Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 27, 1881, Image 1

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;TBI.IHE1 IN 181.
Tlx largoe! tlrcltUD of any Newepaper
In North Central Pennsylvania.
Term, of Subscription,
If paid In edvaBoe, or wltble I moolk.. 00
f .fl.r I ud before month it SO
If j.nd after tipl'etloa ef "oBlat... a OO
Kates oi Advertising,
rrsmUnl advertlatmeBtt, ptr eqaaraof ISliDoaor
S titnea orlaia $1 oO
Kt oeh .ubetiiieflt loaertioa ,.. M
Imiril.tratore' and Eiecutore'Botleee I AS
Au.littira' nolloee s to
C.ulina and B.traya 1 SO
t,..rlutiun notieea S 10
rrofeMlonal Carde, i Hoot or loaa,l year..... I SO
T. ,r-al noticei, per line IS
I ,tiiara 00 I eoluma.. tSI 00
i.uiri.- It 00 I 1 column- 1" 00
I acjuAree... SO 00 1 oolnmn ...110 00
2it'5!trs' ffarfls.
tl:l:T CTearfleld, Pa.
1:10 Phlllpabnrff, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd
Ciirweoivllla, Clearfield county, Pa.
oot. I, 'JS-tf.
flrOfllce to tba Opera Uouio. oct, '78. if.
Clearfield, Pa.
er-Ofllco one door eaat of Sbaw Boaaa.
nfii c In Maronlo building, Seeood tlreet, op
po.lie (be Court Houaa. J.2S.78 tf.
:a Clcaruald Cou&lv, Pcoo'a. Toy
office in Opera llouec. ap 2&,T7-ly
iMTORira la tba Maaonio Building, over th
Cimolv National Ilaok. linar24-80.
Janl 'II ( learUold, Pa.
Office over the Count; National Bank.
Juno 20, 'TStf.
C'LHARriiLP, Pbbb'a.
Fir.t-ela.a Life and Fiia Inmraaoo Companiea
Mr-Office in tba Opera Uoxt:".
Mar. IS,'SI-le
rn.i. a. bubbat.
CTRtrl aoanoa.
ar-Oflice ia Ple't Opera Uouao, aoeond Boor.
yiLLlAM A. HA&ERTV, i' r,
OPPICE over T. A. Fleck Co.'a Store,
cTHill allied to all legal bu.loeaa with
prvu)tnoia and fidelity. Ifcbl 1,'1.0-tf.
losara a. m'bmallt. dabikl w. n'cdbdv.
Clearfield, Pa.
Sty-Legal baaloeaa attended to promptly with)
4-lclily. Offloa ob Beooad atraat, abora tba Firet
National Bank. JaniliTI
All legal bueiaeae entraited to hie oaro will ra
aelre prompt altentlan.
40flloe to tho Court Iloule.
Real Eitata and CollaetloB Agent,
( l.EAHFI tl.l), PA.,
Will prompllj attend to all legal bulioeaa aa
trotted to nia oaro.
ROrOmea la Pia'a Opera Houaa. Janl '71.
'ml Rial F.atato AgTBOt, .'learbld, Pa.
Offlea ob T&lra atreet, Bet.unerry m wainnt.
rorReaneetfullr offara hla aarTleaa In aelllnt
nod buying Inada la OlearAald and adjelntng
eountiaa and with aa eiperieBoeo! otrartwaotv
ttara aa a eurTeyor, flattara htmaeif that Be oa
render auliraotloa. IFab. I:l:tf,
1ili9i(i;ui3' Cnrils.
iiomkopatiiic pnrsiciAN,
Offloa to reeidraoa oa Firit at.
April 14, 1S71. Claarteld, I'a.
H ill attend profeiaioBal oalla promptlr. auglO'TO
JR. T. J. BOY Ell,.
Odeooa Market Street, Claatl.ld. Pa.
lrOoa honrai to II a. m., and 1 lo I p. at.
"0lio adjoining the realdenn of Janet
WnlfT, Rii., on KMoad St, Cleared, Fa.
Jnljll.,7 If.
Olipre at roiidraro, enrol r of Stale and Plaa
ileeta. Jan. lib, laBI-tf.
XT- OBoa houra-rroai II to S P. H.
Ma II, 1070.
Lite Sargaoa tf tho 054 Eeglnoat. PoaaayWaBla
Voiunteora, having returned from Iht Anat,
""era hla profiiiianel aervlaea to IhttltiieBt
it Claarteld eouaty.
caT-Prefeaalaaal eallt ptojaptlT arual4 to.
OHm oa SottaS atraat, formerly ooouplad by
wr.Waodt. Ipr4,'0uf
QEO, B. Q00DLAUDEE, Editor
tf tioU
I neatly otaputad at thia oflia
Wa have printed a large number of tbo oew
KK.l! HILL, and will oa tba receipt of twanlji
Ova M.nta. aiail A ooor to anv addroaa. atvla
CITY. Culloctioni md tnd money tiruinptlv
pkid owtr. Artiolti of tvicroetnsnt and detdt of
0oiTyaoo BMtljr tieuul ton wrnnw sor
root or no oharf. lljj''
J oi til of tb rct and SuriTtaor.
CnrweniTllle. P
pftld ov or.
iftdo tnd mono? promptly
UllH 7111
for bill rownanip.
Ma; , I87 lj
Stiuaro Timber k Timber Lands,
4 V. HOYT,
Land Surveyor and Civil Ergiut
"A1I buaintai wilt bo attanda I to p.omtitljr.
Dee. 15, ISKO lv.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Pfiiti'a.
fc4A,Will oioeuU Joba In hla lino promptly and
Inaworkmanllhemanner. aar4,o7
Jt TTO ll.VE fs-a T- L.1 tr,
Nov. I7ih, 1S10 tf.
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
tcrOfflo on tfeootid rtreot, in Ter of iton
rvito of Uourga Weaver A Co. f jkitV, '79- tf.
Ifecalur Toicnthip,
Oiceol. Mill) P. O.
All oScial bu.lnaaa antrnated to bim will ba
prompllj attended to. inoba, '7.
SUHp on Market Bl, Court Uouit.
A elcan towel for ovary eu.tomer.
Alao dealer ia
Heat llrauda of Tobarco and Cigars.
W.,.ld. Pa. "a? H. '"
tVallarcton, Pa.
rlla haa prepared bimiaU with all tba
neeea.Bry blank forma nnder tho Pen.lon and
Bounty law., aa well aa blank Daedi, eto.' AII
legal mattara ontruated to hia oaro will receive
prompt attention. May 7th, 187V-II.
Market Mtreet, ClearUeld, Pa..
AnitrAcTonaa anb dbalbb in
Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
JIorse-Furnishing Ooods.
ayA1l kiada of repairing promptly attended
to. Kaddlara' Hardware, Horn Urn.hea, Curry
Comba, Ae., alwaya OB hand and for aale at the
lowval oaab prioa. March 1, 17.
jaay Pumpi alwaya ob hand and made to order
on ahort notiea. Pipea bored on roaaonable tonna.
