Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 22, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid in edvanoe.or wUfcia three month M
If patd after tbree ud before lit Booth.,. I
lfiUftribipirfttloBf lix Bonhu,M I M
T-Mecir. If. U. PittimiLl A Co., New
ppr Adrrtiilng Agents, IT Perk How, eoraer
bcckaieii Street, art oar dole authorised Afstc
in Nw York Vilj.
Methodlat Eiilieoiial Chnrcb Rt. Oio
LiitT, PaPtur. HerrloH Trj Sabbath t 10$
A. M., end M P. M.
S abb alb Huhool at 9 A. M.
Prater Meeting arerr Wetloeiday, at 7 P. M
CumB ooton 8erloe, tret Babbalh of etery
month, at II' A. H.
Heat Clearfield M, E. C hurch IUt.
C HAKt Ki W. Burxirt, Paitor. Preaching ererj
iltcrnete Sunday, at o'clock, P. M. Sunday
School at 2ft, f . M. All an Id el ted to attend,
Preabjterlan Churcb Rct. II. 8. Butler.
Babhatb aervlcei morning and erenlng Sab
bath School at t P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednea-
Jar evening.
Haiitlit Church Rev. . , Pat-tor.
Habbatb tfohoolatl P.M. Prayer Meeting ererj
Wrdneaiiaj evening.
Mt. Prancle' Churcb Cat holler-Rev. P
J. tiiaaipaa. Divine lerrloe at 101 A. M., on
the Bret, third and fourth sundayiof each month
Veipere and Benediction of the Bleaied Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School every Headay
afternoon at I o'olook.
Tina or OLDiaa Qiuataa ibmiori ooper.
Pccond Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Flret Monday ef June.
Fourth Monday of September.
First Mnday of June,
fceoond Monduy of November.
rciLio orriccHB.
t'rfidtut Jsdfe-Uin, Cbarlci A. Majer
lock Haven .
Auittant Lam Judgo Hon. John H. OrvU, cf
Atiocint Juhjt A brim Ogden, Clearfleld)
.'inrenl B. Holt. Clearfield,
i ProthnotarvU Bloom.
Remitter and RtovrdtrL. J. Morgan.
TrraiHrtr Philip Iottc.
Mttrict Attorwyi. F. MrKenrlnk. f
,SAri Jaroei Mahnffry.
Vptiry ShorijfY. I. TbotnpiOB.
County Survey or Samuel P. McCIoakey, Our
eemville. County t?ommiu.'onr C. W, Kyler, flrihem
(on P. 0.; Elh Jcheatnn, (IrampUn HilU P. O.i
Juhn Norria, Sr., Curwemvllle.
Vmmminionm' Clerk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wrlgbt, Clear
CeM; Joseph OilMlsnd, Three Rnni ; J. 8. N or
ris, Woodland.
County Coroner Jiart A. Moore, Clearfield.
Jury Commieeionere Andrew J. Jack ton, Clear
fiftl, Vm. R. Hrown, Clearfield.
Superintendent of Public School M. L. Me
guown, Clearfield.
Htnltraf Weujkt Jt MaureJum W.Carlile,
uffint at Lutherburg Pa.
Notaritt Publie John W. WrlgUy, Wn, Ra
lehaugh, Cyrui Oordon, Clearfield; JoMM.h K.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curweniville ; J. A. Lirlng
.mna, Iiuttnie City.
nur Special column it decidedly Interesting In
locil V'"nt of Tiew profitable reading to
outieri who want to save money.
-Will jou thke ahctii, oati or corn for lub
- r J i j.ii V We ar often inquired of In tbli way
h. ii'er fruiu palrone who rt-tile at a distance
Imu OurneM. We again ay yea. The receipts
f rcp rsihle merchant or mill owner In the
vicinity, will answer us Jut at well aa the fash.
(Illustrate: If any of our patrons will deliver
ui of grain at the mill of Joseph II. Dreth
in (b'twnhip, Horace Patohln; lu Burnslde,
TI.uiHF H. rrrty, in flrahatn, Wm. Porter or
haw, In Lawrejice, or Brown A Reyler'i, at
ll'kt,)B, Vnion townsliip, and forward ther
mdpfi for tlie a-nonnt, we will credit them on
thrir ace :uM for the same. In IbU way all may
sein pay wbnl ibey owe, If lley will pursue this
gfegrAdvcrttsurs and others will boar
in wind that all articles intended for publication
in this paper mutt be bsmied in, not ister tnan
Tueflay, at 0 A. M. Doa't forget It !
Go to the Lecture to nilit.
m e
Tho store windows look very at
Al. W.Wulturti killed bis second deer
on MoaiUy of last week.
mm -
The days are now growing Umger.
YMtrrdsy was tbe shortest.
Another ice crop will soon Iw ripe
ii'd ready for the harvesters.
A Mrs. Green, living at Woodland,
fe birth to trip IM last Saturday nigQt.
It' you want a ticket lor the Grand
Iluii.Uy Bail, call at Merrill's hardware store
und get it.
James Mitchell drives a handsome
l:gb. It it from tbe shop of Thomas Mills A
Kon, in this place.
. ..I. i
Hubert S. Murphy, ft eon of Francis
Murphy, was married at Juhnitown, on me otn
imlant, to Mrs. Kllie P. Prltt.
mm e mm
Tickets are being sold for a ball to
U given at tbe platform in "Merrill's Woods" on
ChiWtmaa afternoon and evening.
All the mail routes in Pennsylvania
are to be let tbe coming Winter for lour years
from July 1st to June SOtb, 1SS5.
mm -a i
Thero is KHd skating on the ice in
die TivfT.and there being no school Young America
it enjoying it to IbeTullest client.
The tvuniiitf lectures of the Institute
curie give pro tune of being well patronised; but
lhre will be room provided for all.
m mm -
It will be noticed that Mrs. Can field
h oprned a lurniture establishment on Third
mt-tt See advertisement in this issue,
Koyal li. Hurler, clerk in K. W.
Uioti.n's drug store, while sketiig last Friday
tn the river, fell and sprained hit ankle severely.
ii mm
Prof DeGraff and Wallace Hruce ar
livid on noon train Tuesday, and will give tbe
cumbers and our cltiieos some valuable Instruc
tion during their stay.
George and William Htbwein, Jr.,
xive notice in this Issue ef their appointment as
Executors of lblr father's estate, William
Schwtm, Sr., late of Brady township.
The two Weilly brother, with one
tuiftant, Atted and drre one bunirea aorta
ibeet oa Wednesday ef last week. This might be
considered a good day's work for tbe boyi.
mm. e mm i
Prof. John J. Ladd, Superintendent
of tbe City Schools ol BtauntuB, Virginia, arrived
in Cltarnell OB Monday evening, and oa Tues
day made a very favorable tinprestlon oa our
leachm at B Instltote intiruotor.
e i
Kxcursitin tickets at reduced rates
will besoid at all atatient of tbe Pennsylvania
lU.lroad, on the 5llh, 3Mb and Slit of Deeem
VT and on lbs 1st day of January, and will be
I' oJ fi.r return until January H, Inclusive.
Thomas F. Cooper, of this office,
hB last braid from was rusticating among the
toit .a at.d rice fields or rVeih Carolina, la tbe
Kiu ty of Port Royal, and the orange groves ef
iHiilJa. He aspects to get berk to Clearfield
reit weh.
Tbia being the last issue of the Kk-
' slicar until after Ike holidajs, we avail ear
'if uf ib opportunity of extending the ooaspli
n&ti of the season to all our reeJere, no th young
end old, wishing yea "A Merry Christmas and a
n-ipy N.w Y-ar."
