THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARKIKLI), PA. WPDNKSIMY MOHnTno, NOV. !4, IBM, Termi of Subscription. V paid In tlrane.or wlt&io lb ret boob tha 0A II Hitl aiirr turf tMfitn in afiomha... it t jikii nfter ihaupirailoD of m tuoiibta... I OU -Hurt, 8. M. Pbttrkqill A Co., Nr ?i.r Ajjvajrttain Acoiat X7 Park hum, orntr fWhtjiaD Hiron, art our duly tuttiurlMtJ Atfoota If) ,- . w urn til? MciIiikIM Kjtlpcopal t'hurrhRtv. Gam, Luinr, Pattr. rrtcai tTajrj ttabbth at llij A .'i., and i r. ai. fabfaalh Hnhuol at 9 A. M. Prayet Meat ion ry U ttdneatUjr, at 7J P. M Coma union bonrtea. Ant ttabbath of aver; mvmu, mi ii n. oi. Wl t'lt-trlleld M. fc. hurt li.R. CftAiaK W. llnkHlT, Pattor. 1'raacbing arery the mat a Sunday, at 8 o'elonk, P. M. tiutvlrty acn'iui ii r. m. ah art ibtiimi to attend. Frebtrrla ChitrchKeT. II. 8. Bittlik, Hahbath lorTioea m online and enlnra fiab bath Hobool at P. W. Prayar Meeting Wdna- day evening. Iluptlit Miurrh R.t. . Paatnr Sal.ti.uh bcboul at 4 P. M. Prayer Meeting ererv Ml. Kraiirla' Miurcli ( atholir Rot. P J.hHKBil'AB I'tvina aervlre at 1 A. Al., on the Aral, third and fourth Hundajaof aaob montbi Veauere end benediction ol (tie itleaeeii haerauient at T clock, P. M. Hundatj bcboul everjr bunday aiiernooD at a o oiuei. OFFICIAL IHRF.CTORV. TINa Or BOLD 1)10 QVARTkft ICUIOItl 00 CM, Beoobil Monday ol January. Third Monday of March. Ftrat Monday of Juno. Fourth Monday of heptemW. - Tina or BOLbtaa common rt.iaii, Flrat Monday of June. &oond Monday of November. rniLic orriCRRB. Prttidtnt Jdjt Hon. Oiarlri A. Mijrr Lock Haven. A nit tan t Lam Judgm Hon. Jobo H. Ortli, of ueueiome. Auotiatt Judytt A Virata Oglen, Cleftrfleld; Vincent H. Holt. Clearfield. ProlkoXotary Kit llloom. RtgitUr and fYordr L. J. Morjran. TVenaerer Ptaill. limit. IHttriet At torn J. V. McKenrlck. Sheriff Jamxs Maba.ffVv. Itrpnip A'Afi-K. I. IhctPpfon. Count Surveyor Samuel P. McCloskey, Cur teniTilla. Cnuntn ComminioneroC, W. Kyler, flrnham- tnn P. 0.; Klnh JohuiiUm, Mramjmn I' ilia P. O.J John Nrrta. T.. ' urpnTllie Cmmiuiarm' Citric John W. Howe. Count AuHitn William V. Wright, Oar. tVW : J-.aih UilliUnd, Threo Kudi; J. S.Kor Hp. Wondlmid. Count CoranrrJamn A. Mtnr, Ctrarflld. Jury f'iHnMiMtiiiiri Andrew J. Jackion, Clear. Bed, Wm. H. Ilrown, riearfleld. Supirinttndenl of Puhiit AVAooft M. L. He Qunon, ClenrQi-ld. Staler of Wttiyktidr Maurta Jfiae W.Carlllo, oPice at Lufhefhur(t Pa. A'.' Mr.. Public John W. Welti, Wm. Ra ilrbnujrh, Pyru DorduD, Clearfield j Joiejih R. Irwin, N K. Arnold, 1'urweniTille ( J. A. Living ainno. DuIloiK City. iu ran riiiPtt mnnoy if you buy , m m. 'Ill(fr n iniicHtirita ko ftiniM in anytbine t,.u want ir rnn ..II . K n. . . f JWM "i i. a f irra a Li hx -fehoriff Powell publihe an al firtiuioat giving attiot of bit afpoiatiaonl aa Admlnlatrator or the eitU of L. tl. WiU, lata of Philadelphia, daoird. Tho firm of Pci.u & Jubnaun, in the uaoigrmrnt ol the 8baw IIoum, kai been di olftd, Mr Johnon retiring. Sheriff Pmti will eontlnu It aloit. and -III be glad to aoeoioaa daU a largo number of guaiu, wbih he la Hbundanily ab'e t do J hero was uihiiIm i- rbilmud wreck Dear all rtatii a Ian Friday aiki, lr wblob th tij-rrn (rain fu delajoil and .lid not arrlva la Llfirfltld atiill a o'clock on tialutday morning it j i a eual imIq tliat wi wrecked, but we did oU aie-ftain lb emie. - - m mm - Oov. Jloyt liun ihmkmI tho di'utb warranii or Ueorge feuitb and CatheriDa Miller of Lyrcmiog county, who were eonvlelad ia Way aator it o murder of the lalter'a buiband. Ibe osecuiion will tka (.lace at WililaBiort, on luund.iy, January 6;h. .. r.iiitu rtvllinlirf, ; uljutil 43 wan ol !(, dii-d of Mlioai fter, at bit liouioear Lick Run, to Ooahen towmhip, on Pun day night laat lit Iravea a wife and Ave etiiidren to mourn their lo. He haa been In the otnplp? of t'.U$ Irrin at bk-B Hua for a number of yrara. riniiiiul-, iHKHimores buJ cttnioiiB in ail aibck at T, A. F wi A Cu'a. Window ahittlunin niwent atylcs and . a. icqi r. to n. The bout filling cornet cror mado u sow to oa iun4 at I". A. Flack A Co.'i. Lkcturk. A lecture will bo deli v. rcd io the Court Homo on Tburadty (Thaoka giting) night, Kor. Ji h at BoVlo-k.y Rev J. Pearer. Sul jcet : ''Irgcraoll." Lecture free Come all! A collection will bo lifted for the bine lit of the Writ learn -Id Church. Cur .YjcrtW column la decidedly interfiling in l ..on I p. -nit of view, and profitable reading to (Ktii-h'ra Huo want to aura moniy. Yi:i,iiM;ouni-u "Win i.u uke wlient, oiita or oom fer aub-- rij Hun ?" We are often inquired of In tbia way In litter from putnuia who mile at a diatanee fn-m Ck-itrfield. H e eg tin ay yea. The rcceipta of a re Fiintiiilfle nierchant or aiitt owner in tbe vi. ithy, aill nar ua J a ft aa well a the omti To ill!iiitralp: If any of our petrone will deliver ui a hug of grain at the mill r Joaeph II. Rretb, in Uieit townrUij!, Horsoe Putohia, In Vurnaide, Thoinna II. Forcey, in Orabem, Win. Porter or Shan't, In Lswrenc, or Ilrown Peyler t, a U.nklon, ViiiuD towitahip, and forward their rerripla for the tiount, we will eredlt them on ttiilr aecoubl for the an tut. In tliia way all may ioon py what Ibey owe, If they will puraut tbla rourae. tf IiuL'oii on a Akw Official. The time ff Sheriff llntiao, of Ljcoibing, etj.ire Juauarv Cd, Iffil. AaihttimeiBt for tbe eieou-li'-n of Ueorgomlih and Mn. Miller ia January flib, he will ittua eacapo the unplcaaaat duty and the new therilT, Colcovl Wllaon, will hai to act aa hang man. Thero will bo two week of Cntirt in January, commencing oa tho acoond Mand iy, the H'(h ,lay. The flrH week will bdvoted t Coiomobwvalth builneaa.eod the aecovd week commencing .n ib I7lh. will be tali en up with the trial of eli! cnuiri, a Hat of which j.eara elaewher In thii iaeuw . - - ' tmrn - Andy llurwnk 1ms ft utmA minnlv. f bi rao btai'keli, Imji rohea, whipa(and alt kinda of horar furt.ltbir g-ioda at till ehop on Market I atrcct. Farmer, lumbrtmcn, teaipater, and any. body ia me I of barneaa or any of the ab e mentioned arllalra are Invited to gire him a call and examine hia atock and prloea. Public opinion neems to bo univoronl in tbe fuel iht the right pt.