Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 09, 1881, Image 3

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Terms oF Subscription.
II aiJ in adreno,or,wltnln threa month.. $3 00
11 jmt-1 efier throe and before m Booth .. I 60
If t,aid after the eaplretlon of lit nionbta... 1 00
Mcilnwilat Kplseopal l'hurch--Ra-.Uao.
l,iinT, Ptr. Hem A erery tiabbatb tl It),)
A. M.,aod 7i P. M.
Sabbath School at 9 A. M.
Prayer Metting trtry Wednetday, at Tl P. M.
OomniunioD Krrtfl, drat Sabbath of erery
j.ontb,atlO, A.M.
Heft Marlield M. C. ( lmrrh Her
CniHt.KiW. UuaaLar, Pastor, Preaching every
allernat Sunday, at t o'eloak, P. M. (Sunday
S;ihuul it 21, P. M. All art invited to attend.
I'reatiyterUi. Church her. fl. B. Botli.
-Sabbath serTieat morning and erenlng Pab
ikth School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes
iay evening.
HaptUt ( hurrh. Rtr. , Peator.
altath School t5 P. M. Prayer Mealing erery
Wednesday evening.
Ht. I'Taiirl' ( hurrh fathollr IttT. P
J, SnmiDAn. Itivtoe service at 10$ A. M., on
the first, third and fourth Sundaysof each month;
Vespers and fienedleilon of tbe Uleesed Haerenitnt
at To'olock, P. M. hunditj School every (Sunday
afternoon 4t S o'clock.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Pint Monday of Juno,
Funrth Uunday of September.
tiki or bold ma com bum nr. a.
Ptrit Monday of J una.
Second Monday of Nor ember.
ruiLio o meant.
Prttidtnt Jndgelon. Cbartt A. Mayer,
Lock Haven.
Attittant taut Judo Hon. John II. Orrli, of
Associaf Judgtt Abran Ogilen, Clearfield f
Vincent B. Holt, Cltarfiold.
Prothonotary Jainea Kerr.
Rtgittt and Rttordtr Uerg M, Ferguson.
Trtaamrtr Philip Dottl.
fhttritt AttorvJ. Y. HcKer.rlck.
Sktriff James Mahafley.
yvpvfy Sktriff V. I. Thompson.
County Smtyor Samuel F. McCloskey, Cur--nsvill.
Cnattiy (7otaiiMoar C. W. Kyler, ftrtliam
ton P. O.; Blah Johnston, Grampian Hill P. O.;
John Norrls, Sr., Curwentrllle.
Cvmmiitiontr' Cltrk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
field : Joipb Gilllland, Thraa Hum ; J. B. Nor
rio, Woodland.
County CorontrJmaf A. Mo-r, Clearfield.
Jury Commionrt AndrewJ. Jnckaun, Clenr
flel, Wm. K. llrown, Clearfield.
SHpirinttndent Public Scknolt M. L. Md-
Quown, UearnPld.
.Votar-ir Publie John W, Wrlgley, Win. Ra
ilfbaugh, Cyru Gordon, Claarfiald; Joseph R.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwensrillt ; J. A. Living., Dulloia City.
"Will tou take wheat, oata or eorn for tub
wipilon V Wa ara often Inquired of In thli way
hj Ittlir from pitroni who riida at a dtrtan1
tram Clearflald. Wa again aay ye. The remipU
of a retpomihla marc bant or mill owner In the
vicinity, will amwer nt Juit ai well ai the canb.
To illluftrate : If any of our patron will dehrer
ur a bag of train at the mill of Joph II. lireth,
in ChtM liiwriobip, Ho rare Patch In, in Harnfida,
llniiUH" It. Forcer, In (Imhain, Wm. porter or
, In Lawrence, or brown 4 8eyler', at I
Call at Merrill's hardware it ore and
at tba ebeape and btat Bawing Maohlnt for
tba laait moiry. pM
- -1 i
laea, pocket and all klnde of teiaion and ahean,'
entirely new itoek at Harder't.
1'uro out tlio morbid humors of tbo
btood, by doiaor two of Ayor'a Pill, and you
will have dearer bead ai wutl a healthier bodii.
' 1 M i
Hr Mdhk Kxi'LiriT. Wo ovorheanl
a boleliat towling reoestly, beeiu printer
drove a aoow ball thrugh a paaa ur gliri nn
Sunday lart whllt playing with the boy. Printer
ibonld not be to naughty.
- - a i
To Tub Toint. Tlio ynbula t-oriT8
pondentafthe DdllU Cnmritr augerti that the
Pehool Buard of ftendy towaihip fumUh each
teacher with tba neeeoary matehee to kindle their
(lie. Who' hit Ilia director or the t each en ?
Tlio Lint Rewind mucliinjr in the
wona u id itew i(emiogtn, Xo. I, b elf-
inreadtngf&uttia, no cog hel, no earn. AH
wear flan be taken up. Pl at Harder' rtore,
I learfleld, I'a. fvb 0( n.lfi
I lie people ol llio Wut owo a debt
of gratitude to l)r Ayer for the projaction of
Aver Ague Curs. It timily m will sere
aueb u Or tin j and icuah diaourageuaDt, and
rcoaiumaDd It vitb the graatea oonfidence In
It ability to da all that li promise I for It.
"Ueilly" ift tho numu Riven the post
ipffloc at l bo tillage of Oi-djuirl, In lirwaria.towo
hi(i. It 1 abfurd, betide very inconvenient,
to bat the poit office go by una name and t ha
town by another. Wa hope our friendi In that
taction will make an effort io ht the name of
tba town and the potitffii'e liruiotit and not
antagniilrt each other. Everybody know where
Ca1port if, but who know where ' Reilly" ia.r
-a mi - -
'I'liK liovrt" tods Cared For. Wo
learn that at a weeing ol the Town Council, on
Munday treniu. Mor. . It. Itw, Ur. T. J.
Bytr and Dr. 1J. U. Van VaUah ware appointed
a com ml He to lulect a alte for a Lockup, and to
receive pmpoeal fur areating tba aama. Thi 1
a atep in tba right dircoiion. Our borough 1 ton
larga to be without an ornament or building of
the kind Indicated.
Snow Your IVtures. Forepauu'li,
the great ihowmin, want to eecure the aorvtce of
the handiomeit woman lirjog to traral with hi
how for thirty week the coming imi n. Deauty ,
and not talatit it wanted. The WJinau will I
requirrd to appear dally io the street paratr.
Tho fortune which thi qnern of lorelineia will
receive for her faer I f 10,000. Application cai
only be tumlc by phstojraph. No perionat ap
plication will be granted. All photngrapb mint
t on hand by March 3M.
Too Mich of That. Judiro liiM-ka-
fetSar, of Sunbury, In charging the Urand Jurr,
took oroi tlon to paik very pointnlly on tbe duty
of jurymen, and Mid they ftrifiiently allowed
their ulodi t ha drawn away from a true and
jnat vrnlL't through fear and pity. He aaid that
of the hundred who had beau tried and etiten.ioJ
for crime of every grade within the ratfew year
in hi Court, there wa no oridn.oe of the con
viction and punirhnieut bftjnc Inno'cot perion,
wblta th guilty who were acquitted could b
Nearly IIkaov. Tho Altoonu Sunl
ay : "Tbe big pMenger locomotive, which la to
do the ninety mile between Philadelphia and
JerMj t.'ilr in nioetv minuter, is being uuihud
Powder and Fuse. Blastinir. rain
lag and rifle powder at Harder', by the keg or
P" rb 9, 81 tf.
Rovolvora, aoron ahot, nickol plated,
teal barrel and tyllnder. Will ell a limited
amount at 01 14 each. Day quiok, at Hardor'i.
- e
M. M. Willoy, who has boon travel
ing In tba Booth and Weet during the past four
months, returned hmt lat Wednesday avening.
lit thoaght Winter was over.
Kazobs. A very fine lot of Buporior
raion, mad by Ocorga Woatanholm, Wad A
Batcher, Bbeffleld, Eng., and other maker, In
price from 36 ecnta to 3 eaeb, at Harder' ilore.
Counanaa ar Lariwkb Post, No. 170 :
You are taroeatly reited to attend tbe next
regular meeting of the Poal, to bo held oa Friday
aveniog, March K. a bitlviess of iuiporlanoe is
to ba traoRa.'ted. iM there ho a full turnout !
II. T. KINti, P.O.
W. A. n:B , Adjutant.
A Fact. An advertiHoment itiHertod
In the Hlpi aLrcAX will reach mora readers than
If puhliahrd In all the other paper in tht coun
ty, and eoat tbo adrartUei law than one-half
In other words, an advertisement puhlinhed In
our Jtnrual i worth double tht price of that
qharged by any other .ublisuer In the county.
It Is a fact." tf.
mm mm
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
men Irel liki ira ling tome of their product for a
aerlie t-f number of copi of the CLBaariBLp
Iticrut.iL'AJf, w will gladly ahow them where to
put two or throe hundred bushel on account In
that way. Wa have a bin at our residence and
ont at th t'fRoe that will bold a load trery now
and then. A hint to the wis la a very sage re
mark, and should be sufficient. Nor, 10 Jt
hint of letters remaining unclaimed ,
In tht Pod office at Clearfield, Pa., for the week
ending March Ttb, 1881 :
Jainc A. AmHhnDgb, Owin A, Chamberlain
Aila J . Ciowell, t li. Finely. Jno. Fitiiimmon.
j. Harrison, mrs. h. ijatubert, Lawrence Union,
Sadie O. Miller (2). Minnie Mignot, Milt Mary
I, John Sii.ltlej, Katie Warren.
