KallroatU. leiiiiM.yI vanla Ilailroml i. V TVKONE i CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and eder Mondnr, MAT 14, 1I0, the P aaaenirer Train, will rua daily loicepi Sun day!) between Tyronoand Clearfield, a, follow, CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH." LKAVB NOHTlf. Ctirwonarllle,.. Kleereiew Clearfield , LeooerJ Ilarrett HH Woodland, Birl.r Wellacelon,.... Hlu. ball, Orahatn Fhilipihuri, .. Hteinor'e, B-jynton, Osceola, Powelton,. Hummit, , Veneonvoo, Tyrone, a.m. r. . .10, J.40. " . 411, " .1.14, 4.01, .4 OK, .4.17, .4 JS, .4..1I, " .4.3J, ' a.:h, u 4.4J, " 4.04, " 6.15, ' 4.15, " 00, " Tyrone,.. Vanecoyoe,,.,, Summit, P'lweltoo Osceola..- Bn olon, ...... Steincr',. Pbillpibari,.. (Iranam t.0, a fl.li, " II 50, .in oo, .10 12, " .10.17," .10.22," ,10.35," 10.!, 10. J7, 10.44," 10.52, H.5H, " 11.07," 11. U, .11.11, 11.24, " .II.4Ha.ii Hue 11.11 Wnllaeetun,... Rijrlcr tVuoJIand Ilarrrtl (.eoneril Clrarflel'1 Rieert lew...., t'urwenavlllc. CLtAHHtl.ll EXPRESS. LEAVE SO r T II . LEAVE XORTIlT Cttrwemvllle. Hirerview,.... Clearfield. ... Leonard IWrrett Woodland, .... Dialer !... a. t.m " 4.47 " 4 51 " 5 57 " OS Tyrone, 7. 10 p. n. Vanacovoo 7.43 " Pummlt, Powelton,... Osceola....... Bovnton ..405 ...1.17 ...4 21 ..KM (108 bteiner'e, 4. .19 Pnillpsbart;...l.41 tlrab.m 4.47 Hue ball 8.5S Well.teton, ... 02 Rigler 9.10 Woodland, 4.17 Barrett 9.25 Leonard 9.30 Clearfield 10. 07 Kleertlow,... I IMS Curwcnaville 10.23 YYellacctiin,,.. (111 " (12! " Ulna 11.11, Graham,.. ,26 " Prtillpeburg.. .2 ' (..S3 4.37 1.41 " 1143 " 7.05 T.2J 7.44 a Bteiner a, Bienton Oeeeola, Powelton Summit Veaecoroe,.... Tyrone, PHILII'SIIIRQ A MOS1IANN0N BRANCHES Lnavi aoi-rn. P. n. A. If. A. Mi 100 2 15 7:00 IV 7:03 2 24 7:04 3 ail 10:20 7:18 2 14 10 :f5 7:31 2:47 10:43 7:39 2:52 10:49 7:44 2:57 10:53 7:55 1:07 10:58 S II I 3:12 11:03 8:09 LI4T1 HORTI. A, H. P. at. P. H. 12:10 12:25 4 30 12:23 4:34 12:14 4:14 9:10 12:04 4:01 55 11:53 4 47 4:50 11:45 3:50 8:45 1 1-40 145 TATIORI. atorrlerlels, Philipeburg, Sleiner'a Bovnton, O.oeola, Mo.banlioB, Sterling, Houtailalo, Mccaulry, Kendriok'a, Haoiey. 4:13 11.10 2:10 I 8:311 11:33 3:30 j BALD EAULB VALLEY BRANCH: El. Mall. Mall. Eip. p. . a. . p. a. a. . 7 OS 9.20 leave Tyrone arrive 4.33 7.55 3 23 8.37 Bald Eagle 4.17 7 42 4.01 9.14 Julian 4.34 T.05 4.24 9.43 Mileaburf 4.14 4 48 8.32 9.31 Bellefonta 5.05 0.33 8.45 10.03 Mileil.urg 4.55 0 21 9il9 1029 Howard 4.11 4.00 43 11.04 arrive L. Haven leave 8.54 5.25 TYRONE STATION. KAHTWANP. 1. Pufifio Ezpren 8: Johnitows Kiprri 8: r. M.f WKHVWAntl. a. H l4Pittburgb L'lp'ss, 1.53 iljl'aclOo Eipreia, 4:14 l p.v. 5lWay Passenger, 1:15 27 Chleapro Elpreaf, 8:15 Dt RiprfiM 1 Mail Trefn, 3: Atlantic KipreDi, o: Phila. KxpreKR, 9: Cloie oonnectlom o and Lock Ilaran. my IT -if. 51 1 Mail Train, 8:34 H.tfFait Line, 7:08 lade bjalltrkimai Tjrone . S. S. BLAIR, Snperliitendent. flTAng LINES. A Haft leave CurweofTilledallT fr Reynold Tille, at 1 o'clock, p. arriving at Rr;noldnrille at 8 o'clock, p. ro. Heturoing, leeree keynnldi Till dally, it 7 o'clock, a. in-, irriviog at Cur weniivilleat 12 o'clock, u. Fare, tub way, (2. A itafte IraTci Curwcnivllle daily, it 1 o'clock, p. ni.( for I) till oil City, errivinft at IuHii City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Ketunnng, learn Dulloit al 7 o'clock, a. m., dally, arriving at CurweniTilie at 12 o'oloek, in. Ftre, aach way, $l.&0. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW (1RADK DIVISION. ON and aftrr MoodaT, Jirno 24lh, 180, the naaaenger traina will rua daily (eicept Sundae) betweea Red Dank and Driftejovd, at r..low. F.AXTtVAIllt.Dar Mail leavai Pitlihnrf 1:55 a. m.; Ked Bank I l:.'ll; 81ifn Junetinn 11:51; New Hrtblchen 12:54 p. m.; Mayarille l:1U; Troel:.15 Brookvil'e 1:55 Kullar'a 2 20 i Re;, noldarille 2:i4( Dulloia S:('A i Hummit Tunnel 4 21 ; PenAeld 4:41 1 T.ltr'a .1:4a HenesetU 4:31 j arrive, at Driftwood at 4:20. T l l rt A it l. lia; ei.il l.aie. Dila uJ 12:211 p. m ; Heneiette 1:00 ; Tvler'l 1:24 I'enOeld 1:S : Summit Tunnel 2:C0j Dulloia 2 15! Rrrnoldirllle 1:3s; Puller'. 2:54; Brook Tille 1: 1 5; Troj 9:112; MaTirille 3:55; New lletlilehem 4:00 ; SHku Junctioa 4:47 ; Jled Bank 4:03 ; arrire, at lMluburg at 7:40 p. b. fr- The RevnoldiTllle Aecominodatioa leaea, Rjinoldaville (tail j at 7:55 a. n.) and arrive, at Red Rank at 14:40 a. tn., 1'itlaburjh at 1:40 p. m. Learee Piltahurzb at 2:15 p. n ( Red Bank at 5:55 p. m.; arriving at Reynoldiville at tt:04 p. a. Cloae eonneetloa, made with train, nP.II Railroad at Driftwood, aod with train, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCA 11(10, Qen'l Sup't. A. A. Jacaeoa, Hnp't L. 41. Die. PARK FKOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa (2 05 Mlddletewn $5 00 Loek Haven 3 74 Marietta- ... 4 54 Wllllamiport- (10 I. entailer . 4 80 IluntinrJon.. 180 PI11LADKLPUIA 7 40 Lewlitown. I 40 Altoona 1 44 Mary,vllleH 4 50 John,tcwn.M I 44 Coweaavllla In Pbilipabnrg 41 Oaeeola 45 Tyrone 1 22 HARRIrlBlTRi. ... 4 24 PITTSBIIRO 4 15 yUsfcUniifous. FARM 011 SALE The andenigned will tell (U pri?tt nle, bli ram, icaiei in rno lownbip(CUartl(t coonty sixty Aonus, half of whiehlliaa roo! tut of aaltlratlaa wlib afrttna dwelling, log barn, 'a thrifty orchard and en eicellcat spring of never failing wetcr, tngetbtrr with the becfary anthaitdingt. The rxiriton not cleared it bravily timbered, and all ) andf rutd witb eotl and Inn. It will b cold low and on eafly terni. For further fnloratation eill on ibe premise, or alireei the ahmriher at urmpian Hill P. O. OWKN J. KKKN AN Urxmptta Mill. Jane II, 10 .1m. CENTRAL Ntnto Noriiuil School. Eighth Xormal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Tn A. X. J1A UB, A. At., Th. V., Principal. Tbii flaaool at at praent eonttltatad, offeritbe very betrt faeilttiee for trofiiijiial and Ctasiaal learning. Butiaingiri)aloR, iDvltln and aowimadlaaa omiletely bviUd by Iteam, well vehttlatad, and farnUhed with a boaotiiul mpply af pare, nil Location health M and etur af acaeH. Bnrroaading eeanary aaiarpaeead. Teacbtr experienced, efficient, and alira