Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 20, 1881, Image 3

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Termt of Subscription,
1 paid id edvanee.or within three aonthe,..$l 10
If i.uid after thre aad before six ttonihi... t ofl
If aft tbeJiplratioB of til monhts... $ 00
Met hod It-1 picopal CkwrchRev.aBo,
Pastvr. SerrieM every babbetb a 10,
A.M., end P- M.
.Sabbath S-ihool at A. M.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, tt T P. M.
Curon union Service, Ant Sabbatb of every
nnih. ai lttl A. M.
Went Meartteld M. IU ( hurc h Rt. j """"" 01 fcrncst uook, the Cnst,
rniKLRiW. UinnLBr, ffUr. Prearbing every I ... " w ,
alternate Sunday, st 8 oVltvk, P. M. tiuDdayl 'LVttt k!HIN(l. Mr. UU1 Mr.
S-lio'.l at 2,, P. 41. All are Invited to attend. Jonn "'. Uollefonte. will eelebrate tho
rrof. Youngman'g icbool openod Id
tbe Leonard Graded fclchool building r.0 Monday
with a ?err fair ttttndanet.
Dr. Stow art now oocupies bis new
dental room Id tbe old "Western Hotel" build
ing, eoraer of Beoood and Market streets.
About twenty-five rutin wore moored
In the "Lick" at tbe foot of Market itmt on
Monday evening, Bor than was ever un there
at arjr an tint belon.
i'unneri, Goo. Wcavor & Co., uru
making a specialty thli ataioa of clover and
Uavotbjr lead, and land plaster. Tbey alee have
oi mackerel at 3 eenta a doten. Try lb cm 1
An appropriate Hauler nervito was
bald at tba ClaarAetJ M. K. Cburcb la it Baaday
rep In j. Flowers were beautifully arranged
about the altar for Ibe oeceilun. They were from
PrciM tcrlaii Churrh--Rev. II. 8. Butlrr.
SuMiath services morning end evening iHeb-
i.jih School at a r. M. Prayer Meeting n ednoa
,,ir evening,
llantlat Church. Rev. . Pastor.
a!..atli Hvliool at 3 P. H. Prayer Meeting every
Up infamy evening.
t l-'ra.irle l'IiurchCathulli---Kev. P
;. .-iicripah. LiviLB narvlca at 101 A. AI., on
e first, third and fourth Kundatsof rach month;
Vmpersand Ilenodiction of the Plesavd Saornuient
t 7.1'ciwek, P. iM. Sunday Hvliool every (Sunday
vfrrrancn at I o clock.
r-Veond Monday of January.
Third Monday of Maroh.
Fir it Monday ef Jane.
Fourth Monday of Bap toot bar.
Vint Monday of Jane.
8ooond Monday of November.
public ornciM.
I'niltd Statu Smaton J. Donald Cameron,
tlarrinburg, Danphin onnty j John I. Mitchell,
Wcttboro, Tioga county.
Vmgretmnn Kx-Ooveriur Andrew 1. Cortia,
llel.elttnlr, Centre eeuniy.
.Senator Hon. Cyrui T. Alriander, Bcllefontr,
Centre county.
Acmb'if-Ut)0. Jupotl Flyno, Smith' Milli,
Cl-nrlirld county.
J'rtfidtnt Jndgt Hon. Cbarlce A. Mayer,
: ij'k Haven.
Auiitant Lam Judyt ITuri. John FI. Orvli, ef
Atioeiat Judgt Abram 0t'Un, Clearfield
Vincent B. Holt. Clearfield.
Prothonotary Jam et Kfrr.
Htyitttr and Hteordtr (1 cargo M. Fergeion.
Trtnwer Philip DottR.
District AttornryJ. P. MfKenrlck.
Sheriff Janiei Mahaff.
lirputy ,S'Ar F. I. Thompion.
Cuty Surttyar Samuel F. MoCloskey, Cur
wrnsville. County f7oeiieeiofir C. W, Kyler, Griham
ton P. 0.; Slab Johnston, Grampian 11 ill F. 0.;
John Norrii. Sr., Corwanirille.
ramminior' CUrk John W. Howe.
thnnty Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
fi'M ; Joiajib Oilltland, Three Bona J. 6. Nor
ri, Woo.lland.
County Coroner Jmtt A. Moore, Clearfield.
Jury Commiiontri- -Andrew J. Jackaon, Clear
flo i, Wm. R. Brown, Clearfield.
Superintendent Pnblio School M. L. Mo
Ouown, Clenrfield.
AoMrtVe Publie John W. Wrifley, Wm. Ra-
Jcl.nucS. Cyrua Oordon, Clearfield i Joiepn n.
Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Corwenaville ( J. A. laving,
lone. Dnlloii City.
frAdvcrtiHura and otlicra will bear
in mind that all artlclet intended for publication
in tii p i-er nut ha handed in, not later tnan
Tuerday. t tf A. M. I"n't fornet it!
Altmday, April 18th ruin and unow.
. i a
Tiiiiiiiiid bultt and bunnelB at Jch-
jiUdiiV niiht-ert' and cbildrcrm' fthocfl
! Lehman'j.
twettty-hllb iiivar wedding) mulvertery or tlielr
tuarriea on Friday next, having been married
on tha 22J 'f April, IH6 Our wiib It Ibat the
Jo tgo and Lit lady my live to celt Irate their
gulden wedding.
OppKoR(iuoi(t. Mr. Wm. J. 11 utter,
one vf our muil eMrrprlilog tnerebaoti It off lo
the caalarn cilia lor the purpoee uf la.vlog la
full vuppljr wl b jtwde rjcane. hardware,
dry goo-li, Unoy gut-d'f utniwre, noliuna, In
fa ol everyihiti ko,t lor lite n:arkvt will La fuui d
in h! room in Pia'a Opera llnute
Mr. A TbuhbuiiMvr bad received the
lateit noveltiea In the way of Goaii' an-k-wear
at bit i tore in (be Opera Home. He h4 the new
"Hexagon" ueak-icarf, with six wearing aurfaoea
the tame loarf worn In ail different ety lei.
Bet idee fca bae all kind of UenU' farnUhlug
good, clothing, Ao., of the very Utut pattern.
Clt and eee bia good.
Kxcellent Covkrs. An exctbune
ay that to at Hi i the feather of duck), chiok
en and turkey, generally thrown aiid aa re
fine, trim tha plume from the ttump, inclose
them In a titfht beg, rnb the whole a if walking
olothei, and yo will eeoura a perfectly uolfurui
and light down, elan I lent fur qulliiug In cover -Itti.and
not a few other purpoact.
- m e -
The "Hawk Kyb" Mas. Jn 'The
Riae and Fell of tha Muilacbo" there U an inter
mintcliog of food fur both tear aud untie. The .
trantug ut tba growth and decline of man In this
tkttch ia a work of art, and embodies a oomnre-
rion and lyoipatby that have fallen to the ll of
but lew bumoriiU. C'Aieao lime:
Tbe above lecture will be delivered by Mr. Bur
dette, in tbe Oprra Hue nest Wi-dnci'dny
Heavy Lodh. We learn that Gooru
Merrell had a 500 tvau of bone killed on hi
Andervon Creek drive on Monday, near tbe
mouth offline Acderiuncre'k. The boric became
frightened and the driver, wagon, boraea and all
wont down over au embanauivnt levanty-flre feat
high into tha oreek. The bur were killed, the
wagon Uievbed to piece aod Ibe driver bad hi
thumb knocked out of joint.
A HitirK Mom.DEa Wanted! Ap.
v to Souiiiel Hell, tMearfleld, Pa. 4 0 fit.
GtKid Fridaj whh not generally ob-
rn ed in ClearQold a a holiday.
Kvtor Si?a wore in more demand
lat Silurday Ui i Enter cnrd(.
m --
Mct'uU'ri New York glove-fitting
r pAltern sold by H. A. Kralaer
A full new line of carpet, lace :ur-
tini, nlndow bale iod fixture at Lebmao'.
Jlitrry A. Kratxvr left for Pbiladvl
j hia and Jfew York rn Monday morning to boy
6 ooj i.
The cecond hund-organ crow this
teMon viOted oar town on their way wert on
Kvcr)Tudy in pleased with tbia kind
of weethtir, and eapeoially thoae who are engaged
in hiiu't-cieanlng.
ptiblidhea an
Let tboie Inter
I). W. MeCunly, K-q.(
Auihtor'a notice lo thla litue.
f:tt J lake nrttice-
Tbe l)oyn are anxioiihly awuiting tbe
coming of tbe circui ; and ome of them are not
tfrj ioi ! either.
llev. A. J. lleun, of Cenlro county,
will pirach In h Clearfield Lutheran Church
ninf Sunday, morning and avenfug.
