THE REPUBLICAN WBDNKSDAY MORNING, MARCH l, 1811. Terms of Subscription. If ra-d In edvai.ot,or within three month!.. .$3 K tter throe and before lis months... 1 10 if ' ij .fit tbeeiplretlon of tlx uonbu... I 00 HL.LKIOl'M N OTIC EM. MftlirtUt r,Uoiil ChurrhRev. Qto. Li inr. Pastor. Kerr t eel avery babbata it Ibi A. M.,n 7 P--..htitth Hnbool nt 9 A. M. 1'rayer Meeting avtry Wedoeedey, at 7 P. M. Cm. in union hemct, nril oabbatn ai avtry j.nth,ai . A.M. Mot fleartleld M. E, Church. Rev. Ciiarlki W, Hi-Maar, Pastor. Preaching ovary altcrnatf Sunday , at t o'clock, P. M. Sunday ch.,,A at 2J, 1. M. All an invited to attend. irehierlau ChurchRev. II. 8. Butler. .Sikblnth services morning and tvenlog Bab--.ath School at 1 P. M.Praytr Meeting Wednti Jtv oveoiDg ituntlat Church. Rer. , Pastor. Si'.l.wlb School at 3 P. M. Prayer Meeting erf ry W'l-dnMday oviiing. Ht. PranrlH Cliurrh Catholic -Rer. P j Divine service at 19 A. M., on the flnl, third and fourth Sundaysof each month, Vespers and Ilenediction of the Blessed Baoramtnt at 7 ( clock, r. m. ouoflay eonooi ovary Bunoay .fiernoon at 8 o'clook. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, tihi or no LOTH quartbb ibuiohi oourt. Snrond Monday of January. Third Monday of Maroh. Kini Monday of June. Fourth Monday of September. timr or BOLDItO OOHMOIT PLRAI. First Monday of Juno. Second Monday of November, rciLio orncBRt, Pretident Jndgi Hon. Charlei A. Mayer, Lock liar en. Aitittant Lam Judy Hon. John lellefonta. Aoeiaf Judyet Abram Ogden, II. Orvia, of Clearfield i Vincent 11. Holt, Clearfield. Prothenotary Jamea Kerr. Rgi$urad flseordtr George M. Ferguson. Trraiurtr Philip Dotta. Iiitlriet AnorntvJ. F. McKenrlok. Sharif Jaines Mabuffey. Otputu SheritfY. I. Thompson. County Survy or Samuel V. MoCIoskcy, Cur ensville. Ouaiy CymmitiionrC. W. Kyler, Grabim. ton P. 0.; Kith John ton, Gram plan Dills P. 0.; ?i,B Knrrta. Sr.. Curwansvllla. rommifioHtn' Clrk John W. Howe. Cuntu Auditor William V. Wright, Clear fiild ; Joseph Qilliland, Three Hum j J. 8. Nor ri, Woodland. m , , n.A.. Jimoi A. Moore. Clearfield. J,trV6oiiiiii.Woae-AndreJ.Jckaon, Clear. fif 1, Wa. K. Mrown, Clearfield. Siprinfnd,nt of Publit Seloolt M. L. Mfl yunwn. Clearfield. Sotnrif Public-John W. Wrlglcy, Wm Ra- .itl.iiuffh, Cyrua (lordon, Clearfielflj Josepn it, Irwin.N- E. Arnold, Curweosvillt ; J. A. Living. t..ti. Ialtoli City. YF.9,OP CO(tRl "Will you take wheat, oats or eorn for tuh. (i -rijitittn j" We are often Inquired of in tnla way U li tter from patroni who reiide at a diitinoa. from Ck-arfield. Wo aftain say yea. The reeeipts of a rp'mihle merchant or mill owner In Ibe vie ititv, anmer ua just aa well ts the eaih. T illliiftrate: If any of our patron a will deliver w n imp 'if frrain at the mill of Joseph H. Hreth, in rhcet lowofhip, Horace Patobin. in Hurnside, Tliomas II- Forrey, in Urabam, Wm Porter or .Lsw. in Lawrence, or Drown Seyler'i, at rti-'ktMi, I'ti ion township, and forward their fn.ipif for tho akiount, we will credit them on tiirir account for tbe mm. In this way all may (y "hat they e, If they will pursue this LMure. ' "Advertisers and othora will bear iDinu.d that all artUlea Ictended for publication In tiiii paper murt be banded In, sot later than Tur..iny, at 8 A. M. Don't forget It ! Ku!l moon this TuemJny evening. . II M I The elicnpest isn't always the bent. - To morrow, March 17tb, is St. Pat day. m The pay train paused over tho branch run J on Monday alternoun. The new Spring bonnets have strings, anl moit of Ibe wearera have beau I. mm m Moving day, April 1st, falls on Fri- Jnj thil year. Have yon got a booae yet ? ). M. Ross was recently appointed pi. tm alter at Clearfield ilridge, In tbta oounty - wm e - The Ornhons Cornet Hand was out ttiYnadinf iime of ourolilieoa last Friday even log. Mi8 Maggie lrvin, of this place, is yithizi in liellefunts, a gueat In the family of Tho Lock-iin nronosals will be found el nw hi re In this iiaue. The borough "dada" ( vii)pRtly moan builnesa. . . m a Ulank bonds for District Treasurors- eWt can be procured at tbe office of the County O'lumiffttooers, or Prothonotary. Ilcv. Mr. Ilurnley has been conduct ii K a protracted meeting IB tbt Weat Clearfield M. K. Churci for the pait two or three weeks. Ilev. O. W. Stroup, of Karthau, will j.-f.rh in the Clearfield Lutheraa Uburen next Sabbath morning, March 3tb, morning and ereB- '"If- A bill was introduced into the House of Hep re ten tat I rea at UarrHburg lait Friday, utncrliing Notarial Public to perform marriage rmmoniai. - mm e Our iM-rivor lumbermen have com- mtiffd to raft in tbeir limber. Othera along tho rivrr, both aborf and balew thil point, will begin 'eraliona Boon. mm mm Tho patients ot the Danville Insane Ho'pital, recently deitroyed by fire, have been tnnporarily tranaferred to ibe Harrilbnrg and Warren Hoipilall. mm e mm (Jot it Down Fine. An exchange ayi that Spring openi thil year at 6:12 A. M. on 'lie 20th init., and laita ninety-two days, twenty hour i and eight mfautea. - - iw mm' Reg. Fullorton slaughtered fourrao cooni in tbe vicinity of tbe Mitchell farm, near town, last week, and It wai not a very favorable time for "rockooons" eltber. Mr. John C. Reed offers his farm for ale. Having determined to resume the.carpeu taring buaineaa, ba will sell tba farm at a bar gain. Bee advertisement elsewhere. mm m m Miss Maggie MeCullough, one of the teaohers in the Seminary, has gone to btr homo ia Clearfield to spend a fsw days, on ae eountofwiak eyas. Williamnorl Sum, Match, 10. "Courtesy opens many doors," says the old adage. It sterna mat tourney eigni o but many doors at tbli season but It doesn't, and the man going out has to be yelled at vigor ously, mm a "The secession county of Clearfield hu made a good financial showing." Ztm Courier. Tbat "seceiilon" Is a sloe fling al your itighbon. No hatchet will tver be awarded for puhlnblng that libel. .i imm e mm Mr. George- W. Weaver, o! Penfiold, ami W. a. Luther, teacher of Lick Run school, were In town on Saturday. Bo'th tbeat gentle-mt-n are aspirants for tbt position of County Superintsnlebt. They art both oo rope tent. mm m - Ilis pretty generally conceded tbat whi-n onr new Lock -up le completed that our t"rQ will bavtbut few frcqotaurs, becauit our ti.wnipeopie are aot of tbat boWtereui elaaa th a t ue Uarnfoccaaionallylnour nelghbotlag vlllagts. A sth'iablo and festival will bo held t the mi d not of Mra. W. Milton Shew, on Fint iireet, neit Tuesday trenlng. March 32d. oi'dcr the aufplces of Ibt Presbyterian Laditf1 Aid Hncisty. Evrrybody is ecrdlally invited to Ucd. liev.'s (ieo. Doidy and W. U. Dill have takes their departure for tbt annual session f Cntral Penniylvaala K. ConfertBte which "itatt to day at York, Pa. filibop I. Q. An- Jrt, of HtiMolnes, Iowa, Is si peeled U prt- - mm e mmm - Tho M. E. Ladies' Aid Society will " this week on Thursday afMrnooa, at the I (idtnoe of Mra. Israel TesL Tbt ttasoa for tUr.(l, froa) pri,uy to Thursday afternoon for Itfc.i oci V besiptalaedatthemeetlag 'h Society, Tbe Lumber City Academy prom l"i to he attuiaally large la atteadaitt tbe tom '"e term. A great many have already made k;liMoa te ht ad all led. Ai this will ba a ! eipectslly far teachers, I boas who deilrt to frrpare ibemMlvet for laatbing will dt wall by i-tBag. Ihformalloa etatornlng tka tchetl I e be ebtalaed by addrwatlag It. I. Weber, I Ciearnid, Pa, tr W.W. Moart, Lamhw Oily, Pa. Hall Testable Sicillian Hair Re- newer la a universal favorite for rtatorlng gray balr to Ita original aolor, and making bair grow oat taiei. Watch Cleaning. UarrvM'Uenrv will be found at the Alleghaay House, daring the .wo weeks or eppraaobing term of Court. Will repair and el tan watobaa. Jewelry, etc., ot abort notice. Mra. Kancy Holt, wife ot Hon. Vin. east U. Holt, ona of tba Aaaoolato Judgea of our Court, died at bar homo la Bradford towt.Mp, laat Buday morning. Her funtral took plaot ua Tuaiday forenoon. The Now Cantlo JJetnocrat now lakes the plaoa of the tawrtmet Pmragry. The paper be baoa obangsd from a quarto to the folio form, and Is muck Improved in Ma typographical ap pearanoe. It U the only livmoersiio Journal pub lltbad la Law ran ee eounty. Mr. Webster T. Hair, editor ol tho I'btUpiborg Journal, was married en lb 8th in at to Mln Annie M. Elliott, ol Bhirleyaburg, Hunt ingdon oouuty. We bope tbat be may never bare onus to rrgrot tbe atep ka baa taken. Ho baa as good a right to atarvt a youag lady ai anybody tbat we know of. Still on Duty. Senator Wallace waa at born for