TUK (1E.IRFIELD RIPCBLICAV CLKAKFIKLD, PA. ITABLIIHBD I If 199T. The Urgent Circulation nf any Newapaper Ih North Central Penney 1tii la. Terms of Subscription. If paid In ndraBoa, or within I nonthi...,93 OO If paid after md before aonlhi II 60 If paid fur the expiration of I monthi... 3 OO Ratoa of Advertising, Traniient advertleenienti, per iqaaraof lOHneior Icki, S timea or leu $1 &0 Yur each iuberio.int i mart ion.. fro Atmlniilrtori' and HiAeatori'notloci I 60 Amllton' notiofli ...... 3 &0 (.Vutiontftfld Kitrayi 1 60 iMMulutlon noticee 1 00 I'rofViicmal Cards, ft I. net or lui.l year...- ft 00 notiei,per lint SO YEARLY ADVERTISKMKNT8. I f,iUro 00 Aolamti- $5 00 J nur 08 1 i colamn.. TO 00 3 iuro.- ....20 00 1 column.. 120 00 Q. B. GOODLANPF.il, Publitbar. putters' Cards. TJ W. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, :!;:;S Clearfield. Pa. J J. LIXGLE, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW, 1 11 Phlllpnburff, Outre Co., Pa. v:pd JOLANPD. SWOOPE, ATTOKNKV AT LAW, Curwenivtlle, Clearfield count, Pa. 0 SCAIt MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. rJfr-OOiee In tbe Open llouee. ocltl, '79-tf. Q It. 4 W. BAKKETT, Vitornkvs and Counselors at Law, clearfield, pa. January 30, 1978. pliAEL TEST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tlearrlold, Pa. OB one door eett of Shew Tioaae. IJjII.'M fM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLKAHFIKLD, PA. ofli in Mn,onio hnfldiog, Pocond atrwt, op. .f.tv Ihe Court Houm. je2A,'7tl-tf. AR.N'OLB, l,A W COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWKNBVILLE, Clrrfiold Count., Peon'ft. 75y s. I1ROCKUANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA iidjue in Op.rt Home. sp 26,'77-ljr gMlTII V. WILSON, .lllornry-al-Lair, CLEARFIELD, . . l'ENN'A. TT-Offlre In tne Mnionlo Building, over the CkuMj N.ttonel beult. Ltuer24-80. .II.LIAM A. WALI.Aua. DATIb L. KftRII. RKT r. WALLAL't. JOHH W. WRIflLIY. TALLACE & KHEBS, I (Socoeeiore to WallAoe k Fielding) ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, j..ir7r ClearHeld, P.. J. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, mliL-e irr ill. Ciuutj N.tionel Ilaolt. June 3f)f 76tf. rajN. h. MiaaiT. OThua aoaiioa, JL'IiRAY & GOKDON, iATTORNKYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. jPfOfflea la Pie'e Opera Home, eeooud floor. S:SI)'7 w "ILL1AM A. UA&EUTY, .1 TTO f (.1' 1 l T-L.I H', iikkicp. ortr T. A. Fleck Co.'. ilore, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A ,rTWill . ed to all leiel buiineee with pruuptoeee .ad Bdelity. febl 1,'80-tr. I 'R I. a'aiALlT. PAIIIL W. K'CCIOT oENALLY 4 McCUKDY ATTORN KY8-AT-LAW, lleardald. Pa. SLeft.1 baaineae attended to promptly withj ""'j. vuioe vb oeoonu aireei, aaoTe :ne Ktrit .auonai nana. J.nil:7l Y KHAMKR, T T O R NE Y - A T - L A W , Reel Ratate and Celleetlon Agrnt, ll.tAKPIK.I.I), PA., U'itl promptly attend to all legal buiineaa ea tni.ted to bia eare. TOllee la Pie'a Opera llou.e. Jan I '71. JOHN L CUTTLK, ATTOItNEY AT LAW. ltd Heal Katale Ageut, Clearfield, Pa. ine oa I bird atreet, bet. Uberrj A walnut. ffReapootfally offer, ble .ortieeeln eelliDf aM buying lande la Olearleld aod a'Veinlng a uutlea i and with aa eaperieaoa at over twenty 'r aa a aarreyor, aattara blmaelf tbat bo eaa r-ndar aallafaotloa. Feb. laiitf, I'ltlislrians' Cards. I) U. K. M. SCI1EUIIER. IIOMtEOPATHIO PHYSICIAN, OIBoe la roeidenea oa Flrat at. April 14, 1171. Clrarteld, Pa. jyi. W. A. MEANS, 1'IIYSICIAN 4 8UHOEON, DI1D0IS CITY, PA. a ill .IIibJ i.n.ru...l..ll..UK.ll. ...lA'.A ) It. T. J. BOTEIt, il'HYSICIAN ANDSURQEON. OSo. oa Market Street, Cle.rS.ld, Pa. ;-Oa boarat I to II a. at., and 1 to I p. aa, r JjH. J, KAY WKIGLEY, nOHXPATHIO PHYSICIAN, 00re adjoialag the reeideane of Janiae "I i.J, hae.. oa soeoad sL. Claarle Id. Pa. jaljAIH tf. J C. JENKINS, M. P., f'l YSIUIAN AND SURGEON, Cl'RWENSVILLE, PA., ? "Se at reaideaea ooraer of lute aad Plao Jaa. alb. Ibll.tf. D t- H. B. VAN VALZAH. '! LI.EAKHItl.l,. PENN'A. "Hct IN REXIDKSCK, CORNER OF FIRST " PISH BTRKKTH. f Olee ao.ra-Freai II la I P. H. May It, 1ST. )" J. P. BURCH FIELD, t,ao of the .td teglaaoat, Peaaaylranla laateon, b.n.( ... t,rm Ihe A nay, bla profaatleaal aerrloaa lo IbaeiUa... "uiaarhald aoa.ty. ""''"'"'"'alii promptly aluaaed la. la. (.pri,' U WINSLOW, Die.rt.ll, Peaa'a. r. hatla, r-t, )M,ui , ciearlald, I Haaeo " ' F' Hat-aaaa CLEARFIELD GEO, B. O00DLANDER, Editor 4 Proprietor, VOL. 55-WHOLE NO. Cards. I OH PKINT1N tl tion neatly .(Hi NCI OF EVERY DE8CRIP eeoled at tbie oltlee JIIMTICEtt' I'OSJNTAHl ICS' Hi Kit W have printed a large number of tbo bow PEE HILL, end .III on the receipt of twenty. I.o oonta. mall e nnpy to ery addreM. eiris WILLIAM M. HENRY, Justice Or THl PlACI AKDScMTltVaa, LI' Mi; UK CITY. Collectiooi mad and money prompt I j paid over. Artielea of agreement and dead of oonveyanee neatly ai Muted and warranted eor raet ur do charge. lijv'71 JOHN b. THOMPSON, Juatlce of the Peaoe and 8ori verier, Curneiiivllle, Pa 4L.Co11eotiooa mada and none promptly paid oer. foblJ'Tltf II KNRY BROTH, (out kmc r. 0.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Pon BKLL TOWNRDIP. May 8, 187Sly JAMKS MITCHELL, OKALRR 1H Square Timber & Timber Lands), Jell'7 CLEARFIELD, l'A. A. V. I10YT, Land Surveyor and Civil Euginee r PIlILIPSDl'Iia, PA. p&'KW buaineei will b attonde I to promptly. Deo. 15, 1880-ly. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, liearfleld, Peun'a. uWlll execute Jobi in hie llnr promptly and in ft workmanlike menner. epr4,n7 FIELDING X AND WILLIAM I). BIG LEU, CLKAItHKI.Ti, PA. Kot. lTth, ISSO-tf. J. P. McKEN RICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All legal buainoea rntruatd to bla oare will re. oeive prompt attention. B-OBre lu the Court liouia. augl,lS78ly. JOUN A. STADLEIl, BAKER, Market St.. CIcartMd, P.. Fre.b Ilread, Ruak, Kolla, Plea and Cake, oa hand or made to order. A general aaeortment of Confeotionariea, Fruila and Note In atock. toe Lreatn and uyatera in aeoaon. Saloon aearly opnneiio ine rnitomce. frioea moderate. March IA-'7&. WEAVER &. BETTS, PEALRRS II Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs; AND LUMBER 9? ALL KINDS. jr-tr-OOoa on Beeond itreet. is rear of itora room of Ueorge Weaver A Co. jaott, '78-tf. RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR Itrcatur Totrtmhlp, Oaceola Mill, P. O. All ofllolal bualneaa entreated to him will be promptly attended to. meh2v, '78, TARRY SNYDER, LX BARBBK AND UAIRDKE88ER Shop od Market St., eppotita Court Iluuae. A clean towel for evarj euatomer. Alio dealer to Heat Ilranda of Tobacco and Clpara. fleai-Oitid, p. mhf 9t JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, tVallacrtou, Pa. "IIa hu prepared hinaelf with all th neeeaiary blank forma under tbe Fenilon and Uonntv Imwi, ai well aa blank Deeda, ate. A legal natun antrm ted to bn eare will receive prompt atteoliwD. Hay 7lh, 187i-tf. ANDREW HARWICH, Market Htrcet, I If arfield, Pa., If A Ml' FACTO aiR AND DIALIH IM Jarnest Bridtctt Riddles, Collars, and Jtorse-rurnishing Goods. JFAU kind of repairing promptlj attended to. Saddlera' Hardware, Horn Hruabea, Curry Cdtnba, ke., alwava on haod and for eala at tbe lowcit oaob priee. Alarck IV, IU'V. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER NEAR CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. -T-Pumpi alwavi on hand and nade to order en .ihort notice, ripea bored on reasonable tern a. All work warranted to render a at (if action, an aeltvared tt rtealred. nv36:vnd fjlvery Ntabl?. rp II S anderaiftned begt leave to Intortn the pub X Ha that he ta now fully prepared to aAtomooo- uate an in me way ot turalibing H.aea, Unggtei, Had dlea and Harneaa, on the ahorteat notiee and an reasonable terni. Heildenoeon Locutt itreet, mnnvai lanu ana runrii. UKO. W. OIARHART. Ileerllold. Feb. 4, 1874. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DBALaa ia GENERAL MEKCHAND1SK, CRAHAMTON, Pa. Alao, eitenalee manafaetarer and dealer In Ranare Tl.l . I u . , L . .... . 1 ,wm bum Dwew oaaaar at all atnde. Ordera aollolud and all bllla promptly tiled. 8. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ARB BBALB1 la , Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Oraiaa'a Am, Jbortel AVeel, (LEAHPIEI.D, PA. All kind! of repairing la By line promptly at- enoea Ml. JaB. let, 1B7V. fltarttfld InMtiranct .Iftnry. JAMRl IRBB. CABBOLL L. IIODLB. Repraaeattba folwwlaf aad ether tret-laet Ce'l Coaapaalaa. Aaaeta. Llrrrpoel LeBdoa AS Olobe O. 8. Br.4t.H0l.Kl Lyenalag na eautael Aeaah plane..... A.enil.tliO I'baenii, of Hartford, Conn t,8?4,tlBS Inauranee Co. of North America 8,t.1M74 North Brltlah A MereaaUle V. 8. Br 1,7, "Wottl.h Ceatmerolal U. 8. Braaoh.... 879,146 Hal. now. 784.818 Traeelera (Life A Aeeideetl ,6i.4S one oa Market St., app. Ceart Hoaee. Clear leld. Pa. . Jaaa I, '78 tr. West End Drug Store, IN GRAHAM'S ROW, (Half way betwrea Moaeop'e and Fleek'a atone.) CLEARFIELD, PA. THl eaderelgaee baa epeaed ap a Drag Store, wile e fall .apply of perfectly pure and Ireaa Drago, Medirlaea, Cheaaleale and Tollel Artielaa. Tbeee Droia haae eeea eeleeted with great eare end are gaaraaleed to he perfeetly pare aad reli.ble. 1 will giro my pereonal aitee lloa ae I bla dmrtaaaat, aad wUI ebeerfetlr gtre aay ad, tea aa4 la ten. at Ma ta regard aa medieuaea free of akarge. DK. 1. 1. U1. u lean aid. re. Doe. 1, laaa-u. 2,700. THE WINTEn SNOW. Pimw to tlte nmici, ton to tit Iron, Hnow like Mar ihuwrri thrnwn ou thn hrtrote, Hnow like wbite iilniinrua fiimn; from the skim. Now kifniox our eheak aa onward it fliea, Nuw upaard borne on (be wild trtopcit'a wiog, Nw melting in the air li to foam on a river. Now iwelling the tiJo of unue er.vntal 'prlng, Tb at fluwi to tbn ocean that fluwtth forever, Nuw wrcitbing it white and beautiful loo It i Around the hare Irowa of tbt furge-beaten rocki. Now rfitlnjf awhile on a mountrtltioai oreit, Nuw JiphiiIhok in dew ua the ouwd'i raiui breait, Now failiiie miofl on a wild eiiitlo'i baok Now blinding the oourae of tbo uiarioer'a track, '"w Bteuvinx iue aairia oi a vapnroui fiioua Nuw veilitiK the earth in a beautiful ibroud Now rarltinr in dew on a fair l'lj lip. Now lippinc where a luvcr mi;ht trtiuble to lip, .-ow-ciHpiD) in uidiIi around ber brtKht balr, rtow wuitnig m ouri on Bor lomneal m lair. Ob, mow, mow, iparkling mow, Ilorald of misery, hunger and wue, Full many a w retell, mantled In ruga, Mar pilbiw bin head on the i.tllowksm ftniri; And lb" ilnrerlt'g beigar tuny halt in the itreet A Dd in like tl-y niuutin tin cold i tiding ihett; Hbivo ujcrcyi oh, bright ui spurkling now, Have moruy oo tho who hiive no where to gn, Ob, fir, fly awitv od thy while tilver wing, And die on tbe busom of beautiful Spring. John Scan, UTAH. A GOVERNMENT PROBLEM OF TWENTY-FIVE YEARS STAND ING, AND STILL UNSOLVED. THE (iE.NTU.es STILL UNHAPPY. 'J'bu editor of tlio f'ltilaildiibia Rec ord has flail a blank cartridge at Moimonism. II ih i iu J mtiun reads well, but he Btiggi'Htd no remedy. Read what bo nays : In ntU'iniitiiiL' to 8iiiiprc38 Mormon- im on the ai.count ot tlio tixiMtence ol liolynamy in Vlnb, Now Mexico, Wy oming and t'lHowhei'u iu tlio great I'ur Went tlio Civil (iovornnient is brotiL'bt lace to litce with the momentous prob lem ol 'ccclcsiiuttu ul utithonty and tbe rights ot conscience. However patent ly immoral or essentially irreligious this inatitiilion ot'pluritl murringes may tie in onr concepiitin til' it, there can bo no doubt of the ginoerity of the real ninhs of the iiiii-uided pooplo who adhere to it. Apurl from Ibis iimliiulioii, it must !c conceded that -McirmiHiiHiii h.m a riht not only to tolertitioii lint to Tirntoftion, t ith tbo subject of primary and paramount al legiance to rpirilual authority, no mat ter how imperions its claims may be, neither the Statejior the I'nion has any warrant, in either written or unwrit- law, to interfere. Government, Local or National, ct.n properly deal only with practical results. Actual lull-actions of tbo regulations it estab lishes for tho pence and order of soci. ely and inr tbe security of the individ ual may bo punished, but tlio civil power can rightfully wnj,'0 no crusade upon mere principles, tiowover mis chievous in their tendencies and how ever menancinpr by reason of being thoroughly syslomattzcdund organized. It litiwl wait lor some overt act. There can be no persecution for opinions. Kven the worst intentions nro not pun ishable unless accompanied by aoiuo attempt to execute them. Our law of conspiracy is cavctully guarded against abuse in tho hands of tbo magistracy, anusomeluing must bo done in pur suance of an unlawful combination bo fore its participants become indictable. Section 3 ot tbo fourth article of the federal Constitution ompowors Con gress to "make all needful rules and regulations respecting tbo territory or oilier property belonging to the United states:' aim section 4 ol tlio same ar tide prescribes that "tho United States shall guarantee toevery Stato a Itepub bean lorm ol Government. The first of tho ten amendments, which became operative almostconcurrentlv with the adoption of the Constitution, declares that "Congress hIiuII make no law re specting an establishment ol religion or prohibiting the free exercise thero- of." A thoughtful consideration of tlio scopo and import ol tbeso features oi tno organic law ot tho l.iuon can hardly lull to emphasize tho difficulties and doubts which environ tho wholo .Mormon question. Tho Territorial "rules and regulations" must not be such as to coutravone religious frue- dom. Nor can conditions iiivolvini! such interference bo justly aflixed to tbo admission ot new states framed from tho Terrilorios, provided tho plnn ol liovernnient proposed lie Kepubli- can in form. It is a manifest nelilio prineivii to aver that any specified system ol belief and practice touching religious matters, no matter bow monstrous or