A Rpcciul liuiii wan run from Jjock
tlivro to tin place and Curwcnsvllle on Ftiaday
rcnirg f jf the acoomraoditlon uf raft men.
- i -
The membera of the est Clearfluld
M. K. a iDgrealiun gave their pattur, Rev. U. B.
Ague, a aupper, at hi new home on Monday
1 he Syndicate Continued.--We
notice by tbe lait lame that tha overworked edi
tor of tbe Cttiien I still abient, and ha coutinued
the previou arrangement for two or more week.
We hope be i having a good titnt in tbe lobby at
the 8tate Capitol aud at ohr place, where be
1 reeking for the recovery of bia broken-down
health "Overwork" i a bad ai tha coniu mo
tion but It don't (rlV or kill nnaratmaoy
Hon. ( yrti" T. Alexander, Senator
from tbli dirlriot, and a member of tba joint e im
mltte' to draft ruolutiuoa espreiaire of tbe death
of our dlflinguiihed tuwoarLan, tlovrrnor Bigler,
on Tliunday last, ulinitted a aerie of reialutl on
in the Plate Senate eulogising tbe public and pri
vate worth of the deseaaed, and on bia motion
Wedneduy afternoon, April 37th, wa fixed fra
eion to bedevo'ed to tha eoniidoratlon of tha
IIoi'HB Bluned. The dwelling on
tb old bomealead of Ibe late lire I Carr, ituata
in Lawrence tnnnfhip, about two and one half
anilei aoulh of tbit borough, near the pramiae of
Mr. George II, Hail, wm destroyed by flr lat
Kalurday aflarnoin. It waa with a good deal of
effort that Mr. Hall' ttall waa laved. Tba
properly belonged to He estate of Catharine Carr,
deceased, and we learn wa occupied by a man
named Fullerton. We have no particular aa to
bow the fire originated. The lou Is not great.
During tbo recent illnecs of Dr.
Wrigley, who has beta anfforing for several week
pat with the eryiiptla, bis place as organiit In
tha Prealiy terian choir ha been ab ly ft lied by Mr.
Cbarla Boneruian, of Newport, Perry eounty,
now engaged ta selling tnoiieal instrument in
this county for tb Miairi. Wilson. We have
been requested not only by member of the obolr,
but alio of tbe congregation to return tbanki for
hi klodneii, Xt. Bosserman 1 a skillful per
former on an instrument.
Misb Mamie irvin. ui liurnnido, a
ruccesslul ohool leaeher in this eounty, Is now
attending tbe National School of Elocution and
Oratory In Philadelphia.
The Ladies' Aid Society of tbo Pre
Ljtirian aongrega'iion will boll a fertival on
Thursday evening of thi week at the residence
of Mrs. U. L. Red, corner of Pint and Markst
Mina Loin Metiaughey, of thin place,
who taught school tbepast Winter at Green Run
nhj i, in Jordrto towmbip, left home on Friday
mom I tig I nit to attend tha Millenville Htat
X -rm il suhool,
liememher that Hurdette, the funny
in no of ibe liurltngtoD Nairkey, will lectur in
this place nit Wednesdny evening, April S7lb.
He ti said to bl ao Interesting speaker ai well as
a funny writer.
- . aa
Any person wishing to purchase a
good cow, abould eall or write to II. W. Molten,
Curwtniville, who advertise four for sale, three
of tbem Aldernay. See advertisement In en -t her
Five thotmand aerca of coal land be
longing to the Ue) It font e and tiuowshne Railroad
Company, ia Centre eounty, apon which are
located alx working eollerles, have been leaved to
Berwind, White A Co., of Philadelphia.
The Superintendent and ineoiboraof;
the West Clearfield M K. 8lbith rVrwl were
A Kelic. The Cbambornburg Spirit
of tba ISth ay : "On Monday or last week Mr.
Oeorge W. Hamilton found a valts on the farm
f James Beatty, in Southampton township,
which oontalned some oloibing .and a Mormon
bible, on the fly-leaf. of which wa written 'Elder
Philip Ford tiener, Cburrh of the I.allor Day
Saint, Ogden, tub, June 2ilh, If)'.' The
olothing ts worthies. The bib!e Is a oarioiity.
Escb alternate page has a chapter of the Christ
ian bible and the opposite page explains tbli in
accordance with Morinonism."
An Invaluable Article. Tho
reader ef the Aryue have no doubt teen the ad
vartiaeinent of Ely' Cream Balm In another
column. Aa article Ilka "Cream Balm" has long
been desired, and now that U la within tba reach
of sufferer from Catarrh, Hay Fever, etc., there
is every reason to believe tiey will make the most
of It. Dr. Vf- B. Buckmaa, W. E. flan-maa,
Orugglit, and other Eastnniao have glreo It a
trial , and all recommend it in the highest terms.
Saeton, Pa., lUy Anjnt, Oct. 7, 1H7S.
We hurc sold many gross of Kly' Cream Balm,
aud are gratified to bear from our ens'omer tbe
aojt flattering reports : believe it 1 an article of
real merit. Hun A Co, Wholesale Druggists,
Philadelphia, Pa
Hurry Hemphill, ot linn pluee, met
with what might hav e bicn a seriuua accident, at
a plae d'-wn the riier known "Sammy
Harbor," on Tuesday forenoon of last week.
The raft of which be waa manager bad been
fastened, and the river being quite high at that
time, another raft run ugainst bia, knocked It
loose and broke it In two. Harry was in the act
of rnubhlog to land one of the pieces, whso he
gut bis teg caoght In the loop ef the line, a nw
birinflh rope, and jut as it beg-ia to draw
pretty tight on hi limb, the r pe broke and thai
eaved biu a very uvefnl mrmber of hii body.
His injuries ere taot ,sever. Ha came home In
the Karthaus stage on Wcdntaday afternoon, and
Is now able to walk about with the aid of crutches,
He ha csu't Ut congralnltlloo Ibat It waa not
Messrs. Hirlingor & Hook have bad
box show windows put In the front of their store
liny Richardson's Klraiia boots and
larllsie fine shoea. Nona better mad. Sold
only by II. A. Kratier aprJO St.
The County Commisaionera offer for
ala a house and lot located la the borough of
Osceola Milla. Saa advertisement.
Plymouth Hock Eggs from pure bred
stock) also a few aittlnga of Rouea Dick tiggs,
for sale by Mr. II. V. Lewi, CI ear field, Penn'a.
mm m
BobBurdotte,tbo Burlington Ihitck
eye man, will lecture In Pie' Opera House next
Wedoeiday evening, April S7th. Bordette la a
funny man, and yuu should not fail to hear him.
Admission low.
e asm
llall'a Yegetablo Sicilliun Hair Bo
newer is no new preparation for tbe public to ex
periment with; Ma aueeees la noparalled for re
storing gray hair to it natural tolor, promoting
ita fc iowib, and producing new hair oo bald head.
A Trkmendous Bun. Tbe oldest
raftuati on tb Weil Drench Is astonished at the
Immense flow of log and square tlmler that ha
been passing down our Stream for the past three
week. Tb high water ha materially Impeded
tbe bunlnei, notwithstanding the immense lot
of logs and Umber piled up. At Look Haven a
break wa caused daring Monday mvrnbg and
from thirty to forty raft went adrift over the dam.
The prevailing high water ha eeurad numerous
Jam in Lign', Shaw's and ether dams, and tb
atage of tb water at Look Haven has eansed a
great many to "tie op" for from three to four
dys at a time. Yesterday (Tuesdsy), hwrr,
the jobbers who bad contracted to deliver rafts
at Lock Haven made a break, and score of raft
were put afloat. What tbe result will be, we have
yet to learn. We are Informed by those who pro
fa is to know that Cheat creak aod Clearfield creek
will both beelearof reft and legs by this (Wed
nesday) evening. Thi will prove a good send
off for those streams.
AVIARY, &c, &c, Ac.
A Col os sn I Consolidation of Big Rail
road Shows at Clearfield, Friday,
April 29th, 1881.
