She Republican. Gioboi B. Goodlandib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Fa. WRDNK3DAT MOKNINfl, APRIL !, 1181. Reader, If 70a want to know wbu Is f cilnf 0D la the buelness world, Just read our advertising aolnmaa, tb Special eoluma Id partloatar. "Mistakon Garfiold." Reasons will be found on our fourth page. "Tbo Greed for OIHeo" is a good tiling. It is to bo found on our fourth page this week. Fraud Hayes still turns up occasion ully. Sco fourth page, as per Uev. Laimhan and the Philadelphia Times. "Massachusetts," tbo blarncy-stono Btato, and hor Dawes and Hoar, aro re corded 011 our fourth page, as per the Bedford Gazette. Don't fail to rend what the editor says! Hiad a A stroak of profound temperance seems to ho pausing over the country at this time, although ilurphy, Moody, Sankoy 4 Co. are rather quiet. We this week give our readers a variety on this subject, and all can road and think for tbemselvea. Tin Ownkbs. Don Camoron, bis lutber, the widow Oliver, and a few other "tony" individuals, to oil out ward nppearanco to tbo uninitiated, assume to be tho owners of a majority of tho stock now in tho 1'nited States (Senate, given to voting for Gotham, ftiddloborgor and Mahone. "Tbo men who doei not appreciate tbe Import aneo of ailhorlng to lew. has am thought much beneath tho eurfaoe of ordinary affairs, foe Court U the laet place to whieh aoybodr thontd turn for an etamplt of inf uliordinetion-" Judy Itlaif, 0 Judiana. If thore is a Judgo, juror, or any body olso about, that can inject more common sense into tho- same r.nmbcr of words, lot them speak out. How w Smrr. An exchange says that the hammer with which John ' Paul Jones, tbo mariner, nailed the historic flag to tbo mast of his ship, is owned by a gontlcinun in Indiana, 1'a. Yes, that hammer floated up that way Bin co Hurry White has had the Kis. kiminctas surveyed and dclirored over to tbo gonorul Government "Prohibition Bun Mad." Sco first page. The article must bo read to fully comprehend tbo subject. Cramps and cholora morbus aro queer substi tutes for sacramental graco. Since the days ot John lirownlsm, Kansas has been a queer Commonwealth, and novcr happy. Posey Legislators. Tbe Philadel phia Timet man remarks : "Tbe Cou quotcoiitest between tho two Senators from Virginia is quite humorous nnd reminds one of tho famous conflict two or three years ago between Clara Louise Kellogg and Annie Louise Cary. 'To day one Henator gels the biggest bouquet ; tomorrow tho other will cut him out entirely. This is all the conn, try has to amuse itself witb tbeso days." IjEntleiien Thieves. There are oreidy-six men on tho United States pay roll as members, and about sixty subordinates, all on full pay. Yet, when a voto was taken during the past week, only about FORTY votes wcro recorded, and TEN to twelve subordinates put in an appearance. Who is running tho (machine, as tho "late lamented Lincola" used to re mark) government T A Good Hit. Tho Philadelphia Record tallies a remark of this kind: The 8eneto of the United States ( made np of more ovmpethotle stub? than tho Aurtriao Heieh arelh, wbiob aetleeted to pail a vole of oondo learo on tbe oeearifin of the assasalnatioa of the Cur of Kuuia. The incident llloetratei the Ions memory and tbo bitter feeling witb which tbe frontier recti la Au.tro Hungary moat old quar jele. Of coursol Tba cuts Yankee is more) highly ornamented with philan thropy than those atolid Europeans who know something about their neigh bors. 8ocrolary oi State Blaino should apply for a patont, so as to oovor his sympathetic remarks to the new Czar. Two ot the Foi'ti. A cotcmporary says: There are two Statea la the Uoion to whieh tbe Chineae hare aot yet penetrated Vermont and North Carolina. Tho oenlue returns ihow that in ail the nlhrr Statea and Tarrilories there are only ll)S,4M Chineee all told. Thero Is nt stair ae much danger at the present writing from the invasion of tbe Aaiattos as there ta from Mormeoum. Tho editor should have staled also that those Slates, witb Massachusetts and Tonncf see, wore ibeonly Statos'lhat voted for Genoral Scott, the Whig nominee for President in J852, and against Gen. Pearce, tho Democratic nominee. Only two Norton) and two Southern States did that thing. Political Tides. We do not know that IL B. Hayes bat "gono where tho wood bine twineth," but lie has gone into obscurity and has been forgotten. The veto of the Funding Bill knocked out of him what little life and respon slbilily he possessed, and to-day Rid dleberger is bis equal, and little Billy Mabone, ol the rebel army, towers high above hits. Things chango wonder fully in a few years, as is evinced by the fact that a Union (ieneral com nandod south of lb Potomac in 18C5, while a Rebel General commands north ot that rivor in 1881. Ninety pounds of rebel nowcontrols tbe political stock market. Cheap Bibles. The new Bible bus! ness is "booming" among the printers. This rrvtiti revelation will be ran off in thisoountry and Europe by the mill ion copies without a proper superin tendent or proofreader. Thechangos made on tba St, J amea edition are ma terial by tbe new revisionists, and tbe millions of copies pnt In circulation by the American Bible Society are to be scattered to tbe winds as so murb wasts paper. Was thero ever before such a "Cheap John" job palmed off oo the people aa this new Bible busl ness f Revelation handled mora cheap ly than a patent right for a new "broom orn!" THE POWER Of THE PARTY LASH. I In accordance with the imperative instructions received liom Lord Don Cameron at Washington, both branches ol tbe Legislature of tbii Stale last Thursday pai-sod the following resolu tion endorsing the repudiation, livaarm and purchaso ol Mubono, by which troachcry, bargain and sale, tliu liispub lican party obtained a majority in the United States Senate. Tbo resolution roads as follows : Areolefrf, That tbo Leglalature of Penosylrauie regarde with approval