Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 04, 1881, Image 1

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j j w. SMITH,
tl:I:7J Clearfield, Pa.
1:19 l'ltllllburr. Centra Co., Pa. y:pd
CurwcBeville, Clearfield oouolj, P..
Ml t, '78-if.
(r-'lffin la Ibe Optra Ilouae. octll, '78 If.
Clearfield, Pa.
dr Offlra ono door eaet of Shaw Hoaee,
n Mt.orle building, Second llreet, op-
.unto the Court lloui
J.2B.7S tl.
T ('. ARNOLT),
Clearfield County, Pona'a. 75y
like in Opera House.
ap ,t;-i
fHVOITice iB tba Maaoule Dullding, over the
IVumv National u,.rJ4 8U.
Clearfield, Pa.
'lice over the County National Bank.
June Jo, '78tf.
CLBanrtai.B, Paaa'a.
Firit-oln.. Lifo and Fire Iniuranea Compaolea
-4Ollj.:e in tba Opera Iloute.-f.
M.r. Hi, 'el lj
!' ... a. Hiaiur. craua aoanoa.
.Jt Office In Pie'i Opera Ilouae, taoond floor.
I'I'f Il K uver T. A. I'lerk t Co.'b Klore,
.fl-Wlll annul to all lJ! bu.lne.i with
i'.uiiltir. eod ndelily.
U'B I. It'ltftALLr.
babibl w. h'ovrbt.
Clearneld, Pa.
."IT Lepsl baaineae attended to promptly wfthj
. 1-ilily. Offloa on tiooond atroat, aboTa tbe Fir.t
il.unol Dank. J.n:l:7
All teaal bualne. entruitei to hil ear. will ro
r.;ive pruinpt attention.
rOITife in tba Court Ilouae.
G. Iv.iA.MER,
Heal K.tato and Collection Agent,
C I.KAItHlil.I), PA.,
M ill promptly attend to all leaal buiineia aa
tru.te.i to bia eare.
arOSioa ifl Fie'a Opera lloata. Janl'7ft.
ltd Heal F.etat Ajrent, t'learflrld, Pa.
UfHr oo Third ilreet, bet.Cberrjr A Walnat.
f4rlloipeetfullj offeri hll lervleee la elllDf
and buyioir landi in Cloarfleld aod adJeioiDg
oanntiei aod with aa eiperleooeol overtwentr
jn ai a lurveyor, Batten hlmielf that be eaa
render atlifaetton. Feb. ISiASitf,
lil)sifiaiis' Cards.
Offio. la realdeao. oo Fir.t at.
April 14. 1871. Clearneld, Pa.
jjyt. W. A. MEANS,
eV. ill attend profeiaional ealla promptly. anglO'70
mil. T. J. 1SOYKK,
OtHt;e oa Market Street, Cisar field. Pa.
'Office hours i I to tl a. at., and 1 to p. a
f .fforfi. adjoining tba reiideac. ,f Jamee
K.q., oa Hvcood St., Clearfield, Pa.
Kj-n,':s tr.
h C.JESKIN3, M.D.,
r.. at, eoraer of 8l.ta and Pia.
J.o. lib, ISSI If.
( I.F.AItl-"IKi.I, PENJI'A.
AND TINE blllKhtn.
J- OOre bonra-rrota li to I f. U.
May II, 171.
ergeoa of Ihe Reglmeal, Feaiaylraala
in tsars, having returned froa tba Army,
n his pmfaaiteaal lerviesa t IkeeiUseas
VProfesmaal ealla rematlv attewioato.
leraserly ewepU4 by
J OH Wtlltk All kind, of Job work .aut.d
la Ihe beet meaner at tail ofltea.
We bar. printed a large aambar of tba new
FKK BILL, and will on tba raeaipt of twanty
Iva oento. mail a ooov to any eddr.ea. apytH
ILL I AM. M 1IENKY, Justice
or raa Piacb inrHcmYiiiE, LL MUBK
CITY. Collections made aad money promptly
paid over. Articles of airreeuent end deed of
eoaveyaiioe aeatly eaeeuted end warranted cor
ral or Be eharge. H) 71
Justice of the Peace and BerWener,
Curweuatille, Pa.
.A.Collectione made and
paid over.
oney promptly
tetjJJ 7111
row bell towbbbif.
May I. l7S-ly
dbalbb ta
Square Timber & Timber Lunda,
lell'7.1 CLEARFIELD, PA.
V. 110YT,
Land Surveyor and Civil Ii i t
- JCJffa A 1 1 bu.incaa will ba atteado I to promptly.
Deo. 19, 1980-If.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Peiiil'a.
VfA-Will execute loba In bia line promptly and
In a workmanlike manner. arre.or
rfrroiMi'i's-air-Li ir,
Nor. 17th. 1B80 tf.
Real Estate, Square Timber. Saw Logs,
-V-Offl(! on Seflond street, In rear of itore
rrijDi of Ueorje Wearer A Co. ( jao9. '78-tf.
Oecatur Township,
Oieeola Midi P. O.
AH official buainois eo trait d to him will le
prumptl; attended to, mobStf, '70.
Shop oo Market St., oppoilta Court Hoih.
A elee.ii towel for every eutoner.
Alto doaler Id
llct Braudi of Tnbarco and Clgara
niearfleld. Pa. ay 19. Tl.
allareton, Pa.
p9"U baa prepared himeolf with all the
B.oea.ary blank forma uader tba PvaaioB and
Bounty lawa, aa well aa blank Deada, ete. All
legal mature entrn.ted to bia eare will reeeive
prompt attention. May Ttb, UlV-tf.
Market Street, Clearneld, Pa.,
HABt-rACTonaa and dbalbb ta
Harness, bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
llorse-Furnishing Goods.
TAII kinda of repairlnf. promptly attended
to. baddlera' Hardware, florae liruabea, Carry
Comba, Ao., alwaya on band and for aale at tba
loweat oaab priee. Merck IV, ll7.
yPatnpa alwaya on band and made to order
an abort notioo. Pipaa bored on reaaonable terme.
All work warranted to render aatiafaotlon, and
detirered If deairad. myl:lypd
' Eilvery Wlablo.
rpilll anderaicned beca laaao to intorm thepab
1 lie tbat be ia bow fully preparar to accomnio.
date all iB tba way of furni.hina, tiuaaiaa,
Baddlea and Jiarneaa, on tba aborteat Botieo and
an raaeonabla terma. Reaidenoeon Locuat atraat.
aatwaaa Ibtrd aod rourtb.
11e.rB.ld. Feb. 4, 1874.
aiAtia ia
Alfo, eitemive manufacturer and dealer In Sqnare
iimber ana awed Lomberoi an amai.
ftOrderi loll cited and all bllli promptly
WatclicH, Clocks and Jowolry,
mkam'i Row, Marktl Strut,
C l.RAKKIF.l.I), PA.
