Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 23, 1881, Image 1
TAB 'CLEARFIELD REPUBLICAN" CLIAKriKLD, FA. EITAHLItUED IX 1831, rtie Urffeit Circulation nf any Mewepapej In North Central Pennsylvania, Terms of Subscription. f paid ia adranea, or within I mootot....f 3 x f paid after l and bafora a montha 9 SO t If (mid after the expiration of C montha... a oo Rates ot Advertising. rrnioi adrrtiNmanU,paraqaaraof ID It nee or tu, $ tiiatt or lau , f i 0q Koreeeb aubaenueat inaertloa 61 A lininiMretore' and Eiaeatora'notlcaa. 1 & Audi ton' not. owe ,M j Ciutiontand El trey a .... ., Iiimolutton nntleea Aq prufeaaional Cnrde, & linea or loaa.l year..... I 00 L 'Cl aoticea, par Una ja YEARLY ADVEKTIKKMENTS, I iQn $S 0 t muarei... IS 00 Si uri.. 20 00 1 aolamn. ...120 00 fl. B. GOODLANPKR, Publiaber. CLEARFIELD HH REPUB LICAN. GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Editor & Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEEMS $2 per annum ia Advance. VOL. 55-WHOLE . NO. 2,7 1 0. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1881. EDUCATIONAL. FT M. U HcQUOWN. LOCAL INSTITUTE SERIES. OSCIOLA. Tbe iuddon change in the weather interfered somewhat with the attend ance ol teachers at thii appointment However, 21 toacbor and 11 director wore enrolled aa members of the Insti tute, and a large number of spectators were pi won t at all the session, it A. ('mpbell, Esq., W. A. Ambrose, Mr. ells and others, diseased the sub jects assigned them. "Tbo Royal itoaa in iho .hi,;,,,.. r,f .n NEW SERIES-V01, 22, NO. 8.7ZLtl if-, A T-u c r- . , .. . I V-aU3. ' e.incn a UK ham. lllK IKSUKED HUSRAND. IOH HK1NTIN(. Of KVF.RY IiKbCMP tin. neatly executed t Ihlf nfttM. au'crs" ffarflg. j j w. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, il l:7l flearlleld. Pa. T J. LINGLE, A T T O K N E Y - A T - L A W 1:18 Flilllp.burt;, Centre Co., Pa. yTd JOL A N I) D. 8WOOPK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CurwmaTille, Clt.rd.ld count?, Pa. act. , '-S If. QSCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. .f-trOfflne in tbe Optra llouao. oclV, '78. tf. column i It TimTICKH' eV CONST HI 1 si' pRfc eoluuiu.. 70 00 ; I w hare printed a large number of the o rr.K Hlbb, anj will un th. receipt of twenty, tea oente. nail . .too? to any eddreea. mrlf yiLLlAM M.. 1IEKKY, Justice M OF TBI Pi ALB AND dCRIT BMKR, Ll'MBKH CITY. Collect. ona made and money promptly paid ovar. Artlelea of agrtcmoot and deed ol conveyance neatly oieculed and warranted eor raet or no eberge- lljy'71 JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juatiea of tba Peace and 8c ri Toner, Curwenavllle, Pi G. R. & W. BARRETT, Attorneys anu Counselors at Law, CLEARFIELD, PA. , January SO, 187!. fe.Collectlona toad and paid oer. laoneT promptly let.31 7 111 nKN'RY KliETII. 1 - (narenn r, o.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE roa arLL townnnir. Mj , ItiTS-l j v JAMES MITCHELL,. PXALIR IR Square Timber & Timber Lando, Jall'IJ CLEAI1FIKLD, PA. IIOYT, SRAEL TEST, ATTORN KY AT LAW, flearUeld, Pa. ,"Offlaa ona door rait of Sbaw Home. Land Surveyor and Civil Enginee rniLlPSDlRO, PA. A1I buiinras will bo alt.ndo : to promptly. Deo. 15, ISSO ly. rM. M. McCULLOUUII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OLKARr'IKLD, PA. iilli .' in StnRonlo bnltdinic, Fcoond rtrept, op .om(c (be Court llouao. J2(l,'7a-tf. C. ARNOLD, LAW COLLECTION OFKICE, Ct;itWE.NHVILI.E. rivorSold COU&L.V, Penn'a. T5y T. RKOCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA.' Office in Opera llouao. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Pemi'n. -B-Will 1 1 acute jobi in fait lino promptly and In a workmanlika manner. arr4,67 J ? HANK F1ELDINU AND WILLIAM 1). I! Hi LEI!, a tto n.n: i t-i..i ', CI.EARFIELP, PA. ' N... ITlfa, tf. JOHN A. STADLEIt, JIAKLH, M.rk.c bi., Clnailld, Pa. Fraab Rroad, Ktiak, RolH, Pira and Cakoa on banil or mad. ta ordor. A ifencral aaaorltuent of Contootlonarloa, Fruila and Nula In atock. too Crcatnand Ov.tora In ae.aon. H.lnnn ap li.T-ly I oppoaita lha Poatuflioo. Priooa modcrata. - I U k lit ' lttoriify-tti-iMir (I.KARFIELD, - . PENN'A. .r-O-Offlre tn tba Manunio Dutlditi(,over tht C- umy Ntitioiial baoh. Imri4-8U. ILI.lAM a. vFiixaci. titar r. wallacb. DAYID L. KHRBS. JOHN W. WKIOLBT. ITALLACE II KKEBS, 1 1 (Suweaaora to Waflaea A Fialdina;,) A T T O H N E Y S - A T - L A W , j,m,177 Cleartlelil, Pa. J. K.. SNYDKH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, "iiira over lha County National I! .ink. June 18, 7 Stf. PA. 'Ho., I. HtiBRAT. oraui fiuanon, M UK KAY & GORDON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CLEARFIELD, PA. AV-OSca ia Pia'i Opora llouao, aooond loor :M'74 II. 1. 1AM A. HAdEiiTY, offlVK onr T. A. ayieca A Co.'a utore, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A fir Vim allaad to all legil bu.inaaa wilb proui'lncaa and fldolily. fcbllaO.lf. M am B. H IHALLT. DAMIRL W. m'cCRDT. cKNALLY & McCCKDY ATTO KNEYS-AT-LA W, .;iearneid. Fa. Jtr- Legal buoineae attended to promptly withj Iclily. Office on Heeond ilroot, abore the Firal National Bank. Jan:l:7 T P. .Mc KEN RICK., DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All lel buainea. rnlruated to hta oara wilUra. calve prompt attention .ftr-OaW In Ibe Court llouao. otl4,t878.y. . KiAMER, A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W , Knal Entita and Collodion Agvnt, CLtAUKIICi.l, PA., Hill promptly attend to all legal buatnoii an truMrd tn hit oara. .,?;--OfBca ia Pta'a Opora Houia. Janl'71. Mmh l-'7a. WEAVER & BETTS, URALRRII 1.1 Real Esta!e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND Lt'MllKR OP ALL KINDS. jtirOftiua on 8ecnd itroat, in rear of ttora ri.m of iJaorga Wearer A Co. jit(J, '78 tf. RICHARD HUGHES, Jt STICB OP THE PEACE ron ifecntur Township, Oioeola Milli P. O. All offlolal boainaa ant raited to him will be promptly attended t. meb'it., '70, r w. a. TIN ABI.B, The weary trerlinr eat alone While twi light Katbered on ; And not a a and wei beard around. The buy i and f irla were gone. T e weary It-aoher ait atnne, I'nnervrd and pale wai he r Bowed 'neath a yoke of are, he apoka In tad aoliloquy, "Annfhfr rcund, another ronnd Of labor thrown away Anolher chain nf toil and pain Dragged through the tedioua day. "Of no avail la conttnnt teat, Lort-'a aaeriSoo ia luit, Thr hopea of toorn, so Kolden, turn, Ea b eweoing, uqio droaa. 