absurd, is in tact irreligious, and therefore not entitled to "true eiercise" as a religion. The adoption hy the civil authority ot of such a censorship of creeds would be a direct step toward, a religious "establishment." It would bo to in- slilti to a religious test at once. Criteria of this sort may ho formulated by a Church, but not by the United Slates. The attitude ot tho American polity is one of entire impartiality, and indeed neutrality, toward all professedly re ligious sects. It does not undertake to define what religion is, nor to mark the boundaries beyond which lies irro ligion. Tho rights of cotiBciunce and the liberty ot opinion belong aliko to the Catholic and those representatives ot tho poles of religious thought, the Agnostic, (.linstian, Jew ana ileist are equal in tho presence ot our public law. iietween I'.piscopuhan, i'rcxtiy teiinn, Baptist, .Methodist, Unitarian ana uuaker tho iVation makes nodil fcrcnee, tbosgh the Stale may thus discriminate if a sufficient majority of its voters so ortlain. A limitation, dis sent and negation as to tho dogmas of theology stand upon the same piano, An cnliro divestiiuro of failh, a com- pleto denial of the sacerdotal, can bo nut under Federal outlawry no more than orthodoxy ot tlio mostpronounced and conservative description. As women, by somo strango and per- vorso fatality, is in ono way or another at tno nollom ot all tho troublo in tho world, so in this Mormon imbroglio tno Kernel ol tbo controversy is tho question of wives. This tho Stato has aa undoubted right lo regulato; but it is a moot point whether such power ran no constitutionally exercised hy tno general Uovcrnmctit. W ives are good thing, and vert' bandy to have about tho house : but there may bo too much ol a good thing. In none of he llnrly co-lit Mutes ol the Union is any male person allowed more than ono wife at a time. All without cx ecplion, have statutes against bigamy. n ore u not lor the notable tact that a great many mon tlo not marry at all. and havo no desiro oven lor so much as one wife, it might be suspected tbat nvy nan something to do with tbo urrent uncharitable feeltna toward tbe many-spotiBod Latter- Day Saints. Asa consideration of natural olhics, usiraelly flowed, anil without regard ecclesiastical ordinance or civic statutes, a good deal may be said in lavor either ul single or plural matri mony. The circumstance that in civ ilised countriua tbe number ol mon is about equal lo that ol women might be taken as an argument from Nature CLEARFIELD, in ho half of tho one wile plan, wero it not for tho pur.iling fact that whero the patriarchal system has been in vogue tbo female sox preponderate ; tho supply iu each case thus answering tho demand. This interesting problem of sociology may bo loll to the evolu tionists to solvo. The polygamist can claim that the Lovilical luw, which tho leading Cliristain denominations have adopted lrom Judaism, does not pro hibit a plurality of wives. It may ho furthermore allegod against monogamy that it is almost universally supple mented by tho social evil. An apology for tho temporizing courso ol tho Government toward Mormonism lor tho last quarter of a contury may bo roniid in tho intrinsic difficulty of tho question. Polygamy is as knotty as it is naughty. A bill of indictment cannot bo framed to in cludo au ontiro community. Prosecu tions ot Individual polygamisls fail through defect of necessary legal evi dence or from the refusal of juries to convict. For this it is not easy to do viso a remedy. The timo is coming whon something decisivo will havo to be done ; but what that something is no statesmanship has v'ct been able to discover. Mcunwhilo Mormonism marches on, and fixes its hold more strongly with the lnpso of every hour upon vast tracts ol our domain. "CHEEK" AAV "CMC." While a cortnin amount of cheek as as well as chic is ossential to success, particularly in tbe lino of tho profes sions, it may bo questioned whether tho assumption ol ability or knowl- edgo is not occasionally carried so far as to react disastrously upon the pros pects of a young man's career. It is true that merit does not always meet with recognition, ar.d that tbo public will not invuriahly find out thoso who can best render tho vunoiiu kinds ol service which men have occasion to seek lrom their fellows. Modesty may bo too extreme, and be who has an ex cess of it often stands in his own light. Since there is no inherent force in the laculty or attainment that constitutes litness for a Hpecial work to bring such work and tho woikman by somo oc cult reciprocal attraction together, there must usually bo a blowing of the trumpet in order to adviso tho world whero to look in any particular case for tho needed man. This blowing, however, is a delicate and exceedingly hazardous resort when tho man under takes to do it in his own behalf llirect sell-praise is universally doomed in tho highest degroo undignified and inde corous. A really proud and high-sonl-ed man shrinks from anything ap proaching it. ISoasting, even by im plication, is repugnant to genuine self respect, and tho spirit which induces an indulgence in it is very fur from tho temper of true self-assertion. It be trays, morcovor, a lack ol senso. Men take it everywhere as a badgo of weak ness as well as of tolly. It acts as a boomerang upon its purpose, begets distrust and establishes a presumption against tho uttoror tbat it Is exceed ingly difficult, although ho may in fact bo an nblo mon, to entirely overcome. This is especially true as applied to professional mon. There is no im propriety whatever in a mau's staling that ho is a good liorseshocr, u good driver, or an expert woodsawyor or bootblack, provided he tolls the truth in saying so. But what would bo thought of a person who should ullego ol bimsclt that he was an able lawyer, a superior physician or an eloquent preacher l So lar as tho medical pro. tension is concerned, it is, indeed, a dis tinctive point of its ethics not even to advertise in tbo newspapers. Special ists do this sometimes, and lor that very reason they oro lrcniiently mis taken for quacks. The lawyer hangs out his banner on tho outer wall of his ofilco in the shapo of a sign annoiiuc ing his name and calling, and he mat- go so. far as to put a card to the same oltect in some journal ; but tho clo. gy man very seldom does so much as that. Tbo very namo pretender has bo- como the synonym ot a humbug. It carries the idea ot falsity. There are other kinds of pretence than bald, out right sell laudation, shallow and hail taught intruders into the hiL'licr voca lions of lilo are rarely at a loss for methods of pushing their claims for notice. A temporary success may be won in this way now and then, but it soon comes to an ignoble end. If person ot this sort happens to be a lawyer ho is ready for the most part to answer oil-hand tbe proloundost and most complex questions in jiinsnru donee. lie will never tell