Joan bluyd, "
(InattD Ji aona-KVuHDAr, Mat Sunt.
A J Ilageitr, Clearfield, Wm MulTat, Dec a tor,
(I W Difhey, Hnntsdale H It frlogal, lihen.
J II Kelly, N Wasb'gton Ham'l Stiles, Uulich.
J J Fie, Urccita A 11 Hosenkraos.lluaU I
A K Oreen, Ueeraria, (Fred brown,
H h Uenderaon, Hell, Jno 6 wan, Jr., Jordan,
Ed Hoover, Hoggs, i Philip Kibard, Knox,
Jeff Lit a, Uradlojd. I J F Mullen, Lawrence.
Chas Hediler " J W H .llenbar h, M.rrls
W I Carl, " I .Inn n Kyler,
J 8 Fry, ilurnslde, W N Froihero, Sandy,
K U (Jearhart, ltrcaiut,' Jno Clark, Woodward,
tiRCosD Wr.tK Mot.r, Mat Sflrg.
Harry Ross, Clearfield, M W Johnson, Orern'd
Krn-at Hock, WJ Conrad, tiulich,
.las Moore, Hnniidale, jtleo W Spies,
lon Ht Oeo Franer " N. F. Drown, Ilutton,
John H 1'otter, L City, J Rnrnkrans, "
I. li Clomsoa. Newbrug. Wm H oil man, "
Wm Maya, Osceola, Patnyl lee, u
And Kloar,Wallacftiio, ; I'eter May, Kaoi,
Isaac l.yle, Hereana, W M Cathrart, "
Han't liodlo, " IWffl Lockett,
Lcmual Knot, " IK J Shaflner, Lawrenct,
Snmuel Wetiel, Bell, Hugh Mullen, "
W D Hhirey, Uradl'ord, 'Tha I.ibieh,
J L I'earce, " jWrn Iteaumont, "
Haia'l Lans berry " J Dangltbarger, Pika,
w a Hoover, " ,Cbriat Wardlock,
Daniel Fiiher, Chrit(
Hotiert I'orter.
Albert DeWtlt.
1 K K tint 1, Hanrjy,
Lewis bVhaller, Handy,
Thomas kills.
J CatberwooJ, Decatur, (ieo (laskin,
t r li Alaltsro. J u Harris,
John Ilnghes, D W Morgan, Woodw'd,
W B Morgan, " Chaa K Kea, "
l)an'l liuuser, tirahatt, 1 Harry llartntn, M
W. tha noderelnel. hsreby ear t if that tha
foregoing list of names of persons were drawn by
ns on ine iq aay ot April, A. v. 11, in accord
ancf with eeaire lasaed by tha H.n. Charles A.
Mayer, F resident Judge of tbo Conrls of Clear
flsld eounty, bear in a data tbo 2d day of Anril.
A. D. ISHI, to serve ai Orand and T rat arse
Jorrir la the aeveral Courts to ba held at Clear
field, commencing on tbo foarth Monday
in diay, a, v, iiri,io continue two waear.
Jary COM.MiOMn
f Warflald, Pa-, Apr. I, ISSl-w.
$m flmttsfmnits.
in COfi r"day at w. Hatople worth
O'J 10 CCV B frra. Addreea (Smaoa A Co ,
Cortland, Main. moh3,ftlly J
ia hereby given that Littera of Admlnie.
.ration so the aetata of 1IKNKY HOOVKK, lata
of Brady tewnthip, Clearfl.ld eounty, I' a., dee'd,
having been duly k ranted U th undnriigned, all
periona Indebted to aald aataU will pleat mike
iiu mediate- payment, and thnae having claims or
deiuande titainat tho aame will preieot them prop.
rly authenticated for aettlemDot. without delay ,
A. M. DltAUCKKH, Aduiiniatratur.
Ulhetilmrc, fa., April ITth, lftM-Gt.
(1A. TION.Alt poreona aro herel.y warned
J ajtuln't purchasing or io any way meddling
with the lullowing peraonal property, now lo tbe
potMiiion ot J. 11. COUPON, of borntlde, vis :
Two hay bortes and on el ut double harnaii.
The foregoing property was purchased by tot at
private" aale on tbo 10th day of r vbruury lait, and
1' allowed to re main in the poaaeaaion of said
J. H. Oorion on loan only, subjeat to mr order
at any timo. C 11. PATKICK.
liuraaidr, Pa., April 10, lf-Sil-31.
H(i r a 01,0 iiKio(ii2 i.iimhi:h
I-OH HAIel'rhaanderalgnad, County
Cuuitnlssionerr, will salt for eaih, at tha Court
lluuie, in the borough or Clearlield, 00 Fit I DAY,
the 6th day of MAY, lbbl, at I o'clock V. M ,
the houe knowa as the Uoodfellow bridge toll
house. The pnrchaacr to remove the same within
three months from data of sale. Alro, on same
day, tbe old bridaro lumber It in on tba river
bank. C. W. KYI.KK.
rieerfleld, Fa , AptU 27, H81-2l.
