THE I'LEARFIELD RKrCBLICAV priLlfMBD BTIBT WBTHriaDAY, AT CLKARFIKLH, PA. NTAHLIftiIKU IN I H t . ru laitft (MreuUtloit or any Newapapar In Nartb CentraJ FeunaylvaDl. Terms of Sabscription. . tr io advance, or within e nontha.M.99 (Ml If a ii after .1 and before monthi 9 60 (.t)4 attar tbe eipiratioa of Month... 3 Oil Rates ol Advertising, Tr ,nint ndrertieoinenU, per iqnaraof lOHneior cm, 3 titnei or leaa $1 60 Ki.r ch njbsqun1 inaertlon triiioiftrnt.iri' and Uxeoutrri' noticea.. t 6t Auditor' nnticK I i C iutiim and Ktmyi 1 60 lHf)!ution notice... I 00 l-.ifeiiionl Cardi, 6 tinea or lM,l jeer..., ft 00 t'fftl noticei, per line tO YEARLY AftVKKTI8UMENTfl. I ( piar 00 I I col w mo b 00 I r'lfare... )& 00 I i odumaM TO 00 S fitir-rea 30 00 1 eolouiB- 150 0. D. GOODLANDER, Publlaher. Inwjfrs' Cards. W. SMITU, IT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 11:1:7s Clcartielil. P. J J. LIXGLE, ..A T T O It N E Y - A T -LA W, Ids Phlliptburg, C entre Co., Pa. y:pd JJOLAND D. SWOOl'K,' ATTOKNKY AT LAW, CurwcDrville, Clearfield oonnly, Pi. oct. I. ': if. O SCAU SllTCIIELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ("LEARFIKLD, PA. 4Cffiii in lite Opr HoiIIa. - potf, '7H tf. G. r:. & W. BAKUKTT, ArroRNitys a!u Counhk.lobs at Law, CLKARFIELD, TA. Jnt.u.rj JO. IS78. pliAEL TEST, ATTOttNEY AT LAW, Clearfield1, Pa. jpT" nflln one dimr rait uf Shiir Hoone, r.M. M. McCUiiLOUU!!, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, CLfeARKIKLD, PA. (tfR.-a in MafCB.fl truilding, Second Hr?t. np oiif) the Court llciusa. Jt?ft.'78 If. C. ARNOLD, LAW. & COLLECTION OFFICE, CHHWEKHVII.LK, t'li-arf'pl l Ci'jnt.T, Pt'no'a. 76; 8. T. lil.OCKHANK, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, CI.RAUPIELD, rA. lifr:,'e in 0)rra llowf. ep lS.-lj IMITIT v. wrLsox, .lltoriiry-al-l.ntr, Cl.f.AIIFIKI.1), . - PK.NN'A. rVJ'Office to the M.u. oil BulMine;. orrr lh. r,uni; Nriiuiiul I'.ank. n.Brl'4 ml. nil.l.lAN L. WALIitR. DAVID k. R BR BR. uRwr r. wALLAca. jimin w. araiflLar. II r ALLACB Si KKEHS, I j (Suieeaiiuri lo Wallftow A Pieliinjc, A T T OR N K Y S - A T - L A V , I . 1 7T Clcarllcl.l, Pa. el. K. SNYUIOR, AITOKNUY AT LAW, CI.KAHFIKLD, PA. '''!irv uv.r ilid Ci'untr NA!it,ail Djuk June 2A, 7Htf. !. H. Ul RI'.Ar. cTRiii euarua JUliKAY & UOULON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLKAHFlKLfl, PA. ,vf-tnj,e in l'io'i Prra lluu.r, iweud fioor. riLUAU A. II AOEIiTY, .4 TTOIVS-K I'-A T- LA II oPflCK over T. A. Plerk Co.'i Klore, C1.EAI1FILLD, PC.NIi'A COWill aiiefid to all legl builne.a with frumjaoeM uad liiielli. r.bilill.if. ".lari b. m'bnallt. daribl w. N'ooaor. aM cEN'ALLY 4 iloCUiiDY ATTOUNEVS-AT-LAW, Liearnvid, Pa. rr-CT-Lrafral butinei attandud to proiaptly wlthj OlBca ub Socond itreet, abgye ih Pint Nuiiniirtl Uunk. JB:t:70 J. V. McKE.NIUCK, i DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All leel Im.innx rntra.ti J lo til. eere will re rrive ,,riiapt atlenlloo. aTl)ln'e in lh Ci'Uit lli.uao. .ull,lll It. O. K. I.VMKR, A I' T O R N E Y - A T - L A V , Reel K.tate and Collectioa Agent, CMiAKKIKI.II, PA., Will proinbllv attend to all legal buiinae, aa trnt.,l ti hie ear. Artr-llllce la Pie'i Opera ll .nro. Janl'T". JOHN h. CUTTLR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ..n Hral r.elaia Ageut, llcarflcld. Pa. liri.-. ob Ibtrd itreet, bet.Cberrj A Walnat. a-ar Keipeotfoliy offera bl lerfteea In telling anj buying landa Ib OlearAeld and adjoining f UBtlea and with aa eiperteneeoi OTer twenty v ara e a aarTayor, flatter bltnielf that he eaa r-rt'lor lattafaeltoB. I Feb SS:3:lf, R K. M. SCnEURER, 1I0.M4C0PATIIIC PIIYHICIAN, Off! or la rrfldtnce on Flrit it. April 24, 1873. ClrarAflll; Pa. TR Y. A. MEANS, PJIYSICIAN A SURGEON, DI'B0I3 CITY, I'A. Will attend profeialonal oall promptly. angl0'70 JJIt. T. J. IIOTER, IIIYSICIAN AND S U K O K O N , m Market Street, ClearBeld. Pa. 'r-Offica hunri: I to 13 a. and 1 to p. . yyi. J. KAY Y RIG LEY, UOMOiPATUIO PHYSICIAN, ffarOfflo adjoinlag the re'ldenno of Jtmet Wri'lee, K.., oa Beeoad ol, Cli.r0.IJ, Pa. JoljJI.'JB tr. Q C. JH.VKIN3, M. D., I" 1 1 Y S I C I A N A N I) S C G E O N , CURWKNfVILLB, PA., iifteoa at re.ld.neo, aoraeror Stela and Pile "le. Jab tit, lUI-tf. JR. a. B. VAN VALZAII, CLRARKIKM), PKNM'A. 'FK'K IH imiDFrtlir, CORNER Or FIRST AND PIN H STRRKTrt. 0k hi'Bra- froai II to t P. M. May II, l7o. Jjlt 1. 1 UUltCUFIKLI), Late Sargeot of the Ml koglaeil. PeaaiilranU ValaBUara, bating roieraee froai lha Ana, e'er, hla prefaatloaal larrleee lo UeelUiea. ef Otoarlu,na,y. rrofeavtBal aallt proaplly BWeaded ta. tooead fWooi. bemortyooled by w-Weodk (aprt,'4 u CLEARFIELD GEO. B. GOODLANDEB, Editor 4 Proprietor. VOL. 55-WIIOLE NO. ion pmsriNi; ur evkiiy dkscrip I .inn neatl. x.34 .1 t tl J We have printed a large number of the new PEE BILL, fcpd nil) od the rwrsipt of twenty 0 iwnr mail pv t ny addr ILLIAM M II EN KY, Justice Of TBI PBACB AND SmtTKIIKK. L I'M. IKK CITY. Collection! nade and n.ony prtiirpily paid oer. Article! of ifritmfDt Aii'l decda ol eonreyanoe aeatly ixruU.f end warranifd cor rant or no r barge, fiyy'li JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juatle oj the Puoi Mid Bcrlvent-r, t.'urwcuavllle. Pa tMawCollMtnnt made and aid nrrr. rh33'7lll HENRY KKETH. '" ((ikuhd r. o.j --- JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR II El. I. TOWJIItllll1. Ma; t, IHT8-I , JAMES MITCHELL, Olil.ll i Square Timber & Timber Lnnds, jll'7l Cl.KARFIKLD. PA. A.v- HOYT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engineo rUILII'SUUIIO, I'A. itAll bti.inrai will be atteaJe ti ,romitlr Dro IS, 18H ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Cleat-Held, Penii'a. ipeiM'lll eierote jobi in hie lint rirtinit!y and U a workmanlike manner. .fr4,117 17 KAN K FIELDING ' " AND WILLIAM a riKiLER, ATTOH.rLl'S-AT'LA If, CLEARFIELD, PA. No. 17lh, 1S0 If. JOHN A. STADLER, DAKER, Market bt., CIvAff.rl.l, Pa. Freeh Brevl, Ruak, llolll, Pie and Cnkr. od hand or tuaite ta order. A general aMcrttnenl or Coufactinnarles, Frulu aod Nate in eturk. le C'reaio and Oy.lere in eeaion. SalocD ocarlj ifilfieit the Poeludi. Prieef moderate. M.wli la-'7 WEAVER & BETTS, DKALKHI IN Real Esta!e, Square Timber,Saw Legs, AND 1 1' Alb UK OF AIL KINDS. VOffioa ob Keotid ptrcat, la raar of tore rt'-'ia or Uaoro Wraver A Co. Janlt 'JS if. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE roR llrcatur Tovnh1p, Oaoaola Mill, P. O. ' All official batlnae antrailed to him will he pri'oiptl; attended to. moh2ll, '74. EI AKRY SNYDER. BARBKH AND IIAIKUKHbBKH Shop on Market St.. oppoiit Court Huoia. A clean towal for every curlomer. Alio dealer in Het llranda of Tiibatro and C'ara lft1lr, P. wt HI, - JAMES H. TURNER, JU81I;B OF TUB PEACE, M allaretou. Pa. Jtror-IW hat prepared hiinielf with all Ibe niwi-arj blank firtm noder ibe PrBaluo and ll-funty lawi, aa well blank Leetl, ele. A I Iraral mat tan enlraited to bi ear will rreelve prutnpt aitenllea. ilay 7tb, Ift7'.'