Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 05, 1881, Image 2

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    Sfhc ftUpuhliatt.
Oioroi B. Goodlandkr, Editor.
Reader, If yoa want to kaow what It going .a
Is th. baala.,, world, Juit rmd our advartielng
omana, to. tyMctaf oolnniB In particular.
Sotmtor Wallace' Sorlh American
Review nrticlo will bo found on onr
fust page.
Our flint page i pretty woll embel
lished witli excellent resiling matter
tbii wcoU. Do not tail to give it an
atlonlivo porimal.
lion. John Howe, formerly Surveyor
General ofTcnnsylviiiiisn and .Spearker
of tho liotiso of Representatives, died
on the l!Hib nit., at G rooncastlc, Frank
lin county.
No lie Won't. Uenural Sherman
say a tho army hai more hoad than
body. Ho don't want Grant placed
over biiu. Ho say ho won't submit
to any stub, nonsense.
iow York baa not bceomo any
tighter on account of Cooperage,
neither is it likely to be any more holy
because it in to be ruled by Grace for
the next three yearn.
Oilt. The Bradford Era publishes
a list of producing oil wells in tbo
northern field, complete to December 1.
The following is a summary of tho re
port : Producing wells, 8,815 ; aband
oned, 218 ; dry. 1.10.
Forney to GoanoRit. This is a
sledge-hammer reply on the part of
Col. Forney, that must make tho Cin
cinnati's ex-President of the Centennial
and Mr. Welsh wince. Itead it by all
Tui Plunderers Hiturniku. Re
ports from Washington state that the
season of gaiety has opened unusually
early and that tho Capital is full of
visitors. With the return of the old
time jobbers, robbers and tricksters
under Garfield next year thore will be
no end to the revelries and dissiplf
A Dead Legislator. John C. Cal
houn Whaloy, editor of the Clinton
Democrat, and a member elect of the
Legislature from Clinton county, died
at his borne in Lock Haven, on the 31st
nit. He was an excellent gentleman
and a newspaper man throughout. He
is now at rest
Hia Divorces. Tho Washington
Courts are just now tangled with two
great big divorce cases in high life
Kx United Slates Senator Cbristiancy,
of Michigan, and ex-United States
Senator Sprague, of Rhodo Island.
These statesmen bave attended the
"grand moral Idea" school for many
years, and yet seo bow bad tboy fall
How lU'DE. The Phil's Times re
marks thus: "Some of the Congress-
men who have gone home lor the holi
day) ought to try and lay in a new
tock of brains before they get back.
ouch iparkt may throw a irrapcr-ing
light on the recent fisticuff on the floor
of the House. We suspect that the
men are too old to learn anything
On More. The latest Senatorial
nomination comes from Ohio and is
voiced by the Cincinnati Gazette, which
harries to tho front to remind Perm
sylvania that the immortal obituary
bard of Philadelphia, Georgo Washing
ton Ibilds, is tairly entitled to conaid
Pot away jour little Boytle,,
No longer .boat for Lo,by Grow,
For aaatbr ttalwart soa.tb,
All roar toim for hia abould go.
Home Thrusts. Tho Pittsburgh
Oidc remarks: "Kaaaon, the Iowa
Free Trader, is a promising Republi
can candidate lor Speaker of the House
Allison, another Iowa Frco Trader, is
mentioned for the Treasury portlolio,
while our own Grow (Galusha), an
avowed Free Trade, has hia eyo on
Wallace's tariff shoes. Garfield will
bave any quantity of assistance in
furthering the designs of his (the Cob
den) Club."
Baert cn Hand. An exchange
says: "A number ol tho Indianacounty
Incnds oi General Harry Whito called
on General Garfield, at Mentor, last
Friday a week, to urge White's claims
to a place in the Cabinet. Gen. Gar-
field said he knew Mr. White very
well, but it would not be prudent for
him to name the members of hia Cab
inetnow. If General White should be
lucky enough to get into Mr. Garfield's
Cabinet, what will bocomo of the roar
ing streams in Whito' district?"
The Brookville Republican wante to
know why no Jefferson county man
was invited to accompany the delega
tion to Mentor. Of course Harry will
explain all that little oversight.
The Legislature. The Pcnnsylva.
da Legislature met on Tuesday, but
we are without particulars of the
organisation, other than that indicated
by the caucus held on Monday even
ing. The result assures the defeat ol
Galusha A. Grow for U. S. Senator,
and the election to that position ol
Harry '.V. Oliver, ol Allegheny county,
the favorite of Simon and Don Cam
eron. B. L. Hewitt, of Blair comity,
will l Speaker of the House.
A Bonanza Above. Tho Nevada
Enterprise says: "Amos T. Laird, an
old Cali'ornia pioneer and an exten
sive miner in Nevada county in tho
early days, has been taken to the hos
pital in that county, gray haired and
penniless, where he lies at the point
of death. The Transcript, la alluding
to the aad case, say: ben bia earth
ly ahilt is worked out all who bare
know bim in Ibe past wbea fortune
was bi companion will, we believe,
hope tbat be may lorato and bold
through all eternity a bonanza in
sight ol the great white throne that
tb preacher tell a is in tbc land of
gold above."
The New York Sun pictured it
after this fashion : 'Ad Hayes and
Garfitld sipped their tea and looked
across the table at one another Thurs
day ovening, tbey must have had sin
gular reflections. This meeting oflbe
first American President who was not
elected and the first American I'rosi
dent elected after having been con
demned tiy bis own party lor bribe
taking and false swearing would make
a curious historical painting."
is the noted American traitor. Tally
rand was Napoleon's Chic! .Secretary,
and like Arnold, ho had to leavo bis
country. Doth escaped to England to
avoid tho penally of their treason,
Both met in a hotel in London after
midnight, the ono seeking friends in
France, and the other in America.
Roth were pacing tho room. Finally,
Tallyrand remarked : "1 porceive that
you are an American, and 1 am about
to embark for that country. Could
you recommend mo to somo of your
personal friends In that country T"
The request was a very simplo one,
but Benedict Arnold confessed in that
dark room in a London hotel, remark
ing: "I am an American, but I am
tbo only man from that Continent
who has no friends," and full into a
chair. The French diplomat was star
tled, and inquired : "Who are you, and
what is vour name V. "I am Benedict
Arnold," was the reply. "My God,
the traitor!" exclaimed Tally rand, and
both lei l the room. The one had be
trayed America, and the other France.
Both were exiles and In search ol
Iriends. flowover, Hayes and Gar
field lack tho fine senso possessed by
tho two abovo described, and tbereforo
their lunch and tea would digest as
freely as though neither bud commit
ted a henious crime. Small things do
not annoy such statesmen as our lute
Our Decayino Commerce Vt'hilo
our exports and imports in foreign bot
toms aro of nearly nino times as grout
valuo this year as in 1856, the exports
and imports in American bottoms are
not much more than half as great this
year as in 1856. With an enormously
great increase of our products and an
incroase ol our population from thirty
to fifty millions in the last twenty
years, the tonnage of American vosscls
engaged in the foreign trade has fallen
off from two and a third million tons
in the present year. In yet another
as poet the change is still more striking.
In 1900 of 762,000,000- of exports and
imports at our ports sixty-six percent.
was borne in our own vessels. In 1880
of the fur greater value of 11,500,000,
about double that of twenty years ago,
only seventeen per cent, was carried
under our flag. In I860 foreigners
had only thirty-three per cent, of our
vast foreign commerce; in 1880 tbey
possessed eighty-two per cent.
Well Said. Tbo Altoona Tribune,
(Radical) in alluding to tbc Senator
ship, says : "It has been stated that
Senator Wallace, on his retirement
from tho Senate, will become a rail
road President. This is a mistake.
The Senator bas determined to rcsumo
the practice of his profession at bis
own home in Clearfield, and tbat hJj
will take with him in bis retirement
the respect of all with whom he has
been associated in tbo Senato there can
bo no question, lie is a gentleman of
firm and decided political convictions
a shrewd, calculating politician, an
ablo lawyor and an bonest man. He
has represented Pennsylvania in the
Senate faithfully and well, and we
have serious doubts whether a better
will be selected by tbo Republicans to
succeed bim. It may bo possible, but
the woods will have to be bunted over
for better timber than what baa been
as yet Inspected."
"Tue Field" Candidate Henry
W. Oliver, Jr., now Senator Cameron's
candidate for tbo Senatonibip, is a lit
tivo of Ireland and about 45 years of
ago. He was an apprentice at the
saddler's trudo in early life, but soon
afterwards becamo a shipping clerk in
the office of an iron establishment in
Pittsburgh. In 18C3 he began bnsj.
ncss for himself with a small interest
in a farm, and by bis display of tact
and enterprise, developed his interests
so rapidly that be was. soon in the
front rank of the iron manufacturers.
Mr. Oliver has been very little in pub
lie life. lie was a member of councils
for bis city and for some time prcsid
ing oflicor of the solect branch. Last
Fall he was a candidate for elector al
large on the Republican ticket.
At Business Again. The Congres
sional vacation closed at 12 o'clock to
day (5th) and Federal legislation will
no doubt open vigorously. As tho
Constitution adjourns tbe present
(XLVI.) Congross line die on the 4th
of March next, there must bo some
thing don speedily during the next
two months, or an extra session of the
XLVII. Congress will be called by tbe
incoming President. This will be done
anyhow if the Radicals can accom
plish it, ao as to throw the Democratic
officials out as soon as possible after the
4th of March and let tbe Rada. in
Otherwise, the Democrats will draw
pay up to the first Monday of Decern
ber, 1881.
