- n Vta. Oioboi B. Gooolandib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WBDKKNDAT MORNING, UEO. , IH.O. Iloidir, If o want to know what ll solos on ta tat baalooii vyorld, loot rood oar advertising .olaaai. Iko ffooofof nnlamo In porlloulor. Hayes' last message baa boon tent to Congress, and hit 50,000 salary, which he hai stolon Irom Samuel J. Tildcn, will itop March 4lh, 1881. ' The second session of the Forty -sixth Congress mot on Monday, and by the proTidiona of the Constitution will ad journ sine die on the 4th of March. BVCKIII TO llliCKEYC. Don't fail to road Donn Piatt to Garfield, to betound on our tourlh naco thin week. We think Piatt la rather ahead, oulniilo of j roaohing Presidential gill. Tnt Nrw Lioislature. The Leg la'alive Directory, prepared by V. P, Smull, Itcnidont Clerk of tho Uoueo ol Representatives, gives the following as the political complexion ol tho Leg itlaturo : SemW. lloa-. Tout Rtpnb'leui D mm-rati NiiBBl OrMQbftck... Greenback Dtuiuo.at.. FdlvD m .. si 1S1 li I 77 t 1 1 t I ... 1 1 1 This shows the Republicans to have a majority of 84 over all, whitb is cor tuinly enough for all political purposes. ilrpoCRiTss Ali.. During the cam paign it was "Tariffl Tariff! I" wher ever you went. How, Mr. Kasson, of Iowa, is strongly urged for the Speak ership of tho next Congress by the New York Tribune and other leading Republican papers, although he is one of the most decided Free Traders in the country, and would select a Com mittee of Ways and .Means to suit him self. This demonstrates tho amount of sincerity thcro is in tho cry about a tariff. .Radical Punishment. It is re markable that the Radical party some times imposes on its honest (?) and great (?) men wonderful burthens. A few years ago our Libby Prison neigh bor Ooneral Uarry Whito was State Senator, member of the Constitutional Convention andCongrcsHman-at-Largo. Mow be is nothing I But thore is another Radical Gar- field ft little greater than our mutual friend and neighbor, lie is Presidont, United States Scjntor and Congress man ; but he is too modest (7) to draw the salary for either place until after the 4th of March. Four years hence ha will not amount to any more than Barry White. G A G. During war times, while Mr. Grow was Speaker of tbo House, he was frequently charged with nsing the initals of bis name "gag" while in the Chair. The Cambria, Frtcman hints at bis return in this way : "Ga luaba A. Grow, with whom a desire to be sent to the United Slates Senate from this State bos assumed a chronic shape for the last five years, is about to realise tho truth of the maxim, ''Put not your trust in politicians of Penn sylvania." Ills nevertheless a tact,thal no man can bopo to bo the successor of William A. Wallace nnless be is ac ceptable to the "Cameron clan," and il is now asserlod in high quarters that Simon, bis son Don, and their backers, have made othor arrangements, and thalftrow will be remorselessly squelch ed. It may be Quay or iloyt or Oliver, of Pittsburg, but thore doesn't seem much of a chance that it will be O. A. Grow." Go Ahead. We see it stated that the New York grand jury has indicted Samuel 8. Morry for perjury and the editors of TrufA for libel. We are glad of it, provided it is intended to have the indictments promptly tried. There is a general desire that thore shonld be an exhaustive inquiry into tbe genuine nern ol the Morey letter, Tbe impres sion sought to be created that it woe a lorgery is not acocpted by those who have recognised tbe close similarity ol tbe letter to Mr. Garfield's sentiments and handwriting. Tbo violence ol Juilge Davis in tbe opinion in which he held somo of tbo accused parties to bail has dostroyed all confidence in bis judgment as tbat of an impartial and conscientious jadgo. Thore is nothing, therefore, to determine publio opinion iu the mailer; and unless a thorough judicial invnstigation is bad public opinion will continue to be divided as Dow, when probably one halt the peo ple suppose tbat Garfield really wroto tbe letter and the other half indignant ly ret use to believe bun to have been so base. Wby has Gen. Garfield not be n put upon tbe witness stand during all ibis fuis? In Session. Tbe llarrieburg Pit trial ot tbe 6:h says : "Congrees meets to-day. As tbe people at the lalo elec tion approved Crulit Mobilier jobs and Da Golytr pavement swindle il will not be sarprising if the lobby, whieb for tour years baa been banished from tbe Federal Capitol, will re appear full armed for a new assault on the Treas ry. Whether Vox Jki or Fez Via 6eJi it I nevertheless Vex Populi, and will be so regarded at least by the Rep resentatives of tbo "third House." But the Peoiocratio majority in Congress should not hesitate lo perioral its duty to the country In spite ot the purchas ed verdict In favor ot a corrupt and unprincipled party. A sound measure ot civil service reform should be passed, the tariff revised in tbe interest of the whole people rather than for tbe bene fit of a favored lew, tbe political aset ment bill should become a law, and an amondment to the Constitution abol ishing the cumbrous and worm-eaten electoral machinery should be adopted, Tks Democrats can tbas not only do the State soms service,' hot make a platform wbiob will give tbeat Con (rest la 1S8I and tbe Presidency In 18M by an overwhelming triumph." CTllMtXAL JVRlSPRVVEXCEr The editor of th Nlingrov T'mrt tresis tho subjot t In ibis way : : "In 0110 p'oiier-i at It'tial il Irwik at if onr Nlala gororninc nt snis oi i(aii(l nt jinwiit on tho theory ol fin niching i einploymonl to the people-mime of tliero auyl.uw Kor instant : Il em- ploys oonttahlc. uVtoclivco, policemen, hlierilVs, uml the jn-tt pinitttu. lo bunt up and arrest criminal. Thi gives employment to one set of men. Then it builds jail to bold those crim inals to await their trials at Court. Tho building of these jails and the keepers of theso jails thus are furnished employment. Then the Government provides lor Court Houses, jurors, wit nesses, Prosecuting Attorneys, Judges, etc., to try and convict tbeso criminals, all of which is dono at great expense. And so particular is the Government in this matter that a criminal must be tried in the county where the crime was committed, and by a jury ot the vicinage. Wuy7 because tbe people of the county whoro a crime is com milted must naturally know more about it than strangers. Then, after tho criminals have been judicially con victed, penitentiaries havo bcon pro vided and are kept up at enormous expense, to confine these criminals as a supposed punishment. This again furnishes employment to many men. A.ter tbo criminals bavo been shut up a short time, they, or ihoir fiiends for them, mako application for pardon. This again furnishes employment to a largo number ot lawyers. Then, finally, we oome to tbe Board of Pur dons, a sot of double or treble salaried gentlemen, strangers, who review the actions ol the Courts below, and for any rooson they may see proper solid or imaginary they doclare tho Courts below all wrong and let the criminals off with a pardon. This gives tbe re leased convicts a cbanco lo go to work again at tbeir old employment, and most of them start on another course of going through tho same operation Thus there is a conlinucd round of employment furnished according to law, and this grand system is called 'criminal jurisprudence.' Don't Isughl PISS MM DOWX. The New York World scalps that noted political vagrant, and runner for President on Jowell's account tor rash, as follows : "General Weaver, recently Mr. Jewell's private candidate for the Presidency, has issued a fervid address lo the deluded Groenbaekcrs who sup ported bis candidacy for President this year in which hu warns them that we are making 'fearful strides' towards the establishment of a baugb,ty moneyed aristocracy upon the ruins of the