to tbMr wort. Dieelplina, trm botblad.aairoraaad tborougb Kincnvee moderate. Ffly eenti a week deduction to tbwte preparing 10 leaea. . fiiadeati Admitted at any time. Coo me of I tody preeoribed by tbe Ptttei I Mde4 rchol. I'. I'raparatary. HI. Klemea- Ury. IV. Sclent. Sa. ArurftrTcai'MU: I. AeaJml. II. Commercial. III. lluila. IV. Art The KtemvntarT and Sclentlnn eonrepe are Pro. feniowa), nid etadente gradanttaff therein raotlva oiaie t'lpioKae, tanrerrtng th following aorree- ionding dKrei Hatter of tbe Klemeatt and leiteroflbe PcienoM, Oradaatei la tbe ether oureee receive hernial CtniflcalM of tbelr at Uinmvnt, elicnad by the Peoalty. Tbe rroftlnal ananee aro liberal, and ara la tboroaghnai Bat Inferior ta theee of aar belt eoiifgee. The 8tta reqairai a hi her order of citiwn- ihip,- Tba timet demand li. It ti ana af th Riwnm owjwii i top foaoAi 10 ntp tateaara It h irnivhinc leteltifenl and eAoieot teaaberc for bar arhooli. To thit tod It eolieiu young per pone af good abilities and grod parpoeca -tboee wba detir to improve their time aod their tat tat, nt ftideate. Ta all taeb it promttat aid ia flfveiopmi tnetr powert as 4 abundant op porta Sitiet for well paid tabor after leaving erhnol. Por ciiilngue and term addrcn tbe Fri&clpit, ar lb Herniary af tba Hoard. BOARD Of THUfiTBBM TocmaoLDint'TaBtntt. J H. lUrtea, M. A O. Daet. Jnrab Browa, fl. M.Biohferd.SaBnelObrltt.A. N. Raub, ft. . Ooah.T. 0. Hippla, Kea., a. Kintilna, g. p. ke Cormwb, , Vt. W. kaakia, W. Ii. Brawa. flea. A. O. Oertia, ni. H. L. Dleffoabuh, Qa. Jetea Merritl, II oa. Vm Blglar, J, O. O. Wbaiey.8. H.lUr MeCamiak, Ka. rnnatt WILLIAM BtOLBft, Prtid-at,rieartfald, Pa, Oca. J BPS I MKRHILL, a Viet Prwldani, Lack Havta, Pa. , tl Millar Mccormick, . WttaJ7, Uh Uvraa, Pa. TD0MA8 VARKLiY, ' ' 1ww, Loe k Havaa, f Lack Oavaa, 1 Aegmet 4, IIVly. .l.srrtlai.rouj. AKNOI.D IIAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwen.ville, Jan. 9, '74-tf. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER HL'RNSIDB, PENN'A. rpilK subtrribar now offrr to tba uitiiem of X IiumiliU tod virion?, an oDruiaei ily. HertafUr til kinds of Cwkftt and Cuffloi will ba kept on band, and ordtrra filled at ooo. Funerals 1ttmdfd ,iiy where. I will forilih tb 0Bit M !) ti (hi ebcipoat ftiiiclu dedi '(! to funeral- All ordtr lfl i Ibo itort of Jum C CuflK will retire prunpt atteDiion. Fur fnrlher prtiruln, enll on or .vHrtiJ K, 8. 1IKMKRS0N. Vet. 10. U79-U. GEO. WEAVER & CO,, SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., lUr opened up, in the it ore room Ittelv ottupfed by Weaver A brtti.oa Bccond itret, Urge tod wen Micieu itorl or Dry - Goods Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QI KKNSWAKE, WOOD A WILLOW WARS HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which the will difpone of at reasonable ratej for cpj'j, or exchange (ur count rj produce. tit OR OK WEAVER A CO. Clearfield. Pa Jaa. S. 1878 -If. REMOVAL ! James L. Lcavy, Hiring porch sued the entire etock of Fred. Beckett, hereby give outlitethat be has moved loto the room lately ocennied by Reed a lltirerty, on Second street, where be ii prepared to oBcr to the public CQOK STOVES. HE.ir.i'fi .. PARLOR STOVES, of the lit fit improved pitterni, at low prioei. HOUSE F0RNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware, Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, Gee Fitting, and Repairiag Pump, a apeeialty. All work warranted. Anything in uy line will be ordered rpeei.l If deeired. JAM. L LEAVY, Proprietor. ritFD. PACKETT, Agent. Clearled, Pa., January I, 1874 l(. The News From MOORE'S? THEI HAVE JUST EECEIVED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Boots and Shoes, ps and CapJ That Ever Came into the County, AT THEIR STORE, ROOM 0. 1 OPERA HOUSE, ;E4. C. TOM w. union R, ClearteU, Pa., Sept. 31, llsn.Sm. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. ROOM Nil. THREE, OPERA HOUSE Clearfield, Pa., WnOLESALK 4 RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Comprtilnf Drew Good l of tht vary Ul$t "tjlM, toDiiiutif ii part ( UMbtntr, MiBobuHtr pMieica, AtpuM, ud ( Daw of Fancy Dress Goods, Sard M Cwtoin, Uuhtvlr Latter, PUiii, Draft UlDRhkai, Vtu raoetti f Ibt Ttry Ul)t atylvtS and aa bp ai thay nn ba ol4 Ib thia aartifi. NOTIONS, Conitit.a cf OlaTM far Oaatt, Ladtat and U tHMe II oat ar all bBdra, Kilk rrtnjf, Lim, Vtntj DrtM Bultooi. LnHUi' Tia af all ihadaa and atria, Caff aad Callan, Htbbaaa af ail kiada snd qnaJittaa, lltriao tndarwtar, Trinniaga, ate. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Qaeenswore, Hardware, Tinware, Carpet. Oil Cloths WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., WUek win ha ni aaelreale av null. Will take Country Produce ta Eirharj for CooAt al Market Prlr WM. J. BOJFER. CkarOtld, Pa., fVft. t. WHO IA HAVE YOU HEARD $tvi gnU-n'tisniuuts. TIMBER FOR SALE I A'l of tbe while piae, hemlock aud ok ttubei ua 117 i tcree, Itviog pert of the (Jturga llahaker tract,, In Morili tutbnhipi I I'tr!, Theumltr. iltniil til rfcclte pri-j onale fur laid itmlicr, either by the foot or lor tba whole atuouut, wtih rH'ib timi to rrnvire it at may Ire ifrwxt upoa, O. 11. 4 W. IIAHKKU', AUy'i for the Owner. Clearfield, P.,tiept. 2i, lt.60.tf. JOH TINvVAHJ, II A HI) H AR K, aud - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ltd MtKUI.K.", ATTAC11JIKNTS AND PAKT8, anil all kinds of SKWIXO MACHINES, UO TO O. . MKRHKI.L, . Agent, CLEAKFIKLD, PA. Jom i, '.f. Farm For Sale. Tba tubrcrlhor now o flora fall firm for tale. Tbe ornrerlv Ii located on mile and a bilf north of CltarBcld, contaiomit i:iGHTV At ItMN, moat of which la cleared and uodrr gocd culuva tion, giod two itory "L" bnuae, large fr"tne barn and other areviftry eutbuildinfr. tnthrr wltb as orchard af all kind of fraiL Tbe whole Ii untterlaid witb a vein of good onil Tine prop erly will be eichanged fur itoaltcr pMpt-rty. nr further particular! call on the prvmi. or by letter addreaird to JOHN C. Hfc.t.1). September I, lS0-3m. Clrarfleld, Fa. Thomas A. Duckett, IIIKHRDY (rive notice to the cltiiena of Clear fied and tlm turrouniing vicinity that I am prepared at a'l tint to furniib fttmlliei and menufactariog tilabliabmontt witb a aui'trlor quality of Coal, Wood t Coke, Whi.'b I am prepared to deliver In a frw boun notice. I am alway ready to haul and deliver Irnut and to the depot, or anywburt alie, and mora furoillci and buuiehnld cuoila envwhrre on nhort nolict. TIM. A. DlCKKfT. tlrarbald, Ft., Mr. 31, 1 tt i 0 t f . EXECUTORS' SALE or 1 Desirable Real Estate ! Estato of Eicliird Chaw, Sr.,D:o'd. TIIR nndrrrifrn.'