All kind! ef repairing In my lice promptly at
ended to. JM. In, IA79.
llcarfirld Insurance Agrncy.
Represent the followtng aa other artt -class Co'a
Companies, Asseta.
Liverpool London A Globe U. 8. Br..$l,Hl,fio
l.rfloinlng na mutual A eaab plans.... a.AOll.OOU
I bcrnn, ef Hartford. Conn 1.(124.083
Insurance Co. of North America t,A M,f14
North Brltl-h A Mrroanllle U. S. Br l,?Nl,RnS
BcottWh Commeroial U. 8. Braorh...- STV.Mb
Watertown M TA4.8II
Travelers (Life Aocideat) 4,1U5,464
Olice oa Market bt., oip. Ceurt lloese, Clear
field, Pa. JoaeJ,'7 tf.
Insurance Agency
Pallo- Illock, t'urtrrntrillt, fa.
Companica Represented i
C.mmerelal I'nloa Id.. Co , Aaaota .,(.. 7nj H
Piremen'a Fond In. Co.,A..eta l.lriarIT 0
I'nloa Inenr.are Ca , Ae.ata - l,I0.l.17 ft
Tra.elera' Accident In, Co . Aeeote.. Mm, 181 Ine. Ca. of New York Ae'ta ltd, Silo CD
In.araaoe pleeed oa all kind of property at
equitable ratea.
Lurwcoartiie, ra, r.o. in, ir".,.,,.
West End Drug Store,
(Half way k.lw.rn Moaeop'a and Flrak'i
Til g ander.l(aed baa opened ap a Draf Store,
wlib a fall .apply of perleclly par. end
froth I)r..e, Urdlelaae, Cbrmlcala aad Toilet Tbeaa Ilraia bare aw felaatad wiib
great aara and are luoraBteed U aa perfatly
para aad reliable. I will (la. my peraea.i
tioa la tble drpartanat, aad will abeerfally (Ira
aay teformaltoa ia regard tomedieiaea
traaaf akarfa. 1R t. i. StK
CkavfMd, Pa, 1MB. i, laaw a.
& Proprietor.
ar willum c laraiir.
Come, let us plant the apple tree.
Cleave the h.ukq grtcpaward with the trait:
Wide Ivt iti b,.llow bed be made;
Thi re gently ley the root, and thora
Silt the dark mould wlih kinlly era,
And pre! it o'er ihein tvn.ttrlr j
Aa 'round the ilerpiag infant'i Teet
V'e aellly fold Ihe eradle-abeet,
Bo plant we the apple tree.
What plant we Id tbii appln treef
BuJr, wbitb the brtaih ot ttuattnar dya
t-ball lenxthfn into leafy iprayi;
Buo((h, whore the thrbah, whb et itnion breail,
bbail bannt uu aiog, and hide her ntut ;
We plant upon tbe aunay lea
A ihiiduw lor tbe noontide hour,
A .belter from the Summer abuwer,
When we plant the apple tree.
What plant w In thli apple tree 1
Sweeta (or a hundrei flowery ipringa
To load tbe May-wind'a rttln wiogi
Whea, ften tbe orobard row, be puura
Ilk Iragranea through our opeb duon ;
A world of bio join fur tba bee,
Flowera fur the aiek girl 'a silent room,
Fur tbe glad inUnt aprtgt of bloom,
We plant with tbe eppla tree.
What plant we in ibia apple tree 1
Frulti thut iliall awoll in sunny June, ,
Aud rrdilen in the August noon,
And drop, wfavn genile airs eome by,
That feu the blue bopteiober sky j
W bile children tosati, with ories of glee.
And stek tbeta where the Ir.graot grass
Botraya tbuir bed to those who pass.
At tbe loot of the apple tree.
And when, above this apple tree,
The Winter stars are gliltanng bright,
And winds go howling tbrungti tbe night,
Uirls, whore eyos o'ertlow witb mirth,
fcball peel its fruit by oottaie-he4rth,
And ftutio in prouder home sball see,
Heaped with tbe grape of Cm ire's viue,
And gulden orange ol tbe line,
Tbe fruit of tbs apple tree.
The fruitage of this apple tret,
Winds, aud our flag of a. ripe and star,
Shall liar to eoaili tbat lie alar,
Where men shall wonder et ihe view,'
And ask in what lair groves tbry grew ;
And spjourneis bt-jund the sea
rSLall tbink of childhood's cureless day,
And long, long hours of Sum mar play,
In tbe shade ot tbe aj pie tree.
Each year sball give this apple tree
A broader flush ot rofeate bloom,
A depr mase of verdurous gloom,
And lumen, when the Irost-clouds lower.
The ciirp brown leaves in thieker f bower.
The jt-ars liall etitne and pass, but we
Fhi.ll bear no lunger, where we lis,
Tbe bummer suns, tbe Autumn's sigh, j
id me oougn ot itis apple tree.
And lime shall waste this aple tree.
Oh, whin its aged branches tbrow
Thin shadows on tbe ground below,
tSbi.ll fiaud and force and Iron will
Opprefs ibe weak and helpless atll t
What sball tbe lask of merry be,
Amid tbe carts, tbe strifes, the lean
Ot those we leave when length ef yean
Is waiting this little apply tree T
"Who plintrd this old apple tree F"
The children of that distant day
Thus to some aged man sball say ;
And, gating on its mossy Horn,
Tbe gray-haired man aball answer taem ;
"A poet ot tbe laud was he,
Born In tbe rude but good old times;
"lis aaid be made eotue tjuaiut old rbynai
On planting tbe a,ple tree."
Wo annex tho coniludiiiir imssoL'CB
of tho eloquent speech tlolivored liy
Senator Lamar, of jMississippi, In the
Senate, in tho Aluhono dobulo. The
Senator was challenged to the consid
eration of what tbo Sooth is really
solid about, and on what it is divided,
by a passaco in Senator lion Lamor.
on's little outburst. Tbo eloquence
of Lamar is only surpussed by the
power ol bis arguments and lurts:
1 he Senator Irom lctiusylvnnia
Mr. Cameron says :
We know, and my opponent, know, that If
Vireinia t-hca her aland upon that platform the
aoiid Buain ta a tning ot tno paai.
Mr. President, why should tho solid
South bo broken, especially when it is
to bo dono by the greut sacrifice jif
principlo which wo think this coali
tion involves f Hub not tho Republi
can ( arty the posscsaion of all tho De
partments ot tho liovcrnmont and
nearly all of tho great States of the
North f. Whenco, then, tho danger
from tho solid South ?
What harm has tbe "solid South"
dono to tho prosperity and glory of
this country t it is hut a short time
since it becamo "solid" by the cessa
tion of the roign ol force and bayonets.
