Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 23, 1881, Image 3

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' ciikAnriELipil "
Terms of Subscription.
If raid In advenoe.or within three months. ,.$1 00
II imiiJ after thr and before sii months... I AO
If ft vr lhesplrallon of six monbts... I 00
ki:m:iu noticeh.
Method lit Fplecopal Church Rr. Qao.
I Rtnr, Pastor. HervieW vry Bebbath at 10J
A.M., and 7 P. M.
i..,..itli Hnhool at 9 A. M.
1'rayer Meeiiag every Wednesday, at Tft P. M.
Communion Sorvteo, first Babbatb, of every
uoutb, el 1" A. M.
MVc-t Clearfield N. K. f'harch, Rev.
fHABLKi W., Pastor. Preaching every
alternate Nunday, at I o'clock, P. M. tiuaday
S.-houl at 2i, f . 01. All art iav..ea to attend.
reablerloD Churrh--Rv, H. B.Butler.
-Siibbntb services morning and evening 8ab
ath School at S P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednee-
lav evening.
Itaptlit I'liuprh. Rtf. , Pastor.
S .Mi alb School at T. M. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday evening.
St. Fraiicln hurch. Cathc.llcRsv. P Divine service at 10ft A. M., oi
the firMt. third and fourth Sundaysof eaoh month
Vespers and Henedlctloo of tbe Ulessed Haeremerjt
tt 7 o eloca, r. ai. rtunaay dodoqi every budu7
afternoon at o doe.
timb or iQLniao tjCAavaa saasroMs oount.
Kecond Monday of January.
Third Monday of Marob.
First Monday of June,
fourth Monday of Hop Umber.
tiub or lOLDiaa con nor
Pint Monday of Jnna.
Htwond Monday of November.
rciLio omenta.
Preeidmt Jtdge lion. Charles A. Mayer,
Luck Haven.
ttroni Lam Judge lion. John H. Orris, of
AiMocintt Judget Abram Ogdea, Clearfield
Vincent B. Holt, Clearfield.
P ro th ouotary J atnes Kerr.
Ktgittet nd fleeortftr (1-orgs M. Fergu0B.
Trrawr Philip I'ottl.
liiitriet Attorn J. f. McKenrlek.
Sheriff James MehalTcT'
llrputy Sheriff . I. Thompson.
County Surveyor Samuel F. MaCloskey, Cur
Vaunt PommeeionertC. W. Kyler, Braliam-
ton H. 0.; Kian Johnston, urampiao jmui r. v.,
J(flm Norria, Sr., Curwensville.
Vommiuiomm' Clerk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
ft -I.I : Joseph Ollliland, Thraa Runs i J. S. Nor
ri. Woodland.
Conntw Coroner iumet A. Moora, Clearfield.
Jrv(7ommita-AndrewJ.Jafkion( Clear
. i u' n un (Near field.
Superintendent of I'ublie SeMooh M. L. Me
Ouown, Clearfield.
aVotonV. Publio-John W.Wrlgley, Wm. Ra-
dehangh, Cyrus t.ordon, ""('"
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwensville I J. A. Living
tnna, Daltoia City.
"Will Ton takt wheat, oat or eorn Tor iob
riptiou 1" W are often inquired of in tbie way
br letter from patrona who reiiia at a dutanoe
fn.m Okarfleld. Wa again tay yee. The rcoeipta
of a renponeibla merchant or mill owoer in the
Tirinitr, will axawer ua juit aa well ai tba oaah.
Ti illluatratet If any of oor patruna will deliver
n n bug nf grain at the mill of Joaeph II. lireth,
in (heot town-hip, Horace Patebln. in llarnaide,
Timnina II. F..rcey, in Urabam, Win. Porter or
r-haw in lawran, or llrown A Seyler'a. at
Kiifkton, l;oin twuihip, and forward their
TnVytt lor tho aoont, we will credit thm on
thrir a-c-'unt lor the aame. In tbia way all may
n:n pay whit ihey owe, If they will puraua thia
jVAdvertinem and olhofs will boar
in mind that all articlea intended for publioalion
in Ihia paper mnt bt banded ii, not later than
Tuciday, at 0 A. M. Don't forgat It I
Notick to Jurors. The eocond
week of March Court, commencing on Monday
28th, ha betn poatponed. Thoae Jorora lammon
ed to Hpjicer on that day ntud not attend.
Jahii MAUArrir, Sheriff.
- mmn -
They have come the blue birds and
mw I r -
The Wilson family will soon givo an
entertainment at Cnrwcnsvlll.
The County National JJank of Clear
field publishes Its report In this latue.
Wo will publish a list of the Central
IVnnaylvsniaConference appointments next week.
Tho M. K. Ladies' Aid Society will
tnfet next Friday afternoon at tba M. B.
! " - -
Uemcmbor that all hotel and saloon
IWnsra are forfeited If not lifted within fifteen
dayf nfler being granted.
Kev. Goorpco Lcidy, it authorita-
tivt-ly stated, will be returnel to (be Clearfield
M. K. Church another year.
mm i er -
It. N. Shaw, proprietor of the Leon
ard House, returned from tba eastern cities Iftst
week with two vary fine horses.
Immt i - - --
Tho mannffcrg of tho Low Grade
P. 1 K. K.ilro.dl will build In ion D.pot
1 nriflwood thil doming Rummer.
Our county ollicials now occupy
nr.t nd bandiom. offle.l. No n.ftter ofSo.1 o.n
Ip found In ny Couit IIon.t in tht fltnt..
'Tis well that tbo Court has nettled
tin pool to Urn kepti
nnd tbo boy. in concerned. Bolb ore on duty
Mrs. Maria Sharp, of CrosB Croek
Village, Washington county, Is visiting In this
place, tha guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. D.
McKay. g f
The tceond week of our Court has
heen abolished by tha flood in our streams. Haft-
men show but little irspset for tha Court when a
flood oomes along.
.a mi '
Mr. S. I. Snyder is romodeling Lho
old Western Hotel baiMiog. several rooms on
the at eon d itery ara being fitted up for a dental
office, lone ued by Ur. J. M.Stewart.
The insurance on the losses sustnined
by the late Bra at Curwensville will be adjusted
through the agencies of W. C. Helmbold, of Cur
wensville, and Messrs. Kerr A Diddle, of Clear
field. All tho hotels in this place, except
the Shaw House and St. Charles, navaiweo asep
lug temperaoee homes since Wednesday of last
week, when their licenses expired. Tha Bt.
Charles' license expired on Saturday night.
Larimer Post, No. 17&, have appoint
ad the following named gentlemen a aommittee to
make arrangements for tba observation of Decora
tion Day In this place: John I. Patteraoo, Clar
ence L. Uarrett, dpt. D. Metlaiighey, Samuel
Snokc. Dr. E. M. Bohaarer, Capt. P. A. (laullu,
Dr. J. P. Burchfleld, Harry Mcllenry and Rich
ard Shirk.
- -
It. M. McEnally, Special Agnt of
the KulUblt Life Asauraaoe Booiaty, arrived la
town on Tuesday evening of last week. "Bobby"
now has a very nice position, and is well adapted
to the business. His headquarters are at Harrls
burg, and be baa iWe tarrltory or nine oountiea ia
tbia State to travel In and look after the Intereatf
of the Company.
On account tf lho scarcity of busi
ness rooms and high icnta, Mr. John F. Fitk
Mner, baker and dealer la confectioneries, haa
bean compelled to dlipote of hla slock and quit
Imilneis. That kind or work hodea evil lor the
future progreii of huilnea Intereats In this bor
ough. More business stands an I dwellings and
cheaper rents, gentlemen, or els y na will bare to
take a bark seat.
Prothonotary Korr baaafTaim neatly
and conveniently arranged la, tha whol
Interior having been remodeled. A new counter
uixHroinipiHtoi ' w , r--
menle undrrneatb for keeping tha large dockets.
T i .hi. ti... . . J Knl In tvnd
i wj .imi on ruiiMi, r--
I" ten oat from either side with but little effort,
f The new arrangement will b highly appreciated
t'T the legal fraternity.
i ew
March Court. A regular two wooka
term of Court aommeaeed on Monday laat. Court
s called at J o'clock, with Judges Orvii, Ogdcn
aud Holt on the beach. After the transaction or
X'tne mieellaaeous business, tba Hat of Oread
Jurors was called ever, whan only fourteen an-
'rtd to their lamaa. C. Howe, Esq., was ap
plotsd foreman, and tba C art dltverd the
ual charge, after whlob the Jury retired to their
""a. John Hbaw, John M. Haattnga and David
.Johnafcn were appointed tipatavn. Tha list of
roastablas was called over for the purpoee erre
llag ihelr re tarn a, and tboat elected at tha
I'll election qualified for tha current year. The
1 ' " a of Traverse Jurors wm also aalled over, but
the abi a tees were numerous. Ceart, attorneys
a partial, taalag tha effect that tba flood had
M the tttaadacea, at ante agree 4 to pot tpaaa Ilia
Hand wta of CWt,
Not All Frozkn. Mr. and Mrs.