!, Fxeut r, of the ertate of HICIlAltll KIIAW, It., deceaird. eill nller at public aale at ihe COI H T IHMibK In tba bor ougb of t.'learftrlj, Pa., on Monday, December Cth, I8S0, AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M., The following valuable real eta, vlt j Tba thrce-elory IlltlCK HOTEL Drouertv. corner of Market sod First itroeU. in the bar- ouh of Cltarbeld, known aa 'The Shaw House,' Fronting with two lot of ground thereto belonging zuu left on AlnrkeC llreet, and i: UfTA o -iri.i,Pirtjrl.wimliTa.ii..rj EJD dwelling bnufc attached. Tbe bo te) iroer bat nxty bed-room and all convenience! for a firit-cUt-e botal. One of the moat di lirable betel propertiet in Centnl Peonfylrania. The above will be aold tngethrr with a two utory frame dwelling boue on Market itreet, aj j tec it to the Hotel, aud ont other frame ilwe'ling buue and a twn-atcry at ore builJiog , all fronting 00 Market it ret L Alao, a ftaint divvlling h;ui fronting oa F.rat itreet. ALBO. Atl that certain lot, keowa la tht plab of ClearfleU borough at Lot No 13W, fronting 60 fett oa IWuit atreet, run ning bark ITZ feet, more or If it, to an alley witb dwelling bonat and allneceaiary out building! Ibereon reeled, and other improvement a. TERMS Of S.iLHJ Ore-third earh at delivery of foA dead, and the baUnee to be neard by bond and mertege, payable in out and two yeara, with intercut. A. E. MIAW, JOS. 811 AW, Surviving Ki'raof Hicfaard 8baw,8r.(Jc'd, i learnt d, 1 a., O.i. t, ti. John Irvin & Bros., CTRWKNSVILI-E, l'A., -HEALKItS IS- All Kinds of Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. -w- HAMFACTl ltEllE AND IiEALERA IN su aki: Ti ll SI I'll, AND EVIIlY DESCRIPTION OP SAWED LUMBER CUTTO ORDER, - H The Only Manufacture in Oarfltlil County of tba NEW PROCESS FLOUR! H . I t.OVR, HOP .. I tf.M ilhh h o.r H.i r in IdPCnsli paid for nil kinds of l,rftin Wheat, Rye, Oatd, Etc. Corejrna.ille. Pa,. Jina t, USO tf. Cathartic Pills Colnblna tli thnlmt rntlmlic rrlncli.lra in tnetliriiie. In prnporll. iia n-i urul.-ly .l Jml. J to ,1-cnre axii'ln-, r.rt.iliiti. nrd lllillomnlj ol efTfrt. Th'ry ur ll,e r.mlt of vrnra of cnrcful efmlv ami prmll.-al i-x--riim nl, ami are the. Viiiint timl nni file yi-t ittarftvi.rrd fiir rlie.'ftei'e. raMMnl .v jli-nnsptrirnt of tli aloimvli, liur. nml 1kwiI viliU-h rrriiirf .nilnit ntnl i fl liml treatment Ami I'n.ia are nitMi.illv ai pllrohla to tola rliwa of ilieeuaie. Tln'V a. I dimllr on Ilia ilir.etive nn.l aulnillnlK n proecaaee, ntiil reatorei npiiar liruliliy r tion. Thrlr nlrmn. n,e liv .l,vau imia In tliilr pnu liro, nn.l hr all civihvnl nnlioii, la one of tlia niany rronfe of tl.i-ir value nt a enfe . anre, ami pcrr.'.-cly rellnl.le piirirmive nieihrlna. llrlnat nmMiinilrd of the mu. finlrell vlrliiea of pnrilv vepelal'le nil. alania-a, they are pnalllvelv Iny from enlo. mrl.or any Injiirlmia preperllea. anil enn In ailiuiliiaU rotl to tliililn-n vi illi itrfoLt aaii ly. Avra'a Pit., are, an offertnnl rnre f..r f onallpnllon or i'oaliveneea, Imlirrv lion, Dyapepala, Ixmu, of Allla. Foul Hloniivell anil llrenlli, lllialneu, lleaiUrhr, Loan of Memory. Numl neee, lllllouenea, .laniiilloe. lilienmnll.m. Kruptlona anil Skin llapa., lin ,ay, Inniora, Worena, Neumljla, c, Clrlnra, Dlnrrhreie, llyaentery, liout, riloa, niaonlora of tliv I4rr, ainl all other ilteeaeea reanltinv from a thaur,!,-!.-.! law of Ilia Ulireailra aparaliL,. Aa a Plnnar mi they Uaro ao eipial. While rnll In Ihelr rvrllnn. theee, Pun are Ihe tn,t thorough anil aearelilnc; ralhar. We UiAt enn Im, eintiheil, anil never ptie nala nnlena tlia hnvrera are lntlnme.1. aoil then their Influence la healing. They ati.nu late the appetite anil (llneatire orffana: they onerate to mirllT and etiri..h the l.lnnd mnA Impart renewed houltli anil rlffor lo tba vrhola ayalra. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., r meter ai aaea Aaalytaead Chaenlaea, Lawalt, Matt, oaa ar tx aaraaiere enarvvnrvaa. tV"3"eV mm THE HEPUBLICAN. CLHAUK1EM), l'A. WKDXSjaAY MOKN'Ni!, NOV. IT, 144. TUK l-LECTJOy AXD BUSI NESS. It will I'O seen tlmt HtiK ka huve been cliclihliiK evt'r ainru Tuvmlay (llio 2J) by rcnitiin ol ttm ctifrat iiclivl thai (itincral GarHi'lJ win lini'n at tlio clccllun held on tlmt day. '1 ho nmii ml rmult tif iIiih IjcIU-I lias bci n a do dine of nil rluKuva 01 eirtiriliv'. It in true that Utick bi'ukern, who floured duriti); llio cnnvn4 an tlio "husincnii (lufii'n," prcdiclcd n conlinry result. But thu ilivcutiira, w htiria iiiHtrumcntii tlio alm-k linikcr" ari, tiro awuio tlmt tlio ek'ttinn of tiurlK-l J would check all tlio industries ot llio gnutli- if tlio Hcclionul prorittnuio which wan laid iliiwn !'' llio advocutt cf (iurflcld sliould ho carried out, or if liny scri oua ntotmit fhould bo nmda toward furrjiiif,' it out, unil it , 4if coumit, tho npiiiion ( tin bo invui-tori which actually ti x m tho market und which has now depressed tho market. II tho preiniHCi that Gttrlluld is elec ted President were established, the conclusion that securities aro less vul uublo than they wcio bcliiro would necessarily lullow. Hut it in entirely premature, to suy tho least, to nssutuo that liarl'u ld is elected. That assump tion was made by everybody, it is true, on the day alter tho election. But on Wednesday the "upparetit majority on tho face- of the roturns" was alono known, while tho means by which tho apparent mnjnrity was secured woro ol courso not known. Sin.co Wednes day evidence upon this latter point has been accumulating und more will un doubtedly bo elicited. What thocf lect of it will bo upon tho minds of members of Congress, who aro to judo