TIIK J ILKAKFIELD REPl'BLICAV rOILIIIBD tTUlT WKDRMDiT, AT CLRAHPIKLD, PA,. i:T4lll. IttllCU IN I Hal. 1 lai-grat Circulation of aoy Newepaprr hi North t'cntnil PeniifylvKitU. Terma of Subscription. If ,m in edrfinoe, or within I months,.,. $9 (Ml If iil after S and before I m on tha 9 ft) i after the eiplration of 0 montbi.,, & IM) Rate 8 oi Advertising, r.tiiiieiit advertiaetnentJ.per totraof lOllneeor ttt, 3 tlmei orleti g ..roach auhieqiient inaertioo 66 iminiKtralcri' and Uieotitori'notloea., 50 bullion' notices. f,o tuiion and Katrayi I 40 I'M-Milutiott noticea f 00 pi-nff mlonrtl Cardi, & linea or loti.l year...., ft 00 1, umI noticea, per linn YKARLY ADVKRTIKEMKNT8. I i,un.re $S 00 J olumaM ht 00 3 larci... 15 00 oolumn TO 00 S iuir. 20 AO I 1 column.. 120 00 O. B. OOODLANDKR, I'ubliaher. arnxryfis' Cards. W. SMITH, ir A TTORNEY-AT-111:73 (Icri field. Pa. LAW, T J LIXGLK, A T T O 11 N E 1' - A T - LAW. 1:13 I'lillfpoburff, Outre Co., Pa. y.-pd JjKlLAND I). SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LA s,', t'uiwcasrilie, Clearfield euunly, Po. ort. It, ll-tf. QSC.W. MITCHELL, ATTORNKV AT LAW, CLEARFIKI.il, PA. re)1 Office in tbo Opera Iluue. octM, '78. if. ( It. VI. it W. I) A IfKETT, TTnRNBys and Counselors at Law, CLEARFIKLD, PA. .Ijnii.ry 20, 1179. J SI! A EL TEST, A TTOKS BY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. rr- Office one door cait of 8h.w Hooao, lj,ll,'M T M . JI. McC'ULLOUlH, ATTOIINKY AT LAW, . CLEARFIKLD, PA. i :r in Mii.finio butldinit, Feeond etreet, op- i'p ttto Court llou.e. Ji-2.'7 If. w C. AltNOLT), AW ti COLLECTION' OFI'ICE, CI'ltWENPVILLE, i icerfield County, Penn'a. s. HliOCKIiAXK, ATTORNKV AT LAW, CLKA1U1E1.D, PA. in "jcr. llouir. ap li.TT-Iy tMlTII V. WILSON, .lllornru-iil-l.air, il.KAItntl.ll. - - PKNN'A. :?' (Mli,.. in In. M,iaunlo BullJinit, orer tbe t.uot) .N.liooil Rank. uiarZ.-Pu. II.I IAN A. WALI.Ara. HArin L. RRKaa. H .HHV f. WALLA. B. JOHN W. WRIBLIT. UrALLACK ii KREBS, (Suueaaora to Wall.ee A Fielding,) A T T O It N E Y S - A T - L A W , jil'77 L liar Held, Pa. J. K SXYKER, ATTORNKV AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. icr :.v,t the Ciunty National Rank. Juno 2ft, '7Stf. . B. ai'BRAT. crnt'B BoRI-OR. I'liKAY Si OORDOX, a T TORSEYS AT LAW, CLKARFIKLD, PA. r-OXre la Pie'. Opera llouae, tecond floor. w TII.LIAM A. HAG KBTY, .11 TOIL I 'K 1 '-. T- ', tilelCH oter T. A. Pier It A Co.'. store. CLKARFIKLD, PKNN'A .TVr-'Will ati.ad to .11 legal bu.looa. with I i"Uij.loe. nnd fidelity. fob! 1,'BO.tf. r.vt a. u k4i,lt. HARIRI, w. R'ci-anT, :CV lfDY M c EX A LLY A M ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, l.iearneid. tR. I.eul boaineaa attended to promptly wlthj Iclitr. utbee od rjeoond atroet, aboye ibo Firat V .conal Hank. Jan:l:7l T F. McKENRICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLKARFIKLD, PA AM lort hotinoa. entra.tod to hla core will r. cciie prompt allenlion. ,f r-Offl '0 In tbo Court llou.e. Aujlt,lH7j.y. Ci. K tAMER, ""a T T O R X K Y - A T - L A W , Real Katato and Collootloa Agent. l.i:Aiti'il:i.i, pa., U'ill promptly attend to all legal buatn.ae ea i u.t.l to hi. e.ro. .-9- Otlic. in Pio'a Opera Hoaw. Jaol'X. OIIX L. CUTTLE. ATTOUNEY AT LAW. .i Heal I'.etalc ARrtit, t IcarHrld, Pa, "Are oo Third troot, bet.Cherrj A Walnnt, VRepeotrall7 offer, bit lerrleet in lelliBf ad buying land i tn Clearfield and adjoining i' j untie and wltb aa eiporienooot oter twenty j .are ae a inrTOTor. flatten hlmeelf tbat be oaa r nder eatleraotlon. rob. l&.A:tt, i'liysitinns' tfitrrts E. M. SCHEURER, I) IIOMiKOPATllIC PHYSICIAN, Olnoe lo re.idmoo on Firat at. A 1 . r i 51, 1171. Cleareeld, I'a. y W. A. MEANS, i' II YSICI AX & SD RO EON, Dl'ROIli CITY, PA. .M attend profeaalunal e.ll. promptly. .urIO'71 I) It. T. j. no ER, i llYSICIAN ANII SUKHKON. 'fTi-e on M.rket Street, Cleariold, Pa. : V"-. 'fHw h.'ora : I to 12 a. a., and 1 to I p. aa. jyt. J. KAY WRIGLEY, llOJIiEPATtilC PIIVSIUIAX, (i(0"O ..IjoialnK tbo realdeneo of Jam. i'y. I rVoond St., Clearfieid, Pa. (I C. JENKINS, M. P., ''" VSI C I A X A X I) S II ii E O N, CI RWENSVILLK, PA., 1 "'"c at rridrnie, oorotrnf Sl.t. and Pia. ''' J.r. ih, IfKl tf. )'! U. II. VAX YALZA1I, ( I I. (HFIKI.I), PKNK'A. ''' ! K IN HKSIIirtNi'R, CORNKR OF FIRST AND PINK KIRKHM. Af llfBro hourt-Froni II to I F. M. M.J II, 1T. J. P. IIURCHF1ELH, '' S,,,o, of lb. Hd R.flBient. P.nniyWula v.lineera, k.tln, i0,d fa tk. Army, "" hla praf.aai.nal eerrleea lo theeltlaeaa f Ola.rt.U eoaaly. ..'"feioaal .all. praaiptly .tUadod to. (SI . ttiHl, foraiwliMopid lay CLEARFIELD GEO. B. QOODLANDEE, Editor VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. Tarfls. lOII PKINTINC; OF EVEKY DKSCMP I tine. aftl.v eiepiije.. al thii r.fBea TimTICr.H t OKfcTAIlI.I.M' ' EI" We have printed a large number of tbo no rKK HILL, ond wilt on the receipt of twenty Or tmntt. mi a mT tn in addreN. ' myt$ WILLIAM M. IIENKY, Juhticb or TO PiArn mn SrqiTemo, LI MBER j CITY. (JulleoLioni mode ornl mtny promptly I kid oor. A rtieloo uf Rreiuoiit sod detla ot oooreronoo natlj eiMUtfd end worrooted cor rect or no ober (ft. Hjy'73 JOHN D. THOMPSON, J nit ire of tbo Tooee tod Bcrlrener, Curwenivllle, Pa. &fe.Colle'tlmi oiodo and Bioer promptly paid o?or. fet.22'7Hf II ENRV liRKTII, (tmiKnn r. o.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE J AMES MITCHELL, DCALKR !! Sfjiiiire Timber k Timber I.ninln, lell'JS CI.KARFIEI.D, PA. A. Land Surveyor and Civil EDginee PHII.IPSBI Un, PA. j-e7Alt bu.tnri Mill ho n'ten.le to promptly. Il.o I j, lS0 l. REUBEN HACKMAN, Houss and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penti'a. .Will oieeut jobe In bit line promptly nd In a workmanlike manner. apr4,n7 Jli.VSK F1KLPING : AND WILLIAM 11. UK.iI.EK, .t TTOH.Vt. YS-IT-i..1 W, Cl.EAIiriELtl, PA. Nor. I7tb. 11t tf. OUS A. S5TADLER, ! tf HAKKK, Mnrket Si., ClearflcM, Po. Frenh Hred, Ruk, Rolli, Piei and Cuke ia band or niade to urtler. A general aMortmeot j of Cunfeetionftripi , Fruit and Not! In etock. i loo t'rm and OKTem in orapim. Salooh oiarl I ixialte tbe Poihiffire Price niodorat. Mfirch tll-'7S WEAVER & BETTS, Dl' A LK RA IN Ronl Estate, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LI II II Kit OK ALL KINDS., prtyofllfle on Heoond afreet, in rear of .tore room of Ueorgo Wearer Co. j.nt, '78 If. RICHARD HUGHES, J l STICK OF TUB I'KACK FOR ' litcalur Touushlp, .Oaoeola Mill. P. 0. f II official bueinoee antraated to him will be promptly attended in. mcb2V, '7d, II ARRY SNYDER, BAKRElt AND UAIRDRKKK. fibop uo .Market St., opposite Court Houie. A clean towel for nrtrj ourtoater. Alto dealvr lo llet III audi of Tubarro and CKara ruHIMl4. pA. mae W. 'Ti. JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF TIIK PKACB, VVallarctoti, Pa. p4t He haa prepared bimitlf with all tbe neoenarjr blank f'rrini under the Peniii-n and liuunty lawa, ai well blank Dee ill, tie. All leital matter entrusted to bie oare will receive pri.upt attention. Maj Tth, lS7-tf. A NOIiEW HARW1CK, Market Htreet, Clearfield, Pa., II A Nl' FACTO B. R AND BRALRR IN Jiarnes, Bridlet, Huldlei, Collars, and Horse-l urniahing Goods. atr-AII klnda of repairing promptly attended to. .annera naraw.ro, nor., uruanea, lurry Comba, Ao., .Iw.ya on band .nd for a. I at tbe loweal eaab prleo. pi.rcb IV, IN7V. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIKLD, PENN'A. 4rPiiipf alwava on band and made to order on abort notice. Pi pel bored on reasonable terma. All work warranted to render l at ii taction, and delirered if domed. m;3i:ijpd SIlor.M AKINf;.-I borebr Inform my pa tron, and mankind in general, tbat I have rviBOvod toy ahoKraaking ahup to tbe rootn in Urabarn'a row, over H. I. SnyiUr'l Jewelry it ore, and that I em prepared to ao all km ill uf worl is my line cheaper than any otbrr ahup in towa. All w ira wnrrQtd aa food ai can ie Uutte any where Paitively tbla la the chrHprnt aliop 10 Llcar.trl.l. Jil, 11. iJftr.KI.Mi Livery Ktuhle. rIIIR anderiigned bega leaieto I mom thepab. X Ho tbat he 11 now fully prr-pare to aooommo dat all lo tbe way of furnishing 11 -., Boggiea, Pad ai ana llarneea, on the aborteat nntloe anal en reaaonable terma. Reaideoee on Loontt atrtct, oiwern i oiro ana rourin, tIKO. W. ilKARHART. "lnrtUld ppb. 4, l74. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DIALIK II UENKRAL MERCHANDISE, C.IIAIIAMTON. Pa. Alfg.cf temlre manufacturer and dealer In Ruaro iimoorana cawed Lumber ot all Ktndf. rOrdera soliolted and all billa promptly ntieu. l"Jyl72 I . SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCIIMAKKR ARB BB11.BR IR WU'hos, Clocks mid Jowolry, r7raloa.'a Kut Mari SlrtH, CI.RARPIP.I.n, PA. All kind, of repairing In my lln. promptly att ended to. Jan. lei, IA7v, iltarUdtl Innumnrt .tftnt. JANRB RRRR. CARROLL t. RtPDI.I. H Kit II K II lit IH. i:, .fi-rnf, Repreeont tbo following an I other flrtt-elaa Co', Companlea. . Aaaeta. Llrerpool London 1 nlobe-t'. R. Br..'.il. l.yenmlng a mota.l A e.ah plana. .... A.tVHi.ftoii I'borniB, or Hartford, Conn I.S24.0SX Inaar.ne Co. or North Ainorle. AI.S?! Konh llrlll.b A Mereanillo IM. Dr.. I,l-I,ss 8rotil.h Commorel.l l. 8. Rraneb.... ATD.Idk W.t.rlowa 7t,H Trarrlera (Life A Aceldrnll t.iVj.tl. Offlr. on Market et., o, p. Court llonao, (.le.r. eld, P.. Jon. I. '7f tr West End Drug Store, IN GRAHAM'S ROW, (Halfway blween Moaaep'aand Fleek'l etiroa ) CLEARFIELD, PA rpil R nndatalgavd h.a opened op . Drag flloee, 1 with a full r.pply of porloetly pur and Ire.k Drare, Medicine., Cbemieela nnd Toilet A tile lea ihee Drug, have bom .elected w.lb gre.t r .nd ar. guaranteed I b porfertly pure aad reliable. I will giv my paraonal allea lioa la thu departaeet, ead will ahoovfally giv ny ad.lco and lalormalloa la regard tome IteisM fra.rfab.rg. . I.J.HVlll. Waarlald, P. bos. 1, Usa-tt s. & Froprictor. 2,711. ELECTION 0? rRESIDEM Al) VICE PRESIDENT. SPEECH OK Hon. AVilliam A. Wallace, SENATOR FROM FENN'A, In The Senate of the United SUtoe, February 111), 1881, Mr President : On tho 28tb of Jan unry lust I hail Ihtj honor to submit for tlio considcralion nl tbo Smalts joint rtsolulion No. 1-13, iiroposiiijr an aniendinenl lo llio Lnnstiltition ol the I'niUil Stall-", which is in tht'so words : That berooller lb. Preaidenl end Vie. Preal dent of the I nitt'd Sietel abn.ll l ehoaen be Ibe people of the re.peetie St.tea ia lb manner f.i. lowinit : Karb State .hall he divided ly the Lenlal.ture thereof lnlo dtrtricte, fqu.l In numher to the whole number of henetora and Repreeent.tlvoi to ohu-h u.-h State may beeatilled in tbe Congreie nf the I'niiel St.toe, th. a.id dUtrioia lobe eoin po.ed of eoniigtioua territory, and to ooni.ln, .a nearly aa may be, .0 equal Duiub.r of peraoaa em Hied to be represented under the Conatilution, and to I., laid ell' lor th. Drat time immediately alter lie ralllle.ttiio of this Amendment, .ud .fleraaid .t ll.o araaion of the Legialaluro next eoauing ttie aportionoienl of RepreaenUlivea by tho C..ti;rea ol the Lolled SI. tea ; but ne niter., lion .-ter the Rial or alter earh decennial forma tion of diatiicla ah. II tali, ctleot .t tbe aexten auing elrolioo alter fuch .lter.ti.in ia made. Tbat on the drat Tueeduy in the month of November in ibo ).r IPbl .nd on lb. .nie dayi in every ! utth ye.r Iberi-Mller, the eiiiaen. of eaon Stale who porea tbe qu.lltii-allona rriuieite for eleoiora of ibe moat numeroua brunab ol the Stale Letia 'Uture ah. I) meet nt th. pl.oe. prjvi led by State lw within their re.peetiv. diairieta and vote by .eeret ballot lor a Pretident and Vice Pro.ident of tbo lluit.d Staioa, ona ot whom at leat aball not be an Inhabitant ol the aatne Slot, wilb the i oter; end tbo perion receiving the greateat number ol volea for Preaitleul .nd tbe one receiving- tbo gre.teat number of votea for Vloe I'reaidrnt in each diatriot aball each bo boldcn lo hare received nr.. vote, which Lot aliall be im. meiii.t.ly cerlifle.1 to tbo Bo.rd of C.nva.arra of Ibo State, to each of the Seoatora in Uengre.a Irom aneh Stale, and to lb Preaidenl of Ibe S.o ale. Ihe vote, .ball he eanva.aed and tbe re.ult in each dlmirt aacertaiaed from me return, hr the Movrrtior, lb. Cbitf JuMlceof the hi.lie.t Court ol low, end the S.eret.ry of Siai. of lh. proper Si. to, who ahnll eon.titute tbe Roar.l of S tat. I'a nva.acra.and they ah. li certify tho reault in a.id Slate to tho Upeaker of Ihe llou.a of Repre- rcoutives of Ibe foiled .Slate, within ailty dayi ufler tbe .leclion, and Ibeir eeniticato .lull be conclii.iv. protf of Mich reault The C.inxre-oj of the Ti.ited el.tc. ab. II be in fe.alon on Ihe ascond .Monday In Febru.iT, is tbo year 185.. nd on th. aaiu. day in .very fourth yeer there.tter ; .nd Ibe Speaker of the llou.e of Reprc.enta livca, in the , re.eneeof Ibe S.n.te nnd 1I..0M or Rrprctcnl.ti.ra, .ball open .11 the certiftctea, and tho vote, .hell then he oonoted by the two llouiee lo joint convention met. The petaon b.vipg the greateat oumberof votea lor 1'reaiJeot .liFilt Lo l'rc.ident, .nd tho pcr.on h iving the gr.alr.t numh.r of votea f.r Vice I're.ilcnt .ball be Vice Prt.ldrnt ot the I oited j.tea. This amendment contemplatm a chani) in thut provision of Iho Con rHiliiuon ut tho Lulled Slatcit which regulated tho election ol President and Vice President by substitutiiiif for the clectorul colleges a direct voto of tho people for Ibe cnndidules themselves. The elcclorul college bus failed to an swer tlio purposes lor which those who originated it intended it. It was thought at tho lime of the formation of the Constitution tbat tho substitu tion of a body of intelligent nnd lead ing citir.ens between tho pcoplo and iho candidates would cnuble the coun try, in the event nl' difficulty, to depend upon their judgment, integrity, nnd high position for tho solution of those difficulties. Tbo icverso ol this has proved to bo tbo fact in practice. Parly discipline, parly caucus, and tho recog nized will of party control, compel tho electors to vote lor the candidates named in their party caucus, ll is tlio purpose of this resolution to suhsliliile tho will of tho people directly expressed for this system. 1 submit it now with no hope ol its immedialo adoption, but as a contribution to tho agitation from which nlono a change can come. Tho features ol the system are : First. Tho disvision by tho l.cgiela turo ot cucb Stale into districts, equal in number to tlio whole number ot Senators and Representatives lo which such Sluto is emitted In Congress, Delaware, for instance, would bo en tilled lo 3 votes, and would be divided by its own Legislature into thrco (lis tricts. Second. Tlio people are to voto in thoee districts, at an tinilorm timo, directly for their candidate tor Presi ilenl and Vico President, one of whom, as at present, shall not bo a citizen of tho State in w hii h the voter resides. Third. The person having tho high est number of voles in euch district (a plurality being sufficient) to bo entitled lo ono voto out of tho wholo number to which the Slato is entitled. Penn sylvania, hnving 29 votes would have probably cust 111 democratic and 19 republican votes at tho recent election. Fourth. Tbo returns of these votes to be made to tho governor, chief jus. tico, and secretary of slato, who shall canvass and return the samo. w hich shall bo conclusive proof of how the Stale voted. Fifth. Tho votes thus returned lo be counted by the two Houses in joint convention met. Sixth. Tho person having Iho high eat number of votts from allot the districts voting (a plurality being suf ficicnt) to bo elected. Seventh. Thoqualitictiliot.Bof voters, the division ol the Stnto inlo districts, and the canvass of individual votes to bo under control of tho Stato and tbe moilo of voting to bo tho secret ballot. Tho districts aro to be formed alter each census ot tho United States has been tuken, and aro first to bo formed immediately ul'ior tho adoption of the amendment. Noclmiio in the districts can tuko effect at tho first election alter such cltungo. Tho qualification of oleclors, as