Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 24, 1880, Image 2

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Gaimol B. (iimm.ANiirK, Eilltor.
Reader, if yon want to know what la ffolnff on
la tne buatneee world, Juel read nnr edaertieln,
enlurane, the .Vpaeini nnlunin In p.rtlouier.
Snow full in Now llunipuliiro on
Saturday to tho depth of ten Inches.
Grangers and other people in search
of a big lurm are requested to read our
first page.
"Society rests," on our first pago,
uro drawn to life. They aro not only
found at Washington but everywhere
The Democrats havo thirty-one ma
jority on joint ballot in the Nevada
Legislature, which will insure tho
election of Colonel James 0, Fair in
plaeo of llffli. William Sharon.
Read It I Tho "Greeting" of tho
editor of tho Washington Post, to Col.
Bob lngorsoll, on our fourth pago,
should bo read by uvorybody. The
lcttor is lull of thoology and polities,
classical in sylo, and every reader can
learn something by perusing it.
Sir Alexander Cockburn, LordChiol
JuMlice of tho Queen's llench, died uud
denly at his homo in Lonilun, on last
Salurduy night, in tho 7Slb year ol
his age. Ho was tho British repre
sentative in tho (junuva Arbitration
lor tho settlement of tho Alabama
A Nom.E KtMAtiK. Discussing the
future of the Democratic parly Senulor
Bayard says : "Tho Democratic party
is tho detenso of tho Constitution, ll
nrinoinela aro rij-ht and havo survived
many more tlinuBtrotit defuuts than thin.
It may be chastened by accidents, mis
management or tho uso ol bad methods
in political warfare, and I confess that
I cannot jimily much of what has been
dono on both sides during tho recent
contests. But tho Democratic party
will outlivo nil this, fur principles do
not die."
A lirsY Time A despatch from
.Mentor, Ohio, says that it takes two
or three Secretaries to open and read
thocongratulalory telegrams that daily
pour in on Genoral Garfield. Many of
them aro of courso from disinterested
persons, but pecks of them are from
thoso who havo axes to grind. Nearly
every prominent official in Washington
has, through the medium ol the tele
graph, renowed to General Garfield tbe
assurances of his dialltiguiehotl oonaid.
cration. It Is hinted that among these
are somo who, about tbo time of tbe
Uaino election, wero a little uncertain
aa to their status, but- who caught
op in an incredibly short time alter
tho October surprise.
No Disbanuino. Soys tho Boston
rest: "Thoso who think tho Demo
cratic purty is to disband talk al ran
dom. Now combinations of men may
be made, but tho Dcmocratie faith
must ol necessity always be a Demo
oratio party so long as wo live under
a written constitution. Aa well talk
of a church without a Biblo as a con
stitutional government withouta Dem
ocratic party. Tho name may be
changed, but the thing will remain.
Nor is it likely that thcro willevon boa
change of name. Certainly there ought
not to be for this would be a dishonor
able retreat and a confession ol weak
ness and discouragement, ll also tho
Republican party is to now adopt the
old Federal doctrines lor tho necessity
imposed on sound Democrat Is also
the more stringent and imperative fur
renowed vigilance and activity in re
listing the centralising and monarch!
cal drilt into which tho country ban
been plunged."
Turn lltu Out. Wo notice by tho
Altoona Tribune, that tho notorious
Ilary llulin, of Philadelphia, is scour
ing the State and button holing the
members elect for thoir support fur tbe
Cbiol Clerk hip of tbo Uouse ot Rep
resenlatives. lie, in company witb
his brother Sum, and that immense
escort of General Grant across the
Continent after his tour around the
World, Mr. Joe Soulier, visited Ilolli-
daj sburg tho other day to have an in
torview with Mr. Hewitt, and alter
words tbey called on Col. Burchfield,
lu Atuiuns. Huhn Is a man without
conscience and too telQ'h to do justice
to anybody but "Harry," and, thcro
loro, disqualified to preside over any
department, llowitt is smart, broad
minded and liborul toward everybody,
and, of tho two, will make a fair pre
siding officer. We know both of them
If wo are compelled to havo a Radical
(or Spdakor or Clerk givo us a decent
man instead ol repairing to tbe ces-
pnola of Philadelphia.
" bATn or Governor. lion. James
D. Williams, Governor ol Indiana, died
at liisrosidonco in Indianapolis at 12.30
P. SI., last, Saturday in Hie 72J year of
his ago He was taken ill on the day
Ot the Prenlilontinl election, but his
Illness was not considered dangoroua
until within the last thrco or four day.
His disease was infiaraation of the
bladder, with which he has boon el
Hided for about fifteen years. His
funoral will take place at bis farm, near
' bcailand, in Knox county, whore he
has resided for over forty years, to day
(Wednesday). Governor Williams'
wile died only a few months ago al bis
farm in Knox county. Tbe public caroer
of Governor Williams bas been a long
One, and with the exoeption of bis lorm
In Congress, has been exclusively
Identified with tbe alTairs of bis own
Stale. He waselectod Govornor in the
Fall of 1670 over General Harrison by
plurality ol over 5,000 votes. Lieu
tenant o over nor inaao 1. Gray, a
native of Chester county, Pa., has as
aumod tho duties of Governor, and will
act aa suoh until the meeting of the
legislature in January.
An exchange nays: "Tho riot bribery
i nscs, still pending In the Dauphin
County Criminal Court, against Christ.
Long, Gcurgo F. Smith and K J. Mc
Cune, were again called fur ti ial Tues
day lust. Thesu iRca havo now been
drugging along nearly two years, until
the puhliu hud lorgoltun that there
were such cases in existence. Why
they have not been tried lung ago
none but those lumiliar with the inner
nn,r ill Ilniiiililican nolitica can tell. Il
tried llioy would doubtless bo convict
ed and if convicted they would be
pardoned as thoso who were convicted
last Spring wero. It is possible thai
the Board of Pardons has had all il
cares lor in this lino and some now
inodo ol escape for tho rest ol me noi
bribers has to be invented. When the
cases were called for trial on Tuesday
lust, tho Defendant' counsel asked for
continuance for the reason that
Christ. Long waa sick at his borne in
Cumberland county and George F.
Smith was sick at bis homo in Phila
delpbia. This is tho third or fourth
lime these Defendants havogotten sud
denly sick on Court week and in all
probability tbey will havo a relapse al
every Court until tbe casea are dis
missed. Tho affidavits to prove sick-
neBS of Defendants cxbibilod to tbo
Court, were sufficient to warrant the
nonlinuanco ol tbe cases, if the sick
ness was real and not gotten up for tbe
occasion, but thcro is a strong beltol
that the Defendants know bolbreband
that they wero to be sick al Ibis parlio-
ulur time and luid in n extra supply ol
doctors for tho week. One of tho pur
lies conspicuous in proving sickness of
Defendants was beard to suy that ll
the'siek dodgo didn't win tho Dclen
dants would havo to leavo tho Sialo
until after Court.'"
Kver sinco Grunt left cflico an un
easy desiro is manifested to do some
thing extraordinary for 'ex-Prosidents.
Hi friends in tho Republican party
want bira to be President again, but
liko the fellow who went for a first
class mission and came down to an old
pair of punts, they aro satisfied to gut
anything else for him they can. His
opponents and rivals seem to be quite
willing that tho country should pro
vido lor him in any way that will not
promoto bis or hindor their Presides
nal pro-ipccla. Tbo Now Vork Timet'
proposition to raise a 1300,000 fund
lor bis support, not meeting with very
ready rcsponso, the Republican State
Committee of Mr. Conkling's Stale
hnvo resolved that "steps slupuld bo
taken by our representatives in Con
gress to so amend the Constitution of
tho United States as to provido that
tho Presidents and Vice Presidents on
their retirement from oflluo shall be
admitted to life membership of tho
Tho wholo discussion is arrant non
sense. No man is fit to be President
who cannot live the balance of his
days upon the honors and profits of tbe
office. If tbe incumbent of il shall, al
its close, not havo won the esteem and
respect of bis fellow citixen he de
serves to sink out of tight and out of
consideration as rapidly a possible. If
bo shall have borne himself worthily
he will need no bolstering op. This
talk about pensioning ex-Presidents or
making life Senators out of them, bas
its start with tbat clement wbicb is
forever agitating a more splendid
scheme of government than thai of the
fathers. Sensible people should unite
to give it a quietus.
