WITT THE REPUBLICAN. CXEAR H K LI), P A " WEDNESDAY MOKNINO, IKO. I, 18n. Terms of Subscription, (f piid in dro,or wltkkn thru month... $3 00 If paid llr IbrM ud btfwr in Bomb .. 1 60 If )id Ur tbtpirliwo of lis ugnbu... I (H) jUrM". 8. M. Pbttkmill A 0., Kw pir Adrrtli(of AgrtiU, 17 Ptuk Kow, oorntr t-l Htrett, art our tloljr ftnthvrtwd Agntt , N. York Ciif. nKl.l;l()I!H K OTIC KM, Hrthodiit EpUcopftl Cliurcho.RcT.nio. I,kht, Pitor. -nr.oi vir Stbbittfa tt v A. M.i Bd T r. m. Sabbath Hnhool t 9 A. M. PrsToi MmiIdk cry WednenUT, at 74 P. M Cninti unloi brvie, first tUbbatb of trir; aiooiD, i ivi , m. Went t'leartitlit M. K. I hurrh R-t CHAHi.ti W. bi'MMLir, Psitor. Preaching tvarj Blieroatt Suodaj, at 4 o'clock, H. M. bumlaj twnuoi ai t r. ai. aii arc igtiiMi to atlcod. PreabtcrUn thurcli H.t. H. g. Bctlkk. Sabbath prkce morning ami aTenlna; Wib etatb Sohool ft I P. Al. Prajar Mealing Wednaa. iar raatDg. Hapllat Church Ht. , Pmtnr 3alibib Hebol at P. M. Prayer Moatiog ?crj WedneUj rnlig. Ht. Krancla hurrhfattiollr Rf. p J.HmainA. IHvirt Mtrtlrt at 10 A. M on tha f ril, third and loorth fund) of mtsh month; Veipert aod lleDadietton ot ib i'lrtied Haerament at 7'eloek, P. M. huodnf bo boo I avary bundav aftaraooo at I o'oluci. OFFICIAL IHHaCCTOKY. timi or auLDiaa o,UAaT,aaioai ooort. Hcrot.4 Monday of Jaooary. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday if Juoa. Fuarth Monday of September. TIMB OF MuLDIM tOBBoa FLU. Pint Monday of Jnna. baeond Monday of No am bar. ruiLio orriCBits. Pridt A0II(n. Charlf A. Ma Lock Haven. Attittant Law Judgt Hon. John II. Orvil, of Ballefonta. Attteiatt Jmdgtt A bran OjrdeD, Clearfield Vinoent U. Holt. Clearfield. Vofauaotory Bli Uloom. HfiHrma RtcortUr L. J. Morgan. Tnaturtr Philip Dott. IHttriet Attornt J. F. McKenrlc-k. Art Jetnet WbnT. luytty UWf F. I. ThomppAB. Count) jferwyop Bamucl H. MoCloakey, Cur acniTilla. Coaafy (Vamfttfoinre C. W, Kyler, Urahan tnn P. O.i Elah Johnaton, M ram pi an P. 0.; John N'nrrii. Hr., Curwdnvllla tmmiiiioKtrt' Pr John W. Ilowt. Contf Auditor William V. Wright, Clrar flflj ; JMph Oilliland, Thraa Hum; J. 8. Nor Tif, Woodland. Vountf CoroncrJamta A. Moora, Clrarfield. Jury Cammitnioner Andrew .1. Jackion, C'lf ar flrd, Wm. H. Brown, Clearfield. SupirinUndent of Public School M. L. Mo- ; Quown, Clrarfleld. I Staltrvf Weiylif& Meamrt Jriaa W.Carllla, o (Tire at Luiherburg Pa. Notariu Public John W. H'rlgly, Wm. Ra lebaugh, Cjrmt (Inrdon, Clearfield; Joaeh K. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, iurweDiuio( iiing time, DuUnia City. Our Sutcial column la decidedly Intaraaling In a local point of view, and profitable reading to ouiiiuen who went to ava money. V I'.l, OK COMB K 15 I "Will you take ahoat, oata or corn for aub I'Tipiion V We are often inquired of in thla way It Utter from patrona who rcai.la ara dittaooe from Clearfield). W agutn lay yea. The recelplt of a rctpunaible merchant or di)I owner in tha TirioitT, wtll annwer aa Jurt aa well an the oh. T' llltuitrate: If any of our patron will deliver tti n bag of grain at the mill of Joiopb 11. Brath, in Cbeat towoahlp, Iloraea Putohla, In Darnaide, Thorn an H. Forcey, lo tlraham, Wm. Porter or Shaw n, la Lawranoe, or Brown A Seyler'a, Rorkton, I'd ton towmhlp, and forward tbeir rrcclpta for the amount, we will credit them on Ibeir aceounl for tha aame. lo thii way all may aoon pay what they owe. If they will pnrnia this gAdvirtim;r and otliorn will hear tn mind that all artitlea intended for publicalioo in thla paper nuil he banded In, not later (ban Tuesday, at 9 A. M. IWt forget It ' Three weeks Iroin next Saturday i( Loriaitn ta. D. M. Dtdurtv ban recently had n r-ew floor pot down In bit barker ihop. - m m - Winter baa como and it looks at thouf(b it waa going to at ay Hht with i. Hnn. Jamen Klynn, our member of the Leglitatura-elect, wai In town on Monday, The coat dealer and aleih mokcr are happy to anticipation of an old faabloned Winter. a a - Theliftt .l j 'i nrn for tho January Term of Court will b 'ound In thia laiae, ai well at a number of Pberiff tales. J A lartfo catamount, wciifhinffnwor 110 pound, wu killed in (Irabam townablp a few day ago, hy a yoig mm named Maine. liidtrway von incorporated as a bor- 4Qb week before liM, Judge Wrtmorn granting !be petition of the eit tan pra ing for the aame. a i Mr. and Mrs. t. L. Krebs entertained number of (heir friend to a p'earant and elal manner, at their reMdeora, on Thanksgiving evening. i a i Wehavoheenrequitod to annnnnco that lha Orani- meatlnif t ba beM la tha P- nn vtMe Hat) at P.natille, Daeember 4 th, baa been postponed. . John Ii. Kratrlo ban a new frame r-tidcnoe well order way on the eaat and nf Market atreet,oear1voppaUatba LaotiarJ Oraled wbvml batldlnf. Tho stockholder! of tho. Woodland Fire Brt-i Com pan r (llmltal) will meat at their utfiea al Wood 'an I on Mooday January 3d, and lent offi.rr for 1841. Buy vouroelf a rnmfnrtahlo home. Meron. Walinea A Krebabava a number of honaa. aadlatt oaul fkina te tell. Call on tbem and m ore a bargai. Bet adverllee aeBt. Within 1k past four weeks, two of Penfteid'a old el' lien a bava diad fpoi l be efTeta 3t aancar. via t Mr. Jane SebolWII. metber of Jamea L. Scbnfleld, and Ilnaaa Richer. The firm of Mdton (i. Brown and 4otb S. Ynnng, who look tba enairaet ef minu facturlag tba lBbr on tha Dill, Waiam A Co. tract In Bomaree' aoonty, bia bean dlll dred. The County rnmmisiont?ni will meet oo Monday,' tha th of DacemhfT, for the parpoie of receiving tba returned the Aaeora and preparing lha book for tbe rell ament of tha annual aeananta. A I. W. Walter and K l. liheems wb billed a dear on Thaokagiving day. Both f them war billed during the foraon. James Cara, af Lawreaea township, al killed one on Thanksgiving day, i a ar- U N. Shaw, ol Ibe Leonard House. baa parebaeed tbe saloon of Wm. W. Worrell, no Stoflod street, whieh will ba k pt open for tha Ml of elrars and need a aaaople room for eo areial meo slopping at hi hotel. 