JUUroaflS. lcuiiNy I v a u la Ha 1 1 road 5PS?S iikL, j TVBONB 4 CLEARFIELD MUNCH ., V ,d after Monday, NOV. I, UKO, (he Peaeeairer Tralrjf will run daily (oloapt Sua daya) between Tyrooaand Clearfield, ee fullowt CLEARFIKLD MAIL. LKAVlTsOllTII. I LEAVKNOHTH." CurwenaTllle, Rlverrlew.... OlaarBald Leonard, Barren Woodland ..I.IO, r. ...M, " " ..., " ..1.64, " ..4.01, ' ..4 0. " Tyrone,.... Vanaenjoe,, nnmmlt, Powellon,..., .(IM. . .M, H id, ' in. on, 10.1 J, ' ,10.17," Oeeeola,, ...... Ito nton Hteiner'a, Philipatiurar,. Oranam, Blue 11.11, Wal!eoeUD. Blrler Hieler,. .lo.aj," .10.14, ' H.J, .10.S7, " ,10.44," H.M. - Wallaeeton,..., .4.17, " Klae Hall, Oraham Vbilipalnirg, , Ktelo.r'f, BgyntoD, Oaeole, Poweltoo,. ... nuutnit........ Vanaenyoe,.. Tyrone, , ,.e..3li, " ..4.31, " ,.4.5i, " .AM, ' ..4.4S, " ..4.4J, " .MS, ..'.IS, " ..5.3S, " .. 00, " Woodland Id. St, " ifarreit, Lewliald,. ... Clear! eld.... 11.01." .11.11," .11.10, .11.14. " Rirervlow..... Curweniville, 11.40a., CLEAHKIKLD KXritlfrjrl. TFaVK BOUTU. I LEAVE NllrVTllT CQrwenartlle- Kirerriew Clearfield.. Leonard, ...... llarretl .' Woodland,.... Uljler Wallaeeton,... Blue Ball, Graham Pailipibirf.. Steitier',, Boynton Oioeola, Powellon, Summit, Vanaooyoo,.. Tyrone, 0.30 1. s.ao ,47 " u S.S7 " (I.C3 " tM " MS fl.J! " (l.JS " .! " d.JJ " B..17 " 111 " t.H " 7.0i " 7.2 " 7.4J , Tyrone, t.JO r. , Vanecoyuc,..,. 7.41 " 1 Summit tt.tlS " 'Powellon, 8.17 " I Oeceola 0 2e " I Boynton 8.34 " Steiner' 8.H0 " : Philip.bur...!.4J ' . tlrallam i Blue Ball ! Wallaoetou, . I Rlflw Woodland,... Barrett ..8.47 " ..8.SS " ..0.OJ " ..0.10 ..0.17 " ..0.25 " i Leonard 0..t0 , Clearfield,.... 10.07 hirerviaw,...10.IS l Curweniville 10.20 PUILII'SBI'RD A HIOS11ANNON BHANC1IKS liati aoum. p. h. a. a. H. 1111 4U T:3(l 45 f:M 1:40 ' M 1:56 10:20 7:58 1:10 10.14 1:11 10:43 t:IO :23 10:41 "15 LRAVJt A. at. p. HURTS. TiTioaa. Morrl.dalo, Philip. burr;, btelner'f Boynton, Oaoeola, Moahannon, Sterling, Ilontidale, McCauley, Kendriek a, Kamey. N. P. If. 7:15 12 7:00 12 11 17 10 14 S:00 21 6:011 14 4:48 0:50 12: :04 4:411 0.34 II 0.10 II 0:25 II 0:20 II 15 II 1:10 II :11 4:10 IS 4 16 :40 4:10 :JS 4:lo 30 4 0j 24 4:0n 0 10:SI 8:!S 1 35 1l4ll 10:8 8:41 11:11 :49 BALD EAOLE VALLEY BRANCH. Kl- Kail. Mall. Kip. P. . A. . p. . a. 7.08 8.10 leare Tyrone arrive t.Sl 7.44 1.11 I.S7 ilald Eajle (.17 7.41 Julian t.38 T.04 M Hrburj 4.11 8 4.1 Belleronte 4.04 8.83 Mlleabnrg 4.55 8 13 Howard 4.11 too . i o.m 8.14 1.43 131 0.51 8.44 10.03 0.08 10 111 0.41 11.08 arrive L. Haven leave 8.44 4.25 TYRONE STATION. astwako. A. at. I waarwARU. a.m. Cincinnati Exp., 0:52 Pittahurirh Exp'aa, 1.48 Paoifio Expreaa, 8:47 l'aritte Expreaa, 8:12 Jonnatown Jtxpreaa,V:07 p. it. p. H.IWay Paaaenger, 1:15 rmceKO Uay El., 12:18 ChlMa-o Eiprell, 8:31 Mall Train, 8:08 Mail Train, 7:01 Muntlnmlon Aoc n, 8:20 Faal Line, 7:3o Cloae aonneotiona made by alltralnaat Tyrone ana nora II even. ' S. 8. BLIR,. mjl7.tr. Superintendent. STAtlS LINKH. A itagoleavea Curweiiavilledaily for RaynoMa ville, at 1 o'eloek, p.tn.,arriviRt;at Reynoldaville at 8 o'elook, p. m. Returning, leavea Reynoldi- vitie daily, at 7 o'elook, a. m., arriving at Cur. wanaville at 12 o'elork, m. Fare, eaob way, 13. A Itage leavea Curwenavllle dally, at 1 o'clock, p. in., for DuBoia City, arriving at DuBoia City at 8 o'olook, p. in. Returning, leavea DuBoia at 7 o'clock, a. to., daily, arriving at Curweniville at ii o'clock, ta. fare, eaob way, 81.40. Allegheny Valley Railroad. .LOW GRADE DIVISION. i"VV Ud titer Monday, Hot 15th. 1880. V the pMinger trtim will ran dsltjr (eicpt Bundfty) b twees Red Bank od Driftwoodf m KAKTWAHD.-D.jf Mall leirti PUtfharg 8:&5 a.m.: Red Bank UM: khan Junettnn 1 1 SI New Bethlehem 1155 p. n. MayiTille 1:10 j imy i:. nrooKTiue iihd ; fuller I;20 ( Key Bolilivill 3.36 j Dultola ft-M ; (Sninnit Tun Del 9.JI i fenflrld S:41; Tjrler'i .T.ii j lloneiftte arrive! at IMftwuod al &:30. WEKTWARD Day Mull leavai Driftwood y. 1X1 , WBUIITUV JiWV f ITirr 1.49 I Venfield 1;BU ; Pummit Tuonel 2:00; DaBoli J 16) nfyBomnrtue !:.((,; Kuller'i 1:44; KrookTiIle8:15; Troy S .'il; Muyiville New Bethlebetn 4:0 j Hligo JuDotlffii 4:17; Had Bank :0:i; arrlvei at Flttibnrg at 7:40 p. to. mm- Th H.vn..i.i.n. i ,....t. i RttynoldiTiile dally at 7:4 m. and arrive! at Ked liank at 10:60 a. m., Pittibur(h at 1.-40 p. ro. Leare! Piitfhargh at 2:15 . n ; Ked Bank at a-AfiHI t B.rle.tna .8 D ----I I 111- u na Railroad at Driftwood, aid with train on the miogomj . euey uauroan at Ked lUnk. DAVID McCAHUO.Uin'l tiup't. A. A. Jackhoit, Sup't L. U. Dir. FAKE KROJI CLEARFIELD, TO e?P. (1 04 1 .V iddletewi 4 00 Bellefont Lock Haven 178 I 80 Marietta. 8 48 Wllliamerjort Lancaiter.. I 80 Jluntlngdo 1 80 PHILADELPHIA 1 00 Altoon. I 84 Johnetown... 1 84 LewiatowaH t 00 MaryaTllle.. 4 40 Cawenaville 10 Oaceola 84 lURKlHUURU... 