Robbin Red &reat pat la their Aral appaaranoa
In thla latitude on St. Patrlok'a day.
To Spohthm em. I have fishinir tackle
of all kinda j alto, powder, ihot, lead, oapf, car
tridge, ato. , Fun Sack itt.
Marek S3, J a.
a o
No remedy In the world ever came
into aaoh unlveraal ate, or has to fatly woo tba
flonfldeaot of mankind, aa Ayar'a Cherry Paetoral
for tba euro of Cougka, Colda and Consumption.
A Bum Attendance. Only four
teen Grand Jurori anawerad to tbetr name at roll
oall on Monday afternoon. Tba other tan had ft
flood on hand and failed to put ta an appaaranoa.
ii- i
We loam from the Cherry tree Record
mat Mrs. sitaaoetb Harter, mother or Jaaaa H.
and A. Ilerior, of Cbarrytrte, died at her home In
Perry county, rn tba 10th of March, aged T7
Too Rudk. Tho rerkloM oditor of
tba Corry Ihruld remark a that the man who la
continually borrowing hli neighbor's paper and
never inbacrlbea for one of hli own, will pasture
a goat on the grave of hla grandmother.
. m mm
Parked Upon. The Court ho sot
tied thaeaae aa between the hoys and pool at the
hotels and aaloona. Parents should be grateful to
the beneh fer oomlng to their relief in th Is particu
lar. Now, where wilt be their place of retort f
Moiwrfl. Hop kind, Irvin & Co. are
ereeting a it earn aaw mm in Jeneraon coanty, at
Carrier's station, on the Low Gride Railroad,
It will ha ona of tba largest mills along the line
of that road, and they expect to have it running
by tha II ret of Jane next.
Mr. Jainci Dnughorty, an old and
reapectod eltlien of Lawrence townablp, died at
hia home on Sunday morning laat, aged about SO
yeara. He wj tba father of Mrs. P. A.QaulIn,
Mrs. Wm. Wilson, and Ml. Thomas Dougherty, all
of this borough.
The Equitable Lite Atuuranco Soci
ety of tba United Statea, 120 Broadway, New
York, now poaieaees aiaete securely invested,
amounting to over $4 1 ,000,000 , with a surplus of
orer 19,000,000. Wm. A. Ilagerty, of Clearfield,
Pa., la agent for tbia old and reliable Company.
a w
A Meuitorioi s Act. The Lo win-
town Sentinel makea tba following mention of
Rev. Mr. MeCord, well known In this plaia :
"Rev. J. H. MeCord saved the life of an old gen
tleman named W. A. Foster at Duncannon re
cently, by dragging bin from in front of an ex
prcsa train ."
An Extensive Sale. Senator Wal-
laoaand bla aiaodatea, Meaara, Peck A Barnard
and F. Coleman, of Willlamaport, have sold their
timber land", mill, booms and water rights an
the Chippewa rirar, In a large firm
there, known aa tha Mitalsilppl Logging Com
pany, for 11,175,000, In pay menu all bearing in
terest. This la one of the largest sales ever made
In that aentlon.
, . . mm Qi
Raftino. There has been a good
rafting flood in tba river for a week put. The
lee, which bai been lodged above the Curwens
vitte dam aloes tha break-up, passed down tha
river during Saturday night, and now tba river
la clear from tba source to tti mouth. Rafts have
been running elnoe laat Thursday morning. Logs
began running on Sunday, and for a time monopo
lised tba river.
Death of Wm. Corley. We learn
that Mr. Win Corley, a prominent citlsen of Du
Bois borough, this coanty, died at his home in
that place oa Sunday lait.agsd 08 years.
We alio learn that the daughter of Mr. Corley
Mrs. A I. B euro died on Monday morning.
This Is a double family affliction. Tha wife of
tha former and the husband of the latter died sev
eral years ago; and now all are gone. Mrs.Baam
was keeping house (or her father.
This Way for Your Pumps! The
undersigned Is now sole agent for the sale of tho
Celebrated Wooden Pomps manafaotu'ad by the
Toledo Pump Company. They ara witbaut doubt
tba best pump tn the world. They throw mora
water, work easier, and laat longer than any pump
over put on tha market. Alao, for sale, Iron
Force and Pitcher Pumps. Repairing dona
promptly. Frio Sackitt.
Clearfield, March Ml, 1881-la.
"Goodlandor protects the profession
by assessing candidates $25 over expenses."
Bote Courier, That's a naked II. Wa will giva
the editor of tha Conner $, If ha astabllshia
that fact, and will pay any can did at a similar
ara who will take the stand and testify to tk
fact. Now, stand up like a man t glv a your au
thor or "take tba water" like a spaniel ! If th
editor la seeking correct Information on this or
any other subject, he should go to the right place
to find tt, and then be will not com prom lie bi
aelf or anybody 1h
A Crohnd IToo Revelation. The
editor of the Reynoldiville Pnper la tha author
or the following : "A black woodebuck, more com
monly called ground bog, In the poaaesalon of J.
A. Burgnon burrowed lUsir on tha 11th day or
October, and haa heen In a letharglu state, with
the exception, aver since until lat Tuesday. Tba
exception was on Ground Hog day, when It poked
out Its nose, sniffed th atmoipbera, and with
drew. True ta the sign, It has been in sU weeks
from that day. It has altogether been burrowed,
without a drop of water or a pinch of food, ona
hundred and fifty days, or about five months.
. i a mm
We call attention to the new advor-
tlaement in thia Isaue or Mr. Albert Tbanhanaer,
Merchant Tailor, and dealer in geata' furniihlng
gooda or every deaorlptlon. Mr. Thanhausar haa
made extensive preparations, and Is now ready
for lha Snrioc and Sumner trade of 11. He
has a largo stock of clotba and easslmeras on
hand, of both foreign and domestic manufacture,
which be will be pleated to make op to order In
toe latest sty tea and at moderate prices. Gentle
men ara cordially Invited tn call In at th east
store room of Pie's Opera House, and examine
styles and prices. Spring and Summer fashion
plates on exhibition.
Due Notice. There was quite a
contest over the license quest I on In this borough
on Monday eft moon and evening, caused by a
large oumberof cltliena petitioning the Court In
relation to boys playing billiards and pool at the
hotels wher licenses wer being asked for. After
a foil eichange of opinion on both sides, the
lloenses wer granted upon eondltion that minora
are bsreafer prohibited from frequenting th
hotels. Mora: If at tha next term, lha fact Is
established to tba satisfaction af tha Court that
the boys still frequent such plaecs.the said 1 loonies
will be revoked. The hotel keepers and tba hoys
ara therefore all put oa their good behavior until
next Court.
A Seed Swindler. We warn onr
farmer frlenJa to bo on the look out for a fraud a
lent seed ptddler, who Is traveling over tba
coanty and Imposing upon all who hara any
dealings with blm. II Is Hlliog Alsyk. or
Swedtrh, cloveneed, charging 11. SO for enough to
sow an acre, and represents that two pounds Is a '
sufficient quantity for that area of ground. Tha
fraud coniiits In tho amount that be alleges
would cow aa acre. It requires at least all to
eight pounds to seed aa acre property. We ad
mit that Swedish Clorersead Is good grass for
farmers to try, hut tba geaulo artinte It only
worth twenty-five cents n pound. Farmers should
bay their seeds of respectable part let. and not b
gulled. -Exekange,
J NfENiHARisM. We learn by the Pa-
per that two attempts wer made by an Ipoendlary,
on Monday night, of the 14th instant, to
burn th Railroad depot at Reynotdavlllt, hut tha
Art waa diicovered and xtlngalahed In both
catea before any tsrlona damage was dona. 'The
oily waste from the axle boxes or the oars waa
used as combustible, and had th devilish work
been Inaugurated later in the aigkt th building
would undoubtedly have perished. At this par
ticular time tha lost both to the town and tba
Railroad Company would have heen a sever on,
for a Ana depot is being expeditiously constructed
for na at Pittsburgh and other points, and the de
str notion of the old fabric would only retard pra
gma on IU Hav a little patience, ye Inoan
Dr. Ashley M. Hills, of this borough,
advert lite a lotofbaM for sale, la Irat-olaaa con
dition and fn American and Simplicity hlvaa.
