THB "CLEARFIELD RKPCBLICAV P01LUM0 intT WSMIIDAT, AT CLSARFIELD, PA. HTARMIUBU IN I8T. Ttif largeat Circulation f any ftewaitaper In North Central Pennsylvania Terms of Subscription. f paid In fcdTiOM, or within I moo tha.... $3 (Ml If paid after i and before t Bionthe H SO f paid fur the eiplratlon of month... 3 OO Rates oi Advertising. T ran ileal edvertitemenU, per aqnaraof lOllnotof , X timet or tena 1 b9 Kr ouch mibiequenttnaertlon .... (0 X tminiftrfttof' ind tixeflutcra'notioea.. I 60 Aulitori' notlcei 1 0 C tutiinif nd RVtraye 160 IhKt'ilutlon notice! I 00 lVotenilonal Cerdi, 6 Huee or le,l year...- 00 l.ol nnt.ei.per line 10 YEA11LY ADVKRTI8KMENTB. . i ,uire 18 00 I oolumn $50 00 9 iaur. 16 00 1 eolamnHH 70 00 3 i.iurei... 30 00 1 eolamn.. 130 00 Q.B. OOODLANDER, Publisher. Xnu'iifrs' Cams. YY W. SMITE, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, 'll:l:7 Clearneld, Pa. r J. LINGLE, ATTORNKY-AT - LAW, 1:18 Phlllpobura;, Ceutre Co., Pa. yipd JOLAND D.SWOOPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curwensrille, Clearfield Bounty, Pa. Oct. ), '7S-tf. 0 SCAR MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA TOOffire In the Opera House. OfltV, '78-tf- p II. W. BARKETT, AtTORNIVB AND COUNSELORS AT IiAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. January SO, 1878. J-SUA EL TEST, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Clearneld, Pa. 4r"0!S. on. door east of Bhaw lions. ljyll,'!7 V fM. M. McCULLOUGII, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. (i(H -e In Jlesonle bnlldln, Second street, op jicite the Court Hons.. je2a,'7tf. y C. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWEN8VILLE, o'. Clearfleld Counts, Penn'a. 5j s. T. BP.OCKBANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. onice In Opera House, ip 16,'77-ly gMlTII V. WILSON,, CLEARFIELD, . - PENN'A. ,arOfflre In the Masonic Boildin, OTrr the Cunly National Hank. (marM SO. w II 1.1. M A Ai.tA davib L. ebbbb. job. . waieLar. .nnr r. walla f ALLACE & KREBS, n (Su-ccM'in to Wallao. A Fielding,) A T T O R N E Y S - A T - L A W , jnl'77 Cleartleld, Pa. J. V. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. oilire nrer lli County Natiopel Bank. Jun. 28, 'TStf. L. McGEE, ATTORJTEr-AT-LAW, DuBois, Clearfield County, Penn'a. gr"Wlll attind promptly to all legal basin... eutru.til to ail oar. IJae.l, aw. iaut. a. auaRATe cyrui auacoa. JURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. VOffiea In Pie'l Opera IIobi mond floor. :SU'74 riLLlAM A. HAGERTY, iH'Ul't: over T. At Plerk A Co.'. Stare, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A -WIII attend to all legal bu.lne.e wltb proinptnee. and fidelity. febll,'80-tl. IO!ari B. M'BKAbLT. DABIBL W. B'CDBDT, fcENALLY i McCUBDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, ncarneld, pa. ar Legal bailneee attanded te promptly with) 1'lelity. Uffloa on rJaeond ttraet, above the Pint .National Uank. Jan:l:7f 4 G. KitAMER, IV. ATTORNEY-AT- LAW Real Ratal, and CollactloB Agent, ( I.KAHh'IKl.l), PA., Will promptly attend to all legal baiiaeol aa tru.trd to hi. aara. .Mr-Offic. is Pie'e Opera Home. Jaal'76. T F. McKE.VRICK, ' e DISTRICT ATTORNEY, CLEARFIELD, PA. All legal bnlinees entroited to bli eara will re ceive prompt ettentloa. arOBlne In tba Court Houie. augl4,l878.y. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. tint Heal Ratal Agent, Clearfield, Pa. rifflce oa Third .Ireet, b.t.Cberrji W.lnat. jagr Reepeetfnlly olfere hta eervlete la eelllng and buying lands iB Olaarfi.ld and adjelnlng oouatlea ( and with aa aip.rleneaal oa.rtw.nty y.are aa a SBrvayor, flatters himself that he oan render eatlefaelloB. (Feb. l8:IIS:tf, Ultiisidnns' CarflJ. )R. K. M. SCUEURER, IIOMIF.OPATHIO PIIT8IC1AN, Offlee Ib reeldcBoa oa First St. April 14, 187i. Clearfleld, Pa. It. W. A. MEANS, I'HYSICIAN & SURGEON, DUBOIS CITY, PA. Will attend professional calls promptly. augl0'78 T. J. UOTEU, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OOce oa Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. tVOOca hoar.: I u II a m , and I to I p. m. I) R. . J. KAY WRIGLEY, nOMOJPATIlIC PIIYSICIAK, A4vOfllee aJJolniag th. residence ef Jaoses ril.y, K.a,., oa Seeoad riu, I'lo.rl.ld, Pa. Jelyil, J . JJU. U. D VAN VALZAII, CI.EAItPiei.D, PKNM'A. OFFICE IN RESIDKNCE, CORNER Of FIRST AND PINE BTREKI-rf. P- OSoe hoars Fro bb 11 te 1 P. U. May II, lift. JJR. nURCUFIKLl), bate Sargeea af the 111 Regiment, Pe.a.rlreala Vola.Mere, ha.i.g r.taraad free, the Army, elfers his professleeal B.rviaee la IhaslUaeaa i uiearleld eoaaty. "'Frefeseieaalealla promptly attested I. noe ea geeoad (treat, formerlyeeaaplU hy Wert,. (apr,'a u J PHIHTIMO Of 1VERT taciif He, Beatly aiaeatad at this .Bee. CLEARFIELD GEO. B. Q00DLANDEE, Editor St Proprietor. VOL. 51-WIIOLE NO. Cards. TIINTICEtl' it COraHTA BLEIf FEE .1 We have printad a larva have printad a larg. nambar of tba n.w FEB BILL, and will an tba raoaipt of twenty. Iva eonta. nail a moot to any addreee. TlS WILLIAM M. HENRY, Jostice or raa Pbaci abd Bcbitbbbb, LUMBER 01TY. CoNeotione made and mono? promptly paid over. Artiolai of agreement and dead, of eoovoyeneo natly eiaouLed aad warrantee, eor root or no obarga. Hjy'7 JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juatiee of the Peaoe and ScrWener, Carwenevllle, Pa ' IWu Collection i made and money promptly peid oror. fabarntf HENRY BSETH, S (OITI1D I.O.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ron bill Towaantr. Ha; t, 1878-1 ya JAMES MITCHELL, DBALBR IB Square Timber & Timber Lands, J.ll'T CLKARFIKLD, PA. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clrarfleld, Penn'a. kavWIII .iMnttlobi In bli lin. promptly and In a workmanlike mannar. rr.,u. F RANK FIELDING AND WILLIAM D. B1GLER, tTTORXW.'B'AT'l.A II, CLEARFIELD, PA. . i7lh, 1880 if. JOHN A. STADLER, BAKER, Idark.t Bl., Cloart.ld, Pa. Pre.h Broad, Ruik, Rolli, Pi.l aad Cako. od band or mad. ta order. A g.n.ral auortment of Conleetionarlai, Frail, aad Note la .took. Ice Cream and Ov.tert In eeaaon. haloon aeariy OVPO.IU the Poetoffiee. Prioa. moderat.. larrn ni-7.. WEAVER &, BETTS, DKALKRH 1M Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs, AND LUMBER OP ALL KINDH. r Office on Booond itreoU la rear of itore ruoia of uearfe nearer una u". RICHARD HUGHES, JUSTICE OF TIIR PEACE roa itrralur Totrnthlp, Oae.ola Mill. P. O. All .ntraeted to him will be promptly .ttended to. moh2l, 71, ARRY SNYDER, BARBER AND HAIHLKKtsn. Shop on Market St., or.po.lte Court Hoasa. A olMn towel for .very ou.tomer. Also dealer in Beet llranile of Tobarco and Clgara. nu.rH.M. p.. war . '' JAMES H. TURNER, JUSTICE OF TI1B PEACE, Wallareton, P.. ssr-He has nreoared himself with all the necessary blank forms under the Pension and Hnnntv law., a. wall as blank Deeds, ete. All l.l natter. .ntrasUid to bis eare will reoelre prompt attention. May 7th, 187i'-tr. ANDREW HARWICH, Market Hlreet, ClearDeld, Pa., MABtTACTBBBB ABD DBAI.BB IB JJarntts, Bridltt, Satldlet, Collart, and Horse-rvrnishing hoods. JNtrAII hinds of repairing promptly atteaded i. uil.,.' Hardwire, llorae Brashoi. Curry Combs, Ae., always on hand and for sale at the lowest cash prlo.. iraercn "i' Q. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. jgar pomps always an hand and made to order en ehort aotiea. Pipaa bored oa raaaonable terms. All work warranted ta render satisfaction, aad delivered If deelred. myiaiiypa Ialvery Stable. THE und.nlr.ned bag. leave to Inform the pub lic that bo is bow fully prepare to aoeomeio dau all la the way of furnishing H.aes, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest nolloe and en reasonable terms. Reeldeaee on Locust street, hetWMB Third and Fourth. GEO. W. OEARHART. Ilearleld. Feb. 4, 1174. WASHINGTON HOUSE, OLEN HOPK, PENN'A, TIIR anderiitned, bavlnif leaied thii torn modioae Hotel, la the rilU)(e of Ulen Hope, la now prepared to owomaiodeto all who nj oall. My tahle end ber ohall bo npplied with the beat the nerket alTurdt. OKOKiJB W. DOTTft, Jr. Qleo Hope, I'e., March 30, U7Mf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DiiLaa ta GENERAL MERCHANDI8E, GRAHAMTON, Pa. Alio, eitoaaiTo manafoetaror and deeler la Sqaaro Xtmbor aad bowed Lnmooroi all atadl. -Order! lolioited and all blllt promptly tiled. jyll'73 I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Watches, Clock) and Jewolry, Srataai', Am., Jforael Areas, Cl.EAFKIELIt, PA. All kinds of ronalrina la my line promptly Bl ended to. Jaa. 1st, WW. Clearfield Nursery. EN'COURAGB HOME INDUSTRY. rpill andarrdgned, having artahllshed a lfar- X aery aa tha 'Piha, aboat half way balwMB Clearfield and Carwen.rllle, Is areparad to far- aieh all hlada af FRUIT THRES, (standard aad dwarf,) Erergraeae, Shrabhery, tirape Vlnae, ltoee.Brry, Lawton Blaekbarry, Strawberry, and Raspberry Via... Aleo, Hiberlaa Crab Trees, lautaoo, and early anarl.t Rhabarh, Ae. Order promptly attended to. Addrete, J. D. WRIGHT, eeple M-y Carweosvllle, Pa. West End Drug Store, I!f GRAHAM S ROW, (Half way betweea Mosso,', aad FlMh'a stores.) CLEAHFIELD, pa. rflHB anderslaaed hasopoBad bp b Drat Stare X with ft full supply af parlartly pure and lre.B 1raga, M edioines, vaemieal, ana Totw Artlolea ThM. Drags h.v. baea selected with great aare aad are gaaranlwd ta he porfeetly pure aad reliable. 1 will give my pemnal attea. Uea te thle department, aad will eaeerraliy giva any advlre and lalermatiaa la rgard tamedleiaea rree efeharg.. IR. I.J. BtlVKK. Clearfield, Pa., Dee. I, llfil tf. ilrnrttrld Iniuranct Afntry. JABBB BBBB. CABBOLL t. ,lnBIB. KLltlt H B11HH.K, atnll. Represent the following and ether first -elan, Ca's Campanlea. Asset,. Liverpool London A Olobs-B. I. Br.Jt.J0l Lyeamlag ea mataal Aeash plans. t.fieO.fil'fi rhmnla,of llanrerd.Cona ,. l.i3.tH3 lasaraaee Co. ef North Amerir l,4M.(7t Korth British A Mereaatlle U.B. Br. I.Ttl.lM Seotilah Cemmerelal 0. A Branek.... 1711,141 Watavtown .ll Trenler, (Law A Aoeedeal) 4,l.,4M Omea aa Atartot St., epp. Oeart Uewaa, Ctear teM,Pa. Jaae4,1llf. 8, 2,701. Walter Scott's Greeting to Robort Burna, CENTRAL PARK, NEW YORK, 1880. ar wallacb aat-ca. (Mr. Wallaco Drnotroolted tbo followlnf Poem at the St.Aadrawi Dinner, Delinoaloo', New Vork oitj, oa tba eteoioj of Norembor the 80th, pre feeing It ib Ibe following paragraph "After the anvoillngof the Burn ' itatoe a few week i ago In Centre) Perk ( after the eloquent oration of Ueorge William Cartli had atlrred the heerti of tboueendi who lore tbo llnei of the PeeMnt Poet ; after the crowd had dlaprid and nijrht had w tiled dawn apoa the throt atataei of Sbekfpeere, Scott and Harni, It uened to m eminentljr fitting that Waltor 8ootlaboulditesd a greeting to the newly Brrlred poet aad Intro duoe him to hla bronied friend abd oonrada William Bbakapeare." We greet thee, RoUe, here to-night, Beaeetb theto etere eo pure ead bright W greet thee, 1'oet, eotno ot leak With Will and me thy lot to oaat. We're talked about thee mony a day And wondered when you'd bo 'hie wey Reach oat yonr hand and gie'e a abaka, Juat ante, for auld acquaintance take. Wa welcome yoo from Rootla't land And reach to you a brither'e hand: A kindred otil to greet you lurna Will bhakapeare, tbia it Robia llurni. We're anng your aonga her mony night 'Till that dear iter ia luat in light, And, Willie aaya, the Hnet yoo wrote Will area do for him to quota. He likea your rente wondroui weel And aaya yoo are a glortoui ohlel -In fact, the only one who knowi The apace 'twin poetry and proaa. Ob, Robia, If we had a plaid We'd quite oon?ert yon Stratford lad. He said, in truth, but yestcr-moro, "I'm Seotuh In wit, though Kogllab bora ; "And, Walter, it may yet appear That tSootland takea In Warwlnkihtre Let A ron bo the border line, Blot out tbo Tweed or draw It Ana " Bo Willie brow your peck o mau't And eet the board with attie aan't, For Rob baa come at laat yu aee Wo were a pair, but now we're throe. W'a need no other now No modern hard o' nlaaate brow t 'Til long before another man Will be admitted to our oln. In Bturmr night a 'twaa loneaome hora ntwn Will recited balfo' Lear; But now he quote O Shanter'a Tale Ja thunder, lightning, and in hail, And aaya hta wltebea een't compare With thoae that chaaed O'Shaater'a mare; Ile a even learned your Iell Addreae To quote eome night for good Queen Ban Fir Robia tbia ia haunted ground Where Spirit! ketp their nightly round : And when the witching hour ia near You'll aoa atrange beinga gather here. I aaw Queen Beaa the other night Betide him, clad In future bright, While kinge and queeoa, a noble throng, In dim prooeaaion paaaed along, And walla aeemed riling from the earth Like Leioeeter'a tower at Kenilworth; And all the pageant that wai there, Seemed floating in the moonlit air. Aye! Beauty, Joalouay and Pride, In Dudley'e II alia walked aide by aide, While Amy Kobiart aee toed to a tend Wltb fair Ophelia, hand la bend. And, Robio! what a rUlna came Aa Willie whispered Ariel'a name The towera diiaolred and round him draw Tba atately, gentle, fair and true, Miranda, Jul I ft, Irnngene, II enn lone and Katharine, While Roaalind among them atood The aunlight of eweet Arden'a wood. 