Wotrs roa V. H. Senator. The
Now York fiun intimates that it would
bo a good thing for the Democrats and
anli Cameron Republicans to unite and
cloct Wolfe of Unitjn to the U. S.
Senate overQuay or whoover Cameron
puts ep.
Tho Sun don t know tho Republican
mcmbora of the Pennsylvania Legis
lature. With tbe exception of Wolle,
Mapcs, Silverlhorne and Emery, it is
doubtful if any others could be found
with integrity enough to defy Cam
eron s caucus. Wo shall soon sco bow
the Grow members will act when the
Ringsiers beat Galusha, and nominate
member ol the Pardon Board for
General Ilnnoock In an Interview
with a friend In New York, said: "Per
sonally, I do not fool badly because I
am not elected. Ol courso I regrol
that the Democratic party, of which 1
am proud to be a member, ban been
defualed. It is agreutdisapponitmeiit
to all of us wliun wu tail to gain a vie
tory in behalf ul tho faith and prinei
pie which weadviK-uto. It in my wish
that il be understood tbat I have no
grief on my own account. The mun
who a.ttiimia the duties pcrluming to
the Presidency ol the United Status
has a momentous tusk to perform."
"Whom do you blame for yourdu
feal f
"Certainly not my friends ; and it
wus perfectly naturul thai my political
opponents should work for iheir own
"But, General, somo of our friends
have said that "
"Oh, never mind," interrupted Gen
Hancock, "the campaign is over and
the true Christian spiiit is to lorgivu
and forgot. I have the pleasure ot
kuowinir that I have hundreds ol
thousands of true friends who tend
ered mo the compliment of their volt s.
To merit tbe esteem and kind wiauun
of these people is the desire nearest
my heart. 1 huvo always tried to
faithfully surve my country in thu past,
and il is my cumcst intention to pur
sue tho same policy In the luiure, wliul
ever may be my station in file."
Rebel Pensions." An exchange
remarks : " Wu no longer wish to con
ceal from our readers tho fact thai
rebels are to be pensioned, we cannot,
in justice to tbe prompting of our con
science, deny this. Hence, are our
reasons for tbm candidly expressing
ouraelf; Longstreet draws annually
from the Treasury of Ihe Government
be sought to destroy, 7,500 ; Musby
Sti,G00; Uilliurd, Minister to Brazil
(12,000; Key, 5,000 and a life office.
A Radical President pensioned these
big rebels, and what guarantee huve
we ihut tbo little ones will not be sum
larly favored by Gal Held 7" We Bus
peel thai the Ames IMiulyerinun will
assist to procure a pensison lor every
rebel soldier, if be will only agree to
vole the Radical ticket in the future.
Tho following lublo gives tho iifflcla;
voto of each county in our Stule lor
President, s filed ill the office of the
Secretary ol ihe Commonwealth:
Pra.Mrut. IHMO.
Census ArrAias. Sunset Cox it the
author of the law under which tbe re
cent census was taken. Ho it now
justly anxious that Congress shall make
the new aportionment of Representa
tives at the next session, because al
tbat time the Legislatures of twenty
five States will be assembled, nineteen
ol which do not convene again until
1883. If the apportionment is post
poned to the succeeding session of Con
gress, about thirty Slate will have to
bear tbe exponse of extra tessiona of
their Legislatures or elect their Con
gresimen according to the present
basis ol representation.
TueThbeeT wentt Nins Vacancy.
Garfield's vacant Senatorship is al
ready making a stir among the 329
patriots in Ohio. There are about a
doxcu who aro eager to step into Gar
field's shoes.. There is Gov. Foster,
Judge Tafl, Matthews, Sherman and
several others. A Columbus dispatch
says : "Secrot ary Sherman's annou nee
ment in the Ohio papers, that ho it a
candidate lor United Stales Senator
has caused muchexcitementand bitter
ness in Republican circles and it is re
garded as a virtual breuk with Gar
field, who is backing Governor Foster,
and a fight of exlromt bitterness is
likely to follow."
Peaotioal. Tbo Reading Eaglt in
eists, If there is anything in tbo cry
about "protecting home Industry," the
people ot Reading should not go to
1'hiladolpliia or any other market for
clolhing.abooe), jewelry, lurnilure, trim
mings, etc., wbioh are for sale al home.
This is carrying out the protection
login In a way that protectionists will
not approvo, but which they cannot
constantly object to. The whole theory
of tbe prohibitive tariffs is based on an
intense selfishness. It can only be en
lorccd at the exponas of fair play in
tb dealings of communities, and at
the expense of commerce in the deal
ings of nations.
Some one, supposed to be General
William U. Gibson, of Ohio, gives this
definition oi Vice President: "Tbe
Vice President is simply a Coroner
wbo sit in the political morgue and
commence with the corpses. Death
may promote him, bat Bathing els can
disturb bis sepulchral serenity."
Part of a lioou x's O ui fit. A mong
the effects of ibe burglur Rollins, who
lately died in the Eastern Peiiituntiury
were the following: A bat which, by
touching a spring, could be niadu lo
turn while or black, according to taste,
or could bo inudu to assume a half
dozen different shapes. Then there
were a couple ol silver mounted ruvolv
ers, a bowiu knife and a garment ol
siik which could be compressed into so
I, - -. . . . i : . I :.
mail a compass as ur ou carncu in
one's pocket. This could bo made to
servo as a white coat or a black one,
or a cloak. Then there was a pair ul
sbocslhe soles of winch had been neully
hollowed out and tho interstices filled
with saws of lino watch spring steel
and files of a peculiar make.
Is he A Koreiunir 7 It is rumored
that General W. W. Grout, Congress
man-elect from tho Third district ot
Vermont, it ineligible, bo having been
born in Canada and novor natural iaud
General Grout, however, says that bis
parents were natives of Vermont, and
that alter living in Canada until their
son was ten years old, they returned to
the United States. While in Canadu
hit father never exorcised any of the
rights ot citizenship, and the son is
therefore eligible under tbo statute ol
1802, which provides that "Children ol
parent who aro citizens of the United
Stales, if born outside of tbo jurisdic
tion of tho United States, are not dis
qualified from exorcising their rights
as ciliiens of the United .Stales."
The Chance. A contemporary re
marks : "A mousing politician by tho
name of Piatt is said to bavo been
selected by Roscoo Conk ling to suc
ceed Francis Kernan in the United
States Senate from the Slato of New
York. Calico Foster is now believed
to have the inside track for tbe suc
cession to Allen G. T'burman from thu
State of Ohio. Harry Oliver or some
other sub-boss is likely to be chosen to
occupy the place now filled by William
A. Wallace. Compare the character
of the outgoing Democratic Senators
with that of the men who aro named
as their probable Republican successors
and say if you can that tbo country is
likely to be the gainer by the change."
Killed by Bl rolars. Dan'l Trout-
man, a farmer 70 years old, residing
noar Uniontown, Dauphin county, was
awakoned shortly alter be retired on
Saturday night, the 1 Gib inst., by two
burglars at bis bedside. He fired al
them, and one of the men returned the
fire. The return shot struck Trout-
man In the breast and bo fell dead at
hit wile's feet, saying that hi murder.
er Wus Henry Rumbargor. Rumbar-
ger, who is known as a bad character,
has been arrested, and mado a confes
sion, implicating Frank Rumbarger, a
cousin, who bat also boen lodged in
prison. Troulman leaves a wife and
fourteen children.
No ' Lord" in it. The Lancaster
IntelUjencer, speaking of Garfield's
election to the Presidency Buys : "The
Lord baa scorned to bare a saving care
for him thus fur, notwithstanding his
many iniquities, and bas elevated him
now upon a pinnaele whore it will bo
a miracle if ho can Hand." Our ea
teemed colemporary it mistaken. The
Lord bad nothing to do with it. ll
wat Ibe Devil and Rob Ingorsoll tbat
did tbe job.
Exactli. Aouleinpurary romatks:
"Tb cilixent of the District ot Colum
bia and tbe office-holders al Washing
ton bavo gotten up a disgracol'ul quar
rel about the oonlrol of the arrange
meats fur the inauguration of the new
President. If 1 1.000 Democrats in the
State of New York who aupiroried
Garfield had Toted for their own can
didate thit unseemly dispute would not
have occur rrd."
