Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 23, 1881, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
It .mid in edvanee.or wlthio tbrM moathi...f 00
tr alter three aad before m Bonthi... 1 60
If paid after tbe elpiratlon of all moohte... I 00
Mrllioill.t l:pl. copal Charrli Raa. flan,
l.mnv, Pastor. Cervical every Bal.beth at 101
A. M., and T P. M.
Sabbath Brboul at A. M.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, at TJ P. M.
Cuminnnton riervieo, flnt 8abbath of every
u.itnlb, at in, A. M.
et Clearfield M. I;. Cliurrb. Rev.
CntRl... W. Biibblbv, Pa.tor. Preaching every
alternate Sunday, at I o'clock, P. M. Sunday
S'-bool at 21, P. 11. All are Invited to attend.
ITr.bjtrrlan Church Rev. H. 8.Bdth.
ri'ilibath aervlces morning and evening Sab.
ha in Sobool at I P. M Prayer Meeting Wednaa.
lay evening.
Ilaptlat Church. Key. , Pa.tor
Sel.helb School ate P.M. Prayer Meeting every'
Wclnesdej evening.
it. Fraud.' Churrh.-CAthollr.Rey. P
J..nrBinA Divine ..rvlce at 10) A. M., on
i he firit, third and fourth Sundey. of each month;
Vespers and Benediction of tbe ISIeaaod Haerament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School ev.ry Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Pint Monday af June.
Fourth Monday of Septambar.
tiki or oi.niaa coo plbai.
Pint Monday of Jnna.
Seoond Monday of November.
SiiiAiisAND.SoiKsoaij. Nickolplutod,
lace, pocket and all kind, of Minora and ibeanj
entirely new atock at Uardar'a.
Powukr ANU fuHK. UluHtinK, miti.
lag and rIBa powder at Harder'., by the kag or
P"d- febMltf.
i a
Foe bill", fur J uatleoi of tbe Peace
and Comtablea, Search Warreat., and a full aa- of legal blank! for lale at thli nBloe at
naeenablo ratta. (live ni a trial.
A now barber ho,i baa boon opuiiod
town within It ii located in
Iba Old Wa.t.ra llolal bulldim. in lha room
formerly occupied by John B. Uardar'a gnu itara.
rosTpo.NEu.Tho Goshen Institute,
wb iu uava oeeo oeld at Lick Ran on
Saturday lait, waa postptoed until Saturday,
March oth, on account of tbe death "f Mra. Kill.
Tocket Kniveh. The lurii(.t mid
moat complete atock of hnlve., of all kinds, that
baa arar been In Clear". 1J, will be fuond at J. E.
Harder new itora, on aocnnd .treel, fa. doors
from let National llank.
a i ...
"It is mated that l.envy A .Mitchell
loat Ihrea thousand dollar! worth of timber
by tbe lata Booda In tb. riv.r." Poaisaloieara
Spirit. That'i a mlitake. Soma of tbeir timber
want adrift, bat It will be reoovared.
Call at Morrill's hardware utoro and
leotha cheapen and bait Hewing Mioblna for
tha laait money.
Do You Want a Wiiiim V. M
Cardon A Brolh.r have received a lama lot of
platform apring wagon, and bujrKies. and alio
road and farm wagon.. Two car loadi have ar
rived. Call us them and secure a bargain. Tbey
oan La found at all time, at their meat market
on Market afreet.
a a
Cliarloy I,. Frank, of Curwensvillo,
with another gentlaman waa driving In a llcirb.
near Prenchvllle on Wedneiday evening of lait
week, the alelgb iwung around againit a poll,
epilling tha gentlemen and tbelr truoka out Into
tha enow, and tho boner ran off. Ona of the
gentlemen got considerably brnited, and one of
the borera broke Ita leg and had to be killed.
Itovolvora, Bovon oliot, nickol-pluted,
teel barrel and oyllndor. Will aell limited
amount at each. Dot quick, at Harder'!.
aa a ea
ItA.oRH. A vory fine lot of oporior
raaori, made by George Woilenholm, Wado A
Butoher, Sheffield, Kng., and other maker.. In
price from 15 eenla to 13 each, at Harder'! itora.
Tho bent Bowlnif mavhlnir in tho
-... i. no a.v n.mington, Ho. 0, ha! ..If-
inreamng .nuttle, no cog whaala, no cams. All
wear can bo taken up. Call it Harder'! Itora,
t-loarncld, Pa. f,b ,
"ItlVAL!" Yon, thttt'i a pretty piece
of ossuinptlun. Let the reader compare tba lait
Trial Lilt Job with prarloua eopiaa aaauming to
do work and no material to do It with. "Rival !"
Vo but vary cheap. Our devil can do batter.
A Fact. An auvertiHomuiitiniii'rfiiil
la the Kurt Hi !.- will roach mora readera than
If pul liabod In all lha other papara in Ibo ooun
ty, and lha advertlen leal than ane-half
In olber wordi, an advertisement pobllihed In
our Jrurnal ii worth double the price of that
charged by any other publliber In tha oounly.
It la a fact." ,
w a
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
men feel like trading aoma of their product for o
aerln of number! of copies of the Clnnriii.n
IlBHt miiaj, wo will gladly ahow them where to
put two or three hundred bueheli on account In
that way. H'a hare a bin at onr residence and
ona at tha office Ibat will bold a load every now
and than. a A hint to tha wiia la a vary aiga re
mark, and should be .ufnri.nt. Nor, 10-lt
Patent Jokers. Tho bad weather.
enow drift!, etc., playi hob with aoma of tha
patent in and outsider!. VTe hara before ui a copy
of tha Cberrytree ftrcard, dated December 2tb,
1DS0, on the outside, and on tba iniide February
lfltb, lafll. A newspaper enterpriaeof that kind
muit lait until for all tlm. Iti balneal ,you
know, ie founded on a modern bail..
All RitniT. There in no use in cet-
tlng up the eld alarm for bone or men and atand
bornflcd at the "break-nook" iiiead of olthor In
iceing them pan beftire ui. That Hubionn has
been pa.ed arar by tba editor of tba Bmilli.
He can mind a broken neck far easier than a
broken arm can bo restored by tbe eutast expert
physician In the Slate. Oo ahead now, the remedy
for broken neoki I. at band.
J,int of letters romuinthir unclaimed
In the Poitofnoe at ClearBcId, Pa., for tho week
ending Pobruiry 2UI, I8DI :
Walter Dloom, A. 0., Mole. Ilatler,
(.lara i. anon, rredorlck Uunlap, llej. Erani!
r. C. r legal, Alia Flora, Emaia T. Oray, tleorga
Ileaa, Clark F. Johnston, Mrs. Kate Lumado (2),
i eter Mallet, Morne Peterson, John Sanilitrom,
Patrick Scelly.
I'. A. UAI.LIN, P. M.
Boccarla Townohlp.
Juillea of tha Peace, John W. llraiton ; Con-
iiaoie, w.j, ajuiian f Kuparviiori, Jamaa Patter
eon, William llooa School Mroctora, Michael
llranlg, B. V. Ueverly I Judge of Election, Wm.
Lordj Inipeotora, John Illndman, Samuel Sample;
Poor Overseen, John Ulasgow, 0. 0. Ball j Aa-
aeesor, vnrist j. aeagy i Auditor, Edward Wil
liam! Ulitrlat Treasurer, Samnal Ilegarty i
Town Clark, I. J. Uoon.
Bell Township,
Conslalila, K. D. Balrd ; Supervisors, A. Coppler.
Jaeib Campbell, J. 0. Reaty i Bohoel Directors,
nonan uananey, u. w, I'ampballi Asicasor, J.
M. Ron; Judge of Klection, Philip Metier! In
spector!, W.A. Davideon, J. M. Snyder; Auditor,
J. W. Mctlce Poor Uveneen, II. L. Metier,
Uaerge KaufmaB.
Bloom Township.
Comtabla, William 0. Henry; Supervisors,
Uainar illoom, Henry Bickel ; Juditeof Klection,
lleerge Korb; In.paclon, Henry Weber, Hubert
Thomas; School Director! , Rodney Charles,
David Spencer; Poor Ororeeen, John Still, John
iivpuurn i AH.ii.r. i.mtrtfa I,. Ntntih. matrix.
Traaaurar, Adam Korb: Town Clerk. Frank Ma.
Boggs Township.
Justlse of the i'eaea. John Biash: Con.ukla
leaao Biash ; School Directors, Benjamin Smaal,
Barton Merratt, Charlea Waiile. (loorae lla.a ,
Supervliore, Porter Wlaor, John Bumgardner ;
Poor Overaaeri. llenrr lloei. tlearaa S. Turn. .
Judge of Klection. Jamea tiallaaher i la.naniAe.
Jeflrie Rleeb, David Dimollng; Auditor, Uriah
1,111 Alieesor. Jonn Ltta: 11 .lr nl Tae
David Maaae; Town Clark, William U. Brady.
Bradford Township,
Conetable, liaac Bargar; Bupervllon, Klljab
McDowell, J. U. dray ; School Director., Henry
..wr,, c norria ; wongaoi r.iaetlOB, llarrlsol
Dellae. ; Inspector, Miltoa Shirer : Aeeeasor.
John Wilson : Poor Overseers. John l.lin.inn
tfuuu nuoiritige; Auoiior, A. rr. uowdar ; ii.
tr lol Traa.urer, J. II. Stewart (Town Clerk, J. A
Joaeph II. Bargar Bud leaao Wilaoa ware alaet.
ea mroctora for Jsradford Independent Sobool
Brady Township.
Constable, J, T. Hebol : Sunervl.or.. J. Noldar.
Qodfrer Sohoch ; School Directors. J mod raabr.
Om Uuaf dkid Pm Gikt. Diicocmt on Old
Pricm. -Htwlog Mublnii MB now l pnrchMvd
tit aelerreH'ilin tnd tvitty uiot; from J4 up-
oi In ihortt notio.
ClB.rflfllJ, July tS, 1977.
Colliotor'i fiiLKB t Wi hT prprd
form, hart on bund ft Urgo quuititr, of
bia&k "OollMtor'i 8loi," wbUh hv beta ap
pro rd by til hlffbvit lulburity in tb
CoorU of Ibii oouDtj. At Twnig t'( ptr
do ten w will mill njr to th Collator
orutnng t&om. A Uoiieetor, wneo oomptlltd i
jtlrut 'MmMftntM.
