TUB CLEARFIELD REPEBLICAS, rnlLISBBB BVBar WBBBBSBAT, AT CLEARFIELD, PA. I.STAB1.ISUKD IN 183T. Hi,- lirjful ClrcttUllou of any Hewspapei la North Central Pennsylvania. Terms- of Subsoription. if . aiJ in edvanoe, or within I months.. ...I OO I aid aftor and before 4 month! Sis , 'ui eflsr tbo expiration of 6 months... S (Ml Bates ot Advertising. r-tr.rient advertisements, por square of lOUnesor .1 times orloi $1 00 lr each subsequent inssrtioa.. 60 Imini.trstors tod Keoutors'uoucea- 1 to Auditors' notices - J r:,tin. end Estray 1 (1,'ohition notiocs 1 00 ,.?,.. .ional Cards, ft linos or loss,l year..... I 00 1, notices, for lino 10 YEARLY ADVKRTIHEMENT8. I , lBr ts 00 t column.. t58 00 3 .Ijatei... Is 00 I column.. 70 00 );istm- 3 10 I 1 column- 120 00 O. B. OOODLANPER, Publisher. w. SMITH, A f T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , I 1 : T S Clearfield, Pa. J; J. LINGLE, V T T O R N K Y - A T - LAW, Ml Phlllpabnrfr, Centra Co., Pa. j pi Y)OLANPD. SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curworville, Clearfield county, Pa. ocl. 9, '78-if. 0 St' All MITCIIZLL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. ir Offi.'e in tbo Opem House, ootil, '78. tf. SUA Els TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ClearOeld, Pa. rtr-Offee one door osst of Show Honss. "'iJjll.'M TJ1. M. McCULLOUl.n, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. IT, -r in Masonic building, Second street, op ii, the Court House. Jc2,'78-tf. r c. ARNOLD, I, AW i COLLECTION OFFICE, CIR1VENSVILI.K, tMenrfleld Country, Pcnn'n. 5y HUOCKIiANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. op '5,77 ' la Opera Hou.e. S1 lllornty-at-i.aw, CLEARFIELD, - - PENN'A. office in iho Miisooto Building, over the C. unit National Hank. uar280. w WALLACE & KRKBS, A X T i ) 11 N E Y S - A T LAW, jsal 11 ClcarHeM, Pa. SNYDER, A1TJRNKY AT LAW, J. CLEARFIELD, PA. HVe ever lbs County National Dank. June 10, '7Itf. j;i!ANK G. J1ARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLB AH FIBLO, Pr.BS'A. tirrl class Lire anil File Insuranco Companiss nijrefenlcil. .TrOITice in the Opera House. -TJ- Sl.r.'l,'l-lY . H. M I BRAT. cratif eoanoB. L'IiRAY & CiOHDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. dr(mee in Pie's Opera House, seoond floor, l:3l('7t V riLLIAM A. I1AGEKTY, .ITTOH.VEl'-.iT-L.I tr, til'f'ICU orer T. A. Fleck to.'a Ktore, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A ncrtt'iil attend to all leg.il bu.lness with irouii-tnesi and fidelity. fi-bll,'80-tf. B I. B'SNALLT. BABUL W. ftt'OOBDT, cU.N'ALLY & McCURDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, Clearneld, Pa. 6" Legnl bnsiness attended to promptly wlthj itity. titHoe on tjeeoud street, abore tbe First ji.nnal Bank. j.n:l:78 J." McKENRtCK, DISTRICT aVtORXEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. ll legal buslaes. eotrusted to his oaro will re- ui prompt attention. ,2-0flli in the Conrt House, augM,!878-Iy. O. KRAMER, A T T O R N E Y A T - L A W , Real Estate and Collection Agent, CI.UAItPIIvl.n, PA., H'il promptly attond to all legal business oa tiitfleil to bis ears. ,r-fl-0ice in Pie's Opera House. Janl'7t. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 Heal r.etate Agrnt, leartleld. Pa iitline oa Third street, bet. Cherry A Walnnt. !-Rerpeotfully oOers his serrioes 1b selling snd buylne- lands In Clearneld and adjoining ouuntieei Bad with aa eaperieBceof over twenty y.are as a surysyor, flatters himself that he eaa reader satlslaottoB. lsod. ss:n.i:u, I'liysiclsins' Cards. IJ. E. M. 8CIIEURER, D IIOMKOrATHIO PHISIC1AN, Office IB rejideBoe ob First it. April 11, 1ST. CleerteldPa W. A. MEANS, MIYSICIAN A SURGEON, III BOIS CITY, PA. K ill attend professional calls promptly. augl0'70 yyi t. j. hoter, t'llYSICIAN ANDSUnOKON, OSIce on Market dtreet, Clearfleld. , Fa. Mt-OOloo hours: I to 11 a. re., aad I to p. av U. J. KAY WRIGLEY, HOMEOPATHIC PnYSICIAN, I tfrOffle adjoining the residence tf James I vtelry, K'e., ob beouBd St., ClearOeld, Pa. I Jl;il,'iB if. f(; C. JKNKIX9, M. V., I I I'UYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OI'RWKNSVILLI, PA., "OWe at rssideBce, eorner of State and PiBS "Is. Jan. tlh, 1881-lf. jyt. II. B. VAN VALZAO, t I.KARPIKl.t), PENN'A. 11 Plt KINHKfllllRNCB, PORNKR OF FIRST AND PINK EJTREETd. fit- O0Jn( houra From 11 to I P. M. May II, 1871. J)K. J. P. BUBCU FIELD, " Ramon of tbe lad KevlajieRl. Pan Ri I ran la Volantetra. barlnt retaraed frosi the Army. ra hia profesalenal larTltoi tetbeelUeens f OirlldeoBtv. Pr(il'.iiliB.til .galU Aa(.ll elieoletl la. CLEARFIELD GEO. B. G00DLANDEB, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. TEBMS-$2 per annum in Adyanoe. VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. 2,715. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1881. NEW SERIES-VOL. 22, NO. 13. farfls. J OH tloi PRINTING OP EVRHY DK6CRIP on neatly eteented l this oOh. T ej Wo have printed a Urge Bomber of tbo no PER BILL, and will oa tbo receipt of twenty Ave (tents, snail a eon to any address. mylS WILLIAM M 1IKNRY, Juenci or rmn Vrnxm awd Bcritrree, LUMBER CITY. Cullootioni made end money promptly paid ortr, Artielea of egrMiiient and dedi of oonveyuioe Bemtly exeoaUd and warranted eor. not or bo eh re. ljjr'7I JOHN D. THOMPSON, Jiutfoo of tbt Peaee and Scr.TOt.tr, CurweiiBWIle, Pi. fetfe. Col lections mad and Done? promptly peld orer. fetiM'Tllf HENRY BRETI1, (OITEUD r. 0.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE fOfl BBLt TOWNSHIP. Ma; 0, l-8-lj JAMES MITCHELL, PIALBB IB Square Timber & Timber Lands-, Jell'79 CLEAKFIRLD, PA. V. IIOYT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engines philipsdi.ro, pa. -tTAll business will be altstde I to promptly. Dee. IS, IHBO-ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Paintor and Paper Hanger, Clearflrld, Penn'a. AWill exeeote jobs in his llos promptly and in a workmanlike manner. apr4,07 1?HANli FIELDING ? AND WILLIAM D. IilGLER, .irrofM-f:i's-.ir'U CLEARFIELD, PA. Nor. )7th, 1810 If. WEAVER & BETTS, DEALER IN Real Estaie, Square Timber, Saw Logs, AND LUMBKR OF ALL KINDS. crOfllci qd Beoond it reel, in renr of itori rnou of Uoorgo Wcovor A Co. Jftrit, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OP TUB PEACE FOB Htcaltir Totruahip, Osceola Mills P. O. All official business antrasled to him will be promptly attended to. mcb2tf, '78. HARRY KNYDEU, BARBER AND HAIRDRESSER, bhop on Market St., opporite Court House. A elean towel for every customer. Also dcalsr in Hot llranda or Tobarco and Clgare. n.ar(lK. Pa. a 1, '7. JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Wallaceton, Pa. fc7Ilo has prepared himself with all ovoe.tjr; blank forun undor tbo Ptoiion BuuntT lwi. h well at blank Deeili, tto. Ufiai matun ntroited to bit ears will nctivo prompt amotion. May Ttb, 187at.tf. ANDREW HARWICH, Market Mtreet, Clcardeld. Pa., MAKUr ACTDREM AND DIALER III Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Collarst and Horse-1 urnishing Hoods. fiSfAW kiodi of repolring prumptly attended . nSavHItri' Hardwort, llorat BraibH, Currj Combi, Ao., always on bond and for tato at tbe loweit oaib priee. I March IV, lb7. Q. H. HALL, PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, KBAR CLEAHFIKL1). PENIS'A. nffpuinpi alwtyi on hand and mad to ffrdar on abort nottoo. I'ipoi bored on rtaaonabl term a. All work warranted to render aat la faction, and dolirored if deaired. . myXfiilypd 'gPIIB nnderslfned btt leave to in torn, thepalv 1 Ho tbet he ia now tulty prepstrW to aonommo- 4ete all in the wy of furniahtng iu.a. iiugniea, nddlei nd llarnepa, on tbe ibortett notice and en reasonable Urtna. Reaidenoooa Locnat street, between Third and Fourth. OKO. W. OEARUART Clearfield. Fab. 4. 