-U. ANDREW UARWICK, Market Kiraet, Cluarlteld, Pa., HAarpACTpaia adb dhalbb ii Harnett bridlet, Saddles, Collars, and Horse-Furnishing Goods. AtAU kiadi of repairing promptly attended to. tiaddleri' Hardware, Horae Brutbu, t'eir Cum!, Ac, always on band and for aale -i ibe lweteh prtoe. March IV, Iftftt. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NBAR CLEAKFIKL.D, f KNN'A. MVomp alwaya on hand and made to order n abort notioe. Pipea hurod on reaionable lerrna. All work warranted to reader atifactton, and delivered il deiired. my3d:lyid C IIOl'.M A kl N(. I hereby Infom my pa troni, and naDKlnd in general, that 1 have rftnnved my ho making ebi to tho ron tn t.rahom'a row, over li. I. Hnyder'a jewelry itore, and that I am prepared to do all hinria of work ib my line cheaper than any other t6p tn town. All work warranted a g d aa ean he lne any where elae. Pnei lively ta the cht-npet hup in Clvarueld. ' JU.-S. 11. OhhltlNu. Deo. II, 18,8 tf. rlHB anderalgaod hogi leate ta Intorm thepab X It aat he ia aow fully prepare" to accoumo. date all la the wayof furniihiog, Hureiri, rjaddlea aod Harneaa, on the ahorteal Dot lor and to naaonable termi. Ret id en o on Locaat ftreet, eetweon iniro and rounn. UKO. W. UEAK1IART. "l.arSald. Feb. 4. THOMAS H. FORCEE GENERAL MERCHANDISE. (.HAHAIION, Ha. Aleo, ezteBBlTO nanafa'tarar and dealer Id So, Bare liBDar aatl Hawed LaBtDorot all Blade. "Orderl eolleited aad at! hille promptly ailed. l"jyl7J I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCUMAKhR Watches, Clocka and Jewelry, Qrmkmm't few, JTarAel Areel, l EANr-IKLI), PA. Alt kinde of repairing In my Una promptly at- enaea to. job. lei, 87b. ilrnrllfltt Innurnttrt Afttiry. JAMRB RRRB, CARRi'LI. L. BIDDtB HLIlIt V niDDI.i:, AStnt. Rrpraeeal the following aai other nretlen Co'a Companiea. A.eeu Llrrrpool Londoa A I) T. R Dr. ll HR a. Lfoomlng oa aalaelAoaih pleat..... Mnti too I'hoaii, of Hartford, Ceaa t In. or. ore Co. of North Aioerl-a ,! 7A Norlh Rrlll.h A MoreeMlle II S. Br.. I.7M.MX Meotil.h Coruoi.rH. I-U. . Kraneh.... H7H.I Weterla Ta.l Traeelerl ( Life A Aeeldratl ,..', tlffceoD Market St., oi.p. Coart lloaea, fh-ee- eld. Pa. Jane I, '7, tf West End Drug Store, IN I) R A HAM'S ROW, lltalf way beiweea Moron,', ai,d fleek'e eloraa l CLEARFIELD, PA. rpill aoaVrtlgaed haaopornd ap S Dreg Slaro. J. with fall eapply of petloelly pero aod lr..b Draft. Mrdlrie.., Chrailoals and Tl ol Arliele, Theto llrage hava boo erlaeted wlik groat rare aad ara guoreateed to bo prrteetly para aad raliabla. t UI gia my p.reon.1 ailoo. Uoa ta IbU departeiaal, ad will atvrorlalt, gla aay ad. lea aod lakanBatlaa ia rrg.rd lewe lir.aoi froaarobwao. DR. f. J. tot Kit, Claartolel, Pa, Dee. I, tUt-H. 2,707. MY LITTLE SAINT. A tioJot whr-re 1 At roe ! tided aiorn (hew Po-Mnitr t iBrit. .1 ii it luvt lha Kail, Ani day's new rl ry in the ) w.i bi-rn. I liki-d lo fo m iiMrvel ; nt lha lHt, Borne yorgrou pMgcm.t m th puhlicwar, IM ohai ioip, riMiy wodinv lioin a fnt, Hi Ii 1 d, AM' g on Itio murninjr fry 'llirir flint ol g tM and iilar trapping ( na;, Two rbildirp. bbea in yrt jet likifit "U, t'IH and fifi'ifr? tlrk, itnml B tbc otld Blmt n!i(fci"5 c-irpdv bluer ttinn Ihntrfceti kitrh hli a liltla bttktl up, and iaeb Crltd, ' Walticrvl ! jin( gntbvred, frtfb tod mil.'' Bui oi. itn-w neitr, with ir.fily beiitKBt cceht Thiuit ak frf-r po'r !rvcd hair, and Mbiiuar r.l, -liny Of bbnra, lifi, ib'i buncrlar than I. An! H e turned 1 mw (my riddU rad) A gi'Mfn g'nry ri urw) l-r inocnil bait. Hirma B.tmick in ChihtbxtH't Appint, GOVKRSMKST THEFT. Tii r hi oTtr ri v r. syntusi w ii at it tosts his Akm,;. i',v)ii:n. How do (lie Ini mi l's pny 1 Tiny pay ill lliu t'liliunced jiliccit uf tho ltudiIh tu.y tiny. I'miup ibo prok'ctivo nys lem, tiiuniifii'-tureH uro eoiidticlt'd hi a I 'em whii h tin' emimniKTK in obliged tu niultu it.khI. Tlieri) would be no micli Iiim) m.dcr a liuo symem. Freedom ooiild Kliilm tho huidi'im id' the inanu luelurei'x inuliiiulri ; it would prevent ihiil over erowdiiit; of tupitHl into ieiniihi(ly pn.fiiuhlo lines which the bounty i-ymein induces, and which is loduy the chief luuco of tho rotion iifcs ol mil 11 j' ol our iliiliixtries ; it would t'onipil Mi-uter nielhoris; it woiilil j;ivu a fciipe to Ameiioan in ireniiity j it would open to our muiiu lui'Iiiiei's the muikeis of Mexico, ol I he South Americun Stutes jrive them a loir t'liancc tho world over. Hut undt r tho restiii tivo SYstim thero is a eoiiriluiit loss and tho protection tuenineivi'seiuiiii unit it must be made Hood hv tho unprotected consumer. l hu lui nur is pro eminently the tin- prnteeieu t'onwunier. iinwriiE farmer is made to pat How is he niudo lo puy ? How do the iniiiiului lui-ers connive to extort from him tho tin, twetilv, thirtv. loriy per cent., or hulever itmuv be, which they find it tie cei-fitty to add to uio iialurul price ol tlio Kiiods r Hy iiieuns of the tariff. They bur tho wuv uruinst ooil( mmiuliicturcd under nu turul eonditii.iiB, cit her excluding them Horn the niui let iilioettier, or so load ini theiu with duties that tho prices nre iitrccii up to tiurt s eusv to boat. The udvunco which the consumer ptiys on t no uiipoiieii ontis jroes to the (liivemnient ; the advance which he p" on lhu dniiioticgiiuils (roes lothu muiiuhictiirer. Let us put Ihi.i into riu'iires : A pair ol first-class forciirti-niudo blunkels tun bo lunded in New York 83. Tbr.c dollars iothe natural price for tho urti cle. Tho duty on such u pair ol blank ets isadoulileduty ; uOeenls per pound pceific, and 35 per cent, ad Viitorrm. The whole liuru.-., say, to $2. Tuo pioteciion pine ol the blankets be comes $5 TheeoiiHiimer muft puy $5 a pair lor fuieiirrcniado blankets, i. e., t'd lor thubhinketHund $2 for tho (iov ernineiit. Now, he infill not object to this latter contribution to tho Na tional Treasury, albeit a lax ol two thirds lhu vuluo of the article is a heavy one. Hut ho muni pay t j a pair for homu made blankets as buloro, and 91 as a tribute to t lie inanuluoiurer. FACTS AND FK1URIS. Even yet wo do not (let tho whole sitnilicancoot this arrantremeiit. The double duty on blunkels from 20 to 50 cents per pound specific, and 35 per cent, ad valorem is practically prohibitory. The protection, ail va lurcm, eouietimeH lin'irin lo 120 per cent, n nai I i lie consequence. I he tax laid and defended us a "revenue" tax produces nu revenue ; but tho peo ple pay just the sume, the money go '"r! ulloyeiher to sueiuiii the manu facturer. Thus, in 1ST!), the vuluo ol blankets imported was only 11453 T he duty collected thereon wus 1 1,233, rlinwin an uverugo lux of 80 percent. Wo consume t-uiiii-ltiiiiir fike 820,000, 000 win lb of blunkels uniiuully. We pay, Ibeietore, lo the doxen manu iiiciurers of MusxHchuhcttR slid Rhode Llundun Ui 1. 