Tiiko her history from that timo as
connected with this Gotorntnent, and
show me where sho has deducted any
thing Irom your mtional security or
abstracted a single iota from your
National prosperity. Sho camo bore
through hor representatives, first as a
part ol tho minority, and soon after
ward as a part of tbe miijnrily in both
branches in Congress. Sho camo at a
timo when jour commerce was lan
guishing, your agriculture prostrato,
wncn inercanlilo insolvencies and
bankruptcies wore rushing across this
JNution, when your currency was de
preciated, when the balance ot trado
was against you, and when, according
to the statistics of your journals, three
millions of tramps were wandering
aimless ana homeless through tho
length and breadth ol your land. Tho
solid South has been hero from that
timo to this, and during tho entire pe
riod of tho presence of her representa
tives in this Chamber and in the other
Houso the world has held its brralb in
silent astonishment at tho progress
you, tho country, has made in all that
adorns and torlinus and oniioblus a
Nation. Your commerce has revived.
your agriculture is prosperous, your
inanuiactoriea aro opurating to the lull
extent ot their capacity, tho demand
for their products far exceeding their
anilities to supply them, your currency
is tho Dest lu the world, tho hulance
of trado is in your favor, and all along
this lino ol progress wo find according
to mo recent census that tho Sou 111 in
every clement of prosperity is not far
oolnnu the loromost States ul the -N orth
and West.
Now, sir, I do not protend that tho
presence of tho 'solid South" bus
caused this marvelous change in your
prosperity; I would not presumo to
say that in tho presence of tho honor,
able Senator from Ohio. Mr. Sherman,
tbo lato Sccrotary ol the Treasury,
who was present in another Depart
ment of tho Government wbilo "tho
solid South" was here, during all tho
progress of this marvelous National
transformation ; but what 1 do claim
is that tho presenro of "tho solid
South" in lull force hero in tbe coun
cils of the Nation, with her own cho
sen Senators and Representatives, has
not retarded the progros of our com
mon country; bus not abstracted
from its prosperity. I afllrm the prog
ress of this Nation in all that consti
tutes National glory, and prosperity,
and honor, and the presenco of the
solid South in its councils are facts
that aro co existent even if they don't
sustain to each othor tho rolation of
causo and e fleet, I say thnt its pres
ence here has been at least no hin
drance to the National prosperity, and
therefore does not justify tho great
Republican party of this Senate in
stepping down from its high pedestal
of National honor tn take within its
embrace the east off element of the
Southern Deniooracy.
Therein in thooxiHU'nco of tbo solid
South and its piononco boro no such
men a n co to any intercut in this coun
try as can justify or uxcuo tlio couli
lion which ia hero propodod.
Tbero was a timo in tbo history of
this country wbon "tho soliU south,
tbat in, ''ao lid" as it is now organized,
was not present in tbo councils of thin
Nulion ; when tbo men who aro hero
now wore proscribed wbilo reconstruc
tion flourished over thorn; when tbe
President, tho Senate, tbo Supreme
Court, tbe Federal Judiciary and the
Stato governments wore all in the
bands ot the party represented by tbe
Senators on tbe other side of this
Chamber, and "tbo solid South" could
imp rows none of its influence upon tbe
action of this Government or any of
its Departments; when it was repre
sented alono by tbo unscrupulous and
irresponsible dependents of tbe lie
publican party from tho South.
air, will you have tho picture ol
what this Government was when "tbe
solid South' was not here? I will
give it to you, although it was pre
sented to tbo Senate on yesterday by
ttie Senator irum south Carolina, Mr.
Butler A distinguished Republican
Senator, distinguished for his learning,
bis ladiciui ability, his olonnonce. bis
uigti seholuNtic attainments, bis devo
tion to tho Republican party, and his
nlenso, Irreconcilable hostility to "the
solid South," has painted tbe picture
of tbe poriod when this Government
was not buraened with the tinted prcs
ence of this accursed South.
Mr can public life has been a Terr brif end
Insignidcaut one, extending little beyond tbe du
ration of a single lerm of Senatorial offlre, but ia
that brief period I have sera fire Judces of a
high eourt of the United 8tatrs driven from office
by threats of impeachment for corruption or mal
administration. Since "tho solid South" has boon
here, can you point mo to five Judges
of tbo Federal courts that bavo been
driven Irom their high places upon
charges ot corruption and maiudinims
trution t
I bare heard the taunt, from frlandlc.i lioa.
that when tba United btalea prr.entcd bcraelf
in ine r.a.i in pari ia tne cl.inaed world in
tbe aria of life, tbe only product of bar inatilnllona
in which abe aurpaaied all othera beyond quaitkoa.
No question about thut, the singlu
thing in which our Government
Sorpaaied all otbera beyood queitlon
At that time when "the solid South"
was not here, was in
1 will read further:
When the irroataat railroad of the world, bind
ing together the continent and uniting tbe two
Jreat ocaa which wa.b tba ahorea, wa. flnl.bed,
have aeen our national triumph and eiultatioa
turned to bitternee and .ham. by tbe unenimoue
reporta of three eouimitteea of Cungre.a two of
the Ilouae and one hero that every aied of tbat
mighty enterpriae bad beea taken io fraud.
"The solid South" was not hero
when that shanio fell upon tho Nation ;
and it seems to mo sir, that when men
with this record fresh in their memo,
ries clumor about the dangers and
vices of "tho solid South" their chocks
would mantle witb shame.
I hare heard ia the bighe.t place, tbe ab. ma
le., doctrine avowed by men grown old In public
nffioa that tbe true way by which power ahould be
gaioed ia Ibe Hapoblie ! U bribe the pa,tl. witb
ibe oflicej erreti'd tor their ear. ice, aud tbe true
end for which It ahould he need when gained ia
tbe promotion of aelfinh ambition and tbegraliQ
oatloa of peraunal reeeoge.
Sir, that taunt touches no man on
this sido of the Chamber.
I bare beard that fuaploion baunte the foot
atepa of tbe truated ootupaniena of the Prealdent.
Ono thing is certain, sir, and that
since the solid South has been bcro no
such corruption has reveled in the
high places of this Government. 1 do
not say that it was her influence which
has eliminated it, but I do say that
contemporaneously and simultaneously
with her presence it took its flight ;
and I claim that sho lias bcon no ob
staclo to tho administration ol your
public affairs.
A noted lobbyist is reported to havo
remarked that "sinco theso internal
Dcmovrncts had gotten hero to wash
ington tho lobbying business had dried
up." Said ho, "In tho name of God,
do you oxpect gentlemen ol tbo lobby
to live on oxygen?"