- to put the tridgo to take tho place of the ' (in idlellow bridge," ia at 0. L. Itecd'n faro. , a half a tnile behw ll a old lite. Tbi la jTrfirible on atouunt of avoiJin; two railroa 1 croiiin, which rendered the old route to CurwoorviHe at tiniea very baiirJ u. LtHt of K'tttTH remaining tinclninuMl in the Poatc ffle at Cloarflidd, Pa., lor the week ending Nnvetuler 221, !fKO; Theodore Illooiu, Miaa Kvi D tle, Mii SiitBfin- tha llevrner, Jjfl 'b Kline. K gr Lee, B. L. Mar tin (2;, John Putrrnn, Miaa Nannie Purvta, Mra. 8dit K Read. Miaa lary J. MM.r, Amlrew Wright. P. A. 0AU1.IN, P. M. A new lino of till wool cahmcrea in roe we aew abadca, Jut looeivod at T. A. l'ltofc a Co'a. The Alloona iSn aava that' ftillv a tkuuaand bga baa died ia liuotingdoa and iilair eountira tb a f 11 frwu cbulrr. MiMiintio (riot It, in cot Ion and wool, dreaa gmgbaua. and the Fall atylea in drtee el. ieoea are awuug the lateat arrival at T A. Fiaok A Cv i. mm e It in need ol a carpet, cull al T. A. Fleck A Co'a, who have Jutt rci-eived a Dew in voice of eatpeting, whKb will to at. Id at greatly reduced ptkaa. Making tho buying ol drerui and dry gooda a aiuJj, cartluint in aelcetibg tbe aaiuo and atMitig tbtm at iba right figure baa made T. A. Fleck A Co'a tt.e piular dry goo da buueo iu CknrQeld rounty. The popular place to buy your aiuiuiug ia at lurnnger m Kjvk i. iaiaurm nave now laid in a vt ry Urge atock of tbe uoet aljli.-b and wcllmaJa elotbtt.g, which they are eel at gat prkcea that will pay lue inoai tounuuieal (u p irunise tbum. Hvf. U-2u Amt'iii other cuses bufbro tho llourd of Pardum at lie aeaalua laat week, at Mania burr", werelboio of Stewart Walker, arretted near Curwenan in, In tbla county, and aent to tbe peni tentiary for borae-ateaHng, ftom Centra Bounty, for ten year a, and Sol S. and 0. W, Haioet, each aent from thia county, for hr-atcalip, for five yeara and all montbi. Tho fliat oauied waa granted a rehear)! g, and the two Utter wero ra-fuaed. New Daily Ktacik Link. James h. Leavy boa aucccerttd in having a daily mail eatab. linhcd between Clearflirld and Pcnnflelct; and will hereafter run a daily alge between the two polnta. Htf flontraol begfio with April lit, and the atage will leave ' learfleld every tr.oining (except Bun day) at 8 o'clock, making eonnei-tine with all trmua on the Low tirade Railroad ut Pcnn field, re luroing after the bat train tbe aaue evi-ntDg. Paraengcraand freight will lie carried nt tow rare. Order left at any of tbo bolala will ha attended to. tnapr7IMf KIME IVTZ l Bora. 1 1., 8torUv, Nov. U-h, UHrf, at ui4. ef Juha Kltue, ei 'e. C.ef.-li avail. al 'U$t AbbaLbti, ol PLCMVtR HcCURnV it tho rMldanea the nit. pai-t-U, w 4 Ic.lar, N .f. ITtL lkw(. fc.e tl M.l.r. or. J K I'lv.uh. ol pMlipafcir, Ceaire ejuul, Pa., at M a Uot.i.ia 0. iJcttaur, t Oeolat tUerkeiu oouLly, P. Jicil. BH0E1IAKER. la ih.nxm inwnelln. an WidnetdikV. IUil, Is ml Maar E. CUoa aiaa, aged 22yetraaid t m-m ba, Thedeeoaaed bad beta a oonlalnt ateBiberol the U. B. Cbareb for eereral yoarj. Her loog aiekneaa waa endured with unmurmuring fa- llrara, and her tod waa pro euilBuBily peaceful and Inuiophaat. "dba la not dead, bat aleepetb,' VBAOKR In Lumber City borough, on Satur- la, Octotnr Hutb, lr8M, oMMji.huid uneumuma. Ciihibti aa Vbaokb, aged CI yeara, IV month and it uaya. V'ALKKR, -In Union townhln, on Wednea- lav momioif. Noveuuer ITlb. I Shit, ol bronvkitia, Luzia A . dxMhter of Joeph U. and Jenma Walker, atfed 8 yeara, 7 montha and 1 day a. 'Ileeauae thy mile waa fa'r, T oy lip and eye ao bright ) Derauoe thy a ada-rara aa aaoh a fond delight ( Shall love, wtih wek rintrace, 'Joy heavenward 0 at t a t drUin f N, At gel 8cik thy pUoa A Uiid yoh I'hetuh tialn " L Jtfir I'rrfiisrra.'rst. Y THIS YEAR. Tho LargsBt rr-j 38l Family Papar in iho world. Kif tot SmzpU Copy -Fret, N'uw vtniri ni in i: n. 31 rwkMuw,?lew York, Nov. 2 1 St. Onb HriiriBKn Pan Cmnr. Ptacoiar oa Olo Pairaa. Sewing Mai-hlneecan now he purcbaied al Merrcll'a tin and variety eture, from tt up warda. All kinda of aewtng tnacbitiea repairtd on tho ahorteat noti. Clearfield, Pa., July 13, 1877. Tbo Aetc York Ohsrrver is an intcr- eeting and valuablo ftrui'y paper. Wo can reemmrn I It to oor reijera, who wlh to take a New York pnpea. a pure nnd aafe. The puhlinhera hare thii voarinue 1 avoluma of Irenu ' I Itera. with m Ana portrait of the author, whL-b thet 1880. FALL A WINTER. 1880. Oraod opining of MILLINERY GOODS, at II. Lehman A Co. 'a, Opeia Ufire, Clearfield, Pa. Tbe lateat ooveltici In Ilata, Ilonneta, SUka, Vilveta, Satin. Plushea, FuiiOy Fuathora, Winga, Flowera and Ornamente, Ladiea' CLOAKS and DOLLMANH, Shtwln, lllankela. Skirla, and a full line of DUK-8 UOOILS, flannel a. Cloakinge, etc. Thanking the citiima of Clearfield and vicinity fir paat favo a, we aolioit a oontinuanoo or the anme. II. Lbhuan A Co. Oil, 13, ISSO If. Karmf.rh, Look UhikJ Lyllo will Hive )ou hi(liel uuirktt )-ricta for Wheat, Oata, Corn, Iluckwbtiit, Rultrr, t'gg. Onione, Applea, dried fruita, and all kinda or produce ha baa the largcit and t eat tilicted atock of groceriea, tcaa, ct ffcea, tnoltaara, ppicea, oil aall, eugar, queenawura, tua, tu'keta, taaketa, cnurna, o. in Clenrfi- Id county. He huya hia good in large quamltiva Irotu tant.ut.ictureta ami urit naniii for caah, and takia .the advantasa of all diacounta, and to he la enabled to aril at I price. He glvcaeHh