broad and humane republic 'bequeathed to us by onr fathers.' Now that the election is over, and that Gencrul Weaver will never again bo elected to Congress or run for President, why shouldn't be give the American nation a rest ? If tbe evidence of hie official associates and of everybody's senses is to bo trusted, the General conducted tbe lute campaign as a Greenback candidate, tbe greenbacks being turnishe I by Mr. Jewell and the Republican managers. If be was so innocent as not lo insist on cash in band, bis claim on the Re publicans was good, at least, for a con sulship in some warm climate. But if he goes 'bellowing on till the last, after tho manner of the shark, be will only attract tbo attention of bis lalo supporters, in wbicb case, as likely as not, some of tbem will duck him in a horsepond." Weaver is certainly smart lie got away with all tbe jewelt and tbe case, and allows bis Greenback friends to roost on the lenoe. A Nic Compliment. Tbe Phila delphia Inquirer is one of tbe leading Radical organs of tbe country, and m vigorously casting about to find one of its own kind to suooeed Senator Wal lace. In alluding to him tbe editor says: Id tho rotironoat fro tbo KoIIoboI Boosts ol Mr. Wollftoo. not oolv PonsijIvooU but tbo ooustry will ff-f a lot. Mr. Wotlooo lo ofoi- tloaon ol vorr grool ability, ol sroloogos tgi,. loilfo oiporloooo of aoquoftioooolo isloxruy. Awoof tbo roolly grvot MB ul tot ororoat Uoitod Stotti Hoooto, Mr. Walforo hvidu m vory boooro bio pool loo, oaJ la obootlog bit ooooootur tho Loiilouro rbookl bo ouofiu to oolool ooo wbo oo i IS bo ollugtlbor worthy and St to hold lbs utooo to ho mwjo Toront by Mr. Wolbwo't retlrt ntat Trust It." With Cameron and Grant in tbat body, tho Pennsylvania delegation would not make much noise, or dis turb the other members. Go on. Ad exchange says : "It is to be hoped that the money lords may spend as much of their superfluous riches on General Grant as possible. Their pretended hero- worship is meant simply to familiarise tho people with tho idea of military rule, so ihst when their oppression of tbe working clssses produce another communisiio out break tbe threat of Jay Gould to 'send for Grant' may bo executed without causing a reaction of public sentiment But tbe more they spend on Grant now the less they will be able to gvo to oorrupt the ballot box in the luttire. : Bends it Uome. Rev. Honry Clay Doan of Missouri formerly Chaplain of the United Stales Senate, puis it this way : "What elected Garfield was tbe combination of BeCchcr, who, fdr two decades, has polluted literature, and who waa caught in crime, with Conk ling, whn has been prancingor years wilb another man's wife, and Ingersoll, wbo read a writ of ejectment against Almighty God and a jail delivery to bell this It was that defeated us and elected Garfield." OrritiAL Presiuential Vote. Tbe Cbioago Tribuiu furnishes the follow ing statement of tbe vote, taken from Ibe official returns from every State in the Union, of the lale Presiden'.ial election : OortoM..;. Hooooek..w Wrovor m.........h tw SaotMrlog , Toul llrtMc1 (.lartllty, 1.4S1. ..,I1,V A Good Lick. It is tbe Hon. Ed wards Pierre post, a descendant of a noble house in England, a gentleman who baa devoted many busy years lo the great work ol tracing his ancestral line bark towards tbe flood, who is now trying to get up a permanent fund lor ibe support of "the oldest living ex- President" in other words, for Geo. Grant. Well, Q moral Grant bat done a good deal for tola (nob, and bis grati tude to ao dlriredluble. ..4,l .. ...4.4io.tH it,m . tut I,7M JllF. HRllMiE QVESTIOS. Lawrinuk Twp., Puo 6, 1P80 Ma. ICuimt: Will you pvrmil mo through the liMTIil.u ah to enter my humble rnlent aifainet the ohangv of site of lliu '(j'ootllollnw Hri'le." I will givu yon several reason why lithe Now York Mifcuni p'l st the:'"" ' l , , . - -'puliius ieculuiliir und adreiittirem think il uliouUI nut ho elisiiKetl ; and if fuvi, jn th way : . j ent out ol the bg in Uis last issue ol , wh(, UlWil (h() ,B(Jiln uuJ tordur net- '") 'an o more aim Duller h. I. ul... i,l.l I 1.... I.I... i:.n.,0 .,, ..,...,, .tliwi1lv, I will give way lor of late we havsi,: been" in the hubil of giving way when I v vm.v uiieiint. I We will in tho first tiluco take the matter of economy. Tbo county will save at least tllluen hundred Uulluis (1 1 500) in ubutmonts,as tho old abut ments ijo not appear to be much duin aged, Tuul Lawrence township will save at leasi fi ve hu nd rod dollars ( iHO), lor the township will bo compelled, in case ol a new sue, lo fill up the road way at tbe abutments and make tbo road from the uroiiosed new sue lo the old bridgo, on tbe uorib. sido of the river, as good as il is on tho south side at present. In the second place, there are soven or eight families on tbo south side ot tbe river wbo have to go to the Centre school, and will have lo travel from a milo to a mile and a half tarilier to gut to tbe school by way of the new sue than by the old one. Thirdly, we of Ibis section are a cburch-going people, and the Centre church is the only church in the town ship that we, "in this nock of woods," have access to. wewoiuu neeut on from tbuL Fourthly, William Porter, Hsq., has gono to a great expense and trouble in, ibe erection ol a Hint class nouriug mill on tbe nortb side of tho river, and I think toll v one third ot bis customers comes from ibis section, which will be in a great measure lost lo bun it the people will bavu lo drive almost to Clearfield town lo get aoross the river. Mow, ilr. fcJUor, vour theory In regard to locution would be good if ibere wero not other places but Llear field and Curwonsvillelo be considered; but we, in the rurul district, huve some interests too that we teel like looking alter, n bon you ask us lo risk our tamilies and our property in driving over five railroad crossings in order lo make it safe lor ibe people ol Clear field and Curwonsville, we feel as it you were asking loo much. We are willing lo divide the risks. As to the material tor tho bridge, 1 concur with your views all the lime. Il the lumber ot the old bridge was tit lo re-build, 1 ibink it would be policy to put np an iron bridge, as it costs but a trifle more than wood, and there is no risk from fire or wind ; and 1 notice that very little of tbe old lumber would do to re build, i am satisfied that iron will be quite a saving to tho county and a great advantage to all concerned. Tax-Pavir. CoNjriTt.RiNo. Tbe Washington Post remurks : "It is said by certain wiBe men wbo profess to know thous ands of things tbat arc hidden outside the rango of genoral vision,that the ono great object of General Garfield's visit lo this city was to make pcaro wiih John Sherman. It is also said that ibis object has boon accomplished, so that now botween the President-eleci and tho bead of tho Treasury Depart ment "peace, like a rivor.rolls its way." Tho most intimate friends of General Garfield in tbo Ohio Congressional delegation confidently predict tbat Mr. Sherman will be elected to the Senate. It is known tbat great efforts are be ing made to get Taft into Garfield's Cabinet, and it this succeeds, there can be no place in that collection of states men for Charles Foster. Congressman Tonnsend, who is a close friend ol General Garfield, sees no opening for Foster into either the Senate or the Cabinet." Moral Ideas. Tbe Chrtitian States man has an article censuring Mr. 11 ayes tor disregarding the Sabbath while on bis recent Western tour. It relates tacts, going to show that he made it a grand show day, tbe people turning out en matse to celebrate bis ailpear ance among tbem. So, it appears, thai Gen. Grant is not tbo only representa tive of the great moral party of tbe nation tbat disregards tbo religious observances of tbo first day of the week We regret that Mrs. 11 ayes would so lar forget her