THE REPUBLICAN. cLkaiikikld, pa WKDNKSDAY MOKNING, KEB. S, 1881. Terms of Subscription. if .,-id (n advenee.or within three month.. ,$1 00 ' ' I A 1.-1 . U - a In It BUT " 111 HUHIUI,), V If (.aid altor tbeexpiratloB of tlx uuiibta,,. 1 00 (t-M(iirt. B. M. Pbttrrbill A Co.. Newt ,,, . r Advertising Agents, ST Perk Row, eorner Htukuian Htrcet, are our duly authorised Agents in N-w York City. MHIkmIUI i:iUooal Churrh Rev. (lao, I.rinr, Pat"r. Service! every bat-bath it A. M., end 7i P. M. s,.,,bath School at 0 A. M. prayer Meeting very Wednesday, at 7 I. M. Ctitnn unioo Hervlee, first (Sabbath of every junta, at A. M. M ( lvmrtleld M. ( liurr li. He? . '.t.vni.t's W. UunnliBT. Pastor. Prearb ing every iliernate Sunday, at 8 o'clock, I1, M, H unit ay at - J, r. M. All an invited to attend. 1'reab) turUu Churrb Har. II. B.Uutlbr. Sulihnth services morning and evening Sub mih School at S P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednea lar evening. IWptlst Churrb Ka?. , Pastor. f:,r,.ath Bcheul at P. M. Frajor Meeting every Wednesday evening. M. t'raitf la riiurcht'athollr Rav. P J. SHKKtnAR. Divine service at 101 A. M., OB the tirat, third and fourth Sundays of each month; Vesper' and Uenedtctios ofthe I.lessed Haereinent at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School avery tiunday afternoon at S o'clock. T)r. Winnlow, lato of Clearfiold, ban finally located at Curwensville. An argument Court will bo belt! in thii place on Tuesday of nut week. j W. A. ('base, Kttq., of Ilout.dulo, baa been ommiiaiotiou a .Notary Pub) in. . - JolTcruon county's last (irnntj Jury roeouttnenaeii tha building or a new (.tin. John 1'nttnn, ol Piirwonsvillc, )( returned from hn Tliit to the Southern Statu. Ifv. J. A. Kl. Kullcrton is holding a jirotrnct! meeting In tLa t'urwanville Preiby teriktn Church. r rank u. II uitih, Iwj., ptiUIiMlus an Auditor'! notice tbli week, concerning tha estate of Wa rrin II duoaaaed. The Ladies Aid Souicty of the Clear fit M M. K. Church will meet at the reaidenoe of Ma. Dr. Dnyer next Friday afternoon. Mr. W. II. .Schwartz, local editor of tha Mollidityaburg Standard, baa bean engaged hi a m amber of tbe Altoona Tribune editorial f.rr. Prol'. B. C. Yonnirnian, Principal ol ur borough ieboil, dellvarH an addrcaa befnre the Tfteh'Tj ' Inititute at Mt. Joy en Saturday f pl In la't. mm mm - The total rwoipts of tlio Montgom ery county jil fr 1S8B were t,80i.a5, and (he tuli.l i xpenioi wrrt 0,805.7y, Iran kg a bilnnce iu hind of Iff cent. TIiltu arc now throo candidatca an- uuiinie l for Justice of tha Pence In Cirnrneld bor.mjh, vi: L K. MrCulb.unh, C. D. Waron ;m& II in in I Connelly. mm mm The public pchool at Mudcra has not 1' en in o.nration fur rx woeka, ho meaalaa and -arlct frvnr baring proptra'ed the ttoit of the iU.1N belorilnK thertto. - - mm m mm Clirint J. Kcairv, who was iH'puty L t r i JT during c!hrifl Pontt' admloiitration, baa o tnr.l a i mull grocery and cotifentlonery atnre in i lie vitUge of Ulon Hope. Tho i ruins f rom Lloydnvillo to (oal j)Jr' nrj the new rtrftroad bve not been able to uiako their tiip on account of tbn itnruenna bow tril'i forn period of two weeki. Tii anow drifted badly in the lanes -ii'l towniliip r"3da lait mttk, which rendcra traveling at pr.-iffint quite precarious, anletl you b4ve quiet horum ar.d a broad vehicle. mm mt Tho Aid Stcicty( fonductod by tho laij membera of tbe C'laarScU Preabyttrlan Oon rrica'ioB, lll Le held on thla (Tunday) eran itiB at the rotldrBw .f Mr. Win. Bigler, on Bee find itrret. Janus L. Stewart and William Alons K"o nntire io tbl paper of being ebuian m Kxoculora of tba aalaU of Jonaa Mooa, late of M'irri lownbip, dtceaaad. Their poi t office id- :t-M i Kylertown. S. I. Snyder has purchased the "Old nriiern uotal property, on tbe corner or Market and Heootid atreeta, from Judge Leonard. We did not learn tbe pile paid. Ha geti poiaeaaion on lie fir it of April next. mm Mr. Watt. Savage, of our borough p -nooiF, win deliver an aailress at trie t'urweni vi'Jt Institute oa Suturdty nail. Subject: "Tht II -Ait in we Itidn.'' Hie naa was unintention atlr utnitted an the prorantne. lii v. D. II. Camphell, of Ansonville ncfoily conducted a aeries of mealing i at tb rreb;teriau Churi'b ia Ulen H'pe, and qni:e a numbtr of persona were adJel to tbe inrmbtriliip on oonftioB of latth. Mr. and Mrs. John Nuwhoutter, of lit borough, bare lost all thnir children tit rat in number from scarlet fever, wi thla tht pait tb tee weeks. Their bereavement is a aad one, an l are entitled to the sympathy of ail -- To day, Kobruary 2J, i Caudlemaa or "druuud liog" day, and many persons bare aniiouily waited Tor It, hoplog to da term i pa t3( nby whether or not the severe and tedious Winfr will end within the m-xt six weeks. mm m - In giving aiirttofthc ConnnifKioiHTH' ( intmeuta lor 1 1 HI last week, we omitted the 4'i,e ol 8. 1. Snyder, who ha been reappoln led to regulate and keep the Court Home clock in runtiiug ordiT. tio appointment for Jtnitor baa ltn made. - m 9 mm Death or Ala. iSouToN. Mr. Luko .N'eru.n, fatber of Mrs. ex-Sheriff Penti, died at the biiaw liouit, io this borough, un FriJify tiigtit, ut Itphuid p neu mania, alter an Illness uf but one wttk. lie was la tht Md ytar of his gc. His remains, on tfatunlny morning, were (ken to aii former home Bt M iddleUiwn, Uaupbm coLinty, fur tiitftment. Deputy Slate Superintendent Uourk, C. arjijr tiuptrintertdi-nt McQuown and the Board f hirrctora intend innpecting the borough schools on Tueada; afternoon of arxl week, February 8ih. I'n.r. Iluuck will deliver an addreaa to the ata 'irnts In the SiHdv Hall at the e'ose of tbe visit. T:iie of tur eitileni who desire to flait ear publifl schools, should accompany tbeae ofilelala (B this oceaaioD. An Awki:l Wrm'K. A (reibtlrain un the Tyrone A Clearfiald Ilrutich ran inlo tba rcir of another freight train standing on the tiara In Futomit Tunnel oa tbe Lw tirade, on tiuxlay laat. No ona was hurt, but several sri were baJ'y aahe:i." CktrrgU Rtord, W bat a lueky eitape ! Header, remember the f el I A train ob Ibe Tyrone A MvarfielJ Rail- ad j hup tog tbe traok Bud landing clear over oa it- L.w (trade KaMrued, twenty-five miles dis ''t alike nearest point, and "bulling" train "n ihe la'ur road right la that big tunnel too ! 'I is a great wnader tbe employes were net all ' lad, the loeomotire all "boi'ed'aad trains (" op. ,mm e Death op Job SiiiLLiNd. Joseph billing, ao ecrentiie ebaracter well-knowa tn M f iclaily, aad who ft some time past has beta public charge, bo a supported by tbe Overseers " the Poor of Lawrence townibip, died Wednesday aigbt last, January SAlb, at tbe boast ofJau,ei Mnilen, la Iwreote township, and was buried la lb a riki.lU rainur korauli n Iriday morning. Tbe dresed was a native I-. r I rB'ict, aad was spward of fa years of agt. febillioi Is fie third auptr that Lawreaae lewn- P las barlel during tbt month of January. The Oveneers tave yrt some twelve or tblrleea r0B to 'e ik after. A dkriocs Accident. A very ieri- leetdtot befell Edward Cawen, a yeuag atso Ht ftbout 72 jtari, idb or Robert Cowen, tf 'i (uwnship, oa Tuesday of Ua week, tht mil He was ea gaged al pttliag logs at r01", In Uaiteh township, aad another work n wu ikiiing a tree mbi fori r (fty feet ' i. The tree Ml aeroea a UN swuMof which rr near, aad the lapliag, faltiog In a different wiaa I rum that tf tba tree, itraoh young anh tremeadeu fare, break tag tht heata FioKagers aad laaab b oaaof hia kaadi, Mbeiwiae injuring him. Tht large aaoaat ctipgir.i t tha brBbBbasof the tree made r'f'M abta ,b, 1rM fcJt ,0j it wai la Wu, u tell whart It wai gtiag It atrtkt. Tbt P'lutata leUeot wu a wemp lately terered r that It loth nea tr tweaty ala- PUdkita, liUeoaditlea U yet ft rather tens bbb. Sorvioei will bo hold in the West Clearfield H. K. Church Beit iSuBdsj afternoon 1, o'clock. - Victims of c.unstipation und iU un Uld niter las can keep la good condition, by a nudarata ou of Ayar't I'll 1, tbe surest, safest and moit reliable oathartio. "Tlio Wilkoa-Harre Album" is tlio Bant of saw paper that has found Hi way to ur offloa. It la publlihsd weekly by tht Wilkoe Ilarre Albuan Publliblag Company, Suoecu to you. Ayor's Aue L'uro Iihh Httvud thou sands ofllvM in Iba malarial ditrictatf iblaand otbar couotrlaa. It la warrant d a errialn and ipeady rainetlj', and fraf fiom all harmful in gredient. Hit Hkath All. Tbo firoprivtir of tha I'tilladalpbia Itttvrd "knuoka tba touki ufl" all tba Almanao makori thli yar. Tha tdllt-m for IhHl 1 b rich Irtaaure tut one to bvt) In tha lioui oroffiov. TownbiiipSkttlehents.