f Sbt jtUpuMtran. Qkoioi B. Goodlanikb, Editor. WRDNRRDAY MORNINO.FEB. i, IMI. R.edsr. If yon want to know what Ib going ob la tho bosiaeas world, Just read our advertising aolnmns, tho tyeefaf oolumn Id particular. At the New Year's levee at the Wliilo llouso tbo Kusioo Minister and liia wife wcro pronounced to be among the most distinguished looking people in the rooms. Tho Jlussian court drcsa it quite a striking ono. A Statesman. Although Delaware is the smallest Slate in the East, she sends and keeps in the Senate ono oi the ablest statesmen iu tho country. T. F. Bayard was re-elected on Friday, the 21st inst., ior another six years Senatomhip. Such men are needed as much by the country at largo as the States thoy represent. A Chkap Cakau.er. It now turns out that Congressman Loring wrote Grant's Canal article in the last Xorth American Review. How dog cheap I Wo suspected, wheu we read the arti cle, that Grant never compiled the document. Tho fraud should have been kept a secret. "Not Pa.ni.no Out." The would-be Sonator Olivor, who has' been driving a political campaign at llarrisburg for the past four weuks as vigorously as be ever pushed any business, must have learned that the thing docs not pay as well as Pittsburgh iron works, if be. pays any attention to the Income and outgo of bis cash account. A Position at Last. Goneral (i rant has tried awfully hard to be Presidout of something worth while; but he has only succocded in rogularly missing it overy timo. And now to think that the poor old man has had to tnko up with tho Presidency of the Now York Exhibition Company ! Ab, Republics are ungrateful, and no mistake! An Index. Tho present situation of affairs in Ireland is but a picturo of what tho United States win bo some years hence if capital sets up an aris tocracy. Tho "business mens' meet ing," to bulldoze, laborers, marked bal- lots, and tu'llions raised to corrupt eleotions are but the forerunners of class legislation and caste divisions. Maonanimity. Tho llarrisburg "Hoppers" hove presented tho Cameron ring men tho names of no less than a half dor.un of men besides Grow. They are roady to volo for Hayno, Wolf, He Veagh, Stewart, etc; but the Cuin aronitos don't nibblout this bail. Tho Oliver men act liko Bourbons. Conorihh. This body is notorious ior two things, vie : absenteeism and geaeral inefficiency. The lack of ex ecutive management on the part oi tho Chairmen of a majority of Committees is patent to everybody. But as the body will die a natural death on the 4th oi March next, we will say no more about it. No Cuanok, Mr. George Colton, oi the Baltimore American, travoling in the Holy Land, went from Jerusalem down to Jericho, the other day and fell among thieves. He propitiated them with tobacco. Over eighteen hundred and fifty years ago, a traveler encountered a similar treatment How ever, they had priests and Levitcs to overlook maltors then. Odk Leoislatcri. Although it has been in session for a month, it has es tablished a broad roputation for doing nothing except tho taking oi a ballot tor United States Senator each work ing day, and in that, liko in every thing olso, it has impressed itself on the minds of the poople as a do-nothing organisation at 110 per day. Tin SiNATORsniP. Tbo thirteenth joint ballot was taken in our Legisla ture at noon on Saturday last. Tho body was called to order by Lieutenant Governor Stone. The attendance of members was very slim, a large num ber bring paired. A ballot was taken which rosnltcd : Olivor 35, Wallace 32, Grow 29, Scattering 6. Tho whole number of votes cast was 101, includ ing 22 Senators and 79 Representatives. There being no quorum of mombors voting, the chair declared no election, and adjourned the convention until Monday at 12 M. In the Senate there were 26 pairs and 1 absenteo Senator Parker. In the House there were 117 pairs and 3 absentees. Absentees, Welsh, Liggett and Philips. Owing to the detention of tho mail train on ac count of the snow storm, we are una ble to give Monday's proceedings up to the time of going to press. Am Ohio Case In 1861, "the late lamented" appointed one Noah 11. Swayne, of Ohio, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court ol the United States. During all tho intervening perioTl the majority of this Court and Its friends bare bored Congress, and actually succeeded in having a pension j law passed so that after a Judge is seventy years old, he can resign and still draw full pay while he lives. This is a bully hold on tho Federal Treas ory. The other day Swayne resign ed, and his Fraudulenry Hayes ap pointed the notorious Stanley Mat thews, of Ohio, who figured so con spicuously in the counting out of Til den by assisting in the larceny of the Louisiana Electors. Matthews' ap pointment is stab at Garfield, who is just coming in. This is set-up job between two Judgce(?) and a fraudu lent President to reward a scoundrel by elevating bim to tho Supreme Bench. Is murder more loulT REMOVAL OF THE STATE CAPITOL, The editor of tho Clinton IhimiTOt gives our viowa exactly upon this dis- turbing question its follows: "The Philadelphia members have again ot tered bills In tho Legislature to ro movo the Stulo Capitol from flurris burg to that city. The greed display- ed by Philadelphia in iu attempts to despoil an interior city of an advan tage ami honor so trilling, run scarcely be regarded as gonortmn, and this is about all that there is in it for that city. That the Capitol of so large a State as Pennsylvania should be loca ted on tho extreme border- in a hole at ono end smacks strongly of the ab surd, and when it is brought to mind that that nolo is the most corrupt spot in tho State, the proposition becomes fruitful of suggestion that the welfare of the people is endangered. "Tho experience of Constitutional Conventions that sat iu that city is that no good is derived from the cir cumstance of being located there, that dobauchory is increased, and that the various alluromouts of a largo city render it difficult to assemble or kocp a quorum together. Sessions tkero would prove first-class nuisances to all members desirous of attending faith fully to public business and despatch ing it with industry and certainty. In fact tho Capitol is too near Philadel phia already, and the brothels and gamblingdens oi tho groat city are even now too strong an allurement for