Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 06, 1881, Image 2

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    Gioroi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
wrdnrbdat moknino, april t.
Reader. If 70a want to know what It going oa
Is too buitno.a world, jaal road oar adrerti.lne;
eolaaaa, tbo tipttiat ooiuno la partlealar.
Historical Warninui. Tbo isfi
ination ol Lincoln wat t warning
against tboatro going on Good Friday,
and tbo futo of the Czar of Russia is a
notice to quit traveling and displaying
blooded stock on Sunday.
Following Exaui'li. Tbo Demo
crats, by a littlo gamo oi fillibuBtoring,
following tbo example of the Republi
cans, havo prevented the latter from
appointing new officers in the Senato.
In tho abstract, it may be wholly do
fungible, but it is a lauce just as good
lor the gander as for tho gooso.
A Good Lick. Tho Philadelphia
Times remarks: "While a legislative
committee is investigating tho motives
of the Attorney General in rendering
bis rccont decision, perhaps somebody
bad bettor investigate tbo motives ol
tho Legislature in sitting for three
months without doing anything."
A Good Trade. The New York
San says: Tbo government nosegay
which has heretofore graced the desk
of Senator L'onkling, has bocn remov
ed and placed on tho desk of Senator
Mahono, while some skunk cabbago
has been substituted on the desk of the
former.. See recent appointments.
Tiik Colored Brother. Tbo Cadet
Whitaker court-martial looks as if it
might at last reach an end. Tbo pros
ecution has rested and tho dulunso bos
been taken up. Among the last pieces
of evidence put in wero the dolendant'e
Biblo, his wash rags and some frag
ments of burnt paper an assortment
which cortuinly does not lack variety.
A Good Samplr. What with bis
plebeian asthma and his aristocratic
gout, Lord Boaeonsfield finds it very
difficult to draw breatb any longer in
the world. The old man has filled tho
measure of his ambition and his useful
ness, but tho world will bo saddened
when he dies. Since the death of Lord
Fulmcrston ho bus been by odds tho
most striking figure in English politics.
Give us J'baciieb. An exchange
says: "While his brother is dodging
around tho corner to escape arrest and
imprisonment at the bunds of the Brit
ish Government, John Pacnell is culti
vating his peach orchard 'way down
in Alabama, which he raised and dis
posed of (70,000 worth of that luscious
fruit last season. We would rather be
a peach gatherer than an Irish agi
"Confederate" Orders. Every Re
publican office-seeker from Virginia is
obliged first to bow beforo His August
llajool jfabono, trcruiu anklllg (Jul'1
field for office. Tbo President stands
number two in tho Confederate brigade
commanded by Mahone. How hutnil
iuting it must be to tho "Christian
statesman," late of 11 on tor, Ohio, to
come down on his marrow bones to
kiss "C. S. A."
A Proper Ixqi'irv. A Harrisburg
paper mentions the name of Hon. J.
M. Groer, of Butler, in connection with
tbo Republican nomination for Secre
tary of Internal Affairs, to succeed
Hon. A. K. Dunkcl at tbo expiration
of bis term in May, 1883. That then
is the plum promised Senator Greer
lor misrepresenting bis constituents
and going into tbo Cameron-Oliver
Senatorial caucus.
Hard to Swallow. Tho verdict as
to Mahono's speech in the Senato,
writes tho Washington correspondent
of tho Herald, was that "there was loo
much Riddlohcrgcr in it." The latter
was a far worse rebel than Mahone.
Mahone was a soldier, wbilo Riddle-
borger was a common cut throat, and
be now wants to pay tho debt of his
State at fifty cents on tbo dollar.
What a subject 03 which to practice
"grand moral Idess !"
A Drawl. It is reported from Wash
ington that President Garfield's Cabi
net is likely to "bust," becauso tho afore
said has appointed several men to po
sition in closo proximity to members
of the Cabinet who are offensive to tbo
latter. Attorney General MacVcagh
don't want the notorious political va
grant Chandler to room with him,
and has inlormcd "tho government"
that he will not stay in that shop if
Chandler is to be his room malo.
Omihods. A Washington telegram
says that President Garfield has been
losing woigbt at the rate of a pound a
day since ho was inaugurated. This
is probably gleoful newt to Senator
Conkling. If Garfield goes on wast
ing at that headlong rate Mr. Arthur
will tuooocd to tbe 1 residency in the
oou roe of about two hundred days.
When the man that was kicked out of
the Ji'iiw York Custom Uopse by
Hayes and Sherman lor general rat
oality, the senior Senator will have
ome lun at the exponso of those an
cient Christian ttalosmon.
A Good Riddance. An oxchango
says: The Democratic party can well
afford to lose the Senate organization,
wnen tut party in Virginia la so
much tho gainer as to put it now be
yond the reach of defeat at the next
election. Mahone as a Democrat weak
ened the party by drawing to bis re
adjusting laclion voles from tho regu-
lar organisation upon the local debt
question. As a Republican he has lost
bis power to do this. As the Rich-
mond Dispatch says : "We do not feel
like complaining of him. He has plac
ed bimself where he can no longer pro
fesa to be a Democrat As a Demo
crat, be drew off Democrats from their
proper patty. As be now stands, be
will hereafter give ibe Republicans tbe
trouble he baa heretofore given Da, or
ise be will have to go over to that
prty. In either event lb Democrats
will be tbe gainers."
Ol eiuin-o all our American renders
know that in this country nobody suc
ceeds to an cftloe except thoso elected
by ballot, and even then snmo are do
fiuudud out of their rights Tilden for
President and Curtin (two years ago)
aro samples of tlio lutter. In Ku
rope, however, rulers become such "by
tho graco ol God." As most of this
class of rulers livo for a lung time, and
fow of our young renders know how
they aro bojsted into power, wo will
copy tbo last Imperial manifesto pro
mulgated by tbo new Cxar of Russia,
who remarks:
W, by tbo groeo of God. Aleiander III., Km
peror end eateoret of oil Ibo Hoiilae, tbo Caar
of Poland, Ibe Urand Duke or Finland, 010., biro
by Boko koowo to oil of oar faithful euhjecta, that
It baa uleaaed lha Almighty in hlo Inrcrateble
will to riit Honla with bear bluwa of fata and
aallad our benefaotor, Aleiandar, to bimaalf. Ila
fall by tba baoda of iiaptoua tunrdaiora wbo bad
repeatedly aoogbt bli proeioiia lifa,ood whonada
thrir altrmpta benauae tbay aaw ia bim a protee.
tor of Kue.te sod tba foundation of bar grtat
baia and promotar of tho wolfaro of tho Haitian
paoplo. Lot no bow to tbo onlalhoraabla will of
llirioo Pro? idonea and offlar up to Ibo Almighty
our prayara for tba of tlio puta aoul of our
beloved falbar. Wa a.eend tbo tbrono wbleb wo
inbaril from our (orafalhara, tbo Ibrono of tbo
Ruiaiaa Kmpiro hod C.erdooa, and Ibo Orond
Dukodom inarparably eonocetod with It. Wo no
umo lha hrnry burden wblob Uod baa Impoaad
opon ua with o Sim relleaee opoo Hie Atmigtaly
kalp. May Ila blaaa our work to tbo wallara 01
our beloved faibarland and guldoour rtroogib for
Iba bappinoaa of all our faithful .ut.jocta. In ro
paatlog, beforo Iho Almighty Uod, tbo aaorod
vow, uiada by our fatbar, lo dorolo, oeoordtng to
Ibo le.laoacDt of our forefalbora, tba wbola of our
lifo to tbo earo for Iho welfare and bnnor of Koi
lia, o oall upon all faithlul aubjeeta to unllo bo
fire tbo altar of Iba Almighty Ibeir prnliaa with
oura and ooaaraead Ibeta to awaar fidality to ui
and to our auorraaor, bn linponal higbaaii bo
tedllory, Uraod Daho Nieolt Aloiandovtli-h.