- The Town abip Auditora tbu!d bear lu mind that an Aot of Aaaetubly wai paaeed and approved on the -4th nf June, 187P, (Pamphlet Law, page 94) aimpollitig them to meet for teltltment on the eeoond Mon day of ilarcb, A. D. ISHI.and annually en tliut day latlle all aeoounti,exeept the School acenunti. Klueuh' Mektinu. The Kldernof tho Preabtery ot HuntiDcdon will meat la tbe Church at Alexandria, ln)IIuuitng.fl county, on Tueiiaj and Wedoeaday, February Stb and Vth, 1881. Meaara. 0. U. Hutcfaklo, of Monttdale, and Lucleo bird, of 1'enSeld, ire down on tbe programme for a apeccb. mm A Goon Place to Stop. Tho Wanh- ington Houae at Ulcn Hope, kept by tisorge V, Dottf (aee card on fourth page) It a good place for trarelere and sleighing parties to ttop at. There will be found all tbe accommodations and ooniforta of a home. Tha proprietor Is at preaent njoylog a good patronage, lie deaarvoa it. mt gtu Sheriff Maliatley and ex-Protbono lary lib om etcortrd George Hill, Harry Crtt ry and P. J. Sullivan to the Weatorn Pen Itintiary Bid loJgrd thrtn lafely in that institution on Monday of laat weok. The icntoncei wore aa fullowa : 11111, highway robbery, two jt-ari and eight monthi ; Creeey, aiaault and battery, eijj h- teen months ; SulHvnn. rape, eifbtecn months. - - i Ciianok or OpriCKHs. e notico that at a mteling of tbe atonkkuldera of the JJO' eatur Company, held in Philadelphia on last Saturday week. Senator Wallace was elected President uf that eoal corporation. Mr. Henry Levis heretofore served in that capacity. Thii Company bas recently purchased some very ralu able landa Io our coal field. Kiu cationalMektino. The billow ing Is the programme for the Kducational Meet ing ia the Court House on Tuesday evening next, February 8th : Opening Address Hon. U. H. llarrott. Select Heading W. H. Mott. Lectuiu Hon. Hcory Huuuk. The Presbyterian choir has kindly consented to furnish mualo for the ocoaalon. Tho Court Uouie thuuld be Oiled with lrit-nd of education. mm - Snow Storm. Tho heaviest snow storm of the season let In on Monday eveuiug abuut doak and continued at intervala tbe greater part ef Tuesday. Over uue fo-; of tbe "beauti ful" fell duriug the storm, and it drilled badly. Tbe Kiprdvs (rain frooi Curweniville,dua at 6; IT on TuodHy morning, did not reach here until noou, baviug stalled in the out at "Hug back," where it was delayed sinue &.?.0 A. M. Aid ar rived from Tjrobt, aud the train wai pulled through. It was a badly mixed up aflalr when it pniied through town, oomposod as it was of freight oars, passenger coachaa, and three engines. All travel Is greatly obstructed. This is the Win ter of Jiiccntrnt among railroaders. - mmm e aw Local Institute at I-umherCitt. Tha following progratuaie has been awarded for the Loaal Institute to be held at Lumber City on Monday, Februry 7th, to wit: MOHHIIMl BKMSKiH. Address of Welcome. W. W, Moore. OrirnniBfttion. The relation r School directors to ichoole S.J. Mi-Crcery. Fiany May Mt -tnphiil . Addnas Hon. Henry llouck. Artraxon sRpaion. Letter Wriiing W, II. Wuurhei.haunt. The Teacher Compared with the La borer ..Ira V. Huone. Address Hon. Hnry Houck. Tbe Teacher in Society S. II. Trego. Muaie la Schools W, W. Moore- BvxxiRti arsaiox. Prayer Rev. I. Edwards. Select Reading S. H. Trego. Address M. L. Mctjuowo. Lecture Hon. Henry Houck. The evening seiiion will beheld in the Preiby tarlan Charoh, and good music will be furnished by tbe choir. The lectures of Hun. Henry Houck should be sufficient to attract the a I tent ion of every lover of education to attend all I bene meet ings. mm mm . . THE DOOMED FELONS. The tragedy tranapirlng at Willitmiport to morrow ( another leaaoB to tranrgrei.tors. The editor of the Built (in isye : "On Friday afternoon the County Commission ers went to the jail to inform Mrs. Miller and ()eor)e Smith that they mut prepare to die on the third of , February, at ihe Hoard of Pardons had refused to Interfere. Mrs. Miller when in formed of bow the matter stands, was so ovaronmc that for a second or two she could not give vent to bar reelingi; and when tbe brenk oennrred it wai of the moat terrible and heartrending na ture. Smith was more calm, as be evidently had not placed morn hope on the hoard or pardons as sisting him. The Commissioners hitd taken a new suit of clothing to Smith, and tn chanting his stockiags a vial ot laudanum, nontamiag about aa ounce of the liquid, waa found by Com mieeioner Ebner. He wa aaked who bd furn ished it to bim.bul be would not tell, simply saving that a triind bait brought tt, and laat he had forgotten who it was. Tbe vial bad tbe label of Uubla A Cornell en It. a, ft or nan coirtaaioe. Smith ma le another ecnfesinn. In which he Implicates John Brown, the cnlored man. as be ing one of the chief actors la Ihe terrible traredr. He said that, after accompenving Mrs. Miller from Harmon's that nit lit tothe house. and while standing talking near ibe gale, he heard a whisite, and directly afler un came It rows who said he intended putting Miller out of Ihe way, and that he wanted hira (Smith) to assist him. Thla hm refund to do when Hrnwa drew a pistol and said he would blow hip brainaontif he did Bot go with him to the haro. Thev then went to the barn. Brown having a elub with hlns, and tbev took up pufitieni otiejt.'h side of Ibe, when Brown a noise with hia elub. Mrs. Miller called to her hn hand thit there was somebody In the harn. and Miller got up and Bent out. Brown Bret Itruok Miller wtb bis elub and caMed Io Smith to strike. Smith says he think he did not hit bim, as be started to run tn the hoeae. At the rue be was met by Mrs Miller, who knnckttd him dwn with a poker, whea Hrowa came nn and rlniibed him. They then drngired Miller to tbe barn, whea Brown Said to Smith : "Un lo th house and get tbe rope." 'Whil rop V aaked Smith. "Mrs. .ituier knows all about It,' replied Brown. He went to the bone and Mrs Miller a-ave him the rope, and want with him to tbe harn. Brown tank Miller hr the shoulders , and Smith look bold of him at lb feet and raised bim to the beam, when Mrs. Miller put the rope around tbe wurderrd man'a neck. Aa boob as ibis was done I llrown struck off throne h tbe nm.iard in th di rection of Jersey Shore, and Mrs Miller said tn swltb : " want you to io to the house." IB OTItRR rai.Lt. Tha prlannere have been rlsced In different ce'ls from Ihnaa Ibey have hea oevupvlrg lately, and everything has ben taken away which mia-ht aid them to commuting suMde. The Onmmis sinners will purchase some new elnthinf for Mrs Miller something suitable lor her to appear on the scarTild. The Bnt Intimntloa that was obtained of Smith having poison In his noil waa through the prisoner Kelly, taken to the penitentiary by S her iff Wil eon a a few davs ago. Kelly, after having made several ineffeetnal attemoti to escane. Inform ed Sheriff Wilson that Smith bad something ia hie pneaeaaiea with wbtnh he Inteaded tn escape the fallows, ard It was this that earned tbe el nee search ob Friday. No one will be able to ret the condemned hereafter without a close watch apoa their movements. BXROt-Tloa tr wovbb. Very few persons are aware of the a amber of women that have neea executed to Pennsylvania for murder si aot l7fdowa to tbe preeeet time, Aa examination tf the records In the office of the Secretary of tbt Commonwealth at Harriabarg bows Ihe following Klisabeth Kimhy, executed at West Chester, September Sd. under tbe adminlslratloa of Oeverner Thomas McKeaa, Nature of crime aot slated oa Ibe hooka. Klitabeth Moore, Yrrk eonnty, April Slat, Mow, under Ibe arfministraiioa ol tiovrraor Simon hnvder. Nature nf crime Bot stated. Sutaa