A Minority President. Th ac
cession of Garfield to th Presidency
makes him the third who bas reached
the place having received fewer votes
than his chief opponent. In 1821 John
Quincy Adams, defeated on th popo
lar vota by Jackson some 60,000, was
elected by the House of Represents
tive, through an alleged "bargain and
sale;" In 1874, Hayes having 200,000
less votes than Tilden, got the Prosi
doncy by the combined agencies of
fore, fraud, perjury and bribery; and
in 1830 Garfield takes tbe prize with
fewer votes than Hancock. In bi
case, it is one of purchase.
The Sbehmai' "HurrY." General
Sherman la displeased with ex-General
Grant because tbe latter bas railed to
disoountenaare the effort ot hia super
ervioeable friends in Congress to create
a military rank for him superior to
tbat now enjoyned by the hero of tbo
"march to the tea." Tbo trouble with
Sherman and Grant is tbe same;
each of then believes this country was
especially invented ior bi particular
M and behoof and that it I of no
earthly consequence what become of
the rest of the inhabitants.
New York, December 2'.'. Tbe snow
storm ot last night and this morni
interferes seriously with trullle, and
trreutly impedes travel. The borse
cars and stages have doubled up their
teams and are ruu at longer intervals,
while pedestrianism ia laborious woik.
Shippers oxporienco much difficulty in
gelling goods to tho railroad depots
and to steamboat dinks. Telegraphic
commilliif-Atinn vrilh kirn IuIhihI iu ui.
; ote. The storm on Sunduv was verv
violent there. Tho surf broke across
tho beach between the Surf Hotel and
the light bouse. Tho pavilion on the
oceau huo was undermined, and luu
bathing houses wero washed away
Tbe hotel narrowly escaped. A large
snip a calm and much wreckage was
wuslied into tho bay. The old bull ot
a 1,200 ton steamer was washed on the
beach. The vessel bas nut been rec
ognized. No steamer is remembered to
bave stranded where the bull lies.
Ciiicauo, December 20. Tho cold
weather continues. At dawn this
morning tho mercury was at 19 to 22
in tho city. At Ho clock it was 15 be
low here, and at other points in the
northwest as follows: Detroit, 11;
Milwaukee, 19; Winona, 15; St. Paul,
9; Dubuque, 22; Peoria, 10; Daven
port, 14 ; Deokuk, 15 ; Des Moines, 12,
all below zero. Tho sky is clear and
tbo wind moderate, and tho prospects
now aro for. a gradually rising temper
ature. Trains aro running as usual,
impeded somewhat, but thero aro no
accidents to property or life vet re
ported. A coal famine is possible if
tuo cold weatner continues, and the
railroads fail to bring coal as they have
heretolore done.
Washington, D. C, December 29.
Snow commenced lulling here again
last night and has been fulling all day,
adding to tbat already on the ground,
which up to lust night in tbo country
adjucont to this city measured fourtocn
inches on a level. Tbo river is frozen
over Iron) shoro to shoio and tbe freeze
was reported to extend below Quan
tity). Columbia, S. C, December 29.
Snow began falling at daybreak and
continued tilt 2 P. -M-, when it was an
inch deep. Soon alter tho thermome
ter, fell rapidly and at seven it was
eight degrees below freezing point. A
dispatch to tbo Daily Register any the
enow is fourteen inches deep ut Dallas,
eight at Gastonia, N. C, and at York,
ville, S. C, it is ten inches deep.
Macon, Ga., December 29. A heavy
fall of snow and the thermometer at 14
degrees above zero are tbo events of
tuo day. J lie city is out on a holiday
with improvised sleighs and snowball
Cincinnati, December 29. The
maximum cold reached bore since sun
rise this morning. About 10 o'clock
the thermometer showed 10 degrees
below zero; since then it has been
Danville, V., December 29. A
tremendous snow storm commenced
here last night and still rages. This
is tbe third storm within a week, and
snow now blocks the roads.
Auoubta. Ga., December 29. The
beaviost full of enow occurred here to
day since 1857. It commenced at 4
A. M. and continued five hours. It is
very cold to-night.
Greensboro, N. C, December 29.
The snowstorm here is tho heaviest
and most scvero for twentv years.
Tbo snow i now 15 inches deep and
sun lulling.
Momtoomery, Ala., December 29.
The heaviest snow ever known here
full last night. It is five Inches deep.
i no weatner is intensely cold
Cleveland, O., Docembnr 29. This
bus been tho coldest day but two in
ten years. The thermometer dropped
to eight and a half below zero.
Watertown, N. Y., December 29.
1 bero was auotber twolve to fifteen
inches of snow last night and still fall
ing. Trains delayed.
Norvolk, Va., Doeembor 29. The
soverest snowstorm for years has pre
vailed nere since morning.
Siireveport, La., Decomlier 29.
Thermometer 9. Business is almost
entirely suspended on account of the
intense cold.
New Orleans, Dccembor 29. Mer
cury 26. A few snowfiake fell this
morning, r urning colder to-uiiht.
Yicksburo, December 29 There
has been an inch and a half fall of
Sherman. Texas. December 29
Tbe mercury stands five degrees below
Sioux City, Iowa. December 29.
Trains on tbe raHroads are all out of
timo and quite a number abandoned
Ten degrees below zero at 7 o'clock
this morning. A cutting wind has
been blowing all duy.
Boston, December 29. Kight inches
oi snow nave lailen lo-duy
Atchinson, Has., December 29.
This boa been tbo coldest dar known
for sevoral years. Tbo thermometer
at various parts of tbo city registored
Irom 18 to 20 degrees below zero at
daylight. J lie mercury has been be
low zero all day
Milwaukee, December 29. At 7
o clock tbe thermometer was 20 de
grees below zero. Tbo wealhor mod
erated during tbe day, and at nine
ociock to-nigbt tbe mercury stood at
Cincinnati, December 29. News
from all points abovo on tho Ohio
river indicates a very general euspen
sion of navigation. A gorge is report
ed at Hartford City. Tbe Kanawha
river closed at noon. Here it has been
intensely cold all day. At niiiht a liiirh
wind prevailed and tbo mercury full lo
five below zero at 10.30, according to
signal service ouservaiion.
St. Louis, December 29. This
tbo coldest day for several years. Tho
mercury stood at fillecn below zero at
eight o'clock this moming, and the
wind blew twenty four miles sn bour.
Louisville, December 29. Tbe sig
nal officer reports the temperature hero
this morning stood at two degrees be
low zero, and at no time durinir the
uay got uignor man 0 aoove. At mid
night It is at Z below with a brisk
southwest wind and clear weather.
Philadelphia, Pa., December 30. nurht the mercurv. which at 0
P. M. rccordod sevon deuroes abovo
zero, rapidly declined, until at 7 o'clock
ibis morning is marked five drgroes
below aero. It was still lowor in va
rious parts of tho city, but this was
tho official report at tbo United States
nignai umce. At 10 o'olock this alter
noon it had risen to zero. At Wil
mington, Delaware, it was eight below.
v ASHiNflToN. V. v., January 1.
At 4 o'clock this morning the temper
ature hero was 14 dcirrce below zero.
and at 7 o'clock 10 degrees below.
ar. John, . u.. January I. Ac
counts from intorior provinces stale
that cold weathor prevailed this morn
ing. At Woodstock the thermometer
was 22 below zero, at Sussex 20 below
ami at iwinmay ill oolow.
JiOBTtifi, mass., January 1. At tho
following towns the thermometer was
below zero: Montpclier, Vt., 27 below;
woodstocK, V, 26: llillonl. N. H..
26; Newport, N. H-, 25; Norlhville,
N. H., 27; Uanoock Junction. N. II .
30 ; Antrim 38.
PouoHKEEUt. N. Y.. January 1
Tbe intense cold continues. Tbe mcr
cury here this morning ranged 12 to 15
oegrces oeiow. Kcpnrl Irom I'leasant
alloy, l'ine Plsiss, Millcrton and
other points show 25 to 30 deg's below,
- . -vn n Uv.wn ,.
" y ' "eiow.
The river for miles south . fW,..Pn
solid. Three thonaaiid men and boys
art) at work on the Ice bsrrcst between
here and Albany.
Feebeucksbijro. Va . Jannarv 1
Tbe train on tbe Potomac, Fredericks
Ibunr and Piedmont Mad. which left
here Wednesday last,returnvd to-night,
when tho temperature was twenty-two
detrrecs below zero. Trains on other
roads arc running irregularly and much
: suffering prevails on account oi unusual
; and intense cold against which many.
j were unpiovided. Calile and game.
fh zeii and deer have been caught
near dwellinifs in tbe country, where
tbev were kuun hinir lor food
Petehsiiuru. Va., January 1. Tho
theimoiueler this morning was four
dee-roes below zero. Tho wealhor for
tbo past two days was the coldest ex
perienced here in I wonly five years.
Tbe birds aro freezing to death ill tue
Buffalo, N. Y., December 30. Tho
snow storm slill continues, with no
immediate prospects ot abating. It is
one of the severest ever experienced.
All trains on the Now York Cenlrul
Kuilroud which should havo gonoeast
this morning havo been abandoned.
Tho Chicago Express from tbo east,
duo hero last night, is off the track at
Toronto, December 30. Dispatches
from tho northwest part ol Untario
to night report a severe snow storm
to day. Trains are much delayed.
Montreal, December 30. Tbe ex
treme cold of tho past two days bas
mado good ico roads across tuo nt
I.uwrence near this city.
southern states.
Wilminoton, N. C, Doccmbcr30.
I ho cold wave reached bero last night.
The temperature is the lowest lor many
years. At seven o clock tins morning
tho thermometer was eleven above
zero; at 111 o clock it was seventeen.
