Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 12, 1881, Image 1

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tiki I ! t C'lrculatluD fanf Newaptp-rr
hi North 1'eutral PeunaylvauJeu
Terms of Subscription
tf paid in adrano, or within I aonthi....t3 04
If j!uJ after S and befor 6 montha 9 AO
If id after the eipirotion of montha... 3 (X
Rates ol Advertising,
Trai'iitnt adrtrtlienianta, pr quart of 10 line! or
S timet or leu 6Q
V ir twh pubiiequent Inaertion., 60 ,
t'ulnitrtorf' and Kxewutcri' notlcee J 60
n liton' notice! H 50
C niti..n and Ktrnyi J (0
Du.tolutlon notice! J 00
proOiiinnnl Cardi, 6 Hoes or Iob,1 year.... I 00
,c.l notice!, per lint JO
I ..itiare S 00 I column- 5f- 00
I i.,ur IS 00 I eolama.. 70 00
.! Hu3r. 20 00 1 olamn 110 00
Xnutirrs' Csrfls.
jt w. SMITH,
( learflrld, Pa.
I:1S rtilllpaburg, C'eutre Co., Pa. y:pd
Curw.-ostllle, Clearfield county, P..
,:.T-nfflee in tbe Opera House, ootu, '7M-tf.
m It. 4 V. UAKUETT,
January 30, 1878.
Clearfield, Pa.
"Oflre one door ( of Bhiw Boa...
Til. M. McCULLOUfill,
tTi.-r in M.ronie buildinc, Second .trret, op.
itp the Court Houe. - jeSArS-tf.
Clrarflcld CounUT, Penn'a.
otfu-e in Ojirra Ili)U,e. ap 25,T7-lv
fforiif y-fi-rw,
I.K.UtmU, - PKNN'A.
rT Office tn the Mnfnte Building, over the
Ci uiity Nalimml flank. uiarHO.
!l 1.1 AH 1. WIT. I il l.
DAVID L- Iltlll,
T r (riuicesiiir. to Wallace A Pieldinff,)
A T T O K N E Y S - A T - L A W
,.iir77 t'lrarlleld, Pa.
CI.EARP1KLD, lite t.'-tuntr Netionel Unk
Jube 20, 1
in. s. n. Ht;anAr. ctrph Oiaroa.
;2-umre In Pie', Opera Uoute, aeoond floor.
til'KICI! over T. A. I'lerk A Co.'a lor,
;-T-U'ill attend to all lenl liu.ln... with
.ruiuitnr eod fidelity.
i learneid. t".
rLeral baiinaai attended to promptly wtthj
i lelity. Offlct or Second itreet, above the Pint
national Hank. JaniliJi
Heat KfUU and Collortloi Agent,
CI.BARtKlErn, PA.,
'111 promptly attend to all legal bunlneai on
trurtnl to hit oaro.
jfciT-Offlee in Pie'f Optra Hoaxe.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. He I KiUte Aferit. (learflfld, Pa,
"(fine or Third atreet. bet.Uhorry Walnat.
CKeipefltfully offen bia Mrvleea in lelllng
.it.J buying landi In CUarfiald and adjoining
i-juniiM ; iouwiibii eipertaneaor ovortwontT
T'ara u a inrvayor, flatter! himielf that he ean
tflnaer latliraetton. Feb. lB:f3:tf,
yimsltians' Cards.
Office la relldenc. oa Firet et.
April 14, IS71. Cl.arll.ld, Pa.
iy(. W. A. MEANS,
ill attend profeaaional call, promptly, euglo'70
(jyt. T. J. HOT EH,
Offic, on Market Street, Clcarteld, Pa.
i4t0(fio. bourn fl to II a. m., and 1 to I p. m.
jyi. J. KAY ;yriulky,
f4rOBn adjolnina th. realdenca ,f Jamef
nxl.v, Eai., uej fciertiod 8t., Clearfield, Pa.
I J"ljtl,'7 tf.
'cce at rriideare, ooraer of gtete and Pine
J.a. ik,
., PKHH'A,
X P OBw honre-From II re I P. M.
May II, 111).
f 9or(.oa of Ik. I.ld .lment, Peaa,yltanla
feleaum, k.rlnf retaraed from Ike Army,
kl. profeaaleaal aerrleee la Ike.ltli.m
If I'learfl.ld.oanty.
OM'rofeiiteaal eall, promptly atlaadadla,
Afl Heeead etr.,1, ferm.rlyaeeaplad by
I OlearteM, Pen, a.
Dr ka,la( aneatry loealral la Cleartekl.
k'aaerrlea.taiba ,rapleof tkUrtotaliy.
aa Rara Hnea. ku.i4.aee Uea-
II tins oaetl, eieruted el this office
W have printed a large number of the new
FEE BILL, and will on Iho receipt of twonty
lt eent,, mall a eon? re any address, mess
yiLLIAM M. IIENKY, Justice
" or Ta i-iAci o Spiitiiii, LUMBER
01TY. Colloetton, mad. and money promptly
paid ovar. Artiel. of agreement and dved, ol
eonseyaaoa neatly executed and aarranled eor.
root or Bo charge Jljy'f1
J attic of the Peace and Seriventr,
CurwensvUle, Pi.
Collection! nado and Doner promptly
paid otw. ftiSI'71tf
(uiTRiin r. o.)
ros BKtt Toa-samr.
May t, mi-It
Square Timber & Timber LnndH,
A. v
Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer,
,AII buiinc, will be alteade I to promptly.
Dee. 15, lSBO-rr.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
C.iearlield, Penn'a.
?H.WIII eieeote Job, in bia line prolnptlr end
In a workmanlike manner. arr4,n7
.1TTOHA K !.. r-n ',, PA.
Nor. I7lh, tf.
All legal bualoen entrmtod to hi. oare will r
celre prompt attention.
J-Om In tl.e Conrt Home.
ft BAKER, Market St., Clcarleld, Pa.
Frrab Dread, Ru.k, Roll,, Pie, and C.V.,
oa hand or made to-order. A aereral aiieortment
of ConleetionarieH, Frulte and Not, to atock.
li;e tream and Oyster, In season. Heloon nearly
iiposlt, the Puslnlfire. Prices moderate.
M.rfh 10. T.
Real Estate, Square Timber. Saw Legs,
(r-Offica on Hooond aireot, in rear or atore
rciu of Ueorge Wearer A Co, janV, '78-tf.
Itrtalur Totrnthtp,
Oseeola Mill, P. 0.
It offirial business animated to him will be
promptly attended to. mcliZV, '74.
Shop on Market St., oppoltt Court Ilouie.
A elean towel for every customer.
Alto dealer In
Hot llranda of Tubtrro and C Iff a in.
Uarlitlt. p. inav It, 'Tl
W aliaceton. Pa.
He baa proparvd hitnielf with all the
neoenary blank forma under the Penaioa and
Dounty Uwi, aa well aa blank Doetli, eta. All
legal matter! entrnvted to hi cars will rrretra
prompt attention. May 7th, lSTV-tf.
i Market Mtreet, CUarlleld, Pa.,
liar mm, Bridtrt, 8addh$, Collars, and
Horse-Furnishing Goods.
jMt-AU kindi of repairing promptly attended
to. tfaddlera' Hardware, Horat firnehea, Carry
Comha, Ae., alwaya on hand and for aalt at the
luWMt oarh price. March i'J, lh"l.
t-Pomps alwaya on hand and made to order
en abort notiee. Pipes bored on reasonable terms.