several days laat week, but bii party friends telegraphed him back to Wnibing toa OB Saturday morning. Ha la in fine trim for bualnesf, but be seeui t ba unable to get rid of tba Washington berneaa. He will be at home during Maroh Court. Tbe regular term of our March Court will brgin ua Monday next, and will ton- tinut for two weeka. Wa would be pleased to havt the patrons or tbt Rrfi'ILICab call and see us, wLetber on businesa or not A cordial Invi tation Ii ei tended to you all. Wt will not ob ject to rtoeiriog aew subscribers or back sub- aoriptiona,and will ba in rtadlntssto attend to all such. A branch of Lcavy'tt livery stable will be started this Spring in stables in (ht rear of Mot- sop'a itore, thus securing a more etntral and con venient Uatlon. Mr. Ltavy will use tie room in Mra. Elisabeth Irvine' building, on Market at ret t, for an office, now occupied as a rtiideoat by Mr. W. D. McKay. McKay will remote bis family to tbe Leavy homestead, In tbt tlololty of tbt CatLolio Church. Wo call attention to tho law card of Mr. Frank O. Harris, of this place, and etmmend hint to tbt builness public aa a competent, able, and prompt bminea man. Any legal builneaa or collection of c talma placed in bis bands will aot suffer Tor want of faithful attention. Mr. Harris also represents strtral drit-otais Lift and Fire Insurance Companlti. Ht solicits a inert of public patronage, (lire him a trial, mm i That Hridok. We have received a number af communications from Ibe upper section of tbt eouoty btarfng upon tbis question. Ont wrlttr states the ease In this way : "Every per son tu tbe upper end of the county Is tpposcd to the rebuiltlingof the Uoodfellow bridge on Ibe old abutments. There Is entirely too much danger jf life atd property at Ibe old site. No man of Christian feeling would Initit on baring it re built on tbt o!d abutments." mm m mm 2tck would liko to have the names of tht montha appropriately changed aa follows : January would be Bluihuary ; February would be Slopoary ; Maroh woold ba Wioduary; April would bt Kainoary ; May would be Ituduary ; June would be Warmuiry ; July would be Roait uary August would bt Boiluary ; September would bt Cbiluary ; October would be Co Id uary ; November would be Krostuary; beoeubtr would bt Snowuary. Very appropriate, Indeed. - mm -m mmn, - A New Physician. Mr. D. E. Uot- torf, who is widely known throughout tbis eounty, having taught school with great ability and sue- cess, and a brother of J. K. Bottorf, of ibis borough, has returned home from the Homeo pathic Uoepital College, of Cleveland, Ohio, where bt baa graduated and recalled his diploma. It Is Dr. Bottorf's Intention to locate al Tyrone for tht praotict of bis profession, and wa oao cheer fully recommend him to tht peoplt In that vi cinity as an upright and studious young man, Wt hope to hear of klot having good sueceaa and a largo practice, Mour Rio Timber. Our friend, Leon M. Coudriet, of Frenchvillt, one of Clear field county ' moat enterprising lumbermen, bis had a pint tret out apin bis lead during the past Winter that made three sticks of square timber of the following dimensions t Ont 62 feet long, ont 60 feet, and one Sfl feet long making In ail 168 ft. At thirty-six feet from tht stump ths titt squared twenty -seven inches, Can any person beat this t Wbo will say that the white pint trees in Clear field county art nearly done wben such treta art to ba found. If there ia a good tret In tbt woods, Leon is lure to find it. The "beautiful" has departed from our strttta and alleys, and the "ugliness" and ac cumulated filth, lu the ahapt ef ask piles, Infected with slops, disease aud death, together with dead oati and chickens, old gum shoes, tin tans, At., Ac, abound In all directions. As soon aa Jack Frost bids adieu lo this vicinity, the germi tf ptitittnot will begin to fill tba air, and if the work of purification ia delayed, we nay expeot a great amount af alckneti. Cellars should bt looked after, and all decaying vegetable matter and fruit removed, and their places thoroughly purl fled with disinfectants. This matter demands early attention, and as soon as the weaber will permit tbt remedy should be applied. mm mmt Correspondents need not In writing to tbt Couritr sneak of "valuable palter" or refer to our large "number of reader!." We don't cart to bt instrumental in spreading soft aoap en our own paper. DuBoit Vouritr, Tht editor iu question Is evidently a lover of tbt truth, and bt does not wish bii correspondents to miitlair aci. Ht knows tbat he la tbe owner of but ont fidt of bii paper, and Ihcrefurt not very "valuable," etc. Tbt aforesaid ihuld hart a cherry tret and a Washington hatchet awarded him for his honest confession (?) and a little "soft soap" should be rewarded to him by his "numer ous" corrcrp on dents, so that bt need not in tbt future do anything with dirty hands. mm m m - Missionary Work. Tho Clearfield M . K. Pabbatb School baa made a vary creditable abowlng in Missionary work during tbe past year, Tbey work ay itemstieally, tba scholars contributing every Sabbath. The teacher acta aa treasurer of tba class, and at a public meeting, held monthly, tbt amount contributed by each class ii reported and given Into the handiof tho Treat-J urer of Ibt general fund. Tbt collection of tht Sabbath School for tbe Conference ytar just otostd amounted te $17ft.S9. This, wt art la- formed, together with what hat been contributed by I bt congregation of the eburch during tbe ytar tnding March 13,1881, will amount to about $400, A pRoi.mrSiiF.KP. Tho Holliday- burg torrtspondant of the Alloona Tribunm ia responsible for tbe following: "S. Reed Matthews, Eiq , who Is a teaant on one of the Matters farm a adjoining Gaysport, In Blair lowmbip.ia the owner of a mixed Lancaster and Beck well twt tbat dropped four Iambi on the 30th day of March, IS 80, and again on the 10th day of March, 1SS1, dropped four snort! tbua producing tight lambs In ten days tes than a year. The first four lamha still follow their mother. Ont of tht laat four got a Itg tramped off and died, still leaving seven alive and kicking. Wt challenge, act only mother Huntingdon, but Ibe world to produce a grater yield tf mutton, and claim that lit lit Blair county oan't bt btat far raising wool." DoRouoH Finances. The Finance mmlttet appointed by the Town Council to as certain and report the present liabilities and as sets of the Borough reported tbe following : Total liabilities. fl,17.VM Tuttl assets W3 & Liabilities avtr aastts... $6,179,41 Decreets of Indebtf loess la 1880, $771 SI ; dt- ertast tf Indebltdotas In 1878 9, t7I.N. Tbe interest on Ihe bonded indebtedness has been de creased from si i and levin per tent, to five per tent. Tbla doqblt decrease priatl pal and ta ttrtst of our borough Indebtedness li otrtainly a btaJtby ladltatloa financially. Wt art glad that Hayes had at ebancttt vett this reduction pro cess. ! a - A Buss Fcss A man named FoMor, employed at tht Shaw Houst, was arretted on Saturday for committing aa assault en Frederick Haak, tht driver of the Maneloa Houst omnibus. From what wt tea teems some III feeling bad prtvloualy htta aroused between tht parties IB regard to tbe place occupied by their respective vehicles at the depot, although at angry words had passed tetwtea them. It Itrtbar apptan that after returning lo tht Shaw noast on Satur day Boon, Foster entered the long shed attached to tht MaasloB House stable, and aa Utah waa la tbt att of paialbg with a bktt of water far, bones la bis eare, Foster sprang tut of one of tht Halls, kaccktd Haak down aad It flirted a number tf tavtrt wtunds in hit fact. Haak had b warrant Issued ftr tht arrest af Jtsltr, who, when brought before lequlrw Howe, ta tared beij In tbt sum $209 for his apptaraatt tt answer al Court. 