1874. THOMAS H. FORCEE, BALER I GENERAL MKI1CHANDLSE, (.HAllAMTON, Pa. Alao, tun aire manafwiurer and dealer In Sqvare Timber and Hawed Lnniberot ail knda. "Ordera aollollsd and all bllta promptly Alice. ljj.o ?a I. SNYDE R, PUACTJCAL WATCHMAKER Attn MA LER IN Watcl.os, ("locks uiid Jewelry, Graham' How, Morktt Slrnt, ( I RAKI MM), PA. All klnda of repairing In my lint promptly at- anaed to. Jan. iat. ib.v. JAMBS KBBB. CABBOI.L L. BIDBLB tlcm field Insurance Agency. Hi: It It K lliniH.L, itgtnlt, Represent the following and other Irst-elaas Co's Companies. Assets. Liverpool London lOlobe-U. ft. nr..t4,.VH.8 l.yeemingnn mutual A cash plana...- O.OOfl.OAO I'ho-eii, of Harlferd.Conn 1,024,083 Insurance Co, of North America 0.4.H8.874 North British A Mercantile li. B. Br.. 1,7H,SSS fcotll.h Commercial U. 11. Brencb.... 0711,148 WalerlowB T84.SI8 Trayelers (Lire A Accidrat) 4,809,484 Office ob Marert Hi., 0p Coart House. Clear, eld. Pa. June4,'70-tf. Insurance Agency -OF- WILUAM C. HELMBOLD, Fallen ttlotk, VurtrtrUle, fa. Companies Beprosented i remmerelel Union Ins. Ce.,AsssU.tl.08.701 Firemen's Fend Ins. Co., Assets l.inn.oii.ou I nlen Insurance Co.. Assets I.OU.OJT.M Tra.elere' Accident las. Co.. AsseU.. 8,810,184.18 Insursnoe planed oa all klads of property at equitable reus. West End Drug Store, IN ORAIIAM'8 (llelf way between Moseo stores.) ROW, stop's BBd Fleek't CLEARFIELD, PA. rrtiiK MM.i..alad hasenened na a Drag Stare, I wltb a full supply of perlectly pure aad Irr.h Drags, MrdlclBea, Chemicals and Toilet Artlsles. Thessj Drags bsee beea selerted with great care and are guaranteed to ha perfectly pare and reliable. I Bill gle my personal etten Uoa la this departmeat, aad will ebeerfelly glee aat ed.lce and lasarmalMB In regard to meitleiaea s. Ireeefaharg.. DB, A. d. Bui sa Olaarleld, Pa, Oaa. 1, 18M tf. A SCIEXT1FIC STUDY OF IN TJiJlXST. The hiritory of tbo belief in dreamt and vimoiiB is an cxtiomely interesting one, bearing, us it does, uporr religions taitb on tbe one oiilo and on tho dilti cult questions of that subllo connec tion ot mind and body of wbicb oven our psychological scientists know so little, on tbe olbcr. It is a well known fuel that tbe religious bulk-Is ot all tbe lower races are based upon vicions, among savage tribes ol Africa tasting, solitudo and BleoplcssnoHS are rosorted to at tbo present day tor tbo purpose of producing peculiarly lucid dreams. In tho early stages of the world's bo lief tbe extraordinary visions were in no instanco attributed to tbo physical condition c' the system, tbe generui belief being that they sprang from tbo immediate action ol some divinity, and even as we advanco in tbo world's history wo find that tbo kingdoms ot Egypt and Assyria wore rulod by priests who interpreted tbo will of lioavcn through visions, until finally it became a recognized religious science Among tbo Greeks dreams both real and unreal camo from tho gods, and even among tho Romans tho same be lief jircvuiled to a very great extent ; and in discussing tbe vision of Con stantino, Gibbon declares that the pro tcriiutural origin of dreams wero uni versally admitted by tho nations of antiquity." In tho middlo ages every possible form of superstition, com pounded from thoso belonging to tho conquerors and conquered Roman, Tculouic, Celtic, Scandinavian scorns to have been mingled together, and belief in dreams and visions was com mon to them all. Indeed as late as tho seventeenth century tbo boliot contin ued undiminished in England, and liuuyan docs not seem to have recog nized tho difference between visions and realities any more than tbo great est mystic ol the carlior ages, llaxtcr declared that dreams wore inspired by spirits, but whether from God or the devil he does not pretend to enlighten as. To follow out tho doctrine of the belief and its full, in dreams, would be to traeo tbe difference of the grounds on which in these days wo rest tho whole subject of Divino intercourse with man. If a man now sees an out ward apparition ho does not regard liiinpoll as haunted cither by angels or devils, but practically considers the whole subject, cunsults bis physician and takes a dose of physic. Tbo ex planation of dream-phenomena by in tervention from abovo or below would not be laughed at by pcrsonB of ordi nary education, and yet it tho story is romoved back a couplo of hundred years it will be found genorully credit ed even in England. Dream creations are, as wo bavo indicatad, a most in teresting study, and tho subjoct has boon trcatod by many of tho most emi nent authors and scientists. Tbe in explicable mystery is that ono set of powers should bo in such a stulo ot cxtrome activity, while tbo rest are in a comploto aboyanco. Tbo judgment, tbo faculties of comparison, tho com mon senBO of the mind nro dead ; we do tho most extravagant things. In stances aro recorded whoro a porson has read pago aftor page of poetry or prono, turning over (in imagination; tho leaves with ongor interest to know what is coming next a remarkable ovidenco ot double consciousness one halt of the mind composing, for tbe other half to read, with tbo utmost rapidity. Ol this extraordinary power AudiBon says "tho invention prompts so readily that tho mind Is imposed on and mistakos its suggestions for the composition of another." What tho vttluo of these creations aro It would be difficult to determine. Voltaire de clares that he wroto a canto of tho llonriade in a dream. Somo minds while asleep possess tbo power of com position, even though they may novor nave used it, and are ablo to follow out a train of reasoning without the ex crcisoof any judgment as to the prob ability of tho incidents or the connec tion ot tbo arguments j and it might bo worth whilo for persons whose dreams run persistently in this or any other line to ascertain whether there is any such unused faculty within them. As almost everybody knows, time is generally lost sight of in dreams moments appear like years, years like moments, lucre is a case recorded whoro a person fell asleep while read ing aloud, dreamed a consccutivo scr ies of events and