All work warranted to render eatialaotlon, aad
delivered if deaired. nyionypa
lAwry Ntablo.
'PUB anderiigned bega leave to Inlonn thenub-
lio that he ia now fulll prepare to
date all la tba way of furniahtng IK.eea, Buggioa,
Saddtoa and Ilarneee, on the ahorteit aotioe and
en reoaonabla tornal. Roeldaooo 00 Loeuat .treat,
batweoB Third aad Fonrth.
Oloarlald, Fab. 4. 1874.
Alao, aitenalva manufacturer and dealer In Squaro
Timber and Bawod Lomoarol all Btnoa.
tT-Ordera aolloltod and all bill, promptly
Iliad. ny'tJI
LWatclicsJ Clockt and Jowelry,
47raAoa't kf, Markl Areal,
t'l.F.ARFlF.M), PA.
All klnda of repairing In toy lint promptly at-
anaed to. Jeo. Jit, larv,
jAMaa aana.
Clcnrflrld Insurance Agency.
HEun k uuun.K, JrcniM,
Rrpraaont the following aa I other Iratlaaa Co't
Llvarpool London k Ol .b.-O. 8. Br. H.mi.sS
Lyooinlng nn mntual A oaab plan.... 6,000,0(10
1'ho.nix, of Hariferd, Conn ,34.09
Inauranoa Co. of North Amerira 1,41,674
North Brill. e A Mareentile U. 8. Br. 1,7H."3
Srolll.k Commercial U.S. Braorh.... 7V,l4t
Watortown T04.BU
Travalara (Life A Accident) 4,4J.4o4
Office ob Market St., opp. Conrt Houaa, Clear
leld, I'a. Jtna 4, 7 tf.
Insurance Agency
Palton Work, f tirtrrngrif ft?, fa.
Comnanies Eonresouted i
Commercial Union In.. Co., Aaaeta tt
Firvmen'e Fund Ine. Co., A. iota l.lot.OITIO
lininn Inauraaea Co., H I.70,ni7 9
Travalara' Accident Ina. Co . AneU.. t, tit, 104 It
Ncrthrra Ina. Co. of New York A.'te 4,VI 00
lnauranco placed ob oil kind, of property at
triniteblo ratca.
Uurwcnavllla, ro, ren. in, loni-ii.
West End Drug Store,
(Halfway bolwara Mctop't and Floch'l
THE anderiigaed haaopoaod up a Drag Start,
with a fall eupply of perfectly puro and
Ircah Drag, M.ntolBaa, tUeroicoia uou
. . . . n k. ku. aalactAA wllh
groat oaro and are guaraoleed U bo perfectly
pore aau roiiaow. a win give m'i r"
ilea u thia departmoat, and will tbeorfally give
any advice ana) lakanealleo In regard U medic inct
Creoofeharge. DR. T. J. BO. KR.
M. ... . t 1AAA..A
wiearaua, ra4 araw.
Si Proprietor,
A krilliuut tlvscription of tbo butllo
of Fredurirksburfr, prepared for the
"Annals ol the i ar by Major uonoral
St. Clair A. II ill hoi lanii, occupied seven
columns in the Philadelphia Weekly
i )ic recently. Ucnoral Mulnolland
touches upon the fine condition of the
Army of the Potomac, relates tho cir
cuiustances under which General Burn-
side took command, tolls of tbo open
ingof tho battle and of Mvado's advance,
and tlescriues vividly the torriblo on
slauirhtandrcpulso atMarye's IIoiL'hts
Tho following extract from tbo article
is a description of tho thrilling scenes
enacted in front of the famous stone
wall :
While Moado was moving on Hum
ilton's, the troops in tho city woro pro
pared to strike. Under arms, listening
lo tho sounds of the fight on. tho left
and waiting patiently lor their turn to
sharo in tbo Btrif'e, General Francis
Meagher, mounted and surrounded by
his staff, addressed each regimont of
his (tho Irish) uncuclo, and in burninc.
eloquent words, besought tho men lo
uphold in the coming strugL-lo tbo mill
tary prestige and glory of thoir native
land. Then green boxwood was culled
from a garden near and Moaghor placed
a sprig lo bis Irish cap. isvery ol
ficer and man followed hia example
and soon great bunches of tbo fragrant
shrub adorned the caps of every one.
w renins were made and hune upon
the tattered flags and tho national color
of the hmorald Isle blended in fair har
mony with the red, white and bluo of
tho Uepublic. At noon, Ueadonot yet
having reached Hamilton, beneral
Couch ordered French and Uancock to
the assault. French movod first, closely
lollowed by tho sunorb. As we wheel
ed into tbo streets leading towards tho
enemy we wero in full view of the
frowning heights and tbe march of
death huan. Nearly a milo away arose
the position that we were oxpeeUd to
carry anil though not yet clear ot the
city wo felt tbe prcssuro of tbo foo, tbe
tire ol whose battunes concentrated to
crush tho heads of our column as tboy
doboucbed upon tho plain. Solid shot,
nreu with light charges, ricbochet on
tho frozen ground, caromed on tho
pavement and went tearing through
tho ranks, traversing the entire lontrlh
of tho streets, bounding over the river
to be buriod in the opposite blulF.
Shells began dropping with destruct
ive effect. Ono striking in thoF.ighty
eighth Now York placed eighteen men
nors tlu combat. 1 will over remem
ber tho first ono that burst in my reg
iment wounding tho Colonel, cutting
off the head of Sergeant Marlvy and
killing two or three otbors. X was
struck by the instantaneousncss of tbe
deaths. Tho column had halted for a
moment, a sharp report, pull of smoko
and three or four men lay stark dead,
their laces calm, their eyes mild and
lilo liko, lips unmoved, no sign of pain
or indication of suffering. Marlcy had
not fallen, but dropped upon his knees,
bis musket clasped in both hands and
resting upon tbe ground. After get
ting into tho open and crossing a mill
race a riso in tho ground bid us from
the enemy, giving an opportunity to
dress the ranks ana prepare tho column
of attack, which wus by brigade front,
General Kimball's brigade in tho lead,
followed by those of Colonel J, V. An
drews and Colonol Palmer. Hancock's
division came next, wilb tbo brigades
of Zook, Mcaghor and Caldwell in tbe
order named. Here the thought struck
mo: "IIow different is the real battle
from that which our imagination had
pictured. After the reading of our
boyhood, with heads filled with Napo
leon and bis Marshals and harrowing
tales of gory field's of yore, with what
rcalistio feeling wo can see the wild
confusion of the storm swept field
charging cavalry, hurrying artillery,
tho riderless steeds madly rushing to
and fro, their shrill neighing mingling
with tho groans, screams and shrieks
ot the wounded. Here there is do dis
order. The men calm, silont, cheerful.