Real Estate alPrivate Sale I
Homestead of A H. Bbaw, Dec'd, ,
rpilB homestead of A. II. (Shaw, deo'd, situata
X in Lawrence township, adjoining Clearfield
buruvEh, l'a., is ollered fur sale. It la boumlail '
and described aa follows: Fronting 435 feet on I
ma mert tnenoo oxtending baok along the:
borough lino aouth Ttt degrees eaat 34K feet to the
gruuiiJs of tbe Railroad Company ; thence along
the samo north I degrees oast 4 1 A feet to lot of
Uas Company ; thenoe along same north 7ij de
gress west to Water street, ountatning
and having thereon erected a large and well fio
istud dwelling bouse 40x'Aii (ret with"L"at
tabed fix-it) feet, aho a gond barn about 4Di40
feet with other outbuildings. For terms or other
particulars Inquire ol
T. H. Ml'RHAY, (liiardisn,
or W. W, HtTIH, Adiuiiilstrator.
Cloirfleld, l'a., April 3?tb, SH.0t.
riMHAl, l.lNT. Tbe following Is a list of
J. causes set down for trial for J quo Trrui,
laM, commencing May 23d :
A I. Hollitlay, for use, vs. P. Flynn.
tlrorge bingbatn vs. P. Flynn.
W. D. Irvio ys. R. C. Thompson.
M. Rankin, Aisinca, vs. Wainrlght A Co.
(iilhert Thorns a vs. Jacob Iliiger.
Chriitian lay et al. va. Richard Arthurs at al.
William Westover vs. Jas. A Kaaon McKwen
JH hillcnA 8 Mt Kartan vs. H. Cowan A J. Taylor
Michael Hubert vs. M. A. A J. MeGraner.
V, C. Ky A Co. va. Jesse W. Carlisle.
Cheiter Munion, et al. ys. Robert Lira et al,
B. U. Hrhitonoter vi. V. W. A J. M. Holt.
Bifler, Young A Co. vs. John Dullois.
Mitchell Askey vs. Kmanuel Kunti.
Conttantine fihlglvy vs. Win. A Louisa Irvio.
E U. Wilms vs. It. F. Douglas at al.
M M. 1'uHree, Adtn'i, vs. Woodland Fire U Co.
Co Nat Hank of Of'd vt. A. Hamphrev.
Co Nat Hank of Clf'd va. W ilhaw A. Wallace.
Stewart A I'earca re. William Luther.
John 1. Irvin vs. Jainea A. Bloom,
Bridget Baker va. A. V. Bailroad Co.
J R Mi'Farlnnc ACo.usa vs. William Wertover.
M. Hubert vs. Christ. Haag.
(Itorpe M. Briibin vs. J. J. Lingl.
Ithauier Dale va. Thomas C. Kyler.
Samuel Milliken va. W. 8 White A in.
K R. Kuie vi. J. T. Hunt.
W II Armstrong, Ei'r vs. K A. A W. D. Iryin.
Win. Hull man vs. Casper Lelpoldt et a I.
JAMI.S KhRK, Prothonotary.
RlXISTi:KH hOTU'rWNotloa la here
by given that tba Mluwing account hare
been examined and pas'd by me, and remain
Aled of record in this olfioo for tha Inspection of
heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others interested,
antl will jo presented to tbe neit Orphans' Coort
of Clearfield eounty, to ho hold at tha Court
House, In the borough of ClearliehL commencing;
on tho fourth Monday (being tho I'M day) of
way, a. u. i3i :
Final a r count of Kdward Curry, Administrator
of n. h. Curry, let of Cbost township, Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania, deceased.
Partial account af W. W. Bttts and .Mary E
Phew, Administrators of A. H. Shaw, late of
Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Pa , dto'd.
Final account of Joseph M. Spencer, Uuardian
of Lydla P. Porter, (io extatocf Nancy Porter,)
lataol Clearfield ouuoty, Pennsylvania, deceased.
Final eeotient of Kavbarla MeNaal, Oanrdlaa
of Arthur McBrtde, eon and heir of Wm, M Bride,
Sr., lata of Curwensvillo borough, Clearfield coun
ty, 1'enn'a.
Final account of Lydla P. Leonard, Administra
trix- of the et I ate of Cbarlea W. Leonard, lata of
Lawrence township, Clearfield oounty, Peonsyl.
vania, deceased.
Final aooount of J. II. Penti. Guardian of W. C
Prnli, ono of tbo hrlrs of Jacob Pents, lata of
if rail y towneblp, Clearfield oounty, 1'eon a, deed.
Final account of P. K. Pents, Kxecntorof tbe
last will and testament of Jacob Penis, lata of
tira'ly township, Cisarlield oounty, l'a , deceased.
Final account of Dr. J. W. Potter and C. Brown.
Aduiiniktratoia C. T. A. the personal estatt of
loon natter, rr , lata of Covington township,
CI esr field comity, deceased, wilh distribution ac
oount. Final account of Joseph Patterson and Alex.
Ferguson, In estate of Joseph MoCully , deceased.
(il'OIUiK M. FEHfl L'SOV, Register.