Cob, Berks twenty, was hanged Mav 9th, Iftl'V, fur murdering her newly bora ebnd hy ebahlag It tt death. Uuvcraor Snyder laaaed the warrant, Charlotte Joaes. A I lee hen y eonnty, Fehruarv Ittb, I8!f, far the snurder of (lenrge Wilaoa. of kliaahtb township. Governor Pol look lisaedthe May Twiggs, MuBloar eotnty, Octehar ill, IHMt, fArthe mur ltrof Catbariae Ana Clark by ad oa in liter lag pelaoa, O over nor Packer iasued tbe warrant. Martha O under. A Megheov tnutty, January 1, I KM for tbe aa order oT Mary CdVoMee Carathers bv admlnistsring Helena la her food drink and medic I at. Ueveraor Ctrtla htsued the warrant Lena Miller, Claarweld, Nofembey iXth, Ml, for the murder jf htr haikaed, Xavier Miller, by edaeie layering peleea la bta food. UoTtraor Ueary Issaed the warrant. From Ibe above It will be seat that seven fe males were eieeatee! la ibis State for tbe orient of order daring tht past eighty-six years, aad that Mre. Millar will saahe tba elgbib. It will bt Betea aa a lingular feel thai the caseations nam htr toe la arery deaadt. Interehtiku to Doctobm. Wook befora lait bill wai Introduot'd tutbtllouKat Waahlngloa, autborlilng tha public prinlar to rt-print an esitioa of 50,000 aopiai of aab or th four Tolumaa baratoforo publlabad, of tba MadloaJ and Surgical Illitory of the War. Should thli bMI beeoma law, It will enable every m amber and Baaaturto furolih Tree to erery phyiloiaa In, hit diitrlot, b eomplete lot of tbli raluable pub- j llcation. OBITUARY. Bo, or CLBiariBLn Rrimisi-h ak : The death of Jambs Uallahkb, recently announced la your columns, deserves mure than a passing nolioe. It II rarely we have to record tbe death of a nri vateoltiian whose luae will be mors generally felt or mure ueepiy uepiorra. Mr. Uallaher bad a constitution natural! strong, but his phyilcal powers gradually gave way, ana ne nneiij yieiard to tne ettectsor bear! dneaae, from which be did ob the evening of ueceinber ihlli, lhtB, olosmg a His otextraordi miry Serenity and aiefnlneii. He was born In lluutintcdon county, thla State, ob May 7tb, IhHl cuiue with bis parents to Clearfield creek, in thli ouritv, in ISUT, and at the aice of flfteea veara botiatue a recident of Hurmlde townahip. Here he begun the nrquiition of a praetiral HiiowledKeol tholuuiberbuainees "roughing it," as o ii many ol tho early settlers in this (lieu "be nighted region." Io early lile Mr. (Jallabor en joyed but limited opportunities or an education ; but be made the most of the means within his reach. Chaste ia bis stvle, and often as brilliant in his imaginations as he waa perspicuous and forcible In bis thought and reasoning, The course of Mr. (i all a her was not marked by any of those extraordinary and brilliant successes hi h oooasionally rt-pay the reikueea of au d enlurt'us enterprise i nor was It, on the other banal, characterised by the duaatrui reverses which more ofteo puulah than reward the daring of an incouaiderate timidity, Prudeuoe, not timid and feeble, but endued with the courage and vigor of judgment singularly acute, sound and couiTcbeni)ve, formed the guiding principle of bii buiinesa operations, and tbe sure and fast prosperity to which it conducted waa but the up. propriute prise of a life which was no lets illus trious for the propriety of all the ends at which It aimed thun for the sagacity and Ibe honesty wim wnirn iney were Soutftn anu attained, lie never made as intestmuot or adventure on upccu Intion. Ilia undertaking wore the result of ma ture d til Ik ration ; ttt a rcBierkality clear and shrewd understanding, and, as a result, be leaves to ha heirs a fine estate. Mr. tiallaber, In common with moFtmen of ad. vi. nerd years, eiperieneol Ihe kecneit bereuve menr, having loit bis first wife and seven chil dren. He whi twice married. Uf hisfamllv, his wile, two sons and three daughtri surtlro him to in cent ma isrgc i ortutie an I good name. Ilii ion Lincoln, a very promising ynung Utin, died niter a painful and lingering illness, a lew Uuvs ncr inodciitn oi nis miner. In tbe death of such a oititon, any community unier a sen oerettveaierti. iliideeuiol lem lence, uumeroufias Iboy have been, do not furnish (tie reaiou why his memory should be cheriabed by tbe oilitens of Nt-w W aahiugloB. Every gord won rnai aeeuiei nxeiy to promote our pros penty or in any way benefit our cititeus, wai sure to receive his earnest and elllcient support. ile was a lover ol our republican institutions, and a friend and-supuorter of law and order, ever ready to aiat those whom be believed to be the victims of persecution, a patriot as well as a gooa ana irue man. In bis removal hence there Is a vacancy crea ted which all must icel, and none ean fill. James llullnher was n uiun of spotters integrity. His biography, if minutely and faithlully written, wuuid be respleadenl with numerous initanoes of bia and pjinotie spirit. A man without nsletitetion : practical, of an even sweetness of lumper which aevor (ailed to stiord a pleasant auiiie, a ainu woru, or a grntie act, When tbeie Were tell and needed. Sunh was "I uele Jimmy," a we were wont Io call him. His virtuei were his own, for tbev sprung from a native goodness of his heart. His lortunei were his own, heoauac he wus a person eminently self.n.aie His exacted reputation is bla own for he earned it richly by a lile full of oouor and ueeiuiiiima. Id a ripe old ajre, crowned with the love of all who knew him, he has raised from emonr us, Wlieu (be grave shall give up her dead, we believe mat lew wortnier ot bonor will come forth from Tier daik recasts than tbe subject or those re marks. e Naw Win dim a tox, Jan. 24,1891. COURT PROCEEDINGS, JANU ARY TEHM, 1881. hrcoid wi:ek. Court called on Mondny, January ITth, at 1 o ciock r, M , in aceoruano wita previous ad journment. Hon. C. A. Mayer, President Judge. and Associate Judges Ogden and Holt on tbe hen eh. Win. McCulbtitnh, Sr., and Sylvester Wymer, were aiipointed tipstaves. 'ibocrimiual li't continued from laat weok was taken up and (Lc I'ollowiog cases disused of Ol BR ASn TKRMINBR Lummonwcnitn vs. ueore (nil. nn. v Map- lemoer nasions, mu. nouuery. uclenilunt pi end l guilty and sentenced to two years and titfht moolha In the W-s'ern Penitentiary. Commonwealth vs. Harry Creeiy. No 20 January Sessions, ItfM. Mayhem. Nolle Pros, entered. Commonwealth vs. Harry Creesy. No. SO Janoary Hesaltios, Ul. Aggravated assault and battery. Defendant pie aii a guilty aud aenteaeed to one year and tlx months imprisonment to the Western Penitentiary. Commonwealth vs. Hurry Creeiy. No. 12 January Sessions, 18sl. Aggravated arsault and battery, assault and battery with Intent to kill. Defendant pleads guilty of aggravated asstilt and battery and sentence suspended. COM UBS PLRAI. Richard Arthurs vs. Andrew King aud Sindsy Puller. No. ol September Term, 171. Elect man t. Jury sworn, out withdrawn and settled by Ihe parties. The other oaiee oa tbe trial Hit were contin ued either upon application of the parties or be cause they uould nut be reached. utAurra iicnsiurx r.oAD mattrrs. Petition presented asking fur the appointment of viewers to est ib!i'b the hue between Uuroiide and Cheat township. Tboioai W. Moore, II W Min re and John C. Conner appointed viewers. Pilitioo presented by eitn-ui of Ujgf town sbii) far public rund to IbaiI frjui the wutli Soieal'srun at puhho road in Boggi townahip, to lotersrot the Ulue Mill road oeir John tf- liter- hart'i, In siid townihip. Petition presented by oitisons of Dcooari a townihip praying for a p'iblia roe I to lea l from Mutoeri school bouse to Loalnort, la said town "hip. Keitd and oonii'le ed, an I Sitmuel Hagrrty, Thoums flii'k aud John 11. Weld appuinlod viewers. Tboman Wayne present J a pellllin asking for a private road to lot-i from Oulfois to nest Lib erty to resxleoce of petiiioopr, in lfily town' ship. Head and considered, and A. J. Mollugh John Itlair and W. N. Protberu appoiotei view Prtitioa of cltisons of Beceerta township ak ing fur a public road to lead lr;m (lien Hope to rutey roaa at or ueur llenry tisiiey s, in said township. Read, and II. B Wright, liu. Pmcy and J. n. n tight