TUB 'CLEARFIELD BE PI CMC A J," CLUAKFlfc-LD, PA. I'.MTABMMHKD III It 91. I itt- Ur'ffei-t t'lrcnlatlon f any Newepaper In Nurtb C'eutral PenneylTanla. Torma of Subscription. If paid Id edranoo, or within I moBthi.,,.94 OO H Lid after 1 and beforo month 9 ftO If .ftiii after tb expiration of 6 monthe,,. 3 (M Ratos ol Advertising. Truniient advertlaementi, per iqnaraof 10 II tm or , it time or In 91 0 K'r each eubBoquent In Bert Ion Aft , Iminlitrtiori' and If xoentora'notlaoa.. t (0 Au litors' notlcei I to C uniioni end KtUrayi. 1 fcO licnlatton noticee t 00 IVoleM.onal Curd, I Hum or leei,l year..... I 00 1, notice, per lino 0 YKAULT ADVKRTIHF.MKNTS. fl tare $1 00 I J oolumn. 950 00 I neural IS 00 1 1 column.. 70 00 il n iueree... 30 00 I 1 column.. ..120 00 O. B. GOODLANDKR, Fubll.h.r. auttcrs' (Cards. jj w. SMITH, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW, H:1:7S Clearfield, Pa. J J. LIXGLE, ATTOBNBY-AT - LAW, M.t Phlllpubtirg, Outre Co., Pi. y:pd JOT.AND D. 8WOOPH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curwt-DiTlUe, Clearfield ooanty, Pa. oct. , '78-if. QSCAK MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLKARF1KLD, PA. COT-OHloe In Hi" Optra Ilouao. octO, '79 If. Q II. & W. BARRETT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. January 30, 1S78. pRAEL TEST, ATTORN R Y AT LAW, Clearrlold, Pa. sr-Oflieo on. door eait of Sbew Hoate. IJJ",'" M. M. McCULLOUGlT, ATTORNKV AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. oft:, in RlA.ooio bulldlog, Second llreet, op r.,ile tho Court llou.e. je2,'78-tf. yy O. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, Ct'IlWENSVILLR, Clearll.ld Count?, Ponn'B. IS; (i T. liUOCKUANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. ofWe in Opera Houao. tp 10,77-ly s JM1TII V. WILSON, .(oriiri-f-i.air, CI.rAll J-IKI.O, - - PEXN'A. jr-T-ORice in lbo Mniobio Building, orer the CmidIj National look. (unrM-SO. .Wl.l.uu A. wit,t.Ar-B. haiiut r. WALLA. B. niTin l. bbsm. JOHB W. WBIBLBT. lf ALLACK 4 KUHBS, IT (Huioeeeore to Wallace Fleldinc) A T TOHNEYS-AT-LAW, j ,nl'77 Clcarllold, P. I l' SN YD Kit, V o ATTOBKKV AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. oiVict ovr tht C'junly National Bank. June M, '75lf. IH. H, bubbat. r But .oar-oa. jJURIUY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLKAUFIELD, PA. ,Jft-Offlco la Tl.'f Opera Ilouae, toeuiid floor. riLLIAM A. IIAGERTY, ,rrroH.re -."-r..i ir, (II-1 H i; over T. A. Fleck Co.'a Store, CLEARFIELD, PESN'A (frWIII mend to all local bu.lnet. with jiiomptnCM nod Bdolity. lfbl 1,'HIMf. sura i. a aifiLLT. DANiai. w. a coiot. M' cEXALLY & McCUliDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, ( Irarflftld, Pa. Left"' baainan ttnlej to promptly with) a lolity. (itfin on tfeeund troet, nboTO :b Firot tionnl Uank. jon:i:70 J K. McRKSRICR, DisTnicT attokkey! CLKAKKIKLI), PA. All lejc.il buiiocM entrucUd to hU oarr will rt orlvo prompt attention. irr Office tn tho Court Houtt. u(14.IH7H.1t. 4 G. KilAMEK, iVo A T T O It N E Y - A T - L A W . RrI Eftnte and Colleotlon Agiat, ('1.EAKPIKM). PA., Will promptly attend to all lege. bititniM trootf-l tn nil ear. r-Offioo in Ple'i Opera Houo. Jaol70. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. nd Heal Katate Acut. Ifartiflrt, Pa. Office on Third itreot, bet.Chorrj A Wnlnst, l4rRftipeotfullj off en bit errleeiln aelllof and buying landi In Clearfield snd adjoining mantlei and with an oiperlenee ot orertwentv yttrt aa a enrTojer, latter a hlmeelf that ho eaa render eatlefaUon. L'D- aosnflin, yiiBjiflans' (Cards. J-)R. E. M. SCHEUKKR, HOMtKOPATHIO PUY8IC1AS, Offloe la rraldearo oa Flnt at. April H, 1871. Cltarfl.ld, Pa. jy W. A. MEANS, fllYSlOIAN & SURGE OS, DUBOIS CITY, PA. Will attend proferalona! call, promptly. au10'70 T. J. 1SOTER, PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON, OBoo oa Market Slraot, Clearo.ld. Pa. VOBoo koarli I to U a. ., and 1 to I p. m. D R. J. KAY WRIGLKY, nOMtKPATIUO PIIY8IOIAX, IMr-OXn adjolalai tho roaldeoo. of Jeoaee riRloy, K., oa aood St., Clearfield, Pa. Jolj.1l,'; tt. p V. JENKINS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, CURWENSVILLE, PA., Oftoee at realdeaoo ooroor of State and Piao I rr.t. Job. a, Ul-lf. JJR. U. B. VAN VALZAH, C I.RARPIBI.n, PRNN'A. OFFICE IN HESIDKNCE, CORNSB 0 FIRST AND PINK 8THKKTS. A OBco koore Prom II la I P. H. May II, 1171. 1) U. J. I. BUKCH FIELD, Late Sarfeoaof Ike HI Reglmoat, PeaBiyleaala Volaatoon, barlo, rolaraed from tbo Army, ofere kl. profooiloaal lerrleea ta tbeeltiiena of uiearlold ooaaty, oWProf.ealoaaloalLi araUr atteaied lo, Moo aa geoead itraai, f.rmerlywpled by CLEARFIELD j&k REPUBLICAN. GEO. B. G00DLANDEB, Editor VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. Cards. IOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIP tioo BMallv .totaled at tkil edlr. JtTHTIL'E.X' OV COHHTAHI.tei' KKW W. baro printed a larae nautber of th. a. FEE RILL, and will oa the nnlpl of twentj It. n.nta. mall a nope t. anj addrea. BtrtA 7 ILLIAM M HEKRY, Jubtioi of run Vmxcm asd BcntriNBa, LliMUKR CITY. Collect lone mil and oiunay promptly peid over. Artielet of ftKretiuieiit atiil dteJn ul ftonfoyonoe aently &eutd bd wnrranted cof net or no oliri;e. 1 ljj'7 J JOHN D. THOMPSON, J u it lee of tho Peace anil Scrivener, CurweniTllIri Pa. Vfu Collection! mule and money promptly peid over. fel23'71lf HENRY BRFTIl, (oitkhd r. o.) ( JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOB BBLL TOW!.aHtr. Ha; 8, l78-lj JAMES MITCHELL, DBiLBB IB Sijuare Timber & Timber Landw, )ein3 CLEARFIELD, PA. 4 V. IIOYT, cV. Land Surveyor and Civil Eugir.ee PUILIPriDl RIl, PA. jIAt All bu.lnra. will be atteaie ! to romttlT. Deo. 15, ISS0 Ir. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Mearfleld, Peuu'a. W1I1 execute lobl in bli line protuptlj and In a workmanlike manner. 04,67 RANK FIELDING AND WJLLIAM D. 15KJLER, .irroii.reri-jr.i.i ir, CLEARFIELD, PA. Not. I7tb, 18S0 If. WEAVER & BETTS, Dr.ALEBII IB Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LI MBER OP ALL KINDS. B BBB-- IlM.ia naa UaaAi.nil liuat laa oaaBt nf llnra r in of George Wrnver k Co. janV. '78-U. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOB Ittealur Tatrnihip, Oeeeola Mil). P. O. All nbluial bo.luein ontro.ted to bim will bo promptly attended to. nch29, '78. rjAHRY SNYDER, 11 BARBKR AND HAIRDRESSER. Shop on Market St., oppoilte Court tlonie. A clean towel Tor every eurtomer. Alao dealer ia Ut Biauria of Tobacco and t'lara. rtKrflfl.ld. mey 10, 7ft. JAMES H. TURNER, JU8TICR OK TUB PBACK, W alleretou, Pa. CwIIe hna prepared bimielf with all the neoeamry blank furina nnder tho Penaluo and boutfly lawa, aa oll aa blank DteJi, et. Ail legal matter entruited to hi care will receive prompt attention. May 7th, lO'V-tf. A NDUEW UAKW1CK, Market ttlrcat, Clrartlcld, Pa., M AN l' FACTO RBB ABO DBALBB IB Harness, Bridlel, Saiiilln, Collars, and Horse-Furnishing Goods. pqlrAII kind! of repairing promptly attended to. rtadlera' Hardware, llor. Bruibea, Carry Cotuba, Ao., Blwaya on hand and for aalo at tbo loweat oaab prioo. Mrcb IV, l7. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. aa m r aalwa. nn rmnd ainl ntFiftat In order on abort nottoo. Pipei bored on reaaonabloterma. All work warranted to render aatlBlaction, and delivered if deitred. myiouypu Uvery Stable. 'Ill B noderalRned btf leave to iniurm thepab- X h that he ia now folly preparW to accommo date all In the way of furniihlng lU.iea, buRgiea, Haddlea and Ilarneaa, on tho abort it notiee and en roatonahlo torma. Realdeneoon Loeuatatroot, between Third and Fonrth. UKO. W. ORARI1ART. Olearfleld. Feb. 4, 1A74. THOMAS H. FORCEE, dialrb ia GENERAL MERCHANDISE, C.RAll AMTON, Pa. Alao, extcntlve manufacturer and dealer In Square Tim her and sawed Lumber or all kinda. -Ordn lolldlted and all Will- promptly Ailed. tjylJ7I S, I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER L Watches, Clocks and Jowelry, Graknm't How, Mnrktt Strut, I. K AH FILM), PA. All kind of repairing Id my lire promptly at ended to. Jan. lal, 1870. jam ri Kiaa. CAaauLL L. aiUDLI, (leurfiphl Insurance Agency. UK It It tt II I It It Lt:, .1 grills, Reprerenttbo follnwinir; Bad otber llrat-etoai Co'a Companlee. A..rta. LlTtrpool London A Ob.be V. . Br..tl,3HI. Lyootnlng on mutual A oaab plani,..H 0,000,000 Phianii, of Hartford, Oono J24,08.1 Inauranoe Co. of Norlh Ainerira 0,4:tS,074 Norlb Brltl.h A Merrenlile U.S. Br.. 1.7MJ,Sfl3 Hrottl.h Commercial I' 8. Branrb 7, 146 Waterlnwn t4,tll Trarelere (Life A Aeoldeot) 4,ii,Hi Office oa Market rit., ofp. Court lloute, Clear, (eld. Pa. Jonol,'7l) tr Insurance Agency or WILLIAM 0. HELMB0LD, fallen Itlotk, llirtrrntville, Pa. Companies Represented i CoioiBeielBl Union Int. Co , Atoetl ..0(H.70J II Firrmen'i Fond Ini. Co.,Ae.ela. 1. 1 flfl.0 1 7..U I nioB In.uraaoe Co.. AmU I.UO.OSf.ilO Trarelere' Aeoidenl I.e. Co . A.eete.. ,S!,lt 71 Inlnrano. ploeed oa all bioda of properly at enuitablo rotoa. CurweniTille, Pa, Feb. If, IMI-lf. West End Drug Store, IN GRAHAM'S ROW, ' (Half way bol wera Moeoop'a and Flook'a tor... CLEARFIELD, PA. srri ffpili anderlKne bat opened ap a Dro Slora, 1 wilb a full eupply of perloetly poro and lr..h Drore, Medlelnel, Cbemleale and Toilet Artlelee. Tbea. Dru,i baTO beea eelett.d wltb real ear. and are (uarBBiood I. a. aorfeotly pure Bad reliable. I will flee ejy peraonal alloo Uoa t. tbla d.I.eHmeel, ead will obeorlally (Ire an, adrle. aadUfonaalloolnreerd tomedleiBBl fr-.fek.tr.. DR. T. i. BOk'MR. (tarteld, Pa, Dot. 1, 1MO-U. & Proprietor. 2,713. TIIK GItKAT niVIDE. SPEECH OF SE.AT0B AVm. A. WALLACE. On the Eiver and Harbor Bill. Character and Coal of Internal Im- provemenls Made Under the Di rection of CongreB and which arn Paid for Out of tho Taxes of Iho People of the United States. Thij river and barbor appropriation bill lioirirf undor conBidoratioti in the So unto tho lullowiop; re murk 8 were nintlo by Senator Wallace : Mtt. I'I'F.side.nt : 1 have said nolhing upon this bill up to this present time ; but I cannot vote lor it. It contains provisiona vrbiub aro utterly Qjrainat my belief, my teaching, and, I bolioTe, atruinst tbo interest ot my people. I think that I have voted fur but one river and barbor bill during the six yeara 1 have been in tho Senate. I Hhull not vole lor this bill, for it is doublo the size of many that I have voted against. It is enormous in its proKrtions. Every inluton the coattt and on the I tikes and evory mountain Klrcum in certain localities are to be improved ; money is to be expended upon ibem to begin the work or im provements are to be continued or a survey is to be made, and to do all these tho money of the people is taken in million and devoted to what I think is an improper and unlawful nso. The tli ini seetinn in this bill is the entering wedgo to vast expenditures in tho future. It has been so in tbo past. It opens a vista before us ol enormous expenditures for tho federal government for the improvement of many mountain streams that ought to be, that have been, and in my view ought to continuo to be exclusively under Stale control. 1 do not believe that the people of Pennsylvania want I lie federal govern ment to aid us to improve the Susque hanna, although it flows through tbe State from fiew York to Maryland, for it is not naturally navigable but it is a great stream in which a hundred millions might beoxpended in a system of slack. water navigation and dams, and it could thus be utilized to bring to tide-water our lumber, our coal, our minerals ol every kind, and our gram. Hut it is almost totally within the State; it is not in its natural condition capa bio of ascending trade, and it is not navigublo in the Bcnse of tho com mercial powers of the Constitution, and our people havo novorcome hereto ask its improvement by t;ongres. he Staio has exercised jurisdiction over it, has fhadu grants of water power from it, erected dnms upon it, and vested lights have grown up under this juris diction that Congrissionul control would destroy. lbo third section of tho bill is the entering wedgo to largo expenditure as it has been in tho past. Every State and Territory in tho Union was repre sented in tho bill of last year except Aluslia, and is, 1 believe, also in this ono. Every loculily scorns represented annually in tho river and harbor bill, a survey ordered upon streams in every locality lor the usclul enu thai voles may bo bad for lbo bill, and that too without rogaru to the national value of either Ihe stream or tho improve ment Step tollows step in tho pro cess of securing voles and money. Let ds examino the surveys ordered by rivor and harbor bills since 1870. Toko up tho figures of theso bills, and we find that from 1870 to 1 880 there have been six hundred and eightcon survoj'B ordered by these bills, ami this bill adds nearly sixty more. In 1873 thoro woro but twcniy eight surveys, but last year tho bill ordered ono hundred and eighteen. They aro entering wedges, tho hand is drawn in by this process, and tho body follows. The survey ordered, then tho estimates como, and thon follows bills for the money, such as tho present ono, and thus the gross amount increases and the money of tho people is lovishly expended. Tho number of stirvoys ordered since 17U is as follows : By art of .tuly II, 1870 J lie aot of March , 1871 ... I. J Ily aot of June 10, IT1 63 Bv ant of March 3, 1873 2S Br ant of Juno 10, 1874 S3 By act of MarobS, 1870 40 lly aotof Aoru.t 14. 