whether tho votes ol States shall bo received or rejected, remains to bo seen ; but not until Congress has pass ed upon tho returns can it bo known that tho calamity of tho election f a sectional candidate upon sectional programme bus actually conio upon the country. Four years ago, it may bo remem bered, it was generally, indeed almost universally, believed for somo days af ter the election tlmt Mr. Tilden hud been elected. I.iko (icncrul (jarlield at tho present time, Mr. Tilden had an apparent majority on the lino of tlio returns. One Kepublican paper, in deed, maintained in a second edition on llio morning after the election that Sir. Uayes bud been elected, but tho eluim wits derided by everybody as preposterous. Yet w hen Congress met, Congress, or rather the Commission to which Congress had delegated the duty, decided that tho liepuhlieun nowipa per wus right and tlmt tho Olherwiso universal impression was wrong, und Democrats throughout tho country submitted peacefully und patriotically to this decision, just as liepuhlicans throughout llio country will submit peaceably und patriotically to the de cision of Congress if Congress finds that tho popular impression which undoubtedly prevails now, that Gar field has been elected, is as unfounded as tho impression which "prevailed in JNovemher, 1M70, t lint lililen Had l-oeii elected. i'u..n I... . ...... I. ..t.;l..:. u ;n r...... A UV Ullll'l VOL' I lb II I I.MUIIIII III ll III , ., .,, ' i, - ... lily stronger now than Ihcy were then. Tho apparent liepuhlieun niajorily on the face of the returns in this S'ate, for axaniplc, ia bctvri'fn 1,000 and 20,000. The apparent Dtimocrrttii' ma jority on the luce (if the returns in LouiMani, wan in 187G mine 8.000, which, coiriprtred to tho total vote of the Suite, ia cquul to a inujurity of more than CO, 000 in thu Slate of New York, Bo lur;o wait it, imlcid, that there w&n tU ttie time, an tnuy ho re membered, a general divbeliel that it could have heeo outuineU Ly ui,!Mv.i'at imnna. In order to (Olivines douhl cra, Cieucrul Grunt, then President, re quested several peronn, nmonir them Uenorul Gurfleld, lately tho Itcpubli cun cundidulo lor President, to visit Louisiana and witness tho count, that they miht bo able to assure the coun try of the fairness with which the Stuto canvassers did their duty. The value, of General Garfield's assurance that a majority of 8,000 in a total vote of 100,00(1 niilit bo obtained through fraud und intimidation is established by a letter which he wroto lo liis friend President Uinsilulo just oflcr receiving the President's invitation. In this letter bo expressed his fear that ho might be associated with some un scrupulous politicians who would bo willing "to count our sido in, right or wroiijf," and implied his purpose not to bo a parly to their wicked Bchemes. Hut even General (iarflolil, when be urrived in Louisiana, was convinced that this largo niajorily hud been ob tained by the vilest menus, and socer tified to the country when be sut us a member -of tho Klectorul Commission. It will be admitted that a majority of 20,000 on a total vote of 12,000,000 is mu'-h more likely to be obtained through fraud and intimidation than a majority of 8,000 in a total vote of lhO.OOO. Whether the majority in Now York has been obtained by snch means ia a question of fact, on which Congress will have to puss, and on which a great amount ol evidence can be obtained bclora Coneress will bo called npon to puss upon it. In tlio meantime it is proper that the press should devoto itself lo reassuring the business community, since it is by no means certain that the calamity of liarNchl s election, which lias so much pressed tho stock market, baa actu ally comu upon tho country, and since tho precedent ot 1876 makes it certain that tho country will peaceably and loyally acquiesco in tho decifion ol Congress whatever that decision may no. ioc torn norm. DittTT Wohk. A writer in the Pitts burgh Pott recalls, in a circumstantial narrative, tho exciting events of four years ago, when, at about this date, cabal ol Pennsylvania politicians roost. nig in rnnaiieipnia planned the means ny wuicli fraud was then made trium pliant in the Presidential election, and the way paved for tho election now of tut man who took tbo most consnii u ous part in that conspiracy against constitutional liberty. There is no longor any doubt that what was dono in Honda and l,ouisianu in 186 was tho conception of tho peculiar school of politicians who buKod around Grant at that timo. W o havo oven been fur nished with satisfactory evidence that (rant's dispatch about no man worthy i oe oiuco oi rresiiicnt taking it il counted in was a "blind" written by Don Cameron himself SpLtNIHD AMP AfpnorniATE ("live It is hoped that Chun Wang, Jin Ming, (Jiang Loo, and other influen tial and worthy celestials of Now York and San Francisco, will have the pleasure of nresontinir in a fow days, to the lfon. Jamos A. Garfield of Mentor, Ohio, a tulcnang tureen ol ppropriate design, tilled with bitd'n nest soup. Tho efforts of Ihe Honors ble gentleman in the cause of Chinese labor, as ahown by Lis Votes in Con. grcss, tidily deserve thit high toned compliment. An KniCATtn Dor Tbe Janesvillc (Wit.) (Insrtte tays: A small boy was arrested in a Milwaukee tuburb at night, and thut cut short hit career as a highwayman. He wore a black mask, carried a dark lantern and was armed with two pistols. In hit pocket wat found "The Lifo and Adventures of Jack Rhcppard." I AT WESTPOIXT. TIIK EXAMINATION WHICH Alt Al'I'Ll CANT MUST srCTtsaHLLY PASS, After tho candidato for West l'oint anil its military honors has passed the medicul cxuiiiimttiun, which is very severe, ho enters upon the mental ex amination. In ntlimoliu the candidates are urlitd to divide 100 by four thou sundtlis, and subtract eight millionths from the result. How many cords ol wood can be piled in a space '.'0 feet long, 11! feet wide, and 8 feet high? I' ho expense of building a bridgo in a certain town wus (.'1,285, which was defrayed by a tux of 1) mills on the dollar on tlio properly of the