priwe for produce, nd at-lla Cot.iiPTnna faieal W bnva prepared 4 form, and have on hand a large quantity, ol hlank "Colleclur'a Sale," which faave been ap proved by the biftheat legul authority in the Courta nf thia county. At 7Wry 6'Nt per dot en we will mail any numlirr to me Collector ordering; them. A Collector, when eutnpe'led to advvttiHo property, uiuet poat up not It-aa 'bn three noticca in the tuut public placea in bia rTMIIAI. I.IT-.Thw follnwlna; la a Hit of J. eaoeaa eat down for IrM tor January Term, lottl, eoujuteaeiaif Jaana'j ITthi Sacuan Wars JaauAar 17. J OardnerA 8 Morrow aa Patrick Flyna Heorna Hmghain Thomaa II Forcejr M'ifTr A Rllna Ki'-herd Atlhura King A Fuller Klctiard Artbura Jaei.h Hand et al Heira, Ac.. va Riehard Ankara at al l hn II lftllen et al a H Cowen et al Wafch'gtoB ti A L Aia'n ve (Jaorge linger i u va m ii it it ii va " " II D Fchnoao er T W A J M Holt ll'gler, Yotmn A Co a John lu!lola Rirtiaul Artbura a Snlney Fuller at al ' M M UuMr., Adm'r, va WiMdl.nd Fire B Co County National Rank a Aoram Humphrey a ni a w atiara 8 awar A Praree Lbn M Chaae IM'tget U,ker A M L'ovd A Co U M Riiahia l-bn Clark Itliamer Hale Taylor Howlea H H Ito.e ii Lmher A Hagarty va Au'in Kline v A V R.ilroal Co tb Wm Heiorer va J J Linale va Andrew Penta va Thoma C Kyler Va Jiame trvin 6t i J T llurd ICM 11 LOOM, Prothonotary. borough or tuwnahip. tf. .oad.- Wahtbd. Delivered at lbs Riil I! I OO.oou ift inch ahuvd ahing'oa. I'Ui.iion 24-tnch aawed ahinglea. HtU.DitO tcetof pine boarda. ftil .tnxi N-Ievt ahaved huopa. 4 omi railroad ti. a. Sd.iM'O U vt of gtHid bi mlock boards. For which 1 will pay the higheat market price, delivered at Cienrbuld, or at any point on the lyrone a Livarnetu uaiiroj. J. r. Krahkb, Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 10, 178 tf. alust lloccived. J nut Rpcivcd by AUNOM), at UUKW KWSVIIiLK: Cur l,od Nova Seotiu Pluslcr! Cur Loud pure Com. Jtyo and Outs Chop i Cur Load Dcakon hull! Car Loud nf Choice Fumily Plourl Car Loud Dry linodw, tinK'erien.Ac! fnT'Si'iiiL'K'H, Huik 1C. It. Ties and (iiitin will he litken iu exchange. CurweriKVillo, May 1, loiH. CLEABFIELD MASKETS. CLRAitriaLO, Pa., Nor. 2M, 1SS0. (iffor to old auhaeiibf-r. Anvooe em get the Icrma h" gda at the loweat price la tbo county fiay-AdvertiHeirt and others will bear ia mind that all arliolea In ten 'led fnr pobllcatioa in this paper muat ho Undid la, not later than Tuesday, al 9 A. M. Don't forget it I To morrow is Thutiksiviit day. - mm t an Tbo rivui iii tt.y vic!!'iv of town waa I r tien war durtog ll-o "void nap" of tun dflV. - mm a aaw Tho ntueon lor tbo luwlul bhootine o.' deer metda frotn October lat to December 18;h. . mmt - We learn thai I ho umount rculizud atthe Weal Clearfield M. K. tburcb Fcitival laat werk a a about $2.'0. In tho u I'm.' i no ut Jud'O Doun, on aecoutit of al kuta, Ju-tgu Oivia prtaidtd at the HuotirtgdOD 0uit wrea before lal. Jtcv. Jjvidy, of the M. K Church, and Kef . Uuiirx, of tba Prbyierian Ch arcb, tx bBgl pulpita laat Sunday morning. - m . lie in tbo river, lour or fivo inches Is tbickneK, aff -ra aduiiraida akatiug for lha bojai an! they enjoyed il on Monday, too. Tho thcrmoiuoiet' was down to goto arly to Muaday morUug 'foia ia reuiaraabie cold weather for tbi audio a at tbia time ol tbe 7'r. Th ob. K. Cooper, an employe of tho Itaiaai-icaN offle, ia tujujlug a viait among ralalivoe and fnenda ia 11 looaen, S. J $ and Ne Yora. m Tho retnuins of Mr. J. U. Wulker's little diublar, ba died m Union twwnahip, were buried ia tbe cemetery at tbia plaoa Utt Pnday af'erBouo. Sheriif iluiker, ut Ciinluii county, advertiava tomu prupvny Iu tbta wnk'aiaue Ra.e will t k. piece on Friday, Drt. lOib, at Lo.k Haven. a Wo invito UiouLicnuuii uf our reud era to the pruapaotuaee of titrptrt tfaiir aud urjfC'e iogaatne for 1831, tu be luuud io tbia werh'a iaiue. Tbo Cluurtiuld County Toacbers' Inatitute will eonveua to tba Court Uuuao oa Moa day, December lutb, sod ajotioua uuiil Friday ituuB, Diaeutbcr Sltb. Wo huvo bouii oxpviioiiciiif; aoino Ini cieii W inttr aiaibir ib ibie aectiwu uoru.g the pmI week. A little a no uiied with a guM deal of cold weatbr. Tho Cenirul IVihim) Ivaniu Conlor- anca af iba Mttbvdltt Kpievopal Church will 'taewt at YrVt Marvb Md, 181, and be pride. over by Hiahop Andrew. Tho iiimtollieu ut lining lulo. ibin county, k ta beca drolarvd a H rat data otl m, and tbe poituMter Will bcreafter be appointed ly tba Preaidenl. Tba anlary la tl-401. Mr. 8. 1. tSnyiJor relumed homo (' aa i an eaattta elllea laat Saturday niitbt, where be baa been ae looting a'lvarwaro, Jewelry, and other good raltable fof tbe boll Uy trvde. C tl. Wm. I'. Aloxuodjr, ol Clarion, bna btea S' J-orntng In thia place for aotae tlmo peat, oa account of the aerioul illnea of bi brother, Jamea Ah xander, an old ar.d re pooled cititrn tif our town. . mm (iray hair may ho mado to take on It yoatbfal color and beauty by theuae of II all' Vrfiialle SieilHan Hair llinewrr. the brat ,rt pai-aikai for tba hair ktiowa to the icier oe of uedKaa aid e'lemiatrv. - mt aa Tho Jury ComniitMiorior, A. J. Jackaoa and W. K. Unwri, have Ailed tba jary beql for 181. a ltd are bow engaged la drawing jury for the January Term of Court. We will I'obiiah the lat aei' week Kd. A. (loodMlow is now golieittn otdrti In thia and olbrr aountie fr tba whole. ala gtooary buua of Harding, Hi it ton A Co., Ph Uiphia. L'l la a g el aleamae, and Ii Itaraiing far a good h-ae. mt a Jutntfl Al ili lu ll, ol the tirui of J. L. L'avy A Co , of tbla place, diapoaod of a Vafl of leax tinbr al Lock llavoa week ba'orc lat at 21 ctnt prr foet, to partial refiling at Lelbirg. IV Tka 1 1 laker waa a I eletiea aad aiaotiaa. Tliodwellinghoiiaoon Walnut street, Ib a b rough, occupied by David Kiebarda, "l ea provided with ft aew ovcreoftt, la tba ai a or weatberboarda, wbleb will add eoneider. biy to tho eomfart withia U'ia Winter aa wall aa ike appearanaa ilk -ut. Judo Orris, w I earn from tho Hefeaw) IFwieAaMat. waa ana of a aarit of ajaar Mien It Cliatea eoaatv rcaoatly.and aarpHied aompulaiif Vy kUMag tba Iril dear he arat alt im tka vooda. 