'I aquander on a barren field My eirenrth, mr life, my all : Tbe aeeda I aow wKI never grew, The? peiiih where they fall." lit airbed, and low apoa hie hand Hit acbiog brow he preited ; And o'er hia frnme cm long ttaro eama A aootbing iobfo of reat. And I ben be lifted up Mi faoe, Hat alarod hark a ghaut The ror.m by atraagn and aadden ehanga AaiutneJ proportiiDa vait. It aremed a Senate ball, and one Aditreaaed the .iiieoine; throng j Each burning word ull boanma atlrred, Aplauie roao loud and long. The wildered te-vebnr thought he knew Tbe apftaker'a voice and look. "And for hia name," aald ha "tbe earn la in my record book." The itately Senate hall diiaolred, A ehurch roao in ita place, Wherein there atood a mto of God, DiapO'lng wordaofgraoo. And though he apuka in aolemn tos, And thourh hia hair vu gray, The teaober'a thought waa atrangely wrought, "I whipped tbat boy to day." Thn ehurch, a phanlaam, van I "bed aoon ; What raw tbe tacher then 1 In claanie gloom of aJcovrd room. An author plied hia pro. "Mt IJIe't lad !" the teanher said. Filled with a new lurpriae ".Shall I behold hit name enrolled Among the great and wiao ?" The viion of a oottatre home The traenar now denertbod ; A mothrr'a fnco illumed tba place llrr infliieLCB aanctiHed. "A mlrtote ! a miracle ! Thin mutroB, wrll I know, Waa hut a wild and oarcteaa ohitj. Not half an hour ago, "And when the to her ehtMreo apeatca Of duty'a golden rule, Hrr lipa re; cat, in aooent aw eat, My wo til to her at aoliool." Tlio cene was chanced apuia, and lo, Tho irbol-boute ruda and old I ori tbe wall did daranaaa tail. The an n air waa cold. "A dream !" the alreper, waking, aaid, 1hn paced along the flor, And whiMling alow and aoft and low, He looked Ibe ichool-room door. And. walking borne, bla heart Waa fall Of prar and truit, and lore and praiae And airging alow and a,tt and low. He murmured, "After many deya." 'From aetna on ( Miami. BAXKISO 11ULES. AKKY SNYDKK. BAHBKR AND HAIRDUKSSEn Hhop on Market St., oppoaita Court Home. A oleaa towel for every euelomer. Alao dealer in Beat llrantla of Tobarro and Clgara nUarltnlil. P. mar lt. "tl J OUX L. CUTTLK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 'l MeaT Eatate Areiit, Clrarfleld, P, O tli ne oo Third treet, bet.ChorriA Walnut. MT Heapect fully offer a hia arvieeain aelllng and buying IWida ia ClearOeld and aljpining cnuntiea and with aa aiperioneoof overtwentr y are aa a aurveyor, Battera hlmielftbat he oan render aatiafaotien. Fab. 18:P8:tf, JAMES H. TURNER, JCSTICKOF THE PEACE, W aliacetoii. Pa. haa prepared bimaelf with all the neeeaiary blank forine under the Pension and Bounty lawa, aa well aa blank Deeda, etc. Ail legal malier a entrusted to hia eare will receive prompt attentive. May 7lb, IHT.' li. ANDREW HARWICH, Market xircet, ClrarUeld, Pa.. ABrrACTuaRa and dcalib in Harness, Britllet, SiiUs, Collars, and Jlvrsc-turnixhing (foods. lAn kin 'la of repairing promptly attended to. Haddlera' Hardware, lloraa UruaOra, Curry Cumba, Ac., alwaya on band and for aala at tbe lowest caah priee. (March l, Ih.fl. Q. H. HLL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PEN.VA. MTPumpi always on hand and made to order an abort notico. Pipea bored on reasonable term a. All work warranted to render aatiafaction, and aenvered it desired. my2&:lypd SIIOICMAKINC.I hereby inform my pa troni, and mankind in general, that I have removed my ahoemaking shop to tbo room ta Uraham'a row, over H. I. tinyder'a jewelry atore, and that I am prepared to do all kinda of wnrl ta my line'cheaper than any otbor sbnp In town. All work wurrmuiud aa good a oan he dona any. where eUe. Positively ton ia the ehpapunt abop tu Cletirueld. JUS. H. DKhltlNU. Dee. II, IKTS tl. K underatgned bega leave to Intorm thepnb X He that be is now fnllv prepare to areommo date all ta the way of furntabing IL.aea, Huggiea tsaidlei and II am en a, on the ahorteat notice and' roaaonamo term. Heaidenoe ou Loouat itreeL J between Third and Fourth. MHO. '.learfleld, Feb. 4, 1874. I) Pitsifi.uts' Cnrds. U E. M. 8CII EITHER, W. IIKARHART. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Ofleo Id roaldeaeo oa Plrat at. April II, 1 87 J. Cl.arll.ld, P., J")l W. A. MEANS, fllYSICIAN 4 SURGEON, Dt'tlOI.S CITY, PA. Will attend profeaaioaal oallf promptly. au10'70 jyt. T. J. HOY Kit, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGKON, OBfa oo Market Street, Clearleld. Pa. -nf!ea houra: I to II a na., and 1 to 9 p. D R. J. KAY WRIGLEY, HOMiKI'ATHIO rnrmciAif, rffOffla a'ljoinlaf Ike feaidenre of Jatnoa "nal.y, K.a., oa ,"i..nd .St., ClearOeld, Pa. JulyJI.'JS If. (J C. J ION KINS, M. I)., I' H V S I C 1 A N A N D S V K E O N, Ct'RH ENSVILLE, PA., Olnca at, corner of Rtate and Pino '"'I' Jan. tth, lasl-tr. J!t. II. H. VAN VALZAII, ( I RAHKIi:!,!), PIONN'A. nf TICK IN HEHI DKNpR, CORNER Or FII18T ANU PINK STRKKT.i. F OBao kouia-From II lo I P. M. Hay II, 187. U. J. r. HURCHFIK1.D, ' "aon of Iko tU Raflaaat, Peaa.yl.anU Voluat.ori, koalas retaraad treat Iko Amy, "era kla profeaaioaal lerTleea to 'Olearleldooaaly. S?,nl,,u'"l sraaaaUf Uaaaiae) to. , ItrML feemorh THOMAS H. FORCEE BIALIR IM UENKRAL MEItCH ANDIKE, (iKAHANTON, Pa. Alao, ritonalro manufaoturer and dealer In Rqaare o.wra bumeeroi all Rinaa. Ordera loliolted and all bill, promptly 8. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER aan viALia la , Watches, Clorks' and Jowelry, firal.oi'a ea, Jfarial Areal, ( I r:AHFi:i.n, pa. All klnda of renalrinf In bt line nromntle at. ended to. Jan. In, 187V, tlrarflrltl Insurance lgtucy. Jiaai acaa. raaani.i a. ainiiLa. HKIlll K It IIH I. H, Jgtntt, Rrpreientthe folliwlnf and other flrat-olaea Co'a Companioa A... to Llr.rijnul London A Olnbe U. fl. l)r..4..lul.H I.TOomlnif oa aiutual A eaib plana.... A.oim.O'Hi i'lioknil, of Harlf'ird, Conn 1.874. 1188 Itiauranne Cu. of North America lt,4:t.V07t North llrill.h A Mrraaatllo II. H. Br l,7H,f:i Hrntil.b CoDJmetoi.l L. 8. liranok.... 87V, Ut Ueterhiwo Till. 818 Trar.lert I Life i AoFldentl 4..1V.S.404 (Ifflro oa Market HI., opp. Cnurl llooae, Aald, Pa. June I, '! tf. Had ha aat4.'ii West End Drug Store, IN Q R A HAM'S ROW, (Halfway betwarn Mo.aop'a and Fleek'a aloree.; t'LKAHFIKLD, PA. THE underlined kaeopeaed ap a Dro Store, ilk a full aupply of perleolly pure and Ire.k Dr,e, Mrdtriara, Cbemlrola and Toilet Arllelee. lheae Uruaa baao boea aelealed wlih great ear. and art fuorenleed ta aa perftly pure aad rolial.le. I will aire aay prreon.l Blue. Uoa aa tkla department, -ad will neorfallf lira aaa ad.tra anei Lakamatioa la refer, tomo lieioai (raaafarfa. DI.Vf.Kltla. Claavtaaa, Pa, Roa. I. Uea-ut. Tbo ftillowini; rules on "Hank an- counts und Imw to tianmct bunincBs with bunka" may bo tuiniliur to moat bimiiiiHs men, but tho young mon just ciilcrin; tho Iiumi iichh world will tind their ohservunco to bo of incalculable benefit and full of good sciiho and lair iics : 1. If you wish to open an account with u bank, provido yonrnelf willi a proper introduction. Wellmanauod banks do not open accounts wilb alrHiiuerri. 2. Do not draw a check unless you have tho money in the bank or in your ponmwHion to deposit. Don't tent the courairo or generosity of yonr hank by presenting or allowing to bo pre net, ted, your check for a larger sura than your balance. 3. Do not draw a check and send it lo a person out ol tho city, expecting to make it good before it can possibly L'et back. Sometimes tclei'mnhio ad vice is asked about ouch chocks. 