Prices of Shingles,
Cnrwemrllle, Jan. , 'TB-tf.
IX KtUTOHH' KOTIC E.-Notloo Ii hora
J by given that Lettera Toatamantara an th.
aetata of JONAS MONH, lata of Morrii towmblp,
Clearfiald eountr. Pennnivlvania. dMM.i k..
Ing been duly granted to tbe nadanigned, all
pereone inaeoied to eaid aitate will pleaae make
re. notloee In ih. mo.t public' pi. . hi. .;,m'"1,'h","",, 'J", ""T"' th.m prop
rougt or township. f sstbantloatod for lettlement without delay.
Main Street,
Table always loppllad with Iho bait tho market
noma, ine traveling public la Invited tooall,
Jan.l,'I. B0BKR1 1.0YD.
Waarnn Delivered at tha Rail Hoad.
100,000 2S.noh sb.v.,1 ihinf lee.
100,0110 14-Inch lawnd ibinglei.
1011,0110 feat of nine boards.
tOO.IIIIO U-feet shaved hoop..
0,0110 rallruajl tiea.
011,000 feet of good hemlock buardl.
For which I will pay tbe hlgbeel market price,
delivered at Cleerfleld, or at aoy point on tho
Tyrone A Clearfiald Railroad.
3. T. KRiMRn.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. I(, 197S-tr.
nit.bIAAl Hunt.
, Kiecnlon
hylerlown, Pa., February Id, Hal Ot.
Mary K. Demont ) In tha Court of Commoi
vs Pleai of Claarllald Co.
t.uariei iJeuonu I No. 1H1
To f'aarfee btmwi ;
I Jan. T., I SSI.
rt'BLio orricnao.
PmUm Mjt Hon. Charles A
Lock Haven.
A..iim( l. iidoenon. Jolin II. Orrl., of
Associate Judese Abram Ovden. ri..ra.i.i.
Vincent B. Holt, Clearfield.
ProtkoHotarf Jamaa Kerr.
Ktgilrad recorder George M. Ferguson.
7're'i.Nrer Philip Dotts.
)i.lriei Aliorw.. J. F. McKenrlck.
Shtriff Jamaa Mahaffey.
h'puttf Sktrijf F. I. Thumpron.
Coooiji Sumyer Samuel F. McCloekey, Cnr
aensville. t'lualy ftmameioaeri C. W. Kyler. nraham
tnn P. O.; Klah Johnston, Grampian Dills P. O.f
John Norris, Sr., Cnrwensvllle.
f,lalll..loaere, 6TfarJcJhn W. Howe.
(Wily Auditor. William V. Wright, Clear-1
mi l : Jo.epn Ullllland, Three ttani; J. s. Nor
ris, Woodland.
t'oanfy Coromir Jamea A. Moore, Clearfield.
Jury (7omaii.ffoner. AndnwJ. Jackson, Clear
Eed, Win. R. Brown, Clearfield.
.S'rin.r.'nraeo'enf o PMit VXoofe M. L. Ml
itnwn, Clenrdeld.
.Votflrte. 'aefie John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra-
IrUuch, Cyrul Gordon, Clearfiold ; Jo.eph It.! " 11
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwensrille ; J. A. Living- 1 Leavy baa inocredtd In having a daily mail esteb-
I'tBo'lLity. I I'ahad between C'le.ideld and I'eni.lleld, and will, I7U2, and ha. daughter upward! of
hereafter run a dally bcrween tbe two point.. , 80 '"" Now, thoae dates would make her a
llva.ttieutllJHiaKI i liii oontr.rt began with April l.t.andth. I so , ,, ,, ,0" 7;,r,,"'J' ,or ld only be
. . . .ill tear. lr.r(.M .W L..I.S (rsnrM K.:.l"' ""to"" ? .-"l ""I'
,-rir.tif,n?" Wp an oflen inquired ofin thii w.t ! y at 0 oIo,k' kn wnoMlnni witb all
KtrilJlXTi BARK.
Clk a nniLD, F libra r,r l7tk, 1881.
IjuroB Ur.i'l ui.u A- Hear Sir . J ft (ta
int in tho Cifiiett oi' Ibii week klmnt m. 1.1 In.
of Urk that w bnuleil to the tnODer.r, and for
miiiBKflt u i4ka me raff uR the butb. TU team
uii oiuio'i tut big ioj belong to W. Ii. Wil
hilni, and was j urcbased from J. C. Head and
driTnhy Jltrivm Wilion. and faauted 8P7I'U lt$, or
altxoit fonr and one-half oordi.
Bam IUolki,
- 1 m
hrvK ItiTif Mi i.i. FebrDar; 18th, 1881.
Mm. fcMTuK I w in your )pcr of tb Iflth
iBrtant, an acoount oJ Mr. Mario Riti, ad i
lOfTPiira. Mr. Kdttur. lomchodr'. irlih.n! i.
tfau.t. Ino lay ibo waa born on tha J.Mh ftf
bv Irttnr from who reai'l at a dittanct tr'' ou L" 'ada Kailroad at I'ennDnlJ. rt.
fn.m Clfarfield. W again ny yua. Tho miitipta I tortiinj sftrr the Inat train lh tatua etrtiinir.
nf rnM.nnil)l marrlianl hr mill a.s in tho I . . '
- ' ... . raiMDeriBd Irtiifhl .rpj-al .... .....
. . " "
nitv, will aniwer ui junt a writ aa the ea.h.
Ti illluntrate : If any of our petrous will delirer
uf h lug r, (raia at the mill of Jonopb H. llreth,
iti i h-l lnwii.hip, Horaoo Pntbio, In Unrniido,
.Tcey, in tlrnhain, Wm Porter or
IiiwV, in Liiwrenee, or Ilrown A Seyler'a, at
11. lit. in. I nion township, and forward
re. i lpl. lor the auount, we will eredit them on atT'ioht Inr the aame. In thi. way all may
aBj py what they owe, If tliey will purine thle
-'-urse. tf.
Ordere left at any of the bote!
'ill be attended
1 our., Ac, Tbiitb.
(Mr., lleiu waa born on tbe 2tth of Deolmber,
1771. It was a i&iitake made hy the printer.
En. Rrr.1
ON HKII)t.r..
I.Awnrjrr. Tnwminr, Feb. II. t, IS81.
Tr. Urim iLiein: Will you allow me through
Hie cnlurooe of your paper to rise for inform. lion
in regard to the old bridge acro.1 the creek at
Fiiri'.te. I notice that our very economical i1,,ni
iner. ere very aniioua that lha 'lnr.e.
of Lawrence and Uuggs townsbin should
H-i' .(lvii tiH(T8 and others will bear
in mind that all article! Intended lor publication
in this pt;.er must be banded la, not later than
Tue. lny, at II A. M. Don't forget It!
Kahmxrh, Look IIkhk 1 Lvtlu will
give you highest market prieea for Wheat, Oate,
Corn, lluekwbeat, Butter, Egg., Oniuni, Applet,
dried t.uiu.and .11 kind, of produce. II. hai c..m,
tne largest and best sclcctid .lock of groceriei.
teas, coffee., 'uiolarsci, spjoe., oil .alt, lugar, j ollarso of the old bridge which ie in a very
iiueen.ware, tub!, bucket., basket., ohurn.. Ac. I LT "'"'""'"- now, a.r r-ouor, you .now
I. ri.i.,j., ... , ... . , ; i iii.iiirj oi tnai .iruclure, tbnt It is an abnndowed
' ui. gi.uu. in targe j bruise on an abandoned State road. I know of
i" '"" ."inriun aim nrsr nana. oi nsseuoiy or action ol the Courts glr.
kr cub, and l.Wa the advantage of all ' rull,T Ccmmlisloner. any aulhorlty
di.oount.,.n.J.oh. i. enabled to sell at l,we.t I '! ':'""''l ." very serious doubu
wine, Joienb Lines i A.srssor, J. L. Weber
Judge of Election, J. II. Kirk I Inspector., II.
M. Soyler, Ilarry A. Troutman t Poor Over.eere,
M. 8. Clark, II. S. Elllnger ; Auditor, II. O. Kirk ;
fi.inoi traa.urer, a. at. uraucker: Town L'lerk,
J. W. Corp.
Burnsldo Township.
Constable, Jamea Summerrille; Supervisors,
Jonathan Myen, U.F. Smith; Samuel S. Moll.
Charlei K. Smith : Sobool Director!, Jamai C.
uweni, u. l. nilrhell; Judge of Klection,
Kmanoel MeKee ; Inspectors, William llullon,
W. T. Stewart; Auditor. John II. Mvers . A.u...
or, William Hewitt ; Poor Overseer, H. B. Kami,
A. W, Fry; Town Clerk. Jatnci Dowler.
Chost Township.
Justice Of lha Peana. 11. It ll,..4. Pn....l.iA
Simon hlnntrotnerr : Surn.rvlaors. J. U w..i'
over, i.raei vioou, William Kitchen, Joaeph John-
eon i vaivin Biepnon.; School Director..
oonn L'onl.y, John f label ; Poor Overeaers,
Robert Lewi., A. Kitchen ; Judge of Election, II.
C. Pierce ; Inspector., Samuel We. lover, John Z,
niiouen; Auauor, t . M. Wood.; Town Clerk,
Kill. We.tover.
Covington Township.
Con.tehle. A. V. Mnl.on : flnnarvl.o.. a.,!,,,..
Oette, James Holt ; School Director., Emll Mig
not, 8. J. Hrleh Judge ef Ilecllon, Wm. T.
aimer; inspectara, John Koogeni, Lewii 0
Roueeyt Poor Orerieeri, Qaugolpb Sehulli, F.
F. Yallltnont ; Auditor!, V. F. Coudrlet, Jule
Vallimont; District Treasurer, L. Flood; Town
nera, n . a. Kroner.
eliiNt ltoceivrd.
JubI Rccnivcd hy ARNOLD, at
Car Load Jiova Scotia Plaster !
Car Load puro Corn, Ityo and Outs
Car Load Doaken Salt 1 I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour!
Car Iioad Dry Goods, Grocorios, ti'.
mrsiunirlos. Hark. J(. II. T on and
Oram will bo takon in exchantro.
Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1S78.
Wednesday, November liltb, Kev. P. B.