too attitude taken by the llepulilloea aienitiora of tho United ritelea Satiate la laaietini uiiob tbo rlabt of tbo majority (Ma- boito) to eontrol tbo organisation of tbtt body, ond hopea ton tbo anaoioallr wbicb bu tbul far characterised taelr (Mehones) proeoeaiuga will be maintained. Tbo resolution passed the Senate by a strict party vote, and was also sus tained in the IIouso two or three lie publican members refusing to support it. Thus we witness ihu usual fawn ing and cringing to their master, Don Cameron, by nearly all of the very men who were lately so loud mouthed in their assumed opposition to tho Cam eron dun and King rule. They at last not only knowingly elected a stab wart ally ol Don Cameron to tbo Son ato of the United States, after consum ing a great portion ol tbo session to do so, but they now Slavishly obey one of bis most inlamous behests. Such is Cameron and anti Cameron Itcpubli canism in Pennsylvania today, trom which may tbo good Lord deliver onr people. A Hons Purr. In the Fedoral Sen ato on the 11th inst., tbo "boss" Sena tor from this State, Mr. Cameron, said : A few dayo ago the Renator from Kentucky 'Mr. Bach) nad taunted him with tbo fact that the Legialaturo of Pennsylvania bad refuted to aaatain tbe eourao whieh Iti Senator! bad followed In tbii ebeniber. Tbe Senator bad laid to bim 'Cameron) that he oould probably make the Leg Itlature endorae bla notion. Tbare was no man living who had the power to make tbe Legisla ture of Pennsylvania du anything against its freo will, lie would not arrogate to himaelf tbe power to make it do anything wbiob it did not believe to bo rlaht and tironor. The man who undertook to do that would Sod himself in tbe position of the shearer who eemo bank shorn. He was per sonally acquainted with nearly all the members of tbe Legislature, and a better and a aobler ead more pairiotio body of men did aot exist. That organisation bad passed a resolutl in endorsing the notion of the Republican Senators on tbis door, and hi bad no doubt that all patriotio leg tslalures would follow its example. Mr. licck.agrocd that the Pennsyl vania Legislature would only do what it thought right, but suggested that it always happened to tbink right that which Senator Cumcron thought right. That Senator had shown that ho bad the power to do by telegram what be (Beck) bad thought that it would ro quire a personal visit to accomplish. "What fouls these mortals ba!" Pert. This fact id strongly illustrated by tbo conduct of the majority party in the United States Senate Mahono, Riddlebergor, Conltling & Co. That body was convenod in extra session six weeks ago by tbo President of the United States lor public duties; yet, what has it dono ? Tbe Senate is com posed of two members from each State, making seventy six. For a week past the vote-has stood about twenty nays to twenty-one yeas forty to forty-one out of tho seventy-six Members try ing to discharge their public duties, Reader, can you think of a more shab by pioco of statesmanship sinco tbe foundation of our government than that of the past six weeks at Wash, ington 1 Garfield's Dilemma. Tbo editor of tho Springfield (Mass.) Jieputlican advocated and voted for tbe President elect, but in looking over tbe field he cornea to tbis conclusion : "Day by day the administration sinks in public es teem. The more its acts are turned over the less they are liked, The nomination of Stanley Matthews, tbo selection of W. E. Chandler, tho re moval of Merrill thero is no defense for these things. Thoy carry their own condemnation and sink by their own weight. They are not like Grant's worst acts, flagrant outrages on public decency ; but the tide Las risen since Grant wont out and It will nsa while oarnold is in, whether be helps or hinders." Nihilists Hanged. All the Nihil ists except the woman, Hcssoy Ilelf mann, who was granted a short re prieve, were condemned to death for connection with tho Czar's assassina tion in Russia, vix: KyeakofT, who threw ono of the bombs; Jcliaboff, a conspirator-in-chief, arrested before tbo catastrophe of the 14 th ult. ; Michael off, the young man arrested on enter ing the house whore tbo police were lying in wait; Sophie Picoffsky, and Kibaltschilish, tho man who manufac tured the bombs, were banged at 10 o'clock last Friday morning at St. Petersburg. MichaololTs ropo broke twice. The eio; nlioncr was a pardon ed malefactor. The Right Men. Dawes, of Mass cbusclts, is one of the chief apologists of Mahone. Dawes has noi only been proved a liar in theSenato, but a ( rcdit Mobilicr thiol in tho House. The com pany and the occupation be has chosen ate congenial and fitting Gotirge the 111. embraced Benedict Arnold after bis treason as vigorously as Dawes and Hoar do Mahone. Rcmomber the ro suit as recorded in. history. Ta llt on e roe V est Senator Vest, of Missouri, mado rolhor a neat point against Senator Sherman when he re minded him that only eighteen months ago bo had issued an order, aa bead of the Treasury Department, that any Foderal official found acting with the Readjustera in Virginia should be ra moved from ofllco. No bargain bad been mado with Mahono at that time. Pointed. Tbe minion paragraphor of tbe Philadelphia Timet injects this thing into his issue ot the 12th : lata eonatry ta lest Inqnisf tire enough ta want to know if Praeident UaiSold nelled tba sonata together for the purpose ef having Gorham nad Riddlebergor elected to aomathing or atber. The man alluded to is evidently not a resident irginian. - - !S mill learninu. In loss than a month President Garfield finds that he cannot rely apon his Constitutional ad visers concerning matters relating to the appointment of officials that re quires Senatorial confirmation and Cabinet consultation. Dos. Cameraa Is a failure ia erervtbina af th a statesman. He eely rises to grandeur in running tbe Pennsylvania Laglalatara at a aoliilral bnso. -Amom Hold on I Your assort ion is too broad. Please qualify it by saying: "Tbe Radical member in that estab lishment.'' William Mabone is a mere mldgol bat tho Republican donkey sUjgcrs fearlully nndor tbe load. THE CO V UTS. Hr AIIHAMIIMI Till JUIHCIAt. WeTllin . We noiiiu tbitl the S.