now prescribed by tho Constitution ol Iho United States for members of Congress, are preserved, and tho universality nt a secret ballot Is enforced. Tbe votes cast in each district by tho electors, when computed by tho election olllcors, aro to bo returned to Ibo Suite can vassing board, and whoever shall havo teceived tho highest number of votes in such disltict shall be hold to have received ono voto. Tho wholo number of votes cast for each candidate in all tho districts in any Stato are to be ascertained by a canvassing board, composed of the governor, chief Justice, and secretary of state, and they are within sixty days after the election to eertily tbe number of votes by districts received by each candidate In each State to the Speaker of the llouso ot Iteprescntatives. J his icturn Is to be the only and concluaivo proof of tho result in that Stale. Tlio returns thus mado lo tho Spcakerot tbe House are to be laid beliiio the two Houses in in joint convention met, at the usual lime, nnd they aro authorized and em powered thcro to count Iho voto and determine tho result. Tho candidate for President and Vico President, re spectively, receiving tho highest num ber of votes out of tho wholo number ol districts voting, shall be declared elected President and Vice President of the United Stain", thussubstituting the plurality voto both in tho districts and of the districts lor the majority rule of the Sialcs or of the electoral colleges which is now In operation, CLEARFIELD, It will bo noted that thin Rynlein i-iiiuit-n, iirni, win electoral cimt'jo 10 a direct vote by the pooplo in districts ; second, tho plurality or majority in each district contribute ono vote to tho election of President and Vice I'rcsi. dent directly ; third, tho State has en tiro control of tbo elections and the certificate thereof to Conres-; fourth, tho two Houses, aclini; together, oro Riven solo power to count tho votes ; lillh, tho necessity for a majority of tho electoral collcfo and lor action in any event by the House of Itepreecnla lives votinpbyStalcsisdispciiscd with, and tlio plurality rule by districts adopted. The district system is no now thought in tho politicqol tula country. Itloundits oriirin in the constitutional convention nl 1787, on the motion of Judgo Wil son, ot Pennsylvania, and it was ini tialed In Congee m the very early days of our biBtory. It has been elab orated and enforced from timo to time by leading Senators and members ol tho House, an an abstract of our history, which I yivo herewith, will prove : tins is not a process of entire nnd absolute consolidation by a direct vote of tho whole people ot all tho Slates, but it is a voto by tbo people, in the iiisirn-ts mailo by the State, directly for the candidates, w hich votes are to bo returned to State authority and conclusively certified thereby as the result l Slato action. In this respect it is as dillVircnt from an universal voto throughout tbe wholo country ascor taming results by its aggreguto as is the present systum from a direct voto hy the people. Ono ot tho leading purposes to bo attained by this amendment is repre sentation of the minority in each State, and as a consequence the destruction and ubsoluto eradication ol sectionalism. Under this system in the last election Pennsylvania would havo probubly chosen nineteen electors for (iat field and ten for Hancock, while Virginia wouiu uavo uiven ciL'ht lor ilancock and three for (iatfu ld. It is simple ana uirecl, cut it prolesscs lo contain no new thought. It is the mero appli cation ol what wo have come to recog mr.e as the American system of elec tions to tho practical working ol the Federal Constitution in the election of President and Vico President. 'In the elections ol our county and Slulo officials as well as in tho election ol members of Congress, tho person having tho highest number ol voles, whether he havo a majority or a mi nority, is the chosen candidate, but at present under ibe Federal system a majority ol tho whole electoral vote, or ot tlio Slates in tho Jlonso ol Rep i resell latives, is required. I can see no huflieient reason now lor this differ enco, if tho just voice of each Stato can bo preserved. Our experience teaches us that there is no longer any necessity for tho continuance, of the rigid majority rule. Stato equality in thu Senate and State independence in its voto aro, by tho district system as herein embodied, fully preserved. I can eeo no practical reason for compelling a majority of all tho States, as such, to bo obtained cither by the useless processes of tho electoral col leges or, luiling that, ol tho voto by ttie House ol Representatives hy States, with all ils dangers of civil war, cor ruption, and anarchy. Tho preserva tion and recognition of tho equal and independent voicoof each Stato and ol tho minority as well as of tho majority of its people is to my mind tho vital thought, and although a plurality elects, my judgment is that we will as frequently elect a majority President under the district system us under the system now in operation. Thore can bo no good reason, as 1 see it, why plurality ol tho Amorican people should not control when they have fair opportunities and free suf frugo in the selection of their rulers ; nor can I conceive any reason why it is cssontial now to preserve the old thought that a majority of tho States should cast their clectorul votes for any candidate beloro thcro is an election, in face of the tuct thut bo is oltcn in a minority of the wholo people. Under Iho present system there aro many instances in which while tbo candidato elected has a mujorily of the clectorul colleges ho has a minority of tho pco plo. This was notiibly the enso in 1870, as it was in 18U0 and is in tho recent election to a smaller extent. It seems to mo bettor to err in Iho other direction if we must orrat nil. For all purposes needed to effect Federal re sults, the thought that is embodied in our every duy ptactico in electing township, city, county, and Slato ollleials and Congressmen can now well and profitably be embodied in the Fed eral Constitution. Tbo lesson of Iho election iust com pleled in tho count by tho llouso this Week is full ol instruction. Thcro nro JOS) electoral votes. Garfield received 214, Hancock, without Gooriia. 144. Il Now Yurk had cast her 35 votes lor Ilancock, the voto ol Georgia would havo been required to decide tbo con tusl, or tlio llouso would hnve been compelled to elect, forwith Now York voting for Hancock there would have tieen u Ho al lil) voles, and a tio in tbo llouso voting by States would proba bly have resulted ; and thus the poaco of iho country might have heen broken by the tremendous convulsions conse quent on such a condition of affairs. Thu plurality rule would obviato nil this. 14 v this amendment tho Slates aro not divided into districts upon tho ratio on which their representation in the lower llouso ot Congress would bo fixed, but thcro is given to each Stale as such,tn addition toils representation in tho Lower Houso,horequal represen tation in tlio Sunalo. So that wbilo New York has thirty-throe members of the lowor llouso, she has H5 vote for President; and while Rhodelsland has but two members of tlio lower House. she lias 4 vote for President. Fy this is preserved .Slulo Individuality and Slate control, and to my mind sufficient of tho Federal system, il wo stand by the plain reading ol tho (. onstitution in outer respects. Tbe correction of the-Ticiotia system nl niarkod ballot is provided tor also hy proscribing a secret ballot, and al though this enlcrs tbedomain of Stale control, it wisdom ss well a it ne cessity seem to me to bo apparent. 1 ho danger so apparent lo us all in recent years of anarchy and confusion from tho doubt as to the true method ol conn i ing the voles tor President and Vico President, and from dispute as to who shall control and duclar them, ia provided for by the return ol the Mate being mado conclusive proof and by Congress being made the controlling power when in joint convention met Those aro some of the thought to which this amendment give force. 