1870 I Ily aotof Jnoo IS, 1878 07 ri, ant of March 1,18711 7 By act of IK80 1 IS Total SIS What is this process ? It is simply each man fighting for his own locality and not for the good of tho whole. Each man cares for himsolf anil bis own locality in place of standing by that which is plainly national and abiding by the teaching of tho fathers and the meaning and letter of tho Constitution, 1 make no charge that men seek by this process lo have money expend ed for personal gain ; but I say that each Senator and each member cares tor his own loculily and forgets tho general good, and the bill as it passes comes to be a log-rolling process in tbo highest sense. In tho past It bad got lo no a rule that these bills passed without permission for debate or scru tiny, but this ono is an exception. This bill was debated in tho House, and 1 am glad to see even this progress. Vet it is fated to be passed, and it seems lo me that it is a truism that the meaner tbe bill is, the bigger it is, tho surer it is to pass. If wo tuke up tho reports ot the engineers wo find that in 1870 there were but C3f pages of reports mado by them, whilo in 1880 thero were 2,319 pages ot reports from the engineers, muking nearly four times as many in 1880 as there wero In 1870 and this with a Domocratio Congress half tho lime. Then watch the growth of expendi tures. In 1870 tho bill was about t2,OllO,000 ; in 1871 under fj 1.000 000 ; in 1872 a triflo uvor 1,0110,000; in 187.1, a.BOO.OOO; In 1874, 16,000,000; in 187, when wo camo into power, (5,218,000, there being a spasm of economy; in 1870 it watt 1(1,643,000; in 1877 we got it back again loto.OOO,. 000 ; in 187:1 there wan no appropria lion; In 1879 it swelled Itself to 18,. 200,000 ; In 1880 it was 17,800,000 ; and in 1881, that is for tho cnirunl year, about 10,000,000 ; and to day it swells itself to butwooti 111,000,000 and 112,000,000. .Mr, Kernan Eloven millions and a half. Mr. Teller Elovon millions and about six hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Wallaoo On the legal aspoct of tho subject, I shall quote what I aid before whon a bill oi this charac ter was np: Our power to make these appropria. lions oomes from the power in the Constitution "to regnlato commerce among the Stales." "Commerce among the Statos are tbe words of the Constitution. Ag 1 understand the CLEARFIELD, authorities, commorco means and in includes navigation ; commorco among tho States mcanB and includes in tercourse between Ihcm. Naviga tion, as applied to this clauso, means as well ascending as descending navigation. Without both the stream is not navigable water ot tho United States. Intercourse means not com merce and traffic simply from one Stato by a water course at its flood into another without tho power and means ol returning, but also an oppor tunity for tbe productinnsof thatolbor Stato to traverse the highway and carry its products to market. Anavigablo highway is a water which possesses the capacity of ascending as well as of descending. Intercourse means inter State traffic. When wo find a liver that has at its flood a descending navigation, but is naturally in such a condition that it is not navigable in theothordiroction, then wo have no navigable water ot the U m ted States within moaning of tho Con stitution and tho decisions under it to which wo can lawfully appropriate money The general principle is that where a river is not navigable in fact, that Congress has no control ovor it, but that its control belongs exclusively to the Slates, and that whether such a stream is a part of a continuous lino from a navigublo stream, naturally navigable, into another State, or whether lilies wholly within the Stato, is immaterial. If a river bo navigable in fact within a Slate as a part of a continuous line ol communication, Con gross has power to appropriate money to improve it so fur as it is so navignble under the powor to regit luto commerce. If it lio wholly within a Slnto and bo nav igublo in fact,if not apartofaconlinuous lino ot communication, Congress bus no control over it, and it belongs to tho State to regulate its commorco. If it bo a part of a continuous lino from without to within a State, but its char acter is sucb that no ascending navi gation in fact exists, nor can naturally exist, thon Congress has no Control over it under this power, but the jurisdiction of tho Stale is exclusive. Apply these doctrines, theso rules of law, the now settled law, not the theories and dogmas ot fifty years ago, but tho luw that has grown up from lbo necessities of your ever-expanding commerce, that which has como tVom tho growth of your country, that which has crystalized itself through the decisions of tho Supreme Court upon the powor to regulate commerce among the Statos. Apply these doc trines to our present bill for improving rivers, for appropriating money to thul object, and we have thequnotinn settled. tho rivers to which wo may give tho monoy of tho United States are those which tho Constitution of the United States as interpreted by tho Supreme Court havo recognized to be navigable waters of the United States, and those, and those alono, are such as are navigable m fact, and are avenues of imcr-Stuto commerce. In this bill thero are many instances of appropriations of monoy to rivers which are not navigable rivers within tho meaning of tbe Constitution and laws. It is not a question of a short river reaching from a lako into a State. Such a stream may be navigable for but ton miles and still be within the purview of the general power. Tbe doctrines of tbo Constitution as in terpreted by the Supreme Court aro our platform, and the decisions of tho Court have followed the progressive march of I hut commorco which the intenso desiro of our countrymen for gain has pushed to its furthest limits in tbe development ot tbo natural highways and internal arteries of our great net work of lakes and rivers. Mr. Bailey I concur in a largo do gree with what the Senator has said, hut is there uny Constitutional objec tion lo the passage of such a bill ? Mr. Walluco What I understand to be tho law and the Constitution as de dared by the Supreme Court is that rivers and streams tbat are not in themselves navigable cannot be im proved by the federal government, but that they aro exclusively within tho control ot the states. Mr. Hereford It the Sonator will allow mo, 1 will say that there is a decision ol tho Supreme Court directly the opposite Mr. Wallace Gentlemen are enti tled to their opinion of what tho law is, and I am entitled to mine. Mr. iluilcy Will the Senator por mit me to ask bim the question, wheth er tho admiralty jurisdiction has not been extended ovor all the navigablo streams of tho country, navigable from the ocean up to tbe very souico itself, provided they are navigablo 7 Mr. Wallace True; but then it comes back to tbe question, what is a navigable stream T When a stream in the Spring of tbe year has merely de scending navigalioaand no navigation of any character at any other soason of the year, 1 do not understand it to bo navigable in tho sonso of federal control. Mr. llailcy Will the Senator permit me to ask bim to what extent the bill provides for streams that are naviga ble in the manner he speaks of ? Mr. W'alllaoe There is ono appro priation 1n tho bill for improvement of part of a stream two hundred miles irom tide, and you could not get to that point with a scow in August. Mr. Huiley Which stream is that? Mr. Walluco A part of a rivor in Pennsylvania. Mr. llerolord Then I ask tho Sen ator why ho doos not movo to striko it out? It is in the Senator's own State, let him move to strike it out. Mr. Wallace It has como heroin tbe bill from the House, Mr. Hereford 1 will Inform tho Senator that that very appropriation was put in there at his request, Mr. Wallace The Sonatorisuttorly mistaken. I havo never askod for such an appropriation or any other of such a character. Mr. Hereford Last year the Sena tor did. The Presiding Ofllcor Senators will please address the chair. Tho Senator from Pennsylvania has the floor. Mr. Wallace TheSonatoris utterly mistaken, 1 nover asked for any ap propriation for the State of Pennsyl vania except for tho navigable streams thereof; tor tbo Dolaware and Schuyl kill uptothocity.by which to send our great commorco from Philadelphia to the sea; for tho barbor of Krio and the rivers Ohio, Monnngahela and Alio ghenr at Pittsburgh. 