Uxoboi B. Uoodlandib, Editor. CLBARFIELD, Pa.' WKDNRSDAT MOKNINO, MARCH 3, ll. Render, tf yon want lo know wb.1 I, going od Id lh. baaln.ra world, Juat rend our tdrertl'inf ooluntDit the Special oolumo in p.rtloul.r. Senator Eokicy fi. Coxo, cf llio l.u torno district, win sworn in on Thuin tlny. Thu Uuitod Stilton Sonuto cololirutod Washington's birlbduy by panning resolution Biiiiroiiriuting (30,0011 tq Imild ft monument nt his birlh-ptueo. j The Indiana Nenuto, ly a voto of 23 to SI, has passed a bill to submit tho Slnto Constitutional amendments again to tho pooplo on tho 4lh of April. Am Kuucatkd Kadical. We notice that an old colored preacher wus con victed in South Carolina, beforo Judge Mackoy, of voting two Republican tickots panted together. Ho Caiui. Among tho Republican Stutosmen invited to Mentor in tho capacity of iiiuiilury, or otherwise, tho New York Sun hears nothing of Mr. lioorgo William Curtis, or ol any ot bis associates in tho attempt to purify Republican politics. Tiium-mx Balloib. The number of ballots taken in tho contest for Sen ator just closed at Harrisburg (3G) was tho sumo as in tho Convention which nominated (iurfield. Mr. Wal lace was tho only candidulo who was voted lor on every ballot. General Garfield has consented to have a public reception by the citir.ens of the Nineteenth Ohio district, when ho will deliver a farewell snoecb. llo fixed on Monday, tho 28th ult , for bis departure from Mentor, and arrived in Washington early Tuesday morning. Ride. A lawyer in the North Car olina Legislature put tho Grangers in that body to silenco the other day, when they woro growling about aris tocrats, by asking them if they bad not observed that when they hauled a load of potatoes or apples to market, the big ones always got to Hie top. That's So. The J.cwictown Vemo ( till says: "John Cessna probably owes bis fuiluro to secure tho Senatorial elec tion to lack of fuith in his own teach ings. Had he rolled up his trowser legs and hauled out a canal boat, ho might have induced tho legislators to "vote through their eyes for him." DkVoired. Tho "boss" Wolfe in tho Legislature, who has been light ing tbo Cameron lion, has lost all bis lambs Grow, lluyne, etc. and in ef fect has allowed himself to be devour ed. Wo thought wo could see mule vars peeking out ever since ho under took to whale the Cameron family. Am Old liuomrut. The elder Cum cron started political life as a bolter in 1M5, when tbo Wbigs voted lor him, nlthough a Democrat, to beat the reg ular caucus nominee, Georgo W. Wood ward, llo succeeded, and prevented tho confirmation of Woodward to the Supremo lioncb of tho United Btates. A !eai Senator. Hon. Matt. H. Carpenter, one of tho United Stutos Senators from Wisconi.in,died in Wash ington, on Thursday lust, i'ebruary 24th, in bis S7th year. He was one of tho ablest members of that body, and was ranked as a number-one lawyer. He spent a woek in Clearfield, at our Court in 1873, during the riot trials, serving as ono of the Defendants' at torneys. BtAToa Wallace's 1'lan. Tho great speech of Senator Wallace, on an amendment to the Constitution for a change in the manner of electing a Trosidcnt and Vice President of the United States, will bo lound in our issue of this date. Tho speech ia full of governmental research and thought, n ml, although lengthy, will richly re pay every voter to give it a careful perusal. The subject has been agita ted by many of our ablest statesmen from tb (urination of the Government, as veil as that of tho thoughtful voter. "Soi.b A (Iain and Got the Tin." Tho election of Mitchell as United States Senator is tho last and best sell that over occurred among a bevy of nion" controlled by grand moral ideas." Politically, bo is Don Cameron's stublo boy, and all tho Legislative "kickers" from Wolfe down,nust jump into n can if they want to travel with tbe caravan. "All aboard!" Whcro aro tbo "Hop pers ?" is the inquiry Don has raised sinco the voting for Senator has slop ped at Harrisburg. "Foxy." In order toavoid observa tion, many visitors to Garfield stop at I'aincsville, and biro a livory team to take them to Mentor. A Chicago pa per placed ono ol its reporters in a livery stable at I'aincsville as a driver, and whilo driving visitors to Mentor be would interview them and telegruph the result to bis piper. In this way be took in John A. Logan and Gov. Cullom, both ol whom wcro anxious to avoid publicity. The only safe way to go to Mentor without having the fact known is in a balloon, sailing above tbe clouds, and dropping down alter dark to the roof ol Gen. Garfield's house. How wi Cuanoe! Oregon used lo liavo a Pennsylvania Mitchell in tho United Stated Senate, but be dropped out several years ago, went to tbo Pa cific coast and has not been beard of since. After tho ttb of March wo will have a Mitchell of our own "a Tioga man" in that chamber, who has been in the House for tho past four years, lie has never said or done anything during that time, except act as an errand boy for Don Cameron. What li'is influence will be in the future, al) can oonjecturo Cameron all the limo. JYhor Is the " HVfr gang" now ? T1IESEXA TO RIM. DEADLOCK llclow will liu Iiiiuid u tubular tuto j incut uf the vole neci'iid un i'ili bul-! lot hy l he tix principiil raiidiilulci throuf-hnut thu prulontMl dead luck : v . ; 5 ? : i r i rr.ri V.1 in VI M H.l jll VI IS VI 41 tr n:i IIS 11 St 4U Si ... ... - : Ml 47 US 4.1 SI 41 il SI- a; 32 m it il ii ;s in us is il si li an Nil fll 71 64 8 ... ' M SI Sll ... to Si ... 74 M I s.s ... ho ci il ... o: 4 S7 ... j; xi XI ... 31 ' 74 ... i 17 74 ... 7S IV SJ ... IV 48 21 ... 11 3U 111 ... 37 31 6a ... 47 ll VI 140 1 9 4 4 S T I II II' II H 1.1 14 11 IS 17 IS Ill 20 21 11 31 14 14 2 27 28 21 .Ill .11 82 33 .11 .11 38 Tho ballots counted in the above list include (as No. 1.) that taken sep arately in tho two Houses on tho first doy of the voting. During thoso pro tracted ballutings commencing Janu ary lHth and ending February Ulld, and wbicli exactly ci)ual in number thusu required to nominate Gurticld (:!ii) at Chicago scattering voles wcro cast lor MacVeagh, Hrewster, and others. Paiiti.y So. An exchange states this: "Generul Garfield will be the twentieth President of the United Slates. Of thoso fifteen were elected by a majority of Klaclors and each had a majority of tho popular vote, ono (John Quincy Adams) was elected by the House ol Representatives, three woro Vice Presidents (Tyler, I'illmoro and Johnson) who succeodod to the Presi dency because ol the death of the in cumbent, and one (Hayes) crept into tho placo by fraud ; and contempt, de testation and universal scorn are his wages. A decided blunder on the part of tho editor aforesaid. Hayes cribbed fc!00,000 of Tilden's salary, and $15,000 a year for four years in tho shape of servants, flowers, and other green-house fixings. The reador will readily observe that there is far more virtue in this thing Ihun the wages of "scorn." Editor Clearfield Rr.rtni.ii'AN. Garfield is tho only President who received a majority of Electors but had a less number of indi vidual voles than a competitor Lin coin was largely beaten in the popular voto, counting all other candidates aguinxt him. He, however, had more votes than any one of them. Ot all thu Presidents none retired without honor ; bul Uuycs will form a striking exception to that rule." A Good Measi re. Senator Voor bees' resolution proposing a law to protect innocent