1 hall endeavor now to elaborate them further and to meet snmo of tho ob jectiiuis lo this system toward which 1 bavo nn doubt lbs minds of Senator rs tending. Tbe present system ol choosing eleo- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1881. I tors in based upon Iho constitutional provision tlial "em u Mato shall ap point, in such manner as t lie Leiisla lure thereof may direct,"iis doctors for President and Vico President. The power of the Slato Legislature to ap point doctors themselves, to aulhorizo tho pcoplo to chooso tlicin by ballot upon general ticket, and also to chooso them in districts, is given by this pro vision. In practice und as a result of popular opinion, they1 are now chosen oy tlio pcoplo Hi over- htatoupon ten oral ticket ; but our histury has seen all thrco of tbeso modes of choice in operation at ono time. Instability and oppuiuiiiiy tor cuicitno and mat.age ment, therefore, exist, which, in so gravo a matter, arc dangerous in tbo uxircme, and an unilurm system of uni versul application, an) under whatever control, is mauilesily ln-lier under ex isuug eoiuiiliuna thaifiUia complex ar rangement. An uniform system is betier than a triple system, as popular win mucLier man ciiiiereicciorul or leg islative wilt. Tho power of parly and tho sectional lino havo tiadu the cleo- toral system an utter failure, and our people will not tolerato tbo choico of their rulers by tbo Legislatures. We are lilt, then, to but the tvo systems, itio universal uirecl vole ot tho whole people or a direct voto of .ho people under Stale control by districts. The first and greatest difficulty il the way of an universal direct vole of .ho wholo people of all tho Suites is tha: it is ut ter destruction of tho federative sys tem and produce practical consolida tion. Uy it, Slate lines aro ob.iterated and State independence, and equality are lost sight of Under it a fsw pop tilous Slutes voting for a candidate popular there, would overw helm the remainder, or by tho division o, their peoplo a small Stnto giving a lurgo majority for ono cundidalo w oulJ out weigh tho voice ot many larger ones. In tlio lute election tho majority iu Texas for ono cundidalo was greater than the aggregate mujoritien in New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio for the other, Tho preservation of tho federative system utterly forbids tlio universal direct vote. It would not aid in lho iho system of election in district by destruction of sectional feeling, but lho : the popular voto. This proposition lo very reverse, tor tho tendency ol ma coived but tho votea of P,.nn.clrM.i. jontiesis always lo grow, and when bused upon passion or intcrest.scctional majorities invariably increase. Such n rule would perpetuate bitterness, for tho result would demonstrate that there was a nearly equal division of lho people of ono section and a decided preponderance of those of tho other which would overcome the former. An universal direct voto can never bo had, except under a new compact in which the smaller Slates will agreo to sur render their cquulity and independence, and this is neither desired nor desir able. Under the system of a direct voto bv districts, each Stato has precisely the samo relative weight as now. Penn sylvania would cast twenty-nine votes; she has now twonty nino elector and twenty. mno member of Congress. Rhode Island would cast lour votes : she bus now four electors and lour members, of Congress. It is truo that in tlio election by tho people in dis tricts a part ot the districts would vole lor ono person and a part for another. so that tho result would be to sumo ex lent national mnro than Stale ; but this is the enso with members of tho House of Representatives now, and lho small States have duo and full weight and power in the lact that tho largo States nro nearly alt closely divided in politics, and the votes of tho districts will follow in nearly lho samo propor tion. A gerrymander is lho only ar gument against tliis.but even lho worst of gerrymanders is preferable to tho dangorsand ovilsol the present system. It has been well said that I'n.ler tha present system, tb. Bt.la voting olidlr, there la gre.t temptation to fraud. Where too oun.u'ioo oi p. rues la nearly n.laneed lo . t-tate, a aucceaaful ftaud mav determine be vote of Ihe wnnlo Htat. This pats th. whole votes of m.ira in me nanus ot lb. I.rge ellioa. Th ran. teri.l oilh which lo perpetuate frauds predomi nates especi.llv in l.rre cities, sucb aa New York. Philadelphia Uoalon, Uallimoro, Cincinnati, eL Louis and New Orlcan,. I nder th. diitrint aye. tern Ihe fraud, in Ihe laree eitiea would onlv of. frot Iho vole In tbe district in which thoy oecur rud, and eeuld not, in their eon..iucnces, .ttand to tb. vol. of the wbole Htale. Hut under the pre.ent eielcm Iba aucce.sful city fraud may da tannine the vote of the whole Stale. Wbora the fraud will onlv .fleet th. vote ot . aingl. dtatrict, tbo Icinptfttiona to aoBtinit It ftr. grr.uy uiminiaueii. Alcn will not take tb. rlakl and incur th. expense ol committing a great fr.ud tu e.rry lh. vote of a .ingle district, which they would do 11 th. hank of th. fr.od was to aelerwln. inn vol. of tbo wh l. rjt.Lo, .nd per h.ps secur ibe election of Presi lent. Tho clectorul system is an election by Sialcs and not by tho people, und in euecv prevents lho voter from ex pressing his choice for President unless he follows party caucus or convention, and even then ho cannot voto directly lor tho man of hi choice. Tin rule works results which aro more aristo cratic than rcpublicun. Sectional lines will bo broken up by lho disltict sys tem, and "a promiscuous division of sentiment extending over tho wholo nation and not capable nt boinz deline ated by Stuto lines or tho course uf rivers" will take tho pluco of a solid Jvorlh anil a solid South. Uecgraphi cal locality will not si completely identify lho political character ot tlio voter as now, lor each candidato will find votes in every section. Mr. Pickens suid in tho llouso in 1814: Ry nny tn .de of giving .a enfiVe efc to each Stale th. will of Ihe majority of the pe .plo of tha I oion ia not certain to prevail. A Si.te however doid.d will giva Iba same united vola with a Htale however unanimou.. A rraaon againet any mode of giving Ihe Rndl videdvotaol Ibo Slates, of all others ihe ni. I important, aud most affrotiDg the vll.l fnt.re'1. of tb. lintoo, is its tendency toward o grnarapki eol eercroeee coorlics. Rv thepriaclpla of self defense all tne ntaiea must alopt auch anode, uoleia a uniform plea la a.tahlithed Indeed, they have nearly all ao acted at tha lata alectloo a lo giv. unanimou, volea i and hy tbie mean, a who! eoctloa of th Union, with a small axeep tioa, voted or ono individual while iho opposite fcchon supported hi. opponent, and th.ee i..