iEIic Republican. i j (.eiini.t R. Gi"i.A.Nir.B, Eilitor. CLEARFIELD, I"a. ' u-KtivKsriAY MnitviNO. rn:f. 1. im. Ren'l.r. tf yuo wnnt 10 kouw hl I. riX "b In lUe buMnn.r ,rl,l, jmt rrad i.ur ttti.ii'fc Cilumn.. th. Xpreinl roluuiD in particular TI10 liichmontl 1 V11 ) Whig. Si-nalor Jluliono's orfjiin, ;iyn lw 1 u truu Dem ocrat. Wo lniio bo will Jiriivo liiin elf one in tVnliiiii!l"ii- CnooKKU. ii'Hii i tbo f-trumjcHt Fret) Trii'le Stutu in tln I'liion, uitil il gave (jiirliuld tlio Iuiy-t mujoriiy. Tdo ItcpiiblumH tlicro inn-ribi'il "Jur fielJ nrnl I'mU'i tiini ' l'ir their motto. Sjrnolmily innitif! t" lm fln'tit''l Who u ill it hu ? Fbud Speaks Col. Fred Crnnl whon in WiisYingt'in tbo otlnr day, said that talk of hi father tukinj 11 Cabinet or any other position under the (iifio.d administration win mmii thorixid, and be did not think ol'siub a thin,' for u minute. ' Tbo ibild in lather to tho 111 in." Grant now bus Cameron's pennin hion to luko the lirsl o. d lliiiij,' that comoi ulon, and thin is notiio to the iniomin ud ninimialiuii that ho tiiual 1 0 1 rovid. d for. JdkETiNd of C'oMiiiKrs. Tbo sceond fcsHion dl (be Forty cixih Cunyrert" will convene lit Waaliinjjton, on Mon day next, wlion Mr. Iiayea will deliver hii fourth ntiiuial ileBMiye. After oruuir.iiij.', Conrem will probably ad journ ub nit ll 0 l.'ilb inst. until after tbo holidays. Senator Wallaro will leave lor Washington tbo lam of thin week. It Will Come. An exchange ro murks: Alter Garfield shall huvo bo t'uycd 0110 or tbe other ot tbo tactions of the Republican party, whose leudors reHjiectieely intngino they bold amort guiro upon him, it is likely we shall see u reproduction by certain Republican newspapers of their Credit Moliilier and I),: (io'ijir editorials of the year ol' grace Reader, .SrorOrr. Tho beastly nt taclts ol tho New York Herald 011 Mr Grace, the Democrutiu Mayor ol New York city, on account of bis religion, takes that newspaper out of the list ol journals devoted to liberal ideas. The .Now York &'iit is in the Paine boat. Those who wish to support Know Nothing organs can do no better than ti subscribe for tbo Herald and the iS'nii. Bigotry i- the prevailing grace with tbo writers ot those two mercan tile journals. . Kenatoii Wai.i.ack. Tbii Clinton Ihmuemt, in alluding to our neighbor, Bays: "Wore it not for politic I neees sities Hon. William A. Wallace would not bo retired from tho United Stales Senate on Ibe lib uf March next. Tbe prominent newspapers 111 well as prom inent men of all parlies throughout tho country regret his retirement Irom tho SenutJ, exce t for political reasons, 'Whero ho lias been one of thu most useful as well us most distinguished members. In losing bin) the people lose a fuilliful ami cllieient friend and protector ol their best interests, to givo place to some one who will hi serviceable only to corporation, and t" speculators upon the industry of tbe country. Hut a majority of voters have s willed, and all must abide the result, however unfortunulu." "Ckooked." Wu are astonished at "orthodox" editors for publishing the prospectus of the New Yol k Independ ent in their columns. Tho writers for thut jourunl are nil of tbo Heechcr Tilton-Iiigerxoll persuasion, and wbj any Calvinisl or American should ree commend Mieh slim rnoruls to bis read crs, is what puules us. It's pages are lull of lewd and immoral ideas, con vcyed to the readers mind, ill the most improved style. Tho current life ol thu Ibrco men should ho shunned by all who want to bo right in all things. These men are all wholesale dealers, and there is no use in employing rotuil channels for tbo purpnso of rehearsing their great moral wrong's. Nor New. Tuo editor of tbo Will- iumsport Jlitwur is ut an oc currence that transpired in their Court last neck during an important triul. It appears that Til I II TEEN jurors had bvvn listening to the trial of lb cae,und when it decided tho wrongway tbe la t was pointed out, and the case "wont over." This was a lur chcapoi plan fur tbo purpose ol upsetting a cue than tbo one that happened at Harrishui'g sotno time since, when tbe bribjrs wero under indictment lur mis leading members ef tho Logisluluro In that caso they turned olT 0110 ol the twenty four Grand Jurors, so as to prevent a tie ; but tbo next day lb Court discovered that there were mill twenty lour in tho box and tho true bills found aguinst tbo rogues had to bo ignored, because of the slip botwixt the "cap an I legal lip." "W'lat looli wo mortals bo," as ruck has it. All Snobs. It seems that all the hangers on about tho Whilo House, from iho studio boss to the present members ol iho Cabinet, want to be bitched up us Cabinet Ministers. Tli uditor ol the Philadelphia ltrcord,n alio hii,' to this piece ol snohbiry, says "Commissioner Lo Due insists with his expiring breath upon a policy looking to Cabinet honors lor the Department of Agriculture. He has matured a plan fur a massive public building wherein tho new Minister can keep his statu like him of tho Treasury or of the Postofflce. If he can got Congress to lay the granite foundation for the office be wisely concludes that tho officer who shall occupy it will not much longer remain nnnamod. Air. Le Due bad better stick to bis scoils and bia sorghum. II bo wero aallod upon to advisa lbs Prosidont bis tea garden would a 000 bs a waody rain." (1 Ml II ELDS MAX. A Wufhinnlun lutter writer jh: Thg .ri .inul ...urli.-ll .itl.'gutu in ll.' 0 .... I'lidi cinvi i.ticii uiTive'l lbi t-iiv on I'mluy InM, ninl u tint tini.Mii'lii'1 K"it ut tlio Mirt'urililo Club ll..,itwilUmrini. uil iT. d,votid;anil or Uitrfkld lirnt, lust utv) nil tho tunc, l 11 I ' ' TU... ....r..ll. UIKt UK IT Ulllf iri'l-,l. .in" - enn il.loj.'nt- i'bi'i'ii'0 whii mm i" liltiTri rmiw.l from Gi neinl (.mtiilJ, mid a larrirH with him (iarliilii'H llii toi;vih wliiili the (joiierul viry kimlly ni'iil him This orifti"' oar fifhl di'li-pilo' t'hriniun initiula arc W. A. M., and bin miriiaino in (irour. Ho lu-lon'S to Wuyno rminiy, IV It- is not possible at this writing to give a . lull and correct hinlory of this fiist, ! .'.I ..II It... f:Uilt..lH 1,...,rMll nisi ou an in" ini'v u...v. u....,, but we leal 11 that ucomlpolo hisloiy of bia life, virtue and exploit a, truthlully tuken Irom authentic sonire", will be niven in an improved volume, and will bo reapci tlully offered for tho perusal ol his countrymen, a also all others w ho w bib to see human naliiio in its iinst finished fi rin. It may not, how ever, be iiiupprn)riatu, nomhoubl it bo considered vxaggerntinn, to say, that Mr W. A. M. tireer, tbo original Gar field delej!te, is tbo eon of parents and was born at a very early period in bis life. Ilia father was a 'mule man' and his mother w us a 'feniule woman.' W. A. M. G w us a very precocious young ster and un exceptionally good one. Ho was n good boy, a very good boy indued. Ho was free from the guilt ol impaling Hies with pins, of pelting frogs with doruieks, of robbing bird's nests, or mealing h. mother sugar, and ull other devilish tricks ol had boys. Ho was a good, precocious youth, and be came better and more precocious as he advanced in ago, as ois action ai 1,1.1- Cairo Cleat IV ucinuiisiiuica. .iu uieu can bo loo loud to speak, no pen can bo too vigorous to write the praises of him who never faltered, but voted first, lust and ull the time for Gen. Garfield." HEAL JlUMBUVOEIiY. That model protectionist, Garfield, represented by tho Republican as a most considoruto man, proved in ac tions tho very ruvorso of tho portrait thoy present of him to-day. As an il lustration ol bis views upon tho tariff' we coppy what Col. Davis, ol the Doyleslown Ihmocrot, says : "Two years ago Congress, after a long strug gle, took tho duly oft' of (ininino, four dollars an ounce. It wa,s not sin Amer ican product und the heavy duly made it a monopoly mainly in tho hands of Powers k Woightmun, Philadelphia. This drag is very extensively used und is indispensable