too many members away from the wbolo some restraint of home influences. Te remove the Stalo officials and their battulions of clerks and under strap pers to a very sink ol pollution, where not even a fair olection can be beld oil a political rascal punished, would be to invite official corruption and to in sure it against punishment." Federal Paiterb. Locally overy community is burlhencd with poor un fortunate, and must be taxed to sup port them. The thing is becoming rathor "tony," becauso persons who have been moving in far higher spheres of life have also turned beg gars. General Grant stands at the door of Congress socking alms. Tho Judges of tho Supremo Court aro al ready on tho list. Who, or what class will turn up next is hard to tell. Our pension list is doubling up awfully. Tho bill introduced into the Senate somo weeks ago by Grant's men of all work, Logan, of Illinois, placing Grant on tho retired list with tho lank and full pay of General of tho army, got a very black eye on Monday last, when a motion made by Logan to take the bill up out ol Its place on tho calendar was defeated by a volo of 25 yeus to 28 nays. Logan guvo notico that he would continue to press tho considera tion of the bill up to the Inst day of, the session, and it is to bo hoped that the Senate will give him a prompt backset every time ho makes a motion. Mr. Vest, of Missouri, put tho caso in a nut shell by saying that aguinst Grant personally he had not a word to utter, but as Grant had seen proper to take the chances of political life he should abide with the consequences. Commercial Catsup. An exchange states that some of the New York man ufacturers, in making their returns to the census takers, wore quite willing to pat a value on their manufactured products,but frequently hesitated about tho valuo of the jaw material, and left the matter blank. In ono instance a manufacturer of tomato catsup report ed the value ol his product at $18,000, and the value ol tho raw material as nothing. His explanation was that every year in the canning season ho sends to all the wholesale houses which mako a business of canning tomatoes, clean tubs, with the understanding that tho women who trim and pocl shall throw the skins and parings into these tubs ; every day tho tubs are removed the stuff in them is ground up, fer mented, flavored and sold as tomato catsup to tho extent of f 18,000. Why Keproacb Him? The Phila delphia Timet takos the liberty to frown upon a third-class statesman of that city because he had "been misled" by somebody in the coal-tar trado, in this way : After all. tbt Innocent Mr. alcMane. tocmi to hare bean milled at to tbo atlor raluelessnsss of eoal-tar. But bo li tuft tbat eoofidtDg that any bod; oaa Bako bim believe anything. Why crowd this "innocent?" The editor no doubt rcmombors tho caso of a Massachusetts shovel man named Amos, and that of a Chicago pavement makor named DeGolyer, bow they wandered to Washington In 1873, and "misled" a number of "innocent" lotto A," "No. 1" statesmen, who pocketed tho Credit Mobilior stock and the 15,000 pavoment fee. ' Why should littlo roosters bo plucked while the big ones are promoted and honored? We novcr did liko to see a big boy striko a littlo one. Peansylveala, aooordiog to tbo Wtit Chsster STspeetleaa, deee not furnoi tbo fool tbot br tho reuromeat if J net loo Strong this Ktetehee aorep reeeatattr. oa tho Supromo Omsrt and If Intra li to ho aaotbor eaeaney abe hai a riibt t auk tbot a ion ot tao Keolone ebnll ho selected. iYnrfioal rrftfloe. There is something equitable in tho suggestion ; but the Camerons control that matter and it is sheer imperii nonce on the part of an ordinary Had dical to put in his lip without first consulting bis owner. An Ohio man gets Strong's place, and another one has been added besides Matthews who, with Eliia Pinkston, Mrs. Jenks, and lot of other harlots, counted the Louisiana electors for Hayes. A Contrast. The new year is not happy one for the Rhode Island weavers at the Perry mills in New. port, whose wagos wero reduced by the mill owners. To this tho weavers refused to submit, and now tho doors of the mill are closed. The contrasts in life might well be illustrated by a picturo of Nowport in summer, filled with tbo pageants and pleasures of the rich visitors, and Newport in an ex ccptionally bard wintor, as it appears to these weavers. OIre a Senator ho mil bring paaae.ad ono no ua unrmeuiio ail aioeard aaj ho worthy tho people had a orodll la Ibo great Commea.sslth. Alleonn frieaee. Our neighbor asks too much. There is not a man in the ranks of the Radi cal party in this Stale qualiCed for the onds aimed at. The crime and cor ruption In the background, which the Isadora want covered up, will never be undertaken by one who is fit to repre sent Pennsylvania in the greatest body in tbo world. MICH A MCS" LIEX LAW. As nearly every one is more or less interested In the law relating to me chanics' liens, wo publish the annexed statement of facts and recent decision of the Supromo Court of this Common wealth : Walter B. Dick, owner, and Albert J. McLaughlin, contractor, vs. II., Stev enson ft Son. This wusan action upon a mechanics' lien, Hied by Stevenson li Son against a certain building en Ktf teenth street, above Jctl'ormn, in I'liil adelplna, owned by Waller 11. Dirk, and erected by a firm of which Albert J. McLuughlin was a member. In the bill of particular tiled with the lieu, items were charged for lumber lurn ished in the month of December, 187". Dick filed an affidavit ol defense., set ling up that McLaughlin was not the contractor; that, moreover, the build ing was not begun until February 211, 1878, and that the items chnrged in December wero net delivered at the houso or upon the lot in question, but wore delivered at the shop of ono of theeontractors. Upon thissiatooffucts Judgo Ludlow held that if the mule-, rials wero furnished 'for' the building, no matter 'where' they were furnished, tho lien was valid, and gavo judgment for the material men. Dick thereupon brought the case to tho Supremo Court, where bo claimed that the lien, to be valid, must, at least, be of the dato ol the commencement of tho building and not prior thereto, and that, moreover, the contractor was improperly do bc rilied. Tho Supremo Court, in passing upon the caso, says ; Tho surveyor of two joint contractors is