Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 16, 1881, Image 2

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    ShcjtttpMiran. B. Goodlandir, Editor.
""TjLBAR Kl KLD, Pa.
Keadar. if roa ml lo know whet li going oa
Itt tbe business world, Just read oar advertising
eoluinns, the .Vpseia. column i& particular.
Simon Camoron und some friends
eelobruted bin 82J birthday on Tues
day ot last week, March 8tb, at Ha
vuna, Cuba.
The Maine Legislature baa elected
Wm. P. Frye to succeed lilaine in tbo
United States Senate, and the Wiscon
bin Legislature has elected Angus Cam
eron to fill the unexpired term of the
lato Senator Matt, t'arponter.
Tui New Man. Governor Uoyt
bus appointed Dr. Uigbee, President
ol Morcorsburg Collcgo, Superintend
ent of Public Instruction, vice Dr. J.
P. Wickersbam, whoso term expired
Rome tirao Binco. The (iovornor bad
tendered the place to J)r. C'attcll, of
Lafayette Collcgo. It is reported that
the old Superintendent is in tho field
for Governor.
It is so 'Iho man who would lake
tho Presidential oath, although not
electod, and veto a threo por cent.
Funding bill, which saves the taxpay
ers millions, and theu turn around and
sign the River and Harbor bill, which
robs tbo samo taxpayers of an equal
amount of millions, him been bribed,
or elso ho is a iool. How is that
for Hayes, Kliza I'inkstnn, nnl Mrs.
What a Trio! A Washington cor
respondent of tho Now York Times in
timates that "the Government" is "a
complete sot np job" on tho rest of us,
and that President Garfield (Baptist)
and Col. Iiobort G. Ingcrsoll (Infidol)
and George Cannon (Mormon) wi
run tho machine for tbo next four
years. What a blending of Thoology
and (iovernmcntl It's enough to stop
a Corliss engine
Harry Kreeburn, onginoer of tbo
empty train that collided with the ex
press beating Hayes and party, and
who was seriously injured by tho col
lision near Severn Station, Mil, on tbo
Baltimore and Potomac Railroad,
account of which was published in
these columns last week, died in Wash
ington City on Monday afternoon, tho
7th inst. This is tho third death.
Frocbnrn was blamed with disobey
ing ordorB and causing tho collision
A Good Sbmction. The term of Sen
ator Wnllaco having expired on tho
4th ol March, tho Democratic caucus
was left without a Chairman. The
Democratio members of that body mot
incaucus the nextday.and elected Sen
ator George U.Pcndleton(anothcr Uhio
man) Chairman. Mr. Pendleton is ono
of the ablest men in that body, and
will botbor the Garfield Sherrann firm
An Historical Present. Just bo
fore tho adjournment of Congress, Hon.
Heistcr Clymcr, of Reading, formally
presented to the Uouso of Representa
tives at Washington tbo portrait of
Frcdorick A. Muhlonberg, of Pennsyb
yania, Speakor of tho First and Third
Congresses, and Mr. Hawloy, of Con
necticut, proscntod a resolution, which
was adopted, expressing to the great
grandchildren of Speaker Muhlenberg
tho satisfaction with which the por
trait bad been received.
The Cabinet Ilii'strated. Of the
now Cabinet every mmnbor is mar
ried ; only two are College graduates ;
Secretary Hunt is living with his
fourth wife ; Windom is tho only Ohio
man. lilaino, James and Hunt wore
Whigs; Kirkwood originally was a
Democrat; Windom and Lincoln con
sistent Republicans, and MacVcagh a
"kickor." Blaino is flfty ono years of
age; Windom, filly-four; James, fifty;
MacVeagb, forty-eight; Kirkwood, sixty-eight;
Lincoln, thirty-sovon ; Hunt,
Hard to Please. Some people
won't be satisfied any way you can fix
it. Therefore, there are criticisms on
General Hancock for woaring bis full
uniform on inauguration da'. It was
a Stale occasion, and General Han
cock drosscd in keeping with it. It
scorns necessary to inform tho critics
that the full dross was a mark of re
spect to his now commanding officer,
the Commandor in-Chicf of the Army
and Navy. If General Hancock had
appeared in fatigue uniform that woulJ
have bred a foariul scandal.
"llow is tiui roa Won r When a
man swears by Almighty God to sup.
port the Constitution of the United
States, and that of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, and then violato both,
what should bo done with him f We
notice by the Postofllce Department
exponsos that ei Governor Hartranft
has drawn $1,000 out of the United
State Treasury as Postmaster of Phil
adelphia, and Auditor Goneral Scbeli's
report shows that be drew 12,000 out
of the State Treasury as Major Genoral
of tho National Guard of Pennsylva
nia. As both the Fedoral and State
Constitutions tnako thoofliocs incom
patible, how docs the Evans Kcmble
plnndoror justify himself ?
Good. Hayes, jtist before be drew
Tildon'i last dollar of the salary, ap
pointed a Postmastor at Buffalo, N. Y.,
another at Albany, N. V., (both fat
offices) and a District Attorney for
southern Now York. All these men
were anti Conkling. Tbey failed of
confirmation. This goes to show that
the Senator bad more influence at head-
quartcri than had the man that drew
Tilden's salary, and who was in the
babit of affixing "President" to hia
name. A similar fate befell the Pills-
burgh appointments who were all anti
Camoron; and this was followed by
a similar fate by bis brother-in-law
(Matthews) from Ohio, whom he pro
posed to stuff on the Supreme Bench
Hayes' veto of the funding bill was Id
harmony with his advent Into office
fraud at both ends of the line.
Among tho distinguished gentlemen
who woro present at tho inauguration
was General W. S. Hancock, whose
visit was anticipated with much pleas
ure, and whoso presence was recog
nized with diittingiiinhcil consideration.
An eye wituumi of tbo aciinu in the
Senate chamber says :
Qen. Hancock wm tho Art! paraon of eonse
quenee lo enter tho chamber, coining in very
uutelty end unostentatiously, attended only by
Col. Mitchell, one of hii aide, llii massive toil
tewering figure, in hU Major Cooerela oelform,
wm Inslaotly disoorered, end a round of ap
plause rollod from ono on d of tbo galleries to tho
otbor, end wm caught up on lb floor, Senators
participating M heartily as any other. flsna
tors almost tumbled oeer each otbor in tho rush
to salute bitn. Mr. Cookling quickly loft till
desk, nnd hurrying- up tho main aisle totiderod to
tleneral Hancock tho first personal grouting- Mr.
Tburmen vil nt Mr. Cookling'! side before ho
nnd Uonsral llencoek hud unclasped hand uod
wna tbo second to welcome mm. men toiiowon
llevld D.tii. Mr. Hill, Mr. llrown, Mr. Teller,
Mr. Voorbees and lon Ctmeron, und presently
nearly tbo ontiro tisnate bod clustered arouad
bim, tba galleries moinwliilt applauding. Mr.
l)avis, of West Virginia, as aoon m a ehnuoo of
fered, oeoorted 'Jenerel llanoook to a ssnl on tlie
ule it Iho left of tbo Vice-President's desk. To
this sofa presently eatne Mr. Wboeler with out
trotcbed bond! nnd tho cordiality of tho greeting
drew from tbo spectators itill furthor dewonstra
tion of good wili. tienaral llaneook wai inkling,
but perfectly serene, flenetors of both partial oon
tioued to orowd nround bim, and apparently to
rlo wilb each other in testifying tbeir respect aud
aitoeui. Mrs. Uerlleld, from the gallery nbore,
bent upon tbo eontro of ao mui-h bomago a curl
oul but kindly gaao. Shortly after General Fhil.
Sheridan entered from a aide door, and walking
orer took hia leat by Qen. Hebooek, and aa they
warmly ihaok each otber'a haoda tba applauss
rang out again.
Allerword was presented a scene
without a parallel in tbo history of this
country and on which it is to bo hoped
will novcr again be repoatod. W
allude to the (act that thoro was present
in tbo Senate chamber just previous lo
the inauguration, a President and Vice
President who bad not received a ma
jority cf the electoral voto and wore
about to vacate after rendering four
years of service as the outgrowing of
fraud. Then was presented a Presi
dent about to bo inaugurated who is
not tho choice ot tho people as express
ed at the ballot box, but who was elec
ted by the forms prescribed by the
Constitution in tbo faco of tho will of
tho people. The third feature in tho
group was the prcsonco of tbo man
Goneral Hancock who teat chosen by
the people as tbeir President, but who
under our lawB lacked tbo necessary
electoral votes to secure the prize, and
wub present to witness the induction
into ofiico of one who had received
moro than six thousand votes loss than
himself; but whoso demeanor was calm
and serene and without apparently a
shadow of bitterness at his failure to
roceivo tho highest honors which bis
countrymen intended to bestow. Hut
through it all stands out in bold relief
the character of the man who has fre
quently been tried und never found
wanting, and who wo believe is yet
destinod to occupy the first placo in the
gift of the American people.