Whatever turn affairs take in Ire
land tbit Fall aud Winter, tbo New
York Sun tbiukt it it a sale prediction
that in ten years from bow the
present land-owui-rsbip system will bo
only an ugly memory. Landlordism,
at il haa hitherto oxisled in tbo Briliib
islands, It going the way ol feedulism
, Governor Wilis, ol Louisiana, has
appointed Uon.J.C. Manning, ex-Chief
Justice of the State 8upreme Court,
United Slate Senator, vie SpolTord,
Allegheny .
Aliu'lfuuf -
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I1.J.-I ovar Tild 0 In I'll), 17 V 14. Q,rtlld IUi,, ;,Z;. Ujruj urtr all, U.tWi.
I'lialfia, lb anll-Malonla eulld4i tor Praat-dt-ot,
ircalia-l Iba lullowu-a; aula 1 1 in Ana
ghoii.T ; 1 iu Ut-svar I 1 7 in Ui a1iu d ; I In Urn, ;
4 111 'Piaubiin ; 1 In Ind'aim ; I Id JiffrraoD a Id
Lack aaaiiun ; 3 iu l.a. Malar ; 6 in Suiauehaana .
i in Wajfiu luta', 44. '
For Audltar (laiiaral, John A Lemon, Hupub
lican. rvcal.vd 411 AM r.Ma, ; Hubert P. Oabart.
U.wicrat, 4Ua.7.irt ; K. A. L- Ku-irrl, OnM'ibiftil
r Naticnal. lu.llO; Oauiga P. Turm-r. Prublui
llonial, I, 'VS. Laiuon'a .iiirllr, :i6,3bbj n
lurlty, I J, .1113. Tiicrawtrs lib Iu4llariu vaia,
lur Audilur ocuaial.
Fur Jnriga of tbe Supreme Court, Henry
Green, Ht-,iub'lon. Icri.rd 444 A14 vulval lici.
A. Jei.fea. ifeiuoerat, 4'I0,"I; eaindrl tuna,
una back ur N.ituml, IJ.U34. Orcvu'a Lluraii
Ir. o9,U.lUt lualoritr, 23, nil. Tlicre were
aoatteriua eoita for nuiiaiiiu Ju.lja.
HViM y is covixa.
Tho people wbo are so unxious to
tuko rare that our ox President shall
never need to ourn their livelihood have
a very inadequate conception of the
iboory of m democratio government,
although il is not ao certain thnt tbey
do not havo a poper idea of nur own ;
which practically is less democratic by
a good deul than it is in theory. There
could not bo a better Way of diseour
aging uu aristocracy limn lo ao arrange
malum that every citixen would need
to labor to livo j and a very good en
couragement in that dirocticn would
bo effected by the spectacle ol our ex
Presidents descending I rum their high
elevation to tasks of daily labor that
bend ordinary mortals. The Bilit
would bo edifying rather thun other
wise if wo were really persuaded that
the quintessence of god government
lay in tho equality of the people. As
it is apparent that our people generally
foul that it would bo unseemly fur our
ox-Presiilenls to como down lo a very
humblo Wei If in life by reason of a
lack of fortune, il is ch-ur enough that
our democracy does not embrace thu
idea of all tho people' equality, as a
pure democracy nalurully would. Our
country is coming, moro and more,
sndfr tho control of the fuw ; and tho
proposition to pension cx President is
hut a Btep forward in the diriction we
are taking towards a government auto
cratio in form as well as in substance,
witb a privileged and titled class bear
ing outward murk of tho superiority
thoy claim.
A NxwsrAPKR Lady. Mrs. Oswald
Otleiidorfir, editor of the New York
Slants Zritung, is pronounced by Galh
"the moat extraordinary influence in
tho German politics of America." Her
father founded tho puper, which now is
worth IG00.0OO. Mrs. Oltendorfer reg-
ularly visits the odlco or ba revised
proofs sent to her, older tho editorial
policy of the paper, and governs things
generally to suit herself. When Galh
was asked if Mr. Oltendorfer bad re
turned from Europe, tho answer was,
1 1 don't know, but ll don't mako any
difference. Mrs. Ottendoifc-r iaat home.
She is about equal lo throe Olteinlor.
fert. Sho knows all about tho politics
of New York city, and what to pre
scribe for it."
Mr. George J. Bolton died at his
residence in Ilarrisburg, on Siinduy
morning, Nov 1-1, about 9 o'clock,
allcran illness of several months. Thu
Patriot of that city refers lo him na
Alihoiigh ul times during this
period he was quite sick mid had
lulled considerably, his family und his
liionda sliil tuipuit lor liis recovery, and
the annoiiiineuieni ul hit diath ai a
great shuck to all who knew him.
Uuorue J. li'illoil ttas twin in Tunic
liaiiuock, Wyoming county, iu tl.i
.iinltf, on IbuSUuiuyol August, ISo.1,
and was liiriv eiht veuis ul age at the
tune of his death. His father was a
printer and lur many J ems the pro
prietor of tho Patrol and llepMican
Standard unl a Deiiiucrulin nun-spa
per ul Tiiiikuumiock. Wbuii a buy he
learned tbo printing trade in bis hull
et'a utUee, and lu connection with a
dearly loved sinior, assisted his father
in the publication ol the weekly news
paper, a vury ilill'oreul undertaking in
those days from what il now is; unci
the experience ol this youthful pair
ul tlml time was quite novel una inter
eating, tie worked at bis trade atone
lime in the eity ot New York, when
quite a youth, Out most ol Ins expert
mice ill thu printing business was in
Wyoming cnunly.
Ilis lather w one ol those who
early ventured to California ultur liiu
discovery ol gulU and on his way back
lo his home, the vessel on winch he
hud taken passage was wrecked, und
iho father lost, with ull bo bad uc.
q.iired in the golj regions wiialevur it
muy bavo been. Alter Ihe loss of thu
lather much ot iho caru of tho luuiily,
which consoled of the mother, lour
sistei'suiid two brothers devolved upon
voung 11 ilt in, a duly which hu per
formed laithlully and Well through
I, to. His mother die J about two years
ago. Threo of his cistern ami the
brothers uro yet living, lluring tho
eoiHli ucti'in of tho North Branch ca
nal, Mr. Bolton was a member of the
liiigiuucr Corps. Ho came to Harris
burg iu 1801 with the Hon. William
M. Piatt, ot Tuiikhunuock, then Sena
tor from thai district, and was made
mi oil; our ot thu Statu Semite. Upon
thu election of the Hon. Henry S. Mu
grew as Statu Treasurer in lljii, Mr.
Kultirl wus appointed lo a cli i knliip
in that official's department uml served
during tuu auiiiiuisiraliou of Mugruw
with one ot our olil and esteemed cm-
zuns, William 1). Boas, Usq., now liv
ing os I Hie street.
in Ihe Spring ot 1800, Mr. lluiton
runted what was then known as the
UueliLer Hotel, ll was a greut under
taking tor him al thai day and his ex-
pecluliuns were very liuiuhlu, but alter
Lhu hreaaiiig out ol too wur in April,
1 80 1 , the business increased very rap
idly und be developed capacity lor
hold keeping not surpased by any ul
his coleiiifioruiieH in the business. He
ureliusoil the hotel Inter ami enlarged
il from time In time until it has uc
quired as much repululiuti as Bolton's
llolel as il had under its loriner iiaiiie.
There arc lew hotels now lelt in thi
couittry u o n I which moro history
clings, political unci H cml, than this
lur lamed old house. For nine or t'-n
seasons, Mr. Bullnn kept the well
known Columbia lluiisu nl ('mm Mur
and the manuiieriiciit of this nonular)
resort added much to his reputation
us a caterer lor the public. During
this limu he ulso became proprietor ol
lhu Washington ltousu in lMnladc Iphiii,
thus huving under his direct manure
ment at one lime, three of the moi-t
prominent hotels of Ihe day, and al
though menially qualified lor Ihe aril
uous duties, physically it was probably
loo much fur linn.
In lfitil, bo married ifisa. Km ma
Brumbaugh of this city, and he leaves
with hi bereaved wile, thrco daugh
ters and two sons to mourn his loss.
