THE ltEPUBUCAN. "c'l'KAKKlkLD, PA." KKDSESDAY MOUNINU, MAUCII Sl, Iflfll. Terms of Subscription. A i ivn,or within tbre 00 w .,',,1 alter thr- aid bfor sit mnriths... I 60 aft tbeeipiration of eii north ta... 1 00 Hl:M;1(r NOTICKH. MrttiMlM I5plrtpl ChurrhR.Ono. lru r, rftJf. Service every Sabbath t A.M.,'andT P. M. ,-ul,liath Hfhool at A. M. ii,.v.r MretiDt erery Wednesday, at Tt P, M, Cotiiti union Herrlee, flrst Bebbatb of erry (1lltli, at it m- it Clearfleld M, K. 4 liurrli Hn. fHU'LfiW, IliiuiaiY, Pastor. Preanbing every .itTimt Sunlay, at 8 o'olook, P. M. Hun 'lay i'i-fiirrlaii ChuTrhRev. II. 8. Bdtlrr, -i,k.t,itli servlcs morning and areata; Hab ,.,1, .-J, h')'l - M. Prayer Meeting Wednes- m evening iijttlUt Churrlu Rer. , Pastor. MiMitith School at P. M. Prayer MeetiBgerry ..'-liie-iUy oreiilng. M Fraud1 ( liurch.-t atliolic Rot. P I. :-M(iuAi. Divine service at .Of A. M., on i rat. third and fourth Bundujs of each month; Vcftrnd Hen eviction of l ha Llessed tSaerameat Bt ; a iiioca, r. m . c uuu cvuvui umu; iftrrDujn at I o clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. TIM OF lOLBlHO QUAHTXI SIMIOFS CO CRT. Swund Monday of January. Third Monday of March. First Monday of June. Fourth Monday of tieptember. TIM or lOLDlKQ COM MOM FLBAt. Firat Monday of Jnne. Second Monday of November. puilio orriciRi. Prtiidtnt .Wye IIoo. Charlal A. Mayer, ( ..ctr litven. Anittant Late Jvdge llvo. John H. Orvls, of fir I If font. Attneifttt Judge Ahran Of den, Clearfield) Vincent It. Holt, Clearfield. FrolkoHotary Jatnts Kerr, iilcranil Recorder (leorge M. FergofOB. TmMr-Philip l'ntts. IHitrirt Attorney 3. P. McKenrlok. Shtri.T James MahaffrT. rHly Surveyor Samuel P. McCloikey, Cur- "r-.un -m mi ra C. W. Kyler, flraham mn P 'i-: Etal1 Jfn,oB Oven-plan I'U P- -j,,hnNorrli.Hr., Curwensvllle . 'I..L lin W Haw Ti-mfy ilairifoM William V. Wright, Clear. Cift.ff (,'rar Jamei A. Moore, Claarlel ld. frit Win R- Urown, Clearfield. .VHwrtarw" o 5coU-M. L. Mo- onown, ClonrlWd. t',tttrit9 ruhhcivon r'K'rt intf hT rrui (lordon, Claarfieldi Joipb K in, N. K. Arnold, Curweitafille ; J. A. Living lel.a Ir , iul!uii nty. yi5S,OFCOUR!EI ..w in ma (nke wheat, oala or oora for tub urti'i"n V We are often Inquired of in tbli way bv litter from pat rone who reiida at a dietanna frilm ri,.rflHd. We again aay yei. The retain ti uf a re'p"i'cil'le merchant or mill owner in the vKimlv, will aniwer ue juPt at welli the oaib. Tn itlluetrate: if any of our pntrona will deliver ill n hug Of grain at tbe Ulll "I Jocej-n u. ureiu, .. i i -.i iMi.nliti. lluritce Putchin. in Iturneide, V :.!-: f H- l-'itrrcy, iu Uraham, Win. Purter or m,, , in 1,-iwroiice, r Urown A Seyler'a, at ( u'.'u, I i.k a l-fMi.6h:p, and forward their r,.,., jii'n the a-iownt, w win eretiu inm uu i... .r .-r.,unt lor the lama. In thii way all may .(.., ,y tln'j owe, il they "ill puraue thii JE'rA'lv.'rtiHerH unci oilier will bear mm r.d thutall article Intended for publication in (1 ! n u,t be bandtd l, net later than Tm-'Jay, al 0 A. M. Don't forget It! Ni'W jrimtji ut LgIiiiiuii'b. yv. (iuoro Tborn lfi couUiied to bis h me ni:h illncl. A lilllo "tally" now und then U rl- ttt l 1y moil everybody, . mi ...... The Irunio work ot Shirk's new tan. i,vrr ii being railed tbii week. . mt Morrow, the rnnrkot car man, has a rrntorian ruioe, and he knows how to me It. 11 rojiorts are corrcot a greats deal of "storing wai done along tne river ian weei W. C. l'entz, oi' Jlrudy townhip, is t luw itudt tt in ibt office of Menrs. Fielding a liigl'T. t Tlio Citizens' Cornet Hand of thiB Uie intend bilding a festival I'-ino time during Ui 'tith of Mny. - me Jiidt) Mayer arrived in town on M :.!; night. Hit million Is fur tbo purpose 1 !i .riiig a h'lltne coipue dse. A lariro number oi raltmen have r- i iirtd v ut from L"ck Haven and other points i i'ii the river the pat few days. imm Win. M. McC'ullou(5h, Kq.,habccn i.;inu-lj III for om weekl put ith Ijpbold !.ir. Wo l.rliur. h. Ii Bow oootil.iclog. IV. II. K. linttorf, whom wo an- n uiiL-p.l lomo Hull go wobH loctt. ft irun., !: olinnriJ bii iniwi nd bung ool bil .lilntl. in I'bilipHl.urg, I ho moiTiuitilo tlrm if T. A. Fleck 1 Co. ! bD dinolTJ, Ut. A. M. HUH "!' .nr. Mr. Fleck will continue the t (be ul.1 Hand, o Merket ltrt. (ion. Jttinen 11. Stoodman has bocn noiiiiniit.i bjtlie Uemoornti or, Ohio, (or Mavor. Qen. Bite.lman It t brolhor-in-lnw of ttir towniuiMi JuJk Berrrtt. . - - - Tho first of April this year comes on KridM u nlaokj uej na iuieriuoiii peojil. will feel lull, movinftluir h' urclud etTioti at tb.t tlm. Ii F. Winslow, lor dome tiino pant 'hpiffinlMit telfirriijh onoretor t Wint.rbiirn, oo 'he Low Oreil. K.llrond, bu romored H nd tiiken charge of th. offloe nt Iienfietlo. Tlio (.ccond work ol March Term w i a inllcrable failure. Quite I number of par ti, wltncnei, etc., put In an appearand on .M.n.iaj'j but thera wai no C-url to look at. Mrs. J).(io)(lluiidir,of LutlicrnburK. pencd tbrouxh town on Wedneiday laat, on bar way to wlwil (inda at Bbrewebory, In Toik cum.i J-, and In tba eitj of Il.lliniere end Tlolnliy. . m wi Trmit fishiiiif will bo Icual on and after Krldai neat, April let. Betore jou o,e.ll at Kred ) tue, and fee ble outtta for nehermen baiketa,, line., booke, etc lr A Kchnmorhinn and her sister. Win Mrrj Weloh, we are lolormil, will open out milliner atore on Market Itrret, In tba room ndjolnlnj Hinrj Sr da tmloring eeleb- liil.ment. i. w. - - Mi.-s Aniiio 1'auliiioHeolt, ol Mnnon ..h,la Cilr. anw promieel to earry awaj For t..nnti. nrii. of S1S.0O0 for "the mult beautiful woman la America" to with bii .bow the Cuming1 e.alnn. It. Ii. Cook, a prominent dealer in l.if,,l,er at Lock Heron, died In lb. Stalw f Flol i la on the 16th loil, where be hd gonw t r cui crate bii health. He waa a Ttrw blhljt citcrmcd eitlaen. Trof. John A. Gregory, uf Curwt-ns till. )l...rrri1tid eDrofeiionbipin the Loek 11a- mo Normal School, and entered upon bit dutiea Ism week. He will remire his family iooa Haven In a short time. ri.o f'i..utfl..l.l i'ii,--m ia now run bv a ijndicate. The editer ii roraiiiing for bis hialtb, which bai bm tttken down by overwork oi. a tlirfe-fonrlhs patent. nope nm win rw turn wbule if;aln. (in 4 he, Hil By MHticra printed at this offloo wo tiluc tut Judge Holt will sell all his perional IT peny at piiblto vendue, at his borna in Brai- rMiownihip, on Tuesday of neit ween, April a Mr t.i euhinienee at I o'elook A. ia -e - Tbo receipts ol tho c9 cream and tkt leitival, bvid at tla residenee of Mrs. W. M. hw, on first street, on Tuesday evening of last andsr the auspices of the ladies of the Pree J ttiUn congrrgatioa, amounted to M3. I' iro cauht in the roof of a house " Cherry strtet, oecnpled by Mrs. Susan Brlerly, ' aeui on Mcaday. It wai dieeoverwd ta He in fio-y, warn the alarm wai fires, and a few " isis or wair biined tne namns. sue (t ii ownrd by J. O. Whitehall. Tbo iumily of Mr. and Mrs. Jamoa -" rni, ur ., ta Lawrenet towaimp, wae wui ''tJoa Tbanday latt, twe of Ibeir ebildm lk 4i-d from diphtheria inonedey a so a, Lii lsth year, and a daughter In her 14th. The 'jnfthy of the eoamanlt; la tended to thea la ub dark koiref atTlciion. II. Lehman Is in the Kant purchas ing Spring goods. n mm m . Itev. J. II. Walterick, of Tyrone, will preach in the Lutheran ehnroh, In this place, on Bund ay Bos, April Id, morn lag and evening Itaftinff closed on Friday last, the river being to low at this point for rannlng oa Saturday. We learn that our lambermeB ar getting good prloes. Proa II to IS oeati is being patd for pine at Lock Haven. af Mr. Albort Tbanhausor left last Saturday morning for the eastern oWies, where he will purchase a new stook of goods fur his tore and merchant tailoring establishment, lo the east room of Ple'e Opera House. - mm mm "A Clearfield correspondent says there ie snow enough In the woods la parts of that eouaiy to last until June." Ahnon Sun. That Is providing the weather gets bo wanner than It bas been for (bepastfew weeks. It may last till August. mm Mr. Andrew J. Mcllride, brother of John A. and J. I. ftfcBride, of Lawrenoe town ship, was united In marriage on the SOtb of Jana ary laot, to Miss Maggie' MaNorens, of White Haven, Laierno county, Rev. Father Smith officiating. mm 1 -- Adjourned. -The Hoard of County Commissioners adjourned on Haturday lest to mett again on Monday, the IBtb day of April. Persons having