religious obligations as to encourage such a violation of the Sabbath. Hud the criticism and facts appeared in a secular journal we would have been loatbo to believe tbem ; but the Slatfumtin is an ardont Republican journal, and a special champion of Mr. Hayes' administration. Goto Work. Tu recent election demonstrates that if the Democratic party would go into a canvass as well organised as the Republicsu parly it would sweep it nut ol power by a two tbirds vote. To build up, strengthen and maintain organisations should be tbe individual work of every Demo crat. Wait not for orders nor lor com mittees, but begin and that without delay ; tee to It that every Democrat and every doubtiul votor inyour neigh borhood bas some Dcmooralio paper for tbe year. This will make it easier lo get them to tbe polls on election day ; it will help in many other ways. There should be organizations in every election district in the county to see to this work. A SpECTAOLt A Radical contem porary informs the world tbat Garfield is "our first Christian President. Another fellow remarks : Wbot a floo tight It aoit booo Woa lo so ant Cbrltiloo rroiH-ol" woia ol oral lo Ota frooo too Wuiogtos Jopot with Bob lo. gorooll. That's a joke on the hatchet man, and the other fellows wbo drew tbe Presidential salary since the days ol Washington. . Dklioates. Tbe Territorial dole gates elect to tbe Forty -satcotb Con gress bava thus lar been overlooked in the count They are as follows : Arlooaa Ormaotllo II. Owry, Doanerat. Dool-Boaaila t. Plulgrow, Roawbllooa. Uoko Uoo. AlMlto. DoMrot. Mootaaa Mortio Mogiooio, DotaooraL . Now Mtlloo Tranqoilloo Looo, Ronobllcaa I'lob Moo. 0. Oksaoa. Unowrao. Wowioloa Thoaiaa H. Broolt, loawhlloos. Wjoatiog M. I. Put-t, Dtaoorak The Democrats gain Aritona and Wyoming Territories. i 1 The Now York Timet thinks the importance of tbe Vice-Presidential position is not generally recognised. Tbe Timet is right Except as a tem porary receiving vault for tbe politi cally dead, the office is not recognised at all. 01 lbs present Congress 189 mem bers bsve been re -el noted to the Forty- Seventh Congress. Maine, New Hampshire, Kansas, South Carolina and Teias send back tboir solid dele gations without, any ohange. It is bow said tbat tbe ice taken from the West Branch at W illiamsport is strongly; Impregnated with coal oil, the result of lb breakage of the oil pipe on Tins Cnk, MOKE IX VESTICA T10X. llllWOAHnU.il WILL BICEIVI A CM TIFirATR Of t'HABACTKR TAKR Till BITORI1. i.i ii- 7 , r..,n,l,.. r!MttWiifhnwltii,iiiflnurudlytliomorin dunr of buiiitf ovui ruutiliotl anil The W Bubinclon on respondent ofi ,,., . ,. . J ilul'riiml.it of llitir iwiisn.ii bv uiisi-ru- Jv il( finitely hell led lliai al lltei1"' " I L .. mM,l ni. f (JlllllireW in leVlllh0r tWO HO , .,!... . .;n I... .... I',.! hi . w House of liepresemalives with the iliiuii.n nl llli I 1 1 fi if I 111, i t ! il 1 1 tl If '14 Ik till II V ' . i on record for the next lourycars. The .r.. , . n , , first will be a reopening ol the credit Mobilier business in view Of Garfiuld's recent denials and nt the statement mude by Judge Puluiid Ihut it he and bis Keiiubluun eolleagues had Known ... ine . , ..!... 1 ... .... t ... Ul..!. a, ...... . oome lo their knowledge, they would not bavu declared that Garhuld was irmlty of bribe taking and perjury. This slatotncnt of Jude Poland gives a reuson lor making the investigation,, and ihu Democrats nave hud no chance to do it before, as tho whole matter u formerly in Renublican bands. That Garfield was guilty in this affair of a double crime none but extreme Radicals doubt, and it is tho intention ot the Democrats lo bring this guill home to bun in such a munner us to compel the Republican party which nominated turn to assume the respon sibility lor this CRIME A0A1NST THE NATION'S I10N0R and to answer for it to the country. Ol course this will not prevent (iarticld's taking his seal, but betore be does so the House will place itself on reo rd by a declaration thai Jumes A. Gar field has been found guilty ot a double crime of bribo luking and perjury, and in the judgment ot Congress ought to be forever dii-qiiuliftud from hold ng any position of honor or trust under the Govurnmont, and that in view of bis record it becomes tbe succeed ing Congress to kuen a closo watch on the revenue and the distribution of odious. On this record Republicans will bavo to fight il out for tbe noxl four years, and it will place the ad ran Ul'C nulilicallv with the Democrats. The second line ol inquiry will be tho alleged Iruuds by which the Stale of New York was carried by the Re publicans for Garfield, and this will be done wiiu no idea ot disputing bar field's title to the Presidency, but with the idea of culling tho attention ot Congress lo the system of white ery at tho North by which the employ- ers drive the clerks and workmen to! tue pons to voio as iney uicieie, ami 1 to outrageous interference of Federal Murshalle with voters and challengers on election day. Investigation will show that there never was an election in which the votes of so many men wore cast by their masters as at the one just past There is not a maun fueturing village in the North where a majority of Ihu workinginen were not forced to vole as THEIR EMPLOYERS niCTATED. tnJ ih,.rn ! nnt uilln.m or i-iir nf I tho North where money was not used to purchase the votes of mon whoso necessities were pressing, or whose es timateol the value 01 the Irunchisci was low. Ho far as tho electoral votes I of Conneciirut or New Hampshire are concerned, they simply represent white instead ot Atrican slave pens, and will be given to Mr. Gaifield as it will be it will go on record as representing merely a morality as low ss ever at tached to tho auction block. It will bo proved tbat nine million people, equally dividud, stood still, In order to see whether the vast sums of money con tribiilud by slock brokers, national bankers, monopolist corporations, and tariff beneficiaries could be suocuastully used in New York City, to hire or compel ten thousand Democrats lo vole sgainst their convictions or possibly to hire twenty thousand men who baa no right to vote, to kill tbe fairly ex pressed voice of tho honest electors ol New York. W ben this record is made up by Congress and placed before tbe public, the Dumccrsts declare Ibattbey ean go beloro the people with court lenoe tbat Kadicuhsm will ne stamped out effectually in 18S4. Subsidizimo Grant. The attempt to raise a Presidential pension lund lor General Grant, and alter bint to be devoted lo succeeding ex Presidents, is not a certain tailuru, as was ex pooled . Jay Gould, W. II. Vanderbill, and I. W. Uuukay, tbe lalilornie millionairo, have each contributed 1:20.000 ; E. D. Morgan, L P. Morion, 11. B. Dins more, W. B. Aslor, and John lloey, each $5,000 making a total oapitul of one hundred thousand dollars, lurnisb- ed by these eight men. When tbe Duxleru and Cbilds of Philadelphia are heard from, and tbe rich men of Boston oome in, the remaining one hundred thousand will be secured. And then in 184, General Grant, the subsidised dependent of these nabobs, will be a candidate for tbo Presidency. If be shall bo elected the subscribers to the fund will get their money back, with interest more than a hundred fold The question before iho house is : Will a majority of the people of the United Stales vote to put in the Presidential chair a pensioner of tbe money power ot tbe oountry f 1 he election ol liar- Held, convicted by bis own party ol bribery and corruption, is about as good an answer to the question as can he furnished at the present time Venango spectator. Blasphemous. A Republican ex change publishes in an approving and commendatory manner, the following' "nraa lit, "Crown hla Imi of oil," givoa est la a LanoMtor obaroh oa Wosootdoy OtOOMg A party that would steal the