-naln Appoint, niciil Comniiltco ban prepared a bill ro arranging tbe Judicial districts of Ihu Slate and making sweeping clinngcit Tbo boundaries ol tbe new district are determined upon mo I the eoinmittuu would be ready to report were it not that it has been deuimd advisable to prepare a schedule aligning to the new districts tho several Judges now on the bench in dintricta which aro to be divided. This is a very tlclicuto mutter and will not be completed lie iro eTllI.ttl ,...., ri... a,,!,.,..,,,.,.,! 1 ru "CTUral "" 1 110 SUU (olnmlllie having iu churgu this mailer of assign muni, as well as the renumbering of the dislritts, cousints of Senator Jlc Craokun, Greer and Sill. Tho changes propcrod by tho Senato bill ufl'eot fif teen of tbe inol important districts ol tho State. Philadelphia and Alio glieny ate nut chunged. In brief, the rearrangement is a follows: Tho Twelfth disttiut, now oumposud of Dauphin und Lebanon, is divided, each comity being made a ei'puruto dis triut, with Judgo Henderson as 1'resi dent Judge of the L. -billion district, and an additional Law Judge provided to asttiitt Judge Pearson in Dauphin, Montour and Columbia, now consti tuting tho Twenty-sixth district, aro joined with Sullivan and Wyoming, now constituting tbo Forty fourth dis trict, the four count its making one new district. Ol tho Fourth district, consisting nt Tioga, Poller, Cameron und McKeun. and tho largest in the State, Tioga end McKcau will each be made scp'iritto districts, and Judge Williums. now President Judge, will probubly be as signed to McKeun, and Judge Wilson, present additional Law Judge, will bo come President Judge of Tioga. Potter und Cameron will be joined with Clinton, now part of tbo Twenty fifth district, and Elk, now part of the Thirty-seventh district, to form a now district, the President Judgeships ol which will undoubtedly be a bone ot contention between Hon. A. Vr. Olm stoud. Republican, of Potter, and Sen ator John G. Hull, Democrat, of Elk, with about a thousand mnjurily in favor ol tho latter. Forest, now part of the Thirty sev enth district, is cut oif from Warren and joined to Jefferson, now part of the Eighteenth district, leaving Warren a separate district, while Clarion, now constituting, with Jell'erson, tho Kigh teenth district, is also made a separate district. Perry and Juniata, now constituting the Forty first district, aro divided. Perry goes to Huntingdon and Juni utu is joined to Union and Snyder, which now muke, with Mifllin, the Twentieth district. M i 111 i n is joined lo Centre for a new district, and Clear field, tbo remaining county of the Twenty lifilidietrii l,is mado u separate district. Perry and Huntingdon make a new district, leaving Cumbria und Blair, which make, with Huntingdon, the present Twenty-fourth district by themselves. Fulton, which is now attached to Franklin us tho Tbirty-uintb district, will bo cut off and put in wilh Bedford and Somerset, now constituting tho Sixteenth district, leaving Franklin separate. Green and Fayctto, now constituting iho Fourteenth district, aro to be di vided and Green will bo put in with Washington, which is now the Twenty, seventh, a scparuto district. The Seventeenth district, consisting of Lawronco and Butler, is to be divid ed and each county mado a separate district. A Uurrisburg correspondent of tbo Philadelphia Timet says : "It is not expected that this reapportionment will be adopted without opposition, and it is probable that changes may be in troduced on its passage through the Legislative. A number of the Sena tors say thoy will tako no Interest In tbo mutter at piesent, as it will be im possible tocotnpleto their appointment at this session, and the work will have to be dono over again at tho special sossion of next Winter, which it is now generally conceded will bo culled by the Governor." Starved to Death. Miss Huttie Deuell, whoso rcmarkahlo fast has at tracted widespread attention, tlicd al ber homo in Iowa City, Iowa, on Sun day night, April 10th. Sho was 52 years old, ana bad long be n a mem ber of tho family of her brother In law, Dr. B. II. Aylworth. She had been an invalid for many years, suffering ceaseless pain from neuralgia and nerv ous diseases, which made life a con. stunt torture and driving her at length to the stern resolve to en J an existence which promised no alleviation lor her torments. Though her conduct had long been peculiar, her acquaintances never deemed her insane. Her will was strong, as is proved by tbo laet that from November, 1879, till within a few days ago sho novor uttered a word, though no Impairment of ber vocal organs existed. During ber period ol silenco she only communicated with ber friends by writing on A Bluto, and no reasoning or entreaty could induce her to speak a word. She ato no breakfast on tho 2.1d ot Fobiuary last, and when asked why sho had nut eaten, sho replied in writing: "I have no hope of recovery or relief, and am dolcrntincd to die." efforts by her frientls to induce her to chango her re solve woro In vain. Sho lutd fus ed forty soven days. Immediately aftor her death a pott mortem examination was mado by Dr. Cowpcrthwaito, Dean of tho Uoinmpalhio department of the University. Not a drop of blood was found in the body, which weighed only forty five pounds. Tho stomach wasuleo void of any substance. Temperance Food Frank Wilko son, writing to tbo Now York Sun, says that the reason a prohibitive liquor law lias lound lavor In tlio Kansas Legislature is because the people living in tho dry atmosphere of thut Slate, surcharged with electricity, cannot saioly regale themselves with alcoholic annus, lie says: "in duinn, heavy, cold climates, men can and do