purchasers against the tricks of venders of patented arti cles is aimed at a practice that gives no little trouble to farmers in the West. It lakes two sharpors to play the trick ; one goes through the country selling to fanners and other innocent persons a patented machine at it small price, and in a few days the second scamp comes along, tells tho purchaser he is violating the rights of tbo patentee by using his invention without permission, and threatens him with a suit for damages. Tho frightened purchaser is thus eavily forced to pay an exorbi tant price lo get out of trouble'. Farm ers know nothing about patent laws and aro readily imposed on by these professional sharpers. II tho Sonate Judiciary Committee can Irnnie a law to protect them and break up tbo ras cally business lo which thoy aro ex posed it will accomplish a good work. Clean out the Lot! An exchungo says: If Uayos has really been dick oring with Senator Conkling tosecuro tho confirmation of Stanley Matthews as Justice of tho Supremo Court, we trust that tho Democratic Senators will not play cat's paws for this mighty man of Utica. It would be ridiculously absurd to bave it go out to the country that the confirmation of Matthews had hung fire simply because Conkling had soordorcd. That any Democrat should be given such overpowering influenco would be disgraceful enough, but that Democratic volos should wait lor the directing nod of the Now York Sena tor would bo a piece of monumental idiocy. Mr. Conkling may be ablo to bring tho President to his marrow bones, bul that is no reason why he should be ablo to turn his supcrcillious smile upon a suppliant Senate, and command iu action al his pleasure A Good Dm. The editor ol the Jiow York A'lifi'on, ono of the Radical stal warts, does not favor Blaine's appoint ment as Secretary or State. It ro marka: "Mr. lllaine is not free from reproach. Mr. Garfield knows very well that ho bad no answer to tho charges against him in connection with bis railroad operations while in Con gross, except that the committee- which heard them bad 'rebel brigadiers' in it To the confession tho miserable con fession in ono ol bis letters, that bo used his authority as Speaker to help speculators in getting a bill through the House, and then claimed reword for it, bo has never attempted any an swer at all." "Uir.." it bas generally been anp- posed that tbe President selected bia own Cabinet ofliccrs, but a telegram from Washington intimates that Sena tors Cameron and Mitchell wish to re lieve Garfield of that responsibility so fur as Pennsylvania is concerned. They bave addressed Garfield a letter in forming him that tho differences ap parently existing in tbe party in Pennsylvania bavo been adjusted, and desiring lo know whether Pennsylva nia will have a representative in tho Cabinc t.and if so they would be pleased to submit the ntimes of the gentlemen, should lie so dosiro. Lnir.RAL. The Illinois Legislature is expected to be liberal, as is shown by what was proposed tho other day. It was asked to pay f30,)00 to i. l(. Kyle, who lost both arms by the dis cbarge of a canuon at a roecnt soldiers' ro-union, and to giro Siegol Mobn 13,000 fur an arm which he Iml by firing a defective Hlalo raunofi at a Garfield rncetinif. DEE XOTCE. lien .limits A. Guilleld has ubund ant warning in Grant's experience to make him wary alut his Cabinet so IcclinM. Only one ol the original ad visers ihiwcn by Grant survived his two terms, Secretary ol Slnto Ilainil ton I'i.-li. A. T. Stewart was dinpiuli fuil liifutc bu tun aixigncil In the TrcuMiry. Boric huh unknown and unfit, and was iicecedid by one umliT whom iHM-.ilily llourithed and thieves waxed fat. The wurotIKe waailisgiaeeil by llclkiisp's thievery and not honored hy the Mibseqiicnl assignment to it of a lunieitin, scion ol Unit one ol the saino mi mo whu years before had lelt the ollico in dishonor. Cox quit the Interior department because he found it embarrassing lo resist thieves whoso friends bad the President's ear and his sympathies; and his succes8or,(Delaiio, was tho patron of jobbery. Akorman was disqualified for the Attorney Gen eralship, uud his successor, Georgo 11. Williams, was exposed to most painful criticism when his shortcomings were measured tiy llio severe lesi oi ail-1 pointinent to tho Chief Justiceship, liristow and Jewell were literally kiekod out becauso they sympathized with iho prosecution of public plunder ers. Mr. Gaifield can baldly do worse than Grunt; but bo will be lucky if ho emerges from the multitude of counsel lors who bct-ct bim without allbrding Homo consolation to tho corrupt clo-jlllo :.. i.: i.. ...I.;.. I. ; a.. !.,rt..n Illl'llk III IIIS "ll , " III! II I!- B.I llltl'llll- tiul iii dictating its policy and control! ing its ottleiuls. Anotiilu Horror. The Catholic Orphanage ut llydo Pork, l eur Scran ton, wus burned Sunday night lust, and 17 children perished 1 -I boys and il girls. The building, St. Patrick's Or phan Asylum, sitnuled on Iho corner of Jackson street and Lincoln nvcnuo, about a mile from tho centre of the city, is occupied by a number of Sis ters ot Charity, and under their chargo were forty children from six to twelve years. The boys and girls occupied separuto dormitories on tho third floor. Al ball past eight a bister took the children to their rooms and locked tho doors. Descending the stairs, sbo dis covered smoke issuing from a room of the second story. Opening tho door she was driven back by a cloud ol smoke. Tho tiro was raging along tho ceiling, making way to the upper floor. Tbo Sister darted up stuirs, and found the girls' room full of smoke. She took them to tho lower floor and started back to get tho boys. Tbe smoke was pouring into the hall in blinding clouds and, when about half way up the stairs the Sister mot a stranger. Sbo made an effort lo pass, but he refused to allow her, say ing the boys bad been rescued and it would bo dangerous for her lo go for them. Sho reluctuntly went back. Tho alarm brought four tiro companies. Tho flames were raging fiercely when tho firemen got to work. They were informed ol llio belief among the Sis ters that some children were still iu the building uud niado every effort to reach tho upper floor. In a short time tho flames were beaten back and the door of tho dormitory burst open. The victims of tho lire were found be neath tho cots. Only two woro touched by fire, but all had evidently bocn dead some tune. There is intense ex citement. RaUIi'AL I.IfllBI.ATlVE Follv. Tho folloy ef electing Kadical majorities to tbo Legislature was never mado more manifest than tho actions of tho heavy majorities which that party held lust Wintor in both bronchos and which they hold tho present session. Last Wintor the session was signalized in an attempt lo forco through tho luiir million steel bill which ended in the indictment, trial and couviction ol many ol the Kadical leaders and their sentence to tho penitentiary and sub sequent pardon by their fellow-conspirators in the Pardon Hoard. With this corrupt record tho pcoplo again re-eleclod them and coming to Harris, burg with a trcmondous majority they full to righting among themselves as to which should control tho cilices und patronage They oould not nor can not agroo and lor weeks past they have indulged in a (actional war on the Senatoriul question which bas ham pered and retarded every public inter est and threatens to delay all legiti mate legislation until it will