'Twore long to paaa ihem la reriew, For itlll the circle wider grew I otil tba airy rlaion bright Waa loit at laat Id liquid light. So let ma wbliper In yonr ear Nerer to toll what paaaea here: There'll be a grand reception anon To groet the lad from Bonute Doon. We'll gather op the jotlleat erew, FalatatT, Prince Hal and Rhoderiok Dha, And a' the rantin' blither Scota Free Maiden Kirk to John O'Uroatj. Bo, Robia, make youraelf at home 'Mang frlendaand brithera yon hare eome And bare'a a land that 'a quite aa fair Aa tbat between the Doon and Ayr; A land tbat glorlei in Ita youth, That owna oo creed but living truth, W here pith o' tenae and pride o' worth A refuge find from rank and birth t A land tbat'a made your tertea real, Whoae guinea-etatnp ts henor'e eeal, Aya I Kobte, hero they're quite forgot To write the bir juit Walter Boott. And here thy aonga will arer ring Through all the yeara the centuriei bring, 'Till all are free and orery aea Shall know no ihore but Liberty. A CI1ECKEJIKD LIFE. (1REEN, THE REFORMED GAMBLER, ABJECT POVERTY. . From the Philadelphia Record. In the little two-story tenement No. 1802 Soulb Juniper street, in abject poverty, rcnidos Jonathan 11. Green, onto notorious but now reformed gambler, with his family, conaisting ol a wife and seven children, the ronntrost 3 weeks and tbo eldest 14 yours of ago. jur. uruuii in uiiiimmi erijipica in nis right arm, and one ol his children lies stitrering with typhoid fever. The bouse- ia almost entirely dostiluto of furniture, and even beloro the present oold snap the family had not sutlicient dou clothing to keep tbem trom actual sulfering. in the man ol muscular frame, gaunt with want, a well dovel oped head covored with a fair suit of iron-gray hair, a high iorchoad with heavy brows, bonealh which gleam a pair ui cow, gray eyes, a laco covered with whiskers, but destitute of a mus tache, and in manners self possessed and arTablo, one would recognize only in a faint degroe the gambler of forty years ago, who at tbat time little dreamed, amid tbo wealth and luiury with which he was thon surrounded, of the oxtrome poverty with which be now struggles. "I never smoked a cigar in my life, never knew tho taste of tobacco and never touchod a drop of liquor." said Mr. Green, as he began rapidly to re count, oia evenuui History, and added : "1 promised my mother when a boy 6 years of ago, aa 1 stood by her dying bed, never to drink a drop of liquor, and t have never broken that promise." Mr, Green was born in Kentucky In the year 1813, and hia grandfather was a cousin ot Uoneral JNaluaniol Greene ; of Revolutionary fame. Out of consid eration for bis family name ho drop ped the final "e" in penning hit auto graph. At the age of sixteen years he entered upon a lile the most eventful ever known among the gambling fra ternity. In the pursuit of hit profes sionfor he was a prolossional cam- bier Green was one of the must suc cessful men who ever touched a card, and at the limo of bia rotor m turn waa worth over 150,000, nearly every cent of which went in the way of restitution to tboso who had been his victims. Green was 28 Tears of aire when he abjured hia profesaion, and resolved, come what might, never to touch a card again. The eircnnialances which led to this resolution art an index to the man's character. Ho was travelinir from St. Louis to Cincinnati by boat It was Sunday, and oa the boat was a Methodiat oler- gym an, wbo bad dittrihutod tome re ligious tracts oo the Ublot and tolteot in the main aaloon, where Green was sitting. Soon alter the clergyman had laid the tracts od the table eoople oi gamblers walked up, one remarking to CLEARFIELD, PA., tho otbor : "Cotno on, I'll give you another back., right bore, at the same time brushing the tracts on tho floor, and throwing down in their place a pack ot cards. Green witnosaed the operation, and at onco became indig nant at tho rough manners of the gam- blora. Stepping up to .the table ho coolly picked up the dock of cards and threw them through tho window into tho Ohio rivor, and thon picked up the tracts ana placed tbem on the tabic. turning to the men wboworosoamaz ed at this Intrusion that their wits fairly forsook thorn, be informed them if tbey wan tod to play cards to go somo wbura else and doit; that tboso tracts could not bo removed from tho tablo. Ho was known as a desperato charac ter, and tho gambler thought it best not to attempt to resent tho insult. Tbon Greon went to tho ministor and askod him if ho would preach for them U'U l,.l i:. mt. u uu uu uu uuuiuiiuu. 00 nun siur readily assented, and the paBSongers of tnonoat particularly thoso who know Green as a professional gambler woro surprised to find him going over tho boat drumming up an audience. Hut Green succeeded, and he says: "Wo bad a pretty good sermon, 1 guess ; though I don't know, for 1 was stand ing guard ovor tbo 'Social Room' to keep tho gamblers from disturbing the meeting." No attempts at disturbance wcro mado, howovor, and after the meeting was ovor Green retired to his stato room. Hero, he snvs, he bci'un to think over bis naBt career, tho shame he had brought on the name of bis mother, and tho degradation ho had reduced himself to in tho estimation of the honest and moral portion ot tho community, though he had an abun danoe of wealth. In that stato room, sitting thero alone, he said aloud : "I'll never touch another card to gamble" Thirty-nine years have passed away since that time, and tho notorious gam- oior, tnougn now m an actual stato of starvation, with a fcoblo wife, half clad and half famished children, himscll brokon down, has novor even used tho expression "I'll boton you" in all thoso years. Though ho has no money, his J knowlcdgo of cards would easily placo mm ooyona want II bo would lend himself to loss dextoroua manipulators of tho pack. At tho time ho mado this resolve ho mado full restitution to tho oxtcnt ot his means of all ho had wronged his victims out of. llo docid ed to writo a book exposing gambling anu to leoturo wuile no sold bis books. sinco tbat timo ho has written four books, which aro published by Peter son, ol this city, entitled "Gambling Kxposod," "Tho Gamblor'6Lifo,""Tho Secret Band of llrothers" and "Tbo Reformed Gambler." Mr. Green has lectured in every town of conscouonce in tho United States, exposing tho tricks of tho profession, llis penitence was so sincore and his seal so great in this crusado that ho met with crent uppumuun at tno national and state capitols and in tho woBt, whoro ho was too woll known, llo howovor. ncrso- verod in his work,sometimcs not making enough to pay expenees, and at no time making more than a living. Ho was mainly instrumental in procuring lows against gambling in this Stato, Now York, Maryland. Kentucky and Ohio, and it is greatly to his exertions that tho vice has been compelled to seek dark placos in most of our cities. nut lor tho Rind chanties ol bis neigh bors ho would bo absolutely destituto of food, clothing and sholtcr. "For tho last throo weeks," said the reform ed gambler, in concluding his inter view, "my family of nlno have subsisted on less than SO cents a day." .s.voir. "Oh I mammal Is it snowing?" "Yes, darling ; it has just begun." "Isn't it nice, mamma; you know I wanted to livo to hear tbo sleigh bells again." "llush, my child, mamma will not let you die. No, bIioII havo many siolgh ridos yot beloro you die. "n not. m.Tir mamma if T a..IJ have just ono it would bo so nice." It was last 1 ucsuity, and a little irirl who bad soon the snow come and iro nine times, lny dying in hor btimblo home on St. Antoino street. Wooks and weeks the fever had burned with in hor, and its fierce fire showed itself in the deep, blue eyes and the lovely innocent face. Tho mother, an ever- constant