A. H Powell, ot Chicago, arrived in
CiearVU last Saturday evening, and will spend
e belidayi at the heme and among the frteadt
of bit (Hitb. "Lex" visit ale old Clearfield
home annually, and It It a tooree of great pleat-
are both i hleiaeir and acoualatenew.
Master Fitch Uoynton, only child of
Mr.aae Mrs. At P. Uujntea, died oa Monday
lnr, after aa lllaoaa ef thro weeka, Utah
" a bright. Interesting IKUc lad, and hit death
U be taJly njouraed by parent and Meeds.
Tb fnaeral wilt take place on Tharsday arteraooa
' Jo'clo;k. '
a i - - -
No paper will be lastied from the
Rlfuca uBce aeit week, a ti he bona the
for many year with we I give the boyi a
i'uatiooiegetNtfla owt deor eserclt derlog.
41, biliJaji, Tho Beit Ittaa will be dated
' Canary sik, 1181 The offlc wlU remtla opts
' tk aatkaa for tao IraaoaeUoa of buslaeet,
4 Uh delig mt aay yeb work that aaay bo iw
"Merry Carl.ltnas I Merry Ohristmai 1"
What a Joyful, ringing ebeer,
Memory brings from oar eb lid hoed.
While again these words we bear
Much of gladness,
Maogbt ef sadness,
Conjee te greet the lUtealng MT.
Slelgb-belli jingltng, fingers tinllng,
In the ley morning air i
What eared we for eold Ieeember,
Or the tnoW'Orust's biadiag flare I
bnow-drift treasurea
Proved rare pleaaures
When the lau wt loved wae there.
Home return log, lore kept hern log, 1
'Till the happy, atar-lii aigfat f
Qatberiag round the ebeerful A reside,
Young and old woud all anite,
Apples toasting,
Cbestnuta roasting
Anything to give delight.
Then tbe meeting and retreating,
la the weird and homely reel t
While our youthful heart kept beating
Time to love we would oooeeal;
Whieh we dared not,
Or we oared not
Yet to own, or searee to reel. V
Ah t those golden memories, olden,
Come with joy from youth's blight stage !
Fairest of tbe sunlit pictures,
Painted on life's varied page !
They oan never
Hearts dissever
Prom the glories Drowning age t
A'atkan Vjtli am.
m i
Go and bear Bruce und S ah lord.
Go to II. Lehman & Co. in the Ontira
House for your holiday goods.
All who heurU Col. Sunford at the
Institute last year will not fail to bear blm again
ChritiLruaH randiua. tin nnnfaittinm
ery. Oranges, Nuts at finebeiner's grocery and
bakery. Doe 't forget lu
m -
Call at Morrill'a hard waro store aud
tee the cheapest and best Sewing Maebine for
tbe least money. Dec. 22-tf.
The Moore brothoni dinuluy a hand
some assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's slip
pert at their store in Pie's Opera Hoose, suitable
for holiday presents.
- - - .i -
A meeting ol the stockholders of the
County National Bank is called for on Tuesday
January II lb, 1MI, for the election of a Board of
Director!. The notice Is published In another
.. i i - -Among
the little items of porsonal
comfort and econemy are Ayer'e Pills. They are
tbe ready remedy which defeat many disorders,
If taken In season, and should be kept 1b every
The stockbolderH of tho Cleattiuld
Fire Brick Compeny will bold a mtetiog at jheir
offloe in this place on tbe 12ihofJanuary,for the
election of officers for 1891, aud transacting other
There will bo a shooting match on
the Jordan farm, In Bradford townihip,one mile
from Barrett station, on Tuesday next, December
2Sib, fir twenty turkeys, three i hosts and a lot
of chickens.
At IIumi. Senator Wallace and
wife, an J William K. Wallace, rt turned from
Washington on Haturday evtning, and will re
main nniil after the holidays, wbea they will re
turn to the Peleral CpiUl.
.mt 9 m
Teachers, while attending the County
Institute, dn t forget to visit tbe Pestuftee Book
store to secure any supplies In your line tuoh
at stationery, pens and pencils, writing tablet,
school apparatus, books, rewards of merit, Ao.
Ac. Call and examine (roods. d8-8t.
W. J. King, formerly u tuttcher of
Ibe school al Peolkld, this ooubty, and at present
leather or the Grammar tcheol at Drifted, Cam
eron county, was ma tbe recipient of a ban df owe
clock and Ink stand combined on bl last birth
day. It wa a gift from hi pupils, and 1 sub
stantial evideuue ftf their esteem fir their teacher.
mt mm
An important Equity case, between
D. K. Ramev and Kendnck A Co., was beard last
Saturday In tbls plac before Walter Barrett,
Esq., titling as Matter, about a lease of valuabh
coal land in tbe Uoutidale regioo. Mesir. Wal
lace A Kreba represented tbe Plaintiff, and
Murray A OerdoB and Judge Ryaa, of Potts-
ville, the DefeBdants.
- mm m
It is scaled that a new regulation
will aooo be promulgated requiring every employe
la a postoffioe to wear a uniform similar to that
of tho letter carriers. The lrks in th Wash
ington, D. C, postohV hav already been noti
fied to that elect and deoood ibeir oow uniforms.
Tbla applies to city postuffloes more paiticularly
than it doe to county and other towns.
i mm mW
Tbe sorvice on tho mail route from
Clearfield, by way of Lick Run, Leconte's Mills,
French vi Ho and Karthaus, to Kesby, Clinton
county, was changed last week from two to three
trips n week. Tbe down-river melt now arrive
at Clearfield on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days, and leaves oa Tuttdayt, Thursday and
Saturday. "Squire Rankin it still proprietor of
th ttage line on this route.
The teachers ot Bradford township
met at upper Woodiaod school boose, December
Uth, and organised a Dlttrlct Institute. The
following named person were elected to fill the
several office : President, A. M. Boiard ; Vice
Pros idem, 8. J. Miller j Secretary, Kmery Rura-
baagh. Tbe first session will be held at Blgler,
en Saturday, January Ith, 1S81, at 1 and T P. M
Teachers from other district are lovltej.
Mrs. Henry K. Snyder, an estimable
woman, died at Bar noma ib iu f I, last
Wedosday Borniog, la th 47th year of her age.
A husband, two sons and a daughter survlv her.
Mr. 8. was a daughter of th lt John MoPher-
jb, aad sis lor to J. Lino, Keoboa and ei-Sberiff
W. Rom McPherson. Her remains were followed
to the oemetery on Friday by a large funeral of
sorrow lag friuds. In her death out borough
loses a noble wife, mother and neighbor.
Mrs. Fred Irvin, residing about
three miles north of this borough, In Lawrence
township, bud a rather Bevel adventure last
Saturday. She board an animal bleating, and
upon looking In tb direst lan from which tbe
tuuod came, ib saw a deer running through a
field towards tb bwusa, put sued by dog. Tbe
deer was run completely down and unable to get
ever a, when Mrs. Irvia sclaed hold of a
buttherkntfe and eat tbe aoiual's throat.