Mr. President, so much has been
said about "tho solid South," and so
much against it as a justification of
theso extraordinary combinations and
afliliations, that I propose to go a little
lurlher into the auojocl. It is charged
that by "tho solid South" allying itscll
with the parly that constitutes the
minority at tho North, it seeks to get
possession and control ol tho Govern
ment, and to wield its power for its
own selfish purposes. Sir, if the North
ern people, cannot sco lor themselves
tho lullacy ol this view and the un re
ality ot the danger alleged, no argu
ment that a Southern man can advanco
will avail anything. It is ca.y to see
that if tho North choose to wield this
Government through tho Instrument
ality ol either political party it can do
so and bold "the solid South" in an
impotent minority a minority as im
potent in tho Detnocratio party as it is
in tho Government at this timo,
The idea that tho South under any
combination of parlies will over again
obtain control ot this Government and
direct its power independently of tho
will of tho North is of all ideas tho
most absurd and chimerical. Tho
North is the majority and the dormant
section of this country. Tho vast pro
noi.iluranco of hor population and ro
sources v ill tor an inlinito period con-
trol tho Pational policy, wbalevor
party may be in tho ascendant. II the
majority of tho thoughtful peonlo of
thut section deem a change in tho ra
tional administration necessary, they
can make it without any rclativo
change in Southern power or influence.
Six Northern Status alono havo a
greater electoral vote than all the solid
South, and all those Stales savo ono
havo given Democratio majorities at
ditlerent times withirr tho last lew
years. Should these Stales for tho
timo being Choose to take np the reins
of the Democracy, all the South united
could not impress its distinctive policy,
if it had ono, upon a Democratic caucus.
Rut, Mr. 1'rosident, it is not true
that there is, as a distinct organica
tion with a distinctive policy, any
"solid South" in this Chamber or in
tbo other. Thore is no such element
hero as is a factor In legislation. You
cannot point to any part of tho legis
lation of this country which represents
tho viows or tho purposo of Southern
Senators as a solid body. There is a
greator diversity of sentiment among
them upon ovory subject ol National
intorost than thcro ia in the represent
ation of any othor section of the coun
try. I could give Illustration after il
lustration. My friend from Indiana
Mr. Voorhocs thisday standain closer
affiliation upon tho subjoct of tho
currency witb the Sonator from Texas
than he docs with any of his neighbors
across the lino of Ins own State. I
could give measure after measure in
which it will be shown that the affini
ties or political affiliation and legisla
tive co operation are In no sonso of tho
term sectional in tbe body, and that
the Southern mon exhibit a variety
and a diversity and a freedom and an
independence in their viows and senti
ments and actious which are shown
among Senators from no other section
of the country.
Tbero is one point, and one only,
upon which they are Bolid, on which
they will remain solid, and neither
Federal bayonets nor Federal honors
will dissolvo that solidity. Thev are
in dolotiBO of and for the protection of
IhcirowneiviliKalionheirown society,
their own religion ; against tho rulo ol
incompetent, tho servile, the ignorant,
and tbo vicious.
I will now submit a proposition to
tho Senators on tho other sido of tho
chamber. I am not going into the
history of tho cantos which led to a
solid South, but I bero challenge any
Senator upon that side, with two ex
ceptions that I will not namo, to writo
luirly in his own language tho condi
tion of Southern people in any Stato
wnne under carpel-uair covcrnment:
tno Character ot lla (Uncials ; tho na
turo'ol its administration and the opera
tion of its laws ; 1 say 1 will consent
for any Senator upon tbit sido of tho
llouso, with out two exceptions, (who,
outol respocttothem,! wf.l not namo,)
to write mo uistory oi tno Kcpuolicnn
government in tho South, il nature.
its character, its influence upon the
nappincss anu prosperity ol that poo.
pie. 1 will agreo to accopt bis descrip
tion of it in his own langtugo ; and
then I will submit tho question to any
tribunal in tbo world.toany community
in tuo wonu, as to wuetnei tiicrois
anywhero on earth a people who ought
not to summon -every energy, every
man, ovory woman, every chfd inter
ested in tho priceless and frocious
boritago of humanity, to throwotr that
government and to bo united aid solid
to prevent its ro ostuhlisli ment f
1 said that I would allow Seiators
or any othor Northern man to writo
the history of ono ol thoso govern
ments, giving the conditioned it, and
would leave him to decido wholhir it
would not justify tho tonsolidnlioo of
all tho social elements to trot rid of it.
I will go further, sir, and luko if as
they havo already written it. Hen is
what ono of them said while theso
governments woro reveling in corrup
tion and making tho people of tho
South wulk with unsunduiecl feet oter
tho burning marl of tbo hell which
they had organized :
For Ibe le.t few yeara the iofamy and di.grace
of certain Southern Btate gurerninenla have been
oon.tantiy on tne inrreaae. 1 bare bave been cor
rupt Legialator a and corrupt legialation. Thar,
have boon double Leai.laturea. double Gorernora.
double Hepreo.nt.iivee in thi Ilouae. and double
Ken.tora year by year In many Siatea. There
bave been bad men in theie Htatee, who have
bought power by whuleaale bribery, and bave en-
ricbed tb.miolve. at tbe eipenr. or lb, people by
.peculation or open handed robber7. Corruotion
and anarchy bava occupied and pea.ei.ed the
uu:onuoaie otatea.
This opinion of tho honorable Sena
tor from Maine Mr. Halo, who was
then a member ot the other llouso,
which duos honor to his head, as well
as to ti is heart, is the opinion of "the
solid Hoiilu ; and it ho woro there in
stead of here ho would bo a part of
that "aoim ftoulh " arrayed under the
determination that onorchy and corrup
tion snail novor again occupy and rub
thoso "unlortunatu Males.
I find that somo extracts from othor
Senators upon tbo opposite sido that 1
had collected havo in some way been
disturbed and mislaid, I shall ask per
mission to incorporate thorn in my
remarks unless I can get thorn hero
before I conciudo what I bavo to say
upon tho subject.
Among theso is tho description of
tho government ol Louisiana under
Republican rulo by tbo present Gov
ernor of Ohio, Hon. Charles Fostor,
and also a gentleman from Now Jorsey,
who has recently been nominated by
tbo President for a distinguished For
eign Mission and who by his high and
shining qualilioj will adorn any pool
lion to which this Government can as
sign him. Ihey both describo tbat
govornmont in lunguago stronger and
mora earnest than thut which 1 have
just quoted.
General Grant also, in ono of his
mossages depicting tho prostrato con
dition ol the Southern peoplo, said ho
sympathized with them in their pros
trato condition, subject as they had
been to burdens of taxation without
any adequate return.
You sent your committors ol investl
gution down there, and while they
would hunt up everything that could
assail tno character and stun tho sensi
bililiesof tbo Southern poopleand pour
it out here, they could not help stum
bling over tho corruption, and tho
atrocity, and tho abhorrent infamies ol
tho Slate governments which they
wero upholding 1 recollect thut there
was a Senator f rom Indiana, now dead,
who was upon ono of thcsecommiltccs.
Ilia heart was full of prejudico against
our people, but even ho could not bo
blinded to the cruel oppression under
which tno people wero writhing in
agony. Referring to tho condition of
tho peoplo under thoso governments,
referring to tho superincumbent weight
ot a crushing and devouring taxation,
he Buys :
Thli I. true of Iheae Stalea. I have no doulil
had tbe Ku Klaa outrage, bun dir. i el at
tbeaa faitbleae public .ervanta, the world would
have beea well rid of them and nobody com
plained. Mr. Cockrcll Who was lie f
Mr. Lamar .Mr, Trull of Indiana.