Prosi dency and afterwards elect one of tbe chid promoters of tbe fraud (who was likewise proven to bo a bribetaker and perjurer) to tbe office pi President, does not scruple at blasphemous utter snces like the above. Tbe rumor is again current that Cameron is going into Garfield's t-abi net, and ibus places will be made iu ihe Senate lor both Quay ai.d one more of thw Kingston. It is also said Cessna at determined to make the contest for tbe Senaiorship, and if the Camerone don't recognir-e bis claims, he will light tbem. Garfield is borne again from Wash ington, and vainly trying to escape the importanit.ee of office-seekers. The outs want In and tbe ins want to stay. Tbey are opposed to "change." General Rosecrans calls Secretary Evarts "tbe venerable sardine who pre sides over the State Department." Not much dignity, bat spiced with truth. Tbe Chicago Timet opposes tbe ap pointment ot Senator Iogsn as Minis ter lo England on account of his igno rance of the language spoken in tbat oountry. Kvarts W. Fair, Republican Coo gressrean eleot from the Third d is trio t of New Hampshire, died at his borne, on Tuesday ths 30 ih ultima In looking over tbe list, we find ihst there are about ten prominent Republican slalosmen In Pennsylvania wbo baveo I been mentioned as candi date for the United Blalos Senate. All the mail roalea in Pennsylvania are to be let tbe coning Winter for four years from July 1st lo June SOlb, 1HV WILL THE UEPVRUCAKS MAKE WAH OX THE SOUTH f i The Hon. (iuorifo H. Iloulwall, ot -- - I ........ n,. 1 1. r' .. .-A ..1.1 twill m. I Ml""" "BV .VU.hp.- ... ....-..v, vimliptivn noliie t,iwuil the South. The Chronicle Utrald, when reviewing inu nci trn- milL-iP, - .. i Under the delurive I il lo of "The Future of the Republican I'ui ty," Bout well maps out a murderous plun ol'ag gression against the South. "Il may well bo said," be declares, "(hut ibe lime is past lor concessions, compro- l Loi..,ilili,m will no loiter be even tolerated by the Republican par ty." It Is not the Autocrat of ull the Russia wbo is dulivuting bunselt in this strain, but the attorney of a fuu lion which has secured control of a victorious party. Thai there may be no dount ot what be means, uoutweii says : "I he Canvass bad Keen conduu ted upon the ground occupied oy tne earnest men of the parly, and tbe suc cess of the party is duo In tbo largest degree to the presence and active la bors ot Oeneral Grant, Cielinlor L-oiiK-ling and their friends and supimrtors ;" and bo adds with brutal, arrogant sig nificance, ' Ourpolicy toward the South in its present politicul altitude must be determined, bold, oggressivc. The South respects power, and it re spects those wbo possess power and exbibilcourage." The programme re quires no interpretation. It speaks for ilselt. it is prickly Willi bayonets. At the expense of painting the lily, Boutwell commits his party as fur as he and his tuclion can to the "consist enl, speedy and resolute rejection of Ibe u'aiinauU to seals whose records are tainted with Iraud or stained with orimo" ol which record the Republi can party is lo bo tbe judge. Willi suck a test made by such a tribunal there is not a Southern licmocrut In ihe Senate or tiouse who might not ho thrown out of bis seat, lie thinks ibere ought to be no hesitancy in using Ihe bayouet to collect the ballots ot freemen whenever his party considers that an emergency has arisen. The unny is to be an essential part of the rime comitatul. J be coiintilutiouui iuaniiilee of a republican form of uov slav-erI,,nBiu to every Stale in this t'uion i to afford the Republican party all the pretext it may noed for imperial 1,-iriBlatioii. under tbo oonstrucilon put upon that section by the "earnest men ol the parly inero is no lugiaia lion so odious but a shred of tbu Con stitution can be found to cover it. If il is the purpose of the Grunt con spiralors to rule) or ruin, they are go ing tbe right way about It. To attempt to curry out the programme outlined by Boutwell will arouse this country as it has not been aroused since tbe rebellion. To persevere in it will shuke the country with civil war. Is Unit what "General Grant, Senutor Conk h"K and their Iriends and supporters' are driving at? - - - THE PEXSIOM LIST. INCREASE IN Till NUMBER OF PENSIONS Dl'RINO THE TEAR THE COMMISSION ER ESTIMATES IT WILL RhQUIRE 50,0(10,000 TO PAT Til R CLAIMS of THE CUR RENT YEAR. On the 30lh of June last, the pen sion list consisted of 1:12.212 army in valids: 7c,7i-s army widows, minor children, etc.; 2,0!i0 navy invalids; l,8iU navy widows, minor children, eta. : 10, UB surviving soldiers and sailors of tbe warot 1812, and 24.750 widows from tbat war a total ot 20, 802, in increase since Isst year of 8, 047. During tbo yoar 19 545 new pensions were allowed and 1,377 pen sions previously dropped restored ; 12,- s75 were dropped. 1 be annual pen sions average 1 103 34, an aggregate tor all ot t25,17.!HXi,S0. Kxclu-iveol all arrears, the payments fur the year amounted to 131,046,185 89, of which $12,408,191,20 was accrued pension in the new cases. Tbe payment of ar rears commenced in May, 1879. There was paid in Hay and Juneot thatyear 13,933.386 63, and 119,980,808,23 dur ing tbe last fiscal year. The total amount paid out for pensions during tho year, was 157,026 894,12. Tbe commissioner estimates that it will re quire upward ot 150,000,00(1 to pay toe pensions lor tne current year An equal amount is estimated for tbe next year. The number of cases in wbiub arrears of pension bos been allowed up to November 1, toe dale or tne report, is 43 HI 7 : the average in esob oase is. I5C0.15. Those cases were settled Irom the commencement so as to die tribute them in equsl proportions throughout the country month by month as tbe work progressed. INVALID AND OTHRk CLAIMS, During the nineteen years from June, 1861,10 July 1880,412 459 army and navy claim lor invalid pensions were filed, and 278,488 claims in be half ot army and navy widows, minor children and dependent relatives; 108, 856 of lbs invalids, atid 193,494 ol the in bur classes were placed on the pen si. m rolls. Under the sets ol February 14, 1871, and March 9, 1878, ruining pensions on account ul services io tbe war of 1812, 34,339 survivors iireseiil. ed claims, and 40,020 widows ; 35,470 of tbe survivors and 29 898 widows have been pensioned. There were on the 30in ul June 282,597 live unsullied claims lor pension of the army and navy olasses, and 17,749 claims lor pension on account of services in Ihe war ot 1812, for bounty land warranu and lor increase of pension. There wero allowed during tbe year, 14,631 original pension ul tbe army and navy i lasses, wbiub is more than have been allowed in any year since 1871 An uexed lo lb report Ie a number ol valuable statistical table, which can nut be git on in lull, hut one is worthy of particular mention, showing tu number ol pensioners borne upon the roll ai ibo roil ul each ttoeal ) ear irom 1001 to inhi, and tbe amount ol money paid out lor pension each year. Ibe total amount tor tbs twenty years is etou,i is,ooii,iu. RECORD Or CLAIMS. Tbe Commissioner rotVr to the new record of claims which has eon In course of preparation lor many months and now approaching Completion which classifies ibe claimants by their proper military organization. These records when completed, will comprise 10 volumes oi sou pages each, and contain a record ol the claims on ac oonnt of the service in 2,268 regiments, ItH battalions, 706 Independent com panic, 708 batteries and 46 staff corps. I be re organ tsiron in November last. of the office lorce engaged In settling tbe army claims tor service iu lb war of the rebellion and the arrangement ot the files to correspond, has been ol great advantage lo the service, xb re arrangement ia upon geographical lines, so that all claims on account of service in Now York organitations