P. A. OA L' LIN, P. Ml
Patii.ADBi.rBiA, March T. There la a Iraaer
feeling In braadatuffs, and wheat and flora ara
b'gher. Cotton ia doll at lWo for middling? no
lands. Bark la nominal at 2S bar toa for No. I
quercitron. Beed Clover la In fair request and
steady at 4K. Ponmylrania and M
for western. In Timothy and Klax there la no
demand and Brta. Bale of l.flOO barrela. Inolnd
Ing Minnesota aitras, at Ma.76 for low to
fancy, clear, ana at B.).H4f(iiO.J5 for strairht
Penmylvania extra Tamil? at 14.76(5 j Ohio
and Indiana do. do. at to.MKijj 6.70, and patent
at ureai. agjpiana i.aaiitanam on atortt term a,
Ryo floor la ateady at $5 par barrel. 1b ton
meal nothing doing.
Grain Wheat i In active demand and faitber.
Hale of Sn.OtlO fautbel, including rejected, at
91. IU4I9 11 na rod track, at fl.lii ;
March at $1,171, and da, In elevator, ear loU, at
$1,174. At tba open board, Brat tall, $I.1T waa
kid for March; $1 lie for April and $l,lVo
tor may. nyo rcnnayivania oommand vao.
par bushel. Cora la active and a bade better.
Hales of U,00 bunbelv, Including yellow, trark
and afloat, at V5o j white, at bin (earner, at ft.'il
(tibia, and flail, mixed, elevator, at 45 o. At tbe
open board, flrtt call, oio was hid for March i
4e for April, and 64e for May ; i,iH0 bushel
May sold at oite. Oats ara quiet but firmer,
rial e of U.OOObuibelt, Including white, at 42(4rto.
and rejected and mixed at ali((L4Joi 6,000
buthela April told at aio.
M hither I ateady at $1.11 for weitern, wi'h
salti of 100 barrela.
Chicaoo, March 7. Floor quiet and firm
Wheat ulet and Armor ; No. S Chicago aprlng,
Mifynie forcaah i Otfio for March ; $1 ,0(14
1.00, for April j $1,041(1.04 for May ) No. 3
unteago spring, osvmi rej acted, 73(vHUe
Corn lalrly aotiva and a ibada hisher ; gilt edge,
.Sire for cash; 8 o for March; ;iHlfic for
April; 4ie uto tor ay ) i( lor June; rejeoWJ,
ajioforoaib: 20iefor April i 84e lor Mav : ro
jeotcd SOI. Hre quiet and firm at 05(j,WAc for
earn ; voe lor aiarcn ; voo tor April, tiariey
nioderatelv active and hither at $1.03 for catb :
$l.0i for April. Perk moderately aotlro an J
higher at $1160 forcaah and March ; 1.o74fu
h,Oii for Juno Lard fairly active and a ahadt
nigncr at iu,oo lor earn f v.vuvb io.uu lor
Marcb : Ein.U7iraDIU QU for Anril 110.174(0110. 20
for May ; $10 26(4,10 37J for June. Bulk meate
Hhoulders $4.80 ; abort ribs, $7.0 j; short clear,
7.00. Whiikey steady and Arm at $!.(.
New Daily Staoe Line. Jamoa L-
Liavy has succeeded in baring a dally mall astab-
liibed between Clearfield and PcnnOold, and will
hereafter run a daily atage between the two points.
Hi contract began with April lit, and tho stage
wiHKave learCold every tnotniog (except Bun
lay) at 8 o'cloi-k, making conneotiona with all
trains on the Low tirade Iiailroad at Pennfield, re
turning after the Inst train the satna evening.
Panengert and freight will bo carried at low rates.
Order left at auy of the hotel will ht attended
t- I6apr70-lf
Clearkiki.u Coal Trade State-
men t of Coal and other freights sent orer the
Tyrone A CIuarGeld Diridon, Pennsylvania Rail,
road, for the week ending February Sflth, 1881,
and rie same time taut year :
For the week
Saiuo Mutt iait year
Hi.-kt"n, t'nion towbfhip, and forward lliair i f'Twrnrd! rapidly. Next week rtie will be on her
rfrrifti lor the amount, w will credit them on i driver uu i uioat of hvr machinery la place.
e. in mis way nil may i K aT lh. .i-i-i,,. ui. ini,ii ,i
nrxin pay v.i.i! they owe, if they will pursue this '
.r,uttt. tf. j noarlj twj tio, anl they tower nlleraMy
- 1 '"!! - ahova an ordinary man's heal." That ninety
n"Advi'rtmer and others will hear , mtla.mlnutt buinesi look n flighty, hut we suspect
;n mind that all artiolei Intended for publication that tbe effort will b mude although a number of
Prctiouily during year ,
Saiiie liur Inst yea
Totiil In I8SI..
tnie time lat year
otbbb rmieiiTa.
I;ir!lneou freight
... 85 car.
..- JuO "
llietr acrvunt lor tbe same.
Wi,r Rr HftoitM, March Sth, ISfll. liiriBLicAx: I Botlse that tbe editor
of the Clearfield fiiiiea 1 terribly exerclied
concerning the welfare of our schools and the in-i-Bicieofr
ol tbe Count v Huperintendenl, and
il,t o-u.t he landed 1b, not Iftter (ban funeml nhouhl ari from the underlakla. There! i t ,.' T. i. " 7 ....i".'
it nothing like prom. but npon the oonrentlon that elected him. before
m a j tfaat convention there were five candidate, all gun-
'In THIS CoUNTY." Tho editor of! tlcmen of experience as educators, and who stood
tba Cbrrrylrea Itrrord is in the habit of uolng j ui8h 1,1 lhc l.'tian uf the people of lh coun-
,. put,, a.u &, - nrz Z:li!::
ia so near He corner of Cambria, Clearfield and . m. 1,. McQuown waa elcoteJ by a majority cf the1
Indiana eoutttlei, It puialca some of hi readera member of that convention. Politic bad nothing
to undentand what be mean when he sir "thla ! 10 00 w,tn Ul" ie3'0, n l noaia not have iu
county;" became he ha the enterprise to publUb
tbe list of jurors, trial Hit, ete. or "(hreo oounties"
and they often brcouie tangled over 'he qoetion,
not knowing what eounl) be mean, because of
bis proximity to the triangle Indicated. We Bug
get that (a tho futu-e he ay : 11 Tbe Court of
Cambria, eto.
Tueiday, at 0 A. M. Dou t forget Itt
"The Waverly IIohho" i tho name
f a new hotel t MriOw od, and Walter H"U Is
ti.e roprietor,
Mr, Krnnk Hittor, ot this plaee, full
n the !? last Thursday, reviving a ever
triiiie inj out ahore th? eye.
TboM. K. Ladies' Aid Society will
uiaet at tbo residence of Mr. (1. It. tjj:idlander
n-xt Fridny afternoon.
YOt'NO IirilLKR.-In Phlllpaburg, on
Thursday, March 3d, ltj, by Lewi lieu, Kq.,
Mr. Ciiarlkh Vol no and Miia Eii.a Hublbh,
both of Clearfield county.
LOWE DAVIS. In DuBol. on Toeiday,
March 1st, by th Rev. Wm. M. Burohfleld,
Air. fKTKR h. liOWB ana Aim ui.ara a. Uavi
both of Williamiport, Pa.
LENICH DKM I In Clearfield, on TburaJay,
March J, I SSI, at the M. hi. parsonage, bv Kr.
l. Leidy, Mr. Lrwis C. Lkhich and Miss Kit ma
Demi, both ol CiearUuld, Pa,
denco of Mr. Oeorge Bishop, In Perguion totrn
abip, on Sunday, March fith, IBS, by W illiam W,
Hartley, Kk(., Mr. K. C. BAnrttTT and Misa
8 a wan U. Pa.taiiivroi, both of Ferguson town-
McCORMICK-Mt'LLt.X.-At the residence
of the bride's father, Mr. Hugh Mullen, fa Law
rence township, on Friday, March 4th, lK8l,hy
Kcv. j. u. a. ruiierioa, nr. uaaar inruonmra,
formerly of Cherrytres, 1'., now of Denver
Colorado, and Mis Ida Mt'LLx.Y.of Lawrence
township, Clearfield county, Pa.
iney go to uesvor immediately to resale.
5f!rw g.flvfrtisrnifufs.
ta Py Bamplot worth
$0 " 0U $6 free. Address Btinmb A Co..
Portland, Maina. (mob2,8l-ly
CAt'TlON. All portona ara hsrahy warned
against p urchaaing or In any tutdd ling w lib
the following poraonal property, dow in posse,
aioo o' J, I). UALbRAITU, of Burnsida town
ship, Clearfield county, via i One gray mare, X
?igs, t sheep and 1 lamha, 1 cow, spring wagon,
set harness, 1 buffalo robe, 4 aorts wheat In tba
round, 1 cupboard and Junes, i took stove and
xtures, 1 sink, 1 table, half do tea chairs, 1 rock
ing chair, 1 lounge, 1 extension table, 1 room
store, I aewinar maohlnt. 1 dreailnc bare an. 1
clock, 8 beds and bedding. The foregoing prop-
any was purcoasea oy me at eaenn s sale, and
Is allowed t remain In tho posseision of said
J. I. Ualbralth on loan only, aubjeot to my order
at any time. u. r. J'iTTS.
Ureal, Pa., March 2, 1881-lL
rpitlAL I.1HT. The following It a list of
JL eauae aet down lor trial tor March Term,
lftdl, oommanaing March IHtb :
ForjBTB MoaDAr, MABrilflra.