The proprietor of tbe above eoacern, having
had yean of experience In leu ted amusement on-
terpruea, Is rnablcdto know and thoroughly on
derstand tbe wants and requirements of the pub
lic and, In order to successfully oater forauoh,
tt becomes necesrary to plac before them novel.
tie that are new, pleaaing and attractive, at the
same time, interesting and instructive and that
his prist experience, aa proprietor and manager of
a lumber of the largest tented exhibition In
America, enables bin to mora fully real iia the
fact that he Is most competent to so judge a to
tbe various tastes of theauuaeueul-lovloKPublio,
bach exhibition of arenio skill Is of a thoroughly
chaste and arUitle character and every endeavor
will be made to make It an exhibition which
heads of families, schools, and educational Instl
tutlons generally, can consistently patronUe, He
feci that he can net too forcibly Impress these
facte upon the mind of his readers aud pat roar,
for the reuson that the public ha to often been
deceived Ly misrepresentation ef proprietor,
manager and agent ; and that It now read
with caution and distrust most of the amusement
anuouneotneou of the day, boing aware uf these
fact. The proprietor promises that his entire
energy, capital and ability will be displayed to
it fullest exteal ta p lease the public that no
portion of hi glorious and mighty combination
can be surpassed, either in novelty or attraction ;
and, io oonelusivn, lie promlica that hi entire
consolidated railroad shows shall be rtfmtd, moral
and ohte,aod asks tho generous publie to have
reliance in bis promises, and confidence in hi in
tegrity and ability to please the thousand of
patrons whe will visit tie Icvtatbon consolidation
during tbe season-
N broken prumiaet I No empty brag I But
a ahow that towers, like Ibe Alpines, above all
others !
It has built a reputation fur honesty and fair
dealing tbat is echoed from Ibe broad Atlantic to
tho uighly Pacific.
Xo Sportsmen. I have fiabing lacklo
of all kinds alro, powder, shot, lead, cap, ear-
trldges, etc. Fast Sack itt.
Mareh 23, Sol
S W KA R I NO V !TN T.H Ed. W 0 COpV
surprised last Sabbath at receiving $24 worth of; Tom ,l" Prtbytenn the following io relation to
hook and a silver call bell, all the e fferls, we Jm inUttint 1 pmooi who are to testify
learn, of six little girls, hn solledl-d the fun,f ! roratDe tuttrls and jury i
and ootuplrted all the arrangement-
A valuable tint t ol tiir ber lund in
Cameron eounty, eomprleirg 1,1 00 aorta, 1 ad
vertised for sale In another column of thla paper.
We call Ui attention of the lumberrari to this,
and adiin them to correspond with Messrs. Cola
mm A Mann, 010 Arrh street, Philadelphia.
We call tho attention of our readers
ti lb new aJrertiseuient of Oeorge Weaver A
to , In thisissae. Thi flru buy good is large
'iian(itie,and can therefor give their ens torn ert
tho benefit of a gieat reduction ia price tbat
mmy otbtr suerobaot cannot aitird. Call at
tkeir store en Beeoud t!et and examine good
and k-arn their price.
During tbe pant week tbo Mansion
Buuie property In ibt plae oaanged owner, W.
C Cardca having parehasod II from W. M.Bhaw
for the lusx of $10,000. Mr. Caidoo exchanged
his properly on Kelt Market street a part pay
ment. Wennderttand Ibat he will take possession
'-' the h'Ht) ah. ut the fin I rf May. "Clem"
I as be 3 tLero bi .'ore and loeke a g I landlord.
We tall tho tu lout ion of our lady
Ttidi u ibe advertisement ia thit ! f AtUa
Welch, abo ha placed on exhibition, ia tb room
Market street, opposite Uoop'sstore,a beaa
ilai selietioa of sbillloerjr good, aoailstlag In
part r linen and laoe good, gloves, ribbon,
Bowers, fietbeti, bat and bonnets, trimmed and
ontrimmtd. Made-up tletblag for abildras a
piiaily. Pirate eall and ee for yourelve'.
II. A., believing that a con
linaaiina of tbe put cold weather must result
puliieg down tbe price ef dry good, has
iud aatli now to make bl "priog ahas.
Aiy advantage tbn gained will be glvasi te bis
taii' vere. Layers will p lease nuke a aota ef
(hi and wait fur bit new goode, A large stock
rpen eea atleeleel with great eare, and
U1 be uid htap rot eatb.
Strange to ear, oar Courts, for hundreds of
year', have pern tent ly enforced parjary on every
wiioefs swnrn before tlieni, and lb objeet in
writing this article is to attract the attention of
on who has power and ability te abate ibis evil
by legislative action.
When yon take tbo oelh as a witness (ia tbe
language always aied) to (ell "tbe truth, the
whole truth aad aotbing but tbe trulb." You
begin te tell tbe "whole truth" when tba counsel
on the opposite el I say, "I object to this testi
mony !" Tbe Court stops you and say, "that Is
eot testimony in thla ca'iae," and forbids you
from telling tbe "whole irutb." Thus the Court
baa coupolted yon to swear te do what it will not
let you do! But if they would direct the Clerk
to add to the oath be administer tbe words, 'Mo
far a ih tome may be legal testimony in thi
nans," the objectioa I bare mad would bo removed.
Another Fihe atL'crwenhvillb
The report on oar street, tbat Curwensvlllo was
agtta "burning up" last Wednesday evening, the
light of a Ire being eea distiaotly from tbi
piece, proved to be the burning of a coup! dwel
ling house. How tbe fire caught we have no la
formation. Tbe Timee of Kalurday last give the
particular a Mlnwet 'A Ira broke out la the
dwelling bouse of Jost b M alloy db lower Fine
street abuut TJI o'clock, Wednesday evening.
By very energetic work ell the bnmbnld good
were eared aad theu tb attention of the people
was ten tared on aa effort to save tbe dwelling of
Tim Hilley, which steeds on the lame let wtlbia
fifteen feet ef Malley't, and which woell aerl
oasly endanger Ihe whole row of baildiog along
tbe alley to the M. E. Par sod age oa Walnul
l rel. Killey's dwelling eould not be saved.
The land slopes toward Anderson eroek quit
rapidly, and tbe lower wall aad props were
knocked ent from wader Ibe bouse, all hands took
bold a:id dumpsd over t be balldlag, and all dan
ger of a big eon flag rat Ion was averted. IliHey
saved bis boasehold goods. M alloy's dwelling
waslasared la tbe Unloa for $31 1 Killey's was
uninsured. Tbe balldiag belonged te Patrick
Kami, wboee leu will foot ap $i0. There was
a laiaraae aa aoutebfld feesV t
Tbe Spring session ef the Presbytery of Hunt
ingdon met at Osceola Mills, tills eounty, en Tues
day, April I2lb, at II o'clock A. M. The open
ing sermon was preached by Rev. J. J. Franolt,
of Birmingham, from Matthew xvl.,Ut "Whom
ay ye tbat I am FH After the sermon the Pres
bytery was oatled to order aod constituted with
prayer by Rev. J. 0, Kelley.ol Spruce Creek, the
retiring Moderator.
Tbe roll was eallsd and the Presbytery organ
ised, when Her. K. F. Wilson was chosen Modera
tor by acclamation, Bar. 'a J. J. Francis Record
ing Clark, and J. Q. A. Fullerton bis assistant.
Rev. Dr. B. T. Wilson was dismissed to the
Presbytery of Springfield, Illinois, Also Kir. O.
A. Landls to tbat ol Rio Janeiro.
A correspondent of tbo Altoona Tribune says :
"Kev.J.8. Roberts, (Win the Presbytery of Nlngpo,
desiring to be received by this Presbytery, for
warded his certificate written In Chinese, which
very oomptcuouily defeated the best Intentions
of the reading elerk. Tbe paper, however, wa
reported to be genuine and tha gentleman, who la
seriously 111 In this eonn'ry, was proposed for
Rev.T. u, Roblnaon was elected Recording
Clerk In place of Rev. J. J. Franoil, who resigned.
Tbe Moderator announced the regular commit
tees, of which the followlcg are the Chairmen :
Billa and Overtures, Rev. J. 0. Kelly ; Judicial,
Rev. R. II am ill, D. P. Leave of Absence, Rev,
J. R. Henderson ; Auditing, Rider B. S. Bomer
rillo. Rev. W. W. Woodend, D. P., was received
from the Presbytery ef KilUnnlng, and a eall
placed In his bands from the ehurch at Philips
burg, which be accepted. Arrangements were
made for his Installation at Fbilipsburg on
Thursday, April ltb. ' Hev. Henry H. Butler
presided and proposed the constitutional ques
tions, Rev. J. J. Francis preached the sermon,
Rev, Wm. tictomill aharged the pastor and Rev.
J. 0. Darr tha psepl.
The Treasurer, Rev. J. II. Mathers, reported
he receipts fir Ihe aontingent expenses during
the paat year 19X1, aad the expenses, $8rt0.