Clearfield, Pean'a, April 27, 1 SH 1 .
W nan rah. Hon. C. A. MAYER. President
Judge of the Court of Common Plea of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, oomposed of
tbe oountiei of LlearQold, Centra and Clinton
and Hon. Airam Oodrn and Hon. Vircrnt B.
Holt, Associata Judgei af Clearfield county
have issued their precept, to ma directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and Conrt of General Jail Deliv
ery, at tho Conrt Honae at Clearfield, in and for tha
county of Clearfield, commencing oo Iho Fifth
Monday uf Nay. uHHIi day) A. I. Ihhi,
and to rontliiuo lor one week.
NOTICE 18, therefor, hereby given to the
Coroner, Justices of tha Peace, and Constable!,
in and for said eounty of Clearfield, to appear ia
their proper persona, with their Records, Rolls,
Inquisitions, Kiatninations, and other Remem
brances, to do those things which to their offices,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
By an Aet of Assembly, passed th 8th day of
May, A. 11. .HS4, it is made tbe duty or the Jus
tices of tbo 1'eaca of tb.e several eountiea of thia
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Besalona of tbo respective
eountiea, all the recognisance entered lnU before
them by any pcraon or parson charged with the
eom mission of any crime, except euob oases aa
may ba ended be lure a Justice of tho Peace, un
der existing laws, at least tea day before the
oomm-nremt-nt of the loasloa of tba Court to
which they r made returnable respectively, and
In all cases where any recognisance are entered
Into lesa than ten day before the commencement
of the lesalon to which they are road returna
ble, the said Juatice are to return th earn in
the asm manner a if said act had not been
OIVKN ander my hand at Clearfield, tbi ftth
day of April, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand lplit hundred and euhty-ono. fl 10 JAMBS MAIIAFFKV, Sheriff.
Id the county la to ba found at
Western Holel Comer,
CXJXIA.T. JfX 33 r.X3, T V
rR bar Just retarned from the Kaitsra
market with a largo stork of flrst-elas
Spring Summer Clol
Waled will k. le!4 eheaper !be aar. Thanking
tba pubhe fur pa.t tarnra, wa inrita . eall
before purehaaine; ala,bar.
Old Western Hotel Corner,
4trll 17,
$tK drrrtisfrarnts.
'like imhi hanxk a;i:it.
Poatufflu. AJdreea.
arAaaela of Coniany rapreaeoUJ. It I ,OOA,OUO .
April 17, 'ai tr.j
WILL be sold very low, to close ao estate, a
valuable timber traut of 1,0 JO ACRkiS, in
bbippen township, Cameron eounty, Pa., kaowu
as Warrant No. 'ii'H 1 has been owned a number
of year by a Philadelphia family, and will ba
old at a decidfd bargain.
6iu Arch Ht., Pbila.
April 20, ISRl-lm.
AI'DIKIK'H NOTICIWrhe understood
Auditor, appointod by the Orphan-' Court
of Clearfield oounty, Penn'a, to distribute the
balance in the hands of James McKeoan. Admin
tstrator 1. B. N. of F. K. Ratlerty, late of 1'enn
township, deceased, amongst those legally enti
tled thereto, hereby give botio that be will at.
lend to the duties of bis appointment at bis tiffli-e
io the borouib of ClrartMd, on TH U RiSlM V.
the illl DAY OP MAY, lOs'elk A M.
D. W. MoCCKDY. Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa , April 10. 1881-3t.
WILLIAM II. DEAN, 'rvprir.
-Thls house I pleasantly located on East
Market street, and convenient to the Court House
and all business pjarea of the town. It baa re
cently been refitted and refurnished frem ellar
tu attie. liar supplied with choicest liquors.
Telle fumlihed wilh the bt-st th marketaHorua.
Uood stable attached. Hates moderate
April 13, JBHl-tf.
Save moneY
Geo. Weaver & Co.,
Dry Goods, Notions,
Bootsf Shoes, HatsgCaps,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, f4c, &c.
Hianbhil for pn.l f.rnre we Inriln tbe public
tn call and are our large aal Bear Block of Rooda,
arhieb wa will diapoae of at reaaonable ratea for
cH, or exchaDjre tor oouolry produce.
I'ulite aod allrotire clerka lo wait upon enu,
and pricea dowa low.
Clearlield, Pa.. April 20, IMI-tf.
SherifTs Sale.
1Y virtu of writs of Ft. F , laaued
J I out of th Court of Common Flea of Clear
Held county, and to ma directed, there will b
ipoeed to FUHLIO BALK, at the Conrt Honae,
in th borough of Clearfield, on
Thuradny, May Ml, Im,
At 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described real
ei late, to wit
One lot In th villa of West CloarflelJ, Law.
re nre township, Clearfield ounty, Fa., fronting
on River Street AO feet and eitenditif bark lUO
feel to an alley, beinjr about lt feet by ftO feet,
bounded by Lot No. 1 on th South, and by an
alley oa th North, having t hereon erected a
large frame building consisting of four aeparet
dwelling house, and other outbuildings. Tbe
dwelling house being roofed with tin aod good
cellars undrr each, and known in the plan of aa id
village a Lot No. S.