James Gardner tt al. vs. Patrick Fly no
ueorga ningtiam
William D. Irvm
John H. Dillen at al.
John M. Adama
Mitchell Askey
h'mery Hicks
M. M. DuRrce. Adm'x
vo iai nam ot ti n a vs. Aorarn llumi-hi
Co Nat Bank of Cl'fl'd v. William A . Wal
fa. Patrick Firm
va. R. C. Thompaon.
v. Btawart Cowan tt al.
ve. Charle II. Prescott.
va. manual Konts.
va. Alex A K. Wisor.
vs. WAIbert A Drotet at.
II ace.
Stewart A Pearct va. Wm Luthoret al.
John M. Cbaae vs. Austin Kline.
John P. Irvin vs. James A. Bloom.
A. M. Lloyd A Co. va. William Westover.
Oeorge M. Ilritbln vs. Joseph J. Llnglt.
Jha Clark rs. Andrew Ptnti.
Ithamer Dala v. Thomas C. Kyler.
Taylor Kowlos vs. Jaraee Irvin, sr.
K. K. Rose vs. J T Hurd.
W. II. Armstrong, Ex, v. E A A W li Irvin.
Robert Brown vs. Adam Moyer ot a)
William M. Price v. Jacob liilgtr.
Charle R, Ilrowa v. W 11 Dunlap.
B. A Z, L. Hartshorn vs. R H Neiner.
Thome Ralston rs. Wm Hoover at al.
J.B. Graham 'tAa'aeei vr. A Schemerhorn el al.
JAM KB KERR, Prothonotary.
ClMrJleld, Feb. 23, ISbl-U.
KT, Now More, Bncklngbam
county, Virginia, on Sunday, February 27th,
ltMl, A nn A A.t wife of David F. Ktr.eilcr, aged
4i year.
.KliILKH. At tht retidence of Mrr. H. Koa-
Improved Spring Beds,
The Undersigned bega Utvt to Inform the cltl
ien of Clearfield, and tht publie generally, that
ha baa on band a fine assortment of Furniiurt,
such as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Cham tier
Buitrs, Parlor Suites, Reclining and Extension
Chair, Ladies' and (lents Easy Chairs, the Per
forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane Beat and
Windsor Chairs, Clothes Bars, Step and Exten
sion Ladders, Het-Rnoka, ficruhbing Brohes, Ac
ooking 01aa, Chromn, Ac, which would
iait able for Holiday presentn.
declft'J JOHN TltOVTMAN.
Estate of Jonathan Nichols, doo'l
T)T Ttrluaof an order Issued out of tba Orphan a'
m j voun or uiearaeid eounty, ra., tna under
signed Administrator of tba tatatt cf Jonathan
Nloholr, deceased, will tell at nubile tale, at tht
COURT HulHK, In tba borough of Olaarfitld,
vitarnaio county, fa., on
Saturday, March 19th, 1881,
At o'clock P. N. of aald day,
All of tba Interest of tht deceased in and to a
certain piece of land altuate in the township of
Liawrenct, county ot tiearttolu , and Mate ol fenn
y Irani a, bounded and described a follows : Be
ginning at a hickory on lint of lead of Hugh and
James Orr; tbunoe by land of Alice Dale eait fifty
perches to a post ; thenoe by land lata of Martin
Mt'holt, Jr., one hundred and thirty ttcrchta to
tone In line of Thorn a M. l.anich' ; thenee wet
fifty perch e to a white pine: thence north by
land of Hugh and Jama Orr one hundred and
thirty perches to tbe place of beginning, obtain
ing 3h arrraaud;iH perches and allowance,
naving about seven acre cleared thereon,
being good farm land, oovertd with good
Timber, and beina underlaid with a vein
ol Coal.
One-half cash, and tbe balance In ont roar from
confirmation of sale, with Interest, to be secured
oy nana enu mortgage.
O. B. MKltRRI.L, Administrator, do.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 2.!, lh-4t.
lViiiniAH, Hon. C. A. MJVEK.
JailRf of th. Coart of Common Pltti of
?fpl Sflvrrtisfmrnts,
T UKNKI- Nt)TltIi. The followlnr
Xl eons have filed in tht oflioe of tht Clerk of
ttia uourt ot Uu arter rJesmons of Clear field eouniv.
their petitions and bonds fur lloenres, at the
March aeesion next, agreeably to tkt Act of As
sembly :
hotel L teens a.
U. How
William H. Dsao
R. N. rihaw
Jame McLaughlin ,
u. v, llloom
Jame L. Leavy
auio iioyt M
U. W. Lane
Smith Ualrd
Nicholas Soollini
Michael Hurley
tJoorge E. Robacker
James L. foofield
Jules Janot
Lewi Leinbev
John Mulson
Oeorge Pierce
UeorRt Rhoada
John Watioo
Iiaac Lloyd
Thoma Moore
Jamea W. McMahan
Mra. Wm. Well
Mrs. Richard Donahue...
George W. Hiaith
m. W. Lane
William Parktr
John McGirk
Richard Maildizan
Wm. Curran
Edward McOroutv
Frank Slater
Patrick Duun
Jauiee Haley
r.liaaDeth Hanks
Fred Wres
James Rolger
Edward Jordan
Patrick Shield!
W. L. Nicholson
Mead Brothers
Juliua TiTpe
Emanuel Hunts ,
Joseph E t-lerne
Jacob Troby
v 1 ina iwodiv-diid jumciai uisiriei. inmnninii or
tcr, in Pbihpsburg, on Monday morning. Febru- the countiea of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
K veiling scrvieeB are hein held thm
Mih in the leoturo room of 'ho I'refhyterian
ihur- h e udii"ttd by Rev. Mr. R titter.
.Mc-hi'n. Curt in awl Voetini each pt
tbrirtS.DOO nllowanot by art . amendnltut la tht
Sjalrj Civil hill, on Monday of hut week.
H'nik has heen cominenecd at re
building Bhirk'n tannery. The carpentering
i letog done by Means. He try Maikl and
tUajuel Shank.
The wito o! Mr. lavid Wagoner
ilied at her home in this bo rough on Thursday of
Ut week, leaving a husband and five children to
mourn her demit.
try iBlb, sj, Ui;ohb 11. Zr.KJl.rR, aged 40
y tiara.
STEWART. At Kylertown, Pa-, on Friday,
February loth, Bvrtiia, eldeit daughter of
Jamea L. and Rliiabeth H tew art, aed lit years,
1 1 months and 4 days.
A cortarpondent informs us that all the members
of Mr. Stewart' family, six in number, excepting
himself and wife, were lying sick with scarlet
fever, tbe dije wjicb ia part was tht caasa of
Miaa Bertha ' death. Tbe firttone, tbe youngest,
wnl taken slok on Hun day, February ):itb, the
laft one on Wednesday evening, February
33d. M Is Btilha was taken sick on Sunday,
February 23th. Her death , so sudden, produoel
a deep feeling In the whole ooumunity. and the
fam ily In tbi-lr al!lir!ionf hare the deep fympathy
of every one.
John Dulloii,
John McNulty
Wm. Sehwum
J. II. Fearar
Oeorge W . Holla...
Oeorf Knair
Peter RuHner
J. A. HoUnd
0. I. McCrarken..
I'upt John S. McKiornan. n lormer
(MiJent of Clearfield county, now of Williams
burg, Hlair county, la about to locate In lliuti
dahi where be Intenda to practice dentistry.
. m
I'EAD. Thoohl friendHand neighbors
nil rtilJiDg In tn la borougb will regret to learn
cf the death ot Mrs. D. F. Etawellor, of lloger
iog coniumptioo, at her Virginia home, on the
tTtb ot last month, in tht 6 jtb year of her age.
Mr. Wm. M. IJIoom, Mercantile A-
I'taiaer, publishes the remit of his labors for tht
I ait month in this Isfuo of tbe Rbpoblicam. An
j ptal will ba held In Clearfield on Wednesday,
April (th, fur tbe rtdrtas of any grievances that
msy arise.
a m -
M r. G. B. Hoover lius opened a hoard
ing house at Cniwensvtlle. His rate ara napra
(Sdentedly low, aa follows: BOaidiig per week,
$1.0 ; boardlngpar day, ft 0 cents ; supper, lodging
and breakfeat, 60 cents; single meals 20 cents j
lodging, 10 cents.
mm e oi
Mr. A. J. Greer, lato editor of the
Aitoona Tribum, an able and vigorous writer, is
now doing tditurial and reportonal duty on tht
.Van of that city. We congratulate tbo Sum man
agmtat on eecuting bla services, and Mr. tireor
can now give unrett rained rent to bla views, po
litically and oiherwiao.
. . . m mm
A Narrow Khcapk. According to
the Paptr, tbt Reynoldnvllrt editor nearly killed
bimaelf wbila board lag tba oar on Monday, the
38th Bit, lor the purpose of reaching Washing
ton and helping Garfield to Inaugurate himself.