4 71 l'hilipiburg 41 Tyrone w 1 11 PITTSRURU 8 It MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARD0N & BR0., On Markit fit, one door watt of MmpIob Hoom, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Oar arrange in en (i art of the nort com p let eharaeter tor ftirniibion the publio with Frerh Meati of all kind, and of the very belt quality. We alio deal Ik all kind! of Auriealtaral Imple enti, which w keep on exhibition for the ben efit of thepablle. Call around whea In town, ana a wok at tnioff, or art a run ai V. M. OAKDUN A BRO. Clenrfield, Pa., July 14, 175-If. CENTRAL Slate Xormnl Nehool. (Eighth Xormtil School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A.X.nA lrnt A. M, Ph. D., Principal Tbii gotaool m at uroient oonitltoted, offera the Tory beat faoil.iiet for 1'roffMionai and Clailoal leerninf, Buildloi Rpaelflne, tarltlni; and flommodloni t mt.Ut.ly fctawd by euoi, well entilaUd, and farnUhed with a bountiful mpply r pure, eoft tprlrg water. Location healthful and eay of aroeM. diirrooadlnff eetnery nnmrpaated. Teaeher axperionoed, iffictent, and alira to thrlr work. Iiae iplina, Arm but k Ind, anifortn and thorough. Rspentea nodtrat. Ffty eeata a week dadaetlon to thoaa preparing to taek. 8tadentf admitted at any time. Coare ot itady rreeeribed by tha Hutt) I. Modal fobool. IT. Preparatory. III. Kleman Ury, IV.Iolaatilo, M1VWCT CODRflai:' t. Aeademla. H. Conmerrlal. III. Matta. IV. Art. The Klenentary and Sclintlfle eoaraaeara Pro fe!lonal, and almltnU graduatlni therein rtoalr Stale iit.loM. wotVrrinj the fullnwing oorree onnding degreee: Maeter of the Klement! and Matter of the aieae. UraduatM In the other aoureea reelre Nurmal CertiflrtM of their at tainment, ilft-ned by the Faculty. The Profelnal oonreee are liberal, and are in thoronghneM not Inferior to theie of onr heat eollfgea. ThaBtaU require! a hither order of eitiien- rbip. Tbo tine! demand it. It la one of the prima objaota of thla ichool ta help toeeonre It by furniehlBg latellirnt and effloieot tMeher tor her aehool!. To thla and It anliolu yonng per aoai of good abilitlea and good porpoeea thnaa who deiire t Improva their time and their Ul an U, aa itndenta. To all aurh It promleat aid in aeremping their power! and abundant op porta. ltii for well paid labor altar leering arhooL For oatalogua and term! addrttr tlia PriaoipaV or the Secretary or the Hoard, BOARD OP TRUSTEES i TocaaotDBM' TRCinaa. 3 It TttVrlAta U Tk A tt tl... L 1 ..... .w, aw. ve,n. eUVBU DlDWI, a.H.BIekford.laeinalCfaritt.A. N. Rank, R . Oook,T. 0. Hippie., Kni., O. Kintilne, E. P. Me OotBlek, ., W. W. hana.n, V7. U. Brown. rar rariTin. Bel. A, O. Cortl., no.. II. L. blelnbaeli, wen. rfaaae aierriil. lloD. n m. ttlgler. 4. V. O, Wtaley.H. Millar MoCorralok, .0. rricitar WILLIAM BItlLIR, Pretidenl, Clearfleld. P.. Oe,lBR8k MKEH1LI, Vloe Preatdenl, Lork Have., P.. ' i. Millar Mccormick, Memury, LMk Have., P.. VIOIIAS YARULKY, . Treee.rer, Loek Have., fa. leek Darn, Pa, Ae(art 4, 1888.1. iUISfrllautoBS. I C)n I"' Jay al Buuie. nalii)lea taiirlli a? U 10 OU free. iJJrJ Bn.o Be., Portland, Main. ( Bi.-.h ,fl . ly ARNOLD II AS ADVAXCKl) Prccs of Shingles, SHAVED AX n SAW KI) l'ii'n.rille, Ja.. , '; !(. SIIOKMAKINI1.-I kerehy luf.irni nv pa tron, and mankind in foueral, that I Live removod my aboemakinir. ahna to the room in uranam a row, over a. i. enyner a jewelry ature, and that I aui ptepared to do all kinda of work 1. my lineebeaper titan any otlier anop la low.. All work warranted aa good aa eaa be done any. where elae. Positively tbia la the rhrapeit ebop In C'learneld. JUS. II. UKKRINU. Dee. 11, 1878-tr. GEO. WEAVER & CO., HKCONI) STHKET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hara oponad np, In tha itore room lately occupied by Wearer A Betti.on tiecond itreet, a large and win vim-ieu norm oi Dry - Goods Groceries, UOOT8 AND .SHOES, QLKKN6WARK, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, UATS AND CAP-t, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dittpufe of at reaionaMt ratal lor caab, or ei change lor country proUuce, UE0ROB WEAVER 4 CO. ClearBalJ, Pa,, Jan. . 1878-tf. John Irvin & Bros., CURWKNSV1LI.E, VA., DEALERS IN AH Kinds of Merchandise, SI CK AS- Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. H MANI FACTl llERS AND DEALERS IX KH Alti; TIJIKEK, AND EVERY DESCUIPTION OF SAWED LUMBER CUT TO 0EDER. M The Only Mann fact urorn in CIvariKild County of tli e NEW PROCESS FLOUR I I'tOI "It, I'llOP .M l) f'f.' .1LHU S ." II. I. YIH LlfCasli paid for nil kindn of drain Wheat, Eye, Oats, Etc, Cnrwe.avllle, Pa,, Jnn. 1, 18.H0.tf. The News From MOORE'S? THE! HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, JJats and Capjj AND L II....' I ' s a:::: That Ever Came into the County, AT THEIE STORE, ROOM X0. 1 OPERA HOUSE, ;!;. t. TOM W. MIHIHI'. CleartelJ, Pa., ept 21, 1880.8m. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store room so. Tiini:u, iipi;ra IKIIWE. Clearlleld. Pa,, WIIOI.EHALK A RETAIL HEALER IM DKY GOODS, 0omprli1i.it Dren (l(nU of tha rry Utait M;lti, flODiiMinc ta prt ar Etohmmt, MannhaMar FaaalM, Alpaeai, and all maDner of Fancy Dress Goods, Such at Cratr.ni, Mnhatr Luitr, I'Ui-Ii, Drrti uiiikriiBUiai, uihi urin ui mm TITJ IRIRil tylaa, and a ebap ai ihty otn ba (old Is tbii markat. NOTIONS, CamWtlng of Olorw for Oealu, Ladlai and ainia. llnta or all iba-laa, hilk rrlnRM, Lrt, Fancy Dran Bnltoni, Ladifli' Tim of all iharlai and stvlai, Caffi and Cfillart, BtHbom of all kindt and qaalHUf. Marino todtrwear, IHmaitBi, a1o. BOOT3 AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Queeuiware, Hardware, Tinware, CnrpelH, Oil C loths WALL PAPER. LEATHER, FISH, Etc, Wblck will he eell w.olaaale er reUll. Will take Country Produce la Eirh.ti(fe for Otwelf .t Market P.eraw, wm. j. BorrxR, f 'learueld, Pw., Vpf. tl,lfMl.tf. HAVE YOU HEARD JtOtftS. i ovn uoiisk, 1 I M:.in Street, I'Ihlu'miiliiu, penn'a. Tallc alwaya auppllMl with the bull till niaiki a8'rdN. Tlia traveling imllie la invited u cull. Jal. l,';8. hdlU'l.i LOYD. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WARIIIXUTON, H. Tbla nrw and well rurbicbed hi.ur Lu 1m.mii taken by (he unjereiifned. Ur feeia eotitdatit ol bet tiff able to rvoder latiffartlun to tboae who may laror mm wun a call. May 8, 18!1. 