Those Stato governments havegono
and tho influences havegono with them.
The peoplo of those Stutes bavo recov
ered their right of solf'-govornmcnt. 1
need not speak ot tlio prosperity of
thut people, bluck and while, under
their present governments. Tho cen
sus returns havo given a result which
bus astonished the world, and which
is wholly incompatible witb tbo theory
of a down trodden and oppressed peo
ple which tho Senator from Massachu
setts represented tho colored peoplo of
tho South to bo. I will say ono thing,
and that is, that if you woro to com.
pare tbo condition of tho State ot
Mississippi or Alabama, or Georgia, or
Virginia, or any other Southern Stato,
in Ifi.sO, with tho statistics and history
ot its condition as prepared in 187U,
you will be forced lo admit there is
not a Nation on the faco of tlio earth
which in any two periods of its history
exhibits such a contrast in all that
constitutes strength of a peo,ile and
their prosperity.
1 have hero a description of tbe
South as it now Is. Hero is what a
reverend bishop of tho Methodist
Church Uishop Simpson, closely al
lied with the Republican parly, as a
part of his episcopal work, said. Alter
traversing that country ho returns to
the North and reports big impressions,
but be says nothing of a k ind that sus
tains the denunciations of the Senator
from Massachusetts ; ho confirms no
statement that thore are men down
thero with their foot upon the down
trodden and oppressed ; and nobody
says so except prejudiced partisans and
witnesses brought Delore committees
to make false impressions. Knlight-
uncd travelers from Europe and rover
end clergymen from the North all con
tribute their testimony to tho peace,
the ordor, the qinel, the prosponty of
both rneos, and the security of the
personal properly ot bulb raues, black
and white. Here is' what the rovcr
end bishop says:
t am aatlaflcd that tbe Sooth la gradually but
aurely improving financially; hu.iua.l ia revir.
Ing, and every iudiealioa point, to a period of
financial naae and comfort.
Antl alavery aa X alwaya waa from my earlr
youth, bad my frienda naked ma twenty yeara
age to expre.a aty atmoel wi.a fur lh tolurta j
pl. I ahould aol Aoee dared lo a. or aacA
eoNcnaaal aa hat frcaa Made.
Here is tho declaration of an anti
slavory preacher, a Utopian, benevolent
missionary, whose ovory fibro was im
bued with zeal for tbe causo of nei'ro
emancipation and advancement, U pon
his visit lo tho Southern Statos, so
much denounced, after the solid South
bus gotton possession of tbat country,
ho proclaims to tho world thut if be
had been allowed to toll what bo hoped
in his brightest vision for that people
it would have been transcended by
what has bocn actually realized in
their advancement. Now, withhold
your denunciations from tho statements
of Southern men, and let them full and
striko tho hallowed associations that
clustered around that man.
Mr. President, I am too much ex
hausted to detain tho Senato longer.
1 bavo said nothing to duy that was
intended to stir up any leelings ot ani
mosity between individuals or sec
tions. I belong to that class of public
mon who wero secessionists, hvcry
throb ot my heart was for tho disunion
of theso Stutes. It that deducts Irom
tho forco ot the statements 1 bavo
mado to day it is duo to candor and to
you lo admit it. I confess that 1 be
lieved in tho propriety ot its exercise.
I willsay furthortbnlilwasthecberiBb-
cd conception of my mind, that of two
great, free republics on this continent,
each pursuing its own dostiny and the
destiny of its people and their happi
ness according to its own will.
liul, Bir, thai conception is cone :
it is sunk forever out of sight. Another
ono has come in its place, and by the
way it is my first lovo. Tho elements
of it woro planted in mo by my father;
they wero tuught by my mother, and
they woro nourished end developed by
my own subsequent reflection. May
1 tell you what it it, sir? It stands
boforo me now, simple in its mojesty
and sublimo in its beauty. It is that
of ono grand, mighty, indivisible Re
public upon this continent, throwing
its loving arms around all sections;
omnipotent for protection, poworless
for oppression, cursing none, blessing
all! Applause.
Tho Declaration of Indopendenco
was adopted against the opposilion of
somo who had favored tho cause uf the
colonies. They regarded it as prema-
turpand therefore inexpedient. Among
theso was John Dickinson, the author
of tho "Farmer's Lottors." which con
tributed much toward the American
Rovolution. Mr. Joseph Quincy tells
us, in his reminiscence of John Adams,
that no onco asked the venerublo ox
President an explanation of Dickin
son's course.
"Ho becamo discouraged," replied
Mr. Adams, "and for some timo was
one of tho most violent opposers ot tho
Declaration of Independence. Ilobad
a wifo and mother who wero both
Quakers, and they tormonted him ex
ceedingly, telling him tbat ho was
ruining himself and bis country by
tbo courso ho was pursuing.
"If I had had such a mother and
such a wife, I believe I should havo
shot myself. If they had opposed mo
it would havo mado mo so very un
happy. I could not havo livod had I
not pursued tbo conrse 1 did.
une aay in congress, ililllin, a
relative ol Dickinson, had a disputo
with him.
"Dickinson had said, in the course of
a speech, that, in driving a team of
horses, it was necessary to rein in tho
moBt. forward and to encourage tho
slow and lugging.
"Milllin got up and said, 'Not so,
Mr. President. You had bollor knock
tbo dull and lazy horses on tho hend
and put them out of the team. It will
go on much bottor without Ihem.'
"Tho circumstances ot his family
and his own timidity made Dickinson
tako tho course ho did. Ho was a man
of immenso property and founded a
college in Pennsylvania."
It is a singular luct that wbilo somo
of tho lawyors and merchants who
woro members ot tho Continental Con
gress opposed tbo Declaration, tho
clerical members all supported it. Tbe
leader of the clergymen was John
VV ilucrsponn, President ot Princeton
llo was a Scotchman, and In bis
youth had led a corps of Highlanders
to tho lialtlo ot falkirk and fought
for the Pretender. Kntering with all
his soul into tho cuuso of tho colonies,
he becamo a leader in thoso measures
which brought about t final separation
betweon thorn and Great Britain.
When tho Declaration was laid be
fore Congress a deep stillness pervaded
tno ball. I.very heart was awed.
Withorspoon, of indomitablo will und
peerioss courago, spoko first.
r. President, ' bo beiran.ln clear.
bold tones, "that noblo instrument on
your table, which insures immortality
to Us author, should bo subscribed this
very morning by every pen in tho
"Although thoso gray hairs must
descend into tho sepulchre, I would
infinitely rather they should descend
thither by tho hand of the executioner
than desert at this crisis the sacred
causo ol my country."