drink 6 great deal of alcohol with almost ab solute impunity, as fur as their general health is concerned, in hot, damp cnmaies, ino use oi alcohol is atlunded wilh great danger. In hot, dry cli mates, especially if of high altitude, Iho etiecta ot alcohol aro exceedingly dis astroiiB Mohammed recogniiod this natural taw, ana, though loumling a religion whose baso was animalism, be wisely forbade the nso of wine to his followers and abstinence from alco bolio liquors became one of the funda mental principles uf tho Moslem relig ion. All Asiatic Mohammodaus recog nised the wisdom of tbe law, and sub. milted without a murmur. Moham med knew that the blood of meu who lived in a dry atmosphere could not be inflamed with alcohol 10 stimulants ilbnut affecting their brains directly and tbeir norves speedily," Suoddt or Course. From what tbo Lancaster Intelligencer says, tho Amer ican girl has got abroad again. In ono of the hotels at Nice is one who lately went to an "at homo" in full dress, low necked satin, diamonds, etc. On arris ing and looking round tbo room she porceired tbe other guests to bo in domi toilette, " .Veil," sba said, "ir i bad known that il was only a sit round I'd rot have put my clothes on " 11 LA IX ES rrilPOSE. 0,ir ltopubliinn friend have very bud luck in g"iiing a President to pluiise thrill, lliiyos wits a liutliil higliliuure lo llieiii.und liui field prom ises lo be equally ilisugrccnble. The Punnet Ivuiiia Legislature refuses to endorse hint, und lite I'nilid Stulis Senulil the Republican ta t of il in supposed to do I liir-tltii i hr bu blood Mr. li;ll!lc!tl is in dunger of Leillglell entirely without Inei.ds, trom his lend ciiry to tlisiippoint thou be hits had und the facility u il li which be is mude a rul'spuw of by Blaine. It bus been a conundrum why Illume permitted himself to go upon whul has been held to be the shelf of u ittbiuct iilace. A theory now started is that he did so to I get Iho power to re ward lsi friends und i plunder his enemies, and ho is credited with the intent to butuko himself to jlhe sale retirement ol tlio Kugli4i mis jeiun when these objects- htivo been ae iconiplishcd uud bo bus thoroughly wound iipUitrlk Id's administration and ! suited il in a full run on the mad lo. ruin A lung us limine hums imi ik iu up ho cull slulid Ihu ruclut wilh '.bo enemies he raises np ugainsl him in such ubuiidaueu: but if he should treacherously let go, w hul a crash of administration china there wuuld be. Thu purpose alliibuted to Blaine in siisluined by a knowledge of his char acter ami uiuhilion and tin! notorious dependence und liuibernuns of Garfield makes neb uso of bim quite possiblu. Il is considered that he bus given him self over to Blaine's control j his acts in tho few w eeks of his administration sufficiently show this. Thut is a con clusive demonstration of bis weakness ; und it would be ascribing an unknown degree of honor and virtue to llluine to suspect thut bu will not lUe his ready tool for his own purposes und drop bim when ho sees bis advantage in il. Lancaster Intelligencer. Tbe Yt'jssuya: "Judge DnvU voted squarely with tbe Democrats some limo ago, us bo Invd previously indica ted. Alter roaming about in an un certain way for some ycurs, he landed in tbo Democratic camp." It should bo remembered thai Judge Davis was not stained with repudia lion, and his coining into tho Demo cratic tamp did not rest on a corrupt bargain. Those considerations muke all the difference in the world. There is no corrupt bargain and sale between tho DemocrutBuiid the Judge. DoyU town Democrat. Aristocratic A tramp had Just finished pulling Inmsoll outside ot a chunk of bread in front of an aristo cratic mansion in (irameruy Park when a little girl offered him an applo. "Thanks, no," said tho wanderer, "1 never eat fruit alter dinner " Ho wus poor, but aristocratic. -Voic York Com mercial Advertieer. It is strange what a small nibble a woman will take out of a picco of cake whon her lover is looking, lint with what alacrity she can get lift en clothes pins inner mouth on washing nay, whon sho is in a hurry and wants to go out in tho nlturiioon. glni- dnrUscmcnts. f OH WOIIK All kli.-1, of Job work executed ' ia the beat manner at thie omen. Q.-C . COfi prr day at bnme. Hamplea worth A'ldrtaa Stiksos A Co Portland, Maine. mrh2,S.y ) Ilf AfitlPtM FOR SAI.Et Tbe aubaerlbei IT baa two Two llorae Wocone, nearly new, for sale. Wili be sold eheep. Call on or address JOHN A. HTADLKH. Clearfield, Pa, March 1, 1SSI-1I. C-lOW M1H MAM-:. Tha unJirslgnel has J fur good MILCH COWS f ir sale. Three of tbsm are of the Aldarnev hre-d. Call no or addteas II. W. MULLEN, Cpmnarl'le, Pa, aptlO, '! St, CAUTION. All perioBs are bereliy warned against purebailog or in any way meddling with the folluoing perannnl property, now to tbe possession ol J. it. cuitso.l, ot uurnaide, vis : Two bay bortes and nne set of Jouble harness. The foregxiog properly was purchased by me at fir I rale aale on tbe loth day of February la at, and a allowed to rrmaln In tbe possession of laid J. H. Corion on loan only, sulijrot to me order at aoy time. C. K. PATKICK. Uutuaidr, Pa., Aptil 10, ISSl-St A IllllTOIl's NOTICIC-The undersigned Auditor, eppoiated by the Qrpbana' Ooait of Clearfield flounly, Pennia, to dialributo the balance in the hands uf Jatnea McKeonn, Admin iatralor It. II N. of P. S. Italartr, lata of i'enn townahlp, deceaaed, among.! Ihoae legally enll. tied thereto, hereby givee notice that be will at tend to the dutlee ol hia appointment a bia offl-e In tbe borouih of Clearfield, on THUKHDAY. the Jill lMl OF MAY, MI, at 10 n'olooh A. U. U. W. MeCl IIDY, Auditor, Cloartold, Pa., April 20, ISSI-lt. TIMB EfTfO ft" S ALeT " WILL be 9vi vary low, to o1m tn (, 'ftliabtfltimtitr tract of 1,0 J3 ACKK4, Id Phippen tnwnabip, Otraeron county, Pa., knnwn a Warrant No. 2.114; ba ban owntl a namSar of jeara by Philadelphia family, tad will ba aoU al a dwitjej