Uivan at 8t. Petoraburg, Aono Dominion and
aril year of our raigo.
It will bo observed that bo succeeds
his lulbor by "tho graco ol God," and
intimates that "Divine Providcnco"
was tho causo of tho death ol his fa
ther, and yet he has cuused tho arrest
of a score of Nihilists for doing it, and
will bang or shoot them.
Solid Hatter. Tho Doylcstown In
telligencer, tho Radical organ of Bucks
county, last week gave publicity to tbo
following commercial truth :
Britiah oonaola ara s fraction of ooo por oant.
aboro par. Thia ti n vary unutual ooourioooo,
and baa aaldom happonad proviouily. Thaia aa
eurlliaa boar thrao par oral, intsroit.
Goneral Davis, editor of tho Demo
crat, countered in this way: "This is
valuable information to coma from a
newspaper which is opposed to our
government funding hor debt at three
per cent. Now if England could do
this when money was worth a good
deal moio than now, and tbo bonds
aro abovo par, why cannot tho Vnited
States float a three per cent, bond?
There may bo a very good reason why
it cannot bo done, but wo do not know
what it is. Will tbo Intelligencer point
it out. Is not an investment in United
States government securities as good
and safe as any other J Are they not a
little better f Are they not both bet
ter and safer T II tbe Intilligcncer
knows any reason why tho United
States cannot go into tbo markets of
the world and borrow money as low
as any other country, will it not plcaso
to mention it? Tho small tax on the
income from tho English consols, re
duces the intcsest on these bonds bo
low three per cent."
A Proper Inquirt. Tho Williams-
port Banner persistently puts it in this
way :
Tha quertloa it, bad Weodell Pb llllpa any band
in planing tbo daalh of tho CaerF Wo ark the
quaition afiar reading what bo aaid In a renent
punne addraai delivered in Uoatoa a few daya be
fnr tha aHln,u . i I Inn. , 11 ,, 4,0" a
milae away, and Bee what an incuhue la reiting
on her pep)e. I only hope that tomebod will
llfl it oB iheir abouluer.. If nolblngwill do it
om tno l.ggr, then welcome dagger."
Phillips belongs to that class of
moral cowurds who havo infested this
as well as other countries. Ho was
always howling lor a war on slavory,
but when it camo around ho and his
school of moral cowards took no band
in tho accursed quarrel which' he and
bis Abolition crusaders brought about
That class of men are always ready to
"wclcomo daggers" in a church or
school bouse, but they want somo
other fellow to una them on somebody
else. o may havo been wrongly ed
ucated, but we always look upon
coward as a mcanor man than a horse
thief; becanso the latter manifests
somo pluck in obtaining bis neighbor's
property, while tho other runs no risk
Tho Clearfield Ci'lfoa ia now rua by a ayadl
oate WtarAtld KruMitnm.
Well, the latter peper ia rua by a oolitieal ala-
ner without tha "eaie" and in tba Intereat of tba
nrpublioan party at that. Wo don't purpote fo
lleiliog Democratic natronase to keen Republi
can organi elite wbilo we bavo euntrol of Iba
ltitiea dyarfieuro OVotff,
"Political sinner" is good. When
we ever "ronig?" Perhaps, after wo
shall havo played Modockor, Bcventy
Sixor, and Greenbacksr by turns, we
may boast of onr political virtno too,
How natural that the vilest harlot in
the crowd is invariably the first to as
sail her (rail sister I Wo havo tho list
of tho votors and the tickots all nnm
bored, as well as lots of other written
and printed fuels that transpired dur
ing tbo Worrell isc and tbo Walters-
McGaughey campaigns. To publish
extracts from these documents, one
could soon tell who tho "political sin
nors aro, and bow littlo somo of the
members of tho syndicato contributed
toward upholding the Democratic par
ty in votes or money, or in building
up newspspors,
"No Go." Tho Confederate Briga
dier who has joined tho Radicals Sen
ator Mahone, of Virginia occupied
nearly a wbolo day of tho Senato's time
last week, in explaining bis position,
If ho were to speak from now till tbe
crack of doom, nobody would bolievo
hi) course patriotic He sold ont his
voto lo tho Republicans for a mess of
peUy pottage, and the Republicans
disgraced their party by buying up
the little rebel repudiates, and his man
rnday, Riddlebergcr, for Scrgeant at-
Arms, who bas repeatedly repudiated
his personal debts, and now demands
that Ibo State follow suit Out on all
such sconndrclism.
A Failure. Tbo managers of tho
New York World's Fair supposed they
did a big thing by electing (ten. Grant
President of their management. How.
ovor, two months have satisfied them
that Grant did not draw Woll, and they
informed bim that his resignation
would bo accepted. Ho handed it in
and started for Mexico. Ex Congress-
man Jewett, now President of tbe New
York A Erie Railroad was offered tbe
position, but has declined
Go IN J grr. I If tbe Confederate
ox President would join blinds with
Blaine, Garfield & Co., be might bo
made Minister Plenipotentiary to Eng.
land, especially If he ia opposed to the
payment of honest debts and declares
that be it not a Bourbon, a la Mahone.
Jeff., go in and get a pardon anyhow 1 1
More "IVsies" in the Senate
When tho Senato nu t on ihollUth till.,
hunditomo bouipiel of flowers adorn
ol Senator Kollogg'sdcfk, whiles mug
nificeiil flurul ship, sailing upon a at a
of violets and roses, tho gift of ladies
of Alexandria, Vs., to Senator Hill, of
Georgia, ornamented tliul gentleman's
desk, Tbe tribuia was aci'iiiii,uniod
by the following note:
"Thuao Virginia flowers, from ladies
of Alexandria, aro presented to Sena
tor Hill, of Georgia, as a feeble tcsli
monial on their part ol their ailmiin
tion of tho brilliant manner in which
bo recently exposed tho corrupt bar
gain mado by tbo Senator from Vir
ginia on ono part and the Republican
party on tho other. This ship, Sena
tor, has not cleared from tho White
House, nor is its voyugo in quest of
'Federal spoils; it is simply bound to
tbe Georgia Senator, because bo has
anchored himself in tho hearts of true
Virginians overywhere by tho timely
and eloquent speech he had made in
defense of the honor, in the preserva
tion of tho traditions, and in mainte
nance of tho former illustrious history
of Virginia, when ho sheathed tho
sword ol ono of her own Senators,
which had been treacherously pointed
lo piorco her lair lamo.
"Honest John Strohm." We notice
that Mr. Y. U. Honsul, one of the ed
itors of the Lancaster Intelligencer,
furnished Col. Forney's Progress with
a sketch of this living Lancaster county
slatcstnun, in last week's issue. Wo
havo no duta at band, but if our boy
hood memory serves us right, the
writer has omitted a mulorial fact. In
1 8-5 or '40', while Congress was In ses
sion, and the Mexican war was at full
lido, lomlonvin said: "II I was a
Mexican, I would welcome, General
Taylor and General Scott and their
armies with bloody hands to hospitablo
graves." A lew days after Coiwin
had uttered this outrageous sentiment,
a voto was taken in Congress lo send
clothing and provision to tho army in
Mexico, and John Slrohm was ono of
tho seven who voted aguinst tho hill
Arc wo mistaken f
Divinelt IunuEii. Tbo editor of
tbo Louisvillo Courier, Col. Watlcrson, very much over the lute
of his Radical neighbors across tho
river, in Indiana. That Stato elected
Garfield ; yet, nono ol her sons wore
deemed Gl lor a scat in tbe Cubinet.
Hence the aforesaid goes off ufter this
fashion :
ikoian aoo isoaATiTnis.
They're left you lo iho cold,
lodiana t ,
Kot a eua uf yoore enrolled,
And Ike Cabinet' all told,
Ostubor'a golden fruit,
Hal rooted and no ehoot
Of Hooaier abarca tha loot,
0, where la Johnny Sew,
And Uoo and Truer, too ?