There are many now living who havo
enjoyed iho kindness and hospitality
ol his well-known house who will deep
ly sympathiao with tbe widow and
childien in their sad bereavement and
drop a lear to the memory of the de
parted Iriend and brother. Air. Bol
ton wus a tncniticr ol the Fourth St.
Lutheran Church, lie wus ulso prom
inently identified with tbo Masonic
order. He was a man ol ureal rncriiv
ol character, workiui; el limes iiil'Ih
und day to accomplish his ends. He
haa strong practical characteristics
and varied experiences ; huwasamosl
indulgent, kind and allectionule lather,
wurm Inend and a good citixen,
whose Inns will bo widely und deeply
felt, and tho memory ol In in will be
long cberished. IVaco to bis ashes.
In the large ball ul the Cooper Vnion
ono evening iunl week the ltcv. Dr.
Thomas Guard, of Baltimore, lectured
in reply to Cohmel ltoherl U. lngersull,
his subject being, ''Is thu Bible an Im
moral Hook T " Bishop Harris, of New
York, presided. Among those ou the
plullonn wero Bishop Wiley, Tolor
Cooper und IteV. Messrs. Deems,
Puikcr, Williams, Graves, Woodruff,
Buckle and ttottch.
Thu speaker begun by "peaking id'
ibo Bible us u huiuuuixiii and reliuing
agency uvcll uiuolig tial oal tans, tlu
raid ll would buoui nt in power, with
the limited nine ullordeU turn, to leply
loull llioidijeelloiia lo the Bible lliruw n
out by Colonel lngersoll: he would
eonline bimscll lo u low ol them. It
duos not n quire, Liu suid, much eruiti
lion lo iuimj an objection lo the Biblo,
us a child may ask u question thul
would puKslo u bit-hop. Col. lngersoll
has been unlorluiiulu ill selecting lor
ei'ilicisiu lhu very worst types ot mun
and women wbo uro spoken of in liie
Uiblc. they object thul they Und iu
lhu iiible thu doctiiito oi' originul sin.
I'here is u reulny coiisluutly bcturu us,
and that is lhu lundency of human
uuiiiro to do wrong. Bui is the Bible
to bo called iininuiul because Kiel Is us
how lo account lor this umversul luctr
ll is not to be luund ill the Biblo thul
God ever consigned u suul lo elei imi
dculh ou uccounl ol lhu bin of Aduin.
Wu huvu in lhu fiiblu records ol men
.viio wholly disiuguid lhu moral code,
but lliesu I'cuuida uru given to prove
the human geiiculugy of the Son ol'
lun. .S iiiiu of iho Im iiuiit unccslor.4 ul
uiir Lord uoio uiuolig thu barest
ncoundrels thai ever lived. The speak
er cited David and Suluiuoii and uiners,
suymg that they weiu uiiirdeiors uuU
uiliillcrers, but Uiul ihey were ull cm
braced in lhu uiugiiiticenco of the c in-
pas-ion ot'Jesus l.imt. 1 1 is true, tho
rpeukcr said, that Jacob was u saind
Icr, but ho wus overtaken by signal
retribution. David nlolu Criuti's A'lfe
and cuiiHed the murder ol her htisliaud;
hul David's punishment bus been pill
on record us u warning to evil doers.
The speaker graphically depicted the
lodgment btlcrwaid visited on David's
household und asked whether, in Uiu
I'acu of such recorded punishment, the
Bible can be irotiilulty culled an im
moral volume. Thu Bible, ho said, in
that casu hud been a cibhet, and there
on hangs lhu tool cursu of Duvid, and J
incru u win uunf uiiiii me uuu ui
lime, while aruiiud thai gibbet the
jackals ot infidelity und thu prairie
dogs ol fccpticiKin huvo gathered tu
howl and map at the loathsome ol jeet.
.Solomon, ihe speaker ciiiitinoed, wusu
li eu lover und utter ard alrcc thinker.
Solomon wus the Bnham Voting ot
his uge. A'. V Ihraltl.
ol the law intimates, "Now, you vote
tho ticket 1 voto, or you will no
out (ifihiscstiililishineiil." ' Or, If the
mnn I volo for is defeated, this liirnace
will slop." This Is simply damnable.
If a man employed In a sloro or factn
ry does bis wink well, und gives
eqnivulcrit in work for wages paid him.
ho does all any "no bas a right lo ex
pect nl him. Tlio laborer sells his
work, not hi" political or religions prin
ciples. These bosses uru too wisu I"
raw "I diachuriro you because, you vo
led B I did not want you to vote,"
bill thev will find somo excuse und ul
nnurso discharL'e I bo poor man who
moat ilcnenil unmi his labor for his
dailr Imunl. The laborer knows why
ho isdisi harired and God knows. Such
men arc not til tube American cilir-eiis,
who thu Intimidate men in their cm
Lord Chief Jnstieo Hull of Kncland.
expressed himself in the billowing bin
image: "I,ol all peoplo como in and
vote fniily. It is to support "no or
iho other pnrty to deny man's vote.
If sni-h an action dunes to he tried he
lore me I will direct the jury lo mului
him pay well for it.
Men should bo careful bow they
overshadow the ark of tho American
covenant with corporato and capitalis
tit- intimulalKin.
Fonrlli, bribery. It will never be
known how much money is rui0'f to
curry elections. Tho nefarious system
of tuxinir unti e holders lo riuso a cor
ruption fund is pretty well understuod
by ull. Thu linio has como and the
necessity of tho case demands it, that
tho party in power he prohibited from
UBtnir Ihe people's money lo tail')' on
elections in that way.
Senators, Congressmen, 'Governors,
and Presidents bavo bought their way
into nflicp. Sometimus 'ho price punl
is tho promiso of official position.
Wield your eloquence on my sido and
when I am elected President, 1 will
make yon my Secretary of State.
Mukn me Mayor und I'll put yon uu
the Water Board. Muko mo Govern
or and I'll appoint you Surveyor Gen
ernl. All in violation of thu law.
Money is used to buy voles, so man)'
dollars for so many votes. Thoamotinl
of money need in this country by the
Republicans to corrupt tho liallot-hox
was simply immenso, and was used by
men Irom whom we all expected bet
icr things and which in due timo will
he fully explained anil exposed lo the
good people of this county irrespective
ol political complexion. Hertford Oa
IlATHKR Oui.-Tl.o Buffalo ;!
wants to know who invented kissing
We don't think it wu ever Invented,
it Just tamo kind o' naturul, bKO n
shock of sugar-coined clectricliy. Our
Hit mother, in her maiden Innocence,
asked Adam to tell her If her buck
hair wa all right, and we presume be
couldn't help it. Wo lonhln'l if we
hud been Adutn, end tho girl's mother
away at the puiver meeting.
A Sad Cask W hen Daniel Burr, a
watchman in a mill, at Cleveland Ohm,
returned homo he lonnd tho bouse
tightly closed, and climbing through
lhu window was hoi'iilim! lu find lhu
whole, luniilv vintf senseless un.l a
puwoifoloilorof gasfroin a basu burner
stove torvailiiig the air. Ills three,
year old daughter was dead ; his wile
anil eleven-year oni iiaognier ,-
lhu ho I. mid the infant on the floor
111, conscious. A neighbor' daughter
who was visum them, was also insen
sible, und B woman friend of the family
was siltliur at lhu loot ol mu neo 111
thu same comatose condition. Thu
lust named may recover. The othurs
will probably die.
ilm' Adi'fitisrmcnts.
Nor. ITlb, 1110 If.
CrislMilUFor Sale!
Afci-T .1.'irl.!f iuUI ntperly, wi h t puiri
of l.urr, liiuatf to lonitur (n, Clear
tiaiii fl-'Uti'T, IV, M.' ut Iwu imi -bll wilt!
nt 1 h ilififbu rg, Cehtr- it 'iin'y, P
aAprl to tl MMKllHrvl-II lf.Y.n,,
rbliiiitUTf, CtntroCu., )'.
Nuv. 10, 18S0 If.
lciv ditrtsnntnts.
r imiO III 'Ull I'll-M. II wn Ww A Ce
l), Willi I fivti tbouiiA4 buihU el OATS, w,
"HI Ml V"1
Clturtltli, ' , Aug M. UT tf
Cirwanivl.ta, Pa., Jw . T
M H W A t.1 1'.IM-HlMI men r nttj
by thm FD'IAH THO MH'.N riTHKL CiM.