-tion .re divided b, regular .Vetl. tiers. Now, does . Cbiel Meglalr.te eo eleeied appear to repeee.nl the nbole I'uioa ; aod will Rot a small number ot re petitions ol auon eventa naturally draw the oppo site parlies in lo.ikln toward ibeir nppm enta to look dirretly aeroa. Ihia divisional lino ' A direct voto of tho pooplo lor tlio candidato of their choico is their right, and tlio doctoral system was a device ot llioso who did not trust tho people, to deprive thorn of this right. The electoral plan wits regarded with sus picion and avorsion by tho adherents of JetTerson. Alexander Hamilton.lho father of the Federal parly, who do sired tho establishment of a strong national government, and who favored a lito tenure for lho President, subject only to Impeachment, was tbe author of tho electoral system. Tho histori cal fact I that tho electoral college is simply rolic of the aristocratic theory of government insistrd upon by the old lime Federalist. It was accepted hy tho oatlicr Democrat because they were obliged to tako the Constitution as a whole and could not accept or re ject it in part. Air. Hamilton writing in tho I eiKr cralisl (paper No. CS) refer to the manner of choosing the President pro vided for lo the Constitution in tbe lol Ion Ing language : REPUBLICAN. It waa deeir.Ue that th aenae of tbe people enouiu operai. in in. onoic. ol me person to wbom 10 imporlaat a tru.t waa to be ooooded. Tbla and Rill bo aorwered hy oommltting ibe right of niak Ing It' not to any pr-oalahliihed body, but t men eboaen by tbe people for the epeoiel purpoae .nd .t lb. p.rtieul.r oonjunotur. It w.a equally desirable th.l tb. immedi.l. election abould be mod. by weo atoif capable of analytimo lAe ONnJir.re aHnptid totki cr.Kioe, and aoling un der eireumatance. f.vor.bl. to deliberation and to a Judloioua combination of all tbe reaeooa and in ducement, that were proper to gorern lAei'r cAoi'ce A imutt NNMhee or orrsoaaacleclcd hv their 'allow. cltiaena from tbe geueral meee will ba mott likely iv puearre mo miormalloo ana dlaoornment re quiaite to ao ooiaplieated ao liive.lig.tion. Distrust of tho popular will cannot bo more cloarly expressed than in tho language just quoted. Tho advocates of a strong government had no failb in tho ability of the people to govern themselves. Their cinslunt aim was lo concontralo tho powers of govern ment in tho hands ot a select few. Amongotbcr instrumentalities cmnlov- td hy them to carry out their purposes was too cioctorul concuc. ibev de sired that tho power to select tho Pros. iiient mould be vested in "a small number ol citizens." Thev believed thu popular mass incapable of making intelligent choice, and tboreloro they devised a plan by which, to quote the languaire of Hamilton, tbo imme diate, election would ho "mado by men ...LI.. ..." , iauuiuiii analyzing inequalities ao.ip ted to tbe station. " lint the dcsiizn of' tho Federalists was frustrated by the 1- . . 1 L . I ' democratic influences, which havo finally made tho electors mere agents for tlio registry of lho popular will. Instead of exercising their own choice. as they aro empowered to do by tho Constitution, they simply cast their votes as they aro directed by that por tion of lho pooplo who chooso them at tho ballot box. Nevertheless tlio elec toral machinery itself is tho same old aristocratic contrivance which now by common consent has heeomo tiso less for nny purposo suve to thwurt the pcoplo in expressing Ibeir choice, and. as wo all know, is dangerous in its ex edition. In tbe convention ol 1787 Pennsyl vania was tlio only Stuto voting lor Iho election ol President by popular voto, and her sons, Wilson and Morris. odvocnlod with power and eloquence 1 and Maryland, llcr sons believe now as Franklin, Morris, Wilson. Jackson. and Kenton taught, "tho Stnto is tho people," and tho expression of their voico by their direct voto under lho Federative and not tho national sys tem is, 1 believe, their wish now. In the debute in the Virginia convention on tho adoption of tho Constitution, James Monroo, afterward President ol tho United States, suid, referring to lho mode of electing the President contain ed in tbo Constitution : The President might be elected by the people, dependent upon them and responsible for mal adininistr.tio.. As this hi aot tho oaso I most dis.pprov. of this el.use in its present form. In President Jackson's first annual mossago hocarnestly pressed upon Con gress the importance of so amending the Constitution as to dispense with all intermediate agencies in the olection of President and Vico President. Said he: To tbe people belongs tbe right ot electing their Chier M.Ki.tr.te i It w.s never designed that their eboiee should In eny case be defeated, eitbrr hy the Intervention oi the oleclornl eollrgea, or hy tbe agency eonfld'd, in cttain eoolingenoiea, to Ibe House ol Ropreaenlativea. O.O.. I would therefor raeommeBd each an amend mom of Ibo Conatilution a. may remove .11 Inter m.diata agoney la tk. .lection of President .ad Vie President. Tbe mode may b. ao regn l.ted a. to prai.rv. lo o.ch Si.t. its preaent ra. latir weight in tbe election : and a failure in the aval attempt may b provided for by eonfining tbe reeond to a ehotee betweea th two highest candidate. lie recommonded also it limitation of tho Presidential service to a single term of four or six years. (ieneral Jackson ronowed tho above recommendation in each of his seven annual messages fo'lowing ; find bo was especially earnest in his desire to pro vent nny election for President ever being determined by tlio House of Rep resentatives. Tho arguments in behalf of lho pop. ulur voto by districts which bavo been mado hy stutcsmen of the past are so full and convincing that it is only necessary to read them lo he convinced Jackson, Van llurcn, Benton, Calhoun, j iit Korson u ,Ms jersey, McDullie, Pickens, Johnson, Mortoii, and scores ol other aro on record in its advocacy, and tny argumont is complete when I bring lo the notice ot the Senate- and Iho country their reasons for ibeir bo lief through an abstract of tho history of their measures lor ils accomplish ment. ELECTION OF PRESIIIENT AND VICE PKK.S. 1PENT PLANS PROPOSED IN THE FEI1KRAI, CONVENTION. 1. Ily Edmund Randolph of Virginia: Thai R national executle. h. Inatiluled, ta he cboecR by the N.liuo.l Legislature, A Elli, t'a Debates, US. Adopted eight States uguinsl two. (Ibid., 141.) Adopted unanimously, (,(, 324 ) 2. Hy James Wilson, of Pennsyl vania : inaiine riielo be divided Into etiilrirle. no mat toe pereona qualinail tw vo:e In each dis trict for m.mbere or the first branch of the nation- Rl legislate! re elect memhera for their reepeet- tve oistrio'.s to be elector, nf Ihe executive meg islraoy thai th. a.id .lectors of Ibe executive magistracy meet at and Ihey, ae any of luem, so met, snail prooeea toeleot liy ballot, but noi out of their own body, person In whom the executive authority of the natunal got ern ment shall be vested. ei-f., 14.1. Negatived 2 to S. (Ibid., 111.) 3. lly F.lbrulgo (jerry, of Massa chusetts : That the national executive should be elected by lAe exeeel.eee of ike tlatei. S Klliot's Do bales, 174 Rejected nayes !, Delaware divid ed. (Ibid., 174) 4. Tho original draught of ortielo 2, section 1 of lho Constitution, ns finally adopted, provided that In caso there was no choico by tho electors "the ,SVi life shall chooso by ballot tho Presi dent" from Ibo five highest on the list. Reported hy rommilteo of eleven. (Ibid., 507 1 5. John liutlctlgo, of South Carolina, pro losed olection of President by joint ballot of lho two Hou.o of Congress. (Ibid., 472 ) 6. (iovvorncur Morris, of PennsyP vania, moved to slriko out "national legislature" from Randolph's proposi tion and insert "citizens of the United States " Lost yea (PennsvlvsniaJ 1, nay!. (Ibid , 322-324.) 7 Hy Alexander Hamilton : "Tho supremo executive authority of the United States to be Vested in a fiov ernor, lo bo elected to serve during good behavior, the election to bo made by electors, chosen by electors, chosen by the poople in the election district aforesaid," (i. e. by district into which ho proposed the Stale ahould be di vided for lliO election of Senators.) (5 Klliot's Debate, 205 ) 8. Hy Oliver F.llsworlh, of Connecti cut : To Ii ehosea by electors, appointed hy tbeleg lel.taro. or lh fitBtee In the following rallo, lo wit t oao tor o.ch Sl.t. aot ..