SUhegfpttHuan. J Oioroi B. GooDUNDia, Kditor. CLBARF1ELD, PaT' WRDNK9DAT MORNING, MARCH 13, tSSI, Rd, If yovj want to know erbat ti jroina on la tb. buttcee, world, Juit read our advertialng oiubdi, m. opeetar olamn In parlloalar. Our ouUido pagoa aro lull ol menlnl meat tbia wock. Givo thorn carotul attention. I'aoi On. Our t'llo page is embel liahed with profonnd historical and other facta particularly useful at this peiiod. A Virginia newspaper, doscrihingtho riooiio in tho Senato on Tuesday, aayt Hon Hill shook Muhone as a torrior ahukos a Norway rat. Ready. Tho United States Senato has at last organized and is now ready to pans upon President Garfield's cata logue of appointments. Tn Kiw Man. Hot. Elnathan E. iligboo Is tho full namo of tho gent Io nian appointed by Gov. Uoyt, as State Superintendent of Instruction. Our lourth page is covered with statements of political and social troub les, which can be utilized by old and young pcoplo if thoy want to )iv right One hundred and fifteen new doctors and forty -seven fresh dentists have just boon turned looso upon the community by a I biladolpbia college. Not Manlt. Some of Air. Hayes' friends, who woro cautious what they said while ho had government pap to distribute, aro now taking oourago to abuse him. Lots or Phovision on Hand. An exohango says: lion. Wayno Mao Vcagh is to bo tondorcd threo dinnors in Philadelphia one by the Union Loague, one by some leading oilitons, and one by memborn ol the bar. Wonderful I It took the Lower Houso at Ilarrisburg two days last weok to expel a newspaper man from the floor, for having madosomo truth ful remarks through the Pittsburgh Oa:etti about the Spoakor Hewitt. Somethino on IIand. Grant, Conk ling, Camoron, Logan and a fow of tho silont membors of the third termers, have been holding frequent caucus in Washington during tho past ton days, There are evidently somo screws loose about Garfield's Cabinet, and they aro awaro of that fact. A WAT With Him. Tho frionds of Senator John Stewart, of Franklin, hava assurance from the highest sources that ho will be appointed Min ister to Mexico by President Garfield Tho Cameron's will, no doubt, be glad to got him out of Stato politics. Will he loliovo thoir flesh from bis thorn ? Piety. "Tho racquof'was on the in auguration ball programme by tho con Hcnt of tho President-elect. It is un derstood that this is a very lively sort of a danco, but wo feci nnsurod that it is taraoncss itself comparod with the racket which Garfield will dance when Conkling guts his fiddle to going. It is believed that lion. Cameron's sudden admiration for independent pol iticians manifested in his marked at tention of Mahono of Virginia was in stilled Into bis mind by his recent po litical association with Wayne Mao Veagh. Next wo shall expect to hear that Don, baa joined tho "young scratcners. ' Mon who "roost high" must expect to be shot at, at long range, and if they aro hit, thoy should not yell un less the wound is a mortal one. This is intended for tho oyo of Speaker Hewitt, and Dr. Talmor, tho Pitts burgh Gatetti man, who lost his ropor torial seat on tho floor of tho nouse tho other day. Prolonged. Tho armislico botwecn the British and the Doors has been ex tended. Negotiations are In progress which, ' it is hoped, will enablo the brave defenders of their honor and froedom to maintain thoir independ ence, ins manllost thina tho Emr- lish government could do, bocauso it is tho right thing, would bo to with draw their troops. History would hold it no dishonor, but rather a glorious ana bravo tot. Tna rneTLTAniA Plan. It up pears that th Cameron plan of elect ing united States Senators has broken out in tho great Northwest. In tho Senate of Wisconsin, on the 18th Inst., resolutions wore introduced lor the ap pointment of a committee to investi gate current reports that certain mem bers had been bribed to vote for An gui Cameron for United Slates Sons tor. Objection being made, the reso lution was laid over. A Davis Man. The new Radical Senator, General A. J. Edgarton, from Minnesota, was a member of the Dem ocratic Convention in 18C0 and votod filly times for Joff. Davis for President Ho aftorwards camo to Baltimore and voted for Brockinridgo. Ho entered a Minnesota regiment as a privato and was promoted to a captaincy. Ho was made Colonel of a colored regimont, and held Baton Kongo during tho early part ol the war. He is represented as a man of fair abilitios, clean record and no very pronounocd partisanship, It Means Notdino. President EJliol, of Harvard University, says the degroo 01 v. v. dm ceased to mean anything, it bas boon distributed so indiscrimi natoly. An eminent religious authori ty remarks that "so many of the D. D.'s are nsilher talonted or learned, nor re markable for anything bat heaviness and stupidity, that their title la about all then is to them." As tbe title means neither moro nor less than "teacher of divinity," It cannot carry mucn barm with It, even if it fails to eonfer high distlnotion on thoso wbo wear It A BOA RD OF HEALTH. The editor of tho .Selinsgrovo Timtsl elaborates in this way an tho subject under consideration : "A bill is now bo - tore the Legislature which has fur its' object tho organisation of a Stato Board of Health, which shall coiifist of six persons to bo 'appointed by the Governor. These six poi sons (dot-tors of course) are to serve without coin ponsation. This of course is the only delusion that will disappear as soon as the now olllues aro onco established. At tho meeting of tho next Loginls turo an additional act will be asked to provide salaries, and Tiny bo even back pay also. But tbo bill provides for an appropriation of 110,000 to carry out tbo purposes of tho act. Thoso 810,000. would of course, slick pretty closely to tbo pockets of tho six pompous indi viduals ol tbo Stato Board of Ueallh. Tho whole scheme is a contemplated fraud upon the taxpayers, and won't bo worth a row of pins to tho public It is simply an effort to crcato a dozen more easy and lucrative offices (or that many persons who prefer to live off the taxpayers instead of earning an honest living as thoy ought to do. These six pompous officers would of course have a lot of subordinates, such as Secretary, Clork, Messenger, fee, Ac, so that by tho timo thoy got or ganized there would bo a doison pluces filled at a snug salary for each. And what would bo the result f Nothing! A Stato Board of Ileal tli can no more affect or rcgulato health than they oan regulate tho weather. II as individual physicians they cannot control diseases any hotter than they now do, how could they do it bottor when six of tbem put their heads together ? Take for example diphtheria. All the physi cians in tho Stato and wholo country aro puzzled with it. Does any man ol sense for a moment suppose that auy six ol all tho physicians could do dif ferent and hotter morely becauso or ganized and paid by tho Stato f Tboy would bo no wiser and could accom plisb no more. The schomo is only an attempt to creato moro offices. It is not asked for by the pooplo. It is tho scheme of perhaps a dozen or two phy sicians, and the Legislature ought to kill the scheme at first sight." Why, tho Fish Commissioners coat more than thatl Which do yon prefer; health or fish ? Dancing Liuisi.ation. An oxchango says: "A bill to amend tho charter of the Rehoboth Beach Association has passed tho Delaware Stato Senate, This amendment carries out the sense of the meeting held somo months ago, which was considered