Ilailroadft. . l ' lon nNylvniilaliallroiiu j W'. .V Vf ' ri'fl I Iv,a. TYRONE at CLEAHFIELI) BRANCH ON and afler Monday, NOW I, 1IK0, th. PBeeeat;er Trains will run dally (eieept Hun dsys) beteteaA Tyroa.and Clearfield, aa followl : CLEARFIELD MAIL. LkAviToiiiTiT'T lkavkVoktu! " Cursronsvlll.,. Rlvereiew .J.l, r.n ..1.10. " : Tyrona,....., I Vansooyoo, Hnunlt .OS.l.a. .M, " t it, " Cleerlleld,. Leonard, Ilarrett , Woodland,..., Bllr.. 1.49. " I Pna-elti. m.ou, " 10.11, " ..J-54, " ..4.01, ..4 UK, ' Uaeoola,......, ; llojnt.n, J Slelner'e, , t'bih.lur(. I Itreneov j Hlue lull Wallaoatoa,. Bie-lar ,10.17, " .111.21, IS.M," I0.IH, - III..17," 10.44, ln.12, " 10.60, Wallaoelon 4.17, " woe Ball, ti reliant Phlllnabirf, . i Miner's, tiuyntoa, OeMoIa, .Hi, .4.31, ", " ,.4-H, " .4.18, ..4. SI, " .MS, " ,..IJ, " .Si, " ..8.01, " ', Wuodlend, flerrrtt Leonard Clearfield 11.07," Poweltoa,, tt Summit, VsaBOOyo.,,., Tyrone, 11.11," 11.10," 11.16, " , Rivervlew...... 1 CUTWtDiTllU, .1I.I0a.ii OLRAKFIKI.I) EXPRESS. LEAVE ROlTII. LKA VI NORTH." CorwasiTtlU- . A. Rlverrtew... a.JS " Claarlald..... 8.17 " Laonard, " llarratt 1.67 " Woodland,.... S.OI " Bijler, 8.08 " WallaMtoa,... 8.16 " Bluo Ball 11 " Graham 8.16 Philipabnrf.. 8.10 " Kleiner's, 8.31 Boynton 8.37 " Osceola, 8.41 " Putsellon, 8 63 " Summit 7.06 " Vnneooyoe,.. 7.11 " Tyrone 7.44 Tjrona, 7.18 r. a. Vanscovo 7.4.1 " oauiwit... Powelton, Oaoaola,.., Boynton, Stelner'a. ..e.OS 8.17 8 18 8.34 ...8 30 PbmPibarf...l.4! Orabam 8.47 Blua Ball 8.66 Wallaoalul, ...0.01 H.jter 0.10 Woodl.od 0.17 Barratl, 0.16 Lauaard. 0.S0 Olaarflald 10.07 Rivama....lM6 Carwniville 10.20 PlIlLll'SnilRtf A MOSHANNON BRANCHES LIATI lOOTH. r. H. A. N. 4. Mi Ll&ri rorth. A. M. p. x. r. M. 7:16 11:40 7:00 11:16 6.00 11:11 6:08 11:14 4:68 :.. 12:04 4:40 0.34 11:61 4 311 0:30 11:16 4:16 0:16 ll:40'4:10 Olll 11:36 4 III 0:16 11.30 4 Of, 0:10 11:16 4 TinoNa. Morrliidala, PbUipibiirg, flamar'a BojnluD, Oioaola, Moihaniiun, Starllnr, HnntiUala, MoCaulry, Kandridk'i, Kauej. 1:10 1:40 1:46 140 :30 7:1 7:40 1:66 10:20 7:61 1:10 10:36 8:11 1:18 10:43 8:10 :13 10:18 8:16 3:30 10:63 8:36 1:35 10:68 1:41 1:40 11:13 8:40 BALI) EAI1LK VALI.KV BRANCH. El. Mall, r. h. A. . Mail. P. H. Eip. A. M. 7.66 7.41 7.05 6.43 6.33 6.13 6.00 6.15 7.08 8.20 leaie Tyrone arrive 6.31 1.13 8.37 Bald Eada 6.17 6..18 6.16 6.06 4.66 4.31 leave 8.66 8.01 0.18 8.14 1.43 1.31 0.61 Jallao Mileabnrg Bellefoota Mileaburg 8.46 10.03 0.08 10.111 Howard 0 41 11.08 arrlra L. llareo TYRONB STATION. BAITIVARn. A. H. Cinclnnell Ep., :.'2 PaiGa Elpres. 8:57 Johfietoirn Expreea,0:07 Plttiburh Kip'u, 1.58 i acioe a.xpreif, 9:tz Way Paaxenger, P.M. 1:16 3:31 7:01 Chleaio Day Ei., 11:18 Mall Train, 3:08 unirago Jtxpre.., mmi train, :ua niu trail Huntinidna Aro'n. B.-20 Fut Line. nan train. 7:30 Cloaa oonnoctlona tuada by all tratni at Tyrona and Lock Haven. 8. H. BLAIR, mylT-tf. Saparintandent. A taeelearei CorweniTilledaily for Reynold.- I RTllll T TVPS tllle, at 1 a'elook, p.ra-.arrivingat Keynoldnville at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, leavai Haynoldi villa dally, at 7 o'(!luik, a. m., arriving at Cur wanivilleat 12 o'clock, tu. Fare, each way. $2. A atago leave Curwemvlllo dally, at 1 o'clock, p. m., fur UuUola City, arriving at tuBi.i City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Keturning, leave UuB-'ia at 7 o'clock, a. m., dally, arriving at Curwi-nnTtHr at 12 o'clock, ui. Faro, each way, 1 1 .60. Allcglioii) VhIIcj Railroad. LOW URADK DIVISION. ON and after Mobdar, No? I6lh, I80, the naaienger train will rnn dally (einept Sunday) between Red Bank and Driftwood, al followa i KAHTVUKIIlUr Mall leave. Pltl.V.urg 8:55 a.m.; Red Bank 1 1:35 1 riligo Junction 11:61; New Bethlehrm 11:56 p. tn.; Mayavllla 1:10 1 Tniy 1:35 ; Hrnokville 1:j5 I Fuller'! 1:10 ; Rey nold. ville 1:33 Dulioi. 3:116 riumtnit Tunnel 1:11 ; I'enteld 1:41 1 Tylir'a 3:55; Benelrtta 4:31; arrival at Driftwood at 6:10. W IT AK1).-Ui, Maillearai Driftwood 11:20 p. ai.t Beneertte 1:00 f Tyler'e 1:28 j Penlteld l:3lt ; Summit Tunnel 1:88 1 DoBol. 2:15; Keynold.rille 1:38 ; Fuller". 1:51; Broobrille 1:13; Troy 3:11; Mayarllla S:6l New Bethlehem 4:01; Hligo Jnnetioa 4t47 1 Had Bank 6:08 1 arriroa at Pilt.burg at 7:40 p. m. JOaT Tbe Reynoldrrllle AoconiiaodBtloa laavea Reynold.ville deily at 7:65 a. at.; and arrive, at Had Bank at 10:60 a. at., Pittaburgb at 1:40 p. ra. Laavea Pituburgk at 1:11 p. m ; Red Bank at 1:65 p. at.; arriving at Keynold.villo at 0:05 p. m. Close eoaaectloae made with traiae oa P. A 1 Railroad at Driftwood, and wilb traina on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MiCARIIO, Uen'l Sup'L A. A. Jackaob. Snp't L. tl. Div. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bollefonte, Pa ......83 05 1 M iddletewa 86 60 L'Hk Haven I 76 1 Marietta.. 6 66 Willlam.nortn 8 60 Lancaster 180 Huntingdon.. 1 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Lewlatowa. I 00 Altoona....u 166 Mary.Tilla.. 4 50 Jnhn.iowa.. 185 CBwen.Tilla 301 Philip.barg II Oeceola 6S TTrone 1 11 HARRItiBIIRtl... 4 75lp'lTTNBURfl I 11 HUsrcUanrotis. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & BRO,, Ob Market St, ana door weat of Man Ion Uobm, CLKARFIKI.D, PA. Oar arrangement are cf tha moat eomnlate oharaeter lor furnishing tha pablia with Freih Weati of all klad, and of tba vary Haat quality. We alto deal ia all kinda of Agrieultaral Imple ment!, whioh wa keep on eihibltioa for tho ben aflt of tho pubtio. Call around whan la town, and take a look at thing, or addreaa na F. 11. CAKDON A BRO. Claarlald, Pa., July U, lS75 tf. CENTRAL Ntaie Normal School. