THE llEPUBLICAN. CLKARKIELl), PA. . WKUNKSDAY MOKNINO, DKC. 1&, 18 he. Terms of Subscription. f paii) in within tare months. ..$1 80 If lter lfere and befuntlx Boot hi... 3 10 11 .,id after tneeiplratlon of ail nonhtt... I 00 -ffMfHIU. B. M. PlTTINQItL A Co..NWi- i.nrpr Advertising AgnK, J7 Park Row, ornr lrVkmft.n titrct( ar our duly authorised Agenti , w t.i i-ny. hi:i.i;hi' NOTICICH. WritnillBt F.i'lcopl ChurchRer. Oru Lt:inv, I'tttor, Hervioot evaty Sabbath et luj , M and It P. M. . ,K(,.ih Siboul et 9 A. M. .'raver Meet inn every VYedDea.lay, at 74 P. M Communion Herrice, Ant tiabbath of every monlb, it lfi A.M. Weal i'lenrtteld M. is. C Lurch. Rev. 1'hihi.ei W. Hi, 1'aitor. Preaching every hlternete Hund!y, nt ft o'clock, P. M. Sunday .s.'hi.ul at 2, r. Al. All ar in vl tod to attend. Ireab)terlan ChurrhRev. n. 8. Botlbr, ..Snbbath tervicea morning ana vening raO' r,nib School at S P. .M. Prayer Meeting Wednea v veiling. Hantlat t'hurrta. Hv. , Paator- .-ii.tiatb School t S P. M. Prayer Meeting every UVlneiday evening. St. I'rancla Church Catholic Her. P j.SuKRinAM. l)ivln mtrrlot at 10i A. M., on tie tint, third arid lourtb Sundnyaof each month; Vision end lnedlotion of the I'-leieed Haerawant at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday Be boot vry Sunday afternoon at I o clock. OI I UIAL DIHlCtTOBV. TIMI OF 101.010 (jPARTM IIUIOHI WtfBT, Sreond Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Firit Monday of Jans. Fuurtb Monday of .September. nun or loLDina cow von rLBAt. Kiret Monday of June.' Second Monday of November. ruiLio omenta. I'retideat Jtdg$ Hon. Charlea A. Mayer '..-k lUvtn. Attilan$ Lam JuttgoUon. John II. Orrlt, of :,ell-r.nle. Aitociat Judge Ahram Ogden, Clearfield; Vin"nt H. Holt. Clearfield. VolaottooryKli I) loom. Hrgiittrand Recorder L. 3. Morgan. Trmmrtr Philip Dottt. liiitriet Attorney J. F. McKtnrlck. Sheriff Jttnea Mehafley. Ittvutv Sheriff K. I. Tbompion. County SwrrcyorSamDel F. McClotkey, Cur- enimlle. County Cnmmhtiontrt C, W. Kyler, flraham ton . 0.; Etah Johntton, Oram pi en lHllt P. 0. John Norrl. Sr., Curwenavllle. Cotimifianera' Cltrk John W. Howe. County Aifftr. William V. Wright, Clear-r-!'l ; Jmph Utlliland, Thre Huna; J. 6. Nor Tin, Woodland. Count CVoner Jam n A. Moor. Clearfield. jMrCoiHiMtoirt--ArdrewJ. Jackion, Clear rn,i Wm R. Itrncrn. Clearfield. Suptrintmdent of Public SckoottiS. L. Me Qu-'wn, Clerfli-ld. SraUrof W eight f eoitiree Jiie W.Carlile, dllii'e t Lathershurg I'a, Sharif Hubliv John W. Wrigley, Vt m. Ra li hiiiifth, Cyrui (lordon, Clearfield ( Joseph R. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CurwenTllU J. A. Living- -f ne. IiuIJote City. Social column li decidedly interesting In n l .(m) p. tint of view, and profitable reading to ou!-iien who want to Tt money. V I ., OK COrRM'", 1 Will you t-iko wlirat, oatJ or eoro for iub , r 'inn v" We arc often inquired of in tbit way t.y litter frem patroim who reiide at a distance (r-.m Olrarlleld. Wo again aay yea. The welptl ui a rrypuniil'le merchant or mill owner In the i it,itv, will answer up Jnt ai well a the eauh. itlluatrate : If any of our patrnni will deliter ii a h-.g of grain at the mill of Joaeph H. Bretb, in i'bet townnbip, florae fatobia. In Darnalde, T! M:m II. Frcy, In (J rah am, Wm. Porter or'n, in Lnwrenee, or Brown A Peyler'a, al Kkton, I'tiion township, and forward their ici'il'fi for the nmunt, we will sredit theiu on a. cuui.t i.r ilif tame. In thli way all may tenn piy what they e. if they will pureae tbii jftrsV Ailvcrtiruii'8 hrnl othern will bear in mind that all article intandrd for pablioatlna in tliia paper nuit be handed in, not later than Tars-day, at 9 A. SI. Don't forget U! CbriHliiittH lrei'8 will soon bloom. XoxtTiuwJiiy, Iticembtir21rtt, in Iho -h.irttKt dftj of the year. - I'ml. M. Curdon loft a vulimble b-r't v death on Monday. Clean the micu in your stove iloore will) warm vinegar and water. A young daughter of NV. W. Worrell .Jit'il ol di.hthtria on Monday night. Hugh Kelly, of Urdy township, lillrd an old bear and two enbe week before lait. .1. N.t'asrtunovajot' FhilipAburg, bus g at to lUrana, Cuba, lo be ahient during tbe Winter. - - Huofiit Helling on our streets at five tsl tlx oonta, and pork at an and a half and ven cfnti. This w the hurt week of Bobol nntil fur the holiday a, whereof the yogngteri rejuiee an l sre gll. - - The little folks are ansiounlj await ing the arriral of Santa Claua with biaileigh and reioileen. The firrtt ahipmont of leather from J. B. Hoyt A Cu.'i new tannery at thla plaea wai made Uat week. . ii ... -. Tbo State Gratigo of tbe Patronnof Jlmbaodry ia balding In annual atnlon at Urceni l ut, lhl w"k' lUttckflmitha will have a good run of wri at roughing boriea' iboea wbllt tbe Icy w rubor ojntinuai. Tho lift of hotel and autooti licences to be a-ked for at the Jaouary Term of Court, appear in thii liaue. Christtnan randicfl. lino confection cry, Oranjrci, Nuti at Finkbeloer'e grosery and bakery. Don't forget it. Itopintor Morgan publiftho a number of Kegi-ter'a acootinU I hie week Id addition to thoie pablithed left werk. Tbo Hurnside Cornet Hand will hold a Fair and Feitiva) during holiday wrek fr the t'cntflt of that organiiatl'n. ,1 ew Jlunka Holmes hud a bunion cut out of hta lelt foot (on day laat week, and now he hobble around an erutehea. Tbo JUrtrnucAN will bo inmied next week aa nrnal.but no paper will be publifbed from thii offloe on the 3Vlh of Ueoeiolier. Tho cold snnp of last week roverod i tie tlver Dearly over again with Ice ; but It la not in good condition yet to afford pleasant auuie Bent at ikating. M HI Call and see tho (argent stock of 'luihing, tieuta' furniihing guoda, hata, eapa, trunk), Taliet, Ao., at llirlinger A Ronk'f. Call a' dne. If ynu don't with to buy. - li i i Denny Iirother, of Meadville, Pa., ailreilifea fine Clydradale hortea in thii paper. Thii U one of tbe Aaait breed ef atraci la tbe 'ountry. Write to ibea. Correrpoadtnct lolielted. Tho Passmore properly, on Hritlgo treet, c fined by the heln of A. II. Shew, de ceared, wm tld by the aduinlatratura, at publli tale, en Hilurday, for tlT0.. It war porch a led by L"ii K, Mcfullcugh. Wo noticed our good tm Hired friend, forge M. Fergnaoa, or Lumbar Ciiy, ia town laftweak. Ueorge aill aaiame lb reapooai bill tin and dutita of lb Regiiter'a and Reeorder'e ebout the firat of tbe new year, ii i Thti Susquehanna House, at Cur ttMille, waa sold at publie sale, by tbe admia litraur'a ef A. II. Hhaw, deMaaad, oa'fiaturday, to Uia I. Bloom, of Pike towaihlp, for 11,700. The "Corner Store" property waa sold la Cel. Ma Irvia, for U.OOtt. it was fortunately discovered on trday that oa al Ibe builef -ljeada al lb w Uanery wai defective, and It wai atafb t are 11 la4r altkoot repairing, which lea beta Va. boileri were aaauratur4 al Tyroa. A diikkUr u u doubtartl4 by tale timely die Popery. , - There never Was a mort favorable a fot w t,gaM tede tbair warb tkaa tb H JM tatw awaagb la th w.odl gal wareairatiy, and rraii(i weauar ar 11 tbiiukii ike logmaa'i datlaf aaay aad An elegant assortmont of plain and fancy gold ringi at Snyder'a. - i "11 a! hat! I've found tho placo at lait t Here'i FIoka i that i why I laugh." Thero ia no store in tho county keen aketuraaaortaiantof goodi than Pleak A Qi. m ' " a- - - i A pretty taoe it displayed hotter by on of F look 'a hata than any other ornament. 