All work warranted to render satiafaetion, and
delivered if desired. myl,:lypd
rpi(R arideraigrted begi leave tu in term the pub
X Ho that he ia now fully preparW to acoom mo
date all ia the way of furntihing IL.aea, Buggiea,
tiaddlea and Harnett, oa the ihorteat notioe aod
an raaannahle terma. Healdcnoe on Loouit atreeL
between Third and Pnnrth.
Clearfield. Feb. , 1874
tKNEKAL mkkchandisk.
Alo,eiteniire manufacturer and dealer In Hquar
Timber and n'awed Lumber vf all kknda.
Order lolielted and til hlltt promptly
filled. lJylB'72
pVtehB, Clocks and Jewelry,
OrmXam't Bnm, Markit Slrttt,
( IKARHI t.I.I), PA.
All kindi of rvtialrinff in v line ttrcmHlv at-
uu-a W. Jtm lit, IS7W,
ilrarfttld Mnanrtmrt afgYHry.
HLItil ttIiiLE9 trrr,
Rfpreaent the follnving and other flrtt -riant Co'i
Corepanie!. A-U
Livtfi"Hl London A Olnbt 0. R. Dr..9l.:ifM9
Lyefrwlng on maiual A oaak plana.... a.QOO.enH
Phavnii, of Hare ford, Conn i.AJOHJ
Iniaraano Co. of North Atnerira d,4.'tS,74
North Brttlnh A Meiranttle II. fl. Br l.T'-l.MS
rVotii'h Comnjeroial U. 9. Branch.,., ItTtl.Uft
Watertowa TA4.llft
Traveler! (Life A Accident).,. 4,&VJ,4M
Ofhre oa Market Ht., op. Ctittrt lloaie, '.'lear
1d, Pa. Jane 4, '7t tf.
West End Drug Store.
I I (Half way bet
tweeo Mortop'e and FUck'l
tore, )
THE andersliraed ha, opeoed ap a Drag Rtar.
with a fall eafply of perfectly pare) aod
fresh Lrar,, Mrdlriaea, Chetaieal, and Toilet
Artlalae. Theea Draffs hava bewa Mlaetad with
real eara aad are loaraaraed ea a perftly
pare aad reliable. I will ilea , aenoeel atua-
Ilea u thia deeartexeit, .a4 will aaeaefallr flea
aayeaTKaea.uilarsaaMaa la regard laaiaitieuM
free of ebt,(o. DR. I. J. BOYKH.
CUarleU, ft, Dea I, H4 If.
& Proprietor.
When tha cld Morm hnwli round the d-mr,
And jou ly tha light of taper,
Sit olowly by (bo evening fire,
Enjoying the kit paper,
Juit think of him wh.-ie work tLui htlpi
To wear away the Winter,
And put thia ifuery to your.tlf
lUvt I paid tht printer I
Ffcm etit and wet, fruu niirth tod aoutb,
i'mta laud i beyond ibe water,
lie WMkly brlntfi you lot! of newi,
From every Buuk and (juirter j
No flmrt on firth toil! mure than bo,
Through Summer'! heat and Winter j
How ean you, fur a uuwftnt, then.
Nljlet to pay the printer?
Your oilier UIU you promptly par,
Wherever you rtu go, lir
The butcher for hii inoat la paid.
For inndriei ii the grooer j
The tailor and the abuetnaker.
The baiter and the vinier,
All HH their par then why neglect
To eettle wUh tba printer t
"AJtuii I?cilo" was in duo time trAns
luted into I'lerit li nnd (iurmun, and
litis ticcn dnno into .Siunibb, Italian,
Dutch, KiiKxiun Bnd oilier modern
tot:"UL'i. ll bi'otiL'lit her tlio acnuaint-
nin e of a tinmlier ol literary men (she
Imd ill wj 8 lietn fliy, and bad rcilu
loiirtly avoided Boeiety umong them
Ilerbert Ppenocr, lieorgo Henry Low.
en, Dirkeim, Adililinti Trollopo.Thack
ery, Matthew, Arnold, Wilkio Collins,
l.eslio Stephcna and Charles Reado.
Spencor and Lowes wero particularly
interetittd in her, and a close intellect
ual frieiidfthip sprang up between them.
Spencer itilorinaliy itMlructed her in
his Hrotcnt of philusoplij', and Leweg
added largely to her slock of culture
hy Lis own divorsihed attainments
Spencer, ullieit a philowiphic bachelor,
wished to marry her, it is said, but she
declined his proposal. Lewes was
stroncly drawn to her tlirouuh Intel
lectunl sympathy, far moro so than ho
ever coultl bo to any human be
ing, no saiu mat tney neeiled one
nmtl lnr - t hut lit. full Ln Iw.ln t.nn
Jas much us she could help him ; that
Ihtii minds were co related and mutu
ally responsive. Lewes would have
been only loo happy to make her his
wile Hut there wits an obstuclo in the
way of their nuptials then or at any
other time. Tbeio was a Mrs. Lowes
already, and whnlwas worse, allhoui'l;
sho and Lewes did not livo together,
she counl nol legally bo set anido.
Why? He had married years bel'oro
a woman who had very little in com
mon with him, and, as he learned too
lute, with whom be hud still less. lie,
being of stoic mould, boro the misfor
tune) uncomplainingly, Irymg to soften
the iinavonlutilo disharmony as much
us ho could. IIu rebelled violently
against her indiscreet acceptance.
I' liable to bo fond of him, sho was so
much repelled that she drove him, by
her expression of reptignanco, well
nigh distracted, for he, liko most nion
of artistic lemporameiit,was extremely
sensilivo, and capablo ol great spiritual
suffering. After two or thrco years of
uiscoru sno met another man who was
very altentivo to her ; sho was then
handsome and bod an attractive tiguro,
and ulio was so moved by his atten
tions that sho run awny with him.
Lewes was greatly relieved. II ho
had been orthodox ho would have
thanked tlio Lord for his deliveiancc.
As ho was a ralicnalist, ho regarded
bis wife's elopement as a happy coin,
cidenee. M rs. Lewcs's lover presently
grew tired of her and abandoned her
Then sho repented and sought her bus
band w.ith pathetic contrition and plen
teous tears. Ho was generous, chival
rous, tender hearted ; ho bad no lovo
for her, but fearing that sho might go
to moral perdition, ho nobly, and in the
lace of public prejudice, and what ho
knew would bo a jeering world, took
her back replaced her in bis home,
lie believed that ho had done his duty ;
ho was truly one man in ten thousand,
lit) hud sacrificed himself for what
seemed to bo licr good. Deforo the
year hud pusscd, Mrs. Lewes, who had
reftimcd her old altiludo of opposition
and defiance, repeated her olfenso.
Sho ran a'way again. Lewoa felt ho
had. enough of wedlock, that hence
forth celibacy would ho forever allur
ing ; and it would have been, doubtless,
under ordinary eireiimsluncos. But
meeting (ieorgo Eliot was not, to his
mind, an ordinary circumstance. Ho
bud no passion for her, no romantic
attachment, no sentimental prejudice
Ho loved her intellect; ho worsbipefl
her genius; bo knelt ut her shrine.
l!ut ho c ould not many her, and with
out marringo society aad custom for
bado them to bo eloso companions.