1 Owen l!nmihell. l Lawrence town- at.lp, waa nnlted in aurlaas o Thanksgiving day u Mr. Rn ttfet Boart?. of Peanvllia. the ere ny taking place at tha Chareh, In Peanville Erv. Father Sbert Uo of thla place ufliciated. Quite a number of onr citizens hnd Heir lee boasea filled daring the past wreb. The lee is of fair quality, hut aw'y about five Inches Uhk. Onr apiaion la that too srep will "pan oat a tafr article before tho aaain elo. DflTid Adams, Mail Aetit on the TyToere A CVarold Rtltroad. bas b- qol'a ill It th pait sis weeks witb fevar. He la al the xsidearaofblaajKithar la tbia plae. aa J la eno. aleariBg. Wa bape be will e-at inoe la Improve aw 1 - Win S. Rhaw, formerly of thin plare, be b. a gBia fn.f-blDg good asiablisbmcni os eigar stem ta DuRoie. narrawly aeeapad bav. Ilt bia etaoh ef good destroyed hj the mM Tho fira aa eta)ed sjl bl'' sbflrt dltanca fremtia oeUbllakmaot by Karlog duwo on ad Jsla'tg building. i i a i sp - Tuero are three ecliisea booked for bw SMwtb, aa fallows i "A portUI aalipea (be tan Oeaeaabar 1st i invisible. A latal 'Sss af tbo aaa Duamliat UtA I ll'''- A Hntalaeitfaaef Ibe asm Daoembar StsM Wars pane ft Delta 8uU eoero or has MUfsed. Al lev Tort Oil tna ldJI ' ooaanaAawtM and Iho s4 autnki In aba ant lag. 11. A. KruiBor i munufpoturor of aaiti coat i, a.Huian, clrvulan, aktrti aad r"lla diib'i unJarwrar. Uon. Thadiluua Uunkn, a prominent uinibar of tba Blair oounty Bar, died at bk h"tnt to llollidayiturg on Kunday u, aftrr a linger ing lllnaii. Tbe third quarterly nicotine of the Clea.oVht M.K.( burih ... held I.M 8!.Wlb. Tha PraMdlng K;d.r, He. B. 0. Rwallow.preaoh d oa Sunday arenlttf. Don't buy icturvH I mm parties pcl dllng tbruujb tha manty, until y tiv priced ibe iama goo.la at Ji)kin'i. Yon ti tava mon ly folhmiofc ihn advina. Come to 'J iMt! i lm Aoors fur 1X61 ara all at wurk. It la hoped that on or two will tot Dime tbeir wrk unlit ll middle of January, aa baa .fln barn tha oar. - Tilt) AlKw.tiii und '1 rtiiie narlicA wbum wa noi!erl in ihefa ooluumatwo wet-kaajto having gone to ibf uounialia nartb of town after game, returned to Clearfield laat Saturday and ihlppod half a doiea drer a irofhlee of ibtlr bunt. Forty yi'urM oxihthmico Iiub stummi le appniTBl oa Aer'i Cherry Pastoral, aa ihnmoKt reliable nf all remedial for Throat or Cheit diaaaae. , Id caoiidaeJ and tnnreiplng popularity ii ecBoiuakn evl-Unca of Ha atiperlor curat ire quIitlt. a A. K. liininiilifr. I-Npihn Aifcht at Phi ip'itirjr, und wno oflle la'e 1 lur Mr. Rheeu in tbia place during hi al renr in the UVtt thii lait Fill, hai been aprHlnd KiprrH Mntengi-r on tbc Bald Eagle Valley Railroad, running from Tyrona to I oak llavn, A miner named Ilnrl-v watt kilUl by a premature fall ufcoil at iba Ouaan Co II it ry of Juhn Whiiebaad A Co. i,ear Houtidale, on Tueaday of laat week, lie wat anxloua lo hVK a lartta fall, ao.l in undermining ba riaked too much and loit hi life. ConirnuTiiiin ett ivu-t-M will hu held in tha Clearfield Pual.yitrian Chu'ch n''StBbtb taorni ig al IOJ t.'olo-b, A coiiKregalinal Dart ing will ba tatli tmmediaiely after tbe prepara tory aervieei on aturd'iy morning, at which a largfiaitendaofe ix rrqu-ile.l, lo traOKBdt Import ant b jvinari. Our niuiihuniH uiu lillin up thuir itor-t lth nttiBitiva g todi (or ilia holl lya. Conapicooui among oibiri w notice that Ct Qaulin, at the poaluffloa book atorp,baa plaord io pnelrion for lb inniH.'tion of tbe public, a va ritty .f artle'ae that for Iranty atid ueliilneaj wa have never arrn ill" likn. tieurifu T Kiilibs, editor of tho Clarion iJtmorrat, and owner of uno of tbe beat country netpeir ilablihmentj in tbe Slate, waa married on Wvdorday of kit week, to Mlii Martha llodra, one of Brookvillc'a moat eili- mabla younjc Indira. If anjbrdy ran be happy la tbia world, Ftnd Rriuba ojjlit to t tho uiao. List of lotterH reinaiiiini; unelaimed in Iba Poll office at Clearfield, Pa., lor tbe irc-ck ending November li'ih, 188(1 : Mlfa Cornel in B-iuglmn, Win rt. Brown, Mra Carrie Brink, Mr. Mary Jin Cbeatnul, Dan I (loggin, Henry Knibu!ork, Mra. Anola Wrk, Jam Wbiiworth. P. A. OAl'LIN, P. M Thk Limhkr Mahkkt. The proa- peeta lodk bright for Inmberuien. 1 he Marietta Timt, in tpo-iking of the (lu-i in (he lower end of tho rlvor. Mil' "A lolnl .iT atif.nl InvunK An r.ri..r.ld n't H.rl,K. .n. ..Id b., m,l ot tbem Wit g tiken through to Port Drpor-it. One ' or two pine rafta fold a low aa fifteen ccnli, hut I the majority brmigbt twenty wnt. and a few, I brnnghi twcnty-tw cintn. Ilemlcck brought a j high aa elevi-n cent, nlthough tea cent waa the j ruling prioe. I.uuioe rtnrn bava nut dune eo well I for feveralyeara prcvioua." j The Tyrone Herald contains the;d,f In the .llm onn the Ort hen. Cornet Band, particular of an accident that occurred at Ihe j ,n oniforui, appeared on the eUeetf, an I treated big mill of the Morhanta Und A UnWr Cm cliU-m to aomo very g ol muein. Tbe pany. at Oeeo'a. on Prllay, Nov. lPth. by whl-h o large cl-eular uw waa broken to piocca. Xin Neff. nne of the workmen, waa cutting slb' aod h fit log on a pair of wet buck ck in mittens be si slipped from bia hed and struck the snw, which was running at full speed under a heavy head of steam. Oae piece of tha saw cam within an Inch of tehing the top ofT the boss sawyer's brad, mm -a aw A Vai.dablk Purchase Kx Sheriff Pie, of 0 ceo la, and Peter Uarolcr, of Covins; ton iQwnnh'p, have purchase I rome X,5i)0 acres of ex- iimk tnl In XtuKmu oountv. and th"t are already at work putting up a large taw mill. At the moderate istimnte of 10,(1(1(1 tee' to (be ace, thla puvebase will yield .14 OOl.noo Teet or luu.ber, beeldes several lhounl