watch at the sufferer's pillow, had novor given up hope, but tho child with that knowledge which seems to como to all before death, knew tbat sho would nevor join her merry ploy- mines over on tno scnooi ground. Hoy by day as tho fovcr burned she bad wished for tboanow locomo, and when tho white flakes tell tho other day tho loving mother changed the child's posi tion mat sno migni, unwarned, catch tho first glimpso of tho floooy snow. The child gazed out into the flurried air long and earnestly, and thon when tho pain made hor writho, she turned an appealing look to tho sad facod mother and said : "Rut, mamma, I don't bolievo 1 shall ovor havo another sleigh rido. Now promise if this snow is on tbo ground when 1 dio you'll havo my Collin car ried to the grave on a sleigh." "Why, my sweet child, why do you make such a request? You shall not dio you will grow bettor to-morrow." "Jiut, mamma, promiso me, won't your i'lcaso, mamma, pleaso?" "Yes, darling, yes." "Oh, thank you, mamma that's so nice. See, it is growing dark outsido. Full the bed nearer the window, mam ma, so that I can soo the street lamp. There see the flakes they glisten just like diamonds. It will bo sleigh ing in the morning, mamma, and 1 shall hear the bolls. Like the snow flako that fulls upon the warm earth, she melted sway, and no one knows that sho woke to hear music and bolls on that morning we shall all one day open our eyes upon, leatorday passers-by turned to look at a small funeral procession, and wond ered why the undertaker had put his hearse upon runners so early in tho season. Pittsburgh is a nice town to livo in. A member of the City Connoila has just called the attention of that body to tne lact, tbat the town la lull of gambling houses, thero boing no less than ball's in Diamond alley alone. One ot them ia next door to the Central Police Headquarters. Illftr to Scnooi, Masters. An ex change says : "Secretary of War Ham soy was a school teacher in Kutstowo Q ISUtf. lie foil in love with a Kuu- town girl and asked hor to marry him, but she refused beeauso his purse was as lean as a giraffe's neck " Mr. Murat llalituad, It in favor of electing a President every two years. As an Ohio man be likes to toe the fun go oa, but be must bt informed that the way the thing it running the rest of the country isn t enjoying it to much. PRINCIPLESCNOT MEN. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1880 ADAMS ASD JEFFEllSOX. POLITICAL REMINISCENCES OF I.ONU A(10. ' Tho administration of John Adams was fur from boing a success. Th alien and sedition laws, enacted during that term, hare caused a blot to rest upon it, which time can notollaco. It punished men for being foreigners and gavo tbo President tbo right to end them out of tho Country, because ol tho suspicion of not boing right in their politics. Ine sedition law pun mliod as a high crime, tho writinir or printing or speaking disrespectfully of congress, tho I'rcsuicni or otlior high oiiicials, and tho federal Judges, sit ting in judgment upon these "sedition iBts," so construed the law that no ono indicted could escape. For a letter written and dutod beforo tho law was passed, and printed in a distant nows :iaper beloro anyone in tbo Stale of V ermont. where the lotter was pub lished, bad knowlcdgo that it had, cr would bo passed, llatbow Lyon, an anti-Federal Congressman from Vor- mont, was indicted, tried, Ifnod and imprisoned. These laws, which in fact expired by limitation the day Mr, Ad oms ceased to be President, roused party spirit almost to frenzy, and lrom the date of tboir passago the doom of tn o i' oderal party was staled. Dunncr tbo lattor part ol Adams administration a law was passed cre ating twenty-four new judges of tbo United status Courts, ibe bill cre ating this batch of judges intended and the bill made tbem life oflicers lingored in Congress until after the fact of Adams's defeat and Jelferson's election as President was known, llo- twoen tho timo this fact was known, 12th ol December, 1800, and tbo 4th of March following, sevoral valuable offices became vacant, one ot which was that of Chief Justieo, and wilb these twonty four judgos nowly crea ted had to be filled'. To tho Chief Justiceship Mr. Adams unpointed, and tho Senate confirmed, John Marshall, on tho 31st of January, alter it was known that Jefferson was elected President, although Marshall held at tbo tune, and continued to bold until Jelferson's inauguration, tho of fioo of Secretary of State. All the ap pointments wore Federal, of cnurso, and undor the circumstances, Jefferson was doeply indignant. Writing to General Knox, wbo hid written to congratulate bim on his olection, Mr. Jefferson, in speaking of tboso appoint ments, said tbat Mr. Adams know he was not making them for himself, but tor bis successor, and hence Jetlerson characterized them as on outrage on decency, which should not havo effect, in tho life appointments, which are immovable; "but as to the others, tiio newly-elected President said, "I consider the nomination as nullities. and will not view tho persons so up pointed as oven candidates for their otflco, much less as possessing it by any title meriting respect. And ev ery man so appointed in ofllco whon Jefferson was inaugurated was prompt ly romovod. 1 he twenty-lour judges. oonfirirTcd, somo of them, it is said, by tho Senato on the night of tho 3d ol March, could not bo removed bocauso their office was life tenure ; but, upon tho accession of Mr. Jeliorson, and with him a Democratic Congress, tho law was repealed, and "Mr. Adams's midnight judges, as they woro called bad but a short lease of powor. A talo told, and novor denied, and for this reason bas becomo history, says tbat up to tho lost hour of midnight, at bich timo tho administration ot Ad ams ended, tho Socretary of Stato (Marshall) was engaged in signing commissions as he got news of tho senate confirming tho appointments, somo ot whom had been sent to the Senato as lato as nino o'clock that ovening. Wlnlo thus engaged com missioning officials for a now adminis tration, Secretary Marshall and bis clork, at twelve o'clock midnight, woro startled by an apparition in tho person of Levi Lincoln, ol Massachusetts, whom Jefferson had selected as his Attorney General. Tbo conversation between Lincoln and Marshall doubt less rotated hy Lincoln himself is given as follows: "Lincoln 1 havo been ordered by Mr. JofTorson to take possession ot this omco and us papers. "Marshall Why, Mr. Jefferson has not been qualified I "Lincoln Mr. Jefferson considers himself in tho light of an exocutivo. bound to tako charge ot tho papers of tho Govornmont until bo is qualified. "Marshall (taking out his watch) nut H is not yet li o clock I "Lincoln (taking a watch from his pockot and showing it) This is the. President's watch, and it notes tho hour. Seeing that Jefferson was master of the situation, and casting a woeful look on several unsigned commissions spread on tbo tablo, Marshall