Tho English law will not grant a
divorce, under any circiimsttinco wboro
disloyalty has onto been condoned.
He had condoned his wile's elopement ;
for her second elopement ho had no
legal remedy. What could, what did
he do? Ho submitted tho matter,
after duo reflection, to their common
friends, entirely conscious lhatUeorgo
Elicit would, hy living with him, place
bersclt under ban; that sho wou d ex
poso herself to misunderstanding, to
nsrsn comment, to cruel criticism
that she could hopo for only tbo roe
ognuion and esteem for the few.
Their f riends wero among the host and
most intellectual persons in tho Uhilcd
Kingdom. They discussed tho ques
tion in favor of a spiritual union which
the law, through a technicality, would
not sunction. tteorgo I'.liot and lico,
Henry Lewes went to reside under
the same roof, and until his death, in
1&78, they wero the best ol Iriends,
the most sympathetic of comrai'es, the
most harmonious ot literary co-work
ers. They lived in a quiet quarter of
London, near logout's I'ark, in a
modest but romfortabl. nnd elegant
bomo, lull ol books, pictures and ob
jects of taste and ait
8he never went out socially, but sho
received Sunday evenings during the
season with htr friends, as lluv who
called were almost alwaya pooplu of
onto kind of distinction. It was deem
ed aprivilego to go, and a number of
cuiiuren ana liberal Americans have
passed delightful hours there.
Lcwes'sdcath wasaterrihle bereave
ment to (ieorge Eliot, and ono from
which sho never recovered. Mrs.Uoop
er wrote concerning the trouhlo of the
novelist: "Her agony at tho time of
tn death was uncontmllablo and un
bounded. Sho broko down as utterly
as ever did tho weakest woman of us
all, and her shrieks of irrepressible
anguish were heartrending to hear."
She lived in strict retirement, and
ernen me news was published in May
last that she had married Mr. Jnhn
Walter Cross, of London, the world of
readers were taken by a veritable sur
prise, iho marriage notico read
"Marian C. Evans, spinster." Mr.
Cross is an Englishman of a highly
respectable family, who resides at
Woybridifn. in tbo oountv of Surrnr
near London, and is tk senior part
ner of the bankinii firm ol Cross. IJen-
mn A Co., in that eity. ilia brother,
nr. ineoara a. unsas, la a banker or
New York. Mr. Croat ii a tall, ath
letic man of about forty fivo years
and he was tor soma years a rosidont
of Now York, and one of the firm of
Dennistown, Wood A Co., bunkors.
Ho was never previously married.
His tastes aro literary and his infor
motion extensive, and, although bo
was about fifteon years the junior of
his brido, a long acquaintance satisfied
him that in noone could be find a more
congenial companion. Mr. Cross had
been an intimate friend of Lowes, had
elyirgo of his money affairs and aftor
wards had conducted (ieorgo Eliot's
business. He lived closo by tho Low
escs' country place, and camo in and
out like an ultaehed relation. Ho ad
mired Mrs. Lowes profoundly, and al
ways said he would do anything in the
world for bor. Ho was not an intel
lectual companion, like Mr. Lowes, but
a strong, solid, reliable num. who gave
ut once a aciisV of eotifljcnrc,
oughly reliable, kind, upright, stead
fust man a thorough support; such a
man as any woman would bo thankful
to have near her as a constant and de
voted friend. Nothing was moro wise
und more happy than that such an
invaluable friend should bo allowed to
supply the duily care and afl'octionato
companionship which his admiration
and bis aflection both mado him long
to give. And Mrs. Lewes was not the
woman, with ber tender yielding na
ture (so unconsciously sketched in
'.Muggio lullivor and. "Dorothea ).
to resist the soothing suppor of such
a devoted affection.
Tho remains of Mrs. Cross ((ieorgo
Eliot) wore buriod at Uighgato Come-
tery, London, December Ullili, during
a pouring ruin. A largo number of
tho friends of tho novelist were present.
tno mourners included the busnad ol
deceased and l'rolessors Tyndall, lies
ley, and Calvin.
MinmoyA II Y.
Exactly what to do with tho ostrich
is a problem which bus caused much
iineusiness to naturalists, fowl fanciers
and political economists. As a barn
yard fowl he has proved too clumsy
und quarrelsome. Ify reuson of his
Iting-leggedness and disposition to tuku
exercise on a largo Bculo, it has boon
found that a lurge area of land must
ho occupied in order to raise him suc
cessfully. Among birds his station
corresponds in many respects to that
which tho giraffe occupies among
beasts. Both giraffe and ostrich lovo to
hold their heads high among their fel
low-creatures and to put on airs. Both
ure oinamontul and hitherto neither
bus been very useful. Countless plans
have beenseton fool torusing ostriches
us burden-carriers, but none of these
huvo been attended with practical suc
cess. 1 be bird is altogether too lofty
to work, preferring to loungo bis time
away in indolencoand bestow bis chief
energy on tho disploy of his fine feath
ers. Although diflieult to catch and
troublesome to niumigo, tho ostrich tun
bo mado to nay a profit to the man
who is patient enough to boar with his
waywardness and bold enough to risk
nis Hi temper.
A Missionary in Africa has now put
in a cluitn to having solvtd two
problems. One of these is in reference
to ostriches, ihe olhor bears on the
economio features of tho missionary
work, in ib Missionary is located at
one of those African settlements whose
name recklessly defies pronunciation
that there is no nse in trying to put it
in type, ihe good, man lormorly oc
cupied in keeping cows and sheep tho
odds and ends ot his timo which wero
not spent in trying to convert the bo
nigbted Africans. The sinful objects
oi ins ovangeiical onucavora habitually
showed their hardness of heart by
unving oil the cows and carrvmg
away tbe sheep. Alter having been
robbed ol all lie was worth tho Mission
ary resolved to quit keeping these ani
mal and turn his attention to ostriches,
He found this a greut succoss. Tho
ostrich is a diflieult bird to steal. A
colored person who has all bis life
grown tut on stealing turkovs is aston
toned when tor tho first time ho makes
a midnight raid on an ostrich roost.
A largo ostrich can, with one blow
level him to tho earth and causo him
to lie there, thinking about his sins.
1 hisfcuturoof ostrich character makes
tbe bird a valuable ono where tho
neighbors aro of a thievish disposition.
Being able to keep his ostriches and
truin them Irora infancy to old age,
tho Missionary finds each bird worth
bout a hundred and fifty dollars a
year in leathers, In eggs and in small
ostriches, which, if cared for at trilling
cost, oy inexpensive natives, become lu
turn as vuluuble as tho moro elderly
iowis. mis tunny Missionary re
ports that ho can, during tho coming
year, pay mo whole expense, ol the
mission station hy rinsing ostriches.