The commands of tho officers, given in
a quiet, subdued voice, and distinctly
heard and calmly obeyed. Tho regi
ments mancenvro without a flaw.
In this trying moment tho guides are
ordered out and the alignment made as
porlect as on dress parado. Tbo de
struction of human beings is done with
order and systom. Vet it is torriblo
enough ; tho very absence ot confusion
and excitement but adds to the dread
ful intensity of the horror. As for the
screams and shrieks, I have never
heard anything of that kind either on
tho field or in the hospitals. It may
be that tho soldiers of other nations in
dulge in cnos and yells ; our men took
tboir punishment without a complaint
or a murmur. Just before moving from
this spot one of our young officers, a
brave boy from Chester county, Penn
sylvania, Lieutenant Konoca (v. Wil
Inucr, was badly torn by shell, which
stripped tbe flush from his thigh and
leit the bono lor tour or live inches
whito and baro. Ho came to me, and,
holding up the bleeding limb for in
spection, said, with the most gcntlo
manner and placid voice: "Colonol, do
you think that I should goon with my
company or go to tho hospital V Ho
doubt had I told him to goon bo would
nave tlono so. 1 hen tho advanco Is
sounded. Tbe orders of the rogimental
commanders ring out clear on the cold
December air. "Jtight shoulder, shift
arms," "Battalion forward, guide cen
ter, march I" Tbo long lines of bayo
nets glittor in the bright sunlight
We have no Inendly log, as Meade had,
lo bide us from our loos, and as wo ad
vanced up tho slope we oome in full
view of the Army of Northorn Vir
ginia. All their batteries open upon
us. necan traro their line by the
fringe of bluo smoke that quickly ap
pears along tbo baso of the hills and
we see that we are marching Into an
aro of fire. And what a reception
awaits us I Fire in our front, from our
right and our lelt. Shells come at us
direct and oblique and drop down Irom
above; shells enfilado our lines, burst
among us in front, in rear, abovo and
behind us. Shells everywhere ; ft tor
rent of shells ; blinai d of shot, shell
and firo. The lines pass on steadily,
Tho gaps mado In the ranks are quickly
closed. The colors olton kiss the
ground, but are quickly snatched from
dead bands and bold aloft again by
others who soon in thoir turn will bile
tho dust. The rcgimontal oommanders
march out far in advance ol their com
mands and thoy too, fall rapidly, but
others run to take their places. Still
in good ordor, we push lorward until
five hundred yards of the long half
mile that lay between ns and Marye's
Heights ia passed, then the sharp whli
of the minnie joins the loud scream of
the oblong bolls.
Hancock's gallant advance.
Soon we forget the proBcnco of tbo
shells in the shower ot smaller missile
that assail us. The bills rain firo and
thoinon advanco with bonds bowod as
whon walking against hail storm
Still through the deadly sbowor tho
ovor-lhinning lines press on. Tho
plain over which we have passed
is thickly spotted with tbo men
of tbo Second Corps, dead, in twos
and tbroes and in groups. Iiegiments
and companids have now thoir third
or fourth commander and tbe colors
are borne to tko front by the third or
fourth gallant soul who has raised
them. Tho gaps in the lines have bo-
come so large and so numerous that
wo have to mako continued efforts to
close them, and tho command "Guide
centre" is frequently heard. Fronch
ncars the entrenchments of the Con
federates' first line and tho enemy
redouble thoir efforts. Tbe Btorm rises
to a greater fury. Tba struggle is
hopeless. His lines wave like corn in
a hurricane, rcooils, Ihon breaks and
tbo shattered mass falls back amid tho
shouts and cheers ot Cobb's and Ker
shaw's brigades, that line tho tionchos
in front. INow Hancock, with tbo
division that Dover lost gun or a
color, sweeps forward, and being joined
by many of tbo gallant men of French's
command makes tho most lioroio effort
ol the day. Passing tho furlhost point
roachod by tbo preeeding troops, be
impetuously rushes on, passes tbo
brick house so conspicuous on the field
on, on, until bis flags waved within
twenty fivo paces of tho fatal stono
wall. Then with murderous firo
ovorywhere around us we realized the
full absurdity of tho attempt to ac
complish tho utter impossibility. We
had not yet fired a shot, n e had only
reached tbe spot where our work was
to begin. Forty per cent, of iho forco
had already fallen. Nosuppoit within
three quartors ot a milo. In ourfront,
lino alter line of works followed each
other up the terraced heights to the
very crest, which was covered with
artillery. Tocarry the a sault further
would be extreme madness. Should
we take and occupy the first lino, it
would simply be lo meet the fire
of the sooond and third. To fight
tho host in front waj not possible. We
wore only to bo shot down without
boing able to return tbe blow. So tho
division, or rather tho half ol it that
still existed, began falling back ; but
Hancock would not be driven lrom the
field, and halting where tbo formation
of tho ground aflorded some shcltor to
his hard-tried command, ho remained
until reliovcd at night-full. And now
tho long, long dreadful afternoon that
awaited the thousands wounded, who
lay Bcattored over tho sad and ghastly
The only place ol cover was the
brick house out near the stone wall.
To this hundreds ot the wounded
dragged themselves and a great mass
of sufferers baddlcd together and
struggled to got nearer to the bouse,
that they might escapo the firo. All
around the great heaps of dead bore
testimony to tho fiorcenoBS of tho com
bat. leur by color sergeant lay
stark and cold wilb the flag of his
regimont covering him. Just in front
ot tho stono wall lay a lino of men of
the Irish lirigade, with thogreon box
wood in their caps, and the two bodies
nearest tho enemy wore those of my
beloved Iriend, Major William Horgan,
and Adjutant J. K. Young, both of tho
.highly -eighth IV ew York, it was not
yot one o'clock whon tho assaulting
column retired and we had nearly five
hours to wait for darkness. We heard
tho clock in the Episcopal Church in
tho city strike tbe hours that seemed
so long. The sharpshooters of the
enemy soon got a position Irom which
they could enfilade tbe house and when
one moved among the mass of bleeding
men it was signal tor tbo rino balls
to whistle around. Fow of us expect
ed to live until night and but few did.
Keeping very qiiiol,hug'' iig tho ground
closely, we talked together in low
tones. Tbo bullets Kept whiatlingand
dropping and every few moments somo
ono would cease talking never to talk
again. Uowquiotly tboy passed away
from the crimson field to eternity, their
lost ease on their waving flag, tbo loot
sound to reach their ears Iho volleys of
musketry and their comrades cheers.
the dlood or all nations.