become necessary to bold an extra session ol the Legislature at un additional ex pense lo tho Commonwealth ol a quarter million of dollars. Verily the pooplo bavo to pay smartly fur Radical ruio in this Suite. JiiiirnVc iHttlliytMctr. Radical IIi i.k Honhs, Ikut, Dkiit! An exchango says: "The census ex hibits will show a record lor Republi can administration, through all its ramifications, Federal, Stalo and Mu nicipal, consistent only with cxtrava ganco and startling in its aggregate For example, tako tho Indebtedness of 3)0 cities in tho United .States, with an aggregate population of 11,250,000, so many having been tabulated, and wo find from tbo partial report of the eminent statistician in charge thai their bonded indebtedness swells to tu64,0ll0,OuO. Tho like indebtedness of 2,700 counties is $200,000,000. Tho indebtedness of municipalities is likely to reach the enormous sum of twelve hundred million dollars! This does not include boroughs, townships, school districts and the like. Hnch an out look does not piomiso well fur an early approach of that period of lime when the sound of the tax gatherer shall no longer bo heard in the land." Wki.i, Said A Democralio editor personally acquainted with tho new Senator, says: "Mr. .Mitchell is a mid dle aged lawyer end politician of aver age ability and is raid tn posaess tho questionable vlrluo of lar.iness. no served a number of yeara in both Houses of tbe Legislature and lias been in Congress for two terms. In Ibis long servico bo utterly failed to acquire oven ordinary distinction, and this portends that in (he Senate be will be of liltlo servico to the Slate, lie will scarcely put himself to tho troublo ol antagonizing Cameron, and is too spiritless to try lo acquire name for himself." The Oiistbi ctionibts. McClure tolegropba Irom Washington: "Tho Republicans of tho House, under the mad lead or Conger, and against Iho better counsels of llawley and Krye, bave practically decided lo defeat a Congressional apportionment this ses sion. They bavo made 319 members their ultimatum, a number that is against the dispassionate judgment ol tw o thirds of both Dartics. and w ill filibuster out tbo session to deieal uny i , . .. i other bill, lhis is simply partisan It will rot Pennsylvania hundred of tboiiBati'Ig of tlollarn for) an extra scsion of ihe J .egialuro, and it will impoeo hko uocdlew coal on inorolhaj) half theStatcof tbel'nbin." A I.O.(! LOOK AHEAD BY A VOI.il IVA1. S7A'(7 LA I OH. WAR ON Till! STALWAI1TS. Tho Vu-hlli:lon col respondent ul tho New York .Vin lust week lelo- week graphed In that journal lis follows : U H now upderslood Itiut iieiierui Garfield's I'uhinel will li imnle up lit Mentor, uitino In iiich lo iibing- ton ul I In- end !' litis Iti-.nt !. u ilh tho poM-lbliit) uf wlilK change utter he gels here! Ily Inking this course, Gen erul Uartiold i iay relievo hinisi II from irksome importunity. Tho party chiefs who liuve not been consulted at all, and who have had no personal oppor tunity nl expressing their opinions ns to tho imike-up of the new administra tion, cannot bu expected to lake his ac tion in good part. A mure politic President elect would buvo seen and heard everybody enti tled to consideration on this subject, even if hid mind had been positively made up in udvancu. I.i shutting Iho Katun down und in prohibiting tree con lerenco General Gurlleld exhibits not etrcnuth but merely weakness ol char acter, llo lucks tho moral courugo to confront iho lender whom ho intends In ilikuitnniiit He ia uli'uid lo tell Uiem wby ,1B 1B9 (c(.jjlM tt(,uill!lt their preference, tins course will sliarnen the edge ol resentment, and un necessarily mako eucmies by wound ini persona! pride. Tho main elements of the Cabinet wcro chosen long ago, and will not bo changed. The subordinate nluces may bo ullercd, but not enough to afl'oct the unity ol purpose upon which tho new administration is lo proceed. Tho cen tral ilea upon which Mr. lllaine, as moU,, H.,ia it, starts out is fur ' i ' i .1.1 ... i. 1.:. tienural Garfield lo bo bis own sue cessor, with Mr. lilaino as llio candi for lSSrt, when he will be fifty -eight years old. This interesting programme not only shuts out the Ihir 1-tiriners lor 1884, but it also serves notice upon them that the policy und the patronage of tbo new udministrulloii will be direct ed against tho men who were defeated ot Chicago. With this the object of liar Held und lllaine, ol course the Grant leaders could not expect to got the Treasury, upon which their fond est hopes bud centered. Thut recog nition would have pluced them on un equality with their rivals, and Mr. 1 Blaine docs not propose to admit their equality. It Mr. I onkling and the interest which ho represents will bo content with a mild Gruiililu like young Mr. Lincoln, who presided over a third term meeting in Chicago but bus made no figure in politics, they may bo grat ified. Hut there is no intention lo slronglhcii Mr. Coukling's hand in any way; nor is there any especial desire to 1 1 leak with him. It is easy to seo what the result of the existing rivalries must be. It is Iho old story of the White uud Red Ho-cs; of JctTerson anil Hamilton ; of Clay and Webster; of tho llunkersand Barnburners; ot Douglas and lirccken ridgc; of Sew ard and Chase. A collis ion is inevitable in tbo natuie of things between the factions led by Conkling with Grant us his figure head, and lllaine with Garfield at his back. It cannot como ton soon tor the good of! the country. ; TRAGIC EA 'IE. IICAT1I or THE YOL'Nll UI'.NTIIF.SS OF WAVSK COI'KTV. Only a low weeks ago the papers contained un uicount of the killing, re cently, ol two black bears, by Lottie Merrill, a young huntress eighteen years old. Tho following uccount ol her deulh is from thu 1-1 in i in Uazettc : A fearful tale is told in tho I'ort Jervis Union ol the futool Lotlio Merrill, the young huntress of Way no county, l'a. According to this accuuiit sho met a most tragic death on tho Rib of Feb ruary, being attacked in her hut by six bears, killed and cuten by them, and bcr body burned with the cur cutscs ot somo of them in tho cabin. A party of hunters, it is said, at Iho close of that day found bur cabin still burning, and tho proofs of tho horrible death she had died. It appears that sbo had been hunting that day, and bad killed a lino buck deer, which, alter removing tho entrails, sho had dragged homo on tho snow. .Six hun gry bears, drawn by the smell of blood, had billowed the trail to her hut, and after devouring tho carcass of Iho deer attacked tho huntress, killing her und devouring her body. Tbo girl had evidently made a heroic defense. An examination showed that she must have killed two of tlioni before being overpowered. Tho carcass of ono bear had fallen aguinst Ihe closed door and imprisoned them all within tho cabin, which look tire and burned the others to death. In tbo cabin wus found one of tho huntress' heavy boots with the foot still In it, a bent hunting kinl'e near tho bones, and the unllers of tho deer she hud brought home, which, with the curcusscs of llio bears, fur nished a complete key lo the mystery. Her funeral took place on Wednesday, the Ulh. At least three hundred peo ple were present at the funerul, and llio old preacher, William lludwick, preached the sermon, relating the story of her deulh and extolling her bravery and her virtues to tho skies. 