That's So. Tho editor of the Vo-
a en go Sptttufr relates It la this way : "The man
who rides late town to attend religions metln,
and leaves hit horse this cld weather lied to a
post, without feed or water fur fifteen hour, no
matter what he calls himself, Is wore tbaa a
heathen, and ougnt tu ha hkked heavenward by
a mule. This outrageous act of cruelly Was per
put rated In Franklin few days ago. There Is a
law to punish such brutality, and It should be n
forue.l," " ' i - ' i a eHi
Professor Montgomery, of the State
Xorsnel School, Millarsvillc, often a valuable gold
medal for tbe pupil in any public school lu 'Penn
sylvania, who will prodaco during tb pretest
school year tb bett rpeolmen of drawing aoder
the following classoi First, drawing from copy ;
second, drawing map of country from memory ;
third, dictation exercise i fourth, original com
position. A oomuilll from each eonaty thill
ei amine th work and send to Millersvill for
final Judgment,
mm o am
PaouftKssiNO. The extension of the
Bell's (lap Railroad, Intersecting with tb Pobb
vlvania Railroad at Bell's Mills, half war be-
tweea Tyroae and Alteona, la completed te Coal-
pert, la Oalieb lewakip,thU aonoty, a distaao
of twenty-four mil. Coalport I Ibe tormina
of tb road, wbieb Is a narrow guago, Tb oltl
sobs uf (ilea Hep aad vicinity are making a
vigorous effort to hav tb road ea leaded to that
place, aad bo doubt will succeed. All that ts re
quired Is a small um of money from tb people
along tbe rout.
Mis Maggie K. Sehnarm, a aervant
girl employed at tb bfaasioa House, la lata
place, daughter of William Sobatrrs, of Kartbaai
U was hip, died last Saturday evenisg of msm
braaoa aruup, after aa tllaessef but Ire days.
She was la the IS J year of bar age. During her
tllaess she was eared for and everything dea for
ber relief that could be thought of, but U wo all
la vale. Iter mother waa seat for, aad be with
a sister or tbe 4eoosee4 was anseal whoa she
died, tier remala were taken to the home ef
ber fitbev la lowaihtp ea Sunday
mora lag.
Mrs. Bloom, wito of Prothonutary
Bloom, got aa ugly faU Uat SaUrday evening
while walking aleag Ibe pavemat oa Market U,
IB the vlelBity ef the Coart Uees pemp. Th toe
of ber overshoe eaagbt tb Iroa gaiter ated
for oarrylng off tbe larpla water, aerea tb pare
eat te tbe Hwer, said Ire gutter bet eg raised
en-ha If aa lech or mora a here tbe pavameat,
and b threw a tleleatly dowa.eattiag aad
bralsiag ber bead Mvwrely. Something eboald
bo done te Improve tbe g attar ift a no s Una aad
prevent aay ea from gttlg tripped ap aa It la
An elegant assort m on t of plain and
tanoy gom rings at onyner a.
"Hal bal! I've found the place at
last i ware s Meckt i that s why i laugh "
There is no atoro in the county keeps
abetter assortment of goods thai Fleek A Co.
A pretty luce la displayed hotter by
one of Fleck t haU tbaa any other ernaamt.
ii e-m
Gold pens and pencils, tooth picks,
and gaU' scarf-pin at Snyder's.
LitJioK, dofi't fail to go to II. Lab
am A Ce. for your bats end bonnets. Dot. I-St
Houses For Bali ( The undersign
ed bat two young hones, weighing about I, SO
pounds each, for sale. Elan Jubxitox.
URianiB Hills, Pa., Deo.n-St.
Call and toe tho largest stock of
clothing, Oeatr furnishing goods, hats, caps,
trunks, valise, Ac, at HirllngerA Rook's. Call
and see, If yon don't wish to buy.
In Ayer's Ague Curo wo have a poet
live remedy for fever and ago and all malarial
disorders, and n entirely free from Ojulaine',
amnio or ether Injurious drags. It I the cbeml
cal and medical triumph of he age.
A cTrD.
I take tbls method ef returning thanks to my
neighbors and benefactors for th handsome
ChrUtmas presents myself and family received at
their bands oa theSlst of December, 1888. I shall
ever feel grateful to them all. B. II. BitLV.
Two or tbrooincboa of snow toll dur
ing Monday sight, jut enough of tb "beautiful1
to Improve tL sleighing. The prospect for more
Is flattrlng,lf there 1 any oonldeno to b placed
In Yenor, th Canadlaa weather prophet, who
ha said that II would oommsno snowing to-day
(Wednesday) at 1:S0 A. M., and continue until
levsn feet bad fallen. Whw !
"Wilson' OaUineaof Ueneral H islory," "Cath
art's Literature," and 'S win tons World's History
bare beeo donated to tbe Osceola public school
Librarv by Iviiou, Blakemaa, Taylor A Co., of
New lork. This generous Brm will accept our
most grateful tbanks.
V7. A. AusnoBR, Principal
Osceola Mills, Pa., Dec. IS, IBM'.
Lint of letters remaining unclaimed
In the Poitoflce at Clearfleld, Pa., for the week
ending December SOtb, 1880 :
M. R. Barnes, Joseph Burge, 6uaan CofTman,
Joba W. Doyle, W. I. Laalaeh, E. L. Martin (S),
Miu LI nls Palmer, Christ Robb, John Rankin,
Oust Swigart, Walter Warthlsgtoo, J as. Williams.
P. A. GAL LIN, P. M.
Chrihtmas. J. F. Finkbeincr will
have a full stock of fine confectionery oa hand
for next week and the holidays at bis restaurant
and bakery, on Market street There yon will
find a nice variety of earamcls, mixed candles,
stick and clear candy, nuts, fruit and oaks. Also,
white ar.d yellow taffy, Ib making purchases for
Chrlstmks nod New Year's day, do not fall to eall
at Ffnhbeiner's. He bat enough at his establish
merit to topply all th children, both great and
small, la th county.
Nkw Daily Staoi Link. James L.
Leavy has succeeded In having a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfleld and Pencfield, and will
hereafter ran a daily stage between tbe two points.
Ills contract began with April lit, end the atag
will leave i learfleld every morning (except Sun
day) at S o'clock, making connections with all
trains on the Low Grade llailroad al PcnnAeld, re
turning after th last train th same evening.
Passengers and freight will be carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of tbe hotels will bo attended
Faiimkrs, Look IJerk! Lytic will
give you highest market prices for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kinds of produce. H his
tb largest and best selected stock of groceries,
teas, coffee, molasses, spices, oil salt, sugar,
queens ware, 4ubs, backets, basketa, churns, Ac,
In Clearfield county. He buys his good la large
quantities from manufacturers and first hands
fcr cash, and takes tbe advantage of all
discounts, and so he I enabled te sell at lowest
pricei. He' gives cash prices for prodoo,and sells
bit goods at the lowest prlot la th eounty.
Death op an Octogenarian. Miss
Sarah Paine died at th residence of Daniel W
Mo Curdy, Esq., oa Monday van log, In tb 8Cth
year of ber ge. The deceased waa an aunt of
Mrs. MoCurdy, with whom she bad made ber
borne. She was a native of Portland, Maine,
and spent tb most of her life as an educator,
baring taught school Ib Portland, Me., Ib tb
tat of South Carolina, aad Carlisle, Pa. 6b
was a lady of fin educetlon and a great reader.
"Aunty," na she was familiarly called by thorn
Intimate with ber, lived beyond bar throe oor
and ten, and her sojourn on earth wae pleasant
an til wltbia a few year past, since when old age
and Infirmity rendered life tedious and burden
tons t ber and she longed to be at rest.
Her remain were taken on Tuesday art moon
to Carlisle, la this State, her former home, for
In Session. The Cleat -field County
Teachers institute convened tn too Uourt House
en Monday afternoon, pursuant te eall of Super-
tntendent McQuown. Th attendance of teachers
Is large, ICfi being enrolled ap to Monday eve
ning, and It Is thought this Bomber will be In
creased to 100. The eierelseser interesting and
Instructive ; an abstract of the proceedings will be
published la our next lesu.