I'A.nV, MMm!), t nnivnU rur(f,o. y
ilir Ir m Tynm lb Uwl.i.urxj A Trm
(ir,-il. IliintlfR'lun IV, IV,'l.
'Ueiulr 17, lH0-t. I
I1AKM I.AlwIW OH lAI,i:. U HuMoi
il PlfiuDh.n,t'l"rBfMBonljr.
UnifDtbltT timfri D lrtrltil purr '"'.J2c
u.oi.u PrlcM f l P
,llnur a tti4. h. B1UO, Aiai,
Prnl-ald, IV
r WittiCt tfc kniii.
Hiit 10. 1ST If CIrl.IJ, P,
1X111 TOH- NOTM li.-N-.ltM li lir
J lf (tvrn 1 bat Irft-rr Tvaiainenurj' a th
r DKUtKlK KMAhK, ttuBiur, lt uf
llra'ij t(iwtilMi, CiMiflvId fly'iBiy, l'tnnjWinU(
dfoesird bnving t.endul) frttotrd lu tbi ur.4-r-MDM-I.ftll
periuni iailnbtid lu ,,! will
plva- mk tU.OiHlta.t p)nrBt, mad IbiiM btt.
in elitun of dfiut.di tiin ibe m will t:
viit Ihfm rxperjr ihiiitnti for MaUiaaat.
wabyl dtly.!.
T root v III.. P , N t. I. IMlMi.
C1 AIITIOM. AHiriM,tit h,r'Ve''","'
J irainit 1 uTchHo'nK or niK'tiaiiii'f; i M"! !
rtii-elt drtawn 09 "flits CurwrmfviHa llnk,"fr
.0, fit nr. I t.j lis irtil iltteti Srt umber ?.td. Iai),
In ( ivor uf W. 0. 'I huin.i n, jut.1'! July ll.
IJHl, ihr giiTiih.inii of llii )iutfl'it or Vaaiil
rherk Ufa nut lin n e-ifiiiHed wlltl by tho nid
Tb'imii'-un. and rt will ot ptf tt unl-M enm-
pll.l it, d y liw. IIAKIl A DAfcM lY.
turwcnaviUF, r.. nor. iv, isso m.
.uiti Uflfin br htf) In tbo Cart of Com-
uinn liti 01 uinr
Hold eounir.
No. 4t Jun f.. ISM.
licit triand W.A.Hovi'-
J..UKI H. Utllia
Al. $b. A'ur. Dintrti,
The utadariiirnrd Cr-DtinlioDr, appointed by
lh t'ourt to 'k ti'tnmunv lb Iba abova eaia.
ivl B4ma tbat fcn wul mornl i ilia du'la of
hu apiniiniilat ib oflica of Thnajaa J. MoCul
lnugh, K(.. to rn H tr-niirh tMcarflid. nn tba
Vill dy ot UK (.KM IIKK, iSs(, ml IU a'oluiitt
A.M., when sod wlirrr nil (en ii t-rtd tuty
mttrbd. t- HA.VK A. t LbMlNU,
Cle.irl.ell, Pa., Nur. ITih, Ij-Jt.
the nuuxisa or the mix
Tutt WiiEATCaor. The wboat crop
of the United Hiatus for 1880 is now
placed at an aggregate of 45S,5S9,000
bushel. Tbe production by soclions
it as follows :
w.atara B-atea...
I'aeifla C'oaat (ibe'Qiii.g VVaaulnjtva
Tenuirt) mt.HH
ftaalhrra Siatea m HM 4l.SSV.Hv"
M dJI. Hlatea
Culorado aed Temwriea II S5n.U"0
OresJ laul ....ll,ill,'iOll
Tho neud uf the country in thu way
ol bread, too ls, etc., are itlimatod al
205,003,000 bunhuls, leaving a surplus,
111 round numbers, ol 180,0011,000 bush
els lor export.
IIoMt YoTl.MO. Galena, Illinois, the
borne of Gen. Grant, gave 302 majority
for Hancock, wbo also carried Green
backer Weaver's county in Iowa by a
Majority of two. A closer vote than
tbit is shown by the official rolurni ol
Montgomery county, I'a., the borne of
Genoral Ilanrock, which show a major
ity of one for Garfield.
Tba Republicans charge that the
Garfield Morey cheap Chinese labor
letter wat a forgery. Hut that lct
ha not been proved, nor bas iho forger
been Indicted or oven named. II it
was forgery, why don't thoy proJuo
lb proof or the forger?
A Congress, says tho St. Louts Post,
Democratic in both branches, has lo
count I ho Electoral vote and decline
who ha been eleeted 1'icsideiil of tbe
United Slates.
Four years ab tho Republicans es
tablished the precedent that Congress
could count or reject Iho Electoral ro-
inrna a il plouses, It thus rejected
tho honest leltirns of Louisiana ond
counted thoso steeped in perjury, for
gery and infamy. '
Four year ago the unquestioned
majority of Louisiana, thus trampled
upon by Congress, wu 8,000 out of a
total of 150 000. This wat equal to a
majority of C 1,000 on tho total voto of
New York.
No York't majority it only about
20,000 out of 1,200,000 votes. Great
frauds are alleged. Suppose the Dem
ocratic Congroit should do precisely
vrliat the Iiepublicant did four years
ago ? .
Il is a terrible temptation; but we
feel sure that the Deinocratiu Congress
will not yield to il, and tbat liai field
will bo President will bo so counted
in and declared by a Dcmocratie Con
gross. . .
But suppose on the other band.
Congress wero It. pul lican, New York
hod gone D.-niorrnlie and its vote de
cided tho Pro-ideiicy in favor uf the
Democrats. 1 thcro any 0110 who
doubt bow quickly tbo Republicans
would ono their power, reject tho Dem
ocratic return and count in their own
On Timc "Kor President in 1881
General WinlUld S Hancock" is
the ensign the llnlliduyi-burg Standard
ha nailed to It masthead. "Thu
Dcmocraliu party, it suys, "never
went into a buttle under a better Icador
than Gen. Hancock. Puro In charac
ter und life, a soldier without reproach
a ciliien without slain, bis (Ideal in
the campaign just closed was a Nation
al calamity w hich will become moro
and more apparent as tbo administra
tinn of Garfield develops itself. Ilcliev
ing now that wo volco tbo sentiment
of the mas of the Democracy uf this
county as well at of tho country, we
move from tbo field which wat lost by
treachery, and nnder tbo banner nt
Hancock begin the conflict for good
government which we believe will end
with tbe election of Hancock in 1884."
a ha 1 1.011 t: Mi in 1. Anns ami a soi.t'ica
New Oiii.eanh, Nov. ',G. The lai
ot Lutitte'a celcliialvd band of bucca
nccru died iu 1I1H city on Salgnluy
morning. II is iiaiiiu was Jacinto Lo
liruno, und hu was born iu thu city ,,
Nuples, between the years ol 178'i and
17H0. ll i i-uiil tlml on account ot
tieing concerned iu u ploi ae;aiu'.l lhu
tioiei nun-lit ho and his lather lelt
ltuty in 10!). Hu ihun became u sail
or, und inu'iu several voyu.ri-s between
litbrallar and Havana. Durinjr 181-1
Itu saw the exiled Napoleon 111 IClliu,
Lobruno's first viu to New Ui leans
was inudu in 1SU!I. He iihcuuciiily
tiecaino connected with Lutiiie, being
largely iiiMruineiital in pei-Miailing the
privateer lo sidu with llio AiueiicuiiN
against tho JSrilmlj, The old velurati
seems lo have taken a prominent pan
in lhu ball e of Mew Hi leans, havinir
been presented by Generul Jackson
with a handsome eword, which he
ever ullcruaids retained and cherished
us one of bis moat valuable pOFSersions.
Ouco ill nlaling this event ho said
Jackson bad coulerred upon lino lhu
in: o 01 laciicii.:, tiitotiiiii.g 11.0
sword, lio this as il may, il is cerium
that Lobrauo in his old age, believed
himself to bu a Generul in rank. Thu
writer examined lhu ancient weaisiu
yesterday, lis blado is one of tbe
11 not temper, and ol such rare steel
thai it will bend double without the
leat sign of breaking.