1 ho country is hardly ripe for such
a bold movement," suggested a timid
"In my judgment," shouted Withor
spoon, "wo aro not only ripe, but rot
ten." Tho names of five clergymen aro
found among tho Declaration. Thoy
represent tho feelings ot their brethren.
Tho farmers In Louisiana aro giving
their attention to tho cultivation ot
jnto, a plant wilh a stem from ono-half
inch to one inch in diameter, ten or
twelve foot high, very straight, and
branches at tbo top. Tbe bark, is
fibroin, liko that ol hemp or flax, and
It is tbe fibro that is used. Tho seed
is sown in March or April, and it may
bo cut in Juno, July or August. Jt is
best to cut it when it begins to blossom,
as the fibre Is then better than when
the plant is older. After being cut tho
stems are steeped in water until tho
fibro separates easily from the stems.
It is then prepared for the loom in a
manner similar to tbat In which flax
is prepared, only the stums are not
dried and broken. Jute is used to
make coarse cloth, matting, gunny,
coffee sacks, and like articles. It is
not good for rones, as it cannot stand
tho weather, lo cultivate it is light
work, and tbo yield is wondorlul.
Tbo idlo should not bo classed with
the living ; they are a sort of dead
men that can't be buried.
Replying to an inquiry mado of its
editor us lo what the prevailing opin
ion is relative to retiring all or having
eaten a hoarty dinner, or allowing
three or four hours to intervene, there
fore giving nature a sufficient time to
digest what may be in tho stomach,
tbe Journal of Lommerce sends joy to
many stomachs by saying: it would
scorn at tlrsl that "the prevailing opin
ion" is, tbat an interval should olapse
botwecn eating and sleeping at night
for a majority of adults as to their per
sonal uabit practice on that theory
It appears to have grown out of the
teaching ot medical men who have
learned to droad lato suppers for their
patients, not so much for tho overeat
ing to which they lead, as to the un
beallby Indulgence therowith in the
use ot intoxicating bevorages. But
the opinion is not "prevalent" it tho
tost is universal. Man is the only ani
mal that can be taught to lie down to
rest contentedly on an empty stomach.
The pig will squeal, tho horso will
paw bis stable floor, and tbo whole
animal creation will show itself restless
and ill at cuso until it is prepared lor
sleep by a full stomach. Aud wilh
an empty stomach man can only bo
coaxed to his sleep after long training,
and this is what we mean by tho "prev
alence" of a contrary habit. A large
proportion of even tho human race
must bo fed before it will Bleep. Tbo
angels cannot sing tho human infant
to sleep with its stomach empty. Paro
gorio may stupefy it, but proper and
nourishing food alono will give it re
freshing slumber. Wo say, "sleeping
as sweetly as an infant," because that
sleep alone is normal and rocuporativo
which is taken on a full stomach, and
this is tho characteristic of a child liko
reposo. Sleep and digestion are hand
maids tbat assist ouch other. Nature
teaches this lesson, as drowsiness is tho
natural consequence of a wholesome
meal. It Is not only our "opinion,"
but our exporionce that eating tho last
thing belore retiring is tho true theory.
Thoso not accustomed to it, who go
out to a lato dinner and come borne
stiiflcd and uncomfortable, of courso
do not understand it. Kuting at any
unaccustomed hour must be practiced
with caution. A mouthful or two of
wholesome t'ootfnot cako and pastry)
at brat, may bo followed on successive
days by additional provision until a
hearty meal is taken just before retir
ing, lo sleep well tho blood must
leave tbe head and go to tho stomach ;
and to digest tho lood woll the same
process is necessary. Tho sleep into
which one is trained to tbo habit, may
sink with his stomach ompty, is like
tho sleep ot exhaustion, and does nut
givo tbo senso ot refreshment and re
covery that cornea from rest witb a
stomach that is in proper condition
for it. We havo tried it for fifty years
(borrowing tho idea Irom nature's ear
liest lessons) and havo recommended
it to many others, and we know
wburvof we speak.
Froa tbe Lek, City (Col.) World
The minor, Anderson, of whoso
dcalh in Summit notice was mado last
week, had a romantic trip from Del
Norlo to Summit. Fourteen men
drew tho body lashed to a sled to tho
top ot tho divido and eight mon camo
on from tho divido to the toll gale
with tho corpse. From tbe toll-gate
to Del Norlo the trip was made in
wagons. Hero is an incident of frontier
life well worth pondering upon by our
Kastern readers. Wo reprint it from
tho Prospector as an instance ol that
unluiling friendship which exists in the
breasts of men wboso exteriors may bo
rough, but whoso humanity would im
pel them to wado through tlutnos to
pay tho last tribute of respect to a
followman. 1'icturo tho procession
wading up the snow clad mountain
silently drawing tho body upon a rudo
vehicle. Above timber. line, whero
silenco reigns supreme, the cold almost
unendurable, thoso friends, stalwart,
good and true, pursuo their toilsomo
way over thesnow crust to bo reward
ed only by tho consciousness that the
remains of their comrado shall find
Christian sepulture in dedieatudground.
Somo account of this kind act will,
don biles, go across tbo sea, and reach,
pel hups, Boino cottage in Sweden
whero the old parents shall read tbo
lutter and amid their blinding tears
thank (iod that in far off America the
body of their son, whoso soul went out
ot this world from tho loneliness of a
cabin for Anderson died suddenly,
with no ono near was eared for and
decently buried. So may it bo with
all of us, and not, as in many cases in
theso ruggod mountains, whero the all
engulfing avalanche sweeps the miner
lo sudden death and an unknown and
unknowable tomb.
That branch of chemistry called
perfumery is a now industry on this
coast, but with tbo amplo facilities
hero for its manufacture it will becomo
in timo of every great importance.
The extensive flower farms in France,
Turkey and England in a measure in
dicate its importance in tho world.
The planting ot flowers by tho aero
for perlumery purposes is unknown in
this country, Tho porl'timcry manu
factured hero is from produce of flow
ors imported Irom Europe, and comes
hero in the shape of a fat or sort of
tnllow. There is only ono firm in this
city engaged in its manufacture, and
this establishment produces an aver
ago of one hundred gross of bottles
per week. It is entirely for homo
consumption, though there was but
recently opened a small export trado
wiiti jioxicu. j-iuwem aru noi useu
bcro in their natural stato, as they are
not to be had. There is no reason
why tlio cultivation of flowers, flower
farming proper, could not bo mado an
important industry hero. Wherever
tbe raw material is to bo obtained
profitably thore manufactures spring
up, and nowhere do flowers grow
! more luxuriant than in this State. To
convey an Idea of the extent of the
manufacture ol perfumery, it may bo
said that Dritish India and Europe
consume annually, at the very lowost
eslimato, 150,000 gallons of perfumed
spirits. The large perfumers ol Paris
and Grasso employ annually in lis
manufacture 80,000 gounds of rose
blossoms, CO.OOO pounds cassia flowers.