It will thus bo seen that he kills two
birds with one stono. He shows that
the ostrich is a valuubleaid to missions
and that tbo diflieullius which havo so
long been in tho way of raising money
for missionary work aro now tunned
away, as it were, with a sweep of tho
ostrich wing. The friends of mission
aries may be as poor or as close as
they please. Tho Missionary and bis
ostriches can luugu them to scorn and
pay the bills of tho mission out of the
sales of leathers and eggs. Men who
havo stayed away from missionary
meeting because they wero afraid the
collection box would be thrust under
their noses can now go in peace and
listen with burning enthusiasm to stor
ies ol tho conquests achieved hy the
Aim an missionaries among tho suilul
nutives with tbo diflieult names.
They can tuko comfort in knowing
that no more collections need be taken
up for theso missionaries, for tbe oa
Inches have nobly come to tho rescue
and aro paying tho way of the missions.
The revolution which will soon make
its way in missionary work will tako
everybody by surprise. By raising
onough ostriches it will belound possi
ble to procure gartnonts of flannel or
other material for half naked natives
wboknocksallhe door of tho m issions
for aid and respoetability. In climates
where ostricboa aro not indigenous the
example of tbe African evangelist may
be followed in regard to some other
profitable animal or vegclablo product.
How long will it take to work the
complete change which this system
will involve is not accurately known,
but it is apparent that tbe old methods
of evangelizing tbe boathon must in
ovitnlily give way to ibe new and in
genious plan which comes from the in
terior ol Afiica Philadelphia Tuna.
"Oh dear I" exclaimed a young lady.
entering a public ball tho other even
ing, "wuat adroadlulodorof carburet
ed hydrogen I" "Mum f" said the jani
tor, with a puttied countenance. "Ihe
smell of the carbtiretted hydrogen,"
sha explained. "That no kind o' gin,
mum, replied the janitor, "that's
garas the pipes ia leaky, mum."
"At the twig it bent." tbe bor Is In-
clined to shoot out at the door.
syo WDOuyp o. Tjieplals.
We pitched our tenia carelessly, in
tending to tako an early start next
morning. Hut, alas, lifr our expecta
tions! During the niglit a strong wind
set in from tho north (Tost, and about
4 A. M. it began to snow. Nono of ua
could judge well of th. weather indi
cations in Kobinska, and our guide did
not suspect anything serious, for the
oldest inhabitant could not recollect a
blir.ard in Octohor, and it was now
only tho 15lh of tho month. The guide
thought, nnd the drivers believed, that
tho stoma would cease, ut VI M., and
we, of course, trusted to their judg
ment. Jlut, Instead, the storm grow
" M wauidjy. and
the northwest gule uieteuncd in lurv
Betoro night so much snow had fullon
that if it had laid as it fell it would
have been at least one toot deep, hut
now it had been piled into drifts so
that our mules stood with '.heir fect
nearly as high as the wagon lops, and
the slove and furniture in our cook's
tent wero completely hidden from view.
Tbo night shut in upon us gloomily
and awful. Wo hud two light canvass
tents, in each of which slept four men,
with just blankets enough to keep
them comfortable in ordinary weather.
But now wo must provide for the guide,
two drivers, and a portor, who bad
usually slept in the wagons, as they
wero but simply provided with cloth
ing, wo must shuro our stock with
them. There wus but little sleep in
tho tent that night, for tho cold wait
intense, and the wind wus to terriblo
in its elfcets that wo feared every
moment tbo lurger tent would full,
though we had strengthened it by polos
and cords in every conceivable way.
With the morning light it seemed as if
tho spirits of the air were let loose, and
all the duy long the storm roared with
ovur-iiicreasiug fury. The snow had
so beaten in that when we avvok i wo
found ourselves buried beneath it, and
now we aro obliged to gather all our
bedding into the middle of tho tent to
keep it from being wet through. So
man could long endure the storm out
side, and we stood huddled together
from morning till night, stamping our
feel to keep Iroin suffering. I'.vei. then
wo could not keep comfortable, l or
hours together wo stood with our backs
braced against tbo tent to keep it I com
giving away under tho great weight
of the snow and tho tornfio loree of
tho gale. 1 know of nolanguugu which
can bo used to convey to any person
inexperienced in such a tune any ade
quate conception ot the liirvol theslorm
During tho second day we succeeded
in digging our littlo stove out of the
Bnowdritl, and, setting it at the cn
trance of our tent, we managed to keep
a little tiro through tho reslol tlio duy
ayd night.
But our store of wood was very
small, and there was no more to ho bud
within we knew not how many miles.
Tbo other tent's company bad no stove
and no nro. During tho second night
ot tho storm it was impossible that all
should sleep at onco, oven if they
could despite the cold, for with tbo
stovo on ono sido and all our provis
ions brought in from tho wagons on
tho oilier, there was not room for all
to lie down, Besides, it was necessary
to keop tho fires going lest wo might
all perish together. So we stood bend
ing over tho stovo all night, two ut a
time, whilo the others tried to sloop.
It was an awful night. To add to our
anxiety, tho guide and drivurt declared
that tbo horses and mules wero likely
to perish. They wore a pitiful sight,
indeed. Twoof them bad no blankets,
and tho others were a little better off.
At times it was diflieult to conceive
thut tbe creatures beforo us were
horses, so literally covored "wero they
with a coating of ice. After two days
and nights the storm ceased.
. It was now Sunday morning. We
know not whero we wero, and doubted
if tbo guide had moro detimto knowl
odgo than wo. Every man was des
perato. Somo declared it dangerous
to attempt to move through the snow,
and that our only sufo ccurso was to
remain, und, in case ol necessity, use
the wagons for fuel anil the horses lor
food. Others declared their purpose
to move at all hazards, and without
delay. Finally we determined to
movo. Wo threw away ull our lug
gago that could be dispensed with, and
in grim silenco started in tlio direction
which wo thought would bring us to
tho nearest hut, It was diflieult trav
eling through tho drifted snow, and it
was bittorly Cold, But all day long
we pushed on, never slopping to foed
a horeo, breaking through tho drills
with our ponies so that the teams
could follow, until about 5 P. M., when
wo camo in sight of haystacks, in tho
vicinity of which wo know there must
bo a ranchman's hut. I never saw a
happier set of mon than wero theso
when it became certain that what wo
saw wero haystacks, and not tho ter
riblo sand hills which bad so olten de
ceived us during tho day. liruvo men,
morchunts ol Worcester, swung their
hats atoll and shouted for jo)', ll had
been a march lor life H'orcrfdr Spy.
spout iy lyctnyT eg ypt.
Liko their Asiutio neighbors and
conqnerers, the Egyptians wero ardent
followers of the chaso. Lion hunt
ing, we aro told by Mir Gardener Wilk
inson, speaking Irom tho representa
turns on the tomhs, was a frequent oc
cupation of tho kings, who wore proud
to have their success on such occasions
recordod. Amunoph trie Third boasts
of having destroyed no less than 102
head in one buliue. which
lions abounded, was tho principal scene
of this sport; but lions wore also to bo
found n tho deserts ol tigypt Atbo
iibhis mentions one having been killed
by the Emperor Hadrian When hunt
ing in tho neighborhood of Alexandria.