They will he sold at a bargain. Tha Doctor la
an Apiarist of many yare experience, and U yon
wish to Invest In ona of thoswsetest things lathe
world, ton ihould make a be line for lha Dr.'t
reside nee, near the Shaw Huns, and consult with
blm. To show what an extensive boalneM la car
ried on wl'h beea, wa copy tha following : "Tha
champion bee-keeper Uvea, very appropriately. In
Rcf-tnn. Cal.. aad bears the not unfamiliar name
of Jonas. In the year U79 from 100 tolontea af
beea ha obtained 14,000 poandt ef honey, and in
lags from 400 colonic! beobtalred 20,000 ponnda,
worth 11,000, and tba latter wet a had year for
heney. Daring tbo latter year h obtained SOt
new colonist ftom tba 400, and commences ii
with 1.000 colonial of bees, rained at 17,000, In-
dependent af the tost of th hlrtw. J""
sail be wll clear $!, Ih It year a less aoma
ua fort tea ace Id eat attari.
Weather. The litllosnow blieaard
that visited tbia latltuda on Sunday night and
on Monday, lost soma of 1U foroeln Iowa, Minna
iota, Wlaconaln and northern Illiaola on Satur
day, Watt and north of Chicago, every road waa
blockaded on Saturday night
"Bl'sted." Tbo dcmoraliiod con
dition of our two weeks term of Court shows how
easily It Is done. A good flood wipes It oat . No
jurors, no parties, no witnesses. In fact the law
yers bava It all to themselves, end, without tba
aforesaid, tha beneh would not gjva an entertain
ment to them alone.
Hot-he Burned. We learn that the
Sheriff Rosi homestead dwelling, about a mil
south of Cu rwensvlll, on tha river road to Lum
ber City, and owned by Wm. L. Bloom, was de
stroyed by Art on last Buoday. This waa ooa af
tba finest farm reside no as In Pike township. Tbo
loaa and the cause of the lira wa hara not learned,
Lint of letters remaining unclaimed
In the Poit office at Clearfield, Pa., for tha week
ending March 2Kb, 1881 :
Drew A Gilbert, John (I rant, Mr. Grant, Francis
Harper, Thomas MoCracken.Cbas. B. Peck , Mra.
J.O. Hockey, Bertha Wilson, Thomas R. Wilson,
Mist Clara Wells.
P. A. OAU LIN, P. M.
Ashasainated. Wolourn that Chas.
B. Oillis, ton of Judge Oilli, formerly ol Ridg
way, but now n resident of Ml. Pleasant, Iowa,
Tor tba past fifteen years, waa murdered tn hia
bed-room oa tha night of tho luth Instant, by
two men wbo bad gained an entrinoe, did their
work and Ibus far bava escaped. Mr. Qillls waa
a highly respected gentleman, Tha Governor
oflera a reward of $i00, and the Commlsalonara
of Henry county a similar turn for tha arrest of
tha man. The oess Is a profound mystery.
' The Sale Complete. The Altoona
Tribune of Saturday, tayi : 'Th Pennsylvania
Railroad Company at nooa on Thursday bought
th Bnow Shoe railroad. A party consisting of
Superintendents Pogb, Rellly, Ely and Blair,
and a number of others gathered at Bellefont,
and at 11 o'olook tha visitors and visited started
fur a trip over tha 6now Shoe railroad. They
wer accompanied by n number of eitiaena, nmong
whom was not General Beaver, wbo arrived on
the ground just after tht Ruperlntenants' car had
left, and was somewhat disappointed. At 12
o'olock abarp, the tranafer waa accompli ihed, and
the officers and employes of the Snow Shoo Coi
pany retired. Who or ho many of them will b
retained andcr the new government ia, of courts,
not yet known, but It Is likely that some of them
will be. They ara a good and faithful set of men,
and understand the working or lha Snow Shoe
road thoroughly."
Teachers and others who will attend
school this Summer are no doubt meditating upon
tba best school. With location healthful and the
people toolal, moral and Intelligent, tht Ken
Washington Normal Institute possesses every fa
cility for making a school term pleasant end profit
able, as (host who attended former atsilons ean
testify. The principal, Prof. W. A. Ambrose, Is
a graduate of a State Normal School, and will
arrange the coarse or stndy, etc., npoa tho Stale
Normal plan. Tha weekly Theory meetings and
Literary Societies are valuable auxiliaries. Par
ents need not hesitate to send to thla school, be
came tbey will save money and their children
will be free I rem tha excitements and evil influen
ces or larger tewns. Tba managers of tba school
havt reason to congratulate themselves upon tha
number from different parts of tba county who
have notified them tbat they will attend. Set
advertisement In another column.
An Earnest Worker. Rev. C. W.
Burnley, who bat traveled and labored on the
Clearfield M. E. Circuit the past year, bat proved
himself to be a good and faithful aorvatt, and an
earnest worker. When be took obarge as pastor,
the West Clearfield M. E. Church wat nearly
f 2,C00 in debt, and through hit unoeaalng efforts
and financiering this troublesome debt haa been
entirely removed. Below It n statement of
the financial work don on the circuit for the Con
ference year ending March, 1 881 :
To nav indebtedness of tbo West Clear-
filed Church Il.50 08
Benevolence and Church 2v8 02
Ministerial support 2s 00
Total 1.73 70
It It to be regretted that Mr. Burnley Is com
pelled to retire from th ministry on amount of
hia health, and on T hand ay of tbtsweek.ho will
remove hla family to a farm In Lycoming county,
in th vicinity of Wllllamiport Ha will bt ac
companied by the prayers and we II-wishes of his
parisbionsrs, with whom he bat faithfully labored,
and wbo will over hold him in esteem and grate
ful remembrance.
Family He-union. A corrospondont
fnrnisbea ut with tht particulars of one of tha
pleasant events of tbe past week tn Morris town
ship. It wat tbe re union of the relations of Mr,
and Mn. George Hoover, at their resldenoe, near
Sylvan Grove, on Wednesday, March 16. Fifty
or more relatives aistmbaltd at tht time abort
mentioned in response to tba kind Invitation of
Mr. and Mrs. II., and tn addition to tha elegaatly
prepared dinner (which waa of course the Uad lag
feature of t&t occasion), the time was spent very
pleasantly In the reviewing of past rcmlniaoenoti
conn so tod with th history of the Hoovers and
tha early settlement of Morris township. Thirty
six grandchildren of Mr. and Mn. Hoover were
present, and formed an attractive feature of tbe
occasion. They were proportioned as follows.
Peter Moirts, 4; Altx. Halsten, tf Anderton
Luts, 8 ; Alex. Hoover, oj Jackson Hoover, 7;
Isaiah Hoover, S; William Corley, 1. The vener
able John B. Kyler, brother of Mrs. Hoover, and
who Is now in bis 7 6 lb year, was present, and
added much to the entertainment of the guests.
All in nil, H was an oecaalon of great tatlafaotlon
and plrasuro, and when tha time for separation
came, all left with lingering wlshea for tbe future
health and hep pi oess of tht aged couple, whose
kindness bad oontrlbuted to the pleasure char
acteristic of family r-unlont.
Land Titles. An exchango puis
its readers on th lookout ia this way ; "Persona
in this neighborhood dealroui or making In rest
men Is In Missouri lands would do well to care
fully tximiaa tha title deeds that ara offered
them. Within a few days an extensive conspiracy
for the manufacture and sal of forged land titles,
with its ramifications U Pittsburgh, St. Lonis
and Cleveland, bai been nnearthed. Some of
ibett opera tiont art alleged ta data back as fir
at iStfO, tinea which tlms forged deeds covering
millions of acres of land In Missouri have been
uttered. Tba frauds were perpetrated under an
act of Congress In IBM by which land was granted
In tracts not exceeding 320 acres to actual settlers
at from twelve and a half oents to one dollar an
acre. Speculators got control of tbe lands by
hiring men ta take grants nnd forward proofs of
settlement. During tha rebellion tbe portion of
Minourl whloh bai since been made the field of
Ibis land oomplracy wat much disturbed, and
when the war closed few of tbe original patentees
under th act of 1854 remained. Soma wort killed
and tome were driven off. Fraudulent transfers
were then made of their landa and the papers
filed in tbe Depart mint at Washington. Thou
sands of these fraudulent titles have passed Into
tba bands of hontit purchasers. Tbe United
Statu Diatrlot Attorney for Southern Mlieouri
Intends to dlsposassi all persons wbo hold prop
erty under theat fraudulent titles, gome import
ant erretti were made last week in Cleveland,
St. Louis and Pittsburgh."
In tho florth American Review for
April ta n noteworthy article by Judge A, W.