Riddle, Mr. Uobbbt R. Srais.aaoil and Mill
liLAXros Tiluursoa, all of Carwen.ville, Pa.
MKKRETT SIIIMKL. At tbe I'niteo, Breth
ren parsonage, in Woodland, on Tuesday, Feb
ruary litb, I Ml, by Rev. ll.Conloy, Mr. Lieut.
SI aim itt and M si Hotii Siiiaii..all or It,....
I.i.l.l 1,1 r I, . '
.unu..,,,, vieaiueiu OOUUiy.
You Will take notice Ibat an Alia.
sue 'irorce ha. been awarded ngaln.t yon by tbe
ouur.,ana mat yon arereoulred to appear
on or before the ad Mondar of March next, and
ahow cause why a dsoree of divorce m eiaoato
Niarnmonii .bould not be made.
Clearleld, Pa., Feb., IS, ls.(l.
English Classical
TUB undenijrnod will ojiud this to bool In tho
Leonard buildlar. f!. rd-irl. n..s.v
waivai, irmu 10, ibbi, to oontina olevca
Olminon English llranchea f ot
iiigner angu.nand Clai.lo.
CloarOeld, Pa., Feb. 10,
Thii new and well rural. ht k ...... k.. k.
taken by the undersigned. He feela eonident ol
being able to render latiifaction te thoeewbomay
Mayl.lSfJ. ' O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r.
B0SKi PsorBisTon.
j9r.ii dWiiMmrnts.
Srw 3fli;rrtlfmrii.
Tho lurcost and best assortmnni. nf u La a.
Clcarfit'ld. r6 "rr urougut 10
One car load of CONKLIN wagons,
One car load of STUDEBAKER wagons,
.".oi .ocommoqationi for man and V In,. Ii un w to nl W.t
A liberal ibire of nubile natron. I.I V" " - J " UHV lllOBe Wnimm li
. ' - " 1 1 i.v . 1 . I . ... "V
. . . . '
iep2, 'oo.a
- AXDItSW PRXTZ, JR., Pnpritlor.
This hotel Ii kept la Irst class itrle at
till nf. lloit locatioa in ttwn Tor bniaM
bod. Fro bat to and from ill Iralni. fior-l I
twinfiio room.
C'lMrflfld, !'., Fob. 19, 1891 tf.
'i win, nnuersirncu. uii ne .m. ih .m.
X modloni Hotel, la tbe village of Glen Hope,
... yrot.aru Ml BCOOIlimOUaie Bit WHO may
call. My table and bar aball be supplied with
(lieu Hope, Pa., Much IS, 187(-tf.
ll I I l rt a i'ii .i .. "i.
im.- tm iuiiu uuu my wvirii ior men., tnorclore we are able
to sell cueaper tlian any Dtlicr dcaltT in tho coiinty.
AVe guarantee these wagons to be first-class
in every respect. Also, "a lot of
Platform Spring Wagons Buggies.
One cur load of GRAIN DRILLS which we will sell cheaner
Give lis a call before buying elsewhere.
than ever before sold.
K M. CAM k BRO., Clearfield, Pa.
February 23, 1881-tf.
IIWI.V. At l.lck Run Mills. In lu.h.n ......
hip, on Thursday, February 17th, 18KI , Uaavau,
wile ol l-.ilii train, aged ,1 yean, 5 montkl and
lb daya.
HOOVER In Urahain tonbip, on Mnndiy,
January 2tb, Irwl, Noba Euilibb, dannbterof
el Mra. Elite Hoover, a(cd II jreari, III month,
and IV day.,
ARDARV. In Morrii tovro.hip, on 6undsy,
February 13th. I US 1 . of dlnhtberia. Manna I.
daughter of (ieorKe Ardary, aged II years,
A lt ,,l' ,l..r.,.n. '?"'"" "!" "bpricei for prodno Cell,
in ;lii iiiuefur th flr-t timo.
A j."toi. cow buloning to Kd. V.
ti;..aiii died Urt Fridny aight.
m - -
Teinpenint-o mooting nt tho Court
II u tbii WcdneiiJT venii.j( t 8 o'clock.
- anBTe e laTf - -
Tho Jioilly Urolhcru, ot this place
l t it cow on Mondoy night lait, hy drtih.
t.'uii.Htublcs' and Justices' blank of
tuiy diiciTi'tion for ! ttt tho Kkpi bijca r
(.'o to the Court House thin WoiJucs
il.) enaittg it i o'clock. No collection will bo ,
t:ttfU iiji.
a -eama
A number oi coinniunicutioiiA cflint
! tim.d too Uti for Ihia Imuf. Thtiy will ipor
nrit week.
Kov. James Curns, ff CurwcnsvilJo,
r.trlifd in tho ClokrQold H. E. Cburch on TuM
lAY (Tl'niDf Of Iftft wook.
Tho many Irionds of Miss Jilunche
Moitup will bo gld to lotrn that aho it rooovor
in froLQ a aerero ttUok of dihthorlft.
- - m m -
Turmitty boin WoHbington'ti birth-
aay, DDI t itgil boliJaj, tho iubJi aohooll nd
htukf la thii borough woro dieted.
- - m mi .
The M. K. Lailius' Aid Hoeioty will
ujft t it tbt ichiiieDoo of Mra. JonitbiD Uuyatuo,
un Second atreot, noit Fridoj KfloraouD.
- - .-
A list of thofto purwonft ftpplyin;; for
L .tH and rtfUurant license! at tlia .Mmrcb fciicoa
"I Court will bf publiihed next week.
Appetite, Klcnh, Color, Strength and
ijur ir you ootat thcie, tako Ayor'i Hariftpa
rtlis, whinh will eon far tbem njin yta In rapid
-- M -e saaBll
Ii. Pioreo bits purchased tho ontire
iute;eit of J. H. Fiorcol Co., in tho Phitfjuburi
M.irUt fl'urtf, and will oontlnaa tho builncu aa
broti.foro at tha old ataaJ,
U. aMerrell, adtniniutrtttor of tho
of Jumtihan Mcbolf, doeraMd, will ofter
'm valuable land at pablit lale on tba 1'Jlb of
Mtreh. Hea adTertinemen t for particular. j
Mm. Juno SIorh wa elected one of i
uie bfhool liirnctora in Kaoi townabip at tbo re
f'Dt election. Tlia is tbo fir it ioitaaca of tho
km i 1 list tttr occurred ia Clearfiold Cuaotj.
Mr. C. H. Kinley, of Jlumindon,
4" Urn appointed by tbo Kittaniag; Cial Com
r0T meoeciior to J. R, CatneroD, late manaftcr
1 minina; togiuaor, at tbeir worki In llouti
Mr. Cameron ia Bow In Colorado, luperia
11 ling a mining operation Bear Pur bin,
M. Curdon .V llro.t wo learn, will
i,(,n n-haHKe placet of loilneia witb U. Hril
'run. The beat market will bo removed to tho
r" m now occupied Uy Mr. lleilbrun'a atore, oa
Mti-uJ street, and tba room now tiled for a meat
awket will be remodeled for a More room.
S. Woods Culdwell, Democrat, of
f.fn.'k liar en, bu been elected to tho L"stlatnre
'c nil tbo raciae; occaiionej by tr.a death of J.
C. Whalt. Uen. Jtao Merrill was tbo lle
I'utlican Rominao Clinton county baa tbua far
unrepresented In tb Lower llnure at Hurri-
goodn at the lowctt price in llm oountT.
pt.li4.';il tf
Tkmi'kranck Mkktinu. A Temper
anoe meeting will ba bold in the Court Homo, tbia
Hednetdaj erening, Febrmrj 23, , at t o'clock,
under the amp ice of the (lod T-mplar of tbla
ptaoo. Tbla ia their ieoond antiivetKarj. Tbo
meeting will be nldrrd by Mr. tlfo. C. Hart,
one of the bet and abteit Tetnperaiae oratera of
tbo day. Mr. Hart la the Orand Worthy Chief
rcir.plar of Tenriiyh na'n, and t at tbe hoal of
all t.-.oii Templar lodifea In tLU Slate. He if an
earneat worker fur tbe Temperance nantu and a
forcible apeaker. Turn out and let there be a
j full bouse, and hoar tba whiskey traffic dicuaed
by una l ia able and capable uf Join); it.
StJimEn Dkath and Sai Hkuka vk-
hkjit. Mra. Malilda Lyon, of Illinois, wbo for
omo wioka pa it baa been eiijoying a pleasant
Tisit In tbla pi see witb tba family of her brother,
Itr. A. M. 11 Ills, received a di-pat- h on Wednoa
day evening of laH week from hor son-in-law, R.
0. P root or, etating that ber husband, Otlrar
Lyon, bad been attacked with ipopleiy and
could not lire. Mrs. Lyon tok tbo next train
(Thursday morning) for herbouonoar Ilelridere,
Illinois. A subsequent dlanatob to Ur. llilli
gavo the information that Mr. Lyon waa dead.
Tho distressed wife would But reach home until
balf-paat 7 o'clock on Friday evening. Mr. L.vun
was a resident of Lawrouco township, ClearQald
oottiety, from tbo Fall of IHJfl to that or 1812,
and will ba well remembered by mnnr of tbe
older cltiaana of this community. j
; tbfpa to rebuild tho bridge when there ia a oounty
i bri lgo wiibin one and a-balf miles of tbe old one.
j I think it would be very unfair for tbe two town
; shipa to have to build it, and hope oar Kuperris
1 ore will kuop their hands clear of it, notwith
standing tho dictation of our most intelligent
County Commissioners. Odrkrvbk.
1 m
Ci.karkiklu Coal Tkadk State
ment of Oeal and other freights sent orer tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield Diriaion, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending February 12tb, 1881,
and tbo samt time laatyaar J-
Por tbe week
A'amatime laatyear
Tub New Syi:NiEs. Thono persona
who were eleetcd to the ottloe of Justice ot the
Peace, at Ibe recent election in our cdnnty, should
at once notify tbe I'ruthonoury, James Kerr, of
tbair willingness to lift tlieir cotuuiiulon Issued
by tba Uovernur. No commit ion will bo iiaued
unlraa (ha Prolbonotary Is thus arlifled. More;
The Ait of Assembly arproteil Mar.'h S2d, 1977,
re ui res the newly elected Jiiatlue to give the
nameofiiis predecessor, or the cause of a vaoaniy,
If tacb it tbe faot, whelbcr by espir itlon of eom
mifxl'in, deatb, retigoaUon, rainoral, ur other
wise. Let this matter be attended to, because if
the ProtbuBotary Is not informed ae.aor.ling to
law ne comuilfiions will be forwarded and a Ta
cancy will occur which cannot be filled, except by
an appointment by tbe Governor, until May, ISfJ.