1 b Hy brtagkt koaa ttoaklaa af Ua boat door aa wild eat. 1 by lending to Aew York Oburrir. New York. mmt Wo sco that Prof. W. S. Luther, of &Hwvil'e, ha hen ergnged at one of the In- atnictoraof the Klk countt. Teach era' fnaiitu e, to bti held in December. Ttiliiag"ol relrclon Prof. Luther ia one of our beat Tachera and In rtttuta worker i II iriined a f.tir repnatinn at Cameron and other (tiaiitutea Unt yer. Wc are glad to aee our teach era, who aro worthy, ro highly e impllraonted. i --- - Tho lieront, n new paper recently atartcd at Cherry trre, (drant poarofiloe) Indiana county, baa found ile way l- our office, J. M. Darter and John Dtiieol aro prnprletora, and M J. Shannon publlebcr. The paper ia "neutral" in politic, Ita object bain to advocate anything that j will develop t!iat region of country. Clearfield, Cambria and Indiana eounit-at!I ismu at th Cberytrce. Yea, of eouma we will eicbange. Union Thaiikn'tvitif services will ha beld la theCkarfl.ld M K Church on Tbura day morning at 1 .10 A. M. Rer. II. 8. Butler, paatorof the Preabjtrrlan Charoh, will preach tba aermon. A printed lervlca baa bean prepared ia wblob all present any take part. Rev. J. J. I'eercr, Preaiding Elder of the TTilliamapert diatrlor, will deliver a free leoture in tho Court Iloueo on Thanksgiving evening. Suijeet : ''Ing-rcoll.1 A eolleetion will be taken up for lha benefit of lha Meat C loir lie Id M. K Cbareb. - mw e -- Georire C. Mnore shouldered a Win- ebaater rifle oa Wedneaday mnrnina; of lat week and alerted to the mount a in nnrthwett of town, and In the evening of that day the eireia of a OA pound doa wm unloaded at lha a'ore of the Motre U roth era, In Pie Opera Home. There were three deer In tba aquad from which he picked thl one. Ah Thorn got a chot at th-m and knocked a l uck down, bat not t- ety. Snow anfflnienllo raaka god tracking baa lallan elnee. and the bunicra can Boar work to a much better advantage, -a - A Nkw Fbaturk. Superintendent McQuown baa made arrangements to give a coarac ofif loot una Id tho afterooooa durlag Inatltota week, Ib tba Court Houae, for tbe henellt of thoia who may not bo unable to at tnod the eourac, and na O'lmpliraentary t ihocc abo ptronite lha Inatitute. Prof. 1)4 llrtiff will lrctu'0 on Monday afternoon, Wallace Diueean Tueaday afiirnoiin, H- Frank Plr.kerlon on Woilntadny afteinnon, and Col. Jaiaea P. an tord on Thuradny afternoon. Tba Inatitute will adjourn at ntoa on Fnd.iy. I MPItOVKMFNTS AT t'RI HSON S'PHINOS. The Aliotia filial i) a, that In orltr to aflord areonim;dalona for ao Inerciaed number of Summer gtiea.a at the Creaton Spring Hotel, a new ai d more capacious hotel building baa been ncceaaa'y. Tbe inlvatt n, wa are Informed, la Io areata atructure about 2'NI ftet long, H'O leal wide, and three rtoriea bigh. The Aral rUry will be of atonaand lha two other of brisk, aid the cot f the whole, aa turn! over by the workman, will he ia the neigh born cod of $75 O'lO Il will be located inim dtalely In tbe rear of the prtaenl bole I, which will not be rated till the .Iher ia (Iniahi-J. Tbo Intention la to have tbe new bolel ready fur occupancy at the uec il grand opening of tbe "roaort," about the middle ol June act. -. a A Kurstantial Testimonial Kev. Dr. Willi uj J. Uibaun, bating recently coopietid flfry yeara Io the Maiat'y of the Prebyterian Couri'b, bia friend ia tba iluotirg lon Preahy tery, la which ha baa naided lor mure thao forty yeara, deilring to maniftat their appreciation of thia anaaual occurrence, aa well aa their affection for the man, viaited him at bia home In Dun eaaiville, D'alr roooiy, oo Tliureday of laai week, Nut. HUh, and prtamied biaa with a ear tiBrate of the FiM Dank or llidlidaya t org, for $1,502 il. Thia amount will be aa I to pnrcbaaa a boiaa let tbo venarable MiBiater, who baa leva la tbia Preahyiery atnae ISdS, and alwava actively euiploytd. Dr. Olbat.a ha pan ad bia 70tbear, ai.d, ihfiugh phytleally impairs 1 by lime and eerviee, bia m ad reUiaa all Ita anginal atrengih. Tbe aoagregatioaa ia thia oouaty that aoatributed, with tbe amount, are Iba following! Clearleld, $J4 ( Deulah and llouta dale, ili Fruit IMI,$li Oaeeola, $10. mm a ParkntalCaiulhssness.- Tho Hunt ingdon JUcif' Arareor tbo loth rtlatea tbe follow -log i Yeater.iay altero-oa a tittle girl Baaed, Rbelle McDonald, agd about lea year, the eld- aat daughter af Mr W iii-m Mi uobaid, a car penter, who reldeav Moure ureal, aear Ievffuib, ia tbia place, met ailb a auddea diatb. Her father had gone from b me to work, aad Rbetia had beaa to d by bar otoibrr to aled the younger abiidrea for a few mlnuio before going to eebool, while aba aeot ta vlalt a aick acigbbar. Over the Melt way Kaoiag fram tbe baameai hitoben ia a aball nnon whleh .Mr. MoDoaall bd placed a long btrrtlid aavy railar, whck ha thought waa unloaded. RaetU, according ta tbe atate meat of her little brother, aU.rapUd to pull Ibo reveleer of the htlf wiib a broom, when by aomo ear a It waa dittbarged, aad the whole charge of tweaty or mora abot pea I rated her broaat aad aoaie ar Iba akot eotenag bar atari faaaad almoat laalant death. Her pareaU were learne-! diaiely aetiled, aad re turned tomato lod tbrir, little daathier lytag upon the kilobea loer ia a poaltf bleed. Tbe oofertenate calamity awaken id tbo aympalby af Ibe eaireeoBaaily." ai-pl-'24-'7D tf A Jnrntm Wf-dpino. The marriarve nf Mr. J. Well Campbell aad Miaa Sndie M -Ore. daughter of Jamea McJico, waa