1 Messrs. Rosenthal & Lovy, of Cur wtnavHle, aa noun at that tbey wilt hat a Spring opening of their aew goods on or before Wtdnaa day, March .ld. Their atook is complete and tm braces tht best and latest styles of goods, diva them a tall and tat how rtasonablt they at 1 1 goods. - mmm mm List of totters remaining unclaimed In tba Postoffiat at Clearfield, Pa., for the week tnding March 14th, 1881 : William Brady, Archie M. Clark, John Bloat James Graham, John W. Hall, Mary Hill, John henna, Susan Mager, Jamea Marsh, Elliot 0 Pierce, Dr. R. Powell, Tlllle M. Smith, Henry Snteldea, Miss Ada Spenotr, Isaat Wryt, Anna M. Walk, Susan Y. Young. P. A. GAL LIN, P. M. Everybody is getting tirod of tbe continued aad tedious Winter weather, and wt will say nothing about tht snow that fell on Saturday evening last to tbt depth of aa inch It la becoming monotonous tvtn to the most en thusiastic lover of Winter aotnes. "Cold weather, go! O; frigid dall ler, go ! Too long you've lingered hereabout Tot long, alas! too long; you're dreadful slow ! Come, vamoose 1 clear ! get out I 'Too long wt've watched the mercury in tbt gtaas ; Too long we've lied about tht thing ; Much havt we all to answer for, alas 1 Come, gol 'twill toon bt Spring." The New 'SoniRBs. We this week publish tbt nsmes of those persons elected to the office of Juitlce of Iht Peace In the several bor oughs and townships In tali county at tht lata election, together wilh tbt poilofflct address of tacb, to wit : Clearfield borough Daniel Connelly, Clearfield. Curwensrillt borough D, S. Moore, Cur wans ville. Newburg borough E. Hlldebrand, Hurd. New Washington borough. Wm. W. Barclay, New Waihingtoo. Osceola borough Patriok Gallagher, Osceola Mills. Ueccarla township John W. Brat ton, Ulen Bope. Hoggi towmbip John Bleih, Wallace ton. Chest township 11. H. Hurd, Hurd. Decatur townibip C. C. Mullen, Pbilipsburg. (lirard townihip George W. tittrer, Uilling bam. Uoihen townihip Allan Cuppler, Lick Bun. Urrenwood township A. 11. Newcomer, Bow er ; Inac M. K titer, Bower- (lulioh township C. H. McDonald, Smith's Mills. Jordan townihip Honry Swan, Anaonville. Knox townihip Knoa Bloom, New Millport Pike township Richard Freeman, Curwena Ville. Handy townihip John R. Keel, Jefferson Line ; Joseph Bowersox, tabula. , I uion township S. B. Weltj, Hookton. ' mmt m- mm i The Fish Way. The Columbia Her ald is tho authority for tbt statement that tht fliii-way, trected in the Columbia dam at no In tomiderablt coat to tbt people of this State, hu beta swept away by tht floods and ice, and tbat not a aingla vestige of tht structure remains Tbis settles tht shad business for 1881. Not a single flsb will be able to pass tht dam at that point, and unless a stray apeclman bow and then flndi bis way around the barrier by means of the raft chute, the people along ihe upper waters of tht Susquehanna aud its tributaries will havt to content thcmielvea with catfish, eals and auckera for tht next year or two. This work of tht let puts tbt Fisb Commissioners and their elaborate furthcoming report In a pretty deep holt. They say la their beautifully illustrated statement that they havohad much trouble with these shad ; tht fishermen will not glvt them aebanot to got over tht obstruction!, huit grab them up as fast as thay make tbeir appearanot. If matters wert so bad when the flih-way waa in full operation, bow muiit they bt now, when the fish-way hat been totally carried away f From tht prtsent tondl tiwu of affairs, It looks a Utile ea if tht money tht will be spent in publiihlng this el abort tt report of the Commlsiioocri might havt been de voted with more profit and advantage to rebuild lag the flih-way. Ai the Legislature Is still in ses sion, It will bt in order to take a new start In this flih-way business. It is something of a reflection upon Iheir scientific training, that with all the money they want at their back, they art unable to build a Bib-way that fish can use, or which Is able to bear tbt wear and tear of a linglt hard Winttr. Tbe fiih ought to havt a otaact to go up the river, and wt bope they will bt given one. jV Erm. A Log Slide. To porsons not familiar with tht lumbering buiineis in this aection,tht fol lowing description of a log slittt In Green town ship, Indiana eounty, on the headwaters of tht tbe Susquehanna river, will bt found to bt quilt Interesting, It Is well described, and Ii clipped from tht columns of tbt Cherry tret Rteord, tht tditors of which had taken a trip through tht country atd wert telling what they saw and heard, tu wit: "Nothing of importanot was lean except the grand scenery of vast acres of pint and nemtiek all along tba road till wt struck tht log alidt In Green townihip. This slide, to one who baa never seen such things, is a curiosity. It Is the prop erty, wa believe, of Messrs. Hopkins A lrvin, and n the Ardell Job. This slide is five milts in ltngtb, and hat been used two Reasons. For the benefit of those of our readers wbo mayntvtr hart seen these might bt well to say (hat tbey are constructed by laying two logs ifde by side and bowing out a groovt In which Iht logs fit, and art thus kept on tht slide. Tht modt of operating Iht slide is to roll tbe logs into It and draw them along with horses some' thing alter tbe style of a canal boat, where the slide Ii level or up grade, but where there li a down grade no bones art needed, tbt long trains of togs flying down tbe slide at a fearful rate, ever and anon making tbt woods ring by bump ing tht ends together, and occasionally where there Ii a ihort turnout will jump tht track. Tht slidt at present Is aot being used as all tht logs on the job art in tbt landing for this season. Wa followed tbt slidt in Its winding! down to the landing nt tbe big dam on Cash Cuibiag, where we found tier after tier of large logs piled up tt tht depth of about twelrt feel, ready for tbt drivt, and In length and width It looked ttbt big toough for a whole township. This landing contain! fc,POO,000 feet, and when wa eomt to oontidtrtbt fact that about 800,600,000 feet of timber will go down the Susquehanna this season, or sixty times as much as wt taw here, It Is bt- joad our eom prehension." e mm A $15,000 FT RE IN CURWENS V1LLE. Destruction of the lrvin House I About 9 o'clock on last Sunday evening, a Art brokt out la tht old McBridt store building, corner of State and Filbert streets. The trlgin of tht Art ii unkntwn, It being supposed that rats, or mica, and matches wert tht oaust. This building was only about ttn feet from tht Xrria Houst, which almost Immediately took Art. Tht dwelling cast of tht store building also took Art, and within forty-Ava minutes Art buildings wett ablate, tht peoplt being nnabla tt do any thing ob account of the tlost proximity of tbt buildidgs, and had Bt Art apparatus of any kind to work with. Tht following U a Hit of tbt property destroyed : lrvin Houst, owned by Ju. L. Leavy, occupied by 8. R. Notts tine, loss on building ....$ ,00 80 Noteitiae, Iobi on furniture.... 3,400 MoHrlde titate building Occupied by- 1 ,61)0 90 1,009 00 200 01 100 00 1,009 09 100 90 100 00 Watt Thompson, groceries, Ac, lea, Ac ) filing ir, shoe shop j jonn uutier, zj Boor, dwel J. F. Thompson. t floor. McNaul estate, buildinc Ocoupied by Rosemleel A Mabaffsy, dwelling, loss on furniture - John Carl, dwelling A. M. Kirk, Jewelry store A dwelling.. John McNaul, dwelling Occupied by Mrs. Caldwell, furniture.. Musier tit, saddler shop A dwelling... I. B. Segner, dwelling, damage to houst and furniture m 3,600 00 1,009 00 80 00 1,000 00 809 90 Total loil , Insured as follows : J. L. Leavy, Phoenix S. R. Nolestiot, Commercial Union.. MoBrlde estate, Jtlltrten John Butler, Lnioa Watt Thompson, l oion ..HUSO 09 .4 2,506 00 ., l.SHl 00 ,H 1,6UB 00 I AO Oft 1,300 00 McNaul estate, Merchants' and cheniee A. M. Kirk, Fire AiMcialtou...... " u Lancashire Jo he McNaul, North Briiiab Muster estate, Lycoming., . Me- 600 00 1,600 00 S00 00 MO 00 too 00 Total iBsuraett H $11,10 00 Ttn office of tbt latt Dr. D. 0. Crouch, tht dwelling and tannery tf Z. McNaul, and the dwell lag and feral lure of I. B. Segnar wire all dam aged to eomt tiltat, but are all covered by lnaar aacu. Tht dwelling of Mr. Segnar was almost miraculously saved, tha sntn doing nablt aad dangerous work. There ware not more than fif teen feel tripaot between nay tf tht building! destroyed, and tbt largt crowd of met, willing to work, could only look at tba devouring flames, at power being abtt tt save tht buildings. This Is tbt sttond large fin tbat Gurwaaivlllt hu had within seventeen months. More substantial build ings hart btta trected la tha plaoa of thttt de stroyed j and it Is hoped I bt txample will bt fol lowed 11 this cast. Mr. Notertlnt, who was ab sent, bad a portloB tf hli goods tartd, tt bii lorn will hardly reach $2,600. Tba bail dings dt ttroytd wert all Iramt, ud adjoining tack othtr. Eight famlllet wart thrcwa tat af hoast and hem t, but all war promptly taken tare tf by iht till seal af Carwtns villa. 