Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 17, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription,
f paid Id edranea.or wltblo three mootb...$l OA
If ,,nid ftt-r itire and nefor it ttooibs.,, 9 (0
I( paid alter theejiptratloB of six uoohu... 90
r-tf'. 6 lt.'t'BrTKQii, A Co.. Nw- A.JvertUion Agents, 17 Park How, eorner
piirk mnn mree-i, are uur ouiy autnortled Afeot
in N-w York Cite.
n i:mi.ii.ijm miticlm.
iilrtl..dlt I'.)lacuil C'burrh Rer. Gio, Pa'tor. SerTioss art 17 ti at bath at
A. M., Mid H P. M.
SMatb School at (A.M.
i'rayi Meeting ererj VVedoesilajr, at Ti P. M.
Cuinp uniop ben-Ice. first tiebbath of aeory
itonth, at H- A. M.
Mcil Clearfield M. E Church. Kev.
Cham. W. hi'MRLir, Paator. Preaching ovary
alternate Sunday, at I o'clock, P. M. HuBrliiy
tScbuol at 21, P. M. All ara Invited to attend.
Ireab terlau C,hurct.-Kee. Jt. 8. Botlbb.
Sabbath lerrieea morning and availing Sab
bath School at I P. M Prayer Meeting Wadnea
liv avening.
Ituptlet ( hurch ReT. , Paator.
RAt.tmtli Hchuot at 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting artrjr
WuilneaJaj evening.
HI. I'rftiirU liurfli t alhollc Rr. P
J. SmtniiiAa. Divtta service at 101 A. M., on
the Irit, third and fourth Suodarsof eeob month;
Vespers and benedlotton of l he 1-lessed HaeraineDt
at 7 '('clock, P. M. bund tiobool rjr Sunday
afternoon at I o'clock.
tiki or loLnmo quauti uiomi cod nr.
Pocond Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Pirat Monday ef June.
Konrtb Monday of September.
nun or soLDina oohmoh rLajj.
Pint Monday of June,
tycoon d Monday of November.
runtie orncsRi.
PrttiJtnt Jdg0 Hon. Charles A. lMnycr,
i oek Uaren.
Anittant Law Jurtgt Hon. John II. Orvll, of
Atoint Judg9 Ahram Of Jan. Clearfield 1
Vincent 11. Holt. Clearfield.
Vnf Ai Notary Eli Dlootn.
ftegitUrand fitcordtr L. J. Morgan.
7Vef.rff--l'bilip DaMs.
Diilrict Attorn J. P. McKenrlck.
Hkiriff .lames MuhiifffT.
J)rputy Sheriff F. I. Thntofison.
County Varryor Samuel P. McCloikey, Cur
wen 1 tile.
Count CntxiliiionriC, W. Kyler, Graham-
too P. Q.i Etah Johnston, Oram plan Wills P. 0.;
John Norm, Hr riirwensrllie
I'mi'iimMFi' Cir -John W. How.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
fWM ; Joseph Uilliland. Thro Rnnt ; J. 8. N or
ris, woodland.
fount CWeer James A. Moor. Clearfield.
jury Vomminion$r' Andrew J. Jackson, Ulear-
fled, Wm. R. Brown, Clearfield.
8uperiUmtnt of Public SckooliM. L. Mo
nfin ni-nrnAlfl.
Sutler of Wtighttd- .Veasores Jesse W.Carlil,
offinw at I.uihercburg Pa.
XttrU PublieJoau W. Wrigley, Wm. Ra
debaugh, Cyrui Uordnn, Clearfioldl Joseph R.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Cnrwenevill ; J. A. Living
stone. Du.lois Cfty.
Our Special eoluion ia dccidcilly Intereillng In
locftl point of view, and profitable reading to
oub-iitoia who want to lave muney.
ivitl jon take wheat, oata or corn for eub
cripfion?" tVearootlrn Inquired of in Ibia way
lj Liter fn.m p.lroul who reride al a dtitaooo
fr. m Clearfield. We ng.ln lay yea. The receipll
of a refp .naibie merchant or will owner In tbo
vicinity, will anwor ui Jure aa well a. the oa.h.