'Iho remains were buried near her burned cabin, and over her grave were placed a pair ol anllers ond u hemlock slab with this rude epitaph : "Lotlio Merrill lays here she dident know what it was to be ulcered but she has had her lust IiiukIo with the bam and theyvo scooped her sho was a good girl and she is no in heaven. It took six big burs lo get awuy with her. 8ho was only 18 yeurs old." I'lan eta RY I'lsrLAY. Tho spectacle presented by Venus, Jupiter and Sat urn grows moro attractive t every evening. Venus and Jupiter are fast approaching each other, and to night they will bs in conjunction, shining only a little over llueo degrees apart. Old Sal urn looks as il ho hnd lullen behind in thu race, and ho has also dropped out of lino with tho others. This week, however, ho will asumo such a position that llio llireo plnnets will mark tho corners of a litllo tri angle. With tho tolocopo the view ot these planets Is exceedingly beautiful. Venus begins lo show iho crescent form, and may be welched with a low magnifying power lung before sunset. A slight turn ol the tubo, and Jupiter with its attendant moons sails into thu field of view. Another turn brings Saturn npon tho scene, His splendid lings are opening wider every month. The narrow division between them looks like a biack line of enamel upon a golden band. Thoo who wish to study these, wonderful planets should not lot slip tho present opportunity, fur beforo the Spring is over Ihey will alj bavo disappeared from tho evening ""' ' llrssMta HrcF.L. The Ilessiuer steel production of tho United States in 1KS0 is reported by Mr. James M. Swank, tho Secretary of tho American Steel and Iron Association, to bavo been 1.074,202 Ions, of 2,210 lbs., which is 30 per cent, moro than llio production in lt7!l; 61 per rent, more than tho 1S7S production; IIS per cent moro than the 1X77 production; 220 per cent, moro than the W5 production, and moro than ten timrs as much as tho 1S72 production. Without any jpt',;)',lon ' . "J' ucen " ncr(nw in me iiimiucinm iiimii ti-ar iu vu ir ... j.,n , ' . 'L.u inop . bnK, Jd Waf ul lon bmtin with rjlata eecrets and third lorm lintiipne. TWO fiREA T M I'X. L'ul. Mcl'luiv, uf Iho I'liiludelplnu Tiiiiih. bus inuilu V ulniil"ii Ha heud- quarters lor the past lorliilght, getting ri.B,.. (br the Inauguration ami iiiclr,- ing up news generally i t his journal. His hingiupliy of mo gitul men is short, bill il teaches a w holesome les ami In those in alter life, ami lenls thus : Wasminuion, February it, 'Si. Senator Mall II. Curpenler uud ex Governor Henry I), l-'noko died ulnmt tho same hour lini morning. The time wus when the announcement of the death of Carpenter und Cooku would have niaile u prolouud impression iipou Washington, but both bin e outlived their exceptional inipurluiicu uud to Ihesnmoexti iit their worshipers. Cur pentcr was the most brilliant and cour ageous of thu War hemocnits of the Northwest and ha entered the Sen ate during thu violent throes of recon struction, when just in tho noontide of lilo and already enjoying a national regulation. Il was his misfortune to coma into public position us u parly fuvorilo just us the memorable epoch of the decline of stulesmunship begun to draw its dark lines upon the polili cal and social rule 1 1 the Capital, and ho yielded to thu blandishments ami luxury ol power and w recked one of tho proudest intellects ut tho Nation. He was deponed by bis Suite, but Iho memory of tho days when ho w as con spicuously good and great elbiced tho resentments which hud overthrown him. Ho returned to tho Senate two years ago, only lo linger in broken health and impa'red mental powers and finally lo pfss awuy almost un noted. Theie aro very many w ho will lament tho deoth of Mall. Carpenter, but Ibcy will not dute II as of to day. Henry D. (boko was another of the vigorous men developed by the war. Ho reached Lie summit uj fortune m his tlnanciul operations, which had staked everything on tho maintenance of nationul credit in tbo darkest duys of tbo rebellion, und he, like Curpen ter, was BVept along by llio flood-tide of (lemonilir.ntion that attended the reign of Grant. A Governor's chair was crcntrd for him and ho was made ruler of tho District of Columbia. From thu I dir.zy political height he fell when the panic swept lurtuiio and summer friends away. The palatial Governcr's Mansion bus long been ten antluss and tho local government of whicii ho was the head, perished bo lero tlw enforced economy that must follow profligacy. Neither ol these men ever hud the stain of corruption upon their skirts. They rose, promi nently on the tide of unhealthy politi cal and financial prosperity and when the ebb left iheni iigiiin dependent upon themselves their powers bad abated and their work wus dune. HOW IT WAS OO.XE. Tho Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Record (fives bis re censiun uf thu breaU uf the dead loclc and the election uf .Mitchell. He says : Tho scbeino by which John I. Milch ell was chosen Senator from I'ennsyl vania was planned iu Senator Cum ol Olfs room at Wormley's Hotel hist Sunday. At that limo the i-enior Hen ator wuh called upon by Culoncl Sam uel IS. Hick, lluriitio tlutcs 1'ndicr anil Uuiscll Krrott. Colum-I lluyne had been seen on Saturday by .Mitchell him self, und alter a liii(j interview, in which Mitchell showed that ho rniild himsell bo nominated, I'uvne agreed to withdraw if Wolfe and tho men who had stood by him would consent to support Mitchell. Itonerul lieaver was given to understand that his case was hopeless and'that it was deemed best to try tho next man nu tho slnto, who was Mitchell. He was assured that efforts would be made to buvo him named lor Secretary of War under Oar field, and ho gracefully decided to va cate In the meantime Hugh Young, of Tioga, hud been working on Wolle, and led that gentleman to believe that if he would support Mitchell it would bo a victory of sumo sort for tho in dependents. Tho now Senator was in bis soot in the House to-day, and be was so little known that tho inquiry went round : "Where is this man Mitchell who has been elected Sonator from I'oimf ylva nia ?" His presonco could bo delected by tho steady file of messenger boys who carried telegrams to him as bo sal in his accustomed place over in tho "old maids' corner" on tho Republican side of tho House. About noun ho went into Iho lobby, where ho was hardly known, except tor tho fact that a party of 1'onnsylvaniunB stood guard around bim. liovernnr Hoyt came along whilo Mitchell was there. Tho (iovernnr congratulated tbo now Sen ator, who by this lime hud received notice of his election. Senator-elect Mitchell held un in formal reception ut bis residence tu night. Ton days asju he wended bis way homeward unnoticed and almost alnno. Hut with Ibis sudden stroke of fortune friends have sprung up hy tho scoro. Wayno MacVengh was Wolle's choico, after llayne, but it was found tho Cameron forces would not turn in lor him. Mitchell could command those, and ti row's followers then wont for Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell bus only about four appointees in the departments hero, and wijl not prove a very trcublc somo comiionion to Senator Cameron in demanding a share of the patronage. CRUNTixn the W'ro.nu Man. Mr. lilaino is just now getting good deal of praise Irom Kepublican papers fur his ellorls concerning iho establishment ul a universal ponny postal system, us if he wcro tho originator nl'lhe idea. History shows that lioorgo Francis Train was