4. Do not exchange checks with anybody. This is soon discovered by your hunk ; it docsyour friend no good anu oiscrcuiis you. u. no not give your check to a riend with tho condition that he is not to uso it until a certain time. lie is suro to betray yon, liar obvious rea sons. 6. Do not tako an out-of town check from a neighbor, pass it through your uiinit wiinoui ciiarirc, nnu civo him your check for it. You are suro to get caiigni, 7. Do, not gifre your check to a stranger. This is an open door for Irnud, and if your bank losos throngh yon, it will not feci kindly ol you. 8. When you send your checks out of the city lo puy bills, write the name and residence ol your payeo, III lis: I'ay to John Smith & Co., of Boston. Tins will put your bank on its guard, il presented at the counter, 9. Don't commit Jho folly of suppos ing that, becauso yon trust tho bank with your money, the bank ought to trust, you ny paying your ovord rails. 10. Don't suppose you can bohave oauiy in one hank and Bland well with llio others. oii loruci thoro is Clearing House. 1 1. Don't nuerrol with Your bank If you aro not treated well, go some where else, hut don't go and leave your discount lino unprotected. 12. Don't think il unreasonable if your bunk declines to discount an ae commodalion note. Havo a cloar definition of an accommodation note. It is a nolo for which no value has passed Irom endorser to the drawer. If you want your bank discounted, tell your bunk frankly that it is not, ia tui'ir uenniiton, a Dttsiness nolo. 13. If yon hike a note from a debtor with an kgreement, verbal or written, ihut is to bo renewed in wholo or in part, and il you get that note dis con ti led, and then ask to havo a new one discounted to tuko up the old ono, ti ll yonr lunik all about it. It. Don't commit the folly of savins ihut you will guuranteo the pavim-nt ol a note whicu vou liavo nirnnif en l.i. liivoyotir bank credit for boinir ntelligont generally and understand- ng its own husinci-s particularly. It is much better informed, probably. than you suppose. 1(1 Don t try lo convince your bank hat the paper or security which has ulrcady been declined in better than the hank supposes. This is only chaff. 17. I'on t riiarrel with a toller be cause ho does not pay you in money exuttly as you wish. As a general rule, he docs the best be csn. IS. In all your intercourse with bank ollicers, treat them with tho some courtesy and candor that you would expect and desire if the situa tions were rovorM'd. ID. Don't sond ignorant and stupid messengers to bank lo transact your business. In some parts ol India it is unnleas ant for an elderly person to havo to die. Along tho Ganges, when a man is givon up as past medical power to cure, nis relatives urag him to the bank of the sacred river and plaster holy mud into his cars, his noso and his mouth. It is tho correct thing for him to submit to this, lor tho mud is sup. posed to have a sanctifying power which, while helping bim out of this world, gives him prospective lift for the world to come, ilavinc half motb. crca the dying man bis pious relatives carry him to a placo where vultures aro hovering around and awailinc- his demise and that of such other persons as may be left thore under similar cir cumstances. These birds of prey main tain a dignified and silent composure until the invalid bus breathed his Inst gasp. But the momont life has fled they pounce on tbo remains of tho do ceased and begin their meal, which they conlinuo until nothing Is loft but bones. Tbo Hindoo who thus places his grondfulher in tba wav of beino- disposed of considers that he has done lor the old man tbo very best thing in the world, and that this course of treat ment will land the patient in tho seventh heaven, or very near it. This sort of funeral rito docs not ex tensively prevail Id this country, for public sentiment ia against il. and wo aro short of vultures. A very near ap proach however, is chronicled as oc curring in Indiana, whoro a man lies k with consumption. Dosnito all the advertised nostrums and all tho attentions ot. the regular fucully this emaciated invalid is given ovor to deutb It would be a kind and Chris tian deed to let him die in peaco. But, unfortunately, tho consumptive is in sured, and as tho company insuring bim has not goDe into bankruptcy be is, to the extent of tho policy on bim. a valuable piece of property. There fore ho has not been carted off to tho banks of tho Wabash to die a lonely death, but instead ol thai ho has been stolen and taken away from his wilo to ino nomo ol his own bood rolutions. These bloodthirsty poisons claim to bavo an insurable interest in his life, or rather in bis death. Thoy know that in all human probability ho must die very soon, and they want to mako out of tho poor fellow whatever they can as much, indeed, as there is in him. Ut course there is a fight betwoen them and tho man's wife. Hhe, too, has an ni6uruuio interest in tbo remains, and proposes to have her riirhts if sho can. She has no idea of being swindled out oi sucn a vaiiiaoio piece ol goods as an insured husband. She has therofor.o, in order to securo justico to herself, brought an action at law against hor husband's relations to compel them to restore tho stolen properly. This is stoutly resisted by the roluiionB who nave possession. They say thoy will see tho wile in a certain very hot place before they restore the botly of the almost dead invalid. Tbey consider that thoy have aright to tho insured property by reason of having in oilier ways brought him in dobt to them. The wife struggles loget possession of him on a hubeus corpus, but thoy allege that he ! now so fur gono that to cart hitn over to whero tho wife lives would only be to turn corpus into corpse. Tbe battle rugos and the poor fellow is made nervous over the annrehonsioii ot oeing mauc a loot hall ol and tukon back and lorlh ns opposinir cousel mav havo luck in obtaining decisions, orders anu injunctions Horn various courts. Ho rottlixos that he is a person of con- siderublo importunco. yet ho wishes ho nau never seen that Ills insurance policy which is thocuusoof his present unsettled situation. It is sometimes said of a man whoso position is poorly deli tied that he does not know whether or not bis soul is bis own. Wbatover may bo the extent of this man's knowl edge regarding the spiritual entity, it is piaui mat oe cannot Know to whom his body beloncs. Sucb'a contest liko this over tho body ol an almost expiring man ia quite as disgracoltil as anything prac ticed on tbe dying by the itnrogenerato Hindoos. It would be a pleasant thing to bear about tho timo this man dies that llie company insuring him had A QCESTIOS 1PF WORDS. Should we say and write 'railroad,' or 'railway?' A road, tho dictionary informs us, is a place where one may