1 DEATH OK THE FIRST-BORN. LI MRS WtlTTRR Ol TUB DBS TV OS FRARRUB t'RAUA Youo mother, ht Is Boat ! Ills dimpled tbaek no more will ttuth thy breast No mora the muele tone Float from his Hps, It thine all fondly pressed j it ii smite and happy laugn art lest ct met Earth must bii mother and hit pillow bt. His was tbt morning hoar, And ht hath passed la beauty from tht day I A bad, Bot yet a flower, Tom in its sweetness from tbt parent spray j Tbe death-wind swept blm to his aoft repose, As frost, in tht Spring time, blights tbt tarly rost. Than waa a tint tf rose on cheek and Up t Ht touched tht veina with lot and tht rose faded j But there beamed a smile , so fixed, so holy, From that cherub brow, Death gaitd and left it He dared not steal tht signal ring tf Heaven, Mother, thy child Is blessed And though his pretence may bt lost to that, And vacant leave thy breast, And missed a sweat load from thy knot, Thou'lt mett thy first-born with his Lord at lat ', Luuirb Citt, March 4 lb, 1881 . Call at Morrill's hardware store and set ibt chtapest and best Sewing Machine for tbt Itast money. Dec. 23-tf. The protracted mooting, carried on for nearly nine weeks in tbt citarfitid u, Jt, Charoh, under tbt supervision of Rev. George Leidy, closed on Wednesday tveniog of last week. Some thirty persons jotntd with tht members of tht church on probation. A Fact. An aavortisoment inserted In tht Rrfublicar will reach mora readers than if published In all tht other paptra In tht ooun ty, and oost tht adrertisti ltag than ont-half In ether words, an advertisement published la our jc ureal li worth double tbt prlct of that charged by any other publisher in the county. It la a fact." tf. A Cash Osdinancs. An exchange aaya: An ortliaance against profanity u rigidly enforced al Avoo, III. A timplt d a brings a fine of fS, and itrongar a wearing costs more. And It ougU to b tmforcid everywhere. The profanity and vulgarity constantly heard upon tbt streets of American towns, art a national disgraot, as well as shookiog to tht eari of all properly tducaled people. Coal In. If any of our coal bank a fsel like trading some of their product for a series of numbers tf copies tf tbt Clrjlrfirld RnroiLiCAR, wt will gladly show them where to put two or three hundred bushels on account In tbat way. We havt a bin at our residence and ona at tht office tbat will hold a load trtry now and then. A hint to tba wist li a very aage re mark, and ahtuid bt sufficient, tf New Daily Staoe Line. James L. Leavy has succeeded in baying a dally mall estab lished between Clearfield and Pennfleld, and will hereafter run a daily stage between the two points. Hlseontraot began with April 1st, and the stage wlllleavo Clearfield every morning (except Sun day) at B o'clock, making connections with all trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Pen n field, re turning aUer tbt last train tbt saw a evening, Passengers and freight will bt carried at low rates, Orders left at any of tba hotels will bt attended to. lfiapr7V-tf Penn villi Normal. Those wibK ing to attend school should attend tbe Pannvillc Normal School, which will open April 18th, 1881 Tht Principal, Prof. W. S. Lnthtr , Is known as ont of our oldest and best teaohers. Ht will be aii li ted by other Ant-class teachers. Students will have tht use of the Peon v lilt Library, alia a good reference Library. Instrumental and Vocal Mmlo will bt taught by good teach era la that branch. Alao Industrial Drawing aad Painting. For terms, board, Ac, address S. M. Davis, Sec retary Board Trustets, Grampian Hills, Pa., or W. S. Luther, Principal, Llok Rub, Pi. mu 9 tf Fresh groceries and new goods are received every week at George Weaver A Co.'i store, on Second strstl. They to ploy tbliging and attantlvt olerki, and keep every thing In stock that li nsed by man, woman, or boast. By refer ence to tht mercantile Hit, in another column, It will bt noticel tbat this firm la ont which enjoys the largeat sales and best patronage of any eitab- llihmtnt in town. They leave poople know what they sell and where they do business. Tbey art one of tht fsw Arms in this place which believe In advertising, and art deserving of liberal patron age. Read their advertisement on tbt fourth page of this paper. Clearvield Coal Trade State ment of Ctal and othtr freight! seat avtrtht Tyrant A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tht weak tnding March ftth, 1881, and tht aami time tastyear i COAL. For tht week Herat timt last year Increase Prevlonaly during year Samt timt last year Dtcreaat Total In 1881 . Same stmt last ytar... Decrease H 8,382 Lumner t9 can. Miscellaneous freights...., - 142 " KELAYING THE NEW PORTAGE RoAD Mention bat been made 1b these columns of tht fact that tht Pennsylvania Rallrtad Com pany contemplated relaylog tht track of tht new Portagt railroad. Thil reference Ii made to it ia tht annual report of tht Directors, and tht project may therefore bt assumed as a Axed fact : "Tht great pressure of (raffle upon the attep gradient! ascending tht taittra slop! of tht Allegheny mountains baa brought to tht atten tion of your officers tho propriety of relaying tbt trtck upon what Is known as tht 'New Portagt Railroad." Tbis was originally eon it rue ted by tbt Statt of Pennsylvania to nrold tht passagt of tbtAlleghtay mountain! by Inclined planet, and was purchased from tbt Statu by tbis company. Tht mountain tunnel and general location of tbis road follow very closely those of your own road, making a connection with your branoh Hoe near Uotlidaysburg, Tht relaying of thil track will not ba very expensive, as tht road-bed Is generally to a good state of preserva Hon. It will relieve tht mala lint of tbe local traffic frtm tht largt Iron works and mints In tbt vicinity of Uotlidaysburg, aad afford an al ttrnatt lint on the moat difficult and expensive portion of tht mountain division." Out or Pkbt. We clip the follow ing frtm tht Huntingdon Bwmi-WMhty AWi of tht 19th Inst, i Tht following tf the Ananeial standing of West Huntingdon M. E. Churoh has beta mada public. A few yean ago j thil church was struggling against a dsbt that I threatened to swamp It, but tbt dlsasttr was averted through tbt tntrgy and courage of Her. William H. Dill, tht pastor, wbo la Itss than a year baa raised Ibe amount necessary to entirely liquidate tbt debt, and Itart a balance In the treasury. Tht ehureh should bt grateful to tbt pastor and tba friends wbo eamt to Hi help la tnt nour ot need Hdrtirodor, March fth. 1881. William H. Dill In account with Wait Uunt- iogdon M. E. Church: DR. To cash from Trusttts .$ 14 00 To taia rrom friends abroad 1&6 00 To cash frtm friends la Huntingdon 377 00 To abatements madt tj creditors 29 OS Total CR. By Insuranet on Church .,.$480 0.1 16 00 ... 10 99 By Sttwart A Flsontr'a bill By Henry A Co,, judgment- By Stewart, Maroh A Co., Judgment... Uy Buchanan A Son, Judgment By Bill tf Striokler A Co.. By Bill of J. R. Simpson By Bill of T. K. Carmen ...... By Br!anot ia treasury .. Tola! ... iro vi ... 121 611 ... 72 64 ... fit 34 ... 28 13 ... 11 26 . II II . (MR (IX Orb Hururrb Pan Crrt. Discount on Olh Pbicbi. Sewing Machines ean now ht purchased at Me trail's tie and variety store, from $3 a up wards. All kinds of sowing machines repaired oa tht shortest not lot. Citarfitid, Pa., July II. 1177. Wartrd. Delivered at tbt Rail Road 100.000 20-Inch shaved shingles. 100.001 24-Inch sawed shingles. I00,1M feet of pine boards. 