Tourge. In which the professed reformers of tbe
civil aarvleo are put on the defensive and their
schema of reform pronounced to he Incompatible
with American Ideas of ttlf government, and on
divers othtr grounds Inadmissible and Impracll
ble. The same number or tha Rttitv contains,
under tht fanciful title, "The Thing that Might
Be," n profoundly philosophical study of tba laws
and conditions of human progress, by th Ror,
Mark Patliaun, Rector of Lincoln College, Ox
ford. Tha third article Is a strong define or tho
Roman Catbollo aide of the controversy about
religion in tht Public School i, from tht pen of
Bishop McQuad,of Rochtstty. Tba great problem
of tho governmental control of monopolist Is dis
cussed with re fer mo 4o railway management by
tht Hon. Gtorge Ticknor Cnrtls, who contends
that when a railway company la Incorporated by
any Stat It a greet to lb it much aad no more :
tbat itt property shall b tubjeet tt rach legisla
tive control aa tba aet of Incorporation embraces.
to the exerolie of tb taxing and pollct powers of
tht State, and to tha power of eminent domain.
Tha same problem, In its bearing upon telegraph
Haas, it ably d lionised by th Hon. Wm. M.
Springer. Mr. John Flak haa an article an Tha
Illatorlt Genestt af Protestantism, and Mr,
Anthony Trollops, aa essay on Ua Pott Longfel
low. Mr. Desire C barney, th author of tbe tor
let of pa pert on tha ruined tltlet of Central
America, hat for anon than two months boon
persuing hit researehee In rglooe remote from
all avenues of eommnnltatlon with the civilised
world, and consequently neither the preecntnam
bar of tht Atpfem nor tbo one last pmedlng tt
sent a Ins any eontrlantlon front hla. In lha May
nam bar, however, will be publlibed another f
hit vary leitmotivs papers.
The muddy condition of our streoU
It deplorable but than wa will have to pat np
ith tt.
). .m'ii
Call at Morrill's hardwaro store aud
see lb ahsapest and hast Sewing Machine for
tht least money. Deo. 22-tf,
Rev. A. B. lloovon, faslor of the
Penfield M, E. Church, wat anablt to attend
Con fe ranee tbli year oa account of lioknest tn
hit ramily, which bat existed all Viator, and Mr.
Hooven la at present 111 himself. A concert waa
given In Coryall'i Hall, at Penfield, on laat Sat
urday night, for hia benefit. Tht net receipts
wer aboat $18.
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
men feel Ilka trading tome of their product for n
aerial of numbers of copies of th CLUAnriiLD
H arc sue a , we will gladly show them where to
put two or three hundred bushels on account In
that way. Wa hara a bin at our residence end
one at the office tbat will hold n load every now
and then. A hint to tha wise It a vary aage re
mark, and skould bo tufflrltnt tf
New Dailt Stage Line. James L.
Lenvy has succeeded In haying n dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Pennfild,nnd will
hereafter ran a daily stage between the two points.
His contract began with April 1st, and tha stag
will leave Clearfield ovary morning (except Sun
day) at I o'clock, making connections with all
trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Pen afield, re
turning after the last train tht tama evening.
Passengers and freight will b carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of tba hotels will be attended
to. lfiaprTV-tf
Pennville Normal. Those wish
ing to attend school should attend tht Pennville
Normal School, which will open April 18tb, 1881.
The Principal, Prof. W. S. Lutbar , la known aa
ona of our oldest and beat teaohera. lit will be
ati is ted by other flrstolaia teachers. Students
will bar lb on of the Penavilia Library, also
a good reference Library. Instrumental and Vocal
Music will bt taught by good teachers In tbat
branch. Alto Industrial Drawing and Paiatiog
For termi, board, Ac, address B. M. Davit, Sec
retary Board Trustees, Grampian Hills, Pa., or
W. S. Luther, Prinolpal, Lick Run, Pa. mb 9 tf
Clearfield Coal Trade State
ment of Ceal and other freights tent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tba week ending March 12th, 1881,
and the tama time laat year :
For the week
Same time lattyaar
Previously during year
Same time lest year
Total In 1681
Same time last year
, 40,418
1,01 2
. aI,?4T
. H 23, 303
.. 39,444
120 ears.
126 u
ornan raaioHTi.
Miscellaneous freights
To aur po front and the public :
As wa enter upon our second year In tha dry
goods and millinery business, It it but Jut tbat
we should offer our thauks to those who havt
stood by us In tht paat. Our buaiueaa ran far
ahead ofour expeclatlons.and it laonrintentlon to
enlarge oar ttock the coming teasel. Our buyer,
whobaaanexperieno or many yeara ia tht buil
oe4i, will leave for the east the last of this week for
the purpose af purchasing our Spring stock. Our
slook of dress goods will be the finest ever opened
up tn thocouuty. Our millinery department will
be filled with all the lateat it j lea, and will be pre
sided over by an experienced and tasty trimmer.
Agala thanking you for paat patronage, and aak
lug for a continuance of the aame, weare,yoori
respectfully, H. Lrhiia A Co.
Cleirfield, Pa., March 21, 1881.
Mauih 10th, loSl.
EoiToa RtpraucAl Dear Sir i Itrustyoa will
give me space to answer the parvenu editor of tba
Vitieen. 1 don't have to answer for the lie tbe
Cilieem man published lait week lo his patent
newspaper, when he stated that he had discovered
the author of the article from "On of the Boys."
I always pity tbe "poverty of aa editor'! brains
that la eternally bealing tha threshed straw of
dead issues." It mast be heart-rending to bis Im
becility to tpend to muok of hia time writing
fictitioua articlea about tha Superintendent, out
or pure jealousy and merely to defeat a good man,
and then to diieover tbat they carry w Ufa them
no weight whatever ; but Instead a self-connecting
contempt for the writer and publisher by tb
citisens of t'learaeld eoonly. His argument ara
like chaff thrown to tbe wind "one blaat, then
gone forever."
lo anawer to bit laat claure, I would almply
say I am not in the least ofieoded by what he
has said about me, when I eonalder the sou roe. I
can easily forgive a man that Judged all others
by himself, and would only remiod my dear
friend that my cbarae'er Is not so low as tba
man's that made tha nightly and miraculous
escape out of Raynoldivlltt a few years ago.
Ox a or ran Uort.
A Cutting Affray. The Ronovo
Rtoord givei the following t "On Monday after
noon last, n bloody cutting affray occurred be
tween n bricklayer named Wm. Hubbard, aad
Frank Harvey, proprietor of tb Exchange Hotel
and Constable Shelly. Hubbard bat been n
boarder at the Exchange for torn montht. For
several days past he bat shown n feeling of die
aatlafactlon about a lawsuit, vtr whloh Mr. Har
vey had no control, brought by a ralallvt of tbe
latter again at a friend cf Hubbard. Soma sharp
words pasted between them, when Hubbard left
the house. After ha bad gone out, Mr. Harvey
mad np fait mind from Hubbard's remarks, that
be Intended to leave his bouse without paying hit
board bill, and immediately got out an attach
ment to secure bit olalm. Hubbard thortly afler
wards returned and aiked Mr. Harvey for tha
key of bis room, which was refused, nnlesa ho
would agree to pay hla board bUI. Angry words
followed. While the wrangle was going on be
tween them, Constable Shelly ordered Hubbard
to leave tho hotel. Hubbard passed out tha bar
room door, opened his knife and immediately re
entered th room, and mad a diva at Mr. Har
vey with hia knlft. Ccnatabla Shelly Interfered
to get possession fthsknir, and stop lha affray,
when Hubbard plunged the knife at him, stabbing
hia below th eye, cutting a long gash, and caus
ing him to bleed profusely. A deiperat struggle
ensued before the knife could be taken from Hub
bard. Ho wat thtn ptad under arrest and
taken before 'Squire John Saltb, and in default
of $5 HO ball was sent to jail Mr. Harvey i
hands were cot slightly In seroral places.
mm- - ' '
Laat week wi gavt tba facta la relation to tba
Ion and tht destruction of the bulldinga, Below
will b found soma facta and Incidents relative to
tha Art which wa copy from the Timet of laat
Saturday i
Th Intents beat threatened tbe Ans stone res
l dene of Z. McNaul, and it required great effort to
fight off the A am os and cava the building j bis
tanoery and store building were also bsdly
soorched. The office on the lot of Mrs. Crouch
was hept thoroughly aoabad with wator, and
waa laved, and the row of buildings along tb
alley from Filbert street wer saved through the
o&orli of faithful workers.
Several acaldentt cf a serious natnr occurred
during the progress of the fire. A logman named
Charles MeClellan, had a finger put out of Joint
while cutting the rafters in Carls building, end
lost t20 from bit coat pocket; Fred Smith was
knocked sen isle is by boing hit on th forehead
by a heavy box thrown from an upper window.
II was carried away and his wound d reeled. Col.
B. A. Irvlo was struck on tbe back with a heavy
backet thrown from Segner'i dwelling. A man,
whua name we have forgotten, waa severely tut
with an ax while working on Carl s building.