business wlih them will please attend to It nt thai time, as '.he Hoard will be In session but a few d-.v. . mm mm The second week of March Court waj "a Utile." This has Keen the remit for many years. There Is no nse In the Court to beaten or stop a flood In our streams, especially when the thing Is as well flted as a rafting season In Murch In thii latitude. A valuable farm of 1(3 acres, situato in Jordan township, Is advertised fur tela tn another column. For Information not given In the advertisement, apply to Aaron U.Kramer! Eii)., Clearfield, Pa., or Isaae Harkte, at New burg, (Hard Poitofflae) P Fatal Fall. -Tbo rhilipsburg Journal of last week says tnat Jobn f ugle, aged about 20 years, and a resident of Houtsdale, oo the 80 lb Inst., fell from a trestle Into Coal run. and was takes out dead. His skull was fractured by the fat). He was Intoxicated. - mm Wo arc sorry to learn of the death of Daniel P. Ray. one ef Tyrone's best el 1 1 sens, which occurred on Thursday, tba 34th Inst., aged 60 years. Mr. Ray was proprietor of th large team tannery at that piece, and was a Dan of pluck and energy, useful In every sphere of life mm Health, the poor man's riches and toe nob msn bliss, is maintainea by tnojudi olous nse of Avar's Sarsaparills which strengthens and Invigorates the system by purifying the blood. It Is to highly concentrated that it is the most eeoaomlcal me llclne for this purpose that can be need. mm - Granok Mketino. The Clearfield county Pomona Orange will meet In the Mechan ic's Hall, in Pie's Opera House, In Clearfield, on Thursday, April 14th, 1881, at I o'olook P.M. There will be an afternoon and evening session. E. M. DAVIS, Master. M. J. Owkrs. Secretary. m30-3t. aV l V. Hayes Grier, editor of the Colum bia froJ. wlll be a candidate far Grand Warden of tbe Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, 1. O. O. F. The inlrordfnate lodges vote for officers of the Orand Lodge at the last stated meeting in March. Mr. Grier Is worthy and competent In every repeot for the position. Before leaving Washington, ex Sen j ator Wallace was caned Id on of tba Senate; Committee Rooms by a number of the Senate1 employee. The eane is a very One gold -heeded; ne and was placed In bis hand, accompanied by a short speech. Tbe Senator responded lo no appropriate and graceful manner. He ) quite1 proud of bis sticky Lock Haven will gain a good and i enterprising eltlien In the person of cx-Sberiff Pie, of Osceole, who will remove to that city, with bis family about tbe first of April. Mr. Pie tl extensively engaged la tbo lumber business end Is preparing to build a circular mill, 06 by 51 feet, bftween Wilcox and Kane. H finds It more convenient to make Lock Haven his head quarters la th future. i - I A new operating chair in tho dental office of Dr.'e Hills and Heicbbold Is the neatest ' as well si tbe most complete piece of furniture for tbe nse Intended that we ever came In contact with. It can readily be converted into a chair for either en adult r eblli, and can be put In any position with ease while the patient Is sitting on it. Tbe operator alio Is enabled to work with perfect freedom and comfort. i Presbytery. Tho Presbytery ol Huntingdon will hold its next stated meeting In the Presbyterian church of Osceola, on Tuesday, April I3tb, nt 11 A. M. Statistical reports from eaoh church will be called for at this meeting, also a report from each congregation as to whether the Pastor's salary baa been pail. Narratives to be sent to Rer. William Usmmlll, Ramey P. 0., Pa., ten days before tbe meeting. At a mooting of Clearfield Lodge, No 1UB, I. 0. 0. ., on Saturday evening last tbe following officers were elected to serve tbe en suing term : Noble Orand Jacob D. flnoke. Vice Orand John K. Bottorf. Secretary Win. A. Barr. Assistant Secretary R. II. Shaw. TreeiurerWm. Kadebaugb. TruMees Samuel J. Raw, I year; Levis K. McCullougb, .1 years. James G. Allison, of Washington township, Indiana county, who was tried week before last at Indiana, for the terrible crime or murdering his father, Robt. Allison, on the 19th of Jane, IS9-), wsi oo T ie ley of last week found guilty of mardor in the first degree. When the verdict of the jury was read the prisoner did not exhibit th least sign of motlan and outwardly seemed leu concerned than many of tbots aromd him. e aw Hand Amputated. Isaac Chambers, of Curwensvllle, employed as a brakeman on the local freight, while ooupling oars in the yard at Oieeola, on Tuenday evening of liut week, git his left hand caught between the bum pen and cruihrd so badly that amputation was resorted to In order to sere the onfortunat young man's life. He was taken to Philipiburg, where tbe operation wss performed, after which ho was ts movrd to bis bunt i 1 Cnrwensrllle. He had been railroading only llr days. Vo notice thai an item is going the rounds of our exchanges to the effect that B lady named Myers, residing In Wallaesloa, this county, has not a single tooth la her bead, yet she n ever had any use for a d'ntUt nor did sbe ever have a tooth pulled, nor did one tooth ever eome out of her jaw by aoy other process. Tbe fact Is sbe nerer had any teeth. Dora toothless sbe has lived toothless all her life. However she has Buffi-red no Inconvenience whatever, being aide to men Irate all ordinary food na reaJily as Mb or person i . Thk Look-Up. At a special moot ian of th Town Council, held oo Monday cran ing, tbe contraot for tbe erostion of the loak-op was awarded to Kdward 1) nrattnald, at $329.51. Tbs bull ling li to be 14il feet, and built of brick, lined with two-lnoh hemlock flooring, and this to he covered with corrugated Irul. It Is to be divided into four epparttnente, three f wkieb are to be used as cells, and the remaining room as aplaoe for the guard, Each cell Is to b furnished with an Improved hemlock bunk. The accommo dations are to be made as uninviting as possible . The building will be erected en the South ead of the market lot. A IU,00 Hihlical Prize. Tbe pub- liibera of timlMgt'a UmtV$ offer the following easy way for some one to make 1 10,00 1 To th penoB telling hs how many times the word "Bethlehem" Is found In tbe New Testamrat Scriptures, by April 10th. 181, we will giro 1 1 0,09 la gold as a prls. Tbe money will be lor warded to the winner April 1Mb, 1881. Thoie wko try for the prise must eend 10 cents with their answer, for which they will reeelte the May number or th JeaiA', a bandsom Hagaslo of 32 pages, tn which will be published the name and address of the winner of tbe prise, with th correct answer thereto. Address, Hot ledge Fab llthiag Company, Kaston, Pa. Fine Cattli. H undrods of farmers and toren of fin stook Uld th Leonard House stable during the past week to tome as fat and floe looking attle as r t hay Ib Cknr- field county. Th hrd consists of Bin head .t kdlli and belongs to a gentle man from Bonrbon county, Kentucky, whera thee lhorugb-brds were brought from by rail. They ar alt short-horns, aai ef tbe imprwvwd Durban breed. Tby ar ptnm mooeie cattle, and It will take a small fortUBe U paroha one ef th tows. Mere itek can be enrd from ens nb of Ibis bled ef bwef thaa is tmbbIIj t t. k. Ar m. riaerleld eeantf itr. t.. .in oe eitubitia frf some tima, aad ar worth f aotlM hy fP la t"U section. Don't forgot to go to Lehman's and ess their sew Spring goods. ... i .mmmw mm Frkiobt Aoent, Clearfield, Pa.: Make room oa eld track fur Lebmau ' special train loaded with Sprlog goods. Freioht AobhTj Philadelphia. List of letters romaining unclaimed In th PostoftlcB at Clearfield, Pa., for th week ending March tftth, 1881 1 Albert Berhet reiser fl), Mr. Jemes Q. Dixon, Joseph Hlggtne, Mrs. M. B. Irwia, W. J. Jeok soa, Frederick Kerch erer, William Mondlebaagh, Thomas MoCrncken, 0. 