Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 09, 1881, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
K in. id in advanee.or wltftin three month... 2 06
It ml alter ibn-e and before sin months... t t0
If , at tor tb ipirtljD of six luonhu... 100
"rMfMrl. S. M. Prttrmoill A Co., New-
, ,r Adortling Agents, S7 Park Row, corner
;. wPn Sin n, are our amy aoinnrtsea Agent
N-w Ycr Citr.
hi i k hh'm sorii i m.
MrthiidM l'.lt.f ujul Church Rcy.Oko.
Lrn crvicet every hah bath tl IO) j
M.. an 4 7 P. M.
.- ,M.atb Srhool at V A.M.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, at 7i P. M.
li iiio union SerTioe, Oral Hobbatb el erery I
....nth, t li A. M.
West Menrlield M. K. Church. Rer. j
I'D vitLKk W. .icrnluy, Paitor. Preaching overy !
a'trrnate Sunday, at 8 oVIoek, P. M. ISandny
-I. si 21, P- M. All are Invited to attod.
Irctttti lau I'hurch Rev. 11. 8. Udtlbh.
-Sabbath if r fieot morning aud evening Kab
. .ih School at t P. M. Prayer Meeting Wedne
1,4V evening.
lUptUt t'hurr I). Rae. , Peitor.
i l, itli rii'himl at 3 P. M. Prayer Mretiog every
Wflnceitey evening.
s:. fraiir-In l liurrti C'atliollr Rt. P
J. - hkmiiax. Divine senice it Wj A. M., on
ibe lint. third and lourtli Sundayaof each month;
Yenper nnd Hrnodietion of the I'lcaaed 8 aor anient
it 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday hebool every Sunday
n'lfinoon at 3 o'clock.
timi or B'lLliiiia qi'ARrER simtiosi tor a?.
Second Monday ol January.
Third Monday of Mank.
First Monday of June,
kiiurth Mnd..y of Wrptetaber.
t irit Monday of June,
j'rdtid Mundny of November.
ruBLic orncERR.
Unt .Mjt linn. Cbarlea A. Mayer,
! nek Haven .
A.ei.l,in( Lav Jwlyt- Hon. John ll.Orela, or
Aimeia't Judjn AWani Og.ten,;
Vincent B. Hull. Cl-rfield.
'rufaoaorory Jemea Kerr.
H ,iwr null (reorder Uegra M.
Trruturtr l'tiilip Di.tts.
Iiiitrirt A'lorw.y J. Y. MeKenrlck.
.V.ertjf Jtmi.. ValialTry.
Hrt,uis XhtriffV. I. Ibf.oifUnB.
C.uiilV Yarreyor Samuel K. McCloakry, Cur
.rn.villl. P.unl. Omiiionr C. W. HjrtfT. nnliaia
ion I'. 0.; RUh, Or.i,i.n I'llU P. O.;
.lolin Nnrrli. Br., CilrenTille
,,...'..". f.rl-Jnhn W. w
Cn,,l, irf,'r.-WIIM.m V. right CWr
8,1.1 s J..rh (lilHland, Thre. Bum p J. 8. or-
Vanr f.'oron.r Jamn A. , ClcmrBeM.
fip.l. W'm. K. llrown, Clrirfi.M.
,.rili'"' ''W't 4.olt M. L. Mo
g"vlwnlf M''' .ar-Jf Me W . r.rhle,
- 'ti-e t t.u'her.l.urg I'ft.
v',,. '..K.-J... W. Wrigl.,, Wb. Bj-1,-ti.usb
rvrua ll.r.lnn. Clearfi.lil i Joein K.
lr in,N K.'Arnuld, Curwenillt I J. A. Living-
.ti.n.. Idillnia City.
iur .V"'"' l"m" itefWrdlj iolereitlnil In
j l.,ml'l'.,;iit of Tit", and pronlakl. readuig lo
0 ll-i-lefl who wunt to lave wnry,
VI .K, 111' I'OI'HUK I
Uill v.. u li.ko mti "r Pro for luh
.. r i h. ii ,M 'e arr oftrn Inquired of in Ihle way
l,v l.inr fr in alronl ho re.l'le al a diatance
n l i. irli.l I Wi niln uy yea. The roeiita
A a ir.ii.irail'le merchant or mill owner la the
,,, niv will an.Mui ju"l aa well an the caih.
f , iMInlliatc: 11 any of oar palron. will deliver
, a l,.,r of sram at Ihe mill "I Joaik H. llrelh,
, , .' t...n,hi., Horace 1'alcliin. in llurneide,
It, tat 'I- rone), in Urahaui, Win Porter or
sJMtv , iii 1,'iwience, or lirown A Seyler'a, al
H.-kM, '"'" towual'iW lard their
rr.ul.ta lor Ihe a-tooot, wo will credit thein on
Ihnr account tor the Mil. In way all oiay
,. !,, ihey owe, il they will puraue Ihla
1 ' t(.
W Advertisers and othors will lu-ur
in mind that nil artiolea intended for publlcatlott
in1l.ii .aprtnii-t be lundrd in, r.ot later ihas
TueitJuy. at 9 A. M. Poa't forget it!
Xext Monday, Fuhruary 14th i St.
V ilcntino'a day.
Due hundred und twenty now vale
will aoon I Id.d to Hoyt A C.'a tannery.
n - f -
Piciit htnV service w Ihe West Clear-
f..M M. U. t'tiun li n. t SnnJn at SJ o'clock
Lii-t Satirduv waslhorenular month-
It ,,.y day at -t. It. Hyt A Co'a tunnery. at thia
The Couiitv Commissioners will ho
init-aion for lAtral dava on and after the 16tb
H. atant . t m
(ictiruoC.JkThof. W. Mooro received
a new aat one day lait week, from Morrll A Iro
land, Boston, Maachuaaetta.
i iW
The population of Clearfield county,
a.vorJ'.ngtiith enu of l,i ,'- in
itexe din:? liTO of l!,
I a 1 1
Monhi-s Higlri1, Uued Co. have an .if work on hand at preient at their
inachinf nboj-a in thi plafl.
I a mm
Muny ol tho (armors lhronihont
I'licilcr county an obliged lo melt mow in order
1 1 ni ply iheir alocH wilh water.
M . am
Thrro with iwenly -iiino awoiwim
10 Ihe mimber.hip of Ihe Cnrwenatill. 1'reaby
lenan Church on Sunday a week, January 30th.
riciiDvo liormiKh, I'linton cnnnly,
.ya 8 ier cent. on her bonded Indebted
nr.., Uantlngdon 4 per ociil, and ClearSild S per
iW . awi -
A O.impU-ta linl nt Jiiimm fnr tlio
M .rch Term ol Court la puolianod in thii lnua
Curl will benln on Monday, Mirok 2II, and
enntinue two wc.Va
( Iur noijriiburiiiK I'outily of J clTerson
I. f jf,,SUl 41 in debt, and ber tii payera want
that niuar.1 oil bofore goin to Ihl ea,e.e of
er. cling now Jail.
T!i fniirlli qunrlirly rnovtiHK wi"
l.e be d In Ihe ClearSeld M. g. f'biirch net! 8atnr.
.Iiy evening and l-'un l.iy. Tha 1'rnidinj Kldcr
1. f xjocted to he .recnt.
Osciir j. UuiToy, Iv-q., ' WilUcn-
llane, baa been nominated lor the OJVe of (Irand
Warden of the Grand l.u le of Odd Fellnwi of
Ihe t:ta'i cf I'
.. . .
Tins'Uy, Kehruiiry linli i tho timo
litcd for the ekollon of borough and townahip
icerr, See that Ihe 'ery heal men are aaleeled
lo lerve iD thi varloua po.ltlona.
Hurry Knli!li, tlm Klk ity (!
per.lo, bai b.n e mviot.d of furgary , hut ae.
quilled for the ibooting of Connal.le Vollmer.
ScoUOc bai been dalerred until KUioh.
m a,
Ceo. W. llarili'r, ol Tyroiif. brother
of J .hn B. Harder, of Una b..r .ugh , la aolmg
Mall A.ent un Ihe T. C. 11. R-, during Ibe III
nraa of David Adam., the regular app.inlee.
. i. . aa
J. 1!. Cameron, Kn., ol Onceola, lute
dooef Inl.ndent of the kmenlng Coal Company,
hi. gone to Colorado lo act aa Hup-rlni.ndent of
ng op.rllioti, it a iil.ry.ol o,..oo per
Tho l.ailiin' Aid Nocieiy, connected the Cl.irlield 1 re.l.y nan Church, propoM
to give a gn.oJ dinner In Ihe Wigwam building,
aijoiningtliel fllce.on Waabington'a birthday,
February 22.1.
m aa..
The fxlremo cold woallior lt week
wa. loo much lor the tiny Bngliah aparrowa. A
nuinh r ol do.d oii were acin along Ihe
Mree.a in the vie oily if T I. 'a 0.era llooae, the
ro:.J wc.iherno.lou do.tb.