According to Sir Gardener Wilkinson,
the kings sometimos went far to tbo
south lu pursuit of elephants.
iho animals thoy chiefly hunted
wore tho hare, the gntelle, tho stag
and other doer, Iho wild goat or ibex,
the wild ox, the kebsh or wild shocp
and tho porcupine. Tho ostrich, too,
was pursued lor the sakeol its plume.,
which were highly valued by tbe
Ono form of sport in winch they in
dulged was that ol pursuing the game
1 1 U dogs, which, however, do not ap
pear to have been used on such occa
sions for the purpose cf finding the
game, but wore kept in slips ready to
be let go as soon as the game was
sjartcd. If tho dogs succeeded in
catching the animal, well and good.
nut generally theirspeed was not trust
ed to alone, though this might somo-
limes be done. Usually the sportsman
followed in bit chariot, and urging his
horses to their utmost speed, endoir-
ored to intercept Ihe object ot pursuit
or to get sufficiently near to it v be
enabled to ate bit bow and with effect.
When the nature of tbo locality pro
vented tho use of tho churiol, tbo
hunter, tuking advantugo of the sinu
osities of tho grou nd, endeavored to got
within reach of the game as it doubled
and to bring it down with an arrow.
Tbo horned animals of the larger kind,
such as the ibex, oryx or wild ox, if
wounded only, sometimes turned oo
the hounds and required the spear of
tho hunlcr to dispatch them.
Sometimes, especially when they
wished to take tbe animals alive for
tho purpose ol placing them in the
parks, they caught them with tho lasso
or noose, in tbo uso of which tho Egyp
tiun huntsmen appear to have been ex
tremcly skillful, throwing tho nooso
round the neck of tho guiollo or deer
or over the boms ot the wild ox.
hen sport was desiroil on a larger
scale than could be had in tho imme
diate viemit-of the ink, wbru-4be
land was cultivated and thickly poo
plod, it was sought in the neighboring
deserts. When this was to bo closed
by nets, into which tbo animals wero
driven by beaters, tho place chosen for
fixing the nets being, if possible, across
narrow valleys, or torrent beds, lying
betwocn rocky bills. In tho Egyptian
painting theso long nets are repre
sented as surrounding the spaco in
which tho hunt is to ho carried on.
Tho not used for this purposo is thus
described by Sir Gardener Wilkinson,
and tho description, corresponding as
n aoes wun that givon by Aenopbon,
may bo taken us correctly describing
tbe nets in universal uso in tho ancient
world. "The long net was furnished
with several ropes, and was supported
on forked poles, varying in length to
correspond with the inequalities ot tho
ground, and was so contrived as to in
close any spaco by crossing hills, val
leys or streams and encircling woods,
or whatever might present itself.
Smallor nots for stopping gaps wero
also used, and a circular snare, set
round with wooden or metal nails and
attached by a rope to a log ol wood
and used for catching door, resembled
ono still made by the Arabs " Being
thus inclosed, tho gamo was started by
beaters with dogs, tho sportsmen beinir
so placed us to waylay the animals or
to get within reach ol them with tho
bow. A spirited sketch of a chaso in
the desort of Theboid, copiod by Sir
Gardener Wilkinson, from a tomb at
Thebes, gives a vivid representation of
such a hunting scono. Hares, doer
gazelles, wild oxon, tbo ibex, tbo oryx
and ostriches, together with foxes,
hyenas, pursuod by hounds, aro dash
iag at full speed across tho plain, while
in the midst of theis is a porcupine
who is tuking things very coolly, as is
conscious thut this rato of speed wus
by no meuns equal to that of nimbler
associates, and that any attompt to
keep with them would bo vain. The
slaughter ou such occasions would ap
pour to have been vory groat.
In one respect tho Egyptians were
sportsmon in the sense in which we
should use that term. Except in theso
battues in tbe desert, tbey appear to
have killed and taken tho animals
which could he properly called game
only to open pursuit. They employed
no snares or traps for the purposo.
The noxious animals, on tbe otbor
bund, such as leopards, hyenas, wolves.
jackals, foxes, wero not only hunted for
amusement, but might be destroyed by
the peasant, to whoso herds or furra
yards thoy were standing enemies, in
any way by which thoy could be taken.
Tho poacher appears to havo been un
.No less striking than their hunting
was tho fowling ol tho Egyptians. The
lakes and marshlands of tho Delta und
tbo reedy marshes which in many
places lino the bunks ol tho Kilo have
ever been the resort of innumerable
wild fowl. Hence fowling appears to
have been a general pursuit, 'i be pro
fessional fowler who followed it for his
livelihood used nets and trapB ; but the
sportsman brought the birds down
with tho throw-stick a stick made of
heavy wood from a foot and a quarter
to two feet in length and about an inch
and a half in breadth, slightly curved
at the upper ond, and which, being
nut, and thus encountering but little
resistance from the nir in its flight,
could bo thrown to a distance, and.
when thrown by a dexterous hand,
with considerable accuracy ot aim. Tho
method of proceeding appears, to have
been to creep in punts mado of tho
papyrus as noiselessly ts possihlo into
tho rocds, the height of which conceal
ed their approach, till, the birds rising,
the sportsman was enabled to use tbe
throw-stick, an attendant being at
hand who as last as one stick was
thrown suppliod another. Thrco of
tho most spirited sketched in Sir
Gardener Wilkinson's collections are
representations of such lowling parlies.
Strango to say, in two of them tbcro
appears a cat, employed to act the part
of a retriever in getting the fallen birds
out of tho thicket
io trace of hawking is lo be found
in iho Egyptian paintings The use
of tho hawk species for the purposo of
Uiwiing appears to have been unknown
to tho Egyptians, aa also lo the Asi
a tics,
Probably no part o( is more
afflicted than a portion of tho province
of Bahia Willi Ihoscourgo of vampires
Whole herds of cattle are sometimes
destroyed by this venomous bat. It
was long a matter of conjecture how
the animal accomplished Ibis insidious
and deadly work ; but scicnlifio men
havo now decided that tbe tonguo,
which is capable ol considerable ex
tension, ia furnished at its extremity
with a number ol pipillic, which aro so
nrrangod as to form an organ cf suction,
mo nps having also tubercles sym
metrically arranged. Fastening them
selves upon cattle, those dreadful ani
mals can draw tho blood from their
victims. Tbe wound, mado probably
from tho small needlo like teeth, is a
fine round bolo, the bleeding from
which it is very diflieult tn stop. It it
said that the wings of this deadly bat
fly around during the operation of
wounding and drawing blood, with
great velocity, thus funning tbo victim
and lulling whilo tbe terriblo work is
in progress. Somo of theso creatures
measure two leet between the tips of
their wings, and they are often loiind
n groat nuinhersin deserted dwellings
in tlio outskirts of the city. Tho no
groet and Indians especially drcd
them,and there aro numerous tupersti
tiont among the natives in regard to
Thcre was a fight imminent between
two boys on Elm street, Monday even
ing. One of them darkly hinted that
ho was bigger than tho other. The
smaller, who is tbe son of a deacon,
defiantly rctortod, "I don't raroaf you're
as big as a church debt ; vou can't
scare me." Danbury Kewi.
A building for 160 more boys it
soon to b. .titled to Girard College.
Tbo following letter is published by
request :
Maple Corners, Dec. 2Stb, 1880.