What cosmopolitan orowd these
dead and wounded were Americans
from the Atlantio Coast and the Pacifio
States, from tboprairies, from tho groat
valleys of the Mississippi and tbe Ohio ;
Irishmen from tho banks ol tho Shan
non and Germans from tho lihino and
tbo bluo llanube ; Fronchmon from
the Seino and Italians Irom tho classic
Tiber mingled their blood and wont
down in Jcalh togolhor that our cause
and tho Union might live. Every lit
tle while wo could eoo othor columns
emerge from the city, deploy upon the
plain, march forward, but never gut
so fur as the brick bouso. Tho ap
pearance oft hoso troops would draw tho
tire of tho batteries on tho hills abovo
us and hundreds of deadly projeciilrs
would go screaming over us ana wo
oould sso them burst in tbo midst ol
our friends. Evening came at last ;
the sun went down behind the torriblo
heights and wo anxiously watchod tho
shadows lengthen and steal across the
Hold of blood, creeping over tbe plain,
through the houses ol the shade, then
up the cburcb tower until tbe only ob
ject that reflects tho rays was tho cross
ol buimsbod gold, wbicu sparmen
moment against the purple sky and
then twilight was upon us and deepen
ed until It was diflicult to discern ob
jects. We thought tbo battlo onded,
wben through toe naranoss loomed up
the divisions of llookor. Nobly they
camo to the work, wilh empty muskets
and orders to carry the position with
tbe bayonet. The dark mass passod
the brick bouse ana almost to the point
that Hancock had reached. They had
come up through the gloaming unsoen
and surged against tbe base ol Marye's
Again tbe bills flashed firo, shook,
rooked, roared and belched forth more
tons of iron on tbe red plain, more
minutes 01 tueloso carnage. J no som
bro wave rollod back, the last and
most absurd attempt of tbe disastrous
day had come to naught and seventeen
hundred more bad beon added to the
ponderous list of oasualilies. Clouds
overshadowed the skies, and, guidod
by the lurid lires still smouldering
through the ebony darkness, the im
mense crowd of wounded began crawl
ing, struggling, dragging themselves
towards the city, Ibose who were
more seriously injured : those with
battered limb using musket lor
crutches, tainting and falling by the
way. And wbon In tbe town bow
hard to find a spot to rost or surgeon
to bind on the wounds. More wound
ed than the city bad Inbabitants.every
public hall and bouse Ltlled to oversow
ing, the porches of tbe residoooes cov
ered with bleeding men, tho Burgeons
busy everywhere in the lecture room
of tho Episoopal Cburcb eight opera
ting rooms are in full blast, tbe floor is
packed with men wdobo limbs aro crush
ed, fractured and torn. Lying there
in deep pools ol blood, thoy wait so
very patiently, almost choorl'ully .their
turn tobo treated ; more Is no grumb
ling, no screaming, hardly a moan ;
many of thebadly liurt smile and chat,
and one, who has both logs shot off, is
cracking jokes wilh an officer who can
not laugh at tbo bumorous Bailies, for
his lower jaw is shot away.
The cases hero are noarly all capital
and amputation is nearly always ro
sortod to. Hands and foot, arms and
legs are thrown under each tublo and
tho sickening piles grow larger as tho
night progresses. Tho delicate limbs
of tho drummer buy fall along with
tho rough band of the veteran in years,
but all, evory one is so brave and cheer
ful. Towards morning tho conversa
tion flags ; many drop off bofuro thoy
can be attended to and somo of Ihem
nover wako again. Tho only sound is
tbe crunching of tbo surgeons' saws
and now and then the melancholy
musio of random shell wailing over
head. Fow tho prayers that are said,
but I can yet hear tbe soil voico of a
boyish soldier as he is lifted jn lo tbe
tublo, bis limbs a mass ot quivering,
lacerated flash, quietly Bay, "Ob, my
God, I offer all my sufferings horo in
ntonomont for the sins by which I
have crucified Theo." Outside tho
members of the Christian Commission
aro hard at work relieving all within
reach, tbe stretcher carriers hurrying
tho wounded Irom the hold ; low
priests and the chaplains wero quietly
moving among the suffering thousands,
shriving, giving them comfort and
soothing thoir dying hour. Out on
Iho railroad at Hamilton s lays the
body of tbe fearless commander ot tho
Third Brigade of the Pennsylvania
Kcserves, Gen. C. rager Jackson, and
at tho Bernard Houso where he had
been carried, died at midnight tho
youngest general officer and one of tho
most beloved that fell, Gen. George 1).
Ilayard, ot tho Cavalry, V lulo con
versing with somo other officers early
in tbo day a shell struck tho group,
passing through tho overcoat ot Cupt.
U. G. Gibson, destroying bis sabre. Jt
crushed General Bayard's thighs and
carried away a portion of his abdomen.
Ho lived fourteen hours alter being bit,
and passed tho time in quietly giving
directions and dictating letters to bis
ir lends.
The Arabian name for this stalwart
sentinel to tho Mediterranean, from
which tbo presont name is corrupted,
is J dial nl Tarik, mount of Tarik, and
with Couta, tho African point opposite,
constitutes what tho Phienicians called
tho Pillars of Hercules, from their
Tyrian deity. The world-wide repu
tation of this mighty fortress inspired
us with some awe (notwithstanding
wo woro froe-born Americana floating
under tbo slurs and stripos) as we cast
our anchor a few hundred yards from
ts gaping ramparts. We had passed
in through tho straits before a fresh
westerly wind, and altor satisfying tbe
scrutiny of rigid quarantine, found
ourselves in tbo midst of a good deal
of shipping, and surrounded by a
clattering set of gumboats, wilh all
sorts (it fruits, vegetables and wares.
No sooner bad our topsail hallyards
boon started than we wore boarded by
thirsty set of peddlers, contractors,
washerwomen, and guides all armed
with an nnlimited number of recom
mendations bearing autographs all the
way from Murk Twain to the Princo
of Wales. We wore besot by such
polite and affable set of "couriers" as
thoy call themselves, that wo found it
diflicult to escapo from their unitod and
untiring goal, so that we might select
for our escort an old friend, Michael
Benuncs, tho vcritnhlo "Ferguson" of
"Innocents Abroad," and tho beau ideal
of a chivalrous Spanish coumrr de
Jamdles. Ho had been in our employ
before bo wo knew him to he all that
was required reliable, intelligent, and
communicative. Wo wore lucky to bo
wafted to tho Hock by wcslorly
breer.o, for during the Summer months
an easterly wind, or Lovantor as it is
called, Is almost unondurablo, tbe at
mosphere becoming hot, sultry and
oppressive. As It was, the heat was
quite intolerable. After a long pull in
the cutler we landed very near the old
mole-head and passed through the
gatos into Iho city. A more picturesque
scene could not well bo conceived.