0. Mullen, II. W. Mullen, Tillie A. Bmend. P. A. (MULIN, P. M. A correspondent in sneaking of tbe Lumber City Normal, lays i "Th attendance of our school promises to be extremely large this! Summer. Th number of applications already received eioecds by far tbo expectations of th Instructors andcitlsens. W welcome all ; know (ug they will bar a pleasant and profitable time." This is oertainly encouraging to Messrs. Moore and Weber, who have charge of the school. "Will yon give permission throngh the columns of your paper to advocate the claims of n No. 1 school teacher for Superintendent Corrpadmt . Our column i are always open to everybody. W handle a "free press" and will gW publicity to everything hearing on th Superintendenoy or aoy other pnbll question, when th articl Is ilgood by a reipMtable cltlian. Business Think of It! Theaver age number of oars that pasted over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad daily last week, was b60. It Is no wonder tbe trains become tangled some times. The Tyrone division is becoming very branchy since th Tyrone A Lewlsburg and the Snow Shoe wings have been added to the manage ment. But we have full confidence la Blair, Woods, (Irt en t Co. Fatal Aooident. William Gaines, well-known to all river men, was killed instantly in West Keating township, Clinton county, on Tuesday, the 1Mb Inst., while engaged In rolling timber into tbe Susquehanna rlrer. When the pile of timber started to roll, he was thrown down , and a number of heavy logs paired over blta, breaking bil neok and crushing bis body bid ly. It waa several hours after tbe aooident oc curred before th men could recover tbe bodj from tbe timber. Deceased was about 52 yes of age. Pine Grove Uigh School, located in Lawrence towasblp, abont tbre and a-half mile south of Clearfield borough, will be opened on Monday, April 25th, 1881, for a term of sixteen weeks. Miss Mary C. Weld, a graduate of Edin boro Normal School, also of th National School of Oratory, and on of our most experienced and successful teachers, bas been engaged to oooduct tbe school. Circulars, containing terms of tuition and board, and full information, can be had by addreislng L. Denning, Clearfield, Pa., Chairman of Esecutira Committee of Clearfield County Pomona Grange, or J. Blair Read, Clearfield, Pa. Missionary Contribution. At the MishoerT annlrersarT of the Central Penmvlva- nh Cjoference. bell Sunday evening, addresses wsre made by Rer. M. L. Smyser.of Berwick, and Rev. Dr. J. M. Reld, Chler Secretary of the Misiionary work of th church. Th following hews the amount raised In each diitriot during th past Conference year : Wiitlanisport district 3,lSi.9 uanvllle district v,w,Vi II.rriiV.urat rliiLriot 4,445 4 Juniata di.lnc I,8:t2.u& Altoona diitriot 11,808 81 Total An advance over last year of... .,$-'0,224 IT ... 3,520.80 A LumtierBoom. Tho Spirit of last week says: Punxsuiawney experienced slum ber boom th latter part of last week which goes ahead of anything before known In the Bonth nd of JerTeraon county, not oven excepting tbe p.lmy days during the war. There waa a market for all kinds of lumber, end everything In the shape of a raft found buyers at big figures. Hemlock brought from five to seven cents and some extra pine wax sold at the bridge for sixteen aoda-balf cents. We learn that some of our merchants old their lumber in Pittsburgh at prloes ranging from sixteen to twenty.on cents. The total ran of lumber out of Mahoning will aggregate over two hundred rafts. Luth eran Opinion. Wo notice that th Juniata Confereno of th Central Peon 'a Synod, of tbe Lutherao churoh. which convened in Bloomfleld last week, passed th following resolutions relative to speculative life Insurance : Whkrkas, Bsliering that speculative life In snrano as now existing, and so rapidly spread ing over onr Commonwealth, 1 monstrous evil, demoralising In lie tendency, dlshoosst In Its purposes, and disastrous in its affects, we hereby Heeolee, That, as tb watchman tn whom the Master has given the ever? Ight of His flock, we recognlx tb duty to defend and protect the moral and spiritual interests of tbe same. Wo hereby sound the not of alarm, and most earnestly advise onr people to giro beod to this specious but dangerous evil, and not to be entan gled therein. A. II. SrastoLXR, Secretary. Man Drownkd. A young man named Tboinas Shaffer, whose home was near the village of Covode, Indiana oounty, was drowned In the Susquehanna river, on Sunday afternoon, March 20tb, while engaged in rafting in timber. II was working for Mr, Ball, near the foot of Chess Falls, and was standing at tbe time on the unfastened end of a lash-pole, when the lashing that extended out over tbe water was strnok by a heavy log, knocking Shaffer's feet oat from under him and throwing bim Into the water. He waa s tending on the outer edge of the platform with bis face down stream and did not nctloe any danger until thrown In. We ar Informed that he ap peared on tb surface of tb water twice tbe first time bead foremost, and tb eeoond time bis feet came up but nothing eonld be done to save his life. He wai a bob of Mr. Jobn Shaffer, of North Mahoning township, Indiana county, and was about 22 or 23 years of ego. II had beta bat recently married, and got to housekeeping a few weeks ago. Up to tbe time of going t press, we hare not learned of bis body being recovered. The insurance on tho loesostustained by the late fir at Curwensvllle will be adjusted through the agencies of Win. O. Uelmbold, of Curwensrille, and Messrs. Kerr A Uiddl. ef Clearfield. Clearjield Htpukhoan. We beg leave to correct the above. The insur ance oa the loisei will not b adjusted through these agencies, because six out of th lea insarano losies have been adjusted through tbe agency of R.D. Swoop, of Curwensvill. Tbe twe losies represented by Helmbuld have not yet been adjusted, although they may be sometime. Mr. Swoope'sageBsy paid $4,910 four days after tba fire. The lues luitaioed by Messrs- Kerr A Diddle were so complicated that more time wa required, but their companies ar solid. Thss arethe facts, and th ltr.iuiLlCA should mek tb amend konoraUt.CirweMettiU Timtt, There aowl Th agents all have had aa ad Terltsemeat free of charge. Mr. Noteitine has this to say too; Ct awBns villb, March 26tb, 1881. Eeiron Rerrii.icA . fitar Sirt I notice by the Curwensvills Times, Ibat tbe losses ef Ur. Helmbuld, in tbe late Ar "her not been adjuited, but may be some tltne." Permit me lo aay that the ..'is on my furniture, ac, was promptly and liberally adjusted, and paid in esvah in tour days from time el less, l ours iruiy, 8. h. Notistibe. Now, bow U that for honorable f TAXES ANd'cOLLKGTORS FOR 1BH1. Below will b found an official Hit of tb name of tbe perrons appointed by the Commissioners, Collectors of tbe tevsral boroughs aad townships of Clearfield oounty, for 1891, as well as the eg g regale amount ef tb county and Stat taxes for the current year, as follows t liorovgkl, Vnthetorm. Bumiide J. S. Wetse) Clearfield J. I. Patterson. Curwensvllle. .J D. Thompson Hoatidale John Maine Lumber City. .Anthony llile Newburg..,..Iaa Markle... N. Wesb'g'B-Kathan Palmer Otoe ol. T. C. llrlms.... Wallacetfin-.Jaa. 11. Turner. Tovnekipe. Bscearia. Joseph W.Lull Bell 11- L. MoUhe Bluom Jacob Zilliui.., Beggs.,.. I'aalel KmeaJ... Braillord..M...N. P. Wilson... Brsdy Christ. Korb ... Buraside John Wearer... Chest. J. Hockenberry. Covington-,.. F. F. CoudrieU Decatur John Reams.... Ferguson...... John M. Mile... Uirard.H Hubert Lei g hey ttusbea.H Robt. K. Hegel UrahauH Andrew Smenl.. Ureenwood,...N. J. Freeman.. Outicb Jobn H. Djers.. Vo. TVr. St. Tax. U2, 3U 2,01.1 08 1,118 lr 80 41 Ifl8 la 158 IB 2:o 02 8.19 14 141 4 1,880 01 1,117 8 422 05 VII 7 4t ,0 78 1.V7S 16 1,850 80 oo ri 804 41 1,573 II 80 04 701 48 484 61 600 OS THl 86 716 OS 671 25 848 74 : 88 748 67 2,804 04 1,643 81 s:t 67 1,72 II ,TII 11 4,07 TT 2,0 i a 00 $17 4ft 870 9tl 94 20 16 SO 10 48 S 60 00 61 10 0 16 29 90 12 06 2 15 ft 60 T 40 00 25 26 00 12 74 4 65 16 00 6 20 ft 70 lft 85 I 65 11 81 9 06 20 65 4 06 I 60 05 lft 20 16 25 10 68 14 6ft Husioa.... Jordaa...... Karthaua... Knox, Law ran e.... Morris....... ,.J. H. Kline .JO MeObeehan ..John Uilliland.. ..Jacob Arnold... ..Miles Read ..Peter Moo .Ooo C Pa in ore. Penn.... Pike JnhDs n llolden. Sandy Joea M Trotell Union. Wa. Welty Woodward... B. I. llendersea. 20 10 7 86 36 Total for 188l...MH.., .$.