Prof. Detireff, who was announced to deliver a
lecture on Monday evening, failed to put la an
i) pea ranee for em cans or other. An enter
tainment was provided la Pie's Opera House la
lien thereof, which was interesting and greatly
enjoyed by (he large audience preient. After
prayer by Oeorge W. Rheem, aa A Jdrets of Wei
come was delivered by Rev. H. S. Butler. Rev,
0. Leldy delivered a brief ddrss ; subject:
"Definitions." Mitt Mamie Irvin, of Buantide,
road n number of selections la a manner that
euld have done credit t a professional eloeu
tioaitt. A ebolr furnished good music for tbe
occasion, which contributed much ta tbe odiflea
tioa of ibe assembly.
End of aCheckehkd Life. We no
tice by ear exchanges ibat William Henry Hai
rline Brainard, well kaowa te many of oar itl
mm, died at Deadwood, Dakota Territory, De
cember 12th. ile was a Joaraallst by profession,
aad was connected with tbe Tyroae Mtrald for
torn time, wbieb place b left about eight years
ago, aad fcspt drifting west. He mad bis first
real step at Council Blofft, Iowa, where b be
cam ally editor of th JVeaparejf. II was al
Chief f the Pi re Department ef that ally. Re-
eantly he waa tbe editor of the Sidney (Neb.)
Ttltffk aad tbe Caster City Careaic'e waa a
postmature Mason) served four years la th
army, and was mattered out s Lteateaut Colonel
ef tb On Hundred and Thirty-seventh New
Yerk Stat Velaataers. Lie wa also formerly a
field correspondent of th New York ftrarf, and
bl wit ewspBper aaBtica was a an editorial
writer for th Iai'y Ptomttr, of Deadwood. He
waaatoa time onneeid with tb Bellefonte
KtpuuHrw and HoUidaysbttrg Ktgitttr, la this
State. He was about 40 years old, and Waa born
In Bingbamloa, New York. It It not kaowa
where his relations are, He was a fluent writer,
but always ea the wing and died thirty years too
smb. He carried a big heart la bis besom, bal i
beat leo fast. . ' ,
"The North American Review.''
Tb January aamber of this standard literary
pub Heat ioa I before as, and lis page are filled
by tb best teleat la tbe country i
Deckle's eiplaaallea of tb doelii of tb
spirit of religious persecution was that la aedera
time faith had ndergoa aa eclipse, aad ma
aculd not bring themselves to persecute ethers
lata believing that whereof they were themselves
skeptical . Th Inedeqaateasss ef this phenomena
of oar time, Is forcibly shewn la tbls aamber, by
Prof. Joba Fiske, who asslgas a number ef ether
on a see that have been at least a laleeatlal la
brlaglng aboat tbla moat desirable result. First,
there U the decline of the martial spirit aad the
greater eVvotioa ta pa e lee ladastital pursuits.
Tbea, men rite Ib the seals of elvllittiloa, they
are less disposed te be domineering. Flaally,
aa la anedera lime bar qette lost tbe souse of
corporate responsibility tb belli f that a whole
community It liable for tbe efeaeei af each Indi
vidual eompritod la h. The pelata are eetab
llsbed wilh all tbe iageeeity of reasoning and
wealth af learning for wbieb tb ember te mdU
tl agnlabod. The other art tales la this aamber af
tbe Aeotces aret 'Coatreillug Feroee la Aaaerleaa
FolltiM'bySoMier Oea.I. kdmwadsj "Atheism
la College," by President John Jlaeoom "The
tola of Ceatrat America," by Deaire Charnty
PariUan Uoverameat," by William D.USaoor
"Popular Art Ed ceil en," by Prof .John f. Weir
-The Limitation of Set," by Mtaa Merais i Tb
Mleeteaef the Domeereie Party." by Boaster
William A. Walloon i aad finally, a review of Re
seat PbtMlegiaJ Work, by Prof, f . A. March.
Tb Jtccfew to sold by book ee tiers aad aews-
doalers gaawrall. aal by P. A . Q aaiia, at Ike
Pttae . j
You'll miss a charming sight if you
Us seeing r leek Cbrtilmai goods.
SoaUkin remains a fashionable fur.
Yon an find tbm at FLECK'S.
H. Lob man & Co, have just opened
a lot of faaay goods, suitable lor aoitaay presents
For History, Poetry and Fiction, or
hook or any Bind uu iu UatUN H,
For Fine Stationery of all kinds
dec? 4t 00 TO OA I' LIN '8.
it you want ft fine Mason & Hamlin
Organ for a Christmas present
00 TO OAl'MK'8.
"Out of fashion, out ot the world."
Appreciating this adage, tb people are erowdiog
to Fleck's.
II. A. K ratter invites the attention
of cash buyers to his large stock of Winter Dry
Fleck & Co. are square dealers lu all
things la tbsir lino. Their prices eaauot bo an
11. A. Kratxor ib manufacturer of
ladies' coats, dolman, eirculsrs, skirts and gentle
men's underwear.
Fleck tV Co. intend to do an-ico
trade tbls Winter. Tbey baron aloe stock of
goods tedo It with.
Hundreds of ladios are to-day cher
ishing grateful remembrance of the bargains they
have bad at Fleok'e.
II. A. KratKor lfi agont for Richard
son's Blmlra hoots, and Carlisle floe shoos for
ladle and children.
GotoHnydcv'sjowolry store and buy
piece of silverware foryoar wife and mother -la -law.
There la nothing Ilk it.
Silver tea sets, cako baskets, card
receivers, vasea, jowet eases, and cue goods at
Snyder's it or, on Markst street. l-3
One of the most sensible things in
the way of dress, by tb Udla,l adopting warm
flannels for Winter dress. A full lino at Fleck's.
"Christmas is coming ! He is almost
her i we'll laugh at hitstormand give him good
cheer." Bo tbey lay at Flick's. Dec. 11-It.
Did you see thoso cbildrons' over
coats at lilrlingcr A Rook's F They ar good and
obeap. Dec. 11 Jt
II. A. Kratuer is agont for the cele
brated Jamestown Alpaca Mills. These are the
best goods for tb money, In tb market.
New Btyle of dinner caBtors, fine cut
glass bottles, and all kinds of flat ware, such
knives, forks, spoons, lad lei, A., at Snyder .
II. A. Kramer is agent for the James
town Woolen Mills. The casimere fur gentle
men's wear sreunsurpssted ia quality, dee. l et
Latest novelties in jowelry. watches,
chain i, Bocklaces, bracelets, lac pint, silver
eombs, gold and silver thimbles, gold spectacles,
pons, pencils, As., at Snjder's Jewelry store.
Teachers, call at Finkbeincr 'a gro
cery, nearly opposite the Opera House, and get
some of bis nice candies, cakes, fruits, nutt, Ac
Ac, for n Christmas treat to your scholars, or to
your little sisters, brothers, nieces, or nephews.
Call and tee the goods.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
In the R err a lic a will reach more readers than
If published la all th other paper la tb coun
ty, and cost tbe advertise! less than one -half
In other words, na advertisement published In
our jcurnnl Is worth double tbe price of that
charged by any other publisher la tbe eounty.
It I a fact." tf.