rido, an open track, a track for travel. A way is a generic thing (on the sumo authority), denoting miy line for pass age of convenience. tiA highway was originally a way raised on tho level fur dryness. A road suy the dictionary, ia nirieiiy a way lori uorsus and car riages. In this couolry, and. annar. ently, in England, Judging by 'the King's highway' thi) word 'high' has come to havo the sigtiillcanco of 'ooon' and 'public,' and wlick wo spouk of be ing -on tue nignwaw wo mean tbe public and common rbud. But when wo say 'in my way' (.very rarely 'road' in-such sense), there appears to be a common recognition i 'way' aa tbe more generic worn. But in uso with out a compounding wonl, 'way' is rarely applied in tho Burnt scm) as 'road' thus, we do not speak walking or riding 'along the way ; wo iy 'right of way,' not 'road ;' nor is 'rotd' used except in 'railroad,' which is tin Amer ican term, as 'railway' is tho English. a imw roaus we ao not say 'ways which havo English ownership cr close cuiinouiion, sucn as tne ttno aid At lunlicand Groat Western, arootlcially, railway, and this torm is pmbubly making its 'way' slowly. It hat, how ever, at least tbo comparative disad vantage that, as yet, wo are not accus tomed to 'ways' as short for railvays, or to speak of tho 'waybed ;' on tbe olher hand 'way' has an advanttgo in not boing used to dusignato iistru monts of passage by ordinary voliiclea. Some other English terms are botior than our own : lor example, 'shore' ia better than 'stock,' the lutter laving several uses. Tbo English coaob,' on ruils, was obtained by transfer of word us woll as article, but it is low ex pressive than our 'car.' So 'stoker,' although correct, is ralher less idiom atie than fireman,' which ia mudo by the samo process with which children turn tbo gray coated 'carrier' ino 'loi ter man.' The English 'point' is cer tuinly belter than our 'switth' and 'driver, which in this country is short lor the largo wheel when used in con noclion with locomotives, is moro ex act lhau 'engineer,' who is not much more than an engine driver. 'Metals' would sound strange here as the desig nation of iron rails, and 'lino' would hurdly cscapo detection as foreign, in use lor ino -roaa or 'way.' T hero a however, an English term so expressive as applied lo capilul fixed in railways and manufacturing enterprises, mi it would bo well to tiulurulize it tbo word 'plat.' Such capital may or may uui invo iruiuui ; yet all n o sumo HOUSEHOLD 0RKAMENT8. TO MAKI SKELETON LCAVIS AND CRrsTALI.ID 0RASSK8. withdrawn nlantcd.- Times. Hew York also departed this Me. Philadelphia Times. WASTED EKERft Y hV PHILA DELPHIA. Tho Philadelphia Record my: Prof. Haunt, of the University ol Pennsvl. vania, read a paper on "Slroot Travel" before tho Enginoers' Club on a recent Saturday night. Ho stated that tho population of what may ho called the heart of the city, i. e., the district notinilcd by tbo two rivers, Washing ton avenue on tho south and Poplar sued on ino norm, nuti decreased in tho last 10 years by 20,000, showini? strong drift of population toward tho outskirts ol the city. Outside of these limits, which aro everywhere dial ant at least a mile from the business cen tre, is a scattered population of about unw.ouu. 110 took tho caso ot a man whoso homo lay in a diagonal diroo tion from his placo of business, and calculated that in tho xigsag course which that laiyo class of men must tako thoy lose 40 per cent, in distance. He suggested that two now diagonal avenues bo opened. Tbo distunco sav ed by a diagonal street through tho heart of the city would bo a milo and a third. 'Iho reports of six of tho twelve passenger cai lines showed that they bad carried during the past year about 60,000,000 persons. Supposing tho six remaining lines to have bad about tho same numbor, this would make a tolal number of passenger ear ned of 100,000,000. Upon this and the average yearly expense to the poo plo of travel. Air. Haunt calculated that evory milo lens in distance was a saving to thorn collectively of 1,GU0, 000 in money, 4,000 years in time, and something like 3,300.000,000,000 foot pounds of energy. Mr. Haupt also suggests the provision, for pedestrians, ol those "cut-offs" or diagonal lanes so co Timon in Boston. It is generally when you are not looking for a woman that yon get on her trail. Puck Yea, and yon always hear the belle aa soon as you gel on the train. Aorrtafotra Herald. And aha, you lookskwtrt. Oouritr Journal. Jack Robinson." ' Lord Eldon led an anecdote-book in manuscript. n wincn no nolod tho loHowinu-: During tho debates on the India Hill at which poriod John Robinson was Secretary to the Treasury, Shoridan, on one evening when Kox's majorities wero decreasing, said, 'Mr. Speaker, this is nut at all to be wonderod at, wbon a member is employed to oor rupt overybody in order to obtain votes.' Upon ibis thore was a groat outcry made by almost evorybody In the House. 'Wholsitt Nams himl' 'Sir,' said Sheridan to the Speaker, 'I shall not nam the person. It is an unpleasant and invlduous thing tn do so, and therefore I shall not name him. But don't suppose, sir, that 1 abstain because there ia any dilhYulty in nam ing bim, I could do that, air, at toon as iM mum soy Jack Kotnnto:" Rbvision ornia New Testament CoMPLErED Tho revision ot the Now Testament, which was begun under tho direction of the Convocation of Canterbury ton years ago, waa com pleted last October, and tho new ver sion is now in print, although it has nut yet boon given to the public. Tho work is tho result of tho deliberations ot twocommitteos, oniiof fifiv learned Biblical scholars in England and one ol thirty in this country. The two commilleos did not meet together and tako action, but corresponded with each other and compared notes, and. as a general thing, wero able lo agree upon tho proper reading of tho texts. In oases ot disagiooment, tbo text of the British committee is used, but tbo reading of tho American committee is given in an appendix, so that tho reader or student has before him both translations. Tbo only copies of the hook in this country, according lo tho lYinet, aro thoso which have been sont to members of tbo American committee, of which tbo Rev. Dr. Philip SchafT is tho President, and they aro pledged not to show them to any person, or give any information as to tho changes mado in the texts of the King James version, until tho now version is form ally approved and adopted by tbo Con vocation of Canterbury. Dr. Scbaff announced that tho Convocation would meet early in Eehruary, and as soon as it approved tho version tho revised New Testament would bo givon to the world. The American committco bus taken out no convriiht on tho honk. and tho intention is to uivo it to tho publio free, as the old Bible has been givon. In a very few days at furthest, il tho Convocation approves of tho re vision, the