appointed new an. lames L. Leavy, Henry Wbitehoal and L, Bird were appointed Commissioners to take charge ol Hudttm and Pike tuwnimp roads. Petition presented asking for public roal to lead trom public road alung suiqueuanna riy near John Vf . Bull's, In Dean wood townabin, i public ruad between Railing run and Newourg Uoreugti. Head and considered, and J. W. Bell D. W. Moore and S. F. MuCloskey appointed viewers. NBW BOItoCflB. Petition tf cillienaof DuBots, Sandy townihip, Biking for a charter of incorporation. Charter reeiiuumeudsu by the lirand Jury September 27th, lu. January l ltd, iftttl, the reeomunindaiit of tbe Uraud 'ury approved by the Court and Charter of Incorporation granted ai prayed for. Ana it was lurtner ordered trial ttieiaid borough lie a separate school district, and that the flrst election in said borough for breugb officers be held at the public boune of W. L. Nicholson, tn said borough, on the Third Tueidayol February, llnl, beiwoan the hours of 7 o'clock A. M. and 7 o clock P. u , aud Fred. Tracy, Constable, di reeled to give Bailee of said election. And Ihe t; urt fur! her d-eiee that Charlie Barrett be the Judge ard Frank Butnbargor and Edward Colter be ibe luspectors ol said election. OBI-IIAlfs' CotlRT. In re estate of David Bell, decerned. Writ of partition returned "not executed on aocount of me aeaiaoi noo. a. isie, one oi tne Lora miniionera." Petition pmcntcd for Bliss writ, and T. W. Moore, David W. and David Mitchell appointed i;ommisioners. In rt estate of A. H. hhaw, deo'd. Decree made for speckle parts riu a nee of eontraot with J B. Huyt A Co., for land ta Lawrence townibip. T. II. M array, K-u , tiaardian of the minor children of A- II. Hliaw, deo'd, Bled hie return ol sale ot real estate, Ouuttriaed absolutely. llnni-1 Mewart, Adumiitrutor of Jno. Stewart, dee d, was granted aa order to Mil land of dece dent. Petlllon of William 0. Whiteside, Executors of John McMurray, dea d., for specilo perlermance oi rr-Biraci oi ueee'ient with jobs D. Alexander. Presented and decree made. Richard Denver aad James MaKeuwn. Execu tors ot Ibe eatate of Riebard Denver, Sr., laie of Pena townibtp, Sled tbelr return of tbe salt of decedent real estate. I'onnrmei) absolutely. Citation granted oa William M. Smith, Admln Istsator of Dr. William Mela, deo d, to file an aceount. Citation granted oa Wm. Rothaock, Adnlals tret or of Atram Kyler, dee'd to file an aeenuot CiUtion granted oa Uodlrey Fisher, Admiaie- trator of Juba Hersoy, fate of Karthaus towa- ship, dee'd, to file bii account at leait thirty davs lei ore Maron term, ur attainment to laaua. T. H Murray, q., fluardtan of minor heirs of A. H. Shaw, dee d, waa authorised to receive die wbrJo amount of purchase money for land jo Id, and to re Invest widow's dower. Irank (I. Harts, Ksq, appointed Auditor to (Mipeie oi tne exception! te lbs account ol lledry 11 net. Administrator of Warrea Idle, dvoeaied. In rt estate tf Frederick Prailoy, deceased. Kale gra&ted oa heirt to aeeept or refuse real es tate at ibe appraisemnet, or show eaaee why tht same sbobm noi a sold. In re aiUte of Josi-ub V others, dee'd. Rule granted ta heirs u reluae hr fteteat real eatate ai appraiacmeue or vaiuaiioa, tr show tauat why same should aol he sold. Osear Mitehell, Kaa .was BPBelated auditor to diipnet of Ibe exeepueas tn tbe aeeoant Bf Wm. B. Hewitt. Uflardlaa af Wm. I. Vma. Minor heir of B. Vouog. atrteaaed. Aioa uonwy. It was ordered Uat the next term of toart eommeneo oa the third Moadey of Marsh aest, bbb eoauaue lor two oeB'tcauve weeaa. JUBOHI. Venires were trdred to he Issued for II aer- soas to eerva as Grand Jarers, and 44 perse ni to serve aa Traverse Jurors tut the Courts of Oyer aa4 Terminer and Q iarter Seaiioue lor tbe Brat Jutrs ler teeoad week tberaef. J an a ary list, I Sal, I IS p M , Caert adiearaed aatil Febraary Ith, at 9 o'clock A. M. , tarrlrl . CAIN MI'LVKHILL. At Kbeosbarg, Pa. ob Tuesday, January 1 1th, 1881, by U. fcinkead, Ksq., Mr. Jambs Caib, of Burns Ida, C leer county, and Miss Emiabrtb Mulvrhill, of Held ln- dlaaa Bounty. SHAFFER U ARM AN. At Ebeosbarg, Pa., by II. Klnkead, Uia., ob Wednesday, January I2in, t&ai, Mr. i. " on apfxb and H tss mil bxi.miha Uabmak, both Bf Jiumiide, ClenAeld Bounty. MORGAN HARM AH. At Kllsworth, Kan., oa Monday, January Sd, 1881, by Hot. Father Laglr, Mr. Wat. P. Mobuam, formerly of Clear- field, Pa., and Miss Kulab I. Harm aii, both By Ivan uroft, Lincoln oeunty n, antes. PATTKRSON-CUKB.-Oa Tuesday. Jana ary Soth, IhHl, by Rev. I). 11. Campbell, n MRBBoN T. 1 ATTlBaON and aulas LAUMA S. CBBB( both of Heccaria township, SWALKS HoLLOl'ETER. At tbt U. K. parsonage In West Clearfiold, on Monday, No vember Sd 18H0. by Rev. O. W. Uurnley, Mr. Tn AnnarxSw airs andMlrsMARrA.lloi.uirKrBH, both of Clearfield, Pa, FISTElt DILLKN. AtGlen Hope, on Satur day, liecauibar ilbth, 1HM0, by J. W. Wright, Ksq., Mr. Jokbi-h KiNTRH and Miss Shiab It. IHllkn, bolh of lieocaria township. nVAN-MtHKNIiy.-Oa Sunday. JaBuary iM, ISM, by Her. Father Meagher, Mr. Jahxi ttTAR and hiss mabt Mt UXWMt, bota of Uouti dale, Pa. l.LOVl). At Houtidate, Pa., on Mondav Jan uary 17th, 1M8I, Johb Jacob, sob of Khas and Kllea Jane Lloyd, aged 4 yean aad 9 months. . ANTES. In Lawrence townihin. on Saturday. January iOtb, 18H, Aarura U., lulant son of M. O. and Mary Antes, aged 9 months and 32 days. Butler and Centre county papers please copy. NORTON. At the Shaw House, Clearfield, Pa., ob Friday night, January 18th, 1U81, Loxa Nob tor, In ihe 73d year of hia age. NKWHOl'bEh. In Clearfield borouuh. on Tuesday, January 2otb, IMS1, at 4 o'clock P. M., of scarlet fever, Adda, only daughter of John and Mary Ncwbouser, aged 2 years, tt months and 'lb days. NBWHOt'SER. In CI ear Bold borough, on, Friday nig lit, January 28ih, ISil, or scarlet fever, Pint.ii, only child of John and Mary Ncwbouser, aged b months and IS days. ALEX AN D Ell. In Madera, on Sunday morn ing, January 2d, IfiSl, V., daughter of Joieph and Anna-Alexander, aged S years, 0 months and 17 days. ALEXANDER. On Sunday evening, January 2d, ltHl, llAnoKSSA J , daughter of Joseph and Anna Alexander, aged tt years, 8 months and 22 days, LLOYD At Houtsdale, Pa., on Saturday, January 22d, 1A8), KlI.KM Jakb Lloto, wifeuf Ellas Lloyd, and daughter of Jacob JIaney, aged ii years. She leaves a companion and three children to mourn their loss. O&e preceded her, and one, his since died. May tbe remaining ones flee to Jesus, the great Comforter of heart. J. P. II. LINES. In Brady township, on Tuesday, January 16th, I SSI ,of diphtheria, Millib 'iJrktua. daughter of D. II. and E. J. Lines, aged A years, iu moo i us and 4 days. Death has borne another one away, Another cherub from our home ; Just in the dawning of their day, Ood called the loving ones away. la our dreams we see our dear ones, Tbelr face and eyes so .bright But again when sleep forsakes us. We weep to know they are gone from earth We Utile thought tbe dread destroyer, Oar happy home so soon would brake ; And from the unbroken family circle, Our darlings for its victim! th. Not lung ago angels conveyed dear Eire To a land of spirits bright ; He Is dwelling now among then). Clothed in purest robes of light. When our hearts to grief are given Oh how we miss our dearest Dollie; But at our Father's Throne la Ilea van Again we hope to meet thee, M ill is. Farewell, brother, sister, yon have left us, And gone to fairer worlds on bigb With broken hearts we linger around thee, And heave those solemn heartfelt sighs. R. J. D. AUDITORS' KF.POItT -OF THE Receipts and Expenditures Clearfield County, FOR TUB TEAR 1880. PHILIP UfsTTM, Kaq., Treasurer of Clear Acid county, in the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. In aocount with the fundi of said county, from the 6th day of January, 1880, to ttt3d day of January, A. D. 1931. DXRTUR. To he!, due from last settlement $ M7S" 93 io balance due from Collects 14,958 26 Toam'l unseated county tax for '78.... II, All 7 77 lo am't unseated ooaoty lax for '79..,, 10(10 9, To am't unseated County tax for 'SO..., 10,620 Al ao am c oi seated county and State tax for 1S8U. vii:- COUHTT. I Ml 31 . I,u au 1,124 (ID IM 17 HTATB. 