in sickness. When tbo bill came up Garfield and Judge God- shalk both voted against it. They wished to continue tbe lux on a modi cine the s:ck must have. Powers, cue of the quinine monopolists, died a few months ago worth ton millions of dol hits, while Me. Weightmaii, who wants the duly restored, is said to buve given twenty-live thousand dollars to tho Republican election fund in Indiana. At this time a Inrgc number of people are sick will, malarial fever, and qui nine is un indispensable medicine. If Garfield and (iodshalk could have their way, the sick and afflicted would hare to pay u heavy tux on their quinine. Will Godshulk please explain wbcther his quinine vote was a tux on the sick und ulllicted, or to protect American munulueturon? If iho latter, whut bianch? "Talki.o Back." Alter tbo Radi cal defeat in Maine, tho leaders an nounced that Plaisted would be counted out. Later advices from that State go to show that the Radical leader have wisely concluded not to try to count out Governor Plaisted. There has been somothing too much of this disreputa ble business. T bo lesson of 1877 ought not to bo lost upon tbo country for a hundred year to como. Hinco our governmental experiment began there has been no political incident which so weakened tho popular faith in it us tho deploruhlo squabblo which ended in annulling tbo will of tho people by put ting a defuuted candidate for President in tho White House. Tho resolve of the Maine Republicans not to do an injiisiico which they have tho power 10 do may bo tbo beginning of better things in ull parts of tho Republic Tbo Lcudvillo Chr$nictc says . Sixty laboron) wero buried by a snow slide on tho 2."nh ult., near Chalkcreek, on tho Kokomo extension of tho Denver and Rio Grande road. About 11 A. M. they noticed pino trees trembling and in an instant tho slide came with a loud rour, tearing up tho track for a distunce of a quarter of a mile and burying sixty men. John Dinos was killed, nineteen men badly injured and oleven others slightly. The slide cur ried tho track over tbo beads of the mon and most, of thoir wounds were probably caused by tbo iron striking thorn. EllBELLISHSD with 'J'huth. The Huntingdon Glube discourseth thusly ol tne candidate bleeder : Tho occu pation of the voterwbo has been bleed tug candidates lor a living is gono, and now bo will either buvo to steal, beg or work. Never, to our knowledge, bus there been aueb a systemalio and shameful imposition on gentlemen so unforlunalo as to be candidates fur cilice as I hero was this year. Such state nt affairs is greatly lo bo deplored by men of all parties. Tho only item of intelligence in re- gard lo the next Cabinet is said lo have dmpped from Garfield himself. He is reported as saying there should be a representation from the South, ilore is Coiikling's opportunity lo do some thing for his friend lirure, who called his saddle colored infant lioscoo Conk ling Bruce. Tlicro is no discount on the Mississippi Senator being a repre sentative of tho Southern Republicans Put him in the Cabinet by all moans. The condition of affairs in Ireland continues to grow worse and the British authorities roluse to do any thing but send troops. Neither the Cabinet nor Parliament will meet to consider tho cans of millions of people, cursed with tbo worst government on earth. Tlicro is more attention paid to tbo weather predictions of the Now York Herald in Earopo than at homo, else seven millions bushels 0! grain would not bava boon locked op lo lbs New York oaoals. Tbo Canadian weather prophet beats them all. those nm woiins. ' wo .rmigrvuionnl Committoc In U73 d,.cum tint o Jaiueii A. tittr-! . lioM bad c.,n.milL'.l ncriury and bad ! taken a bribe. The Congressional lleeord hiIII remain-, put down in blufk while hy hi parly Iriend-. More: "All the world and the rem of man- kind" have he n (,'iren to understand ! lhe a,,J , ,lv,,y i.irneld, lint thatj r(UT j, nvur nllj on ,ri.tlie 1'feKidcnt by the edimr nl the OinciiMmii Om . ' nl I'onkhiiK. with mn-li twl ,v,ti J vtnluro, hilure you are buriod mm-ial that there are three persona' l1" ' ''ien.ii and l.ofjan Milked injn ,hut nillllBio1 rouKh tho thick wliocbould Le treated very coolly by t,luil' tontH-lbut a neveral diiyK j Wl,8 and plulo Klan of whieh no word (jarhVId, vi : Abruni S. Hewitt, who vxprvsM'd tho opinion that (iuilield Black, who "protended to bo his li ieud J and finally struck him a shameful ,UW(" (iom),.u Kosecrans, "whoso language was unbecoming an oilicer and a gentleman." Tho man who speaks thug for Gai field said in his paper tho day before bo was nominated at Chicago : "Tbe chatter about Gar Sold is absurd and ridiculous. lie bus no record to run on." In connection with this threatened social ostracism by Garfield ol Hewitt, Iilack and I!ose oralis a calamity wo bopo they will be able to survive nothing is said us to the manner in which Gurllcld when ho bef omcs President, propose to treat Luke I', l'oland, N. I1. Hanks and Georgo VY. McCrary, the three loyal Itepublican members of the l'oland Committee who said ill their report to Congress that Garfield bad been glliliy of bribo and perjury ; nor is airy thing said of what is in rcservo for the edi tors ol ull the leading Republican papers in the country, tbo New York Tribune and the New York Times be ing conspicuous among them, who endorsed the truth of the Committee's report. Judge Black didn't say any thing about Garfield that bad not been ,.uvl0U8y Hu;j by his own Itepublican friends on tbo Coinmittco acting on their solemn oaths, all of which was concurred in and enforced by tho Re publican press of the country. If Gar field intends to recognize only those who did not subscribe to the truth of tho Poland and Glover reports, his receptions at the White House will be very sparsely attended. FORXEY'S "PKOGBESS." With tho isBiio of November, lticO, the Progress began its third volume. Hereafter it will be an Independent Democratic paper, retaining all Us eclectic features, discussing society, finance, the drama, ruilroads, and lor eign afTuirs. Its price has been re duced to $2 50 per annum, or 5 cents a number. As I have placed all my means in the reorganised enterpiise, and pro pose to devote all my time to it, 1 have no hesitation in asking my per sonal and political friends to givo me tho benefit of their prompt and active co operation. When wo recollect thai over 70,000 votes wero cast for Gen- erul Hancock in the city of Philadel phis alone on tho 2d of November, and in Pennsylvania 500,000, and in the country at largo about five mill ion ol votes, there ought to bo a ready and liberal response to the scheme ol an Independent Democratic weekly pnper or the highest class in Philadel phia. The hour ol Democratic defeat, pro cured by open purchase of tbo suffrage, and by deliberate intimidation of the dependent ciliaon, should also bo tbo hour . of Democratic education and ureimiaiiuii fui lbs grout wurk cf or ganization und action, iu the present und In the future. John W. Forney, Ed. and Prop'r ol I'rogreit. 