0. IV. DAVIS, r..'r. rpKMI'KHAXCK HOUSE, NEW WAHIIINtlTUH, TA. II. D. ROSE, . . P.op.i.Tu.. "The lieat of aeoommodatlona for man and baaat. A 'ibvral ihare of publlo patronerr" la aulieiled. iep3u, 'etl. CHAW HOUHK, KJ CLEAltr IKLD, PENN'A. AXmtKW I' MM, JR., PnprhtM. Tlii. hotel la kept In flrat-elaaa atyle at renaoii able ratea. Beat loeatloa In town for tmiineae men. Krea biia lo and from all traina. Uood aainple Moma. Clearfield, 1'a , Fob. 18, 1881 If. WASHINGTON HOUSE, OLEN HOPE, PENN'A. TUB nnileralitueil, liavln.; leaaed thla euni mujl .ua II. .1,1, I. the illoo of (lien llupe, la now nreparvd to aocotuiuodate all who umy sail. My table and bar ahall be eupplird with the beat the market arTonle. RKORtlE W. 1IOTTS, Jr. lilen U. ,a, Pa , Man h 28, 1 STW-IT. gUislH'KUANNA 1IOUSK, CURWENSVILLE, PENN'A. SAT-Vm old and well-eMaMUIird Hotel bat bet'Dleaiod hy the un-larniKiieii, and he leele eon Ddeul il retnUilnit putlflictiun to tlinee wlio may patroniie hint, tloml atebiina; aMaiilmd. I.KWIS C. BLOOM, ProjH.c.or. April 31, 'HQ If. DREXEL & CO., No. 34 Rotith Third tttreet, Plillajelplila U.U'jai.IfS, And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mall will receive prompt atten tion, and all InforinettoD flheerfully furnlahed Orden aolioted. April 11-tf. t. K. inaoLD. . W. ARNOLD. J. I. Altltot.B F. K. ARNOLD & CO., IlankcrH mid UrokrrH, Keyunldavllle, Jefl'enon Co., p.. Money reflelred on depoalt. Diaeonnta at mo derate tatea. Eaatera and ForeiKB EvohanKeaL ware on hand and eollretiona promptly made. Reynoldevllle, Dee. 18, 18N.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Uraham'e Rriik Ilnllding, tuodoon eait of Fleek A Co.'a Htore. Paaaaae Tinketa to and from Liverpool, Queena town, tllargow, London, I'aria and Copenhagen Alao, Drafta for aale on the Royal Dank of Irelanrl and Imperial Denk of London. JAM KB T. L.r.'l3AHU, Frea'l, W. M. SHAW, Caahier. Janl.'el Srnttstrj). J I.. R. nKICIIHOI.D, 1J H (i K ( N UEKTIHT, Graduate of the PormTlrania Cnllefre of Dental Surgery. Offiee In rtaiilenee f llr. II ilia, nnnnalte me nnaw unnae. mcnia, '7s-u. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (tifC.'e in Bank Building,) t'nrn-euirllle, I'learfleld Co., P.. meh 1! '78-tf. A M. IllLLH, OPIItJTIVE DEJX TIST, Wt CI.EAUFIEI.D, PENN'A. jflejV'Ofnee In realtlenoe, onnoalte Shaw Ilouae. Ji9.187ll.tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, OLEARITIELD, PA lOfnoe In reaijence, Second atreet.) Nitrimt Otide Oaa adtulnlaterrd fur the pain era extraction of teeth. Clearlold, Pa., Mar 1, lXTT-ly. IWisrfltaurouis. t'Qfi a wk In vour id town Tcrtni and $5 VUU ontfui frca. AJJresi II, Hallrtt A Co , iLLRTT A Ci uehS-lj. roruann, naiaa. IJEI'.S FOR MAI r. Tblrtaon hrn of It Italian Jtcca which I will m11 obeap fur oih, or aiohanjra fur wheat. For further ln lor nation call on or adilrau tba unrleritnad. J.F. KRAM EK, Not Clearfield. Pa. i. r. an Men. a. h'corkli. j. l. wriulit. GILICII, McfORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, tlrarHrld, Pa. Wa naoufaotura all kinda of Furnitora for ttinmbftrB. inning Rooini, Llbrarlea and Halli. If yon want Furnltura of any kind, dm't buy until yon lee our itock. W' 2L UNl13ItTAICIN la all Ita branrbea, protnntlv attended to. Oril.CII, MeCORKLR A CO. ClearOalJ, Pa., tab, (, 71. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTIti:SSEN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET BTRKET, NEAR P. O. Tba nnlar!rrjed bear laara to Infortn tba oltl tf af Claarflald, and tha public gcnarally, that ba baa on hand a fine Miortmtnt of Furnitora, neb aa Walnat, Chaitnat and I'alntad Chun hr Kintal, Parlor Battel, Kaflinlng and Kttemion Chain, Ladlei' and flenti' F.aiy Chain, tha Par foraUd I in In and Parlor Chain, Cana HtaU and Wind nor Chain. Clothai Ran. Hten and Kitan- lion Lad den, Hat Raoki, 8omhbing Brnihei, to MOULDING AND PICTITHB FRAMES, ooktnjt (llaifn, Chromoi, Ac, which would at table for Hulkdaj praianta. danlO n JOHN TROI'TMAl. The Bells Run Woolen Factory Pann townthip, Clearfield Co., Pa. BURNED OUT! aot pot BURNED UPI Tbeaobaerllera bave, at great eipenae,rebnllta .elgbborhood aeeaaaity, In the ereetlnn of aelraU elaaa Woole. Mannfaetorv, wltb all the toodera Improvemente attaebed, and are prepered te eaake eJI kinda f Cletba, Caaaltserea, Bati.etta, blaa bete, rian.ela, Ae. Plentjr ef gooda o. band to npplj all oar eld and a tho.aand new enatomera, vrhont we aek te ooaie a.d eiamlne oat atoeb. The b.atnoea of OARDINQ AND FCLLINQ will ree.lv. ear .epeelal atteatlo.. Proper arrangeaienta will be Bade to reeelre and deliver Wool, te rolt eeitoaaere. All work warranted and done npon the ahorteet netloe, and by atrlet atten. Ho. to bnalaeaa we bope te reallae liberal abar. f p.blle p.tronaga. ItMHtO POUNDS WOOL WANTIDf W. will pav tbe klgbeat aaarhol prlee for Woe end eell ear feanafMtared gooda m low aa aire iter food, eaa b. boagbt I. tba ee.aty, a.d waeaovaT we fall te reader rwaeoaable aatlafaetlo. we eaa alwav. be fewad .1 koaae m4, I. eaabe proper aplaauU.., eat her I. perae. or bj letter. eataifi. juunDun ttons, aeHUatr ,. p. 9 THE KEPUHLICAN. . CliKAKKl I.IjD, VA. WKONE.SDAY MHiVI.. MAHCII lit, IH1 ! ROBIN HEDEJRKAST. 