( 6t7 62 30 Total for 1&S0, $40 0T4 82 $1,461 70 Call at Morrill's hardware store and see th cheapest and best Sewing Machine Tor th Unit money. Dm. II-U. To Sportsmen. I have fishing tacklo of all kinds ( also, powder, shot, lead, eps, oar trldgea, te. Fii Bickitt, March 23, 2 in. This Way fob Your Pumps I Tho undersigned Is now sole agent for th sal of the Celebrated Wooden Pump manufactured by th Toledo Pump Company. They ar without doubt the best pump la th world. They throw more water, work easier, aad last longer than any pump ever put oo the market. Alio, for sale, Iron For and Pitcher Pumps. Rspalrlng done promptly. Frbd Backitt. Clearfield, Marob ISd, IftSl-tm. Coal In. If any of our coal bank men feel like trading some of their product for a series of numbers of copies of tbe CLiAnriiLD RsrtinucAM, we will gladly show them where to put two or three hundred bushels on account tn that way. ni bav a bin at our residence and one at th office that will bold t load every now and then. A hint to th wis U a vary Big re mark, aad should be eufiVlent. tf Complimented. Tbo Altoona Trib- unt of Monday lays t Rev. D. U. Campbell, of Ansonvllle, Olsarfleld county, son f our esteemed friend, John Campbell, Kcq., cf Anils township, Blair county, preached two able and Interesting sermons la the First Presbyterian church yester day to a large and appreciative audiences. He is an earnest and effect lr worker la tbe cans of Christ, and bis many friends In his native county will be pleased to leain that he has been meeting with much success In bis present location. New Daily Stage Line. James L. Leavy bai succeeded in bay ing a dally mail estab lished between Clearfield and Fennfield, and will hereafter rua a daily stage between the two points. IHsoontraot began with April 1st, and the stage wilt leave Clearfield every motnlng (except Sun day) at 8 o'clock, making connections with all trainson the Low Grade Railroad at Pen nil eld, re turning after the Inst train the seme evening. Passengers and freight will be carried at low rates. Orders left at any of tbe botets will be attended to. loaprjw-tr Still Uarnesued. It will be ob served by tbe appointments, that our neighbor Rev. Win. H. Dill, Is sentouttodotT(-ctlv work. There being more preachers in tbe Central Penn sylvaola Conference than circuits and stations, he bu notified the Confereno for several years that be would locate, and at low some of th outs to come In and take his plao ; but tb Confereno refused by a highly complimentary vote to locata him. Hones, somebody who needs a circuit Is overboard, while Mr. Dill Is assigned to West Huntingdon and Mill Creek. Pennville Normal. Those wish ing to attend school should attend tbe Pennville Normal School, which will open April 18th, 1861 Tbe Principal, Prof. W. S Lather , is known as one of our oldest and beet tenoher. He will be assisted by other Irst-olau teachers. Students will hare the use of tbe Pennville Library, also a good reference Library. Instrumental and Vocal Muslo will be taught by good teacher! in that branch. Also Industrial Drawing and Paintiog. For terms, board, Ac, address E. M. Davis, Sec retary Board Trustees, Grampian Hills, Pa., or W. fl. Luther, Principal, Lick Run, Pa. tnh 9 If Bomb Sunday School Facts. In Northern Pennsylvania there ar some Sunday school facts of Interest to all who rejoice in the I'Xteniiiin of the Redeemer s kingdom. 1st. There are many and great benefits to be gained for the ebnreh of Christ by organisations wbiob bring togeiner unninan people oi every name to work fi Cbriit, Tbe world means to tee that all Ood's people "are laborers together with Und.'' (1 Uor.B, v.j Sd. Uv His A nos tie. God euiolos. "And above all tblogs.heve fer vent obsrtiy among youralves." (t Pet. 4, 3). Union Sunday school meetings offer to tbe various religions denominations oi a given oounty or district an opportunity to mani fest this chief ol Christian graoos by encouraging each ether in the one wurx of bible ituiy ana teaching. All who attend such meetings in "the uniif ot the faith" testify to their value. 'id. There are M to uteri and their members of every denomination In Northern Penn sylvania who do, tn various ways work together for Sunday school improvement and extension. 4th. Christian union effort, rightly directed, Is never In conflict with tbe bigheit interest of the churoh. With a few or no exoeptieo those wbo are the most active tn anion effort are among the foremost in their own church work. 6th. In all tbe Northern counties of our State mor than one-third of those who might attend are yet to be gathered into the church and the Bible school en ibe Lord's day, 0th. It Is certain that these thousands around as will remain nnconrerted as long as they are uninterested ln"th truth as It Is in Jesus. To bring the precious souls under the saving influ ence of "the Word of Lite" is the chief objtot for which we labor. Surely these momeotous Inter ests loudly call for tbe prayerful, earnest and united efforts of all God's people. 7tb. Encouraged most of ail with God's mani fest approving blessing, beloved brethern and workers In Christ, let as follow the Dirin? command and "Go rorwerd. R. Crittexdis, BxLLiroXTK, Pa.t March 1831, LETTER FROM HUSTON. Mr. Editor: Sino we have quite a flood here we are getting along swlmingly. Lumbering 1b over and lumlermen are now driving logs. Chai. Rob acker Ii driving hemlock logs aa far as the mouth of Laurel Run, where they will pass into lb bands of Coon ran Brothers, wbo are doing tba driving on Bonnet's Branch this Spring. Th logs cut by Cochran Brothers al Summit Tunnel have been carried ea thenars of tba Low Grade Railroad to tb "Big dam," below Bancset, Klk county. All toe schools of the township, exoept the Peo fleld schools bav oloaed. 1 learn that William Postlethwalt, who taught lb W internum school last Winter, has goo to the Kiinboro Stale Normal School. The Board has employed tbe following teachere for tbe Summer term of three months i Hickory Loa Ueisey Winterburn To be supplied ; Mill Run Kile Rosenkrans Laurel Run Mary Snllivan ; Pen field Primary School Mrs. G. W. Weaver. Tbe School Board bare eilabliibed a graduating course la the i'aa fleld High School. We are to have a ohange of ministers In Hus ton, Rev, A. B, Hooren of tbe M. K. Church, wbo bas been here three yean, will be succeeded by Rev. D. B. McCloikey. Rev. W. M. Burch field, wbo has been tbe Prcebyterisn minister here lor over three years will stay at DuBois hereafter, but his soecessor here has not beta chosen. The Presbyterian ladiea have organised a Sewing So ciety, to eld In building a personage, and two Sewing Societies in Pcnfield are making things lively. 11 ARKr. PxnriKLO, Pa , Maroh 28th, 1HS1. OBITUARY. Mr. James Dougherty, Sr., died at his home in Lawrenoe township, on Sunday, March 30, 1081, in the 88th year ot bis age. The deceased waa born in County Donrgnl, Ire land, January 26th, 1714 ; married Sarab Dough erty, si iter of Mrs. Jobn McLaughlin and Mr. John Daugberly, Sr., now living in Lawrenoe tuwnihip, tn tbe Fall ef 1818, and In the Hprlng of 1010 be, with his wife, emigrated to America. Tory landed at Philadelphia, and settled in Del aware county, l'a., near what was then known as "Old Chester." In Denemher, 1H33, he. with bis family came to Clearfield county and Settled on the farm where ho died, which was at that time en entire wilderness. He waa the father of eleven children fire sons and six daughters. Four sons and four daughters are living. Hts son Hugh la now living in Kansas, and Sarab, marrisd lo Martin Brock way , is living in Illinois. Tbe others are living in Clearfield borough and Lawrence township. Sarah, his wife, died August 2ltb, 1K70. Since that time be has been quite leeble, but able to be am und most of tb time until tbe link of the present month, when be received n stroke of apoplexy, from which be never recover ed. He lingered until tbe 20th, cunclous all the time but unable t apeak, lie waa a man of m'tre than ordinary Intelligence, generous ana kind, of honest Impulses, end a warm friend. He was a oo oiistent member of th Catholic church. Us lived to a good, rip age, and died reipeeled by all who knew htm. He Is gone and his chil dren need bar no ree-rot that they failed to do their duty, for I have never kuewn a family of children so kmd nod aft action ate to tneir parents Lawrence township, March 20, 1391. BRADY JOTTINGS. Our school! are drawing to a close, aesrly all will "wind up" with literary exerel las, and some of them with public e I ami nations. The third annual Educational Re union or Brady township will be held at Trouttllle, April Otb. A programme of live educational topics bas been prepared aod distributed. A pro table time is anticipated. A great deal of alcknesi prevails in our midst. Mr. Justus Seyler, the junior partner of the firm of Seyler A Hon, has been prostrated with In flammatory rheumatism. His many friends nnlte in wishing him a speedy