600,000 la-feet shared hoops, 6,000 railroad ties. 60,000 feet of good hemlock boards. For which I will pay tho highest market prlct, delivered tt Clearfield, or at any point an tba TyroBi A Citarfitid Railroad. I. V. Kbambb. Citarfitid, Pa., tt. II, U7l tf. Just Received. Juit Rooftived by ARNOLD, at CURWENSVILLK: Car Load Nova Scotia Flaiterl Car Load pure) Corn, Jty and Oata Chop I Car Load Peak en Bait t Car Load of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry Goods, Qrooeriea, Ao.I InsrShmtrlea, Bark. R. TI Tie and Grain will b taken In eachanft. CuTWtDiTillw, Kay 1, 1979. GRAHAM DICKSON. At Philipsburg, Thursday, March 10th, 1881, by Rev. A. M. Oreigbtoa, Mr. Armor O. Grabim, of Lawrtnot township, and Miss Nauru uicrsor, or Clearfield nortuga. ROWLEfl C0NKLIN0. In Philip. burg, on Tutsday, March 8th, 1881, by Lewis Hon, Esq., Mr. Valbrtihb Kowlbs aad Miss Jbmhir Oorb- liro. both of Woodland, CloRroald oounty. i(l BPENCE. At tht resident tf her mother, la O os ben townihln. on Monday tvenlns. Maroh 14th, 1881, Karrkn Si-brcb, in the 31st year of ntr age . Funeral on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, MOORE In Pent township, ob Saturday, February Stlth, 1881, Arohbw MooRR,ia the fijth year tf his age. SMITH. In Sandy township, on Monday, HarebTlb, 1B81, Al abuarbt, wiiu or Andrew Smith, aged 87 years. Ml'RRAY. In Bradford townihip, on Sunday morning, Harob otn, lotti, drlirua Mi rrat, aged 77 years and 31 days, CARLTON. In Bradr township. on Satnrdev. March Mb, lttHl, Mabrl A. L Carl tor, aged 4 years, a m on ins and 7 days. SMKAL. In Graham township, on Friday, Maroh lltb, 1881, Frrdirkr Sural, aged 87 years, ii aionius ana ia oays. KKINER. In Luthenburgb, at the re rid en oe of Mr. George Glllung, on Monday, March 7th, 1881, Girtrudr B., daughter of gueaa Krlner, aged 0 years and 8 mouths. TRVDE. In Lawrenea townihip. on Satur day, Maroh 6tb, 18M, at the residence of his grandmother, of diphtheria, IiiA Trudb, agtd 10 years, iv monins ana it uays. Hidgway and Lock Haven papers please copy. RAYMOND, In Mcrris townihip, on Thurs day, February 34th, U81, of diphtheria. SoraiA M., aged years, 10 months and 9 days; an Wtdnesday, March 2d, lttM.ef diphtheria. Mr.m- tib L., aged 2 years t both daughter! of A. W. aad Josephine Raymond. Bsllefontt papers please copy. LOSE In New Millport, on Wednesday. March 9th, 1881, Kluabbtu, wife of J. U. Lose, agtd 33 years, 7 months aad I days. . . United In marriage not tbret monthi ago ; to day separated by death. How short the wedded lift I The husband, in bis lone and sorrow, and the friends, In their sorrow, havt ths sympa thy of tht community. Tbey, too, havt tbt com fort that sbt died trusting in Jesus. D. H. 0. Centre county papers plaast copy. OAKLAND. In Bradford township, at the resldena of Was. Dixon, on Saturday evening, Maroh 12th, 1881, of diphtheria, Miss Katu U ab lard, daughter of David Garland, of Bald Eagle Furnace, Centre county, aged 21 years. Tht deccaatd waa visiting at tha residence of Mr. Dixoa wben she look ill, on Sunday evening, March 0ib, and died lait Saturday. She whs en gaged to be married this Spring. Her remains wert takoa to bar homt In Centre oounty for burial, and ware laid to rast on Monday. M. Hl'NTKR. In Btcoarla township, on Sunday, March fith, 1881, Frarb Ki.rrr, infant son of John M.aad Martha Hunter, aged II months and 21 days. "Of such is the Kingdom of Heat-en." Il was on God'a own holy day Tbat little Fuark waa called away To dwell on high, with God above, And rest forever in arms of lovt. So for his loss do not complain, But pray to God to meet again, Your little Frank can never die, He lives with Jeaui in the sky. M. M. MORGAN. At bar homt at Centre Hill, In flrehem township, on Thursday, Maroh 3d, 1881, Mra. Si; sawn A MoauAti, reliot of James Morgan, Sr., at tht advanced agt of 98 years and 17 days. Tbt subject of this notice was born In Hert ford, England, in tht year 173. At tht agt of about 10 years sbt united with tht Episcopal Churoh by public profession, and has lived a con sistent member for eighty-two years. Sbt re tained a sound mind until tht lait, and remarked to btr ion a few days ttfort her death : "I havt always trutted in God and taken blm as my por tion, and it would bt a poor time to girt him up now." The doccaied oaint to this country In August, 1833. Sht wai tbt mother of eight children, seven of whom, with stveral grand and great grand children, are now living ia Clearfield eounty. Her remains wert Interred in tht Kyltr burying ground, in Graham township, on Sunday aweok, followed to tht gravt by a large concourse of people. Osceola Htetiltm and Philipsburg Journal p ltast tnpy.j PRODUCE MARKET KEPOET. PilL.nii.riil, Much 13. Tber,u rm.r f.cliDf in brd.tufTi to-day, tod whet ud wra r. rmlhir hi(br. Cotlm , dull tt 11. for niuaunr apiantit. u.ri I. nominal r .nehan.ed. S.d CIotw iaia fair demand at 781o. Tim othy and flaxiaad rfmaini ai Lit quoted. Flour and Moal riour It to light d.mand, but firm. SalM of 1,000, Including wlnur wboat, itrai, at t:i.lD(4.12i I MianuoU .itrai, at (6 (tli.U for modiua to Inner. ,l,ar. and at total... li for Itr.ijht i Penn.jlrania ultra tamil, at ."..iviiyv, w.aiern ao. ao. at ,.I3(no.7a, and at Bj0(y 7.76. Rj. tour II li.adj at ti par barrel. Urain Ii rather hifhir, but qnl.t. Balei of 9,000 bniheli, ineludin.r.i.eted.attlV9 : No. 1 red, .levator, at ll.lnr.1.IT. At th. 1' no., urn ean, o.oou buibeli, Hat, lold at (1.18, ; wai bid for Maroh; 11.171 for April, and II.18J for Ma,. Kj. Ii firm at at 11,00 for r.nniTlr.nle. Cora li in food raquilt and a .bad. nrmer. gain of (1,000 buibeli, in cluding j.llow, at i0o, whit., at MKajto., and teaoi.r, track and (rain depot, at 6S(ui64o. At th. open board, Brit call, 6,000 bulb.ll, Hay, old al 6to o6. waa bid for M.rch 63o for April, and Me for Hay. Data were la moderate reuuoel, and batter. 8.1m of hu.h.l.. In. eluding wblto, nt43Uo,and rejioted and lulled, at 41tlci,,2,o. bilk, la ioactlre. W. quota waitera at 11.01. Cniciao, llarch 11, -Floor ,i..,Iy. Whaat aotlr.,flrm and higher; No.l red, winter, 9i(in 1.01 : No. 1 Chioatfa a.rln. BUI I mil fa. ...h. ll.OOi for April) l.04,l,il,06 for June; 104j lor May. Uora ti flrni : ;t8f,v30, for May, (lata Iteady. fly. armer at V8(,i,l.00. Barley iteaily. Pork aetire and lower ; tli, Mr. -a.h .nil Anril. $l.n:Mrijle 6 for Mar : II S.75f'i, 16.fH for June. $w 3itfwtlsfmcnt3. FOR SAI.E.-B.Tiral iwarm, of I J Heel, la goad aonditlon. for lele at low prioai, In Amerieaa and Bimphoity hirei. UK. A. l. III1.L8, Claarleld, Pa., liar, 18, 1881-St. NOTICE. The anderilgned, reildlng la tba Tillage of W.itorar. in Cheat townibin. baa mada tba aaeeitary arrangem.ntl and pro poeei to .pen aa KAT1NU liUtitiK far tha aa aotnmodation of the public generally, and 1 hara- oy aonclt a liberal abare or tbe public patronage. JUI1N J. BAl unit. Wailerer, Pa., fob. , 1881-tf. Clover and Timothy Seed. A large stock of home Clover and Timothy ssed at ARNOLD'S, Curwensville. March If.tb, 191 -St. CAUTION. All person are hereby warned against purchaainr or In any meddllni with me lojjowtog personal property, now in posses sion of J. D. GALURAITH, of Buruiidt town ship, Clearfield county, via : One grav mare, I pigs, 2 sheep and 8 lambs, 1 cow, I spring wagon. 1 set harness, 1 buffalo robe, 4 acres wheat in tbt ground, 1 cupboard and dishes, 1 cook stave and nxtures, 1 sink, 1 table, half doien choirs, 1 rock- fg bavlt. 1 !(, 1 UlMtlM tbl, I taaa it ova, 1 aewlug machine, 1 dressing bureau, 1 clock, I beds and bedding. The foregoing prop erty was purchased by me at Saerifl s aale, and Is allowed to remain in tha nonesslon of said J. D. Galbralth on loan only, subjsct to my order at any tuna. r, r. PITTS. Urant, Pa., March 2, lSSl-lt. 1-jKOPOHAI.ft FOR 1UHMHNO A LOCIi-rP,6aled proposals for fur nishing tbe material and erecting and completing a Look-up for tbe borougb of Clearfield, in the manner and of Ibt form, site and description given in tht plans and specifications prepared by tbe Town Council, will bt received from builders and mechanics, by William Ptwill, Burgess, at bis efflee, until 12 t'clook M., oa Monday, MARCH 28TU, 1841. Tht plans and specifica tions ean bt seen at tbt store of William Powell, and at tht ortioe of J. F. Bnjder, it any timt a tier marcn loin, l nt utrgess and Town Coun cil ristrvt tht right tt reject any tr all bids, Tbt names of the sureties to tuaraultt tbt ntr- formanct of tbt contract must accompany the it. sy urutr oi mo mwn uoonoii, I WM. POWELL, Burgrst. Attest t ' J. F. Sa man, Clerk. Clearfield, Pa., March IA, lsl-2t. rpRIAL MMT. Tht following la a Hat tf jl oauats set aown tor "iai tor March Term, iooi, commencing at area intn i Fourth Morpit, Marcr 2Sti. James Gardntr tt al. vs. Patrick Flynn. George Bingham vs. Patrick Flynn. William D. I ma vs. H. C. Thompson. John B. Dillea tt al. vs. Sttwart Cowan tt al. John M. Adams vs. Charlea II. Prtaoott Mitchell Askty vs. E manual Kunti. Emery Hi tka vs. Alet A I. Wlsor. M. M. Du&rto, Adm'i, vi. W Albert A fires tt al. v net tianhof Ol fl d vs. Atram Humphrey. uo nat llank ttUI I d Tl. w imam A. Walla Sttwart A Paarct) John M. Chase John P. lrvin A. M. Lloyd A Co. George M.Briibia John Clark It name Dalt Taylor Row Its ti Wm Luthtr tt al. va. Atstia Kline. Tl. James A. Bloom. ti. William Wettovtr. vs. Jtseph J. Ltnglt. vs. Andrew Ptnts. vs. T boas as O. Kyler. ti. James Irvla, sr. ti. J T Uu'd. B. K. Rosa W. U.Armstroag.Kx'r, vs. K A A W D lrvin. no oeri vrowa ti, Auim Meyer tt al William M. Prion Tt. Jacob Bllgtr. Charles R, Drown ti. W II Dunlap, B. A Z. L. Hartshorn ti. R R Nelper. Thome Ralston vi, Wm Hoover at al. J.B.araham'aAa'atei vs. A Schemerbtraat al, JAMM KERR, Prtthtnetary. ClearSM, Feb. II, 1681-ta. ORPHANS' COURT