awakened in time to rcsumolboreading.sothat the listoner was only surprised at tho slow pro grcssion of tho sontonees. Here the assonance of words leads tbo mind a prodigious gallop of arbitrary associa tions, or an incoherent series of ad ventures morely deponding upon their sound. Jlicro aro many cases ol (lis coveries mado by men of genius while dreaming. A scientific chemist is re ported to bavo Bolved a problem through this medium which bad long puzzled him. ijiirdock, tbe pbysiolo gist, mado a scientific discovory in a dream, and musicians bavo discovered connections, for which thoy had long hi bored in vain, in tho same way, Cannot our modern scientists, by ex periments, throw a little more light on tbo psychological causes that produce such extraordinary results r Abolitiok of Millstones. Tbo Minneapolis millers aro taking out their millstones and substituting stuel rollers in tboir places. heat, by the now Hungarian process, is not ground but cracked, llicso rollers are about thirty inches in diamotcr. It takes five sets of steel rollers to finish tbo flour, Each set of rollers run closor than the preceding. Alter tho wheat passes each set of rollers it is bolted or siftod through coarse cloth. This cloth lets tho disintegrated particles of wheat through, and passes olT the bulky and large pieces, which aro run through anotbor and a closor sot of rollers with litllo else but wheat hulls and the waxy germs of tho wheat, which do not crack up but mash down like a piece of wax. The germ of a kernel ot wheat is not good food. It makes Hour black, fly tho old millstone process this waxy germ was ground up with the starchy portion and bolted through with flour. Ity the new systom of cracking the kernel instead of grinding it, thisgorm is not ground but flattened out, and sifted or bolted out wbilo starchy por tions of the wheat aro crushed into powdered wheat or flour. It Is worth while to remember that gentle treatment and rapid close milk ing will tend to the greatest develop monl of the milk In cows, while the opposite practices will have the effect ol materially reducing tne quantity, But with kiad troatmont and careful milking, there mast be an abundance of the best feed provided, if the best rosulls aro desired. "Taken prisoner and handcuffed," said the bad boy when he was appre hended and had hit tart boxed. LOW LIFE W EGYPT. From my window, In what I bolievo to bo tho most southern hotel in all Africa abovo Capo Colony, at Minion, in Upper Egypt, writes a correspond ent from Egypt, I looked down into tho interior of tho houses of many ot tho agricultural laborers, if houses tho simplest struoturo can bo called. Thoy consist of a clay inclosuro, of irregular shapo, six foot high and ten or twelve tcct square. Across ono corner of this enclosure is thrown a few bundlos of reeds or canes, which form a shelter from the noonday rays of tbo sun. Tbe door ot thit inclosuro opens into a similar ono, but without such a shcltor, in which at sunrise stand a donkey and a bull'ulo cow and her calf. This yard opens into the street, from which it Is separated by a door ot plaitod roods. This slructuro tho Egyptian calls his home, lloro ho lives, hero his children aro born, here ho expocts to dio. The whole affair probably cost five dollars bosides bis own labor. In the neigh borhood of the town ho may rent a small plot of ground at tho rato of ton dollars por aero ; he also possesses the buffulo cow and calf, a donkey and a fow goats ; then pot hups ten dollurs worth of tools, furnituro and clothing, and ornaments for his wifoand family. This ends the catalogue of Achmel's worldly possessions. Yet Achmot is the most independent man in the world, and it is just this independence that ruins bim ; this absolute Irocuom that keeps him in such abject poverty. Ho wants help from nobody ; bo shares his talk with nobody. Ho is utterly ignorant of the groa modern Bccrct of power, tho division of labor. Ilo docs not support a thoomakor, because ho and his family go barefoot the entire year ; nor a tailor, because his wile, ratima, takes the cotton cloth from tho bazar, and, sewinira fow scums, makes upon a similar and most simplo plan all tbo garments of tho fumily, nor doos ho need a woolen mill, for he sits at the door of hie hut spinning with a single spindlo soinotimcs all day long. Nor do his needs extend to a wagon maker tho donkey transports ovory thing he requires, his homo-made, sun dried bricks, his bay, himself, 1'atima and his children. Ho wants no miller, for Fatiina, turning ono flat stone upon another, grinds tho corn and wheat to a ennrso powder. Ho needs no hatter, for ho rolls bis turban of whito muslin himself and this, to tho European, is tho most at tractive work of art of which Achmot is capable Ho scarcely patronizes tho comb maker, becausu his head, for cleanliness Bake, is Bhaven as close as the chin of a Frank. Ho requires no physician, becauso he has suspended around tho necks of his family, in dura- bio leatbor bags, scraps ot paper bear ing magical texts from the Koran, which a scribe, who sits cross legged at tho corner of the strcot, is ready to writo at a moment s notice ; and these arc the cheapest and best preventatives and euros lor all diseases. Jvven Ins dissipations are ot his own preparation. Ho gets drowsy on his tobacco raised on bis own bit of ground, which ho smokes as a cigaretto, rolled by him self. Ho smokes or chews the hasheesh grown by stealth in his garden ; and bo intoxicntoB himself on the datoepints which he has fermented and distilled in his primativo alombio. Fatima's entire domestic establishment has no work lor a cooper, for all her vessols, except an iron pan, aro of coarse oarlhenwaro. Nor does she need a churn, for I taw bor from my window use tbo most singular and primitive churn in tbo world. She brought from somo mystorious cornor a skin of a last year s goat winch bad been taken from an animal as nearly wholo as possible. To each ot what represented tho logs of this animal sho lied to tho end of a cord, then brought tho othor ends together in a knot, and suspended the wholo to a peg five feet abovo the ground in tho wall. She now proceed ed to open the skin at the neck and pour into it buffulo milk or cream trom a largo jar. She blow the skin full of air, and, tying tho neck slightly with a string, sat down upon the ground to shake it. For fivo minutes she shook it with both hands back and forth, the buffulo cow herself looking on with a most knowing expression, and rumina ting slowly tho whilo then tho air was lot off and a fresh supply blown in from tho lungs of tbe woman. This altornato shaking and supplying with air was continued tor halt an hour, when there was evidently a mass of butter rolling about within tho bag. Tbo buttermilk was poured off into tho cream jar and carefully prosorved, the butter squeezed into a cohorcnt lump, and the operation was completed. Pictorial