702 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. TermB for Progress; 12.50 per year. Single copies, 5 cents. Tux Colored C'ADsr. This creature has become a character in our political improvements, and bus produced a number of sensations at the Military Academy at West Puint, whero thoy bavo been trying to turn Yankee no- irrocs into soldiers. But the last of his race bas been discarded. Tbe Philadelphia Times, in alluding to this matter, remarks: "It is not alarm ingly probable that Cadet Wbitlakcr will bo given permission lo take bis ears back to West Point as tbe Rev Congressman Smith and other worthies with muro seal than discretion want him to do. And even if bis ears do onco more find shelter within the Academic shades, thoy are not likely 10 stay thoro long. Cadot Whitlaker may be as sinless a colored boy as the world ever saw ; or ho may be a thor ough-going Hauiish lump ot sin. But these matters of morals are sido issues. The hitch in his case is that he has not passed bis examinations. Unless 1 mixed board can be appointed, com posed of colored people and parsons turned Congressmen, be never, never can be anything but 'ploughed.1" Thai's So. Tbe Boston Post ob serves: "II any person labors under the mistake that tho Democratic party is not tho great party of this nation be will wake up mighty sudden ero long. Wben a lew scamps who keep up internal strilo bavo been kicked out uf tbo organixation, the grand old Democracy will sail in and savo the country." A SroRTisa Field. Pike county is overflowing with game, hundreds ol deer have been killed this season. The most prominont bunting grounds arc Scbobula furm and Blooming Grove Park, the latter covering 23,000 aores, with club houso, game keepers, blooded dogs and all the accoutrements of tho cbase. "RrasL 'News." Secretary Evarts, early on Wednesday morning, tele graphed to General Longstreol, late of the C. 8. A. and now Minister Irom Republican administration 10 Turkey. that Hancock was beaten. Tbo H'crM slyly intimates tbat this was mere grateful news tban Longstreet had af ter Gettysburg's third day. As General Garfield baa decided not to makeup his Cabi not until February, tbe work of making Cabinets lor biro will go on for tbe next two months. This leaves tho Ohio Senatorship wide open, with all the competitors in the field. Governor elect Crittenden, of Mis souri,ialo wear, at bia inauguration, a ens hundred dollar sni of elolbca, presented to bim by Colonel D. Pat rick Pyor, bia debated Bepsblioan competitor for tbe same tuce. UA HFIELVS HA IKIAIXS. It will lo ri'memlioroil tliul Kt thu U .iiLlichi. N minimi Coiivcn- .1 , . f 111..!... ul tion tho Hiippii lorfi ..f Ulrntie, hbi-i-mau ""'I ,iranl ""'t "''l1''1 (itttlkl,l A lh" '"e,l"' in dcfi:aliii( (iiinii - noininniioii lor a l"lr" U'rm-llial isimne ill on. e in.ia ference ol Uttdirul muu'nates, including j (iuifluhl himself, was held at Now York I thut Oonkling haughtily refused to I l il, though strongly pressed to do Bo-lbul tho Jlainouoicai louoweo, and thut then a conlerenoo was imme diately afterward held at liuiliehi's home between him, Grant, Coiiklmg, Logan and old Cameron. After this latter conference Blaine was no more heard of (except in two or threo pre vlously arranged spew-lies,) anil thut Grant and Coitkling at once took tho lead and personally conducted the Had irul campaign, literally working night and day, and traversing every nook and enrnerof the States of Indiana and New York. Why was this grout change in the Radical campaign so sud denly made ? At tho conference held ut Garfield's homo Conkling k Co. de mand these specific conditions: First, Thai thu campaign must bo turned over to tho Grunt 111011, to con duct il Irom that tune out to tho end Second, That tbo pulronago of the States of Now York, Pennsylvania and Illinois must he distributed solely by Conkling, Cameron und Logun respect ively. x Third, Tbat Conkling must be con sulted in the formation uf the Cubinet. Fourth, That Merritt must be turned out of tbo New York Custom House and especially must Bluino and all the loading Republicans who took an act ive part against Grant's nomination be ignored by the incoming administra tion, in case ol tia.lleiu s election, wherever they came in contact with Conkling, Grant, ( amerons or Logan, To ull these conditions Mr. (iat field agreed. It will therefore be interest ing to note future devolopemcnls. Gui field either must cheat Conkling & Co., or turn bis back upon tbo men who nominated him at Chicago. Grant and Conkling are no compromisers. Tbey w ill have all or nothing. Tbey will brook no divided affection. The whole power of Garfield's administra tion must he tuned to third term ism and Empire or il will be opposed Irom its inception by Conkling, Grant and their followors. A movement is already suggested to "head off" lhi6 powerful combination ol dictators, and the Ira ilent Presi dent Hayes, it is said, countenances this. It is to enact a law ut tho com ing session ol Congress taking from the President and his subordinates the power to remove any office-holder ex cept for official misconduct established by prool before a tribunal to bo created lor that purpose. This project would shear Mr. Gui field ol the greuloi part of bis patronage and render him pow. erless in a patty sense, or to carry ont bis contract with Conkling and Grant. -Such a law, however, cannot bo parsed without tbo aid of the Democrats in Congress, and this we scarcely think will bo given, ut least with sufficient unanimity to give success to thu pro ject Wo say let the tricksters and poltical gamblers woo have won 11. tuo late contest work out their own sulva lion or r;'.cr prucccd to de:'.Td destruction in their own way. Il is all a husband and bear contest to the Democracy. SOT THE MAX The Now York Hun is of tho opinion that Tulmugo is not ilia mun to de fend tho Bible, that bo does more barm to the cause he espouses than Ingor- soll, and says : A weak and stupid defender is worse than no dclender al all. At this time when the assault ot infidelity is on the Inundations ol religion, it is lolly to in trust the defenco of the supernatural to a mountebank of theology. The arguments which go to sustain the theory ol inspiration, aro too prolound tor the comprehension of such a man. Ho is too ignorant of the merits of the controversy botweon faith and inn delity to undertake tbo part of a leader in either camp. But uf course tbe Church cannot be held responsible for Tulmago when ho sets out to discuss Ingersoll, and his infidelity. The theologians competent for its defenco adopt different taoties, and properly appreciate the folly of underrating their opponents and mis stating their positions. Though Tul mugo is allowed to preach iu a Pies byterian church, no balderdash like that to which he gave utterance on Sunday wus beard in the Presbyterian Council at Philadelphia. Tbo matter was too serious for it. Modern infl delity prosenls too portentous a dang er to be made the occasion for clap- trup sermons andliallow arguments. Moreover who is this who steps for ward in defence of Christianity I Tbo religion preached by Christ is of an almost dauling moral purity. Its ideal of human life and human society is ot transcendent beauty. Wbo can doubt tbat wo should indeed have Heaven on earth it the Christian theol ogy of the brotherhood of a man and ot love to God wus realised 7 But what charms can its divine loveliness bave lor a preacher who makes nierchan diso uf the Gospel ? Ut Mcsr IIavi 8umetiiinu The New York &ua states it in this way : 11 Uen. (irant must bolt! some public office, as many ut bis friends insist, in order to maintain bis family anil bis dignity, tnore is one position lur which it would seem Irom bis peculiar cir cumslanoca and experiences tbat be most bo pecuhai ly tilled, and in which he miiihl render himself useful. W refer tu thut of Chief ol the Bureau uf Detectives at Washington, (ion. Grant must know or ought to know about every dishonest post trader and Illicit distiller in the united mates. Veiy many of them buld oRluo under biiu. Mow, it 'jeneral barfiuld is really but. est at heart and Judge Iilack says be is what an amount of (rood General Oram could do to bim and the country by warning him aguinst tha public plunderers as they siresenl themselves at Ibe W bile House, llucould call at the VY bite House every evening with some warning like tills: "Mr. president. 