town wbulwas tho usMWiioii valuation ot the property ol the town 1 In geography such stunners are proposed us: How many cones are there? Give the climate of each? V bat ia the equator ? What is mount by tho axis of tho earth? Name the ten States touched by llio Mississippi river and give tho capital of each Xuino tho country through hich each of tho following mountain lunges ex tends Pyrenees, Carpathian, Che viot Hills, Aitui and .Snow mountains. What two Slutcs are separated hy tho Connecticut river, and what two arc crossed by it ? Name three islands near tho New Kngland coust und three lulics in Muine ? In United States history the boys labor over stuggerershkethcBo: What important treuty did the United Stales muke with a foreign nation during Johnson's Administration? Whut is Ibo Fourteenth (I llh) Amendment to the Constitution ? Tell what you know of tho "llisouri Compromise." Xumo tho approximule duto of the opening of the French und Indian uur. What wus its cause, anil what its re sult? Namo tlio thirteen original States. Give un account of the four nets of tho Knglish Government that led to tho war of the lievoltilion. With what military event did this war clone? In grammar, besides the usual tusks of dillleult parsing, construction ol sentences, etc., tho candidates are ask ed to wiite tho plurals of the billow ing nouns: Memento, domino, cargo, tornado, lily, mystery, fiiiry, sheul, monkey, two. Construct three sen tences, using fast as a different part ol speech in each. Name the simple, sub ject of this sentence: '"llio servico past, around the pious man with ready leal each holiest rustic run." Copy the billowing sentences, correcting tho errors, if any, and giving the reason for each correction : It vvus neither bun nor mo that was sent. Ho spoko very Bharp to the children. Them ain't my books This is tho best horso of the two. Tho group ol islands southeast of the I'niteil .States are called llio West Indies. Besides the written tasks tho exam iners bold an i rul exaniinution, und by ipiesiions, eineriieiiig uwiuu ruuguoi siiojects, iniormea tnemseives ui to tho readiness of apprehension, ruentul graiji, untocoJentH und generul cliur acterof each candidate. For instance, lie would bo asked what ho under stood by a vacuum ; w hy smoku rises faster in dry weather than in wet; ihe (liirerenco between a Democratic and a fvcpulilicttn form of government; if be was addicted to smoking, etc. The candidal'' w ho passes success- 'fully through all this should realize ; lliat this is u small und compurulively , . - , . , , . ' ! uiiimpo.luiit portion of Ins troubles "It is easy to get to West Point, but it is very nurd to get through it," is a common expression down there, anil it is no less true than common. Not more tlmn 2.5 per cent, ol those ad mitted to the Academy go through the honors of graduation. For in stance, tho class of 1809 consisted of 120 youths, who had ones passed medi cal examination, but only thirty nine graduated. The mental examinations of the first two yeuil ure tolerably se vere, and ninltitiidis fall hy the way. Young men who have been plucked at Vi est J'olnt inuv bo lounil in nuarlv nil large communities, but they never allude to tho subject at all, and rarely acknowledge that they have ever seen tho Academy on the bank of the classic Hudson. During his stay at tho Academy each student is allowed 151. 50 per month, and tlio regulations torbid any additional allowunco by his parents or giinMian. I his money is retained by the Hoard fur tho pnrposo of paying tho expenses of each pupil, and thu balance, which is calculated to averago $13 (the pay of a private soldier) is handed to him each month. Ot course somo pupils wear more clothing and other articles, and thus thero ta somo inequality in tho residue. GEXEHAIj oarfields ad MLXISTKATIOX It bus happened to but few men, in any country, to bo presented with such an opportunity to achieve perma nent fame, by great public service, as is now before General Garfield. An opportunity to attain lasting dishonor, iiy degradation ol tlio high oniee to which he has been chosen, is also be lure him. Whether be will do the former or tho latter, is dependent on his possession of strength and inclina tion to riso to the full height of tho occasion. It it understood thai General Gar field proposes to construct an entirely blew Cubinet. Tho character of bis Administration will largely depend on the timber which bo shall Select, or have thrust on him, for tbo structure. Deft to his natural inclinations, Gen. (iurfield would surround In nine 1 1 with gentlemen intellectually, morally and socially qualified lor tho duties of Cabinet officers, lint will ho hare his own way in this mntter? Can ho nbrogalo the treaty of Mentor T Can he cut loose from entangling alliunces, Presidentol tho United Mates? Iliislstho ones- tion, on which his future depends, tho question whoso solution may deter mine whether hit Administration shall be clean or unclean, dignified or do graded. When Simon Cameron sent Conk ling and Grant to Mentor to confer with General Garfield, the country did not need to bo told tho object ol that visit and conference)- W lion Conklingand Grant took hold of the campaign and put their best work il. to the canvass tor tbo success of tho man who bad beaten tbo third term at Chicago, thero was no politician so simple as not to know that Garfield's Administration was mortgaged to Grant, witb Conkling as trusteo. II tlio terms ol that ooinpact are carried out, tho country knows what to expect. 