Rev. J. S. Roberts was receive! from Ihe Pres
bytery of Ningpe, China
The committee to examine Mr. Coyje, a flan di
date for llecnssre, reported ih examination aatli-
faotury. Mr. Coyle is a graduate of Princet'-n
The report of the Woman's Foreign Mini a nary
Society of Huntingdon Preshytery was read by
tbe Clerk, showing a gain of two organizations,
an Increase of $146 and a total contribution for
the paat year ot" $2,489, A retolutlou waa unani
mously adopted expressing gratitude for the pro-
grer of the work, aad urging co-oprratlnn on
the i art of tho ministers and churches with tho
On Tuesday evening, Rev. S. W, DtiffleId,of
Alteoue, delivered the anaual miulooary sermon.
Tbe usaal eolteetioa was taken ep, amounting to
The report of tbe Women' Home Missionary
Bofiely, signed by Mr. William Dortli.of Hunt
ingdon, wa read. We publish as abstract of tt
a follow
von raxttB VTBR V,
In Marob, 108ft, soon after our appelntonentby
tbe fcjnod of Harriiburg, we made tbe first re
port, showing but three societies and oae band in
the Presbytery contributing directly to tbe
treasury of Ibe Home Board. These ware in tba
churches of Alexandria, Huntingdon and Lewis
towa, and reported ninety-eight men her, with
contributions of eash to the Women's Kxecutlve
Committee of $9.1 and boxes and cash to home
mission amounting to $171) X9, a total of 272 s.
Our second annual report in March, ISM, shows
lourteen eon regal Ion organised, bet ameef
them only reporting contributions, amounting to
$?IMi to the Women' Kseculive Committee and
f :ifi rS to home miasiou. e total of $WS4.i3, a
gain of tea organisation and $?00.
A resolntioa of enoou'egrroont was adopted,
and both lb Foreign end Home mission reports
were ordered to be printed In the paper through
out the Preaoytery,
Mr. Silas Fate, or Bobelliburg, acd Mr. J. W.
High, of Bellefoote, were examined and re
ceived a a eandidatei for tbe ministry.
Tbe overture oa the reorganisation ef Synod
ware taken up, and negatived by a large majority.
The felegate to tbe Ueneral AsiemMy, which
evuvenis at Buffalo, N. Yoa tbo third Thursday
In May, are aa follows!
Ministers S. W. DufBflJ of Altoona, P. H.
Campbell of Fruit Hill, Wm. Oemmlll of Dan
ish ( Rldsrs, Wm. Maohlla of MoVeytowo, Col.
K. A. Irwia ef Carwensvllte, J. 0. Campbell ef
Rev. Dr. Hamill, Rev. M.N. Cornelias and
Wm. Dorr Is were appointed a eommittee to t llt
MitUiBtown and Lost Creek and endeavor te
harmonise the existing difficulties.
Rev. Mr. Coyle was UeeBaed te preach tbe
Uospal. Ret. N. II, Miller ef Oaeeela, Waa grant
ed a leau ef abieneeef ail months, aad hi pal
pit I to be supplied by appointments of the
Aa adjourned meeting of the Freilytery will
be bald at Newton Hamilton la Jane,
The Fall meeting ef tbe Huntingdon Presby
tery will be held at flpinoe Cieest ea tbe Irst
Tuesday la October.
Prettt Smart. A communication
signed "ttohool Director," and another one bear
lag oa tbe fame subject, signed "Robert Hart
good," are before its, Tbe writer takes both sides
of the question, but be was stupid enough to ire
tb same pencil and paper, although be changed
bl erthugrapby very materially according to
Webster. Boy, ebaageyoarpenoil and paper tb
next time you seek to get Into tbe papers I Your
game li too thin. Whan yon write again, sign
your true name, aod we will not let your neigh
bors know who yoa are.
The Tannery Ovhteb Fed. Wo
learn tbat, an Friday evening last, Mr. A. P. Us-
Klnstry, Superintendent of tho Clearfield tannery,
surprised tbe employes, about SO In number, by
inviting tbem ta an oyster supper at tbe Leonard
House. Tbe "boss" was out sending In tbe boys,
and when supper was ready be was among lb mln
Ingi but be soon after put lu an appearance, and
found all bands In place at tb table, just as they
are at the tannery. Thoy gave bin three rousing
oheers as be entered the dining room, and before
ha eould enjoy his repeat be was compelled to
make a speech, which waa suited to the oocaalnn.
Tha affair waa highly enjoyed by all present A
better pleased set of men never left a dining room
Editor Ksrrai.icair W Sirt As the time
for building a bridge to take the place of Ihe "Old
Ooodfellow Bridire" draws near, it will be well
for those instructed to consider which i tho best
location to accommodate the travel between the
two towns, which ie not very great. I suppoee
their inhabitant would favor a location some dis
tance below tbe old site j but we must remember
tbat there is much travel bstween the nor t acre
and southern ends ef Lawrence township, which
will be given the Inconvenience and danger of
two railroad erosiinga In addition to tbe three
which bad to be crossed la the paat. Nor is this
all. If tho leoation la changed, tbe eountv will
have aa extra cost of more than en thousand
dollar and Lawrenoe township will be compelled
to expend a much and hav the dissatlsfation of
knowing tbat her eltiiena ere greatly Incon
venienced. Put the bridge on the old alto ! Txavklxk.
There will be a Catnpmeeting bald within tbe
borough limila of DuBois, commencing Juoe Zd,
1881. Our ground are beautifully located within
ten or fifteen minutes walk of the centre of town.
We are on tbe line of the Low Urada Division of
the A. V. R. B. There will be back running
from every train to the ground. Those desiring
to tent on the ground can hare tents furnished
them at ooat of rent. The tents ere those usually
used, 8 ply ducking tents; rented In the city j
and tbo ocat to renters will be Just what tbe Com
pany charge tb Association. Thoa desiring to
rant should writ immediately, ae a to secure
teats. Partiee desiring to furnish or build their
own tents can do so, having tbe use ef ground
rent free for tbe present year. We are trring to
make arrangements to have at leaat one Bishop of
the M. . Churoh present. Alio tbe great even
gelist or "Boy Preacher," Rev. Mr. Harrison.
Tho singing will be eondueted by Prof. Kxcell,
tie justly celebrated K van gelist singer. We are
in the Erie Conference, but on the lino of the Cen
tral Pennsylvania Conference, and expect a num
ber of the ministers of the latter Conference with
us. Any information desired will be cheerfully
given. Those desiring to rent or build tent
sooma write at once.
Address II M. Bttxus,
DuBoli, Clearfield eounty, Pa.
Tbe following resolution wa adopted by tbe
Convention of School Director which met dor
Ins; tbe last County Institute t
Rreolted, That we request Superintendent Mo-
Qoown to submit question, bearing on Direetora'
work, for discussion at the Directors' Convention.
which meet on tba first Tuesday of Mavnext. to
elect a County Superintendent.
Iu accordance with the above resolution, 1 have
tbe pleasure to submit tbe following programme
for the afternoon of May li ;
Springtime baa oomeagain with new
styles and low prices at Hirlloger A Rook's, Call
and saa. apr. 13-lt
Call ot Morrill's hardware store and
see the cheapest and best Sewing Maeblon for
tbe toast money. Deo. 1! tf.
Agcuta wanted tor Lykena Valley
Mutual Aid Society. Home office, Lykeas,
Dauphin eounty, Pa. Five dollars will secure an
niurance of $1,000. Send for oireolars. 4 4 at
II. A. Kratzer la general agent for
Clearfield eounty for the flew Improved Domes-
tie Sewing Machine. A large diiaount from tho
regular price will be given to parties buying fer
eash. apr20-SL
Thanking our many old customers
for their past patronage, we would sollolt a con
tinuance of same from old and new customers,
giving all a cordial Invitation to oall and aeo oae
of tb largest (took of men's, youths', boy' and
children's clothing eror brought ta Clearfield,
apr. 13-31. liiLi5ar.a A Rook.
This Way for Your Pumps! The
undersigned la now sole agent for tbe sale of tbe
Celebrated Wooden Pumps manufactured by Ibe
Toledo Pump Company. Tbey are without doubt
tbe belt pump In the world. They throw more
water, work easier, aad last boger than any pump
ever put on tbe market. Also, for tale, Iron
Force and Pilober Pumps. Repairing done
promptly. Faau Baikxtt.
Clearfield, March I3J, 11 -2ai.
Donahlson'BMow York Combination
performed In Pie's Opera House tao evenings.