Rather Technical. Tho Lancaster
Intelligencer, Bpeaking in regard to tho
motion to indefinitely postpone the res
olution to dischargo tho committee
from tho lurthor consideration of tho
bill to repeal tho Recorder's act of Phil
adelphia, npon which the lion. Willis
R. Bierly voted affirmatively, says :
"Wo understand from him that ho did
ho bocauso be believed tho bill uncon.
stitutional. He voted for the samo
reason against the bill consolidating tho
Tax Collector's and Receiver's offices ;
and he declares that he shall vote uni
formly against every bill ho knows 'to
bo unconstitutional and against every
steal.' That is right, of course No
one can say that a representative should
not follow bis own judgments in his
votes; and if they all do so and vote
honestly, tbov fulfil tho measure of
their duty to the best of their ability.
If tbey aro not as wiso as they should
be, they cannot help it. We can got
along vory well with the average wis
donuof the Legislature if it is fairly
and indepondontly exercised. We
question tbo soundnoss of Mr. Biurly'g
views on the questions stated, but it is
right that ho governs himself by bis
own lights, to whose guidance bis con
stitucnts have confided thoir interests.'
It looks to us at this distance from the
Capitol, as though tho member from
Lycoming was too Constitutional to
mingle with the ordinary legislator,
Moro : There aro scfew of bis Demo
cratio brethren that seem to look
through the Baino horn.
Levyino on Pabsenoers. A Nevada
sheriff bad an execution for (24,000
against tho Central Pacifitv Railroad
for taxes duo his county. He made
the judgment good by seizing two
trains belonging to the railroad com
pany, one loaded with passengers and
ono freight. The lawyers of the railroad
kept np a fusilado of telegrams from
San Francisco protesting against the
seizure, and informing bim that the
rolling stock of the company was mort
gaged and could not be attached, and
they referjcd him to sections of tbo
laws of tho State ; but ho replied that,
mortgago or no mortgage, he was go
ing to seize everything belonging to
tho company that came along, and
that bo would put up a notico of sale
of the attached property the follow
ing day. This brought tbo company
to terms, and they at onco paid the
whole amount of tbo judgment. That's
what may be called a "snap judgment,'
A Bill to Attaci Wauia ron Doakd, Ren
reientatire billingiley, of Washington oouaty,
DM tntrouuoed a kill, wblcn lu been reported
faTorebly to the Bnuie, "Relating ta boardiog
ouie keeper! and authoriilDg the attachment of
wage tf persona Indebted for boarding." Ita
main proriiioni are, "That after tba paiiago of
(bib act, proprietors 01 noten, noarnmg ana luug
ing bouses, in addition te the remedies now pro
Tided by law. abali here the riabt to nttach
wages due or owing to neb persons as nay be
inoeoiN u mom lor boarding, not oxeoedlng the
amount of four weeks, and any sum ao due may
bo attached, ant shall not be paid to tho defend
ant jalil tba judgment ee had for sueh amount at
may be due npon aueh attachment shell be satis
fled, and Justices of the Peeoe shall have Juris
diction of attachment in all eases for sueh pur
poses." As that net la very lihely to beonme a
law, tba dispensers of haih nnd sold meat will
hare due protartioa against dishoosst customers.
AeHoee Accord.
Thia is an odious piece of Special
Legislation. Why not allow a printer,
blacksmith, or merchant, tho same
right to collect a claim T Why this
miserable class legislation in a freo
Mori Cremating. The fires in the
Lemoyne crematory, Washington, Ta.,
wore lighted on the 8th inst., for Incin
eration of the body of Arthur Strabes,
Only about six months ago Mr. Strabos,
a civil engineer, went to Pittsburgh
from Now York to make alterations in
the plans ot the Monongahela bridge,
When the plan was about matured he
was stricken with typhoid fever and
died. Before he expired be requestod
his wile to have his remains cremated,
and hit wishes were fulfilled. Deceased
leaves a lamily of children in New
York city, but none of them witnessed
the cremation.
The editor of tho Clinton Dtmncnit,
who is well acquainted wilb tho now
Senator Mitchell puis up this kind
of a job on the llurriburg "klckurs."
Ho says :
Tho public Is untitled to an oxplana
lion from thoso Republican incinheis
of the Legislature who ref used to sup
port Oliver or Gun. Ileiiver for United
States Senator fur tho alleged reason
that lliey were maubino candidates.
They carried on their war bravely un
til they arrived at tho point where
lliey bad gained their victory, where
they had tho machine in their power,
when they could dictato who should
bo Senator, and whon they could namo
and compel tho election of whoever
they pleuaed to vote tor, and then fur-
rendered to the machine .' Why was IbiB
done? Were tho Puritanic leaders
bribed? At least tho public is entitled
to an explanation of this extraordinary
The surrender was complete und
without mitigation. Cameron demand
ed acollcague of inconspicuous abilities,
und who would do his bidding. John
I. Mitchell exactly filled tbo bill. Every
body know it. Uo comes from a sec
tion of tho Statu and people who deem
it "smart" to deceive anybody with
dissimulation, promises intended lo he
violated, or a lie, and bis career as a
politician had been one of insincerity.
His present trcachory was therefore to
bo lookeil for, and ought not to have
deceived Wolf, Stewart and their fol
lowors and in fact could not deceive
thorn. Tbey knew him too well. Then,
in tho namo of sense, why did they
yield to sueh u candidate f 15y doing
so they belied all tbeir prolessions
for an able and independent man who
would do credit to tho State Then
why stirrondcr ? Explain.
A Teuriui.e Extlosion anu Loss or
Lire. A disastrous explosion occurred
at tho Phoenix Boiler Works, Buffalo,
N. Y., last Friday altcrnoon. An old
boilor belonging to a tug boat, which
has been in uso nearly eighteen years,
wad being tested when, without any
apparent cause, it burst, literally level
ing the works which wcro one hun
dred foot long by forty wido and eigh
ty feet high. Mr. Patterson, togothor
with a ponderous mass of exploded
boilers, was hurled across tho sttect
and through a solid board fenco, level
ing a portion of it to tho ground. His
body was terribly mutilated, bis en
trails and some of his limbs hanging to
the wrecked fenco, while one leg was
found fifty yards away from tho build-
ng. Tho bodies of tho other men kill
ed wore siuktured in every direction.
Tho noiao of tho explosion resembled
an earthquako and was distinctly
heard nearly half a milo distant.
Thoso known to bo killed aro Robert
Patterson, who leaves a wife and six
children ; John Langenfield, Francis
Cbndwick, William Worgor, William
bsnn, and an unknown man.
Improved Bulldozing). From an
item in the Erio Herald we learn that
boycotting is spreading to this country.
Tbe negro laborers of Pittsylvania and
the adjoining counties of Virginia have
organized a league, tho by-laws of
which prohibit any member from hir
ing himself or permitting any of his
family to bo hired, to the whito plant
ers. JThat section of Virginia is known
as the tobacco bolt of tbe State, and
tho raisers of this staplo have for tho
past ten yours boen generally prosper
ed. The object of tho loaguo is to force
all land-owners to work their lands
with tbo ncgroos on shares. That's
good for the white skin I Now, go to
woik and give every African two votes
and thon the businoss ot the country
will soon be settled in a permanent
channel down hill.
Gali-bha Explains. Galusba A.
Grow uses the Harrisburg Telegraph,
lately so abusive of him, to inform his
recent followers that "at the confer
ence with Mr. Oliver, Senator Cameron
and Col. Quay, to which I was invited,
a few hours before it took placo, noth
ing was then said, or at any oilier
time, by either or any of them, about
Governor, and no assuranrts, plodgo or
promise of any kind, was mado by
by either, except that if a candidato
for Unitod States Senator was elected
by agreement of both divisions of the
Republicans in tho Legislature, that in
that caso such division and tho indi
viduals composing it, were to be ro
gardod and treated alike in all respects
as members of the Republican party.
Bygones to be bygonos.