My Dear : Every timo I think ol
you, my heart flops up and down like
a churn dasher. Sensations of unut
terable joy caper over it liko young
goats on a stable root, and thrill
through it like Spanish nuedles through
a pair of tow linen trowscrs. As a
goslin Bwimmolh with delight in a mud
puddlo, so swimmetu 1 in a sea of glory
V'isions ol ecstatic rupture thicker than
the bail's on a blacking brush, and
brighter than tbe hues of a humming
bird's pinions, visit tne in my cham
bers ; and borno on their invisible
wings, your image stands bofore mo,
and I roach out to grasp it 1 I. e a pointer
snapping at a blue bniiio My.
When I first tcheld 3-011 r angolio
perfections, 1 was bewildered and my
brain whirled around liko a bumblo bee
under a glass nimbler. My eyes stood
open liko cellar doors in a country
town, and 1 lilted up my cars to cute h
the silvery accents ot your voice. My
tongue refused to wng, and in silent
adoration I drank in the swoot influ
ences of lovo'. Since tho Bight of your
face fell uponiy life, I sometimes feel
as if 1 could lift myself up with my
boot-straps to tho lop of tho Presby
terian steeple and pull tho bell-rope for
singing school.
Day and night you are in my
thoughts. When Aurora, blushing
liko a bride, rises from her tulfron
couch ; when the jay bird pipes his
tuneful la' in tho apple tree by the
spring bouse ; when the chanticleer's
shrill clarion bails tho coming morn ;
when tbo drowsy beetle wheels his
droning flight at sultry noontide, and
when tbo lowing cows come homo at
milking time, I think ol thee, and, like
a pieco of gum-clastic, my heart
stretches clear across my bosom.
Your forehead is smoother than tho
elbow of an old coat ; your eyes aro
glorious 'to behold in their liquid
depths. I see legions of little cupids
buttling like a cohort of anbj In an old
army cracker, nnd when their fire bit
mo on my manly breast, it penotrated
my whole anatomy liko a load ol bird
shot would go through a rotlun upplu.
Your nono is from a chunk ot Parian
marble, and your mouth puckered
with sweetness. Nectar lingers on
your lips like honey on a boar's pnw,
and myriads ot unfledged kisses aro
there leady to fly out and light some
where like bluebirds out of a parent
nest. Your laugh rings in my curs
hLll,o in,l.l,a?,..r., Il, l.l..l
like tho wind harp strains or the bleat
ot a stray lamb on a bleak hillside.
Thotiimploin your cheeks are liko
bowers in a bod ot roses or hollows in
cukes of homomado sugar.
I am dying to fly to your presence
and pour out the burning eloquence of
my love as a thntly bouso-wilo pours
0111 not cotteo. Awny from you I am
as melancholy as a sick rat. Some
times 1 can hear tho Juno bugs of de
spondency bussing in my ears, and feel
tho cold lizards of despair crawling
down my back. Uncouth tears, liko a
thousand minnows, nibble at my spirit,
and my soul is pierced through with
doubt as an old checso is bored with
skippors. My love for you is stronger
than the smell ot tolly s patent bolter,
or tho kick ol a young cow, and at un
dying as a kitten's first catorwaul.
Aa a song-bird hankers for tho light of
day, the cautious mouse tor the flrst
bacon in tbe trap ; as a lean pup hank
ers for new milk, so I long lor thoe.
You ure fairer than a speckled pullet,
sweeter than a Yunkoo doughnut fried
in sorghum molasses, and brighter
than the topknot plumageon tho head of
a Muscovy duck, i ou aro candy kisses,
raisins, tvound cuke, and sweetened
honey altogether.
If these few remarks will cnuble
you to see the insido ol my soul, and
mo to win your affections, I shall be
as happy as a woodpecker on a cherry
tret-, or a Bingo iiorso in a green
pasture. If you cannot reciprocals my
thrilling passion, 1 will pino awuy liko
a poisoned hod bug and fall from tho
flourishing vine of life and untimely
branch, and in the coming years when
the shadows grow from tho hills and
tbo philosophic frog tings his cheerful
evening hymns. you, happy in another's
lovo, can como and drop a tear and
catch a cold on tho lust resting place of
Winlerburn, Clearfield Co., Po.
'yE Alt Ell, MY GOD, TO THEE."
lFro Ihe 1)0.100 Musical Herald
This languago was the heart-utterance
of Mrs. Surah Flower Adams,
who was born in Cambridge, England,
in February, 180"), and whoso history
has been but very slightly known to
mo great public, wbo havo cborished
her hymn as ono ot thoir most aacrod
treasures lor nearly bull' a century.
Her father was tbo editor of a woekly
Cambridgo paper. Her mother was a
woman of tino gifts and culture, and
sho herself wus the youngest child.
Sho was noted .in early life for the
taste she manifested In literature, and
in maluror years for great teal and
earnestness in her religious lite. She
contributed proso and verse to tbe
periodicals of the day, and ber art
criticisms were valued. Married atan
curly ago, and ol trail constitution, sho
still, amid many bodily sufferings,
kept bor pen busy, hor thoughts and
writings always tending upwards. At
what timo and amid what circum
stances shecaughtlbo inspiration from
which was evolved that wonderful
hymn which has ever since ecbood
round and round tho globe is not yet
known ; but it was probably during
somo period ol peculiar trial, when her
spirit was uplifted through sorrow al
most above its earthly body. She lit
tle dreamed that ber hymn, like those
of Toplady, Charlotte Klliott anil Jluy
Palmer, would be beard through the
It was first published in 1841, in a
volume of sacred lyrics issued by a Mr.
Fox, of England, just eight years bo
foro the death of tho gifted authoress,
who tsnly lived to the age of 44, and
thus never knew the fanio which was
to attach lo her hymn and her namo.
Tbe hymn soon began to appear in
various collections, and was every
where received with delight. It was
given the tune "Bethany." which
became very popular in this country.
Everybody who has grown up In a
Christian land knows it by heart, and
in many countries which do nol float
the banner of Christ it is almost equally
"Last year," says Dr. Cuylor, in his
"Heart Life," "Profs. Smith, Hitchcock
and Park, as they wound their way
down the fool hills of Mount Lebanon,
cane In sight of a group of fifty-Syrian
students, standing in line, tinging in
chorus. They wore tho students of
the new 'Collego ol Beirut' at Abieb,
and they were singing in Arabio to tho
tune of Bethany.' At the proresiioo
TEEMS $2 per annum -in Advance.
SERIES-VOL. 22, NO. 2.
a issaeaBaana
., 1. .1 . tr
near they caught the sublime
words :
" 'Nearer, my tlod, to Tbee
Noam to Thee :
K'rn though II be a eruss
That raiselb one,
SHU all mr song shall he.
Nearer, Buy clod, to The,,
Nearer, tuji Uod, to Tbea,
.Nearer lo Thee.'
" 'I am not so much given to the
weoping mood,' said Prof. Hitchcock,
when describing the thrilling scene;
"hut, when wo rode through ttie ranks
of those Syrian youths, 1 confess thut
my eyes wero a littlo damp.
" 'If it bo pormitted to Ihe dopartod
people of God," continues Dr. Cuylor,
"to witness tho transactions ol earth,
wo may imagine with whatrapturo the
glorified spirit of Sarah Flower AdaniB
heard her heart -son thnschantod in the
land ot sacred story."