1 hero is no need to define Granlism. The men and tbo Influences most prominent during the Grant era aro well remembered. Tbe thieves of tho whisky ring, greater thievet in his Cabinet, and other thieves in many offices, wero tho chosen associates of tbt President. Tbo Wbite House was a place where honorable men did not care lo resort, lis moral atmosphere was iciia wun tbe stonrb ol corruption. II, in compliance with tht Mentor treaty, General G at Sold gives to tbe Grant triumviralo tbe control ol his Administration, tbey will load him with the tamo unlrutrant crow that made Grant's second term tho most shameful epoch in our political history. Hut tbcre is hope that tho compact ill bo repudiated from the stsrt General Garfield's most ponderout or gan, The Ration, intimates that be will bo the head oi bit own Adminis tration, will select his oern Constitu tional advisers and will surround him self with honorable men and eood nfluoncos. This it a cheering predic tion, and tht country will be slad to set it fulfilled. shali rns civil sEiiricE HE UEFOIlMEUt Thuro is plenty of tloctrinaritt in the ltrpublicun party who prnto about reforming the civil service until a I'resiilentiul election impends and who tueii surrender their convictions and bu. (iino the most pronounced and iohI oiiH ailvocutes of machine cnnilldutes wliiise election must inevitably result in a continuance of tho "spoils" system of government. Among thiscinsssuch men us George William Curtis, Clms. Fianiis Adams, jr., Professor Sec-lye and uyno Sluct eagh tuvuj,'i't.u oua. Thu eleetion ia now over und these itilettinle reformer! will liavo three yeurs and nine months to siecu lul on their Utopia beloro ullegiunce to parly will aguin harness thorn to thu machine. It is not Iroin their dainty bands that any leform of the civil service can bo expected. They uro nut inudu ot tho stuff necessary to constitute leaden, in a revolution that alone enn bring about the ehango in the administration of the civil service which they favor in theory but defeat in practice, ltuform in appointments to olllee and iu ollieial administration must come from party action or it will not eomii at all Tbo DemiK-rutio party will retain control of the United Statoj Senato during tho next four yoors. Under tho Federal Constitution tho President can mako no appointment to office without tho "advice and consent of lliu Senate." This was meant by tho Irumcra of the Constitution as a check upon the lOxectitive. For what pur pose was this check provided? l!ea soualily und surely tor tho purpose of restraining the Kxecutivo Iron) mak ing untit appointments and from abus ing his power cither for personal or political ends. Tho Uuniocratio Sen ato has hitherto utterly tailed to exer cise its constitutional right to check the President in his appointment of peisotiul and political lavoritos to office. Hut it is not too lute lo adopt a new courso and the Democracy of tho coun try should insist that so long as its Kepresentutivos are in control of the United .States Senate no other qualifi cation but personal fitness ahull be considered in appointments by tbe Federal Executive. The Democratic majority in tho Semite should ut tho next session of Congross adopt a rule requiring Committees to wbieb Fed oral appointments are referred to call before them the persona appointed, examine them lo tako an oath that they will not meddlo witb politics, or contribute money for political purposes orallow their subordinates to do so. Tliii would bo heroic treatment, but it would be thoroughly effectual. It would divorco politics from the civil servico and would make Federal offi cers tho servants of the people rather than a parly. It would meet tho up iirovul of tho belter element of the Itopoblican parly add would be en dorsed by all who really believe that the "spoils" system should bo abolished. It remains to bo seen whether the Democrats ol the United Slates Senate have learned sufficient wisdom and possess the necessary couraire to assort llicir power for the inauguration of the needed reform. Harrisburg P,i trivt. GRAMMAR AT THE HOUSE. WHITE Whatever may bo thought about Garfield's spoiling, it is discounted sev eral hundred percent, by Hayes' gram mar. His. late Thanksgiving Procla million is a cuso In point. And, by Ibo way, tho Proclamation omits one subject ot congratulation that it would seem should have first suggested itself to Ibo mind of tbe writer a devout ascription of praise for the freak of Providcnco that it per mitting bim to draw on tbe Treasury ol the United States for 1200,000, that belongs to Samuel J. Tilden. Hut this ho probably docs when ho sayt his "Now 1 lay mo." We uro rejoiced to know, liowovur, that ut no period in "their" history "has" this pooplo had "so universal reasons" for gratitude "at" tho favor of Almighty God. Thankful, indeed, we arc ; at the same timo our tendereat sympathies aro aroused At inch an un provoked insult to the venerated mom ory ot Lindley Murray. Again, tays tho Proclamation, in somewhat complicated and bind end- lorcmost sort ol a way, the people uloresaid "has" or "havo" (you puya your money ,anti you lakesyourcboicc), never been subject to so profound an obligation to imploro continued caro of "beallb.weallhand proa pority through all "our Ooniers, (not the people s, this time), of peace, friendship, and "honor with" all tho world, of firm and laithful adherence by "tho great body of our population" to "tho wise insti tutions and strong frame of govern ment snd society," which will porpt-t unto "ill ror all "these, us give tnaiiKS, etc. This remarkable production is signed "R. 11. Hayes, by William M. Kvarts, secretary, it may havo been writ ten by ilogers, but wo doubt it; so happily does it combino the toa-party simplicity of tlio ono witb tht con glnmeruto syntax of tho other, that llayos and t-varts must have done it between them. Whoever the author may be.wecom mend him to the "Society for tho Pre vention of Cruelty" to the Knglish Ian giiaFC TIIK PROCLAMATION IS AS GRHAT A FRAUD ON GRAMMAR AS TIIK MAN, WHO 1SSUKS I T, IS A r HA CD L'l'OM TUK AMERICAN BALLOT. ll'iKAinc'tMi Pott. .4 PROPOSED XEIV STATE. An associntinn lias born orL'oni-jod in tlio western pait of Pennsylvania, wun iieniiqiiarli-rs in tho city ol 1'itts- burh, which has for its olijpct the crei-iiiin of a now Stalo out ol a portion of tho Kcj-stono Slate, to bo called tho Stalo of Allegheny. It it propusod to diviilo the State of Pennsylvania so as to follow the county lines bctweon McKtnn, Cameron, Clcarfluld, Blair, Huntingdon and Fulton counties on the ono side, and I'ottor, Clinton. Cen tre, Mifllin, Juniata and