rightly named as tho contractor in tho claim riled, lie had the power as such survivor to bind tho buildint', and, so fur as the owner was concerned, it muttered not whether the materials wero furnished at tho shop of the contractor before or alter the building was begun, provided they wero furnished on its credit. We think tho opinion of tho learned President of the Court fully sustained both on prin ciple and authority. Exactlv. Tbo Philadelphia Tele graph, one of tbo leading Kudicul or gans of that oily, though not the prop erty of the Camcrons, 111 alluding to the election of a Senator, says : "Why not olecf Wallaco to succeed himself in tbo Senate, as a sort of compromise candidate? He has as much ability as both oi his principal competitors put together; he is as virtuous as either ot them for ho is not wickeder than a practical politician of tho Democratic faith is expected to bo, as a matter of course nnd he is evidently tho favorito candidate, for bo leads the ballot day aftor day. Ono thing is certain : the Republican members will commit tbo worst kind of a blunder if tboy do not elect somebody who is the poor of Mr. Wallace in ability, and who is his su perior in well, let us say, in piety. Mr. Wallace is a real Senator, wilb real knowlodge of State and National deeds, and roal ability to say his proper say on the floor ol tho Senate in such a fashion as tocommuud rospectful hear- IIo is a "Boss" and not a hench man. As between a Democratic "Boss" and a Republican henchman of such an absolutely inconsequential Senator as young Mr. Cameron, thoro is absolutely no choico." GARriELD Behind. The proprietor ol tho Baltimore iS'm, who is alwuys alive to overy vittetf issue, went to tho troublo and prepared blanks and for warded them to tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth In every Slato in tho Union, for tho purposo of learning what the popular voto was at tho last Presi dential election. Ho has received full returns. The aggregate voto was 9,201,094, subdivided as follows: Hanoook, Democrat. 4.444. .IIS llerneld. Radical.. . 4,4117, MI Weaver,' tireenbaRker.... Dow, ProbibiUoaiet , Scattering . G7,vn3 V.llt 1.TV3 Total rot 0,21)1,(1114 Hancock over Gai field, G,332. And yet, the latter is to be inaugurated President! Hold on! Tho Bradford Star is in favor of a regular Northwester, one that will not cease blowing, howling and ciowing until a United Status Senator is secured. It says the selec tion of Stone or any other man from that section would givo strength to tho administration party in every one of the counties in that class, and adds that "nothing but the tardy action ol tho Representatives of the Northwest can prevent tho nomination of the Lieutenant Governor at tho Senatorial caucus." Tho editor does not rcalino tho power ot the machine that runs mattors at ll arrisburg, or ho would not place such confidence in tho efforts of the people. A "Moral Idea" Statesman. Min ister Christisncy in his application for a divorce from his young wife, says ho objected to marrying her at first, but the blushing damsel told him she loved him bettor than any other, and actod so tbat ho did marry her; that she perjured herself by taking tho mar riago vow, in as much as she said then she loved another, and lainted just be fore being married, becauso she was going to be married to old Christiancy ; that alio had othor lovers and has con. tinuod to have them, and with whom she has been on terms of intimacy, or words to that effect. What is the world coming to? - Kicked Him Overboard. The Democrats in tho Tennessee Legisla ture kicked up a fuss over tho bond question and split in two (like tho Cameron Lcgislatnro In our Stuto) on the election ofa United States Sonator. The Postmaster General Maynnrd abandoned his post at Washington and scampered off to Nashville, wbcro he spont fonr weeks trying to cloct him self; but his scheme failed. Tho Dem ocrats carried off tho prize and elected Don. Howell E. Jackson. Maynard turned np again in Washington, but without tho Senatorial certificate. Someiiodt Hit. Tho Christian Ad vocate feel called upon to rise in moot ing and remark : Wo baeoa right to oipeot that Ibe homo of nor Chief Magistrate will bo marked bjr Chriitlan sobriety for four years to tome a It baa boon for fonr yeart paet. Whatl Doos the CVisftiri Advocate moan to insinuate that the While House was not "marked by christian sobriety" during the eight years of Gon. Grant's administraliion? Really. this is too bad. What will Parson Newman say 1Bclltfontt Watchman. Senator Hamlin is the oldest, and Senator Brnoe the yonngost, of the members of the Senate. Senator An thony, who is now in his fourth term, has served more years continuously than uy other man id the present I Senate. , . I y IIOXOIILXG A FRAUD. A .'ollllEi-l-oNntNCE THAT KXI'I.AINH ll'SELr. Boston, December 27, 1880. Dear Hut : Only three persons bavo over been chosen 1'residrnt uf the United States w ho biivo received a do groo in Course at Harvard University. 1'lteso are John Ads ins, John Ouincy Atlanta, ami 1'rvsidcnt Hayes, who took our degree ( 1. 1.. II. in regular course. In Memorial Hull, al I'umbridgu. are fine I'otltuitn i f the Adamses, one by Copley, and one, in purl, by Stuart. We have thought It would be a good thing lo obtain a good portrait ot Pres ident Hayes, while ho is yet President. ,'ith ibis view we propose u sub sci iplioii among the uluinni, not lo ex ceed in any case ten dollars, so that the invitation to him to sit for his pic lure may come from a large number of his lidlow-gindtiutes. Will you join in that subscription ? Please address either of tho under signed. Yours truly, W. A MOBY, Amos A. Lawrence, Edward E. Hale, John Lowell, J os m-11 II. Ciioate. New York, January 21, 1881. Gentlemen: 1 have received your communication of tho 27lh till., invit ing me to join in a subscription to pro euro a portrait of Mr. liulhorford II. Iluycs lo place in the Memorial Hull of Harvard University at Cambridge, ulong wilb the portraits of John Adams and John Quincy Adams, Presidents ot the United Mutes and gruiluutes ol the University. 