the man In this country who first en deavored to prove that by tbe adoption or tho system gcpernlly, the postal rcvenuea would bo largely increased, and ho emphatically urged ils cstuli lishinent. Hluino in his latter efforts is simply echoing what was said long ago. T bo cheap postage system formed a plank in that queer combination that nominated Vie Woodhull tor President. Tho adoption of a universnl penny postal nrrungement would undoubtedly increase llio revenues ol the l'nstoflico Deparlmctitnnd greaily facilitate pub lic convenience as will. When Sir Ituwlund Hill first arifiicd in behalf of cheap postogu In Kngland, on tho ground that revenues would be iu creased, his ideas were hooted at as hoing thoso of a rriiny man. Tho British government however, wero in duced to try the experiment, and gen eral surprise followed. It camo out just as kowland Hill bad prophesied. Indeed it went fur beyond bis own ex pectations. The increase in corres pondence was enormous, and every body wroto letters when they found (bey could dispatch them fur a penny, ijr. Jllaine's cifirts in behalf of cheap postage are lo bu coinmonded, but the credit of being tho originator of the system hero should be nliiccd where il fairly belongs. llcur ai-rrtisfttifttts, C - COD 4ar si bin. Raoiilea worth C'J ' VOKI H frw, 141,,,, tn,m I Co., Fortla.d, Matna. mib2,S.lr. rTAc;iiii run Ai.ni-n. ai,..riwr II bu urn lo ll.r.a WaRioa. aarl nr., foraila. Will lit axM rli.ap Callnn or kil.ir.ri joiin a. fTAin.r.u. CLarllalil, la , Uarot I, laal-ll. "VOTICK.Th. aii,larlna, rwldlni la tha X villairo of Waitorar, I. Chtat hurntbiii. aaa mad. tli. Iww.irj trrari-.mrBl and pro pom la .pas KATlNla IMllSIa far I ha ... .modatlc.a .1 lot fMn (a.aralla, ud I krrv bj aalkll a libtral abar. ol tba aablM f atronaga. JOHN i. (MUtH. Wwtorfr, l'a , frb t, HSI If t(U! !StU,CI'ti'3fllU'lltj'. I llll HIIIIK -All li,i;,l.. (I in ids lis,i aisrrer si ilii I lull wink t ulcd l.illl-S. A t iiiriur mitici:... urn c. Is tlm C.iinia.o Flcki of f Clnr:llit simnly. I't. Unit A MoKiten. ) Nu. 111! riit. T., I7. Tl.n iiiii)trlnl Aii'tllor, u"!nlo.l n tli.iri'i iii, llis bii.ii,y In lliv lintnl ul lli" sbrrill.ariiinf fn.tii Ills il, id (lis rsul ihIs, ti inn! mnii.( Ills frr.lio.r. Ii-,rllj rntillf.l tlisis--i, will ni-t tbt IHMli-, In ItOrrr.t ,1 Iii, ndii.f. Is Oil. rlf'-l, 1.11 HIIUA1, M I IIOII 1 ill. ss. ., in i,',:k A M. W. A. IIAHKIIiV. AuJIi. r. I'lii8.l I, I'. , M.r. li 2, 18 I III. coal: COAL ALLJTHE YEAR ! ! 'PHK u'laiTllior iWtjr Duti.'e tlitl be J ii bow dchretiuR oml ol an rx.vllnH itlHr tiiil rrurn tu )irrutfl Mi tnloo ,IM S T1T !,' f , B llutt b will hi tnalilril to supply hii etit-inrf tl Jill tiiiiM witL gontl lu el. Su Sutiiuitr tuft On.. Unitr bj null inuu;i1ly flllcit. II. KM. HH AW, Clr-r Imlil, fa., AUrcb 3, l8l ir. t1 At'TlON'. All itritfti ra Urly wrtd Miim iiurchaaing or ia uy iutlilliiK with tbo ful low in c ifirtnntl ptupprr jr. new lo mv. iunof J. 1'. l.,M.llK.Mlll,.r liutn-i.lt luwr, hii, CIcMrHftld ewimiy, f ii : One gry uiitro, 5 i k, 2 (lid p mid 3 luitl'i", t now, I iriO( wfko, I ( hum ci , I bulUlu ro'ie, 4 ncrsi wli4t In (lie Itrjiind, I i-ujturil and diihti, 1 rook Mora and tiiturei, I ink. 1 lililf, tiill-doieo clu.m, 1 risk ing ebulr, 1 lounge, I rxteniton Ulil, I rtiii time, 1 rwinjf ujrbin, I drcitilig btlieail, I clock, a ht-di cd bidding. Tbe fri-iilnjf rot ttj wu pure ha ltd br tu at HhirilT'a aula, tnd la allowei to rem io in tha oiirilri of aaid J. I), (lallirahh on 1mb.ii uvy, lulject tu dit order at any time H, F. 1'ITTS. t.raut, I'ii , March !, ISttl St. , EXECUTORS' SALE or Desirable Ileal Estato of Eich:rl Shavr, Sr.: Doc'd. rpiltt tiniier.ignel, Cxrcut'-ri of the eiUdU of L II It'll Ml ll SHAW, br., di-ii-.l, lll olfor t .uiilirt ! ii tu,. cui k r 11 1 M i-fc.. in tl.0 bor au ,rh of Clt-itrSpl I, fit., on Friday, April lt, 1881, AT 1:1111 ll'd.lll li P. M Tli fi.ltulBg rftluftlile rtl stittfi, tU : Th Ihm.norjr BK1CK HUTKI. prnptrtj. Turner of Miirkrt toil Fimt HreoU, la tlm bor ough oT L'learflulit, kuiiwn M 'The Shaw House,' fronting with two Iota of ground (hereto belonging zuu lt on Market aired, and V" feet on first ilreet.witb a two -ator j dtra in hnna ! hnii Tl. tin. J B T ; .WOf t-1 liTfii.nr hi aialr hcl.fYinnii n.l atl conveniences fur a flrat-ela-a hotel. One of (he moat dnirable hotel propertiea In Uenlral fennKlvania. The alto re will be -old tugettivr with a mo iWry framt dwelling bnu on Mttrket atreet, ad Jtecat to the Hotel, and oue other fratua dwelling faouae and a two-dory it ore building, all fronting on Mnrket atreet. ALSO. All that certain M, known lo the tilaii ul Clearfield borough u Lut I'.iv. 9 UV MA B alley P. . fruuting 60 feet un l.ocuat atrei't. nine baok 172 t'eft, wore or lci, to an wub d well in a houae and all neoeaaarv out building! tbvtfou (rotvl,andothcr imrovementa. Gne-third rah at di livary of good deed, and the balance tu he leoured by bond and mortgage, pajal'lc in on an two yearn, with intfrerU A. B. SHAW, JOS. SHAW, Surviving E'ri of Hichard Shaw, Sr., di-c'd. I'lcarbxid, l'a.. vc. a, 180-ta OPEN FOR ALL! LOTS OF New Goods, CHEAP FOR CASH. Come to Frenchville I Ihavo just received tho largest stock of (foods ever brought to this sec lion of the count)-, which 1 will soli for cash or produce as cheap as they enn bo bought elsewhere. My stock consists of Dky goodS, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, 'i'"Naits a Specialty ,"'& (f r' A full stock of FISU. Suit In birK'o or small sucks, or by the barrel. CROCKER. Y WARE, stono or clay. yUEKXSWAKH, all styles and quality. In short, 1 bare ovirything needed by tbo farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, or anybody else, which I will sell just ns cheap us tho goods can be purchased anywhere else. I'leaso call and examine my goods and jinces beloro investing oisewhero. h. M. COUDBIET. 1'rcnclivitlo, l'a., Mar. 2, '81-tf. T if-i?Kki.- KiiTlr-r.' n. r..n i 1 J Hint hat fll.il li th tiffin of th Ol.rk of ia. vonrl 01 ljuoMer srlilnnii ol (.TIQkTOeld eou.tj, Iheir .tllifloi mni bonilf for llo.ni.,, ot the March tr.ilonl n.II, .Krronblf to Ik. Act of Aa roilil : HorrL Llrmm. S. II. n narflr1d William II. tlun K. N. Chaw Jamsi l nl nahl in ClrarfleM Clearfield Clearfield Ciirwrnmlla j !.. C. Itlnom , Jntiif L. I.oa j MllO HoTt U. W. I, a nr. Pmiih Uaird Nieholai Houllina Mk-hael llurlejr , tleorge R. Rohacker. Jmnei h. FenBelJ Jll 11 Jinnl . Curwfnivtlle i Oteeola Oieeola Oioenla Oiconla Oarrnla , ..PonflrM. Ilmtoa Tup ....I'enfleld. 11 ti. t..n Twi Covington Twp Corington Twi CoTlngton Twp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp Woodward Twp -W'oodward Twp Ijewli Leighe; John Mutton Urorge l'larce Oforrn Khrtatta John Wataoa Iae Lloyd , Thorn a a Moore Jatnea W. KloMahan .Mra. Wm. Welti Mra, Hi' hard l'onaliao (leorit W. Hmith Wro. W. Lanf William Parker John Mcilirk Hi chard Matldigan Wbb. Curran ,.. Kdward UcU.vaiy Prank Slater Patrick Dunn Jamea Hairy , k'liaalietb Smile Fred Wrait...,, Jainai llolgrr , IC Iward J'irdaa , Palrlrk Phlehli W. t. Niohnltan .Mead Jtruihtri Jultui Tcrja Etnannel kunla .."eorlward Twp ..Woodward Twp ...Woodward Twp ..Woodward Twp ..Woodward Twp Houtidale Ilvulrdate Houlxtalo II on tidal Houti.lOe Hon l da)e Hontadale llovlidala lloutadile Hoittidate .Hoaltdale Iloultdal Hnutidale Hoai.i.le -.'Ullriil I'uHola I'ulloli -.Iliihmi Uutloia I'u Hoi DulloU DuHntt ..Lulharibnrg, Brady Twp Wallaeton ..Olen Hope, llefoarla Twp Joaenh R bierDe Janub 1 niby John Itiiliiiii . Jnbn MrNulty.... Wm. Schweta...,. J. II. .wnr- 0orge W. Delta Wm. Mar.k Janob Kilraiai,'. ,. ., vartj Tw Itepparla Twp M. M. Hjnn , I'ennrillf, l'fna Twp orge Knair Trout llio, Hrady Twp Petfr Raflner . Madera. Woidwar Twp J. A. Itnl.nd H. D. vciaiban Mary K. Krriobulrfr,,, aarau.l llullihan Ooorira W. Datlj ti. . T.I.. tlrtenwood Twp ..KjUrtown, Morrla Twp hurnald Now Waahlngton HllllOD Twp duiieh Twp O. W. Llojd J lin II. Morgan satTAt Risr Linnt n. T. Krlla W. Cnrlar M , H. Litlpgtiun Jubfl UutB A Job. Paika .."uifti imp ....