Watt Thompson came very near being tuftV
cated by (he flames while endeavoring to enter
his store. Urr.e livers, a do mettle, living at U
A. Kormbaugb's, was wakened so suddenly that
she went into spasms, requiring the united efforts
of tba doctor and two men lo hold her. The
girl Is now ttster, but not out or danger. Miss
Ida Noleitine has been Indlipoied ever since the
fire, caused by over axoltement. It wat proposed
ta blow un John Mcneul a building, ont there
wat not powder enough In town. Eight families
wer rendered houseless and ho melees. A purse
af about AauO baa been raised for th relief of
Mra. Muner and family. Col. K. A. Irvia was,
as usual, the bead and front of the flr fighUrs,
and his counsel prevailed.
torn Anrimo to mot.
Vnr In itane a man nicked up and earefullv
oarrled oat a crock of buckwheat batter. Mr.
Maxwell tugging at MeClellan 's Anger while tb
flames twept around mm ternoiy. may bbii
blook np State street picking tbe old thos la tbe
aarret tn a ai aouniernaue, me rni in u iruua
and tbea going off without locking tb trunk or
tba door. Anolber carrying uer lomaio pianis
lata the cellar. Another carrying a loaf of bread
ander her arm on th way to tbe Ara after she
had blown all the lights out In the house and left
th front door wide open, wan mom neon lavan
bis wheelbarrow. Tat f at b lone were forgotten
by lha ladles ta tbetr baste lo get to the lira. John
Bntlw said "Laey, lake Willie I'll take James
Garfield," and that It tha extent of John's house
hold effects taved.
Tht look-on brigade outnumbered tha worker
Ate to oar, and tuy eamed t glory In their laai
acta and ihiftlaaanawa. Mora Jem it or was do
airoyed In removal than waa aaeoaaary, and for
which na insurance will be paid.
Wa bop to tee n Aaa briek hotel go np on tba
erner, aad all theaew baildioga evilt af briek er
stne, that avoiding another dieaatrowi Art In
that nation of town."
Wa elip tha following from tha Lock Haven
Democrat of last weak t
"Mrs. Ann Fltmlntr. widow of Hon. John
Fleming, died at tha res i dene of her ton -In -law,
Rolrt W. Mccormick, Dtq., in mis city, on bat-
urday laat Mra. Fleming wm n moat estimable
lady who wat held In the highest cataem by tha
older families of this vicinity, where sb resided
ever lino her marriage, ana by a large circle of
friendi aad acq u slot an cat. one neiongea to tn
family of Alexandera, of Clearfield auunty. Her
brother W illiam la ona of the oldeaUditurt In tba
State, but retiring a faw yeara ago to enjoy hia
batebelor life, after acquiring a fortune in tbo
fir it oil speculations. The family tt ana of the
mott exemplary and reputabla in Clearfield
Tha family of Flemings ta one of tha oldeat tn
the Wait Branch VaUey. Tba lata Gen. Robert
Fleming, of V illiamaport, waa one or tne most
distinguished, and waa n brother of Hon. John
Fleming. The latter was also a politician of
note in lha olden time, and waa ona of the A ret
A hoc late Judges of Clinton county. Ua waa n
man of atrong will, inflexible tn hii purposes, or
honest Impulses, and or unyielding prejudices.
Ue was a warm friend of great tenacity, end as
an almost necessary corollary an Implacable torn.
Ho reiided all hi lift oa tba banks of the West
Branch, and np to tb time of bis death owned
aad cultivated one of tbe fineat aad most product
ive farms In lha Hut a, about ooe mile bolow th
central part of Lock Hrtven. He found in bit
amiable spoust a most efficient and suitable com
panion and co-worker. She survived him many
years, and at tha time of her death had but ona
living child, tha cxoelisot wn of Kobart v.
M cCormtek, Esq., also a dtteendent or one of tho
oldest and most repnlatile families af tbe West
Drench Valley. Mrs. Fleming wat in her 77th
year at tbe time ef her death.
Mrs, Fleming wax a daugbUr of the lata Wm.
Alexander, who resided In Clearfield for many
years, and sliUr of Mrs. Judge Wright, Mrs.
James B. Graham, Mrs. Joseph Uagerly, James
Alexandsr, and Col. William T. Alexander, of
Clarion. En. Rap.
Tbe Bedford Ootette relatea the following ! ''In
I h year 1 82 Jacob Howeare, of Southampton
towoinip, oiea. u jeii a win ov woioa na ae-
vieed to bit wife life eeute in hia land. He
made a few specific bequests and then directed
that, after the death of bis wife, the aetata should
be squally divided among thoa to whom be
iraated no bequests, nut net ore tne wue a de-
mite the property waa Bold, under a decree of tLe
Orphana' Court, to John H. P. Adama, he to pay
for tbe aame on tbe death of Mra. Howaara. The
old lady died in 1876. Tbe purchase money was
tnen paid into uourt and J. ti. Uessna, fisq., ap
pointed Auditor to distribute the lame among the
heirs. In his report Mr. Cessna found that three
of the net rs were dead, Jobn, Jacob and Isaao,
and ho, therelore, omitted their namca in the dn-
tribution. It was not known, in fact, tbat these
men were dead, but when a man disappears from
anion g his acquaintances and It is impossible lo
discover bis whereabouts for tbe space oi seven
rears, lha law presumes tbat be Is dead. John,
Jacob and Isaao Uowiara had not beea heard of
by tbeir frlendo forever seven years, and Mr.
Cessna, therefore, pronounced sentence or death
on them. Tbe Auditor's report waa confirmed by
tba Court in i7tt, and tne distribution made no.
cordis ta tbe dlrectiona of the Auditor.
A lew week! ago jo an uowiare, one or me
gentlemen wbo had thus been unceremoniously
bustled on ta tne sueiii lomo, appeareu id ine
flash and demandeJ bis share of bis father's
tale. He consulted a lawyer but was informed
tbat he was dead a cold corpse, as it wer. Mr,
ilowsara pro teste a mat be waa a material oeing
od brimming over with life. But the lawyer
ebook hla bead and inaiated that John was as
dead as Captain Kidd. Mr. Uowsar then pro
ceeded to the office of another attorney and stated
his cat.
" 'No. John.' said tbe attornov. 'the Court says
you are dead, and dead you are. Did yun make
a will before your departure for tbat bourne iroia
which you hav so indiscreetly returned V
Thunder and bllien 1 snouted Jonn, pincn-
ing his arm to satisfy himself that he was not a
wandering habitant of a grave-yard, 'can't you
see tbat I am alive V
But Ibe lunger tba attorney looked the better
oonvinced he became that bis visitor was but tbe
gbostof the departed. Mr. Howsareruibed from
the office, mounted bis borse aad gallnped away
before the Coroner could be summonad to hold an
inqueat over bit remains."
This body la atill in aeaaionat York, Pa. We
herewith submit tbt report of Presiding Elder
Swallow, or thit (Altoona) District:
Another year of tun-abina and shadow, of
tov and sorrow, oi luoeess, and tenure, nas craven
is records on tne tablet oi time, woicn await tne
unveiling of tbe great day of eternity. Thanks
to our lear Lord none oi our preaoners nave died
during the year, though several of them come to
our annual gathering moon broken in neaun iroi
ti cess ire labors.
i raoBATionaita.
Wa had fondly hoped that the reaction from tha
dcmoraliilor political excitement incident to tha
lona extended nreaiaennai campaign, wouia sig
nalise a general work of grac among tb churches.
While we nav not on entirely disappointed,
and over 1.0U0 probationers have been received,
yet tbe work haa not been aa deep and general at
wt bad ne pea.
Notwithstanding tb continued removal ofour
members toward tba mythical west, and no cor
responding influx from other quarters, we shall
be able to report 7,301 members as against 6.62S
last year, or a net increase oi oio iuii memoert.
in nuKurouftxaa.
Special attention hat been given to Benevolent
Collections, and while owing to toegraceieia aav
in of many of tbos having but little "saving
grace, we nave not eoninouiea more men nan
Ibe amount wa enouid nave uonj yt mere is a
commendable increase over last year. There is
but little hope fur tbe converslua ol tbe world
when men worm a quarter oi ft minion are eon
tent to five five dollan for minions, and other
worth $.10,000 give but $1 for church extension.
Wa shall report this year $J,726 for misa lona, an
increase of
Church extension, ItM), an tacreast of $162
Freedmcns' Aid, 305,
Sunday School I'nlon, 86,
Education, 03,
Tract Society, 48,
Rtble Socletv, ai.
Womon'i Kor'a Minions " i
Of the 13 preaoh on in the District, 16 will h
paid tb full amount allowed for Ibeir aupport.j
Soma of the deficienoea will btaui of lore trial
thoae wbo muat bear tbem. The aalarlea ara ,
larger and better paid thla year than last, or in I
faot than duriag any or tne thro preceding:
yeara. Tba smallest amount actual ly paid for a
married man ia juu. me largeat is i,euu.