bargain. CULRMAW A MiX, 1U Arch St., Phi) a. April 20, IRM-lm, LMSGUENY HOUSE, ii. CLEAHFIKl.D, PKNN'A. . WILLIAM If, DEAN, Propria. TMibooi U pleAianlly ln(atid on Eit Market itrcet, and fKDvnlotit to tba Purt Houte and all butlocM jiUcii of the town. It baa re oeotly bneti ra lit ted aod refurnished frem erilar tn attio. II tr iuplied with cliolct liquor), labia furniihed nub tho btit tbi uarkatftUoruj. Uood i labia atuohod. Itatai vi'irfarate April i:t, im-tr. Millineryl Millinery!. ITAKR Ilia Tiltenire of Infnrmin the public that I iball ofTrr epffial tnilnwBiDti la Millinery Uood. runh aa tiilka, Patio', Klbbon', Pluutri, Ac, Tsittud and latritnnnl lltvitand llt'DDeta. fa tho rery Jatttt itjlf, NotliMaiid Mada-op Clothing lor children. I kindly illicit a ahare of year atrrn29. Mias M. A. U KLCfr, MirWcl fit , Oarfleld, Pa. Apr. SO, 1891-ly. DR. HUTCHINSON'S WORM DESTROYER An4ltUndTrtrilItrmMJr, KrmovfthtWormi nrulfhe K-cmtuihtU Itrpttirm nitre. Wr frnarsnlM lie elrtno. Wo Imve hundmu or Ttaaimoiiiaia, ia,l KV.I-.1 in iimiaai in years, pruvlne r'.ni lnlvi lv I. no rrtnrrln njunl le lr. llntrhltiaon'e Vi Itcelrorrr to n-iaovo the Worms loll kltula. Rinmd, ljmi. Slid 71111. that IiiI.h.1 Ihe htimeti ai .tnm Iftyticmiu bun Aria and trlve tllem to their auflerlmr ll'iMt'lna. tnivr is no Hitm'mg or tnuicity alu'llt luunnuiiiir irnaiiio miHiirino. I nee, pi-r ooa. . W.WNIIJHI 4 CO., WMnall OrutHitl, Matket and Freot Sl'sali, f hilsislphla Fehraary I, I4Sl-.'is. Englisli Classical School. FTM1K nnderelgned will ojien thli achnol In the I Ionarn butldtsg, t'lrarOeld, Pens a, an KuNDAi, AFHIU 18, eontinui el.tea veeha. TUITION: Cntnmon KnrUh Brannhae fft. 00 Uigher Kngtioband Claplft M0 I) C. VOl NOMAH rirar3U, P., Pb. IA, Wl tS. TTOITM3 AIHIJ LOT POH HI,R.HThe L JL prnMrty maate tn tbe beroigh of Oeol Milte, and known aad aold at tbe property ot II. IlamlltoD, and being lot No. (IS, bounded or Ooal etreet nn the eoutb, and on the weat by ft one Mreel, Maring thereon a twn-etory dwelling hoate, large ihop and other batUingr. Ilidi will be retelffd for tbe earn np ta the Ant Monday of Slav, at wkloh line tie tan will ba awarded tn the higheH and beet bidder. I'referrwea will be given toraah bidden, Hu bid other tbaa for one- half eah and the balance In one year, will he relved or eeiiriderfd. The Commlniloneri will ie at Uji hn'el on Monday, May Id, al IQo'dook A- N. to receive bi ll, Hj ordeKof tbe boarif. JOHN W.lfOWB, ilw.k. Clearfleld, Y:, April I, Mi tt. Valuable Farm for Sale. andertigriod ofTeri a tret- elaR ato)i and grain farm for ele, aitaata one alia nerth uf Lauibei CU. aoitaining 230 ACRES, Moat of whieh la eltared and ander a g-! etale of fulliratlen, and baring a large plank booee, wen mined, a large bank ham, and all neeeaary ntha.ldlrtg', all new. Fountain pomp, good water at the door i alaa, one at tbe bara. A anod bearing arehard, ate. per farther partieilnra, mil on the prialt ar addrete VCU. C. rASPMHRB, LaMhar City, Pa. Aprt! 10, ISSl tf. V.tK iAdfcrtisnnfiits. AKNOM) HAS ADVANCKI) Prices of Shingles, SUAVKD AND 8AWED. Curwenaville, Jan. 9, 7S-tf. LIME AND PLASTER I Xfcchanical and Agricultural Lhno of tbo Vory Best Making I Low Xtatos of Froight ia Full Car Loads. T AND PLASTKII. We sell tbeOsruga ground 1J plotter et Ion nrlors by tbe car load. In soraklng of this erlalirat.d plaster as eiim,arrd with tbe Nuvaeoolia or white planer, Ihe Orange Judd L'u., ptililishers cf the AairrinoN A'jrtculitr i.t, Say, "'I hero Is no dii1rreneo Ihe price is tut oui oousi'ie ation. Allress, AI.tXAM'KH A CO. April Alb, IHH1 .1m. Ballelonte, Pa Trustee's Sals Valuable Ileal Estate ! 1 ) Y virlue of aa enter I tba Oiphan' Pnurt of l I'ltarfield unlT, iu.U ftUrch Sub. 11. I lure ft Ml ba i .oti to f.ulilio fit la, at Ilia COL It T utu tu ui.KAKHisisn, pa , on Monday, May IGtli, 1881, AT I O'i LOCK P. M., A certain trurt of o i, Mt tlia iiroirtr of JO BKPH YOTHKKS. iltuitfJ in KAHTUAUfi TOWNSHIP, Cltarflbld county, Pcnnavtrania, bounded aa fvlloiri : On tbe north by Un la of I. U Alct'lokey.iuuih by laud of C'httrlea llabii trial and Thnmai W hit, cast by lamia of Oliver Moore and lunrati white, and on tba wait by lanua oi unver Moot it mt 1. c. McUdtkey, taintng 107 Aoroa and Allowance, HaTiog about 70 aoraa elaarad anil under a food tale ol cuItiTatloa, with good orobard of ohmce fioit, tba balance having about 10,iii0 feet of oak and pine timber tberfon. Thore fa alio a large two and one half rUtry fraaa houae, and barn about 40x01 fact, thereon ercelod. ead good ipring of wafer nar tho buikliimi. Tbe grrattr pait of It W underlaid wilh gd eoJ. T KR MS OP SALE. One third cub on ooiiflrmation of aala, on' third In one year, and one third in two yrar Iberealter. Tbe deferred punert to be with iDteren, and rucurtd r bord and morlx upon the prrninra. W. J. IIOKKKK, T.u.tao. Clearllld, Pa., April 13, 1 HHl-ftr. Trusteed Sale Valuable Real Estate ! 1Y virtue of ao order of tbe Orfibnra' Court of XM Lieirneu eounty, made March 24th, 11, there will be expoird tapubllo tale at the CO CRT HOlitiH, In t LbAKr 1L.LU, FA., oa Monday, May 16th, 1881, AT I O'CLOCK P. M., A certain tract of land, late tbe property of; r nr.i'ctw ft riirtiiaci, aeeaaied, atniata in CI1KST T'JWNSIill. Clearfield eounly, Peon t I rani a, bounded aa follow, tit : On tbe north by land of John M.Weitorer, 'mtb by lamia of Kufue Llnda.r, cait by land of Anthony Metier Tey, and weal by landa of lienry Hearoe, Containing 100 Acres, And ALI.OWANCK, mure or l, hariog a boot so aciei cleared and nnder a good it ate uf oultl tetkon, with good growing orchard, good honee, large barn, and govd luring of water thoreon. Tho reuiaiudor U ojvered trnb good 11 N K Tl M- DKH. The lame ia mnltrU.i with UlU'MiN 0 US COA L TEH MS OV KALK.