-Dunuli ltt.ii ClearttrM i IJotindalt ,.',.Curwanavtila .... Iluiton Twd 1. . Urafl u, Cb.rlta J. bbrlilrab I'alrr Mcilirar. i-.Uecriri. Twp IN.I..1II .,,' Mai kllnnrdUogar PoDola W.C. Muigla UuUota Pttr Hoik .Uudal Cortiled from Ut rtcont ftl Olaarwald. tbla lit dyf Marb, IMl. JAMKS kBHR, pfothonotarT. Jli'tt1 ih'frtlsriutntfl. v7") A u " ') ''? i" lr' Vlu Cu.ll untiit r-i. Ail IrrM Tin r, A t' , AukiiiU, M.ilu. moli3 l JIOR TIWW AII.3, IIAIIIIH AHI'., and H0DSE FURNISHING GOODS, Blld NKi:M.l:y, AtTACllMKN'Trf ,ANt lMt:T-, jtml all hinds of HKWINO MACIIINKS. ml Tn (). U. MKRRKI.L, - Agent, I'I.HaHUHI.Ii, I'A. Jum j, '0 II. JOHN TROUTMAN, UKALV.n IN ' RNITURE, M A TT1SENH KW AND Improved Spring Beds, M A UK KT Miihil'T, NKAU V. O The ua'terrirfntil vt Uav t ttifurui tbe eltl tn of CUrfllt1, rd tht purlin ncnerallj, tli"t b b on band line a :ortuirnt at Kumiiurn, curb n Walnut, Cbeitnui and I'aiutfd CliiiUitrr ruiti, Parlor Suite. Hrfiinltift fend KKtcn:on Chain, Ladiea' a,i;l livntu' Kny Chit Ira, Iho frr furated Uioinjraii'l lJa.rlir Chair, Cane eatM-rd Winder (,'huim, 0iliua itarn, Sup iiilKiln Iud La.l-leri, Hut Ilarka, ScruliMug lirtifbr,, it MOULDIXU A N'D PICTl'HK 1 RAMI'S, oukin Olanaea, ChHim'Ji, Ac, which woulJ iyltai'lu fur llulidar preaent.. iiMH 7fl J H 1 1 N T H tl 1 1 T i A " . a. e. mm a co., HEA1.KHS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CL'F'D CO., Pi. RcHpoctfully Hnlieit thoir pai-f n?i ai! (be jmltlio generally to anil an. I exam ine Ihi lr Utw at'tvk of Spring ml Slimmer Goods, CONSIfTIXO OF Cosbmcrcs, Vclvotocns, Dclulnes, I.nwns, Ginghams, I'rinls, Un bleached and llleached -Muslins, Fancy Skirts, Sheet ings, Tickings, Carpets, lings, Oil Cloths, IlOSIETtY, T.nundricd, White, Cheviot and Percale Shirts, Glovoa, Neckwear, 1 Men's and Hoys' Clothing, i Hals, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, ctc, clo. I Grot (i ics & (Jcii'I Mm haniUse I Will bo found ot first (jiialit)', undj satisfaction is guaranteed. 'J bo fnl--lowing nro always kept on hand, (somo few only in their season) : Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Syi ups, Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons, i lbinonns, Figs, Dates, etc., Hard ware, Qucensware, Glassware, ' 1 inware, W ooil and V illow ware, l'ainls, Oils. Clocks, Trunks, A'aliscs, Mirrors, Stationery, Furniture, A Miners' Supplies. AL.S0, DEALERS IN BASE,E.r..TISS & SHINGLES. July 2S, 188() tf. Ctpl Vavtrtisfinfuts. SherilT's Sale. IY virtilt of Writ! or IVniVr.'ofM Frpnn; laaued out of the Court of Common Pira of Clearfield ooan.tr, and to me dimtr,), I will ei- Co to to piihlio aal. nt the Couft llouo in tbe (rough of CloarnVl 1, on Thumdaj, IMarrli IT, IhhI, At I o'elock P. M., the following diperi rd rtal oat ate, to wit t All tho tnterot of defendant! In a cprtaln trao of laud lituite In No th Utiuladale, Wuodward townahip, Clearfield eoooty, Pennsylvania, being three town lota fronting un Heed itreet and run ning back to an alley, bounded and dearth, aa followi : Uuuodod eat by Krin uroet, wet by an alley, aouth by Hoed atreet, and north by an alley, and known in tbe general plan of aid town aa Lota Nui, 2U, I I I and 215, and having there on erected twu-ntory frame dwelling home. Seined, Uk-n in execution and t ho aitd a tho properly of Mifliai-l Lea-!. ar 1 Marj Lrm-h. ALSO. All tbe Imereit of deiendint In a oer'ain tr"t of land lituaie Ii Mnrria lowuhhip, CI ear lie Id county, I'ennayh'ania, bounded and dc cno"i ai followi: llouoded on the Birth hy land (if O. I,. K'-bnonoftir, aaat by land ot I'oiter, weal by land of Krar. and aouth by laui of Franklin llou -h, containing one hundred aoru an I allowance , with about thirty area cleared, ml haviug thrrcn orocted a uial bouar, amall hiro, and utlier out buildings. (Seized, taken In tiw.-ulion and to h) r lil a Ihe property of Ikrjtniin Channe. ' ALSO, Alt tho Internt of ilrfeiidnula tn two olliir lf of land fitnato in tbo b-.ruuh of lloutnlale, Clearliold oounty, Ponmylvoni i, bounded and and drecribrd aa fullowi : tlelng Lota Not. 2 and J'.'.l adjoining, fronting on .MfAteer atnot about 201) feet and running bark lot) feet to lMne alloy, and bounded by It ail road atreet on tbo north, Me A Iter a ! reel on the weit, by Pino all- on tha eait, and an alley on tho aouth, co plain ing about one-half an arre uf ground, with a larr double brlrk house, ;.JiS0 fu, two ilorioa high, table, and olb.T oi(tbutldir.gi thircon oreoted, Beiied, taken ineioutinn an 1 to bo aol I ai tbo property of Willima W-itohtiMn and Thomaa Watch war. ALSO, Atl of defendiit'i lntoret (n a certain tract of land at tit ate in Dradford t'wnihi, Clearfield eanty, Pa., bounded an nth by land of William Albert A Broi., eaat by Hni at William A Hurt A Hroa., now in poaatiaiua ot John A. (Jrwn. ninth by land of Daniel Hlowart, anl weit by land of Denjainin l.aoaborry, containing 3 1 ft arret, and hating about 50 acre cleared, having a twu-atory frame dwrlling buue. large tank barn, and other Outbuilding! thorium erw ted. Seiied, token In execution ltd to le lolj at the prrperty of I, U. Rarger. All the Intarrit of deten iaat in a certain traot of land ailuNte In Morrn towinhip, Uleatttrild oiunty, Prao'a, bounded and deterihed aa f-1 lowfi Hi inning at the mutk-weat euronr of a pnat tlient-'O (li'l pnrohei to a pint : Ibrnco oorth 14H perrhei to chtitnut lapting ; thence woat perohee to pmt ; thenco aouth t IS perch lo tho plaoe of hoKipoing. eontaining 2 acre, cleared, having thereon erectrd a two and a balf atory framo bou'e, a imall barn end mcavurj- out building. Heitod, takrn In execution and t ho auld aa the property or Ahbun Jray. ALSO, All the Intcreet of the dfen.iai,t In a certain traot of land, liluaie In the toro-ifih ol llonti al, Clearfleld oouiity, Pa., bounded and describ ed aa fullowt: Lot No, i, on norlhwett eurner of (Jeorge and tlannah itreet a, the buildmga hav ing boon burned. It le hunnled on tbe eat by Ueurge atreet, writ br en alley, north l,y H.Ter allry, nd aouth by Ilivonah itreet. Heiiod, taken tn execution and to U 1J aa tbe property oft'harlca Kinney. ALSO, All defendant!' 1st ere it in a rertaln tract of land liluate in Woodward townahip, Ciearnald county, Pa., hounded and dcicHbed a fullowa : Hounded on tho welt by J, M. Jordan, nurth hy Joaeph Alexander, lontb by public road, and eait by Uenrge Uearty, and baviof thereon 1-.! n frame houae, itatjle, and othar eutbulldini. ret sea, taken In execution and to be eoUl ll.e property of Jam el Hoot and Lydia M.