Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 09, 1881, Image 2

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    She IjUpublian.
x r nor eii step.
LCI v . rrt-
titonai 11. Goohlanuir, Kilitor.
('.or it Out. 'i'hu G'sfw Ihuio
cr.rf "runts to rloHo out llio Harrioliurj!
tunglu in this vrny: "Tlio (li'U.I luck
over tho flection of n I'niletl Suites
Tuo Cumbria Freeman says: "Mr.
W'ulluto intrixliii'ril a joint riMultilinn
into llio SuiihIo.' an utiilmkI-
merit to tlio Constitution ot llio Unltod jSl'l"ll"r "ti" ",n,i,"i'' ' " IVmisyl.
RlttU', clmnKing Um mod,, of olwtinRr""'" l't,Ki,1,ll'""- Our ISopiiulicun
Iho IVcM.Uutatid Vico Prosidc-iit. Tho ,ri('n1" n'V unwell liroiik it by con
kill ilisiieiiaws wilk llio Klm'i.irul Col. """'"f tuu ro oleHion of K.m.tor
leo and provide !r ib flection by w""co l,,r "ltr turm of six j oar. I body k
.1... - i i .. . I Pm.nuvlvtinif. ...... I. ...... .. ...... I ii
Tbo Wilmington ( )ul ) .Wira roluli's
tho following tiitvr stuU'iiient ol '.'nets.
Tho editor i t' llio jiuirniil in question
my :
'I'uiiiih.vlvniiiiitiN mo tulkin' about
the ili'Hii'uiiility ot nci rtuininn tbo ex
to t l.outi liiry'litir hi'twci'ii lii'lmvaro
uikI r.'tiii.-l U'iuiim. .ts annual ivory
U all llio elnlilinh lioinn'iino on tho
lino ul' l.o eunli that in iiinuticod by
men, tbu "no iiioriim" rule prevailing
in the lower lloileo of CmiKruss in the
niont abmird. 147 meiuherH or there,
ubouts ate required for it qnnruin. II
I hero are L'UO or even tbo wholo mim-
per prraoni ami lens thnn a
Tho liit day ot tbo fraudulent Ad
ininiMiulii'ii of Mr. lluyen aro bein
nit'liuli.oil by tbo uppoinlillelit lil of
.leers piiii tiiulmrliiiiinK, and tlio ox
cimus oll'ered for tho rliunj;eH aro mill
nioie uburd. Tbo IVud Miming ho
twi-on 1 1 a yen and CohkliiiL' hu not
money. There win no ability in the
futher or the noli, not even a jiro-1
teiicu of it. Tbey wh o not Kpeukern, i
nor writers, nor Hunkers, nor philoxo j
iiicn(. iney werii smil.iy llell men,
and their must inliniuto fiiemla i-un
Dtii-j.t.inl out ono hinrlo act of benevo
leiiro to liny fill bliu Uhrtot.-ittlion fiom
.iik.. ".. . ... .- lereslliii?
niiornm1 I...J i. . I . . . '. : -"
bv il l I " ii hi K . " ' ' '"I""K". i publie benefit, no hcbeine ol education, ;
YEAH 18S0.
Tho fifty fourth annual report ol the
1 iifpectom ol thu Western I'enitentiury,
just mado publio, coiilaiuiiifr mm b in
Roader, If jroa wnt to know ht ) roIdk on
eolymni. Ibl Special ooIuud to rliulw.r
(ionoral Grant has nettled ono vexed
question. In a rocout speech
tho people by direct vo'u in dUlric t.
Kacb Statu t to ba;u bh many dia
trictn an it ha KenatorH and nu mbcm
ol Confjrem, and each district Ik to ho
I'ennnylvania can l.avo no better n p
resentutivo at anhinton than Mr
Walhi'-o. His uhility un,
cio wen Known. Mis until
entitled to one vote, thn vote I., bo 10 ln0 x'"-1 " liniwrtant inter - streuiiis and I here i u incut
eanvuKsed by a State Hoard of fan- !c"'" ol mlr Kr,'al t'ommonweallh in bis! unccituinty to ju-l where this lino
razors, consisti,,;- ol thu (Jove, nor, I""1 l"'1"1 -'viees ,k.. assurance "' j,1, I,'!"' V"' '1 V.0
! tot worl.l, ..h.rtnlni Chief JiiRtice, and Secretary of the UUv ",,ro t,lut lll'.V can be sulely ' ()w,.M .;V, w,oso liu ni a few miles
Comwouwealtb, their i-oturu to be ! t'"lru"'l'd to bis care in the future, and above Newark, is cut by the boundary
made to tbo .Speaker of tbo Ilouso at j "ie n,'eciiilj" wrangle of factions at: line, bus always been uneertain as to
Washington, and to be convliiMve of ""'''""'"fK cannot end better than ,y i.e lives in weiawaro oi i enii
.4. iu nut i.crn coiiiii o.rv o. i vnui noon a ca i oi veils anu io.vm .1 Im i u. .1 ..n . nt..:..i i . r
t.,.i .1 i m ,1.,'Li :i.i 'i.l . 1,1 ik.t . . . one worn oi reioriu
" ' " M..iii. .1 l , ,o ."N il In nl 1,., nr.. ......
Joined to the.
centre is i.l New Cm-tie, :. nd present and theicforo no business can
. . ' 'J v. hoe radius is twelve miles in length. : bo tiaiicucteil. 'i'ho Speaker, as well as of tbu Kcp'ublir
''."'"'"'"'"j This line runs through a ni"t do- every nienilier, may know that inpoiut ! York, and all tl
iin' devo liluiul iliMiiict, lovely with bills and jot lin t there is more liuni tho r.ocos to .,i,i,u.i tlio c
In a rocout speech be an
nounccd himsoll as a citizen of Illinois.
Fraud Hayes, is earning his last
month's waes. Twenty-two days
inoro will wind up bis public career.
Hayes is handicapping Garfield by
appointing so many Ohio men that
there will bo no room loft lor any more
under (iarliuld.
Colonel James (j. l air is thu first
Democratic Sonator clectod from Ne
vada sinco tbo admission of that Stuto
into the Vnion.
Everybody should got a copy of
Puck, dated February, 2d. Ciarfield
is just packing up for Washington.
Prico 10 cents, at Uaulin's.
TiiatC'anai,. M. lc J.essops counts
on Italian laborers to dig the Panama
canal. They bored the Mont Cenis
and (iothard tunnels, and aro consider
ed (.lie most steady, frugal and intelli
gent In such undertakings.
Since the 'passago of tho Thurman
act Jay Gould needs all the help ho
can got in tbo Supreme Court of tho
I nited States. Hence ho will make
every possible effort to Becure the con
firmation of Stanley Matthews.
Handy. An oxchango says that the
railroad between Port Jorvis, N. Y.,
and Monticcllo has become a solid bed
of ice and is impassable. Trains have
slopped running, and a Btage line has
been established to carry tho malls.
Thcro Is a great deal of' opposition
manifesting itself amoii leading .Re
publicans to the confirmation of Stan
ley Matthows. One chief objection is
that the present administration is trot
ting out too many Ohio men for im
portant places.
KiouTYTiinre Only. Last Satur
day only found eighty-three Seuutors
and members in their seats when the
ballot for Senator was taken as follows:
firow 31, Oliver L'C Wallace 21, Seat-
particularly in opposition to the wishes
Senator from .Now
ml Cooklin can do is
ppo.-o the coiitiniiulioii ol the a
power of purchase, camu other wretch
ed attiihiites. In power ill llio Sen
ate, the t wo men sei.ed the high places
of the (ioVemmeut; and with these
they punished all who would not up-
. . . . . i
fT.Z?S and rewarded
.... l.ii.ri. n
.. . u ginp sense iney turn samo leuling prevails between
are not there at nil. A minority can j Cameron and Hayes, and i.nylhin,'
thus defeat the majority in any legis- Cameron may wish is surely not done!
onion ii may uosiru iu aiiooi. l no Tho excise. whi... II,... n..,b. i:,.
tbo result ; tho voles to be counted ty
Congress in joint convention, and tbo
plurality of the voto to elect. These
aru tbo main features of tho kill, and
although it lias not tbo least chance
of being acted on during the brief re
maining period of the session, Mr.