As a oon)D. Is lion issued for only Jtrr mt.mtht costs
as much as on fr jlr yara, all the elent
should come to tbe front and prevent a vacancy.
--.. iw m
Tun Horoi tin Ki.rrTioN. Tho elec
tion iu this buniugh on Tueiday of last week re
sulted as follows:
Drwintrnt. ftryublirant.
S I Snjder 2I C. W.Bmiih 117
Hirin '-nif!.TaBt.K.
WillUm Dorvitt i07 James Sutton Ill
TOW COfJfi'lL,
. M. Cardon John MiMJungbcy. 1 10
Kiam W. Drown...... 317 Krank (i. H-irlr. 118
Jl ST!( I nr TIIF I'tAf t.
Daniel Connelly 2i4 Juha K. llottorl..
l'revl'.usly during year....
Sanie time last year .
Total in ISfil
Same time last yiar
' oth a a raxid.
Minoeilineoua freigbta..
.... HV -tld
1 e ee i.6,880
... 15t,aAfJ
.. Mo,7Kl
... 81,403
.. 191,804
. 271,677
.... 79,87s
10 ft cars.
John MrClellaa..
c a tBi.i.
. m I William Hidur..
Tiio remaitiH of James McLaughlin,
were found on tbe mountains near twn, on
i ,'t. of last Deeember, and afterward burlrl la
':' t'learfield eemetery, were lifted by bia Iriends
' n Wrtineiday last, and Vemovrd t a burial plaea
"r thrlr bona In Snyder Uwnrhip, J-flrreB
p un-y.
Mra. Kulo Millnli, wifu of Sir. Ed
i4 M. llugb, m.nager of the f'ow.11 Ceal and
1 (' mp.nj, and .ister Bf Mr. Jeaei flaia;e,
b' Nr. WaabiDgtim, thii eonotr, dlrnl at Hant
".lim, I'a., oa Ibe It) h of feeraar;, altera
I'f'rii.l illnrn, In tbe Itlh Tear ef ber 1(0.
-:' Ira.., a husband, aererel 'elillJren and
lJ frirodi to sBimrn bar deatb.
J. C. K bit. I,ilt Sin llrarr lirijM..
ai nnoL ninirroBa.
.laiiiae T. Leonard... 2H
ii. h. Keed 2IK
Jaoirl I,. Lear. alt
A. ll.f.bBW 218
m. H. Bn.nn ... 117 K. noj.lrr, lid
Norman I.. Kubici. Ill I .,
ia.A.Uarr,lnd... 3 Ut"J'
Wm. I). Iiigier
II. D. Ouudfellow..
M m. V. Wright ...
tiV Ki.bert Thompson. 115
H-t D. McflaurfLry.
4IU j U, Martin
yciint' man, natnod CaHtier J.
died at IdarvoT Passmore's boarding
treat, ia this borough, oa Tuea-
- u. ., urci, reuruary una, aner m
f" d,T 'Utieis, in tbe 22.1 year or hit age. His
; iini w(rt tai,,B yniton', graveyard 1b
renre twnihip fur urial. Tbo funeral took
morning at 10 o'eloek.
I oa Heed strta
I4 "enlng of laal 1
f" '.T illosis, ia t
'lB, "0 taken
-"renrM.waikip I
U Thursday
. "10 I. timber (
o aRMRmR or roow.
William Porter 2IM I Jmim I. lfi . 1 1 T
L It. Mtrrsll 211 A. F. MovntoD Ittf
o run i;nt axo mi ni.
Cilv Vnrmal innilnmv
Mict(4 by Messre. Veber and Ms-re, twe ia'
r-'Ti of exparieaoa and ability, will op-a
JL April llth, Mr. Moare Is Prlaelpal of
J U' Academy, ao I we learn has g Iron
r1 "'"faetioB during tba past Winur. Cir
fl living full inrormatioa are 0 it, and wilt bt
f" to any person who will address I.. 8.
Pi" Klltn Irwin, of I.iek Hun Mill i
f lhr.dy morning lait, 17th bat., ta tha T
Sba was the mother nf Lewis
' Kun Mills, John K. Irwia, of
"rb R. Irwtn. al Cnrwaaatllla kad
" 11 trwin, ef Fhilit,akw 11..
b rest la tba etmtttry at this placa an
"T.iH irsrt faiiowes tt tbe graft ay a
" ner age.
"ia, of Li
ailHd, J
All tranlrr will appreciate tbe annom.een.ent
Ibat the Pittibnrgh, Cincinnati 4 St. Louis Rail
way Company (Pan-Handle. Rcute)wlll hereafter
run a Crtt-claia Pauei.ger each from Pittsburgh
to St. Louis on the Fatt Lxprosa train leaving
Pittsburgh ovory day at I 22 A M. Bleeping
ears will continue to ran on same train from Titta
burgh to Cincinnati, Louis ilia, Indianapolis and
St. Louis, bnt the through coeph to St. Loia will
ba a great benefit tn persons tn roate to Indian
spoils, Terra Haute, Bt. Louis, and all points
West and tSoutbwest, who do not earn to pay the
extra ebnrg fr sleeping ear privilegxs.
Hold or sleeping cars will eontlnue to run on
Cincinnati Express IcVlug Fittsburgh at T 32
P. M. for Cincinnati and Louisville, and on Night
Express leaving Pittsburgh at 12:03 A. M. for
Cincinnati, Louisville, ludianspulie and fit.
Lonis wilboBt ehange.
Passongera for Ibe Weit and Sonlh will pleas
bear In mtnd tba Improved through-ear service
by the Pan Handle Route.
To set re tha advantage of quick time, good
eonnentioaa in Talon depots, and through-oar
aecommodatioBl, over oni of the best oon strutted
and molt perfectly SKuippod Unas, It ta only
neeasaary to aak far and ba sura that yen raoalre
ttcketf via Pittsburgh, Cinolnnatl A It. Louis
Railway (Pan U and la Roa.cj.
Far tima tables and Information addrees VT. C.
Ri&earson, Paaemgar Agent, Piltsbargh, Pa., ar
W. L. O'Brita, Ueaeral Paastogsr A fat Paa-
H and la Roatf, Colambna, Ohio. JanlflSt
The annual Spring eleotio.1 for mtiaisinal ofi
cors occurred on Tuesday of last week, Fsb. 15th.
We give tbe nazes of those who where elected
to office In each borough and township la tha
Bounty, excepting Clearfield borjiigh, which is
given elsewhere. There may be eome errors, but
we have endeavored to bo correct. A number of
the return sheets Bead soma personal explanation
to render Ibein satisfactory, Tb result Is aa
follows :
BurnsidQ Borough.
Ilurgosi, M. L. Irvin ; Town Council, B Ruffner,
V. K. Ilolmnn, B. II. Wbito f Conatabla, J. $,
Wtlzel: lUgbCoontabte, Satnusl Brickrll ; Judge
of Klection, J. H. Wetiel 1 Innpenlors.J. H. Reed,
u. AiarianeT; hc&ooi jlireclors, U. It. Davis, II.
Patehin j Poor Overseen, H B Darr, U. Mfl
MuHtori1; Aneisor, A. R. MoCardell ; Au.iitor,
.F. II. Ueed ; Diotriot Treasurer, C. R. Patrick;
Town Clerk, J. II. Reed.
Curwenaville Borough.
Rurgrss, Joseph R Irvin; Juaticoofth Peace,
f. 8. Moore; Constable, lieorge W. Vcrns ;
Town Council, C. L. Frank, II. L. Caldwell, T.
W. Moore ; Pchool Dirrctors, John Pstton, Ham-,
uol Arnold, Ii-aao It. Norris (unexpired term of
tbo lete Dr. Crouch) 1 Supervisors, David Ti
mer, Daniel June; Judge of 'Klection, R. A.
Hoover t Inspeetors, Watt J, Thompson, W. D.
Oates: Auditor. Fred J. D ver : Poor Orersesrs. 1
inineri i . noi.iiun, orioe (.lar ; Atsessor, J.
C. Writ-lit.
DuBols Boniugh.
Ilursress, Louis A. Rradv : Town Council. John
M. Hhught, K. t. McCall, George R. Vosburx,
i.rwi ,riKirr, jonn jroxvii, j . a. h ane ; Uon
stablfl, Fred Traoey High Constable, Issac Ilea
drlcks : Hchool Director!, T. tt. tlourley, Wm. P.
Jones, Hiram Clark, J. It. Martin, Charles Lor
ing, J F. Rrady; Asietsor, Peter R. Weaver;
District Treasurer, John H. Kllin ; PoorOverseara,
Wm. M. McOullough, W. F. Hughes Auditora,
Rfcbard W. Williami, Levi lleidriok, J. O. Heard ;
Jufiireof Election, J. L. Voiburgj Inspectora, T.
II. L-mun, W. T. Ross.
Houtzdalo Borough.
RurgsM, P. J. McCollcugh; Tnjin CouBnil,
Oeorn L. W1I100, Tbomas IMan ; Constable,
John Mate.. II mh ConiUhla. A W.ll. .
-uufiP ni rirruon, rairica 1'unn f Jtispeotors, .
D. llenn, Robert MoSamara ; Asessor, James
Ward : Auditors. Robert MuNnman. Th.n,in
anuuien; rrnuoi ui rectors, W. v. Langrord,
Matthiaa Harry, W. A. Chase, Mike tieolHtia;
District Treasurer, It. R. Fleminr 1 Poor Over
seers, J. D. Spronl, Peter McDerniott ; H treat
Commissioner, John Argyle.
Lumber City Borough. '
Burg.-ss, John Haley Town ConnHl, William
ngorenenn, i.cvl Jordan, , a. llile, Jamea
Owens, Joha II. Ferguson ; Constable, John .Ster
ling ; High Constable, A. A. KeJIy; Aiseasor,
Eli llile; Judg of Klectian, A. F. Worts; in
spectors, Joseph Kirk, John L. kelty; District
Treasurer, James H, Hil; School Directors, D.