you be does not know. A thorough master of tho law is apt, on tho other band, to re servo his decision on tho simplest point inai may tie propounded to liim, and to first verify his opinion by recurring to the authorities before announcing it. Tho young lawyer olten marvels at the dullness of the Judgo who takes several weeks lo decide a perfectly plain case, when for himsolt tivo min utes would be enough. It is thu suinn way not infroiiuenlly with the medical student in regard to his professors, and in tho theological seminaries there aro scores of fresh young men who clearly comprehend tbo atonement, jttstiflca tion by litith, predestination and free will, tho problem of tho origin of evil, and ail tno oilier doctrines and mys teries that eminont divines havo res tied with for tho last 18(10 years. If tho community is to be disappoint ed in a man it would see in to need no argument to show that it would be a great deal better for him for tho dis covery to bo mado that he amounts lo moro than ho was at first luken for instead of less. J'hilailclphia Jircnrd. What wb Meed. What wo want is stronger men : not mon of more doli- cato habits, or moro fastidious tastes. W e want men of prophetic insight, and proplictio earnestness, and prophetic during men with something of tho old prophetic flro. We want men of clear head, and large hoarl, and strong u mon ol resislless logic and low. oring imagination ; and it lo all these bo added tho ready hand and tho vig orous arm, so much the better. We want men with tho wroslling thews which throw tho world. Wo want men In be leaders of mon, not minis- ten to the entertainment ol women. Wo want men ot strong likos, and strong dislikes, for do not thoso men the intensity of forco with which they ill engage in their work the amount ol earnestness and energy they will bring to it. "Why, Bridgot," said her mistress. wbo wished to rally the girl for the amusement of her company upon tho fantastic ornamenting of a plate of butter. "Why. Dridget, did you tlo this T Yon are quite an artist; how did yon do it?" "Indade, mnm, it waamy ell that did It," replied Urn I get. "l-n t it pritty, mum f 1 did It with your fine tootb-oomb, mum." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1881. A rillLADELMIii COOKERY Tho Philadelphia) Times mentions tho Cooking school lately started in that city : 4 Mrs. S. T. Horor, toucher of tho Js'ow Century Cooking school, gavo a practi cal exhibition before a largo audience, principally of mature housekeepers, at tho Spring Garden institute, of the advantages ol systoinatio culinary work. Ik'foiutbe neatly-tUtirod blondo lady and her rosy-chsaked auxiliary mado thoir appearento, Mr. A. M. Spanglcr delivered an amusing and at the sumo timo instructive discourso on tho work of skillful and unskilllul housekeepers, When bo concluded ono of his sullies amid :bo applauso of bis hearers, Mrs. lioror. whiie-upronod and whito-capped, stoppjd briskly for ward, along with the ."'iplo-cheekod yonn; assistant before Tfier.tloncd, and settled right down tobusincht in amat- ter-ol lact way. airs. Jtorer rcmarKca: "it ivas tonir ago said, 'Let mo make the songs of a nation and I care not who nakes its laws.' Wo say in thoso modcri times. Let us make tho cooks of a nulon and wo care not who makes its apttbeca- rics. bbo said thai perhaps ai many men wero driven lo tho dramsiop by tho want of good living as (ran nuy other cause. "If we wish to keep tho man from tho dramshoj and tho woman of the liouso Iron kill ing herself with opium and cllorul, wo must teach ber such ways o' pro paring food as will mako it palatible." What Mrs. lioror proposod to thow by demonstration was the preparaion, at prices as low us possible, of ktteles Iroiu inexpensive tnatetmls as wej as those ot u higher cost. Mr. Spanjler hero remarked that tho ultimato ohoct was tho starting ot a class in the iisti- Lulo building or somo other placi, to havo evening schools at a lower pice I nun mo tiirard street school, tbo oxpenso would bo five dollars an e'en- ing lor tbo wholo, and tho moro lhat joined the chcapor it would ha for each. Mrs. Itorer then procooded will tho practical part ol her lecture. There was a handsome gas stove in tho fore ground, closo by tho Btovo a table upon which Iho materials were miigled lor the various dishes, and in the lack ground was a blackboard, givinp tho proportions for each of the following viands: Soup stock, pressed meas for soup, bread mutton chops, potatopuirs, snow pudding, bread, and two wtys ol making, coffee. Tho last nainec she explained hy using tho French per colating process and tho old-faslioned method of boiling. Tho produits of these two systems were handed around among tho audience, and tho general verdict was in lavor of the Flench plan. When Mrs. lioror was cmphamzing tno necessity ol bay loaves in the soup a slock man aroso and inquired what they wero. llo bad nover seen them and presumed many others had not. Mrs. Itorer said they decorated figs. Tboy could bo bought inthosloros, and a half pound, worth fourteen cents, would last lour years. Two leave wore to be used at a time. Hoto books wero in requisition, buttho trouble ap peared to bo that the lecturess spoke loo rapidly. W hen it oamo to frying mutton chops sho gave tho advice : "Always suvo every litllo particloof bread loll lrom tho table, Uuvo a box to keep it in. Brown it well. .Xovor buy cracker crumbs; bread answers just as well." "In breaking up egis, always add water to the eggs if you are going to dip anything into bread crumbs alter- ward, they go twice aB tar. "Always skim soup stock very care fully. Grease is iinwholosnmo and nauseating. Buttoral a high tempera turo produces acids very injurious." In frying tho mutton chops they wero placed in a pertoratod sheet iron basket arrangement. Somo in the au- dienco saw that a very large amount of lurd had boon melted in another vessel upon tbo gas Btovo, Into which tho pcrlorated ono was to bo dipped Mrs. Itorer was asked why so much lard was used. She said it was less greasy by having lard enough to cover the meat than having just a litllo, and Ihe latter plan took double tho amount, "So in thn old way of boiling coffee," remarked Mrs. Holer, "you bad to go into tho garret to get the best ol It. Tho advantage and economy of a gas stove, especially iu hot weather, wero set forth, and a few hits at tbo gas trust wero interspersed. While tho audience wero laughing Mr. Korer withdrew, and Mr. Spungler mounted a clittir and nsked how many tlesirod to join tho class, itoni appeal unco about half of tho audionco desired to bo further inducted into tho mysteries of cooking as it should be." Tho ladies flocked upon the stago and sampled tho cold preserved beet, the pudding anil the potato putts. U ORUO 11 a OF R USUI A .V EA1L E. HOW SOME OP THE POOR VICTIMS LIVE UNTIL llllIV'KN TO AlAUNEBS AND TO DEATH, A writer in tho London Standard says : Un his arrival tho prisoner