oor I of tan bark, which tt la said will mora tban pay fur the land. Mr. Oarnier baa Ihe general lupervlalon of tba work, and baa removed his family to Mo- Kean county. His potoffleeaddrfsa Is Kane, Pa. Finished. The Jury Commission- era. A. J. Jackson ai d W. R, Brown, E-qa , bave completed filling the Jury wbsel for tft?l,aod the first lit for tbe year appears io thia Ume of tbe llai uiLlCAN. Of course, one of the Msndard Inquiries among thoie who bava nut been drawn nut of lbs wbe I, la "Why doea my Dams 0t out V That's o pretty fair question for a eitisento put to a Jury Coramis'ioner: but having bid some exper'e&ee as clan lo that Hue we bave known tbe names of ci'isrne la remain in tha wheel froo five to eight years before they were : drawn out. Death of On. Itow I)r Herman Row, a prominent phjslciao ef Altoona. and brother to Samuel J. Row, editor af tba ?"' etna's Juurmnl, 8 B. Row, and Capt. Amos Row, -II uf this pUea, dtnd at his bom lo Altoona lat Frldy morning, to tbe 4tt yr of his Age. His 'a ber, (li-orge Kow, In former years w,u editor of tbe Indt-tpa Higitttr, and tbe deceased and five brothers, Including the three above namod, wero all brought up printers. At tbe age of ti years ba entered upon his medical studies, and afterward gratuat'd at the Uoivcr?iry of Penn sylvania In Phil It Iphi. A wife and ihree chil dren are left to mourn ihe death of a husband and futher. A man named Joseph K. Hood, died io rlrous io?he, an l h-iiling from Oaw- ileo, New Jry, gave two street ebloiijone on Mondajt no a slack ropn atrotehrd from the third alory window ol Pir'a Orera liuue to Ibe Kiattar building. He walked lha rope over and beck. after which ba gave a perlormauee on the tra pi sc. The perlwrioa&ne was repealed after night, w&icb was dark aod windy, and reudored tbe at tempt hasardous and dailug ; but Bond wit b a lighted torch un each end of the balancing pole perlormtd iba feat successfully, while Be spe:U tors gasud with aalouUliiaeni and held their breath for lar lett be should fnll. A bat was pN(s-d around to no-lve whatever the luiker-un might wlb tu givu. As a ropr waklst Bond Is a acne, Ike performance will ber-pitod next Hatur.iy alteruoon, el 1 o'elook i m aw - How SEMsiBi,E.-Tbe Practical lirtmrt la tba leal ttaue, amotg btuar prtisal tbii gs, remark a that "a single looaw stone, wbeb night be tbruwo out in twa eruade, Is uuietiue. struck by wagun beets If'y tiusa o dsy, or more than IO.UU0 times n jeer. Tea tbuusaad blows of a sledge hammer e.s bard an one waoa would probably deasoliib It entirely, aoJ tbo stone doa aa Uss barm because H livldalls blows amoog a hundred tahielrs. Ibre Is, h. re fore, probably ao intaetnabt that woubi pay a higher rata ul profit tba o few dollars' worth or wurk la clear ing paliiic highways of loose and filed tunes." Tito Supervisor, or trate'ler, who Is too slnpid lo aotnprebt-n-l this sagefUnn should be omprlied 10 take a tack teal io all common sense atlirt Important DiccinioN. The Supreme Court ot Pennsytvaoio de leered ao opinioo no iba 9lb u t , at P.ttst-urgh, involving tbe right or parties tu obtain dmtges fr Injury done to to fbildren while pliog on radruad ears. Tola iploioo roasaerted the principle laid dofl le a prevlooa dec I ilen by the saws Cuurt, that "E eept ot crossings, where tba public have a right of way a nan who step bis loot spun a railroad track dees $ at bis p rtl. Tbe Cum -any out only bus o r-gtt of waj, but It la exdurlvo at ail tlntea and all purposes." Jude Pioa, wbw rrad the opiuiia,aid, "It also ought la ba equally well nnJerotovd thAt parents wno permit tbeir child ten te trespass Upva the track -t a railioad, era guilty ut aegiigenM. Il Is not only grwss bnt eulpable aegligeiiee, aa it imperii ihe llvesrihe ebiidien se re-pasiag a a!se tbe lives r tba tinvaliag p nolle. 14 That 's goad sense. A footmen, or other party, baa 00 more right uo a railroad tra- k, vntsde el tbo eari inao one t.eiibbor baa tbe tight over oootbar to go Into hia gardao aod dig a neae .i potatoes for d.ni-er wttbvut hia permission. II in doing a be gets ahot-gosard, bo should bear tba wwuad, baaauao bo was found on praniees when bo bod no boatoosi vitbonl Iba oooaonl ol tba ewaer. Moroi Aa a earns Irot nueibar at tnmpikM nod otbef pwblla raadt bar been pro vldsd far owryoonnooiiyjeag beforo ralVeada wwrn made, II to bat fair toward ill fhal each keep tbeir pleee, and ntef fftraspasslBg. You can nvet monny if you buy your clothing at Mi'llnger A R oa'a. You eniinot o nmliM in anything yon want If yoa call at T. A Flee b A Cot. FlunnoU, cnMimortu nnd cantons in nil atook at T. A. Fiaok A CVf. Window shades in newest styles and wm,,Tij m . n. rioa a i;o a. Tho best lining corset ever mado ll now to be found at T. A. Fleck A Co. 'a. - - mmmw ai iii .... A now linu of all wiHil canlimores, in the lata new abadea, jutt teeeired at T. A. Fleck A Co'a. For Sams ! (ieorit Thorn has a pairof twin leda fur aale, good aa new, nhicb be ai I atll cheap. Dec. 1 St. H. A. Kraicer initfs tho sltontion ofeaab buy era to Ma larg viibk of Win'er Dry Uooile. nmm i C'oai. In. If any of our eoal hank men kcl like iiaditig auie of their product lur a aerlca of number of e,.pU, b( the CLKanrilLO Rifi-ULtcAN, we will g adlyaiuiw tb.m where to put two or three hundred buahele on account io that way. Wa have a bin ai our rttidnce and one at tha office that will bo'd a limd evry now and than. A bint lo the wla la a very age re mark, and ihniitd be aofficlenl. Nov, 10 It mm mm A m'ii other eases before the Hoard of pAnlona nl ila ru.n hut rnitk, at llarrif bur,-, were Iboie of Sivwart Walker, arrerted near Curwei avltlc, in thlacouoiy, and n ut lo tbc ptnl t'iiliry for hrae-ara!lng, fiom Centre county, for ten yeitr, an I SJ S. an I UW. Ilalnta, ea h ent from thi eouuly, fur brra etcaling, for