"Tbe Two Orphans' waa played oa Saturday
evening, and ''Cimille" on Monday evening.
They were greeted both evenings by paying audi
ences, and thoa who took part In the play not
only gave satisfaction, but delighted all who wit
nessed tbe per formate. So far a the playing Is
concerned tt Is a flrst-olea troupe.
List of lot tors remaining unclaimed
In the Po it office at Clearfield, Pa., for the week
ending April 18th, 1881:
Mis Emma Griffi'h, Miss Mary Griffey, Mia
M. E, Ony, Oeorge Oearhart, Miss Annie P.
Hoover, Charles A. Hammond, James Kyler, Lib-
bie Krlse, F. C. Lee, Little Mehaffey, F.dne Mo-
Hoolae, Elmer Montgomery, Mies J. E. Sutton,
Miia Maggie Yaugborn, Char I ley Webster, T. R.
Well!. P. A. GAl'LIN, P. M.
rnT first.
1. Organisation of Convention, (at 1 o'clock
P. M., according to law.)
3. Fixing the salary of tbe Sup erint cedent.
3. Elect log the Superintendent by a via eves
4. Certifying result to the BtaleSuptrtntendent.
Burners to Progress John li. Bowles.
To what extent ar tbs Director
responsible for poor school
bouses, poor teachers, and poor
schools- Hon. Jno. Patton
nuhstance and rhadow aa found
Io tbo Teacher' Profession P. S. Weber.
Tb utility of tbe District bn-
perintenoy Juha Hugbel.
in goon result mat mignt ac
crue from county uniformity
In Teachers' salaries,.... Adam Breth
What abould guide School Di
rectors la tbe emplovment of
Teacher .....Rev, Liagenfclter.
jne attention tnat snouu be
given tbe isolated schools by
school officers J. S. McCrcery.
i ne aigmty ana innuenoe oi our
Pirectorship William Welty
Annual report and Certificates
When and bow made County Sup't.
uopon oi voummeo on resolutions.
Tbe following gentleman have been named as
a Committee on resolutions: U. L. Reed, Clear-
Beid f Jonathan bbaner, a rady ; Wm. tt. White
aides, Uulicb j Reuben Straw, Jordan) P.J, Mo
Cullough, lleutsdal.
Tb subject a on tbe programme will bo opened
ny tne uiraciora io wnom tuey nar Been assign
ed, who should eon fine their remarks to ten mm
utea time. Tb opening address will be followed
uy b general discussion.
Reduced rate have been secured at all the
botei for member ef tb Convention.
M, L. Mt y cown, Cuunty Supt.
CLiARrtKLD, Pa April 12, 1881.
The third annual re-union teachers, ex -teacher
and all friends of education, convened In the
KTangelloal Church at Troutvllle, at 10 .10 A. M
Saturday, April wtn, lSBl. Mr. 0. E. lluyea
wa President pre tempore.
Tbe re-uofon then proceeded to tbe eleetion of
officer, which resulted as follows: President
Prof. W. S. Luther ; Vice President, J. I. lWk-
bank ; Secretary, K. E. Jimeson ; Treasurer, Miss
A llice at. weaver.
Tbe regular programme was then taken op and
disposed of. The teacher all reported a success
ful term. J n attendance ol and Interest man)
feited by the pupils were good. The teachers
a 11 reported visits from the whole or a part of the
Board of Directors. After music, the re-union
took a reoessi for two boars.
Muile "Sow Ye Beiide A'.l Waters."
The President, Professor W. S. Lutber, having
arrived, ne waa conducted to tbe chair by Prof.
Haves, when he delivered a short but inlcv In
augural address. The regular programme was
tneo ooniinuea, as tuiuws :
"The Live Teacher,".- T. W. Brockhank.
"Power of Toouitbt." Prof. E U. Hares.
Music "'Til Sweet to Know that Jesus Loves
"Our Honored Dead," Juliet Reed.
"March of Time," E. K. Jimeson.
Muiie-"Tno World is Moving On."
Declamation "Spare Moments," T. Brock bank.
Rehearsal "Plight of Years," Km ma Depp.
Murde "The Battalions are Marching."
Address "Th Teacher's Post in
Prosperous and Happy Human
Progress," Hev. John Reams.
Select Reading "Tbe Dying Alche
mist," J.I. Brookbenk.
Th programme for tbe afternoon being ex
hausted, the President called upon tbe directors
to report tbe condition of the schools while la
their visiting tour. Mews. Hummel, Kohler
and Ahenllter responded. The following eitl
ana spoka upon tbn sueoes of th Winter term,
vis: Messrs. J. II. Kirk, H. 0. Kuiila and Lewis
0. Henoch. 1 he eltisens and directors reel highly
uim pit mooted on their aeleelion of teacher.
By request, Prof. W. S. Luther and Miss Juliet
Reed report d the progreeo of ihelr cbool.
Music "I'ncle Tom' Cabin."
Tb re union took a recess of two hoars.
Kvenlng session convened at t o'clock.
Mn aie "Who Can Tell T"
Prayer by Rev. John Reams.
Muiio "Like aa a Father Pitletb hit Children."
Saletatory H, O. hunts
Select Ree ling "Th Last Hymn," Emma Depp.
Music "Tbe Housekeeper's Complaint."
Rehearsal" Ileitis McKwen," Annie Cerllle.
Solo "I II Toil Your Mother,"
W. H. Smith and I. B. Jimeson.
"Evil ef Ignorance,"- L. Seboeh.
"Are Our rcboola Practical, "....Prof. E. U. Havel. :
Solofhy request) "Minnie Minton," Km. Ream.
"lain, 4. T. Liddle
Music "Lead Me Oenlly Home, Father."
"Heminlseenoe or Brady,"... Prof. W, H. Luther
Miscellaneous business.
Tbe following resolutions were pasaej :
Hteoieti, That w tenders vote of thanks to
lb cittaens of Troulviile and vicinity for their
kindness and hospitality, aad the interest mani
fested in the auoees ef toil rally.
Hrtohed, That we lender a vote of tbanki to
the Ooel Hill ebolr for the excellent music fur
nished) also, for tha attendance, attention and
good order of the au 'Hence.
Aeeefetd,Tfaat ear h nar Halt thank go with the
congregation aad Trustees ef the Evangelioal
etaureb tor tbe nra of their building.
Heeohed, Tbat our thanks are due Sue Rlshel
for grant log us tbe use of her organ.
Mr. S. 0. Kunti o He red tbe following taat !
"The Brady teachers, the advance educational
brigade of Clearfield eanty j say tbey ive long,
progress In tbe Ir profession and secure tbe cordial
oo-upraOoa of every friend of education."
By motion, tbe President appointed Mr. S. 0.
K unit, Prof. E. U. Haves and Mr. J. I. Brock
bank a a eommittee to draw up and make definite
arrangements lor a re unloa ta September.
Valedictory A. A. DeLarme.
Muate Uod Night."
All the Brady tvetbsr were present except
Mis Ella Moore. Beside there were present a
earn bar of ex -teacher and teat bees from other
townships. This was tbe largest and moot eee
eeaful eduoatlnnal meeting ever held la Brady.
Mias Emma Beams presided at tbe orgaa at
eaeb set st on.
Tbe feoaee waa filled te overflowing at the after,
ea aod evcalag eenione. Each person eipa
Mated very elaborately upon the different eub-
jct aastgoed tbesa. Pref. M . b. MeiJeawB aad P. s)
weer, bq , being aeeeal, a, ffeboen, ftsq, aaa
Pref I, U. Uaye periermed ta tkeir stead.
I. R. JiMcaew, Secretory.
New Daily Staoe Link. James L.
Loary bai succeeded In haring a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Pnnfleld,and will
hereafter run a daily stage between the two points.
His contract bsgan with April lit, and tba stags
will leave (tearfleld every morning (except Sun
day) at I o'clock, making eoonectlona with all
trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Pen n field, re
turning after the last train the came evening.
Passengers and freight will be carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of the hotels will be attended
o. lRapr7V-tr
A Word to Mothers.- Mother
ihoold rom ember tbat a most Important duty at
this season la to look after the health of their
families and cleanse the malaria and Impurities
from their systems. There Is nothing- that will
tone up tbe stomach aad liver, regulate tbe bo wall
and purify tho blood so perfectly as Parker's
Ginger Tonic, adrertlsed In our columns. The
wonderful oures of long standing ossei of rheu
matism, neuralgia and malarial disorders Is tbe
reason why this pure and excellent family modi
cine liao generally esteemed .Poet, 4 0 4t.