Snow fell last night, butonly lor a few
Jacksonville, Kla , December 30.
Wo aro having the coldest wuulber
since 1857. Tno thermometer was 19
decrees abovo zero this morning. Or
anges on the trees in the city are fro
zen. It is feared tbo fruit iti the river
is badly damaged. About one third of
tbo crop is already gathered. It is
not known whether the trees are in
jured. A dispatch from Sumter county
says tbo oranges are not damaged
there. Ibis county is about 110 miles
south of this city.
Uiiattanooua, Ienn., December 3D.
Tho thermometer fell last night to
tbreo degrees below zero.
Charleston, S. C, December 30.
The temperature this morning was
lower than it has been since 1835.
Columiius, Ga., December 30.
Coldest weather on record. Tho ther
mometer in the city stood tour degreos
ubovejon Alabama Hills at zero. .The
snow full of yesterday virtually sus
ponded business.
Richmond, Va., December 30. The
weather to day is tho coldest since tbe
18th ot January, 1857, wbon tho ther
mometer stood at eight degrees below
zero. 11 was at the same figure to day
at sunrise.
Galveston, Tex., December 30.
Tho AVus' special fium San Antonia
says : '1 he uigbt ol the 28th was the
coldest on record here. At G A. U.
tbo thermometer stood ten deirrecs
above zero. Ice formed two inches in
thickness. The water pipes are froze
up throughout tho city. Tho new
water tanks are frozen and trains aro
delayed. At Dallas tbe mercury yes
lerduy fell to four degrees ubovo zero.
Tbe Hariisburg Patriit, in alluding
to tne sunjecl says:
Yi itb the unanimous action ol the
Republican delegation of Allegheny
county in favor of Henry W. Oliver
tbe contest lor United States Senator
bas become somewhat more clearly
defined. Allegheny with a strong and
united-JIepublican delegation of seven
teen members of tbe Legislature will
claim tbe Senator on geographical
grounds, and this shriek of locality
will gather other votes from the west
ern portion of tbe State, though that
territory has been pretty well covored
over Willi Instructions for Grow. How
much instructions are worth is seen
from tbe fact that two members from
Allegheny county who were instructed
for Grow have given in their adhesion
to Oliver.
This Allegheny county movement
may be regarded as the first distinct
manifestation of tbo purpose to- nnile
the opposition to Grow upon O ivor.
Cessna, the able party leader of 1S80,
and Quay, the skillful manager of many
campaigns, are to be thrust aside for
this obscure representative ol pig iron.
With Oliver as candidate against Grow
it will be a contest of pig iron and
cash against experience and rapacity.
Grow'o old attachment to Freo Trade
opinions will be brought moro promi
nently than ever into tho ton-ground,
and much slross will be put upon the
importance of having a genuine repre
sentative ot pig iron in tho Senato of
the United Slates. But Iho itcpuhli
cans of Pennsylvania sent David Wil-j
mot to tho Senate of the United States
after his vole aitainst tho Tariff of 1812.
and the Republicans of that day were
as mucn aevoieu to tno cause ot pro
tection as those of 1881. Grow' for
mer and almost colorless record on tbo
Tariff will be employed auainst bim
only as a pretext, it bo served tbe
purposo ol the party managers of the
Cameron persuasion in Pennsylvania
nis mud rrce trade proclivities ol an
cient dale would bo as readily over
looked as was the anti-protection rec-
orn oi Liavin vt umoi.
The chief merit of Mr. Oliver con
sists in tho liberality wiib which he
nas contributed money for rampaiin
purposes. In tho pinch of tho Indiana
contest be mado a heavy contribution
wnicn was gratefully acknowledged.
i nis imeraniy atlords-n sufficient auar-
antce to those who know tho value of
such sinews of war as be possesses that
uo win not be wanting in a contest in
wbicb bo Is personally interested
This is the chief, if not the only, cround
of Oliver s availibility as a candidate
against Grow, who does not possess
wnat nas come to be regarded as tbe
essential equipment ol a Kepublican
aspirer in Pennsylvania for fho honors
of tho United States Senate. If this
contest shall narrow down to a strug-
gio ueiwcen lirow ana Ulivor it will
be desperate and hitter in the extremo.
It may, and probably will, result In
the defeat ot Grow, but it will not
olect Oliver. The attempt to force
Uliver tb rough the caucus by the well
understood applianoes that have been
successlul In former contests will al
most Inevitably lead to a revolt of the
best Republicans in the Legislature
in this rase It may be necessary to
compromise upon (fovernor Hovt or
some other available candidate, or
postpone tho eontest, as in 1855, lo a
luturo session.
Mslor A. Wiltos Norrla. Houur.alxt ik.
Sixth dlilriel, hting rMignod bit poillios si
""pnoi vein rvporur. laero sra looro or lp
Hnli lor Hm TMDr. Al II li wonk J oooat
I0,M0 ;Mr II I a nthor soft Urlk for Ibo
ho fall! into II. A na of Judn Puiion'i li
aflor tht plunv AvcAiMtft.
Mr. Norris must expect to make
more out of tbe Senalorship.althongb it
yield's only 11,000 a year. Ilia queer
that a man should resign a ft 0,000 office
and make himself happy over a $1,000
on. The Major however, i an oxport
and be knows all tbe lobby in' and
out i at Harrisburg, and will make It
pay In the end.
Ecui'sE or the Sun New Youk,
December 31. Tbe partial eclipse of
the sun this morning was distinctly
visible in this city, the eastern sky
kt..a r.. r -I i j -
ijiiitv ihtj iiuui ci-iuu. uunnfr
jineiaiier partoi tue onscuralinn. J b
sun rose al 7.30 o'clock, with itaunner
left-hand edge and about ono third of
its face obscured by the moon. At 8
O'clock tbo period of lis greatest ob
scuration occurred, and filly minutes
later tbe shadow disappei)ro(,
The Philadelphia Teleijr,ivh, is a!
staunch Radicul organ, but not of the
'stalwort persuasion. Tho editor lor
,, lim0 fMi bu beun ciwlilla ttl)(llll
or , ,uiubo (ur VnhulS 8lttU,
, '"utor, but he is still unable to name
hi man. In a recent issue of h
journal bo indicated the kind of Mutt'
out of which the man should bu nude
that ia to tuko Senator U allueu's scat.
He says :
It is true that Mr. Don Cameron
will bo thero, but wb does he ropru
sent beside Mr. Don Cumcron? He
may bo an excellent business niun, but
any oyster of them all could not be
dumber than he when any great ques
tion comes in tbo Senate lor debate.
Mr. Cameron has no more represented
tbo people of this Commonwealth In
tho Senate, could no moro represent or
dcleud its vast commercial economic,
or political interests, or those of the
nation, than if he had been born a to
bacconist's dummy. We are Informed
by those whom ho causud to be ap
pointed to office that ho is a most
worthy gentleman, honest and fairly
intelligent, but we know bu is not el
ibe stuff of which Senulors ot a great
and powerful Commonwealth like Ibis
should bo mado. Ho is simply tho
right man in the wrong placo. For a
timo at least Pennsylvania cannot help
herself as regarda bim, but she is now
in a position where she can help her
self as regards bia colleague, tho suc
cessor of Senator Wallace, who ia the
stuff ot which Senators should be made.
He is not a great man possibly, but he
has brains and, a tongue. He can
think, reason, uiul argue. Ho bus
words to express his thoughts and
character to givo them force. Penn
sylvania does not want two Senulors
who can neither think, reason or ar.
guo, nor convince, wko aro without
poer of expression anj dumb as oys
ters when the land is shaken by the
discussion of greut questions concern
ing its welfare. Mr. Cutieron is a good
listener, but the State of Pennsylvania
wants for bis colleague a Senulor to
whom Mr. Cameron can listen, not one
to listen with him, for he can listen
enough for both and d.i nothing else.
This choice by caucus, or by personul
preference, should be dropped at once,
and tho Legislature, Wearing no man's
collar, should choose a Senator from
among tho wisest and best men of the
Slate, and elect only the worthiest ot
all ; for in all the Commonwealth there
is no citizen who haa too much worth,
wisdom, honesty, or character to rep.
resent this powerful Stalo in tbe Sen
ale of the I oiled Slates better than ii
should be represented. It is tho very
best man of all thut is wanted, and
only tho very best.
Blown Into Frauments IIard
ford, Ta., December !4. This morn
ing at two o'clock Albert Magco, of
Walloon, Uhio, and J bos. Perry, went
out to toipcdo a well ono mile east of
tbe city. While Mageo was mixing
nilro glyecrino in tho derrick, Perry,
who was in the engine house, turned
the steam too rapidly into tho com
pound. An explosion followed wbicb
literally blew the derrick into hits
Perry was driven through the engine
house, but will recover. Magee was
blown into fragments.
We Doubt it. It is said that Sen
ator Blaine is to occupy the position of
Secretary of State in tho Cabinet of
President Garfield It tbat be true,
Senajcr Conkling will not mako calls
at that diplomatic-stall during the next
four years.
Dew dvrtisfmrata.