book will bo published, and overybody will then bo at liberty lo tumparo ii wiui mo old version. Pkoiiaiily foii a Sensation Tho Now York Herald recently contained a double-leaded dispatch, dated at Cin cinnati, fromasourcoof which itspeuks editorially as Iriendly to Garfield, and the correspondent is supposed to be acquainted with his purposes. Tho air ol confidence about tbo dispatch suggests either that it is a sort oi semi- ollieial announcement from Mentor or another Herald hoax. There is noth ing specially new in tho subslance of the statement made. It. hi-wever. speaks with absoluio K)siiivoness with regard lo two things that Blaine is to beSoorctary of Slate and that Robert Lincoln, tho son ol President Lincoln, is to be a member of the Cabinet. Xn Southorn man need apply is written over tho doors nt Mentor, according to this correspondent, as neither Hayes nor Grant mado anything out ol their Southern mon. A statement which lashes tho Herald (o cditoriul fury is that Conkling is to hesutislield by hav. ing Now York left out ultowiber. Ill tbo senior Senator from New York is not satisfied with Ibis vcrv kind tn-ut. mcnv ne is to no considered a mutineer against tho general parly welliiro. Vo Gods, what a mutiny ho will arouse thoiiirhl Ao wonder tho Herald mnd. Affronts como tint in these lutter days to Conkling by singles or by pBirs; they march In legion. These pleasing preparations for household adornment may bo made follows: Thore is a slow and quick mothod, tbo former is by procuring tho natural decomposition of the pulpy subslunco of tbo leaf by ex posuro to light in a dish ot water the quick method is by the use of a weak alkaline destructive solution, of union soda ana lime aro the active ogenls. By the slow mothod ono may proceed as follows: Tho loavos are laid nut smoothly in a pan or dish, and covered wilb rain water two or throe inches deep, and aro held down by means of shoots of glass resting on small stones at tho corner by which they aro prevented from pressing too closely on the leaves. They aro ox posed lo the sunlight in a warm win dow. In two or throe weeks they are examined, and ull thoso that have be come soft and pulpy aro romovod to anoiner uisn lo he cleaned. The rest aro loll until they, too, become soil. Tbo softened leaves are carefully ro- moveu one ny one uy being floated on lo a small shoot of gluss; tbe pulp is pressed out by means of a small stiff painter's brush or a tooth-brush, used by tapping up and down and not by a sweeping motion, lb is breaks up the pulp only, which is washed away by pouring water upon it from a pitcher. To mako this convenient, tho glass mny oe piacoa on two wooden bars rusting ou tho edges nf a deep dish with a towel under it. to catch the splashiiigB. iho quick method is as lullows: Four ounces of sal-soda are dissolvod in a quurt of hot water, two ounces of quicklime are added, and the two aro boiled for twenty minutes. Tho solu lion is cooled and strained. Tho leaves aro then boiled in this for ono hour, or until tbo pulp is easily removed, when it is washed off as already montionod. The fibres remain, leaving a perfect sKcioion or iramo work ol the leaf. 'P i. : ... i i i ,i . . i ins ib uieacnou py tne exposure to a solution of one tablespoonful ol chlor ide of lime in a quart of water, strained clear from sediment. The skeletons are placed in a dish, oovorod with this solution and kept in a dark closet for two uays, watching in the meantime that the fibres are not sollened too much and thus injured. After bleach ing the loavos are Bleeped in clear solt water for a day, and then floated off upon a card and placed bolween soft napkins until dry. They aro then ready to be finally pressed, bont, ourled or arrangod in bouquets or groups. Crystahzod grasses and sprays are mado as follows: The bunches are first arrangod in a suitable manner, tied and secured ; a solution of four ounces ol alum lo a quart of boiling water is mado, and whon this has cooled lo about 90 degrees or blood bout, tho bunch of grass or louves is suspended in it in a deep jar from a rod placed across tho mouth of it ; us the liquid cools crystals of alum aro deposited upon overy spruy. the finer and smaller tho weaker tho solution is mado. This deposit of crystals occurs I in me cooling liquid because hot water dissolves moro alum than cold water, and as tbo water cools tbo excess ol alum forms crystals which attach them selves to any fibrous matter in contact with it moro readily than to anything else. Thoso crystals onlargo by ac cretion constantly, as long as there is an excess of ulum in tho solution. When the supply is exhausted tho solution is wanned and more alum is dissolved In it ; it is returned to tbe jur and the bunch of grasses is replaced. When sudioienlly covered with crys tals it is takun out and dried and is finished. BEGINNING AGAIN. Wboo eotnotimea, our feet crow weary, Oa Ibe rured hill, of life Tbe palb alretohed long and dreary With trial and labor rife Wo pauao oa Ibe tollaorae Journey, OJeneiajt book word in eallry aoi glra, And alfth with Infinite longing To return and begin again. For behind la Ibe dew of the morning, In all ila fresboe., and light. And before are douhte and .liado v., And Oje ohill and gloom ol the night. We muaainer tbe aunny ,.laeea We teaaed on then. And aak, with a paMlonale longing, To return and begin again. Ab, rale, Indred, la tho a.king ! Life'e dutiea preae all of aa on, And who dero ahrink from tho labor, Or eieb for tho eiin.biao Ibat'a'fooe ? And, It nay be, net before aa Wait fairer plaoea than Ihea ; Life'a path may yet lead by etill watera, Though wo way aow begin agaia. , Forerorniore upward and onward lie our patha on tbo hill, of life, And aooo with a radiant dawning Scoring the toil and lha a trife And our Faiber'a hand will lead ua Tenderly upward then ; In ibe joy and poaee of a r.iror w,orld He'll let ua begin again. PAISTISGS IN THE CATA COMBS. The earliest works ol Christian art in Italy aro tho wall-paintings of tbo Ca'acombs. At first thoso wore merely abstract symbols: tbe Labarum, the Alpha and Omega, tho fish used as tho sign for tho numo ot Christ. Then moro pictorial emblems wero painted: the dovo, representing tho Christian soul freed Irom the body; tho peacock or phoenix, type of immortality : tho sheep, signifying the soul in tho earthly no. iuis lust emblem stands in im mediate connection with tbe earliest representation! of Christ as tbo Good Shepherd. This is the fuvoritcsubiect of tho Catacomb paintings. Ho is de picted as a beautiful youth in shop herd's dress carrying a lamb on bis shoulders, or leaning on his stall' in the miast oi a nock, or playing on a shop herd's pipo, whilo tho ahoep listen lo uiiii. iud mea. oi tueso pictures is certainly isimicul ; Put tbo artistio form is supposed to bo taken from an old Greek statue of Mercury carrying a