Pennville Formal. Those wish.
ing to ettcod school should attend tbe Pennville
Normal School, which will open April 18th, 1881.
The Principal, Prof. W. 6. Lather , Is known as
one of our oldest aud bast teachers. He will be
assisted by other firit-elais tesobers. Students
will have tbe use of the Pennville Library, alio
a good reforcnoe Library . Instrumental and Vocal
Musio will be faugM by good teachers in tbat
branch. Also Industrial Drawing and Painting, !
Ct-iAxriiLP, P., April, 19tb, 1681.
Flour, per ewt.M M $3 00
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt ... 1 00
Cora Meal, per ewt 1 St
Chop, rye, per cwt 1 00
Chop, mixed, per ewt ...,.,. 1 0
Bran, per ewt 1 00
Wieat, per bushel......... 1 10
Rye, per bushel 10
Oate, per bushel 00
Corn, ears, per bushel 40
Buckwheat, per bnsbelH HH 00
Clover seed M.. 10
Timothy seed M . I 76
Potatoes, per bushel T6
Apples, per bushel 00
Ooions 1 0
Hams, per pound Ill
Shoulder, per pound 0
Dried Beef, per pound 10
Chickens, per pair 0
Butter, per pound 3
Eggs, per doien It
Salt, per sack, large I Ob
Coal Oil, per galiuu li
Lard, par pound Ui
Dried Apples, per pound 0
Pried Poaches, per pound H 10
Beans, per bushel I 00
fttt gidi'rilijsirmrnM.
TTOTICE, The undersigned, residing In Ibe
XI village of neitorer, in I'beot townsblp,
has made tbe necessary arrangements and pro
poses to open an EATING HOI'S B for the ac
commodation of the publie generally, aad I here
by solicit a liberal share of the public patronage.
Wutover, Pa., Feb. 9, 1891-tf.
SltOEMAKINC;. 1 hereby Inform B)y pa
trons, and mankind In general, that I have
removed my eboemaking shop to tbe room In
Urabam'a row, aver S. I. Snyder's jewelry store,
and that I am prepared to do all kinds of work
in my line cheaper than any other shop la town.
All work warranted as good as can be done any
where else. Positively this Is the cheapest shop
In Clearfield. . JOS. 11. PEERING.
Deo. 11, 1878-tf.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby warned
against purchasing or la any way meddling
with the following derribed personal property
In the possession of John Dixon, of Boggs town
ship, Clearfield ooualy, Pa., to wit: One aorrel
horse and on bay si all too. Tbe foregoing prop
erty was purchased by me, at private sale, on tne
28tb of March, and Is left with said John Dixon
on loan only, subject to uy order at any time.
Wallaceton, Pa. April 13, 1881-31.
herabj si,n that Llt.ra or Adtniniitra.
dt oo.i'i no. on tb. Ml.t.of SAUVKL 10 W.
ELL, I.e. of Clp.rl.ld, 1.., d.o'd, b.iiof U.I
duly granted to tb. uaderiit;iied, .11 p.rioni in.
d.bud to t.t. will pi..,, m.k. imm.dl.t.
p.vm.ot, .04 thoi. having ol.luia or,
agaloit tb. lam., will prc..nt tbea pri.ii.rlv
authenticate! furi.tllem.nt without drlar.
' H. B. POWKLl,
Atlminiatrator. 1). B. S.
Cloaifleld, Pa., Maroh imh. 1881-flt.
21m tU'rrt.srmrntit.
I.IAKM I.AM) Vm ALE-In Union
JL aad Pin. town.blpi, Cl.arfl.ld ooant. tf
Uearaoabl. tint, rir.n lor part of purebaM
on.,. Prion M.Ot t. tIMI par acre, P ri.rrd. It. BIKD, A fit,
P.nB.ld, P.. M Kaaii,
Sept. It, Cl.arn.ld, Pa,
Jul. li. De.rln, al a 1. 1 No. ltd Jan' term 18JD.
V. O. Millar. j Dom.itle Attaehta.nt,
Th. arcoanl of C. W. Smllb, J. p. .win and
w. U. Hi, I.r, Truatau of lb. aatat of F. O.
Millar, haa dm. filed in tbo offio. of tb. Prothnn
our. of tbo Court of Common Pleaa of Cl.arfl.ld
Mint., and will b. pmentod to lb. Court at Jna.
i.rm near, lor eonnrm.tion. JAMKH KKHH.
Cl.arOeld, April t, ISSI-St. ProtaonoUr;
2Jrjt giflfrrtlsriritnts.
grip torrtMrmrttts.
The Great CLOTHING Emporium!
NWAH3, II A III) it Alt l,
and All kinds or
O. B. MKRREU., . Ant,
CLEARFIELD, PA. June t, ' If
Tha undersigned has eorao to 111 conclusion te
quit farming and follow bia occupation, a car
penter, and now offer for sale bia farm, situate
one and ahalf miles north of Clearfield borough,
Most of which Is cleared and under good cultiva
tion, and baring thereon a good
Y0U want to atudv your own interest, do not fail to call ftt
the above establishment aud examine
1 The partnerrbln heretofore existinr be
tween Thomas A. Fleck and Ashley M. Hills in
tbe dry greotls business at Clearfield, Is this day
(March 2(Jtb, 188),) dissolved by mutual consent
and written agreement. The business will be
closed at tbe old stand, where the books and assets
ol tbe firm remain. THOMAS A. FLECK,
Clearuold, Pa , March 26, 1881-41.
Spicul Noticr. Tb bu sines will be con tin
itrd by and under tba name of T. A. Fleck. Ai
heretofore every effort will be made to meet th
want or the numerous patrons of the house, and
those firing their patronage may expect to find
tbe same fair dealing, courteous treatment and
honest prioes that bav characterised the boas
for yeen. T. A. FLECK.
Grrtlimrk i In pursuance of tbe forty-third
sect 1 oa ot tbe Act of 8th of May, 18i4, yon are
)ireby notified to meet in Convention, at tbe
uourt nousa, in uiearbeid, on tbe first Tuesday
in May, A. D. 191, being the third day of the
month, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select
vi'ea roi. by a majorltv of the whole number of
Director pre ten t,one person of literary and acien
(i6e acquirements, and of skill and experience in
Large frame barn, and other necesiarv outbuild.
together with an orchard of all kinds of
iruir, ana an excellent spring of water. The
This property will be exchanged for smaller prop.
erty, or sold on easy termi ia payment. For
runner particulars call on the premise or address.
JOH.-V O. KKKD, Clearfield, Pa.
March I0tb, lSSI-tf.
Thomas A. Duckett,
T IIKHEliY give notice to tbe cltisen of Clear-
-1. ne'u. ana in surroundinc v c in tv that I am
prepared at all time to furnish families aod
manufacturing establishment with a superior
Coal, Wood Coke,
Which I am prepared to delir.r In a r.w li.,i,r.'
notico. I am alwaja roadr to haul and dallrar
Irom and to th. depot, or anjwbero elie, and
mora laraiiiea and poufenold gooda anvwber. oa
abortnolloo. THOU. A. DUCKETT.
CI.arH.ld, Pa., Mar. II, 180 tf.
For Urn a. board. Ae.. atrlreaa R. U. !)! RM. ( the art of teaohinr, aa Count Sniierlntedent. for
rotary Board Trustees, Uramplan IllMs.P... or 2,tihT.,JeiB d,n ; d ''tifT b. rw.uH
, ....... ' to the etat Superintendent, at Harr iburg, aa
W a t .,ikp n.l Tltll.. t). r...k a i ... '. . n.'
W. S. Lutber, Principal, Lick Run, Pa. mh 9 tf
Clp.arpield Coal Trade State
ment of Coal and other frcfghtl sent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the weekendlog April fth, 1881, and
tbe same time last year t
For the week
Same time laat year
Previously during yearMm
Same time last year
Total In 1681
Sam time last year
Increase 238,931
Lumber , 119 ears.
Miscellaneous freights 104 "
Special h,
Pnicaa. Sewing Machines can now be purchased
at Sderrell's tin and variety store, from $34 up
ward. AH kinds of sewing machine repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1S77.
Wawvan.Delivered at tbe Rail Road.
100,000 20-inch shaved i bin if lea.
100,000 24-Inch sawed shingle.
100, uiiO feetof pine boards. ,
500.1HI0 U-feet shaved hoops.
6.0UO railroad tics.
&u,0U0feetof good hemlock boards.
For which I will nay the highest market price.
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point en the
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
Clearfluld, Pa, OoL 18, 1878-tf.