1 mliuleol 8li,(l(IO (HlO It will not bo claimed lliut the duly on tho toioin conintotlily ia ulway s 1 lie exact tneuellro ol the Ions on the domestic mitiiulacttire which lhu con sumer in obliged to in ike up. Whore llie iniliisliy is loo vijriiiuus lor rentnc lion, the duly signifies nolhiiii;. The duller, on imported whettt, bui ley and oats have ohvciu-lv no iiiflueiico on lhu tuimcr's prices; ho sells in the open muikel ol lhu world. Where I no 1 1 mil clioii is t'xci'twivv, the proimeo td ahnoiiuul piolils iuiluees u eiowtlin, id tapiit.1 into tho Industry allet ted, and orieis are cut down bv the coinpetiiioii below the protective margin. Afain, 1 here me dislinclions as lo ptttlein, style and quality, which the lull IT cuiitml niret; the fuiviijo (jnoiis are prelerreU at an advanced price, and tho domestic manufacturer is tbereloru unable to exact the lull amount of tribute indicated by the duty, ltnt l hul the turilT ruises prices m tome lucui-tiru nay, in a (iirrir uieuri uiu culini t bo qiieoiloiitd. That II is for. And it would sc. m a Inoni inoderulu caiiiiiHlu to averutru lhu ad Vance to two-tbinia of the duly on the corror-pniiuiii,; loruin coinmodiiy. Appljii'H tins teijiiced rcale, the ro suit we reach are sulllciuully suppress ive : '1 be home production of cotton fa brics muf put down fur l.SiJat 3j0, OOU.OOU. Au rau-eduty ueuili-liuiiior tauoti, "A p. r rent. Tiihulo to iiihiiu- iBi'lurvrs, ut two thirds lbs duly, S8V uun.utio. llie ti'.veriiniitit revenue from cotton in 1873, was (G,57,002. A olio; Due dollar lur the (iovernnient. 1 1 1 i i till) dollars torthe miinulacturers. i'or 1870, luo valuo of our woolen irmiiill.. liners ia ealirnaled at 8233,- liOthlHIO. Averiii;e duty on imported woolens, 07 'jpceiit Tribute lo tnaiiu- lui tuivrs, at 44 'st cenU, 8121 S20.000. Tbo (itivernmetil reveuue frum the tariff on the wisden 'aroods wus, tor I8ISI. 810 KliH.SUO Uatin: One dollar lor the Urn eminent, seven dollars lor llie manufacturer. And so wo iniht iro on indefinitely. MCifilTIH TAXKD NOT LUXURIES. It will beobst'ivod that tho chum.. of i omniiHlilit a we bare taken lor lllus- iralion are tho-e wnli h include a (real mass of common necessaries. It if one I ol theniiiiiydivicesol Prolet tioiiiots to aik as it the larilt wi iglied moslheav ly on loreign Injuries. Tho literature issued by tho Protectionist publishers of Philadelphia abounds in most coin- mcntlai'lu niorsligitig over tho enerva ting influences ol Ibe luxuriea of Spain no ins vanities ol r ruiico. Unhappily u does not lit the cam. Too ilu V on diamond is only t.m jl ceni.j on lace no morn Uian tidily Bio on lhu poor man's blaukol.oiie hundred if nc I If we take the report ol lite National Hunan of Hiutirtitf lor 18711, and soloc. Ilia labia of d PUivrtsi duller, paid onlf those which go uvttr 8H W cent., lbs lift ao made ought, oo thu protoclioa thaory, bt MrapvMd ohiefly CLEARFIELD, of cnorvating luxuricn and dflmoruliz. ing finnrii'o. laitaoT Tho tlrm arii rlo we Htriko In rico, 85"oi'nl. A win plcto list would ho wi'uriimmo. Tho lowing in a I'uir roproountution : TABLI RIKiWIKA rnMMnniTirg !( WHICH A DUTV or huhr tham nrrr pro rlir. wu PAID ia IS7II CommoiJiiii: Dutiti paid ad wlottm. nioo 5 l.'heBalrRli, drugi.ttrdioliiM, A...9S, IS& 121, Afl. Callooe and other eolton, H.ooi thrwad Perfumeriet Pip-e Firacreokara- Serdioea Note, Ao , lll.rt Oi.npnwd.r w Ilelr oloih Iroo. Slrol rail, ' It, it, 0 76 m 74, 5 P il 11 7!, 13 6D, of an, e H 13, oj, mi M.rble M mere I oil. V.gei.hle oil. I'elnre aod floitua, . bi.l..i. P.B. Pemil, Sn Silk Spice. , S.riia eol wfaee Siereb Mola.ece end augr t'and,, Tobaceo aaouleotared t'totirellae Varnl.h Vii.agar Druggetl ;. Holaer. Other woolea good, 40, Brt, Hi' 72. 117 , as. in. .i5 ill, dil, 70, 12a is 14 C:i SO 52, 142 VO, 1112, 34U Hi t3, 60, 70 1R o4, 2.13 Ol' S3 4 ll, I 4 VI, U' ii, i 70, VI Perfumery and pipes, firecrackers. saidinoa and playing cards these are llie UemoruliiiUL; luxuries I mm which the I'eiiiioYlvoiiian slutesmoii would protect this young and Bimccptible peo ple. Very well, liut wl.y ' protict" us from blunkels and diugiets ? Ia spool throud demoinl.zin, I Would steel rails miikc iisifl'einiiiulo ? Would window glus and caliio, slttrch unil tuhlu sail, vinegar, umbrellas, hair cloth and puint underuiiiio our repub lican virtues, and awutiD us into tho vorlex of arialocralio debiiuehory ? IRON AND STEEL. The (rrcalest necessity of this age is iron. And on this the tariff duty. o mr irom over rating, actually tin der rates tlio lax which t he nianulac lurcr levies from the lx-nplo. This is ohown beyond niiestiou by a coinpuii son of price-lists Tho duty on pig iron is t a ton ; ttiu auvuncu in price ol American over lorcign pig iron has varied during the last ten years from 87 lo 823. Figuring the tribute, how. over, at no moio than the duty, wo huvo this result for tho single item of pig iion: The hnm proiluciion of pig iron tor 18711 was 2,301 215 Ions. I' lie." imports amouniud In 87 2711 tons. Tux puid to Pennsylvania, ut 87 u ton, Slli.lOSull!) Tax paid to lhu United .Slates, 801:1.032. Katie: For the Governinont 81, for the iron men There is nothing which should in terest the lurmer more than tho tax on tcel rails. U is ureal problem tn-duv i llie problem of cheap transportation. and sluel rails have moro to do with that than almost any other one thin?. Steel rails coal, in England, in 1879, 824 a ton. The traimportation expen ses wore about 83. Natural price for American market, 827. The duty is 828. Production price, 855. Tho im portation was scarcely worth mention z,bil tons. The profit to the steel rail ring was so great that they were uble to pay ono of their number over a million dollais to abstain Irom manu fiicture. Tho production for 1879 wus 499,817 tons. Total robbery, at 828 per ton, 813,994,676. The Govern ment rovenuo from tho same source wus 872, OIU. Kntio: For the Gov eminent 81, lor the stool rail ring 8192. THE SUM TOTAL. Let us conclude this brief roviow Willi an eiiimulo in bulk. Tbo totals of annual manufactures for the periods of the last three census returns were: 81 019 606,016 in the yesr 1850; 81.885,801,678 .n the vesr 1800. a gain of 85 per cent.; 81 2:12, 325.442 fiir ibe year 1870. a gain of 125 percent If the census for 1880 reveals the aTorsga rale ot increase, we shall have lor llio valu.i of nutim factored goods lor this year tho mug nificcnt sum ot 88 000,0(10,000. . The Protectionist asnurus us that our man ufactures are making such tistounding strides; although whoro they can stride lo, when the tariff cuU ihcm off Irom Ibo foreign markets, it isdiflieult to sco. huy tho rule of increase, ui lowing lor the lalo yours of commer cial depression, has been bin 50 9 ceiii put the whole product for 1880 at 86, 000,0011,000. It is not wotth while disturbing tho round llgures lo allow for export tho magnificent export ol which the Protectionist so triumphant. ly boasts. It is only 1 "d cent, on the sluiiHleil protiiiet. lne consumer paid, in 1880, for 86.000,000,0110 worth uf iliimo.tic manufactured goods. Hut it is eonlclHIcil Hint the pricisol largo proportion of these articles are not uUoelcU