OAara at mldaaca, oruar of 8lat aa4 Pina
"! Jaa. ilb,
NOTICE. Noltca ia ai-rabr (Iran thai than
will u a maatiBf, of lha Cltarllalaj Cuuoty
Agriroltural Soelalr. al lb. i.doa of lha Saoratarr ,
la CltariUkl.oa Till RMIAY. JANUARY JOib.
moi, ai a a aaooa, r. M, lor taa purpoia of alaa-
uog uiucara ior ma currant rear
L. HENXmn, Prafldrnt.
A. st.Row.SVrrUrr. Jaa. I 1881-Jt
7 ,1 Mo, Cnrrra --Notla. la karab;
(Irra thai Iba an Jrnini.d will -prraant lo lha
Coarl af Comraoa PI.... bIJ.a la aad fnr tba
i aooiT ol I karsam, al J .auar, T.rm. A. U
i. ii, aia miip, ora, Ii, ( lha baaentof Iba In
.vitro. I'.oior. aoi. WN. WATNO.N
Hoalljalo, Pa., Dw. I, ISH. 41.
snanal maaliai ol tba aiocbholdrra of lha
i'lrarnal-l Fir, Ilrlrh Cumpanr will bi bald al lha ai l-. w aitia, fa WKDNKSDAY, JAN
UAHY 1JTI1, IMI, at I aWt P. M, lor Iba
porpoaa at alaatlag uiiar:or, aod nlBarr I lo aaaia
lor ina aamlog jroar. C. W. SMITH,
CkartrM, Pa, Dm. IJ, Una at.
AUTIIIM. Allaaraoa. ara oaailoaad
VV attalait parcha.lnf or argollattng a flrrlaia
roara qrawa OS "IBa banh," for
ri(Bc4 h aa aad dalad Stplrmbar ltd, laWI.
la laror of W. C. Ihocai.t n. Darabla Jul. I.I.
ISHl.aj lha eaodlllooa of tba parnant af Bold
roava aar aot oooa aoajpnad wtik a, lb. aaid
TboasproB, aod w. will aat paj II anlaa aaa-
paiara 10 ao 10 BJ law. BAKU CA.HIl)r
Carwaaarllla, I'a., Nor. IS, H0 St.
L-niia-nAKliail karaba lafona aa
O Iron,, aad awaklod la (anaral, that 1 bar.
ramoraa my aaormaaing loop to tbo room ia
Mrah.m'a rn. iih H I. K . .1 . . ' . !.). ....
aad tbat I am pi.parad to do all kind, of wart
la Bi Itao ebaapor than aaj alhar abop la Iowa
All work warraatod a. good aa aaa bo dwa. aer.
wharaala.. Poaltlralj thi. la tb. flbrapo.! abop
in vianruria. i,3. . UBKniHU.
Uaa. II, la;i-tr.
X J wara. ago, thrra oama oa tba
rr.aiiiM of iba aadrraigaad la Hoawaria towa
aip, aig atraaga hog. oaa SOW, four SHOA T8
aaj oa. IIAHHOH-all wblia. Tha awaar la
oaraoj boiibm 10 aona Sirwanl, prora hi, prop
nr. pa; Iba raaaoaahla abargaa aad taha
aaj, ar i win aiapoaoor laoa aa Iba law diiaala.
I lahrllla, fa,, Jaa. lib, IS4I-H,
-IHTBAV NOTHK.-C.-. rraualng aa
I J lha praialaa. .( Iho labnna-r, raaldiag is
"r"ir luwnimp, oa or Blioal tha 11 at Norrai
bor laa, aao RKO aad Vi'lllTK unriTIln
SrEKK, ahoat aaa aad a-half aaara old; alao a
HHINUL HEIEKH, a... Th. awaar i ,
waara ara raa,uaalad lo a.M. forward, prora
'- r-'T-'-r. ma oaoaaaarj aaargaa, aad
laha Ihaaa war ar I will,. of th.ia aa lh.
llJOVjUs-JlIb, I s 1 . St
Desirable Ileal Estate!
Estate of Iliclurd Shav, Sr, Dce'd,
rpilR aadrrrlgnal, WdTiTfa ,f tba a.lala of
1 RICIIAKIJ SHAW. Sr.. d....A .oi ...
. ,.,. niaai ibo UIIHHJ IIOI1SH. lath, bor
Mgb of Cloariald, Fa , M
Friday, April 1st, 1861,
AT l:.l O'LLfX K f. M,
Tb. lollowiag raloabla real aalata, all I
Th. thrao atorr BRICK HOTEL proparlr.
. . ' rr"i ii reel, ia tne bur'
Mffnaf CIftrBeld,.kftowB
Tho Shaw House,'
roallaf wltb I wo lot, of grsaad tb.raU kaloagiag
oa MariH auaat, aad so
raaioa tirHalraol. wltb a two alnri
dwalllag boaaa atlarbad. Tha ba.
tol propar ba. .HIT bod-rooraa and
all aoaraaiaaaaa far a Srat-al.M
awiai. uaa l law OM drain, a hotal imwlia
IS CratraJ raa7l.aala.
Ta. abwr will ko (old Ugathar with s two
tar? fraaM dwalllag koaM 00 MarhM .traal. ad
laoaal to th. Dotal, and aw. .thrr fraaoa dwallia.
hoaaa aad a lw..,lor Mara balldiog, all Iraatlng
oa Markat atraat
ALSO. All Ik.t rartala lat. haowa la lb.
pla af CaarS.ld hwnagk aa Ut Na ut,
froaliag a. fat aa Looaut atraat, na
bios bark I JI fart. aiorrorl.H.loaaalkir I. J'.f
wiib do.lliag hoao. aad all aaaaoaarv .at 1 L
balldlagt tharaoa rrartad.aad Mkar itaproraaMStt.
Oao-lhlrd aaah al d.llrarr af good ft, aad
la. balaaaa to a. aaaarad-kr bond aad BortgM.,
parakle la aaa aad tw. aaara, witk iataraM.
A t. SHAW,
Hrl riag Kg'rt at liakaH Ekaw, Sr.daa'd.
Clawlald, fa, Iaa. I, u.u.
JXm Vdrrctisrinrut. -Crisl
MiU For Sale I
Arerr drilnlilo mill pronerlr, wlih tao r-iirl
of l.urr, iliuait ta lioniiur is p., Cl,-tr-nnld
Oxupiy, la., atoat two an! a-hall tailor- atat
uf t'liUiil,jrg-, CrniN oniinlv, Pa.
fbillpabuia;, Coalra IV, I'a,
Nor. iii, .
Farm for Sale!
flMIK tat rcll'M mw iflira bii (Via fur
1 1 tie pKjiirrt? It Ittpnif J uti mil nnd tmlf
north of Cr-fl.M.rouiai.ilfjf I 'ill TV ACKKf.
ini'il f w In!! li fjlfarr-d ftti'i ui.Jt-r gn'iil pulttva
lion, Kmc. io Morjr t hot, Ur K" fmii burn,
ttiitl tl her nffwry uutl'UitJinga, iiRibtr t'b
n rrh.,rl nt til kin.U fruit. Tot $
I MihKi.Alhi ITU l)i((l COW,. Tin.irop
trty will be Arlititiai f.r iullr i-roprrt.
For further prttoultr eaM nti ih prtitmu, ur
tl lreii Ut'r to JOII.N C. HkKO,
Um. 13, 11811 41 J Clt.rtit-U, f.
Highly intuivslliig to all thoso who
aro about to buy
vs or Stationery !
Wo have ono of tho finest assortments
of funcy and uselul goods in town,
among wbicb will ho found
Jewel Cases, &c.,
A Hill and completo ossonneiit of
Books and Fine 'Stationory.
every description, from
Mason & Hamlin
Ptrnons via. ting our town
And all others, are invited to call with
out fuil, if yon want anything in
our line. We can't bo best in
quantity, quality or price.
P. -.ft. GAULIN,
P. 0. Building, CLEARFIELD, PA.
Jfecemoer 8, itttfU-li.
Fire-Proof Safes.
The only 8-Flange Safe in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as
Moro secure from BnrglatR than any
Fire Proof Safe, ami no oxienso
In repsiring Bolls or Locks.
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Tbfitj Safes nrc now being otd in
ihtfi Btuto In
And giro lha
Greatest Satisfaction,
Being the Mot Tlighly Finished
Bert ZC&do, tai Cheapeot Tiist-
iians bate otw Produccl.
Thoso Cclftrstcd Rntcs hnd the
Champion Record
Great Boston Fire,
And sines that lime ORrATtnd impor
tant iMrnovEMKNTs have
boon tnsilo.
Before Blvine onr order tn tnr
other conrern, send for prices And
descriptive Catnlogne.
B08TON, MASS,, ,
P.,. II, IHO-lf.
Mouth Harmonicas
0 If? I
Inside Bolt Work
11 (uv lli'frtlsfttiais.
Cirw initial, Pft., Jin. t, '78-tf.
1 ASK SOTICIC. -TU mtmilaiMtltirorttit
I ai.Mikbu1.Mi ut th Count f Bink,
tor th t.ii nl ft biftr-i of Ulrwlnrf, will b
h flil ii ihi lr liftfiklnf bout 1b Clittrlvlil, od
TUESDAY, JANHAUV 1 1 th. 1MS1, bt-n thr
hour iif I in it 4 eVIuok V. M.
. W, M. 8HAW,0iiliir.
Diy. 320), I MO Ji.
IiiTHAY NUTirrc. Cim lrif.Mlo(r on
i th irralMi of tli ill hunt-1 br, riillnj( 1
Ito.r t'mnfh.p, irrar -in In Junti lti DftKK
HK1) HULL, with Ihlrk, ihorl horns, hiu Uil
dJ billy, md I'tnut ikr y" olJ Th owner
la rtu,iiitd lo on forward, prov bU rirrtr,
(I chft'K ml Ufc IS ftilml iwijf, or bi
will b diiixiMd uf tocorJinr in U.