I'.x (iovernor Curtm hafi olil the
.arwirH It ttlllefonll to lllllwl Llw,
c.llhy capitalirt of w York, ind II 11 tbaln
t.n i. n gow lo nail ;ih. ahopa la lull operation.
'ilv in Ihl Hi ring. The work! klta bom Idla
f f .' me linn.
Wo Hi id Iho lollowinf item tfoing
ite round of lb pre- t "I udcr the law of thia
J!. all h)ieiani are r()alrJ iIr tair
laiuM at the Prothonolary'i1 orne In ei eoutty.
In u.any of Ihecoouilea the ridl phyriflina
vt tided t do tfcia."
Nome alterations and iinprovoiiietiU
i l I at b nl tn th aUr rom ol T. A.
ie-olt a Co.. no Market etreet, Th room win ba
Mtfd to u rte.poi.d with th tuatni don J
firm ai d to acromttodate their merwua pa-
'i' ii wuhnnt crnwiting.
J'dm E. Hunter, deuler in puns, am- ion, ale, haa been quite bwey fr oa. tim
I l rfi.ainaganal rawiodvlmg th roo
"nkaridailjololnglbvaaebelat oeiipt4, In th
d 'Weeirm HtlM balldiag, ot Second Itraet,
here be hae leaaafarraw hta tk f go'-- I
ftftkiag iLothiBg be will U enabled I graally
tti kia auek a,4 (aatHtlM fr tln stt
ail kaa.
Powntn and Fi'.sf.. Blasting, min
iif and rilte powder at llirder'i, by the k.f or
poaad. (fab 9, 81 tr.
m m
The M. K. Ladies' Aid Socioty will
beld t (be reaidtimof Hra. ii. D. Goodtellow,
oa Market itraet, next Friday afternoon,
Tho bwt proparntion known in
market for W.erinj gray hair lo 111 original
olorlf Hall 'a Vegetable 6t Lilian Hair Rneror.
Try It!
-- ' i i el
As ye bow in tho advertising eolums
of a newspaper, to aball ye reap. Circulation of
the Cliarpiii.d Rtri iLum guaranteed t) be
orer I, TOO.
A irotra led meeting in the M. K.
ebnrfh at Woodland baa beta going on tightly
fur louetine. A great fntertit bn b-en awaken
ed, aa we are told that nearly one hundred per-
rmi are bowing at the altar, aokiog for the ial
ration of their couU.
"A Bad Man." We fmtiro t' tho
RUgway Democrat that the ciliaeni of tbat new
borough propoae to elect for Burgee, a mas
"without fear, favor or aflcetloa." He tnuit ke a
cold nun Indeed. We'll tee bow be keep the mow
and ire o ff the tide walki
aaw mmt
A Municipality. It will ho ob-
erred by a notice obliibed in tbif Uiut that
the reaidenta of the tillage of Ulcn Hope have
tiken itepe looking toward forming tbeniielrea
Into a borough. Some action to thii end will be
tako at tho March Toru of Court.
. . e
Two locomotives were required to
draw any kind of a train aa an ordinary grade
on our branch for teveral dayi of tail week, while
four nginee were eta ployed to do the eaiae work
on the mountain, between thii plaou and Tyrone
Tbif, with (be light travelling (Tor nobody travel
ed unleM abii'lutety oompelled to), wai very on
profitable bniinefi to the Railroad Company.
FatalAcciiient on tiir Low Ghadk
Railroad. John Call, flagman on the local
freight on the Low Grade Railroad, wai killed
between luBla and Roynoldiville oa Tuesday
of latt week. Ha had been teat back to flag the
Mail train, and when in the act of again getting
on hie train, hli foot alipped, and fell nnder the
eari, which wets in motion , resulting in death.
Ue waa a tingle man, and lived at Freeport, Arm
atrong county.
A Sensitive Man. -The MilHinlown
Rfgittir aaya that Keller, an in mat of the Juni
ata aounty jail, waa recent ly obierved to be cry
ing and iu aora diitrsst. The leptity Sheriff
inquired the cauia and wa told by Keller that
he had juat received intelligence that hi wife
wa dead. Aa Keller had thro of thoae uaeful
houaehMd deputy wa In wonder
aa to which wif had gon to the bourn where
they neither marry nor ars given in marriage.
- m w
Cheap Meat. The Altoona Tribune's
W llliamobnrg oorrrapuodent la reaponaibla for
thia remarkable flah etory i "Dr. David Hiaa cut
a bole in the It-eat Bid die' dam and caught one'
hundred large uckrr, two of them wrighing I
four pound each. I. T. Har and othera caught I
over three handrd, averaging one and a half!
pound each."' That reads like "a fih itory."
Th tc is evidently not an thick over there a
here, and besides the flub mutt b more fiumrr
nm ay -.-
Tho weather on (..round Hog day
wa bright and cl'r, and tb afreaid g. h. v.
drntly faw hi daicuerrotypt!. If be did not, it
was not "Oil Sol's" fault. Co that morning and
tue 'one following the mercury dropped down to
34 and 36 degrees be low aero In this vicinity, !
while tn different section of the county it was ,
reported aa being only at 1j degrcea below. The 1
most remarkable freak about th affair was, that !
at 7 o'clock A. M. it was 8 or 10 degree colder
that U waa at S A. M. We hope thii variety of j
weather wilt not he continued for six weeks yet. !
Circulate and JSinn Them. Wo!
hare printed a lot of petitions and delivered ,
theta to the it cut ber of tha CUarfleld County I
Bar, who have scattered them over the county, !
looking to tho erection of our county into a sepa .
rat Judicial District, in aroordano with Ihe ;
Constitution. Let theso petitions be promptly'
aigned by onr people and forwarded to our Sena-'
tor, Mr. Alexander, aod our member, Mr. Jamea
Flynn, tn order to nable them to know th wants !
of their constituent tn this repet. Be that the
petitions are forwarded as early aa possible.
Sometiiinooptiii Kind Necessary.
We aoiioeby tb 7tnr JtMoeraf that Kenator
C. T. Alexander from tbis diatriot.baa introduced
a bill Into th State Penate, "To prerent th a1e j
of any spirituous, rlooui, malt or brewed
Hquor which may In any manner be adulterated
mixed, drugged, diluted or compounded with1
drug, or any other deleterioua or pulsonoua mat-,
ter." Senator Alexander ba given much thought
and great elaboration to th preparation of the
bill, and It fhould boom a law. The bill pro-!
vide the neceaaary machinery for carrying its
provision into effect.
mm m ma -
fleortfo Smith and Mrs. Catharine
Miller were executed at Wtlliamiaort lait Thura
day, at 1 1 :30 A. M , for the murJ er of the latter'
husband. Both made confusion, Hmlth making
tt apptar that Mrs. Miller was the chief in
atlgator, and her aoafesaloa make Smith oat
to b th prim mover In th transection. Roth
war axecu'ed at the aame time, and died without
any percepllbl struggling. Mr. Miller waa ut
terly broken down and bad to be supported by
two men while amending th naffold, "The way
of th tranngreifor fa hard," and yet peopta con
tinue In crime and wickfjocf.
Tho filleciitli marriage anniversury,
"cryUl wedding," of Rev. B. C. ttwallow, Pre
siding Elder of th Altoooa M. K. district, and
hla Ituly, waa oolebrated by fifty r mora or his
friends and neighbors at hi home in Tytone,
n Monday evening, January 31st. Tb prcienU,
Instead of being glasrware, war linen attlciva,
which war deemed mora lasticg in the itinera,
tions of th coup). Tbey were quit numerous,
and exceedingly tasteful and handsome. The
party wai gotten up unknown t th reverend
gentleman, and waa quit a inrpria to him, bat
they had a grand supper and pleasant time aevr
t he let.
mt m -
UouheaniiShop lirRNKD. Wo learn
that the dwelling houae and cabinet sb p belong
ing to John V. Beck, situated in Bra-i.v townahip,
on the Punxiutawoey pike, near the rillsga of
Lulbcrrliitrg, acr deatmyed by fire, on Tuesday
afterniion ol lat week. Mo.t of hi tool and
household g-ols wer a ire I, ai well a- all the
doors aud moot ot the windows from Ue dwelling.
Screwdrivers and hatcheta were handy, and right
good use was made of them undt-r the circum
stance. The Or originated in tb attic of tbe
shop, and tb dwelliog bsiag elos by II, was im
possible to save it. Two thusiafid dollar will
net repair lb los. Thia la indeed a sad loss for
Mr. Beck at this mid wiuttf parioj.
Improvements in Ci rwunhvili-k.