Wallaco deserves credit lor tbo move
ment he has made in reference to a
question which promises to ko thor
oughly disenssed during tho noxt three
years. Tho regret is that Mr. Wal
lace will not he in the Senate to take
part in the discussion of the matter
unless either lirow's 'bolters' or OH
vor's 'regulars' simplify tbo Senatorial
contest at Ifarrisburg by voting with
tho Democrats lor him, thereby, as
suggested by the Philadelphia Evening
ldrgraph, a liepiiblican organ, return
ing to the Senuto a man who, 'is a real
Senator, with real knowledge of Stato
and national needs, and real ability to
say bis proper say ou the floor of the
Senate in such a fashion as to com
mand respectful hearing.' "
Tut Tarn Sounp. The now Sena
tor Jackson from Tennessee, among
other things, said : "While lam a Dem
ocrat, devoted to the principles of that
party, it is not in my nature, tempera
ment or training to he a niere partisan.
I am not a mere partisan, and, while
heartily supporting Democratic meas
ures of public interest and policy in
the Senate of the United States, I shall
mnko no factious opposition to tho Re
publican administration and its meas
ures simply becauso they are liepubli
con. On the contrary, I shall yield a
heat ly support to all such measures of
tbo administration as, in my judgment,
will ho promotive of the public weal.
To build up tho tnatorial interests not
only of this great Commonwealth, but
of the whole country
sectional auinuetilicg and restore har
mony anil kindly feeling betwp.on tfic
sections ; to promoto purity, economy
any reform in tli
tbo Government ; to relievo, as far as ,i. i .1...- . ... . .
.,,n-.,i.iv, .i.c ITUIUW.1 IIUW JUSlll.g Oil
Sivinif him the well deserved romnli. y'vaiiia.
, . ,, r I house
...... ii ... ie-eieeiioi.
IUilroau Dinino. An exchange
says: Northern bound palace car trav
clers on the Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Kaltimoro railroad givo their din
ner orders to a porter at Hay view from
I'ho latest roup places his I only
tbo hitter State. A more j rule.
peculiar liicl, however, is that there islthero
u little ti'iunguiur incco oi territory nation must stop.
just ut tho point of contact between
Delaware, .Maryland nod Pennsylva
nia that may be called debatable land.
Nearly all tho maps give this little
trianglo to Pennsylvania, though it is
1 tho recollection ol tho writer that a
a nnoij vurico. bill ol lure; tbo ordenijatnno standing at the northeast corner
aro then telegraphed to Wilmington I of Maryland bears tho initial "M," nn
by an abbreviated cipher system, in , twn (,"'l'.
which A is roast beef, H roaRt veal, C
chicken pie, etc., and aro tilled and de-
toe initial 'T, on one
side, und the initial "!" on the fourth
side, thus indicating that it marked
llie nniht. of cotit f.f-t ln.l U'.-i.ti tl... IK -..
livered when tho train reaches that i States ol -Pennsylvania, Maryland, and
city. Tho empty haskota are put offl Delaware. This, of course, would seem
at Jersey City and sent back on tho l" show that tho triangular spicco in
eveninu train. Wilmington also feeds 'l1'""" "garoeo ,u.i i oi
southern bound palaco car travelers,
tho apparatus being dropped at Perry-ville.
How Tat F.! The St. Louis Repub
lican says : "The nomination of Stanley
Matthews to succeed J ustioo Swayno
on the Supreme Bunch may bo taken i m..
as an evidence that unwritten laws are I it has won for itscll
aware. 1 ho stone itsell stands upon
the lunds ot William Smith, whoso fa
ther, then living on this very debata
ble land, iu Ihe house that bis sou now
occupies, was elected to the Delaware
Legislature, and he held bis sent, too.
Tbo spot is about three miles north
west ot Newark. The whole triangle
lannot contain much uhove 501) acres ;
V reason of its peculiar siluution
a most uncnriu-
quito as binding as those that aro up! kle repute. Thero ure stories ot sev-
in tho archives with all the solemnity 0,'al "11'1" l"uJ liko encounters here,
of seal and shrnaturo. There is m, "nd 't is only a few years since a score
1 I I iL. . . . . I
.......a. .aw uiai requires mat unio suspeded for
onau uave one-iniru ol tno Supremo
Court, but there is an unwritten tradi
lion that no olllce shall bo filled with
citizen of any other State, while an
applicant from Ohio is waiting. Stan
ley Matthews has been waiting for lo
these many months."
PrfMilent Hoyei h.l notainatod Hon. Stiotrj
Mtttbcwi for AitoofaU. Juitlco ot lL Bupreme
Court of Oil I o.ted b'loln, in pluoa of J.kiijb
Swgyno. rotlgnrd. Mr. MaUhowi beiflg in Ohio
uio, llirr it rouio Iroahlt ttiout fail connrmo
Mod. IU but fro throoiih. buwevor. Itnttienl
AJ-rAu.iyrr. j
Why don't you tell your reoders the i
whole story f Matthews was the "boss" i
in the I .otiisiana FRAUD, and was'
ably assisted by that black wench, i
week lor ut IciHlmif a
pri.u tight louglit on this ground
there, day alter day
nonsense to prevail.
Certuinly a very simple ami lair
rule would be lor thu Speuker lo decide
whether a quorum was presenter not.
No Speaker would dare decide unfairly.
If he did it would ho a violation ol oath
and any possible unfairness could bo
remedied at any tlmo by the attendance
of members. Why, then, uro not the
rules so amended ?
Thero con bo no partisan advantage
gained by retaining tbo present rule.
In the present House, the Democrats
having only about 1 17 votes, tho He.
pjiblicans may prevent somo Demo
cratic legislation, but iu tho next
IIouso tbo KepuUieuns claim a mujor
iU If Ihey hare it they will not have
more than 117 votes, or very near that
ligure. In this Congress tho liepubli
cans defeat Dumucratio legislation by
tbo foolish "no quotum" rule in the
next Congress the tables will be turned
and tho Democrats will detent Itepub
liean legislation by meuns ol tho same
rule. It ttus becomes a giinio ol quits.
Childish ill round !