- PUycXUALlTY. ;
ll is astonishing how inuiiy people
there aro who neglect punctuality, and
thousands have tailed in life from this
cause alone ; it is not only a serious
vico in itself, but it is tbo fruitful pur
out of many other vices, so thai bo
who becomes tho victim of it gets in
volved in toils from which it is imposs
ible to cscapo. It makes the merchant
wasteful of time ; it sups tho business
reputation of lawyers, and injures tho
prospects ol tho mechanic, who might
otherwise riso to fortuno; in a word
thoro is not a profession, not a station
in life, which is not liable to tho can
ker of the destructive habit. It ia a
fact not always remembered, that Na
poleon's great victories were won by
infusing into his subordinates tho ne
cessity of punctuality to the tninulo.
It was his plan to maneuver over lurgo
spaces of country, so as to render the
. k"Th ,
concentrate bis forces and full with
irresistible power on somo weak point
of the extended lines of tho foe. The
execution of this system demanded
that eaeh division of tho army should
urrivo at the specified lime punctually ;
for, if any purt fuiled to como up the
battle win lost. It was hy imitating
this plan that the allies finuily succeded
in overthrowing tho emperor. The
whole Waterloo campaign turned in
thoso tactics. At Mt. St. Jean, Blucher
was punctual, while Grouchy was not ;
ond the result was that Nupoloon fell
and Wellington triumphed.
In mcrcautilo affairs punctuality is
as important as in military. Many ure
tho instances in which the neglect to
rone.T an iiiitNiunoe ttuticltiiit v tins li-d
j to serious loss. With sound policy do
I : ... J ' ., ' ,
iuv uuusn uioint, unuer uio penuuy oi
a protest, on tho punctuul payment of
notes, for wero they to do otherwise,
commercial transactions would fall into
inextricable confusion. Many and
many a time has tho failure ol one
man to meet his obligations brought
on the ruin of a score of otbors. iusius
the toppling down in a lino of bricks of
tbo master brick, causes the fall ot the
rest. Thousands romain poor all their
lives, wbo, if they wero more faithful
in tbeir word, would secure a large run
of custom, and so mako their fortunes.
Be punctual if you would succeed.
John C. Calhoun, a grandson ol the
great South Carolina Senator and an
uinialo ol the Insane Asylum at Stock
ton, California, was drowned on tho
1st the vicinity ot San Francisco.
His history is chiefly remarkable as
showing bow a man bearing an illus
trious name and closely related to ono
who Ill's t inudo it so may lead a v til
gar and obscuro lilo, foreign to any as
pirations which would at ail bespeak a
superior strain ot blood, lnj ebruury
liist Calhoun was discovered by a
Western reporter in a liquor saloon in
nt. i.ouis, wnero ho wot serving as a
bar-kocper. Ua was a young man, ul'
lublo in manners and an easy conver
sationalist. He said that ho disliked
bis occupation and was a civil engi
nocr by profession. "I was born on
my grandfather's pluntution in 1 853.
1 left homo alter tho war and drifted
away Irom my relatives and friends to
mako my bread among strangers. My
grand uncle, James Kdivard Calhoun,
and my brothors, Benjamin Alexander
1 utnuin Calhoun, and in. l.uwtides
Calhoun, are still in tbo South ; und
they aro tho only relatives 1 have with
whom 1 keep up a correspondence.
The old gentleman lives at Millwood.
his plantation, twenty ono miles from
Abbeville, is on tho Savannah river.
My brother Benjamin is a lawyer in
Jacksonville, Florida, and my brother
n Ulium, also a lawyer, rusidcs in At.
lunta, Georgia. His oflico is directly
opposito Bon Hill's. My fathor and
step father aro buried m'tlio Episcopal
Ccmetory in Pendleton; my mother is
buried in i'alalku, Honda. Sho was
tho daughter of the well-known Judge
Pulnnni, of that Slate." Mr. Calhoun
at this lime wore the watch thai bo
longed to his grandfather. It was tn
oldfusbioncd open laedd watch.
On the outside of tho caso was an en
graving ol a hunting sec no, with a dog
and a rabbit in the lorcground. On
tho inside caso were engraven theso
words : "John C. Calhoun, born in 8.
C. M'ch 111, 1782. Died, in Washing
ton City, D. C, M'ch 31, 18.KI." Mr.
Calhoun bocaiao insane in Nevada,
and wus sent to Stockton from Es
meralda county of that Statu.
Hy the report on the adulteration of
food just issued by the Commission of I
Inland Jtevenue in lliu Dominion ot
Canada it appears that of l-'G samples
of food analyzed at St. John, New
Brunswick, uoarly 60 per oont. wero
adulterated, while throughout the
country at large the proportion is
about 30 per cent. Tuking the Do
minion as a whole, the articles in
which adulteration ischiefly practiced :
Cinnamon, 10 samples adulterated out
of 22 examined ; cofleo, 35 out of Gl ;
ginger, 8 in 17 ; cloves, 10 in 22 ; pep-
Jicr, 18 in 42; allspice, C in 21 ; butter,
10 in 251 ; milk, 72 in 251 ; cocoa, 11
in 40 ; chocolate, 8 in 41 ; tea, Ii in 03 ;
sweets, 4 in 52, etc. Of tho 10 samples
ol mustard analysed not one was gen
uine; while, on the other band, tbo Da
samples ot sugar were nil free from
Startinci tot Texas. Nearly one
million ol dollars nave bocn raised in
St. Louis lo aid in the construction ol
the St. Louis and Texas Narrow Guage
Kailroad. Tbe road it being construct
ed from Texarkana to Waco, Texas,
and it is intondod to extend it thence lo
Caro, Illinois, whero it will connect
with tbe narrow gauge road lo St
Louis. It is further contemplated to
build the road Irom Waco to the Rio
Grando to connect with the Palmer
Sullivan system lo the City ol Mexico ;
and, ultimately, to build a narrow
gauge road from St. Lou it or Cairo
lo New York.
It takei an old woman well versed
in herbs to give sage advice.
viiiECTQHS' coy VEynoy
l'ursuant to a call of tbo County Su
perintendent, a Convention of School
Diroetora convened in the Grand Jury
room in tho Court llotiso, in Clcarlield,
on Thursday of Institute week, being
tbo 2dd day ol Doccmbor, at 1 o'clock
I'. M. On motion of James Clark, ol
l'onn township, 1. S. Wobor, Secretary
of Sandy township School Jtourd, wus
olectod President, and 0. L. lieod, of
Cloarficld borough School Boaid, was
chosen Secretary. Forty somo Dirce.
tors were present, it-presenting nearly
overy School Dislriel in the county.
the programme, wincu had been pre-
vioiisly prepared, wus taken up und
tbe subjects assigned wero discussed 111
1 .. . ... p. ..,...., ;
signed M r. M cCroery,ol Ferguson town,
ship, ' Should tbo lligher Brunches bo
taught ill District Schools whero hut
1 few are prepared to study them," elic
I iled considerable discussion, and a Irco
1 exchange ol opinion was givon, which
j terminated in the following resolution :
I ff'i'.Vr'f, That we Jerm it liieitH-dlrnt tolo
Iroilue Ibe bixher sltirlir, Into Ciutono
I all. re l.ut few pupils are preparrd lo study tt.eru,
1 aod t'tii.te that ahete thr couin'n brenche bare
ticru ei.tnpleti.f, bonk -kfeplng should be latro
duoi'd In prolrrvni-o to higher nikthometioi.