Th Antillia says i ".Much Improvement may be
expected of Curwensvill during th ootning Ham
mer. Gen. Patton ei peels to build a number of
otlage nrar th depot, and a brick block between
tb bank bailJing and Ppencer ' lore. II will
also remodel tb building occupied by hlchard
Eraos. Abram dates will build a brick dwelling
oa Stat Street, rotting a boat lo.OOO, and Hamuel
Arnold expect a to Incrraee tb fit of bis atore.
Tb talk of ne sehunl building may culminate
in action, and many eiiisem are eooisropleiitm
improvement, eome f which will doubtless
b acted upon during the oming aoolh."
New Opera House at Dt Hois. Tho
IaUois Vvmntr baa th following to say eonoarn
log th new Opera Hnu lately revted in that
place by John S. Barr, of Brooknll i "Oa Satur
day creaiag Barr new Opera Uii be
opened ft'id dedtoaUd by th Aahtua lramatia
Company. Tb new Hall Is ompletly furnished
wkib all aee.ary paraphernalia, and la large
enough to seat a fair aud lane with tumfort.
Messrs. Williams A McDonald bar leased the
Hall in eoaneotioa with tb Hotel, and expressed
their intwattoB af having a troop to exhibit ia it
a oltea a the nubile shall demand. Although
aot so large a th Ksctlilut Opera JJous, th
Bw oa will answer every purpes aad supply a
want long felt."
JtiTT of Consta it lis. Section 8, ol
lb General Law In regard to the duty vf Con-
table, la s fellows : At each term ( th Court
of Qeartef flona of th mpeetlr eo untie to
mak return upon oith or affirmation whether
within hi knowltdg tbir ta any pi see
within hi hallietleh kept aad maiataioed
to violation of Ihla t, and It aball be
lh special duty of th Judge or all Courts
t t tbat thia return ia faithfully mad,
and if an persea ball k known la writing
with hi er ber nam .itcrihd iart to torn
Co it able th name of nam of any on who
aball bar r lei ted tbit aet, with lb ata
wttata k aaa pro th ft, It aball b hi
daty t tnak ntarn lhrf oath or alBrBia
ttn lo th Court, and apoa tfaia willful failure t
4o to be shall bo dmd guilty f a mlsJemeaaor
aad apoo ia diet meat aat avUOeo he ball pay
alf I oasl ho nb)et t imprt.oomeal at
Ue diretloa ol ta Ccart, Iur not la thaa too
tr mora Uaa thirty day.
Fishing tackle at wholesale. Order
now, from J. K. Harder, Clearfield, Pa.
Tho educational meeting, announced
to be beld fa the Court Houa on Tueadey even
Log of thle week, baa been oatponad for tbaprei-
Cupt. Uattlin, Ht tho postonico, 1ms
diiplayud a large aiiortment of fancy and
valentine, auitable for all elanea. Call and buy
A lud named Ihiekett, son of Mr.
Pat risk iUuckott, of thia place, bad on of hit
Angara taken off and two othera maiheJ, at lb
Claarfleld Fir Clay Work., on Saturday lait.
- -- m m
Tho I)entocratio primary election
Iur borotgh vtScere will be beld at the place of
holding election, at the Court Uouta, next
Saturday afternoon, ttetwern the houraor one and
aeven o'clork.
A Tyrone correspondent of the
Altoooa .S'ua avi : 'Vank l.athuin baa again
bounced the rigtttiig, and hanJiu the throttle of
a loootnutir wiib the tame vim ax though he had
never been rolled down an embankment or
irjuencd into a jelly."
W. V. Mooro, i'l'iiicipul of tho
Ur City ichool, and Lanii E, Weber, of the Leon
and Uradrd chuol, of thia place, will open a
Normal kIiuoI at Lu tuber City the com log Spring,
comtneticing about the middle of April. Circular
giving full information will he iaiucxi aoon.
. . - - m 9
LicENNKft. I'urlit-s who desire to
make application for a lml f I or talooa lieeua at
the March Term of C iurt, abould have their pell
tlona aud buud. on file in the Pruthoootary'a
ofljceon or before Monday, February 3 let, in or tier
tbat tbey may be publiihed lb required number
of time.
A Convenience. Tho reader will
obaerve, by a card in thia iue, that our mutual
friend, John J. Snyder, ha opened a boarding
bouie in the tWIho of Weatover, on Cbeot creek'
Thia will prove a convenience to raftmen and
traveler. John will treat you aquarly. Call
on him wheo in tbat vicinity.
The Xorth Mir, puhlihed at J ivn-
vitle, Vermont, baa paaiud into new band. Th
Star is one of our oldest viiitors, and we are
glad to see It In it neat, new dress, and hope It
will proiper under th juriidiotioa of its new
proprietors, Mems. Hoyt A Caswell. Th num
ber before us la the firit of Vol. T5.
Tho fourth quarto, ly meeting will
be hfld at Centre M. E. Church on Saturday and
Hubdny next, February ll'th and nib. Quarterly
Cotircret.ce at 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, and
proaouing in tbe eveuing. Love Fciirt on 8nn
day morning at H o'clock. Preaching ter viae at
lit A. M.tto be followed by communion.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
in the Remit Lit 'as will reach mor reader than
if published in all the other pnpora in th oonn
tr,ai.d ost tho advertise, leu than one-half
I u other words, an a-lvertiti tueut published in
our Jfurnal is woith double the price of tbat
charged by any other paMiybcr in the county.
It ia a fuel." If.
List of letters remumin unclaimed
In ihe Potnflne at Clearfield, Pa., for th week
ending February 7th, 1S81 :
Flury J. lloner, Miis Ma Crnwell, Mrs. Jane
Cm-ll, J. K t'liiul.tll, Iavis. James K.
Huipfrly, UilliHtn S. Hurd, John Hetbein, Mrs.
Harab V.. .Maine, U. tiry F. Pui utcr, Mary C.
Read, John S;ory, IUv. A. Stone, Crilintrr Small,
Abrabiim Walkor. P. A. tiAl LlN, P. M.
Tho oldest inhahitnut fails to remem
ber a Winter that compare in the least wiib the
present one. Snow lull curly in the month of
Nov debar and adJn 1 n have been made almost
daily since, tome twenty inches now covering
MolbT Karth. Tha wca'her baa been regular
and extremely t, and fur the pxst two month
the river tn ben completely ice-bound from
shore lo shore. The ice in many place lue now
attained a Ihicknet betwten twenty-seven atd
thirty intihei. j
The following ollicers were installed i
in a-arflrU Lodge, No. l it., 1. O. G. T., lait
Thunder evening, by Diatrlct Deputy J. E. J
Harder, vis :
W. C. T.-Charle II. Hullord. I
W. V. T.Sallic Co pper.
8ecretary K. C McCullough.
Aointant hei-rctary- "''ark Uulich !
Chaplain W. A. Ogden
Financial Secretary A I. MuKiottry.
Trea.urer My Merrell.
Marshal Roland H'rittbt.
Deputy Marnhal Maud Gearbart.
Uuard Nnlii McCullough,
Beotincl I? rank Shaw.
Accident. John Simmons i visit
ing ii thia place, nuritng a tore hand. He waa
formerly engagid a clerk in John McUaugbey'a 1
grocery store, tn tbis borough, but for some tim
past baa been employed on M. G. Brown's job,
on Messrs. Dill, Wntson A Co.' land in Pomersat 1
county, thi State, and in Maryland. On day
lait week, while in the act of moving timber, he
unfortunately got hla left band caught between
a log and an lion rollor, mashing the third finger
flut and Injuring rtveral othera badly Th In
juries are quit severe, but it is hoped tbat time
will restore to hitn again bis hard in good shape.
A New Tannery. Tho AlesHm.
Shirk will rebuild their tannery in thia borough,
which wa deMrojeJ by fire on Saturday, January
iJ-th, at early In the Pprlog as Ihe weather wil I
permit, Tb boilers and machinery or now at
Biglar, Heed A Co.' machine shops undergoing
repairs. Moat of the old machinery It ia thought
can I utlliifj. Soma Improvement will be
added to the new tsnneiy. A roller will be put
In, and they wilt manufacture and finiih aole
leather. Tb lumber for tho new building ba
been contracted for, and the eh Ingle are already
pilei otr the ground. Over 00,000 abinglea will
be required to roof it.
Farmers, Look JIekk! LyLlo will
gire yon highest market prieae fur Wbeat, Oata,
Com, Buckwheat, Butter, Kggi, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kinds of produco. It has
the latgrst and beet selected stock of groceries,
teas, rcffrs, tnolaters, rpiae.', oil salt, sugar,
quei-niwure, tubs, buckets, baskets, churns, Ac,
in Clearfield county. He buys his goods in large
quantities from manufacturer and llrt band
for cah, end takes the advantage of all
discounts, and so he la enabled to sell at lowest
prices. He gives cash prices for produce, and sella
his good at the lowest prices in the oounty.