is dnvon straight to the police ward, where ho is inspected hy tho Ispravnik, a polico ollicer who is absolute lord and master ol tho district. Ibis represen tutivo of tho government requires him to answer the lidlowingqiiestions : His name ? How old ? Married or single f w hero Horn I Address ol parents, or relations, or menus r Answers to all which are entered in the books. A solemn written promise is then exaotcd of him that ho will not givo cssons of any kind, or try to teach any ono ; that every letter ho writes will go through tho Ispravnik s bands, and lhat he will follow no occupation ex cept slioeniaking, carpentering or field labor, llo is then told hois Iroel but at the same time is solemnly warn ed that should ho attempt to pass the limits of tho town ho shall bo (hot down like a dog rather than Ifo allowed to escape, and should ho be taken alivo shall bo sent off to Knslern Siberia without lurthor formality than that of the lspravnik's personal order. I he poor fellow takes his little bun dle, and, fully realising tbat ho bus now bidden larewcu lo tno culture and material comfort of his past life, ho walks out into tho cheerless street. A group of exiles, all pale and omaeialod, aro there to greet him, take him to somo of their miserable lodgings, and feverishly demand news lrom homo, Tho new comer gates on them as ono in a dream, some aro melancholy mad, others nervously irritable, and the re mainder have evidently tried to And solace in drink. They live in commu nities of two and threes, have food, a scanty provision of clothes, money, and books in common, and consider it their sacred duly to help each other in ovor)' emergency, wilhoot distinction of sex, rank or age. The nobis by birth gel sixteen shillings a month lrom the gov- ernment for their maintenance and commoners only ten, although many of thorn arc married, and sent into exilo with young families. Daily a gen darmo visils their lodings, inspects the premises when and how ho pleases, and now and then makes somo-mystcrious entry in his note book. Should any of iticir numoor carry a warm dinner, a pair of newly-mended boots.or a chango of linen to somo passing exilo lodged for tho momont in tho polico ward, it is just as likely as not marked nirainst him as a crime. It is a crime to come and sco a friend off, or accompany him a littlo on tho way. In fact should tho Ispravnik tool out ot sorts tho effects of cards or drink he votos his bad temper on tho exiles ; and aB cards and drink aro tho favorito amusements in thcBO dreary regions crimes are mark ed do,wn against tho exiles in astonish r.ig numbers, and a report of thorn sent regularly to tho govornor of tho pro vince. Winter lusts eight months, a period during which tho surrounding country presents tho uppcarauco of a noiseless, iitelcHS, frozen marsh no roads, no communication with tbo outer world, no means of escape I n courso of time almost every individual exile is attack ed by nervous convulsions, followed by prolongod apathy and prostration. I hoy begin to quarrel, and oven lo hate each other. Some of thorn con trive to forge false passports, and by a miraclo, as it wore, make thoir escupo, but the groat majority of thoso victims ol tho Third Soclion cither go mad, commit suicide, or dio of delirium tre mens, their history, when tho timo comes for it to be studied and publish ed, will disclose a torriblo talo ol human suffering and adminlsteiiul ovils and shortcomings not likely to find their equivalent in contemporary history of any other European Stato MORE COUA' TO THE ACRE. Tho farmers in tho Middlo and At lantlo States, says tho Germantown Telegraph, aro beginning to study out tho expediency of raising morocoreals to the aero than tboy havo borotoforo boon doing. They soo vory clearly that it can be done, and in the case ol maize or Indian corn, especially so. It is true lhat tho labor bestowed will be somewhat greater; but when they con sider that a vory largo portion of this labor is done with machinery, it does not present tho snmo drawback that it did lormorly. Besides, thoro is no crop that shows tho benefit of good culture so much as corn. H cannot stand well iu its own dolence against tho rapid growth of a multitude of greedy, rampant weeds ; hence its gratiludo when tlio invading enemies aro thrust out, and it is allowed to go on us way rejoicing. In referring to a heavy yield of corn growa by Xathan (i. Pierco, in Mary land, during tbe year just closod, ho furnishes for publication tho statement that one hundred and ten bushels wero tho product por aero, or rather that number of bushels, allowing seventy tivo pounds of ears to equal one bushel of shelled corn. But to remove ull causes for cavil, he sets down tho not yield, notwithstanding this allowance, ut ono hundred bushels per acre. This seems to bo a liberal ostimato, and farmers in general will no doubt admit it to bo so. Ilis modo of culture is to plow tho ground, which was a gravelly loam, about tho firHt of May, harrow it in the usual manner, and treat it to nine hundred pounds of a standard fer tilizer por aero ; again well-harrow tho land, make the rows three feet apart, then a "small amount" of fertilizer scattered in each row, and on May 10 drop three grains of corn (tho Lost Nation variety) two feet apart iu the rows ; cultivate and hoo tho crop four times, cutting out ono of tho three plants and removing all tho suckers and weeds until tho timo arrives for cutting and removing to tho barn for husking, Vc- Tbis ib only what every good farmer ought to bestow upon a crop of corn. There is nothing out of tho way about it At all ; henco, thoro is no lust reason, with an ordinarily favorable season, that tho result should not be the same, in tho production ol the crop generally. now to has thermom eters. "Old Weathercock" writes to tho St. Paul Pioneer-Prat : "There seems to be so many erroneous notices among the amateur meteorologists ot tho city about minimum temporntiiro of the twenty lour hours, and how to obtain it correctly, that a few lines lrom an 'old woathorcock,' I trust, will not bo altogether lost. In the nrst place, then tho temperature of tho wall of any hour of Iho night or day, is not the true temperature of the circulating air and is ot no tiso to science. A wood wall radiates its heat moro rapidly than a brick or a stone, and tho amateur scientist who hangs his thermometer on a wood wall can force bis mercury down below tho amateur who selects a brick wall. Tho proper way to ex- posoyotir thermometer is to surround it with a light wood frame covered with slats, liko shutter work, and roof cd over. This will protect it from tho direct rays ot tho sun and reflected heat. Kun a light wood bar across the centre of your instrument shelter, to which you can attach thermometers, which should be, when properly ex posed on tbo north side ol tho building, and tho thermometer at least one foot from all objects. II these directions