C. eintth, Hiops.Hid VcQuown ; Poor Orer
aoera, A. llile, John Runee)! ; Auditor, W. N.
Henry; Town Clerk, Jamea Leaning : Htr.i
Commiiloner, Isaac Haney.
Newburg Borough, .
Burgess, David Michaels ; Jnstle of the Peace,
R. HiMflbrand: Town Council. Aaa Hard, ft P
Mi'Fadden : Constable. Jack Kdmiatun 1 lliah
i,un-ii4DiB, n m. iiatason ; Assassor, K. II. Clem- 1
on ; Ju lKeof Election, II II. Hurd ; Inspectors,
loirrh Ranev.W. A.Japkaoni Hohonl IhriAr.
U .- II...... t. ..... . . .. '
uiiicr, uavia mirnaets; roor overseers,
Auditor, Isaae
Decatur Township.
Justice of Ike Peace, 0. C. Mullen j Constable,
Leri (loss; Judff of Eleetion, Jamas McCain ;
Inspector, Jamea Ooaa i Assessor, David Copelin ;
Supervisors, ii. W. Mattern, Samael Kephart 1
Hchool Directors, John lteidy, John Philips'
roor ursrsoers.. Lewis Fulton, Davi.l Rurket ;
Auditor, Jacob Mock : Dislrlot Treasurer, David
'"i".i juwh iera, r. v, a. onuita.
Ferguson Township.
constable. R. II. Moore: A. n W
micoaeis ; jndflio Of Election. A hart Ynnn,- rA.
1 per tors, Jamea Ferguson, Jsmes Caldwell : 8u-
pervisors, J. v. rerguson, T. S. Norris, William
Wood ; Hchool Directors, Lewi Raker, Henry
Owens ; Poor Overseers, M. WatU, James Patter
son ; Auditor, William L, Moore; District Trsaa-
irer, j. 1. tmaw; lown Clerk, J. N. Hit.
Girard Township.
Justice ofthaPeaco, (1 sorer W. fiterar ; Cob-
tahle, Peter Ponsey j JuJ?e of Eleetion, Daniel
McOovern ; Inspectors, Robert Oreen, Daniel
iri,.u?min; nupervlsors, Jleary PlubaU. John
t. Jury; (school Directors, James Graham, Pster
inuiiDt)ir Aiesor, uanlel Kriso; Auditor,
A. Deantingenr; Poor Overseers, B. Leconte,
""'"P" lino; xown uiara, uoorge Htaror.
Goshen Township.
JuMlosof the Peace, Allan Cupler, Constable,
Joseph Lansberry; Judge of Lleetion.-G. A.
.Morrison; Inspectors, J. J. Wilsoa.John A. Mur
ray; Assessor, James K. Graham; Poor Over
aeera, Joha Han key, A. H. Shirey ; Supervisors,
Roiaad Lirergood, M. F. Flegal, W. M. Wilson;
iiuuDui j'lreuiors, v . r. hnaw, ll. K. Kyler;
District Treasurer, R. K. Flegal; Auditor, J. B.
Flogal; Town Clerk, H. II. Morrow.
Graham Township.
Constable, II. II. Evans ; Snhl Direct on, P.
flbimel, L, Hubler; Judge of Election, Haory
Ilamlini Inapoctors, J. If. Hummel, J. W.
Engliah j Assessor, Jacob Rhinehart ; Poor
uveraeeri, a. i-legal, William Rigler Rarger
Huinrviaora. W. K. Wllllimi w 11 n.,11-.
Jiuaitor, r. a. Monti ; Distriot Treasnrer, Oliver
HI NDERLIN. In Hell tn.n.hir. n T.....I..
January 5(h, 1R81, of eroun. ('v. vounvmi
aoa of T. and E. Sunderlin, agod I yaars, 11
HEICHKL. In Karthaui township, on Tues
day, February Uth, 1st I, of whooping cough and
brain fever, Miksii, daughter uf Huston and
Carolina Heichnl, aged 2 years, 8 montha and 24
dsys. I
MflC ARTNE V. In Karlh...a (n-n.hin n
Frilay, February I6ih, lutil.of whooping morIi
juuiu fjuruuioaia, mi ni in inane, daugh
ter of Jeremiah and Amelia McCartney, aged 3
yaars, 7 months and 28 days.
Hurler little children to come uuto me and for
bid them not, for such la lb Kingdom of Heaven.
CLatiBriiLn, Pa,, lb, 2J, IS8I.
Estato of A.C. Tato, Doc'd.
Notloa Is hereby given that tatters of Admin
istration on the aetata of A A HON 0. TATB, lab
of Clearfiold borough, Clearfield county. Pa.,
deo'd, havinir been Bran ted to thm ua.Up. in.A
all peraona indebted b said estate ar requested
b maka immediab payment, and thos having
-uu tKamii idc same win proeent
them properly aulheutkated for settlement , with
out delay.
The Administrators will meet all parties hav
ing business witb the estate at the olTice of J. P.
tfyuder, attorney at law, over County National
W.C. TATE, ,
ClearlielJ, Pa, Jan. 12, lS3-fit.
EightFarmsforSalc orRsni!
Tbo subscriber nronoaes to mil nr mni nnm.
ber of I arms located aa follows 1 The first situate
In Burn si lie bwnship, Centre oounty, containing
I in acres, having thereon erected a frain dwell
ing, irame barn, adjacent b a sburoh, and known
hip aamee mumoiiand rann.
ALHO, another farm situate ia Graham town
ship, Clearfield county, containing H7aores, with
tb necessary improvements. This farm ia nnder
laid witn a GOOD VEIN OF COAL.
ALSO, sli other farms in the vicinity of French
ville, containing respectfully 112, I tit), 05, tti, 60
and 2 acres. These farms all have houses and
barns thereon, good water, boar in a orchards on
same, as well oa aome good wood land. For
further particulars call in person, or address the
undersigned by letter. L. M. COUDRIET.
Jan. li.lh,13o-tf. French Hie, Pa.
Administrator's Sale I
--Tbli old and well-established Hotel has j
neea leaaed by tb undersigned, and he feels con
fident of rendeting satisfaction b those who ma
r-..VUsBS mm. viiitm iBuiiDs; anaoneu.
LEW 16 C, BLOOM, Proprietor.
April 21, 'UO-tf. 1
Curwcnsville, Pa.
. 31 Ruuth TUIrd Street, Philadelphia
And Dealers in Government Securities.
A,),lloatloB by mall will reeelre prompt alten
Hod, and ail iDferiaalioa eheerfullj furnished
vtuer. .0.101.0. Aprl)
w. K. aRBOLD. a. W. ARffOLD. . I. iHNOLD
ISankers and ItrokerH,
ReynoldBTllle, Jr.Htn.nn Co., Pa,
Honer reeelred on denorit. rilsenttni. t n.n.
derate rate.. KaaterB and Foreifra K Icbanr. al-
way. oa Dana ana collection, promptly mail..
Keynold.rille, line. It, 1874. -Ij
ler; Town Clerk, B. Holt,
Groenwood Township.
Jo.tloe of the Peaee, A. II. Newcomer, I.aae
M. hosier ; Conrtable, O. W. Hess ; Judge of
B.eriiuD, t.. o. lieu i laspeAtori. .lob B. t'orry,
O. W. Dicker j Assessor, llarld Mitchell; Poor
Overweri, Jamaa Jobnaoo, Kewcnmer;
School Director.. Z. L. A. I.. Wll.. .
euperrlaort, Nelion Voonj, J.H.non Hell Audi
tor, Ch.rlel Thorp Tow Cl.rk, William Smith .
Gulich Township.
Jastlco of the Peace. O. R. M.llnn.M. rnn.
stable, William Htileai Ruper.lsori. A. H. Hun
Jamei Wilson I School Direct,,.. W. I., Solomon liver i Judne of KleotioB, Philip
Croylej Inipeotora, H. II. Ilomel, Luke Mill
wood Diatriet Trea.ur.r. a. B. N'a.lln. , Pea.
urer..r, A. J., D. C. Flrnn i Auditor,
0. T. Moritr.t i Town Clerk, O. W. Lloyd : Al-
icnor, C. K. McDonald.
Huston Township.
CoBtlBbl., II. gh.ldrakai
Alttos Hornlnf, Sr.. J. H. Hooker : Jnd. nf KIm.
tion, K. D. 1'atteraoa : Insnectora. VtA K. Hm.
Raid, William Chambers; ltiitriot Treasurer,
J. H. Kline ; Buperrisort, James Callahan. Jaoob
Beer; I' oor Overseers, Jes.. Dorr, Sylvester Hunt;
Auditor, Charles Bobacken A.....or, Iloraoo L.
llorolcgi Town Clerk, Laden Ilird.
Jordan Township.
Justice of the Peace. Henry Swan , Comlahli,
W. T. Dloom i Aaaesaor, J. U. William! t Jndie
of Klecllun, Jama. Hea; Inspectora. g. W. Mays,
Thorn,, tirooj I Poor Orcrierr, W. T. Bloom,
C. II. Lewi! Auditor, A. K. Cre.well : School
1'irectora, K. M. Johnston. D. II. f!m.t..ll . In..
inoi I reamrar, Thome. Km lib : Supervisors. J. 0
Johnston, Orange Tbur.tob t Town Clerk, Deol,
i. n ue.
Flour, per cwt.
Buckwheat Flour, tier cwt
torn Meal, per owl
Chop,, perewt
Chop, tniied, per owt
Brau, per cwt
Wheat, per bushel ,
Bye, per bushel
Oats, per buebel ,
Corn, eara, per hu.h.l ,
Buckwheat, per bu.hel
Clover leed
Timothy leed
Potatoei, per bushel
Applet, per buen.1
Ham., per pound
Shoulder, per pound
Dried Uecf, per ponnd
Chlckeai, per pair
uuuer, per pound
Kgga, par doaen
Salt, per lack, large
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Apples, por pound
Dried Peachea, per pound
Beana, per bushel
I so
1 so
I ii
I til)
1 10
s oo
s n
1 50
I 0b
1 iO
House and Lot
Clearfield Borough!
PRlt.AnBt.rnta, February 21 Tbera l.
doing In breadetuS. to-day, l.nt prlcea ruled about
eieany. Kouun u.oiianaeil WIIB lurlh.e
to the .pinner, on a bails of 1 1 Jo for middling
upland.. Bark Nothing doing. Seed. 0 lover
Mill ilowly at Tfi,Bre ai in quality. Timothy Ii
irni . v.n-.u,w. ,ui i. nominal. Floar
and Meal. The Flour market I. dell hot price,
are qnoteblv unohang.d. Sale, of 1,000 barrel.