World. LIFE IN A GltEA T METROP OLIS. John Swinton, the Communist, and advocate of liberal sontiments gener ally, dolivered a lecture recently in Now York, giving a graphic sketch of what ho saw in England during a re cent visit to tbo world's groat metrop olis. London. We only give two brief paragraphs. They however, give a fair representation ot his remarks on that occasion. Mr. Swinton is a man of talent and observation and well cal culated to toll others what he thinks and knows respecting mon and things. Mr. S. said : "1 attended I ho sorv ices of the cb iirch in gorgeous VVostmitiBtor Abboy, deco rated with thousands of monuments and names of the famous and infamous dead I The preacher dosconded in mlllifluous oratory npoft the dogmas of his religion ; the deep sounds ol the organ swelled through tho aislos ; tho fine voices of the young choristers rose to the vaulted roof ; and the canticles and gospel, scorned enriched by the genius of tho holy placo. "It was noar midnight one murky night of the same week that I walked throughout the Strand, not far from tho shadow of the Aneiont Abbey, and then there 1 behold a spoctaclo of moral and social desolation a surging mast of thousands of foul and putrid creaturos of both sexes the women bedizonod and leering, and ihamoloas, tho men roeking with effrontery. Such spectacles wero to bo teen that night in many othor parts ot London, and bow appalling there, then, must be tbe volume of human-ruin ruined young Knglisb women and young men, Bunk into putrescence." Rim KnnMnMV. I n cloven, fashion calls rbr six buttons, or as many more aa tha wrrat-er nan atTnrri twelve for evening being regarded as a satisfac tory number. Jt is wnisporea mat somotimes, sine, the fingers become soiled whilo the upper part It still clean, practical economist match the shade in two buttons, which, being despised of fashion, are thorolnre cheap, and tow them on to the many button ed tops, biding the joint undor tboir eraoaieu. TIIE XE W EM PER OR. Alexander Alcxandrovilz, as Alex ander 111., bas issued his imperial mani festo and now rules as Autocrat of all tho Russians in the stead ot his fathor. Tho now Czar is liborul in hit tenden cies, and It is claimed that he will in troduce such reform in tho govorn mont as tho conservative element in tho councils of his lato fathor have bcon striving; to bring about for years and wore insisting upon at tbo time of the assusbinution. limn tbo past two measures of the very first import ance wero granted by Alexander II. the abolition of the hated system of irresponsible and tyrannical police gov ernment, known as tho Third Section, and the abolition of tho tax on salt, and it it believed thus it would have requirod but littlo more persuasion on tbo part of Melikoff to have induced tho Czar to accedo to a mcasuro the demand for which it the siicere out growth of a great popular desire tho promulgation ot u decree tor the as sembling of a representative body to be constituted a sort of parliaiienU In this dcniaud tho Nihilists ha'u taken no part. Their theory has boon to break down tho existing government in Russia ; beyond that, to tie estab lishment of any othor upon its ruins, they bavo not gone. But tbt aspira tions of tho Russian people tavo be como universal, although in tk is thoy bavo not as yet indicated any sesireto curtail tho power or authority, ot tbe Cxar. They want somo sort cf body representing tho cmpiro tho people of tho empire to bo assembled to that tbo Emperor may understand the ne cessities and tho desires of his subjects, and not bo at tho mercy of a mercen ary and corrupt Court. Tho late Czar hail until recently refused to aciedoto this desiro, principally, it is gererally believed, that ho would not uudtrtuke any reforms wbilo the attempts upon his lifo continued. But lately tie pre liminary steps had been taken tnd a commission appointed to arrange the details. Tho young Emperor now ascends tho throne. He has indicated by his friendly and cordial relations with Melikoff and his uttoranecs upon many occasions that he favored a moro liberal and progressive policy than his father had adopted, and much is ex pected of bim by tho world at large and by tho Russian people. Tho new Emperor is of harshor character than his father; his mind is storn and his will is strong enough to support him under very trying oircumstancos, and he is beyond question a man of marked and rcmarkablo ability. His position is, bowevor, ouo at which tbe stoutest heart and tbe most splendid intellect might woll feel appalled. It is not probable that bo has any disposition to yield to a softening policy toward the dreadful sect which compassed tho doath of his father, and which threatens tho death of hit family, but it is bopod and bclioved tbatho bus tbo disposition and will havo the courage to carry to its legitimate conclusion the policy of Molikoff, tho logical result of which will be tbe establishment of a repre sentative monarchy in tho most ex tonsivo empire in the world. It re mains, howover, to ho Been in how far rolianco can bo placod upon the liboral expressions of a Crown Prince allor be himself assumes tho reins of power. But what Alexander HI. may full to do to assist its progress, or however mnch the bloody fanaticism of tho Nihilists may fail to do to assist its progress, or however much tho bloody lanaticism of the Nihilists may do to retard it, liberty in Russia will grow apace and finally prevail. National Bank Circulation. Tho Comptroller of the currency reports the total amount of United States bonds rcdopositcd to data by tho na tional banks which had previously withdrawn bonds by tho deposit of legal tonilor notes to bo .t,4liT,050. Tho amount of United States bonds deposited by the other banks which had not previously reduced their cir culation is (4,828,500. Tbe amount of national bank notes issued to banks which depositod legal tender notos during the pending of tho funding bill is 11,51.1, von, and tho amount issued to othor banks upon bonds deposited it $1, 623,380, making a total of 13, 437,130 issued upon deposit of bonds during tho same poriod. Tho total amount of national bank circulation now outstanding is $.140,734,628. The total amount of legal tender notes now on deposit by tho banks reducing cir culation, banks In liquidation and In solvent banks is (38,1)21,104, leaving tho not amount of circulation of tho national banks now outstanding, which is soenred by United Slates bonds, 1307,813,524. Tho total amount of United States bonds to sccuro circula tion it 1347,632,000, of which $40,983, 850 aro sixes of 1881, 1158,470,100 funded fives, and (137,900,000 lours and fours and-a half. Fnofinrss of the Tci.epiioni. Low ell, Mass., is connected by telephono with ovorono hundred cities and towns in the Htatos of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. The longest circuit isfromHpringfiold.MaBS., via Worcester, ritchnurg, l,owcl Lawronco, to Exeter, N. H., over 150 miles which is worked successfully. 