1 m Did yon aee those childrons' over- onata at Hlrllnger A Rook'a Tbej ara good aad eheap, !. 15. t New stylo of dinner casters, Cue cv glaai bottles, and all kinda of flat waca, m-h ai knives, forks, epoons, ladles, Ao.( at Snyder's. - m IIohkeh For Salk! Tbeundersign ed baa two young ho net, weighing about l,i00 pounds eaeb, for sale. Klah Joaatoa. UHiHrna Hill, Pa., Dee. li-St. A library of over ono hundred vol' unai of history, action, Ac, baa been established la the Odd Fellows' lodge of thla place, for tb us of ila members. Sheriff Mabaffuy'B otllco in tho Court llousa has reoaotly been Improved in appaarano by new wall paper and parnt. Kragl did H aitb bis llttl brush. A Thanksgiving dinner and Oyster upper In Coryell's Hall at Penfleld, on Tbaaka giving day, for the benefit of th M. E. Church of that place, netted li. - - Another Gone. Mr, John Dale, on of the oldest eltiteni In Bradford townabip, died at his horn In thattownnhlp on Wednesday bight of kal week, in lb 36th year of his age. 11 a 1 The public are indebted to Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., not only fur their standard madlelrm) preparations, but also fur Improving tbe loeks of the community by their incomparable Hair Vigor. m w m The Teachers' Institute is the largest and muit dignified organisation that ever assem bles in our town. Therefore, let our people en courage it neat week with their patronage and pretence. Kightcvn or twenty dump carls from Reyooldsville, on tbe Low tirade Ruilroai, passed through town on Tborrday on their way overland to Tyrone, to be used in the construction of tbe Lewiiburg A Tyrone Railroad. - 1 1 - To those of our readers who havooc ca slon to secure tb service of a good Surveyor or Civil Knglneer, w would eall their attention to the card of Mr. A, V. Hoyt, of Philtpaburg, which appears in another 00 1 urn a of this paper. Purchase your Christmas presents now, and escape tbe rush and erowda that will throng tb etures a faw dayi hence. Tbe fir it customers hare their pick of th noveltiei of th season, while th tardy ones ar oompelled to take what le left. Peter Conklmg, while working at ft o well's ehingl mill, on Andrrvon eraei, on Thankngiviog day, had bis right band 10 fear fully lacerated by coming in Contact with tb saw that amputation of th member was retorted to in order to save his life. The ilellowsl'alls (yt.) Times, in peaking of Wallace Hrocc, wh Iceland in that place saya : "Th lecture by Mr. Bruo waa one of the finest literary entertainments ever enjoyed ia tblai place, and certainly plaoea Mr. Bruce In the Brat rank of the Lecture field." ii 1 -- - - During the counting of tbo mail matter that left tbe Clearfield puetofilae durlog the first week of December, lUSli, it waa ascertained that th amount tent out by Poatmaatcr (iaulki average 1,109 artiolai daily, an lucrea of about 100 pieces more per day than last year. That's Old. An exchange remarks that ''No cne koows wh invented tk feibionin society of turning duwn tb corner vf a visit ing card, but tbe feshlon of turning dowu the coraer of a street wai first invented by tb man wh owed for a newspaper and saw tb printer ning." The pay car made Its regular month ly run over the Tyrone A ClearftuM Railroad last Saturday forenoon. The empUye of tbe Com pany were more glad to have It come along than they were th polar wave whicb struck tbit sec tion on Tuesday of lat week and has tarried with utever sine. -- A young man rushed up to II. toll men a Cot atiinery sign, which occupies a pretnlaeot place just inside lb itor door, and raised bis hat. II waa eriJeotly a viotlm of de ception, for be waa brd to muUef as be went away : "This world (sail a fleeting show, To rain illusion given." Cliarfibld Coal. The shipment of coal from our region last week, waa magnificent, reaching to o6,fiK3 toe a, being an increase of 21,- 33ft tons over the same period last year, and con siderably th largest weekly out put rr made from tb Clearfield region. On Tuesday ofsam weak, th shirmcnti were over 13,000 tons, or at tb rat of about 10,000 tons a week, which would indie at a carrying capacity of 4,000,000 tona per anna to. ' Sew iicu Machine. I bavo one Ilaopar A McLaae Loek-ttitcb Sewing Machine, and brand new, with plain table, I drawer, and warranted to do 3nt olas sewing, with the following attachments: I Qailt marker, 1 Uuag screw, 1-Binder, I Screw driver, 6 needles, I Oil can, 1 bottle of ail, Ac, Ac. I will aell this ma chine and attachments for $19 cash. Call at J. E. Harder'tOun Store, Clearfield, Pa. 1 Stop It. The vellingand bellowing f young man ') oa oar ttreta after night-fall abould be looked ator by ear boroagb anthoritlet, If it cannot be cbeokvd any other way. Th boya ar large aaougb to know better and big enough le be taught Utter. We hoard people other than nervous old ladiet complain of this rudeoeta and uncalled-for yelling at unseasonable bourt of tb night Lour when good boyi were asleep, aad other people trie! to, but failed. 1 1. 1 - 1 -Tonv M'Allistor'eCombination troupo will opn the new Opera House at Pennrille by an entertainment on Wedneaday evening of neit week, D toe iii be r 22 d. Profs. J. K. Bond and J. W. Wilson will make a double tlght-rop aaoea. tioa at 4 o'clock P. M., on a rope elUndiog from tb topi of two of th highest buildings la the village. This troupe will eleo gir an entertain- it In Plo's Opera H iuse, Clearfield, on Christ mas evening, December Jjth. Far particulars, ree posters. CiiRiHTN ah. J . F. Finkboincr will bnv a full stock of fine confectionery on band for next week aad tbe holiday at bit restaurant and bakery, on Market street. There you will find a nice variety ol caramels, mlied candies, atlck and lareandy,BuU, fruit and cekes. Also, white and yellow taffy. In making purchases for Cbristmkt and New Year's day, do not fail to call at Plakbeiner't. H baa enough at bis establish ment to supply all tbe childrea, both great and small, la the county. Grand Army Officers. On Friday evening last, tbe follow mg oflWr ol Larimer Post, Mo. 170, U. A. R., wer lMd to serve tb ensuing year: Post Commander Hiram T. King. w"' Htolor V. C Frank O. Cbtfrpening. Jnalor V. C John M. Haatlnge. Chaplain John I. Patterson. Surgeon J, P. Burchfield. Quartermaiter William R. Brown. Officer of tb Day Cornelius Owens. Officer of th Ouard Juba W. Carr. Coancll of Administration Clarence L. Utrrttt Amoi How and P. A. Qeulin. Ordnance Sergeant James SuUon. Reprceatltv t Encampment C. L Barrett, Alternate, Job I. Patterson