Tho mijority is responsible to tho
country fur the legislation and ought
therefore to have tbo power to curry
out its puiposes. Tho rules of Congress
ought to bo so shaped as to cnublo il
In our State all who did not hesilute to praise Ilium.
t tie manner in which their terrorism
has been maintained on thu ono baud,
and submitted toon the other, has no
parallel in any modern coinmiinity
ll has crushed out the public soiril of
most of our young men. It has n.ude
wero too poor to pro-
and echoes ol suc-
kless knaves Many
reconiin..i..o.t titria r.i u . . .i. ... .... .
unit ..II.... .I.,.1., . -.- . ,, . , , , . ;nuinoiy iuko places ai tno nuiiiis oi
una allow tins, best citizuns ot Pittsburgh and the H.. -,;,...Jc..i ' ..k...... -
Stuto, and was the particular friend ofj.M,,,, confessing their compelled hu-
I , . . rruiM ttwyin ii i unit iM
owl eyes ol .'(III or nearly J00 may bo this course are laughable, II not indeed
staring each other lit the face, but if : ridiculo... 'I'l... II,.,, I ...... s! d
....I., it.; .:. ', .,,..uii, ;..(.. ... our voumr ii
l ore are lvb
e "no n o rL L a I I Z' I ttt 1 lll,h,1,r' u,ni1 h!'!"' oxl''re"i I test, mere claquers
,n , . . T.. , " .' f l,l,!,CBI,t uppointment. t.0SB,,rt rUh
Mr. Lame ion. Uo has made a good miliation. Others see how Presidents
and Cabinets yield to thoso influences,
olllcer und against his ollicial conduct
no one tan say ought. Hut H ayes in bis Lm, Hu.,y Bd tbat notllil , eha is tu'
usual style, seeming avorablo lo Ihe bu UXu.d (,, strangers when the
Pennsylvania sell out their
reuppointmeiit ol Mr. Uutun, sends
tbo name of Dravo lo tho Senate for
the position. The alleged ground for
ine nun -appointment ol .Mr. Kiitan was
tns violation
people ot
own birthright without hesitation to
interiors. Occasionally Ihereis a revolt,
out it is always feeble, and temporary
mo civo serv ce rules i :
in I .tiro. i. tu. t-l ... 1 1,.. U.. ......... I ...... ..... -' '
... I'.'n.iu.- t-n.t,., U
ago mo wnoie civil service was iu an
urehy and confusion through the ao
ready to assail independent
information on practical
Throughout the year the
ngregato workshops made full lime,
though the figure at which the luhor
of prisoners is let out to contractors, Jill
cents per diem, is entirely too low. II
it were Increased to 73 cents it would
be placed nearer a level with tbat paid
outside labor, and would place com
petition therewith on a fairer basis.
Of these Silt) prisoners aru employed on
contract account, besides a number on
Stato work on tho new Itivcraido Pen
Herniary, keeping the buildings and
grounds in repair, Ac. Tho Hoard
expects that all tho prisoners will bo
removed to the new prison within
three years, and in the meantime the
work ol dismantling tho buildings and
re-erecting the old materials ut Jtiver
side will proceed. The Hoard asks the
Legislature tor an aggregulo of $371,
000 for tho next two years, 9,000
ot winch is lor building the lilverside
Tho number of prisoners January 1,
1881, was 7119; received during the
year, 259; discharged for various rea
sons, L'ltt) ; confined December 31, 1880,
75'J, of whom 13 wero females. Fin-
ployed as follows: Sboeinaking, 289
nut a tew months j.i,,,.,,,!,, ,,..., .i,:.,, ,.,., .,i,;, ... :.-., , . ,,.. ,,,.k. i,:T... :ti
Other mills havo taken placo there I do so. AOove all, cxcludo toml'oulerv
irom mo nuns oi l ongress, it that tie
possible. ( 'Union Democrat.
since, evcrul attempts have been
made to settle tbo question of juris
diction, und meanwhile! Delaware has
quietly exercised whatever authority
was needed. Tbo Pennsylvania Log
islature, not many years since, took
action in thu matter, and appointed a
Committee to confer with a liko Com
mitleo to bo appointed by our Legis
lature ; but the wise mini at Dover,
apparently satisfied with having nine
points of the law, that iH, possession,
failed to act in tho promises.
A HAD J- lltE.
I'liiludetiihiu bad it destructive bum
on Monilny night u week. Tho tire
none out in the Iteth -.i. n liuplisl
. ...... . .
to break down r-"m I'lnaston, and tho white one,
Mrs. Junks. They ail were endorsed Church, c. rner of Broad und Spruce
lor tho crime they committed. More : ! streets, and was totally destroyed to
Fraud Haves and tho cnnn,l,-,. Mi. I l-',:tlicr nil1' lllllt lillt'. ''" building
" i lion-, i.. i,. .t fc i t ii iioriicuiiurui uan uni u milliner ol
administration of; . .' "" """"Vr. , private residence-, cuu.-iio' a loss ol
both aro Ohio men. i V(,r goU.OOH.
- . . ! I..l I.' I . r-l ! ! ..:-!.
T. ...-., . . I'i. V.JIUICI1 WUS Olllll 111 l.-..-,r,
I At FY. A Cincinnati soeco. re. i. ... .. .......
tering C ; missing 166 alive and 2 dead. W " ", unequal porUl tml Uo,,rt Unn of (;fKg0( ! J'Tund'tU
,i,gl.s,IW, are some oi mo oojecis ,on r (i10 martyred President , will he a country. It est rl.S6,00(), and seated
uul ...ttiirio wortl.v llie nllenlion ,il nvnrp .lnl.d. .. r . . ... 1 ......... u., . I n't
j - j - nieiiioer oi uarueio sr.aiiineL. iiii.i i ..ii ...u.o.... ii.. . ,
pan nit. lo these, and all this will be
Senator Alexander bus
for a file of he Legislative Record from ' man and
tho 4th of January to tho 2lth. The
printer has a "fat take" on the vote for
United States Senator, abont 1.10 lines
of type making a page of the document.
A Plaih Case. Flsowhere in this
issue will be fouud an excellent article
entitled "Money in Politics," which wo
copy from Colonel Forney's Projrm,
of tho 29lh ot January. Tho article
deserves an alter.tiro perusal by everyone.
(iARrm.o'a StcHKTAnv The loyal
organs have it that Prof. O. C. Hill,
Principal of the Normal School at Or
ogon, Holt county, Mo., will be Trivato
Socrolury to Prca'dent Garfield. Pres.
ident Hill was one of the faculty at
Hiram, Ohio, when General Garfield
was Presidont of that institution.
Therefore ilahone is, like Garfield
about the Treasury, in a Tory tight
placo. Jf ho votes with tho liepubli
cans, the Democrats ot Virginia will
abandon bim. And if the new admin
istration would give him tho offices
for his vole, the Hcpitblicar.a of Vir
ginia' would abandon General Garfield.
Morulas. An exchange remarks:
"Virginia and Ohio may be tho moth
era ol Presidents, but Kentucky claims
to bo the mother ol Governors, having
furnished Governor Cullum to Illinois,
Governor Crittenden lo Missouri, Gov
ernorChurchill lo Arkansas, Governor
Hawkins to Tennessee, and Governor
Murray to Utah."
Riiiiit. Wo eee it slated that the
Judiciary CommitU-e of our Stato Sen
ate has reported negatively on tho
permanent sittings of tho Supreme
Court at Philadelphia. Now, let a kill
bo passed locating tho Court at Har
risburg, where all the business of the
State should be transacted.
Census Fmm.oyes. Thoro aro now
1,247 persons employed by tho Consus
Bureau In Washington 669 males and
678 females besides 98 messengers and
7 watchmen. Tho monthly rontal ot
the buildings occupied In W ashington
for census purposes is $1,838. Tho
number of F.ntimcrators employed in
taking the census was 31.2G5, under
the charge of ISO Supervisors.
great subjects ol national concern, 1
shall address myself as your Ropre
Crime in im Ukiiirst Sense. An
exchaneo sava: "Jnst as Jnv Gould
is endeavoring to avoid the Pacific tne olnr dy o far as he was ahlo Ivy
Tim Men who Furnished Funds
to Stxi tiK Garfield's Flection. Tho
money contributions of leadingcapital
ists and corporation jobbers to tbo
election ol Gut field last Fall, were com
municated to "Gath" the other day
in Phila lelphia. Thoso contributions
were to carry tho October States. Jay
Gould gave 1100,000, the largest sin
gle subscription, and afterwards added
10,000 to it; Vanderbilt gavo $20,
000; Morton, Bliss k Co., syndieato
bankers, $15,000; Standard Oil Com
puny, $5,000. A Committee of bank
ors in addition raised $ 100,000, and ro
fused to take a subscription under
$5,000. Don. Cameron ruised $10,000
to beat Bayard in Delaware. And the
would-be Senator, Oliver, is credited
with raising $15,000 in Pittsburgh for
Indiana. He did better than that.