1 he telephone business between Huston and Lowell, a distance of twenty six miles, amounts to (3,000 annually. Tho Ijowoll Histi ict lelephono Com pany, which owns and operates tho systems ot Worcestor, ljowcll and Fitchburg, and the lines of tho North ern Massachusetts ToletihoncCompany, use 2,500 telephones, and pay the American Boll Company a monthly royalty of over (1,200. Thocompany controls over 1,500 miles of wiro, and employs in all divisions about twonty ttvo ladies and sovonty-five men and boys. Si-ienlijic American. Tho startling statement It made by tho President of the Chicago Lumber men'! Association, that at the prosent rate of demand for lumbor, the great nino tracts of tho northwost will be ex hausted in twenty years. Tho atton lion of tho people of the United States has been fiequently called to the waste of good timbor trees and wholo forests by fires started sololy for the purpose ot clearing tbe lana, ano mat in a lew rears tho lumber thus wasted would be worth moro than tho products of the cloared land, loose warnings are moro forcible In connection with tbe statement mado above, and the ques tion of timber tnpply in twenty ycart will be an anxious one in tins country. "Mabel, why. yon dear little alrl," oxclaimod ber irrandna, seoine bis lit tle granddaughter with ber bead tied np, "have you got the headache?" "No." she answered twcetly, "1'te dot a spit turl." M rs. Garfield doesn't waltz. Nover learned. But tbt can teach her boyt Greek and Latin and know bow to cook. REPUBLICAN. A TOUCHING STORY. Sinco Thoodoro Tilton "condonod" the extraordinary conduct of hit Bpouso aftor her exploits with the Koverond Boochor wo have read of nothing more touching or magnanimous than the act of Mr.De Witt Hoehe,ot Sullivan oounty , N. Y. Mrs. DoWittBocbe.an attract ive young woman, it appoars, became onamorod of a cortain Col. Henri B. Loomis, a gallant Frenchman and wandoring musician, and forgotting ber marital vows and plodgos tocleave only to DoWitt, fled in February lost with tho Colonel, taking with her some (3,- 000 in money and somo valuable jew elry. Betoro embarking noon thit lit tlo voyage, bowovor, Airs. Heche man ifested her tender regard for her bot- tor balf by attempting to poison bim, and upon being discovered in her scheme we are told that she "burst into a passionate flood of tears ;" but wheth er from remorse or chagrin it not known, it it to be presumed, bow- over, that it was the latter, as only a fow days after this pleasant littlo do mestic episode she was snugly domi ciled with hor paramour in Philadel phia, and the Colonol was lavishly dis pensing hor cash among bis frionds. But Mr. Boobe was not to be ruthlessly robbed of tho wife ot bis bosom, and with tbo aid ot detectives be ascertain ed tho wboroabouts of tho false one, and on Tuesday secured hor arrest and that of hor companion. When tho trie met fuco to fuco tho scone is doscribed ad patholically affecting. The husband, we are inlormou, was "mooring unaer strong excitement," which, under tbe circumstances, is quito surprising. However, he appears to havo soon grown moro philosophical, as aftor "up- Draiuing nor ior talcing up an uncertain oxistence with acomparativestrangor," he remarked, in words of tondorness that would even put Mr. Tilton to tho blush : "My lovo has novor wavered for you, and to think that, not content with leaving mo for anotber,you should attempt to poison me, is almost moro than I can bear." Mrs. Bcebe natur ally could not resist tho tender appeal. Tho allusion to ber failure to poison DeWitt was doubtless too much for bor devoted naturo to withstand, as she "sobbed hysterically and appeared as though sho bitlorly reponted tho rash stop she had taken, but she de nied that she bad attempted to take hor husband s hie." W bite this touch ing domcstio drama was being enacted, tho tell dostroyor oi tne once nappy household, the gallant and fascinating Colonol, "stood coolly looking on," and was even so considorato as to permit Mr. Beebo to tako bis wifo quiotly to tho depot without interposing any ob jection. It is true that the cash be had stolen was still in bis possession, and that may have served to soothe bis lacerated feelings. On the other band, the account was in a measuro balanced, as Mr. Boobe rccovered"most of tho stolon jewolry." W ben M r. and Mrs. DoWitt JJoobe roturn to their roof-troo aftor tho forgiving spirit man ifested by the formor, it would be cruel indeed should bis bottor-half, with characteristic tenderness, mix a little arsonio with his coffoe. But if she should decide to do so and lot ber gen erous spouse through such a medium pass from things mortal to things im mortal, it would only be because Bhe thought him too good for thit earth. And with this viow we agree with her. He should bo an angol. Unltimore Ga zelle, March 14. UNKNOWN ALASKA. W lion tho lato M r. Seward pu rchosed Alaska- from the Czar be was not awaro of the fact that be was getting with his countless fur seals, tisbonos, mines and icebergs ono ot the greatest rivers in tho world, and now almost demonstrated to be of greater volume than tho Mississippi, ouch is the 1 a kon. The vast region it waters re mains almost as much a terra incognita as tho Congo. In fact, while the laltor has boon onco explored by Stanley- from the point whoro Livingstone turned back down to tne Atlantic ocoan, and by Livingstone from Its extreme sources to where Stanley's explorations began, no traveler has ever yot teen tne upper water oi in- kon, or has boon able to enlighten tue world as to its length or its source, or the region it drains. Here, then, is an oponing for enterprise and ambition, more fruitful of promise than anything as yet unrevealcd in Africa or tho Arotio sea, and probably less oangor- ous. That the country contains mines of gold and silver, wo may readily conjecturo from tho fact that such mines oxist on all sides of it. The river is navigablo for bnndrcds of miles. It is free ol ice from June to Setombor. Its banks are flanked bo low with Indian villages. Its waters are filled with fish for tho support of human lifo and its woods with gamo. The mountains in which it rises are unknown to white men, but, at they aro genorully believed to bo stored with that tort ol trcasuro which led to tho rapid sottlomont of California and to tho expansion of comtnerco on tho South and Central Pacific, there is tho strongest sort of temptation on the part of thousands to see them, test thorn and diif them up, if tho treasure can be found. Tho Government has many vessels lying idlo and uselessly rotting for tho want of action. Why not fit ono of thorn up for a two or three years' cruise on this great anox plorod rivor of the North 1 Tho dis covery ot gold mines thoro would load instantly to a largo migration from all parts of tho worlii, and in a