To illlultrale: If alty of our patron! will deliver
ui a bng of grain at the mill of Joieph II. Broth,
In Chert townrblp, ll.iraoa I'.tebin, In Dornalde,
Thomni II. Furcey, In Orabam, Wm. Porter or
Miaw'i, In Lawrence, or llniwn ScylerX al
Itorkton, t'nlnn townibip, and forward their
rrccipu for Ibo aount, we will credit tbeia on
their account for the ennie. In tbli way all may
icon pay what thoy owe. If they will piinue tbli
JarA(lvei'liiier and othera will liotir
In mind that all article. Intended lor publloatloa
In Ibia paper mult be handed ia, not later than
Tu.iday, at A. M. Don't foraet It 1
Went Clearfield M. K
, Church Fcsli-
val tbli week.
All the duniufro done by the recent
rtorut bai been repaired.
Don't advurlino unleru) you havo
irmetbing that I. worth aelling.
Almanan for lfcbl and nealekin
cuatl bar. made their appearance.
Aro you going to the Church Festi
val thie week f Don't forget It.
You can save money if you buy
your clothing at Uirlinger A H ok'a.
A largo colliery ban recently been
opened np near fbilip.uurgb, lo b. callod "Cody
RIJa " ' . ,
ThoCurwcnsvillo 7Viawas received
on ibe half ahell la.l week, aod wai awfully
hrunk apal tbat.
1 a
Amo Kenard moved out ol tbo old
Academy building latl week, and Ibo family of
Wm. Dorvit moved la.
m l nm
The turkey dinner at the Fvatival
will i oa Theridey tnmad of on Friday, aa an-
auaneed In our laat.
a w
Frank B. Heed now occupies tho
reiideoo. recently purebaied and luiprovtd by
him, oa Lorn-! itreel.
On account ot the bad condition of
Ibe roade, the I'enlleld alage for aeveral tripe hal
been drawn ly four boriea.
The West Cleat field M. K. Church
Feitival biglni to-day and eontlouea every alter
noon and evening during thii week.
m o aw
Kev. Joseph U. Foeht, ol lluntinjr.
don, w II prraib In iba Lutheran Church in tble
pliceoa 8woday, h.reinbcr Slit uornttig and
wren log. .
ilofn aliment at tho Wcat Clearfield
II. li Fertiralal lb. Wigwam, Iwo door, .ait of
tba Fo.lorfne, every er.olng tbli week. Ojilera
111 O-r -
A (jrntid turkey dinner, with all tho
required neeompanlaentl, will be eorved up nt
tin Church Fea Iral 11 lha Wigwam bailding ua
Tbur.daj af Hill week.
m ar.
Tbo annual innpeetion train pumo l
along Iba Tyrone A Lleailt ld Railroad on Toe.
day of lait week, and the pay Irain male Ua
monthly vliit on Thuriay.
A new plank puvi-mcnt bua been
put down la front of Ibe bnildiog oeeupied by
Illrlilgrr A Rook 'a (ton. Tba properly la
owned by Mr. ll.alrl Stewart of Bradford town-"'P-
Attend tho Festival in the Wigwam
tailding, for Ibe btaefil of the Weal Clearfield
H E Cli.roh. Fee Ibe ataUmanl of lha pailor
la another eolomn of tbli week'a lnue of tba Kn
.vaLtcaa, Go to the Went Clearfield M. K.
Cliorrh Fclllval, wbieb begini In Ibe Wigwam
bnildiog u day (Wedneiday) and will be open
.very afternoon and evening tbli week. Oyileri
a epeeielty.
A dunce will bo given at Merrcll's
Wood! on Thanhrgiviog day, Nov. loth. The
platform li larga nnd encloMtl, healed by Iwo
levaa, and everything lied comfortably. Dane-
Uii afternoon and avcoing.
a 1 a
The publication ot tho Tyrono Dem-
trmt, which ha not mad Ua appearance liuoa
lha great fir tbaralaat Hummer, wa ara In formed,
kaa etaied. Wa art ftrj U kM Brother
fiiroop from lha rauka.-
1 p
Ed. A. lioodUHow rt'prfcentod Clear
lild taaaly al th mattiag ol tb Retain Jartf i
f thii CoigrMlnal diatriet, held at Bellaluot
n Taciday af lait weak. Got. Oartla'a majority
la th alitriot U t,9n.