1 ssw Uen. llabcock entering the White Mouse luis morning, and 1 understand Itoliestin Is lo bo here to morrow, lie warool lboml They tainunl my ail ministratiiin, and it is ridiculous to talk ol'oivil service reform with such follows about." With tha salary ol such an appointment, and tha income ol Judge IMlonhoelor s hundred dol lars, anil a clear conscience, Uoneral Grant could gut along comfortably. The party and its journals thai count la f residents by fraud, perjury and tor. eery, aboald not pat oo airs of piety and proprloly, bor bowl sa over lbs tloroy letter. PIATT TO UARFIELI). The editor of the Wunliinutnnf liynVii (Don l'iull) and Cunural (iaiflold wurn miKfd logutlK-r among tbo HuckuyiMi in Ohio. The dinner, alior tbo uluo. lion, adilronxcd a Ictlur to the Intlur. A portion of it rnd n follow.. : "Now that lliirt H'riuli's jrolitiral ()( lrul, tV)r rua,..B t,0 incumbent, to wrll0 m. , (uw wor,l, i tbe sumo lil1Bl0 B1j (l.jUM,y ,,jrii loul nm,k. ed our intercourse when both occupied a cheap boarding-house, ; when I cur ried my fortunes un thu slender nib ol my pen as a newspaper correspondent, and you sought lo support yonrsoll and fumily on the meagre pay of the Congressman. 1 go back to the lime when you gladly accepted my aid and sympathy in your troubles, and my heart felt congratulations in your triumphs, and I yours. I feel more anxiety about you, my Iriond, now thut you are fortunate, than in the darkest hour of your lilo, when life itsell seemed so horrible thut an es cape Irom it was a temptation. Y'ou bavo passud Irom tbo hands of trtends to tbo keeping of enemies to play the part of Chief Executive for four years, "Wu huveumong us certain persons who are bvjjt on changing tho form ot our present Government. They seek lo make the Presidency a life tenure, ami under the name of u stronger Gov ernment escape the return of power lo tbo people. You know the man who is to serve their purpose iu the I reus onuble scheme. Tbey bank upon bis military record and silp- posed popularity. It was your com mittee that investigated thut National shame culled " Bluck Kriduy," wheroin Fisk, Gould and Grunt sought, through a uso of the National Treasuro to en rich themselves at tho expense of thou tunds of honest men. It is not my purpose to recall tbe details of thai inti.uiy. The chief criminal was track ed to tbe threshold ol tbo Executive Mansion, and your committee passed a resolution calling upon the President to appear before the committee and defend bimsell from the damning proof that made him the chief conspirator. Tho night ol tho day that the resolu lion was passed you culled with it upon tho President. It wus alter midnight before you left the While House, urnutcd and sick at heart, and at your suggestion that very day the resolution was revoked. I need not say that you and I know why that resolution was so suddenly obandoncd. Tbe fact that under the circumstances it w as revoked lulls the whole story. Tho very Dem ocrats of the committee shrank Irom tbo threatened exposure.'' A FRUITFUL LITTLE STATE. A former ciliacn of Union county, in this Slate, but now a resident ot Dela ware, in a letter to the editor of the Lewisburg Jowrnn.among other things remarks 1 Tho season just closed has been a busy one for our community, this be ing a section ot country largely inter ested in fruit growing. Hence the in dustry of the country is affected by tho crop of each season, bo it abundant, medium, light or a total tailure. j he latter, however, we havo not had for twelve years. Tho season just past has been a light one in fruit. Except tomatoes, it was medium ; so also wus wheat IM i-orn. Ilnr iieach centro was this season at Middletown, 25 miles above us. Tho shipments of peaches over tho Delaware railroad was about three thousand car leads, against live thousand last year. But tbe factories havo dono more than last year. We have ton factories in a radius of as many miles. With but few exceptions they bave run their full capacity. No doubt many of your readers may bave a liroitod idea ot what a factory will do al any kind of running. I there- tore propose in the letter to give an insight of one or our factories, and will luko tbe one with which I was in a measure engaged during tha season, namely, tho Kurmera Fruit Preserving Co. at rive i'oints, near Lebanon This Company consists of eight mem bers, all of them farmers, one of wbicb is Jacob U. Brown, Ksq, formerly ol your county. This houso has been run by the same company aomo tune years. Their business tbe present year amounts to perhaps from one hundred and fifty to two hundred thousand dol lars, and consists in drying by Iho Al den process ot evaporation ot berries of all kinds, as well as peaches, apples. pears, Su., and canning peaches, ber ries, corn, Ac , and last, but not least, tomatoes, of which they havo ibis season put op 650,1)00 cans, using some HU.000 baskets of tomatoes. Tlieso were raised on about 300 acres of land, and delivered al lbs Inclory al Irom III to tlO per ton. They bandied about HU.OW b- lets ol peac ties, costing Iron. 30 lo 50 cents per ba-ket, putting up 150,000 cans, and drying or evaporat ing thirty tons ot dry peaches, paying out to the farmers ol this community for tomatoes, peaches, corn and berries Irom 125,000 to $30,000 during the soasnn. Tbey employ from 250 to 300 bands, about two thirds ol whom are women and girls. To these, together with ten or twelvo can makers, dur ing the Hummer they pay from 1 10.000 to12,UUU. Witt, thu hauling, pack ing, shipping, Sx., they pay to farmers and laboring classes ol this community from fifty to sixty thousand dollars annually. The establishment Is operated In a systemalio way, with an overseer for each deparlmeal. One suiHirintentls tha evaMrating department, another the canning, another receiving the fruit, another attends the labeling and packing. To keep mailers right they havo a very efficient lima and book keeper and then thora w tbu general snperintuiident.tieorgell Gildersleeve, E-q , who is one of the company and bin. self owns two first-class farms. Tha dry bouse at Wyoming, of Bmwn, U arson A Co. (lata Marsh & Brown) bavo done a fair business. Thu season being well advanced when they started, they yet dried over thirty tuns of dry fruit. Psl'iRs Unmasking. Hardly had it been announced thai Gartiold was elected President until tbo New York Evening I'ost, HrmUl, 7'imtt and (Jreiphic, and sucb western journals aa lbs Chicago Timet, all Kepublican in politics, called upon Uarfiold to stand by tha Democratic platform on the tariff question. While it was necessa ry to carry tho lliddlo and New Eng land Blales, these journals argued in favor of a high protective tanlf, but now that their candidates are elected, tboy hasten to unmask, and are advo cating tbo principles wbicb tbey wers too cowardly to support during the campaign. If there is any consistency in (iarfiuld bs would go beyond the Democratic lanB doctrine and take hi. stand open tha platform of tha free trade Cobden club of England. llow long are tbe work logmen to b hood-winked and deceived by tho dem agogues of lbs tump T A PEXITE.XIIAHY OX F1IIE. '. PlTTsliUBiili, November 2.'. Shortly j before no n, us the in mates of I be West. ern IVnileiiliury were about sil'ing down to their un.iiiiil Thanksgrrii g least, one ol tho wings known us the East Block wus discovered III flames, An alum, his quickly given and the piisoners removed lo another portion of tbe building with an adililionul guard placed over them. Meanwhile the (ire spread rapidlv,.lbi entire rool beini enveloped i" llniile, and grave tears were et,l. 1 luine.l I hut the cm, flu grutton sould ucullclidcd Willi serious results. Word was dispatched lo Mayor Liddell, ol this city, asking lor a compuny of police asa precautionary mimsiirti 111 1 aso uny ol tlio prisoners should ulteinpl lo escape or in case the fire should necessitate their removal lo other quarters. A general alarm wus also sounded, which brought en gines from every district 111 tho city, and soon streams from a scoru of en gines wcie playing on tho burning Uuilduig. Iho Humes were checked before ibcy bud reached the other witigs. During the progress ol ibe fire the greatest excitement prevailed among tho minutes, though none show ed u disposition to make an attempt at escape. Hud they done so death would surely have resulted, us guards were 01. the alert. I