Tbe average Is 9733. I
Last hitrina some of our preachers said, " lel tne
coming General Conference mak tb support of
our Dubops dependent upon tba voluntary con
tributions of ur people sharing pro rata with tbe
Eastors and presiding elders, aud thui reliev the
ook Concern of all reipooiibilily and wa will
see tbem paid." We are happy to report that tha
preachers and people of Altoona District have
kept tnetr part oi tne oompaci, vj paying nut
only a pro rata, but tbe full asscsment with tbe
par cent, added.
t nuici Ann i-ARsoRAat upaovEKixra.
At Carwensville a new Par ion eg hat been
built and elegantly furniihod at a, onat of f 4,000,
and tbe church Improved and refurnished at a
cost of $1,600.
The Trust tea of tbe lat Church, Altoona,
boucht and removed their lot ia tbe rear of their
churoh, ft very commodioua bona, which renta
for an amount auffleient lo pay for Itself in four or
Ave yean. I
At II out Ida is a new enunn naa neon erecioa
d la readr for the work of tht plasterer. It
will coat when flniahed, 2,800, and will Hat 450
we dedicated a new cnurcu aa uuuaio nun,
llalf Moon Circuit In last, whioh
cost l,27ft.
Tbe church at Bell's Mills oa the Logan Valley
Circuit, hat been repaired, Improved and beauti
fied at a coat of $7U0. Alio, tht churches at
Lumber Citr and Pennville, en the Lumber t'lty
Cireuit, and tbe Perionage at Ulen Dope.
In all the improvements no debt naa Den in
curred, having adhered strictly to our motto of
"fay at yon go,'
ti thurci aid rAnaoRAcn naira.' 1
Eighth Avenue Church, Altoona, hat paid dur
ing the year 81,600 of her iadebledneas.
Wait Clearfield paid her entire debt of $1,600,
and tha flreohurch edifices of Clearfield Circuit
are no out of debt.
Of the f 860 owed by the Oiceola Church to the
Church Extension Board, $100 has been paid.
The entire indebtedness of $818.61 that for lit
years has encumbered our parsonage property at
Warrior's Mark has been fully cancelled.
llellefonte reported U our last Conference a
debt of $.I0.T3, all of which has been met, and no
flrurea will appear tn the debt column after tbe
name of thla growing atatlon.
lluncanavtue, aariy in tne year, inauguraiea
thia debt paying crusade by ridding herself on
what teemed trivial and yet was annoying, via :
a debt or $260.
Moat of these debts were so cbronta at to havt
become inflamed aa were alao tha debtors and
creditors. At ft rule tbe preach en bava carried
mora than their full share of tbe burden of mak
Ing improvements, as also In paying for Ibose
since made.
Three months ago tha Quarterly Confsreno of
Eighth A valine authorised me to scour at their
eapena, the aervlces of a young man aa junior
preaoher to hara special charge of their Million
chapel at 7lh Avsooe and 24tb street, looking
towards tht organisation of a 4th Methodist
F.ptaeopal tboroh la Altoona. Accordingly Rev.
A. R. Croae, wat appointed in December, and
baa been holding a series of meeting! which have
r ml led lo tha accession of over 60 probationen.
We shall ek this Cootereoo to organ ia tbia new
atatlon with n protective membership of 136.
vm roncLcsion.
Wo entered upon the work of the District with
many miigivingi. We close oar four years
services with profound gratitude to God for the
good measure of health with whioh we have been
bleaaed. and Ibe auoeeei temporal and spiritual
which He hath givn oi; mingled with regret
Ibat mora has aotbea awueior i a net's ningaon.
Three r four yean oa the Diatrlot cover a
period of death In secular employment and con
sequently In the price f U at to render church
Aoanekerina axceediagly precarious, and yet dur
ing tb fuur yeara tbe salaries of ur pneobora
bava averaged much larger than tba average
throng fa out tue connection.
We hav tiled to faithfully and fearletlly ad-
mlatater tha Charge eommitled t oa, and trust
under Ued ta be utile lo tarn It ever to oar sue
eeeeor. aa wa received It, In n growing condition
I bespeak for blm, wh the Bishop may appoint
la follow m. that beartv o-ooeratlun to cheer
fully accorded lo myself, to both preachers and
I close with the devout ajaeulaiton of eur mar
tyred Presides.! t "God blosa the Methodist
C berob, God blest ill tbt Cb arches."
A Fact. An auvortiRcraont inserted
In the KaroiLioaa will reach mora reader! than
If published In all tba other papera In tho coun
ty, and nott tba advarttttt Wat than one-half
In other word a, an advert l men t published In
our Jcnrnal la worth doublt tht prist of that
charged by any other publisher ia th coanty.
It ii a fact" tf.
Ohm Hvaonno Pan Can. Disooont on Old
Paicaa. Sewing Machine can now bpnrrbaed
at Merrell'a tin and variety store, from $J& up
wardi. All kinds of tewing machines repaired
oa tha ahortest notice.
Clearfield, Fn., July IB, 1877.
Wahtbd. Delivered at tbe Rati Road.
100,01)0 26-lnob shaved shingles.
MO, 000 24-inch tawed shingles.
100,000 feet of pine boards.
60U,0HO U-feet shaved boupa.
6,000 railroad liea.
60,000 feet of good hemlock boarda.
For which I will par tba bicbesl market prloe,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on tho
Tyrone m Clearfield KU road.
J. F. Knantn.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 1$, 187 8-tf.
Just lleeeived.
Just Received by ARXOLI),
Cur Load Nova Scot in Planter 1
Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oats
Chop 1
Cur Load Deuken Suit I
Cur Load of Choice Family Flour!
Car Load Dry Goods, 5rocerieB,&c.I
fAtF'-Shinglos, Burk. K. R. Ties and
Gruin will be taken in exchango.
CurwoDsville, May 1, 1878.
KIRK SMITH. In Revnotdivllle, Pa., on
Tburaday, March 10th, 1881, by Ker. I. C. Plao
nett, Mr. Mablo S. Kirk and Miss Ana 8.
8uiTH,bothof Luthersburg.
MORROW DIM ELING. On tba 16th Inst,
at the resldonoaof th bride's father, Jacob Dime
ling, of blue Ball, by Ker. N. II. Miller, of Os
ceola, Mr.M.T. Mennow,of Sbawsrille, nnd Mitt
Auit DiHKLian.
8 MEAL OGDEM. At tht reildenee of the
bride'i parents In Clearfield borough, on Tuesday,
March It, 19X1, by Ker. G. Lcidy, Mr G. W.
riwaAL, of Boggs townabip, and Mill Flora
Oouan, of Clear Held.
We acknowledge tbe receipt or several varieties
of excellent take, and "th boys" Imagined, as
they eagerly devoured tbo delicaol, that they
ware at ft wedding feast All hands extend tbe
happy couple their congratulations, and wish
tbat their pathway, as they journey along towards
thatunsetof life, may bo ttrewn with fragrant
and beautiful roses, and tbey b accompanied
with pleasure and all the good things of thia
mundane aphare.
CORLEY. -In DuBoia,oo Sunday, March 20th,
1881, Wulian Con LB r, aged 68 ycaxt.
FOREPMAK. At Kylertowq, Pa., oa Friday,
March lltb, 1881, from Scarlet fever, J. Ular
mcl, only son of Rev, E. P. Foresman, aged 6
yeara, 9 m on the and 1 day.
Clkarfiild, Pa.
Flour, per ewt.
Buckwheat Flour, per owt.
Curo Meal, per ewt
Chop, rye, porowt
Chop, mixed, per ewt
Rree, per owt
Wheat, per bu.hel
K;e, per bu.hol
Oata, per buahel
Corn, uri, per bu.hel
Buckwheat, per bmbel
Cluver Med
Timothy aeed
Potatoes, per bu.hel
Apple,, per buabel
llami, per pound
Shoulder, per pouod
Dried Beef, per pound
Chicken,, per pair
Butter, per pouod
Bug., per dotan
Salt, per lack, largo
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Apploa, per pound..
Dried Peaches, per pound.
Boana, per bmbel
Hareb 22J, IH1.
U 00
........ I 00
1 80
1 to
I .0
1 00
1 10
' 40
t 00
I tb
1 10
1 Ob
l to
Puii.ADtLrniA, March 11. Tha wet weather
to-day retarded business but wheat took an up
ward torn. Cotton It quitt and steady ; tales at
lite for middling uplands. Bark Nothing do
ing. Seeds Choice new western clover If hero
would command OfaO.a, but the bulk of the tup
ply consists of old Pennsylvania, which telle at
7v&o as in quality. Timothy and flax are un
changed. Flour and Meal Flour tt In fair local
request and firm. Sales of 1,000 barrels, includ
ing Minnesota axtrae, at 6 fa) 6.76 for medium
to fancy, dear, and at $flro8.26 for straight;
Pennsylvania extra family at M-87(Ti6.I2, : west
ern do. at $6.60(3)&87i, and patents at 0.76(i$
7.76. Rye flour ia ateady at $j per barrel.
At the open hoard, second call.-Thar waa
lass activity in wheat, and th market closed
very quiet, weak and lower. Tba current rates
were: $1 10 bid and tl.ldj aakad for No Ired.