Franklin coun ties on the other; tht now Stale to consist of all that part of Pennsylvania west ol the line so denned. It will embrnce twenty eiirlit counties, with a population of 1,4 j 1,196. Tbo total population ol the cntiro Stalo of Penn sylvania it 4,237,312 This would leave tho Stalo, after taking from It tno matt of Allegheny, with 2,783, 118 Inhabitants, or nearly twice the population of the priposed Slate of Aiiegncny. A number ot leading men aro interesting themselves in tho move ment, who aro very carnost in advo cating tho formation of tht new State. Exchange. An exchange says that Colonol Jas. G. Fair, of Nevada, is of Irish birth and ia forty-nino yeara old. While a boy, ho lived in Illinois, and at eigh- teon went lo California and in timo lieeamo a superintendent of mines. Jn addition to his fortune mado from tbe ilig Honanta mines he ownt nearly hundred acres in various parts ol the city of San Francisco. He suffers from rheumatism. Ho is of medium hciirht and heavy, with large beard streaked with gray, and wants to be elected United Btatca 8enator. As cash docs that thing out there It would be Fair to let him in. A tramp woks no suddenly with culd sweat standing in great beads npon nis lorencaa. "Ub, my Uotl f my Uod r hat tint matter 7 ftskt bis com- r anion. "A frightful dream I I dreamt was at work." tUisrrUaarous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Curwauavllle, Ja. , TI it. Yyn. it winsi.ow, PH YSW1AX it SURGKO., OitardoM, IVdd'k. Tt) Ir- hivloj rooontljr Invited la CUtrflaM, olTori fan irrvloe lo the .o,l of tbii vicinity. f4T OH!?, on Kottit lariat. Riideoot Ltton rj Hunt Juljr Hit flu A Bargain t FARM FOR SALE! Th miiiffriiaj oflun t prlrtU . Ihit Tit atU frm ait ii ltd ta OK All AM TOWNSHIP, Clvartltlti eoaoi, know a m tb Ct ilLVV f.flUf, Containing 112 aim, of vbleb ftrt oliftrtj, ftotl haviDtf theroon roud Urg frm d wall Ing h !, Ur frauji biro, mn4 ibe ether dmci ifc-y outbuilding, together with Urg ere bar J, goojwfttcr vie. Tlia property will b aold un vrj 9mj ttrmi For further partk-aUri inquire of tbe Sabaoribar, in ptrinn, or by lttr. FKANK FIELDING. ClfirfltlJ, p, March I4tb, IbsO.-tf iMPfiovi tme uovn. pises., se, TRADE ?MARK. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CURES COirSUHPTIOlT. '-;vtt ns of- l.lor.l. Brvirhll a. A.r..,.;,. f e.i I 1 llio , . -e o( lUe I'uln. . ... y 11 lpr:rr 51 4 .-::! anil 4tuv fNr ; CUENTKEFI ti CO. Prj , ;o ii Filth AetlUM, PiriSBbHi.il, PA. Oe'.ober 37, 1SS0 dm. READING FOR ALL 1 1 hOOKS it STATIOXERY. Market Ml., Clearfield, (ai the Past Office.) 11IIB SDdertlfued beg, leave ta taBoane. to tho eitiaena at Cleftrfield e,no) rieknilr, the! he be, fitted up a room sod has joat returned rroa tbe ell with a larjre soaoant of rea-liof metier, eoDBiiung 10 part ol Bibles and Miscellaneous Books. Blftnk, Ae.-ount sd Pan Booka of imr d. aoriptioii ; Papr nnd Eorelopai, French praaaod (. pitin; rem ana raaeui tilmnk Ueg raperf, .vt?ejqi, morigageij Jaagmani, Eietnp lion and Pr imiiarr ooImj Whit, and Pro la ment Brief, 11 Cap, Keoord Can, anl Hill Cap, tin tot Millie, for aittiar Piano. Fluta or Violin, aor.it aotl 7 on band. Any booka or atatiooar deiired that I nay nut bavt on band, will ba ordersd j Brat aipreaa, and fold at wbolaiala or retail to an it euatuineri. I will a!io keep periodical nwramri, euca aa naff aiiate, sawipjpert, ao. P. A. UAULIN. 1 Cle.rll.ii. May T, ISoS-tT A 1EW DEPARTURE LIITIIERSBHRG. Haraaftor. good will ba aoM for CASH on)?, or In exchaoifa for proilue. No boolii will ba kept in the future. All old account i nait aettlad. Tho who eannol cah up, wit) plaaaa nana orer metr note! an J CLOSE THE RECORD. I an determined to aell my gooda at eaafa pricoa, and at a diaooant far below that arar offend in tbia TlnloitT. The diaeonat I allow mr fluatoufra, will aka than riob in twenty yeara If tbey follow my adrlee aod bay Uair jpodi from ma. I will pay own for wheat, oata ami olnrar aee4. UA.MKi UDOLl,AIKH Littberthnrx, January 171 77. HARTSWiCK & IRWIN SECOND 8TRRET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS ! CHKM1CAL8I PAINTS, 01I.S, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSIIEd, PEKFUMIRY, FANCY 800DS, TOILKT AKTICLKS, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WIXES AXD IJQUORS for medicinal parpoaei. Truiaaa, 8 op port art, Bobool Booka and 8tatUi ary, ana an other artieiaa maily fuund In a Drag 6 tor. PHTSrCIAWfl' PRKSCRIPTI0K8 CARB- rULLY COMPO(TNDKI. IlaTinc a Urn as. parieaaa In the buaineai tbey a an giv entire aai. uiaouon. J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN f. IRWIN. flliwriUM, ftiwMtrnhar M. MT4 I L I0LH1E I CO. -dealers in- Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODIAND, CLT'DOO., Pa. Rtspectfully solicit their patrons end Ihe publle (eaaralle to eall eej eieei ine Ihelr aew atoek f Spring and Summer Goods, CONSI8TINQ OF Cikhmrr:, Volvattent, Delaines l.avrnt, Unionisms, Prints, Un bloaihcd and IllcachoJ Mut lint, Kancy Skirls, Bhect Ings, Tickiniis, Carpets, lloge. Oil Clnlhl, HOSIERY, Laundned, White, Cheriot and Ptrcalt Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Merit and Horn' Clothinir. Halt, Capa, Boots, Shoes, ate, sto. Groceries & Gen'l Merchandise Will bt found ot first onalilv. and aatiafarlion ia guaranteed. The ful lowing are alwayt ktpt on hand, (soma few only ia their teston) : Sngsrs, Toas, Coffees, 8pices, Byrups, tunieuaionerivB, granges, ijtraons. Bantnts, Figt, Dates, ett., Hard ware, Queentware, Glauwaro, Tinware, Wood and Willow wars, Taints, Oils, Clocks, Trunkt,Valiart, Mirrors, Stationery, Furniture, ft Miners' Supplies, ALSO, DEALBM III EAtZ,H,E.TrE3&SimTGLE3. July 28, 1880 tf. (Our (Diru dvutiionrnt. THE REPUBLICAN Publlaket ever, W4oeedj bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEARI'IELU, PA.. Ilaa Ibe Ltrffl ClrralallvB f auy paper la Kertbweitera Peuuej Ivenle. The large aod oonatantly incrtaaing 4-iroulalion nf tbe Kepublican, render it valuable lobutineat men aa a medium thro' which to roavb tbe public Tekms oi Subscription : If paid in advance, . . 