he tiro originated iiii der tho roof. The loss will not exceed CI.OOO. It is supposed to have been the incendiary work of some- of tbo prisoners, und a rigid investigation will bo made. Sixty eight cells wire ren dered useless bv the fire, and us the prison was already overcrowded, some nve hundred persoiH being im urcer alcd, Iho officials will find 11 difficult to make jirofierdisposiiion ot'tbose whose rooms were damaged No Time rim DtsroNitcv Now. From the tone of many of oiircoulein poraries wo arc impressed with tin gloomy view ot the future that is taken Icy soino ol our llemocralic trieitds 1 his arises from mi incomplete view ol tho general situation, and altogether a mistake. The present is not a lime for UemiKralie despondency, but rather for encouragement lo renewed oxer lion. At tbo worst, the Democracy has carried one hall the States in Hu ll hion, and thu slightest chance, Hu mming of ten thousand voles out of a grand total of ten millions cast in II, e lute election, would have given it tbe L residency. When we look at the enormously powerful agencies thai were opposed to ns, it is hut lull marvel thut victory did not perch upon our banners in the great struggle just closed. 1 ho murval rather is that too Democratic purty succeeded so well. Sixteen years ago that parly earn, d but three States in thu Presidential election ; twelve years ago il corned seven.; eight years ago 11 carried only six. And now against thu combined patronage and wealth of a party en trenched in power lor twenty years, and against Hie most sliamclul Irauds that ever disgraced a 1 residential con test, it has swept one half the Union. .Surely theru is sullii ien'. reason in this lor tbe t'emocrals to luke courage. Xew York Utiir. fir uvrtisfmcnts. Il.t-'.l'TIIISJ Of I II- l- l Klf.V-rhcr. w,l J b. s mKllnir uf Iti. M'trlthiiltleii nt tl. Inn 4 ftr Url.-k Co , I Limit..!) Ii th-lr nSW at Uo(tian, l' ,nn MON IM V. J SNUsh Y all, ISKI, nl Su'elnok A. N., lor Ib, ptirpi ut sjvel lag utnosr, fur th. oi.nm A. V IIOYNTOK, P,ia-nt. Cliart'id. Pa., b v. In, IS80 Si BUY AHOME ! IIOl'bEP, LOTS AM) FAKMS FOR SALK t rpWKXTY 1IOUSKS and LOTS In flrirfMI X for Rate at rravHaanln price and nn Urmi, AUo.aeTeral 1JKMS to Uradfurd ani tlrabata towuthinn. Apply to W ALLACE 4 KURDS, Dee. 1, ' Clearnrld, Pa. West End Drug Store, IX UKAHAM'rt K -W, lllelf way between Moiaop'e and Fleck' tem ) CLKaKFIKLD, pa. - f pUB andonigDed bas opened op a Drug Store, X rirb a full aufp'y uf ierli-Lly pure and 1 iima. airttii'ine. Uni tnicala and l"l ot An Idle Tbeae liruca bava bewa te'tcel wuh (reat care and are guaranteed to be perf-ctly pure and reliable. 1 will cue in? d-wok! aueo- liua to tbia department, Bt will eneerfuHr give auj ad. tee and Inleruiation in r ttird tomwiieiDea fiae ol ebarre. DK l-J.UuVtK. Clrartteld, Fa., Deo. I, tf. rpHIAI. 1,1 T. The followine; U a Hit of can lea eel down lur trial lur Jauiwry Term, Ie8l, euinweuotag January 17tb: R acorn, Wan jAsiuAar 17. J Gardner A A 8 Morrow Patrick Fi.rnn Geure; Ui)ltato va ' rbumaa ll roreey va Holler Mine ribrl Artbura va Kinar A Fuller Hiebard Art hurt va Je-ph Head et il Lie Hel Ac.. va Hie hard Arthur et al John il Utile et al Ta ti Cowan et al Waib'gton b A L Ai a va Ueurgq llager ra Ta B D Fchnoaut ar rtDWiJM Holt lliglef, Vuonf A Co va John hullota Hiehard Artbura va Sidney Fulleretal M II liuBne, Adm'r, va WiNndMid Fre B & Ooanij hativnaj Hank Abraia Huaiibrey vi nn a aiiace S ewart A Pearee va Lu'ber H-Ktrty l .hn M Cbaeaj va Aaono Kline Ufida;et Baker re A V Kill road Co AM L uyd A Co va VYm HcMetvr U M Briaiiia va J J LinRle Jobn Clark Andre 1'enlt tha tne r Dale vt Tboiuaa C Kyler ravlor Kuwlea va Jainea Irno Or K H Rum va J I Uurd III BLOOM, Pieibonotary. T I'KV LIHT.NaBiea and Vasatlei of tboie tl tierpone d awn a jvrera to aarveat January term, eiitatnt-neinjr eo ine aroona aaonuaj, aad eoattnaini to wreka i mmd jonitiu. Id eoDtv. tun. ta, 1 8I . Cle-r eld VT J HrmphtUl rar'aviKe, J DTboBfeoo ohen, J R Ofd le", Q'i b. Paul J P-ron, tteenw'd. I L Hmver, Houttdile, P rioter, N Wa.h n.WW Btrvlnf Huatutt, Thoi H limy, Otoeula, ll VV Lane, J II KMae, Lawreaoe, L Flcal, HorrU, Ai rb,uri, " t)lrH lJruwt'11, .a ly, P H WelMr, H W Pauti, W 0 Un Kiev, I'nton, Iivld Mraialvr, It F K lllandv. WalkcefB. A M tsbaw, BO(Te, Oeore He, .'nfiaktion, L lrt'Bty, Dewaiur, A J Sterner, (Jo boo, John A M'trry, lleo A Noader, THAvaaak JOKoRti, Ut wkrr, jam. 10 raj. Clearfield, B t Ci'Pr flreenw'd, R Thompann Urome Noll, UouiUlr,KKirbrd40i ' ti Charlt nt Uneenla. M llurlry Jr, N H. Beer'l, A Nrvlinf, Hell, Chaa Sirnpaon, BoKija, !o Unuellng, U W Uatla Jj pitueling, Sradfur 1,0 ' Albert, W I Puree. Tttua Mi.rr, " W Ura 91 ui, - Kd Dale, Brady, H 11 Lather, W K Irtle, HA Truatuak, Buraaide, Jobn Lee, O J Weaiorer CovtngtOB, Joi Uom, lleeaiel. Joe Hruwa, J L Una-hart, A J Hanhey, " J H Uerna, PariuMB, Of Straw, " w r j'iiinon H a-ton, Jno B Hewitt, " W p H..t. M John tiro w a, Knot Koliari Lord, " Pranaii lluar, Law re nee, Jamea Ult, Ut'wvna, M'.rrW, P Kyl-r, J A Sahett'ieV, ( U Mem II, Pent), Jnnaihan K irlr, " Jaiae 11 0 ark, M Abreoa 4pener, Pike, Uoittri N it,er, 4and, Jno Aiidvraon, " KM !. Burn. M William H Juoe. " Jmr lline t Jf r ullar, Saa ly, Mun Me A alter, F Hembargtr, Woodw d Clark waber, Wl'Uff B' arb alart.B KMly, " r rH-Bttetd, L 1 KM.harL " J V Frrgaaon " Jamei ritraw, tliabaa, A B Aalea, ' L tWoiiidlniter H Aitr-ai J Uvea iravbbir Jranau. SI WRBk,iii. I7t. Claartleld. K l Shaw, Jordai, laaae HI-iota, llnatidale. tlo hiaitb. Ooetde, L AH Krouae Becearia, W S Miller, u WW Maya, Jao Patch i a, Blooa Bidn-y Bonib, Barn i id e, A K hoof, " J M Hitfdk, Doeatiir, Joa Uoia, Drab an. John 8 Jury, 'Mirk, Wta Kdwarda, U 0 Fiyna, Uuiloo, J L 8. bo He Id, M It-o'l Miliar, ' J II Bandy. Jerdal, ee Ma a. ' 11 r l Pa'Urfoa, tsawranea, It Mot'orale, A I vVairD, " C Nnrrle, 4'trrla, J lloileaimjk, i' the, a raotapfi.e, " T HuBiptirev, Andy, Hrcy lleilenin III Colter, U K Pifar, M J Rurabarer, Veodward. Jae T my, M Uaarlffaa " 4 Una il, " W Beak, - WriOuetil M JBealadiagar JaaKtei We, the BBderaigaed, hereby eerlify tbat tbe furegulBt liat et tweaiv-fnar HI Btaaa w pnr enaa te aarra a I) rand Jarori, aad atitf lAtt) BaeaM of perauaa te trre ae Traverae Jwrvra lot late week eouwiafliMg Hitnday, da iflry f ta, aul Uirty-aU 36) nee f paraaae tu are aa rrarerae slarer lr (ka waak ee.ejBaiDg Kn day, Jaaaary ITih, INII, erre draea by aa ew tko U'k day al Hereetear, A. U UbV la aeeerd areewl'h kteaire taaael by lloa. Cberiri A Mayer, Praedettt afudM ef tea Quart af Olear field ewanty. aaJ beanaf da ta lltb 4f af Meeaiaef, laMl, t aerv a Jerer In the Cat rt of QaarMr Heaatona ani O-at f Oyr aad reruileer t be belli at UlearOaiai aa lb Id aad 34 Meodayaef Jaaeary. A. D. I HI. JAMaM MAH APFKT, ISeeir. , A. J. JACKOW. W&t. R. BRoWlf. J ar OaMUaleaMr. llftt' Adrtrtlscmtnts ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road t'urwri'lvilU. P Jbu. V. , I TieS. I MtlM.V TO I. OA SI. -On f,r.l cl.ii lu ,rovrit frm pn-por. by llm Mml l.i c lo'uranr Ciinpsn), i.f fies Yiirk. n llrM pirl si. in auuii .mm tl oi'O ui. Fr furinrr In I fortostiuo Moid V t tb'iin.mi(crti. 1 " III RXTKAL W. SMITH. I CU.itrld Ph., M.t 'la. I' I.-MiANK FIELDING V A.N O WILLIAM D. BIG LIC It, .f tto 1 r- ir, CI.EtRHIKLh, HA. Kor. lTlk. 1S0 ir Grist MiilFor Sale I AWT .