tiy tho tariff. Allow thai ut down the figures to 83.00(1.000.000. The average ol duties paid lor 18iD is put ottloialiy at 43 a cent. Calculate tho proti'tiirin tribute at 25 'Scent, final, 1750 OUO 0011, Tins, at a very moderate calculation, is the rfirm con ot the I'roteclivo ays tern 8750.000.000 a year: or 815 u year tor every man, Woman and child in lhu United .Slates. In ls70, the number of men and women engsircd In laiming occupa lions was D, 9:12,0(10 suppnin lhu number to huvu increased lo 7 000 000 t hen the annual ''I'mteclion" lux on these is 8107 per enuita This 8750,000,000 ia not what the people pay to the (iovsrnment, bo it clearly understood. Tho Government ttets by our "liovuniio Tariff"' about ai50.0 i0.000. Tho 8750,000,001) goes entirely lo ine protecteu t lasses. For what 7 ror tbo crippling ol our native industries lor tbo d pit- lion ot our natural resources. Ihesc rndo sslimalca only touch tho direcf cost the money we actually pay out ol pocket lor ino ngaturea and the Mood letting, vt Hat wo really lose by lbs distortion of our industiial enor gica is beyond calculation. lha iTotcfliouiai iioiiils lo the won derful reduction of tho National l)elt under the Protective tariff syaietn. From tbo close of the war to dale we bare puid off 8770,000 000 : about as much as wo pay-every year to the protected classes. f ur every Hollar turned In at Ibe Custom Housa for rrianur-, five dollars aro extorted from the people as frifiiifr lor the support ol our pauper Industrie. A woman was drowned tho other uuy while boing baptized, ami if any panigrophir rines in a hoary pun about tbo dei eased dying ol dip tluory, he should le aururtly talked lo. Before ws decide whether drunken ness ia a vice or an amiable weakness, we want to know whether the drunk arJ ia a man of ptoperiy or a trani . Tba p umber- ia the on fri.nd who sti kutU closer lhau a brolbor, and I sneksib you tor a good deal mors thas real good bruiiwr would. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1881. ARTlHCIAt POULTRY RRKKVIXU. THE PAH.L'RE OP Stlril ATTESI t'TS PE TESIoltlATION OP CHICKENS AND Tt'RKEYS-VIKVVS OP A PROM INENT DEALER. Ftum Ikt ,V.M York Vea.y oet. Air. Ilulsey W. Knapp, well known pnulleror of Was hirgton market, was questioned tho other morning by a re porter of the Evening Post as to llie success of tho a'tetnpta to ruiso chick ens and of late turkeys, by artificial means, a scheme which promised some years ago to revolutionize tho poultry industry in this coiniry. At present the supply of poultry is said to bo in sufficient for th demand, "You come lo a bad quartet) li.r news of this sclicme," said M Knapp, 44lor I al wais iliseourittihe attempt to do hotter than nature !' went lo France to study the matter, fur if it can bo niudo to succeed it will make an im mense fortune, as it libs aireudy done in Puiis. 1 was dvligaled with what I saw thero, and tho matter at firm sight seems to bo so fas inating that I do not wonder that new men huro are always ruudy to take Im.d of it as soon us those who have bought dour expe rience aro only tooglat to gel out ot it. Even clergymen and ai turs aro bitten with tho desire to irarstdrm so many pounds of corn into so many pounds of spring chicken. The now successlul niaiuiirer (Mackuyu) spent about 81,000 io confirm ting hutching. mu. chines ami artihcial mothers in Oonueti lioiil, but be found thnt tho stage paid better, und his expi-n-avo devices may now be bought torlliovuluu ot old tin. Enthusiasts will toil )ou that by tho new discovery, chickeis may bu made out of corn with abioluto certainly. In I'm is this lias been tlnno: but tho cuidiiions uro cutir. ly dilloreiil here. Thero the lutid is valuable, and they cannot duvolo Holds lo a tuw hundred chickens; the Froiich cluuato is sounilbrin that, lhu murkets of Paris cannot bo supplied from the .South with produce which ripens or matures bob. re that of the neighborhood of Paris ; thu price ol chiokons is so high and labor so cheap that inoro caro can bo given with profit to ono spring chicken than onu of our poultry rui sets could give to a doztn. Hero we have plumy of land ; the chmuto south of us is so fur advanced in warmth that even with steam we cannot ruiso poultry ahead ol tlio Suulh, und the margin of profit is so small that one luiluru with a large batch ol chickens sweeps away Ibo pndits from severul succ.isHhil experiments "When persons winded mo to go into tho prijuct 1 flccmiod, and was culled an old logy. Ouu man socnt a fortune on tho etiternriso in Now Jer sey, and at first wus hailed as a public ounuiactor. What wus tbo result ol all this outlay and work 7 llu man aged to batch quaiililii'B ol youngchick eus every Fobruury, but, although be could lutlon Ihem hy placing them in boxes and forcing a fattening mixture down ihcirthrouis, ho could not make, them grow; they had no exercise: they remained puny little things, and another detect soon appeared ; though fut, they woro tough and stringy. The breeder sent lots of them to me, and they looked fut and tender ; but my customers complained that they could not bo young for they wore tough' and tasteless, and that I must have sold them aged dwarts under the name ol Mpringehic kens. It wus found almoin lily necessary lo let Ihem run out of doors as soon as tbo weather allow ed it, and by the time that they wore ready lor murkol the Southern chick ens were heru and could bo sold fiir less than those. The upshot ot the business ia that Ibis breudor has sold out and another man baa now taken hold ol a small part of bis old establish incut to try other methods of making it a success. As to lurkuys in that manner, it will fall moro dl-us- truufly than tho chicken business, Siae and weight uiu wanted in turkeys, and that reminds inn" continued Mr, Knapp, "that thu newspapers ought to impress the country people with tho nuccfsity ol improving their poultry slock ; breeding in and in is ruining poultry ; every year tho stock wu ro euivo is deteriorating, and this is Ibe cause. 1 could givoyon some striking exuiuples Irom my experience ot tony yours id tho bunnoss ISoiiiu years ago so poultuturs thought that ducks acre g.iilig to disappear Irom bills ut tare alto gether ; they were tasteless, worthless mrds which people uvoidud. On Long Inland a lunner made uxperiinenls in breutlitig with an old miiscovy tlrako. lo'Jgh us an alligator, and the common duck. The result wus supetb, and bus changed tbo whole duck industry. If lhu lurmurs of Hoiithurn Now Jersey, the sandy country best suited to lur keys, would gut lioin thu West a tew hundred wildlurkuys we should huvean immediutu improvement, lsconosuch turkeys now us wu had twenty years ngo. Tbo breast is narrow and the hotly runs to length ; it ia all neck and logs, and can be bought by the yard. Unode Island sends us tlio best turkuys, nui lliey tuo not what they used lo be lt instead of attempting to beat, nit- lure ut bur own game, the ritdi men who huvo money to r-putid would de vote it lo better tireediug, there would he an improvement. 