Including Mlnneiola eitrss, at $4 TSfm.7 for
medium to fancy elcar, and al ts.8r,rm 2S for
traighti Penn.ylvania family at l7Jr.i
western do. do. at i. ao(o.6, and pelenti at T4
6y1.1t. Alio. 11,500 barrel! Uirard, Market itreet,
..KJI'ieHii ucu..,o on prirau termi. ltye
A..... i. .,...1. ., ei r.t.. . , . '
,. ., . .-ub ,er oarrai.
rPHK undcr.lgned, Admlniilrator of lb. eelale
J. of Joim crr.iT, lale of Bradford town
.bip, ClearQeld county, Pa, dcoeased, will ex
po., to public sale, at the COURT IIOUSK, ia
Clearfield, on
Sntnrdny, March oth, 18S1,
All that certain lol of ground ia Clearfield
borough, fronting 10 feet on Market itreet. and
running back 172 feet to an alley, with good
t'ramt Ihrtlliiig Mloutr, f,:;;
and neeuiary outbuildings .tteched. The prop
erty I. bounded on the Homo by Market ilrret.
on the V est by John llulleh, on the Kelt by Mr..
a -. ..unn i,y an alley, the
estate of Ibe .aid John Stewart,
One-third of tbe purchase money to be paid on
confirmation of lale, and tbe balance In oue and
twe yeara, witb interest, to be lecorod on the UHKllll, flTKWA RT,
,.... Administrator.
Woodland, I'a., Feb. 10, 1SSI-JI,
Karthaus Township.
Conitahle, W. II. Helchel School Director!,
C. M. HertleiB, J. A. Conaway i Superrieori, W.
Rouch, Thomaa While , Poor Overseen, Jama.
Kouch, Daniel Moore i Andltor, tlodfrev Fi.her:
xisessor, i. p. Ullland ; Judg. of Klection. F. F.
Coalers! I Inspectors, Micbael Farrell, tleorge
lleekondorn ( lil.trlct Treuurer, Martin Kopp ;
Town Cl.rk, K. L. MoClo.k.y.
Kno Township.
Justice of tbe Pe.ce, Kno. Bloom Comtabla,
Peler Krhard: Hupervi.ora, II. II. Shug.rt, David
McCraOken I School 1) Iranian, fl. n Nn..U. I...
, vuugeoi niecuon, John H. Uunlap : In.
spectore, I). H. Barnet, Jacob F. White; Auditor,
A. L. Illckok i Asseiier, H. J. Sloppy; Poor
1 ol" uweni, isaao Alavl ; Town
Clerk, Meorge C. Arnold.
Lawrence Township.
Constable, John 11, Larrlmar I Supervisors,
ililliatn Uraham. James Ilrown. Will;.. n,..
John Carni i School Direetora. Wm T. McCorkla'
K. S. Wataon. Jooathno ll.o.n . lAn. n. .......
Taylor Rowlea, David Illoom ; Judge of KlKllea!
Herbert llleom j Inspectors, J, B. Ogden, N. T.
Fulton I Auditor. William T. Nnackm.n ........
J. R. Read Ton Clerk, Tlied U. Shaw. '
Morris Township.
Constate, David Kyler ( Sobool Dir. dull, Al
Thorn, John Mooiharger, Hr. Superriion. Fred
Berg. W. K llealci; Judge of Klection, Richard
nwen. I inspeeton, A. N, Dangherty, Stephen
iiiHunrRooi i A.....or, a. v. tolui.r; Audilor,
Joseph Raymond Poor Overwore, 0. Hartal.
uwuaiv n;i j uisirioi i r.Murer, A. 11. John
son; Town Clerk, Jobs A. Scbreek.
Peon Township,
Constable, (leorg. McDonald I Supervisor..
Truraaa Wall, A. M. Srieneeri School Direetora.
ienea nepier, n . m. wall ; John Penti ; Judge
of Klection, Joecph Divli ; Inspector., 8. C. Hep
burn, A. 0. Moore t, N.tbao Moore t
Andltor, Jonathan Wall ; Poor OversMr., H. M.
Hoover, William John. ton ; Town Clerk, Thomaa
B. Moore.
Grain Wheat ll quiet and nricel are aknni
Iteady. Sale, of 3,000 bushel., including rejected,
at l.05(j 1.07, and Ko. 2 r.d, In grain depot, at
Vl.l.ljl. At the open board, first oall, 11 13. was
bid for February; l. 15 for March, and $1. Ill)
for April. Ryal.iteadyat HScfor Penn.ylvBnla
Corn il In fair requeat indArraar. Salei of. ilno
bu.beli, including yellow on the trick, at &.1o , -iteamer
at 52o ; White at 47)., and rejected at
o.c. ai toe op.o ooerrt, nrlt call, 0,000 bn.hnl.
March i.1)e; Me wa. bid for February: 6jc for
March, and 63c for Aliril. Oat. ere fairly acllaa
and higher. Salea of 7,000 bu.hel., including
white, at 44(.i,4rio. and rciecled and tnla.d i At tba open board, flnt call, 20.0(10
busheli, March, .old at 4:io, ami 5,0n0 Jo. al tlje. Ii scarce. West.rn ll worth I.I0,
with .ale. of 7ft barr.l..
unlet. Wheat
No, 2 Chicago
Cntcaao, February 21 Floi
fairly active and a .bade higher
Spring Olio for March lW,c for ,
May; Ho. 2 red Vi inter, tl7c6i,il.flO ; No. S Chi
cago Spring, 8.1rt,S7e; Corn active. Arm and
higher; 37, e bid and .17 jo asked for Maroh ; and
41ieforM.y. Oeta fairly active and a Ihade
nignjr; J'Jie bid and Itilc asked for March I 30o
for April i 4,(ii.3lo for May. Rye etcady.
Barley nmer at SI. 01. Pork artiv. trn, an,t
blither; l4.7:,f,i,14.77i for March; 114 02) Tor
April; f 14.10 for May, old; IIS .' for cash.
Lard strong and higher ; til 70 for March I tO.SO
tor April .rlil,i, l).H7a for May. Bulk meats are
Itrong and higher; ahunldere, i4.01 1 short ribs,
17.75 ; short eleer, s. Whliky stesdv.
.lohn n. Worrell, K. B. CIs
Now Washington borough,
ring-.., James L. Cook ; Justice or the Peace,
William W. Barclay Town Council, II. W. Davl.,
William MahatJey, Jam.. Orr, William Balder. ;
Conslable, Henry N.I; High Constable, J. P.
team; School Directors, Adeoi llreth, W. A.
Arnold, F. W. Riddle; Poor Orvraears, II. D.
IUe, T. P. tlarretsoni Town Clerk, J. W. Rera
h.ugh; Assesaor, F. Kimmermao t Auditors, J.
II. ilyora, R. M. Nelman ; Judge of Klection, J.
W. Horabeugh ; Inspector.. J.m.. Orr, J. Z.
Osceola borough.
Burgr.i, n AD. Kraal.; Justlcenf the Peac
Patrick llallagheri Constable, Thomas K. Clark
High ConsUble, John Fitrgerald ; Town Council ,
C. M. Cmtred. John Paelar. J . M 11 H'.ii...
School Director., Dr. F. B. H.ed, M. D. Mver.!
ll. Llvertcbt, Judge of Klection. Ilan.aolf U.I..
bin lns.eotori, Jama. K . ilamer, W illiam Cn.
Ired ; Poor Over.eer., John O'Connor. UmwiA
Ket.harli Alienor, Joha U. Ualer Dl.trl.1
Ireaaur.r, tleorge K. Jone. i Audiio... .....
kline, t'harle. R. Honli Town Clerk, J. O.
Wsllaceton borough,
DnrgM.. Fr.'l Cami.maB I Town Connnll. a. a
llarrleoa, D. K. P. Shirey, Kilward Hoblaoa, P.
Thayer, Conslable, John A. Me.tbreoki High
ivneiBoie, r. a. n. alaveaport; diinge ef Kloe
Hob, Jnmes U Turner ; Inipeeton, Kdward Rahl.
eoa, IJ W timlgb Aes.iior, D. J. Terser And).
are, William Uerlih, Jemee K Tnraeri Sebool
piieelori, Fred Cempmaa, Wllllaoj Leartihj
Peer Orerieeri, P. Thayer, Jsatei K. Taraer.
Plks Township.
Juitlee of the Peere, Rlchsrd Freeman ; Con
labia, Lewi. I. Bloom : Sunervleora. I'm.,1.1,
Haney, Robert Addlemen, Allen Bloom, Cherle.
uenitman ; School Director., Isaae Calnwell,
Hugh Mullen; Jmlge of Klection, T. JeReraon
,11100m In.peolor, Samuel Snyder; Asw..or.
Nslliaa Farwoll ; Audilor, Alfred A. Long ; Poor
u,a,.rv, .us. uuni.p, iiarv.y tnoom ; Town
tlert, n Illiam A. rorter.
Sandy Township.
Judical ef the Peace, John R. Keel, Joseph
unwyrioa ; vonernnie, Aaem Lion lap School Di
recton, Andrew Smith, K. 0. Washburn., Simoa
Hoover Judge of Klection, J. M. Poitlathwatt ;
Inspector!, II. U. Knen, W. A. Bell ; Supervisor!,
John Lyoni, Jamea SpalTord, Amoi Kline; Audi
tori, John P. Laniard, Peter Heberllng, Frank
Foi ; Poor Oreraeera, P.t.r S.lada, Joseph t'ren;, 8. H. Lobaugh ; Imtrlot Tr.asnrVr,
Samuel I'o.l ; 'Iowa Clerk, J. f. Ueber-
Union Township.
Justice of tbe Peace, S. B. Welty ; Cesatable,
R. II. Laborej. ; Judg. of Klection. Jamea !laDrv,
Inepeeter., I). W. Laborde, J. II. Clouseri A., D.yld Drxaler I Poor, I. I.
Oswald, Charlea Brows Suparvleere, Joseph
Bcboleld, J. B. U.lsell; Sobool Director.. 1. M.
i'rrs.l.r, W. W.Dunlap.L.H.Dreasler; Auditor.,
o. a narwy, u.lBeit ( TrMeurer,
Soma. Uniekbank ; Town Clerk, 8. B. Welly.