are settled id one division and ou account ol Pennsylvania service in another, and so on. the report next takes up the sui.joci oi Indian pensions, on account ol service in tbe three regiment ol Indian borne guards, raised in tbe Indian Territory, which hare been a source of much trouble lor many year. In 1879 th Commissioner detailed two siiecial agents to visit the Territory and investigate the claims uoa their menu, ibe inveslination was sue cesslul and tbe claimant are about to be paid their dues. A large strut ol accrued penakn is duo to each case, which, under ths law. most be paid by checks issued by ibe pension agent. The Commissioner says that Ibere are no hunks or other financial iiirlitiitioni. in tlui Territory upon which tho 'ii- aioneri c an tlrt-nl to uxclinno nt roawmalile tulii uurrunt money lor luuir inm - inn check, mid (hu pui.iiioiiers in iienieiiw, unie some prei-auutins -nun 1... lu I..... !.. I !... , .m t.il r.m. iniiiieuils legislation lo aulhorir.0 the ....... vv inu,..,, ... accrued pension lo to psi.l in install ments not lo exceed suil cni-li, as a menus of protection. ntNIIIAl. notes. Thcro are about 2,450 pensioners residing ul ihe varioun bruhclius ot the homes fur diauMed volunteer soldiers. wlmsu pensions annually amount lo about $300,000, which has been paid to tho Treasurer of the bomu and dis bursed tutilor the direction ol the man ugcrs, who cluim that tho course is luslilied by law and necessary In order to securu proper discipline und good order among iho Inmiites. 1 ho t.oin misnioncr is ol opinion that the law does not provide lor the payment ot iheso pensions Iu tbis manner, and re quests that tbo subject bo brought to the attention ot Uongrcss and the do ties of ihu Commissioner nf pensions and managers of the homes in n lution to these pensions bo more clearly de fined. Legislation to authorlxu tbe puymentof ihe pensions to the wires and children of insune or imprisoned pensioners is recommended. The re port nlso recommends legislation to uulhoriKu Iho pensions ot minor chil dren lo be commenced at the dute ol the last payment to the widow of Iho sohlier,iiicaOHwhereshebasre married andconcuaUdtbe lactnnd continued to draw the pensiiMS. It also recommends legislation to enable the Commissioner lo more equitably dispuso of claims lor increase ot pension than can now be done under Iho law, and providing for ihe review of unjust rstos of pension which huve been established under a mistake. Tho report next deals with the ul.ieclot attorneys and attorneys lees. Il calls attention lo the lin t that since the act of June 20, 1878, there is doubt whether tho ienal pro visions of section 4 785, revised stat utes, can be enloreed against attor neys, and recommends an amendment 10 dispose nl the doiihttul construction. 11 also recommends legislation to protect the department and claimants against disbarred attorneys who con liuuo to practice alter disbarment. Tho CommisMoner repeals the recom mendation ot bis lonnor roiKins lo substantiate for ibo present secret ex perts method of presenting the evi donee in pension claims, a plan for laking the leslimoiiy by public pro ceedings betore officers of the (rovuin ment in the neigbborhtHid of the claimant and witnesses, anil urges tho legislution lo accomplish this purpose. SEX A TOR 0 HA XT. Tbe people who are so anxious to find asolipluce lor ox President Grunt IhinK they bavu found iusl the thing in ihu Pennsylvania Senator-shin. It is very becoming Ihut an cx-t'resident should be a Senutor ; and some think that ihey ougbt lo bo so disposed ol as soon as they go out of the Exe u tivu olHce. There are just now half a dozen vacant bcnatochilis at the dis posal of the Republicans, and oi e among them certainly should be as signed lo Giant, lie is hovering ovor the country in an eagle like Bolt ol way, looking tor a nico tut prize in the waters below, and hankering sorely afier an olevalod eyrie where he tan be Isr.v and cointoriablo and conspiuu oils. He bus no local bubitatioiyuany particular place, thotigb it was lately announced thul bu had bought the New lurk borne ot the lather ol bis son in law, and proposed abiding there. At that time there was talk ot tbe New York Senaiorship tor bim. Bui now too 1'eniisylvaina prospeut is brighter for hi in, lor several reasons of very particular lore. The choice ol Grant in Pennsylvania would not only satisfy the Republican aristocratic feel ing that he should bo pensioned on the government, hat it wouid be psrticu larly gratetul to bis many rich and weak mindud admirer in Philadelphia, and, more than all, would be very agreeable to Senator Cameron, becauee he has thus the best chance lo beat Grow, and that with a candidate, who ill suit bim exactly : for Grant would cheerfully leave tbu disposition of the patronage to Cameron : and that t tbe particular value lo Cameron ot tbe Senatorial office, lie ha bven very sorry that he was to have a Kepubli can instead of a Democratic colleague ; and be would be templed to renian il be bad to take such a ono at Grow, with whom be would be constantly snarling over tbo bones. Having been so long in supreme authority It would go III with bun to have to taka an ag gressive partner. Witb lirunl ny Inn side, however, the situation would be lovely, and it is very likely that ibe feat of elevuliiig the General into the vacant Pennsylvania tseiialoiship will be undertaken, it bas our sympathy. I We should like to see Grant slaked down somewhere. We do not oonsider bim to bo so important a man as bis triends think bim, nordowefiudin him ihe qualities w bicb will onable b.m to shine as a Senutor. But as we are not in e barge of his reputation we are quite willing and even anxious that hu shall try ilial place, or any other that will onable bim to demoiMiralu bis talunts, il be bos any. lie bas been ballooning a long lime on the reputation he won for dogged fighting, without counting tbe coal, that was successful Bguinst a weaker enemy, And to-day no one disputes Gram's obstinacy. Some pco pie think that ho lias, b. side, a great deal ol bruin power. Wo shull be heartily glad lo seu him show il in the Senulo. Il will be a great satisfaction lo know that a man whom so many people bare been pawing over and ex alting has the proftiiidiiy of thought and Ibe perspecuity of speech which will make him a valuable Senator. Il will show that his trumpeters are not the sott headed Creatures they have been suspected of being, and ihut tbuy could tell a hawk from a band saw when Ihev ramo across it. Genera) Grant lias our best wishes tor his success in his swoop upon our Hcnatorship; and w hope that wbon ho gets It he will know what lo do wilb it. Lancaster Jiitellifencer. (bant as a DsAtmiAD. Ths Phil adolplna (Araftictf Herald says: An amnsinK Incident oc-vurrod on board the limited expriw train which Irll this oily al 7 on ot-k Hunduy evening. November 2Hlh, for Now York. Amnna ike .awnKi-rs was (ii'neral lln.nl, who arrived in I'mladolphia on Saturday mi.riiinff. The train is composed of parlor rare, and tbo fare on it i onr dollar above the usnal rata. VY ben the eondiiotor earns through the train KSlherinfr ihu tickets ou Sat urday night ooneral Urant exhibited bis pas. "One dollar mora on this train," said the conductor. . ' "I am General (iisnt," remarked tbe general. "Can't help that," was lbs Imnertor bible rrply "it s a dollar etira on this train, and yoa must pay. The (iencral paid. Tut KtAtiu Il Is said that Mr. IIb.vos will not boa candidate lor any thiog alu-r ibe fourth ol Marvh, but will retire on bis savings and ' lake a Utile needed rest." What has be been doing for lour years but making ex cnrsioiis a,nd attending cattle shows? lucre bas beta no I'reslJeot apoo wgura ids earca oi Die suiloa bavo fallen ao lightly. Tbe people art Iksl y lo giv Mr. IlavM a long vary rest Mr. Cyrus 11. MeCormii-k.theiv..cr munutui lurer, has given HOO.OUO to the l'lcsbyleriun Theological Seminary . of Chicago lo place it entirely out if ,i i,. $rw gtUtrrttbfutfati. A UIMTOH'a XOTICI- ,11 uaaenlgnoit Auditor, afpolatol br Iho Orpuooo1 0. ait wt Lloarbold ououty. lurcpon ow tnbuilua ot tbo kolauoo ia Ibo boa.li ol Juouh U. broth, Ailuimimotur ol ComUoa Nod, lol of borougo ol Now Wo,niogloa, Uwu'd, auioot lbuc W-go. l,tlUiit, birobjr grvot oolin, tbot 00 will lima Iu Ibo ilut.M a bu u Ulwo ol b uutoo, ia I'l.iitl.i.l, IV, oo lul'a.