Mt gUpublif an. tiioBai B. Goodlandir, Editor. CLEARF1KLD, Pa. WBDNKSDAT MOHNINO, MAHCII St, 1181. Reader, If yoa want to know what la going on In th. baalneea world, loot rood oar advertiring aolamna, th. Sp4iul oalutan la paruenlar. Imposed on Aoain. It looks now as though Conkling and Logan have things politically as much tbeir own way as if thoir third term project had succeeded. Tin "Sun" Editor Dead. John F. Crow, for many years managing editor ol the Haiti more Sun, died suddenly in that city on tho 23d Instant, agod CO years. The Raleigh (N. C.) News of the 15th inst. says: "The apricot trees are in full bloom horo. The buds on the plum trees are nearly open. Thore is an odor of Spring in the air." No' Sisaioa. Tbo latest telegrams from 'Washington, relating to an extia session of Congress, aro to tbo effect that Frosident (iarfield concluded on Monday that he would not call an ex tra session. The 11th of March was a field day in tho United States Senate. "A Con federate Brigadior" was Hill oj in and smoked out most completely. Head the proceedings on our fourth page. Grant Settled. Tho West Chester Village Record has learned of the pur chase ol fifty acres of ground near Wayne Station, on tho Pennsylvania railroad, by Gen. Grant, upon which ho will build a handsome residence. Our first page is covered with a va riety of literary and historical reading matter suitable for old and young. Statesmen, divines, scientists, and all others may learn a good lesson by giv. ing it an attentivo porusal, Kenned Radicalism. Gen. Shields was allowed to die in poverty, and the widow of Gen. Thomas receives but thiily dollars per month, while the Government has spent 110,000 in try ing to prove that a darkoy cadet at West Point didn't slit his own ears. Ex-Speaker Randall has our thanks for a lot of valuable publlo documents. We hopo that tho member from the III. district will havo a good time dur ing the session of the XLVII. Con grew, so as to overbalance the lnr Ibons of the past two sessions. Antagonizing. It looks now though the Garfield and Grant forces would soon separate Both the lead ers indicated want to bo on the I'rcsi. dential track in 1884, and aa the road to the White Houso Is but a singl track both cannot go over it. If In thoir blind zeal they attempt it, thore will be a collision and somebody hurt It is pretty plain already that Gar- Cold wants to bo his successor. There is tun ahead. Not firaaaoa. Thee aev thai at... man bH ml difficulty In getting Viet Freeidenl Arthur to neogala, bin whin b wuli to an; eom.thing. Tbli la a horrillo itaU of thing! almoet h borrlbU el wbon Beeretary Bhormaa turned Collator Artbar out of offle. for iron abarea tad forth. &reaae. Three years ago Hayes an J Sher man both denounocd Arthur as a scoun drel, and tho official loiters aro on file. More: Wo believe thoy told tho truth. Yet to day ho aits in tho United States Senate as its presiding oflioer. What a "grand moral idea I" Something Wronq. It looks though Garfield upset several Grant carts the other day. In the various translors ol office on Thursday last, the Rov. M. J. Cramer, Gen. Grant's urolber-in-law, drops out of bia posi tion at Minister to Denmark, and Gen. Adam Badeau goes in. What with tho appointment ol Robertson for Collector of Customs in New York and the re moval oi Cramer, Thursday was a bad day for the third term faction. Misled Aoain. The Now York Sun makes the following pertinent inquiry : "Did tho President ovor live who would have dared to place upon the table ol Daniel Wobstor, John C. Calhonn, John J. Cilttoridcn or Henry Clay a bouquet as a tokon or Whito House approval ot a vote?" Tbo point is here: Garfield's man Friday, who bossos the posey gar- aon at tne w bite House, placed a huge bouquet on the desk of the "Confeder ate Brigadior," Senator Mahono. Virginia, after he voted to betray his party mends who bad elected him This act is certainly sentimental White llouse-iem. Shame! THE "ROCKED" PRESIDENT. The Philadelphia Times says: "lies olution, if bis friends aro to be believed, is not Garfield's slroiigcxt characteris tic. There aro a good many concur rent testimonies of this, however, in the President's own actions. Ho has from the tlrxt dreaded the idea of an extra session. Like all men new In tho ofllco, ho wants to enjoy aloiio and unmolested the iutoxicating gup of su- promo power without the incessant at trition that comes from the co-ordinate branch. He ieels equal to the filling of all tho places that are likely to be vacant, and, if the truth woro known he wants to bo rid of the intimacies bred from long association on terms of equality with members wbo today cannot realize tbo difference botwoen 'Jim' Garfield on the floor and Presi dent Garfield in the White Houso. When he listens to Blainoand the stal warts, who aebo for ammunition to fill tbo caissons for the Fall campaign, bo glows with a desire to straightway summon Congress ; when, howovor, he reads the unansworablo arguments of the able editors, who have a whole- some dread of partisan redundancy in legislative blundors, his mind waivers again and he is rocked on the billows of a problem too deep for hasty solu tion. The bankors too havo boon send ing in their notes of warning. Thoy don't want an extra session, you may bo sure, and it may turn out that all tho oogency of tho Cabinet and tho pleading of tho party princes will turn out unavailing as against this still small volco of the money power, which has a knack of working in mysterious ways its wonders to perform." We advise the President to keep a sharp lookout for shovel dealers, liko Axes, and pavement contractors, liko Do Gol- yer, who always have au eye to busi ness, whether it results in damaging the reputation of a Congressman, Sen ator, or President, or not. A Fuss in tue CamI'. It appears that a majority of the Senators and Members of our Legislature have but little business to attend to at homo, and had, therefore, made up thoir minds that they would spend the one hundred days at Harrisburg (which expires on the 14th of April) without doing anything, and then remain in session for fifty days longer, for which they proposo to chargo tlO per day, making the session one hundred and fifty days and pockot 11,500, instead of $1,000. Howovor, tho Auditor Gen eral and Slate Treasurer, have ap pealed to the Attorney Goncral, and ho has rendered an opinion that the fifty-day grab would be an unconstitu tional act ; that the Slate Treasury is not warranted iu paying out moro than 11,000 salary and tho mileago to which each is entitled. Hour legisla tors cannot discharge their propor du ties to the taxpayora by the 14th of April, they must work for nothing the balance ol tho time tbo; may bo in session. 