- Onr-tbitd cah nn conflroiAtion of aale, ono tbird tnone yer thereafter, wilh toternti aeaured by bond and uiortgiipe upon tbe preutlae, ami the remaining une-third to remain in tbe property and ti be recured by rcrognisanee, the tntereit i hereof to ho paid annually to Hint Ann ITrailay, widow, during brr life, and at her death the imncipal to be paid to tlio hfln ol ikkI I rdurk'k tralky, dtn d. .1. V. FHV, fiuttee. WeXorer, l i . April I H I it. you Ojivar Save moneY IN liUVlNlt Yul'U HOObS PHOM Geo. Weaver & Co., SKCO.N'U STIlKKf, CLEARFIELD, PA., DALKIIS IN Dry Goods, Nolions, Bootsf Shoes, Hats? Caps, GROCERIES, Carpels, Oil Cloths, &c, &c, 1U0, FLOUR, PISH, BACON, HAM, SALT, OAT?, COIt.V, CHOP, FTO, Ihankfal tor paat farora welavlte the pahlle to rail and see our lerite anil aew nock of itoodi, wbiob we will dlapoae of at reasonable ratea for aa"!, or eiohanfte tur eouairy pmaune. Polite aod atleollra lck, lo wait apoa jrot, and rtcei dnD low. UU01U1G WKAVEtt CO. Cl.arfl.l.l. Pa., April 30, lq If. -TIIK- ClllCA G O IXORTIl 1 V;.S' TERX RAILWAY Is tke OLHKST, BKT CONSTRllCTHD, BEST ngt'lffhu, and benee tne LEADING RAILWAY or th a WEST AND NORTH-WEST I It i the pborteat and heft route between Cbleago and all ptinte la Northern Illlnoia, Dakota, Wyoming, Veb'aeba, Iowa, California, Oregon, Arisen, Utah, Col orado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and far COUNCIL BLDFFS, OMAHA, IIKNVKH. l.KAIIl'll.l.l:, SALT LAKE, SAN FKANCISCO, Dead wood, Sioul City, Cedar Rapid', Dee Moinee, Culambm, and ail poind ia the Territories and tbe West. Alio, ut MilwauVee, tlreto fluy. 0hknh,, Marqtiottt, Find do Lai, Watertnvn, Uougtiton, Keen ah, Mraaiba, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, Volga, Kargn, Bu rn ere k, Winona, I.aCrotie, Owatonna, and ll point t la Minoaeola, fkoi, H'iieonflo and the North -wet. Al CVuaeil SlufTe the Tralal '( ha Oblige A Nortb-Weaiera and tbe I'. P. Kailwaya depart from, arrive at and aie Ihe latne joint Union Depot. At Ckioago, etoie nunnee'lone ar made with the Lake Hhure, Mifhigan Crntral, Ualtiinor A Ohio, Ft. War tie A PenniH-fttila, and Chieago A Oraitd Trunk Railwaya, and the Kankakee and Tan liiudie jlouiee. CloHConneiliont wade at ft netiaa P-iloti. It la Ihe Of? I,) LINK runniLy Pullman Hold Dining Car Mfwetl CHICAGO and COUNCIL BLUFFS. rPallmaa ffltfp-reo all Night Trataa.- IneTit tpon Ticket Agente Milling jm Ticket via lb ! road Fiaeuloe yoar Tioketa, and refaea lo bay tf Uiey Jo ot read erer the Chleago 4 North Weimn Hailwer. If yoa wiih tba bet uavallng aoenmnio'la'toni yna will hay your ttekett he t h ta roata, P&k N i) HlLLTAkl NONKOTHKR. All Tiehet Ageata ll Tteaeii by tbii Una. MARVIN HUGH ITT, td V. P. aad flea era) Manager, prie, 'H-ly. . Obleaga. 1 1,- I . ,. .c-,.T.--' ; FACT3 WORTH KNO'vVIE.. 2 r V tilnprr, Harha, Mandrake, btHIIns;Ie rr 1 natii . i tier i. ( tlie U.--1 nitju.mei Liivsi ..10 t Jj ' i to n.tke It i fie greamu Clood Puriiicr atj Th U t lleallb aad Klrcugtb iiealtitjrj birr Uaod. 1 8n r-rft U (hccompowuonof PAaKra'aOtN- lm 1 i'Mi I'teit nodiM-jccir, lni vilif i. 1 i iitc.1. li yuu hjve Dyipepiia, Htid-che,- flheumitiem, Neorelgia, Hoawel, Kidney or Liver Unorder, or il ymnecii.t iwl innin.. -1 1 , 1 riiU, llie J i)M(. ii jti.t t'.o 01: tl.i.i.i. ;or yjti, a it 1. Iiighly cunlivcand .Jivi'n-l..,. but nret iiiIokk.iiiiij, ; II you are slowly wtim aw;y vnn Of tumption cr pny i. Liici,il you e Pjinn.. J Cuoynotabad Cold, 1 Ah kk at .L.iM-ittt ti inll urtly lirlp yuii. It eiiv't new life en : vior 10 ifie fvrhla and n-T, and i a t-nii. ure for R lieu mat tern and Chalera Intinlum. U lift! BAlod llendrcrlaof tUoi) It U)1 nave itiuri. i If ymi ere frcima micialle don't wait unti l U arc atwn ikk, dui u? tue 1 hm1' lo-uay j lo m jttsr wh4t ynur diiese or aj uiim 1 nita drink but the Beet end Pureit Family! Medioin ever made, crwonunuoi ty a neve 1iacci, end entirely ditlcrcnt (ti-m Utlleii.l juct iretMratin. and all other Tonic. Tr) I .1 r.ic. inline. 1 'iirr (init?ui can ni?tiv ya PARKER'8 HAIR BALSAM The neat aad Boit Ceononlcal Ualr Dreula j ex-itl.itcly (wrfunird ond jrfetily I: .irmlc. Will Alwsya Ileetoro Gray or Faded llulr to it ors pi rial youthful color end apnearam:, tt I j i --irrati(id to it p its fliiu, il (.fwut.l tud prevent bjltinc. A tnfaj(ilitlirnof tieTlAIIAM-jri'l'fl-nr' t h-'T, f ran all d inttnil tnl citrw ilrt;ii, ( ami i tt luvLiwoi iheic'o, talJby Il(Jiutctaiiat'ij-. Ap.ll Cth, l l-Iy. The Kt'ws From MOORE'S? THE? HAVE JUST EECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, Jjiils and CapJ S That Ever Came into the County, AT THEIR STOKE, IMMHimi OPERA HOUSE, C.liO. C. A TOM U . JIOIIIIR. Cleatlill. Pa, Sot. !J, USO tf. AUDITORS' STATEMENT 0F- LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 4 CCOUNTof Z. Oicdm, Treaaurer of Law V reneo ttjwa.bip, witb tbe POUK and RUAU fuud, forth year ending March Hi b, 1861, POOH FUND. PH. To bat vb dip., aod '7.S UatSrpt. $.'i(S .IA 10 oaianoe no duplicate, 77? 77 To atn't. of poor duplicate. 1 Bfl . 1,010 40 Tn aoi'l. rullretrd by A. U. kr.m-r. HI IV Toatu't. r.ccircd frutn Trraxtirer 1'U. 919 09 Tu am t received from Joba fbaw on duplicate of 1H76 J75 11 To am't. reoeired from Pine townrliip... U4 90 Tutal 1,fl5B 90 CR. Br am't. due Tri. Ogden at laatasltla- nfnt tl tn By hal. uneoll'd by M. Read'a dup , 1SMA 179 27 lit bal. uncollected by Joarpb Oweni, IB77 and ITS By bal. un-oll'd by Wm. tirahatn. 1879. 17 8 y exoneratloni on dup. 1 SHO, M- Real. 17 92 Uyeinnerationioodup.'7V,Wm.Orahaia 18 It By eioneratlona on dup. I77 aod '78, Joieph Oweni 7. 81 Br aiiatemtnt of 6 per oeoU oo IS5.99 on dnplicat, 18S9 t 7V By abatement of & per oont. on $944.41. Cvlleetora fee on duplicate, lbf-0 47 32 By bal. In County Treasury H 449 Ot By 8 per ont. on $1,678 du toTreaiurer Oad - - v 47 86 By 6percint.on$1,3:,4.H4toJe. Owene tH 74 By aui't. (or keeking Mike Mooteer S 1 ft 82 By am't. fnr ketping Mr. Wooda M 197 80 Br am't. for keeping Jea- 8billint M 189 Bll By am't. fnr keeping Jubo Joboioa 147 18 By am't f-r keeping E. Hall i:i 90 By atn't. for keeping Haiti Hoover.... 