left bia midnight visitor in possession. Kola- ting tho incidont in after years. Chief Justica Marshall laughingly said that Lincoln allowed bun to pick up nolh ing but bis hut. Forgetting, or else remembering but to lorgul, the conduct ol Mr. Jefferson lour years beforo, when Adams was inaugurated, and the graceful compli ment paid to him in Jefferson's Vice t'rosidontial inauguration address, the ex President bad his carringo at tho hito llouso at midnight and left the city, not willing to remain wlnlo his rival was inaugurated. A few days before his inauguration Mr. JofTorson, as is tho custom, called upon Mr. Adams at tho Presidential Mansion in ashington, whero tho President thon resided, tho Govern ment having been during Adams's term, moved to Washington. Tho out going President, although they had been inends, accusou Mr. Jetlerson ol visiting him to crow over his misfor tune in being beaten fur Proaident Of course, Mr. Jefferson denied it his visit was intended as but a mark of rospect. Mr. Adams could not bo appeased, and Jcllersnn loft. It was many yeara after before Mr. Adams was convinced of hia error and his want of courtesy to his old timo friend but then successful rival. This fact, and the belief Adams bad of the cause ol Jefferson's visit may account for his ruluaal to attend tho inauguration. A federalist more bitter than Judge Marshall was Dot to bo lound in the daya of Adams and ultra federalism, llo even resorted to trickery to aid his party and his parly Irionds. Whon on the bench, and during the remainder ofhialifo, be seemed to throw aside hia politics, and by common consent Chlel Jusltoo John Marshall ia looked upon aa among the purest and ablest judges the oountry has produced. An ultra federalist colore he waa a judge yet many of bia decisions wort the re verse of federal, and no man, in read ing hia judicial decisions, can tell what political principles he held. A boil in the kettle it worth two on your noso. REPUBLICAN. THE BENEFACTIOXS OFT. IFE. The Philadelphia A'reorjdilatos upon human evonts in this way : It was observed by Solomon, the old Hebrew sage, that in this world all things como alike to tall. From tho ills of hie no man onjoys immunity, and there it no lot which ia not lighted by somo gleams of gladness. To every ono oi us come joy and sorrow, eucb in its soason, mocking the differences of lortune and teaching by a perpetual parable that compensation is tho one universal law. In all our lives the good and thoovil aro intorminglod, the sweet and the bitter, the light and the oarknosa; and so inscrutable is the distribution that no man can say that, taking all in all, ho ia happier or more miscrublo than bis noighbor or his neighbor than himself. There is ori- dently no way by which ono human boing may measure his pains or pleas ures by tboBe of another ; foroach sen- aruto soul is a sealed secret to all its follows which no oxtont of aelf-rovela-tion can disclose llowovor full and free tho confidences and confessions ot heart to heart, however tliorourrhlv two friends may try, in the yearning for sympathy which is ono ot tho strongest instincts of our nature, to lay bare to each other jo3-s and griefs, thero is no common standard whereby tho rolativo dogrco of either can bo de termined. It is very generally admittod that moro outward circumstances, while tbey are of course conducive to happi noss or unhapnincss according to tboir cnuractor, guarantee neither with any certainty. Woallh docs not assure tho one, nor power, popularity or high post tion ; and just as truly the privation of nil theso advantages does not nocossitato tho other. 1'ovcrty and obscurity have at least this offset, that tbey relievo him who ia aubjectcd to them from much onerous responsibility. Tho man who moves in an humble spboro has a ainu oi ii-oouom oi action and exemp tion lrom espionage that aro not en joyed by him whoso success in life makes him oonspicuous and exposes him to the constunt exactions and to tbo sharp and unintermittinrr nnnaur. ..I.:.. .1 .. - P onip ui ioe puuiiu. tie is not cuniinu ally called upon to dischargo obliga tions ana uiko up ouraons which tho world recognizes us tbo duty of tbo more powerful and prosperous members of society. By reason of O B Very QInUDI IIV tin fwnnna that is disagreeable. Ho does not ex perience tho delight of popular ap plause, but neither docs ho Buffer from popular vituporntion and dislika. Tho rewards of ambition are not for him. nor docs he on tbo other hand onduro the pangs of disappointed expectations. When wo como to compare men with reference to other than exterior cir cumstances in that wide range of in ward cxpcricnco which depends but slightly upon tho material gifts of for tuno, the seeming disparity Is still further lessened. Somo doubtless have a finer sensitiveness of both physical and psychical libra than others, but this difference has its compensation it. the fact that a groator susceptibility to pain is always accompanied by a keen er and more exquisito aousibility to pleasure. So with duller and less deli cate organizations the lower capacity for onjoymont is balanced hy a corre spondingly diminished capacity for suffering. Tho main difleronco be tween tho stolid and the Bonsitivo man is in tho mattor of nerves, and these aro tho impartial instruments and min isters to tho ono of comlort or discom fort merely and to thoothorof intense ecstasy or anguish ; but in cither caso a duo irrnporlion is preserved. Happiness is undoubtedly tho high est earthly good, and those of lis who ontertain a proper conception of tho uses oi mo win diligently sock it. Hut, wlnlo thero can be no question that it is moro desirable to bo happy than to bo unhappy, it is equally certain that no who has novor been unhappy can not adequately realizo what happiness is. Tho great benefactions of life, such as health, air and sunlight, can be rightly estimated only by him who knows what it is to bo deprived of thorn. To him who has not experienced the temporary loss ot those oitlmtry bless ings, that como to all mon uliko, they seem to bo of a negativo, or rathor of an indifi'erent and neutral character. Thero docs not appear to tbo man who novor autiered lrom a day s sickness in his lito to be anything to be purlieu larly thankful for to congratulate him scll upon in the fact of not being ill I ho restored, however, look at it in a different way, and to such as havo bocn tortnrort by diseaso the moro oc casional freedom fmm pain is an ines timable delight. In this principlo of reaction tbat renders the simple cessa tion of pain of itself a pleasure, tho in tensity of which is precisely propor tionate to tho degree of the previous suffering, wo may soo the operation of that overruling law of compensation that makes all this oven and gives to overy individual an equivalent for the evils ho is called upon to bear. EX GOVERNOR SIMON SNY DER. Ills REMAINS REPOSE IN AN UNMARKED IIRAVE AT SEI.INSdROVE. Most