On Kit in the village of West ClrlltM, town -ship
and county aforesaid, adjoining the above
lot, end known in the plan of said tillage as lot
No, 1, fronting on River (Street AO feet; lb son
hy lot No. 3, 1 U0 feet to Fnmt Stret, thence by
Front Street 10 feet moro or lest, thenoe by Nich
ols Street about I AO feet to River Street, having
thereon erected a frame shop, on story high, 10
by SO fvot.
Tine lot in lain village, township and county,
known In tha plan of tba village of West Clear -dc
Id a Lot No. 27, fronting 60 feet oo Merrell
Street and extending back 180 fret to an alley,
bounded on tha West by Weaver Street, aud on
th Vast by Lot No. 20.
Lot tn earn village, towtuhip and county, and
known ia the plan of aaid vtlfig aa Lot No. 29,
fronting 50 feet on Merrell Street, and attending
back IfcO fret to an alley, bounded on tha W eat
by Lot No. 37, and on tbe best by Lot No, Ji.
Lot In same village, townrhip and eounty, and
known in the plan of sail village, ai L t No. Si,
fronting 60 feet on Merrell Street and ex'ending
back 180 feet to aa alley, bounded n the West
by Lot No. 20, and oo the Kail by Lot No. 24.
Lot in aame village, township and oounty, and
known in the plan of aaid village aa Lot No. 2 4,
fronting 60 feat on Merrell Street, aid extending
baok I8(l feet to an alley, hounded on th West
by Lot No. 26 and on tbe East by an alley.
Lot In same village, township and couoty, and
known in the plan of said tillage aa Lot No.
fronting 60 feet on Merrell Street, and xtending
hark IfO fret to an alley, bounded on th Wet
by an alley and on lb Ket by Lot No, 21.
Al SO,
Lot In same village, township and oonntr. and
known in the plaa of said village as Lot No. 22,
fronting 60 leet on Merrell Street, and cxtendin g
back 1 fret to an alley, bounded on tha Weal
by Lot Xo.t.1 and an th Kast by Lot No. II.
Lot ia lime village, townnhlp and couoty, and
known in the plan of aaid v illage as Lot No. 21,
fronting 60 feat on Merrell Street and attending
back I Hit feet to an alley, bounded oa th West
by Lot No. 22 and on th Kast hy Lot No. 20.
Lot in same village, township and oountv, and
known In th plan of said village as Lot No. 20,
fronting 60 feat oa Merrall Street and extending
back 1 W0 feet to an alley, bounded on th West
by Lot No. 21 and on tba Kast hy William St.
Lot Id au village, township ao eonntr, and
known in, tbe plan of said Till ago as Lit No. 1 it,
fronting on Merrell Street 60 feet and stoding
hack 1N0 feet to aa alley, bounded on th West
by Willia-a Straet aad on tbe Kast by Lot No. IH.
Lot io earn village, township and oountv, and
known In th plan of said village as Lt No. U,
fronting 60 feet en Merrell Street and ettendlng
hark I NO feet ta aa alley, bounded on th West
by Lot No. Ill and ao th East by Lot No. 17.
Lot in ami Tillage, township aod eounty, and
kntwa to tbe plan of said Village a Lit No. IT ,
fronting oa Merrell Street 60 feet and extending
back ISO feet to an alley, bounded on the West
by Lot No. II aad en th Kast by Lot No. 16.
Lt in tam village, township and ooontv, and
known to tbe plan of aaid village aa Lot No. 10,
fronting 60 fet on Merrell Straet and extending
back 180 feet to an alky, bounded on lh West
by Lot No. IT and on tb East by an alley.
Lot In tame village, township and eounty, and
known In the plan of said village aa Lot No, 16,
fronting 61 feat an Merrell Street and extending
back 10 feet lo ao alloy, bounded nn tha West
by an alley and oo the Kt by Lot Ne. U.
Lot Id aanto village, township and eounty, and
known lo th plan of aaid village aa Let Ne. I 4
fronting 66 feet oo Merrell Htret and extending
back 10 feat to ao alley, hounded on tha West
hy Lot No. 16 and oo tb Kast by Lot No. IS,
Lot lo earn village, township and eouatv, and
knowa lo th plao of Said village aa Lot No. II
fronting 66 feet on Merrall Htreei and axUndlng
bark 1H1 feel to ao alloy, bounded oo th Wait
by Lot No. 14 and on th Kast by Lot No. I).
Lot la lam village, township and county, tD4
known lo tb plan ol said village aa Lot No. 12
frootlog 66 feat oo Merrall Street and x ten ding
bk IttO feet to an alley, bounded an tha Weal
by Lot No, 1 aad oo tba Kast by Front Street.
All of tb before mentioned sixteen Lot or
bounded on th Soath by Merrell Street,
Lot In ftta village, township aod eoaaty, end
hoewo io the plaa af aaid village a Lot Ne. 46,
fraatiag aa both Merrall Straet aod the towoahtp
road, biag a Lot 60 by 1 10 feat, bo aad 4 ao tha
Segal 'rtvrrtlsfmfntg.