1 he siili eel nl tins sketch Fettled
lown in Nuw Oilemis und ul the ugu
of loity-live muiried a lady ot ono ol
tho most noted creolo lamilies 111 the
.3lato. 1 1 isfclatuil I hn I ho iiarltc inalcd
in llio Texas war for mdciciidcncu.
and among the trophies ol bis exploits
is a lance which im ctipltired I rum one
td'lhu followera ol Saula Anna
Mr. Iiobrano was at one tnno en
gaged in Ihe t-lave trade and other
eommerciul enlerprises. Hu ftnully
settled down ill Nuw Oilcans and re
tired on a moderate fortune liom all
business pursuits about Iwuniy years
ago. ouice thun he has led a quiet and
retired lilu.
ll is related of him that during lint
lei 's reign in New Oi leans, Lobrauo
board thai tho Dictator would scizu
his beloved sword, whereupon ho J wore
thai if llutler made the utlempl he
woiiiu cm on ins 11 can.
The negotiation w ai taken sick about
ono week ago. Up to thai time he
uiijoyud enccllent health. His sight
was exoi Hi nl, and he preserved his
teeth and hair to thu I11-U Hu was a
man of medium height and in his
youth wus of a handsoinu uppeurancu,
aa shown by a portrait which bangs in
the parlor of Ins late residence. Hu
comes of a long lived fiimily, il buing
-iii-1 ihut bit sinter attained the Uu'o ol
iuu yeui-a.
(1AUTIOHI All fierrona are hereby eautlns
J ail aaaliitt numha.ins or Desol'Hlia a car.
lion Pryiiiie-urt Nola.slieD to W.lla Hul
I , paler, Ail-D'a, dai.a Jul; H, IffO, and galling
1r 2V au.i a hup inita, ilun lal wf iiUuiTj,
I8S0, at I'uraertavllln ll.f.k. aa we buve aevar re-
ociveil valt.a lln-rc-lor. anil aa ill not pay '!e aane
uuka, eiiuiellaa to do au by nmreaa or law.
I'K l l-.K il 1 n,
Net) Mill art, I'a , N ir. lo t,, ISKU li.
Tho Caltlornia vintage this year is
cat 1 mated al Irom ll.UUll.UUl) lo 11,
000,000 gallons.
The exoort of A niencan cattlo to Ell
rope Ibo last ibrco month wa 1C,7C8
C'lIli'AOo, November 10. The burn
ing ot liiu Stale IiiMunu Aslum at Si
l'uler, Minn., luft nighl provos to buvu
tieen a lerrililu disunlcr, attended b
loss ol lile, thu parliculuis us to whie
have not readied l.ciu. Unly one
wing ol the tiuilding wu.1 burned. Thu
atruuiuru occupied ten years lu Imild
ing, uud was completed three joars
ago at a coat ot eotiO.UOO. I he toe hy
tne tire will be limn (lUO.000 lo!50,
000, on whicii tlieru is no uiMirunce.
t'hucausu of lhu tiru is unknown, ll
originated in lhu basement ol tuu north
wing, which was destroyed. Dillerctil
icporls statu the loss ,l lil'o al Irom
Ihreu lo fill)', hul no bodius buvu been
lotiiid, no I'tiu is surely known to bu
uonaing. i lieu dungur liccaiuu tin
iinoeiii ihe .Siiporiiilunileiil ordered lltu
releae of all the paltents, und it la
pl'otitililu bolllu wuiu overlooked in the
conliisioii and turned, especially
noiue ot the rooms tpiickl) fbled with
aiuoku uud could nol tie uMciud by thu
reaeiiei-s. There were 05U patients in
ftie lio.-t'itui lar-t year, 'f bu libernled
uiu l wuiu cared lor by citizen,. Proh
utdy somu look advautagu ol the op
poriuuiiy 10 run away, uud others
wandered off uimlessly.
br. Pail, Alinn., November 16. A
bulletin 10 tho Pioneer-Press Irom St.
Tutor tuy: "The number of lives
lost by burning und Irecting at thu
iiir-ano asylum is variously estimated
al Irom twenty to tilty. The loss on
tbo buildnnr is J300.UUO "
A siiectul Uisnaicb, 4 A. il.. tavt:
The scene at the buroiuir of lhu ooor
iniiiiitcs iu the hospiial wus hcait-
ruiidtng in the extreme, bo appalling
tjiithl hat rarely been wmiussed.
I'he palienis in thu annex wing were
males. Many ol Ibcin relived to leave
lhu building ul ull. They ran up and
down lhu hulls screaming and crying,
und those wbo could not bu coaxed or
lorccd out ul ibe building becamu Ihe
unhappy victims ul Ihe flames or were
Hiillotuied. Somu weru saved by lad-
dura aud utburs by leaping irom the
windows, borne wuru. nearly nudu.
run 11 u shoeless und halless, and ull wuru
exposed lo lhu exceeding cold of lhu
.Many of the demented and crazed
inmates fled us if tor their lives, and
Could not be overtaken or confined.
I heir BUllenngs in this frightful con
dition can heller bu imagined than
described. Too whole catuairopbu is
a reari runoiog one. ihoso who bud
escaped the llames were ut large, bull
cloihud, und were lo be seen 111 ull
directions (lying in wild Irighl Irom
mono who ulluiuiited to suve them.
the air was tuner cold, and the poor
wretches Willi hall nuked liudua and
bleeding feet weru flying about, biding
in alley and dark corners lor some
Tho capacity of the luiildinir hat
been tried to Us utmost. Tlieru weru
uboul COO patients, and every inch ol
-puce was utilized. What will be done
witb these poor criaiiins turned t ui
111 lhu cold und thuir malady increasud
uy tho excitement ul thu occasion, is a
serious question.
Itieruato two other building ailu
Uted in the lown which aru used, bui
uru already crowded. Tho asylum ut
uocuesier is lull. '
M.y 11 It,
All men have enemies. All Insti
ttittons, Htid even chuichcs aru not ex
empl. The ballot box has iis enemies,
tlio most prominent ut w hich are Un
told, wing :
First ignorance. Tho moro inti-lli-
genre a man ha thu moro qualifica
tion lor 1 no nghi 01 snitiai'. As 1111
Zens wo should study lhu nature of our
institutions then-try acquainting our
-.elves Willi lhu needs ol our coutilrv.
During iho past campaign much bus
tieen said and wrillen about thu tariff,
iho rebel war debt, nud tho Chinese
question. Jllcu w -lio are tillable tu read
und write can nut acquaint tliumselvus
with questions a lliuy should, Jlnnv
voto w bo cannot write Iheir o n names
and arc unable to spoil I'lvsident. Kadi
voler should do tiblu to read iho Con
sittuiion III IliaaSllll,. Hllll nf tho I'llllod
State and the Declaration of lode
There i rxctiau for llio old men ol
thia ago not being uhlo to read and
wrtlti, but. there is nimo w hatever lor
the young volors. Keery locality haa
a rcliooi noiisv j every school house
l a -hor and 1 bote nol having thu mean
to putchasu books, provisions uro inadu
10 buy Hooks lor them, hence what
cxotiso can bo offered by the younger
voter when unable lo write bit name
Second, fraud. Thousandsofacoun
druls all over the country vole contrary
in the law of tho land. Tlicso men
ata fostered end protected by unturii.
piilotm politicians. In no parly do
ibey receive a kinder reception than
the Iieptiblican. The (olomzalinn of
Indiana and New York prove this con
clusively. Tho law should be more
severe, to bring theso men who aro
attempting lo destroy tins country, lo
third, Intimidation.' Great oorpo
ral'on often compel their employe to
voto a they desire. Thoro aro many
instances of thit kind, and occurred at
Ihe late election. If the bead of the
corporation he an ardent Ilepubliean,
be In tome way to escape the penalty
Tb tnMt titnrtt intuitu'. nit in th I'nilnrJ
SiHtrt fur tbn th-nurfh jirffl-il tuaitinq nl
tkoiib Htid mi'1(llti--fff, win. Stu lrntt, tvl i.tnel
it ay liiutj. Ff tirfliiUrti f (f lull p4rt.3U
lart.MriiiB J. 0. .Miril. A M .,
oi2r 2tu I'lllaburKh, Pt.