When wo read ot tho subscriptions of
these syndicate and subsidy gentlemen
wo begin to understand the fight the
'Republicans are making in Congress
I against three per cent, bonds and the
catting off of funding perquisites.
The Old and thi New Wat. An
exchango remarks : "The growing ten
dency of rich men to uso their monoy
to elevate themselves into the United
States Senate is to be exemplified in
tho effort of Mr. Oliver to got thoro
from Pennsylvania. Mr. Sharon has
been thero Irom Nevada, and Mr.
Jones from the same Stato, and Mr.
Fair is coming. The rich men of Mas
sachusetts kept Mr. Wcbstor in the
Senate lor tho credit of their Stale.
Nowadays statesmen liko Mr. Sher
man prefer to get rich in the Senate,
while capitalists who want u voice in
publio alfuirs prelcr to buy the seal for
themselves, except, porhaps, Mr. Van
derbilt, who is said to cherish t design
oi sending his attorney to the Sonato.
It is to be remembered that oven that
sagacious financier, Wm. H. Kemble,
looked toward tho Bonate once, rt'.i
Lancaster county."
TnK -RxvENOEriiL P. M. ti Post
master General Maynard is mad as a
March bare ovor his delout for
United Slates Senator in Tennessee,
and is particularly angry because
sufllcicnt nuiubor ol Democratic legis
lators did not respond to tho macedo
nian cry for help. Ho avenged himself
.u structure
a pleasing appointment to ;,u" ,T , 1 , 1 . l" e".-y
fen. ...I I r.r -. 1 "i..i,..i, . in. mi. .Anil .i.r ..i i
Of courso it is par
ticularly desirable that Grant and
Logan should be pleased, but possibly
It might be well enough in these mat
ters to also consider whether a man
has any fitness for the placo and will
please the country generally.
Getting a Foothold. An exchange
says that Jay Gould is getting ahead
of Vanderbilt by having his attorney.
Stanley Matthews, nominated by Mr.
Hayes as a Judgo of the Supreme
Court in place of Judge Swayno, re
signed. It tho Senate should confirm
Matthews, Mr. Gould will have consid
eruble standing boforo tho Federal
Court, from the fact that one of his
chief Atlorncys occupies a seat on tho
A Vert Sensitive Man. A brother
ol the Secretary of War Ramsey
residing in Minnesota, took a great in
terost in trying to elect tho War Sec
retary to the United States Senate.
Having failed in his undertaking ho
was so mortified that ho oommittod
suicide. Ho was rich and when his
will was opened it was found that ho
willed to a niece $100,000. She is just
fifteen, the papers say.
Tho story conies from Cincinnati
that Garfield is disposed lo pnt Gov.
Foster In his Cabinet as Postmaster
Gencral, but the Conkling influence is
antagonistic. With the enormous pat
ronage that the Postmaster General is
ablo to wiold Foster would bo a form
idable power against tho Grant Conk
ling faction. Every cfTort is being
made by the Grant men to provenl his
obtaining this power.
Go Ahead. Tho Representative
who has Introduced a bill in the Leg
islature making a criminal ofTonco of
drunkennoss has corroct ideas ol re
formatory legislation. For years tho
efforts ot tcmpcraneo agitators have
boen based on the thoory that the
river is to bo blamed when a fool is
drowned in it rather than tho fool him
self. It will he well enough to try tho
other tack.
neliau ornamentation. In Juno lust
the debt upon the properly amounted
to $;W,0U0, and a strong elfort was
mado to raiso that sum. Tho cll'orl
was successful, and ut the lime of tho
fire all the subscriptions had been paid
with tho exception ol about $7,000.
Whcu this balance bud keen cleared
the congregation intended to dedicate
the edifice, that interesting feature
having been delerred until every cent
nf the indebtedness bud been wiped out.
Rev. Dr. J. Wbealon .Siiiilh hasserved
the congregation for twenty seven
years. Uo resigned about a year ttno,
and has since been pastor emeritus.
A meeting was to have been hold last
night in tho church by tbo Committee
on Pastoral Relations to appoint suc
cessors. Horticultural Hull has reached tho
culniifiution of a series of misfortunes.
It was built in 1867 by the Peni'syl-
vanui Horticultural society ul a cost
of $125,000, but its ucoustic properties
wore so ilelicient thai iu 18i thuy ro
modelled it at an additional cost of
t.w.uuii ny elevating tho tloor to a
height of sixteen feet, thus making
two stories wbero ketoro thoro had
been but ono. As a financial venture
it was a failure, anil was sold last sum
mer at Sheriff's sale. Tho society's
President, Mr. Schull'er, cume to the
front, and lor 875,000, in addition to
the payment of taxes, took possession
of tho building. Ho bought tho prop,
erty moro as a shelter lor tho Horti
cultural Society than as an investment.
The society has continued to hold its
Fuirs regularly without cost, and the
building has been protty much under
tho same mniiuL'cmcnt. Tho insurance
on tho Church will roach $10,000 and
on the Hull .'10,000.
The Senulorial contest at llarrishurg
is attracting wide) attention, and the
leading newspapers east and west aro
discussing the situation with a good
deal of interest. Tho Chit-ago Inter-
Cccnn makes the contest tho subject of
a leaning cililoriul ou bulling, and
makes thu point Unit such action, us
against a bad party, may bo well but,
as against a good one, wicked and un
patriotic. "Wo are not sure," it says,
"that tho time has not nearly or quite
arrived when bolters should he (Ideat
ed at whatever cost." This is its do
scrintion of the typical bolter:
"When tlio tree and frisky boiler is
not boiling be is either running for
office or threatening to boll if tho party
uon i run nun. no is tho one pnvi
leged nuisance that exists in this conn
tivo interference of tho officials of tbo
government ill the political affairs of
the people. Thero was not a cabinet
olllcer who was not on the stump or
engaged ill somo way in conducting
tho campuiL'n. Tbo "bureaus of tho
Government were turned into political
headquarters Green li. Huuin, the
Collector ol Internal Revenue, organ
ized tho employes of his bureau into
active political agents under tho very
eyes of Mr. Hayes. Iu view ol this
shameful, open, and universal violation
ol the civil service rules tbo relusul to
re-appoint Rutun becauso of his alleged
interlerenoo in tlio Senatorial contest
in lliis State is a touch ol bypro
erisy almost sublime on the part of Mr.
LI ayes.
It is not improhablolhttt tho mistuko
of Mr. Rutun wus in interfering on thu
wrong side. Had ho given his support
to Mr. liayno or to any other oppo
nent of the Cameron candidate his vio
lation of the beautilul civil service
rulos of Mr. Hayes Ion nil in this case a
luvornblo opportunity to exhibit his
hostility to Senator Cameron und ho
availed himself ot it, as he did in tbo
appointment oi Governor llartranlt
tor Collector of Customs in Philadel
phia In both instances tho exhibi
tion of tho spirit of revenge on the part
if the While Uousu incumbent is
rather important. The appointments
ol Hartranll and Dravo will lie undis
turbed iu tho Senate Committee until
the closo ol tbo fraudulent term on thu
lih ..I March when President Garfield
will make noininatiiHis for Collector in
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and no
doubt keep the bargain made at Ment
or, and appoint such persons as will
oney the i-hucls ol Mr. Cameron. AI
justice ol the example. The result is , cigars, 47; tin shop, 19 ; ordinal' prison
that independence is rare becauso it is ! building work, 115; iron work for new
risky, and thai reckless tyranny be ! buildings, 36 ; infirm, sick and idle, 11.
comes moro defiant in tho faoo of ai Income from labor, sales and I'. S.