Tbe chap that la dragged or el trees, ballast and
rails for any considerable distance should bo re
warded with ofiief. Tho Driftwood Guuto inti
mates something of th klod, and wo sraond tbe
mm i
Wa Can't Help It. Tho Dubois
C'oh rir man pitoba Into the "organ" because tbe
license card does But appear in bis foreign
"organ." Wo bavo no control oier that
tbiug. Oo to work and get up a decent circula
tion, and then yon can tauke the point you are
growling about; or go to New York lor your pa
tronage waeio yon get your outstlejtb dLO,
hereby cheating two or three hwneal priaiara out
of their Juat duea, and also help great tba wheels
of a huge tauBopoiy.
mm e- an
Tho heaviest tall of niiow and muni
rioleat storm of Hit present W inter ooeurrtd
during last Thursday tight and un if Jay at ia-
tetralB all day. Ibt avttagt depth waa about
II lerbw. Nobody was aurpristd at Ike sudden
change in the aaierj but on Friday they began
to wonder ir it naa tier going to atoa aaowiug.
lbs calorie rays of "Old hoi " li getting away with
the "Uautilul," barked by tht hearty consent ol
il who hare txpeiltnrfd nothing ale but polar
"area, icebergs aad snow -drills a. no early ta
lu another column we ouUhwh the
particuiaV, 0t tba bnraiag of :ho Danrillt ineaat
Aiviuin, There wero ten icroaies m thai inaittu
tin rum Clearfield ooonty thret females ftnd
men malts. No lire werw lost, ail the peraena
c-uGiad tberaiB baring toast enough aad proa
b.s r UlB4 to WliKt gt,tt4 thvr ioap. What
diira01e plaot it woold be in the midal of
arly uo raving lunatioB turned loose, aa waa
the cast at lais Asylum ! The "iuniea" Will all ba
"iiteted up and oen fined In other Aijloma,
moit of them going to War re a.
A WoNDEarii, Faeak. Whenever
'' mahtaademonstraiioa outside tf tbo wsnal
ntel and fixed lines, it la of tours wonderful,
ad theUtileteaa of all aamea firta Und ont
bold relief. Oar aiiantfaB waa called to a
iiroaity tf Ulsklnd oa Monday, by Larid
L amk,a fa i aier of Qirard townabip. About
lt llth of Jannary last, ana of hit tows dropped
'cud dead ia tba barnyard, and ogroly
dc'traaed that tt la ImpteaibU ta dtstrliitlt. It ia
wniBemad or ba, d-g and tow. Mr. Smith
reetrvtd tht tat a and atuaT4 tt aad aropaato
Mi It at txhlbUia, aaeamaaisiag ai km apart
rUa aaaaaa. Tbt deWtaait ta trait
Specific for .Scarlet Fevkb and
S mai. lid x The following recipe, originally pub
11 'fie d asa'paneeea for smallpox by some of the
most r dentine schools of medicine In Paris, Is
claimed to be of Infallible efficacy. I I a cure
also fcr scarlet fever, and It Is harmless when ad
ministered to well persons :
Bulphatt of sine, one grain; fovglova (digi
talis), one grain; nail a teasponiul or suitar;
mix with two tablespoon fu Is of water. When
thoroughly mixed add four ounces of water. Take
a spoonful every hour. Tht dinease will di
pear in twelve hours. For children rmaller dose
should be given, according tu their age.
tmm m
I'ennville Normal. Thodo wiah-
log to attend sobool ahonld attend tho Pennville
Normal Behoof, which will open April I8ib, ISM.
Tbo Principal, Prof. W. S. Lather , la known as
ont of our oldent and best teacher. He will be
assisted by otter first class ttaobers. Student
will hare tbo use of tht Pennrlllo Library, also
a good reference Library. Instrumental and Vocal
Musio will bo taught by good teacher in that
branch. Also Industrial Drawing and Painting.
For terms, board, Ac, address E. M. Davis, Sec
retary Board Trustees, Urampian Hills, Pa., or
W. 8. Luther, Principal, Lick Run, Ta. mb 0 tf
Farmers, Look Here I Lytlo will
glra yon highest market price for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butler, Eggs, Oniona, Apples,
dried frniU, and all kinds of produce, lie has
tbe largrat and best selected Block of groceries,
teas, coffer, motne, spices, oil aall, sugar,1
queen in a re, tubs, buckata, batkels, churns, Ac, j
in Clearfield eounty. He buys his goods In large
quantities from manufarturcra and first hands
for each, and take the advantage of all
discounts, and so ho la enabled to sell at lowest
price. He give cash price for produce, and sails
bis good at the lowest price In tba eounty.
epl-z4- TV tt
Another School. Clt urfield eounty
la g'dng to he well supplied with school the ap
proaching Summer and good acholi, too.
Meters. Mutt. Savage, tnrlrnctor In tbt Leonard
Graded School, of this borough, and W. A.
Ambrose, Principal of tbt Osoeola puhlle achools
tht past Winter, announce in thla Isiut that they
will open a Normal Institute at New Washington,
on Monday, April 18th. Thect gentlemen are
both tiperienoed teachers, and have tLt reputa
tion of being good Instructor. They are bo well
known In this section and throughout tbt eounty
a to need no Introduction from ui. Whoever at
tend their school th coming ttsolonwill never
regret It. Their term are very reasonable and the reach of everyone.
The Ii.Lt'BriiATEO Scientific News.
One of lh handsomest of publications it th
iiutfrottd Seitntifie AVr, published by Munn A
Co,, New York. Every aumtr contain thirty1
two page, fall of engrarlaga of noteltiea ia
acience ai.d the useful aria. Ornamental wood
work, pottery, taxca and object of modern and
ancient art art fiocly shown. The March number
contains, among varinu other saWjeot illustrated,
a full detcriptioa of the manufacture of paper
hffhglbg, with engraving ; bw tbe deceptive
curve la produced la casting the ball by tbo bast'
ball aitcher, hi attitude, bow ho bolda Bod
handle tbo ball, all fully illustrated. Tbe nam
brr before a also contains engravings of Capt.
Eada' proposed ship railway acrnat tbt IstbmuB,
and a avtl hydraulic railway momollve, la
addition to til Ibis It oontalos anany rateable
Mr I pi for artisans and houatkeepera. Thla
publication wilt le ftund Imtrnctlrt attd enter
laining to ell elarses, hut will be beet appreciated
by lb most intelligent. Published by Mnnn A
Co., 37 Park Row, Xew York, at ft. Ml a year,
and sold by all news dealer.
. e -
Items From Iuloi. The Courier,
of laat week, contained lha following
DuBuls will set many new roofs within tht
Beit atrta month. ,
A woolta factory la to br built on the Ram-
barger side If report fa true.
A report reached Clearfield on Tuesday that
John BuBola waa dead. It t without foundation.
Mr. DiB-ila is thoroughly alive, physically aod
Ja! f Barrett was la town oa Monday par
ehaaiog lha burnt dlstriet Corner, opposllt tht
rtefdeict of George Schweit, where ht will bare
a large dry goods store ready to tcupy by May
1st. Mr.Johafl King, late, of Brooktille, will
carry cn tba trade. There Is room for good,
solid buslnofe honre. tat o anit demand for
one korat affair.
Ob Sunday morning a Ire broke tut la I ho
kouM occupied ly Mr. & Butler, and tbe result
waa the detraction tf tbt bl Idtng with all tht
farnlinrt, fearing apparel, bedding, tie., ob tbe
atcoad fleor. The hontthtld gooda ta tba Irtt
Boor wert tared. Tbo fire originated probably
fremtted fiat. Tbe honat bJcd tt J. R.
Orovaa aad waa fall laanfod. '
tbo future Your humble oorrespondent was a
tnetnoer ot ttmt convention, and voti-d tor the
present incumbent from the first ballot until ht
was elected ; and I have bad no ciune as yet, to
regret that Id me so. And if I were a member of
tbo convention that will meet next May, I would
cheerfully repeat what I done three years ago.
Now, Mr. Eli tor, perhaps if I state that I have
toted the Democratic ticket for thirty-four years,
uixttr will say mat l lie. neverlooiese I have
dons so, and what is more, I have naver bolted a
nomination or "flopped" from party to parly.
My faith bas always been atrong In Democratic
principles tren in tht darkest hour of defeat.
1 trust that Mr McQuown will survive Biilcr'a
mean attacks, and bo able to serve the neoiile a
Superintendent for three year mora i for 1 have
no doubt Hit director of C learfleld county at tht
next triennial convention, fully appreelaltni bis
labors la the advancement of our publie- schools,
will triumphantly re-elect him, which would be
but an aot of simple Juntice, aa it ia conceded to
be a two term office.
Your,, truly, Wolybrue,
EniTnn Rnn BLirAN : It require ont to be
very skeptical to doubt tht veracity of anything
that aipvre in tbt patent medicine advertiser
and the "newsy" paper of tho county. It being
infallible (?J it Is a rather delicate matter to
question tho opinion and decisions of the mon
grel editor or his distinguished oorrenpondent,
yet I am forced to auk you to answer the follow
ing questions :
I. Cnn a School Director hold and exercise any
oAVt In a township or borough while serving as
School Director without violating the law f
2. Does the Auditors' report of Elk eounty show
that their County Institute cost tht oounly noth
for the year 18S0 1
3. Can yon tell how much Superintendent Mo
Quowo pays the editor of the deinnot Ureenback
organ and bis versatile correspondents, for tht
manner in which they art helping him to an easy
victory 1
The first two questions submitted were answer
ed In tne only reliable It) paper of I he county
last week, the editor staling that "a School Di
rector can hold any other office with out violating
tht law," and his juvtnilt eorresoon dent statin
that Klk county's Superintendent draw no money
irom tht County Treasury to help meet the ex
penses or ma uoanty institute, fleas answer
and confer a favor npia aa humble.
1. Tba Act of ABBembly of May 1870, dtclarea
that no person aball be capable of holding and
exercising tbo office of Bcbool Director, Consta
ble, Commissioner of Roads, aod that of Borough
and Township Auditor, and in CIoerDaU oounly
a School Director cannot bo District Treasurer.
3. Tho Auditors' report of Elk eounty for the
current year ahowa that that county paid $IT.70
to the County Institute, while Clearfield eounty
paid 92.00.
3. Tho third question la one In which we are
not directly oenceraed, but if be pays In accord
ance with the btlp glren, It would be no small
Jltiv guimtiSfmtnts.