11 10 646 67 170 60 II 00 S3 60 5 16 II l 41 4T 30 V3 40 11 WO 1 05 0 06 8 (.1 61 th 41 27 31 00 66 19 46 11 06 3 111 SS IM 6 10 10 21 10 40 16 00 3 46 6 60 1 16 12 00 14 00 80 06 10 06 21 06 0 06 7 20 Buraslde bar.. Clearfield Curweasville llouiidale Lumber City... Newburg M N. Washington. Osceola Wallace tun Beecarla twp. Hell Bloom H Ur.dfurd Ilr.,ij Burn.iJ, H. C' CorinflOQ l.e.tur F.rKu.un Uir.rd . (Juih.D Urah.u Urenwof)d...IM. Uolioll llu.too Joril.Q , Karlh.ui Knoi I.iwreocfl Morti. I'.nn I'U. S.n.lj I'nlOD Woodw.rd i A n at is DO 61 MT bl I.7HJ 17 1.5(1 It 4i r VII) 44 a: 1.117 03 I.M9 4 WJ 41 aui 411 1,631 iU 7VI 0 6.11 OS 4.M VI mi a 744 4 720 14 Oil 4H aai 17 v 7 747 10 1,3118 04 1,67(1 70 aio 40 1,743 04 3,7:17 10 4-0 M 1,701 .13 1.IS.074 83 11.453 70 To ui t iiijip. 827 V3 To aoi't of Jud. Hrgi.irj,... 1HO 00 To .m't of Sept. H.K'itr?... 671 60 To o.,h of J. B. Sii.w, Coni'i !,.. 40,1 ! (2 1,080 42 3 00 To rtd.nijtloD, rii : H. Kin, J K.iro a II Wlib.row,J.,r.l.n n I 30 1 70 W.T.Thompion, llar.tiii.. Ld.L'.lilN.IIACo.o.owl. Hi,l,rl Jt.B... Urctur tp Kobert Lwp, Uoggi tp... A. W. Lh, lJtirntdf tirp., P. lfruin.n, Hr4f twp.. A.orri.; Willt.ii Kun.i Mloh..l Hb. M. U. C. liton Joho ll.nrjr . J.m.g lUod 1 3.1 6 20 7 6 34 r oo 70 I 01 I 15 I 0i I 116 1 31 I II ai 83 (3 60 Ilarnpi'l. town.bip... 7 ir.ol.1 Mour.alioa., HI.V.O.OD.... P. M. HnekaObrrrr Ctb.r, Hr.d lwp... 00 00 U. w. Hnm, Ur.,lt two II MflCl.lB, Brad. lowDibip. 11 40 MoCoraiiflk Kbot twp.,.10,6 46 A. W. Lh, Ip.,.. 10 04 K. YoanKi F.rguioB lwpH. 71 07 W. ft. Hub.rU, Hloon Ip .111 01 h. Wl.or, lit,,, twp I 01 C. B H orr.ll, Uwmo. tp. 0 11 To e.h NMl.-d u foll.wi : rroai Cur'frill. 0.r,Nrt.. 16 0,1 froa L.wr-no. Of.rM.rB.. 21 11 fro., BrBdrord Ov.riMriM.S41 75 from IIbiob Ov.riB.rf 119 76 from Uuliob OrrBMr....M. 78 01 froM HrBdlord Or.r..rB.. M 16 rron U.rHH towBtbis... 44 75 713 64 ToeB.bof B-BBBriBpoorfund-14 76 CB.B Ol UBI1BB poor IU0Bn.B4 T BB.b of t'Bioa poor fnnd...l06 05 470 tl Ta CB.b from ..I. of old lamp I 36 from L. J. Morraa. Ink.... 60 I 76 To Baab frost Kll Ulooa, I'rB- tboBotar., jarj Tbn It CO To ooitt rafuBded, rli : bi W.ld 251 00 b, B. lloVarlabd 1 40 br Ca.rla. Wavl.Bd 16 61 u.t . ..d Oo... Ooi,B.p UB IB B ra.h Bl Haraar, rant H 16 00 H liil.a Baanall, Ju l, 1... I n 06 U. W. HowM to 00 NTBBa a O.ldir.ll, a.l 18 II bi.bop a pBBIBtUB, BOiB 30 00 I. Albarl, sou II 00 Barkav, aou ., It II Tb saab of Jbb. Dougbart Jr lal. '10 tl To k.lP. K. Bllb,ui '70 41 I II Tsui ...$l04.11t It CBIBItBB. Br atlr.ra' fas, 1381 01 ui.l AilsrM, a Ism..... Ml It Rr B.dil.r. w(m UH Hr AkrtealiaraJ mmu lit aaaiiisc Pra. Hm. BBsaaau.. TBT 10 lit 00 lot ot tt It 414 tt VIS 47 Bt appaal bf AMsasara' w.j-m - Br Brldisa, Til : Lowar brlds.purobaie..S,000 01 CUM Oraak brldga par...l,2H0 00 llurailda bridaa ropairl. 33 70 Lumbar City bridge 2 45 Karlbau, brldgs 40 00 Uoodlallaar bndgs 66 71 Br ComulialoDari' wagaa, rt : O. W. Kylsr os Klah Jobnaoa 60 Job. NorrU - 025 110 0,130 1,127 126 Br Commluioaara' osaDaal 226 00 tut 00 oiBiaioiooor. oi.ra... of Dj Uourt Crlsr Bjr Court returB, lij Court Uou.a, via I Buckets, brooms, A0....I 114 480 14 00 MiJ Kusl Uai tTargrsau trsaa Mallmg Hepaira UUt. Att'roOic, Kepaira Court ll.iiaa.... rltra.t lampa M'atar oloasl....,- WiDiiine: olock 168 16 Ot 00 4 00 00 00 80 00 44 01 4 06 8 H 50 00 IJjr Coiuiounweallb ooitl, rli: 24 53 Lom ra "aini ..... bi,;l lluakwaUar.... Ural Collma M Caldnell Cooper Cardoa - Cola Dermt.r Dougbart j tlovrna Vumt terrier lillion Quillea (Io...... 11 ooiou berry... Hiok Hill A Kraut., llsberiham..... Jonaa. Klio..... Knarr Lewia Lockard Moore Mct'ool MctlOWB MrCraokva Millar McCarllejr .Mokle.... MerhDgn O'lleru O' Pesrcs m Parker Pilar . Hobaoker........ Ham.y btaal bedgwlok bohloaa .Sbimel. rjwan buHtvsn Ehsnk Teacba Truliu, Turner Wauoa w W.ylsnd Williams vbr W.ld Well. 0 46 4 01 ao o 22 00 60 1) 48 7 18 10 18 44 bO 84 60 43 12 41 40 46 10 II 1 30 83 40 I 10 10 nS 16 10 102 00 40 M 84 00 33 11 43 60 40 02 31 88 12 24 24 no I' 10 ' 80 oi 10 21 24 70 712 82 32 27 8 5 11 03 40 6 00 1 70 101 20 St 43 2 06 33 32 8 00 8 08 131 71 1 00 208 78 07 04 71 03 4 14 10 17 41 07 2 40 80 10 0 02 12 00 Wilson 1,317 78 10 50 4.10 00 2,237 78 10 S3 310 08 By ooata on Isnd sold nsuntj By ooata on trial of Prun.r ra llouta baira By elaotiau aipanaea By axproae By inquest feel By int. on overdue bund,... By Jury Com'r'a wagea.... By Jualicea feee By Janitora, via: Harry Ildopbill 75 00 II. W. Jordan 187 60 B Jurora vragaa, via : grand Jurora, .laa, terra 27tf 35 Mar. term IM 40 JUBaterm 154 60 Sept term 262 07 traveree Jurora.Jan.term 11,88 8i Mar. term 648 60 May. lam 8ml 87 - Juaeterm 81 65 8opt,term 241 64 Nov. term 1S2 60 By baarding Jurora By lunsoy By livery biro By printing, via : II. B. Uoodlandar 7l 67 8. J. Kow A Soa 828 00 J. B. Biiler 74 60 By poetage, via : un duplicatea 9 07 an eolleetor'a notice,.... 3 81 on achool tranaeript 4 30 on rrgiatar'a liat 16 00 on boa rent 14 03 on poetaae, Ao 3 83 By Pri lboDeUry'B feaa...w 514 06 panlUntlary bill......... 128 OS puat mortem 125 00 By Prlaon, via: elotbiog for priaonora.. 158 64 cleaning fluae 10 00 gaa .... 141 60 repairing pump 23 10 repairing fnrnaee, 33 10 mattreeiol ' ' 60 00 ' ell olotb .10 08 prieun pbyaioiea . 100 00 repair 15T 06 alaiila 770 15 boaa for priauaara 28 85 aboea repelred priaoners. 10 65 tobacoa lor prisonara.... 11 16 fuel By Hecorda, via : Prothonotary'a offloa.... 76 60 Heg'r A Heo'r ofOea 64 80 CommlatlBDora',., 75 00 rafuud 140 28 rent fur Co. fiup't offioe. It 00 regialeriog volaa 806 37 aealpa 178 80 aUtienery 80 01 By SlieriS'a feea. viat Attaobaonta .10 00 boarding prieeiiort 1,108 88 Cosnmuowealtb eoaU.... 124 00 elsaamg collar 0 00 eonv.ylug pnaoaara ts peniuolisry 36 00 eoaveyitig paraooa to saylum 151 II eomtnitmenU m 78 00 babeaa aorpue 14 00 aotllying Juror 1H0 50 eBbpurnaa tt 16 auppliae. H..w It 88 eerubbiog priauB 30 00 well and pump 31 00 waebing lorpriaoBera... 170 00 By Treasurers seal By Treaeurer a rteorda.m: Pretbu.elary'a oiboa.... 150 01 CoBimla.oaore' oOJe. 152 75 8 00 80 00 . 38 04 '1.795 01 03 80 88 00 10 16 1,101 07 807 73 1,541 80 228 OS 1,630 66 3,017 60 ' t 61 601 Tt 121 0O 11,547 II 1,084 00 42 90 By tlpatavaa' wag.a By amount due from Col're lly aw t paidt.ourt K.portar uy aa l teacnera laalitBta. By auouBt due froa Collaotora Jan., 'AI : Dlarmcva. coLLicroka. tax. 1812. ' Ha. loo htp. W. nadeliBBga. t II 01 Bloom twp.of. Whitney... 70 65 4 13 19 60 t 94 I S3 I 60 1 14 It 88 15 00 I 78 72 4 67 22 88 II 02 It t 47 IT ' 4 00 t 40 1 83 1 78 19 It 9b I 33 t 00 SI Cheat tp....J. J. Snyder.... 121 10 MTO. Bacearlalp...Jack. Klnkaad. 08 00 Bradford lp..J. A. Antaa 165 50 tp....D. W. Kloppy... 41 77 Pann tarn J. II. Itoolea... .15 70 Woodward. ..J. U. llirgina... lsl 40 I MIT. Clcarlleld J. McClellan.... 411 70 Oemola T. K. Clark I... 46 36 WallaeMon..And. 13 01 Knoi tarp....A. 0. Wiae 8101 Woode,srd...J. a. Higalna... 3l 4.1 Lawrcnc. II. B. Sli.w..... lio 30 IM7I4. Cur'avill V. K. Stevenson 1 64 Uoutadalo....Pat. bugan 124 60 LumharCily.J. II. HrpburB. 10.1 Uaeeola T. K. CUrk ... 19 16 Becoaria tp...H. llag.riy 66 00 Hloum twp...H. U. AnderauB 3114 Hoab.n lp,...W. M. H llsoa. 11 88 Uraaam tp...aS. W. Kvaoa . 1 00 ()reeavrood...A. U.Meweomer 188 07 Uuliob ..J. K. llavla 138 04 Kal twp....A. 0. IV ia. llll 04 Pena J W.Hall.rtyB.. t 81 IHIII. Bloom twp... A. Weaver 1168 Boise Urn... David Meaael.. II 00 Deoetur lvrp..A.IIanKhnian. II 60 lllrard twp...K. Mitnot 161 87 (lreenwood...Jeaae KeaUr.... 04 80 I'ibetarp H, KreemaB 1.14 10 Woodard...T. Ilendaraon... 77 60 IMH4I. Bornaid.bor.Jaa. Wetael..... 37 03 Clear6eld...AVm. Ilorvill"... 486 86 Car'avilla....Matb Ovreaa. .. I t 41 liuutadsle...P.McOulloutliB. Ill II Nearbarg....!. MaiklaJ 84 ft xi.naauagtB J. It. uvera..... 0 60 llaeoaria lp..Jba Dilioa.... 717 01 Ball ttep.....J. A. CempbalL 15 11 Bloom !wp.Qoorg. kurb..,, 17 tt Bradford tp..llonry KmeaJ.... 11)0 Brady larp... II. Jr. 41104 Burnaide tp D Norman 400 1 9 Cbe.t larp... H. Montgomery 0! to Dseatur Ip.Cartla Keam..... 421 18 Ulrard lp,..H,,b't SUvrarl.... 