Coal In. If any of our coal batik
men feel like trading sum of their produot for a
series of numbers of copies of th Clxabfibld
RxrraiiCAK, w will gladly show them when to
put two or three hundred bushels on account Is
that way. Wa hav a bin at cur residence and
on nt th office that will hold a load rry bow
and than. A hint to th wis It a very rage re
mark, aad should be tofflclent. Nov, 10-St
Th undersigned wishes to Inform tb pvople
gpnerally that b has resumed th business of
shoamaklng In nil Its branches, la the room above
Cordons' meat market, where bo oan at all times
be found ready and willing te wait oa all ef bli
old and a many new customers aa may favor
him with their patronage. H Insures nil hit
work and guarantees satisfaction, both In stock
and workmanship. Gents, give me a eall and I
wilt give yoa fits. Country produce taken ta x
change for work. Daji Covnbllt,
Clearfield, Pa., Dee. lit-tt.
Clearfield Coal Trade State-
at cf Coal and other freight sent ovr the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, PeansylvanlaRall
road, for tb week ending Deeembor 11th, 1880,
and the name time last year r
For the week .. ....
game time last year..,-
Previously duriaa year
Sam time last year
Total In If SO
Sam tlm last year
Increase H
oTRia rnxiuBTt.
Lumber - fl oars.
Mieeellaiieou freights -J&7
BTKAVKR-OHKKN. At Fr.nrk.lll., on
Tbnr.d.y, Dnaabar li, IBM, b; Job. f
q., Mr. JAMII B. 0TIAV.ll .na MIU H.A.4
Ok.lNtbotbof Uir.rdlowo.bip, ClMrficldooBDIT.
MBtwr lilb, left, ; H.r. Juh. Wulbock, Mr.
An.. Mutr d uiM Maooi. Wiirsiribr,
both of JJrMj to.otbip, ClMrR.14 ooootj.
BROWN 0HBl'HN.-A( Troonill.. oo Mon-
d.T , bmnibtr IHib, IrJHV, k. K.. Jubo VVol-
bub, Mr. . W. Bii iw., ol Hoobloo, od Mm
Jrmrii B. Oirvrb, of U.Boii, ClMrb.ld Maotj.
EVANS OR R. At lb. mld.Re.ortb. hrid.'i
otbw. en TuHd.T. bM.mb.r Ulb, IHlttf, by
En. U. B. Anfc Mr. W. M. Ktadr, ( Hooti-
d.l. borua,b, od MUl Liiri. Orr, of New
ttaibiRftoB boroagb. uitRrnm eowntj.
0WINS-8MITII. At tb. nridrao. of tb.
bride'i r.lber. Mr. Ad.m Bmhb, on tandRv, No
vember lb, !". by H.r. I. Kdwordi, Mr. Wn.
J. OwR.i.od Mm Mart B. 8ir,.ll of bleoa.
tBfioR, Pik. lowo.b.p, OI.arl.ld ooubij.
?AINB. In OaiIUIJ, P.., Rt Ib.reildeoN.f
D. W. MeCurdf, Ii..,.b Mead.. eT.ol.., lee.
Utb,IM0, Mim b)abab I'AiBR.ta tb.enU.itul
her B.
MtCL'LLOIKIH.-l. II. Bli, .a M.Bd.y, D.
WRBber dlb, IbM, Mrl. Mabt MoCtLLuVON, eged
O JMt.
SELFRIIM1B Ib (lorb.R towaiblo, OS Bob-
day, Noeb lilt, lbHv, Klliott bRtrRtpol,
Bg 46 JMra, RioBtb. Bad 4 daj.
EOtNTON. Ia Clear6.)d bor.Bjtb, .a Men.
day trealoi. Dmeaiber 2tlh, !. of dlteae. of
th. brata, t irca, icr ai w. aaa Ba uojn
toa, ag ' twl, 4 BMBtba aad day,.
Ib. lan.ral will Uk. plBMoa Tbuieday after
aoaa at S a'eloek.
rORBSMAN. Oa Wedoeaiay, I)M.b.r 1Mb,
I , af dipbtb.rla, Urlrb A., yoaRgeil ebild .1
B.v. B. P. t"or.aaiaa, .g.d S yaarr, I aloalh Bod
8HYDKR.loC1eRr6.ld boroucb, ea Wedoei.
da, Boralag, Ueeeaibw Ulb, InRU.ri typh.ld
rim, U,.iu,wil. of Uearj B. Hayder.aged 46
jeare, a atoatba aad 7 day,.
BCHNARRS. Al Ike Maailoa
laid, .a Saturday er.aiog, UMeaibor Ulb, ln,
W aimbraana. mp, Maobib B. bVaMAaan,
daagbtwr of VV'af. HebBarra, af Kartbaa. lowa-
ahip, la la. lid ,aar el aer f..
LINR3-la Brady lewaahta, aa Taeaday,
BoyenberUd, I6si,.fdipbib.ria, MiLroa Biba,
of V. II. aad 4. Itioef. aged l yean, ft
aioatha aad t7 daye. brolbtr, tboa but left aa t
U.ra tby toa. wo dMply fa
Uat 'lu Uod that aaib al,
al. oaa all oar Borrow, aal.
Yet agaiB wa bop. ta mH the.,
Whea the daya .f life are l.d,
Aad la Uoana with Jay la grwH ikae
Whan aa farewell la thed. L.
MOTT.-Ia Ball lowaiblp, aa friday, !..
kt ltth, Mad, Kliiabrtm, wife af Hunt W.
Mutt, la ta. dial jaaf af bar aga.
Thoa boat ffon, aBd left aa, atMher,
1 Bva haat kit aa all al.aa
Bat we hope that wo aball aieet lhae
la that at Ighl, Buraal hRM.
Tboa haal tuff.rad aBeh aa aarth
Bat thy ealertag aaw la a'er,
Aad wa 'U try a a. eaaat tea, eaathar,
Oa that bright, CabtMlai ahara,
TV" dead aloaa are bleaeod I
. Whit. tlMy an heraalaada Bar I he daj,
Aad blltar aaaw-fall. al, wa, i
Bal whoa their tiara aalaw I, d,
Ik. light aad beat af kearaa a ewa aaa '
Braede oa their load ef reel. I. ,
VrCLOSKY. In CurwansvtlU borough, Pa.,
on Monday, December lib, IS0, or diphtheria,
E. Jennie, daughter of 8. F. and R. 0. MoClosky,
aged T year, I months and 3D days.
Cliatoa and Centra county paper pleas a copy.
WORRELL. Ib Clearfield borough, oa Tues
day moraine. December Uth. 1880. ef diubtherin.
I. ill is Bell, daughter of William W. end Kat
; Worrell, aged years, it moatna aad 4 days.
COLB. At Sibula, on Wedneidav. December
8th, I8ttu, af diphtheria, JUaaaRr Ror, youngest
oa of Websur and home uoje, aged I years
an is utyt.
Why should cor tears In sorrow flow
Wbea Ood recalls hit own,
And bids biin leave a world of woe ,
For an immortal crown ?
W. R.
Oaa IJt'RPaBD Paa Caxr. Diaooi'aT oa Ota
Pricrb. Hewing Maebloea eaa now be fiareheied
at Merrell. Ha and .tore, from $&b op
wardi. All kiadiof tawlog maebiBea repaired
on tno anorMft aonoo.
Clearleld, Pa., July II, 1877.
CoLLBrroa'a Salx, I Wa have prepared
a furm, and have on band a large quantity, of
bleak "Oolleelor'e Salei," which have been ap
proved by the higbeil legal authority 111 tba
CoBrtl of tbia county. At TWery Crete per
duien we will mail any aamber to lb. Culleotur
ordering them. A Collector, wbea oompolled ta
adverliee property, aiurt ,oat up not lew tbaa
tbrea notioaa ia tbe molt public placea tn bia
boruagb or townibip. If.