C'O p a week in your own town. Terms and ii
VU U outlitB free. Address It. Hallktt A C
Portland, Maina. mvh2-ly.
yy has two Two-Hone Wagons, i
Tbo aobieribor
early new,
for U. Will be sold cheap. Callon or addrtrs
CtearfioIJ, Pa , March 2, 1 SSI -tf.
4TOTiri-:.Tht undersigned, residing In tho
village of Westover, in Cheat towmhip,
n made tnt necessary arrangements and pro
poses to open an EATINO Hoi SK for tho ac
commodation of the public, generally, and I here
by aoltcit a liberal share of the public patronage.
JOHN J. SNV Drill,
Wcfttver, Pa., Feb. 9, 1881-tf.
Prices of Shingles ,
Curwenavttlo, Jaa. 9, '7 6 -if.
V. 1a hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on the estate of DR. D. O. CROUCH,
lato of Cu.rwf.nsv I lie, Pa., dec'd,haviog ben duly
granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted
to said estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and those having clalwsor demands against
the same, will present them properly authentica
ted for settlement without delay.
Curwensvlllc, Pa., Feb. 9th, 1881-fit.
mil o.
Hoit A HoK.en.
In Ibo Ci
j No. II, I
On, Hi:nrKin Pin Ckht. Diicooxt on Old
PRim,. H.ifing Mficlilooa oftn bow b. purrhaied
t Mcrrell'. tin .nd rarlcty itor., from $36 up
w.rdi. All kimli of lowing maoliinti rep.trod
o. lh. ihortiiit notlo.
ClurOeld, lk, Jul; ID, 18;;.
Wa.tid. D.llTored at too K.ll Ilond.
100, 1)110 an-Inch ,h.v.dlhln;lM.
I'iii.imiO 21. Inch Mw.d iliin(lrl.
If.O.liuO l.l of pine bo.tdi.
Sim. (Mill H-trrl ib.vtd hwipl.
i,m r.llro.d lin.
oll.Ooo r..l of food hrnl'tek bd.rda.
Vot which I will pay th. bigbc.t marbel pries,
dtllrorvd at Cl.arDcId, or at .07 point on tbo
Tjrrona Cl.arlold itallro.d.
J. P. KiiAnia.
OlcarOold, Pa., Oct. II, Hit tf.
Inst Itooclvi'd.
Jnat (tocnivctl hy AHNOM)
Car ioad Nova Scolia I'lanlcr!
Car T.oaJ pure Corn, I(y ar.1 Oat
Chop !
Car Load-Dcakon .Salt I
Car Load of Clioico Family Flour!
Car Load Dry Goods, (iroeoriea.&d.!
or.Shinlca, Knrk. li. II. Tica and
Ornin will bo tuknn in exchango.
Curwonavillo, May 1, 1H7H.
CtiARPitLO, Pa Mar eh Ith, IStl.
Flour, per cwt. $.1 00
Much wheat Flour, per ewt M... I 00
Corn Meal, par owl 1 80
Chop, rya, perewt , I 00
Cb-p, mixed, par owt I 4ft
Bran, par ewt 1 00
Wheat, per bushel 1 10
Ryo, par buahel 80
Oats, per bushel 80
Corn, ear, per bushel 40
Buckwheat, ptr bnshel 00
Clover teed 00
Timothy seed I T
Potatoes, par bushel 80
Apples, per buahel
Onions , 1 bt
Hams, per pound II
Shoul ler, per pound f
Dried Beef, ptr ponni IV
Cbtckena, per pair .....
Butler, ptr pound 2ft
Lgga, per dosen to
Ball, per each, large M S to
Coal Oil, ptr gallon........ 1
Lard, por powad H 1 2.4)
Dried Applea, par pound. ft
Dried Peo4ka, per poaad..MM.M 11
Bean, ft busk el 1
In tbo Common Plant of
county, Pa.
Sept. T., 1S7B.
Th undersigned Auditor, appointed to diitrib.
nto the money in the hands of the Sheriff, arising
from tho sale of tbt real estate, to and among the
creditors legally entitled thereto, will meet tho
parties In Interest at hia office, In Clearnetd, on
tRIUAY, MARCH 18TII, 11, at 10 o'clock
A. M. W. A. HAOERTY, Auditnr.
Clearfield, Pa, March 3, IBO-lt.
I.XKCinOHH' NOTICR-Notiotlehera-j
by given that latere Testaraentnry on tht
tstatt of JONAS MONS, lato of Morris township,
Clearfield county, Pennnsylvaala, deceased, bar
ing been doly granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payments, and those having claima tr
demands against tht same will present Ihem prop
erly authenticated for settlement without delay.
Kylertown, Pa., February 2.1, IR81 6l,
and Hon. A an ah Oodkr and Hon. Yincrkt B,
Holt, Associate Judtta of Clearfield eouniv
are isauoa ineir precepi, 10 nt airecica, lor in a I Wm. Miimh
noiaing oi a uouri oi lommon fieaa, urpnana JM(,0 Klem
voun, vour. or yuarior eossions, uoun oi uyer . i li i'i,B,
ory, at the Court House at Clearfield, in and for tht
county of Clearfield, commencing on the Third
Monday of March, iiet day; A, I). lKr,
and tu continue for tHu ueeki.
KOTICR 1H, therefore, hereby given to tht
Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables,
in and for aaid eounty of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper persons, with their Records, Rolls.
Inquisitions, Examinations, and olher lUmeiu. J-h;
nrances, to ao tnose things wbich to their omcea,
and In their behalf, pertain to be done.
By an Aet of Assembly, panned tlio th day of
Mar, A. D. 1M, it ia made the tlulv of Ihe Jus
tices of tht Peace of the sevi-ral oounties of this
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of tht
Court of Qttarttr Heuions of tht respective
counties, all the recognisances entered Into before
them by any person or porsona charged with the
commission oi any crime, except sucu easca aa
may bt ended before a Jo t lee of the Peace, un
der existing lawa, at least ten day a before the
communuoHieut of the aoiiion of tho Court to
wnion they art madt returnable respectively, and
In all canes where any recognisances toe entered
into less than Ion days before the commencement
of the set si n to which they art made returna
ble, the said Justices are to return tho saint In
the same manner as if aaid aet bad not been
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this Oib
day of February, fn the year of our Lord, ont
thousand eight hundred and eighty-one.
lab. V-tt JAMK8 MAUAtr KV, SberitT.
,.Pcoflld, Huston Twp
..Penlield, Huston Twp ring ion i wp
Covington Twp
Covington Two
Woodward Twp
Woodward Twp
Woodward Twp
noodward awij
Woodward Twp
Woodward Twp
Woodward Twp
Woodward Twp
Woodward Twp
, Houtidale
I'n Hoi.
..Lntberiburg, Brady Twp
..lllen Hope, Becoana Twp
Handy Tw
becearla Twp
Pennville, Penn Twp
Troutrille, brady Twp
Madera, Woodward Twp
Chest Twp
..Orecnwood Twp
grfliil flwttstmfiits.
Sheriff's Sale.
TIT virtue of writ of iWifiewi ',
J) laaued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of
Clearfield oountr, and to me directed, I will ex
pott to public talt, at tht Court Honat 1b tht
otrouga oi viaarneid, oa
Thuraday, March IT, lHHl,
At 1 o'tlook P. M., tba following described real
tatatt, to wit i
All tht Interest of defandanta in a certain tree
of laud altuata In North Huutadale, Woodward
towoibip, Clearfield county, Panneylvania, being
three town lot fronting on Read street nnd run
ning back tt an alley, bounded and described aa
follow ; Bounded oast by Erin it reat, west by
an alley, south by Read street, and north by an
alley, and known In tbt general plan of said town
a LoU Not, 243, 144 and Hi, and baring tbera
oa erected a Iwo-atory frame dwelling house.
Seised, taken in execution and to ba sold aa
tbt proptrty of Michael Leach and Mary Leach.
Alt the interest of defendant lo a certain tract
of land situate in Morris town. hip, Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described aa
follows r Bounded on the north by land of 0. L.
Sflhoonover, oast by laod of Potter, west by land
of Frailer, and south by land of Franklin Root h,
eon tain ing oat hundred acres and allowance, with
about thirty acre oleartd, and having thereon
erected a amall house, small bara, and other out
buildings. Set ted, taken in exocutioa and to bt tldas the
property of benjamin Chaucr
ALSO, All the Interest of defendant in two other bits
of land situate in tbt borougb of lloultdnte,
Clrartield eounty, Pennsvlvani. bounded and
and described as follows; Being Lota Not. 22
and 2S adjoining, fronting oa MrAteer street
about 20U feet and running bat k l&O feet to Pine
alley, and bounded by Railroad street on tbe
nortn, Ale A tear street on Ihe west, by Fine alley
on the oast, and an alley on tbe south, contain-
Ing about one-half aa acre of ground, with a large
doume nncR nouse, azi4u feet, two atoriei high,
stablt, and other outbuildings thertoa erected.
Baited, taken In execution and to be aold aa tht
property of William Watuhmaa and Thomas
n alcnmao.
All of defendant' interest in a oerUiu tract of
laud altuate tn Bradford township, Clearfield
county, Pa., bounded eoulb by land of William
Albert A Bros., eait by land of William Albert A
Bros., now in poasotiiun of John A. (Irecn. noilh
by land of Daniel Stewart, anl west by land of
uenjainin iinaierry, containing 3IS auras, and i
having about 60 acre cleared, having a two story
frame dwelling home, large bank barn, and other I
outbuildings thereon erected. I
Seixed, taken io execution and to be sold as the '
property of I. U, Barger.