(seeding loo, lit. in habitants two ror each above that aamber aad aot exeoodlngg'to.fltiU) aad Ihra for each State. ..owed ing Iv.,!1. The question being divided on the first part, "shall the President he cho- NEW Hell by electors V" Cariied yeas fj, nays 3. On second part, ' shall elec tors bo chosen by tlio Slato legisla ture?" Carried yeas 8, nays 2. (ibid, S:i8.) !). Hy Mr. Wilson, of Pennsylvania, fas a compromise :) Tb.t tb. execulh. be eboaen by eleetor. to he taken by lot from the o.llona! kgisl.lurr. i Kill ot'a ISeh.t.a, 3ti, 10. Tho plan finally adopted (section 1, article 2, of the Constitution) agreed to by a voto of 10 lo 1 on Sherman's mol'on to stnko out "Senate shall im mediately close" and insert "the llouso of lieprosontutives shall immcdiittely chooso by ballot ono of them for Presi dent, tho members from each Stale having ono vote. (Ibid., 5111 5'JO.) Note. It was tbo almost unani mous opinion ol members of tho Fed eral Convention, that il tho executive should bo chosen by the national legis lature he should be ineligible a second lime. 1 1 bid.. 337.) As a compromise and to guurd against evils incident to election by Congress, (iovvcrnciis Morris moved that choico ho madi "by electors cho sen by tho people of the several Slutes." (Ibid., 473.) 2. ARIIL'MENTS IN Till Ftllblt A I. CON VENTION. Govverticur Morris, ol Pennsylvania, , opposed a choico by Congress ; was in favor ol cloction "by lho peoplo at largo, oy mo Ireeholders ot tho coun try," on the ground ihut there can be no "combination of populous Stale ;" that lho peoplo at large will always bo well informed as to "tho great und illustrious characters who merit their esteem and confidence," and that "if chosen by tho national legislature ho will not be independont of it ;" and if not independent, "usurpation and tyranny will bo lho conseqnence." (ii Elliot's- Debates, 822, 323, 3:il.) Mr. Wilson, Pennsylvania, favored tho district system, and opposed elec tion by national legislature, on tho ground that "lho executive- in that caso would bo too dependent to stand tho mediator between tho intrigues and sinistor views of tbo representa tives and tlio general liberties anil in terests of tho people." (Ibid., 323.) Mr. Madison, in favoring a choico by electors, suid : If it to a fundamental principle of free overn ment that the leglllalire, eaecutive, and judicia ry poncra ahould be trjuiral.'y exercised, it ia equally eo tbat tbey be inlritittltniy exercised. Ir.er Is th asm, and perbeps greater, re, .on why tbe executive sbontd b independent of ihe legislature man wby tb Judiclaty Ihoeld. A imm.di.lely and eerl.inly dangerous lo public liberty. ' Ut waa di.po.ed, for these reasons, to refer lb. appointment to samo ulhvr aonrce. 7Ac oeooe ol urge was, in bis opinion the uitcst In it.elf. Tbe people generally could only know .nd vote for letu. cilisen wtio.e tner itB had rendered htm .n objsot of general .Itt-o-lion .nil e.lceiu. There w.s one dlflicuity, bow ever, of a eerioul nature .Mending n immedi.l. choice by tho people. Tbe right of euflrage waa much mor. dillusive in tbe Northern than the Southern HI. tee, .od the latter could have nv in fluence in the election, on th score of negroes. The suhililntloa of elector, obviated thii diffi culty, and Beenied, on the whole, tn be llabl to feweet ohJectloBa. Kllist'a llebat.a, ait. ARTICLB II, BRCriOR 1, IXAt'.B 1 ASH 3 OF CoS.n TIOR Ol-B FRR.RST KLReroRAL RmTEH. The executive power ih.ll be veated Ifl R PreB ident or tbe tailed ritates oi America. He ahull bold bis utile, during tb. term of four years, and together with the Vice President, ebosen tor the same term, b elected ae follows! Each H at shall appoint, i'a secA asanMee n. Its Legiilattr tktrta may direct, R number of elea tors, equal to Ibe whole number of Senators .nd Representntirea to which Ihe Stat may be enti tled in tb. Congreeaj but ao Sen.lor or Repr. senlstiv. or person holding .a offic ot trust or profit under tb. Toil.d St. tea, ab.ll b .ppoint ed Rn elotor. (Seo twelfth amendment, which su persedes and annuls clause 3 of jrliclc 2, section 1.) ARTICLE 11, SECTION 1 TIIK TWELFTH AMENDMENT, 1. Y'tf old sistem. Tho difficulties attending the election of JetTerson and Hurr were anticipated as early as 1707. The modo of election provided in sec. Hon 1 of article 2 wa regarded us fa tally defeclivo. Tho election of a Chief Magistrate bad provoked more discussion in the Fodcral Convention than any olher feat nro of tho Consti tution, and tho ill-digested compiomiso finally cIToctod wa the least satisfac tory to the mem bora ot that body. A the electortl system was regarded in Congress with less fuvor than any other part of tho Constitution its reform was tbo subject ot lho first important amendment proposed, lho statesmen of that period foresaw the dangers that would result from uncertainty in lho mode of electing a Chief Magistrate, and accordingly William Smith, of South Carolina, in tho llouso, . I miliary C, 1707, proposed an amendment to tbo effect that "lho electors ol President nnd Vico President be directed to ties ignato whom they voto tor aa Presi dent, and for whom as Vico President." (Annuls, Fourth Congress, pago 1821.) The samo proposition was ronowed in tho House by Mr. Foster, of New Hampshire, February 10, 170II. (An nals, Filth Congress, pago 2!1D.) And in tho Senate, by Humphrey Mitrshull, of Kentucky, January 24, 1YH8, in Fifth Congress, requiring elec tors to writo on their bullots tho names of persons voted for as President and Vico President. (Ibid., pugo 403 ) January 21, 1800, a committee of five was appointed by tho Sonalo to consider "what provision ought to bo mode by law for deciding disputed elec tions of President and Vice President, and for determining the legality or i I Ir. galily of the voles given lor thoso offi cer In tho different Stites." (Ibid, Sixth Congress, pago 29.) February 4, 18110, an amendment was proposed in tbo llouso requiring electors to designnto person voted lor as President and Vice President. (Ibid., Dill.) The district system. In tho House, March 4, 1800, jnhn Nicholas, of Vir ginia, submitted tho following amend ment : Th.l, .Iter th. Ihltd d.y of Match, ISflt. the choice of elretora of Prreliient .nd Vice President shall be made hy dividing eah State Into num ber of dlatrictB, equal lo Ihe anmlver of elrctors to b eboaen in such Steles, and by tbe persons in each nf thoso di.tricia, who ahall have tbe quail Aeellon. requisite lor eleotoro of the oioBt niitarr oub branch of Ibe Legisleture nfsuch Slete.choos. Ing ono eleelor In Ibe m.nner which Ihe Legisle ture tberoot ab.ll prescribe. Then follows a clause directing the choico ot Representatives in the samo manner, ( Amials,Sixth Congress. pago (J29.) Referred toconiniittccof five. (Ibid , 785.) January 22, 1801, tlio committeo 0f ; , , . . . flvo submitted an elaborate report to lho House, describing tbo variety of modes practiced in dillerenl Slates un der articlo 2, section 1, declaring that "a modo of electing the President and Vice President which might at once combine tho expression of the public sentiments of lho peoplo of tho respec tive Slates, wilh a perfect assurance of the duo appointment of the elector for that important purpose, i a discovery greatly to be desired," but that it wa inexpedient tochango the Conatilution in tho mannor proprsaed by Mr. Nich olas. (Ibid., H 1 1-0 10 ) January 30, 1801, Jamc A. llayard, of Delaware, submitted a joint resolu tion to the House providing that when two person hare an equal number ol TEEMS-$2 por annum in Advance. SERIES - VOL. 22, NO. electoral votes tho ,. shall immo- ti( 8 'U.gi,,lu,Vcs mily ,,priTo lately chooso ono ol the,,, lor Pres,. 0 , f of dent (,., pago 9S7-) r,fi.ltJ , lho pVi.amont of electors ra, rv tilir0';';' ''nu,?''b' : ''J' Legislature or New Jersey "at ret ry 2,1801 (lb,d., page Mil ) m,m,lt wllcll tll0 po,.l were hri i.1- r, T , Ti -T.'i0'-1 a" :l'Oiit to exercise tho right of voting bracing rules on whu-h the Jet ei-son-1 for , ., Tbu ,H,nl(, mmrrJi llurrcontcst was deeded. , lb.,,., lOtl.V in , .. ti i . i , Continuing, M r. Pickens suid ; l-SoTK Thuelectlon being Ihtuvin , , ,, ' ,., , . ,i n II . . l.ii i i i It. eaih di.lrrl Ihe r.i,.l I lain will lekai.na into lho House, balloting began I- eh- .,.,, .,, ,. ,,. j rtiary 11. 