SALE I Estate of Jonatlun Nichols, dee'd. BY v Irtut of an order Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, Pa,, the under signed Administrator tf tbe estate ff Jonathan Nichols, deceased, will sell at public tale, at tht uoukt HOI BK, IB tut borougb or VltaMtld, Cleardeld county, Pa, on Saturday, March 19th, 1881, At o'clock P. N. of said day, All tf tba interest of tht deceased tn and tt a oariaia piece of lead situate in tbe township of Lawrence, county of Clearfield , and tita tt of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows i Be ginning at a hickory on line of land of Hugh and Jamea Orr ; thence by land of Alice Dale eaat fifty perches lu a post i thence by land lata of Martin Nichols, jr., ont hundred and thirty perches to atones in lint of Thomas M. Lanloh's; thence west Dlly porches to a wbitt pint) thence north by land of Hugh and Jamea Orr ont hundred and thirty perches to Ibe plant of beginning, eeataia ing UHacrcaand J percheaaiid allow aure, hav ing about aaveu acres cleared thereon, j being good farm land, covered with food Timber, and being underlaid with a vein fTL ol Coal. TERMS OfrSALK. One balf eaah, and the balauot In one ytar from confirmation of salt, with Interest, to bt secured by bond and mortgage. O. B. MKKUKLL, Administrator, Ao. Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 28, lc6.4t. jCrflnl gutrfrtlsfmcntt. L1CEN6E NOTICE. Tbt following per sons have filed la tbt office of the Clerk of the Court of Uuarter Sessions of Clearfield count v. : their petitlona and bonds for licenses, at tbt uaron session! next, agreeably to tat Aot of As sam bly : UOTRL licrrib. S. B. Row Clearfield , Clearfield Clearfield Clearfield Curweniville Curwensville Osceola Osceola William II. Dean ., R. N. Shaw , James McLaughlin L. u. jtioom James L. Leavy anio itoyt - G.W. Lane , Smith Baird Osceola ..Osceola Osceola Nicholas Scollins Michael Hurley George E. Robacker ..Pen field, Huston Tnp Jamei L. Soofield Pcnfield, Huston Twp Jules Janot. .Covington Twp .Covington Twp Lewis Lelirbov , John Mulson , I'ovington iwp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp , Woodward Twp , Woodward Twp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp Houtxdale George Pierce George Rboadi John Watson Isaao Lloyd Thomas Moore James W. McMahan.... Mrs. Wm. Weill.- Mn. Richard Donahue.. George W. Smith Wm. W. Lane William Parker , HouUdale Houladale Houtadale John McGirk Richard Madditan Wm. Curran Edward McGrouty Frank Slater Houtadale Houtadale , Houtadale Houtadale HouUdale Houtadale Houtadale Patrick Dunn Jaiues Ha by Klitaheta Smiles Fred Wreae James Bolger Edward Jordan Patriok Shields W. L, Nicholson Houtadale Houtidale .Hoalrdalt -Daltols Dullois Dullols Mead Brothers Julius Tei Emanuel kunts H.DuBois Joicnb K. Sterna Jacob Truby John DuBois,..'. John McNulty - Wm. Hchwem I in boil DuBols DuBois DuBois ...Luthersburg, Brady Twp J. H. Feerur.. Wallaceton George W. Dotts... . Glen Hope, Becoaria Twp Wm. Marsh Brady Twp tievcuo r.iieoiaii... ueocana iwp M. M. Flynn Pannvllle, Penn Twn George Knair Troutrille, Brady Twp Pcler Ku finer Madera, Woodward Twp J. A. Roland Chest Twp tt. u, Mcirecien ..ttreenwood Twp Mary hi. Use. n bower Kylertown, Morris Twn Samuel Hullihan B urn i ids George W. Davis New Washington M. V. Tyler Huston T G.W. Llnyd Gulich Twp Jonn a. Morgan ..umton ti RBSTAURART LICBRSB, R.T. Kelly ..DuBoli Wm. Corley II. Livingston John Duftan A John Parks.. J. 8. Graff Charles J. Sheldrake Peter McGovern . - Dubois Clearfield Becearia Twp Curwemvillt Huston Twp ..Becearia Twp WNOLBIALB LHKHBR. Max Kllnordllogtr PoBoli W.C. Uuigley DuBois Peter Moran, Uoulidale Certified from tht record at Clearfletd, this 1st day of March, 1881. JAMES KEKR, Prothonotary. . Sheriffs Sale. TT virtus of writs of iV. Fa., Inoet 1 1 out of tht Court of Common Pleas of Clear field countv, and to ma directed, there will bt exposed to PUBLIC SALE, at tht Court Houst, in tnt borough of Clearfield, on TUuraday, March IT lMutl, At 1 o'clock P. M.. tht following desoribed real estate, to wit: All that certain lot of ground sit o att In Chest townihip, Clearfield Bounty, Pa., bounded and described as follows ; Beginning at a post by Chest creek i thenot north 8c decrees west V perches by land or Joseph M, Hreth to a post ; thence by land of laid Joseph H. Brath north 6 degrees east IS 0-10 perches to a pott thenot by land of said Breth south 8I degrees tast 8 1-10 perches to a post i thence br land of said Breth south ft degrees west 18 0-10 perches to a post and place of beginning, containing 1 acre and 4 IM0 perches, all cleared and bavins thereon erected a two-story frame beuie 10x20 fett.kitohtn attached, 12x14 feet, and storeroom attached. 16x22 feet, also n wagonmaker shop, and a small frame stable, 10x20 feet. beistd.takeo in execution and to bt sold as tbt proptrty of O. P. Pierce. aftb&O, All of tbe defendant's interest in a certain house and lot situate in Wall ace ton borouirh, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described at follows: On tht east by Clearfield street, on the north by lot No. Ot, on tbt south by Graham street, and oa the West by railroad, being 80 feet front on Clearfield street, by 100 feet deep, and kaown In plan of said borough as lot No. 62, and having ineretn erectea a two-story irame dwelling neuse, stable, and other outbuildings. Seised, taken In execution and to be sold as tht property of Alexander Leavy, alias John Riot. ALSO, AH tht defendant's interest In a certain piece of land situate in iioggs township, Ulsarneld county, Pa., described as follows : Befrinuini at a post on lint of George Sbimel, Sr. ont perch seuth of jaoon Btneai a turner j tnttnot tast parallel with said Smears Mot 40 ptrches to a corner at post : inenot sou in pert ties to post t tnenot west Jt perches to lint of said George Shimel, Sr., and on turnpike te a post j thenot Borth along said lint IV perobes to tnt piaoe ol beginning, containing 6 acres, with abont 2 acres cleared, and having thereon trected a frame houst and outbulldioBs. Seised, taken In execution and to bt told as tht property tf James Mo A lenity. ALSO, All the interest of defendants lo all that certain tract of land situate In Brady township, Clear field eounty. Pa., bounded and described aa fol lows : Beeinning at a red oak corner at the cor ner of lands of Jacob Kuoti and George Penta; thenot north 8l degrees east 827 perches to a pott; thenot south 440 2-18 parches to a post; thenot west 826 9-10 perches to a dead hemlock ; thenot north li degrees - 210 perches to a terriot berry thenot south 81 degrete wett li7 perches to a hemlock theoetnorlh 1 degree wast Mo percnes to post; tbenot north n"j degrees tast lo6 perches tt trvoo btrry j thence north one degree west 60 perches to the place of begin ning, containing 1,032 7-10 acres. He i ted, takn in execution and to bt sold as tht proptrty of George Kramer aod Wm. K. Bell, ALSO, All tbt defendants' Interest In all that certain tract or piece of land situate in Bradford town ship, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded and desrib eil at follow i Beginning at a chestnut and tones ; thenot east 1 1 8 perches to stones ; thence south perches to a post; thenot west 118, perches to a black oak (down) j tbenot north HA I perches to a chestnut, itsnes and place of be Li ning , oomaining jui acres ana av percnes, more or itss, being toe southwest quarter or tract war ranted in name of Francis West's survev. bavins? about 70 acres cleared, and having thereon treated a framt dwelling house, blacksmith shop, lot barn, and other outbuildings, al.o a Touni eti,e and ptaoh orchard of about 1(10 treat. Keited, taken la ex too tion and to bt sold as tbt property of Jacob and David Williams. TiRua or Salr, The prist or sum at which tht property shall be struck off must be naid at tht timt of salt, or inch othtr arrangements madt as will bt approved, otherwise the proper ty will bt Immediately put up and sold again at tht txptnst and risk of tht person tt whom It was struck off, and who, la last of deficiency at auth re-salt, shall make good the same, and In no instance wm tnt need bt presented la Court for confirmation unless tht money Is actually paid te tilt Sheriff. JAS. MAHAFFKY, Saamrr's Orrtca, I Sheriff. CltarOeld, Pa., Feb. J.i, 1SB1. J Sheriff's Sale. 1)T virtue tf awrlt of Ltmmri Facial Issued If tut of tht Court tf Commoa Pltaa of Clear field eounty, Peon a, and to mt directed, there will bt ei