five yeara ai.d aii montba. Tba firat oamel wa granted a nhearit g, and tba two latter were re futed. TO THE FUBUC. Tbe uodara'gncd wlihet to Inform tbe people generally tht he bm retumed ihe buflutaa f fhoewukiiig in all It btan bet, in tbe roiui above Cardona' itit at market, vibere bo can at all time Iks ( u:id ready and wi ling to wait on all of bla old and u many new eutimo a i m ty lavor him witb tbeir patronage. He I mure all bia work and guarantee aaiitfaclion, bota In nook and workmAnibip. Gent, give m a call and 1 ill give you liti. Country produce taken In ei- tbante !r w irk . Vax Cosku.v, Cluatfl.dd, Pa , Ues. 1st tt. Time for a Ciiandic. Tho recent wikd iturta bavtu turned tt of oar must in porlaol brilgeatbtt tpnnaJ tbe river Into tha atreatn, It ta cuiieiuove notice tliat bn and cov ered alructurea of tnat kinl are reodercd uaaifa and expeoRivi, and aliould become obaolrte, Tlie traveling public and the local taxarera ihuuld ppoaa the rebuilding of bo b thce bildgcs on the old plan, niid advocate tbe itibatitutiun ot Iron itructbie, be-? an jo of thtir durability, cbrapiiiM aott aafi-ty . More: 1 hn "Uoodfelluw bridg'i" abuuld never lie erected on the oldaite. I hit fact fhould attract the ipecul attvutioaof Corwunivlilvaid Clearfield, betwet-n wbicb pla'-oi a grent dal of driving it dona, and tbo two rail road entiling at lliv old locution I an uftVnue lo eviry tratellor, conetantly rndiDgrinf llfo and property. Tba bfldttexb"uld be rcbui.t aa tpeediij aa joiaibte and ao locHttd a to avoid the railroad , eioilu iodioeed. I UoW IT WAS OlMRRVKI). ThanlcH giviiig day, ior. Uih, wa partially otijered in i a,"f ni of a holiday. The weather whi moderate, although rqually divided between clear and rlnudy. A frfb fall of inow tbe riftbt prrilou covered the ground lo tie dtptb of one and a-balf lo two ioche. Young America put in a rnerrv tiuio ai latif!g oa the rivrr. The alorea acre all open but Ihe hank, public achoola and a few mnnn fioturing eotAblithmnnta were cloiJ tbe entire , lbngivlng arrvifi at tbe M K t tiuron in ! ' ln vr? Pn "7 attended. Rev. s- 'cd the irmon. taking hia lext from a pirtlon of tbo 6 l fa ehap'cr of lttu torooomy. A printed service of n sponsive read Ir-ga, gotton up (or the oirasioa by Rev. Lid was appropriate and used wilh good tflrut ber re and afler ihe sermon. A collection for ibe boncfit of the poor was Ukao up. The amount reallie I 'wasbetwien sevn oid clht dollar. Rev. J. J. Pterc, Pretlding Kider of tba Will am port dis trict, luotured in tbo Court House In tba aveninir, fur the benefit of the West Clearfield M. E Ct-rcb. TS "t.:rJ "d and lh le.- ture on 'Tngtrs ll was abiy d.livere 1, 0'd well rvoaivid by tboaa who h-ard it. We did not hear ibe amount rtalimd, FIRE AT DUBOIS. A Ara was discovered breaking out of the roof of the new Optra House at Dultols, at 2 o'clock on Tuesday morning of lent week, and deatryed nine buildings before tt e uld be g it under con trol. Wn Dud a vrry lull acj&unt of thi disaster in tha Courier wbiib we copy for Ibe benefit of our rottdera i From Ibe Opera Hun a the lira reichet Ibe rear of Kane's dru ators. aat tbe d r aod bli family barely escaped, siring not auffloirni clothes to outfit tHem. Beth Mead ro up stairs and secured tbe sewing machine, but all uther household goods, prnvai'ins,eti , wore destroyed. Tbe contents of iba drug More were burned sae soda fountain and the show cses. Mrs, MtfuVnnyrr'e house situated directly In Irunt of the Opera Ilou-e, waa alo one of the Bra, to fall before the dentroyer, an I she barely esaaped wlib br life, sating ni-thin; vt any ac count. , A 'tout the sim lime tba diug store caught, tbe building eo. tammg lite Mnes McMtnii' mil linery store and postodlue suffered a like fate Very little little. I' anything, we saved from Ihe mil linery store, at It was rest tha burning theatre, but tbe poaioQke tffielals secured tbe mail, alaltuncry, bags, stamps, lock, and call buter, and other things, losing hut little. From the poHofliea Kelly 'a reilauraM waa fired, wbicb followed with nrarly the entire lots, aod a family living above ware made among tbe Mil of the victim. The neit hecse, occopVd by Mr. Mix. wms far enough away to allow of ilia teinuvsl of all Ihctfft' ia previous te Us ignition. Acroia llto alley from Mil's stands Power' jewelry store, and from there away down street is an almost solid block of wojIoi buildings. Plainly tha alley was lha piase io stp the fira or It would take tbe whole Iwq for two or three sqUhies, if aot more, ao all the carpets and water pails in iba vicinity were placed at tha dispoaal of men who ascended to tbo roof, and krpt the wet carpels hinging oext tha blase. By bard ligli'hig thiy were vidirious, at. ! the Are w-tt btadvdufl in this diieaiioa. Bb nd tbe Opera lluuv at djiigrr tbietteutd, ao the remaining lurv. atttuipud io hiuiler tbe prgra of tbe Ut acoae tbe street Uwrdi VVio Sua' s ore. Fn.m Kanu'a drug atote tbu lira spec lily coin muitieaied with Uugb dleele's resldeuee, wnure it waa inltrcspWd. Nai Ibis buU'O stood a bakery, a1 so th prop erty of Mr. ijiole, and adjoining tnis a vout Wt weaupied Uttly by ihe wigeem. Peraeivtog tout a tt-If ttfl.ent.llj aideiupriveutibeerotfibg ol fire euald be uiaJe ot pulhug down tbe bakery willing bAtids leli lo work ouJ tjt toe Uauit-s wimb bd bOAlly reacbed a litmL Ib uuty danger ol a spread was now by truss ing tba street. Hobwem's buue waa W4tsud by a uoipa vt water cariieis, aod tluuter's aod llt riub'a ibe earner Ibe Ouugur to itio latter wa muen tbe greater, aa tbe auarrud Ifunia and bruheo glaas sbww, and brJ wura aloe aei tbAl s.de of tbe street swla. UaJ Ibe are rca btJ au tlie.