Xby alwoiphero ia blue,
A Political Emetic Tho dema
gogue, like water, will find his level.
Tbo Muhono-Hiddlebcrgcr emetic put
to tbo lips of "tho loyal millions of the
North," by the bands of the Radical
Stalwarts, will provo an overdose. Wo
notice that one bulf of our Radical ex
changes skip the dirty, treasonublo
transaction altogether. Tbey abuse
that other "Confederate Brigadier,"
Ben. Hill, like a home thief, but Ma
hono and Riddlebergcr are embraced
no though thoj- wero statesmen and
patriots of tbo loyal persuasion. It was
tho luckiest thing that over happened
tho Democratic party that Mahono
went ovor to the enemy. We ull know
him now, just as Washington did Bene
dict Arnold after ho betrayed bis
Tanoled. The Philadelphia 7Vies
has this to say about it:
Robert R. IMt. wbo lakea John lUe'a place aa
Siccative bead of the State Department under
the title of AaaiaUnt Secretary of Slate, waaadnp.
led into polilioa by Morton, of fmliana, In l97tf.
He bea-an aa a reporter on the Chicago Trib:
He lerved aa afortoo'e Secretary io Waiklnaton
until 1S74, when, having married the daughter of
Reynolda, tho Lalayetto railway magnate, he waa
apptioled Secretary of Legation at Parie. Ha haa
been there ever aioce. He bring! none of the At
om to tho place that tbo retirement of John Hay
loavea ; haa no education and iba mopt euperSoial
veneer of manaera, and no conception of the io
de3nahle humanitiea which rhould bathe poliel
lion of men called upon to deal with aueh reriod
pubiio intereata aa muat eoma to the deak of tbe
real Kieculire ol the Stato Department. Though
eight yoara in France bo haa never been able to
matter tbe language effectively, and aa it ia upon
hii alleged familiarity with that tongue thai bia
appointment ia bated the point ia worth remark
It,. It scorns as though everybody is Im
posing on tho President. This last act
of "tho Government" looks a little liko
tho Credit Mobilier case.
Garpield-Mahoneism. Wo clip tbe
following from an oxchango: Prosi
dont Garfield has removed Mrs. Van
Low, a brave Tnion woman duiing Iho
war, from tho Richmond pOBlofflco in
order to reward ono of Mahono's cx
Confederato repudiators. By this and
other appoinlmonts, tho President gives
earnest notice that bis part of tho con
tract in tbo purchase ol Mahono and tho
Repudiators will bo ratified. It was a
bad bargain bo mado, discreditable to
bis sagacity, and will give him much
trouble, if it docs not result in political
bankruptcy in Virginia, at least.'
"Senator Joha M. Oreer, of Butler, haa been
of Internal Affaire, lo aueoead Mr. Donkel. Mr
mentioned aa a poena 0 enil ale Inr Hnnretare
Oreer le ono ef Nature'a Boblrmen, an boaeit man
and ttohoeen to preside over that important de
partment of our State (loverntnoat would bring to
me oiienarge 01 nil parpoee, tho bigheil reeoio
mendatiooe poeiible." Jreoa-rile Htpmbtiean.
ICS, dear boy; but this place was
promised to Groer by "Don" beforo ho
would agrco to vote for Oliver. Wo do
not know which ono tho widow, or
tho late candidsto lor United Slates
Senator. As Groer mado his word
good, "Don" must follow suit and mako
him Dunklo'a successor if tho Demo
crats don't put somo other lellow in his
A New Departure A colcmpo
rary remarks that Beegsfer has rcsum
od work on bis "Lifo of Christ," which
tho Bcccber Tillon sccndal "knocked
highor than a kilo" somo years agn,
according to Mr. Wilkeson, the pub-
lisber. 'Iho first volume was issued
somo eevon years ago, and after the
Tilton row, popular interest in Iho work
ceased. Recently Wilkeson brought
suit lor damages, and the above an
nounccment comet from Plymouth
pulpit." Yt e wonder if tbo trial afore
said will be In tho appondix.
Tied. There aro now 38 Democrats
and 38 Mahone Confederates In the
United States Senato, and tho man who
does not know (Arthur) where he was
born whether in Canada or In the
United States sits in the Chair of the
Vice President, and votes with the re
pudiating Maboncitcs to untie tbe dead
lock when it occurs. How merging
it must appear to the "loyal millions"
of the North
Now, tend for Jeff
A Bastard Aitaih Preaident Gur
ticl.t always dimpisitl ithels ami nr a
very short time muiiilcnte I tlnit fuel
by entering the lented field. Now,
however, ho hi im to huvu tullrii in
love with the ineiiiiest "Coiifcdurule
Brigadier "Mubimw Unit ever cur
ried a stioid, and budiuwo him closo
to lii liomnn. To i 1 1 unt lult-, we need
only to cite to un incident, lu show
how strongly Dciunciutio thu Klulo of
Virgiuia from which ho hails, wits lust
your, whin two Hancock eleetorul
tickets were in tho Held against ono
(lilt Held ticket. In u I most every
Northern Stato such a split in the ma
jority party would havo given a plu
rality to tho minority ; but in spite ol
t condition of things which Northern
Democrats could not but regard as
alarming, tho Stuto was curried lor
tho Democratic candidate The regu
lar Democratic ticket obtuined !)(,
-U9 votea aguinst 83 039 for (JurtlelJ-
a plurality of 12,810. Tho Muhune
Uuncock electoral ticket of tho Read
jiieturt secured 31,027 voles, so that
ibo majority of iho two Hancock tick
ets over tint field was 41,137.
Evidently in "Cahoot." In 1H72
a Massachusetts shovel maker named
Oukes Ames turned up in Washington
as a Congressman, and in duo courso
ol timo was looking around for somo
commercial jobs (eush in band) instead
of playing tho role of statesmen as his
constituents supposed bo would from
the oath bo took ; but, whi o waddling
along Pennsylvania avenuo, between
tho Federal Capitol unci tho Wbito
House, ho met President Garfield, then
a member ol Congress from Ohio.
Among other members he, the said
shovel maker, mentioned tho tact to
tho suid (now President) Garfield, that
ho bud a good thing in the shops of
Credit Mobilier stock, then being in
vested in the building of tho Union Pa-
cifio Railroad, which wonlj yield 80
per cent. This was too enticing a bait
for tho Western Reserve Buckeye lo
puss, and so he embraced iho idol and
took tho flint dividend, which was (320.
In the Senate oo Monday, Senator Maboaa re
plied to tbe attack! made upon him by the Drm-
oerala, and denned bia poeitioo aa an adrocate of
a tree nanot and a lair e-unt tnrougnout Iho coun
try. aalin0(0N (Voce.
Yes, and it was one of the soverest
rebukes ever administered to Hayes,
Sherman, Mrs. Jenks, Eliza Pinkston
Si Co. ; but the poor puffer had not
brains enough to comprehend the ques
tion. Tho " Confederate Brigadier "
bas slopped so fur over that his old
comrades has deserted him, and he
now plays with "the loyal millions of
tho North" as a billiard player does
With his bulls. If tho saints of tho
Globe, etc. can stand Mnhonc's second
edition of manliness, the copperheads
will iniiko an effort to endorse him.
Go Slow. General Davis, of the
Doylcstown Deinooral, thinks, and so
do wo, that it is rutber early to state
that President Oarfield is deserving of
being his own successor. It is not
known that Washington ever present
ed a bouquet for treachery, or rewarded
the ropudiatorof bonost debts. Better
wait awhile. Like the criminal, wbo
cannot halt in his curecr of crime, tho
Republican puny find it equally im
possible to turn their back on fraud.
In 1877 they put u defeated candidate
into tbo Wbilo House by fraud, and
last week they obtained control of tho
Senato by Iho sumo mcuns.