fow rears contribute millions to the comtnerco of the Southern Paeifio Statos and Ter ritories. Nan Franciiro Newt Letter. Mori Pihinsi i.a Canal Consid erable attention is being paid by the Western shippers to the scbomo of a canal through tho Dolawaie peninsula, to let out the grain, coal, provisions, calllo and other freight that now, when trans shipped at Baltimore, has to be sent around the capes to the Chesapeake, making a journey of al most forty hours; whorens- a ship oa nal through the poninsula makes Bal timore nearer to New York by water than Philadelphia. Tho object is not to shorten the distance to Europe, as was first proposed, but to shnrlon it to New York, which has become tho bead center of all other commercial cities. UiADAcn e Cured. A contributor to the Christian Union sava that a nlirsi- cian was recently called to proscribe tor the incessant headache ol a young woman. Unable to assist her, he at last reqneslod to tee her bed room. He was shown into a pretty little nost, well ventilated, bnt, on account of the furniture, having no place for the bed oxcent in a cornor. On learning that the tlcpt noxt to the wall with ber lace toward it, ne ordered ner to wnoei ine bed Into the middle of the room where it would ret air from both tidoa. She did to and her beadacb. disappeared AN IMPORTANT ENGINEER ING WORK. Tbe important work ot reclaiming tbe swamp lands oi Douinern norma, known as the Everglades, and cover inir an immonse area, is about to be undertaken by a oompany composed of JNorthern cuDiluliaU.bavini2 their nead- quarters in Philadelphia, and, if the published accounts are to uu rencu upon, with vory fair prospects of final success. The Florida Legislature promptly passed the necessary legisla tion, and the corporation that has as sumed the undertaking bus given an earnest of its intention by depositing a considerable sum with tbo State Treasury as a guaranty of bit inten tions to carry into effect the contraot that has been entered upon. The com pany is to be known as the Atlantic and Coast Canal and Okoocboboe Land Company, and it is said that the scbomo has already mot with such great favor that tlio necessary funds will be secured with little or no difficulty. That por tion of the Stuto known as tho Ever glades exhibits as its normal condition tho ordinary phenomena of a casual inundation. 1 be surface at prosent is, of course, only of use to a slight oxtont tor pasturage, but in the event oi its reclamation the rich soil will readily be mado to yield fruits, sugar, cotton, rice and otbor cereals. The proposi tion of the company, as already map pod out by the corps of civil engineers, is to construct a canal ton miles in length, extending from Caloosachatchio river to Lake Okeechobee. Tho river flows into tho Gulf of Mexico, and as its mouth is some twenty-five foot lower than the lake, the plan ot draining tho latter through the medium ot eucii a canal as it is proposed to build will bo comparatively easy. Tho object Bought to bo accomplished, and indoed all that it behoved to bo necessary to rccluim those rich swamp lands, is simply to prevent the Inko from overflowing, or in oiuer woruB to anuru it, ni ccnuiu periods whon it converts thesurround ingcountry into a marsh,tn outlet to tho gulf. ABthe Evorgladcsare surround ed by a ridge of limestone, the waters, after it is submerged, can only escape by evaporation, hence tho necessity lor tho use of artificial means to pro vent the frequent overflows. If it ap poars, according to tho topographical surveys, that this canal may not prove a sufficient ontlet, in such an event the company propose to construct another canal, which will be cut to the east ward a distance ot twelve milos, empty ing intothoSt. Lucicn river and thenco into the Atlantic ocean. It is stated that dredging will bo begun in the course of a month or two, and tho work will be pushed forward to com pletion as rapidly as tho most improved modern machinery will permit. Great confidence it expressed in tho practica bility of ibeeoneme ana there is every reason to believe that the enterprise will be carried to a successful issue. If, as is believed, this great tract of land can be reclaimed, it will doubtless be the garden spot of the "Land of r lowers, and, besides contributing to the matorial wealth of the Male, the work cannot but prove highly bene ficial considored from a sanitary point of viow. Baltimore Gazette. NEARER, MY GOD, TO THEE." This language is thobcart-nttcrance of Mrs. Sarah Flower Adams, who was born in Cambridge, England, in Feb ruary, 1805, and whose history has been but vory slightly known to the great public, who have cherished her hymns as one of their most sacred treasures for nearly halt a century. Hor father was tbe editor of a weekly Cambridge papor. Her mother was a woman of lino gifts and culture, and she herself was tho youngost child She was noted in early life for the taste sho manifested in literature, and in her moro mature years for great zeal and earnestness in ber religious lifo. She contributed prose and verse to tho periodicals of tho day, and her art criticisms were valued. Married at an early aire, and of frail constitu fiion, she still, amid many bodily suffer- ings, kept bor pen busy, hor thoughts and writings always tending upwards. At what time and amid what circum slances she caught tho inspiration from which was evolved that wondcnui hymn which has ever since echoed round and round the globo, is not known : but it was probably during some period of peculiar trial, when her spirit waa uplifted througb sorrow al most above its earthly body. She lit tlo dreamed that her hymn, tike those of Toplady, Charlotto Elliott and Ray Palmer, would be hoard through tho a cos. It was first published in 1841, in a volume of sacred lyrics issued by a Mr, Pox, ol Unirland, just oight yoars do foro tho death of the gifted authoress. who only livod to tbo ago of 44, and thus novor knew the fame which was to attach to bor hymn and her namo. The hymn soon" began to appear in various collections, and was every where received with delight. It was eivon tbe tune of "Bethany," which became vory popular In this country. Everybody who has grown up in a Christian land knowt it by heart, and in many counlriet which do not float the banner of Lhrist it is almost equal ly lamiliar. "Last year," says Dr. Cuylcr, in his "Heart Life," "Prols.Smith, Hitchcock and Park, as they wound their way down tho foot hills of Mount Lohanon, came in tight of a group ot fifty Syrian students, standing in a lino, singing in chorus. Tboy wore tho students of tho now 'College ol iseirui at a men, and they wore tinging In Arabio to tbe tune of 'Bethany.' As the procession drew near they caught the sublime words : "Nearer, my Ood, te tbes ! Nearer to thee I E'en thoogh it be a eross That reisota me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my Ood, ta thee, Nearer, my Ood, la