aro followed, erroneous reports of ex tromo cold weather will not find thoir way into print so often. It is not a very lunny thing for tho press lo ro port 2(iQ below scro, when 15 repro- sentstho tomporatureol the circulating air. It gives persons abroad wrong impressions ol your climate. Weslkt'b Wit. A dovotod Metho dist, it Is said, asked John Wesley what be thought as to his marrying a cer tain woman well known to both, Wes ley advised him not to think of it. W by, said tho other, "sho is a mem ber of your church, isn't she?" "Yes," was tho reply. "And you think she is truly a Christian woman V "Yos," said Wosloy, "1 believe she is." "Woll, then why not marry ber?'' "Uecauso," replied Wesley "because, my friend, the Lord can livo with a great many poopio mat you and i ran l. It was in a restaurant the other night that a waiter was apologising fur the dilapidated stato of his napkin. "Don't mention it," responded tho cus tomer, sadly. "1 don't mind tho boles in tho least. That part of your napkin is always sure to bo clean." And for tho next ten minutes nothing could be heard but the butter combing its hair out in the pantry. A bashful young clergyman, rising to preach for the first time, announced bis text in thiswise; "And Immedi ately the cork wept and Petor went out and crew bitterly." NEW XEW RAILROAD DEPOT. THE HANDSOME AND COMPLETE STRUCT IRE THAT IB TO UK ERECTED IN I'lllLAUKM-niA. Thudesignsfor tlicoxtcriorof the new passengor station ol tho Pennsylvania uailrcad Company, at tho corner ot Merrick and Filbert streets, indicate that it will be oneoi the most imposing structures in Philadelphia, mid the plans for the interior assuro passengers that nothing will bo left undone wiiicb can add to their com lor I and conven ience Tho company owns tho ontiro squaro, which fronts dllb tect on Mer rick street, and rrfns back 123 feet to I'll teen th street. Iho station will oc cupy tho corner of Merick and Filbert streets, with a front P.I3 feel on Mer rick, bo that it will cover nearly two thirds of -the equaitK It will he nf four Btories, with a tower over 100 feet in height on each corner. Tbe stylo of tho architecture is Gothic and the material entering into tho con struction of tho outer walls pressed brick, ornamental brick and terra cotta tho latter furnished by tho Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company, and of a color similar to fire brick. The tiso of terra cotta will admit of a great deal of simple ornamentation in tho columns and tho different floors will bo marked by lines of fancy brick, Tho first floor will be occupied by tho inward and outward baggage rooms, and tho ticket offices, of which there will bo two, ontirely distinct from each other ono for local and the otbor for through passongors an ar rangement that will materially shorten tho delays ol local passengers, who aro generally in search ot information both as to routes and timo. highly four feet of tho width of tbo building will be given to throo passage woys, two twenty loot wide and ono twenty lour feet. Passengers arriving in car riages will drivo directly into tlio build ing, and alight in front of tho stair way leading to the waiting rooms ou tho secontl floor. Tboy will procure thoir tickets and tho baggago will bo deposited in tbo baggage room at tho corner of Fifteenth and Filbert streets, which will bn arranged so as to bo ap proached from throo sides. Two stair ways, eleven feet wide, will lead to tbo second floor, but two elevators will be running constantly to accnininoduto thoso who find even a single short flight of stairs too much. Tho lower story will be sixteon feet high. Arriv ing passengers will leave the station on tho opposite side, descending to the I street by u singlo broad flight of stairs into a lobby thirty foot by thirty-two, from which they will reach Merrick street through tho southern entrance. Tho two stairways, divided by tho ticket ollico, converge at a landing half way up, and lend to the general waiting-room, through which all pas songors will pass ou their way to tho trains. This is a spacious room 51 feet in width by 80 in longth, with a lolly ceiling ot glass, tho altitude of the room being 44 feet. An abrupt turn to tno leu on entering tbo general waiting room will conduct ladies lo tho ladies waitine-room which, with the dining-room will oc cupy the entire tront of the second floor. Tho ladies room is of tho sumo length ns tho general waiting-room but zuiect in width, with a private room opening out of it on the Filbort street corder, 2uxlC. Adoor from the ladies' room leads lo the dinintr-room which is of tho same width and only eight leet shorter than the general waiting room. Entrance to thedining room win do had trom tho general waiting-room through tho restaurant at tho lurthor end, opposite tho main entrance. In tho rostaurant, 23 feet wido by 01 long, will bo a lunch conn tcr, with small tables opposite. Tho news stand and telegraph ofilco will be on either side ol the entrance. Tho height of the second story is 31 feet, the general waiting-room being two stories in height. Tbo third and lourth stories will bo mainly devoted to the offices necessary for tho Confpanr'e officials, and they will bo reached by a ganery running around tho waiting room. Tho kitchen will, however, oc cupy a large part of the spaco towards Market Btreet, and a private elevator win connect it with tho ground floor. Hack of tho restaurant will bo a lartro barber shop, 17x31 feet, and ovor that will bo halh-rooms, where passengers win una an me conveniences ot a room in uny hotel, and will thus ho spared the inconvenience ofgoingtoany hotel for no other purpose tipin to take a bath and make a chango of clothes. Over tlio restaurant will bo private uining-rooms. Four entrances with wide doors will afford tho means of communication with Ihotrainshed, tho lobby between tbo doors and tho gates being forty leol. An ornamental iron bridge across Filtcenth street will mnrk the head of the train houso, and tho rear end ot tho trains will como lo tho east ern line of tho street. Tho train shod itself will bo somewhat liko that of West Philadelphia, with eight tracks, but closo together undor one roof with two urches. Tha shod extends one square from Fifteenth to Sixteenth stroet.aud tho walls aro fifteen feet high. The exterior of the shed will bo faced brick, but tho interior will bo finished with ornamental brick. Tho plans drawn for tho station wore designed by Wilson llros. A ;,., under the direction of Joseph W. Wil son, engineer of bridges and buildings oi tno l ennsyivnnia uaitroad, and the worn oi construction is proceeding under tho supervision of William 1L Brown, engineer ol maintenance of way. The cost will be about a quarter of a million, cxclusivo of tho ground. It is probable that tho 1st of May will see the work completed. MOUNT VERNON. While every American has heard of Mount Vernon, probably not ono in a hundred knows