Tb State Encampment will hold lie neit session in Pitmbargh. A Useful Article We have been shown Letters Patent No. tS&.OTS, recently granted to our townsman, Mr. Joba F. Finkbeiaer, th Inventor, for a small plok aad haaamvr (hat oaa be need by lumbermen , logmen, farmers, rail road men. l. Tb body portion of tb Imp)- at consists of an iron bar,tb front ad of which is tnraed upward, ao at la term a point or book. Tbit pointer book It faced with steel. The op posite ead ef the body It saltobly ealarged, later ally and vertically, as ta fvrm a bead, which serve a a hammer ar maul. Tata ena is ait faced with stool. The bead is provided with aa eya or socket for th rswptlaa of s vertical handle. Tb object ef lb iavMioa it w turatin lmolmat to b used by la barmen. tr rals- Inc lees aad other heavy objects, attracting tumpi aad roots 1 and while It la cr especially designed tar th hied ef work anon aoeve, it can also be applied eoeally wall la other aaea wbiob will readily taggert themselves. To railroad men for raising at drawlag aal railroad ims, an ' pushing aert it llavala- bla artier. Mr. Fiakbeiuef tlyli bit lavaua A Tool fer Ubrtaa,MM4 villi beveaawemOty af them maae fee tared aad pat upS) tb market teen. W trwd that the pateatee't fa derl hepee will be reellaod by ladlag a rga aa4 ready taia for a awful device af bit wa lavwHaw., Gold pens and pencils, tooth-picks, and geati' icarf-plna at Snyder's. You'll miss a charming sight if you miss seeing f leoa i inrmmaa goods. "Out of fashion, out of tho world." Appreciating this adage, th people ar srowding to Flank's. I Go toSnydor's jewelry store and buy apiece of silverware for yonr wife and mother-In law. T be re ia nothing Ilk iu Silver tea sets, cake baskets, card reoelreri, vaea, jewel eases, and oa goods at Saydor's More, oa Market 11 reel. I4-1J One of the most sensible things in th way of d real, by tb ladies, la adopting warm flannels for Winter dress. A full lln at Flack'. "Christmas is coming f He is almost ncr wt 11 laugo at bit storm and giv aim good cheer." So they say at Fleck's. Dec. 10-it, Philipsburg's militia has been dis banded, and tb ofhen ar rdrd t return all accoutrements, Ac, In tbelr poiiettioa to th Stat antheritlet. liev. John Coflin NaEaro, an itiner aat minister, hclured to a congregation In tb Presbyterian Church but Sabbath evening, on th "Kloqueuee of tb Bible.1' Tbe speaker was mora eccentric la bit ttitc than eloquent. The Teachers' Institute will be tbe absorbing thorn next week. From Monday un til Friday our street ar expected to be thronged with tbe educators of oar future Presidents and United States Senator, and their wires. 'Poachers, call at Finkboiner's gro cery, nearly opposite th Opera House, and get some of his aloe candies, cakes, fruit, nuts, Ac, Ac, for a Christmas treat to your scholar, or to your little sisters, brother, nieeet, or nephews. Cell and sc the geodt, William Brocios, who disappeared so mjsltrioualy several week ago from bis home in Lawrence township, turned up last week near Morrltdnl Mines, In thii county, whet he bas been employed for some time past, working oa th railroad. He returned to his home 00 Satur day last. Iint of letters remaining unclaimed In th Postoffi'! at Claarfield, Pa., for th week ending December 13th, 1890 : Mrs. Mary Iligle, William (lenlcis, Jacob Howard, Misa Tillie Hughes, Jamas Kerr, Charles MoNulty, Mary Salman, Jacob Bhiogler, Anny Sugort., . . P. A. GAL' LIN, P. M. Tnnoron. We notice by tho Cherry- tree Record, in at th survey for a narrow -g nag railroad from Curwenavill to that place bat been completed , and It engineer! aver that a mere feattbl and ahtapcr route of thirty-four miles la length cannot b adopted anywhere. Tbe Chief Engineer, Mr. Barrett, It highly pleased with tb prospects. Tb right of way and a few subscriptions along tbe Una will make th road within th next two years. In the Ice Goime. From tholtcnova RteorJ, of last weak, we learn that an ark be longing to tb Corporation driva was (rosea up near Richie wh?n the river closed, abeut three weks ago. Since tbat time It bat been used at a place of abod by lumbermen. Oa Monday morning, when tb ice broke up, the ark, con taining a nomber of men and horaes, waa struck by tbo flood and oemmeaoed to mev down tb stream before any of its occupants wer awar of their dangerous situation. Alter drifting down about half a mile, the lumbermen managed to run tbe ark aground and mad their cacap from the perilous veyngc. The horses were aI?o saved. Singular Accident. Tho Itellcfonte Republican sayt: ''Mr. Isaaa Shuey, of Spring Creek, met with a rather lingular accident while out bunting en Thursday lait. He wat accom panied by hit dog. and In tbe court of hit ramldfagt came aeroa tome boyi, who wer also on th bunt, with whom be stopped to convene, resting bis bands on th muni of bit gun. While thus engnged, tb dog, tecmlogly anxious to an dent and tbe nature of tbe conversation, jumped up on the gun and looked into nit in aster '1 face for aersral seconds, until satisfied tbat every thing was all right. But In getting again upon all fear on paw struck lb trigger and tb ban mtr want down. Tb gus wat discharged, the ball patting thnugh hit left band and severely mutilating the fingers." The Band Concert, The Excelsior Cornet Band, of DoBnlt, arrived In this plae las Wednesday and put op at th Leonard House. I th evening, about tight o'clock, tb Curwena vill Cornet Band put in an appearance, and tbtt two organisation! assisted by the two Clear field Band, gavt a pleating and enjoyable enter tainment ia Pit't Opera House. Tb DuBoit Band, under the leadership of Prof. McCartney, with seventeen meabert, remained in town until Thursday afternoon when they took tbtir de parture for bom. Tb good muslo with which they treated our oil I tens, together with tbelr gen tlemanly deportment, won for them many friends and complin. an tt. ; The Curwentrill baud, tti tan in ember 1, wat under th direction of MV John Minbinnett, tb regular leader, and done well, at did our own, tb Qrpbeai, seventeen members, Davie Rlebards, leader, and tbe Citl sens', seventeen members, Dr. J. K. Wrigley, leader. Tb Concert wat given to aid) tha luffer ert of th lata DuUola fin. Tbe entertainment wat Mediant, but th audience waa tmall on ac ooaitff the extremely add weather that evening. Narrow Escape. Tho local of the Bellelonte Dtmocrat records th Jollowlog : A bridal coupl hailing from Warriors Mark arrived at the Brockerhoff House on a lata train en nay last week and were eatigoed to room No. "Letter B," Jut above th offio. Shortly after thete "two touts with but a ting) thought, two heard tbat beat at one" had retired, Clerk MeKeever, who was patilag through tb ball, dltcovtred tbat a strong odor ef gas pervaded lh whola of tb upper portion of th hotel. He Immediately com menced aa examination and wat toon convinced that th gat waa escaping through th transom of "Letter B." He kaooked