Just IsU'ceivcd.
Just Rooived by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova 8 col in Plaster 1
Cur Load pure Corn. Ryo and Outs
Chop ! i
Car Lond Dcaken Suit! !
Car Load of Choice Family Flour!
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocorics, &o.!
-Sh in erica, Bttrk. II, R. Tics and ,
Grain will be taken in exchange.
uurwensvnio, JUay l, l7o.
required by the tbtrly-alnth and fortieth sections
of said Act. M. L. MoQUOWN,
County Soperlotendent of Clearfield eounty.
April 12, I6H1HI,
Notice of Ejectment.
)In the Cou
of Clear!
No. 14V, hi
Frank Uosa
8. 8. Chapman,
Court of Common Pleas
rfield eountv, Penn'a.
March Term, 1SH1.
And dow, March 28, 18ttl, rule crated oa tbe
defendant to appear and plead to the action of
ajeeunent tor all tnat certain lot or gronnJ tn tne
borough of v euaoeton, Clearfield eounty, Penn
sylvania, bownded en the north by Clearfield
street, on tbe east by an alley, south by Krie
street, and west by lot No. 80, and known la gen
eral plan of said borough aa lot No. 29.
This rule being made returnable to the out day
of tbe Jane term, 1BU1. By the Court,
Join 11. Orvii, A L.J.
Clearfield, Pa., April 3.1, lrthl-Sl.
Notice of Ejectment.
Mosbannon Land and
Lumber Company
Kancy L. Stout.
In the Coin, Pleas Conrt
of Clearfield county, Pa.
No. SZo, Sept.T. 1880,
FJfctsueiit for Ppeclltc Performance of
And now, March 23, 18M, rule grated on tbe
defendant to appear and plead to the action of
Ejectment, broujrht to enforce ipeelflo perform
ance of contract against all that certain lot of
ground in the borough of Osceola Mill, Clearfield
ounty, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by
lot No. 872, on the east by Decatur alley, on the
south by Treslyuloey street, and en tbe west by
Slanchard street, end known in general plan of
said borough aa lot No. S71.
This rule being made returnable to the firt day
of the June term, IH8I, By the Court,
Job H. Oavia, A. L. J.
ClearSclJ, Pa., April 13, Ib81-.1t.
Notice of Ejectment.
rpilK lubarrilxr no. olfrra to th. eitiiana of
-1. Jlurnald. and Ticinity, an unprovid.d
aeelaltr. llereafUr all kind, of Cubct, and
CoOoi will be kepi on band, and order, filled at
ttmtralt .Itlrndrd .tnyirhere.
I will furnlah th. Bne.t a. wall a, tb. oheapeit
article, dedicated ie funeral. All order, left at
th. ator. of Jon C. Con. an will receive prompt
-..rut.uu. or lonoor pariiniare, eall on
Dee. 1,
Hats, Gents' purnishing Qoods, &c,
Whether yoa wfsb to make a pure Las. or not, we shall be pleased at all times U shew you oar
a'siaTtraent of goo is, which will at aiees convince yoa that eur
Styles aro the Best, and our Prices the Lowest,
Remember, alao, Ibat we bat. an defeat auortmenl of PIBCK U00DH, of Ih, laUtt nor.lllai,
.tpMl.ll Inlend.d for
And w. at. prepared I. MAKB SUITS TOORDKK AT BIIORTB8T NOTICE, and (hall udoaeor
, toauit tb. taat. of th. moat faetldioue.
Opera Houso Block, opposite poatoffioe, CLEARFIELD, PA.
J-J3-18M If.
Tlie largest find best assortment of wagons ever brought to
One car load of CONKLIN wagons,
One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons,
Which wo will eell nt factory prices. We buy these wagons by
the car load and pay CAfcll for them, therefore we are able
to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county.
Wo guarantee these wagons to be first-class
in every respect. Also, a lot of
Platform Spring WagonsBuggles.
One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell nhonnnr
than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere.
F. M. CA11D0N & MUX, Clearfield, Pa. -
February 23, 1881-tf.
Curnrcnsville, Pa.
on or
Re-Union of Trade.
Moshannoa I-eml aod
Lumber Company
Oeorge Skinner.
In the Com. Pleas Court
of Cleaifleld county, Pa.
No. 3.14. Sept. T., 1850.
rpilH nodorsigned wishing to Inform the publie
At the old eland la Troutvllle, Clearfield county,
Pa , on tbe 18th Inst., with a full stock of
ltoote, Shoca, Etr.,
In fsot everrthlnc to be found in a first -el aai at or.
all of which I am determined te sell at tbe lowest
cash prioes.
Will find It to tbrlr advantageto do their dealing
with me, as tba higbeat prioes will be paid fur
Urain, Bhinglos, or Produce of anj kind. Part
or one-half eash will be paid. Trading for
ooiogieeor iumieroi any lind a rpectalty. Alio,
geui iwr
Singer Sewing Machines.
Havlnc made arranirements with Eastrm .
ehanfj to sell goods furnished me, therefore call
and see, ai I will be enabled to if 11 cheaper than
toe eueapdt. J. w. CAKL1I.E,
Troutviile, Pa., Sept. 14, 79-ly. Agent.
KOltn-COSRAD.-At ihe I-utheran raraon-
age tn Lntbsrsburg, on Thursday, April 14 tb,
li,by Hev. J. i. Uladhill, Mr. bim'U K.
Kin a, ef bloom township, Clearfield county, and
Hiss An ma Conrad, of Indiana, Pa.
IIA HPS. Near Luthersburg oa Thursday.
April 14th, IHSI, (laoRua Uaars, aged Si yea ri.
Tbe deceased was a brother to Mrs. Thomas
Carson, well-known to Brady townsblp people.
Harps was In tbe employ ef the late Judge Kbaw
in this plaoe for many years, aod will be well re
membered by tbe older latubilants of Clearfijld.
He wai one of the mott'ooiifirined bachelors I erer
tact. Ha always manifested g wonderful hatred
for the female set and led an eccentric life upon
tbls point up to mature old agf. When be meets
Mother Kve, "oo the other shore," be will con
clude that a change of life Is no Improvement.
ST0NI.nilAKER.0n Friday. March lltb.
lflni,of scarlet fever and catarrh lu the head
Mtuta A., onlv daughter ef V, C.and AI. A. Stone.
brake, of bullets, Pa., aged I years, I months
is days.
Dearest Minta thou bast left ot,
litre thy loss we deeply let! j
ut 'tis tiod that hath bereft ns,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Yit again we hope to meet tbee,
w nen eur lite on carta nas fled :
Thn in Heaven w lib joy to greet thee f
Where no farewell tear li shed.
There a lorn) one lln in beauty rare,
With the while, still lips and death damp balr j
When shall the anwcr sua to me
And solve this awful mystery t
A cut Br caii.
Bt.LL.- In Ureenwood township, on Sunday
evening, Prbruary 16th, IrJHI, of diphtheria,
pRANcae Mar, oldest daughter of Wmfield and
Jd arena Hell, aged 4 years, 11 months and I day v.
The mow has left tbe hillside,
Thi earth will soon be gay j
Hut, Oh ! my heart is lonely. !
We're lost our lit'.te Mat.
Wo listen tot her fuotstrpi !
And bar merry voice in play t
But oa earth we know we'll oevor l
Hear tho voice of little Mat.
We've bang away ber dresses
Oar heartt are aad to-day
We're thinking of tbe little grave
That holds eur darling Mat.
Oa earth ell things are t reuse lent
il jw soon Ibey pass away,
And ell things lade but Heaven,
Tbe borne of darling Mat.
Dear friends, she's gene before yoa,
T lead yt on tba way
Yoa'H find bar with her 8 vicar
Yonr lerlng little Mat.
Jesus, when be was here beloa ,
Said te ae, watob and pray I
And If we do his precepts keep
We'll wear a crown with Mat.
She saw Ihe angrli la bar room.
They beckoned ber away
And new she walks with tbem ta wh ita(
Tour darling aagel Mat.
-Jfrs M.C.Lee.
Ejectment for Pperiflr Performance of'
Lun tract
And nnw.Mah'b 23,1831, rule (ranted on the de
fendant to appear and plead the action of Kieot
ment, brought to enforce epeoifin performance of
contract against an met certain lit or ground In
tho borough ef Osceola Mills, Clearfield county,
Pennkylranii, boundr l on tho north by Sarah
treet, on the eat by Spring alley, oo tbe south
by Moshannon allay, and on the west by lot No,
347, and known in general plan of said borough
as lot No -tl 9.