Loyal " Scalli waqoery." Riddle
bergor has been selected by tho Re
publican caucus of Senators at Wash
ington for Sergeant-at Arms. Ho is
Mahono's man and is un unrepentant
rebwHike himself. Tho Democratic can
didate is Bright, of Indiana, who was a
gallant Union soldier; but that will
mako nodifferenco. Republican Sena
tors will voto for tlio unrepentant rebel
and then go homo and talk to tho peo
ple about loyalty. Tho next thing
these loyal demagogues will do is to
muke Jeff. Davis Marshal of tho Dis
trict Death. We notice that tho Hon.
Gideon W. Palmer, father of tho At
torney General, diod on Sunday, March
27lh, at Glenburn, Lackawanna coun
ty, ol pneumonia, after a week's ill
ness. Ho was widely known in old
Luiorne, having filled several political
offices in his day, among them thobo of
Sheriff ol Luzerno and member of the
Legislature. He was sent aa a delo-
gato to tho last Constitutional Conven
tion. His dentil was rather sudden
and unexpected.
A Prolific District. An exchange
says: "Secretary Windom cano from
tho Sixteenth Ohio District, which pro
duced Gov. Shannon, Bishop Kimppon,
John A. Bingham, Gon. Custer, Edwin
M. Stanton, and Private Dalsell." Ohio
is becoming the garden out of which
statesmen, warriors and divines aro
pulled. Tho last ono Stanley Mat
thews is just now playing tho "high
low jack in the game," to havo bim-
teir mndo a Supremo Jtidgo.
On The Winu. A curgo of ibo
Grant and Sbtirpe fumiliua set sail on
Sunday, April 3d, at the port of Gal
vetton, Texas, for Vern Cnif, Mexico.
They proposo lo do Mexico during
April and May, and then return homo
educated Spaniards. Tbe Mexican
greasers may elect Grant President of
a World's Fair before ho gets awfiy.
A Good Witness Ex-Senator Ru
tan, Republican, who drew tho salary
bill, says there was nopurposo the ten
dollars pcrdiom should becomo a per
manent lenture of legislative salaries.
It was recognised as straining a consti
tutional point, but pushed by the press
uro of business the first session after
tho Constitution had been adopted.
The Radical Hi oi.e Blast. Chair
man John Cessna has rolled up his
trousers, adjusted his glasses so that ho
can see through his eyes, and uttered
a blast from his fog horn, calling tho
faithful together at Harrisburg on the
14th ol April, lo fix upon a time and
place for holding the next Republican
Slato Convention.
Oarleld and Conkling had a political confer
ence oa a Siodng come time ainoe. It la quite
I loin lha' the new Preiideat ia not a labbatariaa.
orrifeare Patriot,
"Why, you groonyl" Prosidont
Garfield is a Seven Day Baptist. Ho
makes Saturday, the 7th day, hit Sun
day, and uses tbo first day of the week
(our Act of Assembly Sunday) lor
hit own convonlonco.
Still Sticks A number of Wash
ington correspondents tried to "bust"
Garfield's Cabinet last week, but the
thing still bangt together, I
A Munonguhela City (Pa.) correa
pointful of the Cincinnati Enquirer
'v riles as billows of tbe prise beauty :
"Tho reception of tho intelligence in
this prosy littlo town thai Adam Foro
puiigli hud chosen from uinougsnveiul
thousand photographs of beautiliil
American women that of Miss Annio
Paulino Scott, of MonongahuluClty, us
being tlio nearest approach to ideal
perlection in lorm and ieulure bus
caused a bur. and ripple of excite
ment. Tho oiler of Mr. Foropuuuh, It
will bo remembered, was (10,000 to
tho must beautiliil woman In America,
and it was his design that sho should
reign as a queen of beauty in his travel
ing circus. Misb Seolt possesses a
form lull and shapely. It is not tho
airy, fleecy, filmy, ethereal nothing
that Olive Lngun ascribes to Sara
Bernhurdt, bin a realistic, titngihlu
lorm. Her sbouldersaru rounded ; her
bosom is full and untlululing, and her
waist symmetrical, filling her bodice
nicely and seeming superlatively hug
gable. Wero Hiram Powers ul'uiii so
looting his model lor that American
master piece of arl, 'The Greek Slave,'
ho coultl travel over much territory
and find no belter form than Miss
Scott s. In curriugo sho Is ut oncu
easy and graceful.
"Her luco in somo rospocts reminds
ono of Iho lute Adelaide Neilson ; it is
lair as the lillics, and tho cheeks are
tinged with a delicate pearly pink
Her leatiiros aro striltingly regular
una classical amlol thoLrreecian typo,
savo, perbups, tho nose, which curves
slightly from tho ajiiiijne, und verges
upon whut is generally termed tho
American leniininu none. Her lips are
tun ana cxpressivo ol a tiriglit ver
million tinge, and when severed by u
smile ro'eul a double row of tcelh ihul
uro typical in Iheir ree-ulurily und duz
zling whiteness. Her eyes are largo
and lull, ol adurk Drown color, .viib
varying emotions they chungo their
huo as often as Summer clouds, too, if
lor no other reason than they aro so
soft and shadowy. Her eyebrows are
most delicately curved, und her long
sweeping eyelashes add Intensely and
at times a bull' melancholy languor to
tlio orbsover which tbey keep sentinel
Her hair, which is long, wavy and
abuniluiit, is of a glossy black uud
possesses that silky texture which is
such a pleasant contrast to tho usual
dead ebony we so ol tell meet.
"Your correspi nib lit would like lo
stop right here, hit it won't do. Miss
Seolt is Iho nieco ol John liyan, a coal
miner, and they ubido in a rather
dilapidated houso When tbe scribe
asked her if sho would travel with the
circus as a queen, she carelessly
shullled a well wirn deck of Hurt's
bout playing cards s-qticezers and,
throwing out a bob tail flush on tbo
greasy luble, said: 'Woll, 1 reckon
not ; that old duck Forepuugh couldn't
get me to travel with his show lor no
money. Will you tube a band at SI
limit?' Your corrciponduiit drow out."
The Philadelphia 7ViieV of thu 1st,
says: hinco Jiilton s boro lull Irom
dawn till dewy eto, tho beuvens, the
earth nor Iho waste places under the
earth, never witnessed u speetaclo so
altogether wondertul as our own Silent
Don opening bis lips in tho Senate yes
lerday. It is truothut tho son of his
father spoko with iho loniruo oi men
and not angels, but all tho sumo his
listeners must huve been ice or stone
to have refused to melt under such im
passioned vigor. As John Adams is
supposed lo huve slid, when tho virus
ol liberty ran red hot in his veins ul
tho I'roclumation ol Independence
religion will approve it antl the love ol
liberty will bo. horn again by its ac
cents. How tbo Democrats, crouchlnir
on the vorgo of tho cloak rooms, must
havo shivered as tiro young head ol
the houso of Cameron lifted bis clay
moio und sounded the pibroch. "Tho
Scots wha Into wi' . Walluco bled" will
be proud ol tho forensic solcndur of our
own Don. Wbo shall suy after his
muslorliil exposition ol the crises that
tho lips of the Cameron are lied, the
oracle of Iho glen dumb? His is tho
urm, his tho voice to proc laim and pro
tort tho intrepid Virginian who takes
iho shield ol repudiation to cover the
nakedness of the administration minor
ity. Listen to Don's inspired accents
as ho recounts tho tusk of tho Mahone1
H ben did the thistle of Caledonia and
the shamrock of Erin lorm a hoiinuel
so fragrant? "Tho Democrats ol the
South," ssys Don, "havo appealed to
tho South to cover Mahone with op
probrium." Ho comes to tho breach,
holds out his claymore "Como one.
come all; this rock shall fly from its
firm base as soon as I !" lie has re
ceived Ibo unction of redeemer of De
mocracy in extremis, and, his fine brow
glowing with the divine chrism, ho
llings defiance on tho lowlnnders who
dare affront tho tartan ol Clan Cam
crnn. It is an honest ballot that Don
seeks for Virginia not tho honest bal
lot that Don doles out in Pennsylvania,
out a nallot that shall break tho Solid
South. Was there ever such chieftain
in peaco or in war as tho Don 1 Penn
sylvania is filled with joy that her
favorito son bas found his tonguonnd
his mission and listens wbilo ho eclipses
oloquonco with his golden truths I
Bad Behavior Wo notico that
tho Sociuliats ol Chicago met and
adopted strong resolutions denouncing
Bluino for sending a message- in tbo
namo of the people ol tho United
Slates, expressing sorrow for tho death
of tho C'sar ol Russia. Tho resolutions
declare that the was a tyrant
who sent tens of thousands of inn
ocnt men to Siberia, and put them to
deuth.and that swift retribution should
bo visited on all such oppressors of
tho people. T ho troulde is, that Gar
field's Secretary ol'Stslo bas "slopped
ovor as badly as iho Chicago Social
ists. No honest man in this country
or Europu can imitate their halo and
goal with safety. Blaino's letter was
as uncalled for as the resolutions adop
ted by tho Chicago rag a mufllns.