at the door and wet greeted with an Impatient, 11 What do yon want V How did yon put the gas out?" naked Mao. Blew It out, of court. How ) would I put It out f " It was explained to him naleas h found torn ether means of summoning darkness hit honeymoon would be of short duration. After repeated failures with the ehandeJier, tha door was opened and UcKeerer, ovenomieg hit natural modesty, waa oompelled to eater aad tare off the gas. Silence brooded ever "Letter B" from that until morning. A Coal Oil Horror. Wo clip the following from the Kane Blade, of the Vth lost: "A gwedfih woaaa by the nam of Murllag, wat tho vfetim ef a karotea horror nt Bradford on Satarday alght last, fib It a widow, and with tb anistanc of aa alder ton tupporte herself and four children. Oa tha ertaieg In question tb wai litting at a table or stand tcwiog by tb light af a lamp bavlag ao chimney, which was i t audio g on tbe tablt. The burner waa not ouraly fastened to th lamp, and by torn mishap tb lamp was overturned and fall Into her work- baket, which was by ber sid an tb floor, and tb burner becoming taper a ltd from tbe lamp, the contents of th basket war n mess of flames In an Instant. Tb woman ruthed for a backet of water and dashed H Into tha firs, when tb flitnti darted aut from lb tldst of lb baeket and caught bar clothing. Realising her pari) and lot- ing her self control, ah ushed from tb hoe, when lb attfaetad the) attention of the neigh bor!, who cam to her a ill it nee, but not before her clothing was almoct Mtlraly burned frem her body. Her limbs were badly burned. Pbyaleiana wer summoned, wh prpnoane her rat not en tirely hopeless." " The First Pater Mill in Western PcKftarLVaftiA. Th Uollldeyaborg aorrespon- dtalof tb Altoona fWaiiMiaysi The Ant pa per over mad In this part af th eenntry waa mad la a paper alii bnilt abent tbe year 1100, at Laurel Springs, Iluatiagdon eoantj, between Tyrone and Birmingham, by Cbarle Cad wai la der and taper! a tend d by Hear llarptter. Tb procea f making paper was a meat primitive ad aim pic one compared with th valuable In ventions, improvement and costly maehiaery af tb preient day. Th vrlaetpal kind af paper manufactured then was writting paper and wrap ping paper, mad entirely oat af rage, Michael W el lace wat tb teoead owaer, and In 1127 Jcha MoOahaa nought th property far ll,M, la el ed lag tha paper mill, ll mill, (arm and farm buildings, Th bona wai built with part of the foundation la lb Juniata river, tb baaement of which Was a hag warcbeeie la which ware fre quent! atend ftv hundred bar r tit af floor, which wen leaded on to arki and floated down the river to (Mvmbia tad told. From 1S27 to JB19 Jturi A. MtCahea operated tb paper mill and alee tb all mtlt. 1 bo oil wat menu feet nred out of laiteed, which wat ettenilfsly raited la tha ntlgbborbool. Ia 1S both the paper and ell mills were Hepped ant never age la started. Tha aid balldlag we believe It atUl Handing, aad lb property la at 111 wned by lh heln af John MoOahaa, aV eased, Go to II. Lehman & Co. In the Opera II out for yonr holiday goods. Sealskin remains a fashionable, fur. Yon can find them at FLECK'S. II. Lehman & Co, have just opened a lot of fancy goodi, laiiebitror aoitaay pnsentt, For History, Poetry and Fiction, or book or any kind uu iw UAt J-i . For Fine Stationery of all kinds deo8 It OO TO QAULIN'S. Ladies, don't tail to go to II. Leh man A C. for your hats and bonnet. Dm. 1 tt II. A. Kralr.or invitea tbo attention of aasb buy art ta bit large ttoek of Win tor Dry Qoodc Fleck & Co. are square dealers in all thing In tbelr lln. Tbelr prices can wot bo an - dcraold. We call attention to the advertise ment af th "West End Drag Store," in this paper. m m 1 II you want a fine Mason & Hamlin Organ lor a Christmas present 00 TO (J A L LIN'S. II. A. Kratzor is manufacturer of ladivi'eoatt, dolman, rircnlan, akirts and gentle man's underwear. rVlopk A- f?n. intend In do an-ico trad thla Winter. They haven aire stock of goods to do It with. Hundreds of ladies are to-day cher ishing grateful remembranee of the bargains they have had at Fleck's. For Sale! George Thorn has a pair of twia-tledi for sale, good as new, which ha will tell cheap. Dec. l-3t. H. A. Kratr.or is agent for Richard son '1 Klmira boota, and Carlisle fine ihoet for ladiet and cbildnn. H. A. Kratscr is agent for the cele brated Jamestown Alpaca Milli. Tbetearatbe bait gooda for tbe money, In th market. II. A. KraUor is agent for the James town Woolen Mills. These oasimere for gentle men's wear an unsurpassed in quality, dec, 1 It Lntoat novelties in iewelrv. watches. chains, necklace, bracelet, lace pins, tllrer eombt, gold and tilrer thimblet, gold spectacle!, pent, pencils, At., at Snydcr't jewelry store. Teachers, while, attending tho County Institute, don't forget to ritit the Pcstuffio Book ttonto tecun any tuppliet In your lln tueh at ttationcry, pent and pane Hi, writing tablet, school apparatus, books, rewards of merit, Ac. Ac. Call and xatnin goods. d-3L Coal In. If any of our coal bank men feel like trading torn of their product Tor a aerial of numbers of copies of tb Cleabfuld RapuiLicAi, w will gladly thow them where to put two or three hundnd buthelt on account in thai way. We bav n bin at our residence and one at tbe offlt that will hold a load every now and then. A bint to tb wis it a vary sage mark, aad aheuld be tuffiritnt. Nov, 10-31 New Daily Staoe Line. James L.1 Leevy bas euccveded in having a dally mail eatab- j listed between Clearfield and Pennfleld, and will hereafter run a daily ttage between the two polntt. Ills contract btgan with April 1st, and tb stag will leave dear fl Id every morning (except Sun day) nt ( o'clock, making connections with all. trains on tha Low tirade Railroad at pennfield, re turning after tbe lait train tbe tame evening, j Paitengert and freight will be carried at low ratet. I Orders Uft at any of tb faotali will he attended iopr7V-ir j A Sad Affair. We learn from tho j Cherry tree Record, that oa Wednesday of lait week, at Mrs. Robert Smith, of Darn lid town ship, Clearfield county, wat going to visit torn relatives in Cherry hill township, Indiana county, a heart-rending ictn occurred. Before alert ing the carefully wrapped up ber yonngeat child, aged two montht, putting the wrapping closely about It, the day being very cold. On arriving at hr dettinatloa, tb mother wat horror -ttrack, ; en removing th cove' logs, to find that tb child was dead, having bean tmothered. N blame can b attti bed to the moihtr, nnd tb ion-owing partntt bar th sympathy of th oemtnnalty . TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned wtshet to Inform th popl generally that be baa retimed the bullae of thoamnking In all it branches, in tbe room above Cardona' meat market, whan he can at all tlmai b found ready and willing ta wait on alt of hit old aad as many new eustomen at may favor him with their patronage. He innurei all bit work and