celebrated at the reidrncof (he h'lde'a parnnta, in IlelMownabip, on Tucd-iv, Octoher I3lh, 1K80, About eeventy flve friend and relntlrci were p-eaent to wltnea the ceremony and partake of the Inanrlea were icived In abundance. Rev. 8 A. N. Stone offlclatH, aad all In attendance enjoyed them aelvaa hugely. After dinner Mr. and Mra. Camp hell, accompanied ly aeveral couple of young folk, left for iba Punaeutawney Fair, and the gucat returned to their bomei. It waa aa ocae ion long Io be reutcinbart d, and wa wl.h tbe happy couple peace, prosperity, long tife,uod all tbejuya that life poeaeaaci. Ci.CAr.rint Coal Trade Slate-1 rucnt of Cnal and other frclghta aent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Divlaion, Pennajlvania Hull road, for the week ending November 13th, 1890, and the aama tituu laat year i COAL. Tons, For the week Vl Same time laat year - 37,2114 Decreaae , Provloualy during year 1.4?o.4MI in me tiuie laat vear l,.1n;,VU Weaee... MJ Total in I,4.S Hue time laat ytar 1 ,405,2 1 7 Flour, per cwt. lluokwhRHt Flour, per cwt Corn Meal, per cwt. Chop, rye, per owl , Chop, mixed, per cwt It run, pr ewt Wheat, per buahel Ilye, pur buxrjul OatM, pur bushel Corn, tare, per buahel Ilui'kwiieat, per buhel l.'iover aeed , Timothy eed i'otiiluta, per hubo) Apple, per buancl Ouioua Ham, per pound .Mi out ler, por pound Dried livni, por pound UritckfD, per pair Uuiter, por pouud t'ttA'i Pr doicn i btll, per aack, large Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, per pound Dried Applee, per pound , Dried Pvautiea, per pound Usaiia, per buabul $.( 00 1 8n l tie 1 4 1 (tli 1 110 8j Ab n no 8 Hi' a 76 40 4(1 1 Oil Ift V it; Mi 2ft la 1 Do Ift 121 I 12 2 Oil rOU HT PlItlL'LAMATKiN. W ii an bah, IToa. C.'A. MAYRR. Prealdent Judge of the Coart of Common Plea of the Twenty-Bfth Judicial Dlatrict, composed of the eounliea of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton and Hon. Abram Onmca and Hon. V meant B Holt. Aaaociatc Judue of Clearfield count) have insueri their precept, to me directed, for the holding of a Court of Common Plea, Orphan' Court, Court of Quarter rjeaaiona, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv ery, at the Court Houae at Clearfield, in and for tbe county of Clearfield, commen'-ing on the Hccoiid Monday of Janaory. (Haiti) A. I. I we I, and tu rout In ue lor two week a. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby glrca to the Coroner, Juatlcee otthe Peace, and Conatable, tn and for aaid oounty of Clearfield, to appear in their proper penone, with tbeir Heeorda, Roll, Inquiaitiona, Kiauinatlona, and other Re mem. branoea, to do tho tbinga wbieb to their office, and In iholr behalf, porvaln to be done. Uy an Act of Aeaerubly, paucd the 8th day of May, A. D, lsftd, it i made tba duly of the Jua ticea of the Peace of fbc several countiei of tbia Commonweal tb, to retura to the Clerk of tba Court of Quarter Seaalona of tbe respective eounliea, all the recogniaanoea cnlered ihto before them by any person or peraona charged with the oominiKiian oi any crime, eicept aucn aaaei aa may beouuou before a Jualice of the Peace, un dr existing luwa, at least tea dnya before the 0'immcnceanent of the eeaalon of the Court to which ibey are made retaraablercapaotlvely,and in all caaea where any rr-oojrnitancee are entered Into leaa than ten dnya before the commencement or tuc aeaaion to which tney arc muJe returna ble, the eaht Juatlcee are to return the aauie in the aaoie manner aa if aaid aot tad Dot been pusei-d. OLVFN under my hard at Clearfield, tbla 24 b day of Noitmler, In the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. dov. 24 to JAMK4 MAUAPt-hY, Sheriff. 3: :v di'frtisfinrntj. 88G. 1880. 7alland Winter. Ucrrllanroiis. lllsffU.nifors. 5 GRAND OPENING. DRESS GOODS. Wo offer in tlii clcpoi tnicnt n finoafsortmcnt of nil Wool Momio Clolli furtr- -in u.-n wiuu, lunam i ioi n in ail coiorn. u wool Minim); Klatmols ull uliudos, Novilty Trim minus, a (nil lino of Colored Cash moro in ull tho lulo now colors. A lull and complete line of Ulack and Colored Silks. Wo shall continue to boh mem ai lower prices than can bo purchased elsewbero in this county loer en a uTaaa rnaisuTa. Luuiher Miaoullaneoua freight! .... 67,144 .Ull ran. MliS ' The Inbtitctf.. Tho milijuctn of let' tare during the Institute wet-k will be a to I Iowa : Prof DeOraff will IcetB'e oa Monday evening, December 20tb ; Subject t ' IL w to win, or tbe Klementa of riuowe." Admlsaioo free. Tucadav evening, December 2let, Wallace Bruce aruhjiiOt : ''Land Mark of Sott." Ad rniarloa 3ft centa. Wednesday evening, Deccmhor ti l, . 3. P. Saaford; Subject! "China and Japan." Ad uitfaioo 40 ccnta. Tbnradny evening, Dtcembor 2.1J. Cot. J. P. Banlord; Subject i "Paiii In War Time." AJ wiieioD 40 eenta. Ia addition to tho above nmed lecturer, B Frank PlnkertoD, of llolliday burg, and PmI. H. C. Youngman, of CleerfUld, wilt alao give in ittuolioo and dvliver leoturea during Ibe day aetaioaa. Sknt Fob. Tho Judaea of two dec- It b dtatrlcta in thia oouaty faiiel Ui htve their returns at lit Piorhnaotory 'a vBi-.t within tba time praautirxHl by thelw,aul Hi Honor, Ju lge Cummin, iaued len"h warrant for thir arreai. and braught them in at their own et, KvidcLllv Judae On mm in la not to le tolled wiib iu matter uf irh Importance, and bi p 'lition I light. Jerifjf A A or llraii. The carelrksoeaa of Metuto Judgca la truly re markalila. Whea Ibe loart auBveued for the purpose of tollylng the vole aoortl ng to the Aflt of Aaarmbly.aa leN than three of oar Judge arid their returne were mling. Tba ihou'd never occur ngoin. Ae the Tote from the district indicated did not elect or defeat anybody, the Court allowed then ta be tallied Dva huure aftar the time ret frtb In tbeir litatrociiunr. If five