1 have nevor asked for any other improvement by the genoral government for our Slate I behove our people want none such. Wo want to maintain State control over our rivers and to preserve them within our jurisdiction, so that our factories, furnaces, and mills may koop the water-power vested undor State authority. We think that Pennsylva nia is able to cars for herself, as she has done in the past, and we do not want the federal government to come within the Slate and aid in tbe im PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1881. provement of streams not naturally navigablo and thereby uproot our in dustries, destroy our dams, and render uaoless our water-powers. Itivor and harbor bills bore have always passed against my vote, against my wish, agaiust tho will of my pcoplo as I be. lievo, but tho provisions which mako Ibese local improvements havo been ropoatedly in tho bills without my re quest, because thoy camo from tbe llouso. 1 have voted against them always, although it is truo, as said, thai Pennsylvania has had appropriations for the improvement of the Kiski minelas. Mr. McMillan If wo din take tbo sentiment of Pennsylvania us represent ed by tbe memborsof the Housoof Uep rcsonlativcs, elected directly by tho people, tho mombors wore over hero and in the presunee ot the benato Committee asked .'appropriation for other riverain that Statu, tho Voughio. gheny, pressing It upon us, and it was refused by the Committco because tho stream was not such as was capable of navigation, Mr. Wallace I have no doubt of it. Mr. McMillan I think tho mem bers of tho other House, elected direct ly by the pooplo, ropresont tho pcoplo of that Stato as well as the Senator from Pennsylvania. Mr. W alluce Ibis is a question that 1 will sotllo with my people, and it is not for tho Senator from Minnesota to dictate to' me what 1 should Bay upon this flour. I want the Sctiutur from Minnesota to understand that X am hero expressing what 1 believe to be the sentiment ot my people, and the Senutor has no right to dictate to me what 1 shall say on Ibis or any other subject. Mr. McMillan 1 havo attempted no dictution to the Senutor from 1 enn sylvania. Tbo PresidingOnioor Will tho Sen ator Irom Pennsylvania yield lo the Senator from Minnesota? Mr. Wallace Certainly. Mr. McMillan I attempted no dic tation to tbo Senator from Pennsylva nia as to tho course ho should toko. I merely cited the fact to show that thoro wero Jiepresentatives directly from tho peoplo of tho Stalo who differed from him in opinion. Mr. V allaco Certainly. I have no doubt about that, as there may bo In lbo Stato ot the Senator from Minne sota, but that does not affect me in my opinion, nor do I boliove they express the wishof ourpeopleasto the streams of that character. Mr. President, I believe the theory of this bill on this subject to bo wrong. 1 am conscientious in my convictions thereon ; I need only cite what has oc curred in tho past in the great Slates ot IV ew lork and 1'ennsylvania as lo their internal improvements to show the basis of my views. Did we whon we built our great system of canols ask the federal government to aid us? Nothing ol the kind ; but we taxed our own people to build them. The State depended upon itselt. It had not then lonrned to lean Icebly on the arm of tho general government. Take two instances now, ihe caso of tho Fox and Wisconsin river, in Wisconsin, and that of tho Great Kanawha river, in West Virginia. They wero improvod for asim ilar purpurpose lo those of tho canals from tido-wator in Pcnn'a to the Ohio, and from tho Hudson to the lakes in Now York. The genoral government has made large appropriations for the rivers in West Virginia and in Wis. cousin. Thoy were lo make connec tions botwecn tlieeastern and wostorn waters also, but it in the days of He Witt Clinton New York had como here lo ask f or money to make a water line of communication from the Hudson to the lakes through her own territory it would havo been regarded as a mon strosity by her people. It would havo been utterly antagonistic to their idea of tho law. Therefore, thoy taxed tbemsulves as Pennsylvania taxed her self and hor peoplo. Their moneys thus expended aided in the commorco ot the whole country, and their people owned the wbolo. Now, local wants and local needs Bock help at tho federal treasury, instead nt sclf rclinnco and Statecontrol. Compuro tho monoy oxponded on these two schemes of internal improve mcnt with thut spout on tho ono great navigable highway of our State. The amount expended on Ihe Fox and Wis consin rivers, showing a total of t- 040,000, and for the Great Kanawha 11,190,000 since 1875. The Delaware rivor with the upper bay that floats tho commorco of the Stalo of Penn sylvania Irom the portol Philadelphia, from 1824 up to 1881, receivod all told but 8603,000. Tbe great rivers and harbors of tbo country it seems to me aro noglocted and their commorco suffers, while in dentations on tho coast aro dignified by tho name ot harbors, and aro Im proved, and croeksund mountain stream are sought to bo made navigablo. Tbe number of improvements projoctod In the third section and the amount of appropriations made to objects that are outside of the scope of federal power, render this bill most objectionable. As to tho Mississippi river Improvement 1 take no issue except aa lo th. lara. amount given, lor that is a subject of national character and deserving our caro. 1 no not desiro to detain the Senate further upon this subject. I might tako up this bill and point out tbe many incongruities that aro in it, but thoy have been shown airain and again, I believe that tho tendency toward centralization of tho govern ment can find scope in no more insid ious guise than it does in this bill. Lavish expenditures for objects which aro peculiarly wilhin the province of tbe Statu aro made by this bill. Instead of being sell reliant, tbo States are taught to appeal lo Congress. II a pior in a harbor needs mendiug, or needs lo bo erected, or a channel of a creek is to be widened lor the egress of a raft, the