of tho visitors to the reception room at the Executive Chamber, in tho Capitol building, wbo havo noticed tho pot traits in oil ot tho Governors ot Pennsylvania from tho timo ot the t'onns down to tho present day, have noticed tho striking leutures ot Gov. Simon Snyder, who occupiod tho Gu bernatorial chair from 1808 to 1817, a period of nine years, "during tho whole of the second war with England." His remains, as will be teen by tho following paragraph clipped from the Selinsgrovo Tribune, lie in ono of the church yards of that borough, unmsrk ed by monument or tablet. Tho 7'rio tinr! says : "In tho quiot shades ol'tbo Lutheran cemetery, oi this village, rest the remains of Simon Snyder, one of Pennsylvania's honored Govornors, a patriot and statesman, whose lifo was as unsullied and bright as are tho rays ol the noonday tun which shed their lustra upon hallowed ground, where he sleops bia last sloop, in an unmark ed grave It would be a mark of re spet t duo to the memory of one who pcrformed.his duty faithfully and well, if the State over which he presided for a period of nino yoars, from 1808 to 1817, would this winter appropriate a suitable amount to purchase a mon- oment to be placod over bit remains. to mark tho last resting placo ot the man, wno, as t.overnor during the wnoio ol the second war with Eng land, earned the esteem and respect ol the people of his Stato. Let tbo move be started." "You aretn idiot 1' angrily exclaim ed a domineering wife. "So my friends said wbon I married you," replied the husband. Aud she became more in furiated than ever. NEW THE CHAMPIONS. Just now the champion it a big man. The country couldn't get along vurv woll without him. llo gets himself into tho newspapers and the people choor bim and watch his every move ment. Everybody wants to know just what bo is up to and what bo is going to do next. Ho is ol more importance than Senator Conklingin bis war-paint, and almost as important as Private Secretary Rogers. Most people had a good deal rather read about bim than wade through tho President's mossago, and perhaps they aro not so very far out of the way, either, llenca it is particularly gratifying to everybody to know that the champion is gradu. ally gotting his reward and is being pushod beforo tho country as a great puuiic oeneiucior. It pays to bo a champion. He hot only pockets the hard-earned savings of ibe wouldbe champion, but he finds niinsou applauded on all sides lor do ing something tbat no one else can do. Tbo biggost champion just now is Han Ian, llanlan is a Canadian. He pulls a boat for a living, and bas pulled itso well that ho has lelttiovurnor General Lome clear out of sight and stands head and shoulders above him in tho ostimation of all Canadians. Every timellamlan getsoutof his boat house and paddles about on tho Thames. here he is engagod in winning a championship or two every other day, tho fact is immediately telegraphed to Canada, at a cost of fifty cents a word, moro or less, and tho startling news is nasnea an ever the Dominion. 1! Hait ian raises a blister op, his left hand all Canada grows pals and trembles wilb fear; if tho champion has had an un usually good night's rest,overy Kanuek dances around just as if an atmosphere of oxygon bad boon suddenly turned loose in that part of tho country, llan lan is a baromotet. Just secure bis indications tor tho day and no calcu lation whatever is required to settlo tho condition of tbo peoplo until another observation is taken. This particular champion won a race the other day and bis native country hasn't ot over tnogood news yet. Yt hon at omo ho livos on an Inland in Toronto Bay. Ho isn't at home now, but be will be somo timo in January, and tho Torontonians aro already preparing to mako him feel tho important and re sponsible position he occupies. Tbey aro to givo him a procession, a banquet or two.gct tho Mayor to mako speeches at him, present hira with tho freedom ot tho city, and there is some talk of building a bndgo for him to his island homo, or at least presenting him with a brand-new ferry-boat, enginoer and i all. The City Council, too, wants to : rcliove him of all taxes for lile and , would have done so ere this but lor tho fact that the Mayor wasn't quite certain that such a proceeding would be legal, and consequently had tacked on a clauso providing for special legis lation on tho subject. It pays bettor in aomo respects to bo a champion in Canada than it docs In this Country. Still our champions aro not unprovided for. Thoro is Goneral Grant, for in stance, tho champion third-termer. It is true his race is not yot exactly won, but novorthelcss ho has honos. At all events ho has como in ahead of all others in aspiring to a third term, and that is somothing not to be overlooked. General Grant is going to have a fund of a quarter of a million or so raisod lor him, and what olso ho will get no ono can tell. Porhaps it will bo the Sonatorship. It is true that thore are as yet no movements in behalf of an admiring country to ponsion off the coampions civil sorvico rclormcr ol tbo age, but Mr. Uoyos has undoubtedly managed to savo somothing from his salary of 50,000 a year arid isn't In imminent danger of dying from starv ation jtiRt at present. Besides, Mr. Socretury Rogors has gained somo uotorioty in hisscrviocand that is some rocomponso. General Ben Butler, a woll-known champion in almost any direction, has by no moans been under estimated, and if he livos long enough ho may yet get the ofiico of Governor of Massachusetts, tondored to him by an admiring constituency as a slight token oi rospoct for bis greatness. Tho champion office-holder, Hannibal Ham lin, ot Maine, is still in tho foreground and will probably continuo thero for life unless something better than a championship turns up. This is only a beginning in the list ot champions, but it is enough to show their superi ority over the rest of mankind. Whilo most of the champions aro thus coming to tho front, it must be chronicled in all sadness that thero aro still a few who have woefully been givon tho Cold shoulder. Tho cham pion pie eater hasn't boon heard from for a long timo. Tbia ia a shame and should be attondod to at once Thore ia no instonco on record, cither, where a champion long-distance walker has been given a Cabinet position, but if there is one in existence who hails from Ohio his cose is by no means hope- loss you a nore is our own Mr. -Mouat, the much belovod statesman, who has gained some notoriety as a champion ballot box smasher In this city, and who hasn't got his just deserts by any means, nun it ts only a question ol timo, and in the duo course of events bis reward is certain. With theso few exceptions tho champions have been wondonuliy succosslul beloro the pub lie, and whilo they still live tho country oan bo put down aa pretty safe, no manor wno is .'resident. I'htlaM phia Times. "Dear Father : I liko college first rate, but it will be a couple of weeks before 1 ran feather an oar inst right. Tell mother to send mo a double -aotiled pair of pants. 