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. A. X. ItA Vli, A.M., Fh. P., ftinciptil. TbU ffenool at at nraentconitltutd, offeratha vary bait faethtlee for ProfemloBal and Clailoal learning. Sulldlnga patoua, Inviting and enmtnodlnut fjoMnUi-ij bo... b iiin, well venii ia ted, and fnrnWbed witb a bouotliul niply of pan, wft fprfpg water, Loeatlan healthful and ay of areaaa. Parronndlng eoenerr anmjrpatied. Teach era aiperlenced, aftVlent, and allTt to their work. IHaelpHaa, Arm bnt kiad, anlfors. and tboroagh. Bipaaaoa moderata. Ffty oenta a week deduction to those preparing to tearflb. Student admitted at any time. Oourt of ata ly rreiriHd by tha Ntalei I. M.idal Hehool. U. Preparatory. III. Kleniea tar. IV, Sclent. fie. AwmcT rarneiai I. Aradetale. II. Commercial. III. Muila. TV. Art. Tha Elementary and Solantifle oourt aro Pro faaaional, and aluJetU graduating thorain raoalvt Htata Uiplnmaa, iMnferring tho following dorree ponding degreea, Maatar of tha Kleineota and Waaler or lha Hcleaoaa. (Iradaatea Is Ibo other ouraaa raoelra Nonnal CartiGnatoa of their at tainment!, tignad by Ue iVulty. Tha Profeialaal fHaraoa are liberal, and ara la thoroaghnaaa net Inferior to thoia of oar bait ollegee. : Tha Htata rtqairaa a higher or ier of tttlian-! hip. Tha timaa demand it. It it ona of tha ririma abJacU of tbta Hhool ta help la eeeara It hy urniahiag latelligent and efficient taacbere for her aehoela. To thia and It aohciU yoang per obi of good abilttlea and good parpoaea thuaa who dailra ta improve their time and tbalr tal emta, aa atadeau. Ta all taeh It promlioa aid ia developing their power and nhandant opporta aitioe tor wall paid labor attar leavlag aehoo). i For eatalngua and term addreaa lha Principal, r tha Secretary of tha Board. BOARD OF TRUSTEKSi ITATIBaLBBIl' TBCtTBM. J H. Bartoa. M. D A n. Pmt t,M.. A.M. BiohfM,lamttel Chriat, A. N. Hiub, R M. Oook.T. C. Hippta, Em., U. Kinttlng, R. P. Mo Comiek. t., W. W. kaakia, W. ti. Brawa. tatb noirati. HaB. A, 0. Cortls, Hon. H. t. Mff. ahieh, OeB. tfaaao Merrill, Hob. Wra. Bigler, J. C. C. rnrBBit WILLIAM BIOLKR, , ; - Praaident, Cleat field, Pa, - Ota. JRMI MKKRILL, Vioo Preiidant, Urk 11 a van, p. fl. MILLAR MoCuRMICK, Secretary, Loek tiara a, Pa. WOMAi YARIlLRV, Traaaarar, Look Bavaa), Pa. Mi Davaa, Pa Aagaat 4, 1IM. 1 lill"T ' 1 1 ttlisaUanrons. OIIOi:1AMNJ.-I htrrl.jf Inform my o tram, and mankind tn feari, that i uv, rumored uty abocinekine; ehp to the room to Hrauatn row, at o. i. Miyaer i jeaeiry More, I ik.t I nonirk.l Ib dn kll kinl .f h.L in hk Una ibatt ftn nl hstr ahi.ri in .. Ail work wrraatd a jrod a eae be -lent any. brr lmi. PoeilDflj thi U tfae iti-nt -hi-p 'IP nfif""' u,-, it. .lltJOl It.YI It EXECUTORS' SALE or Dfsiralilp Ural Estate ! EsUtt of Ulchard Shaw, Sr., Doo'd. TIIIK underpinned, Fxaputnra ol' the atata of X Kll BIIAW, Kr, ila.ainl, il ollor t publietalaat Iba COI KT IH'I SU In tba l...r ouh of ( laarftf Id, Pa., on Fritlay, April lHt, 1881, AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. Mm Tba folloniflrf Taluabl real antata, vis t The three-itorj BRICK HOTEL property eorner of Market and Firet atreeli, la the bor ougb of Clearfield, kuuwn aa 'The Shaw House Fronting with two lnti of groood thtrtto betonglni; ZUVfMt on Alrkl ttrcat, q DO frtlon ! irtt itrtt witb a Uo-ntory jJP awtllinff bout Bttarbsd. Tbo bo- mi proper oai iiiy Daroomi sua til tMnvoletwej for ft flnt -eUw botL Ooo of the mo it dmirabU htl prnpartioi to UtJBtnl roni7,Tiii, Tbo ft bo TO will bo -old togrthef with a two torr frtmo dwelling hoaio on Jklitrkot itroet, od jWBt to tho Hvtol. Mid ooo other frame dwelling houro and a twi-ilurjr itoro liuudlog, all f rot ting on aUrkot atrett. ALSO. AH tht otrtiin lot, known li tbo pUli of CiWOelJ boroub m Lot No No ia. .a alley Ir irr out--" frootlng 60 fM-t oo Lucuat aireet, iiiug back 172 fet, more r ltn, to an with dwelling home andallnooraiarr out' buiJdiogi thcteotitreoted.aDdolbar in)iruremtBta. TERMS OFS.iLKl Ono-tbird aaih at dull very of good deed, and the kttlane to bt .ecu red by bvod and mortgage, payable in one aud two yeara. witb interavt. A. B. BIIAW, JOH. 8IIAW. Surviving Ei'n of Klohard 8haw, Hr.,doM. Clearfield. Pa.. Deo. 8, 18b .(. John Irvm & Bros., UURWKSSVILLE, l'A., -DEALERS 1S- All Kinds of Merchandise, -SI'CH At Dry Goods, Groceries, Ete. H JIAXl fACTI KERS AND IiEALKRS IN St Alti: TIM It Kit, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF SAWED LUMBER CDT TO ORDER. :-r TLo Only Mttiiiifuelurors in Clcarrli'ltl t'onntj- of the NEW PROCESS FLOUR! .1I.H1I S O.I !... I-'F'Casli paid for nil kiwlx of tirain V heat, liye, Vain, Curwanxtllr, Pa., Jan. 1, The News From MOORE'S? THE I HAVE JDST RECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, ami 5 That Ever Came into the County, AT THEIR STORE, ROOM Ml OPERA HOUSE, C A TOM IV. MOORI' ClearlelJ, Pa., "apt. 11, 1880. 3m. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store RlHIM St). TIIIII.R, HPI:llA 11(11 HK, Clearfield, Pa., WlluI.KfAI.K A RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Comprlalng reM OoaJi of the very latitat atylea, toniting la part of Canhmerei, Incbe-tar Fancita, Aipacat. and all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Bach a CMone, Mohair Luiteri, Plaldi, Dreta Umghama, ureal raaciet of iba very lateat atylaa, and aa cheap ai they eon ba mid ia thia market. NOTIONS, Conititlng of Qlovaa for Oent. Lediea and aliaiea. Ilnaa of all ahadea, Kilk Pringoa. Lac-, Panry Draaa Bottona. Lad tea' Tiea of all lhadaa and itylea, Cuffa and Cellar, Rtbhona of all kinda and qnalitlaa. Marina l adarwear, Trimmiagi, t'. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Queenswaro, Hardware, Tinware, tarpols. OtltiotliN, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Which wlU bt eold wkoleaal. or retail. Will Lha Country Produce la Eichaag far naodt at Market trlrf , wm.j. iiorriR, ricarrVld, P Kppt. l, HAVE YOU HEARD Furnishing Lroods Jiotrls. LOYU 1IOHSK, Main Hlnel, PIIILlHBIlURll, PKNN A. . TabU alnaja iaf chad wilb Iba brl the aiarlia afloidi. Tba irATalUg public I lnrltad t. aall. jan 1,;., KOUKHT 1.0 VI. irAHIII.NGTO.N UOl'SK, N KW WAHII1NUT0N, PA. TbU Bw and wll furitlbd huaia ha baaa takan by iha unjaulfnad. Ha ftala eonfi lent of bain jr abla to randcr tatiifaetlon to thoaa who ma lavor am witd a oau. May 8, 1871. tl. W. DAVIS, Pn.p'r. rpKMl'KIUXC'K llol'SE, A NEW WASJIIMJTON, YA. j II. U. HUSK, . . 1'fctji Riaion. 1 WcATt.. Uii ,r r.. . ..J bait. A lbral aharr uf jiublio latrcnnge ia aoiicutt'i. ir).'v, mi." SHAW HOUSR, Cl.KAltFIKLD, I'KNN'A. a4.Vlr.f'H' PENTZ, Jlt.f Proprittor. Thta hotel la kept In flnt-tilaaa atylt at rraaoo abla ratea, Ueat looalloa In town for builnaai sen. Kreo bui tu and frtitn all train, tioud as tnp la rHrj,i. Cl.arflold, Pa , Feb. U, ltt tf. W ASH1NGT0N HOUSE OLKN HOPE, PENX'A. fflllK undt-rnlgTifd, having lfad thin tn-. M, Bloiiioua ll'iifi, ia iuo Tiiiagn oi uien imp, la bow nirpara d to amomtnodata all who may calf. My table and bar aball k anpplied with tbe beat the niarkrt atforda. (JKORUB W. DOTTS, Jr. Ulen Uopa, Pa., Man-b U, IflW tf. gUSrKUANNA HOUSE, CUEWENSVILLE, PENN'A. TTbl. old and well eetabll.hrd Hotel bar been le,ed by tba andarsiKned, and bo lecli ouo Bdaat ol randallo aetUrartluu ta Iboae who may petromie him. (ond rt.bltiiK aoac:hed. LblVU C. BLooM, Proprietor. April 21. ''). if. DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Htiuth Third Htrccl, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will receive prompt atten tion, and all information cheerfully furoinbed Order aolietfd. April ll-tf. r. a. ARHuto. a. w. arxild, j. a. arnlp F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hunker and Ilrokers, Reynoldavllle, JfiTrraon Co., Pa. Money received on depoilt. Dlicount at mo derate ratea. Eaitern and Foreign Eichange al way on hand and ool lection promptly made, Reynoldaville, Deo. 10, ll.7t.-ly County National Bak. . OF CLEARFIELD, PA. 1 ) 00 M In tlrabam'i Brick Building, two doou J.V eat or tlMk va. a Diore. Paai are Ticket to and from Liverpool, Queen town, (ilaagow, London, Pari and Copenhagen Alao, Dralta for Bale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. jAMf,a i. iinuttAivi', rrat'i. W. M. BIIAW, Caahler. janlM J L. R. nKIClIHOI.J), MIHUEON IIRNT1IT, uraduatt of the Petmylvaoit College of Dautal Rurgery. Offline in raideuc of Dr. II ill,oppoaite the Bhaw House. mcblS, '7t-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, lm la Bank JJulldlng,) Curwruavllle, C'leardrld Co., Pa. atrhll '76-tf. if. fllLLH, " OPKIMTIfK .VTIST, CLKARFIKLI), PKNN'A. r-ORiee In reetdcDn, opposite Ehaw Houm. Jj,l8;0lf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA (Offio. In resideaoe, Seooad street.) Nltrooj Oxide Qas administered for the pain. ese eitractioa of tooth. Clearteld, Pa., May I, 1817. Ij. HsrtUanfous. 1)Kr. I'OII HALT.. Thlrlf.0 blrea of J) Italian Beel wbleb I will aril ehrap fur ee.h, or aiebange for wheat. For farther In formation eall on or address the underpinned. J.F. KHAMKH. Not 6, '10 If. Clearlcld, Pa. B. P. ODLICI. a. COBBLB. i. L. WBIOLBT. (ILK II, MiiORKLE A CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market fltreet, ( Itarflfld. Pa. M'e manufacture all kind of Furniture for Chamber, Diulag Room, Librariea and alalia. If you want Furniture of any kind, don't buy until yoa i our atock. I .M)i;itTAKI N la all its branohes, promptly altendod to. fll'ILCII, MrCORKLB A CO. Cl.aifiel l. Pa., Feb. 6, '78. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale dt Retail Dealer in GrocerioS, TI1F LARHEftTand BKST PEI.KCTED STOCK in TimcnvMv. COFFEE, TKA, SIOAR, 8VR0P. M KATS, F1HII, SALT, OILS, QUEEXSWARE, Tl'118 and HI'CKKTH, niUF.D FRUITS, f-ANNKD OOO IIS, Si' ICRS, BROOMS, FLOUR, FKKD. County Agent for i.onti.L.inn H roit.m on, These poods bonnht for CAHII la larga loll, and fold al almost city prices. JAMK? H. LYTLE, ClaarAeld, Pa., Jute 11, 1M-Iy. The Bell's RunWooIrn Factory Penn township, Clearfield Co., Pa. . b ii n it n oiiTt irjT BURNED UP1 Theinbaeriberi have, at great aipania.reballta aalchHorhood neoaaiity. in lb enotloa of a Int. alaa Woolen Manufactory, with all tha modern Improvement attached, and ara prpard to mako all kinda of Clothe, Caaetmerei, Batiaetta, Uiaa hati, Flannel, Ac Plant of good ob hand to aapply all our old and a thoniand aaweuitomera, whm wa aak ta aoma and aiaml&t oar a took. Tha baiiaeas of CARDING AND FULLINtl win rooalva oar aapaelal attanttoa. Propar arraagamaata will bo mad to receive and deliver Wool, ta anlt auatnmara. All work warranted and dose upon tha iborteat ant lea, and by trlet at tea tioa to braaiaeea wa hopo to raallaa a llbaral ahara af pablia patronage. io,o poinds wool wantbdi Wa will pay the hlgbait market Price for Woe aad aell oar manufactured good a lew aa aim liar good aa ba bought la tba eeaaty, aad whenever we fail to raadar raaaoaabla aatLertlea we aaa alwaya Va faaad at heaaa raady la malte pnfm aiplaaaUoa, ait bar la aereoa at by letter. JAMII JOHNSON A SONS, aprflMtr Bewar f. 0. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAItKIKLD, l'A WKDNRSHAY UOItNINil. MA It I'll V, IIM THl'ST IN COO AND 110 THE HI I, HI'. tii'0r.