1 ) AH .rr"P liitriHfit tr hff. hr B -tined
Hint the afiftprtignrtl litvti bf muluftl e-Mntsm
li tu (or hreing (lo rhnw Houi 1 1 fit I, in tht
horoutfh or t'l4rl)elilI I' Th huinei her-
firr will h f-f i.-luet-J hy Andre P'S'l Jr.,
whnwill tS'-llfpt all rlamtp due Ihrm dJ py ill
dvtll t'OLtrkrtai t'jr the fn.
ClftrfieiJ, Pi . Not. 2U. UM At.
la (V Court ot Co in in oo Plmt of Clfrfleld
tnutilr, PentivlT4ni
(ir.irgo A. Hi'iitbwick So. 20, Sept. T., 1RS1.
Fllnn Fouthwlck ) Sim. Pirn. DirnncK.
Tu Ki l.Ki K'H'TNirirK i,i:rr.HnAT Aivi mam in :
Vim will plMiaa otioe thnt tuo uru re
quired lu eonio inu L'nurt mni lpfnii In ibe
fti"V c'i-n t (lie neit Term ( 'tautr Term)
or judgment will ba rntrrvd (tinM nii hr de
gben ff
C urfieU, P-, Nor. Xlth, lSA0.4t.
! fartT ti en that ltfert of Admtoii
i ration oo tb ttUit o( h. ii WILE, Uto of
Pbildelpbi, P., i)eeeMd, fatting beta dal
Krnn'ed tu the Brtdcrtinned. H per tool indebted
to Mid ettit will plet.i nmht iinma-llkttB ptj
menr, and thoia bTtnR atinitor d'mandi RgaiDll
tb fatnt, will prrant thna prt-parl auibcoJi,-lm-i
fur lettUmaat wubmt delav
Clrarflrl I, P , Nov tlth, UM flt
IHAVR returned tr nr old huflDena, aid will
he f und at the Planing Mtl'fl.oa. on Pin
Mreet, Cl.KAhFIl. Ul), I'A., wbre I will nil all
hind of
A larse atni-h nf arhir-h I liaae alwaa. aa eaa l.
Alao, II AY UAKKS and allulher uiai-bia., aaia
bj Ihe F.iriuer, aa aril aa aialeriala fur repiirl.
I will either-iie the al-oea erihlc-a fur
As I eatnn.ate ImtrhcriPs. an'i arnal-l be
p en red lo hre tbe tre.l nfih. farniinir au'.lic.
KI.A1 W. niioa .N,
ClrarBaU, I'a , June t. Ian if.
I. berrhv cives lhat l.eltere of AHmlata.
tralioooarbeeatataoi BKNJAMIN H. nOHKHTS.
lata of Kens lowo.bip, Clearfield tnanij.
ra . deceated, baaiai beaa duly araated to tbe
.iideratrned, all perauD. iailebtrd to aaid aatale
ill plnaae ruaaa immediau, payment, and laorc
ba in elatma or damaoda aaaioat the eavaa tl
preei-nl tben properle suthiniiralod fur lettla
ment witbout delay. vuakau UAKKH,
New Million, Fa, Nor. 10, 1880 tl.
la berelia siren thai Letter, of A-1raiaia-
ira-inn on tbe aat.le of bt .1 d L 8MIUKV. Uu
of llrady tuwn.hip, I K-arfield eoanly. Pa., alae'd..
hat log baaa duly rasud to Ibe ao leral(il. a'l
paraoua indahlt-d tn aaid aetata erill plaaaa aialta
immediate payment, and thues haeina) elaima ar
tlemaiida agaiaat Ibe liar, erill preaant than
pmparly aulbeDtioa'ed tor a'ttlotnent aritbiat
delay. LAKAVhll K r-MII.KV,
Lolberabarc, Pa , Not. 10, I8S0 ti.
ADMIM-al ll ATOIIH' Kill K B. Nollae
la hrrrhy rit.s trat taiiera of Admioia-
Iralioson th-.eaUlaar W .al. S. B KADI.hV, i.le
nl Claarfiald boiouab, Clearfield Co. I'a., dee 'd
Having been daly yiaaied la iba us leralsoed, all
pertona indrhled lu aaid aatata will pleaae m,ke
immediate pajia-nt, and Ibuaa haalng elaima or
deuieude axalii.t Ihe aama, will prraaiit Ibem
t-ruiiarty auth.-nlioated fnr rettlemrnt without
delay. UAUY BRAliLbV.
Clearfield, Prna't,
VV'uodlaBd, I'enn't,
Oct. tl, I8S0 tl.a Admini.Kalura.
A Si'LUNDiu Spkciuhn or Civit. and
M li.irAitr Vntruts. Itui thu I'liiia
iJvlj.luu Vimij diics not suy a vrurdloo
iiiucli in ionise ol fjcncrul llmicock
tie bus so borne bimscll through tho
most trying ordcnl a mull cun undergo
ut lo iiicichkc llio lovo ol li tcnils and
win the resiiocl even of hiltcrosl noliii
cal enclitic. Wo do not believe lluro
is a single l!ciiiblicun in the lunil who
iocs hot huvu a biirhcr rcirm J lor llun
cock m-day thun liclorcbisiioniinatioii
lie bus behaved like a iiunllcmun and
soliiu r liiini beiriiiiiiiiLt to end. The
iioniiiiuiton mu not turn bis In ml nur
did deb ut distnib hit cniitiiiiniilv. lio
bus niainlaiticd bis dignity undur msl
u(,'Kraiutnij tircumaluiiccs, saying
iiiiiiiniK aim no nit noiniit unworlhy
in uinisi ii or lliocitnse he renrasuiitcil
Tho fierce Itubt of iiurlisun criuii-m
has not Ion ml h (law in bis muni, ur a
slum on nit rciuiulin. He bus nocx
cubes or atioli'irics to niitke. The con
liilcniiulcurrfioiidonce druKijcdonlto
serve Ui iuhltcun iiuriiot was to
ervtliluhlo to him tlml KeinibTiean pa
tiers would not .ulili-h it. Kortunuto.
indeed, is lliul I'lcmdililiul candidule
who, when tho slrngijle has ended, hat
noimng lo regret hut the (Ideal for
wlncti lie was not responsible, and lor
tutialo is the country who can produce
seen a sitenuiu specimen ol civil and
military virtues at Winhold S. Hun
cick. The Duniooralio parly may well
be proud of astandard hearer of whom
ull this tan be trulliliilly suid when
there is no political purpose tn be
scrvcti tncretiy. St Lows Republican
I.ONImlt. Nnnirii. 9t I nt .ru. L
Ihe Australian, won tbo final beat in
the International Kegalta ln-dny, car.
ryinir oft the first pnsc, 500. fdiss
was teeond, winning .1011 ; Hotmer
uiiru, winning ilbu, and Smilh lourib
winning 10. Layoook won the race
by 7 leaglha, In 20 minutoa and 43 aco-
The Standard offlic AVorld !
The I'erfecied Scale is ihe
Ther ire utd by tbe U- 8. OnferomfLt. iY.
000 purehtied witbin tbe pait Bre ytft
Thev ere of4 Ity F-.rij Qvernmnti. Rut
xia, China., 8.iln, llotliad -nJ Jepu, Aa., As
Firltnk' Seftle bt aImti b?ie (iven lb.
faitbt preuiutot ml ell of ibe WorlrJ't. Peire.
Forty- re New Inprovetnt&ti. Introductd tnd
pttiDtei vitbio tbe peit Se jeer.
Be eareFal I bay eoljr tb genuine Fairb.nliiv
lliglieHt Uonor tnkon At Puris in 1878.
Aluo Special niethictloo, be el dee HlfibMt
Medal tlllStt.Y, Imh.
OotuKer 17, I8S0.4t.
lu tbe Btttrr oi the 1 la the Orpheni' Cmrt
ttaie or W. B. V i f Ctenrfleid ooaaty,
Meticy, drerefled. j P. nuij Irei.i.
The UDiienlirnrd Auditor, pnointel hv the
reid Ctttirt, tu beer ihe te-ilnwMij m to tbe 1 1
r t.rBe Bird, una m'eie iho efivanl, of th
Adamitftiiji tn the eeteie nf ihe ettitl W. H
U'ohfy, arrpet, will Mltrarl i the dutiee nf bit
tp iatraeiat Ml ht offl.. in the hi.ruith o
CirerHfirl, on It KD A V, iho Till dT .1 !R
CKMHUK. A t t o'elok P. M .whets
end here all parilM lnttrrif-l m- a'tend.
u-i AU M ITuM K 11 1 Auditor.