-Ifsirslils mill prsrisrly, wl-h two piir of 1-nrM, mums in Uotsr Iwp . Cleiir lii,ld e'-ua'i, Pa., about IwosS'l s-hnlf aotsu wt 11I I'liiliptliurg, tVolrs ninnly, P . Ail7 to MinstnM&i.ari.r.iinu, Pbllipllturg-, CunU-n Co., P. Nor. 10, ISS0 II. AwH.Nf-:F.M NOTiri'.. To Ubuhi It Mm d ourer. The updcrnlsiwi. living iwn (iptMiitril AMiKtiMj. for ib bt-uffll u-rert-di l or li Jan. B. Urn bum. ol Cleutfli U iM.rtiiijtti, tl ((tTHii, ilierctnre, hMviiiM eUiiuii eic-i(iiit niin will lreeiiit ih-ui to n for Peillrmen', nn-l inula in d t nl to tbe "Id 'Imhstiu are required U eettle ut tnaW pftMiitot t ui. KhU'AKI) . It'OLfcK, A h It t 1 H V W. 1.1. K, Clfrfleld, Vt., Itto. Ht t7S-t Afijtneee. SIKH MAKIN;.I hereby Infer in tnjr t rum, end uinfclnd Id Kcuer!, ln1 I bavr r moved ay hot-unking nboi tu Ibe room in tlrabain's row, over 8. I. Sn .inr'e jeclrr tre, atid I tint I am prepared to do all kirtda of wort in in Him nfietttr ihavn au other l).i In town. All wrk warmoied a gd aa en h di'rte n- hert te. I'oiiltvelj tliil II Ibe riVntx t bu ib Uf.r.i.lil. JOS. 11. DKKttlNO. iJefl. II, 178-11. (CAUTION. All, iernna are hor-by pau'looed t aain.1 i.uri-haatnar or Uf vol ! in a a BfrlRlD ptoi-ek drawu ub "The CurwrnavtHe Hank." ( -r h;.0. riitofd hy ua and dalnd Stpteiuber 2 1 J . Ktl n favor of W. 0. Ibouipi n, pyahi Jaly In. J . aa ibe conditioua of the pa nifi.t ut a..ul rberk tare not been Complied i'b ny tbe aaid Thon.on, and we will ot pf It unl-fa coin poiM Kid-aohylaw. HAKIl A CAS8IUV. CurwiDivllle, I 'a.. Nov. IV, I) nt. CAl'TMIN All per con a are hereof caiHlAn ed gat nut purchainc or nputisjiing rf,r. lam Pruuiiaory loi, gi-eo U WVll A Mol lopeler, A dated Jul I", Ufcf, ana ealiing lor aii'l a line cnitr, ai.d due Iat of January, IK0, at CurwenavilH Haok , aa we bave Bever re' otivvd valti thrrefur, aud will lii4 py tbe mujo un k m eutuillei to do I.t ptwm uf law. 1KI KK M -YH, liAYIU P. MAYS. New Millport, Pa, Nov. luih, InMi Si. Tbe aumt enmpleio Inntliu'lia In (he Tnilm! Stain for the thoruuh pridl-el eiur'iiii ol youiia; m il au'ldle-affixl int n. Slu lent e l nine I at any lime, fur t-'irculaf t "( full p irlieu lera. addreaa J. C. SSIITII. A. M , tx-iir 2in) Pictubufb, Pa. A tun iik Mnici:. In the mat'er ff tbe la the Qrphana Curt c.tata of W. r. vt t'kar6eld euunt.v, 1'ickey, dcaatd.) IN nmj I vaitia. The uiiderainrd Auditor, nppointed ly the a il Caurr, t hear ihe te-tttniny aa to the ei nrpiiona filed, anJ ret'aie tbe iwuul, of ibe Ad U'OiiHiBttli in the eatate nf the aaid VV. 8 aJ'aki'y. dc4ael, will atienil to the dutica "fbi app intomot .! hia oltitie, In ibe It.. rough t' Crn'li-i.l, on TIKtKV.ihe T I II diT l DE CK MllbH, A U lArsft, at 1 u eio'-k 1. M , wben and where all panic iutrr''pd tny auend. U.-t'AU MITOHtLI, Auditor. Cleir3-!d. Pa , Nov. I 7th. 180-31. tiDITOH" SiOTItFsi In the otaHrir of the l In the Orphana' Court ei'ate of John ll. I of Clear8eld conn'y. ltaffrrty, dao'd, j Ptnaryltauta, Notice Ii bf-rhy ftitra that the andrralrned Auditor, appointed hy ibe Court, to diatrihute the halaiee of the auvc eataie rriaaio'in ia the band of tli Adwitiitttaitira I hereof, will attenl ro the dutici of bia ppoinMncttt t bi tic-e io Clenrfiflil, at S o'.-loHi I'. M ., on KHIUAV, in .(ll da, of IlKl bMHKK. A. U. 16MI, where all lieraona iott-rentad miy aoer.d and preent their claim, ur h tbt reufter Jelutrrad tr-ui enming iu on aaid fund. S. T. 1IROCKUA.NK, Auditor. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 2i, 1SS0 3I. TRY TUB TJIISYKAH. The Largest and Bes Family Paper in tne World. Semi for Snmptt (oiy-trtt, bt.w vokk oni HVr.K, 31 I'aih How. Kew York. Nov. Si St SheriiT's Salo 1 1)Y virtue ef a eertala writ of A I. PUra tYatiat XJ ieeoed out uf tbe Court of Cwms e P. eat of (.iiiiloQ Ua iri t, Pa.aodtoaie dlra.rfd, I will espua to ublia aaie, vadu or eatery, in tbe wri ruoui, tn tbe CUL'KT MiUTiSK IV TUB CITY OF LOCK IIA- VUN, CLINT'iN COU.v lY. PA.. OnFrMny, Dec. 10th, 1880, AT iU CLUCK r. H , i Tha fuPowlnf drcrlr.ed real rrUteof the Drfend-1 ant, UeorK Cwaway, Icaie4 in Clearfield and 1 Uli a ton e .untie, e iunlul and daorleela li Iowa, tu wit i 11. Kina ng at a peat, tin uunbeaat I ewrner of lend uf Jaiura tlauoa, lot Nn ta.1i ibaao aeat one burnt ranl and slaty twv 1 11 i.t-r- ebra to apuU lb nertliWaai oonter ot lirt !iu .t; i brace north Dtty-lv and ftv teulba (ski IM percbea to a pual eorner t eaat un hun dred and Uiy three (113) ieroca a boat, the auetbeaat ewruer ot tu Iat nf Jobn Afjhr, atevaaesi, lut n. ua j tnvaue euutti -liy-Dva aua , flte t. nttii (19 6-a pervh a to tbe piaoe uf l I ginning, bounded northward by landa f Uadd Uaiuee, and ul tn fetal ut ib aaid Jobn Mar-! phy, dcoeaeed ; ea at ward by land of W ilium NeiJouigal ( tuii'bward oy landa of Mr. Ureeta K. 'oiea and tl puttlie ruad, aud weaiward by (aiid f Uitdd Uaii.a, exeeoitDd and rcaer.lnit un aom ol laud bieUil.r aM iiuta u a ) tu Kit Wouatr, euiitaiuiua; bliy-tau (&:') actei, eiur or leae, witb allow at-oe lor TOjd, uv b ib lot 1S 124 ol tbu allotment et keeling lands iu Keating tonb'p, aud po.vt ui warr4ttt tiih J43(i, buviu ib.rtou ertutt-d on two ateiy ug aud irnaie dwrlnog houae, fiaiue barn, ami vihrr uuthuitdiuga, britsd, taitn Id loutlon and to be aelj aa the proptj'iy ut tliv UleUan , Ueurge C Doay, livliudtul waive tbe right ol luquiaiiiun. Taai No deed will he aokhowledajtd nnMI the puiebaa taoney it paid ia lull. hui'hhi a. liAhhEK, Rhtitff. Fmairr'i Urnca, I L-s-k llavan, Pa , Svt. I?, I Mi. I H ll. GUARDIAN'S SALE -or- Valuable Real Estate rpbert) will he sold at pulilio sale at 1 tb.C'jUKT HUUHll.slC'LKAHiriKUU.ns Siiturtliiv, Doccnibor 11th, 1880, AT I O'CLOCK P. M Tli. f illosins Swi-rikxl '..I ..!'. nf A. II. Bb.w, Ut. .( Cta.iSrlil, P. , dmu. I, M all s No. 1. A certain lut in Curwrnavillv boronih. b-sn,rt nnrth b. Isn't n Irrin'i ,ui, bf St,t. fltMl, .ail b Wt ul Hu,qHfbsni.ft ri.r. .nd s.t n R.Urn,4 ,irwt, bsiin, III. Imi front snd thrnn, .xlen llns hum lo lb, mar, aud bating tbiivon atavlrd s largo TWO AND ONH IIALP BTORT FRAME HOTEL iAVthrr vl'b ataM and Mhf OBtalMia. aad known th Moeqaebana llotal properly." No. 2. AU, ft 04rikin lot in Cur wenarllle kornuih. bitwnded north bv 8tate atreel IMk fat. imith by Wta PrloValot. Il fwt.ea-t by river road, fet. and waat by land of William Irvla'e eila'e, Iftti feM. having thereon erected a tart frame a tor building aad haowa at "tho Corner Stare property." No. 3. A Iho, r lot situated in Clctr field borne h. baandej atrth by Bridge t'rwet, anal by lot af It. Paaiar(aat by later Jataea T Leokard, aad wet by aa alter, baviag Ik frmt front by 41 feet deep, and baviag thereo erected a rood twa atary frame dwhia he and out balidingi. kaowa aa "the Patawnr prprty.u Thia eal la anad In parauaao al a eiUf ar theOrpbaaa' Court aaUtirung tk Uuardiaa of the ajine ahildrea of aaid aaeadeai, wo nw Be tevealha tatoreat 1b aaid real eeUla t i nak I iberes.l. Tka wtbnr T"rirta of age laterftd la ihe title will bdiU wi'b lha Uuerdiai Ib hi. dad, ae tbat the peraea buying at tbia Bel will take the wboi till. TKR.tXOF MI.KI Tfl, third saak at ar..matliB ef eel. third la ee year Ibweaitar, witb lalereal from ajate ottwolraiata, tl aeung hv Jada eat koad, or bmo4 aad nortgAge, an ibirA m n-nala la the prwMrty durleg the dni li. U tereet ptyabt to btr aa naaiy, aad it b-r aVoih prioo.pal a paid u beir, u aaored by regtaoo. TUO UAH U. MUkRAT, 00w4,.UoebitAra A H.lbw(do'4, Mswaraetraj T. il VI, f Bf-a jute l'lHHsl W'R HA I. '. TMilM Mt o' I) -ulin ll li'l- I ih " 'h"P fu'l ,,th. or 1. nut: i"r lumnllin oil on or ijlrt-f U s unti .ts.1. K.. .- If. Cl-nrlold, IV I Sheriffs Sale. 1)Y iriu uf writ" ol V. a, l-viied nut of tb arl ol ('ooiiu'ib Piti ofl'lotr. ' fitji.l ruutJtv, sud u inn direcioJ, ihr will h ! fii'oiw. lu PI' HMO HA1.K, t lh C'io Horn, in tilt tmr"Uj(b of i'lorflld. un Thurfilu), J. iiiury O Immi. ' Th 1 iwv txmiB p t- or .i.r. tl. .f Itod it tute iu K Briholt)D-nii, Clfrfirll entttitj, Va , I u-.uiiaol1 and derltrJ UK, tu WU: O tt liliffol ud tu nirin by Uixt vt Pag i -til Miul'i.ui. lur. ! l-ai'i.r W. U. tUifUwl, 1 ud ihv utk ty it ud ft JnVi.r- H ory CiK-bfan '..n.loii b mM by ul Y. V. OuuJmi. I limine er", mure ur nil oirateJ, kbit luiii'K'h rtn eifcitfii iUi.U liiu 41,1 in 1 b-uMn, ui4li Iratu. tra uJ uiH in l-rn,wnli ' It .1 UUI'K UP'llttil gfuWlH OD stli litttMilfttl. 1 A L0. All Uelendtam-a H.i.reM In another .i. of , (un iMj"!"'"