March $1,201 bid and ll.HOi asked for do.
April; $1,201 bid and $1.20 aaked for do. May t
$1.19 bid and $1.10 aaked for June. Corn waa
held firmly, but then wat not much demand.
The ctoaing quotations were : 67e bid and 674
aaked for tail, March: 66c bid and 65fl asked
for do. April ; 64o bid and 64Jc aaked for do.
May ; 64c bid and 64c aaked for do. June. Oata
wen in better demand, and prices wen firm.
No. 1 white closed: 44c bid and 44c asked for
March ; 46 to bid and 46cJ aiked ror Apll ; 46
bid and 4o asked for May 4Ac bid end 4. Wo
aaked for do. June. 6,000 buabela April told at
Chicago, March 21. Flour ateady. Wheat
fairly active and a abade higher; No. S Chicago
spring, nguUr. $1.0Ji for fresh ; $1.04-1 for oath;
$l.0S for April j $1.0SforMayi $1.0 for June.
Corn in good demand and a abade higher j 39ri
401 for oaah i Ule for April ; 431 I'M.. for May
andJuae. Oata firm j Htk0lt'i2a for oath; 8io
for April Miotic for May, Rye and barley
ateady. Pork dull, weak and lower t $16.00 for
eaahi $16.40(0,16.42 for April i $li.66 for May :
$16.70 for Juno. Lard active and lower ; $10.66
for eaih and April i $10.70 for May i $10,824 for
June. Bulkmeats easier: shoulders $5.06 ; abort
rib, $7.96 t abort clear, $8.30. Whislry ateady.
3lfw SaJwrtiiSfmriits.
C1AIJTION. All paraona an hereby warned
J against purchasing or In any way meddling
with the following property, now In the posses-
lion of Simon MrFarland, via: One 10-horie
power engine and boiler, 1 "Parker" shingle
machine. 1 "Kweepetakos" planing machine, wilh
tba countershaft, pulleys and belling necessary to
run tbe aaid maebineryi ftiso, i gray norse, i
yellow oow, and 1 spring wagon, as tba tame be
longs to ma, and Is subject to my order at any
time. JUH?i tiaAHK.
I tahrllla, Pa., March 9, 1881-ftt
CI AfJTlON. Alt persons are berb) cautioned
J against pnrohssios; or ia any wv meddliog
wilh tbe following described personal property,
1b the possess! a of David Carlev, of Karthans
townsbin. to wit : Two-thirds interest la 8 acres
of wheat -Trowing, two thirds interest ia acres
of ryt grow tog, t oows, 1 1-vearold hvitsr. 1 1-year
old bulls, a irb os ts, 1 eook stow and utensils, t
bedsteeds and bedding, I extension table.l corner
onnbeard, 1 stall, rook tog ourls, 4 kltobeo
ohairs. 200 weight of pork, 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1
cultivator and 1 shovel-plow. Tha foregoing
property was parohaeod bjr tne at private sale on
the Ttb of March, and is left with said David Carls v
on loin only, sobjeet to any order at any time.
dunn uunnn.
Frenehville, Pn Har. IA, lKftl-ftt.
Desirable Heal Estate !
Eatato of Hichird Shav, Sr., Doo'l
TI1R andrrflnn."!, Fteegtor. of th. estate ef
KICHAKD CHAW, Sr., deceased, will elTer
at pabllesaleet the COT HI 1KM1KK, la the Ur-
ougn or uieerueid, ra., oa
Friday, April 1st, 1881,
AT 1:30 O'C I.Ot K P. M.,
The follow lag valuable realesut. vis i
Tha three-story BRICK HOTEL property,
eorner of Market aad First streets, ia the bor i
oogh of Clearfield, known as j
'The Shaw House,'
Fronting with two lots of gronnd thereto boloaging
200 feet on Merkel street, aaa vo
I j jjl dwelling bntise etlarhed. The ho
" I tV tel nroittur he slxtv bttd-roflroi end
all aonvenienoee for m flrst-olsse
botl. One of the snost desirable hotel properties
in Ceatral Pennsylvania,
Tba above will bo sold together with a two
story frame dwelling house on Market street, ad
JoR t th Hot), and one other frame dwelling
boos and a two-story store baildiag, all fronting
oa Market at root
ALSO. All tbat (wrtala lot, knuwa la th
nlait or Clsarflsla boron gh as Lot No UV, . .
fronting SO feet on Locust etret, rue
ning baob ITS feet, nor or less, to aa alley i (
wlib dwelllna boas and all necessary oat
bail dings thereon trotted, and other Improvements.
TKRJn OF tttfaLE
Oaa-tblrd oash at .delivery of good deed, aad
tha balanea t be eeurd by bond and mortgage,
pay ble la oae and two years, with Interest,
A. . BHAW,
Sarvlvlng la'r of Rlfhard Shaw, Brdae'd.
Clear Qsi, tm, vm. a, ia-ie
Xfflnl flwtiSfmfntS.
JOH WORK. All kind, or job work eleouUd
ia tb. best manner at tbia offloe.
T)BKH KOK iALE.-8.eral awarn, ef
1 Boo,, la good wadition, for eal. at low
prtoee, la America aad Simplicity hire,.
Clearl.ld, Pa., alar, II, 1S.1-JI.
f- OOO mmilEI.fl. Oeorg. Wearer A Co.
(J. want At. thouaand buibela of OATS, aow,
and will pay ea,h or produce.
Clearfield, I'a Aug. II, HJI-tf.
ITTACiOKH fOR SAI.El-The anbaorlber
T T baa two Two-More. Wegooe, aearly new,
for a.U. Will bea.ld oheap. Cellon or addrera
Clearfield, Pa., Mirth I, lsol-lf.
NOTICE The and.nlgn.d, raiding la tb.
Tillage of Weatovor, ia Cheat towo.hip,
baa made tb. neeeuary arrangementa and pro
peaea to open an K ATI Nil llol Kt for tbe ac
commodation of tbo puhlio generally, aad I here
by aolloit a liberal ahara of the public patronage.
JOHN J.bNYHBH., Pa., Feb. 0, 1(81-1'.
I7IAHM I.ANDH Kill AI.EIn lloilon
and Pinetown.bipa.Clearfleldeounty.
Reasonable timegitren forpartof ourchaae g
money. Price, tA.OO to $10.00 per acre."
Mlaera'a reserved. L. BIRD, Agenl,
Penneld, Pa.
or WiLLlca A Khbbs,
Sept. 10, 1879-tf. Clearfield, Pa,
Clover and Timothy Seed.
A large stock of home
Clover and Timothy seed at
March 16th, 1831-St.
2, ia hereby given tbat Lettera of Admlnia,
traiien on th estate of DR. D. O. CROUCH
lata of Curwensville, Pa., deo'd, having been duly
granted to tbo undersigned, all persons indebted
to said aetata will pleas mak Immediate pay-
meat, and tbos having claims or demands against
the same, will present .beta prt-periy aulnentlca
tod for settlement without delay.
Curwensville, Pa., Feb. 9tb, 1881-fiu
THK undersigned, having procured a lease ol
a firat-elaaa coal voio, baa opened a mine,
and ia now prepared to furoiab euatoaers with a
fl ret -class article of ooal on ahort notice, and at
tha moderate prloe of SIX CK.NTS per bushel.
All orders left at my shop will b promptly at
tended to. WM. R. DROWN.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 2, 1881 -ly.
TUB aubacrlber hereby fives notice tbat he
is aow delivering ooal of an excellent quality
and proposal to operate bis mine
.ILL SkV.TI .?:,
go tbat he will be enabled to supply hia cut toman
at all limes nitb good fuel. No Summer vaca
tion. Ordera by mail promptly filled.
Clearfield, Pa., March S, 1881-tl.
Englisli Classical School.
TIIE undersigned will open this school In tbe
Leonard buildiag, Clearfield, Pean'a, on
MONDAY, APRIL 18, 18Hl,to continue eleven
weeks. .