- bouse, ia aay di rtgnon, tba twit isiual have bieu turea or lour time a gr.at, wun a nsa ot tba eutir uo, out, f-ituuaiely, H wai auanJ lo a portion made up ol auul.er edlBceS. Tae lussasaro tUtributcd at out at follwai Jese UaI, tbe poatufilie aud natehal, $3i0. No ioiurauee. KaeaUiwr 0,,era Company, l,b00. Of iblslusa J, keao (Maes one iuird, Mwad tftwlbers obe tllid,aaa Ibe baud tbe wtber taird. ibe luaar an ca nil reuh$l,UU0. Mrs. UeOk-Uugnr on bsr hum aod furniture luces OBUi), end no ltiiurooe. tit-urge Paul I ou iw boust-e (Kelly's restsuraLi aod tue ouuie ocdupiel by tf. M s.) ni)i, oa wbicb ihre 4t 0 ibiurabuo. J. H. kane on bis Orug steie, furniture, drags, ale , 1, boo iv l,ntn', nub til is.abiai.oa, Hugh fclevlv, tw bouse! abd buusebuid geuis, Mw,OoU.urboe, Muses MoM.no, buio ttOO, losn'ed fur $-100. Slo k.llJOOUigl.oi'O, insured lergl.aMd. kaue bas goao ibrwegb Ira iwmo Oelwre In tbe il eouatry, and toe Mead Brwc. tbrr times, tttek kg tbeir Iweaea mere on tbem. Dr Kao will rehaild tn oaberl lime, Mr. Dale will rvpiaeo tho poMoAee, aud ibere is nrum tr llat lha Opera Uoanpatv will Uy again, bat l bey are not jet deiJJ. j Varlona njatbods bsve beta demised toalktvlate tbo Immediate vsais of loo poeplo basaed out, and wo Ibinb tbo okitsu will rtopoad freeiy and ebeatfulfy. If iba don't It will bo Cholret tin. II. A. Kralgor it aent for Richard mn'i Kmira hoota, bnd Carltala lee aboaa fur ladlai and children. II. A. Krai cor is aunt for tho cele brated Jauieatowo Alpaca Mill. Tbeaearatba beat good for tha money, la the market. II, A. ICraierisauut fortho Jatnoa- town WooUa Mill. Tba eaalmerva fur gent le- mto'a wear are uuiurpataed lo quality, dee, l-4t Mommio cloth, in cotton and wool, dresa gingham, aod tbe Fall atyln la dreaa cal ico are among the lateirrival k( T A. Fiark A Co'a. If in need ol a curput, call at T. A. Fleck A Co'a, who have jut received a new In voice of caipetlng, whlih wilt be aold ol greatly r duct J pricia. Alakint: tbo buying of dress and dry Kooda a iud, cartfulneaa in aeleetlog tbe aame and felling them at lha right figure ban made T A. Flick A Co'a tbo popular dry good houtc in Clearfield county. A Fact. An advertisement inserted In tbe Rkpl'iAcn will reach mora reader than If published la all tbe other paper la the coun ty, and coat tbe advertiari Irai tban one-ball In other wordl, an advert! meot published lo our Jfurnal la worth double lha price of that charged by any other publisher lo ihe county. It 1 a fact." tf. New Daily Staor Line. James L. Leavy haa run-ei-drc' in bating a dally mail estab lished between Clearfield and Ptunfield. and will hereafter run a dally tge between the two point. Ilisoontraoi began witb April let, and Ihe etage will leave lea r tie Id every morning (except Hun day) at 8 o'clock, making connectloa witb all train ou the Low Grade Railroad at IVnofleld, re. turning after tha laat train the eaiaa evening, t'ai-aengeraand fieigbt will be carried al low ratea. Order left at any of Ihe hole I a will be attended 10. IdaptlU-tf 1880. FALL & WINTER. 1880. Orand oprnirg of MILLINER 0001)8, t 11. Lehman A Co. 'a. Opera Hu a, ClearficlJ, Pa. The lateit ooreltiei lo llata, Dobneli. Bilk, Tilvelv, Satin, Ptuihra, Fancy Feather, Wmga, Plowera aod Ornament, Ladlea' "CLOAKS and DOLLMANS, fhaali, Blankela Hkirta, and o full line of DUK'SUUnUs, Flannel. Cloak Inge, ate. Tbarking the ritiirna of Clear field and vicinity fur pat favo a, we solicit a continuance of tbe aame II. Ltimaa A Co. Oct, IS, (80 tf. Farmers, Look Hebe! Lytic will give you hlgtitit market prteea for Wheat, Oata, Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Etfg", Onlone, Apple, dritd fruits, and all kind or produce, he has Ihe laigntand beit rtlccled slock of groceries, ten, ccffi-et, molsatea, aplcea, oil ia)t, sugar, (fueenwnre, tub, bucket, basket, churn, Ac, in CleatBtld county. He bnya hia guod in large qusngtie from matiul'ucturera and first bands fir rash, and takes Ihe advantage of all discount, and so he Is enabled to fell at Icweat prices. He givea cash prices for roduee,and sells his good at tbe lownt prices la the eouuly. t.pt-2t-';V if Clkarkielu Coal Tiiaue Slate- 'nent of Coal and other freight sent over ibe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, I'eunijK ania Rail road, for tbe weekending November 20th, ISbO, and the same time last year : COAL. Pur ihe week - .Same lime laat year Protfouply during yoar... lame Uiuo last yoar i Increane I Total in I CSS j Same time last yiar Increase.. urnsn rKHtuoTa. Lumber Viivcoilaiiuoue treigbta D12ATH OF WM. SCH WEM, Sr. It is our sad duty tbia week to chroaiele tbe sudden death ot Wm. Bchwem, Sr., of Lulhers burg, an old and repicted oititcn of our county, who was well liked by every one acquainted with bim. He had v ailed DuBoU on Tuerday ufiem-on, tbe Mdull., Jut aflr tbsbigflra there, anil kit town tu return to his home In Luther- bur about I o'clock. That was tbe lait seen of b m until bis lilebs body was found on Carson 'a Hid, on the pike, abwut a mile well of Lutbrra ourg, with bit ne k broken. Hi borne a a cat'urt)d at the. Id I'usilet Lfrsit bom. tead, a half a mile this side vt where the auui dent occur rod. He wa drolng a young and rptriled burse, and It Issuppost-d ha was Ibruwn out ol tbs bugy, and death r suiting from the fall. It waa evident that tba body had been dragged aome fifteen or tweuty feat before It wen released, frvu tbe Vehicle. Tho deceased was tn tbe 71st vor of bis age, and was tbe father ol five suns, all wall lo do business men, and one daoitbler, vit : Will is in and Coarles beLWcui, of Luiberibuig; Ueorge, ol DuUuia; Jacob, ol Kej n oldivilic; ifabiel, Miidiig tu tLa Mate Ol Misdssippi, abd Mrs. BrauJt, of tuv"i'l" Budge, N Y. A cuitespooJenl caatributea tbe following: William tfcbweui, At, was burn ontbe &ib dty ul JleyrA. D. 1810, In Krienhacb, near ihe any oi Kiseralanteru, in iba u OAlled PaUH&al hlt g- dum olUvari. Vt ben IB 3 ears ul I be married Mlrs Mary Werns, with whom he beg I set eo uhildn-n, five sons aod two daughters, six ol wbom are Ittluar, una dtugbur bstag dtd in mUecy. In 1 112, lt etaigraiol lo Amria, i rlvitig at Niw Yuik on the Ota dsy of January I6:f.t, and tsme to Lle.rtirlJ county In April 132. He driiartad this Lie Nr. 1SJ. IHdo near Luthemburg, sgd TO yaura, 0 montba and II days, leaving a wife aod fiuhildren, SSgtAOd- abildren and I great grandchildren to mourn hi sud len and nneipected deAth. SptclaiM. Own Ihnnaao Pan Cost. Ducolut or Old Pricks. Sewing U bines can now be purchased at Meneil'a tin and variety eturv, Irum sia ul wards, All hibdoul sewing tbaobibbS rvpatrtrii on the Fburteat notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877. 