1 slide for third base on my best ones, and tbey took like a campaign banner after a gale It's lucky I practicod on your meerobatim before 1 came, lt't awful strong to bacco thoy tell bore." Tbo betrothod of a rich banker, in showing a boarding school friend, who was engagod to a poor editor, her be trothal presents, that sparkled with diamonds, said: "Does your intended give you audi gems? " "Oh, no," wat tbo reply; "ho gives mo gems of thought." A recent conveyanco In the clerk's office of Monmouth county, Now Jer sey, It entitlod "Ulysses H. Grant and wife to Caroline J. Ilulkley, lot at Long Branch, 125,000," Tommy (whose mamma had keen reading to him about Eve and tho ser pent) : "She wasn't like you, mamma, for you're afraid of a mouse" Tho Buffalo Courier utters this Thanksgiving sentiment: "Well, we are torry it was not a Hancock, but thank God it waan't Grant. It isttid that misery loves oompany, but the affection it nover reciprocated. TEBMS $2 per annum in Advance. SER1ES - V0L. 21, NO. 49, THE XF.W MEXICAN Pit ESI DENT. BECIPTIOM OF (1EN. OON7.AI.tS AT THE CAPITOL OF THE SISTER REI'Vnf.lO, New York, Nov. 28. A letter iust received horn (mm tha r-iiu nf Mi,., gives tho following account ol tho ro eeption of President Gonzales in thai: city, on the Jd Hist: "Last night at : (1:30 o'clock, amid the vivas of thousands of enthusiastic peoplo and the joyful repique ot many bells, Gen, Gonzales. the President-elect ol Mexico, entered this city, llis escort consisted of tho Chief Government officials and a largo aeputation ol Congressmen, who bad only yesteiday morning gone out to Huehuetoca to welcome and conduct him to the Capital. A banquot was tendered Gen. Gonzales at Uuchuotoco, where he was toasted and eulogized in tho most flattering torms possible. The inauguration will tako place on tho 1st ot December. This reception must havo been extremely gratifying to uen. uonzales, but tbero was a spectre at the feast. Tho lito of tho incoming President will not bo all eouleur de rose. An unfortunate mis understanding has for nearly four years scpitratod him from bis wife, who is not merely a beautiful woman, but un usually blight, intelligent and well ed ucated. No lady in this Republio is bettor fitted to graco tho National Palaoo than Mrs. Gonzales. Strong hopes aro on tcrtui ned that this domoa tic difficulty may bo amicably settled. The American Ministor,Judgo Morgun, returned from Orizaba night beforo last. His reception in that little city was flattering and agreeable GovJ Teran, accompanied by his civil and military staff, called on Judge and Mrs. morgan, a lew Hours alter this cere monious visit a Committeo of citizens waited on the representative of tbo r';,,i a. . I., i . Ln.ted States and tendered him a banquet and boll. JuJgo Morgan po litoly declined theso proffered civililios stating that ho bad simply gone to urizaoa to rest and recruit, because ho wasslightly indisposed. Subsequently Gov. Teran, having heard tbat Judge and Mrs. Morgan intended visiting a hacienda and other objects of .intorest in tho vicinity of Orizaba, sei.t them uu armed escort fivo soldiery who accompanied them in all their walks and drives during thoir ontiro sojourn in that district. The night prior to their departure thoy were honored by a serenade." UEMAKKAIiLE TENACITY OF LIFE. William Kelly, residing with his parents in South Media, Delaware Co.. P died on 1st of December from injuries received on tho 27 of Sentem-i bor last. It will bo remembered that! ho, with a young man named William Flynn, got upon the top ot tbo Pbil'a and iv est Chester cars while in motion and both were struck by tho low bridge at Lansdowno station nnd swept from tbo roof to the ground, some fifteen feet or more. When pickod np tho boys woro apparently doad ; tho top of Flynn's skull had been carried away, oxposing the brain, which was lacorated in a shocking manner. Kelly's skull was also cleft by a longitudinal fissure across the pariotos, the bono depressed, with the right temple driven in and tho contour ol tho lace destroyed Flynn survived his injuries for twen-ty-ono days. During this timo ho conversed with his friends, ate and slept well, although he had lost two ounces ol brain, a large portion of the frontal and parietol bones in fact, a fissure of threo Inches by two and a half oxtondod across tho head, expos ing the substance of the bruin. Kelly's case was quite as romakable as it was sorious. Ho lived sixty days with his skull fractured from the crown to the bso. For twenty days uu was unconscious and partlt' para lyzed, t rom this ho nearly recovered and was able to walk about, but Blip- iiuiuuuu netting in ne grauuauy laiieu and died lrom pyomia. Dr Dickson of this borough, attended both young mon and considers their cases as among the most remarkable for life tenacity on record. Medm Record. Allegheny has at least a half dozen aspirants lor United States Senator, and as they cannot all bo clocted tho nowspnpers cannot agree on who should be tho fortunate man. With this division of sentiment, it it alto gether probable that none of her citi zens will wear tho Senatorial toga. Jealousy has more to do with their discordanco than anything eli EDUCATIONAL. BY M. L. McQUOWN. Can't wo enroll 200 teachers the first day ol tho County Institute f Tho now school houso in Boggs town ship bas been named "Crooked Sewer." Teachers, pack your satchels on tho lSlh Inst., In ordor that you may reach Clearfield early on the 20th. The grand jury room, in tho Court House, will bo arranged for the display oi scnooi exhibits during the Institute. New Outliuo Maps and Reading Charts, hanging on brackets, adorn tho walls of nil tho school rooms in Goshen township. Every person, of course, will go to near tne most brilliant lecturers that ever visited Clearfield during the ses sions of the Institute. Ono hundred ordure for excursion tickets have been mailed to teachers and directors living along the lino of tho Tyrone k Clearfield Railroad, south of Iliglcr station. The publio school at Biglor, in Brad, ford township, closed on Monday, Nov. 29lh,on account of diphtheria. Three or moro of tbo pupils have died, whilo many aro suffering from the disease. An intelligent gentleman, writing from Cameron county, says : " I bnvo heard many lecturers, but 1 nevor heard one more eloquent and pleasing than Wallaco Bruce Ho hot hosts ot friends here in Emporium." Robert Lloyd , proprietor of the Lloyd House, Pbiiipsburg, is certainly an ex ception to landlords in the way of gen erosity. Tho courtesy extended to us hy Mr. J.loyd while visiting schools In that section will long be remom bored. During Ibe week ending Deo. 4th, o traveled ninety miles: visited twenty schools, accompanied by eight directors anu one patron ; wroto loartocn official letters ; prepared the copy for etir ed ucational column, and mailed one hun dred