1 decline lo join iu such u subscrip tion. 1 urn not willing to do unvlhing Ihut may be designed or construed us a compliment t'.i Mr. Hayes, or that may recogiuzo his tenure of the hxecu tivo ullice ut itsliiiigton as anything other Ibun an event of dishonor. He was irnt chosen President. Ho was defeated in Hie election ; and then a band of conspirators, Mr. Hayes bim self conspiring and conniving with them, setting aside tho Constitution and the law, and muking uso of for gery, perjury and false counting, se cured for him possession of tho presi dency to which another man had been elected ; and when bo had got posses sion of it, his almost sedulous euro was to repay wiiu olliees and emoluments those authorn, managers and agenls ot tho conspiracy to whom he bad been chiefly indebted for its infamous suc cess. Sooner than honorably commemo rate such an event or do public horn ago to such a man, 1 beg you, gentle men, with your own hands first des troy the portraits of John Adams nnd John Quincv Adams in Memorial Hull and then to rur.e to the ground the Hull itself. How great an insult you ure propos ing to tho two illustrious Presidents ol thu numo of Adams is made manifest by the following words liom tho son of the one and tho grandson of the other: "I think Mr. Hayes was elected by a fraud, and I do not mean to bavo it said that at tho next election I hud forgotten it. 1 do not say that Mr. Iluycs committed the fraud, but it was committed by his party. 1 bavo no enmity to Jlr Hayes, but alter tho fraud by which bo became President, 1 tould not voto for any person put up on the Republican side for President who did not disavow the fraud com mitted. I would not support any member of that party who had any sort of mixture with lliut fraud. 1 feel lhat the counting out is just as much a fraud now as at tho time it was perpetrated." I remain your very obedient servant, Charles A. Dana. Messrs. W. Armors, A. A. Lawrence, Kdward K. Hale, John Lowell, Jos. 11. Choato. Death or the Survivor. Mr. K. O. Goodrich, Surveyor of tbo 1'ort of Philadelphia, died at Towanda on tbo 28th ult. Mr. Goodrich was appoint ed to the position sinco by successive appointment. He was horn in Brad ford county, this Sluto, in 1825, and has always raided in that section ol the State. He became connected with the Bradford llrporter, tho leading Re publican newspaper jn Towanda, in 1845, and sinco that time has retained bis connection with it. Ho soon bo came the editor and proprietor of tho papor, and acted in the former capaci ty until his appointment to a position in tho Custom House, retaining tbo ownership of the paper, however. Ho took an active interest in the polities of bis native county, and was twico electod to tho office of Prothonotary Tbo deceased was a staunch Republi can, and obtained his appointment through tbo official influcnen of the el -lor Cameron. Ho was attacked with neuralgia of tho stomach when last at his homo in Towanda, and succumb ed to the disease. Ho leuves a widow and two daughters. Puck Has It Ho exclaims : " What fools wo mortals bo." Three months ago Grant promised "(ho loyal mill, ions ot the North" tbat ho would visit Albany, the Capital of Conkling and Cornell, in "York State." Lust week ho entered tho Capital of "the Umpire Mato, and was introduced by Conk ling's Governor Cornell who said in his speech : "Before us moro than Washington is he first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." The man, liko bis guest, was not sober, or he is a fool. Such a defilement of the "Father of Ifis Conn try" is a disgrace to all men who hsvo tuken a.i oath lo support tho Consti union. Go in! Tho Now York Triiiinc puts the cntiro blame of tho Senatorial broil on tho Cameron faction. It says "llio unfortunate political imbroglio at Hur risburg grows out of an attempt on tho part ofa fow politicians to shut the poople out of all part in the choico of a Sonator." Further: "Tbo question is, therefore, whether tho Pennsyl vania Republicans shall bavo a Senator representing them or ono representing merely tho machine." And finally : "Last Tuesday's battle in tho Legisla ture shows that tho men who bold it to be their duty to represent their con stituents aro standing together with admirable firmness." Nurse Your Bart. Senator Vest, of Missouri, displayed somo true grit a few days ago, by rising in the Senato at Washington and making some sen sible romarka against the Grant pen sion bill. Grant is simply a bitter Re publican partisan, and it is the duty of that party, and not tho country at large, to take care of him. Too Tai'E. An exchange remarks: "We are glad that Congor, il a clown, is a respectable man in comparison with Chandler or Christiancy. Ho has a true, devoted wile snd is Iree from vices that have destroyed his prede cessors fn the Senate of the United States Irom Michigan during the past quarter of a oentury." IRE LAX D' 8 VICTORY. THE TRAVERSERS IHSl'IIAIIOED ON AO COUNT OK DISAtlHKEMENTOK Jl'RV THE JURY STANDING TEN HJH.AC ijl'ITTAL AND TWO EoR CON VICTION. Judge Fitsgorald concluded his charge lathe jury at twonty minutes past 12 o'c lock, lie asked the jury to perform theirduty .villi count go spring ing f i out a desire to act conscientious ly, without ftur or favor. Replying to counsel for traversers, lite judge said f his directions lo the jury wuie wrong in point ol law be c.u Id be put right by appeal to the Supreme Court. llacDonough begun an nrgtiineiil, quot ing authorities. Parnull entered court anil was loudly cheered by the gallery. There, was great excitement iu court. Judgo I'u.geraltl in summing up wus specially severe on llio violence ol leuding members and paid agents ol llie liUitu J.cuguo. II the jury, bosuid, found all the charges not made out it would bo their duty lo acqnil the tra versers. lt,ou the other hand, tbev found thuchargus brought homo lo one of the traversers all, according to law, wero equally guilty. In connection with this point bo told the jury tbat it wus for the court toloy down the low, which, il wrong, could be amended olsowboro. MaeDonoueh contended tliut the judge should not have men tioned this powor of appeal to the jury. The jury did not return into oourt until sent for by the judges ut 5 o'clock. The foreman said they bad not agreed, nor wero they likely "to agree. Tho jury again Mired, and wero discharged at 7:45 o'clock, the foreman stating thut it waiutjerly impossible noil utey eouio agree. . juror had previously stated they wore lea to two, but the judgo slid lie eould only re ceive a unanimous verdict. Great ex citement prevailed and it heightened