kid, which oxiotcd nt Tunugro. For il must be observed with regard to tho ait of tbe early Church that once hav ing gained the right to exist, it adopt, cd without hesitation materials and forms which bad been invented by tbo heathen. Proceeding on the principle that what God hath cleansed man may not can unclean, the (Christians repeat ed in their religious pictures the types of faco, the methods of expression, the aritsiiu mannerisms, which aro found in tho wull-painlings of Herculanenm and Pompeii. They personified tho sun and tba moon, tbe ourtb and the sea, mountains and rivers. They even adopted heathen myths. In a besttti ful painting from tbo ceiling of the tomb of S. Domitilla, Christ is repre sented in the character of Orpheus playing upon bis lyre, while trees bend toward him, and wild beasts gather at bis feet. Mingled with these, symbols and allegories wo find the first beginnings of sacred historical painting. Tho sub jects aro chosen impartially from both Testaments, with this difference, that tbe scenes Irom tbe Old are used in a purely typical relation to the new dis pensation. Noub in the ark typifies the Christian saved in the ship ol the Church ; tbo history of Jonah prefig ures tho ministry and resurrection of Christ ; Daniel in tbo lion's tlen is an encouragement to Christian martyrs. Tho most common New Testament subjects aro, the Nativity ( with ox and ass kneeling), tbe Adoration ol tbo Magi, the miracle nt Cana, Christ heal ing the paralytic, multiplying tho loaves and fishes, and, most frequently, tho raising ot Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus is represented aaa mummy appearing at an open door, beloro which Jesus stands with a wand in his hand. Tho spiritot these pictures is purely symbolical. Thoy do uot depict, they simply suggest, their subject. Tbey presuppose in tnomincot Iho beholder llio .knowledge of a certain event which thoy shall recall to bim by a ...jni.u aigu ior ins comtort anu en- "nut the Lord teat with Joseph." And cotiragement. For this is the aim and tbe Lord is with a great many of his strengthen and console They pass by tho passion and death of tho Lord, lo uwen upon tnomcsot gladness and con solationresurrection, miracles, deliv erance, hope. Thoy aro joyful and confident. Tboy are flowers blossom ing in darknessstuntod, delicate, im purfoct, but full of marvelous bright ness, an nnextipguishable lifo. H eky J. Van Hyki. Jr., in Harper's Maga zine, for February. Did Not Appreciate, tue Oifer. A dairyman in Floyd county, Indiana, having settled it to his own satisfaction that a certain widow Whom he was WOMEN IS THE TREASURY. Tho first female clerks in the Na tional Treasury were appointed in 18li2 by Secretary Chase, who placed them in theotlico of tbo Comptroller of the currency at nou a year. I boy cut and mrnmsu me united States notes issued in sheets, and did their work well. As soon as tbey bad been appointed there were many oilier applicants, and their numuer sieaony increased, many of thera securing places through the po- euimr energy anu pcrseveraiico which will refuse to tuko no for au answer. There aro now moro than thirteen hundred women in tho Department at Washington, the majority employed in the Bureau ol Engraving and Print ing and in tho Government Printing Ollice. Thoy excel as counters, their sldider, sensitive fingers turning tho notes with quick rapidity and exact ness. Tbey detect counterleils. it is said, quicker than men, though they do not succeed so well with accounts. as tbo average feminine mind has little natural love lor figures. Counters and copyists receive S'.IOO a year, othor women fl,200 to S1.400, several of tbem ei,fi00, and ono in tho International Kevenuo 11,800. Most of tho clerks ate educated and refined, and many of them havo seen moro prosperous days. A numberaro widows und daughters ot army and navy nllln,. -l. l.. .1...:. ' ., . .... .f. war V Z . i i T0T """T tbat u"b' eympsis of th ar. ery low ot tho vounir women ! . ' ' ..!.' 1 : icciure was secureti oy our reporter. ! instruction as usual, and lauinti In the evoning to a largo and approcla liveuudience. The directors and teach. en of Houlzdulc were presont, th Board having given- their teachers credit with tho time to attend tbe meeting. Excellent musio was furn ished by a choir selected for the occa sion. The meeting at this appoint ment was one of the pleasant and profitable meetings of the series The teachers of Bridfordal the re quest of the directors, all closed their school! on Friday, February 11th, to attend the Institute at Higler. Al though tho rain had descended and the flood had come, wbioh rendered tho travoling exceedingly difllcnlt, yet the Institute was well attended by teachers and others. Twenty-seven teacher wero in attendance and a number of director. The exercise ere inlorestinir throughout. Noarlv all the teachers presont look an active part in the discussions, and thereby removed tho monotony that charac terize! the averago Institute. The Trustees gave tho Presbyterian church to tho managers in which lo hold tbe several session. Deputy State Super intendent Houck delivered his final lecture on "Educational Progress" to a cultivulod audience on Friday eve ning. Every ono who listenod to it was delighted with the trentleman's comparison between the "old times and the now," and tho practical hints and suggestions which his lecture contain ed. On Saturday evening, Smith V. Wilson, Esq., of Clearfield, delivered a very entortuining lecture on "Daniel O'Connell." A choir under the leader ship of Mr. J. L. Pcarce furnished ex cellent music for the occasion. Al though the weather was stormy, and the traveling disagreeable, the meet ing was a complete succoss. Thus closed a very successful series of educational meetings, and we be- neo tney have been productive of great good. For tho hearty co opora. lion of tho teachers and directors, anif ' tho generous help of tbo pupils and pa trons, we uro inuccu very thaiiktul. LECTURE Of P. I. WEBER, ISO, REFORK THE TEACOERS' LOCAL INBTITCTI AT LLTUERSI1URO, FEB. 5t1I, 1881. Prof. P. S. Weber, Secretary of Sandy township School Board, deliver ed a highly entertaining and instruc tive lecture before tbe Teachers' Local Institute at Luthersburg, on the sub ject of "Mental Science as Applied to ino hoik oi instruction, and we are or widows ovor marry or resign, and consequently tho hundreds who are seeking places in Washington bavo slender prospects ol success. Tho most untiring, obstinato placo seekers at tho Federal capital are women. .Toe Lord was with Joseph. Yet it might not have scorned so to some men in Jescph's condition. Hntcd by his own brethren. Sold into slavery. Lied about becauso ot his well doing Cust into prison uniustly. Did that look liko having the Lord's presence? children who are having a very bard time in tho world. Because we are hated, and