120 84 By ain't, for keeping Anlery 118 10 By an t. for keeping John Lan 11 berry... 112 Jib By atn't. for keeping Jamea Wi thero w- 95 74 By aro'L for keeping Mary Pool. 48 89 By am't. for kmpiug Mr. Ola 38 to By am'u paid R. J. tifaafTner for koepinr pauper , H. 18 20 By am't for keeping pauper of Pin Twp 99 27 By 4 day wrice, Taylor Rowlei at Overeeer of lb Poor for Pine twp, 8 80 By attorney fe for Pin townxhip 8 Ot Ity t per eent. 00 $212.27, Pin Twp.... 8 87 By am't. paid for J uti, 6 ben If and witneaa feet - 12 97 By am't paid for Mn. Carter H 81 25 Hy atn't. paid Panvill Aiylum.. 21 21 Hy am't, paid for Mr. Jacaion'a oollln. IS 00 By am't. paid fur medieal atteodane and medinln. 8 79 By ami. paid A. O. Kramer, Ally (eea 20 0 Bt am't. paid for llreenwalli , T 6tl By am't. paid fur hoeping J. K. bmtnn.. 19 2 By am't, paid to J. L. CuokliD, tnakiog Poor duplioat HO By arp't. paid for A. Wall a blanket.,.. 1 00 lly im't. paid Taylor Row), eerfifei aa Urareeer 29 07 By am't. paid Da id E. Bloom, wrricci ai Overaear 9 00 By am't paid M. Read, icrvioe j Orr aer 1 40 By bal I a tie dot t nahije Hi 68 Total $3,868 90 ROAD H'ND. DR. To bal. in Treanurfr'e hmdi To ain't, rroeired from Traurar Dotti. To ain't xftinwarked tai by Lawbetd, for In79 H4 To am'i, of A. O. .rawhfad'eduplicBte.H To ata'i. of .Tame Brown' duplicate.... To am't. of Willi! Brown'e duplicate.. T am i. of fwrn CeiiipluH'i dupli-ate.. To un worked taxti by Kramar in ISiV, . and git-en Owen Campbell To Mny aiiojMment lo Cami bell $419 88 I,2:i7 22 19 80 840 AH am r& 782 41 4M 11 48 40 18 87 Total...,,. CR. By am't. pid I.awhead for ervK'i lly atn't. of hok tax wnrkfd By am't. of tat worked by oitlteni By atu't. cf tax uoworked on dup., I81O Hy am't. of tax f ion era t torn, I81O Hy am't. paid Jm Brown for -rfee... By atn't. of work done by elilieni By am't. of enh paid Wm. Br wo by eiliirnaand applied on rje By ain't, paid Wm. Brown by Trrarurer for tcrricee t ., Hy work dn by eitiiem ,. By am't. an worked lax by W. Brown, '89 By exoneration! by Wm. Brown ,.. By am't. paid Owe Campbell, aerrieai.. By am't. work doa by itiio . lly xcinratona Hy unwnrked tax from 1879 Hyam't. Kramer after aettleiaeat By May aoaeeimenl workrd ...M By am't. paid M. 8. Kramar fur ervtoi In IST9 By n't. road enl-n lo O. B. Merrell, girno by J. I. McBrld H By WearerA Bettt'judgnient.Jan. Ii,7$ By ain't paid (43. Mea ler far making 31 rnd of new road. IH49... I72 00 19 AO 627 18 9 92 8 8.H l&A Q(l 8i8 88 11 22 I '2 12 720 11.1 18 81 15 82 It' 9 98 440 08 8 48 48 40 3 00 18 07 40 09 12 64 :s 27 88 00 fl 00 49 78 4)0 63 00 By atVL paid AadHir A Cirk,June,'0 fyj am't. paid Uoodlamlvr far priming road and poor itatement fur '7tV79.'H By am'i. paid I. Drown. Birthing 4 du- plloalai and nne day Andior.... Uy ami. paid Ruw, priqiitig for 1H78, 1879 and ISHO By ain't, paid for plank and rtaildtnf btidgfi. 18R9, put in al Mnn ereek and ttolf run by Wm. Brown H By am't. paid J. t Cuttle, aurvaykng,,, By am't. paid Wab O lrn for putting iabrltlge..,, m By ati't. paid W. H. Ureaa for 8 pick hantllei . ., By aw't. paid J01. 8bowen overwork " a nder P. A. Owent By am't. paid Wrr A Batu, working nnetalrl tai By I per eent. on fl VT7.01, allcwej In iwttletnenl, lHIr , t By balance da townahlp, ., 182 T8 8 09 4 62 t 2i $ 60 8.17 22 69 81 80 28 Total .. $,m 82 W, lb aadarilgnfd Aaditnra, baring iat. Ined lb amount of 7.. 0dea, Ireaearar 01 Law renn towntbip, la aroouul witb the POOR and Hut D fun-t of ld townahlp, ind tbn aa abate eUted. O. H. HAIL, Al'teti LKWtd UKoi?!f, !. H. latw, W, T. IPAUKMA1V, Cieit Aaditen. AprU II, 1181 .ft. HAVE !fl HEARD Cirrus oiial nurt (fnfllUh Wcnnofvif SVilvrrtiSfmcnt, THE MIGHTY MASTODON CllMI.N'ti! 11 off h (Jfcrv of afurnariti ! UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION OF WONDERS, ETC., Having an b'aletenr wlii"h ta Viaible, Tunglbl, and A bio lot, wilh mor and (Ireater VARIETY OF MARVELOUS FEATURES la Ci alalneil la Th'.V H'liia i f Ihe Sliowa that ara Tiaselluf lhreub Ike Coiaetrji. Ht'wi.tyf-"'1 WtT'iWw'a'fc'aJA.iaMii a.jiiii aiBirr 20 MONSTER WATERPROOF TENTS 20 Six Acres of t onuininf tin Ponlt)-oui, Mgaifljsn', Alility, luipjiinf and IMMENSE SHOWS COMBINED, The whole Illuminated by the Wurld'i Grcateat TnTcntion, THE ELECTRIC LIGHT! NO FliAUn ! NO DECEPTION ! i t... . SjtisK.' St aVw - a. - "The rhrming Mollie Rrown'a feat of eotnerifiuite, bnrkward riding and pirbotttea, ar not only par tcllnrtt but the intmitabl prfctiun of" Sim Veeire d Itiin, 'Xoihirp rrfoia t(.o daring fur Mt M-tHit to ondertnle, cr too diCiuult fir ber lo aoomplith. She in, in a 1 rrpceta, a noa rrtnarkfiLle ).her.i-uittinn. In her ardaeua ri'l she ba bo tuperior." Hippodromatic and Equestrian SPOUTS OF THE AltENIC CIRCLE! Most Brilliant, Artistic and Graceful I Cooititutlng a Grind Congreia of THn'd. Pqucsfricin, (JvmiiasHe. )crcBfie, Tontie aod Amo-inf Mf 'le? of Rnterti'nmrn'i. CARDINAL FEATURES! A LIVING MOUNTAIN OF FLESH I Tlte OTIIKIC KIjUPIIAA'TS AKK lIOniEM ooaxFAnxm to "EMrnnss y The Pe.feelloa of In MILITARY TRAINING aad Kdueeiln I. The MARCH I The WAR CHARGE uispiaTioieiBioe. num.. internes are aad mirnnrj la all tbe M Unary and Hiintlna Taellee of a., aalle. WIL08 AND HAUNTS OP INK I1UKR JUNULKS OF TIIK INilUfl. Hf ' 7 7 7 J m mm. A Human Cannon Ball I A YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL LADY SHOT FROM' A REAL CANNON ! THROUGH SPACE LIKE LIGHTNING I GENUINE POWDER I NO DECEPTION ! HUMAN TONGUE TO PORTRAY ! "'' iinmoaw.M! M-lor tl.i, F,rjliJIe, i Homanlij A..s!ld ! Hair Blend frerilnff, Nrrre Thrilling I 11 iv r.KcPilid wicJiY BRIGHT AS THE NO O WD AY Sim ! 3 GREAT bands! Military, Orchestra Full Drum Corns. A GREAT MUSICAL FEATURE TOURNAMENT AND PAGEANT I A SOLID MILE OF CHARIOTS, DENS, CAGES & VANS. CAHNIVAL ()!' EtiEI'H A NTS, AMAZONS, CLAUIATORS, (ill ACES ! A. lllnze f Oulil Noarlot and Ituniisliod filoel t NOTHING LIKE IT KVKll SEKN SINCE! THE WORLD WAR pnn rviVYn T''U ".".,.l'J.'