LARD. The residence of Mr. Thomas N. Stevens,
at Woodland, tn Bradford township, waa totally
destroyed by (Ira early last Friday morning.
About) o'clock A. M. Ihe family were awakened
by tbe smoke entering their alerplng apartment,
and thty were eompeiM t make a hatiy retreat,
Mr. Stevens going out bare-footed and in her
night clnthei, a lib her babe In her arms, and the
thermometer down to SO drgreea below aero. A
cabinet erpnn, a couple o( trunk containlag
goods, and a few chain were about all that was
saved. Hnw tL tin originated I nut exactly
known, bat th theory baa been advanced, and It
la a plaua U1 one, that th frost railed and moved
tbe foundation of the ball ling In sunk, a manner
aa to crack the chimney, from which sparks
escaped and et fire to the woodwork: or It may have
been dia by rats and matches. Tbe bouse waa
wall palntd and plastered, and worth probably
betweea It,. ''00 and 2,0 mi. Mr. 8. had an insur
ance in the Phconil, of Hartford, Con., repre
sented by Mertra. Kerr A Kiddle, of thia borough,
amounting lo $1 ,100 friO oa tb building and
$M)o th furniture, etc, Th alarm giveo by
th wbitl at tb Woodland Fir Brick Worka
was heard by mmy of our eltiians, a distant of
ail mile.
Death or Mrs. Judge Leonard.
We an compelled thia week to chronicle th sud
den dsatb of another one of our esteemed and r
speeled citiiem, known fnrandwld. 0a Wvdnea
day of last week, February Id, Mrs. Amanda
Leonard, wife of Judge James T. Leonard, had a
plaaiant party at her horn on Second street, ta
Ibis borough, comprised of relatives and friends,
on th occasion af It being tb Mtb anniversary
of her birth. Aa Is usually the ease In analrers
arlai of this kind, all present enjoyed themlva,
and Bo donbt entertained littl thought about
what aadoess woald so soon follow their pleasure.
Soon after supper thai evening, Mrs. L. waa
vtriekea with para1ysir,by which bws rendered
onoenaeioua, and In which condition ab remained
until Doeta placed, bia sold, Icy head upon her, at
f o'clock on Friday morbid g. Pom of tbe gueal
living at Tyrone, who wer present at th party
on Wednesday, wer surprised upon arriving at
their homes I teei lv a telegram anoouoolag ber
serious illneia. Thus are w again ramlndtd
of th nncrrtalnity of lif and th eertaiaty of
death, aa w bar so irtquenlly been in thi fl
clatty during th past two month.
The deceased was bora In Claarfleld borough
tb Id f Febcuary, ItMl, aad waa highly
steemo'l by ell hr ar-fulntan. 6b leavas an
aged and soirowiig huibend, an aged mother
Mrs, Margaret Laawh, of this borough boside
brother and sisters, and numerou other relative,
to mourn thai the has twin lake away. Th
fanral took plae front bf let ratidean
Saaday afuraooB, tod lh orteg wat a hug
iSiiKAUB and Scissors. Nickel -plated,
lae, pocket and all kind of wlaaort and shears,
entirely new atock at Harder'.
Call at Merrill's hardware store and
aco tbo cheapest and best Sewing Wachin fur
the least money. Deo. 2J tf.
l.ovolvem, sovon shot, nickel plated,
steal barrel aod cylinder. Will tell a limited
amount at $1.3& oaoh. Buy quick, at Harder 'a.
Harper's Monthly for March, 1881, is
before ui, filled chock full of tb very beet read
ing matttr. It is for tale at th Cloarflold poit
Mrs. Harriot Crouch puhlir-hea a no
de In thia paper aa Administratrix of th ettate
of Dr. D. 0. Crouch, lata of Curwensvill bor
ough, deceased.
IIaohs. A very fine lot of superior
raa'ira, mad by George Wostenboltn, Wad A
Butcher, Sheffield, Kng , and ether tnakura, in
price from 25 cent to $2 each, at Harder' store.
Pocket Knives. The largest and
moat com pie t Block of knlvoa, of all kinds, that
hat vr been In Clearfield, will b fuond at J . E,
Harder' new store, on second street, two door
from lat National Bank.
The hest sewing maching in the
world la tb New Itemiogton, No. S, baa self
threading ftbuttl, no cog wheels, no earns. All
wear ean bo taken up. Call at Harder' store,
Clearfield, Pa. (b 9, 8!-tf.
Tho question of wriother our citizens
would be permitted or not, to vote on th traction
of Water Works for tbe me cf the borough, at the
approaching municipal election, was laid before the
Town Council, at their meoting on Monday even
ing, and waa negatived by a rote of 3 against and
3 in faror of it. We understand a special meet
ing will be held oo Monday night of next week,
when this matter will h furtbtr considered.
Clearfield Coal Trade State
ment of Coal and other freights aent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennaylvania Rail
road, for tho weekending January Jlib, 1881,
and th earn tim lastyear :
For tbe week
Same tim lait year
Previously during year
Same time last year
Total In 1881
Same time last year
omen raRionra.
Miscellaneous freights
, 48,51 A
, I30,T1S
Tl ears.
I2B "
Wkxiovbh, Jancary 31st, 1HSI.
Kd. RarraLicAN Mr: I send you a few items
from Cheat township. Timea are quitelively here ;
tbe lumbermen are all busy and tbe banks of
Chest creek are lined wilh log and timber.
Kvery one Is trying to scour th "Almighty
Dollar" Candidate are flitting around, urging
their c'aima for at the coming election.
We have a Literary and Debating Society in
Wratovcr. The subject on last evening wai:
"The Honor due to Washington and LaUyeHe."
The diacasaioQ occupied the entire evening, and
still tbo speaker were loth to give up the subject.
Doeision given 1 favor of W aldington. i
I suppoee your reader, or many of them, know
that we have a place of some note in Cbnl town
ship, called lie "Five Point," A wedding oc
curred there a few days ago, wMh is nothios
unuiual hy the way. Uncle Joe was there, and
did tbe carving. It took him quite awhile to dis
sect tbe bird. I'ncle Dan wn alio ou of the
gnets, and, by some oversight, had to wait.
While wailing io th kitchen, hoping that bia
turn would aoon come, be concluded he would
peep in, when lo ! Uncle Joe wa alill carving.
I ncle Dna exclaimed, without thinking where b
wa, "Why," I could have out up a half doten
U-r-a! A G rxrr.
All travdlrr will appreciate the announcement
that tbe Piltiburgh, Cincinnati A St. Louia Kail
way Company (Pan II and I Boute)will hereafter
run a flret-oluss Paiset.ger eeaoh from Pittsburgh
to St. Loui on th Fast Express train leaving
Pittsburgh every day at 9:32 A M. Sleeping
cars will continue lo run on same train from Pitta
burgh to Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis and
St. Louis, but tbe through coach to St. Louis will
be a great benefit tn persons en toute to Indian
apolls, Terr Haute, St. Louis, and all point
West and Southwest, who do not cam to pay Ihe
xtra charge for sleeping car privileges.
Hotel or sleeping ears will continue to run on
Cincinnati Expreaa leaving Pittsburgh at 7:22
P. M. fur Cincinnati and Louisville, nd on Night
Express leaving Pittsburgh nt 12:02 A. M. for
Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis and St.
Loula without change,
Paaaengera fnr the West and South will please
bear in mind the improved through-car service
by the Pan-Handl Rout.
To ecur tbe advantage of quick tim, good
oonneotlons In Union depots, and through-oar
accommodations, over one of the best con it runted
and moat perfectly equipped lines, It la only
neoeary to ask far and be iur tbat yon raoeir
ticket via Pittsburgh, Cincinnati A St. Louis
Railway (Pan-Hand la Route).
For time tables and information addreas W. C.
Rinearson, Pasaenger Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa., or
W. L. O'Brien, General Pasaenger Agent Pan
Handle Route, Columbus, Ohio, jan20-&L
At a regular meeting of tbe Clearfield County
Medical Hociety, bald in DuBola, January 20th,
1881, a eotnmitte waa appointed by tbe Cbair to
draft resolutions expressive of Ibe feelings of tbe
Soelely respecting tb sudden death of our co
worker. Dr. D. 0. Crouch. The Committee sub
mitted the following preamble and reaolutions,
which wer unanimously adopted i
Whrrsar, It haa pleased Almighty Cod, in
His Providence, to ruddenly rem or from our
midst onr esteemed friend ami co-laborer, 1. O.
Crouch, M. D. ; and
Wurrrar, It ta fitting and proper that the
uiearut-ia loumy meanrai society, with Which
lh deceased was usefully associated from it
earliest organisation, should gire some expreioo
of tt feelings aa a tribute to the memory and
cb a racier ot our lamented friend and asiociate ;
therefore, be It
RwfrrJ, Tbat while we bow with humble aub
tntssion to the Ifivloe will, yol w mourn deeply
ice toss oi one wnoie sterling integrity and man
lineesas exemplified in every relation of life, com
bined with gonial manner and I arr social ooal-
irlf-s.vo end. ared him to all that his decease brings
iv um m irnm oi personal nerfiaretieni.