-DA. tho UUUy ll OkCKMUbH, IMMKLW MrCl'KDV. Auditor. Cl.irJild, I'o , Uoo. Sth, ISSU St. AGENTaSJ.V.sT.aSvi Helling the Hiandard Agricultural Ihi. k. Farming for Profit. Cutnplwiw ktm lsttinrj. Hurt U tilde Ut iimhui fnl Iftrniuf . Bert Bflok for FttBri ) Frtmri' Boy. Kb dorwtj bv totdinK Bod irt-t writer. Tnorouff'bljr PmrtlaiJ ftl.natl mt AfUlra. Hv in any lime it" nntt tvery on. HO PnK,an4 Mil llluitraliuiia. tuna tutu and beat Pairs Book e-r pusiuteJ. Kv mry Parmer itimld bv eopf. tor dcfripltve irouUr -'d ttrmi to ftgfili, tl dro'i J. 0. MrCUKUY A 0 , Aft) CbrMi.ut Btrtet, Vailati,,hi. P. Cincinnati,, O., I'Meijo, 111. r Hi. Luoi. Mo. Dm. ft, In80-4t. 1 KC.I.i -XV t7 gi0 'fa this lul oiog Moooonti bTfj tiu iiuinfd nt paVMod f ruw, mi r-JUftia fllmi orraird in tbit ufflosj for th lapH.oa of heirt, legitttH', afedi'on, und Bllutlitrt iDUn-wted, gnl will b prMuid lu tbo neil UrpbKDti'Cofirl of C Unfile Id euuatjr, to b held nt tn Cuurt Mou. in ton bufougth of C(nrl.ld, coisjinc,njt Ob lb twttmiii Mutidny (bfjinif tbn lUih dy) uf hejiitJioixr, A. U. IMI ; FidrI aooouolof Jnntt Mo Known). Adminittlmtor tl ibi- frUtn of t-r ooii hwfleity.Utnof Penn .bWD'bip, OienrB.ld oaat;, 1'., 4mnm1.- Finnl gvocoaot of Q-wum 0. Kirk, Admiowi rlr ol tb etata tl Jubo K. Hbnltnr, nin or Brndj tuft-nib ip, C learn tld e antt ., deonnMd. Pinal aounnt ot Gcor.cn 0. Kirk. Admiollratnr ol ibn n-ratn of Kmd.rtnk bbnSer, lau of BnWjr tuwtilbip, tin i Bid euua.y , f , d.onaanU. It d1 aoeuuat of Juicpb P Unr, AdwloittratO' of tbo nautaut John Brown, lam of Mvrrit lown ibip, ClnarHold ooaatjr, P., dMeed. Finnl nre.rtjtit of Jaaint McMurrny, (laardina of Marj A irvia.Bti.or bnirot Wilittm Irvlo, Utn ut Uuraiidn, Clanrsnid Ouuotf , I'., dno'd b'ionl nonuiht of U. II. M-rri1, Adinntrt .r nf lb (( uf J u until an Kiobo.a, intni'l Lwrj a towbabip, C maw-field Ouuuij, Pa , d:M.vd. PtrtUl account of K f. Too m Dion and Thoi. W. M worst, Aduiiiaraton ul tbn oatoi uf l4id tK, lnt uf Urnovi wftkip, Omnrbeid coutt'f.Pa., dnronnnd. Uurdmn noouuat of Aaroa C. Tntn, Onardita of Hnlim 0. lln, Mary l)ln, Albert M. Unleaud Wiliinloiiaa fnif, tutar bmra uf Willi l . latnul Ja wrnce uabipt Crnarfleid tottuiy, fa., dtowaaod. Tbo UunrJi.B aecoaat of Wiltim R. llnoitt. Wu-rmnn uf H iliUut 8. Young, uitnwr bmr uf Broa Vow f, lain ut Uutrtun tuooabip, Oloar bmd WllUiy, r., Mfaflii, F na) aoo inat of Jeph M tint Kb, Uunrdinn of ars;rt l. L'unaa (bow Hum,) aiuur heir ut Ihoonn Co man, lau o tteMria lowaimp, tlnsifJcId ouanijr, Pw, doonnand. FiBttl acoouot or Trio to duMu, Eioeotor tf tbo lant W i I and TaUanat ut hi J nr J U i lligno ,110 nt Jor-aa toabigf, 0 nrllaid Co. Pa., dao't. L J. MOKJAN nngjiitnr. CU.rflfld. Pa., Daa. 9, InO lr. HOLIDAY Gifts! GIFTS!! Gifts!!! Highly interesting to all those who arc about to buy thuir W bava one of tbe finest assortment of fancy and nsolul oods in town, among which will be found TOILET SETS. L.EATHERETTS Work Boxes. Jewel Cases, &c, A full and complete assoiment of Books d h Stationery. Also, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description, from Mason Hamlin ORGANS TO Persons visiting our town Institute Week, And all others, are invited to call with j out fail, if yon want anything ia I our line. W can't be hvat in 1 quantity, quality or price. P A. GAULIN, P. 0. Building, CLEARFIELD, FA. Kwi'lhtwr B, lHIU-4t. SherifTs Sale. . ir.. virltM nf writa al n. Iavs1 0 ar tBt fMrt tf Unata Plena of Clear. eld nvnotT.and ta pm direeU). taern will tva eipee w PUULU 8 A LB, at tka Oonrt Uoaaa, a u vweagn vi LMatrstM, 9m Thnrndny, Jnnwni7 eV IWtl. . All that eertaln trtn laa-1 tit tt ate hi Omaew townantp. Cleerweid ewwniT, Pa- n .wMl-d aad dwneribed ni fidlowi t Oa liven at by land uf Una. ha and t efal, m inn a.yihi lanl of Wlditw dhaw emineweeta, Uadtf ( m4 Wife .and en inn neuti bjlmnda of Hame. H jr ) Ounan. enanainikR H anme, nvirn ar iaa, win abual la aniei al-iarni, and bar tag I henna i.tolii a log ouan and am all fratM . Melnad. lakes ia aieaMiMaj nnd n ba aeld w thf propert of a. C . Leonari. ALSO, Tttna Iwa cwrtatn ptrtaae or pnrtnla nf land til nnU i Henbane tewaanlp, OleerfleLi aaannte, Pa , ixsanaWd and dneafinW aa felltwe. In WM 1 O thnrraar hnndl aa tne nrth Kr (and nf Paje . 9J SM1 art W. Bl. neMba!, a tna nan in la tad tf Jae H nry Oanaraaj nnel inn neat ar land nf f. t. Onndrinc nan. tnw.tn nerea, etere ear tnea. nil aaead,td Iwatnaj tiWsjea arnntad two tnali plaak dwellrat; erunaea, aannll rraean nvri and eeaaU aa; trnrn.nun irvuBg vreaasTa gruwtaf on aai praealaea. ALrHO, AH DefhadenTa UerM In notnnt pieee ef wmjwwrm fj wotv, oown-jesn ia iartfe tone t Jnetn Hetanei, nM n land nf Jaittn llei.J and A. ttnnnln, nonth kr Und mf W. II ttswehal nnd H. bennarri, and went nva.al a rnad, n,WiaUK If aarea, mem or om, a 4 aifre aW4t w-eenua nr4ed n plane d4lia4 neaaa, nnd a T Man; aa aaid prnea.ee, eiatvd. Uhen tn niaa-jiioa nad tw ne tnlff ai tna prip-M-17 m ft ill 1 am H. wnknarr. Tnatati p ffLC-Tn nrtn nt wnUk ln prnporte eMal W newe nf mm pa44 M tW ttaan f r ae4 atnar aiTTM aa nd m will tM iatrm4,Mrtei Im raar- If mm tM lejftwMMal Mt nW44 H M ttM spanM nd rtM nf pto h wneni It nW ttrma tl ft4 tee, U naat tf 4w.Uaaf nl mat resents ftloulb Harmonicas j,fpi juiurruruin". . . d i o lMI.a, '.m u. D..d k proiioud lo loon k, uoaroutloa uoi.it th "''.'!"" uole to tb. Sb.ns. jM.nnir.., Hb.rl ClurSold. P-. !. I, Sheriff's Sale. TY vlrtao of luudrj writ ut I ro A., iwuod IS oat of tboUoortor oniomon nt .i iteor bwldOo , and to oindiraeloJ, tbnrn will imnipoed to Hi; 11 LIO rtALK, at tbo Cuurt Uuuao, ia tbn borouj(b of Cknru.ld, Pa-, on Thoradny, Jauuary lh, Inmi. At I nVloob, P JU , ibt Mintf de-pribwi rail aetata, lu will A oeruin Irnol of land iiiualn ia Canal town h ip C irm Bs-ld rwwnty , Pb , boundoil a d describ ed ii tuhuw i On tbn cant t tbet urrrk ibd laadi ol i. si M. Urtib, oa um unu by an.in il L. J. llutd. ub lb -. ky l utuinrw.! hadnK from Newborn; to Nt W rUin,ttD, Bud on Ibe auulb b road lenio t Mm'b nil la an-1 lnia ot ald ..... Brttn, ca a.o.oK .. . nn.. oil clert4. M4 Vs '" table. ALSO, One other niece in Cht looaabtp, id coonfy. hoiuf ibt nnwa pineo at laud b iu,;nt uf U illinia llotiUr, ana uuukara ana aeaoiiuno an iu iuwa ; On ibn cant and nortb h laoda luriuor-y owned bj laid Win. Hunter (of which ibia piece la a art ol aaid traol), os uo wn ay iaoaa ei ntnjrj viiiiioiitoB. aod oo tbn nuutb by laoda lorowrly owned by Jacib LioKrelt, itittinlua; alhout So aorta, inure or leaaf nod harm a; about S acre oleartd. ALB". Ooo town lot utantn In tbt borough of New butf, b-mmlfd nnd dr-toritud aa fliun : Oo Ibo aat by lot ol leaio MnTaio, on Mm ouulb br an alley, ud tbe wait by Wtr itrovt, aud ub tbo ii-uih ly Iota owi.ed hy J. M. Turer, ooofainin; aouut I uf aa nern, oith nater! Iieanug apple tree ihrMn deitwi, taken la nieoutlun, and to ( n.li at thepruperty el Pun M'il-ddn- ALbO. Aoertaia lolor land itU4t)io 8 -n y Twp .Clear fleldCu.,Pa.,to thetilla; ol Uulluia.b mod I and dearritMd b fuilwt tittfiaiii in; nt a onmar oi Mam atio t aud an alloy aud ruuotnc n Tib I if 4 dKrrri Welt to lot ol J-bn 1 ruaul ; tbvnov moK ioi of Irwiel lull feet to an alley tbunua auutti Ut dt-Koa aloitj eaitl all, y 6U let io Oiebatrii ally; tbeben aiunjt Orrbard aitV) It led to Maiu atreoi ; tbe Doe alou: Main airet 80 ft-et