All the Interest of defendant In a certain traet '
or land situate in Morris towmblp, Clearlield
county, Penn'a, bounded and described aa fol
lows: Beginning at the south-west corner of a
post; thence b'.il perches to a post; thenoe north
14!) perches to ebeitaut sapling ; thence west fUi
parches to post; thence south 148 perches to tbe
place of beginning, containing 2 acre, cleared,
having thereon erected a two and a-half story
framo bouse, a small barn and utoeaiary out-buildint.
Srited, Ukt-n In execution and to ba in Id ai I
the properly of Al.bon 'Jrey. t
ALSO, ' !
All tbt interest tf tbt defendant lo a certain
tract of land, aituatt in the borough of Hunts- j
date, Clearfiold county, Pa., bounded and de.erib-1
ad aa follow ; Lot No, 4, on north went corner
Hr.ii ttwtisrturnts.
3?tm JSAwtlsrmrttt.
Tho larger nnd best assortment of wnirons ever brouuht to
Clearfield. b
One car load of CONKL1N wagons,
One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons,
Which we will Bell nt factory prices. We luiy t1PW Wng0im by
the enr load and pay CASrll for thorn, therefore We are able
to sell cheaper than nny other dealer in the county.
We guarantee these wagons to he first-class
in every respect. Also, n lot of
Platform Spring Wagons'? Buggies.
One car load of G1!A1N DRILLS which we will sell eheaer
than ever before sold. Give ns n call before buying elsewhere.
1 M. CAllDOA k UKO., Clearlield Pa.
February 23, 1881-tf.
Curwenaviile, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers nnd manufacturers, receive coods Ht
orii..ndii.i,..h,i.,tb,bUiidia, load rates, hence cnn compete with New York nnd Philadel
Id. (wm burned. It it bnuodrd on the .ait b. L i i 1 1 1
Oeorfje ptreel, nil l,y an allej, north hy Urarer1 P"Hl llHISOS.
Also, Dealer in
Mry R. Dcoiont )
In the Court of Co mm on
Plena of Clearfield Co.
No. 1H2 Jan, T., I MS .
Charlea Demon t.
Ta Charlft Hi
You will take notice that aa Alia Huhprna
stir IHvortm ha been awarded against yon by tbe
above Court, and that you are required to appear
on or before tbo .Id Monday of March next, and
show caura why a decree oi divorce a riHCHio
matrimonii should not be made.
JAM Ki M AHAFFKY, Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb., I, INM-lt.
11 II K subscriber hereby gives notice that ht
. ia bow delivering ooalol ao excellent quality
aod propose lo operate hi nine
(.TJ.Tf t'H,
60 that be will ba enabled to supply hlseuatomsrs
at all times with good fuel. No Rummer race
Hon. Orders by mall promptly filled.
Clearfield, Pa., Man 2, Iflfil-tf.
English Classical School.
rpHK nndenigned will open this aahool la the
j Leonard building. Clearfiold, Faan'a, on
MONDAY, APHIb II, IMI, to eontlnilt tlortn
Common Knlib Branchte $A 00
Higher Kngllsh aod Classies ?.O0
V. U. lULfttlMAil.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. Ifl, )
Eight Farms forSah orRent!
The aobanrlbor propoaea to sell or rent a num
ber of farm located aa follows t Tho first situate
tn Bomside township, Centra tnnnty, containing
ltd aerea, hating thrrtoa erected a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a church, and known
aa tht Jamas Mulholland farm.
ALHO, another farm aitoeu ta Graham town
bin. Clearfield eonnlr. tontalninw MT aarea. with
th Beetesary Improvement This farm it andor-
laid wua a uwtu vtvm vr vvau.
ALHO, ill other far mi in tht vicinity f Frencw
title, oooutalng reepeeifully 111, U ft, to, eO
and I aerei, Thest farms all have hmt and
barn tberenn, good water, bearing oronarda oa
same, as well aa font good wood land. Por
lart her Barilewlar tall IB pertaa, or aaarese iae
BBderaignad by ttttor. L.U.ClUlHlir.
Jaa. llth, llll-tf. rranekvUi,Pa.
Ur.r;lHTi:H,8 NOTICK. Notice is here
by girtn that the following account hart
oeen examined nnd pa-iert by me, and remain
filed of record in this office for the inspection of
heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others interested,
and will be presented to tht next Orphans' Court
of Clearfield oounty, to bt held at tbo Court
House, In the borough of Clearfield, commencing
on the third Monday (being tho list day) of
March, A. 1). mi :
First and final account of W. II. Patterson,
Araignet of J. II. Jlenn, of tht borough of Huuta
dale, Clearfiold eounty, i'a.
Partial account of Samuel W. QUI, Kx ecu tor of
tbe laat will and testament of Angus M. Gill, lato
of 11 rad ford township, Clearfield county, I'a., deceased.
Final account of tSamurl IlegarlT, Administra
tor of Thomas Cowan, late ot lleccaiia township,
Clearfield oounty, Peon', deoeased.
Account of John B. $himel. Administrator of
Oeorge Sbimel, lateof Boer township. Clearfiold
oounty, Peuo'a, deceased.
Final account of Cutbarine Murry, Adminis
tratrix of Patrick Murry, late of Woodward
ownship, Clearfield Cnunty, Pean'a, deceased.
Final account of (leorire 8 and Adam Weaver.
Executor of Uenrge A. Weaver, lato of Bradr
towmhip, Clearfield county, I'enn'a, deoeaaad. 1
Final account of Jame T. Leonarl, Admiols- I
tralor of Mrs, Amanda J. Leonard, late of Clear-
field, borough. Penn'a, deceased. !
1'ftrMal acnouat of A. D. Rose. Administrator
of Reuben Nelman, late nt Now Washington bor
ough, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a, deoeased.
Final account of Qodfrer Fiiher. Administra
tor of John Harliog, lateof Karthaui township,
uiraruoia oouniy, t'tnn a, uecoascj.
Partial account of John Qelnett, Administra
tor of Lewis Doney, latt of I'nton tewusbip,
Clearfield oounty, Penn'a, deceased,
Partial aoconnt of Willinan Rothrock, surviving
Adminiitrator of A. Kyler, lateof Morrii town
ship, Clearfield county, Ponn'a, deceased.
Final account of John McLaughlin, Adminis
trator of Jame McLaughlin, lato of Hnyder
lownsinp, jell or son eounty. 1'eima, deceased,
(1K0K0K M. FKKlll'HON, Register.
Clearfiold, Penn'a, Feb. 3.1, Sl,
TUHV I.lNT.Namea and location of thoae
perrons drawn aa jurors to servo at March
term, commencing on the third Monday (Slat),
ana continuing iwo wens t
Unann Jtmone Monday, Makch 21st.
R. A. Iligler, Clearfield, Wm Murrav, Oirard,
Thna A Fleck, " j Lewis I Irvin, (loahen,
C Howe, " iC Forcee, rah am,
Vorice Clark, Cur'svtll, Joseph Rrhard, Knox,
J 11 Wctlrath, Uoutsdale Jona Ogden, Lawrence,
W J Johnston, Osceola, Hugh M uUen, "
Isaac W ilson, Bradford, Hamiiel Moore, Pik
Chaa Marshall, Hradv, ,W T Jobnaon, Handy,
11 W Kopp, Burnaide, W A Means, "
Join) Couiev, Ct4i, Tliu D.vk..Hk, Ul
L M Coudnet, Cot gton J Diggma, Woodward,
Jas Kepbart, Decatur, 'P llarlman,
TaaraaiB Jt Bott Monnar, Marib Sltr,
Lew Wrlgley, Clearfield Jaooh Hilebtr, Huston,
wm lloftmau, "
C L Biddle, "
J M Kitllebarger '
Pat Uuckelt, "
C Parmely, llouttrlale,
John Argyle, '
L J Hurd, Newburg,
M Williama, Becoaria,
U Bpanagle, "
Let! Kunderlln, Hell,
John Bilger, Bloom,
A M Urauwber, Hraily,
...-. .uu.rwT! Bjiniuwn, murni iwoi'"
Kamuel llullifaan Iturnside ! lw road, and having therein erected a small
Oeorge W. Davis New Washington i house and nbcesiary outbuild ines.
Hualon Twp 1 ALSO,
UuliebTp! All difrndunt'i interept in ar...lli,-r piece of
wmica iwp iana in Jordan townchlp, Clftrfie. ciuRiy, Pi.,
bounded and described at follows : Bounded oa
Dulloia I tbe test by land of John iS. Williams, west by
Dutl'iis . Und oftieorgt Mays, northand south by lunrft of
....Clearfield John S Williams and U illi.m .l.1Frf,. PntH:n.
.Houtidale j (Dg 188 acre, more or less, and having th-reon
erected a iwo ttorj nout, frame burn, and i-tber
log bean burned. It Is bounded on the east by i
ally, and south by Hannah strsst.
beiaei, taken in execution and lo lit said aa -
tbe property ot Charles Ktnnty. j
All defendants' Intersst 'in a certain traot cf 1 Saw Logs, Lumber. Shingles and Bark.
land sltuato In Woodward townsbin. Clearfield i ' O
county, Pa , bounded and dasoribed aa follow:'
Hounded on tbo west bv J. M. Jordan, north hv I l'nrlioa invmrf Lnet 1...1 ........... W!..i 1
Joseph Alexander, aoulh by public road, and east I , uuiii.g uV 1. II1UT, CUU COnimCl
by Ucorge liegarty, and having thereon erected ; ami TOCCl'e llDOnil navnilCPP. Also. advailCCR mmlo Oil SttW LoHfl.
a frame houae, atahle, and other outbuildings. Ip" ,n , 11 6
Heiied, taken in execution and to be ooldas the C ,,,C " rt"
property of Jamea Ktfit and Ljdia MoKe.