12 00 If paid after throe months, , 2 60 If paid alter six months, . . 8 00 When papers are seut outside of the county payment must be Id advance, ADVKKTISING: Ten lines, or lets, 8 times, . $1 60 Each aubaequent intertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Bntrayt, ... 1 50 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special noticet, por lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, ... 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . , , 60 00 One-half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 HIilXKS. We have alwayt on hand a large stock ol blankt ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPiENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ao., Ac., Ac. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING eucn AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., Ao., IN THE BEST 8TYI.E, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEUS 15Y MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. (ieo. R. Goodlandcr, Clcnrflcld, ClearOcId County, Pa. 2)0fUS. LLEGnENY HOTEL Market turret. Clearfield, P. Wis. S. Bredlre, fermurlv wruprtelor ut tLe Leonard llfiiae, bavlitf lee.cj ike Allt-ftu-i, llulel, eullrlta eliere el ubllt patroeege, tinner be, beea tauri)Ut.l, r.airod ebj aewlr furl.i.lieil, pd guiiele aill And 11 a pleeaem alii),, nlua place. The Ulle will be auiplied with the leal el e.eratlilas Is tbe tue.rl.cL At tbe bar eiill be fuuDd the be,l Mine, end liquor,. t,m,d alabllng attached. H 41. B. IlhAliLEY, Maj 17, 'it. rroprletor. gLKQUEUANNA HOUSE, CDEWINSVILLE, PENN'A, i-Tbli old and rl.calaUlbed Ilu'ol It, bteD Itaaed by Ibe unjereigued, and be lit-la eon. ttdeut ol rtDdriltijr aallelerllon to Ibuae abu aity l-airKBite biia. Hood .tabling allacbed. LLM la C. ULuuXI, I'ruprietor. April II, 'S9.tr 'JMCMPEIIANCK 1IOU.SU, NEW M AollIMi JON, l'A. II. b. LUAE, . . Paoi-aiarua. a9Ttie teat of acetimiiiidatlon, lor men an,! bea.l. A iberal alia re ut' pubife jalr.'Dag. , eolieitixl. liepVD, 'eo.a TT A iSH 1 N G TO N IIOl'SE, T T KKW WAKIIINUION, PA Tbl, Baa and well furniabed bouae bea t.an taken be tbe enderalgned. lie feele ooiiErirnl tl botng able to render eatlafaetlon to thoae who uj faeor bin, with a eall. Hej 8, 0. W. DAVIS, Frop r 10l HOUSE, J Hain rltrtel, PIliLll'bBl'HU, 1'KNKA Telle alweva aufiilled witb the beat Ibe tuaik. afford.. Tbe travohne public ia inriled lo i ail Jen.l.'it. H0I1KKI LOVU. County National Bank, Ot CIEAKFIKLP, pa. HOOM In Dial em'e Brick Ituil ilng. two uWe caat of Heck A Co. 'a fctore. Paaeeee Ticketa to and from Liverpool. Ohm,., town, Ulagow, London, I'eria and Coprnluip..! Alao, Drafta for sale on the Roal Bank of Irri,, t and Imperial Hank of London. JAJII-3 r. LhOSAKIl, Prf.i W. M. SUAW, Caahier. Jenl,;: DREXEL .4 CO., No. it fcoiilh Third Hlreet. Pliiladelilila u.t.muitH, And Tealers in Government Securities. A all caetinlt tl aw...! arlll . . ra, J ... .... inTMt IVOill lllfB fi.fB, ind a)) infi-nuatioii cbwrfuHy hirniptrt Ordr toileted. April 11 it 9. I. A SOLI-. . a. Aim old. F. K. ARNOLD t CO., ItimherN and ltroLr, lle)HuldiivUl, JfllrrK-u Co., P. Mod7 rrcelted oa depoilt. Jiwoutatf al n- -derate ratn. Eautarn and Foreign Kirhangr xl. aT on hmJ and ollrrtiona protnpilf Biada HaTBtililarilla, Un Ifi, 1874. -ly Jrntistrif. j l. n. heiciiiiom), V II (iEOS DENTIN T, 'Iraduatt of (he eno;1vanU Colj;e of Dantal Snrffry. i'tit in rtidne of lr. lh!l. oppmitu the t-hnw Hons. nbl3, '7S -tf DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (UnVe In Bank i:u.loii.f,j C urwuierlllc t lcarOcl.l t n.. Pa. each 12 '7 tf. Jl HlLLS, A. flpjn..ni i. utwrfST, j CLEARFIELD, I'ENN'A. h01Tico In reaidenoe, oi.poalle Shew llo'iae. ji(,lll7ir J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, Cl.EARFIFLD, PA (Office In reaiJet.-e, Second Mrerl.) Nitroua Oilde Oae adminiatered for Ibe pain ee, eatrection of teeth. Clearlrld, Pa., UkJ I. leVT-ljr. - - i.--n, terni mil 9 outfit free. Aridreaa II. Hallet A iVnDanT. Portland, Main. ilrolT.Tii-lj. TO 90 Ftr d7 f bnn- Paniplei worth n v irr. , Addrtia 8tlnm A Co., foitla&d. Malaa. ftaclT.lMy. Q79 k" lf ftt Bnn" '"'''J V ' V Cohj outfit free. Addra-a Traa A Co.. AofoMa, Main a. doelTTV It. . H'CORIkl. D. KiiLianM. GI I.U II, McCORKLE & I OAS FURNITURE ROOMS. Market turret, Clcarflcld, Pa. Wo naanfatar kill kindt of Furnitnra tar Cham bar, IiuiB Kooma, Ltbrariea aad Hr.a. If yo want Farnttara of ao kind, dto'l bay Mill jum toe aar itoak. , UXDEItTAKINO In all lu branohee, proaptl aitiendeel to. Ol'ILCH, UeCORKLK A CO. ClearSeld, Pa., Feb. (, 'Ti. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Ketail Dealer in GroccrioS, TIIK LA Kt) EST and itKST HKLECTKD STOCK I.N TIIK COUNTY. COFFEB, TEA, Sl'GAR. SYR HP. MEATS, FIKII. (JUEENSWAUK, ll'BS and nt'CKKTS, D It IK II K HI) ITS. ANNEti OOODH, 81"1C'1'.S, SK0HM8, KIA)UR, PEKD. salt, OILS, County Agent for i.onu.i,.inn-H Ton.iccos, Theae (nod, fcnnehl f.r CASH la larre leU. and aold at almost ell priee,. JAM KB II. LTTLK, Cloerteld, Pa., Jana I, IBTS-li. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory P.aa lewn.hl, Clear laid Co., P. H tl K I) lltlTI art wot BURNED UP! Thewbeerloera kaee. al (real aineiiaa k.in . ae.,hfcorWo.d aoeeialti, ia ibe ereeiioa el a irel alaee Weelea Maaalaeiore, with all the atedera laaproeeoiente attached, and era prepared lo make all kind, ol Clothe, Caaaieaerws, Batlnelt,, Rlen. heu, Planaela, A a. Pleat, af good, on head la apple all ear aid aad a thoweaad aew ea.loe.era, whom we ash hp eoaeo aad aiasnlaa oeir atoek. lha easiness af CARDINO AND FULLINO will reeelre ear oapedej alUatioa. Prenw arraaKeaieaU will aa Bade la melee and deliter Wool, u sail easlamera. All work warraalod and done upea lha eherteel aotlce, and b; alriet allea. Ilea to haslaaas we hope ha realise a literal .hare el fwhlla pelreneew. IOAMIO POliHDI WOOL VANTIDI aad aell awr aaaaraetarew foodeaelew aeelrellel raeda eaa ho ha(hl la aha aawalj, and wheweeer we raU ee reader resvanaal aaUafaetloa we) eea always ha fntid al heaee reed 7 t, auk a proper aaplMallai, elaker la pereon or he leMer. JAhlll iOBNSOJt A St)rt9, erilltf f 0