plaeo ul bnKi nino. beifg kmwu iu plau ul aaid viilafe aa Lot bit 4i ana fturmg l0rton nrxettrd a Jratne boua wj alurtaa bib. elad, iaaen lu eieuutmo, and to be tp'.i a the prep.rty ut A. J. MvUujfti. ALsO, A wrfalr. Irwt of la ml allunto In Uraly town V.i rias.Hsiil M.unlt. et.i.ai liaai. boon te I andaVwritied a f ill wn : U if'aitnjr a red onk corner at the corner of Ittli sf ' wb Ku i llwcge Penu tbeneo north Ml d(rw. ei Ml pore he to a p t lhwj'-e n-mlh 410 2 HI perob-a u a pom thenne wt a! t-10 enha l n ded brnltwtv i ihfiiee north It deiireee J6 ' per ohtM to Bwrrieo berry; tleoc- euuth si d-'irca wt-at liT perche to a heia oc ; toetiee o'tb l dnrre-r m-rt Mi frcbe lo t pi) ; flu c nortb Mi iftt oaat U prrebet to wririe. brr y ; ibetioe Boitb I decree weal Ml prrrta lothe pi tue ol tKioBiOf oooumtngf will f-iu ncrr Hetttd. taken ia eirautiuo and t- be so'da the property ol Ueora; Kramer aud Wm. K. Jlcl. ALO, A eertafn tract of land aituato ia Brad? tnwa hip, ( Innrnetd muni;, Pa , nr-ar ibn eilUt ol Truniviha, bounded nad deacrin-d a folktwa : Bounded on tlif ea-t by hrott Kmir, an the neat I t publie lead 1 tic fr-m 1 ruutvilm t.i Rih el'a alll.Dt theeon b be Undn of John ttanip tint and on the north by laoda of Andrew M il 'ft nnd Anton bneall. tonTxininK ebal no nerra, mure or lean, witb abt.nl iu aer cleared, and havirtft tli-reon treetd a two-aiur frame huuan. imall atable nod other on building: Heited, taken In enrrotin and tn be aold aa tbe propetl of Jobs M. Miller and Cbarlt-a W. Korb, terre tenant, , ALSO, ' ' A certain Iraot af Inr.d aitnnte In Knux town hip, ClenrSeld eooDiy. I'a . buuadrd aud de scribed aa tnl owa 1 feeglntiinf at n wnite pine : (banco 49 deyreea wtal 140 ptrchea to 1(0 no ; iberiee n-ittb id deft reel tttlt ltd perche. to n beiuioi'h ; ifir-noe auntb 4l ttranisi 14" pernbee lo n beh tbetice toutb &U defreea naat 120 per ebeo lo ibe plaoa of btf iii.ing, ri,iaibiig I0l artrt, wih A acre elewrodi and having, therouo reeled n 10 atorjr Irauio bunet, a ing ham, ai d other ombniloinga, with nn ofbard f a'"al 4- apple tree. ALSO, All tbat certain Itt or picoe tt' ground ltune in Jurdan tnbli, Cloarfirld eouii'j, r,(ii"rvui bttufldod nnd dwriimi fn.i Rftrinninir at n d-nd pint r rnr of J M. WcNei a and it. uani sj nuus 1 lumrw purr a v urm wvwx tot ps-rehei to n pot ; 'be t ee by Inndul ii Hchueuing toutb bu dogreea went 116 prrrbea to a healuDU ; th-nee lod degroaionat Itf7 percbea tu a brmlurk ; tjeoca by J. M Neil a nurtb AU dfgreea ea-t 116 percbef to tbo plaeo of tMrsitnning. n ntainlog I l.t area and eicben, niihnbuut 6U acrecle4dl and having tbe reus enrooted n fratn- bne, Irnnje amble, nnd n log bmra. Alio, a btaring oinfaard I nnont twenty treen. ALSO, Thai tnrtnln piece tf land aituato in Knot twnbip, Clenrfleltl eonniy. Pa , bnndei nnd desioribod na fulluw!, i : Bt-unded 00 ibe north by laoda of Enoch nnd Lewla Krhart, on ihe nouth by lan da of Hatid Wio, on the nnt by land of reirr Maji, ant on tan wei ny land ot Jonn IMgb, n tatmng n ont 711 acre, witb about 40 ar re. o lea red, and baring thereon arreted a two atory franta honao, lo barn, nnd n two-aiory U e, aim ntner nnti uiidtot. Aint. n amait orontrd wn the tatnn. ALSO. ti t other let iltnata in Knoi towBsbit. Clear- laid ooonty, touaait4 and drteribrd aa Miowa: Urglnntng nt n atune oner, ibencn 40 dearet weal 1 pcrenet to pnat 1 ibeuce 40 V frena eant it pcrcnaa 10 n Beanioeb ; tben .e auntb b degivta weat 12't pnronoa to tbe plaeo ut brgibutnrf, ton- tning in ncme. 0ciird. uhit lo airootton and tt be vol J aa Ibt propert of Tbomna MaUrnoaett and Juhn Mevrafkvq, ALSO, A on lain trajt nf land atinttt In Chet town- hip, Clearfield eotan'j, Pa.,ouimng Mi) acrta, witb no impnireaetua, bwunded an it by William Kaitover. at by fioi-ey fc Jubonon, nnnh by H iMmm Woaitttr. and eoaib by -w , Al.rU, One-b a If itUrtni hi til nern tf kad in Cheat mwttahip, tktneJ toanty, aw in pro mu en it. bona den wee b. litaair inavt ami ty Finnoy A JvbniHB,aet iy John Jfry ot ai, Mmk bj Moblttrnat. AUSO, Ont half iotereet ia 111 noraa nf land la Cheat townnbip, Clenrnoid euoniy, wib 4 eeret cleared, buundei wait iiy a. Ilee-t, aat by W, Wont vnr, awita hy 8. WedtoTtr Bod numb by U. Fry. a umj. One hairiattrtat In 19 aorta of land in Cheat tennabip. Ueerue.i toaaiy, witb gtuj taw iniil, I tenant kwiua, biackamin aboa. and la raj 0 wag m lb 4 and Blab ea. wilb n aoroi olearaw, a Jed t-aat by J-nn Fry, weit bv W, a eeiovcr. nf lb by laaat Knrn, hnU b., Jinaa MoKnna. bo and. Ukaa in tioontw 1. and 10 be euid a ibe prvporty tl Koet A McKnea. AL80, Aaerta.Brii. of cr-ood itnnte In Creaitfeld borvngn, UltarleM aon.ty, fa., beao4 nnd do- aritpwt aa loiknn t Un ibo eaat b lot ai T. A I och, oa tbo neat by lot of Cyme Uurdon, nn kaHi.naa koi ho..l ...a ... . k. a. a. olbor oaiboiidiuao, B. lard, tihro i. osreo'loQ, sad to bo rtli ai tbo .rviort7 of Mo((lo K. Uo:a. 1 ALSO, A Otrt'ta IriOt t.f loud iIim.i lo Broiirto towft. kia, UMaraei kui;, o , bouadVd and a.Kiib oo al lollowi I H.tul,,n , , dogsvea ooruor : tbouooMil bj John fti.b'i lornr II" (s-roboii taoaoo ouolb bj p. Mil or ibiiot ISb b.roboi lo wwo. i inio.0 woit izuarrboo toooroir ; to.aoo or Uruadh.a .atT.y aotih 16 aorcaio lo oJooo A bo,iaaii, ooa.oioloa W3ionu ana llo nor obri, botiLg b..wt IS noroi olrovrd. atnro or bu, son. ait oi a lot, r troot ol loo, oo.va.io b ruuiv U. Wold, b.r in, tborios oroofd a !..- 11 lo. auoH. lo; Nn, lorioo bOrt oa ,lair uatoaiuiam, bln( lot bonia, applo Iron 0 Hoitod, tiboo ta oiorotln, oad lo W nld o ibo .r.port, of J. W. Iiavli, A oortala Dliao of orou. I .It... t lB.a.nu Juidoo To., lloarto'douoni,, ... boo. Ioi aad oonri,o u iumwi, TH I Uo too Bortb B lot ol J. M. !, oa ibi won bj oablio ru.J, .a lb. oautb BJ oooUor, oa4 UIBaoool boo olio;, Bod Bvlw taorooa oroto4a ao.d troino hviuo, wood boow, waib b a.. aod a o-.km! iuiI. Bolor, Uboo ia iioootioa ond k M.oid oo tka prol ol A. U. Sir., aad lliraa Str.w. . AL-IO, A oortala Init af laad iltaot la alorrla Iowa obIb, C'kirlol aooatr, I o., booo.iod ond do Mnood ai fUlowii Vi,liiBlnf at tbo ooa-b-won ooraor of a , n i ikaooo IJ) iorob.i to a poit : taoaoo aortb US BomBao u oboatoot ia,ua(i taoaoo wortoio woroSil to pnr i tbonow nouUi 111 Boroaoa IB Ibo p ooo of boaloali.,, routamlnt rj ooroo, oloorod, awTiaf Ibarooa orroiod a 21 urj imoio aoooo, a aaikii Bora .Dd olbor ooibuildlbi:.. (Moo, tibo looBooBttoa and to bo Bold iho fnfif H.r; a, Hnj and AWy.pi itraT. ALSO, A oortilalraet of laaS itluilo la Boooorll tow, kip. UbarSold ooaoli, H, buuo loi oodd..orib od ai lollowi i tloi aBina- al p-.l aoroor of tot ol 1 BOW.BO W.IT- iboOOO O.-IIB 1 dr,T001 Woit 0 ptr.boi to a koakbi lltMo. ivm.,o a . oaot ai Booikoa ua.au ; tb.noo Boats S4do,r.oi I".'", .win.. toonoo loots I dorool WBlt 41 OOrrBoa W PuOt UJ Bluo of Boo.o.mo oooto.aio, II aoroi aod SI wornkoo, aad balB - ."no, bo. oaiiB, taorioa orootod o lariro fnao dw.lliif boaoo aad nablo and othor owioiiawa. ALSO, A octtiIo tro of li d n.uu I. B..U I. rtlp, CkarlolA o.ootr. P., b oiodod oa tolkHii t 1"I "J a o,wood poll iko a.rtkwo.1 ooruor f. mim aonror i tk.aoa ar Uadi af II rairlp, wool IB porokoi lo a kralooa oa wool bb ofnoUl rani ttiaoi ooolb IIS poroano to .i ro I ta.noo oo.t I SI pimkollo.. tkooM aortk ISS Bocoaoa to r of BO(loaiaV aoauialof I OS anno, son or loii, wilb SI oom r-r. ..no Ol ol.ari laluto. OUPTt-B oioort, aa a..l. taarooa Msiod a dwolla. Soooo, Itrro kut bon aad atbar oolb.ildlno.. rwiood. uom ib oiooo.l.o, ul ia bo om1 a. tka proportt of J. I. Ihlloa. Taaai or iaia. THo or loo or na at'wilok wo pnaortT bb.ii aa itntot aaol a. Bold ot ok. ai of lalo, or oaok otaor arrantoainu aodo a ia wo ovprooooi aoaorwuo lao pruportT will k, laaoAtat, p.t aa aold HJ 1 tka .ib... aad rtik af la forooa to whoa It waa auwo of, -" - " - woooumoj M BOOB ra-aalo, aboil aako prm iko aaaa, ut b h lawtaaas wAI tka DooS Bo ron.i.d ta (Wt fw toasaauv Uo aiiool Ik atwaoy b aooaalnr Ml oo lk Saaan-r. Ornoa, I aaar!. C-wfoal, Pa, ta-ll'K. I 2U u- 3i dm tjr aunts. ARNOLD PAYS GASH or TRADE. Curwontrtllo. I'o., Jon. S, '7S tf. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Cor(illo. P Joo. . I;s-lt 1 f Pin luwaaiiip. Ci-ari-ld ouunlr. I,, naunnble liiwu irwn lof part of purcha T'j aiot,T. Prioi (' t li'.i pr aora. Mr nrvfd: BIRD, Attn P-nflcid, Ha or WLLicn A K hkhi, Hopt 10. l!7-lf. Clenrbold, Pa, DiM).i:TlfN 11 PARTNKHMIIIP. All prt rit innnrnind nrr bt-rrl.y notifi,! - ,,.llDewb.p k.r.tuf..f ralrl Li, .( Ihn undrrtteoH rnvn vy wuiuai mi. i ltllo ..r kropin It., f H..O- HtM. In iho b'iruuth of CiesirOeld, Pa The hiimcn I a fief will he oonduow-d by Andrew Penu Jr., who will toller all elm to doe ibeaa and pi y l debit owatrno.aJ by tbe Arm. 1aV1D JOHNSTON. ANbRUW ptSTZ, Jr. CloarfieU, Tn , XuT. 2td, l(H Jt. AM.NIttTHATOK NOTICK -N-tiee in herhy Ri'OQ tbat Utlteriof AduiintM irwiiaw o tbe aetata ut Is. ti H lLK, late uf pniladflphia, l's, uVeed, haviuaj bfeo July iran'nd to be nude reigned. B paiaoua ladpttul lnid ttie will p1e make iuuieliela pay mcof, nod thoa having oUtmaor d inanda ajittii-.t ibe aatur. will prai.t lb. in pn perly nulhta La (e l lur aellUinant wilh'.ul dvlav v ILlsMM P0WKI.L, Aduiinirtraior, CUaiflMl, Pa. Not lh. 1Si-l I it nurfnj gisrn iisir tw irn iji rtiiiaiaiv- UaiKiBOOthoeatat.ut BKNJAMIN I. HOHKKT-H, Into uf Knox lu4ihlp, Clcnr field coun'y, Pa , decrared, hat ing hrn dmy granled lo the midtjrMfcned, all pertooa inleltrd to aaid estate will plvat make tuinieiliein payinent, nnd tho- haeibfjt elatnie or deiniid ajanpt tho aaiue will praawiil theoi properly autliniHoated fur fettle inetit without dalav. 0 i.iKAU UAKtK. AdinibUirator. )tfw Mill.nrf, Pa , Nov. 10, ISu Gt. A DVIIMXI HA lH' !,OTICi:.!((iiW is hereliT xUen that Lettira ( A Jmioi tri on tbe eitstU ol H I AS L SMILKV. i-.u of lirttdr tuwnetiip, larneld county, P. dec a , htviOhf b ts-n Ou-y ajrnotvd tTlu on lvri:'i - 1 indnMi to aaij ,:aus win pieaae n.4k i im jaj tuwni, snu iuuw eoiaiida aifsniut iho II preacnt ibetn ttront-rly autbenlic'ed -ttlaiont wi'h .ut deiay. L.iA kTlh SMILLV, A'ltlillllaltal r. , Nue. 10, IK Ut. Luihtrnbiir, Pa hat l.t-t'rra Ti,aiainr-Dt4ry no the tlKuKl.K KNAHK, tpc.r. ),, Hrady ,,ns tnwuatii', Cieartield ootinty, tvon-j Umii (, id havtnsr t-e a duly grnu-fi tu If." una- r tsfDs-.l. all lie ra un a Indeb't'd lu aaiii i-flitia Mill ! ,.! n,ak iit.nmiiai ni m. tit. ii.ua. K-r j iri), claiuia ur d-ui..udii --init ibe a .w v ill t,r 1 aeul thini pri pttly ntiiln ni at-d (or m-ulfliur-t r I wnb-ut delay. . Alt M K.NAKK, Hb'OH .K K.NAKK, Jr., KiM-iiiro T roiiUiile, Pa , I)'u Oltl'U NOIK I- lo lb" Court nf Conn tin Plea of CW Reid .ountt, Pennayivania Otorjie A. South nick ) No. 10, mhoick 1 No. liwiek ) rliii ficpt. T., Kltei Boathwiek ) Hi.b Hi h. Di vont'i:. to Ri.lr a I'Tttwirn:. i)i:rtiDiT aa vi Kturn Vou will pUaan laie aniir? that yua are ri quired tu oome into Court and defand axvtj ac'l'in at tuo tin It irrtn ( 'anuary lertai or judgment will te eniered airinat tou by de fault. JAM lis M A UAKFrA, Clnraali, 14.. N. tith, ts.4t. ji viKtr. MiTii r, M'ihft D'flen hv hor) Io the fVurt of (?. utn 4jgfnd W.A.tlocv- Binn pleja of Or-ar-or t. ) flt'td muniy, .1mtr II. Dflliaa. ( N i. 4 June I. Is-t". J At. Ap Sr IHrorr. The umleraign-d C'mmittioner, nppnlniett I t ibe Court to ake teatimuDT in the auore caif, ciren notion that fee will nttaul iu (tie du'ic ol ! hia eppuiotinent at ih ..fiice uf Th.niiaJ. MCul- louifh, fori., tn 'be hrootrh ur Olrarfliid. no th- Wl'H day or DKrKM HKK, m, at 10 eick A. M., whon and where all prra -m int-r.id niy attend. KHaNK A. FthMINU, C( no in ta toner. CliarHt-M, Pa., Nor. 17th. ISn.;k. WAGONS WAGONS HL'GGlF.S-BUG(;ii:S. snuxo WAGONS. SPUING WAGONS. THE Unkl.lX WAtOS. T0? AND OPEN BTTHSIES. KEPT Oli JJAXD FOR SALE. STAGE & REILLY, CLEARFIELD, PA. NijrllSa TRIAL LIT. Tho hllowiDi U a list ot coomo tot dio lortrUI lor Jaooirj Ttio, l,Sl, OOWMUOOIOS iHMrj IUH : PaC'SB Waoa:-J4eirT 17. J Gtrdnrra 8 Uurrow o. P.lrt..h Flysa llvurf. B.iitNIB Tl M - fb.i.- 11 Kurooj ... ll,4-.r Klias Kt-airl A.thuM ? Kiorf A Pulli.r Kichard Arthur or J .ir,b IUa,l ot al L-Ji llvS-o, So., ' ' ro Riflhord Artbori t ol J-.an It till'. a tl al nS U..woo ol ol Wi.h'gtna U L Arr'a tlo..r(o lloftr D D Soko,.a.i. r n W 1 1 M Ilult H'l.r, Y.,i,j X Co oi Jobo HuUuii Hiot.'d Srlbori voH.dov Kolirrotol H M DuRro, Ailui'r, v, W.MMll,n F.ro B Co Ot.aa'j Natton.1 llobk -a Ahran llualj.bro t, Wa A Ha'lor. S owtr A Poarflo l-.bo ,M C'lioos H.iSr H.kor A M L ..Tj A Co U a) Bn.hio .1. hi riorh Itl.imer llilo Toiliir Huwloa K K Kooa Lo'aor a ll.jorlj Ti Ao.'ta Kiloo A V K .HrouJ Ca . - - oo War Wo.io.or J J Lion tl Andrew lonls Tl Tbt.ii.il C Kvlrr Ti Jiaiw Irria dr vi J T llor IL1 Bl OOO, r.othoaiy.rT. TI'RV M.T...N..M and IoooiIob a' ikon tl brrrooi d-awa nl jarnn t oorooit Jiaoir and cuatinulng tn woeki : aaiNBicanaa, in MnauAT, jaa. IS, 1811. CW.1 ol.l W J H-io.hill. I01B.B, J K llrd 111, ton- a. Poai i rijoa. .Irooow'J. I L llo.rir, lluito. Th-Ht II 11.,. i II Kilo., I.ooronao, L Plcgal, Morrl. At Thorn, " t'l.rk Croocll, toa ljr, P rt Wrbor, R W Poati, " C Qujlir. L'ti'in, UiTld ilrei-kr, I'ar'.vil'O, J liThnai-MiD 11-olidiW, t ftn'oor, I N Wi.b'r.W W U.rctal Oiooola, U IV Lano, I , ii r a ttun.iT. Willicotoa, A M &bow, Bo.-4i, tlporito lion, ''nrlaton, 1. L.(rv, Uodoiur, A J htoinrr, I tiu.bin, JtiD A M.irrT. tlee A Moodor, TRAVBR1B Jtiaoao, tit WBJIK, JOS. UrS. ClwHol.1, B F Cni.or. ...ro li.,11. IIua'kliUr, H It ink rd uo ' tl I'korlt .., O.0O -.la. M Hurl. Jr, M H. nll,al, n.e-a.la. A N.tling, Hrll, Cbftl !inpion, tli-Ml, tln.i Di aollue;. O l)rl " ll llinpllnit, Brodfnr I, C I A Ikirl, W II roron. " Tool M..rrU, " W llraHliia, Kd Halt, Bridr, M II Latbrr, " ll Irvlo, '' H A Trowtaiaa, BurBiidt, Jobu Loo, ' o J Ho.tuvor Coviacton, J..1 llmi, Ucniiur, Job Htowb. i " J L tWbart, " A J Hanbo,, " J II Horn. Firottioa. tlo.i Htr.w, firconw'd, B Tbnnpoaa V? P J..bnot llaitoa. Jno 11 llroltt, II ll-.jl, ' Job! Brooo, Knox Kuboit Lord, " Knncti lllrtr, IjOwronce, J.ao Orr, I) tlwrnr. M..rrli, B F Kvl.r, " J A aeh-o.ii-l, " I U M.mll, lbn, Jonitba K.rb, " Jonoi B C irk., o Abroa iplopir, Pill, Ruhorl N lpir, iiodj, .lou Aiidvrtoo, Kl.J.b Birpi, Ulna r Jom. J.nM H.aoi, " C F loltor, Son I j, Munr. Albry, " F HiabirM Woo.lw'd ! '" " WCIliI.ni.1 - Mirt.a ku'J. F KM.ird. IT Kb.rl. Lltoaihjintir ' Aor.a J '" JO Frrriion jo.a.1 straw. Jlihoa, A B Aatoi, vatvaoao jmoai. II waaa, ja. 1 Tta. Cloirllold. K II Show. Jordo.1, tiMi III.m Ilooti.olo, rlo.1 haith. I 0-..l, LAR Kroaa.! Horoora, W J Mlltor, WW M.,., ' " Joo Pilehtl, niona. Sldo-T Hnttb, Uoraiidi, A K Loos, " JU K.Jdlr, ttilitar, Jo ti.Hw, 'ItokiarJako Joro, U.hik. I. Fomf " U O riraa. Ilo.loa, J LM.k.o.ld, " K.B I Milwr, " J II ll.ad,, J'Wdo, Ho. kl.'B, oir.iM, H Molliu.i. " ttll i" 0 rforrli, M.irria. J llolloaua.k. fikn, a I Tboapxi. M T lloiopbrir. S.B tj, H, arr lii.lana KU Collar, l P.hr. J Hl.wrtt, -VooAward, J. To.r. II tWIr" J anoiw, 111 Snk. W StloppM JHoolntinfa. Jo-k.nf Uri fa Urioa. Wo. tka aadot.loo.l. k.k. a.riiro Ibil foloa.f I. It of Iwaiio bor HI toon r"' lo i i.o ad U-on4 lorwri..ad a.n I"1 aooioo of porooai t. nrvo oo Travirio Jnorr 'or iko wa. ooua-nolnf ,,ndiT, Jo ao-r aid lAwr-Ma M a.aoo -f pwiooi lo ur" " ri.vorM Jaror. lur iko wook wano.ln '' "I.Jaoni ITta, loll, w.ro droio b; or tka li t d.J .r N.roaoor, A O. Hit lo oow aiwwt.k aooaira liiail kj H.i. t' M.por, Fro wool Jadro of to. Ooarti of Clou 111 aoaotf. aa koari(Aaa oka Itikdit of aooaor, lias, aa aorwo aa rororl fc tbl OnS of Qaorar Hoaioao ao4 (h oT OTH "J ToraiBor ooao bold at OaaoSoi a ska Id d ktnodoyo wf Jaaaarr. A. . ISfl. I JAMK MAalAFFiy, BonrwT- A. J.jAraaoii. , fjti. a. a-wfi. .. . . .7 "aiSa-""