CleirSeld. P, N-.r. 17th. ISK0 It.
yl DirOK'M KOTICti.
la tho natter f tf ) to the Orphoni' Coart
tt'nle of Ji ha ti. of CieorAtldeoaa'y,
Daff.rtj, dro'd. J Priiahanla.
Kotlee t hfroh elvrn that the unArn,A
Audtinr, annnlnlM he the Vnart. In dialr.bui.
the or the reta'a n-mtiDinn ie thr
hanle ot the Adminirtiatort therer. will etietd
the dutUa er ht eppuiotaieat t he oltrre tn
Clo.ffl.ltl, .it o'.-Ltflt l. M., oo FMIUAY, tbo
II) dm of DKChMHKK. A. U. Ih0. i. h.r. .il
prtini IntTeated mty aind end preent their
claim, tr be thtreelter rlehttrred Ir-.u, fanitini (n
vu mun. Oi I. UnUliADAan H a
Clearftrll, Pa , Nn ?, M-0 t
Improved Spring Beds,
Tbe oari reigned hf leara tn tnforn the iltf
etiii of Claerflerd, and the pnhltt trrnerally, that
bo haa on band a Ine aiaortneat or Porn Iter,
each aa Wnloat. Cheat ti at and Painted Cbaahrr
Saitet. Parlor Sultea, Rerhning and BiMttatoa
Chatre, Ladlea ard (Irate' Eaay Clair. Ibe Prr
fnrated Dining end Parlor ffheire, Gaa Peetaead
Windair Chalra, Ctothei Rare. Btep and Ritea
ioa Laddera, Hat Raeke, Berahhing RruRbea, Ao
ooking Olaaaae, Cbnnaa, Ae., wbicb would
litahle for Holiday proeenta.
rltvin Ti .iiii' TifirTw a".
Re-Union of Trade.
Til K anderaticned wiahing ta lofam tbe pvblia
that be opened a
At the old ttand In TroattlHe. Clear tetd eoeatyw
Pa, on the 1 Hth tniL, witb a fall aeaa of
lilt V .(H, CiH(H:iCHIKl, NOTNiNH
llM.ta. hoa, Rtes,
In fuel evert'hinf to bo ft mod in a Irat-rlaMatote
all of wbicb 1 aw deteraiioid lo aall al tbe !.
eofb ptioea.
WUI And H to thrlr adrantage ta da tbelr dealter
with aie. aa tho biahnt priMa will be paid tt
Ureia. Hhit irlef. or Pntdeeo or anjr kind. Part
r one half tttmb will be pud. Tradiag 'ar
HMnfieaor Lumber of any kiad a epratalu. A
agat fwr
Singer Sewing Machines.
flarlac made artanaaaaenle wilb Raeten
ehinta l aet ffwda fitranaod mt, iboreftire cell
anl $i a. aa I will ha ratble l to ee-ll rbpr laa
tharboepral. J W. CAHLII.K. r ui. ra., Rept. ft, 7 ly. Af-ai.
SherilT's Sale I
BY elrtaa al aerials writ of Al. Fitrm Taataa
laaueil sut uf tb. Ca irt ul Uuniuj.,a P.ea, uf
eiiulus Ou ni r, I'a , and la aaa irs.ite,l. I .,,11
es,aea lu uublia aaia, aiDdas ur salary ia tne
can ruuui, ta tba
cot'Rr iiiii'sK iTiiitriTr"n.ocK ua-
vam. Cl.l.r" COU 1Y, HA.,
On Fritliiy, Dec. 10th, 1S00,
The folloalni i'Mrlke real aalalauf the fir fend
ul, .i,re L',.B .a.y, lueatad in Cl.arS.14 and
uuatun aiuntiaa, e,u l.. and d-earlSed aa lul
L.aa, la ail t ll.glna s at a peal, lea sarlbeaal
aariiar af Ian vr Jaaaea Uanaaa, lul Na lis (
ineaoa weal una nanarad aa alate-laa (IS'J) .,ar
ehea la a puat. Ihe nerteereat enrnar el lut Nu I J.I j
theoee burlb tllv lea and Bva te.,ih. I ia
pert-baa ta a puat auraer I tbeuae au..
.tea and .1.1; three (ltd) eraaee la a puat, iba
n,m u. iaia laia ! duba Mariba
ia lauaaaaaaia eltf -See and
e a parts., ta tba piaae uf ba
liaalag, buunded burtbaard bj landeur Uadd
Uaiaea, and at le eei.U ul Iba aaid daba Mr--h;,
deaaaaad I eaeierard br laada ul W.N....
Mullaaigal aua'haard ne landa af Mrs. (areola
K. aa and (tie nuulia raa.l. and ... . L-
iat,e) .1 lludd Uaiara, aiaepttag aad raaar,lna
una aere al lalid beretofre aoi.i i... (h.
lu all Wee.i.r, euelaiala Ilia i.a HI .area
are ar leaa, erilt alluaauaa lur aaads a be-'
a, K . 114 .1 (ba allutaaeat al kealla. laada
'" V""' '""''P' I"" ! " tl..
diss, bat, as tb.reua araated ana twe aiera u.
,'U:;d:.,l"""' ... J
b.ia.d, ta.en la alkaline and U ba aaid at Iks
ffleadanl waltaa Ihe r,ikt al laaala,,!..
Tta., ,N.daad will ha tahba.kHlfe u,l
tba BBIobeaA Mat... I. J , ...
KoBKRi a.BAaaB,84.,Lt
Liak II teas, ft.. Mar. tf, lt. ,4
The Scientific American!
IIR Fnaartna Aa.a.r.a I. a tarn Flral
X Cl.aa W, .HT Nawapaper i( tlltaea Px".
p-iniea I tne .( heautifajl arale, preie'a
ll'aa'ralrd allh aitlaadtd anaravfnaa. rar-earnl-
li Ihe neara't larealloaa ab I Ihe tal rane4t In the Art. and rieleneaa t tarlariac
N'O and Inteaaallna faetaln A erie.lie'e. II tli-
rullara, tba llarae, llealih, Medlaal l'r.-a'.
Sonla I itrlenaa, Nalarai lliatar. (laalocr, AatrM
uioa. Iba aioal aalaablo praalleal pap-ra. tr
aaa'Bent tarlier. In a'l drnartatea'. af ttolae
ill ba tuned In tea tetaaiifU aaarW.n "
Tarnaa. i 10 pae year, tl half "
h-ch anjlndaa BoMaia. lllaaaaal la Ar"
tlnjte aoptee, tea, aanu. Raid bj all H-eel-el-er. h. K.t.l O dar H MDM.ttCi),
ral.a.. ir p, H lt, , v,,,,
I ill La-ll 1 O.'rtciaailrio Aaiaici.,
Maaare Man Cm. are BrdMtnrt af Amen'
aad terrlia Paiaala, beta had 11 te.ri aipart
anna, and eo baea tba larrat ea'abltaliniaBl "
the aturid. Paienb are eniaiaed aa Ibe bra
leraa., A tpaci.l nnltaa t. ea la la the Mael'l
Are.n..a"af all laeaalkna palealed tkreafb
thle Afbi-r, ejlih tba taaja aad reHdaaea af lee
falemea. br the leaaaveae elrealali.-e Ib.a t"j
en, pnhlle ntteallan la direeted ta ibe Berilaer
Ihe aaa paleat, bad aatat ar lalredeetlaa erVr.
aaatty effeatad.
Aa; paraaa teha ha. eaada aaa dtaeeaar;
laaenilun, aaa earert.le. fraa af aba'r. at""
a paiant aaa pmb.bla ba abiaibat, h; aentlf
Mean A Ca. We alaa aead fraa aar Head he
a haul Ibe Patent Laae, PnlanU, Caaaala, Traea
Marka, (halt eoiu. Hd bait praaared, lth tla
far (raearlof ndaaaeaa ea laeeettua.. A.'1'
fee the Paper , ar aeaaeraln Palaaea,
MUMM A CO., IT Part Re, .
Iraaah OSaa, ear I m TlheTU. WajlaUb,
Maraatbar If, lab ,