at tbo time as Bottling the vexed dancing question. Tbo charter of the association prohibits tho practice of anything Inconsistent ith tho discipline of tho Methodist Episcopal Church, and that discipline taboos dancing. Tbo amendmont sub stitutes 'inconsistent with Christian morality.' It is agreed that 'Christian morality' is clastic enough to permit dancing. The amendment also strikes out tho limit of five percent, in regard to assessment of lot holders for im provement of tho grounds, and haves them open to any assessment within the discretion of tho association." P. S Rehoboth Beach is a religious Summer resort on the Delaware rivor. Hence this peculiar legislation. tioeernor HotI and State Superintendent Wick erebim bid a long end pieman! interview ttiii afternoon. This is a telegram sent from Harris burg to tho Philadelphia Prim on the 17th instant, the day previous to Wick orsham's removal. Tho conduct of tho Governor and the Superintendent has been very annoying to their friends. Mr. Wickersham's term of office ex pired last Juno, and up to last wook ho exorcised the duties of bis office by sufferance. It was understood that Gov. floyt would not re appoint him, and notified him that ho might send in his resignation and thus prevents romoval. Mr. Wickorsham served a notice on thoGovornor and his frionds that be would not resign. Thus a reg ular schoolboy's quarrol bas been go ing on botwoen these two high Stato officials for tho past nine months. That thoy had a "long" Interview, as abovo indicated, is no doubt true; but that it was a "pleasant" one is vety doubt ful. 1 lie quarrel is loo old. He Sees It. Col. Fornoy, in bis last Progress, in alluding to the bar. gain and salecntorcd into between the tradors in tho upper branch of the Fed eral Legislature, says : "A scene in the Senate of the United States, last Mon- day, so servilo and vulgar as to excite tho scorn of all but a few desperate oilico hrokors and party tyrants, (ol lowed the dcclartion of Mahono, Democratic Senator from Virginia, in favor of the Republican ring. Mr. Hill, of Georgia, boldly exposed th transparent trickster, and tbe Rcpub- beans of Virginia, who wore prosont in the gallery and witnosscd tho auo tion that placed them at tho mercy of too repudiator, themselves repudiated tbe trade. Tho Senato is too evenly balanced to hold a majority by such slender and scandalous means. The near future will avongo "the filthy bargain." Tho proud men of Virginia will not rest undor such a degradation." Pi-ofauiNO TiiRoi'tin Blockades.- Chicago, III., March 20. Tho trains blockaded by yesterday's storm have been slowly making thoir way into tho city to day and to night. It was not until this aftornoon that tho street car companies bad any of their IrnekB sufficiently cleaned to run cars, and on some of the lines no cars, and on somo of tho lines no cars have been run as yot. The telegraph wires wore not all in ordor yet, but it is known that the blockade is general in Iowa, south orn Vv iBConsin and northern Illinois. Eastern trains have suffered loss delay than those coming from the West, Milwaukee, March 20. The storm is over, but everything is blockaded. Trains will not bo running before to morrow. Toadtism. The House of Ropre sontatives at Harrisburg on Monday a week passed a resolution, almost unan imously, thanking Prcsidont Garfiold for recognizing the Keystone State, in appointing Wayne MacVeagh to tho Cabinet. How lovely things are be coming down there since the Rads kave quit voting lor United States Sen ator. However, in this Cabinot bnsi. ness the "kickors" are hnaH nf ik "straightbacks." Although the lattflf did get away with the Senator. I another gunpowder plot, Tim calilo biings another startling story from abroad. At midnight on Wednesday, tho Kith, a wooden box containing forty pounds of gunpowder, oonnected with which was a lighted fuse, was fortunately discovered by a po liceman on duty at the Munsloii House in London, tho ollli iul residenco of the Lord Mayor of the metropolis. The The firo was extinguished and tho box carefully removed to a place of safety. All efforts thus far to discover who plaeod tho box mIicio it was lound have proved ineffectual and no arrests have been made. The Mansion House is a venerable stucturo, having been built 1-3 yurs ago, and has something of tho rtir of a Hornan Paluco. JJusidcs being tho official residence of tho Lord Mayor It is used lor largo charitable and other meetings nnder his auspices. It contains somo magnificent works of art, and is superbly furnished. The nows of the attempt to destroy it, fol lowing so quickly after the assasHina tion ol the Czar of Russia by the N'ihi lists at St. Petersburg, has naturally magnified tbo importance of tho dis covery in London, and various theo ries aro being advanced in reference to tho attempted destruction of the Man sion House. It is intimated by somo that it is tho work of Fenians, while it is also thought that tho dangerous package may have been placed whero it was lound by Nihilists' agents. It is evident tbet the success of the as-sus-tius in Russia is already having Its effect, and it is impossible to form a correct idea of what may bo developed in tho future. Too Thin Skinned. Wohavo watch ed tho career of our Blair county neighbor Hewitt the Speaker of the House, over since he entered public life and gave him credit for bruins and discretion. But, the affair that camo off on the floor of the Houso last week in trying to squelch n reporter of tho Pittsburgh Gazelle compels us to change our mind. Tho reportor, we confess, acted indiscretely in what ho said about the presiding officer of the Houso, but tho Speaker's conduct in tho mattor was doubly so. We believo tho reportor was entitled to a voto of consuro for his indiscretion but tho men whovoted for bisoxpulsion should huvo turned around and asked the Speak er to resign, becauso tho luttor was more grossly out of order in what he said upon tho floor, than tho reporter. Wo want "a Free Press I" ond if we offend, lako us Into court, as tho low directs. Don't turn tho Legislature into a court lor tbe purpose of convict ing us. No mora of that kind of inquisition. Too Much Education. Says the Philadelphia Record : "Governor Iloyt has appointed Dr. Higbeo, President of Mercorsburg College, Superintendent of Tublic Instruction, to succeed Dr, Wickeinlittin. Both the outgoing and incoming officers hsvo excellent ropu tntions. Tho fault of common school direction in this Stato for years past has been that it bas overshot the mark. Instead ol furnishing children an ex cellent elementary education, some thing beyond is aimed at, and tho re sult, as a whole, is neither excollont Lorenpercxcellent. If Dr. Iligboo will bring tho common school system back to tho primal intention of teaching tho children of the State an effectual courso ol reading, writing and arithmetic, he will do well. Tho rest may bo safely lclt to privato hands, whole it certain ly belongs." "Tns Colored Element." An ex change says : There woro In all fifteen colored porsons at the inaugural ball, among them being ex-Sonalor liruoo, ox Governor and would-be Sonator Pinchbnck, Robort Elliott, once a mem ber of tho Houso from Louisiana ; Robort Harlan, of Cincinnati. Each was acoompanied by his lady friends. Thoy formed a littlo party of their own and made up a sot for tho first danco, a lanciors, about twenty foot from whore tho Presidential set would have danced had Mr. Garfield consented to tnko