Hero was town of somo 20,000 souls,
exclusivo of about 6,000 troops, all
huddled together in thosmallostpossiblo
compass. '1 he housos aro built on
abrupt slopes, tier abovo tior, to
height of 250 feet above tho sea. The
space is so limited, the enliro town
boing situated on a shelving ledgo of
tho Hock, that great caro is exhibited
to proven t theincreaseol now residents,
and loroigners are permitted to romnin
only a certain longth of timo upon
promiso of good behavior. Persons ol
every nationality can bo found roaming
the streets (or rather the street, for in
reality there ia only ono about a ball'-
milo long,) from the Jews, Turks,
Moors, Arabs, and Negroes, in their
primitivo and oriental costumes, to
ovory class and stylo of Europoan,
both civio nnd military, and last but
not loast, to the plucky and irrepressible
lankce. such motley asaomblage
could not well be found at any other
spot on the globe. They have come
bore lor the purpose ot trade or which
thoro is considerable, Gibraltar is a
free port to tho world,and consequently,
many articles can be procured mncb
cheaper than in othor markets. We
wore forcibly struck by tins pocuhanty.
As an instance, Florida water, which
costs about sixty cents bottlo in the
United Stales where it is manufactured,
costs only thirty-five cents in Gibraltar,
alter having been irolghtod across the
oocan. How such a discrepancy arises
is lor the proprietors ol this marvelous
porlumory to answor. We woro also
told that American cigars could be
purchased hero at a lower price than
the Bamo quality in Now York city.
Proceeding along tho main street
we arrived and regiatorcd at tbe Hotel
Royal, the best publio bouse in the
place. We were surprised at tho ac
commodations, and the manner in
which the tablo Was served. Our im
agination might have been aomowbat
excited aftor long sea voyago but it
ia safe to say that the cuisine contained
everything that the appetito could
nil lor, ana true relish tmparlud by
the inviting accessories and surround
ings. Tbe question natuarlly arose,
t torn whoro comes all these choice
vegetables, eggs, meats, fruits, eto f "
The guide took me to tho markot
slalls,and from the information gleaned
there, tbe mystery was easily solved.
A mora tempting display oi poultry,
nsb, vegetables, oranges, grapes, pears,
lomons, figs, bananas, apricots, plums
and melons, 1 bad nover bolore seen
and vendod in most part by tbo Moors,
who bring largo supply from Tangier
in Africa, while great deal of the
fruit iB brought over the line from the
groves nnd vinoyards ol Southern
Spain. And in this connection I might
stato that good many Iruiters ply
rcgulurly between this port and New
York, occupying sixty days in trans
portation. Not until the middle of tho lust
century was free market established
contractors having the monopoly of
all supplies, and oflicora were forbidden
to import livo cattle or meat, or to kill
anything without a special license
A chaplain of tho garrison wus actually
threatened with a court-martial because
be had killed aucking pig without
leave. .Relevant to theso abuses a
curious story is told. A Cupt. Preston,
of Fowke's regiment, was tried fur
buying turbot for bis dinner, the
fisherman having protested that he
was bound first lo otfor it to tho gov
ernor. The gist ol his defonco was
"necessity has no law." He urged
that he bad nothing but pease pottago
for his dinner, and replied to tho town
maor that he would keep the fish ac
cordingly, and that ho had an equal
right to be served at the same time
with Iho governor in tho publio mar
kot. Ho declaimed aguinst tho Injus
tice and cruelly of slopping all fresh
provisions, nnd strenuously denied any
spirit ot mutiny, though declaring that
no wouia uo the samo thing again un
der similar nouessity. Tbe unfortu
nate officer gained his dinnor but lost
his commission, as ho was sentenced to
be cashiered.
When we consider that the rock of
Gibraltar is only tbroo miles in length,
and three quarters of milo wido, and
that nine-tenths of it aro elaborate
fortifications, wo wonder a little that
20,000 peoplo can brcalho comfortably
within its walls. Crowded they must
be. Tho citizens are ruled by mag
iBtry, under a charter of justico pi anted
to tho city in 1830, and tbe atrictest
discipline is enforced. An evening gun
is II red and tho gates aro closed lo all
niruuers, no one being allowed en
trance or exit without official permis
sion. Alter tbo hour of twelve, mid
night, pedestrians are not permitted
on the street, but all peaceful and law
abiding persons aro required to be
within doors. IliissyBtcm lessens tbo
chancos of night disturbances and is
Imsed on the principle that all honest
and trustworthy people should be in
bed during tbe "weo etna' hours."
Tbo military system of Gibraltar iB
almost perfect. No greater contrast
could be drawn between two soldiery
than that which exists between the
well drossod.flnoly proportionod.souaro
built and thoroughly drilled English
men on ono sido of tbo neutral ground,
and tho squalid, ill formed and indolent
Spaniard on tho othor. Thoy enjoy a
mutual hatred, and this is nol strungo
of the latter, since the occupation of a
part of his territory by tho Britons is a
never censingoyesoro and rankle to bim.
the "neutral ground consists ot the
narrow nock or isthmus which joins
tho rock to the main land, and is about
lailO yards in longth and 1300 yards
in breadth. On its own edge the Span
ish Government maintains a wretched
little garrison of 300 men, whose chief
duty it is to prevent smuggling across
tbo border, this surreptitious employ
ment being indulged in to a groat ex
tent, and often nt tho connivanco of
the Spanish officials, who graciously
divide tho spoil. This is the only land
approach to the promontory, and is
doubly secured aguinst invasion by a
ditch that runs along the baso of the
rock on tho British Bido, tho highway
bridge, as I was informed, being un
dermined and charged with powdor, so
that, at moment's warning, small
army could be shftttorod to fragments
and tiiurnltar trnnstormed into an in
accessible island.
For the purpoBo of examining the
fortifications our guido procured lor us
number of donkeys and a pormil.
we ascended by a winding roadway,
and the first object to chullongo our
curiosity was the old crumbling Moor
ish castle, building which is regnrded
as one of tho oldest in Spain, the Ara
bic inscription on tbo South gate re
cording its completion in 725. This
lower bas withstood tho vicissitudes ot
sixteen sieges, but now is mutilated
and riddled with Bhot marks. Ancient
arrow-heads have beon found buried
in the tough concrete which forms the
walls. A part of this stronghold is
now usod lor olllcers quarter barniajis.
An artilleryman took us in charge
bore and conducted ns through the
gallericrs, tbo most remarkable struct
ure lor military ptirposoe in the world.
There are two ranges, upper and lowor,
oxcavated out of the solid rock by
convict labor during tbo great eicgo.