50,000 pounds roae leaves, 30,000 jos
amine blossoms, 30,000 pounds violets,
20,000 tuberoses, 20,000 pounds lilacs,
besides great quantities ol rosemary,
mint, lemon, citron, thyme and many
other odorous planta, Tho quantity
of odoriferous substances used in this
way is certainly vory great, and far
beyond tho conception ol most people.
San PrnncitM lluUetin.
TEEMS-S2 per annum in Advance.
SERIES - VOL. 22, NO. 18.
It is a singular fact tbat' almost
everybody loses flesh on coming bcro
Irom tho cast. 1 ho average loss in
woight sustained is about one eighth.
For instance, in tbe course of two or
three months a 200 pound man loses
twenty five pounds and becomes a 175.
pounder. 1 bis is due to the high alti
tudo of Denver a milo ubovo tbo sea
to tbe dry und light atmosphere, to
tho scarcity of vegetation and to tho
comparative scarcity of oxygen, which
consumes tho tissues and taxes die
vital f unctions to a greater extent than
on lower altitudes. Higher up it is
much worse than hero. At Leadville,
for instniico, which is two miles above
tho sea level, the diminution in weight
docs not generally lull short of a sixth
or seventh, and it takes place much
more rapidly than hero. In that hich
altitudo, too, lung diseases, such as
pneumonia, very frooiiontlv set In. and
thoy provo fatal in about thirty per
cent, ot the cases attacked. Rut very
few dogs except hounds can livo in
Leadville, and no cats survive there.
In Denver, howovor, wo havo a mnlli-
tudo of both dogs and cats, and they
appear to experience no special dilfi.
culty about living and getting' fat.
let it is a noticeable tuctthat animals
and men lose a share of their strength
after coming horo. After being boro
two or three months thoir muscular
power is not near so great as in the
Kast. Nor can they endure so much
bard work. Kicht hours of continu
ous lubor docs more to exhaust and
prostrate a man here than ten hours
in Illinois or Wisconsin. And when
worn out and prostrated, a feeling of
unnuuuu uuu uruwsincsB tuui is very
difficult to dispel comes over ono. In
such intanccs many hours of rest are
rcquisito lo repair and rebuild tho
wasted energies. M entai labor is even
more exhausting than physical. A
healthy man may do manual labor for
eight or ten hours a day, and expen
onco therefrom no specially evil cfi'ectB
but let mental labor bo pursued witb
like assiduity, and tho nervous system
becomes weakened and irritable. In
timo tbo physical powers becomo dis
ordered aud weakened by sympathy
and by tho struin upon them to sup
ply tho brain waste. Theso facts are
more prcdicublo of new comers than
of thoso who have resided for a year
or more at high altitudes. Persons
and animals thoroughly acclimated do
not experience thoso drawbacks. In
deed theso could not look belter any
whero than they appear here. Tho
great difficulty is in getting acclimated.
Jcni?er(Lol.) Ureat il eal.
A littlo more than two years ago
Johnny Skao, whom ovory body knows,
would visit Curson several times a
month, und as bo passed down tho
street from tho railroad station, witb
an independent swagger, and a more
independent look in hiscyo, men would
enviously gazo alter him and express
their convictions that ho would outstrip
any single mcmborof tho Bonanza firm
in the possession of millions. This
was when Sierra Nevada and Union
wero selling at Ki.lO to S300 a share,
and Skao was thought to hold fifty
thousand shares ot the stock of thoso
two mines. At that timo bo would
have no difficulty ir, realizing 810,000,
000 in cool gold coin for bis slock ; but
no, ho was ambitious, and desired no
longer to play Beeond fiddlo, oven to
such colossal financial power as tho
Bonanza firm. Ho landed thut tbo
prospective dividends of tho Sierra
Nevada and Union Consolidated mines
would bo greator by ten fold than
those paid by the California and Con
solidated Virginia mines. Johnny was
ovcr-sunguine ; bo imagined himself a
ono hundred millionaire, whoso millions
were deposited in the bowels of the
earth. Of this ho felt certain.
In the meantime ho entertained his
friends in the regal stylo. Ho invited
them from San Francisco to partici
pato in princely fish and champagne
uunquots, Which wero spread near tbo
V ngiuia and Gold Hill water work
from which tbo luscious trout wero
taken, and in various other ways ex
tended his hospitality tofriends in such
a manner that they privatoly called
him "Princo John." In the midst of
this, bowover, he did ono prudent
tning, ana mat was in settling l.W,
000 in bonds upon his wife. Believing
that '.be siock ol the mines ot which
bo was so heavy a holder was sure to
reach at least I,000 per sbaro, bo
hypothecated the samo to the Nevada
bank and purchased several thousand
shares on the margin. Soon thereafter
tho market crashed, and it was not
long bcloro his stocks wero quoted at
t50 and tiiO per sbure. Ol course thut
nearly ruined Skao; but being a man
of nerve and desirous of retrieving bis
lost opportunity, ho kept on dabbling
in slocks which at ono time might have
placed him in an enviable position,
until bo losl ull that he had saved from
the first blow ; and it is even said that
tho f','50,000 which ho settled upon
his wife went tho way of tho resl.
Now Johnny Skao is in Arizona, in
plaeo of living in luxury and supcrla
live elegance, seeking a bnnunza, which
ho will probubly never find. It is only
onco in a lili) thut ono man in a million
is so cnchanlingly smiled upon by
fortuno as Johnny Skao was two and
a half yoursago. Corson (Rrv.)Appml. j
A Solid r act. Aunt Matilda is
good deal exercised at the lack of
judgment displayed in newspaper ad
vertising. Sho says sho is a pretty
closo observer, if she is a woman, and
ehe has noticed that tho storekeepers
who aro always overrun with custom
ers and doing a nourishing business
and who don't seem to need any ad
vertising aro jti't thoones who always
do advertise, while thoso who bave no
trade and need to a Iveilise never do
no.Iloslon (ilobe.
"Drunk again, eh ?" said tho Magis
tral, contracting his brows and look
ing very severely at the prisoner. " Yis,
yor honor," candidly returned Pat, "I
was aflhor splittin' wood at yer honor's
house, and the leddy asked wud I tako
suihin. 'I will,' says I, and 1 tuk two
glasses, but if 1 had known yor honor
kept such bad liqour, 'pon mcsowl, i
wuldn't have tuk but wan."
A young fellow in Audubon county,
La., recently defended blmsell in a
breach of promiao suit on the ground
that a contract entered into on Sunday
night was not legally binding, llo
won bis case.
Corn is the worst of all cereals. No
matter bow fruitful it is, it it only
grown to bave its ears pulled.