recovery. Mr Chaa. Sch warn, one of our most trustworthy and inooess ful business men, Mr. Philip Wenvr, Laibere burg's practical shoemaker aod J- U. Kdioger, the congenial proprietor of tbe hardware estab lishment, are just convalescing after a sersre at tack of pneumonia. There are ale several eases of scarlet fever. Tbecltisene of Lnthersburg have made arrange ments to have a term of Normal school In their beautiful school house, the latter part of tbe Sum uer. Th term will bgm about th middle of July, and oontinu twelv weeks. This eehool will be taue-bt br tw pruOcleot aad experienced teewbera. It will b a new d apart ur here la th right direction, aad should receive tne encourage ment and rapport of every cittien of Lnibers- knrar. and the ant Ira MBmunttr. Tba ham of ur ehingle and saw mills Indicates a revival ef business in our community. nfih mills tiara an Increased stock over aoy previous year. Th immense amount of logs ta tb dam of "Shaffer's mill," would do credit to a mill of much larger capacity. On aooonal of this imiwaaea atoek. and the to creeled demand fur sbingles, Mr. Shelter's foreman, Mr. Feadereon, la runtiia thai bh.II da and Blcbt. Mr. William Lytie and wile bav "pulled up ii.kM." and mnmm to Clarion. Mr U. Will attend Carrier Seminary at that plao, With a view of taking a ttlmfUmt eewrer. ".batbvw CENTRAL PA. CONFERENCE. Appointment! for 1881. Th thirteenth annual meeting of th Central Pennsylvania M. B. Confereno convened at York, Pa., en th 18th of March, and closed oa tb 22d. Bishop Andrews presided. There are Uoluded la th Confereno 218 min ister. Of th five Presiding Elders three bar gon out of offloo and given appointments rli t Rer. 8. C. Swallow, Rev. J. J. Pearoe aad Rev. Dr. Mitchell. The new Elder ar Rev. James H. McGarrah, AMoona District, Rer. Eira H. Yeoam, WlllUmsport District, and Rer. Richard Hlokle, Juniata District. Tbe reports of Presiding Elders Evens, Clarke, Swallow and Mitchell, of th Danville, Harrii- burg, Altooba and Juniata District!, show aot only an increased membership but Increased eol lections for Missions. Rev. 0. W. Burnley, stationed on the Clearfield Circuit the past year, waa granted a eupirnnm rary relation hennas of broksn health. Th Confereno decided to meet next year at Look Haven. Before adjourning tb Bishop announced th following appointments for the emu ing Confer one year i vTILLlAMSPQRT DISTRICT. Eiba II. Yocitm, Presiding Elder P. 0. Will- iamanort. Pennsylvania. ileeoh creeB ana mm nan lueouero a. raus. Beneietle Joseph x- Hothrook. Cogan Valley John W. B ethane. Du lloli town William A. MoKee. Kmporium Benjamin H Crever. Great Island Henry Wilson. Hiaer and Weitport Elial M. CbUcnaL llughasville Mortimer P. Croithwalte. Jamestown Da Id B. MoClosky. Jersey Shore William A. Stephens. Kedron George W. Stevens. Leidy J. B. Graham. Lewliburg Millon K. Fo.ter. Liberty Valley To be supplied. Lock Haven William A. tiouok. Loyaliook J. R. Furey. Lycoming W. H. Bowden, Mifflinbur Alexander M. Barn Us. Milton William C. Robios. Montgomery Andrew B. Hooren. Montoursville J. B. Mann. Muney Alexander R. Miller. Muncy Creek Andrew P. Wharton. Penlleld Adolphus D. MoClosky. Pine Creek Reuhen B. Kelley. Ratston-r-James P. Anderson. Renove Bartholomew P. King. Salladasburg James Hunter. Saloon and Weahlngton William 3. Nororosf SinnemabonioK Aiburv W. Guvei, Watsontown A Montandon Andrer E.Taylor. Wharton To be supplied. Wiliameport, Pine H treat Samuel Crelghton " Mulberry SL Martin L. Genoa. " Grace Church Benj.C. Conner. " Third street James T. Wilson Newberry William H. Keith. Kdward J. Gray, President of Wlllamsport Dickinson Seminary, member oi uuibtrry ft tract Quarterly Conference. Knniernnmsrarv and Bunerennuated tree ob era John W. llaugbawout Henry tf. Dill Thomas Greenly, Thomas ianeybill, Cnaries W JJurnley, Jacob Montgomery. DANVILLE DISTRICT. William W. Stars, Presiding Elder Post office. Bloomiburg, Penn'a. Ashlsnd John A. DeMoyer. Beach Haven C. T. Dunning, one U be sup plied. Benton George W. Donlap. 0. T. Mauler. lUrarlnk Martin L. 8 03 Tier. . Bloomingdale Jubn Horning, J. II. Mortimer. BIoomBburg Joun yoniow. Book horn George V. Savldge. Catawiasa John B. Polsgrore. Catawissa Circuit John Lloyd. Centralla Robert L. Armitrong. Cenyngham Richard H. Wharton. Danville, St. Paul's J- Max Laots. Trinity Peter P. Strawinskl. Blysbarg Uldeon H. Dev. Ripy and Light Street Henry 0. Chestoa. Ilailetoo G. Tarring Gray. Uelfcmtrln and Gordon Henry N. Minolgk. Hickory Run George K. King. Jeansvill and Audenreid George Warren. Jeneytown Timothy II. Tubbs. Miffltnvilla Crawford L- Ben looter. Ml. Carmel 8. Milton Fro-1. Muhleaburr John C. Brown. Northumberland Kmory T. Swarts. Orangevilie T. O. Clees, one to be icppllsd. Riverside Daniel Hart man. Selinsgrovo John W. Back ley. Shiekshinny Martin L. Drum. (Sham ok in Jacob S. Mr Murray, Kniliriawn Henrv B. Fortner. South Heberton George N. Lamed, one to be arm 1 ltd. Stockton A Reaver Meadow Nathan B. Smith. Sunbury HUes C. Pardoe. T rev erton Joseph R. King. Washingtonvilie Edmund Whit. Weatherly P. Franklin Kyer. W hite Haven William C. lleiacr. Hue-b A. Curran, Professor In Slate Normal School, member Bloomiburg U.uar. Conference. Aunarntiuierarv and sunersnnuated preacher Ceylon W. Marshall, Alem Brittein, J. P. Robb, jobn w. irecxie. HARRI8BURG DISTRICT. Jaubs 0. Claris, Presiding Elder Peitoffloe, Barrisburg, Pa. Carlisle A. Duncan Yoeaus. Castle Fin Levi S. Crone. Cheinhersburg David A. Monro. Cove To be supplied. Dillsburg R. H. Gilbert. Duneannoa J. Ellis Bell. Fairview and Marysville J. P. Beofard. Fort Llttlvton Charles J. Book. Get 1 71 burg Richard 11. Col born. Green Caatl J. Pat ton Moor. Greo Village George W. Bouse. Hanover and New Oxford Wm. McK. Reilly, llkrri.hur. Graoa Charles W. Buor. Grace Church Mission George M. Hoke. " Ridge Avenue BenJ. B. Hamlin. St. Paul's Nathan S. Buckingham. " Fifth Street James il. Black. Lewiiberry John A. Wood, jr. Little Creek One to be supplied. Littlestown Henry i. Lundy, Liverpool John W. FsighL Loudon Jonathao R. Phipe. Mecbanicsbnrg Alfred S. Bowman. Mrrcersburg Benjamin H. Moiser. MoConnelliburg William Moses. Moat Alto J. R. Dunkerly. Mount Uelly Andrew W. Gibson. New Cumberland James H, McCord. Newport Nathaniel W. Colburn. Newville and Rehoboth William W, Reese, fjbippeooburg D. II. Shields. Shrewsbury William Uwynn. Stewartstown Benjamin F. Stevens. Waynesboro Thomas 8. Wilocx. Wrlgbtivkll Jared V. Shannon. York, First Church-IS ilea 0. Swallow. " Duke Street Jobn V room an. York Snrina-s Thomas M. Griffith. Irvin H. Torrence, Secretary of Pennsylvania Bible Society, member or Grace quarterly won ferenee. W. Maslln Fryslngcr, Superintendent of Cen tral Pennsylvania ton fere hoe Boot Keom, mem ber ef Kid re Avenue Uuarterly Oonfereno. Thompson P. Kg, President of Irving Female Uo liege, member Ol Juecnaoicsourg quarterly Confereno. Aouila R. Bandar. Vie President of Wilming ton Confereno Academy, meinberof Green Castle Quarterly Conference. Sutiernumerarv and SuDcrnnnnated preacher Jobn btino, Oliver Ege, J. A. Meliek, Williem Sohrlber, W. L. Hpoltawood, V. h. Ureter, J. u McKecban, W. K. Uoob, Jobn Moor bead. JUNIATA DISTRICT. Richard Hiwklb, Presiding Kldr-Potofflo( Huntingdon, Pa. Bedford Samuel W. Sears. Bedford Circuit-Marshall 0. Piper. Blaine J. W. Ely. Burnt Cabins J. Q. Eherbart. Cassvllls William A. Meinioger. Concord Andrew W. Decker, one to be sup plied. Deoatur To be supplied. Knonrille William A. Clipplnger. Everett William G. Ferguson. Freedom Joseph A. Ross. Huntingdon J.J. Pearoe. Lewislown Thomas Sherlock. Manor Hill John W. Olewine. Mct'oRnellstown Frederick Kogersoa . McVeytowa and Granville Wm. d. Hamilton. Mlfllintown -William. V.Ganoe. Miiroy Jonaihaa Gutdin. Mt. Union John W. Cleaver. New Bloomfleld James M. Johnston. Newton Hamilton kdward K. A. Davis. Orblsonla Klisba Shoemaker. Petersburg -James A. Mr Kind! ess, Pleaiantvilla James F. Penningtoo. Port Royal Henry M. Asb. one to b supplied, Ray's Mill Amos S- Ita.dwin. Rubinsonvllle J. D. W. Denver. Saxton Richard to b supplied. Shir ley sburg George A. (Singer. Schelliburg Beth A. Crsvehog. Thompsontown James W. Rue. Three Hnrlncs Jams W. Bell. West Huntingdon and Mill Ureek--Wl lllem II, Dill, Charles Uartsel. Suneraumerarv and Superannuated preachers, W. II Sieveni.J. H Slice? Clarke, J. R. A here, George Berk i trailer aod Levi u. Hack. ALTOONA DISTRICT. Jambs H. MG aimam, Presiding Rider. Altoona, First Church Thomas Mitchell. " Eighth Av. Jesse B. Young. 