1 bis decision has caused great flurry among those members who have already drawn thoir $1,000 and spent it. Fun ahead, hut they will get away with the $1,500, which is about all they go thore for. MASKED ROBBERS. An Oil City (I'a.) dispatch, dated March 24, says: "About ten o'clock last night seven masked men robbed tho house of Mr. John Cotiiioi, Sr., a wealthy old man, living In an isolated locality near (jueenatuwn, in Clarion county. Mr. Connors is about seven ty years old, and wbon tho burglars called upon lilm he was seated with his aged wife by tho fire-place Fivo of tho men entered and two remained on guard outside. Upon oiitering the burglars ordorsd the old man to open his safe, which stood in the room. This he refused to do, whou they shot and heat him in a learful manner, one bullet taking effect in bis head. Tho old man still refusing, they proceeded to torturo Mrs. Connors by putting nor feet on burning coals. Tbey threat ened to roast her alive before his eyes, and proooeded to do so. This caused tho old man to succumb, and be open ed his treasure box, when the burglars helped themselves to gold, silver and bonds to tho valuo of Irom fllleen to twenty thousand dollars. Railroad bonds, East Brady Bridge bonds, six thousand in Government, bonds and a largo quantity of other negotiable pa pers woro taken. Connors is tho ownor of oiio of the best grain furins in West ern Pennsylvania, and receive a largo royalty from eoal companies opeiallng on bis farm. Ibe old man is now lying in a critical condition and it is impossible to tell oxaetly how much is taken. There is no cluo to the rob bors, but it is supposed that thoy knew all about tho houso and the old man's property. Thoy are thought to be rosidents of tho neighborhood and not professional thieves." Ioval Patbiots. Theoity of Wash ngton is crowdod with clamorous claimants for office, and tho new ad ministration is fairly hedged about with gangs of hungry politicians who "want something." During tho Presi dential campaign one of the strongest ploas for tho support of Republican office-holders who served under the Re publican administration, was that which called to mind the fact that in tho caso of Gonoral Hancock's election they would necessarily bo forced to quit I pon this ground was based repeated demands for contributions of money to help the cause along, to which thoy readily replied with thoir cash. Now it would seem that thoy are in as much danger of losing their places as If a Democratic President had been cho sen. Inure could not havo been t groator number of office-seekers at the Capital if Hancock had been elected tban thero is now. A "Loyal" Dose. The Harrisburg Patriot remarks: "A part ol the cor rupt bargain with Mahone is revealed in the selection of Mahone's man, Iiid dolborgor, for Sergeant at-Arms of the Senate of tho United States. Riddel borgor is the editor of a repudiation organ in Virginia, and is one of the 'Confederate Brigadiers.' Such sunor. fine Now England loyalists as Morrill, uoar and iawos must have squirmed when this ex-rebel and ropudiator was prcsontod to them by Mahone for Ser-Keant-at-ArmsoftheSonate. But there was no help lor it. They could ex- pect irom JUahono none but his own kind when he had tbo seloction. Con spirators and mongers of corrupt po litical bargains must not be over nice." laorouND Views The Cambria Freeman avers that John I. Mitchell, the new Senator from this Stato, Is a prfiioundandfarsoeingstatosmanthatis made perfectly manifest from the broad view he takes of the bargain entered Into by his colleague, Don. Cameron, with Mahone, who advocatos the doc trine that the honor of a State consists in repudiating hor pnblio debt. Mitch- II says: "I think that the action of Mahone moans the dawning of a now and bright day for this country. It means the establishment of national, not sectional parties. The fetters have boon broken and the apostle of a new order of things has come forth." Mitchell Is tndonbledly a "brick," as is evident from this opinion which ian opinion. DiMAoocii'tsM. In his rocont roply to Sonator Hill, General Mahone con fessed that he fought with his peo ple in the "late unhappy contest" and had no apology to make for it Un der any other circumstances this alle gation would have been mot with a howl of indignation from the Republi can sido of the Houso. If Congor and Hawley had not been aware that Ma hone was "fixed" thoy would have loaped to thoir leet and with frothy mouths cried out against tho defiant as sumption of the " rebel brigadiers, But silonce prevailed among the Rad call. Even a robct brigadier's short comings aro forgotten wbon he votes with their side. A Modern Ciiusader. Tbe New ark (Ohio) jliwocaferomarks: Judgo Hunt ol Louisiana, tho new Secretary of tho Navy, is not exactly an old salt, but he has Bailed tho seas of matrimony to somo effect and is not altogether unacquainted with squalls and stormy weather. Ho has buried two wives. has divorced one, and another one shares his house and board at this wri- ting. The divorced wifo, fooling that Improper advantage had boon takon of hor in the Louisiana Courts during her absence in Europe, made an attempt lor several years to sot asido tho de cree. As tbe Judiro bad taken nntn himself a new wifo, this placed her in rather an awkward position. Tho courts stood by him, though Louisiana eocioty docs not. Tho Judgo seems to be a person well fitted to assist Mr. Garflold in his crusade against Polyg. "my- The Traitor Ahead. Tho Phila delphia Timet states that case plainly in this way : "Tho repudiation Sena tor from Virginia shows up well on tho committees. Mr. Mahone has one chairmanship and a place on three othor committoes. This is doine- bet ter tban almost any of the Senators. Sonator Sherman has an ornamental otiairmansuip and two committee places ; Senator Frye has throo com mittees and Senator Harrison only two. Mahone has even beaten Senator Cam eron, who has one chairmanship and two other places, and (Senator Mitchell is left away in the shade. The most ot them will bo latisfiod, however, since bad it not been lor Mahone thoy would not have done so well." A SHORT CUT ST A T EM EXT. The Alloona .Sum blocks it out in this way: There is ono thing about this Mahone matter that points out a moral, und that is the alacrity with which the average Radical wel comes to his arms an "unrepentant rebel" who will consent to boa Repuh. licsn either fur cash or any other con sideration. II you ask a Radical about Akormun, or Key, or Longstroet, or Mosby the answer is, "Oh, be Is repent ant" Now to show how repontont Malione is It is only necessary to give one sentence Irom Ins speech in tho Senato tho other day, when Hen Hill smoked him out Hero It is : "I oomo with a proud claim to represent that people (of Virginia), won on Holds whore I vied with Georgians whom I commanded, and others in thocaune of my pooplo in tho lato unhappy contest, and as one of those who engaged in it I havo neither here nor elsewhere any apology to mako lor the part taken This man who comes boasting that his deeds of valor in the Confederate cau give him his claim to represent "his people" in tho Senate of tbo United States is "reconstructed" and "truly toil," though expressly stating that he disdains to mako apology, and is to have tho i odoral patronage of Virginia, while in tbe Radical estimation the gal lant Hancock could not be trnstod with tho Presidency lest ho should turn the country ovor to the "rebels." This is strange consistency and worthy only of tho party whose high priests aro Boocher and Ingorsoll ; whoso creed is cant and hypocrisy, and whose contin ual practice is corruption and pocula tion. NO APPORTIONMENT. The Const itulion of Pennsylvania enjoins upon the Legislature the duty ol apportioning the Htalo Into Senato rial and Representative districts "im mediately after each United HtaloB decennial census." Tho time for mak ing Ibis apportionment is hero and yet the Legislature bus been so much oc cupied in doing nothing for nearly a party organized against all taxes will levy special tuxes lor tho educa tion of the blacks if tho poll tax shall ho repealed. President Garfield must soon act on this important question and it is not assuming too much to say that be holds the honor of Virginia and of tho Republican party In his own hands. Vt ilh his official power exorcised to usiain imcirrilv. rouudiation will Uftu dwfisfiufnts. TOII WOK It -All bind, of job work oieouted in int noil osaaaor a I taia ornoa. li"E E Wilt HALE Several ew.rnie al urea, la S'Htd condition, fur aalo at low iriiee, in American and Simplicity hiree. 