Wartbd DcllTored at the Rail Hoad.
100,01)0 16-laob abRredlbinglea.
100,006 Jl-inob aawed ihingl.a.
100,0110 feet of nine boarda.
6011,0110 14-feet aharrd boopl.
i.ono railroad Ilea.
60,000 feet of good hemlock board,.
For which I will pay the bigheit market price,
dellTered at Clearfleld, or al any point on th.
Tyroae t Cloarlleld Railroad.
J. r. ilbambr.
Clearleld, Pa., Oct. 16, 1878-tf.
aJiit ltecelvcd.
Just Roonived liy ARNOLD, al
Cur Load Kova Scotia Plaster 1
Car Land pure Corn, Jty Dd Outs
Chop !
Car Load JJeakon ball I
Car Load of Choice Family .Flour!
Car Load Dry Goods, (irocoriot, ic.l
SorrShinijles, Bark. U. R. Ties and
(iruin will be taken in exchange.
Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1H78.
CLB.uriiLo, Pa.
Flour, per cwt. ,
Buckwheat Flour, per cwt
Corn Meal, per cwt..
Chop, rye, per cwt
Chop, mixed, per cwt
Bran, per owt
Wheat, per bnshel
Rye, per bushel., ,,,
Oats, per bushel
Corn, ears, per bushel
Buckwheat, per bushel
Clover seed H .,
Timothy eed
I'otafocs, per bushel
Apples, per bushel ,
II a mi, per pound H
Shoulder, per pound M
Dried Beef, per pound
CbVk-ns, per pair....
Butter, per pound
ttlfgs, pur doavu
Halt, per sack, large
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound ......
Dried Apples, per pound
Dried Peaches, per pound
Beans, per bushel ,
Deo. 31st, 1680.
$3 00
3 00
1 SO
1 nt
1 4ft
1 00
I 10
6 00
3 T5
1 60
J 0
' 1-4
Paii.APRLfniA, December 30, There Is very
little doing ia brtadstufls, but prioas rule about
steady. Cotton is firm. Sales at 12io for mid
dling uplands. Bark Nothing doing. Seeds
Clover is steady, with sales in lots from 7c up to
Tic for good to choice. Timothy and flax are
nominal. Plour nnd Meal Flour Is dnM and
prices favors. Rales of 80O barrels, Including
Pennsylvania eitras at It. Minnesota eitras at
$5.26fa,e74 lor medium t choice, clear, and at
fA.26(o.0.&O for straight; Peansylvania extra
family patents at tTfatCJJ. Rys flour is steady
at $i 26 per barrel
Grain Wheat Is less active and closed quiet.
Sales af MOO bushels, Idcluding rejected, at
$l.0i((l,08 ; road and amber, oa track, at $1,161
(ul.l7; and No. 2 red elevator at II. IT. At the
open board, first eall, 6,000 bushels Janusry sold
attl.lHJ 10,000 bushels February at $1.2I
10 1)00 bushels do. at $1.11 j ; fl.lA was bid for
December; $1.18 for January ; $1 St f for Febru
ary, aad $1,334 for March. Uy la steady at 9ha
for Pennsylvania. Cora Th market Is quiet
aad a shade firmer. Sales of f.olW bushels, in-,
eluding old yellow at 66jc ; new do., at initio,
and stsaracr, at 64 a At the npen board, first
eall, 6,100 bushels December sold at T; &ne
was bid for January ( i8da for February, aad 60 c
for March, Oats are quiet and steady. Sales of
8,000 bushels, including white at 4oQt7i,and
rejected end mlted at M-ineic
Wbisky la steady and la aetlv demaad. Sales ;
ol 160 barrels western nt $1.10. j
CniRAOO, December M. Ploer dull and nnml-'
Dal, Wboet in fair demand aad lower i No. 1
red win tor, We i No. 3 Chicago spring, 09j((id$l
for cash ; $1.00) for January ; $1 01 (.LI Oil Tor
Febrnaryt No. 8do.85(87to rejected, 67frt.n"Ve.
Corn fairly active and a shade higher i it) for
ash ; SHjc for January ; 1DU for Febniary ) 4io
for May. Oats dull and tending downward ; Sojo
for oash i 30o for January ; flcjo for Fearnary ;
SfrcferMay. Hye steady. Barley easy at$l. 11
(ql.lS. Pork fairly active and a abade higher;
l3 for easb t $ri.T51186 for Decemberj $13.
lOflllli far Januaryt $IS7H1 for
February. Lard moteretely active aad higher ;
f 70 fr easb f $8 67i(iti.AO for Jaeuary j $8.70
t87tl for February. Bulk meats stronger;
sboalders, $4.20 ( short ribs, $C,8ii . short clear,
$7. Whisky etearty.
To H'o it Mat Cnurra . N'ollo. la brrrl.J
glrea that tbe andrrittQed will preeeRt te the
Cart f Coiaeaoa Pie.., bnlUea la Bad for the
Ceaat; of Ckaraeld, at January leraa, A. II.
18HI, hi. petition, prajlag the benefit ol the In
eolrent Debtor, Aet. WM. WATSON,
lloaladala, IV, Dee. I, ia6V4t.
annual meetlRg ol tbe uockhohlere of the
Clearfield Pire brick Ootnpanr will be held at th.
oSee or O. W. Smith, WKUNKSDAY, JAN
UAHY UTH, 1U8I, Rt I .'.look C K , for the
purpoaaor .leeling Dirertora and offieeri to ,aue
for Ibe enminj jear. 0. W. HMITH,
Ckarteld, Pa., Dta. 11, 1IM II.
ritWKNTY 1IOV8K8 and LOTS la Clearfield
X far Bala at rraeonabla prieea aod oa aai,
U-rini. Aleo, trreral FAHM.S ia Br.Jlurd and
Qrahaoj townrblpe. Applj tit
Wallace kreus, ,
Pre. I, 00 tf ) Ckarfield, l'a.
Ibe ander,i)tneil Auditar, appointed br the
Ornhana' Coart of Clearfleld eounlj, to report dla
tributloa of th. balance la the haada ef Joeeph
U. Brelb, Adailaliuator af Chrietlan N.H. lale
ofberouith al New Waeblaftoa, deo'd, anoniat
tfaore Irgall antlllicl, berebjr gi.aa aolioe that he
will attend tu lha dallee of hia app"intment at hie
offie., la Clearfleld, Pa., on TIlUUsDAY, th.
LIU dar al DKUKUUKH, l0, al I, a'aleek
A.M. DANIKL W. laVCUHDY, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pe., Dee. lib, IDWI It.
Farm for Sale I
TH V aal Mribar Bow orlrn hMt fa rat for aale.
1 be aroperlv 1, loeated on. mile and a half
aortborCloertrld,oontaln!n klullTV ACHKH,
oat af whleh la elearH aad under good ealttva
tioB, good twa-etar, L booaa, large frame bara,
and oilier aewear, outballdlnga, together with
an nrohard of all alnda of fruit. The whole fa
rt, will bo eiobanged for anallar prewar!?.
For funb.r partioolara Ball aa tbe, or
addreaa a lelier to JullN C. IlKgll,
Dee. II, HH. 4I Clearfleld, Pa.
Tb HndrlnMl ha opened up en Third street,
near the Lotberaa Church, and offer for sale a
large lot of doors, sash , etc, aod
la all lie (omaendetjlee. Spriagbedi, only M.