(e, brother! d not stumble, Tliuiigli Ibv path Is d.irk as s, i.lit. Turre's a vt.r to gulile the humlile : Trurl in Ood and d' tbe nglit." Let the r..ed be lonit and dreary. Ar.d Its Sliding out l sl,bt, Ko.t It bravely, slronir it weary I Tins! ia Uod and do Ibe rigbt. Prrirb polley and i-anulog. IVrl.h an'lhat Lars the li;ht. Whether, whether winning ; Trust in livd and do tbe right. True! no furois of ituilly pas'lun. li.nd. that look like eugela bright, Tru.t au eustom, achuol or J.khi'io I Trust in Uod and do tbe right. Surue will bale tbee, some will lot e thee, Hume will Halter, luiue will .light ; Cease from tu.u end look above tbee 1 Trust in Uod and do tbe right. Kittip!e role and safest guiding. Inward peeoe and toward light, rttar upon aur path abidiog : Tru.t in lied and do tbe right. THE 1ILAIAK A XI) CaVA'.WO QVAUREL. Til cm two Kiidicul SUU'HniRtl llKVO waged a liilli-r jiernoiial win lure for many years, and an out) of tho rtcvereHt party ttsla i now ariproat'tiinf; Gar fiold's advcnl lo pluto and power old recollctioii"i in relation to tho two men indicated, aro being revived. A Wash ington letter to I'm ney's Progress gives tho detailt) of lust Full's cunvu.n, and rolattn tho cuunc of the quarrel be tween tlifno two Mulwari f luilicul atatt'8inen aa followa: 'Last November money muzzled tho iufTYafjes, and pioim Chrihtian btatea men did not blunh at the task of hrib Ing cities and citizens. There was noithcrmndebty nor concealment in tho work ol corruption and terror. The whole machinery of tho Republican leaders was the piu'rio and the laah. EnthutmiHin wun eriiKhed, becuuae the Presidential candidate of the Hepubli cans was in a position ol confessed complicity with wrong. There was no sentiment of love lor tho cause or the man. Tho double master motivo was the fcur of tbe mass and the threat ol the master. Kvery Northern Stalo had its slave-driver over officeholders and oflicehuntors. Kvory city had its Republican boss. Al the bead ol these satraps was lioscoo Colliding, of New York, lie proclaimed tho plan of pur chase. Ho issued his orJers of insult ing intimidation. No feiidul chief was ever more nlfcnsive, rude, and over bearing. As Stato .Senator Woodin, ol New Yoik, said before tho New York Legislature : 'You could only get on a level with this dictator by means of a mural step ladder.' Tbe old leaders ol the past, the other newj leaders of the present, were generally i gentlemen; courteous, refined, sympa thetic; such men us Clay, Silus Wright, llreckinridge, Everett, Pouglus, Vcb ster, I'alltiB, Cass, Seymour, Van Uu ren, and Dickinson. Hut this man lid crated nobody, lie bated lilaine, Ken ton, and Garfield ; even after the latter was nominated and made President, ho hated him. Ho despised Ruther ford 11. Hayes, Mr. EvarUt, the Secre tary of Mote, and John Sherman ; not only in maimer, but in words. The hubit of his liio, bis contemptuous bear ing, inBolcnee uf tone, lofty sell-su premacy, even tbe effort al politeness was supercilious condescension. Such was tho organ sell-appointed to deal out bribes and threats. His status is proved by tbe luct that he has organ ized aguiiist himself in Congress and in his ow n State nearly all the culti vated men of both parties. Most of thn educated journalists in the city ol New York and in the counties, includ ing others of the highest culture and tasto, regard him with disgust; and his postion in Washington constantly recalls the insolent superiority uf Tbos. 11. Benton, in his dogmatic days, and tho bitter maledictions ol that carping ThciBiles, Tristram liurgesa, of Rhode Island. Ho is the most persistent and unrelenting of foes, and naturally more malignant against those who fall un der his displeasure in his own party. Regarding all Republicans as his slaves, he is naturally most hostile when they dare lo have an opinion of their own. Die wonder grows that a man with such fascinations to creutu hatred should have succeeded in subordinat ing honest and manly spirits, and the only solution ol bis success is that he excites fear by his savage threats and sleepless persecutions; and that he forces obedience hy keeping tho vilest and most corrupt influences al his con trol. Conkling Is tho phenomenal ty rant of tbeso lates times. Ho is an anachronism. He belongs to tbe age of the Spanish Inquisition and the Ve- notion Council of Ten. Ho ought to have served in tho ministry of (icorgo the Third against tho Colonies, and would havo been a capital confederate in all but the battle field. Long ago, fourteen years since, ho marked out Jnmes (i. lilaine for his scorn, and now that (iarficld has placed lilaine at the bead of his Cabinet, as il to mark hit defiance of Conkling, wo mny look for the latter's scorn of the new President as Ibo out-going President secured the samo resentment by refusing to obey tho samo volunteer master. On the 30th of April, lSlil!, Provost General James 11. Fry, Mr. Stanton's confiden tial ofliccr, fell under the displeasure of Lord Roscoe, and tho persecution of I Gcncrt.1 Fry roused tho honest indig nation, not only ol Stanton, but of most ol tho independent men in Congress. Conkling was a member of tho House al that time, and James G. lilaine one of tho representatives from Maine. In censed at tho bitter abuso of Goncrttl Fry by Conkling, lilaine camo man fully to his rest uo. Ho chargod that Conkling was acting as the cruel per secutor of a gallant soldier, and Charles A. 1'ana, the Asistant Secretary ofi War under Stanton, and now tho Re publican editor of thn lemocratic or gan, the New Y'ork Sun, wrote a manly letter quoting the law against a mem ber of Congress acting as a persecutor ol a public ofliccr. To Ihose who remember General Fry, one ol the chiefs ol General Hun- cock's stafT at Governor's Island for some years past, and particularly dur ing the last Presidential campaign, Ihe malignant course of Roscoe Conkling, in 1 SCO, aguiiit that amiable olllccr, will come as a new proof of the intol erance ol the New York dictator. This is the passage at arms between the two men in the House of Representatives fourteen yo:trs ago : The subject nnd.