general government is appealed to and thus becomes the fountain of all power, of all wealth and greatness, and tho Slates sink from thoir proud position ol sovereignty into beggars and dependents on tbo federal powor. ' Under sucb a system all notions of policy which formerly divided parties are confounded. I regret to see it, but wo may as well recognize the lacL It is here on this side of the Senate, on tho Democratic side. The gap stands widoly open ; Senators must lace the existing fact. Tbo teachings of some ol our brother Senators are different from those of others. Ono man be lleves in one doctrine and one policy, and anolhor man believes in another and a totally different doctrine and policy, I can but believe that this is not simply personal or local, but that thoir modes ol thought and political education causo Ibem lo differ thus widely from others of thoir political brethren upon this floor, My teach ing, my beliel, my Judgment today cause me lo favor a strict cjonslraction of tho federal Constitution, and henco to vote appropriations under tbe com mercial power only to thoso objects that are clearly and plainly within tho purview ol the federal Constitution to thoso rivers and harbors that are navi gable in fact. Can it bo tbat tho strict constrnctionis who jealously watches every encroachment of federal powor abandons bis fear when centralization comes with the suuar coatingof an ap propriution for river and harbors? I nder tho magic influence of such a measure as this, tbe latitudiuarian and tbo strict constructionist aro found jKg'nr along together in the samo conveyance,and centralization so much dreaded seems to- lose its dangers whon it comes annually in tho form of millions through a rivor and harbor bill. Mr. President, 1 havespokon whatl beliovo to be the sentiments of tho poople of my Stale aa lo this bill. 1 shall not detain the Sonuto longer. 1 cunnot vote lor the bill. 1 believe it involvos a departure from the doctrines of tho Constitution and tho teachings of the fathers of tho organization to which I belong. TELEQRAril RET A I HERS. Every one has seen a "lino man" walk up a telegraph pole as readily as il he wore eoing up a flight of stairs. With a quick, nervous jurk of the foot he drives tho spurs into the wood and lakes a firm hold every time. This dexterity comos from practice. It looks dungerous when a man is near the top of lbo pole, but that there is really lit tle dangor is proved by tho fuct that accidents very rarely occur. The men boeomo accustomed to working at a groat beight, and mind il no more than sailors on a ship. An experienced man looks out for rotten poles and rotten cross-beams, and once confident ol these, bo loels no further alarm. He hangs on by bis legs as cleverly as a monkey by its tail, and thus bus Ihe free use of his arms and hands. The spurs aro of steel and consist of a flat bar with a bend, which passes undor the instep. A sharp point pro jects diagonally downward so as to bear a heavy weight from abovo. 1 be greator the weight tho deeper the point sinks, and tbo wood would havo to bo vory rotten for it to slip. Il leaves bo hind on the polo thoso quoor little boles, which so much resemble tho work ot a woodpeckor on a tieo. Tbe line mon aro divided into two classes, climbers and ground men. Tbo latter rank littlo higher than ordinary laborers, but in time, if they are anx ious to loarn, they graduate into climb ers. Climbers are paid from 1 40 to 875 a month, and at present are in great demand owing to the large amount ol telegraph construction going on throughout tho country, uronndmcn dig holes, plant poles, carry wire, and do whatever other labor is necessary. Ihe climber is provided with a pair of pliers, a band-vise and a strap. Ho catches up tho broken ends of wiro, draws them together with the vise and strap, and splices tbem with the pliers. Care is takon to Icavo a certain slack, so as to allow for contraction by cold in Winter. In largo cities a number of climbers are kept constantly on duty at the central office, so as to be sent out at a moment's notico to repair a break. It a polo falls, prompt action is taken. Tbe fullen portion is chop ped into sections and dragged out of the way of truffle. Tbe slump is dug out. It a hole is to bo dug, it is bored with a great earth auger, which does its work more neatly and quickly than spades. It is easy to locate a break in lbo city, whero line men aro constantly on the lookout, but in tbe country it is a differont tiling. Lino men, who are necessarily climbers, are engaged by the month, and have each a certain tract of lino assigned to thoir care. If tho linos run along a railroad a man has control ol an averago of filly miles. In caso of a break ho travels on a bag gage or hand car to the place of trouble. These line men are under tho control ot certain head offices, and can he con centrated at any serious point of dam ago. In many instances the operators at unimportant stations also act as lino men, and this is a part of their regular duly. Where tho operator works on commission, he is paid extra for ht lino work. IHho line runs on a turn pike away from a railroad the lino man has only filloon miles under his care. He is obliged to live within call ol the noarent station, and to bo ready to go out at any time. Night orduy, hot or cold, bo must bo prepared to start for tbo scene of trouble Tho linos ofton run through desolate places, on tho sides of mountains, and in wide prairies. Tho lino man on horseback dashes from pole to polo following tho wires with his practiced eye. Ho often camps out all night, for ho must not stop un til tho work is completed. In the Winter somo of theso men travel on snow shoes, and out West they have had the strango experience of digging down tothewires.whoretho snow was so deep as to cover the poles. It is a rulo that tho lino man must go over the lino onco a week, to seo thul tho polos aro in order and to replace bro ken insulators. His hours of toil are ofton repaid by days of easo. Iio is alert for duty, but may have nothing to do for a iong time. His pay con tinues just the samo, and as long as he keeps within call, he can do whnt ho pleases. Tho telegraph companies would like to run their wires underground, but they find it won't work. They have boon unable to insulato tho wires so that they will work properly for any length of time. This compels tho use of poles, which are gonorally of two kinds, ccdur or chestnut. Cedar is the lightest, trimmest and best looking, but chestnut last longer. Wires lust from six to eight yours, llust Is thoir great enemy, and smoko is another foe. Neither wires nor poles aro expensive. Labor is the groat item in making re pairs, and in times when thoro is uni versal disaster to linos the companies havo to pay high wages. X. Y. Sun. A Babt Bonn wiTn Turn. Tbo ruro distinction of having a baby born with teeth attached to Mrs. Eleanor McMunus, of No. 805 McKoan street, Philadelphia. This rcmarkublo child saw the light for tbe first time on last Wednosday, and displayed about tho first thing three woll lormod tooth as large as those that generally develop in a child one year old. Two of tho tooth are Incisors in tbo lower jaw and tbo third a canine tooth in the tipper jaw. Dr. Hastings, who attends the mother, Ion nil thul one or tho incisors was not tightly imbedded, and as il would likely givo tbe baby trouhlo, pulled it. In perlorming this opera tion, the baby displayed none of the perturbation that older persons show under similar circumstances, bat it crowed lustily all the while. Tbe doctor behoves that the other teeth will shortly make their appearance, as th inlant's gums art quite bard. THREE FEU CENTS. THE FUNDING BILL, PASSED. AS IT HAS TEXT OP Till NF.W VlaASTUf AS FINALLY ADOPTED r BOTU BRANCHES OP CONORISS AND READY FOR TtlK ACTION OPTHE TRPJIIDENT. LOW-BATE BONDS, Tho following is tho full text ol the ftindintr bill na missed bv both houses. An act to facilitate tho funding of tbe national debt. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all existing provisions of law author izing tho refunding of tho national debt shall apply to any bonds of tho United States bearing a higher rato of interest than four and a hull per cent um per annum which may hereafter become redeemable; provided, that in lieu ot the bonds authorized to be is sued by the act of July 14, 1870, enti tled "An act to authorize the refund ing of tbe national debt," and tbo acts amendatory thereto, and tho certifi cates authorized by tbo act of Februa ry 26, 1879, entitled "An act to au thorize tho issue of certificates of de posit in aid of tbo refunding ot tbe jmblio debt," tho Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue bonds to an unimint not exceeding four hundred million dollars, of de nominations of fifty dollars, or some multiple ol that sum, which shall bear interest at the rule of three per centum per annum, payablo semi annually, re deemable at the pleasure of the United Stutos aftor tivo years und payable twenty years from date, and also Treasury notes to an amount not ex ceeding three hundred million dollars in denominations of ten dollars, or some multiplo of that sum, not exceed ing ono thousand dollars, either regis tered or coupon, bearing interest at a rato not exceeding three por centum per annum, payable semi-annually, re deemable at tho pleasure of tbe United Stales after ono your and payable in ton years from the tittle of issue; and no Treasury note of a less denomina tion than one hundred dollars shall be registered. The bonds uud their notes shall bo in all other respects of like character and subject to the provisions as the bonds authorized to bo issued by the act ol July 14, 1870, entitled An act to authorize the refunding ot the national debt," and acts amenda tory thereto; provided, thut nothing I in this act shall be so constructed as to authorize an increnso of the public debt; provided, further, that interest upon ihe six per oont. bonds hereby authorized to bo refunded shall cease at tho expiration of thirty days after publication of notico that the. sumo have beon designated by the Secretary ol tho Treasury for redemption. It shall be tho duty ol the Secretary of tho Treasury, under such rules and regulations as ho may prescribe, to authorize publio subscriptions at not less than pur, to bo received at all de positories of the United States and at all national and sucb other banks as he may designate fur tbo bonds and for tho Treasury notes herein provided for, for thirty days before bo shall contract lor or award any portion of Baid bonus or I reasury notes to any syndicate of individuals or bankers or othorwiee than under such publio sub scriptions; and if it shall happen that more man tho entire amount of said bonds and Treasury notes, or of cither of them, has been subscribed wilbin paid thirty days, bo shall award the full amount subscribed to all persons who shall bavu mado bona fide sub scriptions for the sum of $2,000 or less at rates most advantageous to the I ni ted States, and the rosiduo ratably among tho subscribers in proportion to the amount by them respectively subscribed, at rates most advantageous to tho United Statos. Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Treas ury Is horoby authorized, in tho pro coss of refunding the national debt, lo exchange at not less than par any of the bonds or their notos herein authorized for any of tbo bonds of tho United States outstanding and uncalled bearing a higher rate of interest than four and a half por centum por annum; and on bonds so redeemed the Secre tary of the Treasury may allow to tho holders tho difference between the in terest on such bonds from tho duto of exchungo to tho timo of their maturity, and tho interest of a like period on the bonds or Treasury notes issued, and the bonds so received and exchanged in pursuance of tbe provisions ol this act shall bo canceled and destroyed ; but nono of tbo provisions ol this act shall apply to the redemption or ex change of any of tbo bonds issued to tbe Pacific railway companios. Seo. ,'1. The Secretary of the Treas ury is hereby authorized and directed to mako suitable rules and regulations to carry this act into effect, and tho expense of preparing, issuing, adver tising and disposing ol tho bonds and their notes authorized to bo issued, shall not excocd one-half of one por centum. Sec. 4. That tho Secretary of the Treasury is horoby authorized, il in bis opinion it shall become necessary, to uso temporarily not exceeding filly million dollars of the standard gold and silver coin in the Treasury De partment for tho five and six percent, bonds of the United Slates authorized to be refunded by tho provisions ol this act, which shall from time lo timo be repaid and replaced out of the proceeds of tho salo of the bonds or Treasury notes authorized by this act, and ho may at any timo apply tho surplus money in tho Treasury not olherwiso appropriated, or so much thereof as ho muy consider proper, to tho purchase or redemption ol United States bonds or their notes authorized hy this act ; provided that tho bonds and Troasury notes so purchased or redeemed shall constitute no part ot tho sinking fund, but shall bo canceled. See. 5. From and after tho first day of July, 1881, tbe three per centum bonds authorized ny tbo tirst section of this act shall be the only bonds re ceivable as socurity for national bank circulation, or as socurity for the safe- keeping and prompt payment of tho publio money deposited with such banks; but when any sucb bonds de posited for the purpose aforesaid shall be designated for purchase or redemp lion by tho Socrolary of tho Treasury tho banking association depositing the samo shall havo the right to substi tute other Issues of tho bonds of the United Statos in lieu thereof; provided, that no bond upon which interest has ceased shall bo accepted, or shall be continued on deposit as socurity for