CleirScId Brldp, TV, Dm. 12, MM. It.
lXfU I TOH' NOTK i:.-Nolle li hcr
I a b f ifrn thut Letter! T-irmiotrv on th
it of WILLIAM RCIIWKM, SaUr, Ui of
Krftlj towoihip, C'lftirficld oouoljr, Pianijrlvoalft,
ilrcencrf, hiving bn duly k rioted to lh undr
itOfi, ftll priuni Indebted lo end win wtll
pie it mftk lniud.t pirment, nd thai
lug eli i nil or deniod igalnet tb imi will pro
lent then pruperlj luthrntl'iud fur Mt dement,
withnal iULt. (1KOIWK PCHWKM,
Lulhenbuiji, ,, Do. ii, UHw.Al.
it here lf giien thftt Let I" of Adiainii- ion on the eli of L. U- W1LB, Ut uf
Hhiliitrli'bift, P., dfwcirid, having bn dole
grin ted to the ondrrtigned, ill peitoni Indttited
to id ctftti will pleeei uik itninediit pay
metal, md ihoMbftv.ogilftiiuior demand! ftgninit
tbe lata, will prment Ibcin proper. igtbinttoft-t-l
furtMllliincol wilkiiut delnv- .
Clrar6eld. Pa, Nov. lllh, 18Hi Si.
Thi muni ooinpleti Initltuiloii la th United
Slelfi fur tb thorough prietieftl luoitioo ol
young and aiddl-egd men, Htydcau Admitted
t any tini. For L'irculari givng full parlico
Ian, ftddren J. 0, SMITH, A. M ,
oct?7 2in PilUburgb, Ha,
Th unririignd bu opened op en Third itret,
near th Luiherin Church, and offa for eal ft
large lot of door, fiah , Ui., and
In all it form i and etyt. spring bede, on ly it
All kiudi of moulding for pietur In met. tietwol
buoM Mite, deaki ftnd blaokboardu oheaper than
rite ber. Inquirki by mail will b- promptly
anawered. MKH. A. B. CANKlKLU,
H. K. CAuriftt.D, Agent.
Cteirflcld, I'a , Deo. 32, ISMO-Aw
Ill UNkli SOTICIi Th. (oil... ing par
J aobi hava hlad ia th. ofiloo of th. Clark of
tba Coortol QuatlarSri.iooaof Cl.arli.ld ooualy,
lhair patitioua and boad. for tiaoauaa, at tbo Jaa
oary aaaiiona oast, agravalilj to tho Aet of Aaara
hi, :
John Koor , Clrftld
R.T. K.lly w.Dn-Buit
M.J. Kelly M UuHuii
Jofrpb U. 8nitb H... BMotfift Twp
C. Be 11 net.
.Bccftri Tw'p
, DaBoij
John 8 Birr
btnno'-l R- Nottitio.,
. J, Driuektr
Juhn Cul m ftu
Juhn Fraocil
UvurK H WodiB...
Andrw Pcnti, Jr
..Curweravill I
... Iloutxdftlaj
,.. .MoBtiial
..... Hnsitdal!
William Smi'b Wwjdtnl Twp
HCHCAntlLI Llitn-ft. .
W.C, QftigUy t John Hright luBoi
Mm KUnorJIinder DultoU
Ceriiflnl (run th rteotd t Clnftrfldd, ihU Utb
diy of Kecmijir, iSM. KLI It LOOM.
Judg of the Court of Comtnon Plal of
th Twenty-lfth Judlelal Diatrlet, ompoad of
tb enuntiei of ClearBeld, Cantr ftnd CUntoo
nd Uon. ABtt4M Ounaft ftnd Hon. Vihckkt B.
Holt, Aaaoclat Jodgei of Clftrfl1d county
have taaod their precept, to na dlrootcd. for lb
Holding of ft uourt or Uomvos fieaa, urpaana
Court, Court of Quarter geaatona, Conrt of Oyer
aod Terminer, sod uourt oi uneral Jftll Ueltv
ry, at th Court lloaaftt CUarl.d,tnftBd forth
county of Clearfield, oomBearing no tha ttotond
(Holiday of J a unary, (loiii) A. I), IHHl
and ta coMtluti lor tw week.
KOTICB IS, therefor, hereby glva to th
Corar, Jaatiee ettb r, ft&a uoetetabi,
in aad for tftid oounty of Clftrflld, U appar la
their propisj roaa, wltb their ftceorda, nulla,
inqutaiuoaa, fciaaiftationa. ana otner neneftv
brancet, to do tboa thiagt which to their offleea.
ftnd ta thtr bbalf, perui io b don.
Iiy ftn Aet of Aaaawbly. paiaed tb ft lb ay or
majp a. u. f, ia aao in auiy oi ia jua
tirft f tb Peace of th aeverat eoontiet of tbla
Coamoftwealth, to return to lh Clerk of th
Court of tjuartor 8alona of th roapMtlv
eounliea, all th mognitaooM a tared Into befor
then by any poraoa or preone ehftrgftd with tb
oamiaai of ny orin. leapt auob aaa a
may b oadd bfor Jueue of th Peao. an
der exiatiftg tawa, at leaat tea day a be far th
eommencevent or tb ftaatoaj or tb Conrt to
which tbey aro nad rtarnftb)rapotivly,ftad
la nil wbr aoy rognitaaoa ara aaurod
Into lea than ten day a bfor lb ooaimMioainot
or th teaaloa towhigh tbey aro uJ return.
bi. th aftld Juatlota ar t rotnra th aain ii
tb aftfti naoner a if Mid aet bad aot hwaa
OIVEN mnd.r my hshdat Clearfield, UU 24th
day of November. In th year of oar Lord, ono
ineneaoa igni nan deed ftetl li hty.
v. li t JAMV8 MAUAPFKV, 9hrif.
Orphans' Curt Male
Properly in Bcccaria Twp.
- - -a-- - - -
TY iriwe of ftft rdr f th Orphana Port
jiw f viearaeia eooiiy, atarie imotter 3f IftTf.
ud renewed ftt ftabaeoftcftt iri af aaid Coart.
thar will b eiped to pabll aal t th Coart
UOIH, on
Monday, January 10thf 1881,
Th foil win dtfcrihed roal aaUt. attaata ta
Ueoearia townahip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., to wit :
Uo thereof bouarted fta followa, to wit: On
to inrth by taa it of B. A. irvia, eonlh hy landa
Mr. Wm Puay, aat by traet of Ifto ft low da
aenbed, ftnd wat by tarda of T, W. Bftllej.Hr.
n. nomi BBM II . M. Uftly, OOOUtnlDg
Tb otbr theraof boandd aa followa : On tba
orth by landa of I. A. Irrtn, eoa'h by landa of
Mr. ts. ma?. ai oy landa or d. S. Dan lap,
and weat by traet f Iftnd tbova derid, aaa
ta i ing
l.tll ACRKS,
riolb of aalrj Uartl ar heftrilv timber.! ith
pin, oft It ftnd hemloflk. aad bo 4 rift id with ouA
Offtl. Th aoti la alau wail adata lor
I fa landa ar attuat aioog what u known aa
P.irifr'a run, abont II rail fr.iM Llaarfield errah
K.a mj Biiraj ihiw uii nnpa, aid within a
abort diaian ol tb ha of tb oxtanaioa ot th
ttell' Uap Kagroad.
tkhms or Sale .
Oft third ealh oa pen Ira a. on of aal. and
third ta two yeftra with ioterrat. to b aet red by
vvbu m a, igBfiar vs, aaiar prvrg lt.
, kLItABklU WIUEMlitK,
Alla n of Saaaal Wid Br,, daa'J.
tlaa. II, IKI. il.
SheriiTs Sale.
HT .Irlaa of writ, al Fl. f,., laaaaa
oat of tb. Coan al Caamoa Ploa, crciaar.
S.ld aoaatr, aad to a.. JiraalaS, ibar. will ao
aipoaoa h rusi-iu sai.i, ai th. Ooarl Uoaa,,
ia tha boroag a af ClaarB.U, oa
Thurvlay, January a, IH8I,
All that aartala traal of land tltuata la (1 oaha.
ton.hlp, ClaarJaM roaolr, fa., b-aadril aad
maariora a. romir, I oa tbaaaat a; laao of ra-
" aaa nasu, os taa Kalb by laad of Widow
Mbaw.aa tha aaat b, of Hhaar aad Wilaoa.aad
oo Ihr north hr HUH of llarrla. II .r A Cmnih.
ooalalniDs It aaraa, Mora ar loaa. aiitb ak..t ia
aoraa alaani, aad barla tbarroB arartod a lo
bouaa aod amall fraaia bars.
S.iiad. tab. a la aiaaatios anil I. b. bold a.
iaa ar.-aanj or n. u . LaaarJ.
Taaar Iw. aortala alaea. a, aarrala l l.aJ .11.
aauia K.rib... to.n.bia. I'laardald ,obit, a.,
ooanilad aad da.oribcd a, fallowa, to tti O w
Ibwanf b.,uadrd oa tb, aorlb hr land of Paao
. ..w..., . wj naoaai rr. . H.lrbol.
o la. aaatk br Uad 1 Jaam Hiary Caokraa
aad .a lha aaai br Uad af H. r. c.,a.i..
laialaf II aaraa, Bar. ar la.,, all .karad,ud
a -r-.o oraau. lwa an ,iaob dualliat
aoaaaa, ibuii rraaia bara aad a.u u. h...
- ---a "reoaro (rowi.f aa aaid araaiii
an', l.tnM . ,Bhar alooa of
, aaoro, wiaaaoa oa tbo aortb
II. abol aad A. Haabia, aa.ib b. load af W. II.
Hairb.1 aad . II. Kaha.rra. aod ...1 k l,..
road, aoalalalBi 1 1 aa., aiora ar la.,, .11 olaarad
ba?la taamia araelod a alaak dw.llla. booM.'
aad a ;oaa mbard aaln aa raid p'aaiaaa.