-r dlscu..ioa naa tbe Investl. gnlloa of I'rovost Marshal (l.nar.l Pry for frauds oliargsd hy Conkling in lb. Provost M.rabal'. da- f artmontef tbe Wcai.rn IMvlsloa uf New Yurk. liaise had crill,led Coitk ling's volubility of epereu aod charged that Coogllng vas pressed t.r in the rase, sod produced a Irlt.r froui Afs-b-tmtf Hectrlary of War liana lo Conkling, and trad the law oi;alort tbe latter acting in anr surb capacity. This Conkling drniod and lilaine, whbing lo lnteri.l . remark. Conkling said : "I do not wif h 10 have anything to do wllh Ibe mem ber IVoin Maine, not even so much as lirld to him tba tiotr. If Ibe member from Maine had the least idea how profoundly li'didi-rent I am to bis opinion on tills or any other sobject personal to me, 1 Ihiok ha Would hardly take Hie trouble to rls. here and express his opinion." And, In apoligiilng to tbe House for delating tba pro ceedings, be rheraoteiaed lilaliiu's Hi terru ,f i.n as "uugentlemaniy and" II auie awaiting hie opportunity, took the floor and seid : "As to iba gentleman'a cruel ..roasu. I hope he will not be loo The oontoiopt of tbul l.rge-iuiudcd gentleman is so wilting, bis haugh ly disdain, his grali'liloguout swell, bis majestic, supereinineat overpowering, bis lurkey-gobbler's strut has been so oruabiug to myaelf and all Ibe members of this House, that 1 know It waa an act of greet temerity fur me to enler npon a con troversy with bim. J know that within Ibe last five weeks, as m.iutiere ol tbl. Uouae will reotil. Icet, an eilra attut has eberaclrrited Ibe gentle men e bearing. It is not his fault ; It Is Ihe lanlt ol enuther. That gifted and satirical writer, Tb.. odur. Tllton, of tba New York JinttpfmUnt, epenl some weeks In this eity. Ills letters, puMlshad in that paper, embraced many serious tUitemunte, a lltilw Joooao satire, a part of which was the sta-etnont that tha man'lu ot tho late W Int.r ltavie had fallen upon Ibe member from New York. Tba g.ntleiuan look it seoously, aud il baa gifen bis strut aldliional pomposity. Tha resemblance ia great. Hyperion It a Satyr i Tbersiles to Hercules t mud tu marble; dunghill to diamond! a singed rat tu a tisngal ligr a whining puppy tu a roaring lion. Shades of Ihe mighty ltavie, forgi'e the alui'St profanity ol that iooosa satire." The member frum New York kept hi. seat In silence. Since that day to this no woid of a personal ralure has been exchanged between thes. gentleman. In debate, at a pubilo meeting, al an eveniug entertainmcul, ur at a din nar party, tbay meet but nev.r speak. And now that Mr. liluino is selected for Secretary of Stale by Mr. Gur field, tho new President of the United Stales, il will rot be difficult lo fore cast tho future between the high and mighty Conkling, and tbe suddenly elevated Garfield, and llio brilliant Maine leader. Mr. Garfield wasin the House as a member of Congress when this bitter attack was miiile on Conk ling by lilaine, m ISUU, and Garfield does not choose tbe chief of his Cabi net in 1881, without due deliberation. START 1UM hk; nr. A number of our exchanges, since the senatorial lightning struck tho Hon. John I. Mitchell, of Tioga coun ty, havo suddenly discovered, that dur ing his entire political life, he has been one f f tho most popular men ever born. Somo of them say thai he never solici ted office, never, was a candidate, and received all his nominations and elec tions unasked and unanimously. We are sorry to spoil sut h a pretty record lint tho truth is, Mr. Mitchell did just as other men do. lie mode a contest for his first nomination for legislature, and succeeded after a hard fight. Tho election showed that be was no more popular than other candidates, his ma jority being less than that of other county ofileials on the same, ticket. His second nomination was conceded him under the rules ot bis parly, and the election showed that he had not made friends during his first term. The third and fourth nominations were made hy a spirited canvass of his coun ty, anu ins election no-cured ny less than tho usual party mnjorily. His first nomination for Congress was inailo at W illiamsport after svveial days bal loting, and in the election that follow ed his success was only secured in a district that usually polls from 2,500 to 3,000 Republican nmjority, by plurality of lfit voles. His second nomination was hot even conceded him and it required a bitter fight bo fore he won. In the election lollow ing ho was in a minority, when, tho returns were all in, ol 4,790, and was only elected becauso his opponents woro divided between Smith. Demo crat, and Davis, Greenbaikcr. In the last campaign he was considered a can didate for re-nomination until ho found bo could not mako it, when he pru dently withdrew, and a chap by the nomo of Walker, who had bnt recent ly moved Into the district and was known to hut lew of the voters was nominated and elected hy a linger ma jority than Mr. Mitchell cvor rccoived Such is the record ol his popularity. We aro sorry, as wo said before, to spoil the very popular record that is being fixed up for tho new Senator, but wo are anxious to hnvc him start square. A wrong impression as to bis popularity and brilliancy, may raise expectations that will never be rcalfz cd. It is better IHr a man tn start from his own It vol und go up, il tbeie is any go up in hnn, than to be chuck ed out of a bullion and lelt to drop, when be bus not the ability to fly. Ikllefome Watchman. "BLACK FRIDAY." MtATI! OF THE CENTRAL Fltlt'RE OF THAT MEMORABLE DAT. Albert Spcycrs died at his country homo in Jiayside, N. J., on Tuesday, February 22d. His death recalls tho incidents of Rlatk Friday, in which Mr. Speyers was tho central figure. He was the principul broker of a