It's "Crooked." Thoro is a fearful
gnashing of teeth among tbe machine
Republicans of this Slate over tho ap
pointment of Wayne MacVcagh to a
placo in Garfield's Cabinet. Ho has
always been opposed to the Camoron
ring and it looks as If the Independ
ents had got the belter of the Stal
warts. With MacVcagh in tho Cabi
net and Don. Camoron only in tbo Sen
ate, tbo enjoyment of patronage may
become a matter ol serious considera
tion for tho ring. And wo would not
be surprized if this family fight would
turn out something like a cot fight
breed Democratio revenue officors,
Postmasters, etc., in tbo Kcystono
To Reiiain. Prcsidont Garfield has
quietly asked our English Minister,
James Russel Lowell, to stay where ho
is, and he will no doubt slay, to the
groat credit of the country, and the
equally great delight of tbe "literary
fellers" who have bnilded much on
Garfield's appreciation of gentlemen
and scholars in diplomatic posts ot
high distinction. The country will be
especially roliovod at the assurance
that we are not to bo rcprescntod at
tho Court of St. Jamos by Marshal
J ewell, who wanted tho place, nor such
a snob as Piorrepont, who had it, nor
such a clerical fraud as Stonghton, who
no doubt expected it.
A melancholy feature of the political situation
aa defined in the construction of UorAeld'o Cabi
net Is the decline of Massachusetts la political
importance. Almost for the first time sines the
formation of the national Government that an
cient Commonwealth haa no representation in the
cabinet. rrerrrfearg rafriol.
Why, there is nothing particularly
strange about that! President Gar
field Is a Baptist. Ho read tho history
of bis country, and is awaro how the
Massachusetts bigots treated Roger
Williams and his followers. If it was
right to banish and exile men one hun
dred years ago, why not apply the
samo rule now f The now President
has no faitb in Massachusetts statesmanship.
Wasiiiniivon, 1, , March lit The
following telegram wcro received hero
this afternoon :
Sr. l'.rr:MBrau, Marth 13.
Tn .1,trhirv in'nr, IC'itAiKjIUM :
'Ilia tiuenr mi ttuutidi-d l-day la bis eer
.rUgu Ijy ii IkiisiIi. ihv njur i i ot let snown.
SiglK-tl, FtiNTKR.
hr. Hi tbiihih hu. Marrh 13.
To I'oiee, tVrrrtljry 11 A'MIr, M'nAiolu
The Kmpeior is dead, limb li Irgs were
blow! oil.
Lomion, March 13. A Renter's dis
pute Ii from St. Petersburg says that as
tbo Emperor was returning from a
parade in tho Michel Moniiguwith the
Grand Duke Michel, about 2 o'clock
on Sunduy allernoon in a closed car
riage, escorted by eight Cossacks, the
carriage was attacked opposite I he Im
periul stables. The first bomb fell near
tho carriage destroying tho back part
of it. TheCzurand hit brol her alight
ed uninjured. Thu assassin on being
seized by a Colonel of police, drew a
revolver, but was prevented from tiring
it. Tho second bomb was then thrown
by another person and fell close to tho
Czars Icet. Its explosion shattered
both his legs and bo fell crying for
help. Colonel Dorjibky, though him-
sell much in ureu, raised tho r.mperor,
who was conveyed to the Winter Pal
ace iu Colonel Dorjibky' Bleigh. Tho
Czar was immedialcly convoyed iu an
unconscious state to tho Winter Pttlaco,
where hu died this afternoon. Two
persons were concerned 111 the crime,
one ol whom was seized immodiatoly,
Tho explosion also killed an olllcor and
two Cossacks. Many policemen and
other persons were injured. Large
crowds assembled before tho Palace,
but wero kept back by a troop ot Cos
sacks. Tbo Imperial family wero all
assembled at the deitth bed. Tho Coun
cil of'Stuto was immediately convened.
All ditces of puhliu resort aro closed,
Washington, D. C, March 111.
Upon tho receipt of tho second dis
patch from Minister Foster, conveying
tho intelllgonce that tho Emperor was
dead, Secretary lilaine cabled the fol
towing :
Tn FiMlr, AmiricnH Jliitiilrr, Ht. 'lfrfciieo :
Kipress to the Minister of Foreign Affairs sen
timents of sorrow with wbloh tlio President anil
people of the l oitrd Slates hare heard of the
terrible crime of which the Kiaperor hu been a
Tietim, and their profound sympathy with tba
Imperial family and tbo Kunian pst-pla In their
grrat affliction.
Signed, Jiuas (i. Hlacik,
bceretsry oi Stale.
Sr. I'ETnitsm Ro, March IS. Tho
official messenger mukestho lollowing
announcement :
At 3:25 o'clock this Sunday after
noon tbo Almighty called tbo Emperor
to Himself. A few minutes before his
death tbo Emperor received tho sacra
On the opposite page of the StHtiml we pub
lijsh President Garfield's address lo full, as he dellr
ercd It on Friday last. He makes numerous good
promises and it is to bo hopsd that be possesses
sufficient backbone to lee that tbey are I'ulQlled.
Wo hope that tho bacltbono of "tho
government" will not bond as easily as
when tho aforesaid was in Congress,
and undertook tho ?:!-!) arrangement
with a Massachusetts shovel maker,
and then put under a cloud by a Chi
cago pavement vender. For further
particulars seo Poland's Committee re
port. Nothing but works will restore
our faith In Mr. GarGeld. His weak
ness in tho past has been notorious;
his smartness has been sublime.
Ischia, a small island in the Moditer
ranian, off tbo Ray of Naples, waster
ribly shaken up by an earthquake on
Friday altcrnoon, March 4lb. There
wero two shocks ot a few secontls each,
tho second and fatal ono lasting only
seven seconds. Tho shocks were about
an hour apart and accompanied by a
rumbling noiso like subterranean
thunder. Tho crash of two hundred
falling houses and tho loss of some two
hundred lives was tho work of a mo-
mont. In addition to the killed about
one hundred persons wero wounded.
"I am net Ms alioraey far S. . Tilm. I am
Aers lo ifemoNd fee n'nAfe ot 8,000 cin'MNS o oui
eiana, roboed of their birtkriokt ov rAe murderers,
pttrjurtra and (Aisree, mAo A-iee imaied (o sixoa
Jor fas dials oj i.ois,ana .
Ibesowore the tew words of Mat
thew II. Carpenter, the dead Republi
can Statesmen, beforo "that memora
ble registor of fraud and instrument of
perjury, tho execrated Electoral Com
mission. And yet, alter all, there are
Radicals possessing common senso,
who still believe that Hayes carried
Louisiana I Senator Carpenter named
tbo parties proporly."
Tho annual report of tho Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, published
March 1st, shows tho net earnings for
18S0 ot tho main lino between Phila
delphia and Pittsburgh to bo $10,051,
483.10, an Increase of $2,503,001.08
ovor tho net earnings ol 1879. The
New Jorsey Division shows a not loss
of $1,933,308.07, an Increased loss
ovor that of 1879 of $95,419.78. This
leaves a balance of $9,010,170 29 net
Cnrlis, in llarjier'i Weekly, speaks In
tbo highest terms of Senator Waliaco'a
recent speech upon the mothod of
electing a prcsidont, and requests the
next Senate nnd House to give It full
forco in tho shape of a law. Tho Sen
ator must fool highly gratified to find
his services so well spoken of by the
opposition press. In his retirement
from that body tho Statu and nation
loso the services of an able, industrious
and efficient Senator.
It is reported nl Washington that
tho Prcsidont will renew Iho attempt
to place Stanley Matthows upon tbo
Supremo Bench. Tho fuct that Sena
tor Thurman is no longer at the head
of the Judiciary Committoo to oppose
bim is relied upon in pushing his con
(irmation in the Senate We prolor
not to believe this report until it is
confirmed by tho actual fact.
Judge J. W. McDill, of Iowa, one of
tho threo Stato Railway Commission
ors of that Stato, baa been appointed
by Governor Gear to fill the vacancy
causod by tbe resignation of United
Statos Senator Kirkwood. Judgo Mc.
Dill was a member of tho Forty-third
and Forty-fourth Congressoi, and also
of tho Elecloral Commission.
Tbo Syrncuso Courier prints an inter
view with ex Governor Seymour, in
which ho expresses the opinion that
the Democralic party has an easy path
to victory before it, while the Hcpub
licans are hopelessly divided and aro
rapidly going lo destruction.
John W. Young, son of the Mormon
prophet, has boon arrested in Denver,
for bigamy. Ho married his first
wife in Philadelphia undor pledge that
ho would marry no otbor, but a pretty
Salt Lake maiden caused him to alter
his views in favor of polygamy.