1 My old tt rl-l. nelclil -r wcr IN a.iy I (,Vil pltiwli nut ill tin him f P (trie if, I Purlird fm in ht f lait lL Iticke i f icrny, And Imlt'iiftl to boar the rublu ftnif. I Hrr craniHoe, ilayl at tbarblm, elupiml, I And, erael In fporl boy will be, 'ToM-fl r ituna i the turd, Mho bipMl Yrutn bough to bUj(h In the apple tree. "iyy,"tild lbeKrt)diutl)iflr,"hMvaytuoot he id, My pour, tad bo '. of the flery pit ; j And hfw drop by drnp lliii uierollut bird Carrie tua walrr tuat queuutiei tt T lie brinjc ol .lew In bli little hill, And let It fall on the taaU of tin j Yua oan aea the mark on bit reJ hreal Hilt Of lirei that eounh ai he drcpa It hi. "Mt poor Hton rbudJyu ! mjr brtaet-burned bird ! HinKlaK o iwtttly Iroin limb to limb ! Vrry dear to I lie httart of our Lord If be who plliei the U like hliu." Amen ! I !! tt the beautiful myth ; -Hifipr, bird ol llnd. in my heart aa well; Kifh good thought ii a drop wherewith To cool end lrrn the Area of hi-U. Prayan of lota like raindrop! fall, Teari of pit are cooling dew. And dear to the heart of our Lord are all Wboxuller tike JJim In the uood the do. MATT. CAIU'EXTEIt. HIS fPEtCII RKFORKTUK El.IOTllRAI.COM MISSION IN 1.S77. Jlult. Curpentcr litis ulvyitjn been coiiHiiK'n J one of the most brilliunt uml eloqiimit litwyt'is in the country. In 110 111 00a diil Im tlialinKUiHli lilm sell' more tliun win n lie ntooil uj lor liomwty, jurttico untJ po)ulur freedom before llio Kleclorul C'ommirHion, and no more memoruble words were spoken beloro tliut (oininitiMon than Ibopo be littered on Febrtuiry l.'t, 1877, when tha Louisiana cue was brought up. Here in tin extract from Mr. Curpcn tcr'k speech : If llio C'oininisriun pkuco, to relieve sonic anxiety that exists in aonie put ts of tho country neiir my own homo us to whom I nppeur for here, I desiro to ttny in tho Hint plttco tbut I do not up pear for Siimiirl J. Tildcn. He is a gentleman whoso acquaintance 1 have not tbo honor ol; with whom I have no sympathy ; against whom I voted on the 7th day ol Novomher last; and if this tribunal could order a new trial, I should vulo against him aguin, be lieving -as I do tliut tho accession ol tbo Democratic party lo power in this country to day would bo the greatest calamity that could befall the peoplo exc ept ono, and thai onr yrctttrr calami ty would be to lrq him out by fraud and fabrhuod. 1 uppear hero (or 10,000 legal voters of Louisiana, who, with, out accusation or proof, indictment or notice of hearing, have been disfran chised by four villains, incorporated with perpetual nest-ion, whoso official title is "Tho Keturning Hoard of Lou isiana." I appear hero for the next Ilepublican candidate for lite Presi dency, whoever he may bo, whether it shall be ono of my friends on this Commission or nomo other limn, and insist that this court shall settle a rule hereby which in that campaign, il we carry Wisconsin by 1U.0OO majority for hi in, as 1 bopo we shall be able to do, no board of returning oflicein can, by fraud, or falsehood, or bribery, bo induced or bo enabled (o throw that Stttto against him and against tbe voice and will of our people. 1 beg your Donors to pause a moment and consider the lesson yon ore to teach to the future politicians of this country by this day's wot k. This is no ordi nary occasion, no ordinary tribunal, no ordinary cause. An emergency had arisen which has induced the two Houses of Congress to create a tribu nal never before known in tins coun try; a tribunal made npon whutovor is most distinguished in this country lor integrity, for learning, for judicial and legislative experience to tide tho nation over a great crisis in its affairs. Tho decision which yon pronounce upon this cause will stand as a land mark in all tho ftiliiro history of this country ; and 1 ask you to panso and consider for a moment w hat you are asked to do here. Thu honorable gen tlemen from tho Houso who bave ap peared hero against us do not pretend that by the votes given on the 7th of i November Sir. lloyos' electors wore elected in Louisiana. Xo serious pre tonco of that kind is made Now, it you aro to decido in this cuso that, no matter how great and appalling wore tho frauds committed in the canvaHS ing ol their votes, although it bo true as wo shall offer to prove by record evidence that they throw out of their count ovor 10,000 votes lor lho Tiltlen electors, that is a mutter you will not consider, might not every honorablo member of this Commission as well sit down and write bis l;censo lo posteri ty lo porpotrate all tho frauds that in genuity and self interest can suggest? MR. GARFIELD'S ADMIX IS I RA TIO.X. James A. Gaillcld, of Ohio, look his seat as President of the United States on the 4th of March. Unlike bis pred ecessor who has administered tho af fairs of the government lor the past four years, .Mr. (iartit-ld is not embar rassed at the outset of his career by fraud in his election. Whatever may bo said of the methods employed to se cure his election no 0110 will be found lo disputo tho lad that he received a majority of the electoral voles of the United Stales, and his tillo to the oflico ol President cannot possibly ad mit of any question. Ho has been fairly and honestly chosen, and as lho Chief Magistrate of tbo Nation is en titled to tho respect of tbo peoplo, at least until ho shall havo forleited it by acts similar to those which havo too often disgraced the administration of bis predecessors elected by tho Repub lican party. While It is true that tbe record of his election lo the high office is not tarnished by frauds, yet his c rocr as a representative in Congress is not freo from taints of corruption that cannot easily bo forgotten. The charges established by a Republican committee of Congress placed Mr. Gar field in a far from enviable position be foro tbo country in connection with tho Credit Mobilior fraud, and bis ac ceptance of a largo