North by Merrell Street, oo tha Rt by Last
Street, oa tbe South by towuebip road aad oa lb
West by Lot No. 44.
Lot in aame village, township and eounty, and
known ia tb p'sn sf aaid tillage a Lot No. 44,
fronting oo both Merrell Stmt aod tba township
road, being a Lot 66 by IttO feat, bounded by
Mrrll 8lret an th North, by Lot No. 46 oo
tb Kast, tb township road oo tb South and
Lot No. 44 oo the West.
Lot In seme village, townsh ip and eounty, and
known to tbe plan of said village at Lot No. 4'd,
fronting on both Merrvll Street and the town
ship road, bing lot 66 by 160 fet bounded
on the North ly Merrell Street, on lb Keel by
Lot No. 44, on th South by township road and
on th West hy Lot Ne. 42.
Lot to asm village, township aud county, and
known In lh plan of said vlltag as Lot No. 42,
fronting on both Merrell Straet and lh township
road, being a Lot 66 by 146 fret, bounded by
Merrell htrect on tb North, Lot No. 43 on tbe
Kast, th township read on tb (south, and Lut
No. 41 on lb Wel,
Lot tn lam village, township and oounty, and
known la lh plan of said villa ne a Let No. 41,
fronting on both Merrell Street and tit town
ship road, bounded by Merrall btrret oo tb
North, Lot No. 42 oa tb Kast, township road op
th South, Fare; Street oo th West, being a Ut
60 by I I'D fret.
All of the Defendant's interest in a certain traot
or piece of land situate In Lawrenc township,
Clearfield county Fa, being the one undivided
on fourth interest (subjret to widow's dower) In
th said t rant, bounded a follows i Bounded by th
turnpike road, lots of H. Newton Shaw, Samuel
Rail, MtltuB Nichols, land of theeitate of Rich-;
ard Sbaw,nr.,deoat'd,Martio Nichols, deceased,
and 'luheh, containing about 17 aero, mora
or tr, being part of th eat at of Jonathan
Riobols, duoeaaed, with about 12 aeres clear d
thereon and under cultivation.
On other piece or tract of land situal in ,
Lawrence township, Clearfield eeutity and S.ate !
of For, n7 Ivan i. and kuowa as " Merrell' I
Woods, bounded and described a follows, fiat
lieginning at poat corner oa the towanhip road, I
tbenoe South 2 .If West 311 porohea to poet on line
of Fair tlrnnnda thence South 87 i West along
th line of lh Fair Uruuods 2U 6-10 perches to
a post ; then North 21 Kast 29 6-10 perches to
a pint ; tbenoe Noith ST 4 Kast 6 perches to a post ;
thence North tV'l Kast IS 6-10 perches Ut poat on
lownrliip road ; Thane Houth Kast 22 perches
along township red to place uf beginning, con
taining seven acre and twvniy-iiv percuss.
There ia erected on the sttne, a large train build-'
ing tO a 70 feet, ablogls roof and a good floor, 1
with a porch all around it. There are also erected
upon it five other building. The woods ar un-d-r
brushed and cleaned off. Tb whole having
beei. nrraDged fT tbe purp tr of apio-nlc ground
and the buildings are auitabl for that purpua !
One other piece of ground situate to the village
of Wost Clearfield, and bounded and described as
follows, via: lleginning at the East aid of the
North end of Front Street in said village ; thenoe
along Front Street South 200 leet to Merrell St .; !
thence South 87i Kast 147 feet to a 26 foot ellev ; j
tli one North 2d K. 85 fuel lo a poat; throe
North 621 West 131 leet to a post; theooe North !
26 Kast 100 feet to a post; thane North 874 1
West H7 feet tu pott and place of beginning .
All of the interest of th Defendant of in aod I
loth fallowing described Lot nrpiee of land,'
situata in the village of West Clearfield, Law- j
rone townilup, Clearlield eounty, Fa. , bounded '
and described as fallows, via: beginning at a!
pott, corner of land of R. Shaw, jr., at the water i
edge on the bank of tbe Susquehanna River;!
thence aloeg line of Shaw's land N. i West 29-
8 16 perches to a post ; throe H. 2i W, 6 1-10 j
perches to a post ; thence S. 63 K- 21 11-10 perches j
'o a post on the bank of the Susquehanna River ; j
TLence dwasaid Hirer N. 21 K. 17 3-10 porches ;
to plaeei.r hogmnlDg, eontsirrtng two acres more!
or lesf, exi'epMng and reserving out of aame a lot
conveyed to Frauds Nirb'ils, and alio part of land aoavryed lo Wm. 1). fiigler, having
thereon erected a large two-atory frame bouse
with kiuthco, stab aud other outbuilding.
Si iiod talttn In exeuution aad to be sold nJ tba
property of 0cr B Merrell.