. m e
A. M How, lU-prt'MJiitnlivn of Clear
field Ulga,Ne. Itf-t, I 0. O. P., aae Dr. J. M.
Stewart ar tnding tba leaal ananal Mlilnn of
the Utanrl Lodgof Old Pell wa of thl State,
how la mmIo at pbtladtipbia.
Tho Kxprem train lant Wetlticadoy
due hr at lt:f P. M , did ut arrive
nam alter midnight, having been dflayed by the
Wravk ef a freight train near HotraN ata Ua oa
the bild kal Vallty Railiaad.
m e
A Curwenaville youn lady wan
K-My himmlng, "Soabody'i earn I eg win lb
dw dropi fall," what the old Ban nmarkad :
"And y bwt ywiT ivatt life, Suwa, hill think
Flannel, cafwlmcrcs and can torn in
nil nook at T. A. Fiaok A CVi.
11 1 - e aw
Window flhadea in newent itylot and
grant rarlely at T. A. Fleet. A Co.
Mr. and Mm. W. K. Wallace ro
lurntd ho ma from their wadding tonr on TueJy
Proacbinu aervico at WeslCloarftold
next Sunday at 101 A. M , Initead of at aiual, at
7J P. M.
Mr. Joseph Shw hat had a now
hinglt roof put ol bfl rtiid.DC aod Bvl. otfaor
iOiproT.Bcnll to bit property 1. Ihfi borough.
Hunting imrtic", in search of deer
and olb.r gam., go to lb. ttfeaolalni Trom Ibia
ptae. alnoit dally. No rain, baa jat tapered.
An intullililo retniMly fur Fever and
Agu. il Ajor'l Ago. Cure. WboU; rrgelaM.
and eaotalalng bo quinina, II la karmleia and
For books liirClirintmaii preaenta ro
to I be H 'lK..m durlag Iba Fealiral Thar, ii
rarletj from ublah toehooio, eltber for eblldrn
or tdultl.
Dr. T. J. Bnyer has fitted up his
oBceoa Mark.t itreel wllb ebelrea and oountar,
aod ba reealred a full Hook ofdruga.nadlelnai,
O'gatr, ate. Call and lea tba oe drug .tore.
Wo invito the attention of our road-
ara to lb. lala of valuable rail e.tate, adrortltei
iD toil paper, bjr Mr. Murray, Uuardiaa of the
minor child, ro of A. II. Han, deoaared. Bale
0D falurda;, llKtmher 1Kb.
8. T. Urotkbuiik L-ivea notico in tliia
llaua or mi appolotmrnt ai Auditor to diitribulo
th. balance of money 'a tn the bandi of the Ad'
inlllrator of the eitate of John B. K.fftilj,
late of Penn townibip, dftcoaied.
Owar Mitchell, JO no.. ijiveB notice in
another plac in thi paper ol bii appoiotmant to
boar Itft mony aa to tb fzeeptlona filed and ra
late ihe account of tb Administratrix of th
re'.le of tt. 8. Dioker, lata of Drecark town
bip, deceased.
o a
Horvafter Harper's Magazine will bo
iaautd aimultanaouiHy at London and New Yrk,
Meaira. Samproo, Low A Co. biing lha Kngliab
pubHabcri. Ibia arraogemt will eomuei.0
with the December number. Uaolin bai U for
al at the Poit.-ffict to Clearfield.
Mr. George J. lloltan, a proniitieni
hotel matt in the Ewt, died at hia home in liar
riiburg, on .Sunday murning tail, aged 48 yean.
He wa) proprietor of the lloiuo Ilue, 1 II r
riiburg; Columbia, at Cape it ay, and
Wiibingi-o ilmie, at Philadelpbia.
Tbo County Superintendent saya
that wherever the lubji-ot ti mentioned to iba
ttachtra, they rripond, "I tntt-nd going t th
Initituie." It la prodietal that the approaobiog
InXlluie will ba mora largely attended and f
greater lotrreit lhan any prerbul one.