1S(I, und continued Until the! ll III, wlien Jellelson received tho voles Of tun Slate, .ml fliii-i- I,k ,,f IV.tir (., 1022 to 1028.) See also Na- tional Intelligencer February 13, Hi, and 18, 1801. Mr. JetTerson, in a letter lo James Jlonioo dated rebmury 15, 1801, said : Four dava of balloting bavo produced not a single change of a vole. Vet it is oonOdently bo lieve by nioat that lo morrow there Is to be a co alitioD 1 know of bo foundation for ihia belief. If they could h.v. been permitted lo pass a law or oalll.y Ik, v.tn.,.i ,'ao (Ac Aaais nj AM fjhtfr, Ihcy would certainly bare prevented an election. Rut wa thought it heel to declare openly .nd firmly, one and all. that tbe day sucb an not peered rAe JY.duVc Utaiti leood arm, .nil tbat no mcb urutpntion, even for . ein gle day, thnuld be submitted to. This flrt shook tbem, and Ihey wer completely alarmed al the resource for which w declared, to wit. a rosrra- ftoo to reorganise the Uoveroment and to amend it. The tery Word eo.ernii'oa gives them the hor rore, as In the present deinocraticAl apirit of America tucy liar tucy annum lose aome or the favorite morsels of th Constitution. Alanr at tempts bare hern made lo olt.ln terms nd promises from me. I war declared to them unequivocally that I would not receive the Uov. eminent on capitulation : that I would not go Inlo il with my handa lied Jcflrr.oo'l Works, volume 4, pege Sol. Tho necessity of a change alter the events of 1801 was apparent. The Legislature of New York proposed an amendment, which was submitted to Iho House bv Mr. Walker, iiroviilinrr lor a epccilic designation of 1!?; voted lor US 1 resident and ICO Presi- j cni.l Mogi.lr.le so elected appear to represent dent. (Annuls, Seventh Congress, pugo I ih whole t'nion 1 And will not . small number 3(i) I of repetition! of sucb events natnrallv draw th j, , , ,, ., , ' oppokile parlies, in looking toward their oppo- l ebriiury 20, 1802, Mr. Sluiilev. of . n.i. lD1k ,ii...i I. u,i. .ii.i.i..i ii... i North Carolina, submitted resolutions' by tho Legislature ol that Stato to tbo . ,l(.ro wou j b0 proniisouon8 division samo purport. (Ibid., pago fi2!t.) 1 0f sentiment extending itself over tbe In the House, February HI, 1802, n-holo nation , and not capablo of being the following amendment waa pro. ddincated by I Stato linos or tho course l,ol,vu: ol rivers." (Annuls, Thirteenth Con- That Ihe fil.l. Legislatures sh.ll.fiom time to! Kriw irt session, lioges 82S to H3.Y) time, dieiie ear. .Vl.ile into dlttrirti i,,ti. to the ! i , . , . v Vl r. I- whole number of Scn.lor. end ltrprei.nt.tlvc. Jlr- 'sl0U, ol North Carolina. Slip from inch 8t.t. in the Congress of the I nlted ported the resolution ill a lengthy States, .nd .lull direci ihe mode of choosing en eleelor of President .nd Vie. Preaidenl In earh nf raid districts, aho shall he chosen hr eiliaens having the qualification! requisite fur electors of th. most nuuirrnul branch of tbe Stat. Legiala ture: and l hat the di. trie-IB ao lo bo oooMiucted shall oi Lsist. as nearly ax may he. rf centigitoui teirilory, ami of equal proportion of population, except aline Ihcic mnv h. .ny dctechtd nortiou I Iriet. which then shall be annexed to some other j portion nearest tnereto ; whicb d utrlcls, wh-.n so dividrd, shall remain unaltrr.t-.le until, new een- ruB os too I nueu Matee snail be t.ken. See. 11. Tbat. in all future elcclions of Presi dent and Vice I'reiident, Ibe .erooe voted for shall he parllcul.tly dci.ign.ted by drclating which is voted for .s President and which ns Vice President. Annela, Seventh Congress, pege 002. Fehruaiy 1, 1802, resolutions of tho Legislature of Vermont, recommend ing this umendmcrit, were submitted by Mr. Morris of tbot Stato to Ihe House, llbid., pago 472 Tho amendment proposed February 19, 1SII2, tho district system, wus taken up in tho House Muy 2, and passed yeas 47, nays 14. Ibid., pago Non-concurred in by Senate yeas 13, nays 8; two thirds not voting in the affirmative. Ibid., pago 304 Renewed at second session, in the House, hy Mr. linger, of Now York, and relerrcd to tho Committee of the Wholo. Mm., second session, Seventh Congress, pago 4 19 Postponed. Ibid., iiai;o 4921 October 17, 1803. John Dawson, of Virginia, in the House, proposed an amendment requiring designation oi persons voted lor ns President nnd Vico President. Referred. Annals, first sessiin, Eighth Congress, pago 2. THE TWELFTH AMENDMENT. Iu the Senate, Do Witt Clinton, of New York, on lho 21st day ot Octo ber, 1803, proposed thu Twelllh Amendment. Annals, F.ighth Con gress, first session, pago 10 "H" October 22, Mr. Duller, ol Soulh Carolina, moved an amendment thut ii.iniLiii um i icrsoii mould il eight j cars, Minn hi nerve at the next election no ii be clegiblew bo hail served and Ihcrenlter no person should servo as President more than lour years in eight. Cari ied yeas lli, nay 15. The proposed amendment wa then referred to a committee of five. Ibid., P-K'o-'l Alter a long and acrimonious discus sion, extending through lho month of Novcmticr.thcumcndment was adopted by tho Senate yeas 22, nays 10, on tho -till ol December, 1803. (Ibid., lKO -:, l.eportcd lo Iho llouso December (iccomlcr 17 Mr. Pickens, in Com 5. (Ibid., page 1112.) Imilteo of tho Whole, mado another I assed lho House Decembers yeas ar(,,lmt,t i support of lho resolution. S.I, nays 42. (Ibid., pago 775.) I 0 insisted that it proposed to in- Latilictttion proclaimed by lho Secro-1 grart n0 m principle into tho Con- . 1 . - ' ' v'l"istiiution uicKey s uonsiiiulion, pugu 38 ) 3. TIIK DISTRICT SYSTEM. In the Senate January 20, 1813, Mr. Turner, in pursuance of instructions Irom the l.cgisluluro ol NoitliCarolina, proposed aii amendment providing that Slutes should be divided into dis Iricts equal to tbo wholo number ol Senators and Representatives; each dis j trict lo appoint ono elector by popular vote ; electors to uavo power to nil va , j cancics : that districts for choosing Rep- j,;' j!oo, ' ," juw York repeated tho resentulivc and elector shall not be ar,,umCnts of tho opposition, which changed until new census and new ap- jn brjl;. ,;' lu ,,rop0MlH, portioiiinent (Annals, Iwclltb Con Bmctl(Innt destroyed the federative gress second session, page 5,1 .,ricile. ami inv'aded the rights i f Relerrcd lo select ( oinmit lee of seven. 10 sjtntce) ((W ., pago 8.) Mr. Hammond, of New York, follow- rcbrunry 18 1M.I, reported withcJ , ,.lHn r n,c resolution, llo nniendmentandpased--yeas22,raysii,iBt(,d lhnt it "would lncrene tho i,wiiiioiii discussion, w nn., page !U ) , i uo amenii incut as ll passed the Orn ate is in lho following words : Th.l the elector! of Pre. I lent .nd Vie Pre.l den! of the I ntted Stnto. sh.li b. cb men hy ). tried t end for that purpoae each Htat (hall, ty ita Leglela'ure, bp dmJe-l Inio a onnber uf dti tt it'll rqual to Ihe number of rlfftrra tn which tbe Stale miy be eniilird. Karh dial riot aball ma lein, aurly aa nny be, ro,ual aumbere. which ahall I determined by ad.ilng to tbe wbole nnta brr of free perauoa, including tfaoao bwnnd to ferrl for a trrm of yrurr, aJ oio'ndmg Intll ana aot taiH, tbree-flfibi of ell other pereona. In raeh diili-iiM the prrei-na iuahHed to rule fr ftepretrniitiire in tie t'ongreae of the foiled 8.at aball ch'o one eiffctor. Tbe Legialatnre uf each Htufe hnill h.- power to regulate the in no nf h'll'llng eloeliona and making ret urn a nf the lectori eboaen by tha people. ia eae an me tJeMre itiould not meet at the tl, ",i pioo ppintd i.,f gig ih.ir rote. a majority of th. eleelore nrl shall hove power nn lortnwiib aball procco. lo supply the vacancy. 'the district, for choosing eleelore of President and Vice President of tbe I nited tat.e shall not b. altered 1b any Slate onlll aa ennmeralloa .nd an apportionment of Representative, sbsll h. m.tfe aub.e'ioaat to a division of Ihe stales ia'o dislrlele. 