aro lied about, and aro suf feting unjustly, wo musn't think that tho Lord has neglected us. It is our personal comfort, our personal pros perity, our personal popularity, that is the test of God's presence and favor. Ho is just as near to us when every- umiy eisc seems to nave deserted us, as when wo aro tbo centre of a great circlo of lovo and admiration. And it is bettor to havo tbe Lord with us in a prison than to bo without the Lord in a palace. "Thrashing by steam," murmured FARM GLEASIXCIS. George V. Hullock, who has a farm of forty-five acres at Orient, Lonir Is land, raised lust year 15,000 quarts ofj sirawoerrtes, z.i.uuo heads of cauli flower, 2,300 bushels of onions, 3.000 bushels of potatoes, 173 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of corn, 30,000 cu cumbers, 6,300 bushels of turnips, 4.0U0 ousnetsoi carrots and i:u,U9U cabbages, George Goddes.of Fairmount,N. Y who leeds about 2,0110 bushels of grain annually, after thirty years' experi ence suys ho is sutisfieil that it is worse than lost labor to grind cobs lor cattle. and that corn should be ground as lino for stock aa tor bread, tho object being io so reauco ino grain that it can bo the most readily acted upon by tho gastric juico of tbo stomach. Every poultry house should luco tho South, and, if possible, bo upon dry ground. Any available ground pro loclei! by groves, hedges, stono wulls. or by buildings of any kind, may be used fur this purpose. Fowls suffer very much from cold storms and wind, and any protection aguinsl these is very vuluablous a preventive of colds and roup. Several farmers in Wisconsin, who not long ago complied with importuni ties to r-igu a tumporance pledge, are boing astonished by tho presentation of promissory notes, promising to pay cash instead ol to practise tolal ab stinence. Any farmer who could bo so deceived must surely need lo sign gonuino temperance pledge. Reduce as fur as you can the amount of fencing upon your farm, and put tnui wnicu is necessary to rood up in good substantial order. Fences at best are dead capilul, ugroulandeonslunlly recurring expense. supplyirfj; with milk would make him fond mother as sho glanced at an ar ticle in an agncullural paper. "What gtl-ups tbey do have nowadays, if 1 had had ono of thoso steam thrashers lor my four boys, my arms wouldn't have been as rheumaticky as thev aro to day," and she dreamily thought of uiv past as ti might nave been. A lover, who had gono West to muko a homo for his "birdie," wrote to her : ' I've got tho finest quarter sec tion of land (ono hundred and sixty acres) I ever put my foot down on." Birdie wrote hack: "Suppose you buy another quarter section, John, lo that you can have a lawn around your foot.' John mado a home, but Birdie nevor was the mistross of It. An exchange says that thov have old wheat enough in California to take tho bend out of a Chicago corner or to suppress mo Kussian lunnno ; hut of Too Courteous -Courtesy may suflVr from exaggeration. By too much courteous, and excess of civility makes uncivil. A gentleman of infinite com. plaisanco was about to tako leuve of! another ol liko disposition. The latter insisted on seeing htm to the door of his house, The former relused, and alter many gracious words locked tho door on bis host and ran down tho staircase; but tho host, opening hia window lightly leaped into the street and was ready to hand his guest into his carriago. "You might have broke yonr nock, said the oulorlained. "True," roplied the entortaincd, "but better so than break tbe cannons of politenoss." A conceited young country parson, walking home from church with one of the ladies of the congregation, said, in allusion to nis rustic audience, "i bis morning ( preached tn a congregation of asses," "1 thought of that," observed , I. . I .1 .. I! I ...H I .1 i.uv "y, w J wv UBIIUU tUVIU JUUT 'beloved brethren I' " A Cuitiors Will Case. A very curious illustration of the chances of litigulion is found in tbe llesilra caso. A colored woman of this namo, by a long life of industry and thrift, accumu lated a property estimated at 175,000. Sho lell a husband, who claimed at least a partol the property, but offered to waive that claim on receipt of 15.000. This was refused by the olher heirs, but while overhauling some papers the old man found a will by which the de ceased bequeathed to him tho entire amount. Ibis will has just boon ap proved, and tho other heirs get noth ing. How much they now regret they did not accept the old man's proposi tion. It was the Diptd. Scene : Mar gin of a highland river. English tourist "And you say, Donald, that an English gentleman was drowned In the river last Summer while attempt ing to swim across ?" Donald" Ay, sir." Tourist "Tho feat might have boon easily accomplished ; tho distance is not so very great." Donald "Vera true, sir ; vera true ; but yo maun ken that it wisns tho broedth, bit the depth o' the water that feonlshod bim." A Georgia young man asked his sweetheart whether she bad ever read "Romeo and Juliet." She replied that she had re I Romeo, but she did Dot think ah bad evor read Juliet. an excellent wife, rang his bell in front of her house, and when abo came out with her pan, addrossod heras follows : "I want a wife. 1 havo a good dairy of fifteen cows. Wo rise at 3 o'clock in tho morning ; we havo ryo coffee for breakfast, with skimmed milk, but no sugar lor seasoning, You need not gel up so early, and you may have bean soup onco a week ; wo havo boil ed cabbage once a week, and Kraut once a week. Wo occasionally havo some bacon. But wo do not use but ter, for it is too oxpensive, and uso lard in its placo. We work bard and live saving. 1 bavo told you all and would liketo marry you." Tho widow thanked him, said she'preferred her own table and told bim ho hail bettor, proposo to bis next ouslomor. , Fit ktti no. Of all causes destructive of family comfort, hardly any is to be moro dreaded than the practice of (rot ting. Only one person need havo the habit to destroy tho peace of an entire ; household, i be habit may arise from mere nervousness or a slight degreo of illness. Indeed, it seems often to spring from almost nothing. Il in creases with indulgence, and becomes chronic. Then il is fret, fret, about nothing. It is fret in cold, fret in heut, fret in sunshine, fret in storm, Iret in the morning, f tet at noon, Iret at night. Thoro is no ond to il, and scarcely any lot up in it. The habit is contagious. 