thee, Neerer to thee,' " 'I am not much givon to the weep ing mood,' laid Prof. Hitchcock, when describing tho thrilling scone; 'but, when wo rode through the ranks of those Syrian youths, 1 confess that my eyes wore a littlo damp.' "If it be permitted to the departed pcnplo of God," continues Dr. Cuylor, "to witness tho transactions of earth, we may Imagine with what rapture the glorified spirit of Sarah Flower Adams heard bor heart-song thut chanted in the land of sacred story." Boston Musical Herald. The introduction of a pure bronze gobbler among a flock of mongrel tur key bent will add from three to five poundt extra weight per bead to the turkeys raised the first aeason. Carrots keep np the condition of a borne, Improve hit digestion and give a fine, glootsy coat. At food for thit animal they are far superior to any roots grown. FREE TRADE. Those who advocate revenue reform, sayt the Holmes county (O.) farmer, are commonly called Free Traders, Inch is technically Improper. A tarin for revonue only is what is wanted, and that is supported by prominent slutosmen of both parlies, and by tho most enlightened minds ol the age in all countries. We are in favor of Froe Trade. We are also in favor of the entire sanctifi- cation of tho human race, and we would voto for tho millennium. Wo bavo no hope that all taxes on trade will be dono away with until sanctification and the millennial period are facts. There is no othor way in which money can be gulhorcd with so little resist ance as by levying taxes on food, drink, clothing and the thousands of articles used by ull classes of people in all the avocations ot life. A sleeping child could not be more unconsciously and unsuspiciously despoiled ot its toys than millions of men aro robbed by unjust imposts on things which they buy every day. If tho 9,000,000 heads of families in the United Statos were really awaro of the taxes imposed on them, it they could see, at tho close ol this year, just what they have paid in the shape of duties on imported goods and in the enhanced price of domestic goods resulting from such imposts, about 8,500,000 of whom would riso up and swear that this thing must stop. They would prefer direct taxation, or any other mode of raising revenuos. tint they will not see or know, and tbo systom will go on. Conceding, then, tbat a tarilt it a permanoncy, we demand such reform as will conduce to the greatest good of tbe largest number, n e denounce tho present tariff as, in many respects, a most cruol, oppressive system of out rage. We oould quote many ot tho best authorities in both parties in sup port of all that we could say against this statutory robbery. There is not Republican statesman in either end of the Capitol, thoro is not an intelli gent journalist of any party, there is not an educated clergyman in any pul pit, thoro is not a jurist, a scholar or a political economist in the L nited Mates ho will not admit that, under our tariff as it stands, labor is plundered to fatten monopolists. Uonirross, tho press, tho cultivated brain of tho country, all know that tbe greed of tho monopolists, not the in terest ot tho workmgman, bas been consulted in fixing many of our iniqui tous imposts. The intellect and con science ot tbo country are on tho side ol revenue reform. Avarieo and igno rance aro on tho othor side. It is time for tbo socond war of, emancipation to begin in oarnost. Millions ot wbilo slaves, as well as black onos, are to bo sot free. Tho cruel clutch ol plundering monopolists must bo torn Irom tbo throat ot labor. Plain words are to be spoken, hard blowa are to be dcliverod, a long and bitter fight it to bo waged. But uod and morality, civilization and progress, the bettor impulses and tbo highor aspirations of the raco are on tbo sido of revonue reform. And this Is a combination that can not bo beaten. That "Mace." The "mace" ol tho Senato, at Harrisburg, bat attracted attention at the Sergeant-at-Arms of that body carnot it in tront ot bim at the hoad of the procession of Senators into tbe joint convontion in tne iccpro- sentative chamber. In fact it is vory rarely brought out, and many habitues of tho State Capitol building had never bctore toon IU Iho mace it thut de scribed: It is about 3) foot long, of solid ebony, carvod to as to resemble a bundle of rods typifying etrengtb. At tbe baso is a conical ferulo of solid silver, handsomely carvod. About six inches from tho top is a band of silvor containing the inscription : "By our laws only we aro governed. A massive silver cup tits the top, mado ot beaton silver, surmounted by an exquisitely carved coat ot arms ol 1 onnsylvania. The wholo affair is imposing and fitly ropresonM the dignity of the Donate. Whon it appears tho members of tbo House arise and remain standing until the Senators aro within the bar. A Madstoni. Thoro are many per sons in tbo Wost wbo believe in the curativo powers of the madBtono. A man who was bitten by a mad pig in tho vicinity of Tecumsoh, Nebraska, traveled all tho way to Sarannnh, Mo., to try tbe famous madstone owned by Uncle John Nelson. The stone im mediately adhered to the wound, which Is said to be proof positive that too patient 8 blood was poisoned, and remained clinging to the tore from early morning until aundown, when it dropped on. Ibe ration! departed, foeliriLT that bo bad boon cured. I n cle John Nolsnn has owned this mad ttone since 1848, and has used it in over 100 cases where men havo boon bitten. Do avers that it never failed to work a eure. A SiMri.g Plam or Ventilation. Tho following simple method for ven tilating ordinary sleeping and dwell ing rooms is recommended by Dr. II. Uinton in his "Physiology for Practi cal Uso : " "A piece ot wood throo inches hiL'h and exactly as long aathc breadth of the window ia to be pre pared. Let the sash be now raited, tbo slip ol wood placed on the sill and the sash drawn closoly upon it. If tho slip has been well fitted, there will be no draught in consequence of this dis placement ot tho sasb at its lower part; but the top of the lower sash will overlap the bottom of the nppor one and between the two bars perpon dieular currents ol air, not felt as draught, will entered leave the room." Hogs require froe aocesa to water in the Summer time. If thoy can have a place to bathe or wallow in, it is beneficial to them, at it cools and clcansoa the skin. Mud it not filth ; it it a good disinfectant and healthful. Sometimes mud baths have boon found useful at medicinal treatment lor tick peoplo. "Oh, Edward," said a fond young wifo aa the leaned upon her husband 8 manly shoulder and toyed with bit auburn tresses, "let ns be buried in one gravo." "Yes, dearest," replied tho dealor In stocks, "shall 1 tell the un dertaker to come up and measure ns now or wait until to morrow f" A neglected, poorly-tod stinted lamb never recovers, howevor well fed aftor ward, to at to make aa good and as large sheep as It