1 do not despitir ol aioing iminunsu larms wholly de voted to raising hitler poultry than we jet nave VESETJAS BATHERS. Hut 1 wish lo speak of Venice of a hot summers early eve, when tho lengthening shadows cross its network it green wuters and, climbing fust up its marble facades, give quaint gloom and suggestive mystery to the many picture-quo portuls with their medio Tul sculptures and inviting coolness, sometimes leading the eye lo inviting patches ol brilliant green in verdant courtyards, but olleuer into passages and balladui k and grim with the stains ol many humid centuries indeep tinted on inn squo det ay. At this hour Yen no becomes doubly amphibious. Her canal, are alive with lur initio popula- um, men and ooys, anil very many little maidens, loo, in t loth fig leaves, spurting in the waters like so many lurk skinned folynesians 1 bey dive, they uambul, they shout, they splash, they mako tho eld walls and slimy waters merry witn Iheir erica and laughter, while their nude, whila bod in come out against them In shiny, tripping roliel, like ao many figures ot a lar away primitive world where in nocence still rules supremo. Mothers sit knre deep in Water on their bouse steps, either holding their six monllis- Id balnea, while they kick, and flash. and coo delightedly on their own ac count at nulling Ihcm-elvea thus early in tile In Iheir native element, or else lliey let older nine lesrsr, Willi ropes around their bodies, securely fastened either lo ihemsclvee or the door-rings, to be bauled In quickly tn case of an emergency. To aid tbeta tull farther REPUBLICAN. in their nauticul exploits, these infants are supplied with breastboards on which lo float until they letrn lo swim, which feat ia sonn accomplished. For at this season Venetian parents tuko their babies Into tho canals for this purpnBO as systematically as tbo land's poop I u theirs into the parka to learn lo walk. And it is surprising and amusing lo see how familiarly and eagerly they tuko to tho treacherous waters, which are to them what green sward and sidewalks aro to terra tinna children. Indeed, at this lime of duy it requires some extra skill on tho part of the gondolier to pick his way through i no swimming, tloulinir. plunitlng pop ulation, as thick in spots as shoals of mackerel in their season, screamiiiir a"d hu"lli"J? " mother ' the grille as vigorously as if sporting on shore. vt hero there is bo much rollicking na kednesa about, slulwurt tnodula ot tnon as nude, saving their waist cloths, us tho classical gods, and little gills -and boys rnglesH, or next to it, at first blush on encountering Ihem in these watery streots ol a largo city in broad duy light, juBlas one docs Broadway pedestriuns as the leisure hours of duy coma on, lha inexperienced eye is somewhat startled, but soon gets ac customed to regard tho sight as a very novel und amusing episode ot Vuiieliun life. On ono occasion having entered a palace on tho Grand Uutiul, thero wus so many baihing from its steps that the gondolier hud to pause tor somo lime, before ho could upprouch, for thcin lo cieur the way, and wo made u t ri ii hi 1 1 Ii u I entry between the drip ping files ol balbers us if it wero tbo m"st proper tinng in the win Id to do, and nobody loll ushuincd on one side, 1 am cerluiti. Salt water everywhere is a great It Viler il conventional ideas of modi sty, we all know, but with the background of onico it gets an extra renaissant touch. Imuginulion can easily transform these warm living bodies into the slono cupids, umorini, satyrs, gods and gisidesHca, and all tbo other heathen clussicul population, curved in the long streets ot palaces, us having just stepped down Irom their pedestals, niches und eutublutitres lor a moment a wash and not lo lose the bathing season. Somo ot llio ca nals might ho sweeter, it is truo, but theru is none the less tun tor that And it is not always tun, either. Not a season passes but some of tho chil dren either slip from their boards or get entungled in their ropes and aro drowned. Almost in my sight tho parents of ono boy, having bullied him out, wont up to dinner, leaving him to dre-.o. and follow. Waiting some time and finding that be did not uppeur, they grew anxious and decended to search for him, only lo discover that ho hud pushed off on his board on his own account, slipped fiom it and wus drowned, Hut such incidents no moru keep children out of the canals here in hot weather thun boys out of the streets in America because now and then ono is run over and killed. It is eortainly ao very convenient to bath ers to be able lo disrobe in their own bedrooms or front entries and tako a header into suit water from their own doorways that I am not surprised to sco all Vonico on u sultry day turned impromptu into one great bathing es tablishment, gratis to all classes, Tho effect is very amphibious and droll; und only plebian Venice can show its population cooling tiff in this fashion without ceremony in its canal streets in tho oiliest of lion costumes when thu dog slur rages Venice Correspond ence Acid York Timii. TESTJSO HER IXXOCEXCE. A poor, palo seamstress was arraign ed for thelt. (She appeared at tho bar with her baby of cloven months on her arm. She wont to gel some work one duy and stole three gold coins of ten franca each. Tbu money was missed soon utter she left her employer, and a servant was sent to her room to claim il. The servant found her about to quit the room with the three gold coins in her hand. She suid to the servant, ' I am going to carry Ihem back lo you." Nevertheless she was carried io tho Commissioner of Police, and he ordered her to bo sent to tho Police Court for Iriul. She was too poor lo otiguije a lawyer, and when osked by tho Judge what she bud to say tor her self, she replied: "Tho day i went to my employer's 1 cai rietl my child with mu. It wus in my arms, as it is now. 1 wusu't paving attention to it. There were several gold Coins on tbo mantel piece, and, unknown to me, il siretcli ed out its little hand and suited three pieces, which I did not observe until I got tiomo 1 at once put on my bon net, und was going back to my cm p. oyer to reiurn Ihem, when 1 was ar rested. This is the solemn truth, as I hope for Heaven's mercy." The Court could not hilicvo this story. They nphrujdcd the mother for her impudence in endeavoring to palm ..II such a manliest Ho lor tho truth They besought her, 'or her own suke, to retract so absurd a tale, lor it could Lave no t -fleet but to ohligo the Court lo aenlonee her lo a much severerpun i-hi'teut than I hey wero disposed to inflict upon onu so young and evident ly so deep in poverty. These appeals had no effect, except lo strengthen ttiu poor woman s pern nuciotis adherence lo her original sto ry. As this firmness wassuslaiued bv thnt look ol innocense which the aiosl adroit criminal can never oounlerfeit. the Court was at some loss to discover what decision justice demanded. To relieve their embarrassment one of the judges proposed to renew the scene lescribed by the mother. I hreo gold coins were placed on the clerk's table. 