This rule being made returnable to tba fret day
of tbe June term, laSl. lly tbe Court,
Johr H. Out ie, A. L. J.
Clearfield, Pa , April IJ, 131-11.
Nolics of Ejectment.
Moshannnn Land and
Lumber Company
Ooorge llolihaner.
In the Com. Pleas Court
ef Clearfield county, Pa.
No. V, Sept. T., ISKO.
Ejectment fur pfrlflf Prrfnrmanra of
And now. Marob 33, ISM, rule granted on the
defendant to appear and pled to the action of
rjeptRient, hrougbt to enforce spectrin perform
anco of contract again ut all that certain lot of
ground In the borough of Otcenla M ilfi. Clear
field county, Pennsylvania. bnunlrd on the north
by Mays alley, on tha east by lot No. 317, on the
aoutn ny lurtin street, ana en the west by French
street, and known In the general plan of laid
b-raugh as lot No. SIB.
This rule being made returnable to tbe first dy
of tbe June term, 11. Ity Ihe Court,
Jona II. Onua, A. L. J.
Clearfield, Pa, April l.t, 1H1.1L
Nolice of Ejectment.
Mosbanaoa Land and
Lumber Company
Ia the Com. Pleas Court
of Clearfield county, 1'e.
No. SIS, Sept. T-, 1880.
Ejcctnetit for pr I tic Performanee of
t untrart.
And new, Marh S.I, 1881, rate granted oa tbe
defendant to appear and plead to the action of
K ieelmrnt, brought to enforce apeotflo per fur ra-
ance ef eonirart agalnet all that certain lot of
ground In the boron (th of Uieeola Mills, Clear-'
field oftiinly, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north
by lot No. l&fl, on ibe east by Decatur alley, on
tbe oeuth by falder alley, and on tne west by
Illanchard street, and known In the ceneral plan i
of eild borough as let No. 181.
This rule being made returnable to tbe first day J
of June term, lly the Court. i
Jorn It. URUR, A. It. J.
Cleerlrld, Pa.. April 13, isSl It.
Eight Farms forSalc orRcnt!
The subscriber proposes to sell or rent a num
ber of terms located as follows i Tbe first situate
In Bareatde township, Centre county, containing
160 acres, havlnc thereoa erected a frame dwell-1
Ing, frame bern, ad.lacent te a church, aad known
as ihe James Mulbolland sarm.
ALSO, another farm situate la O rah am town
ship, Clearfield eounty, containing 1 1 7 acres, with
tbe necessary Improvements. Tbu farm .sender
laid who a UOUD VKIN OF CuAL.
ALSO, elt other farms tn the vicinity of Preach
vllle, containing reepeclfelly IIS, 100,, 6, M
aad 18 aerea. These farms all have houses and
barns thereon, good water, bearing erohards on
same, as well as some good wood land, for
farther particulars rail ia person, or Be'lress the
andonigned by letter. L. M. COL DHIKT.
Jan. IVib, M8l t. Frenehrille, Pa.
James ! Ieavy,
Having purchased tbe entire stork or Fred.
Seokftt, hereby givea notice tbat be has moved
Into the room lately own pied by Heed A Hagerty,
on Second strcot, where he ll prepared to offer to
tbe publio
UK.tTi.ra .i.r it
of the latest Improved patterns, at low prioes.
Gas Fixtures and Tinware.
Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, and
Repairing Pumps a specialty. All
work warranted.
Anything In my line will be ordered special if
desired. jAri. U. LKAVY,
Clearfted, Pa., January t, 1879 tf.
WJot n.rt:i
Desirable Ileal Estate !
Estate of Rich wd Shaw, Sr., Doc'l
THR nnilcrlrn.'l, Ka.eator, or th. Mt.t. of
RICHAI1D KIIAW, Br., dmaaed, will .(t.r
at publie eel. at the Cot KT IIUDtlK, la the ber
ou,b ef t'learfleld, fa., on
Wednesday, June 1st, 1881,
AT 1:3(1 O'CLOCK l. M
Th. following raluabl. real ..lata, win i I
Th. Ihrraator. BRICK HOT EI, nropart,,
flornM- of M.rk.t aad Firat atre.u. in tb. bor
ou,h of Cl.arQ.ld, hnown aa
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lots of ground thereto belonging
sou feet oa Market street, aod v
feet oa irst street, with a two-story I
dwelling bouse attached. The ho
tel proper haa eiaty bed-roflms end :
ell eoaveaiences for a first-claea
hotel. One ef the most desirable hotel properties 1
in Central Pennsylvania.
The above will be Bold together with a two
storr frame dwelllnc home en Market street, ad
jacent to the 11 Dial, and one other frame dwelling
bouse and a i we-story store nana ing, an ironung
oa Market street.
ALSO. All that certain lot. knewa la the
plait er ClearfieU boroacbaa lt No 13?,
fronting et feet on Locust street, ran.
nmg bevk 171 feet, more or less, ta an alley
with dwelling house and ell necessary eat-1
buildings thereon tree ted, and other improvements.
Oae-tblrd eash at delivery ef good deed, aad
tbe balance te be see red by bond and mortgage,
payable la one aod two years, with Interest.
B arriving Ii'n ef Richard Shaw, 8r,deed.
Clearfield, Pa, April 6, lee Ml.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers and manufacturers, receive goods at
car lond rates, hence can compete with New York and Philadel
phia houtM.
Also, Dealer in
Saw-Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
. Parties having bark to haul durinir tho Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
fept it,
All kinds of Cuakota nnd Coflim kept on hand, and furnished to order on
short notice, including tho finest as well ai the cheapest that can b manu
factured. Our
oonrsm xm2iomi-srmii
ta tho bust In imo, and will bo furnished when required. Funorals attendtd
in any part of (he county. Call at my ofllco, on Second street, or leave
your orders at Troutiunn'e Fnrniture Store, adjoining (he Poelofllce.
oct 1 ,'70-tf. ClearBeld, Pa.
5,000 Rail Road . Ties., P.. Jan. , ISIS-U
WKNTY llnrnKH .nd LOTS in Cl..ld
foe 1.1. at reatenaele Itrlce end "a eaey
Urine. Alee, eereral ? AHMH In Bradford and
Urah.ta town.hlpe. Aplrto.
Clearfield, Pa.
Dee. I, If.
Fine Italian Marble in UieSlnte,
w, an, wnek that ea. b. dun. i. th. .it, at mneb
enear rat.e. W. will ,.t ap
la Italian Marble or Granite, cheaper than It can
be done la any ether part ef tbe State, Any par
son bevies; mnnameatal work to euoentef 2 and
a p wards, will have fare paid to and from Philipa-
bnrg. no aot ae loeita wtl cheep American
marble wbea yoa eaa bay fine Italian marble at
lower prleeo.
fMHAD STOKitl a specialty.
Prodnoe and approved paper will be takea la
eiebange for Cemetery wore. A II eash payments
I will be made te the Mobaaaoei Banking Co te
T.L. .11. . u t v a r- a
Philipibarg, Pa., Jsa. 1, 1l9l.-(iei.
71 A WKEK. 1S a day at borne easily
V I t'oitiy oatnt tree.
Aagusta, Maine.
Addreei Tata e Co-,
Cerwenevllle, Pa., Jan. , '7 tf.
MOXKY TO I.OAJIOa Ir.t-el.u lai.
nroevd fara pronartr, b? tb. M.tnal Life
rane. Comi,aa, uf New York, en Iret aiort
t'lt. In inral from tl,ICt .p. tor farther In
fiiresatioa appt, U the andereiirnKl.
Cl.arl.ld Pa., Ha, JU, ICI tf.
TH K anhaeriber karab. Uh mIUm Ikat h.
ia now d.lle.rlai w.l ol aa .ie.llatataallti
and propaeee to operat. bit Btna
1.1. At'.Tf.WL'JI,
to tbat he will ba eaakled I., hie m teaMr.
et all lime, with cA Ne 8aaaMr TaM-
lien. Orders br mail promptly tiled.
Ct.arll.ld, Pa M.rb 1, ISSI-tf.
Coal ipoAL 1 1
rpilH, barlnf prMar.4 s haw a
X s Srat elaM wal Mia, ha. awd . aaiaft,
and la new preparad I. farmieh niH.aMn wiib .
ret-.leea arllale tt omI ew Men a.lle, .d at
tba moderate prion 1 SIX CUNTS per bubo..
All wdw Wfl at aa, thop will a. preaapil, at.
lendw. WM. B.BHOWM.
Cle.tti.ld, Pa., Feb. I, IM1-1,,