JoiiiiFRY.-Tbo members of the Houso
at Harrisburg spent nearly a halt
day recently in discussing that clauso
of tho appropriation bill which pro
vides pay lor the ttationery ttoreketper.
l bis la a brand new ofllciul, a private
entcrpnsoof Chief Clerk Iluhn, and
tho law docs not authofixo tho ap
pointment. Iluhn wants $1,000 for
his appointee. There should be honest
men enough on tho floor of tho House
to kick such a Chief Clerk down over
tho Capitol steps.
Quiet. Two months ago the Bello-
lonto Beputilican ' boomed." It then
aiinnunced that thai borough would
have a United States Senator, Con
grcssman, Stato Senator, Judgo, etc
But behold bow the first "slopped
over," and Hint editor is now as dumb
as an oyster, even on Iho Mahono
Riddleboigcr alliance, lndependcnco
forovor I
Harnessed. Barnum it not only a
workor, but bit animals have to do
duty aa roadstors. This season bis 20
elephants, camels, elks, tebrat and
giraffes will be turprised to find thorn
selves in bamestand hauling a chariot
pr Tan In the grand process kid.
Tho editor of thuGreunsburg Argui,
who by tho way Is a atraighluut Pros
bytuiiun and u Demociut, bus this to
say : " 1 ho Presbyterian lianiier, an
organ ol tho Presbyterian Church, is
published in Pittsburgh. Ono of iis
editors is a minister of moro than or-
dinury ability. The Banner bus i
wide and merited circulation and in
fluonce for good when It ooiilorim ilself
strictly lo religious intelligence nnd thu
discussion of theological questions ; but
Iho editors havo a pencbulit lor
btructing their lenders on political
qncalions, in which there is a marked
diversity ol opinion among its renders,
and always untugoniziug tho Demo
emtio party. J ho Banner hits a wido
concurrent circululion in Westmoro
hind comity with tho Armit. Wo feel
Ihut duty requires us lo traverse its
assertions In regurd to Hayes and Gar-
field. Hb the exception of Grant
two moro noted villains never occu
piod prominent political positions bo
tore tho American people. Hayes was
deleuted tor Prosidunt in lttfli by an
immense populur vote, and by a ma
jority of moro ihun thirty electoral
voles, yet such was his greed lor office
that ho set about to ignoro tbo con-
Simmon mat lie had soolten solemnly
sworn to support, and in defiunco ol
tho verdict of the people, employed
corrupt miitns and corrupt men to
placo bun in the Presidential chair.
Gurlieltl, smirched all over Willi crimes
ol Ibe darken hue, was tha chief con
spilulor who, with tho perjured 8 to 7,
and an out going President, literally,
by military force, placed Hayes, a bold
usurper, aa President over Ibeso Uni
ted Slates. Wo havo expressed onr
opinion of his udminislrstion. Gar
field's litlo to tho Presidency is very
littlo better. True, ho has an appar
ent majority of the votes ol iho people,
but by whom wero they cast? Not
by fieenicn, but by Iho sIiivcb of cor
porulions and monopolies. By thu
opeuilives ol iron works, rolling mills,
cotton and woolen fuctories. Tbo
wages ol bands are cut down to starv
ing intCB. They havo wives nnd chil
dren lo support, and unless they voto
us their musters direct they aro dis
charged and their lumilies led to starve.
There is not a redeeming quality in
tho political lives of cither Hayes or
Garfield. Tho nomination of Garfield
nl Chicago was an insult to tbo moral
portion ol tho American people. His
election by llio corrupt uso of tho peo
ple's money a crime. Tho Banner was
highly pleased at tho nomination of
Imrticld ho was a christian, a Cumn
bellito, calling themselves "Disciples,"
a very ambiguous term. Tho Mor
mons call themsolveg "Latter Day
Saints. Wo havo heard Alexander
Campbell preacb, or rather pervert tbe
word oi uod, probably hlly limes, and
seen him dip scores. Wo havo heard
his liilhor, brother and sister nrciich
Wo lived a year under iho same roof
with his lather, brother and sister, and
never took stock in their distinctive
principles. If Gaitield over preached
Christ he never lived Christ. It is not
a very good way to advance tbo causo
ol religion tor a religious paper to hold
up such criminals as Hayes and Gur
field as models of pure tlulesmen and
If our Republican Iriends who assert
that all greut routriiges aro commit
ted in tho South wore careful to nub
loth "outrages" in such stalwart States
as Illinois, ihey would bo compelled to
admit that crime knows no North or
South, Last or West; that it exists
under till Governments and every neo
pie. Wo copy tbo following item of
news lo illuslrato our point:
In Charleston, Illinois, a viailuuce
eommitleo ol seventy livo men took
.Myron Martin, Win. bwconoy, alias
'English Bill," and Charles Scott, alias
"Grssshoppor," ex-convicts, from iheir
ocds ihursday night, hung and whip
ped them until they wore hourly deud,
men arovo mom irom mo country un
der penalty of death if they returned
and on Saturday posted bills over tlio
country ordering tlltoon others by
name to leave and nover return under
penalty of death. Every ono numed
leli Saturday night. They woro sus
pet ted of complicity in the recent rob
bones, arson und outrages on stock
Tbo truth is, tho laws are as much
respected in the South as in other sec
tions oi the Union, and when crime
takes place thonlllcuta and courts take
cognisance oi ino inni and endeavor to
lerret out tho violators. Tho La neat
ter Intelligencer, however, makes use
oftheso words to impress tho mind
that tho Republicans havo no right to
employ such breaches ol tho peace in
ino aoutn to muko political cupital. It
soys :
" J hoso occurrences have stained tho
soil and shamed tho law of tbe State
represented in iho Federul Sonato by
that (anions snorter, John A. Logan,
who bas also named tho Secretary of
War in Garfield's Cabinet, No doubt
tbo men against whom thoso violent
proceedings bnvo been instituted wero
great rascals, at whom the wrath ol
their neighbors was jnslly excited and
from whoso expulsion, even by mob
law, tho order of the community will
ho vastly conserved. Tbo ieulure ol
tbo affair which wo wish todistinguish
is that il just such events attributable
to just such causes had occurred in nny
pari oi tno noutn they would have
been ascribed by Republican partisans
io political influences and in an im
mense umount of party bate and par
ty capital would have been engendered
by tho misrepresentation. As il is.
Mr. Logan will mako no assault on his
mother toneue in tho Senato. hv rea
son of them, nor will Secretary of War
Lincoln no called upon lo summon
troops to preservo tho peaco In the
Stato wburo bis father's ashes repose."
ashington correspondent ol the Phil
adolphta Star, of Inst weok.soys: "This
week t cventt in tho Ser.ate show how
much that body misses such men as
I hurman, Wallace, McDonald and
Pincknoy Wbyto. One could easily
too that Bayard was disgusted, and so,
too, was i tho caso with Lamar!