when tho judge said after the exhibi tion of to-day :n court bo could not expect there would ho a Iruu and iiiuini mouB verdict. I ininonse crowds were cheering outsidj of the court house. As soon as tie result of tho State trial became known in Dungurvan the town was brilliaitly illuminated. Tho bunds paraded Ike streets, mention of the traversers' names was cheered and the surrounding bills were all abluEC. Tho Land Leiguo roceived a postal card threatening l'arnell would bo shot if acquitted The mayor Liver pool has been communicating with the commander ol t-oops in tho district and tho captain of the Guard's ship in Mersey to arrono for the landing of seamen lor co-operation with the mili tary in the evert of some suspoctod action on tho part of the Irishmen. Tho first new of the result of tho Stale trial in Dublin reached the House of Commons in a telegram from the solicitor of tuo traversers to Soxton, stating that ten jurors favored a ver dict of not guilty. A Side Show. Tbo Senatorial con test at Ilnrrlsburg shows pretty clearly how far tho factional quarrel in our Slate goes. Then again thu removal ot Rutan, Collector at Pittsburgh, in dicates that Hayes has beon drawn info the fight. Tho Philadelphia Times, in ulluding to tho mallei, says : "President lluyei baa tbo honor of tho first knock down in tho Pennsyl vania Senatorial light. Surveyor liu- tan, ol Pittsburgh, it the first lieutenant of Cameron in tho West, and iluycs yesterday did his part in turning Ru tun out ol oltno ana power, by nomi nating John Druvo for the Survey- orsltip, and bo did It in the luce of the most overwhelming recommendations in fuvtr of Kuiau. Congressman liayne, of Alloghouy, had Senatorial aspirations, and when Oliver ran away with the Allegheny delegation Bayne carried the war to Washington, look wravo totno rrusulent, denounced Itu tan as a machine man and perfidious to civil service reform, and demanded Hu- lun a place for Dravo. Sherman stood by Kuton, but Hayes took the last guess himself and he yesterday nomi nated Dravo as liutan's successor, thus slaughtering one ol Cameron's corps commanders in the midst of tho fight. h is a mamicsi ana intentional knock down for Hayes in the Senatorial fight, but Cameron will be likely to win the first blood in the Senate by holding tho confirmation over until about the 5th of March." The First Pennsylvania Leiiisi.a ture. On the 4lh of December, 11182, William I'c-nn convened the first Leg isluluro ut Chester, tbo port at that time of Pennsylvania. Its session was just four days. The bouse is still standing where it met and is used as a cooper shop. Sixty-one acts wore passed in that short session, as the body mot for the dispatch of business." One act was against tho "drinking of healths," ono against tho spreading of aiso nows. it was also declared in a preamble to certain laws that they should bo read as school excrcisus. They allow every man to plead his own caso, and further tried to riass a law lo prevent lawyers from "pleading ior pay, icsi it mignt "lengthen jus tice into trado." The Speaker's chair is all that is Icff to us of tho first As sembly. The laws wero all repealed or bavo become obsolete. , On the Royal Road. A Btcp in tho direction of Impetialism is plainly in dicated In the bill ol Senator Hoar, oi Massachusetts, providing for tho sup port of retired and retiring Presidents. It proposes to pay iinniially, during life, to every ex-President of tho Uni ted Stales a sum equal to ono lourlh ol tho salary paid bim whilo in office Tho Republican leaders do not feel quito safe yet In advocating life toniiro ol the Presidential office, but they will mskn a good start in that direction by paying the ox-Presidents, frauds and all, a life salary. Protect the I'RorEssniN. An ex change says : "Fetent-o-it'ide aewrpaperiereeotnplainrd of In Miohigen ne a nnieanoe and It ii prnpneed lo ebete it bv cDoetlng a lea- ilmllar lo tboie of Arhenree aed talifxrnla, wblrb provide that nn pntent "nuliiiie" or"lnaide" een pulillob kgelad vertieotnenta. Hundreds of printers who havo serv ed a rogular apprenticeship and aro ex cellent workmen, are thrown out ol employment by the monopolies in Now York, Chicago and elsewhere, who furnish the patent newspapers. A Slato law as above indicated, will savo tho prolcasion Irom bulldoters and kickers. Township Omcuns. According to the provisions of an act of the Legisla ture of IhisStsto, passed Juno 4th, 1879, tho term of every township officer, hereafter elected .whose term of ofBco would under existing laws, expiro on the first Monday of April of any year, shall expire on tho first Monday of March next preceding the said first Monday of Mar b and continoo lor tho period now fixed. And Township Aud itors shall moot on the second Monday of March, 1881, and so on each year thereafter. Hard on Beecuei. An exchange says: Henry Watterson writes to his paper from Block Island about the Conkling Sprsgne business: "I wish 1 may be harpooned," says he, "il ever I heard of anything like it In all my perusal of wicked history from Claudius down to Ilcnry Ward Beecher." THE LUST FOR OFFICE. Ono of tbo growing evils menacing llio lite of Ibe Republic is an inordiiiule desire to secure place and power. Bold ambitious and unscrupulous men, in these latter days, have appeared lo ply their voculioii with a boldness and daring that would have sot n caused our lathers to have repelled their nd- vunces. llio time wus when positions of honor and profit sought the man. and it was considered presumptive in tho extreme to muke a personal etlort, no matter how talented and iailieu larly adapted a person was for a eeiluin position in tho governmental service. How changed the relation. Today tho people expect men to go bogging lor office, gelling down upon iheir munis una knees lo the dear people unit ask for support, ll this wus all, il might not tie so duntrerotis ; but a cer tain cluss of professionals expect vulu ublu remuneration iu money or ils equivalent for serving such seekers of place. Tho scramble ut Hurrisburg among the Republicans for tbo Senatorial of fice, is enough to bring tbo crimson stain to tho chock of every honorublo, higb-tuinded cilir.en. Political gam blers niovo among tho representatives of the pooplo with a conscious feeling lhat they can buy and sell votes. Wbui caro they if members were