part. Ouo lilllo black barb named Elsworth, who works in ono of tho hotels in Washington essayed to danco the racquet, but somehow thoy did not soom to "grab tho motion," and could not make a success of it. Pinch back woro a $5,000 "spark" in his shirt front. Garfieldism. In roietring lo tho filial kiss with which ho grcotod his mothor in the prcsonco of the crowd upon Inauguration day, a friond of the President says : "He gave that littlo turn, knowing how it would touch ovory man who over had a mother and evory woman that cvor had or expects to have a son. Ho is tho ablest Presi dent in tho art of putting things since Lincoln. Ho conccivos everything with regard to its effect upon tho pop ular mind, no is Intonscly ambitious and destituto of mornl principles, but he bas somothing most as good, tbo wisdom to know that in this nation a man to stand woll before the pooplo baa got to be moral, religious, and safe." Call you this backing of your friend ? On tho whole, tho world bus a much bettor opinion of Garfield than this, Somebody Mistaken. Tho Federal administration organs a few days ago made quite a flourish in announcing that the President would Bolcct the best mon ho could find among tho Southern Republicans to fill tho Fed eral offices in (ho South. It dooms Ibat bis first selection is D. T. Corbin for Marshal or South Carolina. Corbin is ono ol tho most disngreoablo carpet baggers in all the South, and was re fused a scat in tho United Stales Senate when tho Republicans bad a majority in that body. If this man is a spool mon ol tho "best men" in tho Republi can parly in tbe Southern States there is no longer any occasion for wonder that the South is solid. Getting Fusbt. Tho worst seat of corruption undor Hayes was tho Tost- ouico Department, in connection with the star route contracts. Jerome J Hinds, a formor star roulo contractor, but wbo bas fallen out with the ring, has just been making some disclosures which implicato Second Assistant Post- mastor General Brady, cx Sonator Dor- soy and tome others. Brady and Dor soy are preparing statements of denial, but It is to be hoped the affair will re ceive a thorough investigation. Hinds is an ex-member of the Republican National Committee from Alabama and an ex-Congressman. NEFA It IOCS XI II I LISTS. PLYING THEIR WORK OF DE STRUCTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. ATTEUPT TO III.OW II' THE MANSION UOU8I, LONDON 1 HE PLOT DISCOVER 111 II Y A I'ol.H'EMAN AB'lMD roll HP IN HIE 1-iM KM of Kot'KKAKot f THE NEW EMI'KRott'el L1FS . IN IIANIlhlt . London, Match If. At midnight a policeman on duty at tbo Mansion houso observed a tiro on the ground near the rear wall of tho Lord Mayor's official residence, and lound a wooden box with a fuse, connected "to which somo lighted paper hail been recently applied. The officer extinguished tho tiro and took the box to the police sta tion, where it was found to contain about lorty pounds o' rrunpowdcr with a fuse in tho midst o. ,t. No arrests have been made nor has any cluo to the porputrution been thus tur discov ered. Tho Munsion house is tho official palaco of the Lord Mayor of Loudon. The present building is about one hun dred and twenty years old and was built by tho architect Dance, on tho bite of tho old slock market. Its prin cipal feature is a Coilnthiuii portico, with six fluted columns. The building itself has something of tho air of a Roman, and had originally a central court yard ; this, however, has been roofed in, and bo convened into what is known as tho Egyptian hall. It contains somo statutes by British artists Foley, Bailey, Marshall and others and utfbrds a lino dining ball for tho great city banquets. It is also used for largo charitablo and other meetings in i'urthorancoof objects taken under the special patronago of tho Lord Mayor lor the timo being. Tho Mansion bouxo is sumptuously furnish od, anil provided with pluto and jew eled ornaments worth i':'0,000 to .30, 000. The Lord Mayor's household consists ot twenty gentlemen, includ ing the sword bearer, tho common bunt, the common crier and the water cailiff, ail of whim hnvo tho titlo of I osquiro. He has a splendid retinue of servants. 1 bo present Lord Mayor u tho Right Honorable William McAr thur, who is a liberal member of tho Houso of Commons fur Lurnbctb. COMPOSITION OF A noun FOUND ON HOI'S SAKOFP. London, March 27. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to tho Daily Xtics says; A bomb wus found in tbo pocket of tho assassin RoussukofT. It was made in a zinc case containing glass tubes, two of which wcro filled with vitrol and two with Raitholdy suits; iudia rubbortube8with fulminating mercury, and a box holding nitroglycerine and proxynno ; tno wholo weighing six pounds and three-quarters. WAUN1NU FROM GENEVA AND LONDON. Tho Times' correspondent at Berlin says an evening paper repeats tho statement that tho assassination ot tho Czar was investigated by the In- toriiulional hociely, having lor its watchword "The murder of monarchs and the ovorlhrow ol governments." Tho correspondent points out that at such a timo ol general excitement all kinds of rumors will arise, but it would bo well to remombcr tho assertion of severul writers ol St. Petersburg, that tho polico, and even tho Czar himself, shortly beioro bis death, received warn ings from Geneva and London. TUB NEW CZAR WARNED. St. Petersburg, March 17. Tho revolutionary proclamation discovered at Ronssakolf's domicilo declares that l!io Nihilists will continue their work. and warns tho now Emperor to beware ol bis lather s lato. WARNING SENT To NEWSPAPERS. Gcnoral J. oris Melikoff has sent warn ings to tho 6'ufosand.lheiSVritrui (news papers) for their articles in reference to the accession of Alexander 111. Tn ATTEMPT ON THE LIFE or ALEX ANDER III. The excavation ol the mine discov ered near tbo residence of tho now Emporor was continued to-day. A gallery loads from the small shop be fore montioncd to the middle of tho stroot, and there are telegraph wires along tbe gallory. The elements for an cloctrio battery were found in tho shop. Tho mine will be flooded and removed. Tho shop was taken in Jan uary last by a peasant named Baron ogo, and a man and his wife named liozileff, who have disappeared. Suspi cion ogainst thorn was arousod by the nciguuora Beoing KoziletTs wile smok ing clgarottos, a custom unusual in tho t eassnt class. Penitentiary Commission We notico that Gov. Iloyt lias appointed Senators Stewart, of Franklin, Jones, of Philadelphia, Cooper, of Delaware, Wolverlon, of Northumberland, and Coxe, ol Luzerne, and Representatives A. B. Campbell, of Allegheny, Vodges, Clark and Faunce, of Philadelphia, Tubus, of Tioga, Edwards, of Scbuyl. kill, Flinn, of Allcghony, and Noble, of Erie, a committee to visit and report on tho penitentiary building at Hunt ingdon. Tbo names ot tho Democrats are printed in italic Of course, about all such cstublishmenis thoro aro al ways more Radicals than Democrats found. Tho Governor did pretty well. It is a wonder any Democrat was al lowed to lake a look at that million dollar job. "Collateral Bklatives. "The rich old English lady, Baroness Bur- delt-Coutts, wbo did the handsomo thing by marrying Mr. Asbmead Bart- lott, formorly of Philadelphia, is com ing over to seo her American collateral relatives, so (o speak. Our cable dis patcbos Sunday night brought along with tho terrible tragedy in St. Peters burg the following announcement: "Tho London News understands that it her health will allow, the