.',1! ''r'" 'V ' ' ""d k' " eaals, therefore make un nar aarl la. la . - " " ' un. m wuaeas. rais GKttJvn free sir on ALL RAILROADS MX AT CHEAP EXCIBSI0. RATES ! 2 Performances Daily at 1 7 P. M. 2 oVSSS S?fcMbT"hiIl M h' Uf,riot ,,h,bu, lMr- - VHVAIa ritlCEHOF ADMIN9IION. Will also Exhibit af POILirSBCRG, on Thnrsdaj, April Wth. Friday, April 29. Canvas-Canopied Tented Fields! 4M&tSii2L, iSN. "-is!! Tk. It.!. .. .- Cl.-k. . a ... ui a iv n fc.npnani I Th Only War Elephint I The Only Big Elephant I The fely Hunting Elephant 1 The Onlf Racing Elephant I The Onlv Dreughl Elephant I The Only 130 Vert Elt phenl I I The RETREAT ! The CAPTDRE I r''" ' T" ' n : r- " " k" "" CP-"altI olTend n. .... ...i .. ., ' 1 Heir Vdvrrtisrtnrnts. tTf AN rUD... Two ateelleel tallleia al l V T take a mill eilher no the aliarea er wia hj lb. m.alli. I ailnr.lanil atllinf t.v th. a.w titeesaa. Cen x'Te g'lod reeoiainati'tai I jaa. Ai.i,l, t'i op e.Jr.. A. J. liui m k It (.., tllen Uu,e, flearfinld (u., p. AMll , 18-11 31. f ILL b fold at prfrate flrM T T farm, enuaie in joruan fowtiiiitp, ( rlr nmA 1'. lt.iiF..alli. Wtl I lltl ur.. lAMh (arm, aootalfing 120 aeree ait alluwanrr wilh about 76 acre lenred and under god iittt of ouitiration, having ihcreoo erect el A LARGE FRAME HOUSE, Ull Bitithnd. a Ur bnnh htra ai I all th. lier-parr outbu.Mintfi AIp-. m guod hearicg orrhurd 'tf ehm 76 Uvt, Ae. Will be M rb,., for U4ih, or 011 pi.tiiro'i ti ut' purrbair. tt pariiflu'Nt, Aa.. ikuire of. or tvd i'tn A. u Kramer, t ltatftel l, I'a , o' the audiin)ri,rj ,, yewhurg. (IJufi P. O ) v'b-arfleiij a-in-ity, ' 1A AC 8IAHKI K Iltird Urou 8.11b, IrtSl.if. 1 DIRECTIONS. clys; l.j(J i 'alirrli.biT -it W I id the I -n I, , inn 1,1 . ' ' I "! ''! ' r' m "ARRH,C0Hl,lf.n 'TLyjAmwiOiiiu ';'o tbe : r trorif Wtaiht thr.,uh no n-ae. it w, i,ff ibnnrbed. fl r n n 1 1 j, nd hfetiftg itiv , ,. are 1 uh ibbiNiie. l'o r f ral'tif., Apply a partlnU it,r,. 0U-.K,-tJ-. the tar. ELY'S CREAM BALM IIAINii jf-tne I an enriab'e hail rtpu'.a i U( difp!ainK n! othr preparation In the i ioitj of diroorery, I, on iu a'one, reogn i' I tt a wonderful rciutnly wherevor known. A tt trial will annt-Uflw the tuont akepiirtal of Hi cur live powera. It etfrctually elrenaei the njial paiaaKreurCalarrbaUirui, f4Uin heailbv aenro. liom. alUa lotiuitiraalion and trrirution, prta.-ti tbemrinbranal linitignol tbe bead (rum addition! eold, eutnpletely heali tbe aorei atij retorc the aenae ol uie and atnitll. linofioi! raiulli are realised bv a few applioatiuna. A thun-ugh treat ment ae diree td will euro Catarrh, Ae a hum, bold rruiedy for o ld in the h"a 1 it ia uoctju 4. The Delta ia eaiy U ait and agreeable. S .J by drnggirti at bo eouti. Oo receipt of 6" p(iI will aiail a pacltage. Ami (tr irojUr wilh full information. KLY'8 CHEAM BALM CO., 0fg., S. V. Fur iale hy tba ClearAotd DruirirU, and by huleaale liruUt gfutrally. April ih, IM-tiin. NEW WASHINGTON Opens Monday, April 18th, 1881, to Continue 12 Weeks. THIS fnhouloouinjcndi itteir to .ijt(ti f1Tr for lb rollotriDX reanont ; Flrt. Boftnliog em ht bad io g'wd fumilin t from (Mo 1.&0 j.r wtet. teronii. LocatioD I hMlthfut tnl nocislr rt fined nnd cultured. Third. The court of ttndj cuiboji tb- Suta Nofinml Pchool festorrt, bdi) iB (rtt-u!irli adapted to th wan. of iltoia who ). t to trtth. f'.urth. Tha ttudenti burn tbe tilriutKf of a null oooduitud Isliararj 'oeiaty, bftorc nhioh ill bodeliTtrel kttitrauf free lturti. Fifth Xha work af thu iho'l if fttmilBij ,T th nfurairemvnt and for uf wo intfllitui com m unity. Slith. Hpcial tUht)on will b fur tb Nonnal elan by tlit lriD ial, who it a 2'mhatv of a Slat Normal Heta !, aod tht intruu.ii n I haury ot laobitf, liuvrrntnani, 4o , b mad to afHjord with tba tnudtrn iJ of aJ. TaDoed educatora. TUITION: NORMAL DEPARTMENT. Conimf-t) IlranohM with S.-hooI Kponomy.. it Coamfm Brioches and School bmitiutn? wilh Altbr, iir mtry, fhyiil Hang. raj-by, Kainral rhiloiojibj. Chil liwv. armornt, Latin, t n u (1 RAM MAR DKI'ABTMEST. Ulghrt elai ji I.nwcr elaraea , w 3 Fr farther Infurioanoe atjrrj, W. A. AMBKOSK, Utcc.l. I'a , MATT PAYAUK, ClrarflvU, I'v Mar. D, )M-tr. -tlEALEIH IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CLT'D CO., ?t. Uospcctfully solicit tholr putrooa ati,l ll pnl.lie (enemll) lo sail a.. I (lim ine Ibelr n.w elnelt ef Spring and Sniiiuicr Goods, CONSIPTIKQ or Canlimorcs, Velveteens., Drluinca, Lawns, Gingliamu, Prints, Un bloaihed aud I!lcched Mm lina, Fancy Skirts, Sheet ing", Tickings, Carneta, ' Kuk, Oil Cloths, JIOSIEnY, r.aundriod, White, (Cheviot and Percale Shirts, Olovcs, Neckwear, Mon'a and KojV Clothing, Iluta, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc. Groceries & Gen'l Merchandise Will bo found ot first quality, and satisfaction ii guaranteed. The ful lowing aro alwuys kept on hand, (somo few only in their aoason): Siijjars, Teas, CofTnes, Spices. Syrups Confectioneries, Orangoa, I.tunoni. Bananas, Figs, Dates, etc., Hard ware, yiieenswaro, Glassware, Tinware, Wood and Willow ware, Paints, Qils, Clocks, Trunks, Yaliaca, Mirrors, Stationery, Furniture, Il Minura' Supplies, ALSO, DBALEltS IN BAHS, E.D.TIB3 & SHUTGLS3. July as, OPEN FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH, Come to Frenchville I I HAVE ut received tho Iuriat took Of f?00da Afar hrnnnhL to this section of tho coantv, which I will soil fi.rcndli as they tan bo bought elsewhere Mjr stock consists (,f DY GOODS, (Groceries, Boots ISte, Hardware, HiiilB a Specialty." A full slock of FISH. Salt in Itrp or small sackD, or by tho barrel. CROCKERY WARE, stono or tlav. QUKKNSWAIih. " styles and quality. In short, 1 ba" OTerviliinir nocded bv tho farmer, U'" mechanic, thu Inbnror. or anvb"1' els, which I will s ll just as chenp tho Boofts can bonnrchssed anynr" olso. Pleas call and examine good and prlooa boloro Inreslin elaowhort). r r',-fclev-?. 'v m wm mi mr L M. COUHRIKT. Pronobvlllo, P., Mar. , '9Ut.