Irighlencd peoplo. Hence public opin-1 prisoners, $9,l,."i7 .78 ; maintenance of
ion us such is crushed or silenced, and i prisoners, $85,726.50 ; charges to coun
tuu iiansrussor noi omy goes iree, i lies, clo.SoS
i.y, ... u ..way. nous inner 11,0 plea OI ; tlm, ,,. , ,Br w an) conoorne( we
xno uo ler tfoos hln ..-
Words of Wisdom. In Accenting
an honorary membership in tbo Jeffer
son Democratic Association of York,
I'enn a., lion. rs. j. Jihion writes to
C'haiincey F. ltluck, Esq., as follows :
"Ihoinas Jttlerson has a title to the
esteem and gratitude of tlio American
people even greater than that which
we derived from heini the author ol
tho Declaration nf Independence, and
from being tlio outhor of the statute of
religious freedom by the Slate of Virginia.
"1'uriiig all thu bloody conflicts of
the Americun l(
putriotic duty
a council of Republicans : candidal
aro suggested, ho or his friend among
tho rest. Ho goes on a little further,
and ascertains that a ma jority is against
him, hu or his Moses is not selected,
and forthwith he, figuratively speak
ing, tosses his horns, throws his tail in
the air, and sails away into tho open
fields. When ho gels to a safe dis
lunco ho begins pawing tho earth, and,
looking mad, bellows that ho 'ain't
going to bo ridden by bosses.' He
a perpetual pleader of the baby act,
sort of sick monkey with n blondo
mustache, and generally about us use
ful in a party as a shirt-button without
a hole, lie is the kind of skulless ver
tebrate who deleated Zach Chandler
in Michigan, and sent Christiancv to
'fill his placo in tho Senato. He is
great pretender lo morality, a stickler
lor uoncsty and purity, and be nrates
loudly ol these qualities even while ho
gooB back upon his promises and covers
lumsclt with dishonor. His on v ro
dooming feature, if it bo a redeemiiiL'
one, is that he has the obstinunrv to
sacnuco a pnncipio or a party lo ad
vance himself or secure revenue, and
for a time at least ho will remain true
to his fellow apostates."
oreat quantities of stock prownep
another great flood fearep
heavy snow on the
San Francisco, February 2. The
flood in tho Sacramento nvcr culini
nated this morning at Sacramento, tho
water being within a foot and a hall
of tho top ol tho levoes of that oily.
The leveo below tho town broke and
tho country was overflowed. Tho town
of Washington, Yolos county, npposito
naeramcnio, is iiiunuated. Tbo dam
ngoin both cases roaches an enormous
sum. I bo entire Sucramenlo valley
presents the appcaranco of an inland
soa. Numberless houses have been
swept away, but fortunately the loss of
lifo so far as reported is very small.
The high grounds in the oveitlowed
district aro covered with cattlo and
there is a demand tor boats to save the
cattle, sheep, etc., remaining, as a great
niimher have boen drowned. It is rain
ing in tho Sierra Novadasfrom Plumas
to Calaveras counties, and thcro is an
immense deposit of snow. If tho rain
should extend hiuh up the mountain
another flood is probable Should it
como on lop ol tho already immense
I?ailroad payments into the Treasury
und.v tho Ihurmau bill, Hayes ap
points Gould's counsel, Stanley Mat
thows, oo or the Judges of the Su
preme Court. Did not Gould give
$100,000 to help elect Garfield, and
was not Matthews a potent force in
stealing the Presidency? Truly vir
tue has its reward."
A Good Cartoon. TV has just
started Garfield lor Washington over
one of the roughest roads "a Christian
Statesman" over traveled. Tho President-elect
left Mentor with carpet bag,
umbrella, guide-book and the staff of
experience. Ho did not proceed far
until Conkling popped out from behind
rock, willing to lead him. "No,
thank you," replied Garfield, and then
passed on. Soon Cameron crossed his
path, while Logan is seen tn the dis
tance peeping out from behind rock
witching to see with what success his
two confederates had met. Garfield
remarked "No" every time, and is
bow legging it for the Whit Hosse
with DoGratitles to accompany bim.
culling the official head off of every
lonnosso Democrat in tho Postofllco
Department. Ho spent ovor month
away from his public duties to have
himself elected Senator, and now he is
back in Ms place engaged at cutting
oft" beads. What a pity those Tennessee
Democrats oould not see some virtuous
traits about Mr. Maynard. It would
have been so nice for him to have loft
his present place on the llli of March
and stopped over into the Senate for
six years.
Uecomino I'nhappt. Most of the
Radical organs in this State bavo com
menced barking over tho Senatorial
muddle at Uarrisburg. The Hunting
don Globt gets off the lollowing :
Th lUpabliMM f thi tuu drKind thu tbi
wsrrlSE f.dloot Is tb U(llalr Mint lo Ibrlr
MSMS, MHftBiM n ltst elili of lbs
But tt,4 tlMt Urn StntiOf. Tbt Rtp.blle.i
rn; U rick is munil oil f aklob te Bibs
SrnBtor, sail Ibrra ought to So so trnabio Is
ioSisf foilloM apoa vboai ill tn Ho.
"Rich in material" Is good, If "bunk
ora" is meant. When has the Whig,
.Know Nothing, or Radial party of
Pennsylvania ever given the people
the benefit of such material for Sena
torf Please name the man no dif
ference pndcr what name you have
Information. Tho Altoona Tribune
remarks: Mr. Grow, It is said, looks
"worn and haggard," but announces
his invincible determination to "fight
it out on this lino" if It lakes all Winter,
will" next Summer thrown in. Mr.
Olivor is smiling, serono and seemingly
happy, and ho also affirms that he has
no thought of surrendering. As to Mr.
Wallace's frame of mind the gossips
are silent.
volution and tho civil
struggles out of which our system of body of water in the Sacramento and
thuro is no 10111111;
Government emerged, and the contro- Joaquin valley!
An Example. Wonolico that James
R. lirown, brother of the Senator from
Georgia, is a Judgo in that Stale and
versies through which was impressed
upon ii mo cnaracter ol a tiovernment
"by the people, for llio people," ho was
the apostlo of hiimun freedom, and tbo
greatest leader of that beneficent, phi
losophy whic h was embodied in our
"Atalimowhon powerful tendencies
uro ul work to subvert the original
character oi our Government to break
down the limitations ol power estab
lished by tho Constitution, to central
is the action and inlluenco of olliciul
authorities, to create a governing class,
using the machinery of Government as
a corrupt bulunco of power in the elec
tions, and then shaping legislation nnd
administration in tbo interests of llie
few against the many the precepts
ami example oi audi a man as Air.
recontly ordered that a fino of $5 1 Ji'lfcrson cannot ho too often invoked.
against himself should be entered be
cause he was an hour lute, owing to a
railway accident. Our Judges up boro
in the "loyal Aorlh" oould never dream
of such a thing.
"Where was he born V" is now agi
tating the publio mind. The Vice
President-elect, Chester A. Arthur
claims that be was born in tho State
ol Vermont ; hut little investigation
sooms to show that he was born in
Canada, and therefore, is not eligible.
It is queer that a sensible man cannot
tell whoro he was born.