I hoot two aro born leaders, and aro
conservative, both by nature and Irom
training, but they will not lead, not
curing, i suppose, to incur tho potty
annoyances that they would surely be
subjected to woro they to cross the
purposes of the majority of their party.
Pendleton shows good qualities lor
leadership when tho seas aro calm, but
no is noi tno man lor tho emergency.
Ho takes Wallace's place as Chairman
of tho Domocrutio Senatorial Caucus.
By tho way, Wallace has not lull the
city. No mnn left tho Senato with
greator respect entertained lor him as
lo his qualities as a gentleman, his at
tainments as a Legislator, and his obil
ily as a man. In his six years of ser
vice, while ho look a prominent part
in all ol'lhe important questions beloro
the body, and was alwuys positive in
his parly fealty, he mado no enemies
and constantly maintained iho rcaiicct
of all. And so fur as Pennsylvania is
concerned, sba nover bad a man in tho
Senato truer to her interests."
Death or "Old Abe." "Old Abo."
tho famous osglo carried through ihe
war for tho Union by theKiehth Win.
consin Volunteer inlantry, died in the
I'Bpilni at Madison, V isconsin, on the
28ih ulU ll was presented to the rciri-
mont in 1801, carried through tho four
years atrugglo without receiving a
scratch, and since then carefully kept
and tended in a room in the basement
nl the Capitol, at tbe expense of the
State. The bird, it will be remembered,
waa on exhibition it the Centennial io
Philadelphia. He wat about EO inn
old at tba time of bit death.
An exchange says that Senator
Conkling ol New York, is it-ported to
huvu said tbe other day lo a lew. of his
mends: "I suppooo it the wind is go
ing to blow from that direction, i
might us well resign my seat in the
Senate, and that Juilgu Kobei'tson bad
hetlcr bo chosen us my successor.
Yesterday tho New Yoik Republican
Senate, which bad without discussion
or opposition pussed a resolution up
proving Robertson's nomination and
Hiking lor his prompt confirmation,
reconsidered the resolution und om
phulicullv laid it upon iho tulile. To
duy the New York Tunes, tho stal
wart unli-llliiino Republican organ of
tlio I'.nipiro Suite, proclaims that the
President's position is ono in which ho
will not havo the mortal support of
tlio people; anil it plainly accuses Mr.
Garfield of breuklng bis pledged lailh to
miiKo no appointments without con
suiting tho New York Senators, und ol
being influenced by Bluino to rewurd
bis own nnd punish Conkling't Iriends
in iew lork.
This means a Bttibborn contest not
only ovor the confirmation ol Robert
son, hut for tho supremacy of Bluino
in National politics, il means the
alienation ol tho Stalwarts. Mr. Gar
field will not retreat. Ho cannot. He
sugar contcd tho pills which ho admin
istorod the Slnhvarts, but they wero
hitter under tbo suiTuco and leave n
lad ditto in llii-ir mouths. It is not
to bo expected that they would ho
swallowed without u grimace, but tho
mitt ter has gone beyond Mr. Conkling's
sense of disgust. JIih opposition is
aroused. He means tight.
What such a contest would result in
il is pretly huid just now lo determine.
The .Still waits uro weaker than when
Conkling engaged with Hayes; und
Gurfield, backed by Blninc's fertility
of rosouroes, is stronger than the Kx
ecutivu was in the previous conflict
Willi tho JMew lork Senator. Mr.Uonk
ling bus now three votes in tho Senate
instead of one; ho is tbe undisputed
leader of the entire StuHvart element
ol his party ; he is tho hope- of ull op
position to Garfield's re election or
llluino ssuccession.and tho onset w hich
ho will head, with his text from Gar
field's inaugural, will be a strong
Her Attorney. Wo notice that tlio
widow of F.x Senator Curpenter, of
iv isconsin, has retained Judiro Uluck.
of York, Pa., to manage the affairs ol
the estate. JUrs. Carpenter bas given
up her residence in Washington, and
ill remain with her friends until tho
remains of Senator Carpenter aro for
warded to Milwaukee, where she will
reside in the future.
ilftt! awtisfmfuts.
ANn:I. Two practical millrra wlih lo
take a mill cither oo the sLarea or work
by Ibe month, t'ndoratand milling by the new
prooeao. tan give good reC'iinmen-liitinna. Apply
Icoraddreaa A. J. DOTTS A BKO.,
Ilea Hope, ClearOeld Co., Pa.
Apill S, ISM Ji.
lt:cliinical and Agricultural Limo
er t&s Very Bo3t HalEing I
Low Eitoa of Freight in
Fall Car Loais.
T AND PI.ASTKR. We lell IbeCeruga ground
J pianer at low prioel uy tne oar load. In
fpi-aklng of thil celebrated planer aa compared
with tbe Novaaontie or wbilo p'ai'er, tbe Orange
Juiid Co., publllhen of tbe deteroa Ayrienltnr.
ill, aav, '-There ia nn diflereooe; tbe price ia
tbe only conaidaralioa." A.HreM.
April 6tb, loo I Am, Delleloote, Pa.
W 11.1, le 1-1,1 at prime .e, a (rat elaee
farm, eilutle tn Jordan lownlhin, Clear
Held eoualj, Pa., known ai tha WILLIAM WILL
IAMS farm, eontaiKlnpf 116 aerea ami allonance,
with about 75 arret fleered arid uniltr gooj aiate
w, vimiveiiuD, oaring tnereon ereale I
Well Anl'bed, a lare ban'-t barn an-1
neeeirary oulbullilinira. Alan, a a-nnd h..rln
orubard of about fa tree., ae. Will be eolil eb-ap
for ea.h, or on jiarinenta In rult purohafer. For
rartleularr, a., Inquire of, or ad I'eia A. 11.
Kramer, ClrarBelJ, Pa , or lha undersigned at
Newburg. (Hurd P. 0.) ClearOeld eiany. Pa.
Hurl March Mtb, lsat-lf.
nr catarrh, he lerer,
ntl in the hea1, An.,
navrt with the flner-r,
panicle i f ihe Helm
nto the nnttrilr; dra
he nope. It will te
ibrorbetl, e leaning,
tnd heal in x the dia-
aied nifuibrana.
I'or Deafiicaa,
Apply a particle Into
tbe ear.
HA INi! gt-lneti en enriable loail reptita hn.
diiptaeing all other preparation In tbe rielnlty
of dUcoyery, ia, oa iti merita alone, reeogmted j
a wonderful remedy wberever kiuwa. A fair
trial will ennrlnee the m(.it alteptioil of Ita eurn
tfv powera. It effectually, eleannei the naaal
paaia" of Catarrhal f iru, paimtn honltby leore
(loni. allaya inflammation and irritation, proteeti
tbe mem bran al ltnina;iof the head from additional
cold i( completely brail the torei and realorei tbe
Mme of laite and smell, bsne&aitl reaulti are
rea I i id b? a law applioationa. A thorough treat
ment aa d I ree'ed will cure Catarrh. Ai a houie
hold remoily for eild in the head it ii unequated.
The Balm U eay to ate and agreeable. H ild by
drufitiitl at 40 ceoti. On receipt of 60 eenta
Will mail a package. Hand fr aireular with Tuil
ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., Owego, if Y, '
For aale by tha Clearfield Druiriati, atld by 1
Whiilnti Orudl-ta grnerallv. !
April tit b, I u i tin.
T C'RV I.IMTNainei and leoetjoa of thoaa
v pirrPona arawi ap lurort to terra t Ms.
and eontinutiig two week: ,
Tnavittaa JiaoaiMoiinar. Mat ISo.
Lew Uwaeatl.Rlearfleld'-Ui Hlenn, Kera-uaon.
M Ullelavln. HouliJalefWaah II... n ' i
John U Unn, .lea allt.hell, Lawrence!