1K. A. H. HI U.S. Olaartald, Pa., Mar. IS, ISSI-lt. three month that hardly a step has speedily perish in Virginia, and lli'im I II knit l.tvnr.U li... iw.s-i... ..,..,.! 1 .. . .. . " . ' LEGISLATIVE CRIME. LacTUBEB Like. The Cleveland Plaindealer is reminded by Garfield' position on pumio questions ol a cer tain lecturer. Having an engagomont to speak in a town upon certain mat ters of an ecclesiastical naturo, and not desiring to wound anyone's footings. ho Inquired of a local committeeman what subjects be had best avoid. Ho was informed that it would not do to say anything against the Episeop." Hans, or Methodists, or Catholics, or any of tbe othor ovangolical churches, bocauso the membors thereof might not like it "But," said the commit too man, at last, "you may give tho Mormons b I ; thore ain't one in town.' the Removal DiAr.-Tho bill to remove the Stato Capitol from Harris burg to Philadelphia came up in the House on the 23d Inst, and, after amendments wore offered to locato it at Crosson, Pittsburgh, etc., a motion prevailed to postpone the question in definitely. Upon a call of the yeas ana nays, It was agreed to yeas 132, nays 48. This kills the bill for this session. This question of removing tne state offices to Philadelphia is an annunl hoax on the part of a row dem agoguos who are sent from that city to Harrisburg. The taxpayors do not asa a change of site. Sound at Last. That noted South. em Abolitionist, Mr. Cassias M. Clay, writes to a Northern friend : "I can not go with the Republicans lor cen tralization, corruption In office, extrav- agant expenditures and imperialism. I am Jeflersouian Democrat, and maintain that the rights ol tbe States and ths Federal government are grants by the people and equally sacred.' I SoMEBODT TO BE C'DEATED. Tho Bellefonte Democrat says : It is re pertod from London that President Garfield a short time before his inaugu ration, wrote a letter to tho Cobdon Club, of which be is an honorary mem ber, in which he expressed himself in favor of "all possible ventilation on tho subjott of froo trade in America." Wholhor the President's views accord with those of the Cobden Club, or not, one thing is certain, not a word in his inaugural address will encourago tho protectionists to hope that he will favor the protection policy which was so fiercely claimed to bo an issue in his election to the Presidency. Think or it I Remarks the Pitta- burgh Post : "On what small things groat ovonte bingo. Here is the 'little rebel ropudiator' of Virginia, selling his vote to make the Senate a tie, so that Arthur, kicked out of office by uayos and Sherman for bribery, Inca pacity and gonoral misconduct, can have a casting vole and so dotormino tho Senato organization. Is thoro not a pungent odor or Credit Mobilior and De Golyer knavery already exhaling from the Garflold administration T Judging from the report ol the do ings of the Legislature at Harrisburg, no session has ever equaled the present for utter worthlessness. Somo ot the worst elements that degraded logisla tion for years, and in which Harry Uuhn heads tho list, havo secured po sitions which enables them to give character to legislation So long as tbo Republican party remains in power will this pandemonium continue, and not until tho Democracy gains the as cendancy can a reform he expected. Nothing that the minority can at pres ent do will have tho least effect Tho Harrisburg Patriot draws the lollow ing picture : If anything had been needed to con. vinco the people of Pennsylvania that the present Legislature is tho most contemptible parliamentary body that evor assembled within the limits of tbo stato, tbe disgraceful scene on the floor ot the House last Thursday dur ing tho debate on the resolution ex. polling tho offending newspaper cor respondent would amply snpply the lacaing testimony, autii miserable wrangling as that which on Thursday made the House a pandemonium is, nowevor, only wuat may bo oxpected from a body which seems resolved to attend to anything but the public busi. noss. Two and ono half mouths of tho session are already consumed and tho burdoncd files of tbo House havescarce ly bocn touched. It is indeed now too lute for that body to give propor con sideration to a titbe of tbo bills that are before it. If a few more newspa per correspondents offend tbo dignity of the House thoro is danger that even tho general appropriation bill may fall." been taken towards tho performance oi tins important duty ot making an apportionment. In the House Annor- tionmont Committee the present law lore uas neon reported as a bill with the view ol giving it a number on the cal ondar, and beyond that nothing bos noon uone. it is said that tho Legis la t ii re is not in possession of an off) cial copy of tbe lust census and that for this reason the Apportionment (.omuniiee nave been unable to pre pare the bills. There is certainly no difficulty In procuring the official cen sus roturns from tho proper authori ties, so that there is nothing in this oxcuso. Tho changes in representation can not bo many, and tbo task of ro appor tioning the State will therefore bo by nu means uiuicilllll too legislature so riously desiro to pcrlorm tho duty re quired by the Constitution. In tho ro apportionment of tho Senato Schuyl kill is no longer entitled to two mem- bers, and Lebunon is not entitled to the ball of one. By a liberal interpre tation of tbe purposo of tho Constitu tion, so as to eocuro fair representation in the Senato Lebanon could bo joined to Schuylkill for two Senators and Lo high to Berks for two. Berks and Lehigh united havo a population lurgei A Costlt Senator. The Williams port Banner myt: "It cost Pennsyl vania ovor $300,000 to elect a Repub lican United States Senator. Ho should provo a valuable representative in that honorablo body, when he cost such a price. It cost only two hours time to elect Senator Wallace." That's the difference in cash between tho two Senators. Mitchell must be more active in tho future than he has been in tho past if he evor pays for bis bill. Lovely I "A Confederate Briga dier" now rules tbe United States Sen ato since that body has again drifted into tho hands of the Radical party, General Mahone, of Virginia, is his name. He was one of Mosby's men, well known to the fiih Pennsylvania and Ducktail regiments. "Loyalty,1 about which the Radicals have boasted so much, during war limes, seems lo havo taken wings and flown away down