All the right, till end interest or the Iefcnd
ants in and tu all that portion of a tract of land,
situated partly in the lowuship of Kuah, iu th i
rnunty of Centre, aod partly in the township ot
Morris, in the oounty of Clearfield, Fcnturlva- I
nia, It ing and being io th township of Morria
aforesaid, the whole tract being bounded and de- J
wribed follows : On the north by lands la'e ,
of lltnry Loraine, deceaced, on the east by lands 1
of Uuay and Kyler, on tbe south by a tract of land
in the waranter name of Andrew Oraff, anJ on
tb wt by lands late of lirown A Co... contain
ing 407 acrea and 1.17 perches, aurvryed the 1st
day of April, 17V3, on a warrant In the Dims of
Christian Muster.
All tb right, title and Interact of th Defend
an's in arid, to all that certain traot of land situ
ated io th township of Morris, io th county af
Cl'iarfiidd aforesaid, boundrd and described as
follows : lleginning at a stone-heap, formerly a
white oak corner ; theno by land late of Lever
aad learaioe south I2i"i probe t a post taeaae
east lo perches to a punt ; thenr by lands for- '.
ved to Robert Raiuey north 220 6-10tbs pr-I
Cues to a whit pin; theno aloag land aur- ,
vejed to Stephen Kingaton 164 perches to the i
pi are of beginning, eeutatning Svil acres aod 87
perch and allowance, and wa surveyed ia pur
suant? of a warrant, dated 1.1th of March, 1637,
inued to Leonard Kyler.
All the right, till and Interest of tbe Defend
ants in and to all that certain tractof land situated
in the township of Morris, in tho eounty of Clear
Add aforesaid, bounded and described aa follows :
Regioning at a fallen hemlock j theno south 2i
degrees wrst 216 perches to a whit pin; thenr
north ST 4 degrees wast .11 6 A-ltftba perches to a ma
pie tree; thano north 2ft degree east 16.! 6-IOtba
perche to a post theno south 84 degrees west
fit 1- 10th perches to a post : theno north 2 de- i
grees east 01 3-IOtbs perche to a hemlock j
theno south 85 degrees east 247 I lOths perches ;
to the place of beginning, containing 412 acre
and 64 penbea, mora or leap, it being a part of a
larger traot surveyed In tb name of John Houa- !
All tb right, title and Interest of th Defend
ants io all that certain traot of land situated io
the township of Morris, io th oounty of Clear
field aforesaid, bounded and described aa follows:
Beginning at a sprue corner; theooe by tho
Dsniel Mills porch ate north ntt degree weit 160
perches to a pin t theno by tb John Taylor and
John Houston survers 226 porohea to a pin;
thenoe soath H degree west (corner, called ia
the original survey south); thence east 76 perch
to a post ; thenoe north lj degrees east 106 per
ches to spruce ; theno south ttH degrees east 84
prrche to a poit ; thenoe north lfc degrees ast
130 perches to the place of beginning, oontaiaing
170 acres, and being part et two larger survey
in lh warranto name af David R-rerage ami
Francis Johnston. Thereupon retd a two
storied frame hoas, stable, and other oat build
ings. brised, taken In locution, and to b sold as
th property of John H. Wagoner, Administrator,
Ac , William C. Wagoner, deceased, Mrs. Ktisa
iielh W agoner, mother, John 11. Wagoner, broth
er and bnrs of aaid decease), and Jtbn II. Wag
oner, oo Defendant af aaid William 0. Wagoner ,
All of Defendant's Interest lo alt that certain
house and lot situated io tho village of Ailcmao
ville.Uulieh township, Clearfield county. Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follow j Ba-
a 1 " m w" - t menn aouin w argreos
along the road known a the' 'Stone lljad"' J73 leet,
tbenoe along land of 11. A 11 r men oortn 60) drgreos
east iVi leet; thence alon alley adjoining lands
of John Bowman 31 degrees oast li feet ; thenc
south 68 degrees wsit U4 feet to plao of begin
ning, having thereon erected a 3 story frame
la.lli a I f ...LI. 1 -..
-"-..a. k v,n, .nut aiavie, anu viner ouiouiia
ingl. ALSO.
All of Defendant's Interest to four other
lots, situated in Allrmauville, Clearfield county,
I'nnnae lrnl knnniUd enil .!.-. k.. I i n . t.
Commencing on Main street, along tb'
- ar.riaa., w.aj Uimi 111! BIODg
th Una of Daniel Spangl properly 126 root;
thence South .1VJ drres vst ItlO feet, or such
distance as the grouad may give to Maia street ;
SI? fatal thin. ....k till J . .. .
iiii'ure ia Mam sirret norm 9 degrees wast
126 leet ami uluu nt ka.Uniha .. j
reserving tb water where It ii now flowing io
r.r , a ' " ,,u mi privilege oi
property of lsiac J, Konmao.