posed tt PlltLlU BALK, at tbt Cturt li oust, 1st tht borough or Clearleld, Fa., oa TUuraday, March IT. IfMI, At 1 o'clock P. M., tbt following described real estatt of Defendant, tt wit A tar tain two-story plank houst, MiU feet, 1(1 feet tt tvta, abingla roof, laid houst is divided latt Are rooms, with tight doors, being ertetad on lot No. 14a in tht general plan tf DuBois, Handy township, Clear II aid county, Pa, Maed, taken in tiecatita and to be sold as Ibt property ef Patriok Clark. Taunt or Pxi.a Tht prist or turn at which tht proptrty shall at struck off must bt paid at tht timt of tola, orsuch othtr arrangements madt as will bt approved, ttbtrwlst tht proptrty will ht Immediately put up and told agaia at tha tiptnst and risk tf tht person tt whom It was struck tf, and whe, lu tasMf deleituey at inch re-sale, shall make good tht satae, and tn nt Instance will tbt leed bt preset Ud la Court fur ton firm atl oa ualtsi tht money Is actually paid to tht rthirtr. JA. hiAUAhV, Baaairp'i Orrtca, I Sharif. Otajfitad, Pa Feb. IS, 189L J Sheriffs Sale. 11 Y virtue of write tf Venditioni Ennat. t Issued out of tht Court of Common Pleat of Clearfield county, and to mt directed, I will ex pose to publit sale, nt the Court Hoast in tbt ot rough of Citarfitid. oa TUuraday, March IT, 1HHI, At 1 o'clock P. M., tho following described real estate, to wit i All the interest of defendant! In n certain tree of land situate la North Houtidale, Woodward towosnip, uiearntid county, Pennsylvania, being thrtt town lota fronting oa Reed street and run ning back to an alley, bounded and described as follows i Hounded tast by Krin street, west by an alley, south by Read street, and north be an ellny, and known ia tbt gentrnl plan of said town as isois Hut. J4J, and 246, aod having there on erected a two-story frame dwelllnc house. Seised, taken In execution and to bt sold as tht property of Michael Leach aad Mary Leach, ALSO, All the interest of defendant In a certain tract of land situate in Morris tew nib ip, Clearfield eounty, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows i Bounded on Ibe nortn by land of O. L Sohoonover, tail by land of Potter, west by land tf Fraaier, and south by land of Franklin Roucb, containing one hundred acres and allowance, with about thirty aorta oleared, aud having thereon erected a small bouse, small barn, aod other out buildings. Seised, taken In execution and te bt sold as tht proptrty of Benjamin Chance. ALSO. All tbt Interest of defendants la two other toll of land situate in the borough of Houtidale, Clearfield eounty, Penoaylvanli, bounded and and described as follows : Being Lots Nos. 21 and 23 adjoining, fronting on MoAteer a treat about 200 feet and running back 160 feet tu Pine alley, and bounded by Railroad street on tbe nortn, Me A tee r street on the west, by riot alley on tut east, and an alley on tbe south, con Lam ing about one-half aa acre of ground, with a largt uoubit on or nouse, atxw icet, two stories mgu, stable, and other outbuildings therton treated. Seised, taken Intxtoutlon and to be sold as the property of William Watchman and Thomas Watchman. ALSO, All ef defendant's Interest in a certain tract of land situate in Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded south by land of William Albert A Bros., east by land of William Albert A Bros., aow in possession of John A. Green, noith by land of Daniel Stewart, and west by land of Benjamin Lansbtrry, containing 218 acres, and having about 60 acres cleared, having a two-atory frame dwelling houst, large bank barn, and other outbuildings thereon trected. Seiied, taken In execution and to ht sold as ths proptrty of I. G. Burger. ALSO, Att tha Interest of defendant In a certain tract of lead situate in Morris townihip, Clearfleid county, Peaa'a, bounded and described ai fol lows: Beginning at tht south-west corner of a post; thence 631 perches to a post; thenot north 148 perobes to chestnut sapling ; thence weat 3i perches to post; thenot south 148 ptrches to tbe piaoa oi beginning, containing si arret, cleared, having thereon erected a two and a half story frame home, a small barn and necessary out buildings. Seised, taken In execution and to bt sold as tbt properly of Abbon Gray. ALSO, Atl tht Interest of the defendant in a certain tract of land, situate in tbt borough tf Houta dale, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and describ ed as follows: Lot No, 4, oa northwest corner of George and Hannah streets, the buildings hav ing been burned. It ia bounded on the east by George street, west by an alley, north by Bearer alley, ana sou in ty iiennan street. Seised, taken in execution and to bt lold at tbt property of Chants Kinney. ALSO, All defendants' Interest la a certain tract of land altualt iu Woodward townihip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded and described as follows : Bounded on the west by J. M. Jordan, north by Joseph Alexander, south by public road, and east by George Hegarty, and having thereon erected a frame house, liable, and ether outbuildings. Seised, taken in execution aad to be sold as the property of James Root aod Lydia McKeo. ALSO, Al) the defendant's Interest in a certain lot lo West Houtidale, Clearfitld eounty, Pa., 76 feet front on public road leading from Houtidale to Madera, bounded north by lots of Hill, south by lot of D. W, Wist, tast by an alley, west by pub lic road, and having thereon erected a small house and necessary outbuildings. ALSO, All defendant'! Interest in another piece of land in Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described at follows : Bounded oa tha tast by land of John S. Williams, west by land of George Mays, north and south by laodi of John S. Williams and William Jordan, contain ing 188 acres, mora or leas, and having thereon erected a two-story house, ftamt barn, and other outbuildings. Seiied, taken in execution abd to be sold aa tht property of A. W. Vouug. Tbrmi op Salb. The price or sum at wbl tbe proptrty shall bt struck off mast be paid at tbe time of salt, or such other arrangements made as will ba approved, otherwise tbt property will be immediately put up and sold again at the expense and risk of tht person te whom it was struck on, and who, la case of deficiency at such re-salt. shall make good tht eamt, and in no instanot will tbt Deed bt presented in Court for conn rela tion unless tht money Is actually paid to tht ftnsriff. JAMKI HAHArfKi , fiBRRirr't Orrica, ) Sheriff. Citarfitid, Pa., Fab. li, 18S1. ( TOIi HOH K. All kin Js of job work ei ecu ted fj in tbt I heat mauntr at this o trice. m OOO nilll !,!,.-Qeorft Weavar A Co ej want Art thousand bushels of OATt?, now, and will pay flash or produce. C.earutiJ, Pa., Aug. IS, 1979-tf. I VTA CONS FOR SALE 1 Tht subscriber tf haa two Iwo-Horit Wagons, nearly new, br salt. Will btstld tbtap. Callon or address John a.stadlkr. Clearfitld, Pa., Maroh J, 1881-tf. A DMI NlHTR ATttlX' NOTICE. Nellt UY. ii berth given that Letters of Admin is tratitn oa the eslatt of HU. D. 0. CHOl t'H latt of Curwensrille, Pa., deo'd.haTina; been duly grantrd tt tht undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please makt immediate pay ment, and tboat baring claims or demands against tht same, will press nt tbeta prvperly autbuntlca- ifi lorstmsmani witnoui aeiav. IIAKHIKT CROUCH, Administratrix:. Curwensville, Pa., Feb. 9th, lMl-oL A 1 DITOR'S soTicr U III Co. 1 In tht Common Pleas of rs, Clearfield eounty, Pa. Rose A HeKwtn. ) No. 119 Sept. T., It 7 3. Tht undtrslgned A udltor, appointed to distrlb utt tht money iu tht bands of ibe Sheriff, arisfng trom too sale ol tfte real estate, to and among tha creditors legally entitled thereto, will meet tht far ties In Interest at bis offint, la Clearfeld, on HI OA V, MA KC II 18TH, 1H, at 10 o'clock A. M. W. A. UAUKHTV, Auditor. Clearfletd, Pa , March 2, 18M-3t, T?Xl;i:i'TORH KOTICE.-Nollctishert- I j by g i? en bat Letters Testamentary tn tht estate or JUI AS MU7, late or Morns township, Clearfleid county, Ptnnnaylraola, deceased, bar. Ing been duly granted to tht undersigned, all persons indebted to said estatt will please makt Immediate payment!, and tbost having claims tr demands against tba stmt will present tfatm prop erly authtnticattd for settlement without delay. J A M r.n li. ISTKWAKT, WILLIAM MONd, Kzecuton Kylertown, Pa., February 3d, 1881-flt. ITOTICB I If IHVORCK. Mary K. Demon t In tht Court of Common Pitas of Clearflsld Co. Cher Is i Demon U ) No. 183 Jan. T., IMI. To Vkarlt jVeMoal . You will take notice that aa AHt 8(pna r Divorce hat been awarded against yaa by the above Utun. and tnat you art renal red to appear on or before tht Jtd Monday of March aeit, and snow ean Ft wny a decree or divoret a riaemo eitrriMONii should not be made, JAUK8 MAHAFFKY. Sheriff. Clearfleid, Pa., Feb., 18, 18H-4t. COAL ALL THE YEAR. ! 