pool composed of James Fisk, Jr., Jay Gould, William M. Tweed, Henry N Smith, Peter 11. Sweeney, Wm. Del den, and several others, formed for the pnrjtowa. e-F nliiac asp Ik. price, ol colli. Speyers began purchasing on the first of tho woek, and at tho close of business on Friday night, September 24, 18UH, he bad bongbt over 1:15,000, 000 of gold for account of tho pool. When he began buying tbe prico was 130. On the morning of Black Friday it opened at 14.V Speyers went into the gold room, which has since boen removed to muko way for an exten sion lo llio Sunk Kxchange, with or dors from the pool to buy all tho goltl offered up to ISO. Ho did so, and re ported. Then hu was directed to con tinuo purchase up to l.'i5. Wbcn tho price was advanced above 150 the terrible excitement ol the day began. Most of the members ol the pool assembled in tho ofllce ol William Heath 4 Co., from which they issued orders and sent encouraging messages to Speyers. They assured him that tho short interest excocded f 100,000, 000, that they had amplo resources to margin upon his purchases, and that tho Government was with them and would not sell any gold. About noon the price approached 100. Then Spcy ors, under new orders, rushed to ibo Irunt, offering that figure for any pari of a million dollars. His cry, "One hundred aud sixty for any part of a million!" rang out above tho confu sion, as ho bought million afler million at that figure. Then ho raised bis bid to 102), the highest price of tho clay. At ibis moment a dispatch came from Secretary of the Treasury Bout well to the auh-Tieasnrer directing him to sell 14.000,000 of gold. While the hrokeis were trying lo learn I I ... I....I .. ...II.. I I vvui-iiii-i alien an umcr liuo rcuny much issued Ibe pric e of gold dropped trom IliU tnl in, rallied again and linully declined to 131 in tbe eai ly evening. The m tioii of tbu tiovernmciil w reck ed tlm s heme nf the pool and Li'ithim followed in tliegolj room. It was re ported that Spe-ycr bceiiine insane. While tho excitement was al its height, 'just beli, re the trash came, some tine handed Speyevsa note warn ing him that an attempt against bis lil'u was meditated if be continued his woik. 1 1 o rushed into llio Slock Ex change, of which he was member, sprung upon the President's platform aud ma lo a request lo bo hum tl. Hu repeated his inlormation, ami added : "Now I am hero. 1 am a good tur get. Shoot me il you duro. Any man thai wants to sbool mo can haee a chance, und any mull thut said he would ahool mo is a poor, miserable cowurd." Then ho rushcdoiit and across Broad street into Win. Heath's olllco, where the members of the pool were assem bled. Fisk told him logo back and buy more gold. lieforo tho day closed Speyers was taken to bis home in a carriage completely exhuiisled and un strung. Wh;n ho returned to tho street severul days afterward ho found tbul Fisk und others of tho pool hud repudiated tho transactions ho had mudo, or a largo part of them. This threw him into bankruptcy, along with tho dozun fir more tit her brokers who were obliged lo close their doors. Uu finally instituted suits ugalnst Juy Gould und others to recover tho amounts that ho claimed were duo f him for Ihe purchases made on Rluck Fri lay. Ono of these suits camu lo the snrf'uce about a yeur ago, and since i ihfH iiolbing has been heard of them. Hu was unable to meet his obligations lo those from whom he purchased, and that was followed by suspension from the Stock Exchange, which was prac tically expulsion. Ho was President of the Albemarle Fertilizer Company. Mr. Speyers was a German. Uo was about 115 years old at the time of his deulh. His dis ease was cancer in tho stomach. Ho leaves a widow und severul children. THE IMPKSDISG SUA DO II'. ' Great bodies move slowly, and the public is slower than monopolizing cor porations. Hut a timo may bu con ceived of, nay, even be ire dieted, when the public will become swifter than corporations, and whon thoso corpora tions may not only be caught up with hut oven ground to powder by tho public wrath. This country just now bus entered upon a timo of great material prosperi ty. The land laughs with fatness und promise. A burstol sunshino has bath ed the whole nation with radiance aud joy. This may havo seemed sudden although a concurrence of hippy events has long been leading up lo it. Ileuco to muny persons tho general effulgence appears like a glad surprise. Hut just now a shadow has crept over the eurth, a chill has filled tho air. Tho blithe and confident spirit lhat so lately prevailed is damp and hesitat ing. What does this moan and what docs it portend f It means that the people, through lbs stress of ominous and accumulat ing events, are getting too sue that they are in danger ot becoming the victims of new and crushing forms ol oppression. It means that the words "consolidation" and "combination" are beginning to b understood. It means that tbo people have como to perceive lhat if to-day they aro to bo heavily tuxed through artificial valuations on a thing they cunnot possibly do with out, th o process may be repeated to morrow on something clso, tho next day on somo other necessity ; so that at last their very life-blood will be sucked out by tho greedy vampires, who grow more insatiublo with impu nity, and who, already swollen ncaily to bursting, still plot and strain for further accumulation. It means yet moro. It means that the people see with growing alarm and anger lhat tbo blood-sue kola arc forth fvimr themselves so stroncrlv in letris ! lutivo bodies that relief or protection Irnm those quarters, il sought tor, may be sought for in vain ; lhat men who have been thought to be repicsenta lives 'ol the people have becomo in stead