76 04 lloaa.a tp.Joha BaBsy(... 84 01 llraham tp..A. 0. Dale.... lit 16 Oreonvood..?. Ball 461 41 llollrb tp....Lake Millarood. 05 44 llaatoa tpD. Ilaraiage...., 107 14 Jordaa Ip. ..(,'. II Uvrla 70 70 Kartbaua....ll.Volbera 150 S3 Kaoi twp...J.Wiibaroar J"l 33 l,." Head , 16117 Morru C. II. rile".. ...... tl'O 57 Pena. ....... Pat. Daley 71 87 Heady .J. M. Truial.... 101 43 Haion, Heyler it 17 W sod ward.. W . II . Patteraot. 080 4 0 111,871 IT 1170 It ThoM Barked lhaa have pell la pari ataos estileBeat. Thast aark ibua I bars paid up It full. By amoaat'pald Slau HoaplUI, vi, I llorsce Ceartney 161 It 114 8t Joha Crvaawell..;........ Freak Wright JleBry Albert......... L. D. Carry Ueorge O Nell........... Allea If ebey .......... Willlaae. MeUaire .......... Williaa Irvla.. .... Taueaea Pedea... M. McUuSey . N. Miller. M U.a teller ,, John Deuglae 181 tt 181 at III 4i ii at in tt 140 15 107 II It 91 140 Ol IT It Ot II 41 II II 01 1,161 61 BjaoupoB, 1,714 61 prlaot boada ..10,700 00 uneeeted Oo. tai for '81 BneollBBtaa ruad viewers eertiAoatal radesmBd TOO II daaagaa 411 II overcharged Int. ob CoL duplioata for 'TO bibb, allowed OsUeetor, unasatad biob. Co. tax for TO aad 'TO percentage allowed Cel. oa 140,118.61 alt per OOBt M psroentags on$63,OB6.Vl at 8 per oaat paroentaBTB oa 17,073.93 at 1 par esat Woodward twp. dupll- c.u for '80, (not it bands of eollector).... 13,411 10,i!0 18 111 1,887 60 00 ivr (Kl 14 1,601 1,861 101 890 te Balanes Toul 14,801 ...1104,515 STATEMENT OF Unseated Road Fund For 1880. PHILIP IIOTTS, Em Treasurer uf Clear Bald oounty, Pa., la aesoant with the Bond Pund ofthaaaveral townahipa ia aald ouualy, 1680, vil : Aggrefratt Hlatcmcut. DR. Tooaah la Traaa.haada Jan., 1180 t 1,117 To amoaot unoolleeted Jaa.f 'to t5,047 To amount aaaaaaed for '80 10,644 03 To amount overpaid townahipa Total M7.801 t 1,070 413 .... 81,668 CH. By Treaanrer'r percentage By sxoaerationa By amount paid Diet. Treaaurer By amonBt unoollecUd By eaih la Trees, banda Jan., '81,... 10,544 4,0 VV Total 1 17,801 llecraria Township. DR. Te amount unooHeeUd Jan., '80 ...$1,348 To amouat aaaaaaed fer '80 368 Total .... 41,717 CH. By Treaaurer a percentage ..$ 40 Uy exoneratioa, Jamea MoMurlria. 10 By Dlalrict Treaaurer'a receipts 1,308 By amount uncollected 866 Total Hell Townahip. DR. To amount unoollecUd Jen., 'SO... To amount aaaeaaed for '80 .41.717 ...4 934 ... 434 Tulal $1,369 DR. By Treeaurer'a percentage ..-4 17 By Diatriot Treasurers receipt, 073 434 113 uy amouat aacolleoled By osah in Treasurer's banda.. Total.. ...41,369 lllootn Townahip. DR. To amount uncollected Jen., '80 To amount aaaaaaed for '80 To amouat due Treaaurer Dotta ...4511 ... 110 .... 47 ...4077 ...$ It . 160 886 .... 116 Tutsi , CR. By Treaaurer'a percentage By exua. on D. lrvin'a aetata sold Co.. By Dlatriet Treaiarcra receipts By amount uncollected Total. llufrga Townahip. To amount uncollected Jeauary, '81... To amount aaaeaaed for '80 ...$20t 10 . 101 71 Total $159 81 CR. By Treaaurer'a percentage .$ 8 86 By Diatrlct Treaaurer'a raeeipu 191 16 By amount nnoolleeled 164 71 By amount io Treaaurer'a banda 6 00 Total ...$169 81 llradford Townahip, DK. To amount uncollected January, '80 $216 80 To amount aaaeaaed for '60 I.iS 66 Total $465 22 UK. By Treaaurer'a percentage ..$ 6 49 By Diatriot Treaeurer'a receipt, 109 87 By amount uncollected 138 06 Tolal .' .....445i 22 llrndy Township. DB. To amouat uaeolleeted Jaaaary, 'tt. ..41,387 64 To amount aaaeaaed for '80 19 SO Total CR. By Treeaurer'a perceatege By exsB. oa No,. 8,000 and, By Diatriot Treaaurer'a refleipta. By amount uaeolleeted By amouat In Treaaurer', handa ToUl ...$1,679 00 Huriialde Townahip. DR. To amouat uncollected Jaauary, '80.. To amouot aaaeaaed fur '80 007 96 860 48 $1,961 44 $ 10 04 .... 009 03 .... S60 48 By Treaaurer'a pereealags By Diatriet ireaaBrer'a recelpu.... By amouat BBeollerted ...41,158 44 Chest Townahip. DR. To amount uncollected January, '80... 4 839 40 349 10 au ameuai aaaeaaed lor 80 ., Total $1,188 10 CR. By Treaaurer'a peroentsae t 3119 By Diatriet Traatfurer'a receipt 014 28 amveat uneoiiecieu 340 10 Total -11,189 tl Covington Township. DR. Tooaah In Treaauter'a haada Jan., '80. 41,117 78 le amount uncolleoted Jenuarr. 80. 1.080 76 To amount aaaaaaed for '80 231 63 Total ...42,610 tl ...$ 83 42 .... 600 00 ... 231 tl ... 1,700 00 CR. Ry TreasBrer'a pereenUge By Diatriot Treaaurer'a receipt.... By amount uoooliected By caea ia Treaaarer'a handa Total ..$2,630 01 lerntur 'lownahlp. DR. To amauat aacellerted Jeauarr. '80 $1,404 T6 To amount aaaaaaed fer '80 661 80 Total $2,04C 60 CR. By Treaaarer'a perceatege $ 44 84 By exuBeretlon oa Ueorge D. Morgaa... 81 20 By Diatriet Treeaurer'a reeeipte 1,350 00 By amount uneollecUd I.M 80 By OBaa ia Treasurer's hand 18 00 Total.... .43,040 60 PeraruBou Townahip. DR. To amonut uncollaeted January, '00 $102 00 To amoant aaaeaaed for '80 133 85 T. amouat das Treasurer Dotu 10 00 Total CH. 4246 75 By Treaaurer'a percentage By exoaeralioa ob t'uppiea A Hoover.. .$ I 00 . 10 00 uy ariatrtoi ireaaurer s raeetpt By amouat uoooliected ...... 00 81 131 86 $248 7t Total..... (.intra. Township. DR. To amount uncollected Janusry, '00... Tb amouat aaaeaaed for 'tit .41,029 90 ... 1.13 0 ...43,201 99 Total.. CR. By Treaaarer'a pereenUge , By Dlatriet Treaaarer'a reeeipU. By amoBBt aaeelteeted By eaah la Treaaurer'a haada ToUl ..$ 67 81 ,. 1,801 84 ,. 331 03 .. 70 II .$1,311 90 (loahen Townahip. DR. To aaoaat aaeollected Janaary; '80. Te amouat aaaeaaed ler 'B0 Total.. CR. By Treaaarer'l pereeaUge ..$ tl 17 By exooerattoa ob rbomproa Reed 7 00 By Dlelriel Treaaarer'ereeelpu . 1,178 II By aaouat uncollected..... ., 4g 44 Tetal $1,411 31 (irahaaa townahip. DR. Te aasual aaaollected Jeouary, 'I0....4I6I 64 le aaoaat aaaeeaed fer '10...... 43 48 Total..... - II Hi 17 By Treaaarer'a parentage lly Dlatriet Treaaarer'a reeelpl...... By aaouBt aaeelleeled 4 4 it . 147 It . 48 41 Total... .....4ltt II Greenwood Tewaehip. Ta aaoaat a acel looted Janaary, 'II $211 71 To aaoaat aaeeeasd for 'It Ill 17 Total .....$31l 70 CR. By Treaaarer'a pereeBtaga... $ tl Uy Dietrist Treesarsr'e reeeipU.... Ill 17 U BBeual aaeelUeted III 17 Total $341 71 $1,571 00 ...4 41 61 .... 64 73 , 761 18 .. 103 80 ... 830 07 $1,131 88 , 4l 44 . $1,411 81 Itgnl g.dwUstrafDts. Guild! Townahip. DR. To amaaat aaeellsoled January, 'BO.. Tb amouat aassassd far '60 ........ H 80 .41,111 . 681 01 Total 11,111 CR. ot By Treaaurer', pereautage $ SB tt By Dlaulat Trsaaarer'a rw.lple.......... 1,184 tt By amoaat BBoelleaUil 68146 07 ei Toul.. ..$1,811 41 t8 10 llualou Townahip. DR. To amouat unoolleetad Jaauarv. '00 $8,480 Tt amouat aaaaaaed for '60 017 ....$0,617 40 00 By Treasurer', peroeaUge By District Trsaaarer'a raeeipu.... By amouai BBBollsctad ....$ 154 ... 1,3:15 ... 1,017 ... IV.6I7 17 Total Jordan Townahip. DR. To amount unoolleetad January. '00 .$144 To amount aaaaaaed for '80 65 To cash paid by Dial, Trass. fl '78 aad iv terar arajl)...H l Total $111 CR. By Treaaurer 'a peroaaUge $ 4 Br exoaeratioB 00 Joha (araff. Bold C... I for By Diatrlct Treasurers raceipl M 140 By amouat uacolleetad Bt Total.. ..4311 73 14 Kartliaut Township. DR. 13 tl To amount nneollsotsd January, '80 $451 00 84 46 60 To amouat aaaened for '80... 133 Total 459 CR. By Treaaurer'a peroeatage By Diatriot Treaaurer'a receipt By amouat uncollected By eath ia Treesarsr'e hand a .$ 13 61 60 .. 400 .. Ill 10 07 10 Total ........4690 61 83 Kilos Townahip. DR. To amount uncollected Jeouary, 'So... To amount asaeaeed fer 'SO 46 ...4917 ...$ 11 ... 604 ... 201 46 By Treaaurer'a percenUge By Diatriot Treaaarer'a reeeipU...... By emount nuoollectod Total 16 83 45 ..4017 Lawrence Townahip. DR. To amoaat uncollected January, 80. ....$2,110 31 To amouat aaaaaaed fur '80 860 36 Total .