E H llartman. Oiceoli, John, llrown.
J II Friday. J Mioabarer, Murrli.
r llollnpeter, Deeoaria. J L Sisw.r, Kamalev, bell.lA A Lotif, pike,
Jno ltumbarger, Uogga, J .hn Heed, 8n4y,
J W Uearbart.
" r u tvetver "
r P IL.ilUl.r ir
Kil llariaun, Ura lj,
tiro llarlatelt,
W W kia, tlain.U..
aae I) Hlaler "
The. Fu.ter "
r-raak -
I U Simon, "
iu. IUrrl.oii,WooJar4
Jaa llarri.on,
IV Hepburn, "
Juba LlueS,
fheS (Jorauo. 14
K alrKoe. a
Jnn Adiilemaa, Cha.L
W Schnerri, Unriagloa,
tl S llugbea, Deoalur,
(Inaaa Ji-o. Moaoar. Mar lora.
A J llnaert.. Clearneld. I Wm Moffal. l)u.iH.
11 W llirber. IliiUtirtale' H It KI...I 11... '
J II Kelljr. N W.ib'l'S.,l Sillee, Uoliob,'
J J fie, U.teol. A U u.
A K llreea, Beeearla,
II L lleri'lerion, Hell,
K4 Mnoeer, Bnaae.
rrea nrown,
Ine 8an, Jr , JnrdaQ,
I'hilip Ki hard. Knoa,
i V Mallea, Lateretiee,
J W ll.illeiibaeb, Mvrria
lao n Kyler. '
Jrir Lin.
I h. I He'hl.r "
W I I'urley,
S FrT. ' W N a...,.
K U llearhart, Deealarjjao Clark, V.'oodeiard',
Bai-oao Wi.a-Mo.Dar, Mar 10rs.
Harry Re... Clearald.
M VT Jnha.oa, Ureea'd
W J 0ord, Uuhob,
lleo W Spioe, "
N. P llrown, niietoo,
J h.ieeokrana,
Wra Hot! man,
lamoel I.e.,
I'eier Male, Kam,
W M Calhiiart, "
Wa IMtkelt,
K i Sbatner, Lawreaea,
Hufh Million, M
Tao. Laaiah.
Krnr.l llotk.
Jaa Monr, Hnulalala,
Don Si Oihi 1'ia.ier
Jobn II I'otier, L Clli.
K b Clera..a. Nebru.
And Kle.r.Wellaeetoa,
laa.o Lyla, beeeana,
Kata'l bmlle,
" " mar., ureexiia.
itnael Knot. M
Seinael Wetiel, Bell,
W ll Sblm.,J
J L I'earee, it
IV a. Reaunont, '
J Danileliaraer, Hike,
ObrUt Uarrtl-wk, '
Koh. Farter, "
r Kaara. Hand.
Sam I l.aa.berrj "
W A lloiteer, "
Daniel ruber, Chen,
Albert DeWiit,
1 CaiberarooJ, Deealar.'tleo U.akin
GPU Maltera, " jj a ,rr,.
I noma. ailla,
Lean Soh.ll.r, tf,n If,
j,,nn iio,t,, .. II M..r,,WedWd.
re D, " Oha. II fee,
Dao l Houaer, Ur.h.ra, u ,,. er
W. the ander.laa.1. Sar.1,. ..... ..
farejoini ll.l of aaia.i of par.ona ere drawn bv
a. oa lb. Id day ol April, 4. D. 1 881, la .cord
aoee anb Kaire Inued bj tbe Ilea. Cberlee A
"., fre.ld.nt lu.ig. of n, c,tl, of C1
" ala lb. Id day or April,
, a. Urand aad Trarer.e
Jarore ta Ibe H.eral Court, lo be held at Clear.
Sold, eoanarngine; oa tbe fnarlk Monday (ted)
I. Mai, A. P. leal, to eonttneo tore .eeb.. '
SABita tJAUArrlli, aaarif,
M. a.KUN,
$tv giflitfrtisfmcnts.
r)ARTIAI, Al t llllNTdl' THL'sr l:i-H.
Ju. II, Peering at al. ) No. 5J Jaa'y lard IS7.
va. t
F. O. Miller. ) tlotneailo AttathmetiL
The aoooant of C. W. Ptnilh, J. P. Iiwln an
W. D. liigler, Truateea of the eUte of V. U.
Miller, baa be-a Sled lo Ibe office of IboProtbon
otery of Ibe Courlof Common Plena at Clearneld
county, and will be presented lo tbe Oourt at June
term Boil, fur conlrmalion. JAM KH K I. II II.
C'L.iudd, April I), Poll 41. Prutbueotary,
oh tin.vah;:, iiAiurt auk.
and all kinds of
O. B. MKIiHELL, . Agent,
CLEAKPIKI.I), l'A. June 1, 'KO If
' OlBirrtBn(ho, sBitrk,Rtni1nlt,'anil
mmy inner ul l fie Ort incdKinei knixavn am
kiiiiully comlnncd in I,AKk'.C.tnJ n 1ihi,
lit mjktj it the rreaic.t blood Purillr nd
lb Ilttt lie It hi nd Mreagth Utorr;
SotvrfeftUtSc composition of PiRKlVsOni
I onic I'lal nodivumcin lung ci.t whetr
i ii uvea, ii ynii navtj uyipapiit, neaaacna.
flKumliim. Ntturalfiia. UMal. Kid now ar
Liver On jrdejT. or il yu.iiiix.laiotlJuimiilitit.
it iJLeweT, t!i To.MC it just the tnwdutm
jr yoi, a it it riijMy cura:ivcnd uviuraaUt)
)ui never inioxicaimj.
1( yinj ro lowly watting away with. Con-
viimption or nny ndn, it you hjve n Painful
ougnor ao.u uoiu, pakkin hvjikoek i unit
viH turcly lii-ln you. It fives new lift ani.
ipr to le iWMe rij nsn, and i a tertaii -ure
for ntteumititm end Cholera Infantum. '
It llai bsiod Hntirimlt of LIvm It Mi),
mvo lunri.
If ytMi arc fcrlinji misers Lie don't wait ltnri'
nU are duwn, Tjui u the ' tisic lt-djy ',
lo matter wtiat your disease or lympteOaa tuaj
i, ir wi!l jtv prompt relirf. '
ItemcrnScr I I'ARtCEn'r. UtKCl TftMtr h no'
rum drink hut the Best and Family
Modicins ever Tnidc, totr imtinded by a nev 1
girocst, and entirely di Me rent from lliltrra.'
;cf j jrat inn ana all oilier 1 onic. J r
(-. in-it:l?. Vottr rtrnrt'i'i itrmtv vmi. '
The IUtt and Host Croaonjlfal Hair Dread n(T
r;ti j:rly perfumed and jwrtecity bjrrale.!.
WW Al war UcttoraGrmr or Faded Hair
It i't ori-irtiil youthful coW and appearance, and
it vvrinif d to nop i: (-Ilia,;, aut i; (rowilt
.-id prevrnt Ii i!r!nes.
A l.'w n-ipL of tSe Tl t.J-.M wHl moftM tS lr!anr!n 1 n:.l cure iltuirc ami l,u
luvtnu, uaatalp. bJdby a.ldTui.uMjjt.
Aprtl Oth. lSS.-ly.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of Writa f Vefiitioi tVrpnunt,
Ititued out of (he Court of Cum in on Piraa of
Cluarfiel l oonn.v. anil to tno direct"., I will ex
its to puhtii) nale, nt the Court Huun io the
rough of Clearfluld, on
Haturdav, April 33, IhmI,
At I o'clock P. M., the follow in it deioriled real
fiUte, to wit t
Atl the Intereit of the Defend so ti la two lota
of land tiinate in tbe borough of Ifoulidele,
Clearfield eouotr, Pennajlvnnit. bounded and
and drm-ribed i f-llowat lUiog Lota Noi. tut
and adjoining, iron tin f oa McAteer atreet
about 200 feet and running back U" feet to I'ine
aiitr, ami boauded bf Kailroad afreet oa tbe
& Z'X
nip about one-ball an acre of gruund, with a large
double btit-k hiup, .'UjUO fpt-t.two ftonei high,
tal'le, and other outruildinei thereon erected.