representatives of tho corpora tions, thus snugly and surely entrench ed, aro last learning to laugh at public opinion. For who shall say llicm nny with tho highest power in tho land holding up their hands from behind? Thero is roagon, then, for tbo im pending shadow. Tboro is reason for solicitude when llio people, who must uso Iho telegraph, aro told they must pay dividends on eighty millions ol dollars, when a quarter of that sum would replace all that tho stock of the inflated corporation represents. There is no reason for solicitudo when the same principle, applied now here, now there, to linos of transportation, threat ens to end In imposing throughout tho country funr times tho chargo lot car rying goods or persons lhat the serv ico is worth. There is roason for so licitude whon, seeing what may bo done, free of let or hindrance, with telegraphs and railroads, monopolists aro visibly preparing to repeat Iho per formance iu other fields so that at last it may oven bo that tho whole labor ot tho nation will stagger under unprece dented and at last unbearable burdens to swell the already crammed purses of scheming monopolists. All this, we may bo snro, ia not a summor cloud that can overcome tho community without causing cither special fear or wonder. It betokens a real, a menacing, a present dangor. It implies that a timo has como when tho Torces of public opinion must bo set at work in earnest lo hi oast and bear back a groviouo calamity. Supinoness will not answer; to close our eyes and stop our cars will not answer. A mo ment bus arrived when wo must change all lint; a moment whon legislators and those who bribe them must cry a hall; and a moment whun "combin ers" and "consolidiilors" and all other plotters against iho common wcnl in Ihe interest of corporate monopoly mual bo told in trumpet tones, and in something more than words if need be, "Thus fur shall yo go and no further." .Vrir York Post. Tba man who goes Into business with tha devil soon finds lhat his nart. ner is sonl proprietor. flnv AivtrtiSMfiits. -It) It Tl N W A II :t, II t It l rV A H K, a t.l HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, NKKIH.l:., ATTACHMENTS' AXII IMIIT.s, and all klmls of SKW1NQ MACHINES, UO To O. II. MEIillEI.L, . Agent,, PA. (June 1, 'sO If. REMOVAL!! James 1m. Lcavy, liming purcbaaad tha eujlre tt of Ffd. Smikett, hereby give nnttoe that he h movnd Ititu tha room lately oceupled by Heed A Ilagerty, on Heond atraet, where na la prepared to ol.t-r to tha public CQQK STOVES. u k.i .?. PAllLOIl STOVES, of the latfit Improved pdttorm, at luw price. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Hpouting, Plumbing, (la Fitting, and Hepitring I'mui-l a apimUlty. All work warranted. Anything In ur lint will be ordered dpfiUI II daairod. JArf. L LKAYY, I'rnprietur. FKED.HACKerT, Agent. Cloar&ed, Pa., January 1, 1879-tf. a. i mm s co., DE.VI.EltS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CLT'D CO., Pi. RoectfuIIy solicit tlioir p:itrn and the nuhtie generally to aill an t estm- ine their new ttntk of Spring and Sniiiincr Goods, CONSISTING OF Cashmeres, Velvetoens, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Prints, In. bloa'died and Hlcached Mus lins, Fancy Skirts, Sheet ings, Tickings, Carpets, liugs, Oil Cloth-, HOSIERY, Laundricd, White, Cheviot and Percale Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, etc., cto. Groceries & Gen'l Merchandise Will bo found ot first quality, and satisfaction is guaranteed. The fol lowing are always kept on bund, (somo few only in their season): Sugars, Tens, Coffees, Spices, Syrups, uoniecuoneries, urangoa, Lemons. Bansnas, Figs, Dates, etc, Hard ware, Queenswaro, Glasswaro, Tinware, Wood and Willow ware, Paints, Oils. Clocks, Trunks, Valises, Mirrors, Stationery, Furniture, ft Miners' Supplies, ALSO, DEALERS IN EAHK,H.Pv.TIE3StSZIITGLi:3. July 23. lftPO tf. NEW IMPROVED EIGHT-FLANGE Fire-Proof Safes. s - - BBtwc-'- -Ai'.e-yJ. The only 8-Flango Safe in the World, AND CONTAINING! More Improvements than any Safe made, such as The 1VVTEXT Insi More secure from Burglars than any Fire Proof Safo, and no cxponso in repairing Bolts or Locks. Patent Hinged Cap, Four-Wheel Locks, Inside Iron Linings, Solid Angle Corners. Those Safes aro now being sold in this Stato In LARGE NUMBERS, And give tho Groatest Satisfaction, Doing tho Most Highly Finished, Best liaio, una Choapost Firot- wass bajt a over rroiuocd. These Cotebratod Sales had the Champion Record IK THE Great Boston Fire, And sinco tbnt lime orkat and impor tant iMrRovtMF.XTs have been mado. Bcloro giving your order lo any other concern, send for prices and descriptive Catalogue MORRIS & IREL AND BOSTON, MA8& Pea. II, 1S8J ly. L Ml 5nr Ottu Ssfli'trtlsinwnt. mjjj REPUBLICAN, Published .vary Wednesday by G. B. GOODLANDER, 4 LKArtl'IKMr, HA., Has the Largest Circulation of any paper la Murlaueatfrn P.nneylTanla. Tho largo aud constantly iuuieosing circulation uf the IIipuulican, renders ilvaluublu tobusiucsa men as A medium thro' which to roach ibo public. TtKMs or Subscription : II paid iu advance, . . 'l 00 If paid afler three months, . 2 50 If paid allur six months, . . 3 00 When paper are sent outside of tbo county puymunt must bo in advance. ADVERTISING i Ton lines, or less, S limes, . tl 60 Each subsequent insertion, oO Administrator' Notices, . 2 50 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Kslrays, . . . 1 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . . . J8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Threo squares, "0 00 One fourth column, . . . . 50 00 One-hall column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 IlLlMiS. Wo have always on band a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPiENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4o., Ac, &o. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTKRS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., 4c, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. II. CJoodlatuler, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Piv misrcllanrous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Curwouivlllo, Jan. V, '78 tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. 1M1K uuderslicaeJ, baring . Nut . serjr tin Ihe Tike, al.uut ball r btir,0 ClearflrM and Cnrwensville, Is pret'eretl ly lu, nirh all kinda of Fit I' IT TKKks, (standard and dwarf,) Evergreens, fiiirubliery, flrnne Vine, OfHiseberre, Lawtcn lilarbtwrry, Strawi,,,,-' aad Raspberry Vines. A:s, Siberian Crab Trn.' Quince, and early aearlcl Rhubarb, ac. Or ,,' brbuintly attended to. Address, U. KKItiliT, SapIO-SI-l Curnen.iille, I, A Bargain ! FARM FOR SALE! The undtriijued olTi-rt at private attic tint w. nuble farm aituated in (i Ha II AM 7'jVV.Np CIrfioli ofiimy, known a the Containing 132 asre, 50 of which are elr, aod haviDg thercou enotfti a largo frama dwell.' ing buuff. large Irameharn, ami the other re. tu. ay outbuilding, togotbtr With a large utrlturJ, good water. lo. Tho pruimrly will he cold t.n very eay term "or further partiL-aUr i r: . i r if the buUi-nber, in perion, or by It-fir. HUNK FIKLIilNi. Clf.tCe! I, Pa , Mar'b 34tb, UM-.-if TRADE JtJ'MARK. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CUEE3 CONSUMPTION, of Hl'-1. llrotn ,il . A.Oifiii. tvuU .-,t . 1 diH- . . t'.e T'l'i'i -arv t'.,-; r.. I'r:r 5 1 t . ".; null Otie Itoll ir. tl CO. I'roDrlu'.o -.. 38 filth Arenas, PltlSBvBOH, PA. ASK Vol It UKI.'UUIsT lolt ir. October 27, 1SSH 6ul. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY Market HU Clearfield, (at the Ho-1 f if.., TDK ander'igntJ bc trave tn at,n-.rjrft tu tba eitiaeu of Clt-arr.t-M and iinnitv, tin he baa fitted op a room and hm jui-t rWi.ri.-J from tha city with a larire aoi'iont c rei., ( matter, eooilfnf in art of Bibles and Miscellaneous Eooks, Blank, Acooont aod Faaa Bot kn f . e-, ,f. criliun; 1'eper aud Kuetloitn, trrtvh (ir-,,.) and plaint fen and I'mrU ; Utii.k Li--ti Paper, Dead, Mortgugni ; Ji.ilfruiont, Knur. Uod aod Protaiearv nit- ; bite and I'sn l,. meat brief, Legal Cap, Htcord Cap, and l ilt t Sheet Alusio, lr either Pianti, lute ur eonatantly oa baud. Any hoi-k or atk.( i.r deilred lhat I may nut have on hBd,tiill !.e i j by Int xprei, and add at whoU-.tln ur rt iul to unit euitoDtera. I will a ho kt pr nudi, ji Ittaralura, mob a Majfaxlno, Newt-tl it-, & . P. A. I.IN Clearfiald My J, IhfiH-tf New Departure : IN LUTIIERSBURG 1 Hereafter, Rood will be told fr tAH i.i, or in exrhaore for produi-e. No buoltn l krjit in tha future. AU old account m:i tt Titled. Tboae who cat. not ca' b up, w ill p er -f handorar their aad CLOSE THE RECORD. I am dMarmitied to aell my pood ti -Htfa price, an -I at a discount far below nr offered in tht vieloity. The diaoouat I liw ui; ouatcmer, will mnkethem rich ia tweoty yr,m they fellow my adtiea aod buy their (nod fr a ma. I will pay enph for wheat, nnti in it clur aaed. DANIEL l.utherhurr. January 17, IS77. HARTSWICK & IRW1K, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA.. DEALERS IN PURE DRUliS! chemicals: PAINTS, OILS, DYK Sit I K VAKMPUF.S, BRLnllES, PKKytMLKV, FAXOV ,'l'!i. TOILKT AHIICI.fS, OF ALL KINDS. prf7 trrxipo sxttv rrnr'nt.-v w i . m iiir.o iijixr jjjyi vi.j far Kedlelnal pnrptues. Trnsras, Supporters, Bhool Dunks anlM- s ry, and all other articles nsuailt found in a Irug btore. FIITSICIANS' PRRriCKIPTItlNrt ClKI FUI.LV COMI-orNUKU. li.Tinr. a Isrcr n perleae. la th. business they .aa lite (b':ri larartioB. J. a. HARTSWIt'K. JOHN F. 1KWIV ClMrteld, Derehar IS. IJ4 THE BEST l i ; i'.i.;... fliscasis ol llic Tbroa uilii L:i OLvanrn ..1 tin- ; nary orjniii m . a lent unit t i i1 -HAft'atnl n ini i for them 14 i' to every r tt u A yfh'n t m:itK Tuirn, la Hii. ii ;i i. '' fttxl no othrr U nt'iitly tni' r if 1 vaiauiLikA ta a a iciitii.c i-i.n i - 'C!r"TT'eiI'r'n,''l'nH Bl1'' n,r': " 5 jl'SYivirtui-a of tlw f y firj ilrut,'., i lu'inlc:)!!) -.Jv2eHt lnwwlUe a It IxCTORAL. nnifon.ritj t nulla, wlit'li niH'I'i pliy-tt ifinn a.i vrcU aa Invulhli lo hm- i'" 'lh fHHitliliH.f . It n tlm moat n liuLU' i for (liarnnpa nf the tlirat and lunir- 'I' - ' rncei lioa prixliionl. It atriktw nt th ' tin Ion of nil pulmonary lirA, n't r i n? prompt mid rortain n-lk-f. and ta ail.ip."' I ,l pnilfiita of nnv nt" ot rilltcr a- x. I' 1 wry mlnuil'hv tli yMin-t clul'li'11 It ntiliAitt ilillli'iilty. In Ilia lu-.ittn-ot ol onlnmrv f'utlftli i'ol-la, Hor TtinU llroiicliltlt, liifliirnxA, t'h-rp Horn Throat, Al limit, t'roup, nl turrh, tin mfet'ta of Avrii'd t iiniu. i'1 Ton a i. an irinvii-nl, and tMnlt(iiih- titmlly itnurrt from aortona IHnw ", titMflv Hii.l faillilul iiv, It ahoiihl U- I nt liim.l In i'vitv"M, f-r tint jt tf tl.-n It aft.mU In amhlvn an k ,n VhiHiilnx-coMKli ami 'ulll"",," tli. ru ii no otlir run"!)' n-f 1 liliiS. ami ht lpful. Tho iminvlloita rurr whl. h ArrM Cumitv l'Ri-ronvt. Iian elTpi'twl all owrth "ilii am a Biiiln ioiil guamniy Hint It ' nnilimn. In pnIm lh lrt p'aiiH- A" l)np:u'inl trirtl will ronvinra th" rwwt tnl of Ita won.UrfMl rumlivr (towra, a " a ( Ma auiwrtority ovar all other pnw-tl-ii for pulmonary couiplalu-. Kmlnent T-liralrlnna In all part J rotintry. kiiuMlrtff Its rownrH,n' '"''TZ iihmhI AVMt'a Citr.ltHV Pwtokai. to nn.l prtw rtlia It In thHr pnutl " of li.ilf a iwntnrr bad tmv! H rtrtnlnty to mm all nulmonwra r"ni"", not alrbwty bnjouil Ilia nm-Uvt humaaa Propared by Dr. J. C. Ayor fc Co.. PraatlraU awd Analrtla Cw-wUi'. Lowall, MM mmjt at il aaoMiara taTwat m a aL7