circulation or for the safe keeping of the publio money; and In caso bonus so deposited shall not bo withdrawn, as provided by law, within tinny days after interest bus oeasod thereon, tho banking association depositing the same shall be subject to the liabilities and proceedings on the part or tho Comptroller provided for in soction TERMS $2 per annum in Advanoe. NEW SERIES-VOL. 22, NO. 11 B.?'tl r,f flu. forlaeil filnllltCH ol thn United States. And provided further, that section 4 of tbe act of June 20, 1871, entitled "An act fixing the amount of United Stales notes, provid ing lor a redistribution of the nulional bank currency and for other purposes," be and the same is hereby repealed ; and sections f),l."9 anil 5,160 ol the I I. tilted Males bo ami the same are hereby re enacted, Seo. li. That the puymenl ol any i of tbe bonds hereby authorized, after the expiration of live years, shall be made in amounts to be determined from time to time by tbe Socrolary of the Treasury at bis discretion, tbe bonds so to be paid to bo distinguished and described by tbe dates and num bers beginning for each successive pay ment with the bonds or each cluss duted and numbered, of tho time of which intended payment or redemp tion the Secretary of the Treasury shall givo public nolico, and tbo inter est on the particular bonds so selected at any time to bo paid shall cease at tho expiration of thirty days from tbe publication of such notico. Sec. 7. This act shall be known as "Tho funding act of 1881," and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act aro hereby repealed. Tho following are tbo provision of tho supplemental bill pussetl by tbo House just heforo adjournment on Fri- l day morning, Murch 4th : boctinn 1 provides that the last sen tence of section ono ot tho funding bill shall read as follows : It shall be the duty of the Secretary ol tho Treasury, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribed, to aiithorizo public subscriptions, at not loss than par, to bo received at all depositories of tbe United States, and that all national batiks and such other banks as bo may dcsigriulo for tho bonds and for the Treasury notes herein provided for for thirty days before ho shall contract for or award any portion of said bonds or Treasury notes to any syndicate of individuals or bankers or otborwise than under sucb public subscriptions; and if it shall happen that more than the entire amount of said bonds and Treasury notes, or of either of tbem, have been subscribed within said thir ty days, bo shall award tho full amount subscribed to all persons who shall have mado bona fide subscriptions in order of timo of said subscriptions at rates most advantageous to the United Slates. Section 2 amends section 4 of the samo bill bo us to authorize tho Secre tary of tho Treasury to uso from time to timo not excoeding 650,000,000 at any ono of tho standard gold and sil ver coin in tho Treasury lor the pur pose montioncd in said section. Section 3 amends section 5 ol tho samo bill by adding thereto tho follow, ing: And provided further, tbat noth ing in this act shall be so construed as to repeal, modify or in any manner affect sections 5,220, 5,221, 5,222, 5,223 and 5,224 ot tho revised statutes. THE AEW CABINET. TUBMEN WHOM GARFIELD HAS SELECTED FOR HIS ADVISERS. JAMES II. II LAIN I, BECRETARY OF STATE. JamcsG. Blaine, of Maino, isa native of Pennsylvania, having been born in Washington county, January 31, 1830, and graduated at Washington college in 1847. He took to journalism, lluv ing removed to Maino, bo assumed ed itorial charge ot tbo Kennebec ,uum'iI, a weokly newspapor published at Augusta, the capital of the State. Sub sequently ho conducted for several years tho Advertiser, a daily paper published in Portland. Ho served lour years in the Legislature of Maino, two years as Speaker of the House ol Rep resentatives. In 1862 he was elected to Congress, and was returned at every successive election up to 1874. In 1869 ho was elected Speaker and served in that capacity until tho Democrats se cured tho control of the House in 1875, when bo became tho leader ol the Re publican minority on tbe floor. After his defeat for the Presidential nomina tion in 1876, ho was in July appointed Senator to succeed Lot il. Morrill, who becamo Secretary of Ihe Treasury, and in January, 1877, was olected by tho Legislature for tho remainder of Mr. iMorrll's term and for tho full term which ends on Murch 4, 1883. WILLIAM WINDOM, 8ECRF.TAIIV OF Till TREASURY. William Windom.ol Minnesota, was born in Belmont county, Ohio, May 10, 1827 ; receivod an academic education; studied law at Mount Vernon, O. ; practiced bis profession in that Sluto and in Minnesota until 1859; wits eloctcd Prosecuting Attorney for Knox county in 1852; removed to Minnesota in 1855; was a Representative in tho Thirty-sixth, Thirty-seventh, Thirty oightb, Thirty-ninth and Fortiuth Con gresses ; wasappointed by thoGovernor ol Minnesota, in July, 1879, to fill the unexpired term of Hon. Daniel S. Nor ton, deceased, in the Senate of tho United States; was subsequently elec ted as a Republican and was re elected in 1877 for tbo term which will expiro in 1883. Mr. Windom's most noticea ble public service was performed as Chairman of the Special Senate Com mittee on Transportation in 1873. At tbo lust Republican National Conven tion Mr. Windom received tho votes of Minnesota for President. M r. Allison was offered lbo Treasury portfolio. Senutor Windom, so it is now stated on excellent authority, was first offered lbo Secretaryship of tbo Treasury and ho declined it. Next it was tendered to Senator Allison, who dochnod it for domostio reasons. Mr. Allison is not in theonjoymontof good healih and is subject lo nervous at tacks. The Senator feared that tbe tax upon Mrs. Allison ol social reqiro. moms as the wife of a principal Cabi net officer would bo too great. Then Sonator Windom was again urgod for tho position, and decided to accept. When asked by a brother Senator bow he felt about tbo change, Mr. Windom replied that bis only regret was that il would compel him to leave the Sen ate. Senator lllaino remarked that, though the statement might appear strango, the great difficulty in making up tbe Cabinet had been in finding men adapted to tbe positions who wore willing to accept, lie intimated that there had boon moro declinations than the publio bad yet beard of. itoLtllT T. LINCOLN, SECRETARY OP WAR. Robert Todd Lincoln, of Illinois, is a native of Illinois, tbo eldest son of tho lulo President Lincoln, and now thirty seven years of ago. At the time of bis father's Election to the Presi dency, in 1860, ho was a student at the Exeter Academy, and afterward en tered Harvard University, whero he graduated, After his father's death Robert Lincoln studied law, and set tled down In tho practice of his profes sion in Chicago, where he has been vory sucocsslul at the bar. Some years ago be married a daughter ot ex Sen. ator Harlan, of Iowa, who