fco for "profes sional scrvicos" in securing tho pass age of tho DoGolyer contract appro priation wcro not what wo might have expected from a candidate lor the Presidency ; and when to these aro ad ded the gravo accusation of porjury we find that Mr. Garfield's official record is by no mean an invulnerable one. liut in the face ol all this be was sup-1 ported by the rank and file of his par-1 ty; factionn wore iiuiteJ in order lo intiiro iucct'jH, itntl, us ho lure nui.1, I.t l.u, boon Itally doclhrni the t imko ol the hlocto.ulCuIloKo8 forPromJ.nl. uuo 01 t nu 11 waH w "e fi(,llt, ( CvJit Mol.ilkT Will lual, i, tUt ho would rerivo IU i-upport ofjlmt u tt wrUi but - Um Ui0 m,rit lho large majority of Jinpuhliiuii, ir rrspitctiVM of whatever his record might have been, yet It Wus necessary for him lo receive tho support of all, anil litis bo obtained, as we believe, in largo measure, because the respeulable element of his party was willing to condone errors of lho past, believing as they did that be would piolll byjt,, lbo ,ujn ,, ft numUr ot fcr(,nl, the lessons taught (luring tbo public ordeal which utmost swept him, as il did others, into obscurity, in other words, tliey believed that Mr. Gar field would not bj aguin guilty of such acts, and in ibis wo ate inclined to agree with them. While of course he cannot wipe altogether the stains of past disgraceful transactions ho tun by a (earless and honest administration of publio nlTairs lor the next four yen in do a great deal toward retaining the confidence of his friends and winning respect and even the confidence of his political opponents. Of his ability to do this there can be no doubt; of his inlcnlion to do so no person can speak positively. It will nut bo as easy a task as somo persons may imagine. Surrounded as tbo President will bo by unscrupulous leaders of bis party, without whose aid he could never have been eluded ; bound in till probability by the Mentor compact, lho features of which W'ill doubtless bo unfolded early in bis administration, and ham pered in many other w ays, there are gruvo apprehensions that Mr. Garfield will be lho President of tho Iiepubli can parly rather than the Pict-idcaf of the whole peoplo. Ho con, however, breuk tho fellers by w hich ho appears to bo lied if bo has tho moral courage to do so, and, instead of exciting the hostility of sections, can do a great deal toward breaking down the bar riers of sectionalism and maintaining tho commercial prosperity of the coun try. Wo have no desiro lo prejudgo his acts or indulge in prognostications us to what bis policy may probably bo. Ho is clearly entitled to a bear ing. As independent journalists we will at all times accord to tho new ad ministration tbe fullest credit lo which it is entitled for everything that should bo commended, but we shall, on the other hand, certainly not hesitate to denonnco such acts as may not de servo tho support of right thinking men of all shades of politics. Haiti more Gazette. THE P. M. G EX ERA I. VERSED. RE- The mercantile community will be deeply interested in an order issued by Postmaster General May nurd to Postmasters throughout the coun try, and which went into effect on the 1st inslanl. It rcvokos a "regulation" msdo by Postmaster General Key in April, 1870, and in edect requires tlutt all commercial documents, wholly or in part in writing, shall be subject to the ordinary lettor rates of postage (.'I cents per half ounce), instead of the third class ruto (1 font per half ounce) to which Gen, Key's ordur assigned it. The statuto of March 3, 187!), defining mail matter of the firsUduss, places within that category "all mutter whol ly or partially in writing," excepting cortaiu specified objects. Tho revoca tion by Postmaster General Maynurd of section 2112 of the postul regulations will subject to first-class, or letter rates, an immense amount of corre spondence forwarded by railway and insurance companies, partly in print, "prices current" with tho quotations filled out in writing, deeds of nil kinds on printed lorms with blanks rilled in writing, waybills, insuranco policies, vouchors, cash checks, drafts, and tho like. Tbo following is the text of the order referred to : "It is ordered thai Boction 232, pos tal regulations, be revoked, and in lien thereof the following order is made : "Mailuhlo matter of tho first class shall embrace all matter wholly or partially in writing, except as herein provided. Act of March 3, 187!), tec. 820 Statute, page. 3."8. "Tho exceptions are as follows : "1. Corrected proof sheets and man uscript copy accompanying tho samo. Ibid, tec. 17, p. 35!). "2. Dato and name of the addressed and ol tho sender of circulars, and tho cotrcction of mere typographical er rors therein. Ibid, tec. 19, p. 31.0. ".'1. Hills, receipts and ordeis for subscriptions, enclosed in second-closs publications provided such bills, re ceipts, and orders shall bo in such forms as to convey 110 other informa tion than tho name, location, and sub scription pneo of the publication, or publications lo which they refer. Ibid, sec. 23, p. 301. " I. Tbo namo and address of tbe person to whom second-class mtttlor may be sent, and index figure of a subscription book, and words of fig ures, or Kntrt, indicating thai rlsln n which tho subscription to such matter will end. Ibid, tec. 22. p. .'ItiO. "5. Upon matter of tho thiid class, or upon the wraiuier inclosiiiir tho same, tho sender may write bis own namo or address, with the word 'from' above and preceding lho samo, and in either cose may make simple