1 ne mother was requested lo assume the position in which she stood at her employer's house. Thero was then a breathless pnuso in Court. '1 ho baby soon discovered the bright coins, eyed them lor a moim-nl, amilcrt, and then stretched forth its tiny band and clutched I hem in its fingers with a miser's eugenics. The mother was at ont o at quitted. Pnri$ Exchange. Miss Kutrell, "a palo, polilo young lady," lias been sworn in as clerk ol i ho Nevada Legislature, and Judge lluwley mado her swear to support the Constitution and law.; not lo bear arms against her country, and adjured Ii. r that alio waa ineligible if she bad taken part in a duel. Should think the "hare arms" part might trouble tier, if she has plump, dimpled ones. General Clingham said, in an inter view wilh a New York reporter the ui her day, that living is so cheap in North Carolina that it is more econom ical lo teed a man than to bury him Thero is ao many references to "klckora" in the Senatorial cnirlest in the Pennsylvania Lrgialaluro that the Oil City Derrick looks upon tbe dark hern as a tnuls. NEW nuxTiya the elk. Tho Uradlord Era, of January 12ih, publishes an interesting article on the days ot Elk hunting, which will be read with interest. It ia as follows: "It is now many ycurs since that largest species of tho dear family, tho elk. roamed about among tbo mourn tainsand wildsof M'Kean county. Hot tiers who aro familiar w itu tbo events and traditions of tbo Tana valley as far back in the pastas a half century ngo, have still somo recollection of the elk in this section. Within the past twenty years lurmors along the East and West brunches ot the Tuna whilo plowing or grubbing have turned up tbejurge anllera of the oik. Likodoer, the elk had paths and runs which thoy followed, and which woro well known to tho hunters. The sections of North western Pennsylvania most celebrated tor elk wero along the Sinnemahonlng and tbo vicinity of where Hidgwuy now stands. It was in that ncichbor hootl, while tbo great forests were yet in their pristine glory, that lhu Seneca and ' Cornplanter Indians chased the monster animals and slew tbem princi pally for their hides and horns. There wus an elk path from near Kiilgway through the Kinsua country, which emerged in the East branch of the Tuna valley near Lewis run. It then continued northward to Ibis city and up the West branch, lo the point whero tho Washington street park is located, where there was an "elk lick" renown ed among the Sonoca hunters. Many of the luckless animals have met their death at that point Irom ibe Indians who concealed themselves and lay in wuit, at certuin seasons of tho year, tor thegamo. Elk were usually about thusizool a homo, and their antlers Inquciilly measured six lect from lip tulip, lhu Ik-shot lha uminul wus coal so and not very compact. Indians cared lilllo lor tho meat, as tbero was but very small parta of the carcass which they regarded worth preserving. Tbo moro tender and palatable flesh of the deer and bear, which was easily found, suited tho red man's taste much bolter. The horns ol tho elk, however, woro regarded as a desirahlo trophy and piece of furniture iu Ibo rudu abode of tbo sons of the forest. A po culiurity of thu elk skin, w hich wus tho leading Incentive to tba eager hunter, was that after being cured it remuined soft and the red brown hair quite firm, i bo elk did not possess Ibe intelligence or flcetnessot llie deer. It wus said lo bo quite stupid, and al though moving very rapidly along the lamihur path, when closely pressed did not attempt, aa tbo dour Ircqiicntly does, to elude its pursuers by suddenly turning from its course und seeking a stream to destroy tho trail or ibo heavy underbrush for concealment. 1 be elk a medium of defunso was not its largo horns, but forefeet, ltwua not agroasive, but fought desperately when cornered Indians usually chased the animal with dusrs, and when la tiguedor tightly driven, tho elk would station itself upon a rock or elevated point, and keep off the dogs with Ha weapons ot warfare. It elevated itself with wonderful agility, and throw force intoa blow from its forefeet that was dangerous to the health and life of a venturesome dog. In Ibismannor the dogs and elk stood, neither yielding a point to the other, until tbu hunter reached the scone, when Ibe elk'a lilo was soon tut short. About tilteen years ago, J im Jacobs, tho old Seneca bear hunter, struck tbo trail of an elk along the Sinncmahoniiig. Ho called several other Indians to bis assistance, and, with dogs, the Senecaa followed tbo trail for several days and chased the els, probably Ibe lust of his race, through a blinding snow alorm down into tho northern section uf Clarion county. The animal was hungry and despentto, and when surrounded by tho dogs lought fiercely lor hours. On the arrival of the Indiana they at tempted to capture the animal alive, and passed nearly an entire day in pul ling various tricks and devices iniocx edition only to be thwarted. Finally the elk was sbot and carried with great pride by the Senecaa lo Ibe rod erralion. In Pennsylvania tbo elk is a thing ol the past, and the animal en tirely extinct. . JloKS FOR lioi sr. I't.ANTS A corre spondent of tho Country GcnUnnan writes: "A good many kinds of die culeiit growing plants during tbeir sea son ol rapid growth require when growing in pots a great (inutility of moisture at tho rootd. This is the ease wilh such kinds as carnations, bouvardius, heliotropes, goraniumssnd roses, especially it grown in a bouae heated by artilieiul means, and a mini mum ot 50 maintained. A good many lailures with rosea during winter aro caused by not supplying sufficient wa ter lo the roots when growing. For years I made Una mistuke myself, but us we are daily learning tbo nature and requirements ol plants botter, 1 find thut too much water cannot be given roses growing in a high tempera ture, having plenty of healthy foliage, so long as tliuie is sumcionl porosity in tbo soil to prevent saturation. Dry noBH at tlio roots is often tho cause tit mildew on plunlH, and is also the cause of the plunla producing tniicr!e tbudB. Where plums are placed id warm rooms, it is a good plan to covor the sui luce ol the pots, or it growing in shallow branches, ibo surface of the bed, with moss, which may either be llie green moss found growing on slumps and stones in tbo moist parts of the woods, or sphagnium moss lound in swamps; this latter ia tho kind I generally use, but the other is the prettiest lor bouse plaots. A Costly Itoax. When Dtonvaiua captured Croton, tbe largest city of Magna umcia, a. c. Aai, be plundered the Templo of Juno ol its splendid treasures, among which waa a robe, skilfully wrought and sumptuously decorated, the votive offering