There is a coal mino in Coal Castle,
Schuylkill county, that has been burn
ing for forty-five years, and anothor
near Mauch ChuiikJW twenty-five
years. Vast sums of money have been
expondod in fruitless efforts to extln
guished the flames In each,
the latter driven i'iiosi a position
New Yohk, March 2. Tho oorro
apomlcui laKcii prisoner, released and
itiruished a pass l.y the lloers oacu to
ctiinp sends lo London iho following
account of thu disaster to the British
anna at Spilzkop:
1'robpect Hill, )
Monday, Feb. 211, lHHl-tWO A. M. j
1 returned to camp at H o'clock Sun
duy night, afier escaping almost by a
miracle from a Into which has befallen
the greater portion ol the force which
loll tho camp. Tho strength of the
column lust night amounted to 000
men all told, belonging to tho Kilty
eighth, Sixtieth und .Ninety second
regiments and Naval brigade. The
night wus dark, and tho inarch across
tbe unknown country wits toilsome in
tho extreme. We fiist made our way
over comparatively level ground to tho
foot of the main range of hills, but
there our dilliciilties beiran. In many
cuses tbo ascent was absolutely pre
cipitous, aud wherever thcro was a
footing for troops huge bowlders and
loose stones rolled down when touched.
Tho troops carried their arms, eighty
rounds of ammunition, wutur bottles'
and three days' provisions, making
progress dreadful, duvlight breaking
when wo upproacuod tho bill, which
was tho object oftho expedition. Start
ing at 10, wo wero six hours in accom
plishing what, as tho crow Hies, is a
little over tour miles to the summit ot
tho eminence, from which wo looked
down upon a long line of lloer in
trenchments, stretching from a point
immediately below us to liutl.Uo river
So far our success was completely clear.
Our occupation of tho hill rendered
tbe Boer position absolutely untunuble,
as wo took tbeir whole intrunchnients
Our own camp, although miles
away, looked tjuito closo, for wo wero
at un olevation ol z,ami loot above it.
Tho enemy's principal laager was
about two thousand yards away. Tho
position secured was undoubtedly ono
of immense natural strength ; on tho
summit was a plateau, so that all the
troops not actually engaged in repell
ing assaults, could lie down perfectly
secure from tho firo below. For an
hour the greater part of the troops
rested, a portion, however, helping the
sailors, who had not, so far, been able
to get the Gatling gun up tbo hill. At
sunrise tho Boers wcro to be seen
moving in their lines, but it was not
until nearly an hour later that a party,
mounted, were seen strolling out to
ward the hill, upon which thoy evi
dently intended lo take a stand. As
they approached, our outlying pickets
fired upon them, and our presenco was
for tho first timo discovered.
was heard at the Dutch laager, and the
whole scene changed as il by magic.
In placo of a lew scattered figures,
Ihero appeared ou tho scene swarms
of men, rushing hither and thither ;
some rushed to their horses, and others
to their wagons, and the work of
yoking oxen and preparing for an in
stant retreat began at onco. When
the first panic abated il could be seen
some person in authority had taken
uommand ; a great number of Boers
begun to move forward with Iho evi
dent intention of attacking us. The
work ot preparing tor retreat, in cose
of necessity, still went on, and contin
ued until all tho wagons weru inspanned
and ready to move away ; some, in
deed, begun to withdrawatonco. At 7
and bullets whistled thickly
over tho
plateau. Tho men woro all perfectly
cool and confident. 1 du not think the
fiossibility of tbe position boing carried
ly storm occured to any one. From
7 to 11 the Boers, who were lying all
aronud the bill, maintained a constant
firo. Their shooting was wonderfully
accurate ; the stones, behind which our
men in the front lino wero lying, wero
hit by almost every shot. Opposed to
such shooting as this, there was no
need to impress upon tho mon to keep
well under cover; they only sbowod
themselves to take an occasional shot,
and accurate as was the enemy's shoot
ing up to 11 o'clock wo had but five
casualties. Commander Romilley was
dangorously wounded; bo wus stand
ing closo to Gon. Collcy. Twenty mon
of tbo regiment, under Lieut. Hamil
ton, held tho point which was most
threatened by tho Boers. Nothing
could exceod tbo steadiness of these
Highlanders ; they kept well undor
cover, and, although they tired but
seldom, thoy killed eight or ton of the
lloers who showed tbemselvos from
behind covor. So far our position up
pears perfectly safe. Tho Boors had
indeed, got
but wo had three days' provisions and
could hold out until ro enforcements
came up. Oiircasultios wcro, with tho
oxccption ot that ol Lommandor Kom
illey, few and unimportant and all wero
porloctly confident of tho result. From
11 to 1- the enemy s nro continued as
hot, but as harmless as beforo. Be
tween 12 and 1 it slackened, and it
soomcd as if tho Boers wore drawing
off. 'Ibis, however, was not tho case
The enemy had been, us was alter
wards learned, very strongly re-inforo-
ing thoir fighting lino in preparation
lor an assault, hhortly alter 1 o clock
a terrific firo suddenly broko forth from
the right lower slopes of tho hill, the
sido on which the tiring had all along
been the heaviest A tremenduousrush
wassimultaneously made by the enemy
Our advanced line was at onco nearly
all shot down or driven back upon our
main portion. I Ins position may be
dosenbed as an oblong basin on top ol
the hill ; it was about 200 yards long
by liny broad. Our whole loroo now
lined the rim uf tbe basin, nnd .
to rcpol mo assailants, l he lioers,
wilb shouts ol triumph, swarmed up
the side ot the bill, and made several
desporato 'attempts to carry tho post
tion with a rush ; each timo, however,
they wore driven back wilb the bayo
nets. Alter each charge, the firing,
which noarly ceased during tho melee,
broke out with renewed violenco, and
the air ahovo us seemed alive with
bullets. Tbo troops did tbeir duty well
and steadily, and, trying as was the
occasion, fought with great coolness,
encouraged by their officers, At last
the Boers, who had gathered near the
etlgo of tho slope, mado a tremendous
rush at a noint bevond that at which
they bad beforo boon attacking, and
where the number of defenders was
comparatively small : they burst
through tho defenders and poured in
over the edge, and our position was
lost. 1 ho main line of our defenders,
with thoir flank turned and taken in
tho reverse, mado a rush along tho
plateau to endeavor to form and rally.
but it was useless. With fierce shouts
and a storm of bullets
Thoro was a wild rush, with the
Boers close behind ; the roar of tho fir
ing, the whistling of the bullets and tho
shouts of the enemy mado up a din
which loomed infernal. All around
men wore falling. There was no re
sistance, no bait ; il was a fight for
life. At this moment I was knocked
down by the rush and trampled upon,
and wbon 1 came to my senses the
liners were nnng over me at the re
treating troops, who wcro moving down
the hill. Trying to rise 1 was taken
prisonor and led away. On tha hill 1
found the body of Gon. Cellcy, shot
through thf bead. After conversation
with tba Boer General I induced dim
lo grant me a pass to conio to our
cttmp, and bring out succor lor the
wounded, lliey woro lying thickly,
both on tho plateau and every whoro i
on the descent uf tho bill. Tho Boors
woro vory civil, They took, It Is true,
the few articles 1 had about mo, but no
troops in tho world could, on the whole,
have behaved bettor as victors. Talk
ing with mo, they ascribed their vic
tories not to their arms or bravery,
but to
As to the completeness of their vie
tory there ran bo no question. They
carried by sheer lighting a position
which their General in nisei I considered
to be, defended by the force at his oom
mand, impregnable. Even now 1 can
hardly understand how it wus done, so
sudden was Iho rush, so instantaneous
tho change Irom what wo regarded
perlect safely to Imminent peril. I'p
to tho moment w hen the Boers madu
this runh, thoy hud ell'ected no progress
whatever ; a low only of our men had
been ongugod, and tho Boers' casualties
trifling in the extreme. A few minutes
later tliey held tho crest of the hill, and
our men w ere defending thu natural
basin, in which they had been lying iu
apparent security. It cannot do de
nied the capluru of Majella bill is an
oxploit of which any army in Iho world
might bo proud. During tho enemy's
advance, our men hardly caught sight
of a single Boer.
taking advantage of every stone and
every irrugulanty ot ground. Whon
driven bat it by our firo at ono point,
tbey would work around unporeeivod,
und thenco open with heavy volleys
upon us, themselves being all tho timo
invisible. One lesson taught is, that
Il is usoless to alletnpt lo fight tho
lioers with numerically inferior lorces;
in such warfare they are man lor man
equal, and more thancquul lo our own ;
they are as courageous, innnitoly bet
ter shots and marveloiisly skilled, tak
ing advuntngo of cvory cover ; their
coolness under firo is perfect, whilo
tiifhlinir Individually all work in con
cert to nbodienco to ordeis. Thoy
openly express contempt for our in
fantry, but fear our cavalry and ar
Tbe correspondent adds : Tho En
glish would have done well to buvo
trusted to the bayonet instead ol Hoe
ing down tho bill whero they wero
quickly shot down liko rabbits. The
number of Boers who madu tho attack
on Majella was 1,00(1.