marks, intonded lo designate a word or pas sage of lho text lo which it is desired lo call attention. Ibid. "6. There may bo placed upon lho cover or blank leaves of any book, or of any printed matter of tbe third class, a simplo manuscript dedication or inscription. Huch dedication or in scription must be confined to a simplo address or consignment oi such book or other printed matter, as a mark of respect, and must not contain any thing lhat partukos of tbe nature of a personal correspondence. Ibid. "7. Upon matter of tho fourlh class tho sender may write his own namo and address preceded by the word 'from,' and also tho number and names of lho inclosed. Ho may also writo upon or attach to any such articles,. hy ing or label, a mark or number, namo or loiter for purpose ol Identification. Ibid." CoN8Uiimo, Ikdied. A religions odi tor down in Georgia makes the follow ing observation : "Gold is found in thirty six counties In the State, silvor in three, copper in thirteen, iron in forty three, diamonds in twenty-aix, and whiskey in all of tbem ; and the last gels awsys with all the rest." IIOY CiCDIT MOilLIKH WAS M ISLT4X DKfiSTUOO. How on lhfi nt ,ino uf (.0IllW Hion ftl)d ttVoi(Iallcl) by lho )urticfl im of t.iurure tu,d (but reasmi will command somo measure of respect. The fiint lino nf defense generally adopted in the sudden panic tbut ful lowed the exposure, wiis stout denials all around, with a few rare and cer tainly fintuiiato exceptions; but the I'olund Committee unanimously fasten men, and then tbey all struck out for them'clves. Somo said that they mere ly nibbled but didn't bile; others BuiJ lhat they wore 0 night without under standing tho fraud, and others insisted tnul they purchased because it was right at tbo time and retired wheu il became a lover to compel Congressional obedienco to speculative interests. Tho lew who boldly said lhat they bought lho stock, made what tbey could legit imately out ol it and never votod or intended to direct their votes in Con gtess to serve themselves, were acquit ted by tbe public; but the baiters, the duiyors, tho prevaricators, wcro all more or less smirched and have nevor been done with explanations. In General Garfield's recent atllhen tie explanation of Credit Mobiliergivcn for Colonel Conwcll's campaign biog raphy, that corporation und its au thins were denounced as frauds and swindlers; but that brought the sons of Oakes Ames to a consultation over tho gravo of thcil father, and tbey pro posed to tuko tho aggrcssivo thorn- selves if Colonel Conwcll's book was not modified. The result was that tho sons of Ames have made a most plausi ble explanation of the wholo businoss, anil tho lino of defenso adopted for the present campaign is that the Credit Mobilier wasn't so bad after all, and that tho time will soon eomo when it ill bo regarded as ono of the most commendable achievements of our statesmanship. It will require con siderable effort to get -tho average public and Musi's cartoons up to that point; but tho organs aro all solid on tbo question now, and General Gar field's denial of all connection or in tended connection with Credit Mobi lier, will bo regarded as a sudden freak of lorgetfuloess, as was clearly intima ted by lho Poland Commitloo. Tbo necessities of a Presidential campaign are capable of working wonders In moulding the judgment of partisan vo ters; but the stubborn sense and in tegrity of tbe nation never changes throngh all the mutations of those whose flexible virtno yields to parly wants. He that is filthy will be filthy still '.Philadelphia Times. A PRQFOVXD QUESTIOX. Colonel Korney, in a recent number ol his Pmynst, remarks : "Why should tho honest peoplo of the interior of Pennsylvania hi) called upon to vote puro ballots il every year their voice is stifled by tlninscnds of fulso voters led by the Republican jobbers in tho city of Philadelphia? That question has been vainly asked by our best cilitens. A monstrous evil was not only not denied by honest Republicans, but regularly repeated by the city bosses at cvory succeeding election. At last it attracted the at tention of the gentlemen of both par ties in Philadelphia. Tho, outrages had become so notorious that, to pro teel themselves, to secure their own property, to stop overtaxation, and the squandering of the publio rovonuo, our non-partisan men resolved to as" I. For many yoars tho authors of the now reform scorned an aetivo partici pation in politics, Bave to en-allow and support a set of Republican idlers, who shouted a superfine nnd superficial devotion to Republican principles. Garfield's colossal majorities last No vember wcro ono means ol opening tho eyes of good men to aggravated frauds that could no longer be conceal ed ; and when, in addition, the rich and honest Republicans of Philadol phia saw tho way in which their thou sands wero plucked and plundered, and lho consequent defiant elevation of tho worst men to lho highest offi ces, they felt that they must como for ward, or bocomo consuming parlies to villainies they could not deny. Thon Ihcy took a stop which-, in its first trial has filled a wholo people with grati tude and joy, and arrested a groat Bnd growing danger. 