$2X00 CR. By Treaaarsr 'a percentage $ Ofl 68 By exoneratioa oa (J. L. Reed A Co.... 21 II By District Treaearer'a receipt S37 21 By amount uneollecUd 860 16 By Bash in Tiaaaurar'a handa 1,204 80 69 81 60 74 04 SI 91 60 Total $2,688 Murrla Townahip. DR. To amount uncollected Jaauary, 'St.... $I,.1S7 To amoont aaaeaaed for '80 831 To amoant due Treaaurer Dotta 30 To cask paid fay Dial. Traaa. for '78 and 90 00 49 19 39 00 OA 90 '70 (ovardraft) 80 10 Total CR. By TrseeBrer'a percentage lly Diatriot Treaaarer'a receipts By amouat auoollectod .41,785 .4 41 . 1,411 . 831 Total .. .41,78 J Penn Townahip, DU. To amoaat uaeolleeted January, '60.....$ 830 To amount aaaaaaed for '80 124 Telal $1,061 CR. By Treaaurer'a percentaga $ It By Diatric. Treaaurer'a receipla 750 lly amount utieolleoted 124 By cash la Treaaurer'a banda 01 Total $1,001 Pike Township. DB. To aaount uaeolleeted Jaaaary, '80... To amouat aeaeafsd for '80 .4250 ... 01 4310 By Treaaurer'a poresatage Dy Diatriet Treaaurer 'a receipt By amouot uaeolleeted .....4 7 ...... 161 tl $321 Pine Township. DR. To aaount Baoolleeted Jaauary, 'to... $1,731 Ta aaouat aaaaaaed fer '00 461 Tetal $2,190 CR. By Treeaarer 'a percentage ...,$ 51 By exoaeralioa aa head A Weaver IB By exoneration en No. 4, 260 4 By Jaaea L. Leavy, Com'r'a reeeipU... 1,680 By amount uneollecUd 459 By cash ia Treaaarer'a bands 90 Total ,.$2,100 Haudy Townahip. DR. To aaount aaaeaaad fur '80 CR. By aaount uaeolleeud ,.41,120 28 .41,319 19 Union Township. DR. To saouat BBCollected Janaary, '80. ...41. 351 00 To amoaat aaaeaaed Jaauary, '60. M 428 7 2 Ao eaah paid by Dlatriet ireaaurer ler '10 aad '70 (ovardraft) 10 to ToUl. 41,004 12 CR. By Treaaarer'a percentage .$ 40 87 By exoaeratloa oa Craig A Blaaahard. 14 70 By exoaeratloa aa Ne. 8681 It 60 By Dietriet Ireaaarer'a retetpU.......... 1,110 8.1 lly aaeBBt aaeoueeled 4ZS 73 Total ..$1,804 81 Woodward Township, DR. To amount anoollecUd Jaauary, "80. ...$3,011 00 To amouot aaaeued ler '60 1,195 80 Tolal , $4,620 80 CR. By Treaaurer'a perceatare $ 108 OS By exoaeralioa on Urea.tiold, 101 acrea. 29 00 By exoaeralioa oa Jaa. Bowlher, t acre, I 00 By Diatriot Treaaurer'a reeeipU 8,484 47 By amount uucelleated l,10t 80 Total 4,821 10 ITATKMENT OP Unseated School Fund For I88O. 1)1111. IP IMirTM, Kan. Treaaarsr ofriear- I laid eountv. Pa., in aeeoant with tha Hchual i tuna .1 lh. aav.rsl townahtria IB eatd aunalv lar 1880, via 1 AiCfrrr-irate Htatemeut DR. To amouat uucelleeUd Jaaaary, '80.. 414,178 07 To amoaot aeaeeeed for '00 10,67 6 69 io amonni overpaid tewaaaipak, 70 11 Tolal $34,621 77 CR. By Treaaurer'a pareeaUga .9 71t 11 By axsBaratloaa 140 17 By amoBBt paid Diatriet Trtavaarar.... 11,891 03 lly aaoaat ia Treaearer', haada 1,181 lly amount uncollected 10,276 69 ToUl , .........$34,11$ 71 Beecarla Township. DR. Ts aaasaal BBeelleeted Jaauary, 10....$ 071 65 le amoaot aasaased for '60 808 88 Tolal Ji7t4l tl CR. By Treaaurer'a pereaatege 9 It II By exsaeretloa ea Jamea MeMartrve... t to Uy Diatriet Treeesror'e reooipu.......... $47 87 Uy amoaat aaeelleeled BtS II ToUl $1,141 88 Bell Townahip. DR. Ts amouat eaaollealed Jaaaary, 'It $531 it Tt amoaat asaeaasd for M . 171 It Total.. $011 II ...4 It It .... til 08 til to By Treasurer's peteeeUga Uy Dutriet Treaaarer'a raeeipu. By aaoaat naaelleeted Total ...$011 IS Hiatal Tawnahlp. DR. Ta ea.aat aaeelteeted Jaaaary, '84 4214 06 Ta aaoaat aaaeeaed fer '00 00 10 le amaaat daa Treasurer Datu 41 It TeUI $311 tt .... .$ t tl ,. 71 N eet-eea C0 41 Tt ,...4311 II CR. By Treaierer'a pereeDLxe. by eaoaermttea ea D. Irvia eauu. Uy Diatriet Treasurer's reeetpla.... Uy aaaaaataateileBttd.... ... fatal grgal fli'frtisrrafnts. Iliigfija TowiiBhlp. DR. Ta aaeant aaaolleeteel Janaary, 'tt $13t Tt amoaat asassaad fer '80 n 88 to Ot Oi Total CR. By Treaaarer'l perceaUge By Dlatriat Traaaurtr'e raealpta By aaouBt uncollected By taah it Trsasursr 'a banda $334 77 ...4 r 08 ..... 114 10 . . . SB 80 ..... I 00 .....iTiTn 18 Total.... Bradford Township. DR. 70 It To amoaat BBBollectB. Janaary, '80......4I24 Ta amBunt assessed for 'bo. 100 tt Tolal CR. 09 Of, to 68 By Treaaurer'a pere.nUge By Dlatriet Treaaurer'a raealpta. By aaouot BBeolleclad I 8 110 108 $280 Tolal Hrady TowUNhlp. DR. 13 04 Tb amount unoolleeted January, '81 $ 867 To amoaot aaaaaaed for '80 108 tl 40 Total.. $1,036 CR. By Traaaurer'e pereeatega... By oxoBeratiua oa Nua. .000 aad 13.. By Diatriet Treaaarer'a reeelpl By aaotnt uBBBlloeeed By caah la Treasurer 'a hauda $ 84 tb 15 04 ... 100 ...11,931 08 Total Hurualde Townahip. DR. To amoaat uoeollectsd Jaauarv. '80. $451 05 IB amouat aaaaaaed fer '60 180 86 Total 4033 60 CR. By Treaaurer'a peroeBtage .4 18 By Diatriot Treaaarer'a receipt 401 By amount anoolleoted 160 68 86 By eaah la Trsaeurer'a handa 40 Total $031 ('heal Townahip. DR. 60 Tu amount uncollected January, '00 .$377 Tu amouat aaaeaaed for '60,. 270 IS Telsl CR. By Treaaurer'a peroeatage By Diatriet Treaaurer'a receipla... By amouat aaoollecud Total... .4057 4 II 306 171 $067 80 48 12 II, 60 Covlugton Townahip. DR. Te amoaat aneollected January, 'St $730 Te amount aaaeaaed for 'SO... 231 tl Total CR. By Treaearsr'e peroantage By Diatriet Treaeurer'a reeeipt.... By amount unoolleoted By eaah iu Treaaurer'a haada Total $052 $ II 601 1.11 108 $051 60 IJeralitr Townahip DR. To amount uncollected January, '80. ...41, 14 0 Ta aaount aaaaaaed lor '60 . l,ms Total 42,268 CR. By Treeaarar'e pareentage 34 By axonerattoa on If . D. Morgaa 02 By Diatriet Treaaurer'a raeeipu 1,150 By aaount uncollected 1,103 By oath io Treaaurer'a hands 8 27 40 01 76 01 67 46 ToUl Ferguson Townahip. DR. Te amouat aneolleateil January, 'SI. To amauat aaaeaved for '80 To aaoaat doe Treaaurer Dotta ToUl CR. By Treeaerar'e nsrceotaee 42,263 71 80 70 66 By atoneratloa oa Cupplea A lioovar..., 10 00 70 70 60 ay mat net ireaaurer a receipt..,, By amoant nneullected ToUl ...4167 (.oahcM Towuahlp. DR. To aaouot uncollected January, '80 $1,111 Tt amouot aaaeaaed for '60 241 13 11 Total CR. ...$1,451 04 By Treasurer. pereenUge $ 3t R. .I.A.nlln. nn Thn.n... H..A A By DiaUict Treaaarer'a reoeipt, . 1,170 76 75 II ny amount Baeouocied 841 Total... ...41,461 04 , Graham Township, DR. Ta amoant nnealleoted Janaary, 'SO... To aa ua at aaaeaaed for '10 .4 St .. 41 10 10 ....$ 00 90 ... OS 70 .... 0 M ...4167 10 $ 1 11 0 50 04 10: 93 70 I Total till 58 CR. By Treaaarer'a pareeaUwt .$ 2 67 By Diatrlct Treasurer 'a reoeipt 80 48 By amoao t uneollecUd 4143 Total 4112 69 10 it to 00 00 80 to Greenwood Townahip. DR. To amoaat aneollected Janaary, '80 .4271 ... 91 M To amount aaeseeed for '80 Tolal CR. By treaaurer'a beroentage ...4364 By diauiot treaaurer'a receipu.. By amoaat anoollected.... ToUl ..$304 . CZUllrh Townahip. DR. To amoant anoo Heeled January, '80... To amouat aaaaaaed for 'rO 4 910 . 194 Tetal CR. ....41,110 ...4 17 .... 189 .... 1U4 By treaaarer'a peroeatage By diatriet treaearer'a receipts . By amoaat uaeollecud Total ...41,118 poon fumjj ron 1000, 1)HIL.IP IHITTH, Esq., Treaaurer of Clrarfleld county, in the Commonwealth of P.nnayivaata, in aceount with tbe Poor fuod af tbe several tewaahipa ia aatd eeuaty, for 1880. Da. To cash la Traaa. haada Jan. 'tt $ 111 To amoBBt BBOollected 10,479 Te amoaat aaaeaaed for '80 3,4011 To amoaat overpaid towmhlpa, ....... 19 TeUI .414,101 II Amouat I Amoant l Towaaaira uacellec'd aaaeaaed iAgregaU. jaa., -re tor innv. j'oentsge Beeearia tp! $ Bell to' HIoob Ipj! 101 16 $ 15107 $ 850 35 $ 161 I 111 161 16! 141 45,1 116 til! lu! 68 89 63 101 891 846 88 19.11 as 01 131 34 49 14 90 II 10 91 136 91 "tTiii Bogga ipi Bradford tpl! Brady l,l' aol Tl! 306 61' 00 13! 153 7 6' 1 11 0? 699 67 181 620 36 91 Tsl at toi 1.041 95 Barnaldatpj t.nael t 63 04 080 Ool Cov'gton tp Deeelur tp 'rergusen II 41 610 30 - Oirard tp teoonen tp Orahea tp 17 .17 Ureea'd tp .10 59 Ualiol tp Huatoe tp 001 9a 151 07 " "mm 1ST 30 40 .10 1,001 01 71 17 10 OH, 1,007 9 Jordaa tp 110 10! Kartbaaa Kaoi t 277 48 330 t; 1,141 16 lit 15 ""'47 10 491 I6 ' 19141 ia' t96 30 157 IK! 110 15 Merrla Peaa Piks PIbs Beady '"its? 17 33 147 31. in .ni 813 82 119 19 Uai.a 106 44 133 40 Woodward Telal 8,1.11 It 1,195 101 4,111 10 110,479 .18 M,4II 59114,101 I1;11I3 Tooaah la Treaaarer'a haada epiae, $118.41. Anveaai etardrawa 'UIbob, lit. 10 ; P.rfuaa, 11.61. j Commiuioneri' Certificate, WI, tha undareigaed CsBflaleeiaaaresf Clsar teld eeaaly, la tha Ceaaeawealth ol PeaaeylvBBie. bavlBg Bet bb tbe third dey af Jaaaary, A. D. loll, eecerdieg U law, and See leg the eeveral aaeeuBU aad voaehere of PHILIP DOTTr), Tree.erer ef aald aeualy, far the year A. D. 1610, do eertlry that are tnd Ihca aa bars, ia aUted. We lad tne aaouat dee tbooooaly by hlB te be fourteen thouaaad Bight basdred Bad oaa dollara aad Bine eeeu ($14,891.00). lie ia ladebted u the read feed la tbe tea af foor leooeaad and all dollars aad Bight eMail ($1,. 