11 Chestnut Are. Thomas M. Reel. " 24th St. Aiher R. Crono. Bellefontc Georg D. Penepaeker. Birmingham Henry H- Bender. Clearfield George Leidy. Clearfield Circuit George 8. Ague. Curwensvill J amee Cures. DuuflanavtllcLutbsr F. Smith. Glen Hope Fur man A Jaws, OrehamtwB Walter R. Whitney. Half Moon -J. S. Beyer. Holddayebnrg -Joseph B. Shaver. Howard Henry F. Cares, Lloydivllle Te bw supplied. Logan Valley Isaa Heckmaa. Lumber City Isaiah Edwards. Martlasharg-M. L. Smith. Milesburgaod laivnvill John A. Woodcock New Washington Owe Hicks. Osceola and Uontsdale W. Scott Wilson. Penn's Valley J. Benson Akers. PbthpsbBrg-Abram M.Crelgblea. Pine Grove Henry S. AteodenbalL Pleasant Gap N. W. Wonner, Pert Matilda Cambridge Graham. Snow Sbee William A. Carver. Tyrone Fmley B. Riddle. W arrior's Mark George Outer. Williamsburg William W. Daamlr. Woodland Hen ben K- Wilton. William Barasbaw, Chaplain of th National Horn for Disabled Velnoteer Soldiers at Dayton, Ohio, member f Warriors Mark Quarterly Cob ferenee. bupernomerary and Superannuated prahra. hli.Iis Batter, L. N. Clark. J. K. Hyhes, Misileaary ta China. COURT PROCEEDINGS MARCH TERM, 1881. Court eanvaned on Monday. Maroh 21. 181, at 2 o'olook P. M , Judges, Ogdea aad Uo It oa th beach. John M. Haatlngs, John Shaw and David Johnston were appointed tipstaves. Th Hal nt Urm-oA and Petit turorS havt DeB called, th ConstabUs of tbe several boroughs and towBsbips made their returns, and the Coostabie clect were sworn in, ... Tha flrat dav of th term being tb aay axea by tbe Rules of Court for the eonsidsration of ap plications for liosniss, th following application! war granted, io wit; BOTBL L1CBN1B. S. B. Row Clearfleld William B. Dean Clearfield R. N. Shaw uiearneia James MeLaughlia.. Clearfield L. 0. Bloom .,..Curwsniville Milo Uoyt....... osoeoia G. W. Lao Osoola Smith Balrd Osoeoia Nicholas Soollini 0 .ceo I a Michael Hurley Osceola George E. Robacker Pen field, Huston Twp James L. Seofleld M....Pnfleld. Huston Twp Jules Janot Covington iwp Lewis Lei gey (transferred to Leon Coutriet) ...Covington Twp Joba Walton H CovtngtoB Twp Hiiar art Pieree Woodward I Wp George Rhoads Woodward Twp leaae L.lovd ....n oouwaru u Thomas Moore . Woodward Twp Mr. Wm. Wells Woodward Twp Mrs. Richard Donahue........ Woodward Twp Wm. W. Lane Hootadale William Parker M Houtadala John McGirk M......Uoalsdl Richard Maddigan Houladale Wm. Curraa..,. .,..Houlsdak Frank Slater Houtadala Patrick Dunn.. Houtsdale James Haley Hootadale Ellaabetk Smiles Houtsdale Fred Wreee Houtsdale Edward Jordan H ..M Houtsdale Patrick Shields Hontsdat James Bolger Uoutadala W. L. Nicholson DaBois Mead Brothers DaBois Julius Terpe I trans' to U. P. Strobridge)..DaBola K manual Hunts (trans, to W. n. Kussell...uuDoui Joseph B. Sterne.., DuBois Jacob Trnby John DuBois John McNulty...... Wm. Sehwem DuBois DuBois . DuBois , Lutbersbarg, Brady Twp J. II. Feerar. vvauaceioa George W. DetU... . Glen Hope, Beccaria Twp Wm. Marsh.. urauy iw Beccaria Two Jacob Knleman . M. Flynn Pennville, Penn Twp George Knarr. ...Troutville, Brady Twp Peter Ruflner J. A. Roland G. D. McCracken Mary E. Eseinbuwer.. Samuel Hulliben George W. Dav la William Shields ..Madera, Woodward Twp Chest Twp Greenwood Twp ...Kylertown, Morris Twp Burnside New Washington , Sterling BBITAURAKT LtOtNIB. , R. T. Kelly DuBois H. Livingston Clearfield Jobn Dugan A John Parks Beccaria Twp J. S. Graff ...Curwenirills CeMMOIl P LISAS. Mary E. Dsmnnt vs. Charles Demon t. No. January Term, 1K41. Sub. Sur Divoroe. A. P. MacLeod was appointed Commissioner to take and report testimony, Annie E- Diggins vs. David Diggins. No, 3 ill September Term, 1880. Sub. Sur Divorce. W. A. Chase, Kiq., was appointed Commissioner to take and report tetimny. Martha Bloom vs. Wm, L. Bloom. No. 32 March Term, 1881. Bub. Sar Diroro. T.J. McCullougb. , Esq., wm appointed Commissioner to take aod report testimony. QUARTER SRBSIOIH. Boad Matter,- Petition presented for a pnbli road leediog from public road near th Moshaa non black imith shop to a point intersecting First street In tb village ef Criifleld, la Woodward townihip. Read, aod Wm. R. Frailer, Edward Pidgeon and Harry MoUowea were appointed viewers. Petition for a public road to lead from western termineusof Elisabeth street in iioatsdale bor ough, to Mosbannon oal mine, in Woodward township. Read, and Wm. R. Frailer, Edward Pidgeon and Harry McGoweu were appointed vie were. Petition for a road from Philipiburg to Osceola, on lands ol Albert Owen, to Intersect a public road leading from the old turnpike to Clearfield creek, on lands of Campbell Brothers, la Decatur township. Read, and Themas W. Moore, J. F. Steiner and Richard Hughes appointed viewers. Petition to vacate a public road in Union township, leading from a poiat in paMlft road leading from Hoover's mills to Summit Tonne), at a point at or near Home Camp school house, to Winterburn, in Huston township. Real, and John L. Outtle, Josiah R. Read and Ckarles Mignot appointed viewers. Petition for a public road leading from a point oa tbe twp. road near Sterling saw mill to a point on tb Moshannon creek, near Bolger's bridge, iB Woodward township. Read, and U. H. Bart man, Jesse Diggins and Frank Bolger appointed viewers. Petition presented praying for a public road to lead from Shick'i dear log, oa tb road leading from Bhawevill to Jobn Murray's, and inleseet with tbe Trout run read near Morrow's mill, and i to vacate the old road that leads from tbe Clear field road on Shawsvllle hill to said Shlek's clear- I log. Read, and Jobn L. Cuttle, Robert Stewart; and Isaa Gaines appointed viewers. i Petition presented for a re view of road lead log from Morrison Sbarpe'i, In Greenwood town- I ship, to road leading from Chest creek to Hoyt's I mill, in said township. Read, aod Thoi. Moor. Jama Somervllle and Jobn Pent a appointed viewers. I Petition for r-vlew of road leading from Home Camp school house, lo L'nion township, to 8 tow el's mill, in said township. Read, and John L. Cattle, Chnrle Mignot and Josiah R. Read ap pointed viewers. rwtitien ir re-new oi roaa leading irom ins Bell and Brady township line al or near Jobn j Baiter's, to a public road leading from Rishel A 1 Be backer's grist mill to the Susquehanna river I at a paint near said mill, In Brady township. Head, ana i nomas n. moore, Alexander bite a aod Jobn Smith appointed reviewers. ! Petition for re-view or tne report or viewers vacating that part of a public road la Bradford township, leading from a point Bear Jas. Parks' to toe punno road near woodland rire nnok works. Read, and 8. F. McCloikey, D.W. Moore and J. A. Moor appointed reviewers. Confirmed ni $i. Report of viewers Vacating and supplying part of a public road in Decatur township, leading from Fishtown to Susquehanna turnpike. Report of viewers laying out a private road leading from public road running from DuHola to West Liberty, to the dwslliog of Thomas Wayne, la Sandy township. Report of viewers laying out a public road leading from Mathers' school bouse, In Beccaria township, l said township. Report of viewers laying out n public road leading from Glen Hope to Pusey road, at or near Henry Bailey's, in Beccaria township. Report of viewers vacating and supplying a road leading from Clearfield borough to n point near A, II. Shaw's mill, in Lawrenoe township. Report of viewer vacating that part of public read leading from Packersrille, on tb Kris turoplpe,to Rock tea, In Union townihip, between tb Erie turnpike and the old Union twp. line. C firmed abeolutelif .Report of viewers vacat ing that part of public road la Bradford town ship from Mark Kyltr's to Jona. Wiser, in said township. Report of vitwsn laying out a public road leading from Nichols street, In Weit Clearfield, Lawrence t ownsbip, at its intersection with Front etreet to Park street, at it Intersection with pub lie road, in laid township. Report of viewers laying out a publia road through tbe lands of K. 0. Bridgens, in Karthaua townihip. ' Report of viewers laying oat a public road 1 idmg from near Benjamin Carson's, in Brady township, to a point in public roaa at or near tbe Seyler School house, in said township. Report of viewers vacating and supplying a public road tn