Bt-bvi. An exchango says that
the Greonhack representative, De La
Wo find it alleged in tho columns ol
the Indianapolis Journal that "General
Hancock was a badly beaten candidato
for President." t
This phrase is conspicuously inac
curate. No defeated candidato for
President ever camo nearer being elect-,
ed than General Hancock did. A few
thousand moro voles in the city ol
New York would have mado him
Thanks. Attorney General Palmer
hos our thanks for a pamphlet copy of
nis report of tho Legislature. Ho
makes some excellent suggestion In
relation to the tax question. Wo will
Matt-p ol ikn i.tir,,.:..H r 1.1. . . .
j., .... .,,. v. um i. .in, lay a nynri mis oi tuo views Is oro ni.r
in Congress, will rotire lo the liver- readers in our next issue.
glades ol Florida and spend the rest of
his life looking for allgators' nests.
i . . . t
Lancaster county, Pa., is to he re
stocked wilh partridges from North
John I. Ulair, of Illairstown, N. J.,
has gonornnsly donatod tho liberal sum
of $10,000 for the endowment of a
Presidential chair for the Lalayolte
College at Kastno, Pennsylvania
where tbo inundation would und or thu
destruction of property stop, as tho
water covers places that Wero nover
overflowed before.
San Francisco, Cul., Feb. (I. It bus
been a fair day throughout that por
tion of the Stuto w hich is undur water,
and tho rivors nnd creeks aro falling
everywhere. About 3,5I0 square
miles ol the Sacramento Valley aroun.
dcr water. The losses cannot bo even
guessed at now, bin tho aggregate will
uo a stupendous sum.
The Cotton Kinu, I'ho Louisvillo
Lourier Journal says : "Mr. Richard
son, of Cresson, Miss., is the largest
cotton planter in the world, and is the
cotton king ol America. Ho has
worked hard all his lile, and is still
working. He is popular with the
masses and especially so with his col
ored laoorers. jto is generally bo
lieved to havo accumulated from $15,
000,000 to $JO,0(IO,(WO, all mado in tbo
South. Fight hundred hands aro om-
ployed in the factories, throe fourths of
whom aro women gathorcd from the
surrounding country, good, faithful,
industrious and intelligent. Tho re
maining fourth are men and boys,
gathered from various places, a few
from the North and a few from Enir-
land and Scotland, who work 400 looms
and 14,000 spindles.
In cotton thoso mills consume daily
Irom eighteen lo twonty balos, besides
an enormous quantity of wool ohtaiued
mostly from tho Florida parishes of
Louisiana on i.aKo t'oncbarirain.
Safe Teavelino. Aro there acci
dent contros, as wi ll as storm centres J
If so, tho Tenth steamboat Inspocliun
district, which comprises the Gull
Slates and tho Lower Mississppi Val
ley, was not a centre. The supei vis
ing Inspector, reports that for the year
ending December 31, out ol 2,250,000
passengers carried, net tingle lile
was lost.
aru no particular admirer of Mr. ltiili.n
or Mr. Cameron, and as lar as cither's
political eoursu is concel'lie.l II is cor
rupt. Both belong to tho machine
bosses and are against tho interests of
tho people of tho country. Their
trading and corruption in tho political
uuuirs oi mis oiaie aro well Known and
havo ever been fought by the Demoo
racy, but tho hyprocrisy of Mr. lluyes.
even to hint at civil servico reform, is
ridiculous. A man who himself, like
Ins cabinet olHccrs, traveled all the
way to California iu the interest of Mr.
t-rarheld, and returned, ussuring the
peoplo east and west that tho Pacific
Stales wero sure for tho Republican
candidates, should blush even at tho
thought of civil servico reform. "Con
sistency, thou art a jewel." Altoona
Great Biituin has branded as a high
crime the purchase of tho British voter.
A theft in ollice, a violation of public
trust, a broken statute, all aro punished
quickly and inexorably, and from Lord
Bacon to tho Glasgow bankers, from
tho bricklayer to tbo peer, tho wound
ed law is avenged in tho criminal, high
and low. But nothing is followed with
such stern and sudden ferocity as the
paying of money for tho ballot. Tbat
is set apart as a crime dark as lorgory
nnd shameless as rape. 1 have spoken
of the boldness with which somo of tho
pious frauds of Philadelphia resorted
to this infamous system to defeat Gen.
Hancock; and now that we aro in tho
midst ot another holocaust of sacred
things, another sarrifieo of suffrage iu
tho progress of a Stato legislature, oho
hut lorgivon; not only forgiven but
It is worth recollecting Unit beforu
this purchasing business begun in
Pennsylvania, wo bad somo very crod
itublo Scnutois in Congress, Geo. M.
Dallas, William Findlay, Robert Mor
ris, Gcorgo Logan, Albert Gallaiin,
Abner Laycock, Wultor Lowrie, Wm.
Wilkins, and James Buchanan. Since
tho Senate has become tho preserve ot
a family in Pennsylvania, other States
have boen careful to send their host
intellects to that branch of Congress
In Pennsylvania tho late choice of
Senators has been decided in a certain
way ; but Illinois bad sent Douglas
and Trumbull; Now York, Dickinson
and Kernan; Now Jersey, Frelinir-
liuysen and Stockton; Delaware, Bay
ard ; Maryland, Roverdy Johnson ;
Massachusetts, Wilson and Sumner;
Indiana, Morton and Hendricks. In
all tho gigantic struggle, during and
sinco tho war, Pennsylvania bus been
silent and unknown, except where Sen
ators liko Bigler, Buckalow, Cowan,
Wallace, and wilmot were elected by
unpurchased legislatures. Every coun
ty can point to its statesmen and ora
tors of both parties; Its scholars and
wi ilcis; iIb men of science and culture
among Republicans and Democrats.
Tho first aro rarely called forth, while
Bigler, lliickulow. and Wallace are
chi.rly remembered to prove what the
Democrats could do, it the majority
favored them n often as the other side.
Tho Republicans aro us truly dislran
cliised as if they- lived iu China, so far
as the United States Senator is conr
It is to tho further shame of Penn
sylvania that tho John Welsh Corrup
tion Fund originated in this State, as a Judge of tbo Supreme Court of
I. mo the Drrtmry ot llio legislature, it me L tilled Mates is not only a most
grew from tho samo seed. Tho two disgraceful exhibition of nepotism on
Chaplain Millii'ah's report indicates
tho net penitential results of the year's
work. Relative to tho library he says:
Books of a high character aro neces
siuy auxiliaries lo penal discipline
Instructive reading is us much of a
lormutivu and reformative element in
side the prison wulls as il is on the out
side. A inun who reads stetdily and
thoughtfully, as many of our inmates
do, is always un industrious and quiet
prisoner. Therefore the fullest oppor
tunities aro afforded to all lo cultivate
a tasto lor reading by a frequonl ex
change of books. The likrary contains,
exclusive of text kooks, 4,841 volumes ;
number received during the year, 454
Tho average distribution monthly
wasnboul3,000, which averages nearly
a volume each week pur capita. Be
sides these books selected from the
library over 75,000 nowspapers and
periodicals have been admitted. Add
to tho above, the Bibles, arithmetics,
copy books and the text books of
vurious kinds which are accorded each
prisoner, thero is certainly no reason
lor anyone to complain that the appli
ances to en "ago tho mind profitably
uro Hunting inside tho walls.
lit alluding lo tho appointment of a
new Supreme Judge, the Uarrisburg
Patriot remarks: "Tho fraudulent Mr.
Hayes has been engaged nearly four
years in rewarding tbo thieves who
stole the Presidency for his use by ap
pointments to nfHoo, and has not yet
completed nie joo. Munlcy ilatlliews
is thu latest object ot his corrupt favor.
i ins appointment oi nis uroiher in law
Prices of Shingles.
Curwooolllo, Jul. , '71 If.
rriHK iubcriUr now oflVra to tk Htirctn f
X UurnittU aod fctnit, u UDt.ruvLlH
peoUlly. Ucrt-ftiUtr all kill da ol Ci.itrt, a, 4
CuBioi will ba ktit on biuij, and order fill,, ,,
i uturalM ttt(utlfft inytrhfrr.