exoursain order to teacher and directors. Wo purchased 300 copies of "Music Puge Supplomonl No. It," for tho day sossiont el tho County institute. All toachors can procure a copy, Afler singing from thoso books for ono week, tho mcmbors of tho Institute can re turn to their schools and use the toloo tiona to a good advantage Koinenibor that the Institute begins on Monday, Dec. 20th I Don't wait, teachers, until Tuesday or Wodnosday before leaving home. We expect to mako overy monionl of the lustitnto precious and profitable; honro, you can't afiord to miss one session. Como for the first and remain tho lost ses sion, and thon you will bavo nothing to regret. Undor Instructions from tho Stato Superintendent, wo are omitting the usual routine of exorcises while visit ing schools and are suhjectiug tho ad vanced and iutermodiato grades to a test of memory. Our plan of ascertain ing whotbor or not tbo pupils of our schools havo "ideas" is a somewhat "ew aDj noTo1 ono suggested by tho "tale authorities, and mndo known "n,y to teachers and pupils on visiting "'''""Is- Before another issuoof tho Kci'iiin.i. oa., tho Teachers' Institute will havo commenced. Sinco issuing tho pro gramme, wo havo traveled in nearly evory section of tho county and the most cheering promises of co-operation havogroctcd us overy whoro. Woknow tbat the influence of tbo County Ins'ti tuto is felt everywhere, and boliove that tho approaching session will bo moro largely attended than any pre ceding ono. Tho pooplo of Clearfield county are intelligent, progressive and always to bo found supporting every measure that has a tendency to enlight en and edify tho massos. Therefore, wo confidently expect all tho teachers, Bcores ol directors and hundreds ol peoplo from different sections of tho county will bo present to enjoy the "feast of reason and flow of soul" which our County lnstituto promises to give. .1O.VO THE DISTRICTS. OSCEOLA BOROUOd. All tho teochors will attend tho ap proaching County Institute The teachers complain of negligence on the part of parents in visiting tho schools. Dr. I). R. Good, director, and Rov. N. U. Miller accompanied us while in specting the schools on tho 30th ult. fc Two hundred and oiglitv threo pu pils aro onrollod in the schools, under tho caro of competent teachers. "vn nuiui v l-uihi uas oecn placed i tho High School room. Tho 1 brary A new library case baa been placed has been started byn sot of Applcton's " nmoncun t.'Tdopa'dia, costing 112, as a nucleus. Wo bavo received from Prof. W. A. Ambrose a copy of tbo graded courso of instruction, to which is added a scries of rules and regulations, for tho government of the public schools of Osceola borough. Tho whole is em bodied In a neat eight-page pamphlet, compiled by Mr. Ambrose and adopted by the Board of Directors. It iB in tended to givo to the public schools of Osceola propor system and discipline, and it certainly reflocts groat credit upon tbo author, Mr. Ambroso, and j tno isouru oi control. Wo hope to be ! able soon to publish it in tho educa tional column. DECATL'R TOWNSHIP. Directors O. P. Muttcrn and Richard Hughes, Esq.'s, accompanied ub to tho schools of their respective districts. C. C. Mullen and John Hughes, mom- bcrs of the Board, have not been ablo to moot somo ol their official require ments on account of sicknoss, Tho Hancock school room, with its new furniture and apparatus, presents a very inviting appearance. It is the best house in tho township. The directors havo had all their school houses insured against loss by firo, and school maps of Pennsylvania have been placed in all the schools. Tho Board of Directors havo voted their teachers fivo days' time to attend the County Institute, and bavo passed a resolution that thoy (tho Directors) will attend in a body on Directors' day. WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Seventeen schools aro now in success ful operation in this prosperous town ship. A member of the Storling school un fortunately broko his arm while coast ing not long sinco. It is rumored that a couplo of the teachers will unito in matrimony dur ing tho holiday vacation. The attendance ol the schools has been greatly reduced during the past few weeks on account of scarlet fever. The new school buildings at llontz villo aud tho Slope are completed, and aro very convenient and allraclivo rooms. Mr. J. H. Lehman, an ex teacher, was tho contractor and dono an excellent job. Misses Alice Martin and Cnrfje Green wait, teachers ol tho Storling Bchools, wcro very much annoyod by the behavior ol somo of tbo mining boys during tho "odd days," who would gather around tho school building and indulge in all kinds of obscene language. Tbo ladies used "moral suasion" first, but in vain. Tbey then applied the arm of the law, and tho result was that tho young men paid somo costs and submitted to being bound over by bail to keep tbo peace for ono year. Now tho schools progress unmolested. IIOCTZDAI.E B0R0U0H. (i. W. Emigh, Principal ol the schools, teaches a very successful night school. Wm. A. Chaso, Esq , and Charles Langsford, members of the Board, ac companied us to tho schools. The Primary grades urc boing taught in the Methodist Church, and aro un der tho management of Misses Agnes and Mary li. Myrter. W. A. Chase, Esq., has been ap pointed Secretary of the Board to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the removal of Dr. Todd to Texua. The foundation of the new school building is completed, and, with the advent of Spring, the structure will be pushed along to completion. It prom-' ises to be a magnificent building, and, when furnished, will not cost loss than 811,000. If the present Boaid of Directors are kept in office, the educational interests of ilout.dalo will bo safe. The Board is composed of the boot men in tho place mon of experience and enter prise wbo are putting forth every effort to lilt their public schools rVom tho mire and plant them on tho high i r V . b . j iuiiu ui excellence, i ne peoplo ol that town should give them every en couragement. BRADY TOWNSHIP. Meeting of the. District Institute. Tho teachers of Brady township met at Coal Hilt, on Saturday, Nov. 27tb, lor their first Institute. In tho after noon the houso was filled with specta tors, moat of whom were citizens ol tho district. Some very good work wo done by the touchers. The Insti tute then took a recess until 7 P. M. Institute was called to ordor at tho appointed time by the President, K. K. Jimeson. At the close oi the meeting addressee wcro delivered by Messrs. J. W. Corn, C. M. Raffcnsporger, J. Seyler, (J. S. Reams, and citizens of tho district. Institute then adjourned to meet at Now Salem, Saturday, Decem ber 11th. Teachers absent during the day : M innes Sadie J. Morgan and Ettie Faust. One of the pleasing features of the day and evening sessions was the excellent mnsic fumiebed br the choir. Miss Kmma Reams presided at the organ. A. A. DsUaMi, , Correaponding Secretary