instructed for a certain individual? What care they if tho new Constitution makes iheir acts criminal ? What caro thoy if the real interests of the Stalo aro plucod in jeopardy, so long as they have certain work to do ? How soon tho cormorants found whore the lnonied strength was avuil able, and how soon was ils influence perceptible. Of course the agents aud their vilo co partners in crime so ar range that no human eye can delect their guilt und bring them to the bar of justice. ' In this wuy constituents uro sold and their opinions trodden tin tier foot. Unless, therefore, this method of securing pluco is discountenanced and return to the grand old way adop tee,, the uays ot the Kepuhlic are nil in bered in tact, if not in name. King caucus must bo dethroned, when it binds ono to do wrong, and makes the holiest sustain the work of dishonest men. This is not a parly question ; it rises above and beyond ail party lines, and must be met by tho men of tbo country, men who would prefer seoing their political opponents successlul rather than commit a dishonest deed, or countenance, nn uct thut is not honor able and in accordance with justice und right. Tbo refusal of fifty six Republicans to meet in caucus shows a determina tion to resist the actions of the clement that has so long bad tho say in tho soloction of men for high official trusts, and, no infliienco but the corrupt uso of monoy and promise of olllcial recog- niliou win reconcile the matter, and bring thorn together. A Mr. Flanagan, of Bradford, has pattened a cattle car in which the ani mals can lio down and bo watered and fed on their way to market. .1MHTIO.V.1L !.Oltt.S. Coal. William R. Brown has Cn preparrd Sea bii gngrd in the cnal buiinrii, and il oon furalib perauni on ihurt ntlieo. advertisement. A now sul'o, weighing 2.C0I) pounds, and manufactured by Memre. Murri k Ireland, of Uoiton, Mae!., woe put la the Couotj Troei nror'a oQloo lert week. It la a nine piroe of work manship. The mail train on the Lewistown & Sunburjr Keilrued, whloh loft Lowirtowa at 7 o'olook A. li. on oUturday, waa thrown from the traeh bj a broken rail, near Middleburg, injuring flftaen perioni , five of tbom ooriunrly. Thonera took fire and wero destroyed. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the l'oetoffioo at Clearfield, Pa., for tba week ending Jannery II, 1881 : Mihel; Anlal, Charlea Creuger, II, II. Uoljte, g. II. Miller, W. W. Priea, Dr. J. W. Raoadi. I. L. Struoh, Roiej Welch, I. 0. Welch, Iraae O. WeloL. P. A. OAULIN, P. M. A new bank will soon bo Blurted at Shlllpiburg, to be llyled "The Moihaonon Bank ing Company," with Win. P. Dunoaa ai I'reildent and W. II.Hsnford aa Caehler, The gentlemen oomporiog tbo aaaeoiatloa are Meaire. John Nut l.ll. Ueorge MeUefiey, Hobarl Lloyd, William P. Dunoen nnd 1. V. Sterner, of Pwllipiburg. and Dr. B. W. Halo, of Bellefonu. A Bar Meetinu. Wo learn that the membere of tho ClonrQold bar bora held a meeting for the purpoae oflakiog etepa to took after the proper meaeura in bringing about the lormatloa of aur new Judicial Diltriot, ai contemplated by the New Constitution. Wo bolievo tbat a aumbor of ooinaltteoi have beon nppulnted and aasigoed to duUoa lookiog to Ibie end. P. C. Hammer, of Pittsburgh, has been Hopping at the Bbaw lluia for the paet tan deya, where be boa on exhibition two vary fine, largo eteol engruvlnga, for whiob ha la taking nrderi. They ara Bierdrtadt'o "Rooky Moun tain!" and '-Lnly Wnehingtoo'a Reception." Tba original 01 the lart named la awned by Mn. A. T. Btewert, nf New York. Wa bad tbo pleasure of looking at tbeia engraringl snd oan pronounoa them aa being tho finest of this olasswa barn arer soon. Rrery lover of fine art should oall at tba fibaw House, Room IS, and take a look at tbeae pictures. Mr. B. will remain for a few days yet. Clearfield Coal Trade State ment of Oenl nnd other freights eent over the Tyronn A Clonrfield Division, Pennsylrnnin Rail road, for tbo week ending January lid, 1881 and the name time last year t OOAL. Por tho week Same time last year TONS ... 1J1IJ ... 4ii,: .... lS.SOV Previously during yenr 3ame time Inst year , Drorease Total In 1181 Haute time lasl year...- ,. SS.8JJ . It'll, :i2 ... 31,oot .. 141,114 .... 48,818 In Lumbar.. oturs rnaianta. 11 cars. .18 Mlsoellenoous freights.. RESPONSIBILITY OFA BOROUGH origins or it-STlcn oonnon m tun noumarows CAaa. On the evening of December 11, H:i,a party of eitierns, numbering about thirty, paraded the streets of Norrletown i most or them were drank About 7 o'oloek P II. they proourod a small eao n, nnd dlschergrd II sererel times. About unlock lha party raeohod Main street, Iforril tenn, and eommrncad 'firing. At this point Alloa Fllspatrlek, n gltl seventeen years of age, was arnaslng the street, and Iba wad from the eannoa struck her Is the fice, totally destroying one rye end eaaalngudioflgurmentof una side of her fane. A verdict an the faatewas ilvea In bar favor for 1.1, !00. The qnealloi of law was left to tha Court as Is whether Ibe borough wna liable for lha aegligenoa of Its polloemea, one of them having stood by nnd witnessed the firing wlthoal interfering lo atop It. Tha Court be lew deoidod la furor of Miss fllsnatrlok. Tho Baprame Oourt reverses tha Court Below, and Jarlloo (lordol la his opinion oaya that ma nleipalitles are sot responsible for tho ecu or Iheir pollea offieers, hut tbot Iba oglcar la parses. ally responsibla for hla own misdemaaaors. Each of Ibo parties were undoubtedly responsibla for any damage dona by them, but there It aa law, aloept special ststole, Uy which s Bullelpallty ot aarporatlon P0 bt held for dllBIr t) tilted hy ft nub. Thd fJllT-rtite fctwiHa ihma iiuiltii wbloh cillM, boriujhi i to nth 1 pi bat-l baa a 1 bli rt-poniihl for alMt ind tbt oa ii bin Unrwiil. TbmtlfttoftftBM mot rtptirof hlfb-1 wtjr, , -whirr, etc., belong Utb-lr 4Utt JiriHlBtlnB, h4 otm- Um th alott bar Mfttrot, btftw their MioilblHty. Bal the ton! Mrratlea f tb twac Ii a ratt pablla Jatv, at I by tbt Ooataotiflih lat lha bandiof public I ofttTtf -Jattftt, in Mir tf tba Pftea and Mty. ara, la Oavtmar.Bhtrlfit.CaQitablN aad Ptllea athfajUtM u4 baraafbs aaa m art b obirr alib taaaa rtiailia fraa tbnlr U tenia e thta ria aaaailat, ar tba S'.ita at Urp ' Cull fit Morrill' Imrtlwaro Htore nnd fa tba rbaitit anil bt 8wj Mai'blna fur the lent mrar,v. Dm. 32 tf. New Daily IStaur Liwk. Jamca L. Lur 7 hai tueceodcri in b log a lUlly mfcil tub. lUbed bet w wo Claarfielil aoJ 1'tnnfitiJ, and will btreartvr run a tUilT t(f bat waen lb l wo pi-inti. IliiaoDtrtaiit b(e wlib April lit, snd tha lUg will Irava i learfltM tvarj atomiBg (wofpt Si dr) at o'clock, nabing ounaciitni wlib all traiui on tba low Urada Railroad at I'muM'). n- turn in f iftir tba lait train tha uma trrning, ikaCDgoiaal ftalftbl will b carried at luw rataa. Old" It-It at aur wf tha bnlrla will ba atttM.dtNl to. ltlaitrTW-tf Farm err. Look Heuk! Kytlu will girt jou highest market priflaa fur Wheat, Otti, Corn, Uuckwbaut, Butler, Kg, Ooiom, Applet, dried fruit, and all kitU of brodiioa he bm Iba target! aud i tt trleot'd rtook ef grwcehaa, tear, octree, mi. It iet, up Ice, oil tall, sugar, querr.twe.rc. tub, bucket, banket t, ebucni, Ac, ia ClaaiD Id couuly. 