All of Defendant's Interest In a certain tract of
land situated in Woodward township, Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described aa
followa, viit Beginning at a whit plo; thence
Booth 'AM nerehra tn a nnal ik.n.. ......
th line of John M, Chase 144 pcrebet to a post
.., nrgr! jrJO p'CQS tO a
hemlock i thenc cast 130 prcha to a hemlock ;
lhnc aoatk 1 .U ri-paa -. i k .
hemlock wast 16 perches to th place of begianiag
containing 29 acres aod 110 parch, more or
' " - -VI..VIMI.H Bnt- uaaer a goo state
of cultivation, anrl hat-ine-ih.i-n . i
frama dwelling houa, largo frame bank barn,
....., ... . wiin aocii, grant anus, and
otber outbuildings also, a large orchard of ap
ple trees. r
Seised, taken lo sxo-utiun and la ba mid as tb
property of Aui'lo Klmo.
All of th Defendant' Interest In all that ear
tain lot of ground sltoaud lo Chest township
Clearfield Oounty, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows i Itairinnin. .. . ..
Cbost creek ( theno north Mrlg drcr west V
r as i josrpu n. nrem to a post j
theno hy land of said Joseph H. Hreth north 61
degrees east l(t M0 perches to a post ( thenr by
land of said Hreth south 8I degree ast 8 110
perch to a post thon bv land of sal 1 Bretb
seuth Hi degre west 16 810 parche to a poat
and nlao of bavlnatn- a, I r.
-- -m m' 'n a morw ana
9 10 perchea, all cleared and baring thereon
..n - i-wnnri iraute nouse mxio toat.hitohon
attarhed, 13x14 (Wt, and storeroom attached
16x22 feet, a I an a ntn.m.h.. i '
fran,. H, fC -P. ....
Belied, taa.n la eierailea ..j te ba ti,d aa
Ike flperl, ot O. F. I'lerea.
the property ahall be .truck aff aaan be paid .1
w oer erranieenente
.?. D' PP'". .tberwla. lha prapartT
will .a ... . i .. r
. .... mr mm wla aval. .1
lha eipee.e .nd rlak f th. p.reon te .hoi. it
....., .aa. ai delete..? .1
a.rh re.a.le, .ha.ll aa... tKt Ike aaeaa, d I.
laataaa. .Ill lh. Heed he praaeaud I. Oo.rt
far ,,,M y,, mm , tnut.
paid w lh. Hharlf. JA. tUY '
aa.irr'a Ornoa, a
CW.U, X Aprtl IT, llll. J "'
Jl nr gidf rrtisrmcntg.
WANTr.nTero praetleal eallUra .l.b ,
take a nill either oa the aharee er a.,rk
b, th. month. I'Dileraund Baillin, hr th. a.,
tireoe.a. Co jfire good reeolameinUilnna. Ai.t.l
lo or addraaa A. J. HOT TH A II do , '
Ule. lloita. Cleerfield Co., pa
.lirll I, IKS I Jl.
Istochanical and Agricultural Limo
of tho Vory Bost -Mako 1
Low Ulatoo of Froigfct on
. Full Car Loads.
TA N D FLA3TBK. VV aell thsCayuga groUn4
J p la. ter et low prices by ths ear load. i
spt-aklog of tbi celebrated plaiur as ciniiurr
with the Novasootla or wbil plaster, the mt
Judd Co., publisher of th American Africuiiur.
in, eay, "There 1 no difference j tb pnoe i
th only eonaidtratiwo." A'idreas,
April Oth, 1881 am. Itelleloute, l'.
nH Ki; AM) IMT FOR HAI.K...Tht
property aituat in the borough of 0-m
Mills, and known and sold as lbs property c.f
D Hamilton, and being lot No. 63, bounded bv
Coal street on lb south, and on the west ,y Mr,,,,
street, having thereon a two story dwilliN
house. Urge shop aad clbr buil4ingr. Ili ii
be raoeived for the Sam up to the first Mditiv i f
May, at wtiiob time the same will be awarded to
th bighsft and best bidder. Frtferroce will bt
given to cash bidders. No hid other than fir one.
half cash and tba balance In one jeer, will it
received or considered. The Commissioners will
be at Ilojt's ho'l on Monday, May 2d, 1-il, tt
lu o'clock A. M. to receire bids.
Hy onler oft he Hoard.
CtearBeU, Fa , April 2(, 18sl It.
lf IMito i')IJ at private 1, a first H mi
y farm, simile io Jordan township, Cluj.
field county, Fa.. known as the WILLIAM Will.
IAMS farm, containing 120 acres and allowan-e,
with about 76 acres cleared and under god
of u)tiration, having thereon erected
.Veil Dm shod, a large han't barn and all the
nrccavary otilbuiltlings. Also, a good be trio j
orchard cfah.iut7& trres, Ac. Will bo sold fh-t
for cash, or oo payment t suit purrbaser. I-",.r
particulars, Ac, Inquire of, or add -ess A. ti.
Kramer, Clrarfield, Pa , or the uudmifrned at
Newburg, (Hjrd F. O.J Clearfield cnuitv, 't
Hurl Mirrb 'M'-.h,
Re-Union of Trade.
rriH K undersigurd wishing to inform tie pu- 'ic
that ha opened a
At tbe old stand in Troutrtlle, Clarfl l oiuatv,
Fa., un the I Bill lost., with a lull Hock l
DltV .OOI, (.HOltHI i;, MHH,v
lUrota, talinfa, i:tc,
In fact everything to be found in a tint -: n,,,
all of which I am detormtoid to sell at the kweii
cash price.