S.ld, Ubaa la aiaraiwa aad ta ba Kid aatba
arop.rt. of "tllllaai Sabaarra.
Til ar Btu.-.Tk. arl.. .. -
Iba, aall b. ,trarb at Baal b. aaid at
of roJa, or nok Mbar arraa,.MM,
ad. aa will a. aoprarad.olbar.iMUa Koaor-
111 oa iBB.iw.1, .at af aad ,old aiala al
.aaa aad rUb af tb. fomt W kbaai ll
' " ak., IS taaa af datala.r at
b ra-.aio, .ball aaba toad Ik. aaaao, sad la
Itutaaoo oUl Ibo IMod ba aroaooi 1.
far aaalnaatlos aal.a, U. Boa.; I, aotatll,
Mid bo tbo saortf. aa. MsuArrir,
. pry a vrrvepr , I
fflMfSald. Fa Poo. It Ills. I
iflial 3,flirrtisrmrnt3.
SherilT's Sale.
11Y vtrlu ot tundrt writa of IV Sr., Umcd
J aut f tb Court rf fowtnoft Pli of 'ltr- 1
AuMO., ftftd to madlrarlad, thr will tuMpo-ed
to Ml'ULlC HALK. ftt lb Court Huux, (ft tbo
boruuf b af Clvftrft4d, Oft
ThurwUy. Jftuuary (lib, IhmI,
At 1 o'cloor, P Mtth follnwiDf deicrtbed rl I
ttftt, to ilt-
A crrUto tmol of I an J rhuat In Cbt tow- 1
Nhip. t'lrftifirld sImuiiH, Pft , bournJH srd Jipril- !
d an followi i On tb ftt 1T Chest itr-k ft ml ,
Uftdt ol J. A J. H. Brtih, n th north hj Until ,
nf L. J- Murti, oa tb et by ohil ro.l )littff
from Nvwbu'K lo Nar W bingUn. n.d n tbi
Htutb by road kadloir U Brath'a Mt-la and Un l ;
of raid J. A J. li. brtlh, oDiftinint almot III
em, ftff elarJ, and bating fhnn r0(l a
two alory lrioe bouaftp 111 by 18 !t. wiib amftH t
Uhlt. I
Onotbar ifr tn Chtat loanohlp laid county
bfllupi th hu ptM of land b 'Utht of Will, hid
HftUr, ftfttl botdfi m4 oWaorihad foltnwa i
t)n lha vaat and north by landa (ornmrly owned
by aald Win. HunUr (of which tliia pin ta a
rt of aald tract), un lh watt hy landa !' Hxnry
fen n i ft a; Ion, ftnd on th aoulb by linda foroiarly
owntd by JftO'ib Lin a;a felt, nn tltiinft fthotit 'l
orti, Btirft r la, ftoi baring ftbout acra
A 13,
Oa Iowa IntYluat ta th Wouffa of Kw
burg, bounded and dcarritrd aa fullNa: On tb
ftat by lot of lanae Mirk), on tba rjtith by in
lly, on th at by Wtr itreat, and on the
olh by lota owntd by J. M. Tour, fooiftintng
about J of fto aer. aritb Hrerl Uannif a,f W
tra ihron.
Srlaed, taken in ftifdutloo, and io ha aaU aa
th pruporty af 1'ori MoFadda.
A LbU,
A Mrtala lotoflftndailutin flmdyTwp .?lar
l.ldCo.,l,ft.,lnthrillft( of Iluiluia.bnundtxl and
draribrd ftl follow: Urgianiiia; at ft oornnr of
Uftift trt and as ftMfjr aod manlar aorth i'i
dxrr wcat t lot of Jba Trniol ; ihftira along
lot of TruiJ IftO ft to an IIT ; thenr anuih
dfi;rhi ftlonf Mid allry M fact tn Orchard
ftllryt tbnioa ali.og On-hard ftl ley SO feut to
Main atrt tbe no aluna; Main atrcet ttO ftet to
plao nf baftinntng, birg known tn plan of aaid
village Lot No. 4.1, ana having thereon rr acted
ft frame bout, two atoriea high.
Hii-d, taktm In txsoutioo, and to b told a
thr prptrtof A. J. M-Hugh.
A oertaia Irani of laad aifuat In llradr town-
btp, ClearAeld tvanty, IVniiRf Irania, bounded
and dvaoritwd aa fullnw : llfrinnior at a rd oak
oornrt theoornroflandi or J.b Kuan
Ueo:r;e Pooii ; tbenn north 8tt deirroea eait:i?7
peK'bea to a po-t; tbenr toulb 410 3-10 perch ra
to ft poet j then waat 32i V-10 prtbea to dead
bvmloak ( l bene north M drgrrea Ju par-
rb to aer r lee berry; tbano aouth 81 dea;ra
wcat 167 peri' he a to ft hem lock ; thencwn-irth I
dea;r went 14b prrehaa to ft poat ; llienen north
881 drgrece eaat 155 prcbei to aervlo brrry ; I
thence north I degree weat &fl pitrrbei to tbe plus i
of bfginoing. contain In c 1021 710 aorea.
iSaiaed, taken In execution aad to b aoKI al the
property of tiecr Kramer Ld Win. . e.l.
AeerUta tractor land alnai in Brady town -
ahip, ClearAeld enunty. Fa , near th village of
Troatvill, boo tided and deacribed aa fnllowe :
Bounded oa th at by Ucorg Knarr. on the
wai by public leaning irom Iroutfill to Kuh-
i a anil, oa tn toutn iiy luntla ol John Stump
alio, and on th north by landa of Aadrew Mil
lr and Aunt Honaall, eootaming about S acre,
Mr or l, with aboat X0 fterea elesred, and
bating tbefewu ctreud a two-ntury fraio bwuae,
mall atabl and other otiltaildinga.
8elsed, taken In eieeutiun and to ! aold aa
the properly of John M. MilW and Cbarlea W.
Kerb, lerre tenant.
A eertain traet of lLd attuat In Knox town
btp, Clear field eouofy. Pa, boundrd ftud de
aeribed aa iowa: Beginning at a white pin :
thane 40 drgrtea weat HO pt-rrbet to Honee ; '
tbeno north AO degree tut 12 perohea to aj
hemlock t torncc aouth 4 d-irreeaiit 14U perchoa I
to a bteeb ; tbano aouth 6f deirree eaut 120 per- I
obe to lb place of beginning, ewntamirig 10l j
acree, wun nv acre Bleared, ao1 But in trer"n
treeud a to etory fraio huua. log baro, and
other uibut!dtnga, with an orchard uf fth-jui 4.i
PP' .
( All tbat ocrtaio lot fr pice of ground attuat io
Jordan lowntbip. CIareUI eouofy, I'enna.wauia.
bounded and ilecriixd fta It. How : JWtiiritnir
aw ft (tend pin riruer uf J M. MeNvLVa and U.
Uulrr'a Ian do : ibenoe nonb 40 d-grv. weat lW
pf rebel to a purt ; ihrnce by iftnd ol M iSehoeoing
aouth in dKrrei weat 1 16 pt-rclie to ft b(Dlii ;
thr no l&D dcfreoi eal Irt7 pi-rcbea to ftbemtork ;
tcene by J. MrNeil'e north !9 dexreea at Hi
berehaa ta tb nlaaa i hM.rmm n , lit)
. ... r 7 " ........
erea ana percbea, wild about io acrea elnr-d,
ftnd bavin Ihereua reled fr-,. h......
rann Al.p. a boanntf orchard
ol ahoat ttraaty traaa.
Tbat eorlaio plana ol laud aitoata io Kaoi
t.iwnahip, Clrarfleld eouotr, Ta., bunndcl aud
dracrthad a. folliiw., ris : tV.nndrd on Iba aorlb
by land. of Enoob and LaaHa Erhart.oa ilia luuib
I t land, of Da rid tViao, ba tba oait br land of
IViar Mats, and oa Ibo weat by land of JobB
lllih, enatatniag a out 79 acraa, with obont 411
arraa eloarad, aod baring tberaua or.otad a Iwo
inryfrain. hu.aa, lot- bara. aod a two.urj hs
hoaaa, aod other eattiuildioga. Al.o, a amall
orchard oa tba earn..
On. other lot altoat. ia Knot toWB.hip, Clear
field eoaotr, .Bd dracribad as lollowa :
Brjiooiaj at a atoa. MrBar 1 thaaae til,
W..I I prrebu to . wool ; tb.oee 40 drreea eait
Sfl preh.a to a hcnlorh 1 thra-ieaoalh bo drgrroa
waat 1X0 perebea to tha pl.c. of bi-iinoing-. eoo
tainioa; lb aaraa.
Heitrd, tabra In exc.utlo. and to ba auld a.
tba property of Tboaia, McCraokrn and Juhn
A eortaia traot of lead altaata ia Cheat town-bip.-Claam.ld
oouair. Pa., conlaiaiog 140 arrrr,
wltb so iaiororoaiaata. boMa,h.J iui b w.ll.
We,tor.r, aw bj Kiooer A Jobaaoni aorlb by
hum n, ana eouto by ,
Onr half lotere.t I. 177 am. af land lo Cheat
towarhip, UaarSel't anaalv, aa improremrata,
bauadod waat br lla.lar trio-l sanb hr Pinner
Joboaoa, Mat by Jobs fry .1 al, aouth by
A LSO. ia III aaral of land io Cbrd
lownanip, Ulaarfleld enunly, w,lh 4 Brrac elrarrd,
boaodrd Wart by O., ea.t by W. tVeitorcr,
aorth by 8. Weatorer owd aootb by D. Pry.