A culobratid preucher makes tho
rcuineDdation of Ayar'a Pilli a matter of r
I igloo duty. When people ar bilioua and dyi
peptio, what they need lithe Qoipel of Health.
In inch casai, tbe buat ereed to mallow eoniUti
of the thirty lugar-coated artiolei In a pill-boi ,
At tho meeting of tho NortheaHt
Cnfurence, Alli-gliany hyaod, ot tba Lutheran
Church, wbieh held a two dj tciiin at Roar
ing Spring. Blair county, lait week, It waa de
cided to held lb next Conference at li loo tain g
tn, Cltarfleld county, on the firit Tucidny In
May, 1681.
Mr. Newt. lU-ed, drivur ot tho Pen-
field tigf, bai the tun fortune, on Tueidaj of
lait week, to apriin on of bii auklci icverily.
lie mi handling a heavy trunk at the time, an.
lipped, fill injunta will eaui him to lay off
daty for a while, and bit work li belcg pir
formed by a aubttltut.
Cuunty Superintondent McQuown
laat week mitod tli ictiouU in portion of Pi He
towsihip and all of Forguion townhp and
Lumber City buroogh. II atatei that be had
th pletwnre of aiamiolog a number of good
t'htioli, and ii much gratified with th marked
indication of piogroai. (
The card of Messrs. Frank Fieldinir
and Wm. U. Digler appear ! lew here in thii
wtck'i lim. Tbli law firm ia reliable and firit-
clan la every rvipect. Tb gentleman eompna-
ing It ar well-known both at horn aod through
out the State, and need no recommendation or
introduction at our bandi.
By posters printed at this otlloo, we
learn that th stock, grain, household lurmturr,
and other personal property, bslongiug to the
Oblate of tb let Btj. S, Roberts, dtecased, will
bo offered at publlo sal on the premises, In Knox
township, on Saturday, Nov. 27th. For particu
lars, so posters or apply lo Cenrad Dakar, the
Administrator, Aosonville, Pa.
We learn from tho Altuona Tribune
that Fraok P. Naagle,al oae time a rest Joot of and
well-known I this place, waa married to Mill
Ella 11. Smith, of Altotjoa, on the S.h tost. The
ceremony was performed by R.N. N. Cornelius,
aialited by Rev. B. B. lUiolm, D. D. Mr.
Naugl Is al praueot on of the slsrks lo the oar
record office at Altoona. Tbo happy couple
started on a bridal tour, accompanied by th con
gratulations of their many friends.
Tho Tyrono Herald says : "Tho
Leeisburg aud Tyrone Railroad extended from
her to Penniylvanla Farnae. a distance alaoit
seventeen miles, has beo made a part of tba
Tjrone division. It Is n ondar the euperio
toodenc of Mr. Blair, and was put In operation on
Monday morning Nov. Ith. Twopasienger Iralni
run sack way daily, leaving Tyroo at 9.10 A. U ,
and 9: 16 P. M. The time for leaving Pennsylva
nia Purnee Li 10 U A. M , and 1 30 P. M ."
The DuBois Courier BuyB: "Jlobert
McDonald's boose, near Ihe mine was smashed
down by a Ire on Saturday night during the
wind storm. Himself, his trite and ebilJ, aod a
boarder were ail or p In thi home at the time, and
allhjugb the building was demolished on was
hurt. During the same storm a tree fell across tb
agon of William liuletat lirockporl end spilled
for him a barrel of flour and knocking iolo smith
ereens la rue dreised bog. Mr, II. narrowly
escaped by jumping from the wagon."
a mm
J. V. C. M. Association. Tho stock
holder of the Juniata Valley Canpmeeiing As
sociation met at llontitigdon Thursday, Nov sib,
and sleeted th following Directors t S. II. Mc
Coy, of Oranvillej 3. A. MKee, Lcwlstown ;
Jubo Robertson, Newton Hamilton f David
He liter, Newlun Hamilton j K. M. King, Hunt
ingdon; II A Lewis, lluatlbgdon ( F. D. Stev
ens, Mt. UoIubj v. w, A$n om, iinpe-reii, 4.
W. Webber, Altoina; James Lou trier,
Del I wood f Jnalbaa Bojnt'.n, Clair fluid i, ?.