! -""i """' - i taud ol Juitii. ileletit-l, tut by laud ot Justin ... j .i ,i. I... t.l n ins. nut-lb i lleihel uiid A. IUuMIO. auuib bv land ol W. II lietcbel and W 11. e-olniaMc, aod weat b fubl e rued, ouiiiainiiK icra, in "re or In, a. loitered, bavin; Ihtrouu tret'liU a ianK dll Buiue, aud a juuna; wrunard n i k ud ii a nimfi. billed, uk en in eitunou aiti to ut ema aaioe. ftur(jr vl H illiaiu U- bubi.if f. Ik hum op Kaui. The urioe ur luta at wbicb j tbe rutrty aball be atiucH vd luutt be paid at thu tiu-e ut aale, or auun olber arraiiKriuvuU , made aa will be ai'ruvd, otburwue ibe proper- ty will be iniiuvuiatvl; put up and uit aaib at lUv etptbae auil ruk vt tbe puriuB Ki WQsui ll waa airuok ull, atid Qu, m ce U wunciouo ai i und re-talo. abil tuake stuud Ui aaute, and iu Uu iiiaiauoe will ma lil e pruattutvtl iu Cuuri lur cuiitiruiatiiiB unieai ibe wvitvy l auiuaiij pain U tUe euvntl. JaS. M niAl-t l.V, fsUKKHrr'a Or en a, htierill Claorheld. IV. lc 1, N8ll 1 Sheriff's Sale. 1 V virtue ol au.tdry writ, ot I'm Er laaueU 1 nuUI lb. Court uf IU...B.O,, P.e. ..I Clear. , lildCn ,and tu me diretd, (were will l.e eipowcd , Iu Ml tiLIO HA l-K. at ibe Court lluu-e, in the; burouich of Cltarfleld, Pa., on Thursday. January th, IMHI. , ftl l o ciock, r ai , ine i-uuwtnn uwacnvea nu, aetata, tu ' A crrtain irart of laad fituata In Dradr town - hip, C'eufl.'id eouni, t'ennat Irani , t.onn t I i anil Jraorio I aa til : Il'ifiniin tt t ri-, ruk I at tn turner ol' ta ila f f m b Kni'i and j Uro:ge I't U'i ; thence uonb HV rei ea.t 'AJI (ttircbesi to a pn t ; then -e iutb 4 tli 11 per.-b to a poit; t'tt-'iice w i't -i v-iu ..ennei to a ue a Leinlooh ; ifati,- noitb Ij lerfti-l Sft,i par- clif lo a.-rvice berry; Ilvnet aoj'h kl d'tt'er rat 167 perch to a hem oc t t&eiif Bifid I lf (ret- wn-t lift i ernbea tu a poat ; north digreva eaat l.'fi iterrhra lo arvioo br y ; l tienev nod h I di'reo wtrat M irotim to the pi u-e ut b'KnninK toutaioiD hUi 7 -1 0 orm. Stiattl, lakcu iu eaecu'iou ead to be told aa the pripcny ot Itrorre Krjiatrf and Win. K. Itr t AL0, A cctiitn (met t' lnd aimai in flradv town ahp, i k'trfleld eounty, Ha , near ilia villai; ol Truuivilie, bnn Ind ami ilo-nb d a follow: Uountleil An lti ta-t hy i.tore Krarr, on the I I f pitblto lead i of ir -tii Tiuutvilie tu Kilt el'a ii IH, in the luii b hy lnd of John Plump alio and on ilia uorlli ly landa of Ainlrt-W Mil ler and A uiu Mods ill. eout fining abuut a on i, morn or l". wun uhut S acrea cleared, and tiavirjt tht-min errfllvd a lwo-at..ry fnme b .u.e. en.B'l 1 tul a 'id ulbur oa' l-.illilinif- S.iit-d, taurt In eitruii -n utnl to be aold nr the i roprtiy of John M. ilnlcr and C'barUa W. Ktrb, ttrre leoanl. ALSO, A cerluia tract of lai d aituate hi Knox tnan ihp, CiiaiQriJ coiid'.v I'auuilid and d rcnljid aa 1 ul ol : lit jfimiiog al a white pine : thlre4U rti-iera wial HO p. re he to a'onei ; th- i ca Boith W df ere.-1 c iar. 12" pati hea to a litiii'oi lt : IU lice autli 41 da;reea.aal 14" pertiliaa lo a htveh ; I lie nee routb 60 dKrt-a earn l iiar- utii-a io he 1 1 ice vf brg tii iag, cm t-ibing (0 aerra, wi b du acre clortul, au t hitvmif Iherooo encivd a Uu nury ham bouau, a I barn. a d olbur vutbuitbina, ana an orchard ol a'oat 4- U'le .ee. ALSO, All lhat oerluin lot or piiee of ground altuate la Jonlan liiwiKliip. Clatrlteld ooun'.v, Pennityvaui lomniled and uVacrit tl la lollowa: llc( i n n in tr at a d I pttte t tiier nf J M. McNd 'a and ll. Ualvr' laud; ihtnr-e norih 40 degree wet Ifti p- rnbra to a pott ; t.ti ( ly laud ul M rcho-uiiig outb So1 degreca Wi-at 1 1 i prrchca to a bemluja ; tbt ooe 1 6(1 ilc u'lf et loT ftnbea to a bciutut k ; tL.euee ty J, M Neii'l nr( b 6U decree ual 116 percbea to Ihe plaoo uf l.eittriniig. m atamiuit 1 1 3 anil a ltd 6" ii'-brr, a il b ahooi 6tla reieier-d, ai d having thereon rrcvtrd a frain-i h.u, Itam iabl, bq-I a I04 barn- Alao, a beano orituri! ut about tact-1) Lioea, ALSO, Tbat certain pier of land aituate in Knox t.anfLip, tieaihriii Muitiv, Pa, tx. untie 1 ami darrilvd aa f.iilowa, 11 ! lt utiii-4 on ih Dtiilb liy la d rt ul fcntxih ai.d Lt-wia fcrbait, on iba auuih ty laytia ul ljvid H tee, ou th at by lui... wi Pt-ur, and o tbe woat by lai.d S Jobn Hiath, QsiBtainiog a out 70 iora, witb about 40 kTea elrarrd, end bavmg tbereun vrteted a two alory fraui buue, lot barn, aud a two-atury log bouae, ud thr outluildiog. Aleo, a iwali oretiard 011 the lauit. ALSO, Ore otbir lot al'nat in Knox toeaablp. Clear del! ewumy, t'fUDtltd and dtacribtd aa loll,, : llfgiuumg at a ton entner; tbt-uee tu d-grv.a lo pt relic 10 a baaiiut k ; tbeu ,e outb 6i duf rvea weat IdtH peri-bra tu tbe plat of brgiboin;, ooo taming IS aertt. Stutd, ukD in elroutioa bH to be told aa th propttily ul Tboiuaa aMoCrauaea aud Jubu AteCrackuu. ALSO, A eeriaia tract of laud aitaito ia Cheat town abip, Clvkriteld couu y, I'a., cuutatoing 140 aerie, witL au imprvvouirUta, buuudod eaat by Williaui Wiraluver, aeat by fmiey A Jubuaon, iiunh by W ill taut YYcaiuver, aud aottlh by. AL&O, One-hair ialereat la JtT i" aerea of land ia Cheat lowuabip, riiaibeM ouuoiy, aa inipro-iui'oi. iouiidsM aat b lluultir tral aario by Pibuo A Jobn'B, taat ij Jubu try el el, aouth by fc'joi tract. AUO, 0o ball intereat io III aerea nf land la Chet tuwuHbip, Uk-arncid voumy, wtlh 4 r-erra eleared, bound. U et l y ti. IWwt t, eat b; W. Weatt'Vr, orth by 8. Wvatuwr, and tjulb by 1. Fry. Al0, On. half later it la 10 aerea ol land ia Cheat t- wnflMp f ear tie id eooaiy. witb gH.l aw ibill, B tenant bout', bitasikiBktti bp, and large ng-B) iniaiDii ataoea, witk J acrua olearoj, buuo led raat by J-nii Pry, neat hy W. U'eatuver, buna ny aa Kern, aoulb b. JataM JUcKwea. Be aed. taheD iu exuuutioi, atd to t tultl aa the propei ly ut Mo A Moti'va, ALSO, A rertaln M of frond airtiat ia Clearfleld LoruugQ, Clartild ooui.iy , Pa., b iunaed end d- no-d aa luil,ai t Ua lha rait hy tut el T. A r etk, oa the wet by lot uf Vfiu U union, on tbeuurih by Bridge aitel,oa ihe touih by a ailey, balult ibt-reuu trt-eted a frame biug and other ouiuut.diiiva. 8. iavd, taki-D 10 eirrutica, and to bt told i tbe prot.aiay it .Haggle K. Hhj. ALSO, A ecrt'in tract (f land ailuitelB lleecaila town' r-hip, Cwaroid eouuty, p ( buundt-U and diaerib ed ae lollowa 1 Brgiinnng at a dogawutt eurner: thaueueaal ly Jiim Pie.k'e art-y IS" prube tuvtiae loath uy v. Mil r, rurtv lu .rcboe iu aiuueat an. a aeat llOp.n he torur ; tbvunr y ur .auaiau ( nwib Ilia peiebea tu faiaoe ot bugil Ubii.t(, eouiailiiiitf IMaoraa atid I In eb.e, Latiigab .ui i aert oleurt d, Burur la, bfti'g l'Mt w, a U r jf. r irart ttf land, slveeO bk fbiup D. Weid, h.av tug tbetrwa eretd a large fr.uts: bouae, log iar u, priaK houro nd tnr uuinuililiorf. having 16 tearing 'p' tiers a 4 a youiij wet bar I. bailed, taken in I ecu 1 1 a, and to b told a 1L4 property uf J. W. bavin. A Lt0, A etrtain pieot of grou I aim' In Aaron He Jui dau Twp., Clearfieid oouniy, Pa.,iMunied aud .iei-i' aa tol.uwa, via 1 Ou Hie north ht lut ol J. M. Myi, 011 lh weai hy pulili road, on ihe aoulii by an alley, and oo tbe eaat by aa alley, and kattg tbereun rrd a god fiaia h'ite. wul luuae, wB BjU, aud a god etaul. tMiira, taam il outiua au.i to i old aa tbe piuiny l A. B. Straw aad Hiram Straw. A trr'alo traot of land fltiaal lo SJorria town aktp, Cleat find eounlr, ia.. bouaied and d aerloed aa Mluwm Ueilntti'igat tbo hu b Kit eoruvruf a p -ai ikuu ft.t pnb too poat ; .nr wtw uwtia it prr-nei u ueealoot lplng; I brhe wt ft ll print, tu D 4 tbeuoe auutti I IH peraara to tbo p ae uf brinalng, contaioing t'i aeret. rleared, bavitig tharewa r-gid a 2 tory iraaue bubie, atiaall Irarn aad eibvr uiibuiidia. ro itcit, la hi a lit eirvutiua ai.d iu be auld aa tbe prnpt'ty Mary A. Uraj and AhboB Uray. AL8H, A eertaialnvet nf land aituate la Reeetria town. tbtp.tiea.fiaidooa.iit, p, bounlfJ aud dnb laaaluiloeai Utgnuinat pat eortaer u kit ol lheuiaa Ua -; urin (fa dtgteea mi Vtt ptrebeato a 1 triveee Bor.h I rtfi-re i iaet II peraettpiit. tbi.e suath 81 dereea rm- parcoea (O atou) trieoe eolith I oervvl waai pen net lo poet aal nUoe ol bea-innintf. oontaaiug 2k aero aad CI parobea, and baring 6 aerea cleared, and having thereto creouid a large frame dwelling houe aad ctablo aud ether ouibuildiag. ALSO, Aeer'ale tract of l.d itutt la Beoa.rlat.wa Phlp, Clearfleld p-enty, Pa , v.auuVd a tH-wa i Br-ginnlag at a dogwood puat tha Berth t oorner Jba it. bill-, an r oi 1 ihooa he laada ar II Philtpt wr ngperrha to a bcmiaok oa we-t o-aa 01 email ran ) iheue temii lol prhe to d.