guar an tees tatiifaotion, both in ttook and workmanship, flenti, give mt a call and I will give you fits. Country produce taken la ex change for work. Da ConxiM.r, Clearfield, Pa., Dee. lst-4t. Farmers, Look Here I Lytlo will give you highest merkat price for Wheat, Oatt, Cera, Baokwheat, Butter, Kggt, Onlont, Apples, dried frnitt, and all kinds of produce, lie hat the largett and best selected stock of groceries, teat, coffeea, molasses, spices, oil talt, tugar, quoeoiwere, tubs, bucket, baskett, chums, Ac, la Clearfield county. U bnya hit goodi in large quantitiat from manufacturer and first handt for cash, and takes the advantage of all discouati, and sob is enabled t tell at lowest prices. He gives eaih priest for prodnc,and tells hi goods at the lowest prices in tb county. iept-24-';S-tf Clearfield Coal Trade State ment of Ceal and other frelgbti cent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Dlvltlon, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tba weak ending December 4th, I860, nnd tb aaui time lait year COAL. TO. For the week - Same time laat year Increase Previously during year Same tint laat year Inonas Total In JM0 Seme.tim last yaar . loenaae , oTaan rnnioMTt. Lu other Miscellaneous freights ,.i,4uj,iija . I05tift3 109 ears. THE INSTITUTE. Iu lie Nitreesooicr Teacher' InttituU ; I dtslr t call attention to th following ex plalaaticnt relative lo tbe T chert' Institute which will be la susioo In Clearfield all of next week t Monday evening's tetcrtaiumeat, which prem ises to b a grand 00, will be fro to all who may attend, la order to accommodate a large audi ence, w deem It best to admit no children unless accompanied by their par nit. No tlckett need be pre tea ted at the door oa Monday evening. Partoai Meuriag toart ticket will pleat ob serve tb inntractloas printed upon each ticket ia order to avoid ooafusloa at th tha door Tha even lag teuton 1 will be held la Pit's Opera House and will begin nt T SO a'eloek teob tveolsg. The Court Ilona bell will be mag al ? e 'slock, at wkieh tlm lb door will be opened for tb propr agent I reeiv tb ticket of ed it ton . Ceurva aad tingle ticket art now on tal at th pot to me, waer they can ha punhasod dur ing tba entire week. They will alto be sold at tbe Opera Hot ticket orfi during eab even ing. It should be remembered tbat tb eat Ire count of lectam will coat let than would be required to hear Col. Saaford't two tectum alone, ia ao established lecture eoun. U L Mrtjrown, County ttuperinteader. Slarrlrd. THOMPSON-HliFri.inXdgH.-O. Ta., dj, No,.ab.r, I nk, !, b; U.f. W. M. Un.b- I. ld, Mr. M. C. Ti.oan.ll ul Mrt. Lr.u i. U.rmruiaaa, kait .1 D.lluu, I'.. gSCOTT-WILSOS. O. WvlittUtj, Dm bn l, IU, r "... O. U. Millar, .t lb. tell 4mm Jo.. C.M.roi, I. Jub.atowB, ft., William Kmott .ad Ua WiLdvaj bulb of d.l., fa. WITIIOOW-POKT.-Al lb. n,U,iM af J.Mb, R7, OB Tbond.;, Un. lb, II, .. br Hm. V.,, Mr. Joaa.a VV'tfaBauw, of ABMB,llla,aaaaluvl U.Ota Voar, .IHtaia, BUMM8LL SMITH. Al tb. mklaaoa af Juob, K.n.;,aa Thgt.d.,, 1m lb, IH80, b, K.,. r. Ataia,, n... .a.a r. udm bbll, ol Joba,lwa, H. HI, Abii I. B.ira, ol MoalldaM, Pa. CIPHERS OODBH. -At lb. H I Puloaaio, CIra.W,oa Huaraaj, Doo. 1 1 lb, KMI, b, H.r. li. L.ldj, Mr. William Ctraaa., of ilo,b.a Iowa bip, aad MM K. Uaaaa, at Uwi.oo. tOWBftbl,. PRItn-ntlNTRR. Al tho roaldoaaa of i. U. a-ilb. U.abfilM, aa (aadar, Uoa. ttb, b. Ha.. V. Adaau. Mr. Mu.i.f M. Paara. al, aad Mm Liaai. A, lUaraa, of 2lf. BKLFRIDUK In Ooibn towaihlp, on Uoa dav, DMMabrdtb, UHO, Wamrrr Nihrp,, bob of Wbllnw aad Sarah M. Balfrid.,a(ad I wt.k. aad 1 dav. I.OWHIR. Oa Moada; al(ht, Dm. lSlb, 1 S80, af diphtheria, Abblbt, a. I J.ari, aad will iah, ac,d 10 yaara, ooaa of John and Mary A LowJ.r, af Bradford lon.blp. DALE la Bradford towmb.p, on Wlne.dy albt, Vaoauibar Hlb, !, Joai Oalb, ag,d 5. ;.ari, 4 noatai aaa a, u.j.. UoooBMd wu bora la Laaoaihlra, Saland, and wai formwlT a roildiat of Pblllpabur,, P. For afar fiflr y aara ho wai aa oaaaplary naaibor of tho M. E. Chureb, aad, wa.a eompar.d with ethart, wu a feaerouj juf porter of Iba .arlotta booarolanoaa of tho ebnreb. A good Dj.B bu ooa to hla roward, aad will ka aliaad h, lha oomnuBll;, bj bla faailjr aad tho obaroh. W. B. W. SMITH Al Port Matilda. Contra Montr, oa W.UbmJ.7, Dao. Htb, 1MI0, Lr.lib Uavbk, ob of A. 4. and 0. A. DaiilB, ag . roar, i atoaui and 14 da,,. Th. raiaalna of tbo deeeaaid war. brought to the raaidran of bl f randfathar, Mr. W. II. Smith, la Pergaaoa towaahip. Claarflald aaaatj, and oa Fildaj, Dm. lOlh.wal borl.d la tha Mmatorjr aoarNaw Millport. "Da littlo Loilio," aa ha waa oomnool; called, li no uoro. Tbo parenU hare tha eroopetby of Ibla catiro eontraunliT la their berMToaMt. aaa New Millport, DMeubar I lib, U80. Specials. Ohm llt'MDRlo Prr C'rrt. Di,ooi:rt on Oi.p Pricrb. Bowing Machine, oaa now be purrhaied at MerreU'e tin and variety ator., frota $te up ward,. All klnda of aewing BDaobinea repdircd oa tbe aborta.t notlso. Clearn.ld, Pa., July 1. 18JT. s Collbctob'i Salra ! We have prepared a fora, and hava oa band a large quantity, of blank Colleetor'a Bale,," whicb bare been ap proved by tho blRhoet legal authority In lb. Courte of thii eouoty. At Tutnty tVal, per doten wo will mail any number to Iho Collector orderlog them. A Collector, when oompelled to advertiM proparty, aiutl pMt ap not lasa than tbrM notlcea in tlia mo.t publie place, Ib fall borough or townabip. tf. Wartrh. Delivmd at tba Rail Koad. 100,000 2.inch abavod iblnglei. 100,000 24-lneh MWed ahiuglel. 100,000 feet of ptno board,. &00,odo 14-feet ahaved boopa. 5,000 railroad tiea. 00,000 feet of good hamloek board,. For which I will pay tbe higne.t market price, delivered at Clearfield, or at any puint on tb. Tyroa. A Clearfield Hailroad. 7. F. Rrahrr. Clearfield, Pa., Oat. 11, 1873-tf. x Just Iteeeivoil. , Jtut Roomvod by ARNOLD, nl CURWENSVILLE: Car Load Nova Scolia riastor I Car Load pure Corn, Hye nnd Oats Chopl Car Load Dcaltcn Suit ! Car Load of Clioico Family Klonr! Car Load Dry Goods, Grocerioi,&c! trfShinules, Bark. It. II. Tics and Grain will bo taken in exchange Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1878. CLEARFIELD MABKETS, Cli ARriBLD, Pa Dec. Htb, Flour, per et,-. Buckwheat Flour, per owt IS HO. $5 00 I 00 1 81 1 00 I 46 I 00 1 10 6i 60 S& AO 00 S T it ib 1 00 18 9 10 & 26 20 t Ott 20 m i is 1 76 Corn Meal, per owt Chop, rye, per owt Chop, mixed, per cwt , Bran, per cwt Wheal, par buehl. Kye, per bushel Oats, per bushel Corn, ears, per bushel Ituukwueat, per buiuel Clover seed Timotiiy teed Potatooa, per bushel Applet, per butkel Ouiooi Hams, per pound Bhoulder, per pound a Dried Beef, per pound Chicken, per pair Butter, per pound Kftrt, per doaen , Salt, per aak, large (Joal Uil, per gallon Lard, per pound Dried Applet, per pound Dried Peaohet, per pound - Bean, per buhel,. PRODUCE MARKET REPORf. PfitLADULPRiA, Deceoiber U. There was not much life In breads toffs to-day. Wheat and corn