Baronossl liurdolt-Coutts ond her husband will visit America in tho Spring." Another Purchase. Tbo I'.adical bailors havo suocecded in purchasing nnothcr"Confodcrato Brigadier" Son ator Mahono, of Virginia. Tbo Sennte being a lie, tho Garfield administration has promised him all tho patronago ol his Stato, if he votes with that side in the organization of tho Senato. He so voted. Tho bargain is complolo, and the "Brigadier" has gone to the other sido, on tho same plan llio British of lercd Benedict Arnold placo and gold. Nearly a Kick Hints Postponed. President Garfield announces that after this wook bo will not find it con venint to receive so many visitors. The public business, bo thinks, should re ceive somo attention oven 11 tho ofilco soekcrs havo to bo ignored. Tbo froo- men who aro ongagod in attending to their own businoss will second the mo tion, but we lear the place-hunters will bo dissatisfied. UrinAPPT. The colored Republicans in Maryland have rcconlly shown signs of rovolt from tbe authority or their white rulers, owing to their not boing accorded a full share of tho Federal patronage of tbe Stato, and have do oidod to call a Stato Convention on tbe 21th Inst., at which it is proposed lo reorganise the Republican party of the State from colored standpoint. ' TUE PURCHASE OF MAIIONE: How luuzeii it was in (.'tinkling to uriuign bis Oemoiratic colleagues for pressing the organization oil the coinnuttoes of tbo Senate and demanding that they should delay them until tbo arrival of Republican Senators could make the purchuso of Mahono cflectivel So iiiras tho Dem oeralio Senators knew, I hey had a ma joiity ol the Senate when it was full. Conkling knew otherwise. Muhone has beon brought into tho Itepublicun fold by men allied to him. Tho Phil adelphia has beon tho Muhone organ and is a Conkling organ. Gor num, Who was working lor Ins old piuco as secretary ol tho .Senate, was the negotiator. Ho gets bis reward, Mahone L'cts ins. and l.oi.klniir Ins, Knowing that by this purchased voto lue lti'iiuniicaiiB wcro to secure tho or ganization ol tho Senate, Conkling had tho supremo impudence to charge par tisanshipand iinlaiiucss upon the f'cni ocralio Senators lor simply seeking to proceed with tho business ol the Sen ate and to form its committees as it was their right and duty to do by vir tue of their being in the majority. A .S'un reportor interviewing Mr Samuel Wilkeson as to his disastrous connection with Henry Ward Bccrhor in the Lilo ol. Christ, drew from him, as illustrative of his opinion ol Mr. Uccchcr's moral character, a stutemont onco made to him hy the famous law yer of Alhuny, Nicholas Hill, about Caleb Cushing. Ho described him as a man of great intellect, wbo was "or ganized without a conscience." The description applies to muny ot our pub lic men, and conHfdrnously to Senator conkling and henntor Maine. These men, personally enemies, drawn awk wardly together by party ticB, unito to secure by utterly indefensible means tho advantage to their party which they oxpoct from tho organization ol the Senato. Tho President, whoso or ganization has a conscience but a nota bly elastic and accommodating one, 'aids tbo schemo with the promise of tho patronage npon which it is based tie sends a bouquet of nowoia to Ma hono'sdesk; the Republican Senat- rs cover him with tho perfume of swoot words of commendation, in which task tho Republican press undertakes to nelp mem. lint the stinkingness of this bargain between -Muhone and the administration is too pronounced to be disguised even in Itio concentrated es sence of attar of roses. Republican oratory and writing is inadequuto to mo lam oi persuading the penplo that in is uarguin ib a ueconi ono and hon orable to any of tho high contracting panics. me iemocravic party can moro easily boar the loss "of tho Senate or ganization than the Republican party can afford to have gained it in ouch manner. Hero at tho very outset of tbin now administration is its charac ter exhibited, and tho fact demonstra ted that it is ready to adopt any method to secure its aims, regardless of its decency. Tho tone of tho ad ministration is fixed ; and it will occur to evory ono that it is naturally fixed, and just as might be expected of an administration in which Garfield and lilaino and Conkling ore tho elements in tho mixture. Tho President a per jurer, tne nocretary a unci, the riena tor an adulterer I 1tiucaater Intclli gitxcer. WILY MR. BLAINE: Mr. Blaine, tbo new Secretary of maio, is sain to Know how to manago tho overwhelming crowd of offico seek ers that daily besiege bim bettor than almost any other man who has evor been in high public position. Tho way ne noes u isnsioiiows : "llo has an un limited fund of jut such talk as flat ters the self-importance of men and still means nothing serious. When ho receives an acquaintance he greets hi in warmly with, "Well, my friend, bow aro you 7 What can 1 do for you?" At this moment by a timely movement another friend is spied. Just as num ber ono was gotting his thoughts into shape to materialize his aspirations in words, it becomes very important lor the Secretary to shower his abundant gcniolily upon number two. Number ono thus cut short and shoved along takes it out in swearing inwardly at number .two for coming on tho scene of action just at that juncture and cut ting short such an excellent opportu nity, when tho Secretary was in such a good humor, to his say. Of all men in the world Blaine can manago a uruwu or oinco -Hunting inenus, give them nothing and still make them tool as if they were all right." nucb is the character of the gay and lestivo Secretary of State, and his friends who havo for so many years ueen lauiung nun 10 llie skies will now have a chance to find bim out. Alter they havo beon flattored, cajoled and deceived by him, with promises, and led to expect Ibat what thoy asked for win surely bo granted, and then como out at tbo small end of the horn alter all, thoy begin to believo that "nil is not gold that glitters," and that tho words ol a politician aro merely sound uuu niry, signimng nothing. 1 ho host of Republican office seekers, noy begging placo and position from Mr. lilaino, ought to feel mighty small alter reading tno aoove account ol how tho wily Secretary moulds them as clay in tho hands of tbo poller. Iidlefonle Watchman. Independent Aiiout it. Tbo ap pointment ol the Rov. E. E. Higbeo as Superintendent of Public- Instruction having been confirmed, Mr. Wicker sham makes tho following statement : "My term as Superintendent expired last June, and thoreforo it was not necessary that I should resign in order to create a vacancy. Hinoe tho expira tion ot my term 1 havo been simply holding the position until a successor shall bo appointed. Tho Governor asked me to remain and has never ex pressed a wish of a different character. Evory one who lias spoken wilh me on the subject within tho last six months and hundreds havo done so knows that I bsvo been averse. In oithor asking for tho appointment my self or allowing anyone to do so lor mo. Unless tho place sought mo, un less it came of its own accord as a free gift, I did not want it and do not now. I havo novcr asked lor a ro appoint ment, and am very much chagrined that many ol my Iriends havo deemed It a duty lo act contrary- lo my wishes in this respect. The Governor has known from tho first that ho was at liberty, without creating tho least feeling on my pan, to mi ills oinco by any ap pointment hosaw proper. Hohasalso