of a Syba rite named Alkimrnes. Jjlonysius sold this robo to the Carthaginians for tbe liiodiifioiia pi ice ol 120 talents or about 8135 000. Tins may appear an Incredi bio sum: but the rohs wasprobaiy dedi oalcd tn the recently-introduced Hull enio uciiies, whom the Carthaginians were parlicaariy anxious lo propitiate. tn the hope of evening or alleviating the frightful pestilence wherewith they had been an often amilten ; and tbe honor done to tbe new gods would be mainly estimated according to the magnitude ol tbe sum laid out. A Wisconsin fanner, twenty-three years ago, planted a piece ol waste land, anlil lor cultivation, with black walnut trees. Tbe trees are now from sixteen to twenty inches through, and have been sold lor izr.uoo. A newspaper commenting oo tbe fact that a larmer nearly lost bis life hy sinking in a quagmire, adds : "Men who do not subscribe for a paper must expect to be sucked ia every now and tbsa." TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. STUD Y ASD PREACH. Spurgeon throws on his early minis terial life a ray of light which may he ol service lo young men who would like to begin and are wondering what to do and how to do it. lie says: "iiy college eourso w as alter this lush ion: I was for three years a Cambridge man, though i never entered tbo uni versity. I could not bavo obtained a degree, because 1 was a Nonconform, isl : and, moreover, il was a belter thing for mo to pursue my studies un der an admirublo scholar and tender friend and preach at the same time. 1 must have been a singular looking youth on wet evenings. During the last year offmy alay in Cambridge, when 1 bad given up my oflico as usher, 1 was wont to sally lorth overy night in the week, except Saturday, and walk three, five or porbapa eight miles o!uv and , back Basin on niv preaching work, and whon it rained 1 dressed myself in waterproof loggings and a mackintosh coat and a bat with a waterproof covering, and I carried a dark lantern to show mo tho way across the fields. I had many adven tures, but what I had itath- ered by my studios during the duy I Tiandcd otil to a company of villagers during tho evening, and was greatly profited by the exercise. I always lound it good to say my lesson alter I had learned il. Children do ao, and it ia equally good for preachers, especial ly if they say their lesson by heart. Tbero is no way of learning lo preach which can be compared lo preaching ilatll. If you want lo swim you must get into tho water, and if you at first make a sorry exhibition, never mind, lor it is by swimming as you can that yon learn to swim as you should. 11 once wo ought to bo lenient with beginners, lor (.buy will do better by and by. If young speakers in Cain bridgo hud been discouraged and silenced I might not have lound my way here, and, thcrelorc, 1 hopo I shall be the last to bring forth a wet blanket tor any who sincerely speak for Christ, however humble may be their endeavors." Niagara in Midwinter A letter from tho great cataract, penned on Now Year Day, says : "The continued cold weather hero bus caused enor mous quantities of ico to accumulate. Tho Ilorseshoo Full is frozen solid for 200 feet from cither shore, in conse quence ot which tho Clillon Water Works Company buve ceased opera tions. They cannot control enough Water to keep their machinery in mo tion, their reservoirs have run dry, and tho town is without water siiqily. The massive mounds ofstuluclites, the formidable icicles suspended from theliuo past year. cription. Tho ice mountains keen working their way upward, and now reach a height of about 120 feet. Tbe spray boa mado wondurlul formations. The pretty cedars are so loaded wilh ice that they droop nearly to the ground. Tbe grand old trees on Goat island In t respect 1 ark aro complete ly frosted over, and groan under their heavy coat ot Ice. Heavy ice contin ues running over the Falls into tbe river below, and threatens evory mo ment to form an ice bridgo. Ail the ico houses in the vicinity aro nearly filled wilh clear ico, 'from twolvo to lotirleen inches thick. Numbers of visitors, principally from Now York and Boston, have found Ihoir way here to onjoy tbo scenery." Which Horn f Tbu Gentiles in Utah, to uso their own elegant and x pressivo phrase, "havs tbe bulls by the bonis instead ol the tail," or think lliey tbat Governor Murray baa re fused a certificate of election to Delo gate Cannon. Tbe refusal is based upon tbe claim, first that Cannon is not a citizen, tbore being no record 01 hia naluralixalion discoverable, and second, upon tbe fact that being a polygumist, Cannon is living in viola tion of the law of 1862 which makes plural marriago a felony. Tbe dele gate will contest the scat which tbe Governor gives to Campbell, Cannon's opponent. It is curious tbul the Gen tiles, now rejoicing so loudly over their grip on thu horns of tbo bull, did not tuko it long ago. It ought to buve been as easy to know that Cannon is not a citizen when ho offered himself lor Congress first as was when bo offer ed himself last, and anybody wiio could read must have known thon as well as now that being a polyguuiisl bu was violating tho law of the coun try while pretuiidinj to servo under it. There is no reason to fear that in seis ing the bull by the horns the Gentiles will again only be tossed over tho lenco for their pains. Hot Sand a Good Bed prllow. Tho comfort which a hot-water bag or even a hot brick may afford a person on retiring, chilled, is very gieat, and beyond this, tbo uso ot somo such warmth-producing appliance is uselul as a health preservative and rcstora tiro. Hut ono ol tbe most convenient articles to ho usod as a bed warmer, nd in a sick room, is a sit nil hug. (ret somo clean, flue Bund, dry il thorough ly in a kotllo on a stove, make a bag alKiut eight inches square of flannel fill it with tbo dry sand, sow the open ing carefully together, and cover the bug with cotton or linen cloth, lb will prevent the sand from sifting onl and will also enable you to neat the bag quickly by placing it in the oven, or on the lop of the stove. After once asing ibis you will never again at tempt to warm the feet or bands of a sick or well person with a bottle of Dot water or a brick, l he sand bold tbo beat a long time, and the baa can be tucked up to tue bark without burling an invalid. It is a good plan to make two or three of tbo bags and keep loom ready lor use. A Wisi Plan. Every man should mind bis own business, and only tbat It is hard lolcll bun so in plain words; yd it ia one of the simplest rules ot conduct, and tho most usuful that man kind ran adopt in their intercourse wit h each other. 