Woodward Township.
Conslable, J. t). Illgglaii Supervliort, A. R.
SaoaT , Job! MoPhilomy, P. J. Bradl.y I Schoel
Dir. store. O. B. Kln. . S. Wlbel. IhomasLloed:
Judge ef gleiiloB, J.mes NeileBi lcspMlera.
Ueorge Csa, W. K. Msah i Asmsm., Ihomaa
atatbeni Poor Ovoreeere, W. T. Jahas,
keai ley ; Aadltey, Thomas Headertea t DlatnH
TrMsarer, S. I. U.b Senear lawa Ol.ik. J.aa
TOTin:. The untlersijtned, rsilJInf 1b tha
village of Weitover, in Chet townfhip,
ha made tbe neeessary arrange mints and pro
poses to 0en an KAT1NU UolMj for tha ao
oommndation of the public jrfoen.ll-, Mil I here
by Solioita liltaral share ut the puMia palrona(e.
JOHN J.t.NVUtlt.
Wcstorer, Pa., Feb. a, l88i.f.
ll 'Jtice is hereby Kirei ibat an appliratloQ
will he mails at tbe March Court ol Quarter Coi
tion., A. D. IrtHI, for Clearfield fluunty, for the
incorporation of the vtiias;o if tilsn Ilnpn aa
uuruuH"- 0.ui ill V. niltClUN,
Ally forrstilioncrs.
Clearlleld. Pa., Feb. 9, 181-11,
WninnAs, Hob. C. A. MAYER, President
Judft or tho Court of Common Pleat of
tho Twentj-flfth Judicial District, composed of
iuo ouuoiio- ui ivioftrneia, uen ire and Ulinton
an 4 Uon. A an am Oonu and Hob. Vine but II.
Holt, Associate Jvdces of Clearflldl
have Issued tbeir precept, to me diroeted, for tbe
nomine oi a uouri or torn m on P . Omk.n.'
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer
Aviuiiu.r, stou vuiiri oi uenerm iatl lie 1 it the Court Hons at Clearfield, In and for the
count? of Clearfield, cmnmenrins; un the Third
nu iu Cfiii III) UC 1 or IH O Hl't'IS,
NOT ICR IS, therefore, hereby rWsb to the
Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables,
n ian iwr eaia oooniy oi uiearueid, to appear ia
their proper persons, with tbeir Keoords, Kolls,
Inquisitions, Kxaminations. and other HnnM.
branoei, to do those things which to their offl ess,
and in their behalf, nertain to ba dona. .
Hj an Act of AssciiiblT, passed the 6th da? of
May, A. l. IHo4, it Is mnde tbe duly of tbe Jus
tices of tba Peaot of the sereral ooiinties uf this
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of tha
Court of Quarter HessUns of the respeotlre
eoutirs, all the reoogmianMi entered into before
them by any person or parsons charged with tba
eommissiaa of any erime, otccpt such eases as
may be ended before a Juptice of tbe Praro, un- I
der esistine; laws, at least ten days before thai
com men oemeM of the session of the Court to
wnicn tnpj arc marie relumallereRpetiToly,and
In all ca-es where any rFO"s;niiaQrs art entered
mio isss man ten days before the eoumenocment
of the aessioB to which they art ma.le returna-
oie, me saia Justices are to return the same in
the same manner aa if said act had nut been
OIVE.N Birder my hand at Clearfield, this 0tb
day of February, in the year of our Lord, one
toousana eigru nunareu and
fob. il-to JAMKS WAUAFr KY, Sheriff.
j l. n. hkjciiiioli),
h unc eon dentikt:,
uraauaie or the Penney I van! a College of Dental
Kurgery. dffim in residence of Dr. Hills, opposite
.... ...... vust. mcnia, i-u.
(OSIca In Bank Building,)
Curwfiievlllp, ( IcarSrld c., Ps.
mck 'ft-tf.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I liiiy direct from iolbpis nml ninniifiir.t
car load rutos, Iience can compete with New York and Philndet
phia hounen.
Also, Dealer in
. Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
I during the Winter, can contract
Alan nrlirnnvna -iiw1a C" T
Give mo a call. ' u w
Counly National Bank,
1)00H In Oreham'. Brick Building, two door
L east of Fleck Co.'e titore.
Pui.Tint.llln..J l.i.un..! CI
tewn. ille.enw. I.nnnn P..I. . .l .1 I T'nt.firM. Im.,!.. t.n..1. 1 1 1 .. ...
Aitiair.nAZJ Y""'"'i lo nnui aurnig tlie Winter, can contract
and imperial Bank cf London. uuu urti-ivo nun III ttUVallCPR.
W. M. 6nAV, Caihier.'Sl
("Office In realdence, oi.poill. Shaw Houae,
(OOce in residence. Second itreeL)
Mtrou Olid. Ha. administered for tb. pain
ts, extraction of teeth
Clearlleld, Pa., May I, IHTT-It.
1f VOK AI.E.Thirte.n blvei of
1 ll. nan ll.ei whicb I will wll cheap fur
- , .U...K. ,wr wuBl, ror inrtoer In-
lurmation eail on er nddrea. th. undersigned.
J. P. Kit AM Kit.
OVS,, Clearleld, Pa.
a. 9. otfLicfl, a. a'coBil.1. . i. wntanv,
Sept. 19, 1
All kinds of Caekotg and Cnffl
notice, indnding tb. finest a, w'e.l V. ,T." eh lh.t uZu
oonpBS riXEsuxrxrjEiiT.
U tho bt In tine, and will be furm.bed when required. Funernli attended
n any parte the eountr. Call at inv office, on Sceond atreet or leave
your order, at Troutman'. Furniture tftore, adjoining th. Po.tnffiP.
Market 8lrt, Clrarfleld. Pa.
W. Kaaufaoturo all hind, ef ....
vnamoere, aiming rtoome, l,lbr.rt.. and Halls.
If jeu want Porniture tf an; kind, don't buy
until yua ane our nook.
"na r-wise.laeMuili'lsnieiiBUi .
1 - ' . a, - Ii
JI'BV 1,1
perron i
ii Hereby jlf.n (hit uttn of AHmlnm
Ir.u.B ab lb wilt of lilt. D. 0. CKorCH,
Iat of Curwenirlllfl, deo'J, btvlng brn dulj
Krtin.ra u mi ntieritjrned, ftll pctlon iDtltbted
to It Id Ntttl will pliM rnak ta.mdtkt py
nnt, ind tboiobftfiiif claimor demand K-'it
tbt Mme, will pmtnt then prtjierly lutbcatlca
tod I(jr iitlauDt wilhnat
CurwrDivlIlc, V., Feb. 9lh, 1831 (It.
J UhfTtUy Rlvtn lht Letten nf Ailmioie-
trail on oft tbo tftuu of JONAH H rUTEliH, Ui
of Hof (fi Utwnehip, Clrarfleld oonat-, deo'd ,
bTo( been duly ran ted lo the ondiniitned, 1 1
peratini inuebteei 0 eaid estate will pleaee nake
Immediate pay ant, and thuM barind elaime or
demand ralat tbe eme, will preveDt then
properly an then I if a ted for tettlement without
Phillpxburf, Pa, Jan. 11, lB81 ftt.
,NT.Ninini and looatioB of thnaa
perroni drawn ae jurore to nerve at Marnb
tern, ocmmeoelnf on tho third Mundny (Slit).
iti uuu ii nuing two wniii t
IJRANI) Jl'ROM Mondat, Itf AR( U 21 IT.
K, A, Big Iff, Clearfield, W Murray, Oiranl,
Thoi A fleck, " , Lewie I Irvlo, .loaboo,
C IIowp, jo .Vowe. tlrahain,
Vorice Clark, Cur'.vllle, Jofeph Krhard, Knot, ,
J 11 MrOralb, Iloutirlate Jona Orden. l.awrtna.
W J J(hnton, eeiile, Hugh Mullen,
Inaac WiIicib, Bradford, Samuel Moore, Pike,
Chai Marthr.ll, lirady, W T J'-hruon. 6andv.
Ii VI L' II lur 1 li . . .,
John Cooley, Cheit, Thoi Brockl-ank, Union
u m LO(.artar. tur f OD J Iiieirtni. Wn..
Ja Kephart, Decatur, iPilartmao, M
Travkrmb Ji f.M Moxmr, Mari Slar.
Lew WHitley, Clearfield Jacob 11 Holier, lliutoi,
Wm II.Hoian, " 4 A Mcllride, Law ace,
v u uimiie, J u Moore, Uorrli,
J M Kiltlebarger " Oeorne L Way, Hike,
Pal Uuckett, U L Addleman,
C I'arinely, lloatidate, J A Hrwricx, Kandy,
Jubn Argyle, " L A Ilrady,
I.J Hurd, Newliurft, Amoi Varer,
.M Williami, Iteoearia, William f It oil, "
DHpanaftle, M Jiho Nibitl,
Levi aSundrrlla. llell. Natbin I .ine. I nln
John Illlger, lilontn, , HiMiara Welty, "
n m irauoaer, iiraiiy, u niteoaad
In all tt. brancliea, promptly attended to,
Claarteld, Pa., Fob. S, T..
Wholesale St Retail Denier in.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Ourwensville, Pa. Jan. I, I Srtl-tf
jAKSI l.AM Kl)l BALE In Hole
J and Pine lown.hips, Clearfield county. WJK.
rlcasonablc time riven lor part of purchase
naoney. Price! fi.H0 to lia.uO per acre.3rc
Mineral, rasarvrd. t. Blun, Aren't""
Pentield, I'a.
or M'atL.rB A Kmna,
Sept. 10, lsjlf-tf. Cle.rteld, Pa,
A Ml I. LER W ANTEI. ' form.tioa apply u tbe undersfined"
desire, to cmplcy . nlll.r to run bi. Ilrilt ; Hl:RXTIIALW.
1. II nerchy Klrca that halters of Adminis
tration on the e.iale of HIIKKPIKLII COKHO.V,
laie oi uurnstile aorcuen, rnunly,
Pa., dnceaeed, having been duly treated to tiie
Bndeniftned, all pereoai te .aid estate
will please make Immedlele payment, andlboee
heving clalma or demands affein.i the same will
preaent them prnperlj authenllcatad fnr settle
ment witnoui aotey. eUlll. v.l.url.hH,
Port. Id., Pa, Jus. Ii, lim it.
la tb. Kstate of ) In tb.' Cnnrt af
narriB Nile, deed. Clr.ineia eoBBly, Peaa a.