known from tho first that 1 was un wuimg to remain in tho oilico unless a re appointment was freely tendered by uim wnnoui pressure Irom any quarter. Another Timuunn Hours Twelve years ago tho first Pacific railroad was clompletcd and tho evont was colo- Drateil Willi a groat pubho demonstra tion. Thursday tho nowline to tho I'acifio was opened to thronirh travel with scarcely an announcement the last rail connecting tho Atchison. To- peka aud Santa b'o with tho Southern Paci tic railroad havina boon laid onlv a few days ago. Tho Southern route is longer than tho other, but as thoro ib an ansonco or lioavy grades and snow sheds II ia expected that foster lime can bo made, and that, in fact, it will prove a moro popular rouio with trav elers. Tho completion of tho now lino will of course exercise a most bonoflcial effect upon tbo country through which it traversos. Since tho first road was completed eovoral millions of pcoplo have found permanent homos In the vast region west of the Missouri rivor, and tbe new route will add greatly to tbe popnlatioo and wealth of tbe same section. MA HOSE A XI) DEM or II A TIC Y1RGISIA. There amn-ais lo be no doubt thai Senator .Mahono bus detorininid lo votu wiih tbo Republicans in tho Sen ate, and however much his remaining fnends may seek to evade tho fact mere is, iinlorliinatuly, no doubt i-liiig in tho public mind that bo has arrived at this drlerinination by no process ol conviction that tho Repul licun purty or thu Republican policy is wise or sale, but bas been drawn into the coalition by the Irresistible influence of Federal patronage ; in other words, as thu New York Times fuirly puts it, "tu make his power in tue nonuie servo Ins political ends.' Wo am conscious ol moro sorrow on Virginia's account than of either con tempt or pity for Mahono. No Sena tor from that Stato has over before surrendered tho trust reposed In turn to his party's onernios. All that need be said concerning the Democracy of thoso who sent Senator Miihono to Washington has boon spoken upon the floor ol tho Senate, and tho Bcvero hut just language ol Senator Hill was am ple in lis charncturization of the polit ical oiToiibc, not to say crimo, of which ho will bo guilty in voting with tho Republicans in llie Senuto. As lo its effect upon tho political future of tho Virginia Sonulor there is littlo doubt, if wo undorBtand tho temper of tho people ol that Slate. Wo are willing and have ever been glud to think thai tho readjusting Democrats there havo boon honest in their policy concerning tho disposition of tho Slalo debt, al though their mistake, both ass mailer of principle and policy, has boon as clear us a conviction of its ultimate failure to meet wilh tho approval ol the Stato alter a careful and thought ful consideration. Muhonu has been their leader becauso bo bas been tho most adroit and ablo Democrat among them. Had he been anything else than a Domocrul his Icadershin would havo been impossible, and tho moment bo makes common cause wilh tbo Re publican party ho ceases to be a prom inent factor in politics in Virginia. He may sell bis voto and bis personal in fluence for tbo palronago of tho Fed eral government in Ins Stato. and treacherously deliver tho (Triranization of tho Senato into tho hands of the Re publican parly, but ho can never barter away tno sincere Democracy of the ma jority in Virginia, who believo that Re publican policy and Republican methods enrriod to their legitimate conclusion will result in tho ultimate destruction of tho constitutional rights of the pcoplo. Indeed, wisdom would apponr to die talo that under existing circumstances the Democrats should not be responsi ble for tbo acts ol tho Sonato, and pluco all responsibility upon tho oppo sition. Mahono will discover that his now friends will remnin truo to him so long as his voto is worth their loyalty, no longer, and tho prosnoct boloro bim is not of the brightest. Wo venture to predict, howevor, that whatever may be tho effect upon the personal or political fortunes of tho Senator bim sell, or upon the causo ol tho Read- justers or of tho Democrats in Virgin ia, mo successor ot ilahono will bo a man as lo whoso fealty to the Domo cratio parly thoro will be no shadow of doubt. Baltimore Gazelle. . 0 It A SPINf A T STRA WS. With honeyed words and the sweet est of sweet phrases our Republican frionds aro bidding lor tho support of Senator Davis, of Illinois, who could givo them tho tut offices and tho con irol of legislation in the Senate. They would not havo gone so fur out of their way to conciliate the Judicial Senator from tho West if they bad captured the prize in Tennessee. Our esteemed contemporary, the American, is quite sure that Judgo Davis ought to be a itopiiDiican. it appears to tho longing iiepuoucan oye, seeing a creat possi bility so near and yot bo fur as ono Senatorial voto, that ho is out of place on tho Democratic sido of tho Senato. Ho is pleaded with to como down Irom his uncomfortublo position and vote with the party of "national quiot and national re union, judge Davis will not, bowovor, bo likely to view tho mattor in this light. Ho has lonir airo expressed his viows wilh sufficient clearness and forco to repol any idea that be will be likely to act with a party whoso position upon vital ques tions bo bas denounced as dungerous ann destructive. In a well remembor- cd letter to ox Socrotatrv of the Inte rior O. II. Browning, Judgo Davis do clarcd that "the republican demand for a strong government means sub stantially a centralized govornmont, destructive of homo rule in the Statos, and which, enrriod to its logical con clusion, would flnnlly overthrow tho republic," and ho protested against menacing and armed force nt elections. Holding such doctrines ns thoso, it is a difficult matter to understand why a mind of such fine judicial fibre as Sen ator Davis' should be asked to find an argument which could reconcile him to assist a party growing day by day and hour by hour moro pronounced In favor of the theory ol centralization, which ho viows with such alarm. Judgo Dnvis is not the man to stultify bim solf by becoming a party to tho Repub lican idea that tho National Govern ment should break down the barriers which tho framcrs of the Constitution sought to placo between its aggrandize ment ol absoluto power and the riirhts oi tuo states and tho liberties ot . the pcoplo. If tbe Republicans depend upon the support of Jiidiro Davis to organize tne senate, they are pinning their hopec to an absurdity. What ever else ho may he, Judgo Davis is not a trader in politics, and while ho may not bo a partisan Democrat, ho iioids viows upon great national qucs tiqfis which prohibit a thought that he anything ol a republican. Haiti more Gazelle. CONGER AND HARRY WHITE. Tho Washington correspondent of tho Pittsburgh Post, in a recent loltor to that papor, says : "Tho dofrat of Harry Whito and tbo elevation ol Congor to tho Senato was a sourco ol congratulation lo many monibois of iho Jl iuso, who aro tired ol these chronio obstructionists. While these two men have. Incurred a irreal doal of odium lor thoir oourso in Iho Houso, it is but lair to them and in vindication of the truth of hintory to say that they are the mero automat ons ot tho liudical party. While tho llopublicans hnvo beon in the minoni v it appears that at tho beginning of eucu session iney nuve in oanous as sembled and donignatod men to per form the disagrceablo oflieos that dur ing tho present Congress have fallen to the lot of Congor and White. When Conger is away, Whito stands in his stead. Naturalists have obsorvod that when tbe crows food they always put a crow on picket to sound tho alarm of any approactnne daniror at tho noril ui ui mo. no i.onp-er anil vt Into are l: i " . .... .. the nickot crows of tho Radical flock always on tho alert, although half tbe Republican side might be across tho way getting a drink or down town sitting on a game of pokor. It is au admirable arrangement for a minority but the role of "ohjoctor" is a very un popular one to assume, and the unso phisticated who ds not know tho innor workings and syslemaliiod rognory of me itauicai party noia i;ongor and White porsonallv responsible for the intorforonce of which they aro agents." The body of the late Caar of Russia has Oecn embalmed, anil the remains li- t -..!..'