1 fTIHG subscriber bertby glvts notice tbat ht X 1 now dehrtrlng ooalof an eioellcntquality aod proposal to optratt his mint rTtTffc, Bo tbat ht will bt enabled to supply bis tus tomtrs at all tlmts with good fuel. No Bummer vac lion. Orders by snail promptly filled. R. EM. 8IIAW. Clearfield, Pa., March 3, l8l-tf. rpIIE undersigned will open Ibis school ia tht JJL beonard buiiuiag, utearoeia, I'eun a, on MONDAY. APRIL 18, mi, to oonliou tltrea wteks. TUITION : Commoa Enlll.a BranonM Irt.n, llib,r Infllibaad Clmlei S.oo . B. C. VOUNliMAN, ClearteM, Pa., Feb. 1, Tht subscriber proposes to sell or rent t num ber tf Itrms located as follows t Tht first situate In Barasidt township, Centra eounty, tonlaiaing 1M acres, having therton trected a framt dwell ing, framt barn , adjateot tt a eburch, aad know a at the James Mulhollaad tana. A LBO, another farm situate ia Graham town ship, Clearfitld eotaty, containing 117 acre, with tbt aeoeeaary Improvements. This farm is under laid wltn a UOOb VKIN OP COAL. ALSO, all ether farms la tht vicinity of French -Title, eonulalag rtspeetfally 111, ltu,v, fit, i9 and IA acres. These farms all havt a -to see aad haras thtrtoa, good water, bearing t retards oa a erne, as well at tome goad wood mod. For further particulars tall la persea, or add rent tht wfidenigned by letter. L. U. COUDRIKT. Jaa: Wtt, lfisi-lf. rrtaekvillt, Pa English Classical I:::: Eirnt Farms forSale orRcnt WAGONS I 2 CAR The largest and beat assortment of wagons ever broiiulit to Clearfield. " b One car load of CONKL1N wagons, One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons, Which we will sell at factory prices. We buy tliee wagon by the car load and pay CASH for thcni, therefore we arc able to sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. We guarantee these wagon to be first-clasa in every respect. Also, a lot of Platform Spring Wagons Buggies. One cur load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaper than ever before sold. Give us a call before buying elsewhere. F. M. CABJXON & BRU Clearfield. Pa. February 23, 1881-tf. 3FJtkX'X-03V BLOCK, Curwensville. Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer jn DRY GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL, &C. I buy direct from jobbers Hnd manufacturers, receive goods at car load rates, hence can compete with New York and Philadel phia houses. Also, Dealer in Saw Ltgs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give mo a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Sept. 19. im it. JAMES L. Ty 1ST 1C JEL"!? jX3LJZm MARKET STREET, ( I.EARI'IEI.I), PENN' A. All kinds of Caekets and Coffin, kept on hand, and furnished to order on aliort notico, including the fin out as well as the clieupest that can be manu factured. Our ' oonrsE pjiBsnnvBn la the beat in uho, and will bo furnished wben required. Funorult attended in any part of the county. Call at my office, on Second street, or leare your orders at Troulman's Furniture Store, adjoining the l'ostotlice. oct 1,'79-tf. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curweoirllle. Pa. Jaa. 1 , 1178-tf IT ARM I, AMIS POR RALE. Ia lluiloa . and Pina townshirii, Clearfield oounte. .-ffif, Htaaonable time firm for part of purohaae moae;. Prtoee Ifl.OO to $10.00 per aora.'f 1 Mloera'i reierred. L. Dill I), A lent, Penfleld, Pa. or Wallacb Knaai, Sept. 10, lS7-tf. Clearleld, Pa, 1 l 1 1.LEH W ANTED. Tha aadenl(oed oe.iree o empioj a aiui.r u run ui.un. alill. lituala ia Pre&cbrill.. Tbemilloan be had on tha ihare,. or will p., b, the month, ai maj ba affread opon b, Ibe partial, reiieiitoa giren oo tha flnt of April. For further particular! Mil lo perion, oraddren hj teller, u. tn. ivui'nifti. rreoohrille, Pa., Jan. IVlh, 1881-llt. BUY AIIOME ! 1IOI BK8, LOTS AND FARMS FOR BALK 1 TWENTY 1101 8LS and LOTS in Clearfield for aala at reasonablt prices and on easy terms. Also, several FAHM8 In Bradford aud Urabam townships. Apply to Dec. 1, '80-tf. Clearfield, Pa. Coali Coal i! TIIM undersigned, having procured a lease of a first clan coal vein, has opened a mine, and Is aow prepared to furnish customers with a flrat-elass article of coal oa ahnrt not toe, and at tha rod rate prlct of BIX CKNT3 pr bushel. All ordert left at my shop will bt promptly at tended to. WM. K. BROWN. Clearfield, Pa., F-b. 3, l81-ly. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER rflliB lubicribtr now offrrt tt tht tltlseaa of X Burnside and vicinity, an unprovided specialty. Hereafter all kinds of Caskets and Corn os will he kept on hand, and orders filled at lOt. Mineral 4licndtd .Irtytrhrre, 1 will furnish the finest as writ as the cheapest articles dedioatsd to runeralt All order! left at Ihe store of Jonn C. Connbr will receive prompt attention. For forther particulars, can on or address I. 6. HENDERSON. Dec 10, UTD-tf. mn-irsBTOa MAMilE WORKS! TUB LARGEST STOCK OF Fine Kalian Marble in llicSlato, Both FTNIHHKD ar tINFINIBH KD. Ita Put up any work that can ht dote in Iht tity it much cheaper rates. Wt will ant up MONUMENTAL WORK, la Itellen Marble ar Granite, ebeaptr thaa It tan be done ia aay other part of Ihe 8 tale. Any per- buying monumental work toamouttef I2& aad upwards, will havt fart paid to and from Philips, hurt. Da aot bt fooled with theap Amerieaa marhlt when you taa buy fiat IttUlaa marble al lower prioes. D-1IEAD RTONBS a spetlally. Product and at craved a a per will at takes la tirbangt for Cemetery warn. Alloash pay man ts will bt madt to Iht Jfobauaok Danklsg Co., to thtereditof R. PURCM, Phlltpiburfc Pa., Jaa. J, llfil.-fim. 8w dwtliimfttt WAGONS 1 1 LOADS. 2 CURWEItfSVILLE, FA. LEAVY, JA3. 1j. XjCtA v l . Clearfield, fa. 79 A WEEK. 11 la da' at homo eaii It V " voitly outot ir. Addr.ll Tata Co., Anguata, Maina. mahllj. . ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwensrillt, Pa., Jan. t, '71-tl. MONKY TO I.OAN. Oa firtt-cleee im proved farm property, by tbt Mutual Lift Insuranet Company of New York, ta first nort gagt, la sums from $1,001 up. For furthtr ia formal ion apply tt tht undersigutd. HI RXTHAL W. SMITH. Clearfield Pa., May 7th, 1879-tf. Grist MiHFor Sale I Arsry desirable mill property, with twt palrt of burrs, situate ia Deeitar twp,, Clear field county, Pa., about two and a half milaa watt of Philipsburg, Centre county, Pa. Apply to BUMMKHFIKLD F LEGAL, Philipsburg, Ctatre Ct.. Pa. Nor. 10, 1880-If. EW FUKNITUIIK KOOMS. Thtundsrslgntd hat opaatd up on Third ttrttt, Bear tbt Lulberaa Chureb, and otTel ftr salt a large lot tf doors, sash , ttc, and FURNITURE In all its forms and atylea. Spring beds, only S. All kinds of moulding for picture frame! . Soaoal houst ssals, desks and blackboards cheaper thaa elsewhere. Inquiries by mall will ht promptly answered. MH8. A. B. CANFIKLD, H. P.. CiPriRLn, Agent, Clearfitld, Pa., Dot. II, Uflt-fim Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN IUEHKHV glvt aoilct to tht dtittas af Cleuvr field and tht surrounding viciaity that 1 am prepared at all tlmts tt furnish fatalliat aad manufacturing tstabtish meats with a luparltf quality tf Coal, Wood t Coke, Which I am prepartd tt deliver la a few hours' notice. I am always ready to haul aad deliver from and to the depot, or anywhere list, aad mora famlllet aod household goods aaywhert ta ebnrtnotiet. TMOB. A. DICK KIT. Citarfitid, Pa., Mar. II, 1881-tf. Re-Union of Trade. THE ander.i,o,d wliklnf u iDf.rm Ik. aabll. that ha vbea.4 a CIIMMIKKION KTORB Al tha old Hand la Troattllla, Cearteld mat,, Pa., oa the I elk laat, with a fall alack ef DRY CiOODfl, CiRDCERIEK, NOTION, I loo la, ahoea, Etc., In faet aTenlhla. to be foaod la t iral-alaai aian. all of ahiek I am det.nalaed to .all at tha towMt oath prleM. FARMERN AND I.UMRKRMEN Will lid II to tbrlr adraata. U da daalla, with ma, aa tba alfth.rl prloaa will be aM for Urala, KbiBflea, or Prodao. f aa klad. Fart or ene.kalf eaak will b. paid. Trading far Bhlaglei or Lambwraf an, biad a epMlaltv. Alaa, agaal far Singer Sewing Machines. Barlai mad. arraarematl will laatora mar. ekaala la aell foedi farnlaaW ata, lkmf.r mU and a, I will b. aaabtod to Mil eheepw Uaa Uaaheapeat. J. W.C A RULE, Irtolnlle, re., spl. II, Il-lj. ' Aal,,