Unoltft, That in bis death tbe profeidon has
euflored an f rreparaM" loss j hla medical brother
a firm friend aud counselor j th community a
uieim onrisiian gentleman, whose lite was on
cobtinaeu sect i Dee io the oaut of humanity.
tfesoiW, That Is offering to his family this
tribute to th memory of the deceased, we (eel
how Inadequate word are to con my om real esti
mate of liia worth, that we sympathise with thmn
in their bereavement, and truat tbey may find
aenaolation in lit mercies, who a loo ean heal
me wounded beert.
ftotvtd, That a copy of theie resolution be
placed on the record of the Society, tent to tb
friend of the deceased, and published In tb Cur
wtaatille and Clearfield paper.
J. P. Ul'Ri RriRl.D, M. It.,
R. V. Ki-a-kmas, M D.,
W. A. Mba, M. D.,
Clkarfibi-d, January 21 it, iHbt.
Mb. OooDLAnrtxa : Pli copy th following
Id your pupar i
To (A Editor of th Cltnrfitltt C'ii'a i
Sin : 1 (eel a fust rtt nt to claim Tour tlm for
at least fire minute. Now, Mr. Editor, I don't
intend to ue alang, for that le foreign to my aa-
tare and batter feelings, If are I bad lhcapaity ,
a deflcieaoyT-r which I am nut sorry.
I beg leave simply to mak a faw statement
ooncerning tb publication relating to my dear
brother and I must say tb item is fahmton,
from beginning I nd, and also, of tb most
flugitious character.
With your permission I will aik yon the follow
ing qoeationa : liar yoo a fond mother T Har
you a aister, brother, or any other dear friend,
of whom jou feel that yow. could afford to have
theiu.misrepivsented before th eye of the public,
ia such a degree that it would horrify your being
in such a manner aa lo eauee the very life-blood la
yoar rem to run eold and oh til t 8u-h were the
feeling of the unworthy writer of these line.
Hut, If yea, or tbe author of tbat publication I
eara aot who he asay bo can eummeaeer claim
any poeittve, or estahlianed power over bia own
mind beyond that of ether aunordleate beings of
tb human race, than there must be something
superhuman ther, If reellr tueh an ahaurdlty
wer th ease, thee they would have a Just right
to ehrnalcl venta to suit themaelve, or a they
deslr to aee them. But, suck power is not given
to any human being. Therefor tbey have no
authority to adviie or direct In such a way, for
no man knowath what a day may bring forth.
Wa, aa a family, feel that yoar remarks bare
been unkind IB the very extreme, and, aa It were,
ioault added to Injury. But probably yon acted
upon tb impulse of the moment. If so, doe al
lowance will be made. We all make miiUke
ometime i but let tbat boa it may, I sincerely
hope, that you, and every one, may be spared such
trial as has been our to wttnesa. And I also
hep and desire, thai when yoa are weighed la
the balance of Jusliew, your taasinun will aot h
found wanting. Yours, Prayerfully,
M. A. Witrs.
Mr, Dialer havlag, for two weekt, refused to
publish a rvtraetlon s requested hy tbo friends
of Iho family, la th of the daisy of the
foaaaimnltatioa at ft dt.Ko. Hi.
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
men feel lik trading torn of their produot for a
serlea ot numbers of eople of tb CiEAiniLD
KiruiLicAM, w will gladly show theta wbr lo
put two or thro bundrsd bushel on aooouot in
that way, W have a bin at cur residence aod
on at lh office that will hold a load every bow
and then. A hint to lh wit 1 a very sag re
nark, and should be sufflrieot. Nor, 10-It
New Daily Stags Link. James L
Leavy ba succeeded In having a dally mall tab
Iii tied between Clearfield and Pennflcld, aad will
hereafter rua a dally alage between the two point.
HI contract began wilh April 1st, and th atag
will leav tlearfleld every owning (eioept Sun
day) at 8 o'olork, making connections with all
trainaon the Low Grade Railroad at Pennfield, r.
turning after th last train the aama evening.
PaMcngersand freight will be carried al low rat.
Order left at any of tb hotels will be attended
to. inapriv-ii
Orb HtmnRRn Pan Cunt. Discol-rt or Old
Prick. Hawing Machines can now be purchased
at IN er re I la tin anil variety eiore, irom -t up
wards. All kinds of sewing mac h mas repaired
on Ihe h orient notice.
Cleartleld, Pa,, July 18, 1877.
Collectoh' Sil.x ! W har prepared
a form, and hare on band larg quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sale," whi.tb have been ap
proved by lb highest legal authority in lh
Court of Ihia county. At Tvtnty Ctntt per
do sen we will mail any number to th Collector
order oa them. A Collector, wneo eomneiiou io
advurtiae uronnrtr, tuuit post up not lei than
three notice iu the nitat public placr iu bia
borough or township. tt,
W a ntw n. Delivered at the Rail Roei.
100,1)110 2ft-inch ahaved ahinglet,
lOli.miO 24 -inch aawed thinglca.
100,000 feet of pine boards.
&00,lmi M-feet shaved hoop.
M"" railroad tics.
50,000 feet of good bttmlock bnarda.
For which I will tav lh bigbost market prlt'a
delivered at Clearfield, or at any pomt on the
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
J. F. Kkaukr.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 10, 1878 tf.
Ilist liei-cIVCll.
Just l.ocnivod hy ARNOLD, at
Cur Load Nova Scotia Tluster !
Car Load pure Corn, ICyo and Outs
Chop !
Cur Loud Deakcn Suit !
Car Load of Choice Family Flour!
Car Load Iiry (ioods, Groceries, &(:.!
afcsh i, Jiurk. K. K. lies and
Grain will ho tukon in exchange
CurwonnvilIo, 31 ay 1, 1K78.
BLOOM (11 LICH.-At the West Clearfield
M. K. parsonage, on Sunday, February Cth, )HI,
by Rev. C. W. Born ley, Mr. Amur Bloom, of
Curwensvill borough, and Miis M(iB Giaicii,
of Lawrence tewnntup.
NKAL BHEWKR.-On Sunday, January Htb, the reiidtnce of J. W . Neal, Kq., in
Wast Mahoning townahip, Indiana county, Mr.
Wai.krs Neal, of Perrysville, Je(Toron county,
to Mia Emua ItRKwrH, of Dullois, Clearfield
HOLKSMrCfl.LV. At th residenr of Mr.
L. D. Newcomer, in the village of Conlporl, on
Sunday, January SOth, 1H.S1, bv A, J. Fry, Esq.,
Mr. C11AH..M A. Hoi. if and Miis Tksir M. Mr
Ci LLT, both of Chest lowDhip, Clearfield
LEONARD In Clurfi1d borough, on Friday
morning , February 4lh, 11, at 2 o'clock, of ap
ojibsy, Amanda, wif of Hon. Jas. T. Leonard,
ag.-d i year and 3 day.
YOUNG. In Jordan township, no Sahbath ,
January .10th, 181. Emma TintoaoMt, daugbter
of A. W.and M. K. Young, aged 2 years, II
months and IS (ays.
LKKCH. In DuBoi borough, on January 20th.
1881, Mismir Oi.iva, tonlr child of Frank and
Lydia Leech, of Dutloi. aei I year, 7 months
and 20 days.
SM ATM FHS -In Dulloii boroiiirh, on Sunday,
January 3loh, I8tl, Mahv Mvkti , only daunh
ter of ir. W.J. and M. C. Sroathrr, aed 4
years, 8 months and It dsvs,
MI'HRWEIN. In Rraly Uwnibip, on Frl-
dav. 1-ebnmry 4tb, ISC 1, of brain fever, ClLt i,
ouly child of George and hi in or Mthrweio, aged
1 year, 0 monies una is iay.
LIVINGSTON. In Rnrre township, Hunt
ingdon oounty, Pa., on Fiidny, January 21, 18 ,
Jour F, LiviNuaToy, aged H yean, 3 mouths and
1 day.
Tb deceased waa a son of John an 1 31. A. Liv-
ingiton, of thi borough.
Cl.RARriBLI), PA, Feb. Sib, 1881.