I bo rock is pierced by hugo portholes,
extending into this wonderful cavern,
and are armod by line of smooth-boro
guns commanding flanking position
on tho land approaches. Within nre
two largo appurtmonta, or balls, for
projectiles and ammunition, named re
spectively altor Su Gcorgo and Corn-
wains, i heso of themselves are mar
vels ol human energy nnd skill. Emerg
ing from this dismal tunnel wo made
our way to tho cavos, for liko all com
pact limestone, tho Hock abound in
numerous fissures. Tbo most celebra
ted of these Is St. Michael's, 1,100 feet
above tbe sea level. Our courier illu
minated tbo intorior with t torch that
ho carried for the purpose and wo
louna ourselves in a spacious and lolly
ball 220 feet long by 70 feet high, sup
ported by stalactite pillars, the effect
of which when lighted up, wns beauti-
iiii an j Imposing. Tbe actual oxtont
of this cavo is unknown, though somo
explorers havo penolaatcd into it sev
eral hundred feet, and havo discovored
groat quantities of fossil and human
remains. While proceeding to tbe
signal station wo wore fortunato enough
to get a glimpse oi tho monkeys which
gambol at will over tbe crags nnd
bowlders. 1 hose are tbe only wild
monkeys in Europe, and number about
seventeoo or eighteen. It has for a
long timo boon mooted question bow
they were transported. Our guido
was fertile with a elory that tbe same
monkeys havo been seen on Ape's
Hill, in Africa, fourteen miles across
tho straits, and that the only way to
account for the incongruity was tho
necessary oxistonce of subterranean
communication unrior the sea. This
is fabulous and imaginary theory,
though it is true that the animals very
often disappear and are not aeon for
days at time. They are protected
from molestation, and tbe soldiers take
groat interest In tbeir welfare, and
any addition to the family being duly
announced in tho local paper. Thoy
live principally on the sweet roots of
tbe palmetto. ,
Arriving at the signal station ws
were introduced to Sergeant Brown,
the artilleryman id charge. Ws were
glad to find place to rost, and wilb
a koen relish partook of tho excellent
bread and checso offered us.' This em
inence is 1,255 feet abovo tho sea. It
consists of a modern building and
stone towor Irom which tbe straits are
watched and tbe shipping reported,
tbe range boing so oxtunaivo that on a
clear day the character ol a vessel
can be discerned lurty miles distant.
Tbo view from this clovation is ex
ceedingly fine. The visitor can Bee
from hero tho wholo of Gibraltar bay,
tho Sierra Novada mountains of Spain,
tho plncid waters of tbe Mediterranean,
tho A tins mountains in Africa and tho
coast of Barbary, togothor with far
reaching tracts of country. 1 bus al
most with ono glance ho beholds three
separate and distinct nationalities
Morocco, Spain ana Gibraltar a sight,
which for novelty ot effect has no
equal, recalling as it does, the laded
fortunes oi tho Moors, the dissipating
powors of the Castilian, and tho pres
tige of England.
Tho lortilicalions ot Gibraltar are
tho most formidable in tbo world.
Tbe fortress is literally impregnablo,
and from 1701 tbe British flag bas
waved triumphantly over it. During the
great siege of 1779, and which con
tinued nearly four yours, by tho allied
forces of Franco and Spain, numbering
nearly 40,000 men, besides a largo na
val fleet, the English heroically nnd
successfully withstood the attack, with
a garrison consisting of only a little
over 5,000 men. The first gun from
tho Kock wns tired by tho wilo ot nn
officer at tbo signal of Gen. Elliott
onions, strike home! Tho furious
bombardment of the enemy can be
somewhat imagined whon it is stated
that duiing a period of six weeks 06,
000 shot and 20,000 shell were hurled
Into the colony, and at ono timo, for
three succossivo days, 4,000 rounds
wore discharged from the land batter
ies per day. Notwithstanding this
torriflo assault, the English lost in
killed only 333 mon, after an expendi
ture, by tho combined lorces, of ovor
10,000 barrels of powder.
At present a seawall, with a system
of curtains, flunks, and bastions, ex
tends around tho western base of the
rock. Evory spot from whence a gun
can bo brought to bear is mounted
with cannon, and retired batteries with
the heaviest ordnanco occupying tho
most commanding positions, though
not tliscernablo from tbo sea. At an
elevation ot 1 100 foet is planted tho
Uock Mortar, tho highest piece of ar
tillery, and it is said to have been dis
mounted frequently by theSpunish firo.
Guns peep out of the most secluded
nooks, among flowers and plants, and
immonso plies of shot and shell are
stowed carefully away, secure from tbo
invader's firo.
Gibraltar has traditionally held tbe
titlo of barren rock, and to all prac
tical agricultural demands it pro
bably is, but its floral kingdom is
rich and varied. Thoro are many
species of plants and ferns, many are
indigenous. Tbe Alameda Gardens
have a profusion ol flowers, the gerani
ums being tbe most abundant. Hero
the military bands play twice week,
making it tbe favorito resort and
promenado of the inhabitants. Tbe
peoplo amuse tbemsolves in various
ways, fox hunting in Spain being tbe
chief feature el tho season. During
the winter months thoy have a moot
ing twice week, llacquot, lawn
tennis, cricket, polo and private theatri
cals, are largely participated in by the
officers of tho garrison. Tho parade
grounds are used tor alhlotio games.
Tbo library contains 40,000 volumes
and is tho finest institution of tbo kind
outside ol England. In connection
with this is pavilion with a billiard
room, reading room, etc.
Since the introduction of steam ves
sels, the valuo of Gibraltar as a pro
tected coaling station and depot for
war materals, iBOt undisputed import
ance. Combined with a naval fleet
sho could hold indefinite control of tbe
entrance to tho Mediterranean, and
defy tho united powers of Europe.
The Jowish Passover commenced
last evening at 6 o'clock. There is a
vast deal of negative information in
regard to tho Jowish Passover, and k
lew precise remarks will not be in
apropos. The term has two signifi
cances. It is called the "Passovor"
and also the "time of unleavened
broad." It ia an eight days' session of
glory hallelujah time which com
memorates tbe dolivoranco Irom Egyp
tian bondage of tho israelilish tribes.
Tbe particular title "Passover" alludos
to tho instructions given to tho Angel
of Death at the timo of the destruction
of the firstborn of the Egyptians.
That was one of the ton plagues visit
ed upon Pharoah's people. In pursu
ance of Information conroyed to his
followers by Moses, mystio marks were
mado on the door-posts of tho housos
in which the Israelites lived. Those
marks woro traced in the blood of k
lamb. In looking for tbo first-born
the Angel of Death passed ovor the
house thus designated hence the name
"Passover." Tho audacity, ii wo may
so express it, ot the selection of the
animal slaughtered is found in tbo fact
that tbe Egyptians regarded tbe lamb
idolatrously'. J ust previous to tho vis
itation ol the Angel ol Heath, tho Israel
ites had askod Pharoah's permission
to retire into the wilderness to pray to
their God. This was previous to tho
terrible visitation npon the firstborn,
which was immediately followed by
the expulsion ol tho Jews.
Thoy were pursued In few days
and overtakon at the lied Sea. No
description is needed of what thoro oc
curred. The Old Tostamont speaks
eloquently of tho horror, tbo conster
nation, tho despair of tho Egyptian
mothers who found that in tho night
tho noisoless wings of Death a messen
ger bad brushed their first-born dar
lings. Alter such treatment of the
theme it would be almost impious to
dilato upon It.