1'oi.l.rcTOR'a taiRat Wa have prepared a futui, and bnve on baud a large quantity, o hlnbk "Collector'a Hale," wbicb bave been ap. proved by tha bijtbeit If gal autbuniy in ibe Courts ol tbia county. Al TweNty Vtmtt per duten we will mall any number tu me Collector ordering tbi-m. A Collector, wben oompelet to advertise iirunertv. must tot np nvllise'bn three nuttcea tn lha muni publia places ta bia buruogh or township. ' WlNran. -Delivered at tba Rail Road. inti.niiH inch afaaved ahitigica. I'Ht.lo 0 24. luck saaeil abingles. lOll.lllin lev! of pine boards. AM ,ui'B I4 lert shaved buwps. b timi railromd ti-s. .'iu.iii O d el of giMd bemlook boards. Fr which 1 will iev ibe hi hot market price, delivered at OeerfMd, or l any point on the Tiroae A Clearfield lUilm-d. J, F. KbamkHi Clearfield, Pa., Oct. I A, IB7I tf. Just lteceivikd. Just Revived by ARNOLD, al CUKWKMHV1LM;: Csr Loud Nova Scotia TMustor! sr Load pure Corn, bye and UiLs Chop 1 t ar Loud 1) ink en Snli I CnrLoudof t'hoii-e Family Flonrl CnrLoud Dry lioodrtnn-eries, Att.l aWStiinifles, Kurk. , It. Ties and (iriiin will he tuken In exchange. Ciirwensvdlo. Mny 1. 1H7H. WISR. NeafNew M'lloarl, Pa . no Wad an day, Nov, 10'b, M".of d pitbprtlie aroup, Laarao Hmvaht. ton or wm. l. onn unvia . wi e, aged I year, II ajioiba and 17 dayt. WILHKLM.-In PhlllpsLnrg, Pa , on Iridav, October lid, l", Daftiai, Lkwib H'h nnin, a gee 61 yar, I moat b aod A e t. B IIWKM la Brady t-wn.hip oa Tatsday , Nnvemhar iU. I0, Willi tfcuwan, St., aged 70 years, month and U days. MOKKL-Ia New Millport, Pa , on Friday, Nov IVib, lfS, of Oiphibeiia, Laosa Victori. towngrH daugbbar ol Uaaiel K. nail Klij Jut Mohel, aged 7 eara, I month and Is daj. fluffer little children In oomo oata and fort.ld ihrni bi4 for ef aorh la the klngdwn of llearea." Tba bereaved family have thsaympitby of Ibe community. Little pHrvlsj lioawara, Loa Vlaieil into rel. In too felng4wea af her Lord, la tbe maaaioa wf tfct blest. Tbaro te welcome Jeeul walls, Leeaa's goUee orewa te mo Lift yar htada, ye giliea gstai, Uc tba llttw pilgrim in. von a. 4H.00 1 3n,tTi 11,1 Hft I,4fll,3 I,4tj,2;t7 67.IV4 1.4S.V4M 1,40,1 IS 0iF,.M0 ir.O cars. HI " Klarrird. - BRl'MnAUrtH-HEVItKlON-Atthareal-denca af Juaepb Mjer. in Juniata towoabip, lluotinirdon eo'intv, oa Fridav, Nov. ISib, land, by J 4iiii Kelly, , Mr. Wm H. But Haaioit, of Ofcenla, Clearfield eountv, a,nd Una Kurt OBTii HcascBaoN, of Uubtlngdoa oounty. CilEK OHb'F.N -At the roldenca or R. J. Joboaioo, cn W'edneiJav, Nor, liiib, I8e0, by "tv. U. U. Campbell, Mr. Uavm R. Chib. ot Cambria euny. and MUa Cuhkblia Uaaas, ol Jordan tuanfaip, CleetUeld county. . ORAFFIl'3 BKAM KR. ta Philipiburg, on Saturday evening, November 3th, ltau, by L"wia II , Kf,Mr. 8, M. Onarrira and Miia ras Beams, both of Moahuaoa Minn, Citeruold uuot. FLl'CK-MIIJ,INGH.-nn Monlar, Nuv,u her '1. I SMI. bv K'v. A. M Cteiirlitun. Mr. Jona U. 'i,B( a, of Pbilipcburg, Oni.tre county, and buaa.i K. MiLLi.Mt", ol Woodlaud, Ckarbfld cuunty. DtiWALT MU.L-At lrn Hop. B Tuea-l-y. N .v. 14. iSAD.hy J W. Vt ri.hr, E-u , Mr. Wa. A. lKttAt.T at.d Mi IUttik C, Li ll. CLEARFIELD M ASSETS. Ci.eAnrii.tD, Pa No . 80th, UHO, r lour, per e-vt Muck wheat Flour, perewt Corn Meal, per owt !bup, rye, per owl Chop, mixed, per ewi Hrao, per ewi Wheat, per bualinl ttye, par bunbel Uau, pur buabt-I Corn, ears, per buahvi Buckwheat, pvr bubel i.'lover feud hio'thy ta fuimut.a, per tmbol Apple, par buabel Ouiuui. llama, pr pound .SlioulJcr, per ound Ltrird Ituel, per pound L'Un-ktna, par pair.- Butter, pur pound fcjMgB, ptr doiou i.ilt, pur ack, laige CotU oil, ,er gHliou Lrj, pur pound , Dried Apploa, pur pouud OttvH IViM!0, per puund Uus, per tuUel $.1 OU J 80 1 8(1 1 tit) 1 4t 1 (jU 1 10 Si 60 S& flo ii in 3 ?9 40 40 1 t 14 V Ift bO 25 l ' J flu to 12 7 12 M PR0DDC MARKET REPORT. PuiLAmcLrn'A. November 29 Cotlun ia in Heaily itqtiist at Hit fur midddng uplands, liark is tmuiioal at pir tun lur No 1 qusr citron. Clover sevd i n lair request mid sells at Tifiio. In limu'by anJ dai aced no ohiinge. 1-luurand Sieal Pour ia string und io fair deui-Ld tur local eoniumptioo, with aome ("quiry lor e.iport abd rpeculK'i -0. Salea ol I 6uu btr-ri-is, Uhio mroa at $4(4 if) Minneota estra medium to I'bn elcMr, at tb 'Ab(pbl do. do striitlit at $0 2S(.0 7- ; Pcun-ylvama fnmily at 4S.if.t,n; vV.,t. m do al Sj Mfa6 40 : anl pateoi al $T(u,fi 2ft. hye flour is worth i 3'4 (tti S)V. Grain Wheal meet with less demand, and ia le lower, hales of 7,u0il burhclet rejve tid $1 III Ur I IA ; red end amb. r, truck and afloat, at tl Si) (ojIM; abd P.O. 51 red. elevator, at SI 22 ine opon board, first rail, l 22 was bid lor No vember; l J.-l lor ic. ember j l rt lor Jan u ery, and $1 2t lor February. Rye is steady at Vttc tor Pennsylvania. Corn is scarce, and local iota ara higher. Halon uf l'.ixil bushel ) old yel low, at tie j old mixed at 0 (aMl oldaieaiuer, at 00c. end new yellow at oWu.Sn. At tbe oix-n hoaid, AM call, fil ic waa bid lor November; &T lur Jjeceuiber : 681 1 lor Jauunrv. and ftoV lor Iub luary. tats are qu t and steady. 