Flour, per ewt 9-i 00
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt 3 00
Corn Meal, par cwt - 1 80
Chop, ry, per cwt 1 AO
Ckop, mixed, per cwt 1 48
Bran, per cwt 1 00
Wheat, ner bushel 1 10
Ry, per bushel 80
Oats, per bushel &0
Corn, ears, per bit a he 1 40
Burkwhoat, per bu-hel
Clover seed n
Timothy seed 8 T4
Potatoes, per bushel
Apples, per bushel 60
On 1 on 1 1 f
Hams, per pound '3
Shoulder, per pound 9
Dried Beef, per pound IV
Chickens. Dcr nair &a
Butter, Der pound 26
EtfffB, par dote.i 20
Salt, ier sack, large 3 00
Coal Oil, per gallon 20
Lard, per pound 121
Dried A Mile, ner nouLd
Dried Puacbes, per pound - '2
Beans, per buihsl I 80
PntLAt-RLt-HiA, February - Thorn I net
much doing in breaditult. Hour is ateany 1
wheat is firmer and corn lower. Cetton is dull
and unchanged. We quote at )3o for middling
uplands. Mark Nothing doing. Bcetts unoioe
clover continue to meet with a steady inquiry at
Si-vi Ve, but other grades are not waute.i. ntn
oibv and llnx are unchanged. Flour and meal
Flour is quiet at former prices, bai of 1,000
barrels, including Minnesota eitres, at jf(t5.7ft
for medium to fancy clear, and at 9.1 rjfMi.iJ
for straight) Pennnylvania family at $4.7M'i.:i. 10;
western do. at Ii. $7 ft, and pateru at t 7ftftti
7.75. Also, x,tQU bushels Guard, Market b treat,
Kgypt and Charltenbam on private terms. Itye
Hour i steady at 4'j(rt)5 per barrel.
Grain Wheat Is rather bia;h, with a light de
mand . Sale of T,o0 bushels, including rejected,
at $10(1 ; and No 2 red, elnvalcr, at I 1. Al
tbe open board, llmt call, $11 1J was bid f.r Feb
mary ; 1.1.J for March, and 31 lf for April.
Rye Penniyiviinia ia waited at Vjn per bushel,
Corn ia dull and features are a shade lower.
Hales of fi.ootl bushels, including mixed and yel
low at i2 !(.;''', steamer at il (it, ,2 1, and white
nt tie. Ai the open board, first call, 6H.0; tt'Ai:
was bib fur February 1 i J c lor March, and 62(o
for April, fata are inactive and weak. Sales of
0,0(10 bus held, inaludleg white, at 4l(4Uc, and
rejerted mud mined at M(miio.
W'bitky 1 Heady t aalca of Its) barrela wealorn
at 11.10.
CuiCAoe, Felaary 7. Flour quiet. Wheat
active and lower; No. 3 Ctieago apring : 17(0
hid and 07 1 asked for February 1 Uie for Mav t
U8iM,tfSe (or April) (t2o fur March t 8tfa bid
and UOa A.hed lor all the year. Cora is dull,
weax end lower 1 8flo bid and St'-jh asked fnr
February! Site for March 1 4 Uo for May. Oat
eaaier: 2'Jto fr March t v.i for May. Rye
ateaily. Barley firmer al Vvc Pork activ, lower
and weak : 314.' 4 for March; $U 4M'.I4.4& for
April; $14 il'i lid and l4.n0 asked for May.
Lard In fair demand and lower ; ty.i'Ii for March;
iV. Vll for April Hulk meatrstrungar ; shoulder,
4 70; short rib, il ii . h rt olem , $7.70. Whis
ky attfve and a ha te lower at tJ 07.
Heir tlrfrtlsfutrnts.
WiilBi. Hob. C. A. MAYRR. Preaident
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, anmposed of
th eounlie of llcarneta, Lentr and Clinton
and Hon. Abkam Oonaa and Hob. Vircakt B.
Holt, Associate Judge of Clearfield oounty
have issued their precept, to me direcud, for the
holding of n Court of Common Pleas, Orphans'
Court, Court of Quarter Beselon, Court of Oyr
and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv
ery, t th Court Hon seat Clearfield, in and Tor the
county of Clearfield, eointnrnring no the Third
Mo ti day of March, (tllet rtayi A I). IHHI,
and to continue lor two tvecka.
NOT ICR 18. therefore, hereby a-lvsn to the
Coroner, Justices ofth Peace, and Constables,
in and for said eounly of Clearfield, to appear In
their proper persons, with their Record, Rolls,
Inquisitions, Examinations, and oiber Remem
brancea, to do those things which le their offices,
and in their behalf, pertain to be done.
Xy an Act of Assembly, patted tbe nth day of
Mar. A. D. 1H&4, It i made the duty of the Ju-
tlcei of the Peaee of tbe several counties of this
Common weeltb, to return to the Clerk or tbe
Court of Quarter Bastions of th respective
eounlkea, all th recognisance entered Intobefor
tbem hy any person or pertont charged wun me ,
enmmkvsien of any crime, except auch eases as,
may be ended before a Justice of tbe Peer, an-1
der existing laws, at least tea day before the
com men foment of th ssion of the Court to ;
which they are mad rlurnablerTpectirely,and
In ell eaaaa where any reeognliancea ar alerd
Ute lesa thaa ten days before the ooinmeneement
of the cession to which tbey are made returna
ble, tbe said Justice are to return the same in
tb cam mannor a i! id act bad aot heea
UIVIN soder mj hand at Clearfi.ld, Ihla tth
day f February, la th year of ur Ltord, to
theoeaad tight hundred and tt bty-en.
feb. f-t JAMES MAUAFfHY, SnerlC
grtit flvrtisfmntts.
NOTICB. The uDleralnl. raaUlnlt la Ihl
f illajce ot Wlaluvir, la Cbiit townablp,
bai oiaill lh. Beoeaaarv arraniremeDU and pro
pom lo open aa EATING llul SK for lh. ae
eouitnoilalluo of thi pul.Ho geoerallj, and I hero
be aollcll a liberal atari of the publle p. Iron. a;..
Wealorir, l'l , Feb. , IHbl-lf.
T-ISTIIAV lll'.ll'l:R.r.nn lreipai.ini un
J thi premiaea uf the auhaoriber, realdiD), In
Knui tnwnahlp, on or iboul Ihl laat of July, a
HKD llt'lFtK, lou.athlD, over a year old. The
uwoer 11 requoale.1 to oi.lua forward prove fall
properly, pay tbi proper .bargea and taki H
away, or the beaat will be diapoaeil of aa thi
law Id neh oaaia arorldia.
Anionvillo, Jan. lVlb, 1SH1SI.
riMVfNTY HOl'SEH and LOTS in Clearfield
X fur Sal at rtianbl" p tires and on easy
tennp. Also, several FA It Ms In llradford and
Grab am townships. Apply to
Dee. 1, '60-tf. Clearfield, Pa.
is hereby ien that letters of Adminis
tratien oa the estate of DH. D. 0. CROl'CH,
lat of CurwentTille, Pa., dec d, having been duly
granted to th undersigned, all person indebted
to said estate will plea mak immeitta: pay
mont, and those having claims or demands against
th aame, will present them properly authentica
te'! lor settlement without di-lav.
Curwensvllle, Pa,, Feb. 0th, 1881 -fit.
4 )ll MMTItATOIt'H NOTU'.-Notio
J is hereby given that Letters of Ail minis
.ration on the eatat of JONAS U. PETERS, late
of Botgi township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dee'd.,
having been duly granted to the undersigned, al I
persons Indebted to said estate will please make
immediat payment, and tho having claims or
demands egaimt the same, will preient them
properly aulbenticnted for M! lament without
Pbllipuburg, Pa., Jan. 12, 1881 fit.
la hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration on tb estat of BIIKI FIELD CORSON,
let of Uumalde borough, Clearfiold county,
Pa., deceased, bavins been duly granted to the
undersigned, all persona indebted to aaid estate
will please make immediate payment, and those
Having claims or demands again! tne asm will
preient them properly authenticated for aettle
mvnt without delay. JOHN C. CONNER,
Burnside, Pa.jan. 13, 1881 -At.
IXKCUTOKH N)Tll'l-;.-Notio ia her.
A hy given th nt Letters Testamentary 00 th
emote ot W ILLIAM SCHWEM, Senior, lat of
D ratty township, l lea rile 14 county, Pennsylvania,
deceased, having been duly granted to the under
signed, all persons iu deb tod to said eitale will
please mako immediat payment, and those hav
ing claims or demand! against th same will pre
sent tbem properly authenticated for settlement,
without delay. GEORGE SCHWKM,
Luihersburg, Pa., Dec. 23, 1880-0..
F. M, CARD0N & ERO.,
On Market St., ou door west of Mansion House,
Oar arrangements are rf the most complete
meats 01 an atnu, ana 01 me very neat quality.
ne aiso aeai in an etnas 01 agricultural impie.
ments, which we keep on exhibition for th ben
efit of the public. Call around when In town,
and tnke a look at things, or address us
Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 187t-tf.
Tli undersigned has opened up on Third street,
near the Lutheran Churoh, and ode's lor rale a
large lot of doors, saih , etc., and
In all its forms and styles. Spring hi-ili, only $2.