Greenwood townsh ip, leading from a public road at or near Marion nfterp s to a pub lic road running from Chest creek to Hoyt's mill, at a point at or near George Kos', in Greenwood tnwnslillt. Report of viewers laying out a public road leading from Deer creek bridge to iater'ect tbe Deer ereeft road near J. o. Jury s, in said twp, Hoadt aad Mieeetlaneoue. Exceptions to re port of viewers vacating and supplying a portion of public read in Greenwood and Bell townships, leading irom n. c. inompsona,m ureeawood townsbtp. w u( s a. iougneny s, in ueu town ship. Sustained, and report eat aside. Bridyae. Report of viewer recommending Ibat a oounty bridge be built across the Susque hanna river near widow Wet set's, In Bsll town ship. Disapproved by the Grand Jury. ' Report ol viewers recommending Ike erection of a county bridge across bandy creek. Disap proved by tb Grand Jury. Report of viewers recommending th erection f n pun ue Bridge across iao suoinannon ereex at Oscola, at Ibe Joint expense of Clearfield and Centre counties, too turned absolutely. Report of viewers changing lha site of tb bridge known aa the "Good fellow Bridge, to Lawrence townihip. Filed and approved by the Grand Jury. Remonstrance filed, and review granted. George 0. Kirk, Dental Stewart and 1 nomas u. roreey were ap no in tea reviewers. Petition presented by the eitksens and Super risers of Lawrence and Boggs townships, for a a public bridge across uiearneia erect, on oia Pb lipshnrg and Susquehanna Turnpike. Read, and John L, Cuttle, John A. L. Flrgal and Zaoh ariah McNaul appointed viewers. Borough. Thecitliensof Glen Hope present ed a pett I loo, asking Ibat tb town be incorpora ted as aborongh. Approved by the O mod Jury. (Jramd Jurjf'e Report. Th Grand Jury, among other things, report that portion of tbe publio road leading from Logan's mill to Carwenirllle, in Pike towmbip, 1b bad condition. Also, tbe road and bridges leading from Osoeoia to Boats dale. OBFIAKl' COURT. Tb following accounts were presented and oonurmed ni i, te wit : First and final account of W. H. Patterson, Assignee ef J. B. Bean, of the borough of Hoati dale, Clearfield county, Pa. Partial aooonnt ef Samuel W. GUI, Executor of the last will and testament of Aogus M. Gill, late of Bradford township, Clearfield eoanty, Pa., de feased. Final aceonnt of Samuel llegarty, Administra tor of Thomas Cowan, lata ef Beccaria township, Clearfleld oounty, Pawn', deceased. Aeeoaat ef Joke B. Shlaael, Administrator ef George Sbimal, late el Boggs townihip, Clearfield county, Penn'a, deceased. Final aceonnt of Cntharlo Marry, A dm In Is trains of Patrick Marry, late f Woodward township, Clearfield ouaty, Peon a, deoeesed. Final aeoount of George S. and Adam Weaver, Executors of George A, Weaver, late of Brady lewaabip, Clearfield eouaty, Penn a, deceased. Fiaal aoeouBl of James T. Leonard, Admlats. Irator of Mrs, Amanda J, Leonard, lata ef Clear fleld borough, Penn'a, deceased. Partial aooonal ef A. D. Roe, Administrator of Reubesi Nelaeat, lat ef New WashiRgtea bor ough, Clearfield county, Penn a, deoeesed. Final account ef Godfrey Fisher, Administra te f John Hartsog, mi r Kartbaus township, Cwrflld teaaty, Fna a, deceased. Partial aeoount of John Getnett, Administra tor f Lewi Doney, late of Union tewushlp, Clearfleld oounty, Penn'a, deceased. Partial aooonnt of William Hot brock, surviving Administrator of A. Kylar, late of Morris town-, ship, Clearfleld county, Penn'a, deceased. Final aeoount of John MeLaughlia, Adminis trator of James MeLaagblla, Tat ol Snyder township, Jefferson eoanty, Penn'a, deceased. In re astate of Samuel Powell, deceased. Ex ceptions te report of Frank G. Harris, Kiq., Au ditor, sustained, and report referred back. Thomas J, McCullougb, Esq., wai appointed Auditor to dUpos of the exceptions to tha ac count of Godfrey Fisher, Administrator of Joba Hertseg, deceased. Daniel W. MoCurdy, Esq., was appointed Audi tor te distribute balance la hand of th Admin istrator of F. K. Raiarty, deceased. P. M. Lytic, Esq., of the Huntingdon Cennty Bar, was admitted to practice aa an attorney in tbe several Courts of Clearfleld oounty. The Court fixed for the week commencing on the 38th Inst, was continued. Court adjourned on Thursday, the 21th Inst. FREE BRIDGESALU Editor RxrrjiLirARt In tb last Issa ef th Raftenan' Journal I noticed an articl headed "Lumber City Bridge," written by John Russell, in wblob b attempt to give th publio tons in formation, rii : That the bridge is now free t and It ie well that he has come to that ooooluslon at last. But new to th part of tb articl to which 1 want tecall his attention. In the first place, when a man attempts to give tbe nubile information on anv subject, ne ibouiu be governed by truth and fairness ; at least be ougbt not to eontredict bis own assertions. He says Ibat "tbe Company, through their offloers, waited upon tb Commlssonon with tbe view ef effecting a sal. Twelve hundred dollars was one red, 91,500 waa esbd." Now, as l wnai was then asked amounts to nothing; for t hey ea-reed to take sl.2u0. with nrUilcee to lake the toll noose, rained at aiou, making bi.juv tor ioe bridge. Then be lays aeompromia was about to be effected, when attention was sailed to the law la referenoo to tb sale of bridges. Now, her ho aomit there Is a law requiring the Court te appoint viewers to view and appraise nriugee This eons was then pursued, lie forgets lo say that th same law says the viewers are to an praiie bridges at what It ftcftssw them to be sort, andnotwAaftlMittoftaifd them Uirfy year ago. Me goes on to state tn viewers ware snown what tbe bridge cost, end bow much it has paid tne stock bolder s, Ac, and, noth with standing all these facts, the viewers appraised the bridge at eniyai.uuu. Ue tben pities tbe Judgment ana doubts tb honesty of some of them, and says '.he reiult was that tho Company would not accept the price offered, aad asked tbe Grand Jury not lo confirm the report. Very smart, Indeed) for blgbiy educated men 1 vt ny did not tney go ac cording to law and refuse to accept and show cause why they could not Mil at that price J Then he says "a few cltlsens attempted to raise izuu for tne company, but was met by tbe reply tnai tne commissioners said toe bridge waa free, Which was the only truthful answer that eould be given, for It was virtually a free bridge by ac tion of law, and it is my kelisf that all toll taken after tbe time was up for the Company to refuse iuc appraisement, eould by taw be recovered irom tbe Company by tbe County. He further says, "the Company labored while there wa a hop or even a show of justice." Jus tice, Indeed, to persuade the County Commission- ers to pay out money Illegally and contrary to the Interests of those whom it Is tbsir duty to protect. Again be offered to give us a bond te indemnify us iu case tbe County Auditors would aot pass th aeoount, If we would pay the Company $100 mora than.tbe amount fixed by the appraisers in a cor dance with law, and in this wy attempted lo get the Commissioners to do an unlawful act, and one against the Interests of the people of tbe County simniy so neneni a lew individuals! and oe- cause w would not go outside tb pale of th taw io grainy nis menus, men ne says gross in justio ha been done tb Company for whioh he noius me commmioners and tne appraisers responsible t Now, hero li where the injustice aod nntruthfulness comes In, If be wanted to be truthful, why doa't ho lay that he, as en of tb officers of the Bridge Company, did not know nis amy ana aid not apply te taa Courts a in proper time for relief. He was vary careful not to inform tb public that the law does not allow tb County Commissioners to fix the price or value of a bridge to be purchased by tbe County. Tbe duty of tbe County Cumin isiioncrs in this ase was closely laid down by the law. They Mold pay $1,000 far the bridge, and no more nor no less, and a man or general intelligence, teat Russell claim lo have, should hare, and I be lieve, did know, that fa?t, but had not enough of candor to admit It. Knu Jon it sex. Gn a nfi ar Hills, March 2lt, Ibtfl. Clearfield Coal Trade ISiato- ment of Ceal and other freight! sent over th Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for the week ending March 19lb, 1831, and the same time last year t COAL. For tbe week , Sam time laat year Increase , Previously during year- Same time last year.... , Increase Total tn 1881 Same time last year H Increase 91,640 Lumber 165 ear. Miscellaneous freights 107 A Fact. Anauvertisemontinsortod In the Rifuilicaji will reach more readers than if published In all th other papers ia tb eoan ty, and cost tb advert) let less than one-half In other words, aa advertisement published in our Jcurnat tl worth denbl tb prio of that charged by aay other publisher ia the eoanty, It Is a fact." tf. Special, Onb Ht'uriRio Pnn Cirt. Discount en Old Priori. Sewing Machines can now be purchased at Merrell's tin and variety store, from $46 up ward!. All kinds of sewing machines repaired oa toe shortest aottoe. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877. Just Itecelved, Just Received by ARNOLD, at CUKWENSV1LLE: Car Load Nora HcotiA Plaster! Car Load puro Corn. Rye and Oats Chop i Car Load Deakon Snlt 1 Car Load of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac! ftSlnntrles, liaric. li. li, lies and bruin will bo taken in exchange. Curwensvill, May 1, 1878. R EITER HAGG. At th Reformed parson age In Troutville. en Sunday, March 10 lb. lttOI. by Rev. Jobn Wolbacb, Mr. A JAM Riitrr, of Clear Water, Wright oounty, U I ens note, aod Miss A it urn Hagu, of Henderson township, Jefferson county. CARR WALLACE In Clearfield. on Wednes day. March 33d. 1881. bv Rev. II. S. Butler. Mr. Maxliu P. C abr, of Pike township, and Miss .ikRxiR vr ALLACB, or Lawrence townihip. NACH ALS NELPON. At Mortlndele Mil on Saturday, March 26th, 18M, by C. C. Crowell, biq,, nr. vin. rn Am La and miss axxib nri.sox rII of Morris townihip, Clearfleld county. sua. HOLT. At her residence In Bradford town ship, on Saturday, March 13th, 1881, Nsarr, wife of Hon. Vincent B, Holt, aged 66 years aod ft montns. BPENCK. In Goshen township, oa Monday, March 14tb, 1891, Miss Keren Spence, second daugnur or Mrs. Mercy u. epenoe, aged io yean, LI THER In Prady township, on Thursday, March 24th, IHHl, Uiavt H son of Herbert T and Mary H, Luther, aged 3 years, 2 months and 4 days. PATTERSON. In Jerdsn township, oa Toe. day, Marob S2d, 181, Mnrtir M.,only daughter oi James and Hebecca l'atterson, aged 16 years, o memos and ii aeys. "A steep In Jesus. NORRIR. Tn Lawrenoe township, en Thurs day. March 24th, 18SI. of diphtheria, at flfteea mine tee before six o'clock A. M., Ki.nan L-, nged it years, v saontoi and ix days : on tba same day, at twenty minutes after eleven o'clock P, M., ulara u., ageoj 1.1 years, i monins and l dnys ; both children of Joanna and James S.Norrli, 8r SMKAL. In Bradford township, oa Friday, January 21it, 1881, Ralph a Pilmorr, ion of Ellis and Martha Smeal, aged 0 years, 4 months and ft day. SMKAL. In Bradford township, n Tuesday Maroh into, 1881, Ai.ica Annas, daughter of hiiis ant Mar tba pmeai, aged years, b mentbi an lo days. Dearest children, thoa hast left as, Hire on earth thy loss wa deeply feel ; But 'tis God that bath bereft as, He ean all our sorrows heel. Yet egala we hope te meet them, W hen our life ob earth bas fled ; Tben tn Heaven with joy to greet them Where ne farewell tear 1 shed. CLEARFIELD MARKETS, CLBARriBLB. P. Mrh 20th, 1881. Floor, per owl.- $3 00 Buckwheat Floor. per cwt 1 Cora Meal, per cwt 1 80 Coon. rve. nerewt 1 Chop, mixed, per wt 1 46 Bran, nar awt 1 Wheat, per bushel 1 10 Rye, per bushel SO Oats, per bushel $0 Corn. ears, ner bushel .... 40 Buckwheat, per bushel 80 Clover eeed $ 0 Timothy seod $ TO Polatoei. nor bushel T5 Apples, per bushel - . $0 Onions .. 1 60 Hams, per pound 13 Sbewlder, per pound ..... ft Dried Beef, per poand ...... If Chickens, per pair.,, 60 Batter, per poand 26 Eggs, per dnsen 16 Salt, per sack, large H 1 Ooi Oil, per gallon ' Lard, par poand , m.h. 124. Dried Apple, per poand 6 Dried Peaches, per poand 12 Beans, pet InsbI.....h.,......... I t gidt'rrtlsrmruts. The Great CLOTHING Emporium I PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, IF YOU want to Btudv your gwn interest, do not fail to call at , tho above establishment and examine j THANH LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF CLOTHING, Hats, Gen,:s' Furnishing Qoods, &c, Whether yea wish lo make a purchase or not, we assortment of gon Is, which will Styles are the Best, and R.i.owW, al,o, tla! w. have an elrganl .aortni.nt of PIKCI UO0U3, of th. leteat ...elllel, repMlelij MERCHANT And wt at. prepared to HAKE SUITS TO ORDKH to eolt ine taJte oi in. meet laauaion,. ALBERT TIIANHAUSER, Opera House Block, opposite postoffioe, WAGONS I WAGONS I ! 2 CAR LOADS. 2 The largest and best assortment of wagons ever brought to Clearfield. One ar load of CONKLIN wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which wc will sell at fuctory prices. We buy these wagons by the car load and pay CAfcH for them, therefore we are able to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. We guarantee these wagons to be first-class in every respect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring Wagons? Buggies. One car load of GKA1N DRILLS which we will sell cheaper than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere. F. M. CAEDON & BR0., Clearfield, Pa. February 23, 1881-tf. 3Ejtfk"X",,r,02r BLiOCIi, Curwensvllle, Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, FURBISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, . FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I buy direct from jobbers and manufacturers, receive goods at car load rates, hence can compete with New York and Philadel phi a houses. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Fartiea having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Sepl. M, ISSD-lf. JAMES L. 1. MAHKET STRK.F.T, I I.EARFI Kl.l, PENN'A. All kinds or CaskoU and Coffin, kept on hand, and lurnihbed to order on hori notice, including tho finest aa well ai tbe clioapcst that can be manu factured. Our oonrii xti.zubAizi. v iui la the beet In use, and will be furni.hcd when required. Funerals attended lit any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leave jour orders at Troulman'a Furniture Store. adioinW the Postoffioe. JAS. Ij. LKAVT, oct 1,'79-lf. Clearfield, Fa ' ARNOLD WANTS . 5,000 Rail Road Ties. CtrwMiTlIU, Pa. Ju. 1, 1171-tf " BUY AIIOME I UOl'BES, LOTS AND FAHMS FOR SALE I rpWKNTT IIOl'SKH and LOTS I. ClMrSrid X for aal. at rraeraeble rrloM and o. aae; t.rne. Alio, Wferal FARMS In Bradford and Graham townihkpe, Applrto W ACE A RRKn, b... I, '0 af.J Clearkld, I'.. rniLirsBTjiia MARBIE WORKS! TDILARSRST STOCK 01 Fine llnllan Marble in llif Slule, Hot. FINISTIKD .r I'NKINIBIIKD. W. p.t ap an, wnrk ibel ea. b. do. in lb. city at n.eb ,hea..r ratae. W. will ,wt wp MONUMENTAL WORK, 1. Italia. Marbl.ot OrMlla, .haanw tban It Hi b. dow. In .ny other fart of tbe Slat. An. pwr Hl wa,ln monamonul work t. aoioa.tof3l and pwwrda.will hen far. paid t. and from Fbllipe. bwrw. li. ftot b. fooled with aliMp Anivrlea. j.rbl. whe. yo. own bn, in. Iulka. tnarbl. nt l.war prlM. ov-UEAD B TONES . fpwel.ltw. Prsdae. .ad approve fpn will b. Uk.t I. oh.a.fot Coneteri work. Alloub pa;wwnni will b. mad. t. Ih. Moh.iaoa Banblai C. U tk. mdlt of R- PltRCM. Fhiltpibu,, Pa., Jna. M, 1M1. . 2Jw gunrtlsfttunti. AUSER'S j T shall be plsaied at all time I shew yon ear at onoe convince you that ear our Prices the Lowest, inlenuea lor TAILORING, AT SHORTEST NOTICE, tad ,ball udearor CLEARFIELD, FA. CURWEItfSVILLE, PA. LEAVY, r A A ,r. , 1-11 t A WKEK. lit. lajnt time aMirwaul.. V I & Coelly Mtnt frM. Addraa, Tat. d, 0... Aufuila, Malnk (ehi-l,.) ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. C.rweoftllle, P.., Ju, I, -II. H, MONEV TO I.OANOa Ir.t-.laj. m prv.4 fan. property, by tk. Mntwd Llf. mno. Company of h.m Ywk, .n Iret wjoei. Ir.. In na, from ll,n .p. For fwnhw la lornatioB apply U tb. wnderelrnl. HDRXTIIALW.SIITTFJ. ClMrl.ld Pa., Ilay Tib, 117, t. Grist Mill For Sale I Avery desirable mill property, with tw lr of barra, sitaaU In bee star twp.. Cleor leld oaaiy, Pa.,aboat two aasl a-ha If mile weei of Phlhpiiiarf, Ceotre eouaty, Pa. Apply lo 8UMMBRP11LU PLKOAtt, Pbtltpsbarg, Cenlr 0., Pa. Vov. 19, llB-tl. coal: COAL ALL THE YEAR 11 THE nlwrlbar kenby fl.M ..tlM tba be Ie w.w delivering oal or aa .EMlleatqwltj .ad propwM t. .p.rat. kl wtla. .tLL mv.h.heh, So ikat ka will W wMihd to ncply hi, Mitoann nt all tiM witk good ro.l. Mo Haaaer tloa. Ordm ky null .roanlly iiM. R. IK. SHAW. ClMrl.14, Pa, Marrk t, IMl-tf. K A .-I l VS7 W.