The ander.ltn.d Auditor, eppolaled by the
Coart, ta dispooo of tbe eicelti.B. ta (he foal
eeeoant of lleary llile, Admialatrator,
(ivoeBetlee that bs will attend to Ibe dntie. of
hi. appointment, al bi. office In Clearfield, on
Tl'fcnUAY, riUKIIARV 11, 11)1, at lb o'clock
A. whoa and where all p.rtl. iatorertd may
attend. PRANK O. IIAHrtlr), Auditor.
Cl.arn.ld, Pa, February I, U lt.
Jno Shepherd, Ilnrnsldr J M Adams, Woodward
I'.riu nnd.ey. ja. ftn van. i
Jamee Mch'aen, Che.l, ! Jno T Wilson, 1
Juhn llnlph, Deoelnr, Jno Canty Jr,
L A Pulton. J II UIMiland.
S.uTI Keehert, M Jno bhennon.
Joseph Lelgey, Qlrard, John Pern, '
0 II Krlse, " ol IluluBB
Peter C Hi. old, HusloB, S T llowman,
Jas Callahan, " :Osoer K line, '
J fr Kadebaugh 8r " iJ M Heagar,
Baroan Wkbi UoBinr, Mtnra ISre
Fred Racked, Clearneld.'llavld Morning, Hi. ion
w inompion. i-ureiie Ainert newell,
B t Al.t.nd.r, Il.cearia .1 R Johnston. Jordan.
Kennedy Hupert, llell, Wm J Hnbley, KaHhau.
nam i punaernn, " ji ailchaele, "
Hugh I,oecb, Illoom, lAbram Walker, Kncl, tireh.m, Bradford Jame. Jackson, "
Isaac llargcr, " j Natk Lawheed, Law'nce
Ueo 11 Wittg.rt, Itr.dy, .Henry Uuliob, "
.Isme.Irrin A N Dougherty. Morrii,
Jam.. Wood Chest, 'P K Carr, Plk.,
P P Valimont, Cov'glon T O tturinlev, Kandy,
Dan 'I Hariri, lienor, Hiephea King, Union,
Ja. Caldwell, Perguaoa, Jos Heigle, Woodward,
CJribcIT, HughMcll.nry, "
Henry Meflcnry, Qirard Jaa liarretl,
John Dyer., Oulieh, Dees Aleiender, H
W X McDooald, Tbo. Townse.d, "
We. Ibe undersigned, hereby certify that Ih.
foregoiog list of name, of Hereon. w.r. drawn by
a. on Ibe Scth day of January, 1K1I, la accord
anee wilh ecatr. lined by Ibe Hun. Cherlae A.
Mayer, Prealdenl ladie af Ibe Coarla ef Cleat-
Bald county, Bearing date tbe ik day of Jan
uary, ltnl, to earv. aa Urand and Treverae
Joron la tbo Hisral Court! Ie be bold al Clear
eld. commencing ea Ibe third Monday (11.1)
In March, A, l. I"l.
Jnry Comal..loa.ri.
Clearleld, P.., Peb, t, U.,.
1 1'llg and BI'CK KTH,
.till, attital. In rrenchyille. Themille.n k. k.
on tbe .hares, or will pay by the month, as may he
agreed upon by the parties. Peinssion given on
the first of April. Por further p.rtioular. c.ll In
person, oraddre. by letter,
Frtncbtlll., Pa , Jan. lblh, IHil lH.
ritWKSTY IIOUSKS and LOTS In Clearlleld
.1 for ..I. .t re.senalle price, and on easy
teiin.. Also, several FAIl.Mrl In llradforil and
(Jrahaua township.. Applr to
btt. I, 'fo If. ClearlielJ, P..
Coal! Coal i i
Itore, Bdjoininir the PoMoffice.
. Clearfiold,
(- 0) IHTXIIF.I ricrg. rTeaver A Co.
, w.nt Ave tboue.nd of OATS, Bow,
and will p.y caih or produce.
Claarteld, I'a., Aug. 11, IS'Mf.
Curwenaville, Pa., Jan, f, '
Mosr.v to loam-ob ir.t-cia.. i.
proved farm property, by tbe Mutual Life
In.ur.nce Comrany of N.w York, on trll mort
gag., la tuns from 11,000 oo. For further I..
viearneifl ra., Hay ,th, 187,-tf.
Crist MilHFor Sale I
Avery deilralile mill property, witb twe pain
of burr., siloala In Decatur twp., Clear
field oounly, Pa., about two and a-half mile, we.1
of Phflip.burg, Centre county, Pa.
ruiiipseurg, uentre Co., Pa.
Nor. 10, IBS0 -tf.
The anderslgneil bai opened up on Third Itreet,
near the Lelhrren Churcb, and oDera for nle a
large lot of door., .ash , etc., and
n all it. form, ami elylee. ftpring bed., only Ii.
THK nmler.lgnrd, baying procured a lease ol i " ' ."' mo"ldi T'"" frame!. School
A a firsl .close co.l vein. h.. o..H . . I - ""'", nc... ana
County Agent for to it. m os,
Th,se good, boutbt for CASH In larwa ll.
eoia ai eimo.t eity pric...
Cl.arD.ld, Pa., June 11, l7S ly.
The Doll's Run Woolen Factory
Fenn towmhip, ClearAeld Co., Pa.
H U R N R I) O V Tt
ot or
Thtub.wribM hart, at rreat exDe&ie.rahBilta
lelfhborbood neoeeiity, in the erection of a Irat-
elaei Woolen Manufactory, with nil tbo Bodarn
imirrainentf attaebed, nod are pretiared to nake
all kinda of Clothe, Caettntaree, KatinetU, filan
keli, F I annate, , plenty of ((oode hud te
lopply nil onr old end ft themnnd newnitomen.
noia we vk co come un tkikim onr iioor.
Tbo boiineet of
ill rooelvn oar oepoHal attention. Proner
atTsn(nentJ will bo mode to roelro and dellror
Wool, to init eat to ere. All work warranted and
dmo nnon tho abort t notleo, and by etriot atten
tion to bttftnoee we hope to roaliie a liberal barn
of pahlie patron afo.
Wo will pay tbo bighett market prim for Woo
and aell onr nannfaetared gooda allow ae tatllar
(ooda oan bo boncbt tn the oennty, and wbonovor
wo fall lo reader reasonable eatlf raotten wo waa
alwaye bo fonad at home roodf U maco proper
anplaaatioi, oil her tn poraon or by lottor. i
Hlltf Bowor P. O. I
rein, hai onrnod a min.
and it now prrf.nred to furniih ouilomere with n
Orat-claee article of coal on ihort notice, and at
in uodrraie prioe ot nl (.'hftlH per bunhM
All nr.lert left at Biy ihop will ho promptly at
tended to. M M. R. ilBuWN.
ClonreM, Pa-, Fob. t, IRPl ly.
THK nbscrlber now ogen la lb. eitiun. of
Butnrllc and vicinity, an unprovided
epeelell.v. Hereafter all kind, of C.kel. and
CiiOJo. will be kept oa band, and ordere tiled at
funrmlg .tlltmlrd .fiiyirArrr.
I will fnrei.h the as well aa the rheetteet
article, dedicated to fuB. ral. All order, ton al
lb. .tore of Joan C. Ciibkkb will receive prompt
attention. For further particulars, call on or
Bdilree. I. s. IIKMIKKSON.
Dec. 10, HTt-tf.
mnu woiiKS!
d blachboardl shuitM II..
In,ulne. by mall will be promptly
., . ,, . iriBi.n
Clearnald, Pa., Dee. 11, laso-lm
Thomas A. Duckett,
Fine Italian Marble In UieSlate,
Dolb FINlr.ITKD or 1'NPIVISIIED. W. put
up any work thai ran be dcaa In lhaeily .1 ...k
cheaper ratee. We will put ep
In tt.ll.B Marble er Graaile. ehren it... u
vm .... ..j nm.r pan ot tae eilate. Any per-
eon baying raeoamental work la Biaeaal ol tit aad
pwaroe,wni eavo tare paid lo and from Pbillpe.
burg. Do ool be f.,elcd with eheep American
eaarble wbea yoa can bay ftoe Ilali.n iH..ku .i
lower prieee.
T-IIKAD 8TUNK8 a ipeelalty.
Produce and approved BBoor will be i.l for Cemetery work. All easb
will b. made to tha Moh.anoa Honking Co., a
Ike eredil af R. HgRCK,
Phllipiburg, P. , J.a. I. till. -dm.
IIIERERV glr. notice to the eillienl of Clear,
fleld and the surrounding vlciaity tbal I am
prepared at all tlmei to furaiah famine, aad
m.nuiBelorlng with a taperlpr
u.lity of
Coal, Wood t Coke, "
M blck I am prepared lo deliver la a few hoar.'
nollca. I am alwaya ready te haul aad deliver
Irom and to tbe depot, or anywhere else, and
more fomillea and household loeds aeywh.
of Trade.
IIIE underalgned wliblng to laferm lb. Babli,
thai ha opened a
At tbe old .land la Trnnlvllle, Clearlleld coaBly
Pa., oa tbe 18tb Ibsl, wiik a full iteek ef
DHV Until), t.RtK FFIRtl, NOTION.
Iloot., Ihoea, EttH
In fid everything lobe roaad la a IrH-eluailora,
.11 of which I am detemiacd la tell at Ute laaaat
cash prieee,
Will lad II lo their ad.aalaa.te do abele da.ll..
with me, a, lha hijh..t price, will be paid for
u,..n, n.i.,,,1, ,r i rouaoe Bag Had. Part
or one-half eesh will be paid. Trading fur
HhlBgle. er Lnmberef any kind a anaelalty. Alan for ...
Singer Sewing Machines.
Haviag made irraagniBati with Retten m.r
oh.att lo nil goad, furalaaed ma, theeafere aell
and Ma, aa I will be enabled te sell rbeeper thai
the ehcapaet. i. W. 0ARLII.R,
Trealvilke, Pa., Sept, 11, 1,.y. Ageat
; i
J i