1 h. division of th. Sut. lata district! shall take place as soon as eonv.nl.ntly en.y be .llr tbie .ta.adtnoB! Bball become a part r tbe Constitution of Iho Lolled Slalee, and success ively alteiward,wbenever a new annulare! ion and apportioomaat of Repretenletlvea shall be made. Aanale, Twelllh Congresa, seaoud session, page I. Reported to lho House February 19,, I't ll...,.nJ .... f,.n.:.. i ii'i...i. 1813. Relerrcd toCominitlecol Wholo. AO action. Ibid., psge 1082.) An amendment almost idmtieal in Innaiiiije wasaubmitted by Mr. Pickens, of North Carolina, in lho House, Janu ary 18, 1813. (Ibid., pago 818.) Submitted again al next lossion hy Mr. Pickons, Doceinbor 20, 131.1. Ho forred lo Committor 'ol the Whole (Ibid., Thirteenth Congress, first scs lion, pugo 707.) ARdlllKNTS IN SI'PPORT OF Till RESO LUT10.N. lly Mr. Pickens, In the House, Jan uary 3, 1S1I: Th. oejeot la to oa'.bllih a unlfbrRa nod. uf obooalng elector! of President nnd Vie Prildnl: nd Ihnt nod to bo by too fro, fair, ond diroot Toto of tbo pen.l. to tbo diitrieli, qualtlyiog ibo right of suffr.g. by tbo no. ruloo which tbo St.leeh.v. prescribed for tbo cneloa of Repro senl.tlv... o Thi, will wear Joit equality Id tberel.llv. tceiaklaf Slum. II by tbl. ruU .ny st.t willgela or loto In rota tion lo Iti .n.rDI comp.r.tlr. woiRht. It will low only (lot li ju.tlc. It nuglit. It Illy com. lo,.. who too oignlly or rool Intoro.ti or Xir"-' ' llo t.ten lioia.U-v. mil how, tinder I hii tn,.. niii-iii .t ll,., a...,..,.,. 1 IliUtfO tin .111 know Die Inllreata of the people wboae opinion, may propose to represent, anl ine per. 1 '" ''. ' reeponaih e for .mi- fully performing their trust. If difler. ent sentiments or Interest, exist In any b'tate, those, sentiments or interests should in Ibeir prup er prnporiion be pat into tho national soale, aud the fair roaulla of tbe whole will point out th truo aatloual repreaentatlon. Political parliee will be le.s itctii.HnI than on .ny other pl.n. Where eech single district gives a distinct vot, the o. litle.l character of tbe voter will not be so idcoli fled by geogrspbical sectloae, but more inter, sperstd over all leoliona of the country. ea oeea It la a rule of policy which applies to all pub lic mceenree. and aanre especi.ily to theeoneerna ol a ualion, that next to ibo ot.Jn. of ae.log rightly ia that of rendetlng ornenit enri.ucli'oN, Klcctioae will I best secured egainal intrigu and eorruptlon a hero this power ts exerri'od by tkt aratterni rumen al fooe. The proponed luetbt.d will .rrivi the nearest at .lair rqUAltty helween tbe reletlve weight of tha mates. Ily any mode of giving an retire role to each Slate Ihe will of the majority of the people of the L'nion Is not certain to prevail. A State however divided will giv. tho ..m Rnit.d vole with a btate however unanimous. A rtas'-a against any mode of giving the und! vlded voice ol the htates, of all others the moid important nnd most .fleeting the vilnl interests of lh l'nion, Is Its tendency ton trd a geographl. cat aever.bce of partica. lly the principle ol aelf. defense all the Statce muat adopt such a mode, unless a uniform plea is established ; Indeed, theyhsve nearly .11 eo acted at thelste election aa to give unanimous voles, and by thiemcansa whol. section of tbo I'aion, with a small exception, voted for one individual, wbil the opposite Be i ndci- tho rfisrnW i,i,i. ho arerucd. . speech. After describing the union of I , j f,.,lfr,,i;..,, ,! rM,.ul. nrincitilna In i ""-'"'y'!""' '. V0)""0' Pnn( 'I1'1' m, lho existing mode of choosing ti Chief Magistrate, ho suid : The amendment now before us Is perfectly lu ch.rerler with tbe symmetry oi this plao. It over, trpa none of its outlines: il altera not Iho ratio of electors, their duration, their mode of tolln' "'" ""I"'1' f hich they are com pared. It direct! only a uniform mode of ap- pointing thcin. which prsetioally eorreapouda with Hie view of tbe Federal convention. " It a ill narrow tbe range of fection and dituini.h ihe scop of Intrigue. Tbe political coin hat. o!s will cum. Inlo tho Held l.irly. It is hy this method tb.t tbe volea of the pro. pie may he f.lrly expressed. There may be dillrr enco between tbe relativ. atrength of uiinorltlea in eny two dlslricta, but when .11 the distrieta ar. tatea into tbe eomputatioo auch difference mut b. equallied. He who obtains tba suffrage uf more than half of tba district, must, In .11 human probability, have a majority nt the luflragcs id the people. Rut how ts It wbca each State ia made to throw all ita votes Into ono scale, how ever much the citisena ot tbat Stat, m.y b. di vided ? A majority of Ihe voice thus obtained is no evidence of th. rsoctlon ot a aa.jorily or the people. When Ihe electors of President .re chosen by Sletee, tbe aii'aorify In each Slate ia utterly with, out weight. . Lt th. voice ot every pert of ibe netlon he fae.rd in the .ppointmeot of tho Chief M.gi.tr.le, and tha minority in tacb State ecqoircB en Import.ne., which insure, to tbem reapect .nd poliiic.l freedom. Ho argued further that this plan will not deprive the Slate governments "of a single privilege which is neces sary to their support, or lo tbo full rx crciso of their peculiar powers, and : continuing, said : a mode of voting w: A mode of voting which throws Ihe entire vol.-o of each St.U) Into th. ac.le ot Its r.vorite eandi d.te, though it m.y bring about . oo-oper.tio. or Stat, with bt.t., in fact disunites tbe people and breBkB tb.ta Into distinct m.rsea. Such a oo. operation of Slate with State, far from being pro ductive of benefit to the nation, la ac.reely less to be dreaded than tbe array of ,-lale against State, The opposition of individuals is harmless, nd their union most salutary. Annals, Thir teenth Congress, first session, pages a".i.oiS. Tho vote, Jnnuary 4, 1811, in Com mittee of the Wbole House on adopting the resolution was yens .ri7, nay 7o. 1 ; ; i 111 P . p : Vi'i.... i. , ian concurrinR with Committee ol ihe , wlj(lo jn (h(,lr ujMKrcomoniyens 82, (,j , two-thirds not voting . J ...... n therelor. (ibid., pago Hl'O.) The same proposition again intro duced by Mr. Pickens at next session March 6, 1810. (Annals, Fourteenth Congress, first session, pago 1150 ) Legislatures of Virginia and North Carolina rocommond passao of snmo. ( Ibid,, pages 110-41.) Samo amendment submitted again by Mr. Pickons at next session De cember 1 1, 181(1. (Ibid., socond session, Ipnce25u.) Th. objection, lheref ,re, which Is urged by acme, Ih.t Ihe freliiree of oor Oovernmest shoold not be .ltere.1 will not epply ta Ihe proposed amendment, Inesinucb as ti embraces bo bat leature, .nd fixes upon a uniform rnle, eondeiiag it unalterable by tbe varying views of the SI. tee nd th. clisng.s ol factlona and timaB. Annals, Foutteemh Congreie, eeeond session, pege .ut. He nrgued further that lho federative ... i, i . u.,,,,1,1 ..,.i i. ,i..r..u.,i I,.- . : , . : ,.i.era.joll j tho distribution or number ot electors. Vllia0 0f lho electoral franchise." llo was willing that The tnfiutne of tbe greet Statea R their cor porate cepacily In Ihe election of a President ahould be diminished, a 0 a If th people are not their own worst enemlea let your elector! In created Immediately by and come dlteclly from the people. When your do thai, and not uanl then, you will ba cettam that your President hold, bis ufflc by tbo ennaoot and at the requeet ol a mejortty ol lh. peopl. over whom be preoidee. Anu.li, Fourteeutb Congre.s, e.c30d ees'ion, pagea SOS -1 le. John C. Calhoun, then a moniber of tho House, in tho courao nf hi argu ment, declared that The proposed amendment. If adopted, would remove .vili which elperiene has shown to exist, and which In future lime, If uoerrerd, may menace th. axtetoBee of lh lirpubll., kid., page II I. Discussion was renewed in the llouso December 18. John Randolph, of Virginia, opposed the resolution on Hie ground that, in his judgment, "it contemplated an abridgment of the power of the States;" declaring at the same time thut the existing mode "wo a mockery shadow of a shade." (Ibid., page 321.) Ititlicil. Wrii'lit if Mnrtlonil .nn. ported tho resolution. Ho argued that ... ... .n . "tne adoption oi tun amendment will prnduco uniformity in the modo and stability in ils duration." (Annals, Fourteenth Congress, second session, page 32(i.) Concluded an fourth pnoe
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