"Tho proper mode of electing teach
ers" wus tbo next subject, and was
opened by Mr. II. M. Johnson, of
Jordan township School Board, who
advanced the idea of appointing no
teacher who did not have at tho time
a valid certificate : ulso that Directors,
at tho timo of tbo appointment of
teachers, hould hold secret sessions,
Vuite a number of tho Directors pres
ent spoke upon the subject. Mr. Weber
then offered the following resolution,
which was adopted :
lirtiUrti. Thst in the eleetlog ot leaohers treat
eare should be oxereiMd eo tlist the law he m.l
fiolateil, and that Hchool Boards should bold
private se.siiinf at the time llier make their eti-
polntnaLdta ; also thut we reenmtnend tbat tbe
Uouotj Superinlrndont plare upon tbe eertiAoale
some erlilence of tbe teacher's abilit to corern
a sohool as a guide for bohool Hoards in nuking.
tbrlr eboiee.
Mr. Win. B. Whitesides, of Gulich
township, opened tbo question, (which
hud been assigned to 31 r. Hughes, ot
Decatur, and who was absent on ac
count of illness), "Visitations lo Schools
by School OIliccrB." Nearly all tho
Directors present conceded the impor
tance of their visiting tho schools un
der their charge more frequently. Mr.
Bowles, of Penn township, gave some
results of his observation, und thought
no Diicctor could ufloid to neglect ibis
important duty. A resolution was of-
Biiggesting that School Directors
visit their schools at least once during
tho school term.
"Tho Minimum Tux Law" was dis
cussed by Mr. Lewis Irvin, of Goshen
township, and others, ufter which Mr.
J. L. l'ciirco, of Bradford township,
spoke on the "Protection and Orna
mentation of School Property." In
his address he argued thai the public
Bcbool property should he made as at
tractive us tho private properly sur
rounding it; that ho thought tho
cleu.'iug and fencing of scbsol grounds
to be a necessity, and the planting of
shade trees a feature that should com.
mend itself to ull who appreciate im-
I .,..,..,
j Tl lime ul wlicll Cu. ,sunfr,,
l0 ecll,.0 jn ,,, 0 mivj
. 1 . .
, ' .""n,,icr 01 '"I? "J Km'
dlSCUSSlOll WCfO Olllltted. Belllfe
adjourning, however, Iho utility of
holding such Conventions wus discuss
ed, and all seemed to favor tbe idea ot
meeting logothcr mora frequently for
exchango of opinions on subjects per
taining to Directors' work, where
upon Mr. Weber offered Iho following
resolution, which was unanimously
adopted :
Warsraa, Ibe Bohool Direeturs of Cleaitiel.l
oouotr will, aooording to law, be required totoeet
in eeorention ua the Xd da of Maj next to elect
a ConntJ Sue.rtNta4.nt, thae.f.r
Jtnolrtd, ihat County Superintendent Mc
Quown be instructed to prepare a programme of
exercisca for the forenoon of that day, and that
we urge all Director, to coin, early and perticl
patt in the discussion of the sul.jscU saomitled
hy our County Superintendent.
Superintendent McQuown thanked
tho Directors lor their attendance and
suid thut tho meeting was ono of the
most pleasant features of the Institute,
and hoped it was only the forerunner
of others of the same kind. Tho Con
vention then adjourned.
G. L. Beed, Secretary.
Appended is a partial Ijst of tho Di
octors in attendance at (ho Institute:
Clearfield borough James T. Leonard, A. 11.
Shaw, Jane, L. Leery, U. L. Reed.
Carwenlrlll, borough II on. duo. I'alUn, Seat,
ael Arnold, Paniel Fault.
llDotadale borough W. A. Chese.
Lumber City borough John S. MrQuoan.
New Washington boron, b John Camming,
Henry Keif, la. W. Harolay.
Osceola borough Or. F. II. Reed .
lleeearla township John II. Weld.
Bell lowoshlp Christ. Estrirker.
llloom town.hip Jeeob Zilliol, tleorge Korb. .
Hogg township tleorge Hess, Knooh McLor '
ran, iturtno MerrilL
Dredrord township David Ultchioga, Itaiab
II. Rarger, John L. Fearoe, I,aae liargor.
Ilrady township -Juaeph Heyler, Jr., Jonathan
Shelter, Frei, Kohler.
Decatur townebtp 0. P. Matleru, Richard
Hugbee, Wm. A. Reams, John S. Runk.
Ferguson township Thumsa Morrie, Ilrowi, L. B. Illle.
tlirard township Andrew Shope.
Iloshett township-John Fulton, Lewis Irwin.
Ilrsham townibip D. IJ. b'chouaurrr, 1'bilip
tlreenwood township Frsmptou Bell, Jaaie,
Sietotison, it. W. Johnson.
tlulu-h town.hip Wm. R. Whitrailes.
Huston township Jam, Callahan, Dr. J. II.
Kartbaus township Andrew Raukin, T. L.
aKnox towi.bip Rculon Cahlwcll, Lcai, Kr
bard. Lowrenreloanship Win. Orebeio, l.ti Cuak
lin, James Heed. Olirtr t'onklio.
Lewieneo Independent Ssmnel Pnenk, A. M.
Doom, balnos! bell, J oseph H Showers.
Morris township J. M. Ileal, Wm. Hotbrock.
1'eun township Jamra H. Clark, Trrrcni-o
Esenan, Edward Farrel.
Fike township Win. A. lllsota, James Norrlr,
Joseph Dele, Jamra Chambers, Johnson Hoiden,
Jetse Way.
randy township P. S. Weber.
I : n iun - Y ran k II arley, 8. M . Hal ley.
If the people in general more thor
oughly understood tbo teacher's work
and tho diflh'itlties under which ho la
bors, there would bo moro mutual in
terest between partnts and instructors,
and lest carping about tho laziness ol
teachers and tlio leisure they enjoy.
Give undivided attention to Iho class,
and insist upon tf j undivided attention.
Do not allow any interruption. Do
nol leave a pupil reuiling and go off lo
another part of the room to attend to
somo other pupil, Your business is
the cli'ts.
Bs honest in all things; keep all
promises; bo habitually correct; be
neat in personal appearance; be en
thusiastic and energetic; lut your ex
ample bo contagious and absolutely
sale 10 ioiiow.
Tbe teacher should cieuto an inter
est in study, incite curiosity, promote
inquiry, prompt investigation, Inspire
sell-confidciico, givo hints, make sug
gestions, and tempt pupils to try their
strength and test their skill.
Study the lesson in advance. Never
bo confined to your book. Never be
caught in an error. It it tbe teach
or's business to A now hi u right. Know
in advance just how yon are to teach
tho lesson.
Avoid, as lar as possible, antagonism
with both pupils and parents. Jt takes
littlo moro limo to do it, but when
it is done, and triction is avoided, the
Eupil, and the school, Is wonderfully
el pi u I. j .
Head and study methods. It is not
enough that yon have mastered tbt
several studios. Too should know-
how to present thara to tbat others
shall be able to comprehend them." ,
Teachers, be polite to yonr pupils.