. - . ... . ..... ..- ... y., w. ,.,. poria imlao. for ; fiftoon day.. Fry. on wllf bo said nightly. I NO MORE UNCERTAIN RAN KING. Whun the pa-sago of thu threo per cent, bond funding bill became reason ably ceriniii, a lew of the National Banks wi re strangely forgetful of their just relations to the government and the people, and they arrogantly assum ed lo dislui li Iiii-Iih. and coerce legis lation by ostentatiously surrendering their i uirency. It is due to tbo grunt majority of the bunks to say that they did not purlici patu in this unwise U'dion of their as sociates; but it will also be remember ed that few and leuhlo protests camo upon banking circles. All of tbo bunks justly complained Ibat a reduction was made in llie interest of their bonds without corresponding reduction in their tuxes: but tbo bunks which fig urod most .conspicuously before tho country assumed to ho superior to tho legislative power and proposed to com pel jicccptablo legislation by tho ays temalio derangement of monoy and business. The Iniul i m it bill was passed mid ve toed by the I'resiilodnt, but not until oven tho most arrogant of the bunks had beon tuiiglit that thoy had ventur ed too fur and assumed too much. Thoy learned from tho sensible men of botli parties that un issuo lorcud nnon tho country by tbo bunks must result in a delcut ol the banks, and they now seek to repair damages as best they can. A milliner ol llieso loolisli bunks have recently asked lor tbo restoration of their currency, and tho quostiou is under consideration by tho govern. nient. It mutters little how tho point may oo ueeiuen, lor tno luw will Bare ly decide it bcloro the next Cnnirrcsa shall bo In session many months, (ho act that Hanks have played tho Hav of disturbers of business by rel'rinir circulation yesterday and recalling it to uay, proves lo the satisfaction of all that there must bu positive luw to make such uncertain banking impossi- oie in tno I ill il ro. Tho Carlisle amendment, as inter- preted by tho act that passed the House immediately alter tho passage of tho funding bill, bas become a neces sity us a part of our banking law, and it ib certain to become part ol tho law whenever Congress reaches tho sub ject. It will protoct honest and con servative banks against tbo aggres sions of banks which play for politi cians ami gamblers, and tho best ele men I of our banks will bo more than willing to havo just restraints put upon thoso which bring disrepnto upon tho ouiiKS as a class and provoke unjust legislation. it is eminently proper that a three per cent, bond should be tbo ba sis oi our oahKB, out it should como with a reduction of taxation. The on erous tixes now imposed upon tho banks must bo paid by the borrower. und tho laws should cheapen money lo legitimulo business to evory extent consistent wilh sound public policy, These results will not be nltained by bv tmiiKs uisiuroing Business or arrogant ly assuming to coerce legislation, but thoy con bo attained by the banks cor dially co operating with tbe govern ment and asking justice from the gov. eminent. Tho pcoplo aro not unmindful that it was given out in banking circles, tbut Iho three per cent- loun could be carried and mode successful il tho banks were conciliated, and that il could not succeed without their sup port, Tho pcoplo have good memo ries, and if iho llirco pur cent, loan shall full bercaltcr, thcro will bo just reproaches upon tho banker. Let the banks meet tho next Congress in the I.-. 1.- .i; .... .-. - ' s um mai snouiil ever exist lietwcen tho government and its necessary financial agencios, and the errors ol unwiso banks and of political dema gogues can be corrected. If not so con .j.-ieu oi an eariv uov. uatiks. bus ness and tho pcoplo generally must bo mutual sutrercrs. Philadelphia Times. THE CONSPIRING BANKS DE FEA TED. Those national banks thut wcro so swift to deposit with tho United Statos Treasurer their legal tenders with tho viows of retiring thoir circulation some $IS,000,000 as a means to forco Congress to defeat tbo 3 per cent, fund ing bill, have, in tho chaste language of Mayor Slokoly of Philadelphia, placed themselves "in a hole." While their action had no influence on the majority in Congress to prevent tbo passago oi me lunding bill, il bad on fraud Hayes, who promptly vetoed the bill ot Iho diotum of theso monoy lords. Tbo banks in question wcro marvellously tickled over this display of thoir power, but they arc not so highly pleased over subsequent pro ceedings, r'uidimr tho fund inir hill squolehod by tho veto, tho banks mon- uoneu proposod to replace tho bonds back into the Treasury and receivo in return tho $18,000,000 of Iciral tnndnm deposited. Hut tho now Secretary of mo ireusurv IICIO llio matter nnilni- advisomont for a few davs. brought It boforo tho Cabinet and tho unanimous opinion was, to follow tho precedents ui mo uepartmonl in similar cases; advising tho Secretary to adhcro to thorn and make no return of the legal tenders. This was an unexpected blow to tho conspiring hanks, and ooming fiom a quartor whoro they ""I'l"" vueir aeiion would Do sus tained, it hurt tho moro. They fully believed that tboy controlled tho situ ation. They considered that tho lock, ing op of a vast amount of legal lend ors would cnuso a stringency in llio monoy market which could only bo rclioved liy letting looso tho deposited legnl tontlers. Hut iho Into and new Secretary of tho Treasury bad provid ed ior nio omorgoncy by paying out lor bonds purchased, somo 1 1,000 000 to 12,0OO,O0O which with the large amount disbursed to meet arrearages of pensions 17,683,84.33 has met all tbe requirements ol trado and taught the marplot banks that they were not so nocessury to tho stability of tho uiinueiui siiuauon as iney presumed to think. They have been sovoroly punished in their effort to crinnle rh (iovornmontarid people, and the lesson they have boon taught should be tak en to heart hy the remaining hanks to prove that whenever they aitemnt in sot themsolvos above thoir creator tho Govornmont, thoro is always a power inherent in the noonlo to Atv and overcome all their schemes to domineor by bringing misery on the pooplo. Danville Intelligencer. Fast liimmi. Tho Altoona .S'un n( the 18th says : Vcstorday aftornoon passongor engine No. 10, class K, ran u trial trip wilh a train if coaches to iiuniingaonand return. Tho perform. k'' "i" uimosi saiisiaclion, as llio countenances of all railroad men interested In tho result plainly indica ted. On tho rolurn from Himtin.rHnr, the run was mado in 44 minutes, th. distance boing 34 1-10 miles. From Spruco Crock to Tipton the enginoer iiuu lu IIIIK.