whence it derived the namo. J heunlorttinato uukool lion- moulli had a privato Secretary named Vernon, a prudent, sensible man of business, who, alter the Duke's death, found favor in influential quarters, and under William 111. became Secretary of Slate, llo left a son, Edward, born lC8t, who, greatly against his lather's wishes, entered tho Navy, and, serving ilh early distinction, rose to tho ran of Admiral. In 1722 ha was re turned to tho House ol Commons, and having, in July, 1739, declared there the Perto Ucllo might be reduced with six soil of tho lino, and that be would stake bis lilo and reputation on the success of the expedition, ho was sent off with a squadron to do it, succcdrd, and gave his men 110,000, which had just arrived to pay the Spanish troops. On returning home, he received the thanks ol both Houses and the free dom of tha City ol London. From tbat day, however, his star declined. An expedition to Carthagena, made two years later, slgnslly failed. Rmol. LICAN. TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. SERIES-V0L. 22, NO. 1, lett, at that timo a IS'uval Surgeon, accompanied the fleet, und bus told tho story of it in "liodorick Random," whore ho compares Vernon nnd Gen. Wontworth who commanded tho aux iliary land force, to Cicsur and Pom Pey. "Tho one," he says, "would not brook a superior, whilu tho other was impatient of an enual : so that between the pndo of one and tho insolence of the other the enterprise miscarried." It was in the land forco ulCarthagena that Lawrence Washington, George's eider brother by fourteen years, had served, and opparently ho esteemed Vernon, as he gavo his namo to his uouso on tbo Potomac and procured a midshipman s appointment for Geo. hut his mother's interposition ulti mutely provontod tho boy's availing himself of it, albeit sho hod at first consented. HANGING FURNITURE. Men laugh at their wives if they display a tendency to movo tho furni ture about ut intervals, making a radi cal change iu the appearance of a familiar room ; but tho impulse is a natural ono. A distinguished physi cian has said that 'it is wise and whijlo some to break the uniformity of decora tion from limo to timo, however simple it may bo ; it is wholesome not less to tho hotly than to tho mind.' A woman passes so much of her timo in tho houso, sho needs tho harmless stimulus dorived from these slight changes. Thoro is a relief to her mind from the monotony of her daily round of sweeping, baking, dish-wash- ing, etc. e rejoice in tbo impetus winch decorativo art has received and which makes itself felt in tho most modest household, if nothing more than the variety and beauty of dishes. It is suggestive and pleasing to put a Cinto butter plato in tho shapo of a green leaf or a pansy at each plate and to put cheese and pickets ou the pretty majolica plates lfffido especially for them and to adorn tho table wilb tho flower decorated dishes which arc dainty enough for a King and cheap enough for ulmost anybody. It is a fact easily vciilied that it docs not tire ono holt so much to wash, wipe nnd put away a wholo China tea set as it docs to treat in the same way halt tbo ntimlaM' ol common 'every day dishes. Anything which makes a woman's work pleasant helps her in its perform ance. How OiMLM is Made. A letter from Uindoostan savs that opium, which is there made, is received from that poo plo. Each nativo has about three- quarters of an acre of ground. Ills nuiito aiv mn. unti no mcs iu a most i ..-,. ,..i ,. ? ! jMiiuanu oo io. in tiuiiuair or rco- rtiary tho plant comes to maturity ; in that stato tho pods aro lanced in the aftornoon. Tho opium is allowed to exude till next morning, when it is careiuny taken oil by an iron scrapor. At the samo time procau tion is exercised to close the incisions by running tho flngor over tho cuts, About fivo or six incisions stiflico for the drawine of the iuico. Tho opium is placed in brass vessels, slightly tilled, so as to drain off' the dew or any othor watery substanco. it ib then manipu lalcd and placed in now earthen ves sels, and iB thus kept till it is brought to tho weighing stations and sold to tho I'.uglisu government officers. At ter tho opium has been weighed and filled into separate jars according to its quality, they aro sealed up and des patched to tho factory, where all tho opium is again mixod up to a cortain consistency, and made into balls ready for exportation and salo at Calcutta. MoPF.itN Snoiirery. Doos her own work? Does she? What of it? 1 it any disgracof Is she any less of a true woman, less worthy of respect. than she who sits in silks and satins and is vain of flngors that nover labor ? o listened to this answer a few days ago, unu ino tono in which u was ut tered betokened a narrow, itrnoble mind, better fitted for any place than a country w nose uiBti lu lions rest on lion orablo luboras ono of the chief corner stones. It evinced a falso idea of the truo basis nf society ol truo womanhood, of genuine nobility, llshowed the de testable spirit of citsto, of rank, which a certain class aro trying to establish tt casto whoso solo foundation is money, ami is tho weakest kind ol rank known to civilization. Mind, manners, morals, all that entors into a good character, aro of no account with theso social snobs; position in their stilted ranks is bought with gold, and each additional dollar is another round in the ladder by which elevation is gained. Mrs. Pa un r i.i,. The mother of Par noil, tho Irish agitator, who is the dau.;hlur of Commodore Stewart. "Old Ironside," of the American navy, resides in jow Tork, and is President ot tho Ladies' Land Tongue of that city. Her daughter, Lucy Parnell, is a young lady remarkable for her brightness and great loreo of char actor, and an intelligent and vigorous writer. Ono of hor sons is a (leorgia planter, but is temporarily in New York. A New Haven brute saturated cot ton with alcohol, tied it to a dog's tail nd then set lire toil, i hedog started on a run to go under the brutes burn. I ben it didn t seem so funny to tho bruto. He madly howled at tho dog and ran atlor him, but before he could overluko the animal it got under the barn, but somehow tho cotton went nut and didn't set tho barn on fire. This was poetic justice. Barn was in sured for twice its value. ifoifoit Tost. The young people liad just sottlcd down in their now houso and hod en gaged a very capablo servant. At the third breaklast the husband, who was a railroader, said : "My darling, why are all those hairs In thn bash f &he replied: "Pet, It is only a misplaced switch." "Clara Hi lie is now writing up men's clothes. Aj. That's all right, provid ed "writing" is spelled another way. Men's clothes olten need righting sp, by sewing on buttons, mending the pockets, and so forth ; and it is woman's work to right them up. Norristoan Toil por It. If yeu want knowl edgd you must toil iui tl; il food, yon must toil for it ; and il pleasure you must