1 here is a great deal of Paul Pry in the human heart, or wondertul Innuisilivencss in regard to tbe personal and privato affairs ot friends and neighbors. This spirit makes more mischief in the community than almost any otbor cause, aud ere ales more malice, envy and jealousy than ran be overcome in a century. Let every man Kind bi own busmen and there will not be half lb trouble in the world tbat there I al present. A bng ha turned up in Asia Minor wbicb foods upon tbe egg of the lo cust. Where a cluster ol locust eggs is examined tbe destroying Insect ap pears in lb midst of tbem. Locusts from time Unsjiemorial have mado themselves disliked in Asia, and the now bug, wbicb as believed to deposit it eggs In the live locaat body, has garal sympathy aod ncooragmnt. EDUCATIONAL. BT II. L. sIcCUOWN. Tho Lumber City publio schools are holding evening exhibitions, tho ob ject being to secure a school library. Tbo School Hoard of Osceola bor ough hat jutt lent in subscription for the Pennsylvania School Journal for the year 1881. We now travel, on an average, 90 miles, and visit sixteen schools per week. Four wocka of continuous la bor will complete tho work. Tho names of all the pupils in the county, ir sent us, who attend every day of the school term, will bo pub lished in tho "Roll of Honor." a , Remember that Hon. Henry Ilouik will deliver an educational lecture in the Court House. Clearfield, on Tues day evening, February Let all attend. Wo huvo endeavored, with the lim ited time wo hare had, to make all due arrangements for ibe reception of Hon. lleiuy llouck ut the various appoint ments selected for Local Jnslilultis, and have every reason to believe that tho meetings will bo a complete suc cess. The local committees have sent out good programmes, and now it only remains for our leacbera lo do their pan. Attend tho meetings, and re ceive the instruction therefrom. That person should not teach who is not perlt ctly lumiluir with tho tbrco lold character of tho human constitu tion, and w ho is not capublo of discor- enug tbo exact mentul condition of tho Intellectual plant placed in his bands. The body should not be in ad vance of tho mind, nor the mind or in tellecltial faculties in advance of tho moral sensibihiits. Promptittido and skill in action should keep pace with acquisition. AMUNO TUK DISTRICTS. BRADY. Three pupils of tbo new school, taught by Miss Lila Reams, havo died during the year. Mr. Shngarts received the contract for building tho now school hnnso in tho Ilartslelt district. Jonathan Shaffer. Secretary, und Mr. Joseph Seyler, Jr., accompanied us wnue visiting in me township. Tho School Board contemplates lur Dishing several houses with patent furniluro during tho year 1881. Mr. Fred. Kohler has just returned trom a tour through Virginia. Mr. K. is a member of tho School Hoard. Tho Salem school house has been seated wilh now patent lurniture and otherwise improved, inuking it as com fortable and attrac tive as a new houso. The Trustees of the new Mothodist church ut Lutlirrsburg havo kindly consented to give tho same for tho Local Inslituto, February 4th and 6th. Miss Sadio Morgan, the popular teacher of the Ituduker school, receiv ed twelve handsome presents from bor pupils during their Christmas festival. BANDY. Tho new borough of Iu Bois will start wilh eight schools. Considerable new furniture has been udded to the school property during iieuuing is tatigtii in all too priuuiry schools by tho "word" method, and very successful, loo. P. 8. Weber, Esq., Ibe gentlemanly Secretary ol the School Board, accoin panied us on our inspection tour and delivered some excellent educational talks to tho pnpils. Next month Du Bon borough will bo compolled to elect six Directors and Sandy township four, making a total ol ten new men wiio will take charge of tbe school affairs on Juno 1st, r, - .! . ; . . CONCIRT RECITATIONS. Concert recitntion can bo used in tho school room to much advantage, but they must be used with great dis cretion, and within reasonable limits. Concurt recitations aro done to death by many tcuchers, who use them be causo they aro easy and tho children like them, and who keep on using them for no bettor reason until they havo caused serious detriment to the school's grade ol scholarship. For it is impos sible to make tba concert recitation a test of individual acquirement, it ia impossible lo prevent the idle pupils from sheltering themselves behind it, relying upon the noise of the recita tion to conceal tho fact that thoy only follow where other lead, that they do not repeat half Iho lesson or seulence, and perhaps, Lave no understanding ol it whatever. Tbe concert method is especially adapted to young children. They Ilk it, tbo excitement of it and llio noiso pleaso them. It also helps very shy children who find il so bard to speak out bcloro the class or school. Then il enables tho teacher to instruct many more pupils at the same time than by any other way, filty or sixty being tested during the same lime that six could bo taught individually. Then il gives the skillful teacher an opportu nity towwork upon the omotional na luro ol children and rouse an vnlbusi. asm thut could bo wakened in no other wny. Besides, tho noiso of the con certed exerciao is a help to the memo- ncsot lilllo ones, tbo body of sound making an inprcssion on the ear that aids greally tbe recollection ot words. And this bring us to the remark that as concert recitations aro aids to tho memory rather than tho under standing, they should be used for mem orizing mainly. When the teacher wishes to teach his school a verso or verbatim rulo, or lo drill thom on something aireudy learned, he should use the concert method, first calling tor an individual repetition of tbe line or sentence, then lor a repetition in concert, and so on, until tbo whole school has maatcrcd tbe lesson. For this memorizing wnrk, nothing more' effective than ennrort reciting could probably bo found. TEACHES 'AVORITH. Who are teacher' favorite? W hear two or three bright, careless boy or girls, "she (or be) i the teacher's favorite. He (or she) can do a be has a mind to and the teacher will not notice it. Now, we all have our favor ites and totcher cannot help having tucirs, nuiin me iiliool-room all should b treated tho same, if all are equally Rindiou and obedient. A child Vho tries lo please ber teacher in all things, whether she be brilliant or not, cannot bnlp finding a warm and tender place in a teachur'a heart. But we do not think a teacher should ver hold op such a child as Ibis in comparison with others or a an example. "Compari son are odious" and tbe child sooa be comes disliked hy ber playmate and i mad onoomtortable by It, Tbero ara a fuw teacher, w are sorry to ssy, who will pet and londle the chil dren of wealthy parents, Ihn canin those le favored In worldly posses sions much envy and bitternras of spirit. Il ia needles to add oo true man or woman will do this. A teacher is often ccusd of "showing panialily" when she has no thought of doing such a thing. A teacher need to be care ful and watchful ia th treatment of ber favorites. In fact she should show no favoritism in th school room. She must learn tbe art of concealing her feeling ; all ah needs to do i to ad minister jualic titlAuiit and imrwr-