Bonln. tt bat hypocrisy I A Golden Rewabd. Ei Governor Hendricks, of Indiana, has sont to E, B. Martindale, of Indianapolis, a valua ble gold headed ebony cane in pay ment of a bet made last year upon tho result of the Chicago Convontion. Tho ex-Governor wagered that Grant would be the Republican candidate. Cbowded. A Washington corres pondent of the Philadelphia Timet, in illustrating how busy the new admin ialration is kept, avers that the Presi dont has not kissed eitherhis mother or wifesince tbe Inauguration scene. "The Government" must be kept busy In deed. TbeCbanue. A"ConlodoratoBrig adier" (Mahone) and tbe man who was kicked out of tbe New York Cus tom House (Arthur), for trenoral 'crookedness," now control tbe United Slalos. How charming t The Chicago Timet thinks thst Gar field will send Mahone two boquots Great Men. Some men are born great, somo achieve greatness, while somo havo greatness thrust upon them. Of tho last named class Robert T. Lin coln promises to be a shining example n ncn uurnoio. macio mm Secretary ol War, at the instance of Logan, or Illi nois, his fitness for the position, judg ing from the Republican press, was mado to rest on tbo ft.ct that be was a son of Abraham Lincoln. His fitness must be shown by his acts and by thorn aiono, and cannot bo presumed from his paternity, for scores ot great men in an ages havo beon tbe fathers of blockheads. It is now urged in his uchall that J.incoln is older than Jef ferson was wbon be wrote the Decla ration of Indepondonco, and older tban w illiatn Pitt whon be became Prime Minister lo England. A irood munv men have boon appointed to bigh offi ces in this country and In Englund who woro older than Jefferson or Pitt at tho periods of their lives referred to. butneithortho mantlo ol Jofl'erson nor that ol Pitt fell upon their shouldors for all that If the Republican papers siop plastering young tiincoln with their fulsome praise and lot him so vorcly alono, he will perhaps acquit uiiiiseii creuiuiuiy. his onice is ono that is not at all hard to fill in time of pcaco, for Junies M. Portor. of this State, a very aide man, who was War Minister about one year under Presi. dont Tylor, oncp stated to tbe writer that tho post was a very easy ono to fill and did net require any groat amount of labor. Exchange. Poisoned by a Pencil. Mr. Samuel Clarko, of Vassalboro. Maino. has been in the habit of carryiug a copying pen cil in his coat pockot. Ono duy last wock he went to Auttusta and while in tho city purchased somo troches for a cold, which he put loose In the pockot wnore iney were constantly coming in contact wiin tne lead, tvbilo return ing to i assaiooro in the curs bu lelt a tickling in his throat and to allay tho n riiaiion pariooa oi sovorai troches. His tongue at onco began to swell and turn black, and by tho timo bo arrived home he was deathly sick, A pliy hioon was summoned, who promptly admin istered antidotes lor the poison. It is said that a pioco ol tho lead of ono of inese pencils, half the size of a pea, will causo the death of a robust man. than two Senatorial ratios, and Schuvl. kill and Lebnnon togethor have a pop ulation nearly equal to two ratios. In the Senatorial apimrtionmcnt but few othor changes will berequirod. In the nouso the notcssary changes will not tie greater, rniladelpbin. A leu-hcnv Luzerne, Clearfield and McKean will gain eight members in all, and these must be taken from the counties that havo not kepi paco with tho rest in in creaso of population, as indicated by tho lust censis. So there is no diffi culty in making an apportionment ot members ot tho House, and not tho slightest roon lor the excrciso of par tisan fraud. It is intimated that thero is no in tention on the part of the Lecislaturo to obey tho injunctions ol the Consti tution in mtking an apportionment ol senators ani members at this session, ami the extraoidinary delay in report ing the proper bill goes far lo confirm such a suspicion. It has been ullegcd as a pretext for ttiis evasion of duly that it will be necessary to hold an ex tra session next Winter lo apportion members cf Congress, and that tho Legislative apportionment may as well be nude at the same time. If an extra session should bo required to mako a Congressional apportionment, that does not afford the sliehtost rea son for acglccling or putting off tho uuiy ot mux ing a Legislative appor tionment. Thero is no necessary rela tion between the two that one Bhould bo poslnoned lor tho olbor. Tho peo ple of Pennsylvania may bo very dull but they are not so stupid that they will not see in this failuro to make un apportionment tbe invention of a pre text for holding a protracted extra sessiuu ol the legislature. By proper legislation an extra ses sion for apportioning members ol Con. gross might not bo required. It is probable that the number of .Repro- sentativoe in Congress will bo increased, as such a disposition was plainly man ifest on the part of tbe Republicans ir. tho last session In that caso Penn sylvania will hold its own or gain in representation. It will be necessary only for the Legislature to provide initi suea uauiuonai members as may bo assigned to Pennsylvania bo elected at largo, aa was done in 1873. In case tho reprosontation he unchanged thoro will bo no need of a new apportionment until ine next regular session In 1HS3. But whether an extra sossion for mak ing a Congressional apportionment be required or not there is in that no rea son or excuse for noglocting to make the regular Legislative apportionment now, as required by the uonstltution. After dawdling away months an ad- joarnmont without making this appor tionment couia not tan to mcot tbe se verest condemnation. Tbo proscnt Legislature does not eninv so arno a share ol publio esteem that it can af- lord to practice such an cxporiment on tbe public tompor. Harrisburg Patriot. it is oven possible lhat tho honest people oi irginia, win overthrow both Uor tield and Mahone and their rcuudintion s if the President shall dcL'radu tho power ot the Nutional Government to dishonor a Stato and shame the Republic Philadelphia Timet. ROII BERS ABOUT. A NOTORIOUS BIROLAR ATTEMPTS TO TUNNEL INTO THE BANK VAULT AND IS SHOT DOWN IN UI8 TRACKS BY OFFICIALS WHO HAVE BEEN Al'l'RISEO OF IIIS DOINU8. Rolla, Mo., March 23. Ono of tho boldest attempts at bank robbimr In the history of Missouri occurred in this city at d o clock this morning, which rcnuiteu in ino oeatu oi tho burglar, Pot Ebert. Ho arrived in Rolla about a month ago from Kansas, ostensibly looking for a location to open a saloon, tuking up his lodging in a boarding bouse near tho Nutional Bunk of Rolla. His suspicious conduct attracted at tention and upon investigation it was discovered that the burglur hod gained access to a vacant building adjoining tue uuiik una ior inreo nigbls was un molested in his desperutn efforts to tunnol to the vaull. On tho fourth night, just as ho had mado an enlranco to the vault, Marshal Dennis and bis posse, at a signal given by tho cashior who was secreted in tbe bank, sur rounded tho lluiidincr and attemnlnH I his capture alive, but Ebert, wbo pre- lurreu ueum to arrest, with a daggor in his hand, made a desporato effort to escupeund was shot down in his tracks. He lived ono hour after being shot mit would reveal nothing. ( mil III Hlll;l.l.