-Kre. A LSI), All the defen lant'i interest In a certain lot in Weal lloatidale. Clearfield rountv. I. T4 fi frnnt no nut.ho road leading from Houdale to lUdeia, bounded north by loti of Hill, aouth by lot of U. W, Wiie, eait by an alloy, weat by pub He road, and having t harem erected small uuhr kim niecaaary egiouHitlhp. ALRO, All diftndant'i Intern! In another pltoe of lend In Jonlan townihip, Clearfield cmuy, Pa., bounded and deaoribf-d . folio.. . ft ,M,,ij ' theeaat by land of John Wl,aai, weal by land of (teorge Maya, north and aoatn by land of John . Willianie and William Jurdan, eontain ing IM ncrea, nor or leai, and having thereon erected a Iwo-Mnrv houae. fiame bni-n .i... ouibuildlnga. Beued, uUn '. tiecutitn n.d t he Ki'd a t&e property of . W. Young. Tiaui rjf fllin. Tha nrtn nr .1 t.:k tbe prupertT shall bo alruck off rtfl bo paid at tbe time, ot sale, or aaob Mber arrangemenu made as will be approved, olherwUo tbe property will k immediately pat up and sold eam at epie end rlah of tbe person Uwkoai tl wm it ruck off, nnd who, ta omo ef elefieioney nt snob ro-eale, Shnll woke good the ene. aad tn no Instanoe will the Deed be presented In Court for tnnrtrtna ! anloM tbe money l acts ally p,H (a tk Sberif. JAHE4 MAllAVKV. Piampr Orptoa, I Cl.ard.lil, F.k. j: ta, bbotlC f(ial aflvnlisrmfnts. SherilT's Sale. 1V virtue of swrlt of Ltntri r'n'i'm iaiueJ J cut ol the Court of Com in on picas of Cleitr l.rld county, I'enn'n. and tn ine directod, there will he exposed to I'l lil.Ii' 8LK, nt tbe Court llnu-e, iu Ihe borough of CletrtUdd, 1 a., un Thm-eilay. March II. IhhI, At I o'clock P. M., (be following d".'r,bt.d real i.tate of UefeudeDt, lo ttli : . A rertnln tu-atory pltnk h'U.p. r.".'l IV-1, j In fret lo eve-, llmwle roof, K.nU U M t I UV.d 1 li l i lite ri)in. wuh ai)tli! itoinn, l.fing erei'-ed i on lot No. II.V lr the gt.erl yUn el' Dulloi, j .Sandy lowtiri..p, Climtl'mli ruunt.v, Pa. Hi-lied, taken lo rxeruiiu and to be iJd e the 1 property nt Patrit-k Clurk. TKRMe or Sai,b. The price or sum nt wblob ! the proporty obeli be itruck off muil be paid at tho time of aalo, or im-h oi her arrangouienta J made as will be approved, otherwise tlm property i will be Immediately put up and ld again nt ; the eipenae anj run ol tut pur aim io wnon u was struck olT, and who, in cuss of duiicieuey at inch re-falo, shnll mako good the saiae, nl io n'i i lift i nee will the Dood be prveuttd Iu Umrt for poiiUi luiition unlraa tho money i ariually paid to tho hnoriff. JAS. .MAllAl f'hi, biiKinrr'a Un id, I hhsritT. Cl-aif(ild. Pa,, rb. 21, IRSl. SherilTs Sale. BV virtue of wrlti of V. '!., iiaued odt of the Court of Coin mo n Plots of Clear field counlv, and to me directed, there will be expoaod to l'WU.lC HAI.K, at tbe Court House, In the buroogh of Clearfield, on Tliunwtny, Marrh IT, Imm, At 1 u't'locl. P. M , tbe fvlbwing tlc-rriUi J roul eitate, lo wit : All that certain lot of ground ituate In Cb-.it t wii"hip, Clettleli ouiioty, l'a., bounded and dororibed as follows ; Ilgiuning at ft poit liy Ctiiit oreek i thenoo nurth oi degrees wiat V perch i t.y land t f Joirph II. Ilre.tr. tu s pr.t ; thence by land of laid Joieph II. Ilre'h north II) degree eat If V Iu perchea tu a post ; thence by laud nt an id Ur'.h south fllj drgrcea emit 8 till (it'tcdra to a poat j tbeno bv land uf .aid lirtlb Kiuth tj degrtea wrt IS V IS perchea to a puM ami plum o brjfinninir., ruutaining I aorn and 4 V 1 0 pcr liv, all c!eAri'd and having tht-ntoa erev-t'il a lwi- wry frame h'ue 1 fix 25 T.-et, kitchen attHfhcd, K'j 1 1 led, and rtorertu m attn-bcd, lfli'J2 Icet, al. ft wng unuaker .hop, t,4 a imall Ira tn e .table, Itiil'll fret. Srittd, ia ii tn ej(i-u'in an l to be i l I n the property ( ft. P. Pierre. ALSO, Ml ut tbe 'It tVuilan' inti rcat in a ot rfaio b tune end lot rihinte in Walli.o.ton It irjux'", Clnirrji-ld cotiO'r, I'n., bum lo d and dtscrPiul al follows: tin the t-.nt by Clfarfleld ilreut, on the north by lot No K, on tl:c .otith hy lirnhHtn rtrtet, and on tlie Writ y railroad, Uing DO ft t-t front on Cha'titld itrctrt.by 2 oil U tt tl cp.au l known in plnn ol ..iid borutilt e lot No. CJ, aid hiring t lirrt li irn ti d a t wo-itury fruuie d wt lung beuff, .talile, uid oilier out building. buiitd. tuki-n in cxecatlon and to bi- sold ai the properly ol A blander Leavy, eliai J.ihn Hioc. ALSO, All the di loi.'Uut'a intereit in ft certain piece of .land ritual in liogg township, Clearfield unty, l'a., dftcnli'd a lollowi : Ucginoing at a put on lice of (Jcorge fhimt'l, tir. one perch aouth ol Jn"oti Hmeal'a corner: thente eait paralk-l with said tiiK'tl"" Ht.e 40 perchri to a corner at pot : thence south Su pcrctie to pnat ; thonoo weit 4 percht'i to lino of said tleorge Shimel, St., and un turnpike to a p' ft ; thn-e north along aid lino 2t ptrvlivs tu i tn plrice of beginning, e 'Qt.iuing ,'. acici, wilh iibiiiii 2 arrs ck-ared, and having t hereon ne-tid a lrjtue houie and uutbulldioga. iStiicd. taka ii in execution und to be roid t the property ut Jcine McAlarney. ALSO, All the lrtt:i-t uf defendant In all 'tut certain Uriel of ULd aituite in lira ly luwnihip, Clear field 0"unly. I'., biundrd and deicnbod ai lol lows : tlegmning at a red oak corner at the cor ner ul' landu ol Jacob Knots and Otorgo Pants; then re n-ltti blr degree e't -1117 percnei to a post: 1 hi.-nee .uulb A Hi 3-10 perches to a post ; thence wml 'A'J' V I II ptrchoi to a dead bent ooti ; ilience north 1 dexicei 2riu pcrobn to a tirvii-e berry j thence loutb 81 diyie.'i west Ij7 pttcut'a to a In-aj loci ; thence nonli 1 degree wet Uj prrchea to put : tltanoe north h! degrees eait Uj perches to aerv Ice berry : thence orth one decree t I0 perclias to the place of brpia- niTig, aoniaimtig t-mi t-.-re . nvited, tak'n in rie.-ution aad lo beeold at the property of Uoorge k Miner and Win. K. Itell. ALSO, All drlendanli' in eret in al that certain tract rr pie- )f land lituste inUradlurd twn ship, Clesifieid county, l'a., bounded and deirib 1 1 ua f l!uws : Hymning at n cLc'imt and .'ones ; tin nee esi-t II perchos to atones ; then 'e lulu U-l per c hoi to a poet; tbeuce wrt I IS pen-hoi lo a Mack oak (d'.wo) ; I he net north 1 1-4 ptictici to n chutnut, itunes ant place of b'gm tiirg, cnteming 1 til Screi and percbe, more 'ir U, being the "o-jthweit quarter of trat wa; rit.tr. i ia nuie of Frncn We.t'a eurvey, having alout 70 a ere i c!e,ircd,aad having thereon erooled a frame dwelling huuae, llackauiith shop, tog brn, snd other outbuildings, alau a young apple and poach orchard uf about 160 trees. tilted, taken in eiecution and to bo sold as the property of Jacob and David WMiigmi. 'Ihrhb or Salh. Tbe prieo or sncn at which the proporty shall be struck off must be paid at the time of enlo, or such other arrangements made aa will be approved, otberwiie the proper ty will be immediately put up nnd iold again nt the expense and rl.k of tbe person to whom ti was struok oil, and who, in ease cf deficiency at euek re . aid, shall make good tbe same, and in no instance will the Used be presented tn Court for eonrjrnintrjon unlet. the money ts actually paid to tile hue riff. JAS. M AHAFFLV, Panntrr's Orrtca, I Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa.. Feb. J I, 181 ORPHANS' COURT SALE! Ectato of Jonathan Uicliols, dee'd. I Y irlua of an order limed out nf the OrpVans" Court of Clearfield county, l'a., the under signed Administrator of the estate cf Jonathan Nii'liolf, deceased, will sell at public sale, at tbe OH ItT IIUI SK, In the bonugb or Clearfield, ricatflild county, l'a., on aSutiirdrty, Mairh l'Jtli, 1881, Al 2 oVlork P. M, of aald day. All of the Interest of Ihe deceased to and to certain piece of htnd situate to the townahip of Lawrence, county of Cioarlield, and (State ot fenn eylvania, bounded