Tho London Standard, commenting
lcmarks : "This simple, but graphic
narrative at onco disposes of all roports
tolei;i'olhcd from New Castle and
Durban to tbo effect that tho loss at
Majella Hill was duo to tho failure of
ammunition of our troops. It is clear
that not only was thoro no failure
whatever, but tho great proportion of
our troops had never drawn trigger
till tbey found themselves engaged in
an almost hand-to hand conflict with
tho enemy.
An eftchango in alluding to this doc
ument says :
" The inaugural aud l oss of Genoral
Garfield is not burdensome in length,
or overweighty in manor. It has
literury merits which would insure it
a general roading at threo or four
times tho length. It opens with a
display ot patriotic pride, which is
rather an improvement on the fourth
ol July pattern ; dwells on tho import
ance of universal education ; and thon
assumes the form of a sturdy, orthodox
Republican speech. A striking leat-
nro of tbe address is tbe respect it pays
to tbe opiuiona of tho retiring Presi
dent, Hayes and Garfield might swap
speeches on the subject of universal
education, und noither one would havo
anything to tako back. lhcy are
ikowiso identical on the nnanciai
question. In a short paragraph Mr.
Uaraold takes radical Kepublican
ground on the currency, and clearly
indorses Hayes' last veto in the inter
ests of tho National Banks. It will
generally be understood that the rising
and setting sons wero consulted ou
this subject before the voto message
was sent to Congress. Garfield also
agrees with Hayes on the Mormon
question. Tbo Republican party has
been conducting a talking war against
the polygamists ever since its birth.
Mr. 11 ay os talked a great deal about it,
but he did not exhaust tho subject, and
Mr. Garfield assails it at the very out
set of his administration. Ho will
doubtless turn ovor the 'talkee-talk' to
his successor, four years honce, and
after the talking businoss keeps up for
filiecn or twenty years moro it will
begin to bo funny. In the matter of!
an isthmus canal, Mr. Garfield is very
brief, but Indicates a disposition to
stand by Amoricnn interests. Tho
fact that the matter was alluded to at
all in so brief a document is an indica
tion that foreigners are not lo bo al
lowed to dig through our bailiwick
without hearing some musio Irom the
American oagle. Tho President scorns
to think the Civil Servico will eland
improvement, and announces u pur
pose to call on Congress to help bim ia
revising it. Ho approaches the subject
somewhat gingerly. Ho knows that
reformation ot tho Civil Sorvico in
volves trouble with some thousands of
Republicans who aro now looking for
AUOURATIOX. A Washington correspondent sends
tho following to tho Centre Democrat
At half past ono o'clock we arrived
at our destination and were received
by a committee of citiaens. In a few
moments wo were formed in lino on
Sixth street, within fifty feet of Penn
sylvania avenuo, whero tho procession
was punning, (iencral lleavor and hie
stall' put in an appearance at this tune
and woro heartily cboerod. The scene
horu was very animated. Tho crowd
was immense and varied. SeveraPmcn
in tho company wondered whether tho
entire population of Washington was
colored, as tho man and brother pre
dominated largely. Soon wo wore in
the lino, and hero the sight beggars
description. The whole length of the
avonuo, from the Capitol grounds to
tbo Treasury Department, was one
vast, soothing turbulent sea of people.
It was with the utmost dilliculty that
tho procession could succeed in forcing
its way in good order. Un we swopt
in company front, whon on reaching
Fourteenth street we wore astonished
to hear some ono cry out above the
din and confusion, "Hurrah for Dello
tonto." looking up, Mr. Tom Hicks,
formerly of our town, was observed iu
tho ClUi story window of a largo build
ing, enthusiastically greeting bis 0110
time neighbors. At tbo Treasury De
partment, as wo turned toward the
Whito House, E C. Humes and Frank
Montgomery gave us a gcneroiu ap
plause, and further on Aaron Williams
rushed out to tell us bo was on dock.
Hero we passed tho grand stand, upon
which wero l'rosidont Garfield, Gen
erals Hancock,Shoridan and McDowell.
The remainder of the march was with
out incident nntil (iencral lleaver,who
was riding a high mottled bay horse,
was thrown violently to the ground
through tho stupidity of a driver of a
covered wagon. Here wore Goneral
Sherman and his staff. Gov. Hort and
Gon. Hartranft, with a largo number
ol officers. General Heaver's accident
causod a bait and almost a break in the
whole division, as tome of the mon
showed a disposition to bayonet the
dnvor who bad been the cause of the
Gonoral's misfortune. Ho was quickly
on bis uorso again and ordered ua for
ward. He was considerably hurt and
went at onea lo bia qnartora. By thia
lime me men were completely ei
buiisted, and tho movements ordered
by the officers wero executed with
great uilnculty. Wo reached our
quarters at six o'clock, and loiind thom
as comforlablo as possible undor tho
How fortunalol That covered wag
on mighi have been tho death of Gon.
Beaver, or tho driver might have been
UHiusinulod by tho incensed crowd.
How torluiiutu Ihat nobody was burl!
However, Gen. Beaver having been
unhorsed at Harrisburg a short timo
timo ago on much harder ground, ho
would not mind tho Washington upset
very much. Ho is a plucky man. Ho
has been a candidate for Governor,
Senator und Iho Cabinet since June
lust, anti bus not been planted yet.
Chicago, March 8 Thesnow block
ades on tho railroads is about over,
und regular timo is hoing made. A
Pierru, Dakota, dispatch says tbe first
traiu from Chicago for forty days or
rived thoro on Saturday, and it is cal
culated that half the cattle iu that sec
tion havo perished of cold and starva
tion. Many points received yesterday
their first maif since tbo storm began
on last Wednesday.,
$nr tlftrtistmfnts.
CLSisriRLn, l'Esa'a.
Flrst-olasi Life and Fire Insurance Companies
t0-Oree In tha Opera Uoaie.T
Mar. Iil.'sl-lr
Ur.:lTi:ir NOTICK. Nodes It here
by given that the following accounts bare
been eiamlned and paused by loo, and remaio
filed of record in this oftloo for the luipeotion of
heiri, legatees, creditors, and all others interested,
and will be presented to tbe next Orpbena' Court
of Clearfield oounty, to be held at tba Court
House, in the borouu-h of Clearfield, commencing
on tbe third Monday (being the Slst dsyi of
Marco, A. u. isst
First and final account of W. II. Patterson,
Assignee of J. It. Bonn, of the borough of Unuts
dale, Clearfield county, Pa.
Partial account of Samuel W. Gill, Executor of
the last will and testament of Angus Al. Gill, lata
of Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa., de
Finsl account of Samuel Hrgatty, Adminiitra
tor of Thomas Cowan, late of Beeearia township
Clearfield oounty, Penn'a, dsocased.
Account of John B. Sbimel, Administrator of
George r-himet, late of Boggs township, Clearfield
county, Penn'a, deceased.
Final aeconnt of Catharine Marry, Adminis
tratrix of Patrick Murry, late of Woodward
township, Clsarficld county, Penn'a, deooaaed.
Final nccount of George S. and Adam Wearer,
Kxccntors of George A. Wearer, late of Brady
township, Clearfield county, Penn'a, deceased.
Final account of James T. Leoneri, Adminis
trator of Mrs, Amanda J. Leonard, late of Clear
field borough, Penn'a, deceased.
Partial account of A. D. Rose. Administrator
of Kvubco, late of New Washington bor
ough, Clearfield oounty, Penn'a, deoaaied.
Final acooont of Godfrey Fisher, Administra
tor of John Hartsog, late of Karthaul township,
Clearfield county, Peon'a, deceased.
ParlUI accoant of Joho Oelnett, Administra
tor of Lewis Ironry, lata of Union tewuship,
Cicarfiald county, Peon'a, deceasel.
Partial account of William Rothrock, surrlrlng
Administrator of A. Kyler, lata of Morris town
ship, Clearfield eouuty, Penn'a, deceased.
Final aocouat of John McLaughlin, Adminis
trator of Jamea McLaughlin, late of Hnydcr
towashlp, Jefferson county, Penn'a, deceased,
GKOKGK M. FKKGII80N, Regiater.
riesrleld, Penu'a, Feb. J.i, 1SHI.