All the defendaut's interert in a certain hit tn '
West llouttdalt, Clearfield county, Pa., 'j feet
front on public road leading from Uoutsdale to 1
Madera, bounded north br lots of Hill, south hv '
lit of li. W, Wife, eait bv an alley, wct hr pub-
fct. JV, Jfr8tl-if.
M. V. Tyler...,
O. W. Lloyd -
II. Morgan ,
It. T. Kelly
Win. Corley
11. Livingiton ,
John Dugim A John Parks
J. t. Uratl
Cbarle J. bheldrake.
Peter MrOovern ,
Huston Twp
...Deccaria Twp
Max Ivlinord linger DUB
W.U.Quiglev .bullola
Petor Moran ..llouttdalt
Certified from tht record at Clenrflold, thla 1st
day 01 March, ism. JAM KS KKHK,
J A Mrllnut, Law net.
J D Moore, Morris,
Oeorgt L Way, Pikt,
O L Addlomen, 14
J A Bowerani, Sandy,
:ij a iiraay, "
I Amos Yager,
j William T itow, "
John Nihlll, "
Nathan Line, I'nloa,
William Weliy, "
II Wbltebead.
Jno Shepherd, Burnaide; J M Adama, Woodward,
David Hodksy, " JaaHullivan,
James McKwrn, Chest, 1 Jno T Wilson, "
Jonn uoipn, utoaiur, 'no uanty Jr,
L A Fulton,
Nam'l Ktphart, "
Joseph Leigey, Oirard,
U U lrief
J II Oilllland.
Jno (Shannon,
John Kern,
Hoi Holm
Peter O Mould, llualon, 8 T Uuwman. '
Jaa Callahan, " ' jOaoar Kline, "
J ftftadebaughBr " !J M Beagar,
Bai-oan Wrbk Mordat, Manca JHtb.
Fred Baokttt, Clearfield 'David Horning, Hastoa
J D Thompson, Cur slls1 Albert Ntwell,
B F Alexander,BecariaJ R Johnston, Jordan,
Kennedy Rupert, Ball, Wm J Hubley, Karthana
Ham'lHunderlin, ' J C Michaels, "
Hugh Leteh, Bloom, lAbram W.iUr, Knox.
Isaac Oraharo, Braturd James Jackson, "
Isaac Bargtr, " ) Nalh Law head, Law'noe
tleo it wtngtrt, lirauy nenry uuncn,
James Irvii
James Wood Cbett,
F F Valimout, Cov'gtoni
Dan 'I Burket, Decatur,
Jae Caldwell, Ftrgasoa,
OJHbofl, 11 j
Henry Me Henry, flirird
John Byera, (Juliet), I
W T McDonald. M
A N Dougherty. Morris,
P B Cerr. Pike.
T O Oorinley, Bandy,
Stephen Wing, Uoton,
sea iteigle, Woodward,
HugbMolltary, "
Jae Barrett,
lloaa Alexander, M
Tboa Townaead, 44
Wa. tht nndcralgnfl, btrehy etrtlfy that tht
foregoing list of names of persons were drawn by
ua oa tbt llth day tf January, lH, q accord -aneo
with teafre tinned by the Ilia. Charlea A
Mayer, President Judge or the Co arts af Clear
field ooonty, bearing data tht tfith day of Jan
wary, Ifisl, to serve aa Grand and Travtrto
Jurora la lae several Court to be held at Clear
laid, eommenttng en tba third Monday (Slat)
tn March, A. D. Ill.
JAMbfl UADAFF1T, Sharif.
WM, ft. BRuwh,
Jury Const MloMra.
Clearfiald, Pa., Feb. t, Hll ta.
SherifTs Sale.
1YY vlrtut of write of V. 'a., laued
J out of the Coart of Common Plena of Clear
field eountr, and to me directed, there will he
txposcd to Pl'llLIC BALK, at tht Court Honst,
iu me oorougo 01 itarntla, ou
Thursday, March 17. Ikh,
At 1 o'utock P. M., tie following dc'cribed real
estate, to wit
All that certain lot of ground sltnato In Chest
township, Clearlield oounty, Pa., hounded and
described aa follows : Beginning nt a post by
Cheat creek ; thenoe, north Bftj(' degree west V
perches by land of Joseph II. lireth to a post ;
thence by land of said Joseph II. Bretb north A j
degrees east ID 9-10 perohes to a pott ; thenoe by
land of said Bretb aouth HI deirreea ft 1. 10
perchea to a post ; thence br land of aaid Broth
aouth .Hi degreea west IS I-10 perches to a post
and place of beginning, containing 1 acre and
a v-iv parcnes, an Cleared and baring thereon
ereetod atwo-itory frame house li'nfl feet,kitcbeo
attached. 112x14 feet, and atoreroom attached.
16x22 ftet, also a wugonmaknr shop, and a small
irauio aiauie, ioiu leci,
baited, taken in execution and to ba bjU ai
tbe property of 0. P. Pieret.
AH of tbe defendant's interest In a certain bouse
and lottttuatein WalUcet'a boritiirh . Clearfield
county, Pa., bounded and described a follows :
On tha east by Clearfield street, on tbe north by
lot No. fit, on tbe aouth by Ore ham street, and
on the West by ratlmad, being fill feet front on
utcarileid street, by ZUu feet deep, and known in
plan of aaid borouirb a lot No. 6l and bavin
therecn erected a two-story frama dwelling house,
stable, and other outbuilding.
Sciied, taken in execution and to bit sol J a the
property of Alexander Leavy, John Rice.
All the defendant' Interest In a certain niece nf
land situate in Boggs townabip, Clearfield eunty,
Pa., described as lullows : Beginning at a post
on line of Oeorge Sbimel, Sr. on iiorch south of
Jacob S meal's corner ; then east parallel with
aaid etncal's line 40 perches to a corner at post ;
iuvn iuuid v perrnea 10 post ; tnenco west 41
porches to line of said Oeorgo ISbimel, Hr., and on
turnpike to a post ; thence north along said line
to perches to tha place of beginning, containing
A acres, with abont 3 acres cleared, and having
thereon erected a frame house and outbuildings.
Heited, taken la axeoution and to be sold as the
property of Jam .Mi'Alarney.
All tbe Interest of defendants in all that certain
tract of land situate In Brady township, Clear
field oounty, Pa., bounded and drcrilod ae fol
low : Beginning at a red oak corner at the cor
ner of land of Jacob Kuots and Ueorge Pents;
ihenre north 8 degreea east 327 Derchea to n
poitj thenoe aouth a til 2-10 perch et to a post
thenoe west .126 9-1(1 perch to a dead hemlock
thence north 1) degreea Iflv perchea to a
service berry j theaot south 81 degrees woat l.r7
perchea to a hemlock ; thence nonh 1 degree west
I4& perchea to post; tbenco north fHj degrees
east 164 perchea ta aervict berry f thence north
one degree west (0 perchea to the plaoe of begin
ning, ooutaining l,iJ2 T-10 tares.
he tied, taken in execution and to be sold as ihe
properly or Oeorgt Kramer and Wm. K. Bell,
All tbe defendant' interest In all that certain
tract or piece of land situate ia Bradford towa-
ship, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bouaded and deinb
ed aa folio wt : lleginnlng at a chestnut and
tone ( thenoe east lit) perchea to stones ; thence
south 14.5ft perchea to a poatj thtnot writ 118
peroaea 10 a oitoi oaa (down) 1 thence north lUft
perches to a chestnut, at sues and place of b,n
ntng, oootaioing IU1 Rorefl and SB perches, mora
or less, being tbt snath west quartor of traot war
ranud In name of Francis W eit'i turvey, having
alout 70 tores cleared, and having there. in erected
a frame dwelling bouse, blacksmith shop, log
barn, and other outbuilding, also a young apple
and peach orchard of about ICO treea.
Heiied, taken in execution and to bt told as
tho property oMaoob and David Williams.
Tbrmb or Hat. a, Tht prlct or eutn at whir
tht proptrty shall be struck off must bt paid at
tha lima of tale, or aueb other arrangement
made aa will bt approved, otherwiae tbe proper
ty will bo immediately cut up and aold again at
the exptnae and risk of tbe pertoa to whom It
waa (truck off, and who, tn ease of deficiency at
auek ra-a)e, aball anakt good tbt toast, and In
no instance will the Deed bt prtaanted la Court
for confirmation nnltat tht money la actually
paid to Ui rihtrlff. JAS. MAHAFFKY,
Btanirr'a OrricB, I 6 h riff.
Clearfield, Pa.. Feb. 1,1, lfigi,
Heiied, taken In elocution aitd to be
the property of A. W. ouug.
Tiaua or 8ai.k. Tha price or aum at which
tha property ehall bt struck off must he paid atthe
time of rale, or such .Mb or arrangements made as
will be approved, otherwise Ihe property will be
.Diinmiiareiy put up aou iota again at tne espouse
and risk of the peraon to whom it waa struck off,
aod who, In oaae of deficiency at tuck re-eale,
hall make good tho amo, and tn no instance
will tbo Deed bt presented in Court for con 0 rota
tion unless the money Is actually paid to the
Kunatrr'a Orrici, ) Bhenff.
Clearfield, Pa,, Feb. 2:1, IKHI. I
Sew flwtiSfiiifnti
JOH WOH k. All kinds of job work executed
in tbe best manner at this office.
(M( IltrNIIKr.-aeorg Weaver A Co,
fl. want five thousand bushel of OATS. Bow.
and will pay cash or produce.