toil for it. foil is the law. Pica are comes through toil, and not by sell indulgence and indolence. When one gels to lovo work his life is a hap py ono. , Washington always returned tho sa lutoof bis slaves. "Sir," said a gen tleman one day, "do you descend to salute a slavo T " W hy, yes," answered the General, "1 cannot suffer a man of his condition to exceed ms in good manners.'' EDUCATIONAL. UY H. L. KcQUOWN. Tbo public schools of DuBois borough son lids well. a Those Influences which are at work doing llie moat good are silent Influ ences. J. A. Johnson succeeds Mr. J. M. Postlethwait as Principal of the schools of DuHois borough. The. West t'lcarllcld public school will givo a literary entertainment on Friday evening, January 2Stb. Every teacher who desires to im prove in tho line ot bis profession, will ho lound ut out Local Institutes. All pupils who attend school every day ol the term will have their namo published in Iho "Boll of Honor." Miss F.llu Bulslon, ol Warrior's Murk, Pa., has been appointed teacher of Ohio school, in Decatur township. Mr. William Solders, toaehorof Cioss Koads school, iu Btirnsido township, is seriously III with tho typhoid fever. ltrady township and l)u Hois schools received our timo and attention hist week, and this week Gulich ond Bco caria aro being served. Women aro now eligiblotothooftloe of School Director, und have been chosen to that honorable position in a number of tbo counties of tho State. Dr. J. W. Potter, President ol tho Covington township School Board, wo are informed, haa t,t.vu -ota.ivil t Lie homo with illness lor Bomo weeks past. ... . Hon. Henry Ilouck is one of the finest Institute instructors in the State ol Pennsylvania, and is a gentleman of tho highest typo. Miss A unto Hughes, teacher ot Cen. tro school, in Decatur township, has been seriously ill for tho past month. Sho is new recovering. Tbo press of tho county has done much lor our educational interests dur- ng tho past year. It is ono of tho ac knowledged agoncies in moulding pub. to sentiment, and only the observer can realize the influence it exerts over tho masses. Hon. Henry Ilouck has been Deputy Stato Superintendent for a period of oui teen years, Jlc has attended ahuul twenty-livo Institutes annually, and has un experience in school uilairs without a parallel. Let all bear him when bo vit-ils our county. Our visitations lor tbe week ending January 15th, were conlincd to Knox, Jordan and Boccaria townships. Wo visited 15 schools, traveled 75 miles, met (J patrons in tho schools. William A. Bloom and Bobert M. Johnson, di rectors, accompanied us. Tho I.titliersbiirg Primary school. taught by Miss Ella Moore, iB flourish, ing nicely. There wero -49 pupils en rolled during last mouth, with an aver ago attendance of 44. The friends of education and parents aro kindly in vited to visit this school. Since November 1st, we havo visited 1 HI schools, spending, on an overage, I I hours in each school. In doing this, wo havo traveled Gjtl milos. Twenty, seven Directors accompanied us. in i,-,- . j . n. , addition to this, we wrote 117 official letters, and did au unusual amount ot ollico work. A correspondent informs us that Brady township school teachers were exceedingly kind to their pupils about tho holidays. Christmas trees wore provided for tho pupils of Coal Hill, Schindcle, liadaker and Troutvillo schools. This mark of rospect on the part ot the teacher was highly enjoyed by tho pupils. Circulars have been mailcj to all tho teachers and directors of tho county, giving particulars of the sories of In- : slitutes to bo held in the county dur ing tlio second wock ot February. We havo thought it best to dovote ono week to Inslituto work, and then con tinuo our visitations without interrup tion. We hope tor the honrty corpor ation of all teachers and directors iu order that this effort may be fraught with good results. Speak kindly in tlio morning, it will lighten all tho care of the day, turn sorrow into gladness, make household, professional und all other affairs move along moro 6inootbly, giving peace to tho ono who thus speaks, and grateful joy to him wbo hears. Speak kindly at the evening hour, lor it may be lhat before tho dawn of another day, some tenderly loved ono may finish his or her span of life for this world, and then it will bo too Into to retract an unkind word, or even to seek forgiveness for an injury inflicted upon the heart of a lovijd friend departed. (iVo. J'. Smith. Tho Local Committcoat Now Wash ington i making duo provisions for tho Institute to bo held at that place, Friday and Saturday, rebrnary 11th and 12th, Although it will bo impossi hlo for Mr. Ilouck to bo tbero, his place will bo filled by eminent educa tors from other places. New Wash-. inglon is a good place lo hold an In sliluto, and wo aro nf tho opinion that tho coming ono will bo lor in advance of any yot held. Tho members ol tho Committee appointed are putting lorth all their onergies to mako it a success ful meeting. Wo know they will succeed. SOME Tllot HUTS. 1. If you would havo no drones in your school, talk at each recitation to tho dullest in your class, and uso all your ingenuity in endeavoring to make him comprehend. 1 ho others, then, will tie sure lo understand. Mako each exercise as attructivo as possible. Think out your methods betoreband, and tlliistrato freely. J. Cultivate soil-control ; never be led into contusion, and abovo all be in earnest. 4. Bo cheerful and milt often. A teacher with a long faco casts a gloom . over everything, and eventually chills young minds and closes young hearts. o. Usu simple language whon you - explain lessons. Long words are thrown away in tne scuooi-room. 6. Thoroughly test each pnpil on ' the lesson, and do not be afraid of re petition. Iteview every doy.or much will bo lost. ' 7. Do not try 4to leach foe mucA; .; better teach a little and leach it Kelt. 8. Endeavor to make your pupils ' understand tho meaning of what they study. Probe tho matter to iho bot tom, and gol at tho real knowledge of your scholars. ;i. Cultivate the understanding, and do not appeal directly to the memory. iu. i.ay the loundation ot knowlcdgo firmly and woll. , tl. Impart right principles and lead your pupils to a higher level, to a noblor range ot thougtit. Endeavor to ac complish all that skill, intelligence, and lovo can suggest. What aow yoa do haow not Hat thai! hereafter heow, Wb.a tbe eeed whlra yoa are Bowleg To a whitened laid ahall grew. 'Tl, a Tick yoang eoll you're tilling, Thoa era' ter the good eeed well i Of the wealth of Ihe goldea harreet Kleratty will I.I I. ' 12. Teach your pupils to light man. fully in lbs warfare of good against evil, truth against error, and, above all, let the eternal principles et right and wrong govern your own life, and form . a ri of your own character. If you do this, you will "sow beside all waters,-' ' and eventually bring homeyoarsheaTes rejoicing." Maine Ed. Journal.