would had it bad proper care earl'. Feed the ewes to that they can supply the limb, with plenty of milk. A pastor In Watcrbury, Connecticut, estimates the average cost of convert ing a tinner to be (800. They mutt be a wealthy community or bav. a very limited number of converts Id that locality. EDUCATIONAL. BY If. L. afoQDOWIf. t --tr-r "i BTAtATaTJ ri aw m im n bib, i in i T THK TEACHER, fa aa eld 0oat of 1SS8 is the foils wing poem written by O. W. Mtaer. A poem tf so muck eaooaragement to weary teachers shoBd not bn lost: , Brother, does thy patloooe warerr Is thy heart oppressed with ear 1 Feller aol I thoa art a gravar. Oraving oa a table fair I Weary aot 1 thoa art a writer, Writing sea deathless scroll! Painter, tool la colors brighter, bketehlBg train, ae seasons roll. Murmur not ! thy great vocation Calls for lore, and seal, and prayer j Worthy knosrledge, to n notion, Pillar is, both arm aad fair. Firmly seek to do thy duty, Opoa dally wisdom's plaa i Strive to traiB la moral beauty laiBds, tbe Boblest gift to man I Orave npoo eaea yoalhfol spirit, Ooly truth eaa make it free I Teach that man eaa aot iBbsrit Greater good Ihaa liberty I Write la bold aad bring letters, Knowledge Is a prloolees gem ! Plaialyshow the falling fetters Ignoraaee wiU bind aa theat. PleBt ths sseds of every vlrtat Both ia heart aad maatal soil 1 Plant with cere, with patience aartare i Coneoteneo will reward thy tail. Watch with Joy, then mental lerlst, Buds uololding day by day For the Uod, whom thoa adoresl, Blsiies deeds of fata alway 1 Tblnk not thou to see thy tenoning Bring Its fruit before life's close i Deed like thine, far, far ont-reaahiax Life or time, la aotioB foes I Labor, then, to give tuitioo. True and Bobla, high end vast And thoa shall have full frailioa, Whea tbe days of time are past." The I'on field High school propose. to establish a graduating course. Gymnastics are taught in tbe Har mony school, Burnside township, with good success. Miss Hannah f?nrn nt ttia Ttnclftnn school, bas gone to Kittanning to take a course in music. Tho National Educational Associa tion is to be held at Atlanta, Georgia, July 19, 20, and 21, 1881. W. J. King, formerly of "the Mill Run school, in Huston township, is a candidate for County Superintendent in Cameron county. Tbe teachers of Brady township will conclude tbeir labors tor the pres ent term with a reunion of teachers, directors, parents and pupils at Trout villo, April 9th. A bill, requiring School Directors to allow teachers time and wagea while attending County Institutes, passod socond reading in tbe House at Harris burg on tho 10th instant. Tho Madera public school and Plank Road school, adjacent thereto, bav. not been open since tbe holidays. Con tinued sickness among the children Is the cause of the long vacation. The Director! of Graham township. besides building a new house and Beat ing it with patont furnituro the past year, expended nearly (200 in repair ing the old school bouses and erecting at all of them the nccoseary outbuild ings. Prof. John A. Gregory was the re cipient of several handsome and valu- ble books at the close ot bis school In Curwensville, March 22d. They were presented by tbe pupils who have been undor bis instruction for the post three yoars. A. M. Buzurd, now engaged in touching the Bigler public school, con templates opening a select tobool at that place, on Monday, May 2d. Hit success in tbe public school it tbe best recommendation that can be given and ill be sulllcicnt, no doubt, to attract a large number of pupils. School examinations should be for the purpose of testing tbe progress ot the scholars from time to time, and not for the purpose oi finding out what they do not know. Tbe questions should bo stated in a fair and intelligi ble mannor, and tbe examiner thould be carolul not to bewilder the pupil with unintelligible questions. Mr. W. S. Mott closed bit school at Paradise, in Lawrence township, on Friday night, March 25th, with a pub lic exhibition, consisting ol select read ings, orations, essays, etc., etc. The performances were all very good. Mr. Mott, wo understand, win open a select school at Franklin, in Bell township, tho first Monday in Hay. 11. will no doubt meet with success. Will teachers be kind enough to send' us a synopsis of what thoy accom plished in their schools the present term iloms like the following: Num ber of students who studied all the common branches; numbor of public examinations bold ; number of visits from directors, and from parents; names of pupils who attended school every day of term, etc., etc. In Massachusetts the law provides tbat "the school committee shall pro cure at the expense of the city or of the town a sufficient supply of text books lor the public schools and tell them at cost. This shut, out th. re tail book sellers. Publishers tell tbeir books to tho city of Boston lower than tboy will to jobbers. The plan tavet tbe pupils considerable money, but it it objectionable in some of its details. Mr. J. A. Murray, who taught tb. Hotel Green school, in Lawrence town ship during the past Winter, sends us for publication the record of his advanced spelling olast which it at lollows: "Carrie McDevitt, in spelling C,928 words, missed 14 ; Grace McDevitt spelled 4,608, and missod 11 ; Amanda Brown spoiled 3,000, and missed 2: Lizzie Read spelled 2,848, and missed 5; Mary Stafford spelled 3,416, and missed 2; Bertha Wilson spoiled 2,432, and missed 12 j Jamet Stafford spelled 4,768, missed 13 ; Thomas McDevitt spelled 4,104." roll or noNot, The following is a list of pupllt re. ceivod for the "Roll of Honor" for tbt weok ending March 25th. All who, names appear in thit lilt attended th school to which they belonged every day f tho school term : Hhopperd school, In Burnside town ship, 11. P. Uowit, teacher Krama Bock, Martha Beck, Cordelia Beck, Frank Beck and Wallace Bock. Htzel Green school, In Lawrence township, J. A. Murray, toachor Master Harry Brown, aged 11. Broadway school, in Fsrtruson town ship, May L. Hemphill, teacher Ella Hell, Josephine liell, lien union, Blanche Dillen and Emma Ferguson. Jamea Dilcn missed one-half day, and Robert Tubbt and Klvosta Ferguson missed one day. MU Zlon school, Lawrence township, Annie Savage, teacher Ron Conklin and James Conklin. Bolhlchem school, in Bell township, Annie Matthews, teacher Rose Hend erson, Bridie Rom, Elsie Meek ley, Gay Udell, Frank Odcll. M r. O. Eatricher, one ol tb. director! of tb. district, visited th. school on an average ot twice a month. The parent, visited it once during tbe term. Johnson tobool, in Greenwood town ship, Zelretta Bloom, teacher U.rti. Johnson, Agnes Dickoy. Flat Grove school, In Greenwood township, Delia II oover.leacher Alice Coultor and Arthur Coulter. Mt. Joy school, Id Lawrence town ship, YY. L. Read, teacher Laura E. ShafTner, Homer Shaw, Adelia Conk lin and Jated Ogden, each missed one half day during the term.