boora grape flan be given to oae man, why rantiut another claim re ifoaa t 1 be mat ttiua any ol our Judge are miaalng we advlaa lha Court to do jut aa JudC Cummin did feed for them. A GAUD. kin. Eaitoa tI take plearare la Ibabklng Ibe tit.aeu el Clearfield and vtetnlly, tor laatr lioerel eontrihullona to Ibe Fcalieal held y the Weal Cieaifitld I'hurcb laat vtkt also for their pa trweage. Wa aball ever hold tbia html we io grateful re membra nee. Wo hrawtik aUayoaa stale went ot tba Receipt aad Kxpeo'lilurea t Heoelpla m - ISM 10 Eipeuae fs.17 Profit 2&l Nearly two-tbirds uf ibo exaMiaea la tba book bill. I' any aoolribatori have failed to reoeive any artkelea aeot, auob aa baaketa, pi tea, baga, Ae , tbay will pleaae let ma know, or oal upoa liaaka Holme a, tba I rioce ol Ftanval pro Ideia. hav.U. W. Duhmlbt, Paator. A CARD. Kbw WaKfliaoroa, Nov. 18th, I MO. En IToa RcPDBi.toaaj Mr t Will yvm permit um t trough ita ItKf ( ai icaa to lender my gralo lul a kitowlfdg- ment ot tbe kridriei arid re aped manifeelad by over one hundred fnenda from dill rent eeettona, ow lha I lib Inal., It being the ivDt)-fourlb aonivonary al my birth, who alter riJnttig ft delight a lefunol aocial later a urt and p-riahiigol a bouooful repa-t. pro. vtded ty tbtauarhea. repalrod to bv M. K Cbiirvb. Alter ringing, player wa elferd by the rwv, U 11. Ague, pastor l the M. K. Church, tbea stugmg by a ebir of young ladiea. Iter. B Milea gko an eaproMina nf ifaaahlulr eaa In aa aoorcaa era nod lag a review ol tba tarty an year ut bia abiblatiy. Thta w.a Ml-ed by ad ir-an tbo Kev. T. Vaartooyoe, Kev. . Paetbaa, of lodiaaa cacny, her. J . a. Draa, l Hey no da villa, aud Mr U D. Huae, aud benedictioa by Rev. tf. Jdi.ea. Ibo appaarad tft enjoy Ibemselvea greatly and aeparaied eeiibj tba hi attest eongrata lactone io tbo rwoipieat ol their later, lea mg a toheo and ovideooe at their raapeot iuni $i la money and at t $33 dollars worth uf aniaioa lor lemiiy . May tbe Mod who I try ta avrvo abuataotly, la Providence and grace, blea tba ktad dooore, and may hey ever real it e that "It la mora bleated io give Ibaa ronelfe, and the liberal aval eaelj beaaade fat." May ud bbwa faauat, Milrb. PRODUCE MARKET EEPORT. PfltLa dblpb' A, November 22d There Is a Ucii.tM vxiettv In bread! uQ. Flour ia firm. H bei I un nettled. Corn higher and ou n Cotton ia ateadr but q iim at 1 1 i for middling Mi'aius. itara ia nominal at JV per ton tor no I querei'ron. r-eeda l'l ver eel's to a fair cl ient at T'C 7t?, for old and new. Ilmotby Is dull at $2 3a((bi.4l. Flat ia uncbsDged. Fl'ur and Meal Toe floor market la quiet and firm f ale a of I. & barrels. Including Minnesota ei- fra, at (ft(ij)ft 7ft fr low to choice, clear, and at n(tyo6j lor (Height; Ponaylvania extra tami iy ai $a 2 b (g, ft 60 i aeatern do. at $5 7. (y)ft 6U, and aelleiil at fC-ifS Ttli. Alao, 4.0UU barrcla, Oirard, Eiviil, rraiikiord and Chelteubain ou rccret tenua. Kje Hour i alaady at f ft.iKi per barrel. H rain The wheat market ia active for future, but qutat for milling and export. Price are un settled. Kale nf 7.'"ift bunhel. ine'uling re jeuted at al 10(ii)l.l3j j ted and amber, afloat and oo traon, at l lul, and No I red, elevieor, at$l I VI. At tbe open hoard flrat eal. $I.IJ lor Diiueiuber l 23 for January, a d $1 24 lor February. Alter biard, Ih.OOil bmbel for Janu ary aoid at $1 .2.11, i'd lO.Oilo bubde Fehruary at $1 354;. H leanylvania ia worth Ve per bNahvi. Corn ia in fair requeat and higher. haiea of 10,000 buabele, including old yellow, at Ad(oln( old mlted at dHn j new yellow at ft4($ 60, and new unied at 6.-, At the opinboard. Oral caii$JKi.t waa Md for Nov. ; ft I for De ueiuber : ftite lor January, and 6 In lor FohrU ary. Oata are in moderate demand at former pticea Ha lea of B,iiit0 luhel, including white, at BVi(qJ2ij, and rrjooted and nised at il. joj aue waa bid lor November; 4Jn for oeiuberi 4) for January, and 4liit"or February. Whisky ia acaroa and firm, with further sale ol IMt Chicago, Nov. 22d. Flour In good demaad at foil prions. -Wheat active, firm and higher; No, 2 rud-wloter, l 07 I N". 1 I hleao ai-nog, l07flH7i (or caah t fl.' for hovi mber j $1 tl7((i M'H f-r Deeemert !. lor January) No. o do. iHflii-; rejected, 77f'faBlo. Corn ao live, firm and higher ( 4'.'j(u.4.'le for eBh and Deccmoeei 4-Oa tor January Ar for May i r j tid, 41c. 0at acme, fjtui and higher ;4a('jl 4VJ loreBfb : 4c lur November and Ueceubr ; 4i: hid f -r January 370 bid for May ; rejected, WivfaMe. Rye lirmer at lic. Ilarley Io good demand and lerding iipwarda at l.4. Flaiaed, gl IrtAfc (. If-j. Puik ID talr demand and higher) i;i(u,i:( Ml tor ceb i l'Mi(IU for A.vem- ber: 412 40f(tjl2 ft( lurDeccmoeri i:i.rlli(ruU. 8ft fi r January. Lard lairly aetie and a eoade higher; $H 20 f..r caah and Deeembert t.TH(i) l 2ft for Jaoary. Hulk meats fairly aotive aiol a hade higher ) shoBUlura, f 4.0U ; abott ilba, ih-rt cle.r, $7 HO. Wt.t-ky ateadv. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 . Rail Road Ties. Cnrwcnaville. Pa Jeo. f, 18 tf GUARDIAN'S SALE -OF- Valuable Real Estate " rphrro will ho aold ut public aalo at X the GUI' HT CLEAR FIKLD, oo Saturday, December 1 1 th, 1880, Al I 4t'L(ICK P. M The following derrrihed real eatatsnf A. II. Shaw, late of Clearfield, t'a , Ieceaael, to wit ; No. 1. A certain lot in Curwenavillt bornnvh, bart led north hy laod nt Irvin'a eait. aou'b bf Htate street, east bv Wert lira no h of uaqurhanna river, and west by Raliniad str-at, bating ISJfi feet frnt and thenie extenliog hack to tho river, aud having tbtteon erected a large TWO AND ONE-HALF STORY FRAME HOTEL.J together wi'b atahla and Mhr eetalldinga, and knowa a tba ''Haaqaehana Hotel property' No. 2. AUo, a certain lot in Cur weoavflle borough, hnanded north hv Plate street. I AO feet, sou ib by Wa Price'a lot. lOSfeer.eaM by river road, i faot. and west by land of William Irvin'a eata'e, tno feel, having thereon erected a large frme store building and known aa "the Corner Store property " No. 3. A Inn, a lot niiuuU-d In Clear field borough, hounded north by Rridge a'reet, south by lot of II. Pefemore,eaat by lot of Jarnra T teonari, and went by an alley, having oil feit iron! by 47 feet deep, and having thereon erected agoed two alory frame dwelling brute and nut building, known aa "tba Paatmnre property." This eale i made la purauanco of an order of the Orphans' Court authorising the Ouardiaa of ihe minoe children of aatd decedent, who own five aeventba iMereit in aaid real eauto ti make hIc thereof. The other parHe of age interoaled in the title wilt unite with the lluerdlai in hi deed, an that the peraon buying at tbia Bale will lake toe whole till. Tf.t.TS OF yu'i Terri, one-third eah at confltmation of sale, one third in one vear thereafter, with Interest from data of confirmation, to heaerured bv ju lg ment bond, or b-.nd and mortgage, one third to remain In tbepMpertv dir)naUo widow lite, in tereat payable to her antiaa.ty, and at br death principal to bo pa it tn her, In he eerored by reoogrilianee. TIIOWAb H Ml ltuV, Utiard'n minor children A. II. 8haw, dra'd, Clearfield, PaH Nov. ITia, 1S0 It. SHAWLS. A full linn of long iind Kjiiaro, Foreign and Domestic Wool Slinw s in great viiriuly of now designs. LADIES COATS, DOLMANS AND CIRCULARS. Exquisito novelties for Full and Winter wear In groat variety. A " u E " bl7 1 i. .- - i . S a 0 u (U u 3 o 3 a a a fi) C "ti? " "if 5 a 2 o 8 3 : c - it) U-7 J , si . a . 'Z .- rj ? c ; o VI M M 0 h 0 m at, W Q v o r-i d o o ft w u a 4 0 a in " B.S 1 a ? a i p5 L L . , i: w a PS w X o g Put 1 o B i. -a s is - " a e 5 a r a 0 m O'JC -i c S s4!s JIIJ-I M a w E a . IS a o Cur wens ville, Pa. Mourning Goods. Thii department is constantly supplied with now and fresh goods, and sold with u small profit. CLOTHS AUD CASSIMEBES. , In tlii department may bo found Diagntiul Coalings, Rasket Cloth, Heaver Cloth, Backing!) in all the now shades. AIo Cussimers and Suitings fur men and hoys' wear. N. E. "ARNOLD, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS. FDBHISHIHC GOODS. Boots, Shoes, Groceries, TOBACCO, LEATHER, FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN, SALT, OIL, &C. I buy direct from jobbers nni miiniifiirturcro, receive goods nt enr load rules, lience can compete willi New York and Philadel phia ilOUHS. Also, Denier in Lumber, Shingles and Bark. Saw Logs, HVV l'l 1H KAl.K.-.Thrlr.r Llrr, l lUlt.B II... Ulilrb 1 will .rll rlir.n fnr .,b. or ncli.rtf. fur wheal. For ftirthrr In- uru.lluii .all oa or sadr.,1 in, uni.rMnnM. J. r. KHAMKIl. No. t, to if., i'.. M OM.Y TO MiAN On Brit eta aa Im- proved farm property, by tha Mutual Li e In'ornnre Onuipanv of New York, on flrat enort- tfete, la an ma Iron l.0l ap. For further la ruriaatioB apply to tbe onderaifned. ri t 1 n A I ii n it v . jai i lit Clearleld Pa., May fib, IBTf tf. , Muy Caiicorn t The tindrralgned, ha Ina tioeu appointed Aealgnee. for tb rH:iitfil orereili lore by Jaa. B. (JrabaBi, of Clearfield borough, all pcrauna, therelere, bavina elaina againat hm will preaeni taen io aa tor eeuieiaeni, ani laoee m det ad ta tha aaid 'Jrabaai arc required to aettle and aiake paytaeat to aa, KliWAflD . B'OI.KR, AHlMi h V W. I, KB, Clearfield, IV, T)ec. 24, IA79 If Aalneea. SIlOklMAklNO-I hereby Id form try pa tron a, and aaank ind la general, tbat I have removed any eboenaahlug ahop to tba roota to (4 rebate 'a row, over 8. I. Hnyder'a Jewelry atare, and that I am piepared to do all kinda of wort ia my Una cheaper than any other etap la towa. All wfk warraoted aa goud aa eon be dune any where eleo. Puettlvely tbia ia tbe eheapoat ahop ta Cltaroeld. JUS. Ii. UkhKlNU. Uoa. H, lOTfi tf. er2 Tha aldeat and boat appoint I net latlna for obta nlng a fiualoeaa Kduratlon. Pr Circalara adlraea I. bUf A tSOJUrl, ocl27 4l ruuburxh, Pa IltfTHAY NOTM l--Cama traepaBiag oa J tbe premiaeaof lha aohaerlber, reoidina; Ii Ivna tnaaehlp, oa or aboat tho Irat ol Hea'ftaber iaal,a It Kb HhlfKH.witha wbitfaee,Beau.laaly atx.Bi three yeara dd Tbeowaer If reqaeited ta (Hiraa forward, prove bia properly, pa all legal ohergea, and lake the heaai away, or It will br diapoaod of aooordtng to the Aot of Aaarnbly la toak eaeaa aaode and provided. W. at.nANVin. Orarplaa 17 ilia. Not Ilia, UNO Si. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATED. Thia popular periodic tl la pre-eoiloanttr Jin'nal f r tho bmiaehold. I very Number furriahetthe tateit tnfnnnatinn in regard to Kaabiona in dreaa and ornament, the uewi-et add approved pnttemi, with dnaerip live on ich-a derived Irom aa'beniie and nri((ioal anurnea; wntte ira Mon, Poetna, an1 Kaaava Huoial and Domeitio Toprca, aivc vafietv to Ita cuiunoa. ,, HARPER'S PERIODICALS, HARI'KK'S IIAZAK, One Year $1 00 nARPBK'S MAOAZTSB, Oria Year 4 0(1 II A Ili'KH'S WKKKLY, One Vear .4 00 Tha THRER above pablleatlona, One Year. 10 00 Any TM0 above named, Qne arn f 00 HARPKR 8 YOL'NH I'BOIM.B, One Year...! (0 Pntinm F'tt to all tuhicriltrt in (Ae Uniltd Statu and 1'iamda. The Vi'luraov ef the frieVr beiio with Ihe flrat Number for January ol ach tear When n n ia metiti ntd, tl will t undirarood tbat the aulertber wihea to eoititnenr ttb tho fUvmhar best after Hie receipt of ibe order. l he (art Mvt-n Aim ml o um a oi lUaPEa a Oabr, io Beat cloth bind wia, will bo aent b II, pnatnre paid, or bv eipreai, free of ritene (provided the Irttaht d ea r.otifeeed one dollar per volume), h r fi t'O each. Liotb t;oa lor eiten voiunia, luitubie for bind ing, will bu aent by mail, poatpaid, oa receipt ot l ll(teb. Hetnit'nnere ahfold be by Pot Offlee Mnnev Order or draft, to avnirf ehanee of lo'a. AtKp-pr ore 'H to f-pw thii mdrwli'tmint aeif-u, iktrjprttt erajer o it a Hi1 Kn A ilHOTKitR Addreae llAKf'KKA DHOTHKU4, New York. Nv. 24th, lHQ t. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. "Studying tha rahjeet objeellvely and from Ike t'ducalional point of view aeeking to provide thai which, taken altogether, will be of tbe neat aervlce to the largeat naaabcr I long ago oc cluded that, If I could have but one wurb for a public lltararr, I w uld aaleet a eoopleM act of ilntftr tMantk'f " C Ha a Lai PuKOia AlttHe.Jr. Iu eotenta are eontrlhut-d by tho aviat emi nent aathora ai.d artlaia of K a rope and Amerloa. while the otf viperieaaa af Ua pahltabera haa aaade thees tbroua;hly eonvaraaut with the de al rea of the public, which Utey will apaio bo eflott lOgsaiity. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. DAHI'bh 8 MAUAZINk, One Year tl 00 RARPKK'fl WKKKLV One Year 4 10 II Alt 1'Kll'il BAZAR, One Year. 4 On The T II II KK above puldleaticna, One Year. II Ot At.y TWO above aamrd, One Year 1 00 1IAIIPKK'8 TOUNO I'K'iPl.R, On Yiar.. I to PfittttQt V ro ad fW&aerfaere im ikt Uniltd Stttn or Cbnnda. The velemee of the ltgim ti-(le with tbe Numbera lor June and liembor of oaeh year. H hea Bo time la epectfled, it will be wnderatond that the eubeohber wiabee ta begia with tba tar rent Number. A eopHo aet af Haaraa'a Mtotaiaa, aaa ptlamg 01 Volumee. In a eat doth binding, will be aeoi byeipreaa, freight at et pen aa ot par ch a-er, oa receipt of H Ji per vulama. ag't vet'oavee, ly enetl, pnt'pnid ii.0. Cl"b auca, lor blodiaa;. eenta, y mail, poatpald. Hemittanooa e him Id be fjado a-y PoetoAoa Mnrav Urder or Urfu ta avoid osni of I aa ftmfri ore aa o tytw thin mdrOHimnt atiiae tkt cvpeeaa nrdtr nf iiAoraa A llaurniaa. A -dreaa II A K PKK A UKUTUKHH, Kew York. No. I4tb. IM0 Ik HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, &C. Our Fall and Winter stock of Underwear comprises all Wool nnd Merino for Ladies, Genu and Children, flosiery in all qualities. Gent's Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. A good assortment of Ladies' and lient s Giuven, ruimmcij-, Pocfcctbook", and Kaney Articles of (ill kinds. Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract and receive liberal advances. Also, advances mado on Saw Logs. Give nic a call.' N. E. ARNOLD, CURWEWSVILLE, PA. Ffpl. tl, 1M0 If. This is one of the inont altractivo departmenla in our house, nnd Is always Mj,iiuu nun mo iikib. luHiniMiniMo goous, nice niui tastcluily trim , nicd Huts and lionncta always on hand. BLACK AND COLORED SATINS, SILK VELVETS, PLUMES, FEATHERS, WINGS, FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS. &c. CORSETS AND SKIRTS. A hanrtsoma line ol Iiihhons and Ncekties. Wo also liaro a full lino of lirociule Kibbons ol all widths, and tho nowost and most desirable shades. A1.0 a lino assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Neck Ties, Laces and Embroideries. e have a full assort mint of t.nco. A largo lino of rtambnrg Edgings at various prices. 1111s aepartment la also complete. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Wo offer al all limes tho preaiest and most oomplelo variety of liandlicr chiefs thiil can he louod in the county at very low prices. Damasks, Table Clolhs, Napki :s, Towels, Spreads. Wo would call attention to our complete assortment in this line. Wliite & Cfoloi'ed tflhiwelj,'. We also have a Inro lino of.lllsnkels, Tiohings nnd Calicos of all tho standi ard makes, blenched and Unbleached Muslina. O jSl DEI 3F 3S "DP & . In this department may be found a full and complete stock of llru.scla and othor varieties ol I nrpets, the price ol wbiuh will speak lor themielvss. UPHOLSTERY. In thia department will bo found an assortment nf Furniture Cli'nls. Oil .Shadings and Hollands in all colors. Also spring and bulunco Fix lures and Trimmings. OUR MOTTO: -"Quick. Sales and Small Profits." T. A. FLECK & CO., MARKET STREET, - - CLEARFIELD, PA. Clearfield, Ponn'a, Nor. I, lSfiO-tf. OXTTEL 33CC O QC "X" O s "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." TTTE INVITE the people of Clearfield and vicinity to the v inspection of our lare and well scdected stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, Gent's Furnishing Goods, HATS, CARS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. As we buy for cash only, we are cnaliled to give our patrons every possible advantage. Our lino of piece poods, especially adapted to Merchant 'Jailoring, in complete. We employ only firrit-clasB workmen, nnd aro prepared to make suits at short notice and unusually low prices. We tender our thanks for past favors, and solicit your future patronage. ALBERT TIIAWIIAUSER, Pvoom No. 4, Pie's Opera House Block, Clearfield, Penn'a. Sepjember 20, ISSO-tf. JAMES L. LEAVY, XJJSfXy 3S! 2ri "X" jtfk X3C 33 JEL . II IKKI T SiTHI'.F.T.'l I I'.AIll ll'.l l, PKaUI'A. AH kind, of Cackrta and Collins kent on hand, and furnished to order on duirl nolico, including tho finest as well as tho chciipesl that can bo mftnn fuclurcd. Our Is tho best In use, anil will bo furnirhed when required. Funeral attended in any part of the county, full ut my ollico. on Second street, pr lenvo your orders at Troiilnmn's Furniture Sic re, adjoining thu I'oslotTice. JAM. Ji. I.KAVY, octl.TD lj.' ClenrflelH. ra. 'CENTRAL' HOTEL, 1'ITTSllUllGII, SMITHFIELD STREET, FROM SECOND TO TEIED AVENUES, riTTBDUnOII, XXJ3U The most centrally tovatcd first class Ilonso in tho Cily. Klrcst cars pass the iliKir every Hve miniittw to all tba Depots and all parts ot both cities. Tirms, J2 00 I'ed. Day. WALfSU AMJLJtaU, J-ropnetort. iPTho Ci EAtirin.D litrunuoAN roceived weekly at tho Hold and placed on tile for the benefit of guests frum thii section. oclET 3m.