Common Englith Branches I". 00
Higher English and Classics ?.00
Clearfield, Pa., Fsb. 10, lSSl-tf.
l,Ol k-l P. --healed proposal for fur
niihlng the material and erecting and completing
a Lock-up lor tne borough at tlearueld, ia tbe
manner and of tbe form, else and description
given in the plans and specifications prepared by
tbe Town Council, will be received from builden
and mechanic, by William Powell, Burgess, at
bis office, until IZ o clooK M., on M on-lay,
MARCH mil, 1881. Tba plana and specifica
tions can be seen at th store of William Powell,
and at th offloe of J. F. Hnyder, at any time
after March 18th. Th Bnrgest and Town Coun
cil reserve the right to reject any er all bid
The names of tbe sunt let to guar ante tha per
formance of the contract muat accompany tha
oia. iiy truer oi tne town uouncn,
WM. POWELL, Burgt-st.
Attest :
J. F. 8m r.tR, Clerk.
Clearfield, Pa., March 10, 1BB1-K
The aubacriber propoaea to tell or nnt a num.
ber of larma located aa followa ; Tbe first situate
in Burnside township, Centre county, containing
160 acres, having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent ton church, and known
as tbe James Mulbolland farm.
ALSO, another farm sit oat in Orabam town
ship, Clearfield county, containing 117 acres, with
the necessary improvftnents. inn tarm Is under
laid wita a UOOD VKIN OF COAL.
ALSO, six other farms In the vicinity or French
Hie, containing rt-pect fully 113, 100,96, 06, 60
brna thereon, arood water, bearing orchards on
aame, aa well as some good wood land. For
further particular! call la penon, or add rem the
undemgned by letter. L. M. uuLUlUHr.
Jan. ivtb, ittHi-u. rrrnonviue, a,
Tbe undersigned haa eooae to the eonolu.lon ta
quit farming and follow bia occupation, a aar-
pontar, and now offers for aele bia farm, aituate
one and ahalf mllaa north ef Clearfield borough,
Most of whieb ta cleared and under good eultlra-
tloa. and bating Iborooa a good
Lara frame barn, and other oarsssary outbuild
In a i, together with an orchard of all kinds of
fruit, and an excellent spring af water. The
This property will b exchanged for smaller prop
erty, or sold on easy terms ia payments. For
fart ber particulars call oa tbe premisea or address,
JOHN 0. RKKD, Clearfield, l'a.
March lflth, lB81-tr.
Thomas A. Duckett,
T IIKREDV five notice to the eltiaona of Clear-
J Geld and tbe surrounding vicinity tbat I am
prepared at all times to furnish families aad
menu factoring establishments with a superior
quality or
Coal, Wood g Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver la a few hours'
notice. I am always ready to hul and deliver
from and to th depot, or anywhere else, and
move families and bousshnld goods anywhere oa
short notice. tiiub, a. vwuftai i.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, IflM-tr.
uimnoiuB, rapt ha.
FT1.1B sntiseribr now ffers to th el 1 1 teas of
I Surnside and vicinity, an unprovided
specialty. Hereafter all kinds of Caskets and
Coffins will be kept on band, aad ordera filled at
Mineral b 11 tended rfnyirhtre.
I will fnraish the finest as well as tha cheapest
articles dedicated to funerals All order left at
th store of Joan C. Con naa will recoive prompt
attention. For fnrtber particulars, oall oa or
nddrass K. S. HKNl-EKBON.
Dee, 10, 1879-tf.
Re-Union of Trade.
rpMR anfl.ralgo. wlahlnf to loferm the nubile
X loai ae opeaea a
At the old stand la TroatTllle, Cl.arlleld eouatj,
l'a., oa the 1Mb. last., with a full ' or
lloata, Phaaa, Ktr.,
In fast ererrthliii to he found la a orat elaas atora,
all of whloh I e determined to nil at the loweal
oaah prieaa.
Will Had It to their enl ranlae to do dealing
with ai, aa the highest prkeer will h. paid fur Hhln.lM. er Frndnea of ant kind. Part
or one half eash will he paid. Trading for
Ithlncloa or Lansberof an, kiad a spatially. Also,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines,
tl.rla. neJa arraniesneals with Raster! ea.r
skints to Mil goad, furntan.d at., thmfera nail
and are, aa I will he enabled to ..II rheaper than
Ib.eoaapMt. w. vanuiio,
Trntnllo, Pa., Sept. U, 'H I7. AgoaL
Eight Farms forSale orEcnt!
. ' - '
The Great CLOTHING Emporium!
IF YOU want to study your own interest, do not
the above establishment and examine
Hat-S Gents' Furnishing Gds,
W bather you wish to make a pu robes or not, we shall be pleated at all timet tt shtw yen ear
assortment of goo Is, whk'h will at looe coo viae you that ur
Styles are the Best, and our Prices the Lowest.
H.oi.uili.r, also, that w. bar. an elegant assortm.nt of PIKCR Q00D9, of tba latest Bor.ltlea,
oepoelelly Intended for
Aad w, are pnpereii to MARK SUITS TO ORDER AT SHORTEST NOTICK, aad shall
to auit tbe taat. of the aaoat faatldioaa.
Opera Housa Block, opposite postoffioe, CLEARFIELD, FA.
2 CAR LOADS. . 2
The largest and best assortment of wagons ever brought to
One car load of CONKLIN wagons,
One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons,
Which we will sell at factory prices. We buy these wagons by
the car load and pay CASH for them, therefore we are able
to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county.
WTe guarantee these wagons to be first-class
in every respect. Also, a lot of
Platform Spring Wagons Buggies.
One car load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper
than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere.
F. M. CARDON & BR0., Clearfield, Pa.
February 23, 1881-tf.
Curwensville, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbars and manufacturers, receive goods at
car load rates, hence can compete with New York and Philadel
phia hoiiHe-s.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having Lark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs,
Give me a call.
Sept. !, 1886-tf.
All kinda of Cue-kola and Coding
ahort notice, including tho finoat aa
factured. (Jur
Ia the bnat In line, and will te furni.hed when required. Funcrala attended
in anv nart of the countv. Call at
vour ordora at Troutman'a r'amituro
oet 1,79-tf.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Oorw.asrllle, Fa. Jan. I , HTI-tf
T1WKNTV IIOlrSKH and LOTS la Clearneld
for sale at reee.oeH. prioee aad oa easy
0 rebel
Also, see.r.1 FAKMS la Bradlero ana
Apply t
Clearaold, Pa.
t)e.. I, '10-tf.
Fine Kalian Marble In IheSlatc,
np any work tbat eaa be doa. la the ally it muoh
aheapor rates. We will put up
ta lull. a Marble or Oranlto, aheapor than It eaa
b. doae la aay other part ef tbe Stale. Any por
aea buying ntooameotal work to amount of lie aad
ap welds, will base fare paid to and froas Philips
bora. Do aot h. foolek with eheap Aaaerleaa
aerble wbea roe eaa buy toe Italian marble at
lower priaea.
ttejUEAD STONES a apeelalty.
Produea and annroyed aanor will ha Usee la
airbaage tor Cam.try work. All oash payment.
will be made to th. Hohanaoa Vanning Co., w of R. PIERCE
ruilpsbwri, Pa., Jaa. ti, lMl.-osa.
guv awtlsfttunt.
fail to call at
MWaWK 4"t
kept on band, and furnished to order on
well aa tba cheapest that can ba manu
mv ofTlee, on Second atreet, or leard
Store, adjoining the I'ealofllce.
J .1 0. JJ. UElrt T s ,
Clearfield, Pa.
Avt A WKEK. tl! a star at home easily eea.
V li Costly aotBI free. Address Taue A Co.,
Anguata, atalne.
Carwoairllla, Pa., Jaa. I, 'Ti t, aa
ONKY TO l.OAN.-Oa lnt-laas las-
provsd farm property, by tbe Mataal Llf
suraaoa Oompaay of New York, oa tret mort
gaga, la same from $l,t0t ap. For farther la
formatioa apply to tbe andtrsigned.
SI V HA l it A u W, DM II Ha
Clearfield Pa., May Ttb, ilTt-tf.
Grist Mill For Sale I
A Tory desirable mill property, with Iwa palra
of burrs, alloaU la boeeler twp., Clear.
Btild eouutr. P... about two aad a-aelf mile, weal
of Phllipsburg, Centre eeunty, Pa.
Apply to Diuunaiiaiiv iiiauai.
Phlllpabarg, Centre 0.., Pa.
Not. 10, isne-tf.
Tha aaderslgned haa epeead ap ea Third otnat,
iw the Lutheran Chnreh, aud eflerfl for aala a
largu lot af ioerl, .h, eta., aad
la all IU forma and atylae. Spring bade, .aly IS.
All blade af moaldiag hr plater, framea. Sehoal
boaee Mats, desks aad klaekbeards aheapat lhaa
elsewhere, laqalrloe by mall will b. pr.mptly
aaawond, MRS. ki I. 0ANFIILD,
R. R. CaartiLO, Aeat.
Cl.artald, Fa., Dea. II, 1M