WE take pleasure iu Informing
our many friends and patrons
throughout tho county, that wo shall
open our storo for the inspection of
everybody, on or probably a tew days
March 23d, 1881.
We have boon busy selecting our
stock, and havo exercised every caro to
get nothing but the best quality ol all
goods, and can truthfully say that, if
our stock is not the largost perhaps in
the county, it is tho best. We shall
keep a full line ol DRY GOODS,
every and all kinds of goods belonging
to each deparlmont. Wo have sorao
choico linos of LACES, EDGINGS
We Make a Specialty of Mens',
Boys' and Youths' Fine Clothing.
Wo have bought an immense stock,
and shall keep it up, as wo will strive
lo always have the largest stock of
Clothing in tho county. We can show
somo very nrotty styles in T1NK
SUITS, at vory low prices.
In connection with Clothing, wo will
koep a Bne line of FURNISHING
GOODS, HATS and CAPS, tho latest
and most fashionable styles in market.
We now respectfully request you to
givo us n share of your custom, guar
anteeing to you that wo shall endeavor,
by lion out and lair dealing, and polito
treatment, to always command tbe re
spect of our friends and neighbors.
Respectfully Yours,
Curwonsvillo, Pa., Mar. 1G, 1881 4t.
JURY MKT. Nainee and lecation ef those
periods drawn as Jnrort to perve at Mareb
term, commencing en the third Mondaj (lilt),
and eontinuiog two weeki t
Grand Junom Mohdit, Mabci 31it.
8. A. Bigler, Clearfield, Wm Murray, Oirard,
Tboi A Flock, " iLewli I In in, Goahen,
C Howe, " iC Forcee, Graham,
V or ice Clark, Cur'ivllle,! Jmepb Krhard, Knot,
J 11 Me G rath, lloutudalel J one Ogdtn, Lawrence,
W J Jobmlon, Oiceola, 'Hugh Mullen, "
Inaec Wilmn, Bradford, Sumuel Moore, Pike.
Chai Marih.lU Brady, i W T John. on, Handy,
O W Kopp, Burniids, W A Meana,
John Con ley, Cheit, iThoi Brucktaok, Union
L M Coudriet, Cov'gtonjJ bigglna, Woodward,
Jai Kepnart, uecelur, r llarltnan, "
TnAYKDftl Jl'EoM MoRI'lY, MaIi'I 3 1 IT.
Lew Writ ley, Clearfteld Jacob Hilcher, Huston,
Wm Hofliuao. " J A McBrlde, Law nee,
C L Diddle, M J U Moore, Morris,
J M Kittlebarger 'George L Way, Pike.
Pat Duekett, " (1 L Add Urn an, "
C Permely, Iluatadale,
I J A Bowerw 1, Sandy,
L A Brady, "
l Amos Yager,
I William 1 Uosi, "
John Nihil),
I Nathan Lines, I'd loo,
William Welly,
John Argrle,
L J llurd, ftewburg,
M Williams, Beeearia,
I) Snanagl. "
Levi Sundertln, Ball,
John B titer, Bloom,
A M Draucker, Brady,
jit whitehead,
Jno Shepherd, Burnnde J M Adams, Woodward,
It ai id H. darr, " Jm Hullivaa, "
James Me K wen, Chest. Jno T Wilson
John Dolpb, Beoalur,
Jno Canty Jr,
J II Utlliland,
Jno Shannon,
John Kara.
L A rulton, "
Saml Kephart, "
Joseph Leigey, Oirard,
U U hiisa.
I Ho Holt
Peter O U 011 Id. Huston. iS T Bowman.
Jas Callahan, " iOacar Kline,
JSAadebaugbSr 11 I J II Beagar,
Sicoiio Wan Moiidav, Mauri 28t.
Fred Sackett. Clearfield.'Davld Horn in. 1 Id ton
J H Thompson, Cur'ille1 Albert Newell, '
B r AleieDdtr.Beiearle'J R Johnston. Jordan.
Kennedy Rupert, Bell, Wm J Habley, Karthavi
sam i Bunosrlin, " J c Michaels, "
Hugh Leech, Bloom, lAbrsm Walktr, Knot,
Isaae tirabam, Bradford Jamas Jackson. "
Iaae Bargsr, " Nata Law head, Law'aea
ueo 11 winger!, ureiy, Henry Uuliob, 11
James Irvin AN Doughsrty, Morris,
James Wood Chest, IP I Carr, Pike,
F F Vali moot, Cov'gtoa T O oh a ley, Sandy,
Daa'l Barket, Baeaiur, fltephea Wing, Union,
Jaa Caldwell, Ferguson, Jos Belgle, Woodward,
CJSbofT, " Hugh Melleary, "
Hsary Melleory, Oirard Jaa Barrett,
Joha Byera, Unlieh, Haas Aleiaader, M
W I McBonald, This Towaaend,
Wa, tba nnderslgned, hsreky eertify that lb
foregoing list of names of parsons ware drawn by
vii in u di jaauary, mm, ia acaord.
anot with eeeiee Issued bv tha 11 lb. Chart A
Mayer, President Judge of tba Cearts of Clear
field county, bearing data tha lath day of Jan-
bar, 1 8 HI, to terra as Urand aad Traverse
Jurors ta tba oeveral Courts to be held at Clear
field, eB neaclng on tba third Monday 121st)
ta March, A. I. Intl. '
JAMKfl MAHAFFIT, fiber if.
A. J. .MriflOM,
. .. . - . Jir' CtMiMiaajtrt,
Clearfield, Pa-, Fab. I, llU-t.
vroTicn "f im:okporath!...
X Notice Is hereby giren Ihat an application
will be made at tba Mareb Court of tfuertor Hes
sloos, A. f. IScI, fur Clearfield county, far tbe
incorporation of the villegc of Uten Hope as a
borough. SMITH V. WILMiN,
Alt'y for Petltioucre.
Clearfield, Pa, F.b. It. ISSl tc.
(AUTION.AII persons era hereby warned
J against purchasing or iu any way meddling
with Ihe fallowing proiert?, now in tbe posses
sion of Simon McParlaod, ris : One 10-horse
power engine nnd boiler, I " Parker" shingle
machioa I "Hweepitekee" planing msohiue, with
the counter. hell, pulleys and belting nseoasary lo
run tha said machinery! also, 1 gray horse, I
yellow cow, and I spring wegon, as the same be
longs to WB, and IS subject to my oro-er as any
Iltahellle, Fa., Maroh D, 1891-31
An Oltl mul Trl 4l l(iHalf. Jt"tmwe$ttu t """
cruitht i-n tint ttttf ii 'ii tltsm t! n. v guaraulc
IU Virtue. Wts lime Immlral of Tertiiui.tnali, rl
IucUhI in tlit lvit I& yi'iim, j-nvhiir rini'Iiiilvcl' thrrt
it mi rrmttty oUtf to Lr. lluu liluMin'a vorttl
lratro'rr to rumuvu Uio W mi. kuisU. Huutul,
S-iU, Limy. Hint 7Ujw), thai Inlt-st ll.e litiinnii MrtfirL
I'hyacuuu hurt them Atnl (,'tvo ittriii to their mifU riiijr;
pJttlunU. V'rVrt it fUi kvtitbug ut uujuitf f. tbtmt llliu
(JiutMUKiiIy rullal'lu mclluuio. I'rite, ai.V. xr box.
h. W. WRIGHT & CO., Wholeialt DrurrU.
Hukot Front Streets, FluUddtihlt
Fthrutry 1, 1BB1-Sa.
OAIITION. All persons are hareb) cautioned
against purchasing or in any way maddling
with tbe following described personal properly.
In the possession of liarid Carley, of Karthaus
township, to wit t Two-tbirds interest in 8 acres
of wheat growing, two-thirds interest in fi acree
of rye growiog, Soows, 1 3-year old haifsr, 9 1-year
old hulls, 6 sboats, 1 cook store and utensils, i
bedstesds and bedding. 1 extension table,! corner
euiib-.ard, I sink, 1 rooking obaris, 4 kitchen
chairs, 200 weight of pork, 1 plow, 1 barrow, 1
cultivator and 1 shore! plow. The foregoing
prepsrty was purchased by me at private sale on
the 7th of Marcb.and is left with said David Carley
ou loan only, subject to my order at any time.
Fivnchrille, Pa., Mar. ID, lusl-lt.