8lei 01 fi.mni tiushids; whuo. at 4l(4t, and rejected and tolitJ, at 4l(rt,4o. Wlii.-ky ia Arm als of western at $1 tt. Chicago, Nov. Plour In good demand at fu-l Liicea. All kinds ol a v edit notice, Week ai dloMrr. Whaf No X n-d wintc, l ; No. 2 Cbtoogo sprina:, 91 UVJ for eii-h ; fl l'U( for De comber ; $1 10 for Januarv ; tl 11 fur Februa ry ; No S CLicago spring, V:tc(d,Vjo ; rt-jrcied. 74fiu7:Mo. Corn, 4Vu lur caib mol Hecemhar ; Shf.V f2c for January ; 47ifa47 c for Mv. Date a.'iftvd 0 lor oath or lt-cuiucr; ic tor Jaaua ry ,7v for May. ityc, tflo liarley exception Htlv firmer, at I OA. Pork Jult aid lower $1 Ot, IS 76 lur ch 1 II 2 Jtf bid for Novaiu" er an Orceiuier ; $0 7 for January. Lard dull, weak ai.d lower ; $8 fii'J (a, S b.i lur eah 1-S lii lur De cember ; ill OU lur auuary. Bulk meat dull aud lower ; shoulders, $i fii ; shirt rib, (7 10 ; short dear, $7 3U. Wbinky steady. Jlcit aavfrtlsfmrnt. c (HIHT PHIK'l.MTIO. Whiiiras. Hon. C A. MAYER, President -Judpe of the Court of Common Pleas of the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, competed of tbe eonntiea or Clearbeld, rent re and lintun and Hub Aorah OorKR and Hon. Viacaar II. Molt. Associate Judaea of Clearfield count have Issued their precept, to m& direct d, for tba Bmdtne of n Lourt or common rieas, urpnans Court, Oouri of Quarter besslona, Court of Oyer and Terminer, aod Court ol fleneral Jail Ueliv erv.ai tbaCuurt Duaa4t'learfild,inand for the county ol rietrfieM, feinmni'irig on me neriiuu HI on it ay ot Jmiutry. (itnii) a. inrai. mid t continue lor twu weeks. "CTlCE !?, !'''' bb aivaa In the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Conatahlea, in and for aaid county of Clearfield, to appear in their pro liar person, with their Hecordi, Hollr, IniiufMUon, Kxato 1 nations, ana oiner neniem- brancea, lo do those things which U tbeir utboes, and in tholr behalf, pertain to be done. Hy an Act or Assembly, paised tne ntn any 01 May. A. V. 134, it is made tbe uuty 01 tna Jus tices of the Peace of tbe several counties of this Commonwealth, to return tn the Clerk of the Court of Uuarler Seiviuns of the rcaiective counties, all the recognisances entvrt-d into In-fore them by any person or persona charged witb tbe coin mi uian of any crime, except such caies as mav be ended nature n Juatlce 01 tne reace, un derexisliog lawa.at least ten days before tbe eointueoi-eiuant ol tne amnion 01 tne i-oun i which ibiy ore made returnable respectively ,nnd In all eaaee where any rvnognicanoea ore enured Into lea than len dity befoio ibeoommenoeweiil of tbe teaatuo to wbicb tbey ore made returna ble, tbe eid Justices are to ruuro the same in tbe en ao manner aa if soid Ml bad not been passed. M1VEN under my bind at Clearfield, this fi b day ol Nuvtinher, In the yrnr ot our Lord, one Ibunsann eight bundred and eunty. buv.Sl 10 JAAlhM MAHAFFhY, Sheriff. HARPER S BAZAR. leLLUSTRATED. This popular periodical Is pre-eminebtly a jju-nal f r tha buncbold. Kvery Number furrifhettbc lateat infurmation in regard to Pashiuna in dress anJ ornainrnt, ihe newest and im.at approved paitems, with dru-rip toe aiilcUs durlud ir. u ku-Lbllo aod i.tiginal aourcea) while its Storm, Porin, and b4iaja on Hi-eil and Doweitio Topics, give Variety to Its cuiu mm. HAKFER'S PERIODICALS, II Alt 1'KH'J BAZA It, One Year fl AO HARPER'S MAlMZTNK, One Tear ..4 OH HARPKR'8 WKKKLY, Oae Year 4 00 Tl.e THK Eft nbovo publications, Out Year. 10 00 Any TWO above panel, One Ytar 7 00 H ARPKR'fl YOUNU PKOPLB, One Year... 1 Paitnff Free fo oil inbitribrrt in lA Vmind Afufse amt Cttaodn. Tbe Volume ef the fl isir begin with tSe Itr! Number ?o' January -ot tach tear When n time is inriitl. titd. it alll be urdi-rcnod that 1 h ut-frrlbrr with" to eomtnme with the fiutuher unl ailcr tb ri-oripl ( the order. The lat Kl- Veo Ar.tni i Xm u aa uf lUet-KH e MaiiR, In btutrbiift binding, will ba tent tij Will, poaiiir- paid, mr b xpre, free o! ixpen-e (provided ibe lrribl d a nui ncved one doilur per voium ). U t W tip h Cloth Caxc lor4ah vidu oe, auluVc for bmd ina, will be font by mail, iiuati.aid. on rearlut of IW fl!. HtmiKenert ihonM ba made bv Fo t-Offloe Money llrder nr lr.l't, to avoid eharee of lu a. Arm-it ffinrt al f e.p i,a md re. lifmtil tSHAoal Aeej-sjM war uf ihi-kh A llHu'Shl Address lUKl'KIt A bKOTilKR4, New York N v. 2Kb, Ir0 1SS1. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. "Kludvlng tba subleflt objeetlvtv and from tbe fduf ati el point of view aeahing to provide mat wnicn, uaen anoeiner, will be ol ibe moi service to tbe lartfeet numiier I lone aeo con cluded that, if I could Oava but one wors. for a public llhrare, I w mi l aeWt a on eplete tot of iitywsJeafA'jr " Charln- FnAHoit AfiiMa.Jr. li content are eonintui -i by t'ia moat viol- Bent author atid arlista of huroue and Ameriot. while tbo lng etperlinee af lu publtataera baa made tbem tbruuithlr .Biavuro with tba de cree of ibe puiilio, which tbey will fpare neeflurt to giant. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAltl khd MAtlAKINK, One Ur U Ot HaRPRK'8 WtiKKI.v Ono Year 4 it UAH I' Kiln BAZAR, Ono Year..... H H. 4 Oo The THHttI abovo puMiontinna, One Yaar.ll tt Ac TWO above named, One Year T 00 IlARPb'K'd YOUNU I'KOPLK, Oae Year. 1 AO Pum-mt Fet lo ofl satasiaVe a l Vmiud Start mr twRflrfa. Tha valema of tho Wnytimf bglo wlifa the Nttmbera lor June and De. mtnir of eaab year. K Ova no time is evoined, it will be nbdetatod itnt tha su beer leer wi.bet le beem with tbo 'or- rtni Number. A O'wiiwe s4 of IIarpuo b MoAfisa. 0 -m- pilaieg Al Vulumes, in Oeat elotb houiag, will bcniut byiapresa, freight at eapense ol par ohar, an reneiot of 1 1 pr volume 8nf efeia, by mail, fawyMfal l.tsj. ll ih o-,, tor bUO ib a,. Al oeais, meal, poelpatd. Utailiaoaea sbeeld ba made t-j Poetoffica Money urdev ar Dr-ft, te nvMI e-u or I iec N'Wyyfm't ere we a utts ndaerfaeweel nOAoai Meotp'see order 0 liaaraaa Harwsna, Atdmsa UrtHt'ss wnuiuaaa, As lurk, atov. 14 th, IbW-IS. Jlrw dffrtisrmtnta. 