All kiada af meuldiag far pleture fram... Hohool
boaaa eaala, d.aba and blaekboarda eheader tbaa
aleaw bera. taaairMa br aaall will be preeaptl,
aaawerrd. MHH. A. a GANP1KLD,
R. II. CARriai.n, Agent.
Clearfleld, Pa., Daa. Si, l'ao-la.
T ICKNaU KOTIl't Th. foll,wln( Bar.
lj soon bara (led la Iba offie. of ibe Clerk of
tlie Coart of Quarter beloa, of Uoerflald count j,
tbeir awtitloaa aad aoada for lleaaree, at la. Jan
ear; aMaieu aaat, Bf rrrsbl la the dot ef Aee.a-
Job. Koeaar Clearfleld
H T. K.IIJ ' .DuB.,le
H. i. K.llj ....Du . la
Jeeepb at. Smilb .....Br.rla Tap
iTtl UcRRaa.
C. Beaaatl Baeearle T
Joba 8 Herr... ........ Do Bon
beaael R. Nol.iUae.... .Cur. an. rill.
A. i. Draaekar
Joba Oolaaiaa
Joba FraaeU
(leargaU.Waedm .,
Andrew Peala, Jr
William Bal'b -
, MMMt-Uoaladal.
..Woodward Twa
aaaoABTita iiraaia
W. 0. Joba Height ..n8U
Ha Iliawrdllagn.. ....Dalala
C.rttleet frea the tnerl at Ck.rt.ld.ibl. It lb
da, af Daeaeabar, UN. ILI BLOOM,
grip dvrrtisrmrttt.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby oaatlonod
against purchasing or negotiating a certain
chock drawn oa "Tbe Carweoavllle Dank," fur
I'M 50, signed hy us and dated Heptember 23d, I HH0,
In favor of W. C. Thompson, payable July 1st,
ISMl, a tb conditions of tb payment of sid
chock bare not beea compiled with ay tbe said
iuompson, ana w win net pay u umessoou
pel lea to do so by law. baku a UAtsiui.
Curweuvllle, Pa., Nov. IV. 1880 fit.
OHOKMAklNtJ, I hereby Inform my P.
O irons, and mankind la general, that X have
removed my hoemaklng shop to the room la
Graham's row, over 8. 1. Snyder's jewelry store,
and that I era prepared to do al) kind of work
ia my lino cheaper than any other shop in town.
All work warranted as good as eaa be done any
where else. Positively this Is th cheapest shop
la fleam eld. JUS. It. DJtttlUAU
Dee. 11, 1878-tf.
Apl;NEK' NOTICK.--To Whon It
May Concern t Tb undersigned, having
been appointed Assignees for the benefit of oreili
tors by Jas. li. U rebate , of Clearfield borough, all
persons, therefore, having el alius against htm will
present tnem to us lor settlement, anu tnose m
det ed to tbe said 'J rah am are required to settle
aad mak payment to us.
Cleaiflehl, Pa.. Deo. U, 1879-tf.j Assigno.
Th sohsrrlptlon nrloe of tbe Wbkkly PitRior
ha been reduced to $1 per copy per annum.
To olul of Fifty and upwards th Wskklt
Patkiot will be furolslied at the extraordinarily
encap rate oi 7 cents per copy per ennum.
'i be Daily Pathibv will no sent to any address,
during the sessions ot Uougroas and the Legisla
ture ai ine rate oi cents per mucin.
Under tbe Act of Concress the publliher tiro-
pays tbe postage, and subscribers are relived from
that eipeuae.
Every subscription must te accompanied by
the cash.
Now la tba time to subscribe. Tbe approach
ing sessions of Congress and the Legislature will
be or more tnan ordinary tn to rest ana tneir pro
ceed in ci will be fully reported for the Dally and
a complete synopsis of tbem will he given In the
Weekly. Address,
.120 Market Street, JIarrlsburg, Pa
Deo 1, lfWML
Wnaur-, Ron. C. A. MAYER, President
Judge of tlie Court of Common Pleas of
tho Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of
tbe eountics of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. A nit am Ounan and Ron. Vmcisv B,
Holt. Associate Judjreo of Clearfleld county
ha,ve Issued tbeir precept, to me directed, for the
holdma of a Court or t'ommoa fleas, urn nans
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court cf Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Ucneral Jail Deliv
ery, at tbe Court Hon at Clearfield, In nnd forth
county of Clearfleld, oouimenclng on the Hero lid
Monday or January, (loin A. if. immi,
aud to couuiiue lor two week.
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given to the
Coroner. Justices oitb Peace, and Constables,
ia and for sold county of Clearfleld, to appear In
their proper persons, wnn tneir Records, noils,
Inquisitions, Examinations, nnd other Kern era.
brancei, to do those things which to tbeir offices,
and in thoir behalf, pertain to be dn.
lij an Act of Assembly, passed tb ctb day of
May, A. D. 1 854, it is made tb hity of th Jus
tices of tb Peace of the several counties or this
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of tho respective
counties, all the recogniaance entered Into before
them by any person or person enargeu wun in
eommiasien of any orime, except such eases as
mity be ended betoro a Justice of tbe react, un
der ex isttngilaws, at least ti n days before the
commencement of the session of tho Court
which they ar mad returnable repectively,nd
in all oases where any reoognttanoes are entered
Into less tliau ten days befuro the commencement
of the session to which tbey ore made returna
ble, the said Justices are to return tn same in
the same manner as If said act bad not beeo
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, tbls 24th
day of November, In the year of our Lord, on
thousand lgbt hundred and eUhty,
nor. 34.10 JAMKS MAUAFFKV, Sheriff.
Tbls popular i.erlojicel Is nr-m!ntitly a
Journal fur th household.
Kvsry Number furnishes the latest information
in regard to Fashions In dress and ornament, tb
newest and most approved patterns, with descrip
tive articles derived from authentic and original
sources ( while its Storiee, Poems, and Kisays en
Social aad Domestic Tonics, aire variety to Its
HARPER'S BAZAR, One Year $4 00
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year.........- 00
HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year 4 00
Tbe THREE above publications, On Year 10 00
Any TWO abut nam'), On Year. 7 00
Pottnat Frtt to nit cwoecnorrs fa the United
StatM and Vmnada,
The Volumes ef the Banr beain with the first
Number for January of each year. When no
time ts mentioned, It will bo understood that th
subscriber wishes to commence with the Number
next after tbe receipt of tbe order.
The last Eleven Annual Volumes of lUarxa's
Baiaw, la neat cloth bindlno, will be sent by
mall, posts re paid, or by express, free of expense
(provioea me iretgnt aces not exceed one dollar
per volume), for $7 00 each.
Cloth Casea for each Volume, suitable fur bind
ing, will be sent by mail, postpaid, oa receipt of
i vm aacu.
Remittance should ho made ht Post -Office
Money Ordef or droit, to avoid chance of loss.
fltwpnpert are nnt fe e'TV Mia adrertttment
evtMowl tee ea-prctt erdf r Haajan A BaoTaaaa.
Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York.
Nov. 24tb, 1880 it.
"Stiidvlna tbe subject ol.jcctivelr aod from the
educational point of rlew seeklog to provide
tnatwntcn, taken nltngetbcr, will be of tbe moat
service to the largest number I lone, ago con
cluded that, If I could bare but one work fur a
public library, I would eelaot a eotupleto set of
nnrpwr HoefrVy. HiRLK f HAtcis ADAHS.Jr.
lis aontentsare eontrtbutrvii ty th most emi
nent authors and artiste of Kuroie and America,
while the long experience of its publishers has
anode tbem thoroughly eon rent ant with th de
sires of the public, which tbey will spare no effort
o grainy.