and destrilted as filliws : Be ginninr nt a hickory on lne of l"cd of Hugh and Jaitici Urr; thence hy Un 1 of AIU'O lisle east fifty prrchra to a post ; ibcnoe by land late of Martin Nichols, Jr., one hundred and thirty perches to stones in line of Thomas M. l.anich't ; thence west titty pcrrhei tn white pine; thence north by Und of listen ami Jnmes Orr one hundred and thirty perehea to the place of beginnlnp, eontain ing JHarri-aaii(i;in perrheaaml alltitu,-e, huting almiit aeten acres cleared tlicroon, being good fr.rin land, covered with good Tinibrr, and bung underlaid with a vein 'T ol Cosl. TERM. OK HALU. One half cash, and Ihe balance in on vo ir from conflrmall'in of Bale, with Interval, t-i be accural by bund and mnrtjtace. . U. MkkKKLIi, AdminUtrator, 4o. CteatOeld, l'a., Feb. U, USt tt. rniilAK I.IT.The following f. a M 0r X causes sot down lor trial lor March Term, In3, eomuienoing March Stb : toiTRTn MoinAT, Marcsj Mrm. Jiimei IJardnar at il. t. I'attlrk Flyno. tb. Patriok Flvnn s. II. C. Tliompson. ts. Ptewart Cowan t al. vs. Charles Jl. Presoolt. vs. E manual Ksnts. a i. a l ui. llcorr.a llinzliiim U illi.ni II. Irrio Jnlin II. l'tUrn t al. J"hn M. Atl, in. . Mik'liall A-a.; nu-, n. ninir. .M M Ulllim. A.lni'r x. Will.... 1 r.rorr Iliok, Co Nat Hank ur Cl'li'd tb Ahraiu Humj-hreT. Co Nat Uankot Cl'fi d ts. William A. Walla'ee. " Stewart A I'aaroe ts. W m Luther et al. .lobn M. Cbatm ts, Austin hhne. Jtihn P. Irim a. Jmea A. Illnm M. Uovd A Co. ra. William H'..i,.,, Uri.rjia M. Hrl.hiD J hn Clark llhamrr lial, Tajlor H i.l.a vs. Jopeph J. Lingle. rs. Andrew Pents. ra. Ttiomaa C. Kyler. tb. James Irrin, sr. I T II... I I K K. Ku. W. II. Aruiitrono- Vw m v. V A A W l l . Ilobcrl Ilronn Ts. Adni Miycr el al ! William M. Prias) ti. Jacob llile,-, Charles It, Itrnwn a. W II Dunla II. A 7.. li. llRMilK.rn vi, R R Net pur. I Thnmae It a It ton i. W Hoover at al. J. H tirebaui s A'ns vs. A Srhetnerhore el al. JAM: KKltR, Protbonotary. Charred, Feb. 21, hi-. UK(;lTl.lf!t MITK-K.-N.iIm 1, ti.r. by glv.n tbat tu. Iiillimioit ariuuola hare Iiiii .x.iiiinr.l an.l pa.a by ma, and ramaia ftlnl el racurJ in thi, otb.-. f.ir tb. t&,i3lian of hrtr,, Irff.lar,, nn-.lilnra, and all iilh.r, IDIaraalad, ati-1 will b. pr...m.il lo lha nail Orphan,' Coarl "f Clt.rllrl.1 eniinlT, In ba ball) ai lha Uimrl Hou.e, in tho lori)iixh of ClrarfleM, rmnmrnrina; on tha Ihlril V.mlay (brini tha Ilii d.vl of Marrh, A. 1). l.-i-l i Flm ami rn.l ."nuni of w. II, pti,10n, Axijn.aff J. II. tlrtin. nl lha borough .r llnula d.le, Clrnrllold pouniy. l-a. Patll.l arcour.t af Hamiirl W. 11 ill Kiarunr ol th. I,,t .ill lerlatnrhlor Aflru, M. Hill, lata of llradloid lownrhin, ClratO.U e:iur.ly, l'a., dr ?ra,.d. Final arrntnl nf ftntnnrl HrKarlr, AitmlnUtra Inr of Thomas Cowan, lata nf U.cc'aiia lo.a.hin, I'l.arfield anility, I'rnn , dmo.aail. Aoronnl of John B Kbltarl. Adinini,l,.tr of ....r,. imui.i. l.l.ol Ui.i(itoirmliii,Cl..rSH eoiinty, l-.i.ti'a, ecra.rd. Final ar.nnnl of Culharlna Morry, Adminli. ir.lru of .i,iok Marry, lal. nf Woodward lowaihlp, Clrartrld aiiunly, Pann a, d.or...J. Final aron.nt of l.or(r II and Adam Wo.r.r, '""""' llnor,. A. Wrarrr, lala of llrad) town, hip, Clrarft.ld aounty, r.nn'a, d.ecaacd. Pinal ar.uni of Jama. T. l-onrl. Alminl,. Iran.r of Mra. Amanda J. l. n,rd, la', of t,'h..r. field bori)'4j;l,, I'oii'a, dMraiad. l'ar'1,1 ao-.nn' nf A. I. Ba. A linlnlilrato, of lUubon N.lman, lata ef Naw V ahinliik hir uuah, CleaiD.ld oounly, Prnt'a, daeeaie.1. Final areonnl of (lolfrry Fnh.r, Adblnlatr.. Iir of J. hn llarlmir. late of Kkr.h.u, 1 .wnihip Claarflald eount r, I'.nn'., droaaaod. l'arllal o.-.iu.it of John H.ln--t, A lminl,!-.. It .f l.wia Donry, lat. of I nion t.wuahin t'leail.ld .oanly, P. no'., deraaa.d. r Partial aarint nf Willi,. Kolkrook, .urrlrin. Adinl.lr.i., of A. K.I.,. 1.1. o H u.,? aklp, ll.arll.l4 oouolj, P.a. a, d.a.a.ed. I'laal avoii.l .f j.,hn rL.n,hlla, A Imlnl,. Irnter of Jamra MaUnhllo. lal, .1 Bn.der lowiakip, Jafaraca Mu.iy, P...'., dm. aad OKOHUB II. FKROtmoN, R,'. Jlcui tlvrrtisfmcuts. Insurance Agency WILLIAM C. HELMBOLD, I'utlon Mock, Vunrtuavltir, Va, Compiuies Eeproteutod : Cuiuoierpiat t 'nl n I us. r , Aet .sy.fttt vj..- , lire men Is 'und In. C.,Aaai I l'll,utT.li,i 1 nion In.uraoee Co , A-it I.O.'i'.nx;., Trawlers' Aooidt-nt Ini. Co . A . i,jlii,U' ; Itifurance placed "n all km I of pnpnty lt e.j'tttal.Ie rate turwenaniie, ra, ru. in, i-ti-u. WORM DESTROYER A utllil nml Tried Ut nird)-. ):ituv!h- Il nwtlhf. rf ! -itMl'ml k 'ft tht m n! n r. t- HHarmifri iW vlrtiio. Vo bavu litiinlmlM of T-'liiH'iinui, bN'hfd III tho hit l.'i yrnn.. provinir i-.ni. lu-u, h . m no rwlt -iU Ut lr. llitliliitMt'e liornt l-tro)'-r tn rftmivp ihr U.rriii .nil kill-In ,ri S"tt. Ism'), and hiftc, llmt lnft-t the tiuiniiit M-tu,,' liiynisutits Ikih ihun ami uiw tlioni m th.-lr u ,. Eltl'IlK 1'htrr 14 tUI hil.i.lm-l in in.n, in j tlni,l p . jroiuhly n-lliit.lc in .ll.-in--. lWv. -f.v, h . ,' . A, W. WIGHT & CO., WSalewle Dw n-L, Market ii.J f rant StiMs, h'll.dn.:. Fobronry J, HHI-.lm. GEO. WEAVER & CO,, ski ov ii T!.t'r. CLEARFIELD, PA,, Itnv up lie 1 up, In the f fori- rom lately oiH-upd by Weaver A ltt, on icord rtreft, a large r.:;d woll ariected 'lock of Dry - Goods Groceries, ll'mT-1 AMI Sllnfes KfKKN-W Mil), Wufi!) 1 Vt I U 1.. ' V." ui.R. MATS AMI CA1'- FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Whi'k il.t-jf wiil di-poveof at na-m.-il I,- i for i-r eirhange t.r cnrey pri- tn,-,- (.i:(ltt!K WKA VKK .V C" CloirneM. l'a.. Jn. 9. HOfMf. REMOVAL James Ia. Leavy, lining p jrfihm.p.1 Ihe entire W !r--i. Hjckett, hervbv give! notice tint he lim moved into the romu lately urein.iid hy Iv-tiI A llai-erti, on Second street, where be is pr. parr-i t i-H r t. the public COOK STOVES. . IIK.ITI.ru .i.vn PARLOR STOVES, f the latest itaprurcd pittcrui.at price.-. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Qa8 Fixtures aud Tinware, Roofing, rpKiting. l'lurnblng. Gas Fltt.Ye, aJ Hepairiag 1'utnps a specialty All work warranted. Anything In uiy lino will be ordered facial it desired. J A& U. LEAVY, Proprietor, FHKD. SACKfcTT, Agtni. Olearficd, l'a., Jan tary lt IS 79 If. The jcvs From MOORE'S? THE? HAVE JUST RECEIVED' THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, Hats and Capjj That Ever Came into the County, AT THEIR STORE, ROMIMI OPERA HOUSE, f.l O. ('.ATOM w. Mtioiti:. CIimMJ, Pa, .o'l. 25, IHO ,1ia. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store HAVE YOU I HIIOM NO. Tlllir.li, IIHI KA llill -i:. Clearfield, Pa., I1H1.1A1,K 1 KKTAII. PEAI.KH IN DRY GOODS, CompripInK Kress (loo Is of the very latent ( leS, eiiriairtinK in part of Cahtnrres, Mnohetir Farirn's, Alpaca, and all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Kiifh ns Cretoni, Mohair Lualera, Plaid, Vrttt (linchatna, Ureas Fences of the Tory latrtl ttytt, snd ns rhcai as they ern he sold In this market. NOTIONS, ('ortltiri( if tllorea for llenta, lhtt atSti Miates. Hose of all shades, Kilk Filer! I. sees, fancy Dreee HutloQS. Lsdiea' Tii ol all shades and strlei, Cotlii snd Collars, lUblmns of all kmda ari l qnalities. Mrtno Vnderwear, TriniTnlnss BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Quuouswaro, Hartlwaro, Tinware, nriilH, Oil i'l(;tliH, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Which will b. Hid wtialeenla r nl.tl. W.U Country Produce la kich.nn A" Cvn4 it Marfcrt rrlcra. wm. J. iiorrsB, riratiii, e., vpi. i, ikw tfc