18SO. Fall and GRAND -g"" "I", jl- isT-jL-jQCDS: fe5 CO., DRESS We offer in lliia ilopnrlment ft fino nnortmcnt of nil Wool Momic Cloth folly MX iiii-iii't wiil.i, 'I ull'ulii Clolli in all eolorn. 8 4 wool Suiting Flannels all uliudi-n, Novelty TrimminKK, a full lino of Colored Cimh mores in nil the lute new colors. SXXj A full und complulo lino of llluck and noil tliom nt lower prices tlmn tan bo SHAWLS. A full lino of long und equnre, Foreign und Domestic Wool Slinwi iu great ruriuty of new dc-siiiH. LADIES COATS, DOLMANS AND ClKCT'LAItS. Exquisiio novelties for Fall and Winter weur in grout variety. Mourning Goods. Tliia departnicnt is constuntly supplied with new und ficsh oods,uncl sold with u small profit. CLOTHS AND Ir. this d..iarlmcnt may ho found Diagonal Conlin)., Basket Cloth, licaver ciotn, fin-Kings in nil tho now shudes. Also ( usmmcrs und Suitings for mon and boys' wear. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, &C. Our Full nml Winter stock of Underwear comprises all Wool and Merino r.. I f . I mt :i i rt ' t .. . lur j, nuns, ui-mii niui . uiiuren. Hosiery in nil qualities Gent's Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. A jjood assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Gloves, Perfumery, Poeketbooks, nnu riiuey nrm - This is ono of tho most attractive departments in our house, and i alway 8upplicd nith the most fashionable goods, nice and tnstefnlly trim- nieil lluls and lioiinets ulwuys on hand. BLACK AND COLORED SATINS, SILK VELVETS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, WINGS, FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS, &c, CORSETS AND SKIRTS. A handfome line ol Kihbons und Neiklics. We also have a lull line of lirociule Itibbons ol all widths, aud tho nowost and most dosirublo hades. Also a fino assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Neck Ties, Laces and Embroideries. Wo havo a full assortment of Lnce. . ui ii.li. ii j ins ui - SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Wo offer nt nil limes thn greatest and inn.t completo Vurioty of hatidker, chlets I hat ean be louud ill the county lit my luw prices. Damasks, T.ble Cloths, Napki s, Towels, Spreads. Wo would call attention to our completo assortment in this lino. White & doloi'ed tflarpielj. Wo also have a large lino of lllankels, Tickings and Calico of all the stand ard makes, lileacbed and Unbleached Muslim. C3 jA. 1EX. DrP 3S "I" S . In this depnrtnient may be found a full and complete slock of Urassols and other vurietks of C'urpots, thu pi ices of whiub will speak lor themselves. UPHOLSTERY. In this department will bo founr! an assortment of Furniture Chinti, Oil Shading and Hollands in all i tors. Also spring and bulunce Fix tures and Trimmings. OUR MOTTO :"QuickSalesand Small Profits." T. A. FLECK & CO., MARKET STREET, - Clearfield, Ponn'a, Not. X, IS80-U. IhK gVdirr ttsnncuta. 1880. Winter. OPENING. GOODS. X3C & Colored Silks. Wo fliall continue to puichhued elucwliero in this county. CASSIMERES. ies ui an Kinds. t 5! A largo lino of Hamburg Edging at piiriim - ui in niso complete. CLEARFIELD, PA. pitrrUanrous. s 2 1 -,- 3 T$ 1 1 IS ,o -. Currocnsvillc, Pa. N. E. ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS, Boots, Sho.es, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL &C. I buy direct from iobbcrs nntl iiwnufnRtiirerc. rocrovs in.J. t carload mtos, lionce cnii coiiiicte Mitti New-York and Philadel phia hotisis. Also, Dealer in Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs. Give me a call. N. E. ARNOLD, f.pt. w, ism if. OTJ3E1. HOC "QUICK SALES AND w 'E INVITE the jieoplu of Clearfield and vicinity to the inspection of our larjre and well selected stock of READY made CLOTHING, Gent's Furnishing Goods, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. As we buy for cash only, we are enabled to give our patron every possible advantage. Our line of piece poods, especially adapted to Merchant Tailoring, is complete. We employ only first-class workmen, and are prepared to make suits at short notice and unusually low prices. Wo tender our thanks for past favors, and solicit your future patronage. ALBERT TIIAWIIAUSER, Room No. 4, Tie's Opera House lilock, Clearfield, Penn'a. September 29, 8S0-tf. JAMES L. MARkfcT hTRIil-T, I.KtHKI,.! l, PFSV.. All kinds of Ca.kctsand Collins kept on hand, and furnished to order on short notice, including tho finest as well as tho cheapest that can be nana facturcd. Our oonriBH r-jiaasEj-ivT-Bn Is tbo best In uso, and will be furni.hrd when required. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at mv oflice. on Kccond street, or 1aih your orlers at Troolman's Knrnituro j I.W;!. 'CENTRAL' HOTEL, PITTSRURGII, . sr . SMrrOFIELD STEEET, FROM SECOND TO THIRD AVENUES, The most centrally located first els- House in tho City. Htroet ran pass the door every lire minute to all the Depot and all part ol both citiea Tmhk, Ii 0 Pit Dai. WAIXH ft ANUEn.SOM, 1'roprietora. ftaJTb Cliakpiild BtrtBLtoAM received weekly at the Hotel Md placed en file for tbe benefit of peaU from this section. (ootKT sia, lUlsrtllnnrnns. ' T iT " 2 a, o t i C u 5 E et PS 5 .r u n . . m P u m IW x ? Hi w ; M; t m a : a - 2 X o -3 . 2 t Its .5 ; j 3 - k U .5 3 6 U3 2 f- tf n X 1 C .1 v - -V C 5 n .S3 A o id - c 5 r. a S 05 a n TS C O c a ? s to ti ta J. 2 c 04 ; 5 J r. K 55 .. ift IS teg s e U J3 si! St b-t 8 i-S S- . 3 s o ZL it i "3 c E "5 ' IS5- : S u ? H v. Ii u, ti - 5 C t- 4 - o CURWEMSVILLE, PA. O I-"X" O s gMALL PROFITS.' LEAVY, More, adjoining the I'nstnfficv. ' J AS. I.. LKAVY, . - t'lesraold, Pi.