I will fiirbijh lb Bnit wr!1 ih chf
rtioUi aVlkt)ti tu funtrftlt All ordm Mt tt
tho florr of Jonn C. Cowum will Tactile wi-uum
ftttoatlon. For further purtieultri, 0 '
ddntt K. 8. HENlKKSON
lM. 18, 18T-tf.
iva ft-ii(tl up, In tii ttoro room lately ocvuppd
by WnaTvr A HetK.nn Sroond trtft, a Urge nd
woll wlwtotl atwk of
Dry - Goods Groceries,
Which tey will dlipota of at rronil.l ..
for t S, ur eictaanito for country pro.lutr,
, .Un. S. 1 87 A tf.
James Lo Iacavy,
lUrlng pnrehnlBd the oQtro ,to(-k nf P....
Sonkwlt, hertbv gitoi notice that ho h:., u,NrrJ
Into tlio room lolrlr ocrutiird bv hrrj .1 M.wri.
on noponii a.rooi, irnoro be .a I
the publio
I prrpm
were equally int'umous, ami will lone-
bo romembured as warnings. In Eng
land both examples would havo been
terribly avenged. The new law there
has made such offences crimes : a.l wo
realir.o almost every day a member of
ruriiament is indicted lor bribory. It
is a word and blow. One proof ends
llio case. Confession follows tho fact
ot putfhaso, and the judjro acts like a
uusii. iiero we have our laws too.
But they aro deud. They are down in
statute nooks, but they aro scorned by
our servants. Our judges do not see
them. Our legislatures turn awuy
irom mem. wur press ignores thorn.
in r.ngianu, where money is a ftrenl
power, law is greater; and even thero,
when tho aristocracy holds the Houso
of Lords, young ambition may force
its way into Hie Commons, in defiance
ot tho pod I'lutus, and piifh tho mill
ionaire out of his purchased cushions.
Forney' i Progress.
.Nearly oliteon months ago, llr.
llennott, of tho New York Herald, fit
led out Bt his own expenso an expedi
tion to tho Arctic seas. The steamer
.leannetto sailed awnv for the 'ortn
I'olo, with a bravo olllcer of tho navv.
Commander Do Long, in charge of a
i.. eu crow, ror sixteen months no
tidings havo como from the absent
sen to register tho decrees of a few or- vcl,iL'l. "'I naturally enough great
(Unary men, some rcferenco to the
Hritisu law on tho subject mav bo nso
till. Justin McC'urlliv's wondorfnl
hook, tho second part of Men of our
Time, describes tlio present condition
of Esglish practice for the punishment
oi winery:
"At lo s former ojre bo E'lOlemoo thought II
wrung lo eeiiuoe women, oo in Tory netnl dey
no ttnn w lib money Ihi.uebt I. imnroner tu etiond
onto of hie money In eor.u.ilng eleoton. Whet
orflloro wee it likely e eounlrr pqoire would hove
got, Ally yean ego, it eecmrd brtoro a council of
q.itroH ol heiing ledueHl aiime tenent'a wile or
daughter F Ju.t en mm-h wnuld e rioh men hove
go., iweoty yrere ngn, rrom o ri.rllenirr,irv ootn.
miltoo. II It wero pruvvd Ihet bo bed ollowed bit
egrnl tu ley out money ingon.nuily lor him in
briltea. 1 lien, eeein. llie ttt-eiiii.n ..r (In.
uirnlery enmmiluo woe vrty i.flen drlrrminet
by (ho tioliiiool oriotnnl of the Biniorlir of lie
" I bi-re hod, thrr.fore. hern o time, on
opinion growing np (hot omrlhtug mini be done
lo bring about o reform, end In lfi. a nnrlle-
uicoiery arieol oummilioo reported In feror of
ananonning eil.igrttior Ihe avilrtu of rrfarrin
election petition, lo n tribunal compo.ed of mem
bere ol Ibe llouee nf Commune. Ihe prnnoael of
thla cnmmitleo woe, tool ererj nrl.lioo tWd t
rrrrrerf lo ooa o l. J.,,,, it. .,,;. ,.,
01 rleara.loa.rr, with power lo decide both low
ond fool, nnd to reporl not only oe lo the eo.t
but lo Ibo enrol ol bribery nod 0 .rrup'ion In the
conallluenoy. The Judgei theineoliea alrungly
nl.jeited to having turn duliea impoiad upon
Ibrm. Tl.o Lord Chief Jui.loo atoiod.on Iheir
behalf, Ihot ho bed eooeulled with th.n. .
charged I.y them, ono an.l oil, 1. ounrey lo llio
Lord rbn-ellor Ihoir atrong oi.d unanimou feel
ing of in. o. objection to underletting fnne.
ttune ihe efleet nf which would bo to loner nnd
degrade Ihe judi.-lel otnee. and tu dcetrjy, or ot
til eveott materially impair the oonHdcncc of the
public In the thorough Impartiality nnd Infleiible
integrity nf Ihe juugoa, when iu tbo onorao of
Iheir ordinary duliea political mailer, oomo Inci
dentally before Ihcio. Notwiibaionding tho ob
jection of the ju lgra, however, the (I .vrrom.ot.
alter hnving made oneortwonoauooeMlnl oiperl
menla ot n meoauro lo to. unite o new ooutl tor
triel of olerllon petitiona, brought Inn bill to
refer euch Pelitlono to o i.nvl. I...... ..i....j
from liat lo be node by tlmngriociil am one
lb. llll nfll.. Il-U. . :
..... . "fwrior oouna.
Ot late yenra tome really nrinrot maonrei
novo been token aooinat briber ..... k...
oagha havo been di.lroocbiacd altogether beoonao
of tbo gruia ud icomingly Inorodlcol.lo oorrup-
uon that prevollrd there. Time, oducntlon, ond
publio opinion will, probably before long, elotnao
.en. eya.em oi tno aloln or bribery. Uo
foro long, aorely, It will bo nooounlod oa bate to
giro no tu toko bribe."
The practice ol corrupting tho voter,
first at the ballot box, and llion in his
placo os member of tho legislature,
was not known until Simon Cameron
oponly bought his seat in the Senato
ol the United Slates, Iletoro that dav
men wore elected without rulurenco to
iheir money. Since then, not only has
mu pracutooi purcnaso been common,
but in Pennsylvania, wilh few exoep.
lions, the practice has ruled nut l,..n.
ilreds of able and deserving candidates
lor tne oenato and other places, and
confined llio choice to aclassinatitutud
! Cameron and his family. The Dem
ocrat! sometimes tarried the legisla
ture, and thus secured tho Senator;
but as Cameron always dueled him
sull by his money, and alter that his
son to tho same place, tho groat office
ol United Stales Senator buuama a sort
of family possession. Il is interesting
lo not! tbat lbs only factor in electing
such Senators from l'onnsvlvania was
anxiety is beginning to bo felt concern
ing her Biilcty. Chief Justice Duly,
Presidont of tho American Geographi
cal Society, has addressed a letter to
llr. Hayes, calling attention to the
delay in hearing from the Jeannetto
and asking, tbat should nothing he
hoard from her by July next, that a
search expedition, equipped by the
CJovernmcnt, bo in readiness lo go to
tho Arctio seas for information con
cerning the vessel and her crow. Tho
Herald says : Tho .leannette wont into
....... r . I.- a . .
a mn u. ...u Arciiu weean wtncii was
ilmnst unknown to explorers, and tho
-ourso sno was ordered to tako had
never been essayed by any ship. Tho
most accomplished polar voyagers, in
ineir recent attempt to locato her
present position, havo conlessed their
ignorance ol alio ice conditions, tho
ocean currents and tho!.,
, - ... . . s.
noma norm oi ranglo Land, and
consequently tho impossibility of do
lining tho route her commander wa
oonsiraincd to select in his attempts to
" (" i oio. it is not remarkable,
therctoro that tho absence of arty tid
nigs irom nor, alter being sixteen
months in tho icv sea. should awaken
deep solicitude for tho gallant band of
American naval officers, seamen, and
unmans wno manned the Jeannetto
They Don't KuTiiusE.r tiles tannin
ol tho J.epiiblican millionaires hasten
to the rescue llio magnificent prcpara
lions for Garfield's inauguration will
provo a lailiiro, Ibo arrangements
were mado lo spend lortv il.r...o....,i
dollars in the grand affair, but accord
ing to a detailed report of collections
mado, less than thrco thousand dollars
navo been raisod. Mr. A. M. Clnpp,
after the labor ol four .lavs.
about two hundred and fifty dollars
C.m r? ... n. r .
i..u vri.vvrnmeni ductals and
businoss men of Washington. He said
no would ratlior saw wood than nor-
lorm such labor. The total amount ol
Ins collections in the Internal lievontio
nurea was ton dollars.