All kinds of moulding for picture frame. School
bouse acats, desk and blackboards cheaper than
eliewbere. Inquiries bv mail will be promptly
anawen-d. MHS. A. B. CANFIELD,
R. H. CANPtKi.n, Agent.
Clearfield, Pa , Dee. 22, l880-m
Ectcto of A. C. Tato, Doc'd.
Nollo Is hereby given that Letter of Admin'
iatration on tb estate of AARON 0. TATE, late
of Clearfield borough, Clearfield county, Pa.,
deed, having been granted tn the undersigned,
all peraons indebted to said estate are requested
to mak immediat payment, and thos having
claims or drmandt againit tbe aame will present
tbem properly authenticated for settlement , with
out delay.
The Administrators will meet all parlies liar
ing business with the estate at the office of J. F
Hyiider, attorney at law, over County National
tiank. w. u. TA I K,
Clearfield, Pa , Jan. 12, ISSl-flt.
Th subscriber proposes to sell or rent a num
ber of I arms local ed as follows t The first situate
In Burnside township, Centre county, containing
loo acres, having (Hereon ereott.i a frame dwell
ing, frame barn, adjacent to a chur.ib, and known
as ihe James Alulhulland (arm.
ALSO, another farm situate la Graham town
hip, Clearfield county, containing 117 acre, with
tbe neeessarr improvement 1 hi arm l under
laid witn a GOOD VEIN OF COAL.
ALSO. lx other farm tn tbe vicinity of French
ville, containing respectfully 112, 1 00, 06, fij, 60
and in acres. lhee farms ail have bouie nd
barns thereon, sood water, bearing ercharda on
tame, as well as some good wood land. For
turtber particulars call in person, or add mi the
undersigned ny letter, b. l. I'Oi OKI. .
Jan. llfth, IS Ml. Frcnchville, P
Thomas A. Duckeit,
1HKREHY give notice to tbe citisens of Clear
field and the surrounding vicinity that I am
prepart'd at all times to furnish tumilies and
manufacturing establishments with a superior
quality ol
Coal, Wood t Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver in a few hours'
nottc. 1 am aiwy ready to naui and deliver
from and to the depot, or anywhere elie, and
move families and boueholil good anywhere on
short notice, Tlio. A. uiJCKbri.
Clearfield, Pa,, Mar. 81, 10 tf.
Tl' II Y I 1ST -Namea and location of those
persons drawn ae juror to serve al March
term, commencing rn the third Monday (2lt),
and continuing two week :
tlnx.iD Jurors Moxnar, Mari a 2ler.
E. A. Bigler, Clearfield, Wm Murrsr, Qirard,
Tho a A 1 lock, " Lewit I Ir in, Gushn,
Cllnwe, " 0 Foreee, Graham,
Vortce Clark, Cur'svllle,1 Joseph Erbard, Knox,
J H Mr-Grath, IJftuttdalei.lona Og'len, Lawrenoe,
W J Johnaton, Osceola, Hugh Mullen, "
Isaac Wilron, Bradford, Samuel Moore, Pike,
Cha Marshall, Brady, !W T Johnton, Sandy,
G W Konp, Ilurntida, W A Means, "
John Con ley, Cheat, Tho Brockliank, Uoton
L M Coudriet, Cov gton J Dtgglne, Woodward,
Jas Kephart, Decatur, P Hartman, "
TRATRRSB Jl'Bolt MrtSIiAT, Mti 2 1 ST.
Lew Wrlgley, Clearfield Jacob llilr.her. Huston,
W'm Hollinao, " J A Mellride. Law'nce,
C L Biddle, " J B Moore, Mrrlr,
J M Eitllebarger " George L Way, Pike,
Pat Duckett, " ;GLAddleman, "
0 Parmaly, Houtidale, ,J A Bowcrsox, iSandy,
John Argyle, " LA Brady, "
L J Hurd, Newburg, Amns Yager, "
M Williams, Deccaria, ' William 1' Ho if,
D Spanagle, " IJofan Mhiil, "
Levi Hunderlin, Hell, 'Nathan Lines, I'tiioB,
John Bilger, Bloom, ' William Welly, "
A M Draucktr. Bradr. H Whitehead,
Jno Shepherd, Burnside J M Adam, M'oodward,
David Kodkey, " Ju no ill van,
Jame McEwen, Chest, (Jno T Wilson, "
John Dolph, Decatur, Jno Canty Jr, "
L A Pulton, " J H Giililand, "
Nam'l Eephart, " ;Jno Shannon, "
Joseph Leigey, Glrard, iJohn Fera, "
O D hri.e, " !Sol II ol to an
Peter O Gould, Hniton,!H T Bowman, 1
Jas Callahan, " Oscar Kline,
J S Radebaugh Sr " J M Seagar,
paroKD Wr.RK MoxnAT, Marci 2H rai.
Fred Nackett, Clearfield, David Horning, Huton
J II Thompson, Cur'slle: Albert Newell, "
B F Alexander, Be"naria J R Johnston, Jordan,
Kennedy Rupert, Bell, 1 Wm J Rublsy, Karthaua
Ham'l Sunderhn, " ,J C Michaels, "
Hugh Lteeb, Bloom, 'Abram Walker, Knox,
Iaae Graham, Bradford James Jackson, "
Iaae Bargsr, " : Nath Lawhead, Law'nee
Geo H W ingert, Brady, Henry Guhch, "
James Irvin " lA N Dougherty. Morris,
Jnro si Wood Chest, P h Carr, Pike,
F F Yalim'int, Cov (ton T tt Gortnley, Handy,
Dan 'I Hurket, Decatur, Stephen Wing, I'olon.
Ja Caldwell, Ferguson, Jos Height, Woodward,
CJShofl, " (Hugh Mellenry, "
Henry Mellenry, Glrard.Jas Barrett, "
John Hyers, Gulieb, I Unas Alexander,
W T McDonald, " jTboa Towniend, "
We. the undersigned, hereby certify that Ihe
foregoing Hat of names of persons were drawn hy
us oa the irth day of January, lM, In accord
anee with eenOs iuued hy the IDn. Charles A.
Mayer, Preaident ludge of toe Courts of Clear
fit Id oounty, hearing date the lth day or Jan
uary, Iftnl, to eerve a Grand and Travcr
Juror lo th eeveral Court te he held nt Clear
leld, eommenrtng on the third Monday (2lt)
ia March, A, D. 11.
Jury Cnainers.
Cleat I.H, Pa-, Feb. f, lMI-te.
Eight Farms for Sale or Rent!
Main Street,
Table alway supplied with the beat tb mark
afford. Th traveling public I lnvtd to call.
Jan.1,'78. ROBERT L0YD.
This new and well furnished hous haa been
taken by th undersigned. He feels confident ol
being able to render satisfaction to tho who may
faror him with a tall.
May 8, 1873. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r.
H. D. RUSE, . . PnoraiiToa.
4rThe bout of accommodation fur nin and
beast. A liberal share of public patronage ia
ul tot let. l-ep-ff, tv.
THE anderolgned, having leased this com
modious Hotel, la th village of Glen Hop,
is now prepared to aoeommodat all who may
call. My tab and bar aball b supplied with
tbe beat Ihe market affords.
Glen Hop, Pa., March 38, lSTv-tf.
jW-ff-Tble old aad well-.alahll.bed llolll haa
b..Q liaaod by the underaitcned, and be feeli eoa
fidint ol rmdeilnx aitiafactioa to thou who may
petroniie hioa, llond alibiing attaebid.
l.BW IS C.BLOUSI, Proprietor.
April II, 'SO U.
Kit. 31 Mouth Third Street Philadelphia
And Dealers in Government Securities.
Application by mail will receir prompt atten
tton, and all Information cheerfully furnished
Orders aolicted. April 11 -tf.
F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO.,
ItankrrH and ItrokerM,
ReynoldaTllle. aTcflcraon Co., ea.
Money rMelred oo depoalt. Iliaeonnta at mo
derate ratei. Eartera and Fonign Kiehanife al
ware on band and oolleetiona promptly made,
Hiynoldarllle, Doe. IK, 1874.-ly
County National Bank,
1) 00M In II retain '1 Ilrlek Salldlng, twodoorl
J V ei'l of ' leek Co.'i Store.
1-eaiara Tleketa to and from Lir.rnool.QnMBl
town, (llaigow, London, Peril and Copenhagen.
Alao, Drafta for aal. on the Royal Rank of Ireland
and Imperial Rank of London.
W. M. BIIAYV, Caahler. Janl.'ll
n II K G E O N I) P. N T I T,
Graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Dental
Surgery. Office in residence of Dr. Hill, oppoaite
the bhiiw House. mcbl3, '78-tf.
((Iffli-. In Rank Building,)
t'urweuaTllle, Clearflfld Co., Pa.
rath 15 'TD lf.
M. Ihl.LS,
Atr-oniee in reaidene, opnoilte Shaw Uouia.
(Oflloi In realdenei, Second itraet.)