FAHMtllJ AXll I,L'Mlti:it
Will find it to tbrir adrantage to do their diir,g
wilh me, a the highest prices will be paid fur
Urain, Hhingles, or Fruduce of anj kind, l'art
or one-half eash will paid. Trtm; for
Shingles or Lumber of any kind a spi'cialtv. A'-e,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
ITering tnaJa arraDfretoenta with Kaatrra mar
oh. ota to aell goode furniahed tne, therefore rait
and are, aa I will ba enabled to aell cheeper then
the cheapeat. J. W . CA III. I I E,
Troutnlle, Pa., Sept 14, '7 ly. Agrnl.
Trustee's Sals
Valuable Heal Estate !
IV virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court of
I) Clrarfield county, made Mjrch 2itb. IKS.
tlirre will be exposed lo puhlio sal, at the CUl HI
JHH h, in CLKAKF1KLD, PA , on
Monday, May 10th, 1881,
A certain tract of land, 1st tb pronsrfv cr Jih
FKPH YOTHFK8, sttuatcd in K A Kill ACS
TOWNSHIP, .Clearfield county, Ferine. Ivarut,
bounded a followa : On tb north bv Unl af
I. O. McCloskev, South bv laola nt Vhmtir Mahn
ratal and Thomas White, east by lands of Ohirr
as oo re ana i nomas White, and aa lb win by
lands of Oliver Moor aad 1. C. AlcCloskev. oaa-
107 Acres and Allowance,
Having about TO aora cleared and under a feed
state of cultivation, with good orchard rf cbiice
fruit, the balance having about H'.oflo feet of oak
and pin timber tbtreon. There is alio a
large two and one half story frem bouse, and
barn about 40x60 feet, thereon erected, sni s
good spring of water near th building. Th
greater part of it la underlaid with good coal.
On-third car-h on confirmation of sale, out-
third In one year, and one-third in two jean
thereafter. Tb deferred payments to be with
Interest, aod secured by bond and mortg.ig upot
the premises. W. J. I10FFKK, Truilse.
Clearfield, Pa., April IS, 1881-St.
Trustee's Sale
Valuable Real Estate !
Y virtue of an order of the Orpbana' Coort ef
I) Clearfield oountv, made March
there will be exposed to public aale at the l Ul KT
iiuivaa, in i.b.AKl,LU, FA., on
Monday, May IGth, 1SS1,
A certain tract of land, late the nronrrtv tf
FRKDIilUCK F ft At LEY, deceased, aituit ia
C1IKST TOWNSHIP. Clearfl.ld mi.It. PrBD-
sylvania, bounded as follows, vn : Oa the north
by lands of John M. Westover, south hy hands of
nuiu lainasay, cast oy lands or Antbony dsr
vy, and ast by land of llsory I'earce,
Containing lOt) Acrtv,
And ALLOWANCE, more or less, having abcot
fil acres cleared and under a good it at of culti
vation, with good growing orchard, good boast,
large bare, aod good spring of water thrrf-cs.
The remainder Is covered with good PINK TIM
ItKH. The same is underlaid with BITI MIN-
01 S COAL.
One-third eah on con firm at ion of aale. cat-
third In on year thereafter, with lntrt, secoM
by bond and mcrtfitra upon th nremlsei, sa4
th remaining one-third to remain In th property
and to be secured by recngoisanee, tb in i tret t
thereof to be paid annually to Kits Ana Fra itj.
'Mow, durii.g ber life, and at ber death tba
rincipalto be paid to tbe heir of said Frrdri.-k
ralley, deocesd. J. P. FKY, fruits.
Wostover, Fa., April M,
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Rospcctfully solicit thoir pntron
and the pul.lie tenerallT io aall anJ aiaa-
ine their near atoci of
Spring and Summer Goods,
CKlim(ircii, VoWetocna, IVlnim,
i,swn, Uinfjliamo, 1'rjnlK. Ln
bloa'ihfd and llloirhcit M in
line, Kancy Kkirtu, Sheet
iiiR", Tickinira), Curiwt",
ItiiRii, Oil Cloths,
I.nundrieJ, Whilo,
Choviot and Percale
ShirU, OIotcs, Neckwear,
Mon'i and Uojr,' Clothing,
Until, Cap,, Hoots, Shoes, etc., etc
Groceries & Gen'l Merchnmliso
Will ba found nt Aral nunlilV. (nil
satisfaction is (ruarontocd. The f"1'
lowing aro always kept on nan"'
(soins few only in thoir sen):
Sugars, Teas, Coffeos, Spices. Syrup'
Confectioneries, Oranges, l.oniona
Bunanas, Kigs, Dales, oto., HnrJ
wars, (jueonsvrara, CJlii"" wore,
Tinware, Wood and Willow
ware, Taints, Oils, Clocks,
Tranks,Vnlises, Mirrors,
Stationery, Kurnituro,
& Miners' Supplies
Jul- 28, 1830 tt