-UCU l-SULIOlIB V or aa rn toad mon exnrosa it. under tho rrr signal. This, ol course, roducod her ruio oi speed. I rom Tyrono to this city, 14 d-10 miles, tho run was mado in 15 minutes. A milo was made in 57 soconds, and evon against curves, bridgos, and grades, tho locomotive ex hibited a spocd ol from 01 to 62 miles an hour. Chicago A ii sap. In answer to his advertisement offering 110,000 lor the services of the most beautiful woman in America lor throe months, Adam Forepaugh, the circus manaeor had up to Saturday received 1,130 photo graphs from women In all toctioni of ineoouniry who IhinU thoy will fill : J " ,,. rvquiramenu, nj arc lust y ant tl.d to th. priM? Tba, far Chicago gir u the farorit. "S DR. HUTCHINSON'S WORM DESTROYER A n Old mikI TrlMl ltinlr. Unntnttthe II vrmt nmt thu mt-ret tu ttuU kfj, ttumiUi. v gmrmuUm tu virtue. Ho bsv litmdrixU of It'CUxl in the lut Ij yim, proving rniiHimlvHy Uurt m no rfwri tjuai lo llr. lluU lilitmoiVa Uorut lleitrojrvr to remove llm Worm mil kiinU, Ji-ntuL .vu, Lo'tg, ami 1tpe), Unit ltifit tli liiuimii ayntolii Jftviicmtu huy Uuna ami bIvo llit-io to thvir i.fu-rlnjr iMUIl'llU, IfUrt U M Am'"M( W OUttfkrrfi ftlxUlt Ullt Uiuiuu'hly ri'llnMu lut'illrlnv. Trice, tide.. vr boi, A.W.WRIUHT 4 CO.,WWeU (Wild, Hirktt and Front Street!, Philadelphia. FabruaryS, 18HI-Sn. NEW WASHINGTON Opena Monday, April 18th, 1881, to Continue 12 Weeks. rpIIIS tchool ooumenda ItMlf to publlo favor X tor th follow in; i-Mtoni i Flrit. Bannling oan ba had Id fiod familial at irom w w aj.itu par weot. tecoDl. Local ioo U healthful tad toaiotj re Aon) and oulturod. Third. Tlx ovuna of itudy aubodloa tht But Normal 8elioul frit urn, and li parlioularlj adsmted to (he wanta of tbujt who akpoot to teach. Fuurlb. Tbo ititdtnU hava tha advantage of a well conducted Mtorarr noololy, baforo which nil be delivered a leiiea of free looture. fifth The work uf tbe xihool it atlmulatrd b tha n oourago meat aod favor of an tnteiiigeDt community. , Sixth, tiprolal attention will be given tbe Normal elan by the Principal, who it a grsiluate of a Slate Normal tiohiol, i,t the Imtruotinn in Theory of Teaching, Government, Ac, will be tuado to aooord with tbe modern Ueas of ad viocfd educators. TUITION: N0KMAL DKPARTMKNT. Common llranebea with School KconomT...$S SO CuemiiB llreDcbee and School Kconoui wilb Algebra, Ueonetrr, I'bjili-al 0j', Setural rhiloeoihr, Civil Uor- eniuieot, Latin, eto I 00 GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. lliicheet elan- $j 00 Lower elareee S 00 For further Information aadreea. W. A. AMHKUSK, Oieeola, Pa, MATT SAVAUK, Clearfield, Pa. Mar. , IKSl-ir. REPORT of tbe rendition of the COUNTY N ATIOXA L IIAN K of CIc itSdJ, at Clear Held, in tbe htate of Pennrrlrania. at Ibe eloee bueiaeae, March 11, 1SH1 : RKIOCRCKS. Loant and diaeounta $J04.I.'9 SI 4,4-S !l) tflrj.QUO 00 Overdrafts I'. S. llond, to aoeure circulation U. 8. Bonda oo band iadementa 10.127 24 Other etoclta, bonda, and mortgagea.. Due from approved reaervo ajrnta... Due from State Itanka arid banker!... Rel aetata, furniture, and flxturea... 1,1 H5 00 I7,H2I JS d,y,8 SO 7.11.1 0 Current expenaea and laxea paid Premiums paid Chrcka and other eaah item II il la of other llanba Frartional paper correnor. Including nickele, and penoiea Specie , Lepal tender nutoe Koilemptiun fund with II. 8. Treai- nrer, 6 per eont. of circulation I.H87 ,.n n tilt fl Hi 00 t ST l.Slt OS 4,167 00 1,400 00 Tutal , UfibMV 40 LI AB1LIT1 Kl, Capital etfck paid In .4100,000 I 0 rnlui fund 11.000 00 Undiridcd prolite. MM 44 National Bank 'Ui outstanding...... 00.400 00 Individual d-pniti lubject to olieok. IKK.S20 46 Demand eerliflVatee of drpoilt 1.2,728 M (.tinier checks outstanding &0 OR Dae to other Natlooal Dauki - 1,721 88 Uue to Hate lianKi aod banker! 3,03 71 Twtal f 45,440 40 Statt of Pcnnnylwnia, Comaiy 0 Ctearftttd, S3: I, WILLIAM M. HII AW. Cashier of the abort named Lank, do eulcmnly iwear that tbe alto re mat in eat 1 true to th ttrt 01 my knowledge d' ot-uei. 1 in , ju. bUAW, Uaebter. Subscribed and tworn to before me thli I ilk lay ot Mar., lits, WM. RADEBALOH, S. P. ComiaeT AttMl: JAB. T. LKONARD, O. HKKD, T. II. FOKCKY, Director. Heron 33, IBM. OPEN FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, . CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to Frenchville I T HAvK jost received tho liirgcut biuvk or gooaa ever Broiiglit lo this section of the countr. which 1 will sell for cash or produce as cheap no uiry can oo oougni euowtiore. .My BlUCK UUOMIRIB OI Dry goodS, Groceries, Boots t Shoes, Hardware, "NailB a Specialty .1? Ready Made Clothing. A full stock of FISH. Salt in larce or small sacks, or ly llie barrel. CROCKERY WARE, stone or clav. QUEKXSWAHE, all styles and quality. In short, 1 havo everything needod by the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, nr anvliml else, which I will jell just as cheap as tho goods can be purchased anywhere clso. rienso call and oxamino my Roods-and prices bolor inventing elsewhere L. M. COUDRIET. Kronchvillo, Ta., Mar. 2, '81-tf. "17"K tako plcaHure in Informing our many friends and patrons throughout tho county, that wo shall open our sloro for tho Inspection of ovory body, on or probably a lew days bcloro March 23d, 1881. Wo have been buny nolortinff our atock, and have exercised every caro to got nothing but tbo boat quality of all goods, and can truthfully ny that, if ountock ia not tbo largost perhapa in the county, it is tho bent. Wo nliall keep a full lino ot PRY GOODS. DRKSS GOODS, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS and TRIMMINGS, and very and all kinds of goods belonging iu eaup Department. Wo havo somo choice lines of LACES, EDGINGS and EMBROIDERIES. We Make a Speoialty of Mena1, Boys' and Youths' Fine Clothing. We havo bought an immense slock, and shall koep it up, as we will strive to always havo the largost stock of Clothing in tho county. Wo can show somo very protty stylos In FINE SUITS; nt very fow prices. In connection with Clothing, wo will koop a fino lino of FURNISHING GOODS, II ATS and CAPS, tho latest and most fnshiunablo stylos in roarkot. Wo now respectfully request you to give us ft share of your custom, guar. antoeing to you that wo shall endeavor oy nonest and lair dealing, and polite treatment, to always command the ro. speot of our friends and neighbor. ltcapoctrully Tours, ROSENTHAL k LETT, Cnrwenat ille, Pa., Mar. 10, 188141. SPRING OPENING Jlnv (U'frtisfmfuts. Mercantile Appraisement. rpnu vrndrri 0f Ki.ralftri tn4 Dmritle M,r. X ehndia, l)ii.llr, Hrwr, Broker, Ac la ClearAcl.1 count, will Ukw nodo ihtvi ihev UT9 ttpirtkvl cUd j tht un Iwriifinoj A ' riror of MorchilnJiM DI other licet. Ui.. for Iht Jr tdS I, To'lovi ; ' cum. Ilurntttle lluruufh. tju IX Jtckfon 1's.vltln, tnr.l oidin ,o q U ProrH A Cunotr, Uruiri A taiitrtrv... f no il jutta v. uonner, (i-i.jriii ohm U llortct I'Atehin, grl anl.t , Clearttelrt llorougli. 14 W. I). MoKy, tewirff maetifoM H fl. H. How, ont pool Ubl 14 O. D. W ml ion, druffr 4 0. l. WfttiOD, (latent ueiiloiBM 14 I. HrilbriiD, vtrivt rtor 14 lUrUwIrk A li wfo, drug. 7 H T 00 7 no 10 l0 7 l f 0(1 7 no 7 LO 4 llrtwiuk at Irwin, puttot medicir..., & (,, 14 John A. Slock, tobacco kod oijr.r 7 (10 8 Aodrw Peoti, Jr., ono pool Ublo M 30 00 It) H. Moriop, gfDorftl Did.... ID (jo 14 A. J. Jickion, furniture 7 oq 14 8. I. Snyder, Jewelry 7 i,o 13 Klerk A Co., dry fuod tnd notitni...M IJ 50 14 K. W. l.rfttikMD, drug , on 4 K. W. Orobftiii, patent j 14 Mc(0;hey A .Shnwer. hoou A ihoet.. 