Saturday was what is called a "groat
Sabbath" in Jowish parlance. At 6
o clock last night, vaguely called sun
down, tbe first moment of the eight
dava of "Passovor" began. On tbis
day all Icavoned bread must be out of
the bouso by HI 0 clock A. Jtl. more
is a peculiar formula with reference to
the expulsion oi any icavonea tning,
which is as follows: "Tbe master of
the establishment searches every nook
and corner of bis mansion. He accu
mulates by tbis proceedure all leavoned
articles that he discovers; gathering
them, he says something lo this enect
"All manner of loavon on my premises
which had not beon found by me, tbe
same as that which 1 have just ourn
ed, bas my blcss'ng upon it and is an
nullod. 1 have done my duty."
From this on nothing but leaven is
brought into the house during the
tight days of the "Passovor," aad groat
TEEMS $2 per innwn in Advanoe,
care is taken that no utonsils used in
tho preparation of leavened food are
usod in the composition of the specific
dishes proscribed for tho festive sea
son. Those dishes are four in number.
Special allusion is made to tho least
which begins this evening after the
synagogue observances, the "lass
over" terminates Tuesday night of
next week at b' o'clock, Tho first two
and the luot two nights of tho eight
are the most important. Last night
and to-night will bo bad tho celebra
tion ol the "narrative. A table is
spread with four dishes as mentioned
above. The first contains throe thick
"Passover" cakes ; the second bas the
shank bono of a lamb with bard boil
ed egg accompanying it ; in tbo third
platter are parsley and bitter herbs.
This is called tbe "Ilagadah," which
means a "narrative." In Gorman par
lance it is the "Sedar," possessing the
samo significance. Ou tbe fourth dish
Ihore aro horue radish and mixture
called "cbaroset," which is composed
ot almonds, raisins, nuts aad spices.
It is supposed to symbolize the ma
terials used in tho making of the bricks,
which industry was tho vocation of the
Israelites during their captivity. Tbe
bitter herb in tho third dish is in com
memoration ot the Israolitixh livos
that woro embittered by the bondage.
Tbe unleavened bread has more or less
remote allusion to the fact that tbe
Jowish dough did not havo timo to
rise, and that it was baked, more fre
quently than olherwiso. while being
carried on the backs of people exposed
to a broiling sun. the egg typifies
tbe festive offering made at the tem
ple in Jerusalem.
At tho commencement of lbs "nar-
rutivo" tho master of tbe house breaks
tbo centre of tho tbroo cakos in the
first dish in halvos, ono ol which is
called "Aficomon," and part of which
is given to eacb individual present at
tho dish of the "narrative." This is in
tbo nature of a dessert, and is supposed
to be tbo last thing eaten that night.
Tbe entire affair declares the whole
history of tho dolivoranco from Egypt,
and is a gastronomic legend of most
peculiar importance
Tho bead of the family addresses
idcalistically four filial elements: "The
wise child," "tho wicked child," "the
simplo child," and tho "one who knows
not what to ask. 1 ho wise ono says :
"What aro tho stntuottos?" For an
answer ho receives: "This is in accord
ance with tradition, and you must not
cat anything to-night after the 'Afico
mcn.' " Tiio wicked ono quories:
"What is this to mo?" Ho ia settled
with the remark: "It is nothing to
you. If you had been there in Egypt
thoro would have been no redemption
tor you." As to tbo simplo one ho
says: "What is this?" To which is
respondod : "This iB in commemoration
of tho act of God Almighty liberating
our peoplo from bondago." To tbo
one who docs Dot know enough to ask,
an oxplunatior. is mado something like
tbis: "We were commanded to tell it
to our children that wo woro brought
out of Egypt by Him who has called
us His chosen people. Ibis occasion
is memory of His act."
The ritos are very exclusive so fur
as outside religious faiths aro concern
ed, but to Jows every Israelilish house
hold is supposed to be open during tbe
first two days ol tho eight Tbis is
almost Masonic idea, and has its po
etical import in that any stranger Jew
sojourning within the gates of any
city whoro the "Passovor is boing cel
ebrated is entitled, if attractod by the
sound of joyous festivities, lo enter tho
houso lrom which they proceed as an
honored guest. No mult liquors are
drank by Jows during tho "Passover."
The third, fourth, fifth and sixth days
aro called "middle days," and the last
two, which will be Monday and Tues
day of next week, are obsorved as the
first two, with tho exception that the
"narrative" ceremonies aro not re
peated. This is the 5,C30th Jewish year, tho
first day of which was in September
last, beginning at sundown. In tbo
Israelilish faith tho time is reckoned
according to tho lunar system, while
with Christians it is based on solar ob
servations. Thoro aro 3!i3 days to
385 in tho Jewish your, the variation
being occasioned by an extra month,
which occurs every leap year. Of all
the epochs in the year, that which be
gins to-night is tho most important.
It is pn?an of victory ; it is a com
memoration of the most glorious inci
dent in the history of the nation in
question, and is, thoreforo, to most
considerable portion of our population,
a period Ireigbted with peculiar inter
est. aViib Yor Truth, April 13.
Did you over look at a bird's wing
carolully, and try to find out Irom it
tho way in which it is used ? People
usually snpposo, cither that bird flies
because it is lighter than air, like n
balloon, or that it rows itself along as
a boat is rowed through tbo waler.
Neither of these suppositions is true.
A bird is not lighter than tho air, not
docs it float ; for whon a bird is shot
on tho wing it talis to tbe ground as
quickly as tbe squirrel. On the con
trary, a bird flies on its own weight,
and could not fly at all if it wore nol
hoavier than tho air.
Look at quill feather, and you will
see that on each side of tho central
abatt or quill tbore ia a broad, thin
portion, which is culled vane. Tbovane
on one side oi tue suuit is Quito broad
and flexible, while that on iho olher
sido is narrow and stiff; and by look
ing r.t wing with the leathers in
thoir places, you will find that they
are placed so that thoy ovorlap a little,
like the slats on window blind, l.ucu
broad vano runs undor the narrow
vano of tho feather bosido it, so that,
whon the wing is movod downward,
each feather Is pressed up against the
alifT narrow vane of the one besido it,
and Ihe wholo wing forms a solid sheet
liko a blind wilh tho slats closed. After
the down stroke is finished and tbo up
stroke begins, the pressure is taken off
tho lower surlnce of the wing, and be
gins to acton the upper surface and to
press the feathers downward Instead
of upward. The broad vanes now
havo nothing to support them, and
they bond down and hollow the air to
pass through tbo wing, which Is now
like t blind with the slats open. By
these two contrivances tbe shape of
tbe wing, and the shape and arrange
ment of the leathers tbe wing resists
the air on Its stroke and raises the
bird little at each flap, but at each
up stroke allows tbe air to slide off at
the tides, and to past through botween
tho leathers, so that nothing is lost.
V(. Skholas.