had boon appointed Secretary of tbe Interior by President Lincoln just before tho lat ter'! doatb, and did not enter npon tho duties of bis ofllco until alter Mr. John son's inauguration. Mr. Lincoln's first active oxperionco in polities occurred last year, when bo acted as delegate to tbe Chicago ConvonUou and supported Grant to tho last. THOMAS L. JAMES, POSTMASTER UINIRAL. Thomas L. James was born in Mad ison county, Now York, in 1831, and early becamo an apprentice in a news paper oflico. A few yoara later, bofors he was of ago, bo became tbe editor of the papor of his native town. Ho waa then appointed Collector of the canal tolls. In 1861 he went to Now York city and began his official career Chore as lnsiKKlur ot Customs under Uirau : Barney, the Collector. He was three 'year later promoted to the position of I Government Weigher, and vthen Moses III. Grinnoll bocanio Collector Mr. James was mado Deputy Collector in the third division of tho warehouse de partment. On the first attempt at the inauguration of Civil Service Itelorra he was made President ol tbo Board of Examiners for the Custom House. In 1873, without bid knowledge, Pres ident Grant appointed Mr. James Pout- jmasterof New York, and Mr. Hayes ro-sppoinled him in li7. InUelober last the German Republican Central Cuniniilteo of New York city unani niously nominated Mr. James for the Mayoralty and subsequently, when the Republican Committee of twenty-four, appointed by tbe County Convention, decided upon nominating a straight Republican city tickel, tbe nomination for Mayor was formally tendered to bim, but declined. WAYNE M AO VEAOU, ATTORNEY GENERAL. Wayne MacVcagh.of Pennsylvania, was born at Pnanixvill, Chester county, Pa., April 19,1833. Ho re ocived his early education in Chester county. Hograduuled at Yale CoHega in the famous class of 1853, and then studied law with Hon. Joseph J. Lewis, of West Chester, and was in thai borough admittod to the bar on April 20, 1856. Soon after his admission to tho bar he was elected District At torney of Chester county and served in that capacity lor three years. Dur ing the war for the Union Mr. Mac Vcagh was twice in the service first as Captain of a company of cavalry, which was In luoservieoiortwowoous only when the invasion of Ihe Stale was threatened, in . September, 1803, and as a Major on tho staff of Major General Couch during tbe following year. Ho was made Chairman of the Republican Stato Central Committee during tbe campaign of 1863. In 1870 President Grant appointed bim to suc ceed K. Joy Morris as Minister to Con stantinople. This position be held un til toicaids tho closo ol 1871, when he resigned, returned and took up bis resi dence at Uarrisburg. From there be was elected a delegate to the Consti tutional Convention, where he served as Chairman of tho Committee on Ju diciary anil on Legislation. At the beginning of 1876 Mr. MacVeagh re moved to Philadelphia. In 187T he was at tbe head of Mr. Hayes' Louisi ana Commission, which overturned Carpet bag rule in that Slate. He was also prominent in the movement against a third terra last year. WM. II. HUNT, BECRETARY OF THE NAVY. William II. Hunt, of Louisiana, ia a nutne of South Carolina and about sixty years of age. He went from bis nativo Stuto to Louisiana in conse quence of trouble growing out of nulli fication and became prominent at the bar. Ho was as much of a Union man as it was possible to be in tbo South during tho war, and when General But ler took possession of Now Orleans he received valuable aid from Mr. Hunt, Ho was an old Whig in politics.but bad been a moderate Democrat since the war until ho joined the Republican party. In 1876 Judge Hunt was the Republican candidate fur Attorney General on Governor Packaid's ticket and took a prominent part in the Presidential cam paign of that yoar. When Hayes usurped tho Presidency ho signified a desire to make him Collector ot the Port of Now Orleans, but Judge Hunt preferred the Court of Claims and was, in April, 1877, appointed to that posi tion. Ho has since held it. SAMUEL 3. KIRKWOOD, BECRETARY OP THE INTERIOR. Samuel J. Kirkwood, ol Iowa, was born in Harford county, Maryland, Decomber 20, 1813 ; received a limited education at tho academy of John Mo Lood, in Washington city ; removed to Richmond county, Ohio, in 135, and was admitted to the bar in 1843 ; was elcctod Prosocuting Attorney in 1845 and again in 1847 ; was in 1850-64 a member of the Convention that framed tho present Constitution ot the Slate of Ohio ; removed to Johnson county, Iowa, in 1855; was elcctod to tho State Senate in 1856 ; was elected Gnvornor in 18.1!) and again in 1861 j was in 1863 nominated by President Lincoln and confirmed as Minister to Denmark, but declined tho appointment; wasin 1866 elected to the United States Senate to fill the nnexpireil term of James Har lan ; was In 1875 again elected Gov ernor ol Iowa, and resigned tbat office January 31, 1877 ; was elected in Jan uary, 1870, to the United Stales Sen aw as a Republican to snccoed George G. Wright, Republican, for tbe term ending March 3, 1883. EDUCATIONAL. BY M. L McQUOWN. A muioritv of the schools ol the county havo closod. Thn oelinnlN of Union townshio will open for a Summer term early in May. f'utnhrta ertnntr hajl a teacher 60 years of ago, and he ia quite active in the service. Miss Rose Duller, formerly of Sandy township, is now teaching at Trevor ton, Northumberland county. S. T. Hrockbank, Esq., of Cloarfiold, lectured before the Teachers' Institute at l.iek Run, on Saturday evening, March 5tb. Tho public schools of Clearfield have already entered Uion thoir annual examinations. Promotions will be the result of theso examinations. V!. J. Kir.g, Principal of the Drift wood grammar school, in Cameron oounty, has boon engaged lo teach tbt Summer terra at Benezotle. H ...l...nl. nmolnva (1 7.1 '1 nil 1 I fil'l female, Lnaeriera In herrtlih. lie schools, an increase of 125 male and 10 lemalo teachers ovor last year. The late Elisba Fenlon, of Penn township, bequeathed to tbe publio library of Pennvillo 6200 worth of books ami 81110 in money, previous to his death. Ti,.. l,;,. r u'.( cl,.,-nl,l have decided lo open their school for a Summer term, to bo devoted exclu sively to tbe Instruction of juvenilos of the district. Tho teachers of Knox, Pike and ad joining townships, intend holding an Educational Association atXNow Mill port, on Saturday, March 19th. A profitable meeting is anticipated. Tho Seereturv of Iba Institute held in Bloom township, February 26th, baa aent na the nrocecdinirfl in full, bat as a correspondent reoenlly placed a eyn. npsis ol that mooting oeiore me puuuo, it seems superfluous to give tbe pro ceedings at this time. Tbe meeting was very well attended by teachers ana parents, ana w. Deueve naa an influence lor good, very oomph. menurv resolutions were Passed at ita close with rolsrence lo the hospitality oi tne citizens, ana me wore uone oy visiting teachers. vr. nee4. aaro,o.ej