C.earfitU, Pa., Aug. IS, 1979-tf.
Hav. op.n J up, In the itur. room oe.iui.l.d
hy Weaver A Uetli.on Second itrMt, a l.rftt and
well lelcr-ted ftofillof
Dry - Goods Groceries,
"O" 3V X DE3 Jet. "X jV. 3ES JEt. 9
All kind, of Carkots and Cod'nn kept oo hand, nnd (urnisbed to order on
abort notiro, including tlio finest ns well aa the cheapest that cin bs tnsim
fuctiued. Our
conrBE FnEsnnvmn
In tlio best In use, and will bo furnished when required. Funerals attended
in nny part of the comity. Coll nt my oflieo, on Second street, or lenve
your orders nt Trnulman's Furniture Sloro, adjoining the Postoflicc.
JAS. h. LKAV 1 ,
oct 1,'79-lf.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.,Tlllt. P.. Jan. t, 1878 tr
l.AHM I.AXI POK fAI.K Ia llo.lon
X and Pin. town.Lipi, Cl.arA.ld oonnt.. jf
none;. Pricei fS.OO to f 1 V.00 nor aore.
Minera'i rcenred. L. BIIIP, Aitent,
Penfteld, I'a.
or WALLAra A Kaxa..
Kf. III, l.oTV-tf. Clrarl.M, Pa,
Cloarfield, P.
79 A WKEK. l!
V Colli; oolfii fre.. A ldren Tut s Co.,
AutuitB, Uniae. Imoht-Iy.
Cur.niivllli, Pa., Jaa, I, 'Ti-tf.
ranoa (
Which they will dlipoea of at reaeonahla ratel
lor cren, or olcltanir. lor country produc
Claarteld, Pt, Jan. . IS7I.U.
Sheriff's Sale.
1)Y virtu, of awrlt of XemrV r.ciae lerae.
i o.t of lh. Court or Common Pleaa of Clear,
n.ld eonnty.Peoo'a, and to me dlr.oled, tb.r. will
ba eipoied to BALK, t th. Court
11 oo.i, 1. tha borouf a of Cloarl.ld, P.., oa
Thurwlay, March IT, Ihni,
At 1 o'clock P. M., th, rollowlnf dcieribpd roal
.etaU of D.r.nda.t, t. wit I
A Willi, two-atory plank houia, Hill feet,
IS feet t. abln,!. roof, ..Id houH la dl.ld.d
lou Ar. roomi. with .lent doora. hln. .m.iI
on lot No. 14, la tho sener.) plan r Dulloii,
bandy towaiblp, Cl.arft.ld canty, Pa,
mien, talon la aiaeitloa and lobaiold.l lha
properly of Patriot Clara.
Tanaa or SlLB. Tbo prlea or lam al which
Ihe property Iball be .track of nut b. paid at
tba tlm. or anl,, .r eaeh th.r .rrsngemenU ae will b. approved, otherwle. the property
will b. Immodt.tely pot ap and eold aR-ata at
tba oipoaae and rlih or tha poreon to whom It
wae elraoh off, aad who, ta eaa. .r deSelency .t
auch re-iale, aball man. good tbo earn., and la
ao laiteao. will tho U..d be praeaalad la Court
for ..airmail., aalea, tha moaey le avlaally
paid lh. Marlf. JAa. atAUArrbY,
aaaiyr', Ofrtra, I tbartff.
Chwriwla, Pa, fob. II, lilt J
Lots of
New Goods,
Come to Frenchville I
I havo just roccived tho largest stock
I oi gonai ever Dronght to this aee
lion otthe county, which 1 will toll
for cash or produce as cheap as tliey
can be bought clscwhoro. My stock
consists of
Groceries, BoolslSlioes,
NailB a Specialty.-!
Heady Made Clothing.
A full stock of FISLT. Sultinlare
or small sacks, or by the barrel.
stone or clav. QUKENSWAKK, all
styles and quality. In short, 1 have
everything nocded by the farmer, the
mechanic, the laborer, or anybody
else, wbich I will sell just as cheap as
the goods can be purchased anywhere
olse. I'leaso call and examine my
goods and prices belore investing
Frtnchvillo, Pa., Mar. I, '81-lf.
KV TO l.OANOa Int-clti. I.
proved r.rm property, by tb. Mutual Life
toa Company or New York, oa Irit morl.
((., la lomi from tl.utlt up. For furlbn la-
lurmation apily U tbe underlined.
AnH.I.r.ll WANTEn.-Th.nnder.Unod1 , . . HlTRXTHAl, W. BMITIf
deelrei lo employ a miller to rua hi. Uriii '. Cl.arfteld Pa., Day Tlh, H7, tr.
Mill, illuala lo f renchriMa. Theroilloen bob.d
on the ih.rci, or will pay by Ihe month, a. may ba
eRToed opon hy the narlici. PoMei.lou given oo
Ibo Ant or April. For rurtber perticolan call In
pereon, oraddren by,
Frenchtlllr, Pa, Jan. IVth, 181 St.
TWENTY 1I0UHKS and LOTA la Clearlield
for tale at reaioaebio price! and on e.ey
tortne. Alio, levered PAHMh la Bradford and
Uraham townihipe. Apply lo
Dm. I, 'fO U.) Clearfield, Pa.
Coal iCoal i i
FTMIK nndersltned, baving monril a least of
M m Hin'viasi rwii TriDi BM oneprq mini,
I and Is now frepartd to furnish eusttttatra with a
urai-ciass aruoia oi coat on anon notice, and at
ioa moderate prioo oi ci. un.iTU per DttShei
All orders left at any shop will ho promptly at
tended to. WM. K. UHOWN.
Clearflel.l, Pa., Feh. I, IMI-ly.
rpilK aniscriUr now offers ta tha eltlaen of
X nnrnairtt and Tictnity, an unprovided
lvlelty. Hereafter all kind of Caiheta and
Ciflaa will be hrpl no hand, and orders tiled at
ftintratn .IttnuUd .tnyvhtre,
I will furnish th floest a well a th cheapest
article dedicated tn funaral All erdare left ai
tbe atort of Jon C. Cossia will rtcelrt prompt
attention. For further ttartlculara, tall on or
nddma K. H. IlENblfhhUN.
Deo. 10, IST6 tf,
Grist MijlFor Sale!
A very deelrahtt mill proptrty, with two pairt
of hurra, aituatt In Uocatar twp., Clear
field touaty, Pa., two and a-half niilta watt
of Pbllipaburf, Centre eounty, Pa.
Pbilipshorg, Ctntrt Co.. Pa,
Not. ID. 180-tf.
Fine Kalian Marble In the State,
up any work Ibat eaa be don. la Ib.eitv al math
oheeper ralee. W, will pat up
ta llellaa Matbl. or Onniti. eheenn lha. li ...
be doa. I. aay other part ol Iba Blat.. Any per.
eon buying monumental work to amount or,a end
apwarde, will have fare paid lo and from Phlllpe-
Bulg. 10 aot a. looltd with ahe.p America
marbl. abe. vow mb buv lae Italian ..l.i. .i
lower prlo.1.
tr-HIAD STONES' a ipMially.
Prodoc. and arproved a.o-r will b. tak.a la
airbangaror Cemetery work. Allcaih peymaala
will b. made I. th. Moaaaaoa Banking C'. to
ta.erodll.r R. PIERCE.
Pklllpibur,. fa., Jas. N, llll. m.
Tbe undenignad haa openod np oa Third uml,
near the Lalheraa Church, and offovl for aal. a
large lot or doore, eaih, ale, and
In all Ita forms and atlta. Spring beds, only .
All hinds of uoaldina; for P I em re frame. School
house Beat, deiha and blackboard tbeaptr than
elsewhrrt. Inquiries by nail will bt prenptly
anawerd. MKS. A. B. CANF1KLD,
K. R. Cixrini, AcenL
ClearlelJ, Pa.. Ueo. It. lS8t-Io.
Thomas A. Duckett,
IIIKHKflY tire nolle tt tht fit 1 seas of Clear,
field and tha aurroandina; vicinity that I aaa
prepared at all ttanet to f Ornish faaalliew aad
nanufaolartaf establish menu with nptriel
ejnalily of
Coal, Wood f Coke,
Which I am prepared to dallror la a few honra'
nolieo. I am always ready to haul and deliver
Irom and to the depot, or an yw hart else, and
rnoTt fsmilfet and hoasthdif gooda anywhere t
bort aotioe. TH09. A. DlCKETT.
Cltarfttld, Pa-, liar. 11, 1Mb tf.
Re-Union of Trade.
rpilE and.relgaed wlihlng t. lh. pallid
X that ha opened .
At tbe old ttend la Troulrille, Clearlild aaaaty
Pa., oa tLa Isth laeL, with a tall .lock of
lloota, Mioea, Etc.,
In avetylhlng to ba found la a Snt-alaei lloce,
all of wbich I am d-tirmtetd ta aall alike lowaat
oa.h prieea.
Will lad It t their advantage tadalhrirdMllBg
Ilk ma, aa lb. klgheit pncM will be paid far
Ural.. Sbinalea. or Produce W anr hind. ....
or ane-half aaib will ba paid. Tradi.g toe
Bhlaglei or Lumber of nay kiad a apeoialty. All,
Singer Sewing Machines.
Bavlag mad. anangemaati wllh I.itera mer.
ahaau u e.11 go.da far.ia. me, M
and M, a. I will a. enabled t. e.11 eboapor tha.
tb..bp..t. J.W.CARLaa,
Trwlvllla, tt., S-pLII.'TMy. Ageat
( i
" .