One half lolrrrrt In 79 aerra ol land ia Cheat
townahip, CI.arB.ld aowoty, with a K'0,1 aaw.
ill, 1 leaaal boaaer. blaebaaillb ahep, aad large
"0 abed aad aubloa. with St arraa elearad,
boon lad oaat by Jab. Pry, waat br W. Weatorer,
bomb hy lean. Kara, aootb br Jaaaa MaKwoa.
Heiaed, tabea ia ..oralioo, and to be ,old a.
lb. property .1 Uo,. A MvKwea.
A eertain M of .round altaata lo Clearfield
borough, tl..rflaldoorityt P... bouadrd aad do
raribrd .a lulkaa : Ua th. ran by lot el T. A.
Plech, BB tb. wart by lot uf Oyra, llordoo, OB
Iheaonh by Bridge ureal, oa lb, aoulb by an
alley, barlag theraoa errelod a frame hour, aod
tber outballdinga,
Seltad, tabra ia Mecutioa, .Bd In ba .old aa
tba property of Maggi, K. B-.
A errlain traotof land .itaat. Is nVaoarta town
ahip, Claarfi.ld oounty, Pa., boundrd and dr.crib
i a, lollown Beginning .1 a dogwood eornrr:
tbaaoaaaat by Joba Pra.b'a lurrey ll prreh..:
tbatm Booth by P. Miliar .nr.rj Iti prrebea lo
aioaea 1 Ibrar weat 1311 prrrhr, ta corner : thrner
by Hr-,adheBd .nrre, noitb 1st narrr... . bi..
ol boglBaiag, .oai.talng 1 11 , , '.,
bra, baring aboat T. ama eleared. wore or Iroa,
aeingaart ola larger tree, af land, eoor.ted br
Pbllio U. Weld. b..,n. .h.. I'V. .1
fraae bouM, log bara, apring hoaaa aad itbrr
oataaiMiaga. baring III, bearing Uer.a-d
a yooag orabard. .
Belted, labaa ia eierutloa, aod U be (old a
the pruperty of J. W. lie, 11.
A aerlaln a r .......1 .1 1. a :.
Jordaa Twp., Oleartnd ooanly, Pa., bouadrd and
de.rrll.rd lollow,, all . Oa tbo autlh by kl l
J. M. Maya, oa lha weal by public road, on tbe
aoulb hy aa alley, and oa tha eaal by aa .Hay,
and barlag tharaoa arreted a go.,d frame boa.a.
mummm, warn aoBe, and a g kkI atahle.
Saiaed, tah.B it eioeuti.ia and tt, ia m1,I .. ik
property al A. B. lira, and lliraa Hir.w.
A l.i:i,
A aerial. Iraar af Uad anuala la Morrl, Iowa.
hip, ClearB.ld aoualr. la., beon.l.ri ...,l A..
Mriiied a. Mlowai B.( tha armik wa.i
aora.rof a p ,at 1 tbano. i perehr, to a poat:
thano. aorlb lid per-hoa tu cbr.lail i.p'ing:
theaea wa.l 4) pereba, ta pi.ei 1 tbenn anatb 1 1
pwrohe. ta Ibe p aae ef bogiBBiog. oaat.,. mg 12
aer.,, eleated, baring there ua .reeled a St .lory
Iran, hoale, a aaail bara aad other oalbuildiaice
belied, labaa la aiaeatioa and lo he .old aa the
property Mary A. Orer and Abboa Uray.
A eertaia traotof land .iidii. rtH.-i. ,.
kip, ClearBeld ooaalr. Pa , boandod aad de.arik
d aa followa , Begianiog at pott nrner of lot of
. 1 weaoa aorlb t. drgreea waat VII
porouo. U a h.aloeb 1 theaaa Bonk I A..
aart tl porrhee to p. 1 aoelb i do(rrrr
ea.t Id paraba. 10 .lone. 1 tbenoa ao.tb I dareea
weat 4, perrhe. to poM Bad plana of beginning,
oaetaiaiag II aaraa aad tt amba,. aad baring
aerae eleand, aad baring tbei.oa erected a
torg. a. .writing boon aad ttabi. aad ain.r
A aerlei. traol of land ...-1. n ,
rhln, CloarBald eoaole. P. k.....4 ... .
Hrginnlagal a doewoodiMt., ,1.. . . . J
"T" " ""'oy I then, by landa f H
--1- .... ... pereua. ta a enleb on weat
" 01 .aaiiron I thane. u,..,k ran . -- .
"l""oodpoi tb.aoa ea.t loo perahM tad .g-
1 . .1 aa.ira iiipio. aarrty 1 Bnrlb IBS Borehoe La aiu. r v..u... .
,u,.ig, 1,. aoraa, aora ar leaa, with OB .area
Mared.aad karlng tberooa eroded a dwelliag
J 7 " otaar oalbuilulege.
SaiMd. take. Is eiocali.a, aad la aa (old a.
k. proparty of J. g. liillea.
A I Bft
Tha deroadaat'a '1. . . . .
B iL IB ,0,,ap, ClearBeld Co.,
Pa., boiag bi, lalareH la tha aalat. of H Daeid-
ouaiaiam. u., 1 1 , . . l ...
. . . - - - - 1 1 .... w.ree
leard, and having ta.n,rf frM, h0-w
bora aad titer oatbatldinga, tmnded aad d
J'4 followa 1 Oa iho aat by II. Mot I, wat
Md a.ih by In y der 'a tat. '
wiaea, t Men ta iertlaa and to b aol l aa th
inuptji-iy VI 4. rf. ifavtaeaa.
Tiaai or Iilb Tha ... . .
Jho proportv ahaU b traoh f net b paid at th
t of aal, r Hah Mhar arrangaMat. .a4. ..
Ml bo ftpprvd,ethrwla tb pruperty nU be
la.aiedifti.iy p.t ap ad ld agaip fttthiaapeaH
aad riah of tb aron to wkZ u ... -T 7
aad who, p 4 of dAftUo ai lMk
arti. ji l'iVaV-r -
eatwrr'i Orrc, i
OUardd, ., Dot, I, R. I ,
Jlfir g.4 ntsftnfnts.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Cura.i.irill,-, Pa Jan. II . ISTS-tf
1-UKM I.IMK Kill !..,,
a d Pi,,alooabi,.,Cl..rn,Moianlr. jt
Ura.ou.bla timo giwa lurparlof purpbaa
uiouar. I'ricia to III) to all. nil p., n
Minrr.-, re.arrr.l. L. BIIUI, A.anlt
rriir,.ld, j1.
or WiLLaco A K....
'apt 10, IStlMf. Clraraia. I',,
llorMP) for Sale !
4 faa Una CI.YIIKSDAI.E STAI.I.I0N5 ,j
j. grani-.. man, a i.w grana
l l.VIIK MAKKS ia f-al lo linp,,r.
an bnr.ra. Will b. .old rra.unablr
Corrri'ii,d..n, ao iriad
llol SIS, Maadnlla, Crawlor.1 On I'
11,0 li, IMH0 al.
(Ht k Ntn it i:.
In tbf Court nf Common Plena i.f ClrarlSe'J
oouniy, rennayirania
Ueorit A. utnwirk i ho. 20, fcipt. T , I h SO
Ii j Ko. 10, tipt. T , lbs
j Pra, fit a. I)ivoMre
i: 1 1 SoulLwiok
TO KLI.Kft ft'il'THWlCK, JJt:rKIi.T iB.-VI ft tftt!.
Vou Mill plf-aao take notice that yau rr ft
qc'.reil to cut intii Court and -leUtid in t b
atiov afili.n at tb next Term ( Unuary Trru,
or jhilgiiii nt will b estrrrd iinit vou ,
Ctfarftcl 1, Pa , Not. 3iib, iHdO Jt.
HclltMf; the wtandard Arlruitural lin.
Farming for Profit.
Complete Fnr ra Library. Kurt (luide to lurrii.
ful Farming.
tells aowmt,j-M1
Heat Htiok fnr farmera and Fartn'ra' B't.ia. Krj
1 Thor-hlT Pr.oiil Manual of Affi.ri,
av timnv liuiei lla eot evry aeaon.
HtH) Ha--a.i'd Hl IllualraUuiift. II.
afioir t aod lie t Kitrta Book erer patiiiir I,
try t'aruier i,t'ul l have a copy.
Fur df onpiive cirnultr a'"i term tn agent, J.
dreaa J. C. MrC'l llbV A CU ,
fi.12 Chr-tnut Klrtjet, Phi I h ; a . Hj.
Cincinnati, O., Chicago, 111. or 8t. Loui, x.
Uee. ft, lMS0-4t.
' ... , .
, 'I'KIAl I,lTTha fiilowing ia a l,t ui
I A. Cftuwa at dowo lor trial for Jiouary lVmi,
! Jmuary 17th :
ti od tt'iifK Jih abt 17.
; j ordiirA A S Murrow v Patrtik FUnr.