7 Oj 14 II. Livingatuo, confectionery 7 oil 8 H. LirlnK-ton, btlliarJi, t Ul.lti 40 no 11 William 1'uwell, hardware j jo 11 John MefJaajfbfy, frooerle jj 14 1. tiuintbalg, clothing 7 1,0 8 R. H. Hltaw, one pool Ublo 30 fo 14 Jainfi L. Keary. ilovra and tinware... 7 no 9 Ueorjtn Heaver A Co., general hvIm..... 15 00 14 J. S. ileeri', aewinff niacin nee w 7 (10 14 Alei. Witti'in. tobacoo and oigan 7 no 12 lliriiniffr A Huok, clot bin i fin II II. A. K ratter. jrnnerl md li (m 14 P. A. Ooulto, itfttionery 7 HO Id 0.1 7 00 10 00 12 50 7 00 1& 00 11 l' St 40 f 00 7 o 7 00 7 Oo 7 oil 7 00 1! i0 II M .10 01 7 oo 7 00 7 03 i no 7 CO .10 On 10 00 1.. 00 .10 (10 7 00 11 .0 7 00 is on 20 no 7 00 7 00 7 00 IS Q. O. k T.W. Moore, buotj ihoti 14 A, Thsnhiuier, olothlnf 1.1 W. J. II offer, jrentt-ftl bJm 13 If, Lehman A Co., gcocr! mdtt 14 J. A. rtllr, btVry nd aonfentioDtry I C. Ilp'illt, bnwry II JtO'M H. Lytle, jfrfvccHM 9 Jolia A. Kuoicr, oo pool table CurwentTlll nrt)ugi. 14 Witt H Thompfon, groecrlei 14 A. M Kirk Jewelry . 14 John imn mother, geoirsl hkIm.... 14 Jacob Bilger, hrilrar 14 M. t. Hf.rkr, general todf 1 1 Harry H. Thompson, groctr.M IJ Kftunietl Arnold. tpnr mJ IS A. timet A 8o,liarJwr fl Itlrhunl Krii, stit pool UM. 14 Krftin, ooDTt.oiiry . . 14 I). Kut, Rfnerl 14 Jiirrph H. Irwin, druri 4 Joirpb B. Irwiti. itent uvdioinM 14 Htpbo (irlT, oonfeptiooery 8 HtfphiM, (irtfT, out billiard tibl 1.1 Hurbugb A Norrif, general mJ II Sprenkle A Pttoo,dry fodn. ( urwrniville link 14 William A. Dai,, rorcriet II Herman lUnpt, gcnorml mjie 14 Dal - A Whitlahcer, tpbaeco and eigar.! i ii. npencwr, jr,rntri mule 10 N.K. ArLold, wholoaal ; Iluuictlale llo roup ti, 14 H. H.Trii, jewelry 14 William Currco, general tadk 14 Juitio Granger, groeoriai 10 F. LiTtritfht A Co.. general m-iie 14 W. C. Lanffrordt bo ka A itatiooflry.,. IX 0. W. VanlJuten. general nulrt 50 m 7 00 o to H v. Muauley, hardware, 7 to 14 W. J. Sharbaugh, drug! 7 no 14 A. II. Athlon, groceries in 1 Hinfec.... 7 00 11 I'oion Hardware Co., hardware 15 no 15 Peter Moran, wbolexale liquor 15 00 13 II. H. Shaw, general indit jq 0,) 14 J. W. Hnada, drug - yn 14 W, O. Welly, groceries 7 4,0 13 M. A I. M. Lang, general tnd 10 00 14 M. Mayer, variety at ore ., 7 nij 14 D. Charlton, confectionery 7 Oil 11 A. tile mob, gnaeml mdno 15 o 14 Ferd Tdd, drugi 7 i9 14 J. K. Arnold, statlonory and ooofeo 7 i'0 Houttdal Bank 09 14 Jobn Coleman, liquor dealer 8 leTge W. Woodio, one billiard table... Sl Oo 8 William Parker, one pool table .10 eft Lumber City florough. 1.1 Dyer A Coolbrolh, general mdii tj mr 14 IJ. L. Ferguioa, general tadae 7 Co Newburg llorongh, 14 William Hunter, general 7 (9 New W a kit In .1 on Honing It. 14 N. A Arnold, general 01 die ; i.n 4 N. A. Arnold, patent mcdiclow ; pjt 11 J. K. HoMatray, general mdM 15 On Oared I a llorough. 14 MrClerren A Hrther, general mjie 7 'rt II ft. II irth. general ad . 12 a 14 George E. Jonei, Jewelry 7 ih II T. C. Hoima. general m.Iie 15 00 1.1 Kraaee llrothcri, grocnriei M It Oil 14 H. P. R HlanJy. dnige...... : u 14 W. 8. Weill, ataliooery and cotifM 7 0U 1 Altcbael unltcy, frornea 7 41a II Harry Livcrig'ht. general tndne 13 Od IVallareton lloroufrh. 14 W. S. Qota, gent rat mdte... I to Iteccarl Townalilp. 14 Natter, Ramery A Co., general mdic... 7 00 13 Coal port Lumber Co., general mdte Jfl 0 14 J. W. A P. C. Oal, general mdie 7 00 14 J. D. Weld, general ndae 7 P0 14 George Roberta, rroeeriei f no 14 Max Fries A Co., general mdte 7 00 14 John C.Oatee, general mdae , 7 fl Hrady Town th I p. 14 G. 8. Rnarr, booti and iboea 7 1)0 14 P. A G. Webtr, general mdaa 7 Oil 14 J. M. Lydlek. general mdie 7 no 14 8. G. Kunti, genera, mdia 7 ot 14 B. Knerr. seneral mdaa . t rn 14 J. H. Edtnger, general nidie 7 00 i t. rejier Bam, general mde 7 14 L. B. Carliile. arneral mdae .. no 14 D. Uood lander, general mdae 7 () Ilell Tuwuahlp. 14 H. II. MrQee, general mdae 7 00 14 Robert Mabaflcy, general mdae. 7 00 Burnalde Towuahln. 14 A. W. Patch in, general unlit 7 no Ilradford Town ship. 4 P. Curley, e.gare and general dw...H 7 Oft I I. V. Oray A Co.. renerai m.Ua 14 no 11 A. B. Woolridgo A Co., general m lie... 15 W 1. i. rttcri Uro., one pol ublo ."0 0( C heat Township. 14 J. R. Me Km, general indue 7 Ofr 14 J unci Myuinn. general mdie..... 7 00 14 J. L. WaltereA Bro., central radii 7 f Cotlitgton Towiiahln. 14 Fratirii Lelgey, general nvl-t 7 't 14 L. M. Coudriet, general mdit 7 0t 14 Potter A Rtiter, general mdae 7 00 Deralur Towiinhln, 14 M. Lang A Co.. general mdee 7 f.lrard Tuwiialilp. 4 W. S. Gillllnnd, general ndae 7 "0 f. rah ant Towiiahln. 14 T. IT. Forrey, general mdae 7 01 i recti wood Town ah lp. 14 Wlnfiold Belt, general mdne t 01 (.iiMrh Ttmiialilp. 4 H. Alleman, general mlie 7 f0 1 P. A A. Flynn, general nidaa 15 flt) 4 T. A. Prideaux, general in die 7 00 i P. K. Hamey, general mdte 13 ,S0 Huston Town h I p. IS C. Blenchard, general mercbandli 10 (M C. II. Coryell, general in dee 10 no 4 R. Smith, druga 7 (. 4 A. Horn in 11 , Jr.. hardware. t DO 13 C. Robaoker, general mdre ,m 10 01 ratnata, Harm A Co.. seneral ndae... T nit Jordan Tovrnahlp. 4 W. T. Perry, general mdie 7 0 knox Townhhlp. 14 Joreph Krbard, general mjia 7 C8 14 George Arnold, general mdae 7 CO Karthau Tou uehlp. 14 leaio MfOlonltey, general rndfa T Od 14 tttliiland A Yolberi, general mdae 7 Oil 14 Godfrey Fiaher, general md 7 0( lawrenre Tow n eh I p 8 T. Fell, brewery ) 04 14 George N. Colbnro, grow r lr j tt Morrta Town ah I p. 14 Leonard Kylar, general mdae f ( 14 Jonas Moni A &.ni, go aural miie 7 00 14 Peter Mnrer, gentra! nidie w 7 fiO R, It. Wigton A bona, general mdie.... 2i tif Peun Tuwuahlp, 14 McDonald A Spencer, general uiO 7 00 14 W. A. Moore, groeariea and conlec.... t 0 Handy Townablp. II Long A Brady, hardware li n 11 P. S. Wtbar A Co , general mdie . 00 14 Weber A Heidrlrk, buots and ihoea 7 00 14 II. Loeh, elothing 7 no 14 W. 8. Khaw, variety it ore 7 Ot 14 L. Ztigler, grocer lei , 7 14 J. B. Krana, general mdie 1 l 14 W. M. Mi'Caliougb, grocer iei T 14 llnlmej A Brot w 7 00 13 Jehn Goodyear, general aide....... 1" 14 T. II. Pinion, grocer ie 7 04 14 A. L. Hoy, furniture 7 00 10 Bell, Lewie A Vatea, generaf mdie M lit Handy Licit Gae.Coel A Coke Co., a lie lt 14 Troel A Kllka, general mdte - 7 0 14 8. Moulthrnn, graeeriea T 00 14 Hellbnm A Boring, groeariei T ' 4 A. Uoovutiller, billiard! A pool, I tablet .0 0" 14 George tkhwein, grocerlea T 14 H, II. Petlrrew, druga T 09 4 H. 11. Petigrew, patent medleint - 14 M. I). A In ley, draga 7 tf 4 M, O. Atnilev. atn.t r1uin.a 5 00 U GHer A Brother, hardware 1" " 18 D. L. Corbet, general mdaa 1 14 0. Boken, bakery and eonfeetlonert.... f W , J'ifno1"" Md, billtardt, I tablee- 14 W. W. Raney, groeertei T uuiioia lUepoiit Uank - 1 m 4 McDonald A Williarna, S poul ublei... John hnllnl. ......i .1 iA at U J. A. Bowenoa, general mdae T l uloo Tow nah I p. H J- 8eylt A Bona, general mdae ' Woodward Tow nah lp. M Jamei Comely, general mdae T . Mmtght A Co., general mdaa 14 D. R. P. Haantr, g..ral mdae - 7 l HeoTer, llugbee A Co., general adH... t Kkilebead A Co . . Jr"b Co., geaaral mde - JJ IS Kambarcer.CroaaweM A On.. t.a. aHet I U Long A Co., cenerel mdae ' M TaktMrtlta, all ha tre raaeerard In lW P prat Mm eat, that an appeal will ba held tk Cammitilnntre' eftea, la Clearleld, aa WeJfl"' dy, APRIL Til, mi, batweea lh hoar t 'lwh A. U and 4 t'aWak P. M.whea f waara ;n mj aiuad t tbiak prepn. WM. M. BLW, MafMarlM Affrali. Blawtjlngt.a, Pi,afartb I, IBIMI.