77ns first trial al ready proivt that at least a do:en or more elections in Pennsylvania haiv been de cided, since the rebellion, in famr of cor- rnpt men by false majorities in Philadd- mm It has been a frequent and al most public boost of some of tbo Re publican lenders that they counted out tbo Democratic candidate) for Govern or, Asa 1 acker, and lbo iieonlo s can- lidtttcs for Mayor, Colonel McCluro, and Joseph Caven, a few years ago, and that it was a common thing logive seals to the vilest men in the State Legislature and City Counrils wbo never were chosen by lho people. And what I now say on this subject of fraudulent elections in Pennsylvania is not only no news lo thousands of men of both parties in this State, but is ono of several more that might bo truly related and acoopted by most of lho Republican leadors." "Government Slop." An oxchange says: 'Mary Clommor writos to the Now York Independent that the com plaint of Hayes' stinginess and lack of hospitality at tho Whito Ilonso during tho social reign of himself and his wifo aro unrounded and unjust. Sho de clares that Mrs. Hayes has been the must gracious hostess at the Whito House for many years, and that the entertainments givon thcro in tho past lour years have been moro numerous, elegant and truly bospilabla than in any previous corresponding period." A Mark or Meiiit. An exchange says; "An old man rapidly acquired 30,000 worth of property at McGregor, Iowa. Feeling that he would soon die, he wroto loltora lo his relatives in the Kast,solicilingaid tooarryhim through a bard Winter. Tho onlv roanonnn was from a nioco, who sont him ISO out of hor earnings as a school teacher, and to hor he has left bit entire estate. The sudden withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and negotiating for peace with the Boers may indicate that Urittania wants her boy regiments to onaia homo again to prevent boycotting-. JJfW rj.dWt.5tUlfn.iJ. jpOH TINWAIWJ, II A II I) IV A II K, and HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, and KkKbLKr). ATTACIIMKNT8 AND I'AltTS, and all kinds of SEWING MACHINES, UO TO (). P.. MKIUiEI.L, . Agent, CLKARFIELI), PA. .Tune I, '0 If. REMOVAL ! James 1m. Lcavy. II.. Dg purtlik5vi ttit ntira ttook ol' Frotl. Ktekelt, bnrebj (fiei nulle tint b hu inorsd Id to ihw room latly oceuiiUd by Itcet) A l.werly, on Boaond ttrevl, where h In prtimrrj U oiler ta ID JiUOIlrJ COOK STOVES, HE.ITI.rU . PARLOR STOVES, of tb latMt lDifrov.).J ,Utrrn, t low priao. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Kuofing, Hioat.iig, 11 u tubing, On Fitting, ind Kfj airing 1'jnipt a tync-MXly . Ai work warranted. A nT tiling in my lint will be order. I upecUl if deiiretl. JAS, L. Li? AW. Proprietor. FRKD.8ACKKTT, AgfaDt. OlxufieJ, IV, Jetnuar 1, 1879-tf. i. I MRU a CO. DEALERS Id Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CL'F'DCO,, P. ROMpcntfully solicit their putrons and the puhlfo generally to etl atij ema in tbeir new utuck of Spring and Summer Goods CONSISTING OP Ciihhiti.'i'cn, VelTOtecnn, Oolaino, Lawns, Ginirliama, Prints, Un blea'thod mid Hlcnolio.1 Min ims, Kuncy Skirls, Shoot ings, Tickings, Carput, iiarrs, Oil Cloths, HOSIERY, LRtindried, Whito, Choviot and Porcnlo Shirts, Hlovcs, Neckwear, Men's and Hoys' Clothing, lints, Caps, Hoots, Shoos, etc., elo. Groceries & Geii'l Merchandise Will be found oi first quality, and satisfaction is guaranteed. Tho fol lowing nro always kept on - hand. isomo lew onlv in their season): Sugars, Tens, ColToos, Spires. Syrups, uoniociiononos, uranges, Lemons. Bananas, Figs, Dates, etc, Ilurd ware, (Juconswaro, Glassware, Tinware, Wood and Willow waro, Puints, Oils. Clocks, Trunks, Vnlises, Mirrors, Stationory, Kurnituro, & Miners' Supplies, ALSO, UEALKKS IX B AHE, E. E.TISS & SHINGLES, July 28, lSSO-tf. NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. ICS -r rUAWW'a.paej,.,.. The only 8-Flange Safe in the World, AND CONTAINISO More Improvements than any Safe made, such as The 1MTEXT Moro secure from Burglars than any Fire Proof Sale, and no oxponso in repairing BolU or Locks. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. These Safes ro now heng sold in this Stato In LARGE NUMBERS, And give lho Greatest Satisfaction, Being the Most Ilighly Finished, Sect Mado, tvnl Choapost First- vaiasi b& a lYor r roaucod. These Colobralod Salca had the Champion Record IH THI Great Boston Fire, And since that time orkat and inpor- TAUT IMPROVEMENTS Dave been mado. i.""".. j m hit iv any othor conoorn, send for prioos nnd descriptive Catalogue. MORRIS & IRELAND BOSTON, MASS. nee. It, llse-le. Inside (Onr (Oii'i. aAwtUfmtnt. THE REPUBLICAN, PubM.bed .Yen WealneecUe bjr G. B. GOODLANDER, I'tliARFIKI.l), PA. Has (h Largest Clrrulatlol of uiy paper In Northwestern Peunaylranla. The lttrgo and eonntuntly increasing circulation of the Bipubmoan, rendera it valuable to buBiuerm men as a medium thro' which to reach tbe publio. Terms or Subscription t If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid aftor three months, . 2 60 If paid alter six months, . . 3 00 When papers aro sont outside of the county puyruent must be in advance. ADVERTISING: Ton lines, or less, 8 times, , 1160 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator' .Notices, . .2 50 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Noticos, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, . . . 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 60 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special noticos, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lilies, . . , 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Tbree squaros 20 00 One-fourth ooluran, . . . , 60 00 One-hall column, . . . , TO 00 One column, 120 00 IILlMiS. We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4o., ko., 4o. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING BUCU A8 POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, -CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, to., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Oeo. II. Oooillander, ClcarHeld, ClearOcId Coontj. Pa. Usffnaatoua. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curweniville, Jan. V, '7 tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUIUGK HOME INDl'STItY. Til R undena.fcntri, httvltitf tUi.ll.licJ ur try oa tti 'Pike, lout Ulf way liptw,, Clearfield ind Curweniville, ! prepared lo fu, Oiih all klndi of KHUT TKKKA, (.tdtrd r.J dwarf,) Krerprteni, Bli rubbery, (lrt, Vn,i (Jootrr7, LawtoB ltlackhrrrj, Strtwlicrrt' anil Haipbrrj Vines. Alio, hiber.an Crab Tr.t Vuloci, and aarlj scarlet Khul.arb, Ao, OrKri promptly frttauduU to, Ad'ireaa, J. I. WllhiliT, HpSO-AS-y CurweoivilU, A Bargain ! FARM FOli SALE! Th Dndtrilgucfl i.fTiTf at privnt nil thit t U nihl farm alluaied lo (IK A HAM lUW.NHIU' Clearfield county, knowo ai tlia C'lnUining 122 cri, fcrt of which are and Ii a iii thereon ereetcil a larre fr"ie ting;! trig huute, larifti fra:ur hum. ami the otl.t r r saiy outbuilding, togcilitT wni a Urge o.clitrj good water, eta. Tba prrty will lc t.,ui (iq riry aay lennl For ttmhtr artlcuh.rti irn,uirt of the IsohriUr, In j-erion, or by letier. FRANK KiKLWNn Clearfield. Pa , Man-fa 1Kb, l-.Ml.-if IMPROVI TfT tOURe TRADE (jy'rURK. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CURES C01T5UMPTI0IT, Splttiuff of Hlv.l. Hrviirhlt'.. A-"li':n (V : ) aii'l a!l d:vw i f tlio I'jlin . ry i I'rlrt? at r-,;t null Ohm I'n.'. OUENTHER & CO. Prou. uorv. 38 Filth Awnui, PlITSBURuH, PA. ASK YOVK DUUHGL-T KOR IT. October 27, 1810 flu. READING FOR ALL I i BOOKS STATIOSER Y Market SU, l learflcM. (at tUm peat i in,, t, TIIR anderiifCnrd begs leave to aiii.'.uii.'t (. tht eitiieni of Clearfield and lemur, (Lat h kai fitted up a room and bai jutt f iu,' from tba city with a iBrge amount nf rs,i,!,r. mat tar, eoniiiting in (tart of Bibles and Miscellaneous Becks, Blank, Account an J Paaa Uoolc i.f ,),. erlptioo t Paper and Enrelopen, re net. f rt--a and plain j Pani a tad Pencil i ; blur; it Papari. Ietdi, Martpafffc; .lu.Ipmcrt, Ft;.;. tion and Promiiary notn; While m.d Wn.-u. ment Urief, Legal Cap, Record Cup, ud Hi!, C, ;, Sbeet Mui., fur either Piano, flute or Vi-:-;,, eonltantlj on band. Any bonk or itni ;.r.nrr deiired tbat I ma; not hara on band. will W or :T d by fint iiprtn, and told at whol emit, or rcuil to nit uitomen. I will a bo keep rn'air llttratarf, lueb ai UaKasinei, Kewfunverv Jt P. A. (.A! Claarflald, Miy 7, ISftS-tf New Departure IN LUTIIERSBURG t Hereafter, rooJi will be idd fr,r CASH t-r,'t. or lo xchore for produce. ISo boit wi!! te kept in tba future. All od areounti nurt Ir ettled. Thm who cannot cafb up.willpn' hand over their no lei and CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to Mil ur roodi at n,b prieaa, and at a dmeoant fur blow thai fier offered is thia vielaitv. Tha ditutit I aJ'.o mi eaatumera, will make them rich in twenty jttlf uej ioiiow my aavio ana buy tneir gotiti ir l. 1 will paj oaab lor wheat, onti amt rli.ui ed. DANIEL flOODLAMJKK Lutbcrtburit. January 17, 1ST7. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DUUtiS! CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OII.S, DYE STl'FF VARNI8UES, Bni'BUES, PKHFUMEAY, FAKCT aOOM, TOILET ARTICLFS, Or ALL KINDR, PURE WIXES AMD LIQCOKS for mediolral purfoaat. TruiMi, Support era, School Booki and St-'.t- found Id a Drag Stort. VULLY OOMPOUNDKU. HarinR a .are pertenea in tha bualnaia the? oan ive entirf lafaotlon. J. O. HARTSWICK. M JOHN F. IRWIN. ClearBeld, DMnr.r I A. IST4. parsapaVilla la n cniportiul nf Hit; vlrttii nf a;inHpiirilla. "ttllirtitia, mnti'lniki., vell,,w ,l,. k. with Hi' Imli'l.! ol i,tah nnil Iron, all imw.Tfiil l'i'""1' nmkilicf. llno-rfnnaliip:. anil Itfi'-an.lfimina r-lonieiit. It le tlin puri.at, wifral, Rii'l )n pvrry war the, mi At ofTiK-liiAl alti.nillve iij"1i rhui knoivn or avuilnlik lo ir iiiMio. 'Mi' fc'lriii'n nf ioll, inn m,, rlii-iiiiatrv lm" nev,.r irn,liire,t no valimMr. a n-ninlv, nor one ao iot,-nt to rnre all iliaenai-a r.ulni.B Irotn Inijitir,. I.lootl. It riiri'H H.-rofnln. '"' nil aorrilli,iie iliacntra, Kr alpi'liia, li''. or St. Anthony' l-'ln., 'IMintih'a ami I'lirr-ttrillia, 1'iiMlilr. Illnti-hra. H"iK rumors leltnp, lluinon. Hull lllieiim, H-nhl-lii-iiil, Klncnorni, I'lrrra, ("irrti heiiiiiiit,ni, M. rourliil Dlaraac. Nr" rnlttli., I Vmnlr. U rnknp anil lrr. lt"' liirlin., .1,11,11, Hrr, Alliftliina of l.lier. liH,f Kniatliitlon, " t. rill ml lleil.lllly, riy It. ar-nn-liiiitr anil rlennalntl niial'ti II 1'iinrra out. Ih,. foiel .orriiitnn !'"" rnht.uiuii.ii., tlin I,IihxI, an.l rnuae ili-rniie-lll'-llt mill ! nv It .iim,.int..a ..! ,tliv,-n. Ihi' vtlnl fiuif-llona. Il iirniniitr'a eni-riri ami alri'iiulli. It rixitnrra ami prwu-rviM. Ii'-ai'"' Ii tiituae n.'W hti. ami 'is-,r throimhi'iit "rt Imli. avati'in. Nu eiiffiTi-r from mi "li1 litrli nriana from linpiirtir nf the t.loml n'"' fli-.ivilr.nhnwlll give. Amit'a HARr" 1 1 1'ilr trial. Itrmeinilior, Inn aarlK-r ! tl liil, llio aN-edter thu euro. Iia rorlpn hu lioen ftirnlahnl to phTal'l""" ev,-rywlti'ri.j anil tlipv. rii'offnlalnii itaaiipe rlor iiuiliti,a, a. I nun later It In llnlr iracii' For nr-arlr fortr reore Arua'a B"; Kll.l.a Iiim lievn riilljf nenl. anil II ""' fj nAa the mmnilnre, nf million, nt PJ who have xwriatir.l bnnijlu from 11 I"1 relloua turatlve rlrtuaa. Prepared by Or. J. C. Aytr fc Co., ITMUeeil aael AemlrUeeJ Oaa. lee J'rr:Yi':a -S,v- LOW, Mill, ao n u mmM trurw'