(mr llinghaio va "
Thomft H Fvrepy va H.Br A Kline
Kirhard Arthura va King A Pulkr
Hiohttrd Anbura va Jepb Hm i et )
Lei lleira. Ao., va Hinbard Arthur t
John B LHIIen et al va 8 Coweii tt al
Marti 'gton It A L Atv'a v Ueurgr tif, r
t al
I B D Srh(ronorr
Bigkr. Vy..n;; A Co
' hicbard Artbura
I M M I'ultr, e, A.lm'r,
'ouoiy National Bank
ri D W A J M li 1:
va John Dulini
Sidney Kolier el al
v W.iodUnd F-re I) Cu
Abram lium; brrj
$ trart A Pearc
i,n Si Chea
(Jr idifxt linker
& L'uyJ A Co
tj M Urir,iD
va n in A n ailtre
v Lu'her A II 'n-i'y
va Ao"in Klme
va A V HitruaJ
$ H'm Hfiucr
'va J J Lisgk
xi Andrew I'enti
va Ibutnaa C KtNr
Jatn Irvin m
ta J T Kurd
ELI RI.OOM, Proth-'iart.
loho Clark
Ittiamer Dale
Tavior Kowlei
1 K H Boa
Ji'HY l.l-T.-Nftinea and looitidti ot tti-nt
prreona diawn a juror to nerve at .Nx i irr
trrtn, I'l-iiiuit-liOirig on the tc.Uri Mi.L.ini , , I nil,,
and continuing l vu wtrtltr :
on.isii jtntnna. Jn Motinir, J4i. in, H'l
Dear eld W J M. miliill-'.ohr!i, J R k,
Cur'nvilie, J I-Tlii'inf.i'D '4uiirb, I'aul J F'yiin,
( , ti . i.i.
I .".' . . , , "u"
N M ftah n, W W Barclay lluitft,
fti'ta II llu,,-.
Of reo la, (t W Line. I " J II Kl'a-,
" II PK lllan lv, l.awrenrt. I, Cleg.!,
Wntlaet-.n, A M SLuw, Murria, Ai Thorn,
Hot, tleort Hea, ' Clrk Cn ;i,
I'nviuglon, L Ltgry, San ly, P 8 W t iter,
Dooatur, A J hteio-r, 1 " K W Penn,
Uothenp John A NUrrr, " W C glet,
" (ieo A M eerier, Cnlon, David lr-nrr,
Clearfteld, B Cooper. lOreenw'd, B Tri-mfiun
tl.nrge Noll, I H'H.1"hn.i,a
Hdu'ilrtleKi-linnl.oo Huton, Jno B H"ni'i,
" it Charlt .o, ( W f H .yt,
O't'eola, M Hurlry Jr, " John Itrwn,
A Scollma, Knox. Kohert lrl.
Bfjeena, A Nevhng,
Hell, Cbaa impaoo,
Boggf. tleo IhtoeliDg,
U W Ditvia
11 ninmelirg,
Bradforl, 0 r Albert,
W Fureeo,
" Murria.
" W Urafltur,
Kd Dale,
Brady, M H Lather,
W Kir in,
" 11 A Troaimaa,
BuratiJc, John Lee,
OJ Waat over
Covington, Joa Gun,
Dceatar, .la Brown.
J L Uearbart,
M A J Han key,
" J H Uuraa,
Fergueon, Uei Htraw,
JO Fergoaon
' Jama btraw,
Uifthaifi, A U Ante,
Francia Hiifitr.
Lawrence, Jaraee "t,
" D llwenr,
Morria, B F Kyler.
" J A rVlieurirk,
" I U Merrdl.
Penn, Jon alb an Kir.
" Jam U C-ark.
M Abram apenoar,
Pike, Kohert N riper.
;Aabdy, Jno And'rtoD,
" Klii ib Bump,
" William P Jones.
" Jaoiea lime,
C f Fuller,
.Sfttijr, Munrn Akr,
' F Kambarrrr,
Woodw'd Clark,
41 Wl'lliffealiftfh
M Alamo KiIIt,
" P K-nnTj.
M L T Kephari.
1 L S0indin(r
' Airta J iiu
VRAVKaan K'Hoftf, Id wm k, jaw. 17th.
Cieardeld. K H Shaw,
Jordan, Iraae tltota
llnultdal, (ten (Stniib,
Otteola, I A H Kroua,
Ueeraria, W J Millar,
M WW Maya,
" Jno Patehia,
Bloom. Ktdn-y tiwiib,
Uurnnitle, A K Ling,
" J M hi ad I.?,
ieflalar, Jia lla,
Iraliam. John S Jury,
Ui.l.t h, Wm Kdwardi,
DC Flynn.
HuMcd. J I, ti.-botield,
" lUn'l Miller,
" J II line. IT.
Jordan, Ueo Mat,
Lawrence, H Mrt'iuhlr,
AD Hattva,
" C Sorria,
Morria.J II ..lira na.,
i'lka, Al Thompn iD,
T llgiaphrey,
Saady, ll-nry llrilbruo
III Colwr,
" W K Pilar,
" J Hutabarcrr,
Woodward, Jn Toorr.
" M Hiurin
J Hrmllf.
" Wro Be-k.
H Coupler
" J8cnin'lMl(rr
" Jaa King.
Ilea Paten d,
We, the underngned, hereby certify that ibe
foregoing Hat of twenty-fuar (24) naiaea at prr
ona to aerv a lirand Juror, and aiity i
aamee of per on a to eerve aa Trarera Jnror for
ibe week ooiinei,eiig Monday, Jaenary 1 Oth,
and thirty-eix nniiiaa of paraone to aere u
Tiaverift) Juror' for the vteek eotiitnenoirjg Mon
day, January 17ib, I SHI, war drawn by ua ao
theJfiifc day pf November, A. I). lahO. tn arord
ro with ft reuir iaaued by Hon. Chart A.
Myer, Prea dent Judge of tba Court or I'Uar
Arid et.uiily, and beating d' tb 12. b i of
November, IhtO. to aer f a aa jurora in tlie Coart
of (juttrier Hoaiona ftnd C--'t of tiyrr and
ferioiner 10 ba held it Cl-artle 'I so tb 31 and
M Moodttva of Januirv, A U. I"H.
A. J. JA KS N,
WM. R KltuWN,
Jury roronii"lDrt.
UK.I-TI-R' NOTICUN'otioe ia h'rt
by given iht tb ful'oaiag aooounU bare
bfeu OXimiaed and pastel hy m, and reisaia
Sled of re o ind tn thia offij for tb inpiii-n l
heira, l g !, eredi'ora.and all .the iotrr-teJ,
anil will bv prenfd to lh neit Orphana' Coart
of Clearnvld eouotr, to b held at th Court
Houe, ta lh botuutih of Clearfield, ontaot-ariar
ol th eecot.d Mmidav (being th) Wib day) af
Hrptruber, A. D. ll
Final noROuet.if Jftiiea MnKenwn, Admialalra'K
i t lbeUle of Kr-ncla K. Kaflerty, lal f
towa-hlp, Clearfteld Mitty, Pa,,
Final aeeount of Qeorg 0. Kirk, Adtataittntr
ot ih eetal of John K. Shaffer, -ate of Hfti)
luwnahip, tlearileld ilinty, Pa., deoaied.
Final ace unt ol Oaorg C. Kirk, Adidinitr'-r
ol tb Kiatol Frederick hbafler, lat ( Hrady
ti'Wnabip, Clca'leld eounty, Pa, deraed.
Pinal arftnuut or .1teph P' ttar, Ad'otmaira'' f
lh cttau ot John brown, lat ol Wunn ""
abip, Cleardld vou ftt y, Pa., deemaed.
Final ar.ianl of J tkei MeMurrfty, tluardian f
Mary A Irvin.mihor heir ol William C. Irria,
late of Burnaide, ClearRald euanty, Padrc tt-
Final ftoeount nf 0. B. Mrrrotl, A -Iminlatrator of
the aetata d Jtmatbaft Nichola, lataol LareD
loaaabip, CiaiAeld County, I1 , d -eeaM-d.
Partial aoeaunl of F. I. Thompaoo and Ta- w
Moor, Adiuintairator ul the Ma' of Dd
Bell, late of Ureeawood town-hip, Cl-arlirid
eotiia'y, Pa, deoeiel.
Uuardiaa aoo iuat of Aama C. Tate, llyarlitft "f
ilelet C. Dale. Marv Dl. Albert M Dale and
Htibciiaioa Dale, mift'ir heira of Wtihaoa
lata uf Lawreuc towabip, Cieark ld fh
Pft., dvoefteed.
Tht tluardian ftrunt of Willi un H- IIc"i.
iJaarilianof Willi. rc 8. Youor, inor bwir f
Barney Young, lat of llaituo toambip. Clear
field ooualy, fa,, doaad.
Final aooonnt of Joaeph M Pmith, (iHarJiaa al
Mftrgarrt J. Cawaa t,aow Kaaa.) aiaor beir af
Tboataa Cowaa, lata oi Beooanft lu"""!"
Vlearirld eoioiy, P.( de.Htd.
Final ftcooaot of Tboiaaa flojiib, Kiacaler ef t
lftt Will and ToHanmtol Klard iMiifaa.ia"
of Jerdao tawaablp, Ciftrleld C , Pa , ded
ij'irat pftrtialftaeoaatof Martha llariauck. Kteea
ln ol lh laat will aad teaiftmrnt of Danttl
flurUock, la i of Curwemvilt broith. dear
Ald uuuty, I'., doaed.
Final aeeaot of Chutea Mignot, AdiottraW
of th ertattof Jamea Frelm, IftiO ol Co'ioC1'
townahip, Ckarfleld eoanty , IV, da.-J
Rval '! anaatot Kla. I re Biamgar .laer, Aa
rollitratiit uf lb taiait of Jrtna U
gardner, lat f HuMtadal ftorwoh, 0''-"4
wuotlj, Pft , dcaed.
Heal aaia ftteoant of Jobft O. fiehryrar taj
Bilft Reeo, Adwifeltlrfttort of ta ' i
Aribur Keee, at of Lawreftr- tJW,,',
Cleatftild tufthty. Pft., aiotaafted.
Final aoaoafl. ol W. U. Ph-w, flfdl
llr.ry hidar, taior heir of Joa Kider.lti"
Ovlngtot townahip, Ol-ftrllclJ ouabiy,
CIftrfU, Ft., Deo. $, I1I0-U.