-gwood poai j lb. eal l pe.cbrW le 4 g wooJ po,l ua Ha of Kdward Lipte eomy 1 ihetioa worth lit errhta to plan of berlnaia-. eoauiuing I aortt, taoro r !, wttk aerv eiarrd, anil having therooa rol4 a o welling buue, large boob bara aad etber owthaiiiiinBa. Mitrd. takao ta eieeailoa, aad to b kotd ki .0 pr party 4. Uilloa, Tea at or Balb. Th wrlia r aoaj at whlnb tha prcprtv aball b itruab off mutt b paid at tbe uw 01 aaie, at Atnr rrtMigaanu made wlU b asrd.otharwialb property will be Imeiediaiely pot op aad o4d aeaia at tbo .aaee Ml rlek of the oorana to wham it waa mtrmZt mS aad who, la of 4e6lky at eoh r aaie, s ftvsvsa. mm wmmrn a, aeia m a tfiauoo will U Oeed bo aroantoal la CWt fee ona.. trim anloa tbo taMoay ft aaraoaikg a44 t aovraw. rtfli 41 A UAPTKT, r INK) IH'Nlllll .-0or.ft WpT Co 4)- villi Ate lbub.nd bubli ol OATH, low, awi will p rh nr produM. (;:.-rl)oi:, I'a-. Au U l-7S tf. ARNOLD PAYS GASH or TRADE, T Pa., J"- 9. '78 if. LAND FOH AI.R. U lUttoa ! Pin toBblpt. ClHrfirU ouuntt. -rT kt-aaoKibie tinctvD lor part of pure turn norm-. HriosU fi Wl lo il 0V iwr cri. MUir"i rwrfod. L. B I H Ir, Atw, rWtrld, p. or H'allaci A Khiiii, CiWfidij, p,. Hci t 10. In7f If. DIstMOMTTION itV PAHTN.KKKIIIP. All frrmna IbU-nMlttl are btrbt aohfttd (ht Ibe ntideriignvtj rate br muiti ulco tlifeoUr'l their nisribifi lier.irre entarvd ittu fur tutfiiift the baw Huuea lluttl, in Ibe tn.rouih of ClBstrfield, Pa The huiineia bart--aftrr will be ef-ndurud bv Andrew Peed Jf . -ill ..H ;MI ci.mi due tben end pat all UBOli OUOUBriCJ uw ill mw. 1MVI0 JnHNSTON. ANUKKW PKNTZ, Jr. , 22ii, mn it. ClrarfHJ, Pa, Nr DMINIHTHATOH NOTirK-Nit it hereby e?ien that letter nr Aauini. ,,.,) nn lb eatate uf 1. ti WILE, late ,f fhiladelpbia. !'. dwu'ed, baring hceo duty grn' d the nderoiKned. all p'una iudited t, aid er-Uie will pleaa wake ivtueniale py. mcni, and thnie hainrtrltmior demand agatatt th autr, will pr. ami 1htw pri.erlv autkka I. a 1 1 l I'.r reitUinem wtm iuiaeiar WILLIAM POWRI.L, AdiDiaitrir. Nur !llb, IHSiMli (IritficH, Pa, nIIM.IHATMIM NOTICE--Notice la bi-rt-h (riva hat teltera ot Admini'i tritiioii nn I he ratatffil UtNJA MIN ft. ROIlKHTS, lale ot kaui tnnvorhlp, ClearAeld tvmaty, 1'a , declared, hat idk been duly granted to the undcraliTDMl, all peraooa iodebted to aaid etrtate j will plewse make tututediata pay Bent, and theae Mt'(l rm Jthenlleawd for HtUe- wi,bwut d C'll.SKAD BAKKR, J AdmiBlalrator Adminlalrator. New Millport, Pa , Nor. 10, 18SU-t. NlMTH ATOH'4 4tTICK. Notlre a t, hrrtsy 111 en tbat Utters uf Aliaiaia iranon on tbu rsiu of K AM L HM1LKV. I.u oT Hrady tuwnahip, l leardeld county, Pa., dee'ti... bavin bwn duly granted to ibe an Jenif ad, al prooa to dialed to aaid eatale will phuae tnakt im mediate payment, aud timet hating elaiiua or letuaridf agamel Ike aawe, will preent tbea properly autbaDtiratcd fur antlleioent without delay. LAr AVtl TK bMlLKV, Adoiiniatraior . Luibarhbiir, Pa, Nov. in, () Ol. 1X1 tXTim KftTICR.-Kuti it her. j ty) given 'but LttHre Teaiameo'ty a tb t-otaie f (il'Olh.K KNAKK, lale I! ra'ly towuabip, Ciaaifield oounlyk PeenjiyUanh. dfoeaaed, having been duly granu-A te the unaf ignod,all perauua iudebted te aaid ratal wilt filea'e a.aku uuinediale paarBt, and Ibaae hav- nK elaiiua or demand aifMiwt lb aatae will pr ant tb(n pro rty aailrean -ated for Mtilewest without delav. AlMM K.NAHH, I.KOKUK KNAUK, Jr., fcaHiUir. Truul.ite, IV, Xiv. 3, mt-fll. J-VOfU'li M)TI( E. la ihe Coait ft Commoa Plea of CleerfitU -o.uoty, Pemturlvania tieorge A. 8ou(birk ) No. 10, P-pt. T., II Ii ) No. 10, Pe p J Si t. ftra. I rilco South wick J Sre. firs, bivokoc. ft Ri LIN a tiTHWK'K Uf.rKNDaar AluVB kJLaiOV - tou will pl-aao take aotioe that yoa om rt (Oired to eotuo intu Court and d-fend ia ib anov action at Ihe net t Term ( 'aouary Term 1 or judgmtstit will b en re red agalnet you hy de anil. JAMKS MAllAPPKY, Sheriff 0 eaileM. Pa., Nov. Sltb, Mu tt. D' I Dill I', KOTIC'Ii. Mttha DcHast bv her next friend W.A.IIih.v- la tbe Court of Com mon Pleu nf Char, field eounty. Vi. in Juno r.. im . Al. 8uh. Smr. Dimm. Janea L. Dellaaa, The underrigned CumtnUi inner, appointed bv ihe Cvurr to eke UttintuBV ia the above oaae, civet not 10 tbat be will attend ta th dole of bia appointment at tbo otBo of Tbomaa J. M-Cel I'-uurt, Keq., ia the h-inmnh o' Clearfield, itm lha WI II day vr DKl'KMHKH, IFrW, at I o'lo-k A.M., wben and wtiare all peraon intrld may ".nd. KfUNK A. FLkMIMi, Comaniaaieaer. CUarfioM, Pa., Nov. 17th. ISW-H. WAGONS WAGONS HL'GGlK3-ni'GiIKS. Sl'lUXO WAGONS, SPIUNO WAGONS. THE C0kLI VA(.()S. TOP AITS OPEN ST70QIES. KEPT OX HAXD FOR SALE. STAGE & REILLY,, OLEARFIKLD, PA. Mir 111m JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALKB IK FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STRICT, NIAR f. O. Th. aaitanlnad bf, Imt. te Inform Ik. rill. un nf ClnuHsut, and Ik. nsbll, gaaanill;, thai ha ba. n hand a In. aaaortnnl f Parnlian, rah m Walnut. CasataM and Palalad Cbambn Suttna, Parlor Hull... Kacllnta,, and Kilaaaioa, Rhair,, ladiw' and limit' tu) Chatra. Ib. far Drninf aad Parlor (latin. CaM CImi, aad ' Ckair,. (,'I.iIim Vara, Bu and Bitta l.a Ladd.rB, Hat Raeaa. Snrahhtaf Brnah,, Ar, MOIILDINO AND P1CTURI FRAMBfl. ookln, UlaaaH, ChrgwM, Ae, hkh valid. litahl. f,r Holida,. -' T ..nim Tnl'TMs- Re-Union of Trade. THK anderaigaeel wlahlng U lafhrat the paNl that be opened a At the old ttand ia Trootvlll. Clearfield eoonty, Pa , oa the Hth iaat, with a fall atook of I'HV t.tMHiM, c;nm EHlkH, notion. llsHita, hia, Ktc. In fuel every' King to b fouaA ta a lrt-laa atora, all of which ! aia detrutbard te tell at tbe luweat cab price. PAHMl'-R Ann I.UMRGKMGN Will And it toihelr advaBtageto do their dealing with ia. aa th hiybrtt prtoaa will !- paid for (Iraia, Kbiniflea, or Produco ef any kind. Part or nae half eaab will b paid. Tradiog for Khiaiiia or Lata bar ef any ktad a etwaialti. Alt. ag"nt for Singer Sewing Machines. flariac roal err an resent witb Baaterm mar. ehinta to tell go.d furntid na, tbavefor eall ani ae. at t will be tMbltl I aell capr thai, iho-heapott. J W. CAHLILK, iroutvill, p., Bept- II, 7-ly. Agekl. THE BEST PAPER I TRY IT It BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. 36thTEA3. The Scientific American! TO K Forntirio An,no U a knt. ?IM Cl.., W..H, .( ViiirM P.,". , im.d In lh. al nnslifal la. iHnr.t.,l ilh .,lrnrtl l a,(r,ln(a. ttanl. It lb. n,wal liirmik), a I th. a..t riMt Aurai.w, Is iba An, and Cairn,.. lai-lJ'" Nw and In.rnMflng Pssia I, Arrlaultara, llorli raliura, lha lloa... Ilaalta, Pr.rf, Hrlat ."rn-naa, Nat.ra.1 Hiiurr. U-lr, Ailroa oa.;. Tka moat Talu.bla , fr1' k' ra. arritrra ia al dtrtaiM. .( HchsiiA HI a. rd In tba "8lMlil tmliu." T.rna,. Mil Mr 7 MT, lid. far half ' hwh lajlndM ,,nun. DlaMa. t. Aipau air,,U aa,,H mnu. Bald hr aJI ll.wrf-.l-r, R.., k, MI 0,d k, kit; N.I A DO. PnMI.'.-a. , f.,t R.,w, j,.. yw, lTENTaivrrrAnc Maura Unaa A Cn. ar. 8Mtora W Aarru.a and forrlio Paianta, ha.n had U jtftf ma, nad ha,a lh. las avnkllhaal " ! m.rid. Pa.anu n .kuinai b lll . A racial nnin la aa4rava."H.n A.rt4a"ai all ln.aaU.HU atanud tarMH hi, A HMt, uh lh. n.M and Mw IM PalaniM. H, lh. Iwaa MUlM thu I"' a, a.Wl. Ulantiw la d mated u in. anr.t. it Ua nan, nad labw at aauvdawa ttut An. nwaan h, hat Bad. n. dUawsjrj Inramkn, aaa nanruin. frw tl kuf. naadM a nnual nan arahnbl, a. ahuan. I, .rKHI Mac, W.ltoKalbaaarlMlhsl nsaat Us POoil Ux, Paaau. Oawala, T- r nrsrlng n4i AUdna. r una rnnnr. a. nn. I moh a 00, ft is im, a. t . Osnaa, m. r A t nss. VnahouM. A Mhrssihw It, tM.