(lrj. Woarar A Co. want Bto thooaand buahcla of OATS, now, nntl all! pay eaab or arodnro. C:arOall, I'a, Aug. IS, ISfS-tf. irAfiOrVrJ fOR SALE! Tba sabaorlbor V I baa two Two-Huraa Wagona, naarljr now, for aalo. Will boaold oboap. Callon or ad.lraaa JOHN A. 6TADLKH. CloarOald, Pa., March I, lhSMl. "IOTICKTh. andoraigncd, maiding In tbo XI "asa oi noatuvor, in Ubaat towoibip, na too ooccararc arrangemcnta and pro poaoa to onoo an KATISO liol i.II forth, u oumoiodatioa of tba pol.lic grnorall?, and I bara- uj aoiimi a liocral anaro ol tbo public patronage. JOHN J. KM lif.u. Wtatorcr, Pa., Fab. , lssl.if. TAKM LA KIM KOH SAI.IU.Ia Iluatoa X and Fino toarerbipa, CloarSold ooontjr. t ttcnaonable tlraa glara for part of pnrcbaao Z.jS none;. Prlcot (S 00 to tlO.00 per aora.? Minora'a roearted. per aero. L. BIRD, Agent, FenOeld, Pa. or Wallacs A Kania, Clearfield, Pa, and at Curirenarillo. gem awtlstrafuts. ADMINIriTKATOHSJ' NOTI Cli.-N.tloa la berebj giien that Leltert of Admimatra tian dt eoaie aoa on tbo aetata of SA ill'HL I'D W hl.L, late of Clearfield. Fa., dee'd, baring bean dale granted to tbe nnderaigned, all peraona in debted to aaid crtata will pteaeo make immediate payment, and tboao baring elaima or demanda egalnrt tba lama, will preaent therm preporl authenticated for aetllemeot without delar. J. F. I'OWKI.L, H. B. POWELL, Adniinietratora D. B. N. Clearfield, Pa , March SUIb, ISSI-fit. In Name Only. The United Statos Sonata seems to behave nearly as had as the Lower House of our State Leg islature. We have looked over the proceedings for scvoral days and more of tho Senators are found outside tban inside. To illustrato : On Friday quito a number of questions were vo ted upon and failod because there was not a quorum proscnt. One ballot was taken, the yeas boing 17, nays 12 alisont 41, paired 6. That don't look like business. THE PRESIDENT AND REPU DIATION. Tho trade between the Republicans ol the Senate and Mahone for the offi ces and committees of tho body, is a matter for which President Garfield can t be justly held responsible, It simniy a bargain by which Uorliara gets a place that be couldn't get on his merits, and an ex Confederate ro pudiationiet secures the second most important place against the honest convictions and wishoa ol lour filths of the Republican Senators. It is the usual bartor that politicians of both sidos make when offices can be bad bv tue saie oi principio, JJut if tho Ronublican enaliiinn repudiation shall go beyond the Senate, as u is now openly boasted and conn dently exnoolod, tho responsibility will bo upon President Gartield and unon him alone. Tho acceptance of Mabono auu ins ropuuiation policy Into lull Republican fellowship in the Senate will drive the entire Intelligent white Jtepubiican element ol V irginia from the party fold, and Mahono will havo no party in his State beyond a few unscrupulous placemen, without tho DIMMOLUTION (IK PAHTN UKHIIIP. The partnerahip heretofore exiating bo. taarn Tboiaaa A. Fleck and A bier H. Ilillt In tbe dr groode buaiooaa at Clearfield, la tbia da; (Mjreh Ufitb, 1S81,) dioeolred bv mutual oonacnt aod written ngraement. Tba bnaioeaa will bo eloetd at tbaold aland, where tbo booka and aaaete ol tbe aria remain. TIIOMAH A. FLKCK, AMILKY M. HILLS. Clearfield, Pa, March !, ISSI -It. Hi-ti-ui. Nonce The bnalnea will be led by aod it odor th ftm or T. A. FUck. Ai btrtlofor Ttrjr effort will b maJ to met), tbo waoti of to auiaeroQi patroni of the buu, aod tboM firing ll:r-ir patroni mjr oxpoct to And u ntui itur acdiiog, eourtooua trottutDt and bontat friao that bar ebaravtoriicol the boat '"fJM". T. A. FLKCK. Valuable Farm forSale ! WILL be add at ptlrala aila, a (rat-claaa form, alluato in Jordan tnwnehfn, Clear field oouoty, Pa., known aa tho WILLIAM WILL IAM6 farm, containing lit neree and allowance, with about 75 aorea cleared iHanBj.rM.i of cultivation, baring tbereon erected A LARGE M. FRAME HOUSE. Ill nrn umaoea, a large bank bara and .11 rk. naceaaarjr oulbolldlnga. Alio, a good bearing orchard of about 7 Irooi, Ao. Will be add rheao ior oaaa, ar on p.ym.ota to anil parchaier. For partloulari, Ac, Inquire of, or addreaa A. U Kreaor, Clearfield, Pa , or tho undersigned at .-..,..u. v"" r. v.; viearneid oeantr, Fa. , . ISAAC UAKKLB Kurd, March JOtb, HSl-tf. Kept, lo, ury-ir. Clover and Timothy Seed A largo Hock of homo Clover and Timothj AlviN I JJIJ IS, March 16th, lftI-3t. Coal Coalm TDK atidfriigtied, baT.r.g procured a leata ol a Ant-elan wiai rclo, haa opened a ml do, and Ii bw prepared to foroiib evitoarra with fint-elau artlola of ooal oa hor( nolle, and at (no mod art.. price) of K A CK.NTS pit buiL-al All orJeri left t my cliop will ba at la-nded to. WM. R. ItRUWN. Cltarfiold, P., Pb. 1, English Classical School. rpiIR linden. gn ad will open tbli tvhot in tba Leonard buildiag, Olrarfiald, l'ean'a, on MuNDAY, APRIL U, IHHI, to coot inn, tit -en waeki. TUITION : Common Kocli.h Brancbea tfl 00 Higher Kuglieh and Claaeica ;.j II. O. YOL'NUMAN. Clearfield, Pa., Fob. It, DR. HUTCHINSON'S DESTROYER 3" lAr co-rfioiM.i krev Uwm ,ifm Jimovat H orn. lo. i,7. ii . """r'PUKia.iiii. Wo guarantee iSctedll thl iiA'Vs".',,ndre,V' oil u ino l, ,utf to ,r. ntf-hleaoa.e.'. orm Ueotrorer lo remove ll H ,,, M ku UiuruUKlily reliable mfillcliie. l Tlr- ..... l a Ul luDlri.r . n . n. w.wniuni a, tu., Wholctale Oruppitl, amci aim front Slraeti, I'luladclohla February J, It'll. ,1m. CALTION. All peraona aro hereb) cautioned againat purchasing or in any way meddling with Ibe following deacribed peraonal property, In tbe noaaeaaion of Itarid Carter, nf K.rtbaoa towneUp, to wit i Two-lbirda internet la acroa of wboal growing, two-thlrda Intereat In t acme of rye growing, J oowa, 1 J. roar ol J heifer, 1 1-ye.r old bulla, ft ahoalf, 1 cook atore and utaoaila, 1 bedateada and bedding. I oitenaton table.l corner oupo'.nro, I alna, I roekiog ebaria, 4 kitchen on.ira, jiu weight or pork, I plow, 1 barrow, cullirator and I abovel plow. The forrooii property wea porcbued by me at private Bale o tno nnol Alaroh.aod la left with aaid David Carley "- uojew. ui my oruar ai any time, , JOHN BUNKK Fr.nolirllle, Pa , Mar. IS, ll-3l". g.fli'ft'tlgruifit. NEW WASHINGTON NORMAL INSTITUTE. Opena Monday, April 18th, 1881, to Continue12 Weeks. rpHIS icbool ooumond itaair to publia favor J for tba following rvaiooa t Flrt. Boarding on I bad in good familial at from $2 to II. 40 par wet. feooond. Local. oa U beahbfa! aod aooiatjr ro ta ned and eulturod. Third. Tbo ooura of atudr oaabodloi tho Stata Normal School feat n iff, and If parlloularlj adapted to tba want! of tfaoia who oxptot totoaoh. fourth. Tho atudanta havo tbo advantaca of a wall-oooduoud Litorary ttooioty, boforo abich will bo deliver ad aoilei of fro laoturoa. Filih. The work of tba aebool i atimulatrd br the oDsouragament and faror of ao Intelligent eo m inanity. mim. eptcia, attrotioa will b giraa tba normal elaia by tba Principal, who la a araduata of a 8 tat Normal fciobool, and tbo loitruotion in Tbaory of Teaching, Uorarnmont, Ac, will b mad to acoord wita tba modern Ideaa of ad vanced aduoatora. TUITION : NORMAL DEPARTMENT. Common Rratiebea with School tconotny...