11a buye hit gundt in lurye juaMtillet from aianufaj-turVa and firtt bitndi for eavh, tad takea lha advantuga of all dltoouati.atid to ha la aaablad to tell at loweat prlraa. lie givct oath prices for prduc,and tellt hit good at tha lowett prloat ta the eouolj. t-pi -,-'7 tf to thu wi;ht akd wot; Til. All travelers will ap pre elate tba aBBOUBcetneDt tbat tba Plttsbargb, Cine In oat I A St. Louli Hail-waj- Cum pa 07 (I'an-Handla Woute) will hereafter run a first-elan PastsLger each from Pittsburgh to tst. Loots oa lha Fait Eiprtas train laavltig l'lttiburgb everj day al 9:22 A M- Bleeping jars will eoatluue ta run ob same train from Pitts burgh to Cincinnati, Loultv Ilia, Indianapolis aad St. Loult, but the through coach to HL Louis will ba a great benefit to ptrionr eu route to Indian Niollt, Terra Haute, fit. Louis, and all points West ai.d Southwest, wbo do not car to paj the extra eharge fur flipping ear privilege. Uutel or ilerplug ears will continue to mn nn Cinoititiiti Kxprcts leaving Pittsburgh at 7:32 P. M fur Ciudunall and Lou it villa, and 011 Night Kiprni leaving Pittsburgh at 12:02 A. M. Ut Cincinnati, Louisville, IndlsB.pol.t and St Louis without change. PatnonKort fur the West and South will pleate betr in mind the Improved through-car service bribe Pan-Ilandla Koute. To ire ure tba advantage of quick time, $o.l connections la Union depots, and tbrough-rar arcomtnodstiont, over one of the bent eonxtru'ited and most perfectly equipped lines, It is only naoasary to ask fer and ba sura tbat yon receive tickets via Pittsburgh, Cincinnati A St. Louit Railway (Paa flaadle Route). For time tables and information aJdreti W. C. Rinearion, Parienger Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa., 01 W. L. 0'Btieo, General Passenger Agent Pan Handle Route, Colainbui, Ohio. (JaaStt -M. Special. Onn Iltinnnin Pun Ceist. Dlscouftr on Old Pnicas. Hewing Machines enn now be purchased at Merroll s tin and variety store, rrom fso up wards. All hinds of sewing mnohinos repaired on tbo shortest notion. Clearleld, fa., July IB, 1877. Wastih. Delivered at tba Rail Road. inn, lino 2Mnrb shoved shingles. I'HI.IIOO 14-inch sawed shingles. ttMI.Ulio lent of pine boards, otio.utill U-feot shared hoofit. 0.000 railroad ties. bli.OoO feet of good hemlock boards. For which 1 will pay tba highest markst price. delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the Tyrone 4 Clenrfield Railroad. J. F. Kaluen OlcarDeld, Fa., Got. Id. ISJS-tf. Just Herri ved. Just RccnivcJ by ARNOLD, at CUKWKJiSVILiLiE: Cur I. und Nova lectin I'luster ! Car Load pure Corn, ltye nnd OiiU Chop! Car Load Dcaltitn Pull! Car Load of Clioico Family Flour t Cur Load Dry Goods, Hroecrien, 4c! lerShinL'IcH, Hulk. K. J. Tien and G ruin will bo tukon in ejechiinc. Curwoimvillo, Sliiy 1, 187H. CLEARFIELD MARKETS. CLaaariBLD, Pa., Feb. lit. ltM. Flour, pef owt.- ..... $$ 00 Bucket beat Floar, perewt I an Cora Meal, par ewt H 1 l Chop, rye, perewt . 1 A Chop, mixed, per awt .. ......... I 46 Bran, par owt 1 00 Wheat, per bnibel 1 10 Rye, per bushel . ( Oata, per bushel Bo Cora, ears, per bushel - 40 Buckwheat, per buihel Il Clover seed 6 Of Timothy seed . S 75 Potatoes, per buabal M Apples, par busbel a Onions 1 ISO Hats it per pound 13 Shoulder, par pound aw I Dried Bee!, per pound 11 Cbirkeaa, per pair M. (I Butter, per pound 2i KftK1- Per dosea M , 20 Halt, per sack, large Oti Coal Oil, par gallon 21 Lard, par pound 2 Dried Apples, pr pound m. b Dried reaches, par pound 12 Beans, per buabal 1 H Announcements. FOR JUSTICE OF THK PHACR. We ara authorised to announee the nana of L K. MaCrjLLocsa as a eandidate for tba aoniaa- Uon of Just iee uf the Peaoe, tn Clearfield borough, tutiject to toe result ot tne rrimary eiaeiioa. We era authorised to announce the aaue of C. D. Watsom aa a eaadldate for the aomination of Juittoe of tha Peec, In Clearleld bnruagb, subject lo tne result ol tba Primary eltotioo. Wa are authorised te annnnnne the aarae of Dabibl CorkblIsT as a eaadiJate for the noaiina. tion lor Justioa of the Peaoe, ta Clearleld borough, tahjeet to the result nf the Primary election. w 3-lrrrti$rttt(nU. VtJlllTOIt'M NOTICi:. Id the Eitata of ) In tha Orpheus' Court af wsrreu Hila, dee'd. J Clearfield eountr. Penn a. The andersigned Auditor, appointed b tha Court, ta ditpote of fhe exceptions te the final arcoiini oi uenry una, Aiiminitlrator, nerehy gifaa notice tbat be will attend te the duties of hit appointment, at bis office la Clearfield, an Tl Kb DA Y, r KItHl'AKY 23. 1 HH1 , at 10 e'elock A M., when and where all parlies interfiled may attend. FKANK U. HAHHIS, Auditor. Clearleld, Pa , rebroary 1, 180 -It KM' NOTICK.-Notlee Is here J hy u en tl by git en that Letters Testamentary an the eMtiie ui junA9 saun.i, late or Mums township, Clearfield eoanty, Penanavlvanla. deceased, hav ing bean duly granted to tba andarakgned, all persons Indebted to said estate will pleate make immediate payments, and tboe ha? ing claims or armanua against taa sane will present them prop erly authenticated for at-tt lenient wtihimt deity. JAMK.H L tSTKWAMT, , WILLIAM K i rout ore Kylertoaa, Pa., February IJ, 1M1 fit. DR. HUTCHINSON'S WORM DESTROYER. An 1)14 anal Tried Hesnedy Removal Iks Worms nnd tha seereltoae that keep ineto nllee. We guarantee lis virtue. W . here knndreji af leeiisaoniols. oolleeted 10 Ibo laet li rears, nrov Int aonelasivelv there Is no remedy eqaal lo llr. Ilutrhlueoii'a Worm Destroyer to remove tall kinds. Hoond, Heat, L.nf . nnd Tnpe), tool infos! Ibe human system. Phystelano any them and lire tbesa ta their enlferion oetleole. There Is no humbug; or quaoboiy ebout this thoroughly reliebla mediotae. Prloo Ultr. ,.r boa. A. W. Vf RIGHT A CO., Wholesale Dm, ,1,1,, Market and Front H reels, Pbiladslpbla, February i, UDI-Sti. Sheriff's Sale. T4Vvlrlu.of.rlt.of Ten AVnnd Fi ft ,l..oed J .ut f th. Court of Com moo Plena of Clsnr neldCe., nnd to mediraoted, there will baeinosed in PUBLIC RALR. at tba Court House, la th. borough at Olaarll.ld, Pa., a al.rday, P.bniary S, IHHI, Al 1 .'