The uodeulgned bft eu to tbt floooIuoioD U
quit farming nnd lllutr bil oocupatiun, a ar
lmlr, D1 tMiw (i fieri f-T bil farm, ituata
ot)i fend a ha If mile oortb of ClearfialJ baraub,
Muft of whith ii cleared and under good eultirt
tiun. and ha ing tbcreon good
Large frame barn, and other oese'iary outbuild
int'. tog. tber with en orchard vt all kind of
fruit, and an excrlloDt sprint of water. The
wbule ti UNDEKLAIi) Willi GOOD COAL.
Thu (iroperr j will be exchanged for amaller prop
erty, or aold on eat? terma in payment!. Fur
further particular call ao the preniaea or addret a.
JOHN C. KKKL,Cleatfield, I'a.
March lC'h, lftdMf.
Opens Monday, April 18th, 1881,
to Continue 12 Weeks,
THT9 achoel onmniendi itielf to public favor
fur the following reaifini :
rtnt. Hoarding oao be bad in food familiei at
from Z to $7. at) per wee i.
tec und. Location la beaitbiui and octety re
fined and cultured.
Third. The ouure of atudr embodies the Bute
Normal School feature, end ia particularly
adapted to the waod of tboie who en pent to teach.
ruurtb. Ibe atudfbta have the adraotace of a
well eon ducted Literary Society, before which
til be delivered a feiiei of free leoturea.
Filth The work of tbe eehool ia atimubited by
the eoeourageini'Dt and favor of aa intelligent
ootutu unity.
blttb. bprrtal attention will be given tba
Normal oltu by the Principal, who la a graduate
of a 6 lata Normal Hebl, and tbe instruction in
Theory of Teaching, Government, Jo., will be
made to accord with tbe iidera ideal of ad
vanced eduaatora. -
Common Branches with School Economy. ..$6 00
Common Branohea and School Kaunouy
with A 1ft bra, Geo me try, Pbyiloal tJeug
ra.hy, Natural Philosophy, Civil tior-
err.meot, Latin, ate n S 00
H.)(brtoU $5 00
Lewer elaeitea 3 tO
For fur I her Information addrea.
V. A. AMUHU.SU, Uicrola, Pa.,
MATT BAY AUK, ClearQeld, Pa.
Mar. 9, IH-l-tf.
T,iN,r!ili1i TiPfll Vsnt f
AVk'U JLl-lIll III IV a
Estato of Richs-rd Shaw, Sr., Dcc'd.
TUB undersigned, Pxeentora of tba estate of
KIOlUHl) B1IAW, Sr., deceased, will offer
at pnlilie sale at Ike CO! KI HOUSE, in tbe bor
ough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Friday, April 1st, 1881,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M.,
The following valuable real ettate, via :
The three-story BRICK HOTEL property,
eorner of Market and Pint street, la tbe bor
ough of Clearfield, known as
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lots of gionnd thereto belonging
JU c 300 feet on Market street, and V0
irfj I lit 'ft0B 'it street, with a two-itory
H '1 1 1 M dwelling faouae attached. The ho-
ahUtw ProI,er B" bed-rooms and
Viiiriija all conveniences for ft first-data
hotel. One of the moat desirable bote! properties
in Central Penmylvania.
Tha above will be suld together with a two
tory frame dwelling home on Market street, ad
jacent to tbe Hotel, aud one other frame dwelling
boufe and a two-story store building, all fronting
on Market street
ALSO. All ihat certain lot, known in the
plab ot Clear Be 14 borougb ai Lot Ho 139,
fronting t0 feet on Locust street, run
ning back 173 feet, more or leas, to an alley
with dwelling home and allneeeeaarv out-'
buildibgi thereon erected, and other improvement.
One-tbird each at delivery of good deed, and
Ihe balance to be secured bv bond and mortrese.
payable in one and two yeara, with intereit
A. o. BH A W,
J08. H1IAW,
Purriving Ki'ri of Richard Shaw, Sr.(dee'd.
Clearfield, Pa.. Dee. S, lt0-U.
New Goods,
Come to Frenchville I
I have jutU received Iho largest stock
of coods ovor broucht to this teo-
tion of the oounty, which 1 will soil
forensh or produce as cheap ns tliRj
can be bought elsewhere. Sfy stock
co n aim s or
Dry goodS,
Groceries, Boots Shoes,
"Nailg a Speoialty.T
Heady Made Clothing.
A full tock of FISH. Sail in lare
or imall ack, or by th barrel.
none or duy. QL'EKNSWAItR, all
ilyloaj nnd quality. In ihort, 1 havo
eorylliing needed by the farmor, the
mechanic, the laborer, or anvbodv
olao, which I will lell juatu ohoapan
the good, can be purchased anywhere
lie. ricane call and examine my
gooda and prioea belore investing
Frenchville, r.,Mar. 2, '81-tf.
Mercantile Appraiseincnl.
TIIR renders of Forego D'mcatlo Mtr
chandlne, Uiltillera, Brew ore, Brokers, Ae ,
in Cleat field county, will take notice that ibty
are apiraiied and cUoted bv the aalt-riignej
A.rair of Merehandtpe and utber lioeoae tatai,
for tha year INsI, a folluwi.
n..ts. Hum aide Duroufh. tax,
11 Jackson Patchln, genera) mdse ,..4l0 (in
14 Prowell A Conuer. druii A itatiuuary... T Co
14 John C. Conner, general tn-lte 7 00
14 Horaoe Patchln, general mdae .,..,. T Ou
Clearfield lloroiiph,
14 W. 1). McKay, sewing maahlnei T oo
8. It. Bow, Due pool Uble SO Oil
14 C. P. M alion, drug 7 Hit
4 C. D. Watioa, patent medioloei S on
14 I. leillrua, variety store 7 00
14 Hartiwlrk A Irwin, dtugs 7 r0
4 Harlawick A Irwin, patent medlotnw. 5 CO
14 John A. Stock, tohneco and oijrars 7 On
8 Andrew Penis, Jr., one pool table - Jlfl on
10 K. Muiip, general tnde - in on
14 A. J. Jankson, furcliure 7 00
14 f. I. Snyder, jiwelry 7 no
II Flck A Co., dry goodi and notion!. It oil
14 K.'W (Jr. hem, drui 7 U
4 K. W. Urahnin, patent medicines 5 no
14 McOeugbey A 8hower, boots A ihoe 7 00
14 II. Liiiigtn, ennfectionery f 0(1
g H. Livtngftun, billiards, 3 tables. 40 DO
15 William Powell, hardware 13 6l
11 John Mettaujt-bcy, groceries S on
14 L. (JuinKbulg, elotbing 7 no
I H. N. Hht.w, one pool table n .10 HA
14 Jaiuei L. Leave, stoves and tinware... 7 0(1
V tleurire Heaver A Co., general mdse,... 3i no
14 J. H. Heerp, sewing maohinea 7 (iq
14 Alex. Wat on, tobaoeo and eigari 7 00
12 HlrJingrr A Hook, -slothing 13 Oil
II II. A. Kralrer K-n-r-d indie 1& 00
14 P. A. (laulio, Hationery 7 00
11 O. 0. A T.W. Moore, booti A ihoes 10 0
14 A. Thmhauier, elotbing n 7 00
15 W. J. 11 off or, general nidfe 10 00
12 II. Lehman A Co., general mdse 12 &(
14 J. A. hladler, baKery and eonfertionery 7 0)
8 0. Leipoldt, brewery 16 00
11 James II. Ly tie, groceries , I& (0
8 John A. Kooinr, one pool table - 30 (10
I'urwetievlllft Korougti.
14 Watt II. Thonion, grocer let f 00
14 A. M K.i k, jewelry 7 00
14 John Irvin A brother, general todae.... T 00
14 Jacob Bilgvr, hardware 7 Oil
14 M. C P-rker, gentral uudie 7 00
14 harry II. Thuoipsun, groceries 7 00
12 (Samuel Armil.l, g neral indue 12 50
12 A. Oalei A Hon, hardware U bii
8 Hichard Kvani, one pool uble 'AO 00
14 Hichard Kvani, confectionery , 7 io
14 1. Fat! tt general merehandiaa 7 00
14 Joteph K. Irwin, drug! 7 03
4 Jonei.h H. Iiwin, pa'ent mrdicioett i 00
14 Stephen (Iraff. eoofectionery 7 00
I Stephen (J ra IT, one billiard table o O't
13 Horal.angb A Norrie, general mJie 10 00
11 Hprebkle A Palton, dry goods 15 0i
Curwenniile lieink 30 tilt
14 William A. iUale, groceiici 7 o
12 Herman Haupl, general milae IS !d
14 I .. A V bittaker, tobaeco and eigari- 7 Oil
11 II. W. Spencer, general mdae j o
10 N. E. Arnold, wholesale 20 CO
lloufiriale llu rough.