UAHI'Kh H MAUAZINE, One Veer $4 09
HARPER'S WEEKLY. One Year 4 00
BARI'ER'S BAZAR, Ooe Year. 4 00
Th THREE above publications, On Year 10 OC
Any TWO above named, One Year 7 00
IlAKrF.H'S YOUXU l'KOI'LE, On Yoar.. 1 iO
Pottan Frtt fe all sn freer ii eft t tee CmW
State or Canada.
TheTotones ef the Afayeiiae begio with tbe
Numbers for June and Dcoemlier of each year,
When no time la apeeifled, It will he under stood
that tbe subscriber wishes to beaia with tho ear-
rent Number.
A aomplete set of IlaarBR MaiUUNK, cum-
C rising AI Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will
esent by eiprosa, freight at etpense of pur
chaser, oa receipt ef $1 35 per volame. Sinylt
vaiumtt, by naif, potipai. .1 00. Ulftb oaies,
for binding, 18 cents, ty nail, postpaid.
Remittances should bo made l Postefllce
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
iV wiiH-iaers are not to Mny ISti afrrerliicaieel
wilAoul tht tspr ordrr ollAnran A Roomies.
Address iiArtrsn iinurttKKH, Hew lori.
Nov. a ah, leHO-at.
Desiralilc Real Estate !
Estate of Hiola&rl Shaw, Sr.(Doo'tL
rpilE anderslgncf, Vierntors ef the estate of
X hlCHAHD 8IIAW, hr deceased, will offer
ai puone eawai me vut Hl IIUUHK. tn the bor
eugb of Clearfleld, Pa., oa
Friday, April 1st, 1881,
AT 1:3(1 O'CLtK'K P. M
The follow lag ealuable real estate, els i
The three. st ery BRICK HOTEL property,
eoraer oi sat ran aaa rirsi street, ib too. nor
eugb ef Clearfleld, kaowa as
'Tho Shaw House
Fronting with t wo lot e of ground thereto belonging
iuu i eel oa Mar lei street, aaa w
feet oa First street, with a two -story
dwelling bnnee it'aehed, Th ho
tel proper has stlty bed-rooms and
all eoBveeloanee for a flrstlasa
btl. On f th moat desirable hotel properties
ia ueatrai rearisyiaoia.
The above will be sold together with a two
alary fram dwelling house oa Market street, ad
Jeeoet la tb H'tUl, aud other frame dwelling
bouse and a two-story store building, all irontlng
oa Marbet street.
ALSO. All that certain lot. known ia the
plat ef CI ear a 1 4 boroagh as Let Ke I an,
froatiaa 0 feei oa Loouet at reel, raa
aieg bark 171 feet, mere or less, loan alley
with dwelh nt house and allaoceaearr out
building thereon rreted,ead other laprot emeats. or mjlki
One.tkird eeeh at delivery ef goad deed, aad
the balance to no eerorod by bond nad mortgage,
payable la oae aad two years, with inter set
A B. (Ml AW,
arvlvlag Ei'rsef Richard 6aaw, 9tH dee'd.
i Clrfleld, P Dec. t, IBO-tt,
T?8rBA Y NOTICE.! -Cam trespassing on
I j lb premise of th undersigned In Morris
township, on or about the 1st day June last, a Ave
year-old CuW, black, wilh whit spots, front feet
Mack, a silt la tho right ear, and small, crumpled
euros, in owner IS requested te come torwaru,
prove property, pay the necessary charges, and
take her sway, or ah will be sold e tb law
directs. FRANK D. VYEIMEH,
Morrlsdal Wlasi, Pa-, Ue, 8, 1SS0-M-
Grist MiHFor Sale I
A, err iealraUe mill propertr. wltb Iwe nalra
. of tarn aitaate la ueeAtur rwp., Cmr
leld miibIt, Pa., .boat Iwa aad a-balf ailea weal
of Philipabare;, Cealra eoaatr, Pa.
Aiil; to FI.KllAL,
Fhilinikurg, Cenlre Co., Pa.
Nor. Ill, lSSll-tl.
Gifts! GIFTS!! Gifts!!!
Highly intcroHliug to all tbono who
aro about to buy mcir
We bavo one of tho finobt assorluionU
of fancy and useful goods in town,
among which will bo found
Work Boxes.
Jewel Cases, fcc.,
A full aud complete ansorincnt of
Books and Fins Stationery.
ovory dCHcription, from
Mason & Hamlin
iiilli Harmonicas.
I'einoii visiting our town
Institute Week,
And all otliora, aro invited to call with-
out tail, il you want anything in
our line. We can't be beat in
quantity, quality or price.
P. 0. Building, CLEARFIELD, FA.
.December 8, lHfcHMt.
Fire-Proof Safes.
The only 8-Flange Safa in the World,
More Improvements than any Safe
made, such as .
Muro acnuro from Hnrelut" than any
Fire rroof nafe, and no expena
in ropniring Boltt or Lock.
Patent Hinged Cap,
Four-Wheel Locks,
Inside Iron Linings,
Solid Angle Corners.
Thpe 8afc are now being aolJ in
thin Stato In '
And giro the
Greatest Satisfaction,
Doing the Moat Highly Finished,
Best Hftdo, an! Cheapest First-
class SATs era avrouool
Tbcae Celebrated Sales had tho
Champion Record
in nm
Great Boston Fire,
And aince that lime oriat and impor
tant iMpRovEMKNTa hare
been made.
Belore eiririff four order to any
other concern, eend for prieea nnd
ilenerlptiva uatalogpo.
Dee. II, III0-1,.
Christmas Presents
Kit vaifP I
m mn mi
nside Bolt Work,
a c
3FJt5kX,'GC01r BLOCK,
Curw'ensville, Paa
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbora nnj ninnufncturers. receive uoods lit
car load rates, lience can compete
phia nouses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul durimr tho Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advanced. AIho, advances made on Saw Log.
Give me a call.
left . llM4f.
WE INYITE the people
innpeetion of our large
READY, made
' Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As we buv for cash on! v. we aro enabled to oivn nur minuia
every possible advantage. Our
aaapicu to merchant jaiioring, is complete. We employ only
first-class workmen, and are urenared to make suits nt snort tintin..
and unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks for past
Room No. 4, Pic's Opera House lllock, Clearfield, Penn'a. '
September 29, 1880-tf.
. .t t.1-l
, . - -
All kind of Ca'kets and CoOlna kept
ahort notioe, including the fmeet aa well an the chenpe! that can bo mnnu
factured. Our
t oonraja rniiBiiiivim
Ia the beat In use, and will le furnlrhcd
in any part of the county. Call at my
your onion at Troutmnn'e Furniture
FXTTammon, rA
The inoet centrally located Brat-claae House in the City. Ktreet ran paei
the door every five mioutei to all the Dcnots and all nana ol hotb cities.
Tiii, 12.50 Pi Dat. ' WALSH A ANDKKSON. Preoriotora.
I lorThe CLtAaniLO RtroiMCAN reox -
Inn file fnr the benefit of gleet from thit
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with New York and Philadel
of Clearfield and vicinity to the
and well "elected stock of
line of pieco poods, especially
favors, and solicit your future
-fafaAaUWl. 'Vl UWa.'aL " "V
T - 'iTrWfaW'! -.r -
on hand, and furnished to ordor on
when requirod. Funorula attended
ofllce, on Svcond street, or leave
(Store, adjoining tho 1'oitofllcc.
Clearfleld, l'a.
ired weekly at the Hotel aad placed
aeotinn. - (oot2T-8m,