$6 00 Common Ilrenobae and School Keonomj wim a i ft ear, ueometry, roy ileal uaog rmphr, Natural J'biloiophy, Civil Uov- untnant, Latin, ote 00 UHAMMAR DEPARTMENT. Higheitalaia. . i& 00 Lower olateea t 00 For further information addreja, W. A. AMI1KOSK, Owe.. la, Pa , MATT &AVAUK, Clearfield, Pa. liar, v, ippj.u. flfut flvrrllsfiiit'iits. Mercantile Apjirakiiieni. rpHK vender nf Korljra and Dotneitie M,r. 1 ehandiM, DliliH-jr, Urvwera, Urukxn, Ap in Cirflld county, will tkm nvtio that thav ar appraised and cIa4 by lb un lcrijjrti, Ajipraiierof M proband lie and other lloenia text for tb year lfl, ai foUowi: ' ri.AH. Hum aide Ilorough. ta. IS Jack ion Patcblo, general tndia f iq Qn 14 Pro will A Conner, drutfi A latiotiery.,. J r-o 7 00 T l T Oi) XO 00 7 lo 6 III 7 00 7 en 6 b 7 " . 30 no -in tio a. 7 0 .. 7 n .. 13 Ml .. 7 (id b DO 7 (() 7 On 4fl on II? Mi li 00 7 no U & -DEAUKS Il Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CLT'D CO., . Repc,tfully solicit their pittrons and tbe public genarallv to oall and exam ine tbeir new atock of Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING OP CabhmeroB, Velveteens. Delaines. I-.swna, Ginghams, Prints, Un. blea'ihed knd Hlcacbed M in line, Fancy Skirls, Sheet lugs, Tickings, Carpets, iiufrs. Oil Cloths, HOSIERY, Laundricd, White, Cheviot and Percale Sliirls, (.loves, Neckwear. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc., etc. Xotiee to Heirs! What an Outbaoi An exchango remarks: "Garfield hasn't had time to eat a squaro meal nor say his prayers since be got into tho White House, on account of the persistency of the army of offlco-Bcekors. Thoy aro more de vouring and obnoxioui than the crass hopper, and, like the daughters of the horse leech, thoy constantly cry, 'Givo, give.'" A Cabinet Uuebtiow. The Phili dolphia Jicrald gels uu this kind ol a slur on the Government: "There is some curiosity to know whioh of Sco. rotary Hunt's two living wives will bo jura, (secretary, the woman qnestion broke up Cabinet fur Andrew Jack son. Can't Lit Him Aloni. The Pitts- burgh Critic wants Senator Wallace when he' votes to confirm Stanley Hat- nominated for State Treasurer next "" I Kali, or for Governor ths Fall after. positive support of repudiation by the The Republican parly of Virginia, wiin iue inieiiigont white anti-rupud ation element driven out of it. will cmuist simply of tho Cnited Statos Manuals, I'osttniuitura and lievenuo Collectors as loaders, and the ignorant uoiorou voters anil JMuiiono s rcnudia tionmts as rank and filo. Thoy will bo without intelligence, oonvictlon or nroncrtv. anil aa l'raiilmt. CorilM shall direct his Federal officials the party will follow. If he sustains ro pudiationnts, tbo J(cpublicans of V ginia will be for repudiation and unite wim manono; 11 bo demanda that bis olllcials shall be honest to Virginia, thoy will declaro fur honesty in the settlement of tbe debt ol tbe Slate. The responsibility for vitalising Bhamoless repudiation in Virginia must rout squarely upon President Garflold, euu uo snoum iuok me issue in tbe face before he degrades his adminis tration hopolosaly at the ou tact. J f he shall commit It to penudiation in Vir. ginia, be must forfeit the confidence ol the entire South and cive Hcnubli canisra a fearful if not (atal wound in the North. II he shall domand the maintenance of tbo honor and faith of Virginia and of ovory othor Soutborn Slate, he will be sustained by the bosl men of all parties and all sections. The Mahone repudiation movement in Virginia doesn't slop with dishonor ing anu paralysing a great Common wealth, but it strikes directlv at the froe schools now euaranteed bv the vonsiuution to the children of both races. Tbe Mahone crusatlo is against all taxes, and it ia now rallied to adopt au anienumeniujint Uonstltution pro posed by Mahone's repudiation Lcgis Islnro, abolishing tho noil-tax ol one dollar as a proreonisito to votinir. When it Is considered that ths poll- tax is the only absolutelv certain free school lund Virginia has for wbitos and blacks, the hypocrisy of Mahone in rallying the ignorant blacks to de stroy their own schools must be ap preciated by all. It it Idle to Bay that IN Ibe mailer of tba Parlitlna of tba real aetata of Jonathan Wii.r, late or Bradford towaabip Clearfield oouotv, Pa., deooaead. A writ of Partilioa harmj bean awarded la tba aiNiTo eaeo on loo appllcetioa of barab YViaer Willleoj U. Vornar aod Barab Jaao Veraer, sod' placed ia anw banda, I will oonrene a jury upon the around for Ihe parpoae of oieeotinf aaid writ oa the 13th tlATC OF MAY, A. D. lailT To Henry Wiaer, larael Wlaer, II. n nab Wlaer. oterinarrird with William U.tta Jnn.n... vJ Llndaev Wiaer, Aloiaoder Wiaer, Jered Wlaer! - "'"' """''- who doaepn I otaara, Margery K. Wiaer, intermarried wilb llenrv Young-, Sarah Wlaer. intermarried wltb Llndaev Stnoo, Buaannab Wiaer. Intermarried whh Ureen, aod Lewia Wiaer, chililrea and helra of looainan n laar, neoeaeeo.. 1 and eaei o oa will take notioetbel tbe Jory of Inn, neat anmmoned by me, will meet at tbe farm houae oa tbo farm helonniia; to th. ..late of Jonathan Wiaer, deo'd , la Bradford towaabip, Clearfield eonoty, Pa., for tho purnoee of maklna- partition or at ., the eame If It cannot be divided, on FRIDAY MAY 191b, A. D. ISSI, at It o'clock A. H. of aaid day, wbrb and where you. aro warned to at. d. JAMKS MAIIAFFEY, Rasairr'i Orriri, I Bbtriff. Clearfield, Mar. ', leal at, J Re-Union of Trade. 11 Ilk' sBdereltnrd wlahlng to Inform Iba public lhat ha opened a COMMISMON tTORB At tbaold eland la Trontvlllo, Clearfield county, Pa., oa tbo 181b InaL, with a full etoek of DRV C;M)I)H, GROCEHIKfl, NOTIONH, Moota, Bltoea, VAt In Tact everything to be fouod la a flral tlaaa alore, all of which I am delermlacd to aell at the loweat eaab price.. FARMKHH AND I.UIIIIIKIIM ES Will find It to their adrantagoto do tbeir doallng with me, ai Iba bigbeat prior, will be paid for Oraio, Hbingloa, or Produce of any kind. Part or one half ceah will ba paid. Traillnf for MM.uH,pa . boomer oi enr a 00. a .Dee a tv. A n. agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Having mado nrraneemente with v... obanu to aell gooda furniahed me, therefore call and aea, aa I will ba enabled to aell cheaper than Ihoeheapeat. J. W. CAB.LII.K, ironiviiia, ra., Sept. 14, 'TB-ty. Agent. .injotn.rt:n Eight Farms for Sale or Rent in luDioribsr propone! to or rsnt l oum Mr or (ftl-mi locftted aa followi ; fiie Int lituat In Uurntid. towns-hip, Csoir county, owDUininr I rad aaat-u Ik , r . . .viva, aaeaaaug UCfwaoaj wrVOlCU ft ITMUt aWCIl- inr, frttno barn, tditoent to a ehuroh. sr. knnm h in- j tain ai aimnuiiiid trm. ALHO, noth.r farm til aula in (lr.k. liip, ClerfiU coast;, eooUinina; 117 uni, wtlh raia win uuuu ni h or CUAL. ALSO, aii othor farma in tho leinlini irHH Till, eo ii tain in a; roapontfullj 111, 10(1, .5, 8it fto dh wrii, iDfii ior ma u havo houaoi aod bnaa thcroun, pioi wator, bear in a; orebarda on ftn.0, aa wrll M lutu food woot) land, for torlh.r parti jo an call ia pnon, or a..,rM the mriiRneu oy loiur. 