14 n.Tft, Jewelry 7 00
14 William Curren, general in-lie... 7 o
14 Joitln tirangrr, groceries 7 l'i
)0 F. Liverigbt A Co., general in lie 20 (id
14 W. C. Lanrford, bo -k A stationery ... 7 0'
12 C. W. Vaubuien, general mdr-e 10 00
4 C. MjCauley, hard w tire 7 00
14 W. J. ISharbauijh, drut(i 7 ml
14 A. B. A.'hton, groceries anl eon fee 7 00
11 In ton Hardware Co., hardware 15 On
18 Peter Moran, wholesale liquor ti 00
in R. II. Hhaw, general mdie 10 (in
14 J. VV. Roads, druga 7 00
14 W. O. Welly, groceries 7 HO
13 M. A I. M. Lang, general nidss 10 CO
14 M. Mayer, variety store 7 00
14 B. Charlton, confectionery 7 Oil
II A. ileason, general rodre 15 0(1
14 Ftrd T"dd, druga 7 (.0
14 J- E. Arnold, stationery and oonfee 7 00
liooltdale Bank .10 00
14 John Coleman, liquor dealer 7 iu .
8 (leorge W, Woodio, one blllmrd Uble... Mi 00
8 William Parker, one psol table ,H0 t0
Lumber City Ho rough.
1.1 Dyer A Coolbrctb, general mdse
14 U. L. Ferguson, general mdae
Nenburg Horuugh.
14 William Hunter, general mde
in On
7 00
7 Off
New Waahliigtuii llorough.
14 N. A Arnold, general mdse 7
4 N. A. Arnold, patent utodiciaea & On
11 J. R. UcMutray, general unite. la On
Oeceola Borough.
14 McClarrcn A Brother, general mde. 7 Otl
12 F. IUrh, general md -e 12 50
14 Oeorge R. Jones, Jewelry 7 00
II T. C. Maims, general nulls 15 00
13 Krause Brothers, groceries 10 00
14 H. P. K. Blan ly. drugs 7 00
14 W. R. Welti, stationery and eoofeo 7 00
14 Michael Grifley, groceries 7 1)0
11 Harry Ltveright. general mdse 15 00
Wallacetoii Borough.
14 W. J. Oosa, general tndso 7 Oil
ltecrarla Townahip.
14 Nutter, Rumety A Co., general mdae.... t Ofl
18 Coalport Lumber Co., general mdae ID 00
14 J. W. A P. C. Gales, general mdse. 7 0(
14 J. D. Weld, general mdse 7 00
14 George Robert, groceries 7 00
14 Mat Frick A Co., general mdse T 00
14 John C. Ualei, general mdse...,, T 00'
llrady Townahip.
14 Q. 8. Knarr, boot and shoe 7 (Hf
14 P. A O. Weber, general andsa 7 Ot)
14 J. M. Lydlck, general mdsfJ 7 00-
14 8. O. Kama, general mdse T 00
14 B. Knarr, general mdae 7 Vis
14 . II. Kdinger, general mdse 7 0i
14 J. Seyler A Sons, general mrlii ,.,.., 7 ft
14 U. li. Carlisle, general mdse 7 wo
14 D. Uoodlander, general mdse 7 Oil
Bell Township.
14 H. If. McOee, general mdse 7 00
14 Hobsrt Alahaffey, general mdse 7 00
nuruslde Townahip;
14 A. W, Patchln, general mdse 7 00
I trad ford Townahip,
14 P. Carley, eigari and general mdse..... 7 Ofl
11 I. V. Gray A Co., gueral mdse 15 Oil
A. b. HoolriJtfa A Co., general mdte. 15 00
I L. C. Peters A Dro., one povl uble.
30 00
Cheat Townahip.
14 J. R. MrKee, general endse 7 09
U James McQuian. genera! mlsa.... 7 Ofl
14 J. L. Wallers Bro.. ajensrsj mdse 7 10
Covington Township
14 Franels I.elfrer, genera! anise 7 00
14 L. M. Conrlrlet, general mdse T 00
14 Tolter il Heller, general mdsa 7 00
Dernttir Townahip.
14 M. Lang k Co., general mdse 7 00'
Citrard Township.
14 W. 8. Olllilagd, general mdse 7 0i
Urahaaa Township.
14 T. H. Forcer, general mdas 7 OU
Greenwood Townahip
14 W inlaid Bell, general mdsa 7 00
tillllrh Townahip.
14 fl. Alleman, general mdsa 7 00
II H. A. Kljnn, general mdse 15 00
14 T. A. Prideaai, general mdse 7 00
II I). K. Hame, general mdsa 11 .'O
Itualon Towuahlp.
19 C. Dlanchard, general mrrnbandise 10 ( 0
15 C. 11. Coryell, general mdse 10 00
14 E. 8mith, drags 7 00
14 A. Il'irning, Jr., hardware. T 00
18 O. rUbeeker, general mdse 10 03
14 Putnam, Harris A Co., general md 7 00
Jordan Towuahlp.
It W. T Perrj. general mdae 7 00
knot: Townahip.
14 Joseph Krhard, general mdsa T 00
14 Ueorge Arnold, general mdse 7 00-
karthaui Towuahlp.
'14 Isaae MeCloskeT, general mdse 7 00
14 Uillvlnnd A Y others, general mdse 7 00
14 Godfrey Fisher, gensral mdsa 7 00
Lawrence Townahip
T. Sell, brewery , la 00'
14 Ueorge N. Culburn, groeerles 7 00
Morrla Townahip.
14 lonard Krler, general mdse 7 fle
14 Jonas M.n A Sons, gsneral mdsa 7 00
14 Peter Morer, general mdse w 7 (to
R, B. Wigton A 8ona, general mdse...H 2ft 00
Pcnn Township.
14 MnDunnld A Spenoer, general mdse...,. 7 00
14 W. A. Moore, groceries and ooofeo f 04
falldj- Township.
II Long A Brady, hardware U (10
II P. 8. Weler A Co , general mdse la 00
14 Welter A lleidrlrk, boots and shoes 7 00
14 II. Loeh, elotbing . 7 00
14 W. S. Shaw, variety store 7 00
14 L. 7.eigler, grooeriea 7 00
14 J. B. Krans, general mdse 7 oft
14 W. M. MrCullough, groeeries 7 00
14 Holmes A Bros 7 00
Is John (loodyear, f eneral mdse 10 0t
14 T. II. Simon, groeeries 7 00
14 A. L. Ily, furnitura , 7 00
10 Hell, Lewis A Vales, general mdse 20 00
ia Handy Lies Uas.Coal A dike Co., mdse 10 00
14 Troiel A Kills, general mdae 7 ol
14 H. Moullhrop, groeerles 7 00
14 llellhron A Boring, groeerles 7 0
4 A. Uoodmiller, billiards A pool, I tables 00 00
14 George dohwem, grooeriea 7 I"'
14 8. II. Petlrrew, drugs 7 00
4 8. II. I'eligrew, patent medieinea S 00
14 M. I). Ainsley, drugs 7 00
4 M. D. Ainsley, patent medicine. 4
U Grler A Brother, hardware 10 00
U D. L. Corbet, general mdsa 10 00
14 G. Bohea, bakery and eonfertlnnery.... 7 M
4 Nirholsea A Mead, billiards, I tallies... (0 00
14 W. W. llaney, groeerles 7 0
DullelS llODOllI Bank . . I& Oft
4 Mrtlonald A Williams, t pool tables... 41 00
John UuBols. nneral as dee.
14 J. A. Beweraoi, goaoral mdae
Inlon Townahip.
14 1. Psyler A Sons, general mdse
Woodward Townahip.
14 Jamea Cnrnely, general mdse
10 M. LlTSrlaht A Co.. eeneral eariae...
, 7 M
7 00
7 00
20 1
14 1). H. P. V Manner, general mdse 7 0ft
Mooter, llugnes A Co., gensral mdae... I "
Whitehead A Co., general mdse 10 00
10 Frank A Co , general mds
IS Rnmbarger.Croaswell A Co., gea. mdse 10 00
14 Long A Co., general mdsa 7 0
Take not lee, all who are eonoetned In Ibis ap
preleemenl, Ihat an appeal will be held at the
Commissioners' offloe, In Clrarleld, no Wednes
day, A I'M I. 0TII. Mai. belweee lha boar sf
e'eleek A. M and 4 o'elook P M , when and
"here yoa ma; sitead If yea tkiak propel.
Meraaatlle Appraiser,
Bleomlngtoa, Pa .Marskl, 1111-41.