ruluretwere higher, but aaU wnn lower. Cotton ii quiet and firm. Kales at 120 for middling uplands. Bark is dull and nominal at fill for No. I quercitron. Seeds Clover is dull and weak. We quote fair and choice new at UOul.a. Timothy and Uax ar cglecled and nominal. Flour and MealFlour Is dull and to effect sales to any extent lower priest would hare to be ac cepted. Halea of 1,0(10 barrels including Minn, iota extras, nt $6.25o,t).T6 for medium to choice, clear, and at $0 26(art.60 for straight; Penn'n family at $6.206 0, weatern do. do. at (f;M0, and patents at f7fi.8.ti. Rye flour ia dull at 16.26 par barrel, ha tale of oom meal. Grain Wheat ia in better demand and future a lo hi jr Iter, fialei of 4,000 bosheli, Including re- jetted, at $I.U6(c).0flfc ; 1'cnnaylvania, and south ern red on track,at0l.lti ; b.Ui'O bushels retmiary, 1.28; 20,000 beehelt do. $1,231 and No. S red levator, at tl.lei. At the open board, first call, 16,000 bushela January told at H.Mi. and $1.17 wat bid for December ; $1.20 for Jaouary and $1.28 for February. Rye it dull at Ve per bu. for Pcunsylrania. Corn Tbe market i firmer with talea of 10,i00 buahela, Including old, yellow and mixed at 5((uy5btc; new yellow, tail, track, at 66)0, new steamer, at 68(n)6:tic. At lb open board, fit at cell, 66c wat bid for December, 66 Ac for Jaouary ( and 66 lo for February. Oatt are lesa active nod teller. Hales ot T.000 bnshels, In eluding wlute at 4i.(u,4, Je 10,000 bushela Jan nary at 4 Ac, and rejected and mixed at 44(44Ao. Whisky it Arm and icarc. Sties of 160 bar rels at $1.16. CHtcAOO, December 18. Flour quiet. Wheat active, firm aod 2o higher: Mc I red wmter, $1.011(0,1. 02; tin. 1 ibiago soring, $1.03K $I.UX'for cash, $1.04KII4 for January; $l.tl6i(ml 061 forFehraary; No. Ido. ITifiltSie. Cora aclive, firm and higher ; W jj for cash ; 4uio for January ; 40K440.V tor February ; 46i(o)46e for May. Oatt firm at S2o for cash; Jtiio for January ; 32e for February ; Itrlja for May. Rye Staadr. Barlev strenr aad higher at $1.10. Pork eaaier; $N.l(-vU fur rub, $)l8U(jj 1,00 for December ; ilJ.Uiv? U.lo Tor January ; fin .lurtu 13.824 for Febrnarv. Lard easier i $H ,ibtau.m for o i h ; $S.42(8.46 fur January $H.66(0.67 for February. Bulk meat steady. Whisky de. v. I10YT, Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, PUILIPPBURO, PA. TeT'AII business will be attend 1 to promptly. Deo. 15, 1880-ly. IM.KCTION OFIiKriCKRN. Then will J be a meeting of the Stockholders of the Woodlend Fire Uriah Co., ( Limited) in their office at Woodland, Pa., on MOIS DAY, JANUARY 1I, I SSI, at Ooelock A. M., for tbe purpose of elect ing officers for the eniuint; yw. 'A. V. IfO. HTON, Pretidenl. Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 1st, lK8U-3t. N OTU IC OF I.NC Y. To N'Aom ii ifny Cvnttrm .Notice It hereby given that the nndereiirned will pre tan t to the Court ef Common Plea a, holden In and for the County of Clearfield, at January Term. A, D. 1881, bit petition, praying the benefit of the In solvent Denton Act. WM. WAT40.N. Ilnutadale, Pa., De. S, 18Q.-4t. llorftc for Sale I A few fin CLYDEHDALI RTALLIONR aod Y. grade. Also, a few grad LLVDK MAREH In foal to import ad brsf. Will be avid reasonably. Corresnondeno toileted. Addresa, DENNY DROTliKKi, Box 818, Mwdville, Crawford Co., Pa. Dm. 15, IHH0 tf. II TR A Y NO! I ( K I Came tnspasilng on J ln premise of th undersigned in Morris u wash to, on or about tb lit dav Jun laat, a five. year-old COW, hlick. with whit spots, front feet blf k, a Hit ta the right ear, and small, crumpled herat. The owner la requeued le come forward, prove property, pey the Beceuary charges, and tak ber away, or lh will b sold aa the taw direct. FRANK D. WKIMKR. Morrisdal Minn, Pa , De. 8, 1880-31 Grist MiUFor Sale I Avery deairabl mill proparty, with two pairs of burrs, tit oat in DecAtur twp., Clear fiaid enuaty, Pa., about two aod a-faalf mllarweat of Fbihpaburg, Centre county, P. Apply to St MMKRHRI.D FLROAL, Philipatiurg, CentnCo., Pa, Nov. 10, I88C-K. TRY Till THIS YKAU. The Largest and Best Family Paper in theWorld. Bm4 for Sample fopy-IYrt. KtW VOBK Onni-.HH R, 81 Park Row.MfW Vark. grut 3idi'rrtlsrmntts. ARNOLD PAYS CASn or TRADE Carw.niTlll,, Pa., Jan. , 'tl tf. The most complete Institution In tha United Bute for th thorough practical dueatioa ef young nnd middle-aged man. Students admitted at any time, for Cireultn giving full particu lars, ad tire ii J. V. SMITH, A. M., octdf7-2mJ PiUsburgb, Pa. BUY AIIOME ! 110 BES, LOTS AND FARMS FOR 8ALK t rpWENTY IIOt'PKS and LOTS In Clearfield X for aalo at reasonable itriee and oa easy terms. Also, several FARMS in Bradford and Urabam townships. Apply to Vt ALLAL & KKEtiS, Dec. I, '80-if. Clearfield, I'a. A FJUITOirS NOTICB. The undenlcned Auditor, appointed by tbe Orphani' Court of Clearfield county, to nport dia trioutlon of th balano in tbe bands of Joseph II. Uretb, Administrator of L'brUlian A en, let of borough of New Washington, dee'd, anoogtt those legally entitled, hereby gives notice that he will eltecd to the duties of his appointment at bit office, In Clearfield, Pa., on Til I Rb DAY, the 3JI day of DECKMBBH, 18S0, at 10 e'elerk A. M. DANIKL W. McClRDY, Auditor. Clearaeld, Deo. Sth, IhPtJ-at. -R 1 V 1T.1RH, R7f IX. f ,.' VAll I. k.u lJ by given that Letter, Tcatainontery on the eitale of UKUKliB KNAKR, Senior, lata of Brady towoahip, Cloarficld-eounty, Peousylvania, deeeaaed, having boia duly granted to tbo under niKnod.all peraoBa Indebted to aaid aetata will pleaie make Immediate payment, and tboae bar ing ciaiua or acmaoai again,! tne eame will pro acnt Ibcra properly authenticated for Battlement, aitboul delay. ADAM KNARR, . ULUKUK KAI1K, Jr., EiMutorl. Trout.llle, Pa, or. S, laSO Bt. Farm for Sale I riAHi: tul tcriber now oil en hit farm for tale. I The properly la located one mile and a half norm of uiearueld, containing HI li It i Y ACKhs, most ef which it eloand and under good cultiva tion, good two-ttory L bouse, large frame barn, and other neceisary outbuildings, together with an orchard of at) kinds of fruit. Tbe who) tt INDRKLAID WITH OOOD COAL. This prop- trty will be exchanged for tmalltr property. For further particular! call on th premise, or addrcil a letter to JOHN C. KKKll, Dee. 16, 1K80-4I. Clearfield, Pa. T lCHNfcB NOTIt li. The followlnr per I J com hare filed la tb oflioe of th Clerk of the Court of guar tor Hctaiont of Clearfield count v. their petitions and bonds for licenses, at tbe Jan uarvtcaiiouinixt, asrteablv to the Act of Assem bly :- REKTAl HAXV LlCIDIlI. John Kooaer Clearfield R.T. Kelly- M..Dnllois M, J. Kaliy Joseph M. Smith Btccaria Twp HOTRI, Mr RUHR, O.Bennett .Bccoaria Tw'p Jobo 8. Barr DuBoia Samuel R. Noteatine Curwensvllle A. J. Drauvkar HCurwesville John Coleman Houtsdale Job Franclt Hlloutsdale Ueorge 11. Woodin H Houtidale Andrew Pen It, Jr Clearfield William fimi'h Woodward Twp ur.nt AHTILH W.C. Quigley A John Height UuBolt WBOLISALl. Max