11 nno member of a family frets, tho ilhcrs are apt, after a while, to get to (rotting also. If parents fret, their cntiurcn wilt soon learn to fret. Ts'o matter what comforts, what luxuries, what culture fretful people possess, they aro most undesirable companions. Tbey are a nuisance ol the most disa greeable charaoter. Mr. eber has delivered a number of lectures before our educational gather ings, hut none hnvo excelled this last effort. Previous to entering into a discussion of the subjoct, b spoke upon tho subject of ventilation, giving to the teachers some vital direction! upon the matter of preserving the bealtb of the pupils in our public schools, after which he opended his discourse by an swering the question: "What is the purpose of Life ?" Jle proved that the Lobject of life should be to Improve tho worm at large, ana ourselves individu ally, and to accomplish this grand and dciirable purpose of human existence. he showed that sterling character was indispensable. In making a compari son between character and repulation, he remarked : "Reputation is nut char acter; character is what a man it; reputation is what be is thought to be. Men may smile in villainy, and pray with the band on the daggei'i hilt. In the course of hii remark!, con trasting cbaractor with reputation, ho said : "It is scarcely tloccssary to refer to Beecher, as we bco enongh in everyday-life to exclaim: "Oh, religion, what crimes are committed in thy r.amc I" He then urged that the poet, was right when he said: "Know tkea thyaelf and proaune aot good ts acan, Tbo proper efeify ems,Ni aef aa awa.M It is well to pause on tbe threshold of lile and ask ourselves hy w live. In answer to tbe question, "Do men study tho meaning of lite?" he remark ed : "Some seem to live like brutes be causo life is in them. Nobody cares ibr thera but the politician on election day, and the sexton at the burial. He then quoted from Superintendent Mc Qiiowii'b address of the previous eve ning "We want Teachers who study Human Nature, which led him to con- . aider tho import of tba caption of hii address "Mental Science as Applied to instruction in the School room. In showing that a toy it a boy in all agos, be quoted Shakespeare"! h whining school boy moving snail like unwillingly to school." lie then trans lated from F rebel, the foundof of tbe Kindergarten system "Come and let us with our children live." After wnul particular good Is old wheat on considering this important sayinj of llio i acillo coasi until somebody builds tho eminent Gorman pilosopher in all a canal across the islhmus, or build its different bearings, bo concluded the Southern Pacific railroad. The amidst tremendous annlauaa tit. rwfrir. other roads are all closed by snow. ring to tho prime object of lile in this ----- o, e double meaning sentence: "Let ns all It is mighty embarrassing to a man Istrivo to so live that we can leave this who has some religious Iriends stavimrl n-mbl Imtinr fV.r Imrin,. h.! in u ' ni.u .inn iu uavu ii ia. uoc, wnien nus Newspaper Men. Elitors do noth ing but go to shows and eat peanuts, it would appear from the extravagant idea some havo of tho craft. An un known voice in tho following well chosen words timely remarks: "An editor's business is to writo editorials, grind out poetry, sort and rewrite com munications, listen to all kinds of Cora, plaints, offer advice on all subjects, from prcsciibing for a baby with tho colic up to specie resumption, keep a waste basket, steal matter, tight other ponplo's battles, take beans, pumpkins ana crooKcu, Knotty grocn wood, when be can get them, on subscription, work eighteen hours out ol the twcnly four, always bo in a good humor and witty, bo aliko impervious to flattery and cen sure, and bo criticised nd damned by every nincompoop who don't lik his paper. Finally, to woar out in the service, and at last bear tbe pleasing plaudit: ' 'Tis enough. Como up higher.' " When you bear a young lady very carefully say, "I haven't saw," you may be quite confident that she is a recent graduate from one of tbo most thorough nt our numerous female semi, nariea. Boston Post. A Boston bank advertises that it will place money any whore by tele graph. All right; place four thousand with ns. Our address is Rockland, Main. Rockland Vouritr. been very quiot during week days, ui-gin rigni aiier nreiikiusl Sunday to run to tho gun in tho coiner and turn to his master and wog bis tall, and then run back to the guit again. Bos ton Tranneript. After all tho evidence was in a Gal veston Jutlgo asked tho accused, who was charged Willi alealing a walch, if he had anything more to offer. "I did havo an old silver walch to offer you, Judge, but my lawyer borrowed it and hasn't brought it hack yot." Vennor, tho weather nrophot. is do. scribed as "a red headed man of about .ia years a weather-beaten folio who has been surveying and exnlorinir ann'ite smeo j.-mm. llu ia a nnt.ur. alist a book and is now engaged in getting up k on "The Birds In Canada." Mrs. Partington will nut allow Ike to play tho guitar. She says bo had it onco when ho was a child and it nearly killed him. An old bachelor will shriek for a better half when a counterfeit Ally-cent piece is snovou on on mm. There aro liver pads and lung pads anu Kinney pans, nut tho pioneer pad nus tuu loot pad." Jonca calls cause she ia Herald. bn wife "Old Pio" be so crusty. Stubenvillt Wbon is a doctor most annoyed? U? Un 1.. I. ..... r. .... . J ne m oui oi paiteuis. Can a man Intoxicated by musio h sum tu oe air iighi. How docs a stove feel soals? Grateful. rhen full ol When is a wall like a fish? il is scaled. When "Chest" protsctora Good padlock. THOUOIITFl'L words. It is a belief in the Bible, the traits of deep meditation, which has served mo as the guide of my moral and liter ary life. 1 have found it capital sain. ly invested and richly productive of interest. if is tho work ol fancy to enlargo, but of judgment to shorten and con tract; and therefore this mnst be ai tar above the other a Judgment la a greater and nobler (acuity than fancy or imagination. All tho good things of thia world are nn further good to ua than aa they are of use; and whatoverwe may heap op lo give lo others, we enjoy only as much as we can use and no more. Those passionate pontons who carry their hearts in their mouths are ralher to bo pitied than feared ; their threat enings serving no other purpose than lo forearm bim that ia threatened. Next in importance to freedom and justico ib popular education, without which noiihcr justice nor freedom can be permanently maintained. The brightest crowns that ar worn in heaven have been tried and smelted, and polished and glorified thiougb lb furnace of affliction. Virginia has 4,854 publio acbooli, of which 205 are graded. In these itboola 220,736 pupils are instructed by 4,873 tescherrl. The tolal expenditure for 1880 wore 1916,109 the support from tbo Slate being 1037,120. There are 1,256 colored schools in which 68,100 pupils are taught by 78S colored teachers. Th members of th old School Hoard of Clearfield borough were all re elected on the I5lh Inst. Many of the old member of other district war also re-elected. It I feared that tba Intellectual de velopment of our times has outrun th moral development An a location without charaoter ia valul.