.look P. I, th, following deserter, real estate, ta wit 1 All thete.rl.la treat af land sitatte t Car. wanevllla aerauih, uloertal eoaaly. Pa., sllaata en iumh.es! earner of rtl.te and Walnut stmts Hounded an tha north by aa alley, weet by lot of Varus Clerk, e.ib hy Stela etrest, and neat by Walnut street. Hlse nf lot from Huts etreet In alley, IM feet bv It feat wid.. b..l.. la.raoa large Ihrea-olory frame house, stable, and ei her aolballutnga. Heteed, takea ia eieoa. una, ann as a. sola a. th. pr.p.rtr at Bamu.l Way and Ueorg. L. Way. Taawa ar Sat.a. Tha art. . t .ki.i. tha property .hall ba elraok af vast be paid at Iba date af sale, r look othn arrangsm.nU sne.le as .111 o. approvaa, otherwise tho property will ba Immediately Bit ap aad said anala ai tb. ........ aad risk af Use pereoa ta whom II wae street al, aad wha, la aaaa of detelenoy at snob re sale, shl meke good tba msm., aad la ae lost.no. will tba bead ba praaeated la Court lor aouareae uaa ealasa tka m.f.y It usually paid 10 aha nh.rlf. JAslIti HaHAffRV. Bettairri Omoa, 1 flherih Oltarttld, Pa., Jaa. II, Mil. ' I fa . a u bo IS (5 o n d o ft u A ? u HI u 3 4 at O & Cm 3 O cu et n a d Q5 u r1 0 FATr03E BL.OCK, Cur uvensvillc, P.3. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I buy direct from jobbers nnd manufurturcip, receive goods ut cur load rates, Iience can coni)ett with New York and I'liiladel pliia bouses. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul diirinjr the Winter, enn contract and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give ine a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Sept. tt, 1880-tf. J AMES L. LEAVY, MARKET STBKKT, t l.KAIll-IEI.D, PEN N'A. All kintlo of Cafkctd and Collins kt il on lintitl, and turnlnhcd to order on hnrt notico, inolntling the fittest on well as tho cbcupunt tlint can be maim fitdorod. Unr conraH piuisnnvBri Is tho bnst In uo, and will bo ftirnieliod when required. Funorals ottonded in any iart of the county. Call at my oflice, on Second street, or leave your ortlora at Troulmnn'B Fumittiro htorc, adjoining the PoMoklico. JAS. L. LKAVT, - OC, , , , ClenrBcld, Pa. 'CENTKAI HOTEL, lUXTSBUllGH, ,j-7i . ; Jr r I'W.V.tiY.VaVaVt' SMITHFIELD STREET, FROM SECOND TO THIRD AVENOES, piTTBuonon, r-tv. TI10 moot centrally Iwatvrt firnt rlann limine in the City. Htrcot cars mfs tho door every five niimilex to all the l),-pt ,,, mrlH , h(,th cili ' Tkrm., J2.50 I'm Day. WALSH A ANJJKKSO.N, Proprutor.. IW-Tho t'l.tAriM.D lUiiBMfAN received weekly at tho Hotel and planed on tilo fur tho heiii-llt ol KiK-Htn f,-m this aot-tion. foclZi' 3ra l(U) (lirrtisnntntiJ. (w IX l) IU HIII.n.o.rt, w..Y.r A V tj4 want Bre thonennd Itushels o( OA TS, now, nnd will pay ensh nr produce. CtenrtelJ, I n, Au(. II, ; tf. AHNOLU WAN I S 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curw.nsrllln, P. Jan. 9, ISTS tf AMII.I.I.H WAP.TI.I.Tli.nn.lrl,t,ed desires In einpl-r a mlll.r tn run his Oiist Mill, altnete la Franrbellla Inemllleen bw kail en Iba sbaree, nr will pee bjr the month, as asr ba .Rread npoa hy Ibe narttes. I'assesslon fivea aa Ibe first of April Knr further psulenlars .all In perwn, nr address bs Islter, t l. M rot uatKT. Frenrhslll., Pa., Jan. Illb, IMI-at, IaTRAV NOTIi'K.-r.n tr..r..,ln a. J tha premises nf lha undeisitned In t'nlnn tu.nsbip. no nr ehnut tlis lutb d.e nf B, i,b.r Inst, n red nnd .bile epniied bThK, wlib perl of tbn lell .ar ot, and aappoeed la be ab,,at a rear aad a ball aid. The owner I. .1 ... anma f,.r.ard, prore prnprrly, per the aeeessart ebarf.s and lake bim ...jr. r l,r will he a.1.1 u Ibe law dlrwle. KI.IJAU KLINV. RMhtnn, Pa , II, 18H 21. Coal iCoal i i TIIH ander.ljBed, bstlr preaared a leaaa al a Arst aless anal eeln, baa epiai-d a mine aad le now prepared la famish anstnnera wiih a ral alaea arllele ef aasl n shirt nolle, and al lha aaderate print of HU cn1t per ba.h" All ardert salt at my sbep will h, r,.m,, tw taadalsj. WU. R. BRtlwv ClearlaH, Pa , PsV I, IHMt. r S-3 - s s S r?. C E K W Q u z o Pi 1 E s, So - - " S e g.s s a j- 1 1 OS c - o u 0 w n sH o Bh. w 0 s-( d a a . VI 0 S. - 5 . V c t" t. 90 WS S S S o . -g -i''M' c -rr mj e !.'5'5 K 3 e " y, - .S o u iu. E a - m Cu r! JS c . -1 5 a 'a . c a ; .3 : en a. ia a s CD CO M m -a go H j E and -sic1: ? sf 8-E ' l.e"g St B 0 . J. p "3 0 a end u 35 be a - -i &1 3 ? .tt -a o I o " 5 5 o o wHKsJ ill 0 5505 CURWENSVILLE, PA. ii.-i'i.i'f " " v 1 ill'ieietsi li -- mi 1 JUut flffrtistnifnts. ARNOLD PAYS CASH op TRADE. Cnrwsnsrille, Pa., Jan. , 'TH-tf. CI II TIIIMWhrrssi tnr wife. Alice Leiere J Oinhsm, bss I. ft air bed and beard wilbeat enr Jmt eeu.e nr prostration, I iberelere lass this method uf infnrminil.usiae.s m.n nnd tbsensi. munilr In t:eaer.l not lo b.rbor nr trasl hsr M anything on my aeonuot, as I am delermiaee pes nn d.bts ennlrsetsd br bar after this dels unless eempelled lo do so br due process ef 1st. JOSKI'M (IKAIIAM. 0IIHatliam, Pa, Jan. 11, 1811 It t Grist MiMTor Sale I A.rt d.slrabta mill prer.erle.wltb two pslrs af knrrs, situate In beestar twp , Clesr eld e-.aeiy, Pa., abnat two aad a half miles west nf fhllipebarl, Centre annnle, Pa . Appl;u Kt MMKHKIKI.D Pl.KflAU l'blilnslur, Caalra Oa., Pa. Nat. IS, llll tf. AUDITOH'M NltTICBtn tb. Orpb.as' Cnart of Clearfield eeeeiy, Pa. In the w.tfr ar the aeanaal af Willises lie. in. Uaanllan at William H. Toanf. '"' heir al Baraej teaef, law af Haste u.asbtp, deeerd. Tba andarslna4 Andllar, appointed hy said Caart, la dlspnsa af the oie.ptl.ee tied t. la. se aount of Wlihem B. Ilewltl, Oaardla af ibe sett William K T, an(. will allaad la tba datlHef his aiipnlntsa.at al his onlne, la the heroel" ClesrSelJ, an Tl) KSIIAY, Iht Islh dajr sf RUAHY. IWI, a It t't'eetA. M,abHlt' nbatt all ntrstnt Interested tnsy ttittd. OhOAR MITCHRLL, Attltof. CVsuflili, 1 4 , Jaa llta. III! It.