1. U. COUUKIKT. Jaa.ltfth, FronohTdlo,!' FARM FOR SALE I The onderalgned baa come to the eonelueloa to quti larmmg anil lollow bia occuoatloo, a car. peoter, and new offera for aala bia farm, aitaata ooe ana euaii unci aorta or C'learSold borough, M,"'",Ha BIOIITY AOnES. Mod of whioh if elearad and under food cult Ira- TWO-STORY ''L" HOUSE, large frame barn, and other ncceaaary outbulld- aca, together with an orchard at n Ar iron, son en eaceiient aprtng or water. The wnoie ia unuinhAlu WITH GOOD COAL Tbia property will ba exchanged for amalier proa. any, or aold on eaay terror ia payment!. For luriuer parucuiara call on le premiaoa or addreaa. uita u. BK1SU, Clearfield, Pa. March, Utb, UHl-tf. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN EXECUTORS' SALE Real Estate ! Estate of Eiehu4 Shaw, Sr.,Soo'l T'!". "'"""I. "aecutora of the aetata of hICHARu rllAW.Rr. .111 . ' at pal.llcaaleat ibe COIiRT HUUBK.Iatba bor ou ah of Clearfield, Pa., an Fridny, April lBt, 1881, AT I ISO O'CLOCK P. M Tba following valuable real aetata, via i Tba three.etory BRICK ROTBL properly, corner of Merket and Firat etre.u I. ih. w.. ' oogh of Clearfield, known aa 'Tho Shaw House Frootlnf with two tola of groand thtmto boloogtna; aj-amfi oa nirill lirMt, tBd VU Xtl f 9 inl Mnti, with a two-at or J II W dwollinn bouM titaohad. Tha ho- all eonrBina for a Int.slau otoL una ar ino mo dntrabla hota Drrnsrttu. la CMjtrl PeamrlTaoia. Tbaaboft will ba told toftvthar with a two lor? frama dwallint honao on Harkat atroal. aJ. Jooont to tba Hota!. aod na othar frama d.iiin iwsj.BMir nitrsj oaiiaing. an iroatlnf oi MarhatttrMi. AI.HO. All that etrtata tot. know a ia ih. lab of ClaarfleU borovRh u Lot No 1X9. booting to ft a iioeuit ttratL ran- s ' IH RR Ell Y glva notlca to tha ettli&a of Clfr. Hold fend tba aurrondin vleinit ih I prepared t all tlmoa to furokah fam.llaa aod uanuraftaring oatabliahmanla with a lupcrior Coal, Wood f Coke, Which I am prepared lo deliver lo a f.w houra' aotloe. I em alwaya ready to haul aod dellrer Irom and to the depot, or anywhere alia, and moro foaoiliea aod houaehold gooda anywhere on aborlnotioe. THOS. A. Dt'CKKIT Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, IBBa-tf. E. S. HENDERSON, Groceries & Gen'. Merchandise Will be fonnd ot first nunlilv. and satisfaction is ijunrutitoeil. The ful lowinj; aro always kopt on hand, (some few only in thoir season): Supjars, Teas, CotToos, Spices, Syrups, ConfuetionerieB, Oranges, Loinons. oanaiins, r irrs, Dales, etc., Hard ware, (uoeinware, Glneswnre, Tinware, Wood and Willow- waro, 1'ainU, Oils. Clouka, Trunks, Valises, Mirrors, Stationery, Kurnituro, & Minors' Supplies, ALSO, DEALERS IN BdlUS, X..B.TXES & shhtgles, July 28, 1880 tf. OPEN FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to Frenchville I T HAVE just received the largest stock of ooods ever bronirht in this Bcction ol the county, wLieh 1 will sell for cash or produce aa elienn aa ( I .,n I I , . , , . . 1 . ... v inn un iiuuinit eisewnoro. .Mr vun VUIIOIOLR Ul Dry goodS; Groceries, BoolsiSliocs, Hardware, ntuw a specialty , Ready Made Clothing. A full stock of FXSU. SultinlarD-B or small sacks, or by the barrol. CROCKERY WARE, stone or clav. (iUEEN'SWAUE, all styles and quality. In short, I havo ovorytliing needed by the (armor, the mechanic, the laborer, nr anvlirwltr else, whioh I will sell just as cheap as mo guuua can Dopiirciiasotl anywhere oloo. Please call and oxaminn mw goods and prices bolors investing viauwtiure. L. M. COU))RIET. hronchvillo, Ta., Mar. 2, 'Sl-tf. 14 aloha C. Connor, aTBrl ntlaa.... 14 Jlgraoa J'tol.iu, general aiJaa 1'lcarUeld llorouli, 14 W. I). MoKaj, acwiof naeliiaaa 8 8. B. how, on a pool table , 14 O. l. Walaoo, dm 4 O. I). Walaoo, ratDt nialioiDa 14 I. Ilrilbrun, varlrl Hot. 14 Harlawlck A Irwin, diugi 4 Hartawiok k Irwin, patent rocdloinei 14 J"hn A. Htook, tobacco ami elcara ft .Ao drew Ponti, Jr., on pool tabla..., iu n.. wiiop, RttDcrai mme , 14 A. J. Jaokaia, furr.ltura 14 8. I. flnyder, Jewelry 11 Kick ft Co., dry ff.roJ and notioDi.,.. 14 K. W. Hrabam, drua 4 B. W. Urabain. patvot me-lifllot?a 14 MeGaughwjr A .Vhnwara, Imoti A ahoaa. 14 II. I.lviugMoD, eootaolionfry 8 H. LivingaloD, bilMarJa, S tablet 15 William Powell, hardware II John MoCetubfr, jr(friM , 14 I. Oulnr.buT(, cliftliinK 8 K. ti. Cdiw, one pool table) .in flu 14 Jeatnee L. Lay, Havrt and tinware... 7 do 0 OtoTfn Heavtr A, Co., neral mdae... 15 (ill 14 J. R. Ileerf, arwiD uiaohlnaa f on 14 Alex. Wataon, taftn and cigara 7 do 12 lllrHoiri rA Ko,.k. clMhiair I? fn II II. A. Kra'tnr todre li do 14 P. A. Uaulto. ttatiiinrrr T iia 18 O, 0. A T.W. Moure, boott A ihoen lfl u.) 14 n . J nanhaaaer, elnthint?. y flu 1.1 W.J. Hotter, fiiDtral indta (l 12 H. Lehman A Co., general mdaa 12 bli 14 J- A. (ta.ller, bakery and efiDtettiooery 7 00 b v. Leipoldt, brewery 11 Jatnna fl. Lytlf, gnctrie$ 8 Jytm A. Kumar, one pool labia urwrnflvllle l.ront;!.. 14 Watt H. ThntapMon, groevriea 14 A M Kirk, jewelry , 14 John Irin 4 Ilrotlivr, RtfUfrl ui'Im'.'.m 14 Jacob Hilgrr, hardware 14 M. C. Fnrker, a;neral uda 14 Harry II. Thoro paon, jfroseriej 12 Hamual Arnold, ajcneral mde 12 A- Ualea A Son. bardwarr " 8 Kirhard Krai.a, one pool table 14 Hiohard Kvaiia, cotift;otirinry 14 D. Fauat, general oirrchandiae 14 Jorph 1(. Irwin, drua 4 Joaeph K. Irwip, patent Didttiiiiee 14 (iraff. eonlcfliuiiery 8 !ribcD tirall. one billiard uhl u n 13 Hurat-eugh A Nnrrif, fencral tndke 0 oo 11 Bprenkla A Faitoo.dry g.-i ii 0 Curwenavi.le Unk 14 William A. Dale, (rroceriei i (lfl ! 12 JJe-uizn Iliiupt, general mdee 12 ;,( 1 14 !',i- A Wliittaker, tl-aonn and clgan,. 7 (ID ii n. t. rpencer, general uJae 10 N. K. Arnold, wholraale Hnulxdalr 1lroug;h 14 H. H. Te.t. jewelry 14 William Outran, genvr.) inle 14 J uit in (Jranjrer, groceries K Lirericbt A Co., general todae 14 W. C. Lanffifortl, bo kl A atatioary,.. 15 C. W. VariDumi), general 14 C. MjCauley, hardware 14 W. J. hharbaujtli, drug 14 A. 11. Aihtt.n, grDceriea an . eunfee...... 11 1'nion Hardware Co., hardware 18 I'eter Moran, wholraale liquor 15 H. If. Shaw, general nidit 14 J. W. Roada, drugi 14 W. (J. Welly, grooeriea .''. 13 M. A I. M. Lang, general mdae 14 M. Mayer, raririy atore 14 B. Charlton, confectionery II A. 0 If a aon, general inde 14 Ferd Trtdd, droga J, 14 J. K. Arnold, atationery and e- nfep Ilnuitdale Bank 14 John Colrman, liquor dealer 8 Oe-rge W. Woodin, one billiard Uble.'..' 8 William Parker, one rmol taMa I umber Clly llnruu;li. 13 Dyer A Coolhrnth, general n. Ite 14 1. L. Krrguioo, gnneral mdaa Keuburg' lioronch. 14 Wi.Maa Hunter. gtBera! ttd-e , 7 en Kew Wat)tiii.;toii Huron ph. 14 N. A Arnold, genera) mdae 7 i,o 4 N. A. Arnold, patent medicine 5 Of 11 J. K. HoMntray, general mdea li Of. fta-cola Ilorouph. 14 MrCUrren A Ilrother, general uidre... 7 ini II F. llirab. general md a 12 14 George E. Jonea, Jewelry 7 on M T. C. Ueiint, general mdie MM tS 00 13 Kranae llrntbera, griflwriei 10 On 14 H. P. R. lilanJy. druga ; no 14 W. 8. Walla, atatioaery and eon-fee 7 (i 14 Michael Griffey, fcroceriea 7 ha 11 llarry Livartght. geieral da !;, 0ft M illacetuH Horough. 14 W. J. (J on, georral mdfe 7 00 Ilerrarla Townahlp. 14 Nutter, Rumeiy A Co., general nd.... 13 Coalport Lumber Co., general mdaa 14 J. W. A P. C. Galea, general mdae 14-J, D. Weld, general todae 14 George Roberta, grucerieff 14 Mm Frlck A Co , general mdaa . 14 John C. Gatea, general m die II rad y Towiialtlp. 14 O. 8. Knarr, boon and aboca 14 P. A Q. Wither, ceneral m,t. 14 J. M. Lydlck, cenaral nji 14 8. G. Kunti. central milaa 14 8. Knarr, general mdaa 14 J. II. Edinger, general mdae w, 14 J. Peyler A S.