A six year old chap was lorcod to
wear shirt throe sire too large for
bim. After strutting around a little
whilo, he burst out with, "Ma, 1 feel
awful lonesome in this thirl!
v BY M. L atoQOOWlf. .
Panawtanf PatrAll nf T.afalTAtfA Pnl.
lego, Easton, Pa., sailed lrom New
York for Europe Saturday, April HI,
Tbe statemeut that Dr. Uigbee, the
new Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, will call in all teachers' pormaneut
certificates, is authoritatively contra
The Pennsylvania Legislature bat
kindly remcmborod the school teachen
of the Commonwealth by passing
bill making it obligatory upon school
directors lo allow the teachera thoir
time whilo attending the annual County
Institute, and 12.50 t day for ex
penses. This will gladden tho hearts
of many a toacber, and especiully the
dilatory classes.
Pike Township, April 14, 1881,
Ono of tbe most tuccossful terms ol
school that bat over been taught at
tho Kobina school, in our township,
closed on the !Hh of April. A literary
entertainment wos hold in tho evening
of thut duy, aud was attended by a
very lurgo number of ciliaons who
were highly delighted wilh tbe exer
cises. M r. Frank Curry, teacher of the
Curry school, made tho address of wel
come, Tbe peoplo of tbe district are
very anxious that Miss N orris will re
turn and teach the Bcbool next Winter.
She is now teaching a summer term
of school in tho borough of Curwens
villc. A Director.
I.t riisiisucno, April 13, 1881.
Noarly all tbe schools in this town
ship have closed at this writing. Cross
lioads school, No. 9, closed on Friday,
April 8tb, with good results. It was
largely attended in the afternoon by
tho parents and citizens of the district.
Tho exercises consisted of orations,
select readings, essays, dialogues, etc.,
thus showing the importance ot good
Literary Societies in our public schools.
Tho past term has been very success
ful, all owing to the teacher, Mist
Sadio J. Morgan, who, by her untiring
efforts to make the school success,
and by her true Christian manner, hat
mado many warm friends during the
past two Wintors sho has been in our
midst. Miss Moriran is not only
good teacher, but also a true Christian,
who will, it it bo in ber power, be sure
to lead ber scholars in tho true path
of Christianity. w. H. u.
noil or II0SOR.
The following is a lint ol pupils re
ceived for the "Holl of Honor" tor tbe
week ending April 22d. All whose
names appear in this list attended tbe
school to which they belonged every
day ol the school term :
Robins school, In Pike township, Nora
Norris teacher Emery Cupplcs.
Freeport school, in Morris township,
John Emigb teacher Flora Kuch and
r. hi. i.migb attended too per cent, ol
Tiadoker school, in Bradv townshin.
Sadie J. Morgan teacher Willie L.
Weber, aged 7 years ; l.h 1 . Uarman, .
gcdsyears; John Shatter, agod 12
ParailiBo school, in Lawrence town-
shi, W. S. Mott teacher Carrio Car
rick missed no time, tnd Emma Carter
and Huttie Mannahan missed one day
Kaitbaut school, in Kartbaua town
ship, IL S. Maurer teacher Bertha
Schnarrs and Edward N. llertlcio at
tended every day, and Eva Hertlein
missed one day. Miss Schnarrs has
not missed a day in two. terms, or
eleven months.
New Washington school, John C,
Barclay teacher Thomas Mahatfuy,
Thomas Nell'. Fred Netf, Helen Mitch
ell (two terms in succession without
missing a day), francos N off, Grace
Arnold. An entertainment was hold
at tbe close of the school and, in point
ot excellence, surpassed the expecta
tions of all.
Superintendent Craighead, ot India
na county, is running for his second
term without opposition.
A. J. Davis, Superintendent ol Clar
ion county, ia running fur his third
terra without opposition. Ho has been
faithful officer.
Thoro are seventeen candidates who
dosiro to succeed Superintendent Myer,
in Centre county, who bas served two
terms, and does not want the third.
The 14,500 School Directors in the
Stato of Pennsylvania will assemble on
Tuesday of next week, May 3d, to
elect 92 Superintendents for the cities
and counties of the State.
Tho Convention to be held in our
own county will convene promptly at
1 o'clock P. M., according to tbe re
quirement! of tbe School Law. We
expect largo turnout of directors,
Tbis is, perhaps, the grandest duty
enjoined upon School Directors.
An attempt is being made lo defame
the good name of Superintendent Kel
ly, of Jefferson county, by circulating
through tbe mails anony mons circulars
reflecting npon his character. The
papers denounce the scheme in strong
terms. Blackmailing and sensational
remarks aro always at discount with
intelligent people.
Somo twolre or fifteen female teach
ers are candidates for the posilion of
County Superintendent in different
parts of tbo State. The following an
nouncement, taken from Forest coun
ty papor, shows the prominence they
givo the ladies out there :
Editcb Dkmocbat i Fleaie aaBeaooe tba aana
of Mice J. K. Cnr-eland', of Tiooeala, aa a oaadi
data for SapcriDteaiioBt af Comnoa School, of
PoreBt coonty, Pa. Aa tola la tba 00)7 poblie
office Kblob aaa be held by a lady, wa hope tht
direotore of tbo ooaoty will givo bet tbo aaoat at
tcalioB aad boarlDf tbey weald a nolo.
Tloeuta, Pa., April 1, 1MI.
Thomas Hopkins, who taught Jeffer
son scbool.jn Decatur township, is now
a student at Dickinson Seminary, Will
inmsport. A. fl, Lambert, who taught Centre
school, in Lawrence township, hat
been called to Wintorburn, Huston
township, to teach term of three
months. Salary, t35 per month.
Wm. Posllothwait and Jacob Smith,
of Brady township, are attending tho
Slate Normal School at Edinboro, Erie
Mist Ida Gearhart and Mist Lois
McGaughey.both of Clearfield borough,
and H. Frank Porter, of Lawrence
township, are attonding tbe Stale
Normal School at Millcraville, Lancas
ter county.
A correspondent of the Osceola (Pa.)
Reveille pays Miss Marie Moore, of
West Clearfield, a high compliment for
the excollont manner in which she oon
ducted the Uanoock school, in Decatur
township. Mist Mooro teemt to be
eminently successful in hor teaching.
Prof. W. A. Ambrose, of the New
Washington Normal School, was mar
ried recently to t lady of Boll wood,
Blair county, whose name we have pot
learned. Mrs. Ambrose, accompanied
hor husband to bit new Sold ol labor
at Now Washington. The usual con
gratulations are extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Ambrose in thit new departure.
The following teachen have been
employed for the Summer term in
Union township: Hubert school, ilrt.
Alice Lilt, of Goshen township ; Home
Camp school, Miss Hannah Corp, ol
Brady township ; Spruce Hill school.
Mist Mary P. Heckendorn, ol Perry
county ; Maple Grove tcbocl, Mist
Sara Scofisld, of U nion township. Tht
salaries are 123 per month.