A Vn.LAoR DtraxEU Up. The ker
osene lump treqiiently plays an impor
tant part in sickening, burning trag
edies. On Monday night last it figur
od as the prime mover in almost total
destruction of tho town of Plymouth
.N. L. It is a pity that some peoplo
"... ..urn. ,vmi .. a., use oruinary care in
the handling of agenu surcharged
with dangerous olementa. To this class
repealed warnings seems useless. Tl,
old adago says that experience is a dear
school, but fools will learn in no other
Tho New York Hmill vr.r. n..
Conkling collar. It denounces lbs sug
gestion that (.at field will dsre to ig
nore Hid New York Senator, and
threatens war to lb! knife il ba does.
The Hiw York organ are hating a
time ol it sure
the part of the fraudulent President.
but when considered in'cooneclion with
llie history of tho Keturmng Hoard
rascality by which Mr. Hayes was
foisted into the Presidency it is an of
fense to common deconcy and common
honesty. liesi.Ies it is objectionable
on account of being virtually a second
appointment to tho Sfjiremo Bench
from llie Stato ol Ohio. It is against
public policy, too, becauso Mr. Mat
thews is an uttornoy lor the Pacific
Kailroad I oinpanies and because tho
Supremo Court will soon bo called npon
to readjudicato tho case involving the
constitutionality of llio Thurman act
which requires those corporations to
luiuu ineir contracts witu thouovern
mcnt. Hence there should be no hesi
tation on tho part of the Senate to re
ject thoappoinlmont. Mr. Hayes ought
iu uu snarpiy reouKoa lor selecting a
member of his own family for this bieb
position when ho had his choice amonir
. i . . . B
a uut.oie.i i.cpuoncan jurists and law
yers ot better standing than Mr. Mat
thews. Ho should be sternly remind
ed that tho people havo not condoned
tlio trickery and fraud by which he
was awarded tho Presidency, notwith
standing the fuel that they have toler
ated him in tho ofllco to which be was
never elected. He should bo tattL'ht.
too, in tho most impressive manner
inaiiheroaro other Stalos in theLnion
beside Ohio. Tho rejection of this
odious and impudent nomination will,
if we mistake not, bo hailed with do
light by men of all parties throughout
.uu uuuiiiry.
If ono wants American news hu
should go abroad for it. Tho London
7'rurA assurta that a Fenian torpedo
boat is being constructed on the river
Hudson, at a cost of $100,000
(Jon. Grunt bus been invited to visit
thollooeae Tunnel. He may not find
it as great a bore as sotno other places
tie has visited
nr.tri.ra ..!
of tb Uft imprurcf. pstlcrnn, wt low pricts.
Gas Fixtures and Tinware.
Roofing, Spouting, Plnmbibg, Ou Fitting, oad
Repoirlng 1'umpi a ipooiolty. All
work worrontod.
Anything In my lino will bo ordered epeciel if
"'"d. JAS. L LKAVY,
Cloarfie.1, !'., January 1, l(7 If.
We ore authorised to onoouoco tho nntno of L.
K. trIcCi-..i.uiun na a oondidote for the nonamo
llon of Jo. Oca of the Hence, in ClenrBeld borooih
aul jecl lo Ibo roaull of Ibe Primary election.
Wo aro nulhoriird lo nnnouno tho nntno of
,. v. " ATBoo ns n enaili.lnte for the nomination
of Juitloo or Iho Pence, In ClenrSold boroneb,
aubjool lo the roault of ibo Primary election.
Wo ore nothvtfod to nononneo tho none of
Danint. Cosnu.i.T ne n oondidote for the nomina
tion lur Juatlcoof Iho Peaoo, In CleorSeld boroueh,
awhieo! to Iho reaolt of tho Primere election.
Jefic (li'trtisdnfitts.
"V'OTU'li "f IMlinPOHATION'..
iA Notice la hereliy given tbol sn epp licet i in
will be ma lo at Iho Mnrrh Oourt of Hoarier Kea
alnni, A. I). ISSI, for Clearfield county, for Iho
leeorporotion of tho .illae. of lllon Hope oa n,
boroinh. hMITH V. WILSON,
. . '' tr PelilioncM.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. , ISSI II.
In the F.I. la of I In tho Orpfaoni' Court nf
Warren iltle.dee'd. Clearfield oonnte, Pmn'o.
Ibo underused Aodllor, appointed by tho
Court, to di.i.o.e of tho eiceotlnni lo Iho final
ooonnt of llcnry llile, Admlnlatrelor, hereb,
rrleee nolle, that bo will ait.nd to t, iMt,
5-.',f.T'l!T'' " "u Clearfield, no
A. M.. Wbn iTIif ahfirs ftll itarlUa lt.l.w..i.
'"'J . ,. RANK (I. HARMS', Auditor,
tlenrfield, Pn, February I,- UXd-lL
jXF.l't!lfMM KOTICK.-
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
and Capjjj
That Ever Came into the
Clearfield, Pe,, Sept. M, 10.0. 3m.
Cheap Cash Store.
Clearfield, Pa.,
Oornprielnn; Dreao Hondo of Iho eery lateal alylea.
eon.i.iiaa- In perl of Caabrnerea, Manchester
Fnneira, Alpoona, nnd nil manner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
CrttoDt, Mf-tulr I.nMn, pi&$, Prw- Drew Fftnclti of lb ttt Utoil
ttyM, mni i bfap they ea tt tolJ
it tbii warktl.
Vn.l.. I. L
5 Ji7A?V..-S,rJj,i!sir "
Cloorfield Oouoi. h,.,T , ."wo.n.p,
l" b" j1"1' 1-not.d I. iho,..'d,rt I"""1"'
- . eo.u ee.n(0 Will plooeo tnoho
Itnwiediau nelroeoU. u.J .1. ...t--
demnnj.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,.,
I ootb.nt.coted for a.tilcaaeot wlthont delat
" 1 1.1.1AM MON-l,
Kylotlows. Pa., February Id, 1 a"'0'
Conal.tlna; nf (I lore, for (lenU, Lollea end
Miaioa. Ilooo of nil ahodea, Milk frmr".
Lncoa, Fancy Dreea Hullona. La-llra'
Tieo of nil Ihndee nnd tt.le. Cnffi
nnd Collar., Illhbona of nil klnda ond
Merino VBderwenr, Trimming', e'e.
bnrtMl tn ill. uV ii. m "'ni,lj pi
. w. w,n, LU., WrnHOale Drrhln.
. . . 'not 'ro.llfii.lWaa
abrruiry 1, mi Jm.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
Carpet, Oil Clot Iih.
Whlok will b. aold wholeeeJo or retail. Will
Country Produce
U oTlthsas; tbr Ononis l MarSwt Price.
WM. J. BvFrlR,
rittoji4, i,pt. ti, irttn tt