800.08), alao u the aobeol fned ia tha earn of eae tbeueend three hundred aad sloven dollara Bad alityeeeU ($1,811.01), and to tha poor feed ia the bbb ef aieeuea hundred aad Arty. fear dol lara and Ifty-eat teatt ($1.154 till aad the .meant aaaolleeted from naeeated landa fur eeuaty parpeaaa, ta tea thoaeaad tva bnadred and twaaty aoiMva at Mxiy-twe eeate itiB.eis.aii, aad tat B eases t naealteeted from aaeealed landa far read parpeeae, la lea thoaeaad Ire haadred aad forty-fear dollara aad tfty-twa aeBte, ($11, 1 and tat aenenl aaelletud Iroa aa- eeauo uada tor aoheol aarpoeee, u taa taoaaaad twa haadred aad seraety-lra dtlaare awe llty alae teaU ( 1 aad tht Bmesat aaeol levied from aaaoeted bade for poor parpeaaa, la uoubbm Mr BoaBred aad alaete dollara aad trty-Biat eeeu ($1,490.69). For euuasat in detail set auteaant at read, Mhoel aad pawr, herewith sahaltted, shewiag the ea.eal af each fwad paid the reepotliva Dietrtel Treses rare, aad las aateaal of eaah leads In the IwtHll af the Ueeaty Treaaarsr. Wilneea ear haada at Crsarleld, thla Iota day sf Jaaaary, A. V. IMI. O. W. ITLBn, BLAH JOIINHOM, JUUN Homur), OBaalaaUrntra, Attest 1 Jell W. Usea, Clark. rpt dwrttsfrntntf. 08 00 Ilualon Townahip. . t DR. ' To amount unoolleetad January, '80,..$ 9,061 T4 To amount aaaaaaed for '80..,. 1,644 48 Toiai iioljTrii CR. By treasurer', percentage ...4 171 07 By dlatriat treasurer', rM.lpta.......- 1,714 07 By amount aaculwefsu 1,044 01 Total .411,701 II Jordan Township. DR. To amoaat aacellectad Janaary, 'It $100 IB To amouat eaeeeied for 80 61 III To oaab i paid by dlatriet treasarar for '71 and 70 (overdrew u T'lal 42:o""i4 03 81 71 811 81 84 By treaaurer'a ercontage..... $ By exoiieratlou ob Jau. (Iran", aol'd'co.'.!! By diatriot treaaurer'a reo.lpu. ny arootiai Bnoollecled Total karthaua Towualiip, DR. To Bioooat uBoollected laauary, '90.,, To amouat aaaaaaed fur '80 II 49 TO ! Total 16 01 , CR 84 30 , loo 00 ! " pelceuleire 108 49 i 8y diairiot tree.nrer'a receipt 90 70 ny annual unrollrcteu , Uy oa.b iu treaaurer'a banda Tolal Knox. Township. DR. 01 Ta amouai aBoollooted January, 80 $410 00 14 To ameuut aaaaaaed for '80 .... 100 90 80 Total CR. By treeaurer'a percentage By diatriet treaaarer'a reoeipt a.. By amount aneollsetsd Total $630 to $ II B9 416 71 ..... 100 00 01 00 14 tl 80 I awrenre Towueltlp. DR. Tu attiuunl uuoolleotad Jaauary, 'It. ...41,133 90 To amount aaaeaaed for '80 201 68 Tt amouat due Treaaurer Dotta 9 06 Total I,IU4 t',0 C II. By treAtarer'a percentage $ .10 90 lly exoneration on U. L. Reed A Co.... t 00 73 91 88 40 J8 tl By diatrlct treaaurer'a receipt l,1ut 07 uy amouat uncollected Total Morrla Townahip. DR. To amount uncollected Januarr. '80.. ...81,5114 60 to ...4 013 40 .... 416 is ...41,101 01 .... 10 16 ... 071 06 .... 416 51 ...41, K0 04 To amount aaaaaaed for '80 03 13 10 83 68 tl By treaaurer'a pereeatag. By dlatriet lreaaur.r'a reoelpU By amoaat uacolUcted Total Penn Townahip. . DR. To amount uncollected Janaary, 'Sti To amount aaaeaaed for 'bl 84 tu 44 to ttl 00 00 84 ..4950 86 .. 10 06 ..463l"si ...$ 7 S3 ,.. 241 S3 ... 190 96 ...$6.11 81 Total CR. By treaaurer'a pereenUge lly diatrlct treaaurer'a reeeipU... Hy amount naeollected Totel 44 Pike Townahip. DR. To amoant uncollected January, '80 $138 94 To amouat aaaeaaed fur '80 . to 01 To amouat due treaearer Dotu . 5 3, Tb'sI .I9! 91 CR. By treaaurer'a percentage $ 4 19 By diatriet traaa. (Bridgeport Iodepedent) t 49 By diatriot treaaurer Ml a. By amoaot uncollected 60 03 Total.. to! Pine Township, DR. Te amoaat aaeollected January, '60... To amount aaaeaaed fur '80 , Telal CR. By treaaarer'a pereenUge , By exoneration an Reed A Weaver By exoneratioa en No. 4,160.... .... 94 22 ...4711 47 ... 183 99 .... 966 43 ,...$ 23 44 ... 4 50 .. I 00 ... 163 90 . 751 73 ...4V65 43 00 10 ' 71 j Bmounl uncollected 23 """ ua.u..,. 00 Tetal Vandy Township. DR. To amouat aasesaed for '80 .$2,ltt 01 CH. By amount uncollected $2,100 OS II 41 Union Townahip. DR. Te amouat uBeslleotod Jaauary, 'S0...4 f 7 01 Te amount aaaeaeed for '80 so, 33 To eaah paid by diatriet treaaurer for '78 and '79 (overdraft) a Totsl .$1,691 05 CR. ' By treaaarer'a pereenUge $ 1.1 By exoaeralioa on Craig A Blanchard. 10 68 By exoneratioa on No. 1.681 , t 00 By district treasurer', receipt, 717 94 By amount nnoolleetod 306 13 18 48 SO Total $1,083 05 10 Woodward Township. DR. To amount unoolleeted January, '60 $2, Sit' 71 Tt amouat aaaaaaed fnr 'SO l,04t St 10 28 Tolal... ...$8,691 07 CR. 41 48 71 II By treaaurer'a percentage $ ?l It By exoeeretiea oa Creaaneld, 101 acres. 29 70 By eteaeratioa ug.laa. Lowther, t acrea t 61 By diatrit treaaarer'a reeeipU 1,439 It By amoant uncollected 1,019 3t 41 ToUl ..$3,501 07 CR. By Treaaurer'a pcroe nUge By exOBeratlona !ly amount paid Diet. Treaaurera... By aaouat la Treaearer'a handa.... By amount uncolleoted Tetal ....$ Ill 70 141 01 14 ,18 . 8.199 60 . 1,078 61 .. 1,490 61 ,414,101 31 69, 00 81 Treat. h'aoB- Am't p'd 1 Am't ia I Amount I Diet. J Traaa. aacoH'ed Aggregate Traaa. haada. IJbb '81 i per - tlona. t 011$ 1 004 .4 158 07 $ 103 148 87 ... 96 10 ... 81 87 157 53 ... 100 00 I 395 15 4 60 1 09 I 66 4 87 10 41 '"i'i'i 161 10 143 40 136 54 301 TS 806 01 00 II 153 TO 139 01 699 Ot 67 09 116 II """oi'ft sin 1.014 05 1.60T 94 110 .10 ITT 40 l!6 77 1,141 81 in at '""47'M 161 00 111 SI SIS 91 81 00 IS 88 88 II Lit 14 46 14 90 II 09 Oil 138 Ol! ' 'o'i't! II 00 20 70 87 60 1 M 636 01. 170 "iiu'i'7 40 16 70 14 96 110 IT 37 80 69 158 07 ""ai "58 18T 80 40 30 167 00 'it' 'io' 071 7 to 01 1 si 1,047 00 71 40 II 34 1T Tt 00 8 10 19 19 177 S3, 140 35 13 10 42 It 60 lit to " ji'i'ii I 161 109 13 i 70 It M 184 SO 1,464 47 113 401 1,105 aol 4,928 St -I- tn' $141 0111,193 6011,073 61 $3,491 6V 114,113 II Auditor.' Certificate;. WI, the uderalgaed Auditor, tf Cla.rl.14 toaaty, la tha Ceaaeawralth tf Peaeyl vaala, Bering met at Ihe Court Heaee, It Clear laid, ta Ihe ir.t Maaday af Jaaaary, A. D. 1991, aeiog the third MoBday af Ike Beath, aesarding u law, aad haviae axaBlaed ihe eavml um..i. and voucher, af PHILIP DOTTS, oo.Jreaaurer sf lbs said ooaoty, for Ihe year A. . 1940, do report that w. lad them ea herein ataled. The Tieaearer la ladebud to the eennly la the aea of toarteea thoaeaad sight hundred aad oaa dollar aad alee eeeu Il4.lll.t0) 1 aad he la ladebted" to Ihe road fund ia the tea af fear theaaaad aad six dollars aal eight eaau ($4,100 16) t aad It the aeheel feed ia Ihe aaa ef bbb thoaaaad Ihrat handrad aad alevea dollara aad elxly seata (tl,. 311.00) 1 aad he le ladebud la las peer food la the earn sf aaa tho. as. 4 bibb handrad aad Ifty. foar dollara aad liiy-eae eeeu (11.061 All: aad aha aaeaal duo tba aoaBty from BBaeaUd landa eaeelleoud. It Ise Ihoaeaad tva' haadred aad tweety dellera aad alxty lwa eaau, (110,5)4 41) and tha aaount dat the road fuad from aacel. leclad BBSaaud lead, la Un tkeusaad let haa dred aad forty-leer dollar! and tfty-twa eeatl (114,644 1 3), aad the amoant aaeelleeled fer aeheel parpoees from naeeeted, le lea tkeaeaad tea aaadraj aad aevenly Iva dellero aad Ifty aiao OOBU (110,37 6 69) ; aad the aeseeal daetha poor faad Ira aaeaaiad Uad aaeelleeled, la three theaaaad foar handrad aad ninety dollars aad Ifly-alBs teata, ($1,491 69). Ia leetiaoay wbsreef. we hart heraoBU tat Bar kanda thU I9U day 1 Jaaaary, A. U. llll. 1 jik.auia urt 1 t. .un I. . MORallH, Wkl. V. WRIUHT, Attaat 1 Aadltare. A. W. Waltbbb, Olark JOB WORIl.-AII hied, af Joe wsrssleeul.d. In the heat Banner al thli eee. I 01 I It llll 18 .. 61 tl .4336 14 .4111 15 . 13 34 .4234 61 .4 5 41 . mt to .. 61 61 .. Tt 03 .4284 10 ..$530 to 801 68 $191 91