Klinordlinger DuBoft Certified from tbe record at Clearfield, Ihli I4ih day of December, 180. Ll BLOOM, Prothooetary. OrpIiaiiH Court Male OK VALUABLE Property in Beccaria Twp, 1)Y virtue of an order ef tbe Orphani' Court J of Clearfield county, made October 2d- lftttf, and renewed at aubtequent terms of taid Court, then will be exposed to public tale at the Court Ilouie, on Monday, January 10th, 1880, AT I O'CLOCK P. M.t Th following detcribed nal eitale, situatt In Beccaria township, Clearfield oounty, I'a ta wit : One thereof bounded aa followt, to wit: On tbt north by lands of K. A. Irvin, toiith by landi Mn. Wm. Puacy, eaat by tnot of land below de scribed, and west by landt of T. W. Bailey, Dr. A, Worrel and 11. C. Bailey, eootainlng 18l ACRKS. The other thereof bounded at folio wi : On the north by lends of K. A. Irvin, eoutb by lands of Mn. Wm. Pusey, aal by tan da of B. S. Dunlap, and wast by tract ol laud abot described, eou- tatmng Ltll ACRES. Both of laid tracts ar heavily limbered with pine, oak and hemlock, and underlaid with rood coal. The toil it alto well adapted far farming. I he lands are situate along. what it known at Porter's run, about lj miles from Clearfield creek, and 21 in ilea below (ilea Hope, and within a hurt distance of the line of tbe extension of th Bell' (Jap Railroad. TERMS OF SALKt One-third oath on con firm at Ion of tale, and one- third In two yean with Intercut, to be secured by bond aad mortgage on itie preomei. JSU.AtiMH W IDEM I riff, R. C.WIDKMIRK, Adm'ra of tiamiteMVidemlrf, dee'd, Dec II, IrtcO-St. HOLIDAY Gifls! GIFTS!! Gifts!!! Highly interesting to all Ihoxe who arc ahnM to buy their Wo Lave one of tho finer.! asortnient of fancy and uaelul (jooda In town, among which will bo found TOILET SETS, LEATHERETTS V t.iflrj milt aVaHiiMp "Work Boxes, Jewel Cases, kt, A Hill anil onmpU'te awiorment of Ms d h Stationery. Alan, MUSICAL INSTIU'MKN TS of CTcry ucarription, from IrTason & Hamlin ORGANS TO I'crsoiia vititing our town Institute Week, And all othera, are invited to call with, ont fail, if yon want anything in our line. We ean'l he beat in quantity, qtrality or price. . P. A. GAULIN, F. 0. Building, CLEARFIELD, PA Decembers, ISWMt. , Christmas Presents mouth Harmonicas. CAUTION. All persons ar hereby cautioned J againtt pttrcbasing or ntgottntirg a eertin onacit drawn on "itio vurwouiuio uidk, iur la j. liined bv ua and dated September 23d, I SH0, in favor of W. O. Thompson, payable July 1st, isi, at the ceo ait ion or to payment oi taia ebeok bav not been compiled witn ay toe seia inompion, aad we will net pay is urihi eom pel led to do to by law. BARD A OASIDY. Curweotvilie, Pa., Nov. ID, D3SQ fit. SIIOEMAKINU. t htroby Inform my pa trons, and mankind in general, that 1 bavo removed my aboemaking shup to th room in uranam a row, over o. i. Dnyur a jeweiry nor, and that I am prepared ta do all klnda of work in my line cneaper than nny other ibop in town All work warranted as wood aa can ha done anv- wber else. Potitlvely tbit it the cheapest shop in Llearueia. JO. 11. DbbKlnU. Do, it, un-tf. AHHICSNEEH NIlTIt r.To Whom It May Concern i The undersigned, having been appointed Assignees for the benefit of credi tors by Jat. li. Ore I lain, of Clearfield borough, all peraons, tberefon, having claims against him will present them to nt for aetuetnant, and those In det ed to the taid 11 rah am ar required to tettle and mak paymtat to ot. KOWAUD A. ItKiLKH, ASBURY W. LKK, Clearfield, Pa., Dm. SI, 1870-tf. Anignect. IHSO-1. lSO-l. THE PATRIOT, DAILY AND WEELY, FOR THE ENSUING YEAR I The subscription price of the Wrrklv I'irntoT has been reduced to (I per copy per annum. To elubl or Fifty and upwards the Wbkki.v I'iTRior will be furnished at the extraordinarily eheap rat of 7t ccatt per copy per annum. The Daily Patriot will be tent to any address, during the tettloni of Congress and the Legisla ture at the rate of 50 eents per month. Under tho Act of Congrcaa th publisher pr. pays tbe postage, and subscriber! an relived from tbat expenae. Every aubtcrlption tnuit be accompanied by the cash. Now it the time to tubaoribe. The approach log settient of Congnst and tbe Legislature will be of mure than ordinary interest and tbelr pre- i oeeoiogs will be fully reported for the Dally and a eumplste aynopslt of them will be givea in the I Weekly. Address, PATRIOT PI BLIPIHNa CO., 320 Market Stretf llarrisburg, Pa. Dec. l,lfiS0.4l. c lOURT PROCLAMATION. Whikias, Hon. O. A. MAYKR, Pntident Judge of the Court of Common Pleat of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, eompoeed ef tbo eonntte ot Ulearleld, uentre ana vunten and Hon. Abraw Ouurr nnd Hon. Vihcrrt Holt, Aatoclate Judgea of Clearfield county have Isancd their preetpt, to mc direoted, for Ihe boldinf of n Court of Oommon f leaa, Orpnam Court, Court of guartsr Beiilons, Court of Oytr and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv ery, at the Court Houie at Clearfield, in ami for the county ol Cleartlelo, eouunencingon tn nrroua M outlay ci I January, (imiit a is. i-wi and to rout lime lor two week. NOTICE IS, therefor, hereby, glrcn to th Coroner. Justice oftht Peace, and Constables, in and for taid county of Clearfield, to appear In their proper peraom, wun tnetr itecorua, Hoin, Inauliltloni. Kxaminatlona, and other Rcmem. brances, to do thoa things whicb to their offices, nnd in their behalf, pertain to b don. By an Act or Assembly, pasted tn atn aay 01 May, A. D. 18&4, it it made the duty of tho Jus tices of the Peace of the several counties of thit Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the respective counties, all the rccognianneea entered into befon them by any person or persons charged with the com mini an of any crime, except tuck eaaea at may be en did befon a Justice of tha Peace, un der existing laws, at leeat ten days before tbe cots mence men t of the session of tbe Court to which they ar mad nturnablerespectirely.and In all cases where any recogiiltanoes are entered Into less than ten days before tbe com men cement of the tension to which they are made returna ble, tbe said Justice! are to return the tame In tbe tame manner ai if aaid act had not been passed. QIVKN an tier my hand at Clearfield, thla 24th day of Noveiii her, in th year of our Lord, on tboutand tight hundred and eighty, nor. 34-tc JAMKS MAUAFtKY, Sheriff. 1881. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. This popular periodical is pre eminauily a journal for th household. Every Number furnishes the latest information in regard to Fashions in dress and ornament, the new eat and most approved patterns, wun descrip tive artit'les derived from authentic and original too ree ; while itt Stories, Poems, end Kesayi on Bocial and Douteitio Topici, give witty to lit column. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, HARPER'S BAZAR, Od Year M 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE, Of Year ...........4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, On Year 4 00 Tb THREE abovs publication!, On Year. 10 00 Any TWO abov namod, On Year ,...T 00 HARPER'S YOl'NO PEOPLE, One Yar...l 60 Postage Frts to mil tuUcriberf in tk United State and Canada. Th Vulirm! ef the Baxar beg id with th ttrat Nuailrer for Janaary of eaeh year- Whea ao time Ii mentioned, it will be an der toed that tb lahscriber wishet to commence with the Number next after the receipt of the order. Th lait Eleven Annual Volumci of Harpkr's Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will be sent bv mall, poster paid, or by express, free of expense (provided tbe freight dcei not exceed one dollar per volume), Tor 17 00 tv.h. Cloth Cesea for each volume, tultable for bind ing, will be scut by mail, noitpaid. on receipt of tl 00 each. lUmittanew should tie made by Pott-Ofiioe Money Order or draft, lo avoid ebane of lots, XttrtntitM art not to odv lln aJrcrh'HMeNt mthont Iktetpret order of llARrRK A Brotbrrs. Addms HARPER A BROTHERS, Ntw York. Nov. 24 tb, IfM-llt. 18S1. - ' HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. "Studying the tubjeet objectively and from the educational point of view seeking to provide tbat which, taken altogether, will be of the moil ervice to tbe largett number I long ago con cluded that, If I could have but one work far a public library, I would select a complete lot cf Harper JIoIMy. ' t HAtlLKa fRAXClB ADAMS.Jr. lit content! an contributed bv th molt emi nent authon and artists of Europe and America. wniie tne long expeneae t lit patiianen aat made them tburongbly conversant with the de sires of th public, which they will spare no effort to gratify. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. UARPBR'S MAGAZINE, Ob Year 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY, On Year 4 00 BARPKU'8 BAF.AR, Ua Year. H ... 4 00 Th THREE ahova publications, On Ot Any TWO above named. On Ycer.,.. 7 00 HARPER'S YOU NO PEOPLE, One Year. I 0 Paitag Free to alt tuhetriim im the lm'ti7 Stare or Cwmdit, t ' Th volume of tbe Mnattite begin with the Number for June and December of each year, When no lime Is specified, it will be understood tbat the subscriber wiihei to begin with tbe cur rent Number. A complete let of Hinrka't Manttian, com- f. riling (II Yolumet, In neat cluih binding, will latent by express, freight at expense ol pur chaser, on receipt of IS a per volume. Sili rolmmt; by mail, postpaid, ;t.00. Cloth eaies, lor mndinr, s cents, hv mail, post n aid. Remittancei tbould be mad by Postoffiee money Order or Draft, to aroid cbanc of lusi. iWwtpttpert arc net to py let's advertisement without iav e.rpreee order 0 lURPBR URomaRR Addreat HARPER A BROTH KRS, Kew York Not. 24tb, 10-at. EXECUTORS' SALE OF Desirable Heal Estate ! Estate of Eiclxard Shaw. Srn.Doc'd. riMIK anderslgned, Vxteutort of th estate of I If IPII A U It HHAW U. aRa.ll kfa. at pwhliesaleat the COl''RT ItOUrjR, In th hor ongh of Clearfield, Pa., el Fritlny, April Int, 1881, AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M Th following valuable real aitate, vis Tb three-atery BRICK HOTEL proprty, corner of M artel Baa rirst llreetl, in the trar ougb ef Clearfield, kaona as 'The Shaw House Fraatlag with two lots of erennd Ihento belocrlnf lw reel ea Market street, aad vu feetoa kirst street, wttaatwe.atory dwelling house attached. The be tel proper baa titty bed-reomt and all aeavaaieaeo fr a first-olast betel. Oae of the moat desirable bolt) properties la Central Pennsylvania. Tbe above wttl be wld together wllh a two slnrv frame dwell In B"B on Marktl Street, ad jaceet to lh Hotel, and on other fram dwelling bouse and iwe.itory tton ouiiaiag, an inniing on Market ttreeU AL80. All tbat eerie la lot, know in tbe plan of Clearfield boroegh at ftl no l-v, frontlBg M fH en loeutt street, rua aiag back lit feet, are or lea, to aa alley with dwellina beato nndallnecesiary aut 1 bnildinga thereon ereeted.aed other improvements. rCR.VI OF HALE! Ooe-tkird eesb al delivery af good deed, aad the balano to be secured by bond and mortgage, payable in on and two year, with Irtentt. A. p. SHAW, JOS. SHAW, Burvlvlag Ii'n ef Richard Shaw, 0rdo'l, Cltarleld, Pa., Oct. I, lHS-f. T C j C p J52-S I S S.2 S 3 . SO - .5 5 I S 2 8 Eg ,1 -S n M O e 11.1 8 - - S 1 2 "IC, To a, 2 0 w 5 to ' r-1 ' 0 .5 cs mm 1 e t 6 af 3 6 i 5 -i U PATTOW Curwcnsvillc, Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I luiy diroct from johbfti's nnd nianufncturcift, receive poods at car loud rnton, lionet? can coinpcto with New York and Philadel phia houses. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having hark to haul during the Winter, can contract and receive liberal advance.. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, Eeil. t, HI OTCJ3FI. MOTTO; 'QUICK SALES AND WE INVITE the people insnprtirm nf nnr luiwi READY made Gent's Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC.-! As wc buy for cash only, we are enabled to dve our natrons every possible advantage. Our linn of piece poods, especially adapted, to Merchant Tailoring,, is complete. Wc employ only Grst-clafB workmen, and ore prepared to make suits at short notice and unusually low prices. . : ' , ; ')'( ''')'. We tender our thanks for past favors, and solicit your future patronage. ALBERT TIIANIIAUSER, Room No. 1, Pie's Opera House Block, Clearfield, Penu'a. September 29, 1880-tf. JAMES L. hv ri Ban ffa JL i TT 3V X JSt DE!."!" A X3C 3S 3F1. , -J ' ji i i IHAI"'RT """"KKT, CI.KRKIKI.II, PEMJI'A. All klnda of Pntkats nntl Coflin, kept ou hand, anil furnished to order ou abort notice, Including tbo finest aa well aa the cheapest thnt can be Iti&nri- Cnottired. Our la tho beat In tmc, and will be furoiahed when required. Fuuerala attended in any pari of the county. Call at my office, on Second atreet, or leave; your onlcra at Troutmnn'a Knrnitnro Store, adjoining the I'oKtofllee. ' JAS. L. LKAVY, oct 1,79 ly." 1 Olearfiold, f'a. CISNTJlAi; HOTEL, PITTSBURGH; in iiibmii, . I,, I, i r, ' -' - SMrTHFIELD STREET, FE0M SECOND TO THIRD AVENUES, , piTTBHunon, xJk.. The moat centrally Icx aled 6mt-claai Uouao in tha City. Street car. paai the door every five Diinotea to all tbo Dcpnla and all pari, ol both oitiea. Trana, 12 50 I'm Dat. WALSH & ANDKHSON, ProprietoM. orTba CitAinELD Itipiaucivji received weekly at tba Hotel and plaoed on file for the benefft of gieats from thla section. or.tS7.3m, . 5rtiSfrIlanroBS. TsS n3, t al X el 5 .w o u u VI BV n H 0 Ba. n id ..-21 S a 5 .as 2 SO A S c S & E "2 3 X o -s t2 . S 5 jij o r ci a be g j S aT af S3 3 " ' a a B af O o S if a 1 W EH av to u a H A u ti .5 "SI? S fa hi . - o a -3 - o -i - - t. c .2 o r 2 2, a To a -5 -,Xiu c i "SO DO 8 H is 0) a. li, - .IB to E . j. " - JI CO o 3 i w &3 SM a a 73 M al MS 5 21 S ai " i -i Bo S 9 Tj - w 0 4) C .o .z T- v a T3 o u V U S . BLOCK, CURWENSVILLE, PA. SMALL PROFITS." 0r Clearfield and vicinity to th nnd n-ell Holntnr1 arvlr n'f CLOTHING, LEAVY,