(alETIU.ia fOR Till tAWTIlli TO
In March last I peddler named John
Hughes was arrested In Columbia
county, this State, lor hawking and
peddling without a license. The case
was taken before Judge Elwell, who,
after hearing both sides, rendored
special vordict, which will bt found
interesting to merchants In particular
and tho publio in gcnoral. The learned
Judgo luya tbo law down as follows:
Tbo first count in the indictment
charges that tho defendant did unlaw
fully sell, as a hawker and peddler,
foreign and domestic goods, wares and
merchandise, to wit: Oysters, contra
ry, &x Tho second count ebareel
Ihut he did unlawfully expose to sale
as a hawker and peddler, foreign and
domestio goods, wares and merchan
dise, to wit : Oysters, contrary, Ao.
The verdict of the jury finds that
the Act of Assembly passed April T,
11(1, Pamphlet Laws 1810, page 304,
was extended lo Columbia county, by
Act passed 27 March 1848, Pamphlet
Laws IH 18, page 270, and that tbo same
is now, and us on tho 12th of Decem
ber, 1870 in fotce in this county. And
that on that day in the town of
Bloomsburg, in this county, the de
fendant did as a hawkor and peddlor
and traveling merchant, soli and offer
tor sale, oysters to alliens of laid
town, and did go from place to place
crying "oysters' in tho slroolB. But
whether he is guilty ot an offense pun
ishublo by law ia submitted to the
Court. If tbe facts sot forth, consti
tute in the opinion of the Court an
offense, they find the dofondant guilty,
otherwise verdict lor the defendant
Tho Act of Assembly referred to in
tho verdict in force horo ia in the
words following: "No person shall
sell or expose to sale, within tho coun
ty ot (Sehuylkill,) Columbia, aa a
hawker, or traveling merchant, any
foreign or domestic goods, wares or
merchandise, under penalty of fifty
dollars for each and every offense, to
be iiillictcd in tho manner provided by
tbo Act of April C, 183.1, entitled a
supplement to tbo Act regulating
auctions in tho city ol Lancaster and
other towns of this Commonwealth
passed the 7th day oi April, 1832. Tbe
mode of proceeding, provided by tbe
Act of April G, 1833, is by a warrant
from a Justice of tho Peace, abinding
over to Court and indictment in the
Qunrtor Sessions.
The two words "hawker" and "ped
dler," as employed in statutes are
nearly, if not quite, identical in moan
ing ; and each ol them signifies an
itinerant vendor of goods. Bishop on
Statutory Crimes, Sco, 1074. In Ab
bott's Law Dictionary, page 552, a
hawker is defined to be "a person who
practices carrying about merchandise
f rom place to place for sale ; as oppos
ed to one who sells at an established
shop." It is equivalant to "peddlor,"
which is more used at the present day,
It is generally understood from the
woid that a hawker is one who not
only carries goods for sale, but seeks
for purchasers, cither by outcry, or by
attracting notice and attention to them
as goods fur sale, by an actual exhibi
tion of or exposed by placards or la
bels, or by a signal, like tbe sound of
a horn fur tho sale of fish. Common
wealth vs. Ober, 12 Gushing 495.
Fisher vs. Patterson, 1 Harris, 33G 338.
Commonwealth vs. Willits, 14 S.i R.
Tbe verdict finds the specific acta
done by tho defendant to have been
done at a hawker and peddler, going
from placo to place, oilering for sale
and selling oysters to citizens and call
ing attention to them as goods lor
salo by crying "oysters" in the streets.
ib ioiiuws mat oe is guuiy or a viola
tion of tho law, if the article sold or
offered for salo was goods, wares or
mcrcbandiso within tbe meaning ol
tho statute.
Tho word "goods," in its largest
sonso signifies all ol a man's property
other tbun real estate. Bishop Statutory
Crimes, Sec. 3 I t. 1 Abbott s Law Dic
tionary 537. In criminal statutes, par
ticularly in statutes against larceny, It
is not understood to bave the full
meaning as above indicated cbosea in
action, bank notos, mortgages, deeds,
ana the like are exceptions, liul with
these and some other exceptions, not
necessary to bo mentioned here, this
word seems to include evorything ot a
personal nature. Thus ouu, corn, io.,
the products of a man's farm, are goods,
w ares and merchandise. 1 he male vs.
Brooks, 4 Com. Rop. 440. In its legal
sense it includes animals as well as in
animate things, and in penal statutes
it is construed as limited to movables
belonging to the property of some per
son, ot ininnsio value, jayior vs.
Barnes, 35 N. U., 484. The term
mcrcbandiso includes goods and in gen
oral, objects of traffic and commerce,
and is broad enough to includo also
slocks or shares in incorporated com
panies. Tbe Act of Assembly makos no ex
ception in regard to articles of food or
any other class of goods. It follows
that Ihe prohibition contained in the
Act of Assembly applies to the sale ol
oysters by hawkers and peddlors, with
as much certainty as to any othor
goods or articles of trnQlo and com
merce. Tho purposo of the Act, without
doubt was in part, to prevent interfer
ence witb the business of established
houses, and also to protect the community-from
imposition which might be
practiced by itinerant dealers.
In regard lo no articles of food it
this protection more noeded than those
of fish and oysters.
Upon tho facts tonnd by the vordict,
wo are of the opinion that the defend
ant was guilty of the offense charged
in tho indictment and that he hereby
incurred tho pohally of fifty dollars
and tho costs as provided by the stat
An undorkeener in a menagorie was
attacked by a lion in Birmingham, En
gland. Ho entered the cage in order
lo clean it. lo scparalo the animals
from that part of the cage that waa to
be cleaned a wooden panel waa used.
It reached from the top lo the floor of
tho cago, and was about two inches in
thickness. Tbo underkeopor, Harris
by name, does not appear to have ab
solutely closed tho panel at be entered.
Tho largest lion a powertul animal
named "Wallace" sprang toward
Harris, the sliding panel gave way
from the pressure, and the man stood
unprotected in front of the lion, who
wilh its mouth soized the poor fellow
by the shoulder. Harris who had a
broom in his hand, pluckily dotended
himself for a few moments by striking
the lion with tho handle of the broom.
But tbe lion, clutching him with one
ol its paws, dashod him to the ground
and began gnawing at hit body, from
which the blood was freely flowing.
The lion tamer, Aliramonsa, who wat
at thojoppoaite side of the hall, beiring
the commotion, ran to the cage. Witb
tkoutmost courage and coolness be en
tered thod en, and twice fired bit pistol,
which waa loaded with blank car
tridges. All tbe time Harris-wat still
beneath the lion, who waa tearing hit
flesb. The pistol firing had no effect
whatever on tbe animal ; and teeing
this, the lion tamer, who had with biro,
a loadod whip, began itriking the ani
mal with the Unit end ol it on the
head, lie dealt the lion four or live
blows, and the last, bitting the animal
with lorrifio force between the eyes,
appeared to ttun it. Tbe lion looted
II arris, who wat instantly dragged
o'll of the cage. He was bleeding pro-'
fusoly, but was not quite nnconsoioaa.