KitrotM Oald. Gaa adralnlat.rad for th. paln
lie eitraellon of lalth.
ClearSeld. Pa., May i, lSH-l y.
TIM H I -(111 SALE. Thlrteeo hirn of
1) Italian 4leea which I will aell cheap for
eaah, or eichange for wheat. For further In
formation call on or addnii thi undirFignod.
N.rt,'l tr. Clearleld, Pa.
TlfdNKV Tl) LOAN. 0 Irat-elaii im-
xlJ. proved farm properly, by the Mutual Life
Inauranee uompaay or aew lore, on Brit mort
gaga, in aumi from $1,000 up- For further in
formation apply t. the nndrraigneJ.
Clearleld Pa., May Tib, 187(1 tf.
n. r. et-tira. a. h'coiklb. i. u aaiuLar.
(-111(11, McCOBKLE & (OAS
Market Mrect, Clearfield, Pa.
W manufacture ell kinds of Furniture for
Chambers, Dining Rooms, Libraries and Hall.
If you want Furniture of any kind, don't bay
until you see aat stock.
la all 111 branehai, promptly att.nded to,
Clearlild, Pa,, Fib. , 'il.
Wholesale & Retail Dealer in
I!i TIIKCOllhTr.
ntlKI) Fit U ITS,
County Agent for
M.OHii.l..tRlfa TOH.tCVOS,
Theae goode houirht fer CASH In largo lota,
and aold at altnoet city pricte.
Cleart.ld, Pa., Jum 15, lJS-ly.
The Bell's Run Woolen Factor?
Penn township, Clarflld Co., Pa,
Thsubrlbr har, at great expense, rebuilt e
aeighborhood aeeeaaity, ia tbe erection of a first-1
elan Woolea Manufactory, with all tho mod era
Improvement attached, and ar prepared to make
all kinda of Cloth, Cassimerea, ftatiaetu, Blan
kets, Flannel, Aa. Plenty of good en head to
upply all ourld and a thousand ow customers,
whom w aek to come aad iamin out tok.
Th business of
will receive onr especial atteatioa. Prop
arrangement will bo made to receive aod deliver
Wool, to auit customer. All werh warranted and
don upon th hortst notice, and hy strtet atten
tion to buaiaea w hep to realise a liberal a bar
of pibll patron ago.
We will pay tho blghoat market price for Woo
and eel) our manufactarod goods as lew a imllw
good as b bought in tb county, and whenever
we fall to radr rBebl satis faetl) we aaa
always ho found at heeao foody to ait preftor
axplaaatiea, oUber hi poreeo or hy Utter.
tlABHtt aVOIinvUfs )uro,
ifrlt3tr RewwP. 4
a r. mi man .Aaiilinii'-"
- o
Curroensvillc, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I luiy direct from jobbers nnd niaiiufucturers, receive poods nt
car load rates, lience enn compete with New York and l'liilndct
pliia Iiousos.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and .Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Alxo, advances made on Saw LogH.
Give me a call.
Sept. 10, IS8 lf.
TJ IV 33 355 JFL "OC j$l. XZL 3E3 31 ,
IAIIKl:T "TRr.l'.T, ii.rari IKI.I, FESSIM,
All kinds uf Cakets and Cuflina kvpl on liiinil, and lurniiiliod to older on
short nolico, including tho finest aa well m tho clieaprnt Hint enn te niniiii
fucliircd. Our
oonPBm niBsmiiviBri
Ia tlio beat In uxo, and will bo furnithod n licn required. Funerals nllondcd
in any part of the eounly. Call at my oflico, on Second atrcot, or lenvo
your orders at Trontmnn't Furnituro Sloro, adjoining the I'oalolliee.
octl,70-lj.' Clearfield, Pa.
Qtw drcrtisrmcnts.
n (NM IU HMI.LM.-llc rre Weaver A Co
J- want Ave thousand bushels of OATS, now,
ami will pay rain or produce.
Ciearfield, l'a., Aug. II, IBIV-lf.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Carwensrilte, Pa. Jan. f , 187a-if
I.THM I.ANIW full laAI.R. In Huston
and Pine townships, Clearfield oounty.
Reaonablc time given for part of purchase
money. JHcea f6. to t)"per cre.Tj'
Mlnera' rerrrd. L. HI HI. Agent,
Ferine Id. Fa.
or Wau,A( a A Knxna,
Hept- 10, 1 STW-tf. Clearfield, Pa,
AMII.I.r.H rVANTED.-Thtnnderflgncd
desirv to employ a miller to rua bis (friat
Dill, situate in Fronohvill. ThemilUtn be had
on the shares, or will pay by the month, as may be
egreed upon by the parties. Fossson given on
the lint of April. For further particular call la
person, or ad ires by letter,
L. M. COl'D MKT.
Frencbrille, Pa , Jan. lih, 181-61.
IMTHAV NOTI('R.-Catn tretpaating en
A the premise of tbe undersigned In t'nion
towDibip, on or about tbe 30th dav of September
last, red and whit spotted 6TKKK, with part
of th left ear off, and aopnoid to he about a
year and a half old. Tb owner it reqaeeted to
come fitmrd, prove property, pey the ncry
charges and uke him awey, or be will be sold a
th law direct. FI.IJAII KLIN K.
K ooa ton, I'a, Jan, IS, 18H.;tt.
TIIK undersigned, having procured a lease ol
a Brat-cl eel rein, ha opened a mine,
and Is now prepamd lo furniih eustomera with a
flrst-elase article of eosl oa short notice, and at
the moderate price ol 81 X CKNT.3 per bushel.
All or! ere left et my shoo will he promptly at
tended to. W.M. R. DROWN.
Clearwold, Pa., Feb. t, IMl-ly.
l ine Italian Marble Iii Iho Slalc,
Rotk rl.N-18B.D ir ( N .INlSn KD. K. pat
ap aay work ibal aaa be 4nai. tli. .it, almach
ibeiper ratei. W. will lut ap
Monumental woiik,
la Italian Marble or Oranite, ebeapartbaail can
bo done in aay other part of th Ntat. Any per
son buying meoumenul work l amouatol in sad
upwards, will hare fare paid te aad from Philips
burg. D not bo fooled with cheap American
marble whoa yew eaa buy In Itaiiaa anarbl at
lower price.
rtf-llKAD STORKS specialty.
Phtllpahurg, Pa , Jaa. J, 1 !.-.
u I J.
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Curwensrllle, Fa., Jan. 9, 'Tfi-tf.
C1AI TION.aWherea my wife. Alice Lotere
; tirabam, ha left my bed and board without
any just eaoe or provocation, 1 ihereforo take
thia method of informing euinea men and the com
suumty in general not to harbor or treat her to
anything on my accouot, ae I am dttermned to
pay no debt contracted by her after tbis date
tin led c iuptllrfj to do so by doe prncets of law.
.IHSF.I'H tl HA 11 AM,
tlilliagliam, I'a , Jan. Zft, IMI-It.
Crist MilFor Sale 1
A very desirable mill properly, with two pairs
J of burr, aitual in Dftfitur twit., Cle-ar
j held eonuty, Pa , about two and a-half mile west
oi rntiipaoorg, tentre enuniv, r.
Fhilipsburg, Centre Co., I'.
Nor. 10, lStHMf.
A I :iITDK'ft NoTICKt In th Orphans'
Court of Clearfield oounty, I'a.
lath matter of the aecounl of William B.
newitt.Ouar.lian of William 8. oung, minor
heir of Harney louog, lat of Huston township,
Tb undcrtigned Auditor, appointed by said
Court, to dispose of theexoeptioas lied to tho ac.
n. i not of William 11. Hewitt, Uuardian of th said
William 8. Young, will at leu d to tb duties of
bis pp.iioUnrnt at hia offloe, in tha borough of
CloarUeld, on T I' USD AT, tb j day of KH
IUIARY, at le o'clock A. when aad
where all prMns lnterested may attend.
CleaiAeld, ! , Jan. 4tb, I8fi-t,
Re-JJnion of Trade.
THR uOtlerIgned wthlng to inform tb pulli
that be opened a
At thoold stand in Troatvllle, ClearHeld county!
Pa., oa th 1Mb Inst., with a full stock of
Itoota, Hhor 4, Ttc,
tn fact everything to be found la a flrtt-clas store,
nil of which I am determined to aell at lh lowest
ash price.
Will find It to their ad' anl agate do their dealing
with me, as tb highest prieae will be paid for
Uraia, Hhingles, or Produce of any kind. Part
or one half eaah will ho paid. Trading for
Shingles or Lumberer any kind a specialty. Also,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
Raring mad arraagemeatt with Eastern r
flbaat to sell goods fera tea d axe, therefor eall
and see, as 1 will a enabled to aril cheaper thaa
tb eheapeet. J. W. CAKL1LK,
Troutiill, Pa., Bfpt. J4, '79 ly. Agent,