-uf, general mdaa 14 L. B. Carliale, general tndia 14 D. Uoodiander, general mdaa lloll Tonnatilp. U H. II. MeGee, general a die 14 Robert Mahefley, general mdee. Burnalile Townahlp. 14 A. W. Palchio. general mdaa Bradford Townahlp. U T. Curley, cigara and general aidat U I. . Gray A Co., general mdaa 1 . b. ooin.)ge A Co., general mdaa. 8 L. C. Petera A Bro., one pool tlle Cheat Towiiahin. U J. R. MfKee, geoeral mde 14 Jaraea MrUuinn. renere.1 mi.Im 14 J. L. W altar A Bro.. teneral mdae Covington Tuwuahfp. 14 franria Lelgey, general mdaa 14 L. M. Coudriet, general mdaa U l'etter A Keiter, general mdae Iterator Towimhip. 14 M. Ijing A Co., general mdie C;irard Town ab In. 14 W. 8. Oillllaod, general mdae 7 00 rah an Townahlp. U T, H. Foreey, general mdae 7 01 Greenwood Townahlp. 16 00 15 00 30 on r no 7 00 7 no 7 011 7 no 7 no 12 .SO 12 :.u 30 Oil 7 00 7 (in 7 (1:1 5 (ill 7 (HI s nn 20 uo 7 Ou' 7 I'M 7 I'O 20 I to 7 On 10 01) 7 Oi) 7 id 7 OO i: en Jj Oil 10 (10 7 CO 7 HO 10 do 7 (0 7 n.l 15 00 7 CO 7 On :io 00 7 nn .10 0-1 :',0 no in 00 7 no T 00 10 00 7 00 r oo 7 00 7 00 7 CO 7 ou 7 00 7 f0 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 0O 7 OV 7 uo 7 Oi 7 00 7 On 7 00 ti no 15 00 80 00 7 00 7 00 i co 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 sn'a- -:HA.iaii .ill UNDERTAKER Bl'RNSIDE, PKNN'A. THR nheerlWr aa effrr. to the eltlaeaa of harneld. and vieinitv, an naprovldefl ajieelallv. Hereafter all kind, of Caakela and vumee win oe aepl oa Bend, and order, (lied at were. ruiurali .lllended .lnyirhert. T will furnlah tha flneat aa w.ll .1.. .1... . ertlrle. dedie.ted to fnnerala. All ardera left at tbe .lore of Joan 0. Cunaaa will receive pronnt ettentloo. B rn..k.. .i . ..' ' ... .,,HT, p.,r.IBrR, m on r.".. .... .. 8. HKNDKHHON. Dee. to, iirs-tr. SPRING OPENING ! Bin, back 1)1 feet, mora or leaa, to aa alio; with dwelling hooae aod all aeeeeaarv out I I L balldinga therooa ereetad,and otaor leiprovenienta. OF tjiLEl Ona-t bird eaab at dellrerv of aood iel uj tb. balance te ba eeenrad by bond and aaorliaare, .arable la aa. and two Jeera, witb Intereat. A. B. SHAW, JOB. SHAW Borvl.ln, KiVf of Rlebard Skew, Br'.dea'J. Ol.arleld, Dee. I, IMt.ta. REMOVAL I James His Licavy Ilavlat parebaaed tbo entire alork or Prod., berebv (iraa notice lhat be baa la. red Into the room lately .copied by Read t H.prty, on Second atreet, when he la prepared to viler to to. poblla COOK STOYES, nr..iTi.ra .. PARLOR STOVES, of tb. laleet lmpror.d paltama, at low prlcee. HOUSE rURNISHINQ GOODS, Qm Fiiturei and Tinware. RooHnn, flpoullnf, Plonblns, Oaa riltlna;, and R.palriai Hempa a (peoiall. All work warranted. Anvthlna la at line will k. eni.Mj m...i.i i sartrael. JAfl. L. LEA VY. Proprietor. FRKD. BA0KRTT. Olaartod, Pa., January , IITI tf. ' K tuko pleasure in liiforraiDR our iiiwiy friendssnd patrons throughout tho counly, that wo shall open our storo for tho inspection of evi'rybody, on or prohably a low days befure March 23d, 1881. Wo have boen busy selecting our stock, and havo exorcised every caro to got nothing hut the best quality ol all goods, and can truthfully say that, if our stock is not tho largest perhaps In tho county, it is the best. We shall keep a full lino ot DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS and TRIMMINGS, and every and all kinds of goods belonging to eacn department. Wo havo somo choice lines of LACKS, EDGINGS and EMBROIDERIES. We Make a Specialty of Mens', uoja' and Youths' Fine Clothing. We have bought an immense stock. ana shall koep it np, aa we will strive lo always have the lartroat stock of Uotuing in tho county. Wocanshow some vory pretty stylos in FINE SUITS, at very low prices. in connection with Clothinit. we will keep a fine line of FURNISHING GOODS, II ATS and CAPS, tho latest and moat fashionable styles in market. n e now ronpectlully request you lo givo ns a share of your custom, guar anteeing to yon that we shall endoavor, by honest and lair dealing, and polite treatment, to always command ths re. spect of our friends and neighbors. Respectfully Toon, ROSENTHAL t LEVY. Curwensville, Ta., Mar. 1Q, 1891 4t, Id Wlnleld Bell, general aidr. tlullcb Towneliln. 14 II. A Neman, ceneral in.l.e II P. A A. Klynn, general mdae 14 T. A. Prideaaa, general mdae 11 D. K. Heraev, general mdie liueton Townahlp, 15 C. Rlanchard, general tuerch.-.ndia. 1.1 v.. n. toryeii, general mdae . 14 R. Smith, druge 14 A. llornina. Jr.. h.r.lw.M 13 C. Robackcr, general uadre "".'.I'Z 14 Palnam, ll.rria A Co., geoeral mdae... Jordan Tunnahip. 14 W. T Perry, general mdae Knot Tovmelilp. 14 Joaeph Krhard, graeral mdie 14 Oeorge Arnold, general mdaa karlhaua Townelilp. 14 laaeo McClo.Vey, general mdae 14 Gillil.nd A Ynthera, general mdeo II Godfrey Flaher, general mdie lawrcnre Townahlp T. Sell, brewery 14 Ueorge N. Cuiburn, groeerlea ...'...V.l. Morrla Tovrnahlp. 14 Leonard Kyler. general mdae 14 Jonaa Vona A Sona, general mia 14 Peter Mover, general mdeo F n. u. vi igloo A r-ona, general mdaa... Penn Townahlp. 14 McDonald A Speneer, general mdaa... 14 W. A. Moor., groeerlea .nd eoofeo..... Handy Townahlp. 11 Long A Brady, hardware II P. 8. Weher A Co., general md.e 14 Weber A lleldrtok, boota and ahou 14 II. Lneh, olothlng 14 W. fl. Khaw, variety atore ,'.,M" 14 L. Zeleler. groeeriae 14 J. B. Kvana, general mdae 14 W, M. Mct'ollouirh. eriHri.. 14 Hnlmee A llr. ." II John Uoodyoar, georral mdae 14 T. II. Sianua, groeerie. '4 A. L. Hoy, furnilora 10 Hell, Lewia A Yalee, geoeral mdeo in l-amly Lie. Gae.L'oal A Cka Co., mdaa 10 nil . m nine, general m.lae w 7 08 14 B. Monllhrop, groeerlea J 00 14 Uelllirun A Buring, groeerlea 7 1.0 4 A. Uoiidmiller. billiarda A noot. 1 tmhl.a hit an - r (10 .. 15 (10 .. r oi) .. 11 ill .. io I'O .. 10 00 r oj .. no ia on 7 0l .. r to .. r oo ... 7 00 .. 7 00 . 7 00 .. 11 0l .. r oo . t ot . r oo . 7 00 55 00 - T oo .. t OS ,. U HI) .. li 00 . t K .. 7 00 . 7 oa 7 Oil . t 00 . r no . t 00 . 10 00 .. 7 04 . 7 oo 70 00 14 Oeorge Kehwrlo. .rtieeil..... 14 8. II. I'rtlrrow, diuga ." 4 8. II. Petigr.w, l.alent Bjodioinea""?.'. 14 M. D. Ainaley, drug 4 M. D. Ainaley, patent medicinea'.'.'..'.'.!. U llrlor A Brother, hardware 15 I). 1. Corbet, general md. 14 O Iloken, bakery ar d nfeotlooery ... a nicnoiaon a kin b..i.i.. ka nn 14 W. W. Haoev, grooeriee 7 00 llullola ll.pc.ill Bank II 00 4 McDonald A Willi.,,,., I p0 t.blea... 40 00 John boBola, general mdae frO 00 14 J. A. Boweraotgrneral mdae 7 00 I liiou Town.lilp. 14 J. Heyler A Boba, general mdae 7 oo Woodward Townahln. !. i"" 0vn"T, general radio 10 M. Llrerlth! A Uu.. u.r.l B.,l.. 14 D. R. P. (,... . " i -a.. IS Hoover, llaghee A Co., general d" 10 a viaitehead A Co., general mdee to 00 Frank A Co , general md.e JO 00 Jtombarger.Croeewell A Co., gea. aide. IS 00 14 Long A Co., general mdie .. f 00 Taboaolloa, all who are non.o.d to ahla en- pralaemeat, that aa appeal will ba bold at Ihe (.eamliel'.noro' oBieo. io f!Urt.u tt't.... day, APRIL STI1, 1ml, balween tho hoara of 10 aeloek A. M and 4 0'elo.k P. M., wbea ani "beta yoa Bay alien 4 Ifyoa think proper. 1 M. III.IIOH. e,, Moroannla Appr.laar. Bleoa.lnfl, p..,M.rak I, im.ii" 7 no 7 00 I oo 7 00 i to 0 00 0 00 7 00 7 00 to no 7 nn