Iroiavd, tukrn in eieuti'in and to be aoM at the
prupcriy of W.iliatB Watch man and Tbumaa
By a writ of PltrT Facing, at the atne time and
place, all tbe Defendant' interest in three certain
Mi tn Lett Clearfield, known aa lot Noi. IV, 20
and 31, bounded and described aa follows : Be
ginning at a post on southeast oarner of II ill
treat and Spring alley ; thence in an easterly
direction a! org llilli street one hundred and fifty
(I jO) teet toa post oo western line of lot No. tt ; in a euulberly direction along aaid line ol
lit No .31 two hundred (200) feet io a post oo
Virgin alley ; thn in a weMerly direction alng
Virgin alley one hundred and titty (lbt) fee' toa
post oa coiner of Virgin and tnrina? allevt ;
thenca in a northerly dirootion along Sprtu,; alley
two hundred ( 2i)uj fuel to the place of beginning.
Seised, taken in execution and to ba sold aa
the property of Jhn Kottler
Taima or Pai Tbe prion or mm at which
the property shall be struck off viat be paid at the
time ol aale, or such other arrangements made as
will be approrod, otherwise tbe property will be
immediately put up and sold again at tbe eipense
and risk of the person to whom it wat struok off,
and who, in ease of deficiency at such re sale,
hall make good tbe same, and in no instance
will the Deed he presented la Court for eon ft nata
tion unless the money It actnnlly paid to tbt
antriff. JAMB UAH AKFKY,
bumtirr'a Orrica. I Sheriff.
OlearLeM, I'a.. Ar-ril 0, lsft. (
Fire-Proof Safes.
a t: - r r - mi - ..'.
The only 8-Flange Safo in tho World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
Moro sotiuro from Uiirilart than any
Kiro Proof Sul'o, ami no oxponso
in ropairinjr Bokt or I,oelis.
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Thoso Snfet aro now being sold in
tliis Stato In
And givo tho
Greatest Satisfaction,
Being tho Most rii,;li1y Finished,
Best Kilo, (tad Choipsst Tirst"
t.nsa safe O7or Troiucol.
Those Colcbrated Salot htd the
Champion Record
i!t nm
Great Boston Fire,
And tince that lime nrtttATand inpob
Tant IMrnovr.Mr.NTs havo
boon made.
Bolore elvinft tour ordor In .ne
othor conoern, sond for prioot nnd
ili'scnptive Catalogaa.
Das. 1 lUt-tj.
Hr dmttsrmcnts.
Opon! Monday, April 18th, 1881,
to Continue 12 We eke.
II 18 fehuwl oonniend I tie If to pubiio Uvor
for the followiQjc rcaaon :
Vint. eUoardilf on ba bad to food fauiti .
from 2 to $2. Ml per weei.
teoond. sWsfioa ia healthful and aoriety re
fined and rulturoii.
Third. The evuri of atudj eiabodiei tbe Statq
Normal rr hotd feature, and ia prii,ularl
adatpled to ihe warn of ttiote wbo eiect lu ti-at h.
fuurth. The atudonti have the advattnr ui a'
well conducted Literary 8ncieljr, be lure ebitb
will be delirereJ a teiira nf free lecture.
Filth The work of Ibe lohoul it atioiulit'nl ,y ,
the CDioarageuicDt and faror of an iotclliem
Hith. Hprflal attention will b given tt.
Nurin a I elan by the Principal, who ii a failuate
of a State Normal Schiul, and the imlruotion to
lbeory of Teaebicjr, Government, Ac, will ba
loade to aeoord wuh the nod era Ideal of
VAOord educator.
Common Hranchea with Bjhooi (lit
Co aim n Ilratiolira and .Srh'inl Knnomy
wilb Alirebra, (le'-tur try, I' Hang.
rapby, Natural 1'ailoiophy. Civil ttuv.
arnuirDf, Latin, etc cq
Iliftbtit rlai $; ,ii
Lower cle-li'i a i,q
hot further In.uruib'Hin aldrra,
W. A. A.M.IKOiK,Otrrla, I'a ,
MATT tiAV Atl K, Clcarflel 1, '
Mar. V. I--II1.
if. HE SCO.,
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Reject fully solieil tli
and the puldia ifeoeraltT to
uir nutr.jrtt
ine iheir new iluok of
a or
Cnhlnticrcs, Velvctoens. Dilnime
Lawns, Ginlmma, Prints, Vn
bloailii'd mill Hloai hod 11 u
lins, Kane)- Skirls, Sheet
iiiffs, Tickinirs, Carputs,
liiiK", Oil Cloths,
LnundrieJ. While,
Cheviot and Poreitlo
Shirts, liloves, Neckwear,
Men's and Mors' Clotliin,..
Huts, Cans, Boots, Shoos, i tc... eto
firnwrlo ft Ccni MprchanilLsc
Will ho found ol first quality, nnd
sntisfiietion is rriiariintutd. '1 he- t;.
lowing aro always kept on hand,
(somo few only in their tcason):
.Siifrurs, Teas, ColTocs, Spiees. Synijih,
Conteutioneries, Oranges, I.imiidh
Bananas, Pig, Dules, eto., Hard
ware, Quconswars, (iliishwai-a.
Tinware, Wood nnd Willow
waro, I'aints, Oils, Clocks,
Trunks, Vulisea, .Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniiure,
& Miners' SiiiplieB,
July 28. 18S0 if.
New Goods,
Come to Frenchville I
I HAVE jiiat received tlio largest
stock of (roods cror brontrlit to
this section ol the county, wliii li 1
will soil for cash or produce ss cheap
as Ihey tun bo bought t-lsonhcre. My
stock consists of
Dy goodS,
Groceries, Boolsf Shoes,
fNail8 a Specialty.'
Heady Made Cloiliing.
A full stock of FISH. Salt in largo
or small sacks, or by tho barrel.
stone or clav. QUEKNSWAKE, all
styles and quality. In short, 1 have
everything needed by iho farmer, tlio
mechanic, the laborer, or any body
else, which I will tell just as chenp n
llio goods can bo purchased any where
clee. Please cull and examine my
goods and pric'ds beloro investing
Frcnchvillu, Pa., Mar. 2, '81-tf.
WF, tnko pleasure, in Informing
our many friends and patrons
throughout tho county, that wo shall
open our store fur tho inspection of
everybody, on or probably a lew Joys
March 23d, 1881.
We havo been busy selecting our
Block, and have exercised every care to
got nothing but tho best quality ol all
goods, and con Iriilhlully suy that, if
our stock is not tho largest perhaps in
tlio county, it is tho bost. Wo shall
keep a full lino ol PltY (iOOHS,
every and all kinds of goods belonging
to each department. Wo liavo some
choice lines of I.ACF.S. EPtilNHH
We Make a Snecialtv of Mens'.
Boys' and Youtha' Fine Clothing.
Wo havo bought an immenso slivk,
and shull keep it up, as wo will slrivo
to always liavo tho largc.t stock nf
Clothing in the county. We ran shnw
somo very pretty styles in FINK
SUITS, at very low prices.
In connection with Clothing, wo will
koep a fmo lino of FURNISHING
GOOL'iS, IIAT3 and CAPS, Iho latest
and most fashionablo styles in market.
n o now respectfully request you to
givo ut a shnro of your cuatom, guar-
nteeing to you that wo shall endeavor,
by honest and fair dealing, and pulilt
treat incut, to alwayt oommsnd tho re
spect fif our friends and noighbors.
Respectfully Tours,
CnrweutTills, Pa., liar. It, 1S8ML