Sitinir, Pbilipilttrg ( F. hi. lull, Tyrone. The
DirecUrs kav lecied the following officers for
Ihe ei.sumgjear 1 Preildent, K. M. King ; Secre
tary, J. K. Hbodes t Treaterer. V. H. Robeion.
HAif.noAD Extrnhion. The Wil-
liamsporl JrtW'elin, of the 1 1 tb, says t "The Read -ing
Rsillcad Company at Ibo time of It sorpen
pIuu hod a corps of engineer surveying a lioo
I rum Jertsy fibere to eonneet with th Atlantic
and Ore. I Western Railroad. Tb lino was to
contiau p th v sst IJrenen al ur as loo
Haven, em the nvtr at that point, aod up tb
great Snow Shoe at.d Kartbaws oal baalns, via
of Beech rek, aod thus reach the northweai
coal and ail field of I'aaniylvanla. It Is now
blid that Ibis Kbim will t rvifed atono
In connection with the reorganisation of the
Company, aod that th Standard Oil Company,
seeing tb great advantage It woald be to Ibeir
company, are lending their aaniilaoce."
The Milton JUlikf Fund. Tbo
rp rtoflb Master in Chaneory, in th matter
of the relief fund for the sufferers la th fir at
Milton, oa the MtbfMay laat, has been placed at
tb oft; of tb Btirgess for xceptlo, where It
1 to remain lea days before being filed in Court.
There ar t2 pernio l who have presented claims
of bis, an ihe si I mi rang from ftS.ftl to 27, !
000 in a J. horn f .Vi to tlT.eOO. Tba whole
fund lo be distributed is $A7,II9 If, of which
1 $9),4eT.4 baa keen divided among thesnsTdf -l
es, but not yet paid eat. After th necessary
Judgmeatof tosUsod expnss of lb ditTeren!
between IA7.III 19 andnj,jj.ii, ma remainder ,
of tb diBwMO U t b paid to tb borough el
Milton ! trust for th b ha er may bo-
come ebargeablo an th county lnooequocof
th fir.
Th almost aolvsraal eplnlon Is that ths report
is a masterly production, end under all tb vailed
rlreomitsaecs ot tb hh, bing wltkoet pre-
tal. baa mat tho approval of nariy very-
bodywbetbr directly or ladlretly lntrted.
Of oeet, II I t b ospeoiea ma -
long III! of leaera there are sum who aredissatli- j
led, and msqlly H has hai ' tht there
will bs aaevpUoas taken to Ik rporl. Thoogk
It I prebabls thai tb uuitbl right eilrti, yet
tb benefit which mlxbt aeoree I a fw woild,
as a eequoaea, lead to wdlees litigation, and re-
rait dlstrulir t -b many aoooy w v
worthy harity. fesetfew CWWer,
The boat llttinp cornet ever made
u ao lo bo found at T. A. rieck Co.'i.
You cannot ro amiwi in anything
70a waoi 11 yon eau at T. A. riecK Uo'a.
BApTtai PREACiiiNa. Kov. Samuol
Htlaa (III preaoh in lb. Oaptlat Church neat
Baturdiy araolog, at Tt o'clock, and Sabbath
norniDg aod ereolng. The Lord'a Supper (III
be admloUlerod oa Habbatb norniag.
If in need ot a carpet, call at T. A.
Fleck k Co ', who have Jutt received a now In
voice of earpetlng, which will be .aid at greatly
reduced prioea.
Anoiiikb Fbk Uiimii. The Seo
end nrect britigc, acroia tb. river at Ibia plaea,
abioh bai hcretoror. bean atoll bridge, wae pur
chased lait net-k by the Conaty Conniiaionara,
and fiom tb la on It will be a frw bridge. Tba
prio. paid for It waa about I,v(i0.
The popular place to buy your
clothing la at llirliager A Rook'i. Tail arm have
now laid in a very large atook of lha moit atyllih
aod well-mad clothing, which they are aelling at
pr.oof that will pay the Boat economical to pa
tronlia tbem. Nrr. 17 -It.
Frank A. Fleminif hiin been appoint-;
ed Commiiiioner tJ take teitlmnny in th Divorce
eat of Martba Deltaaa it. Jamea B. Dellaa. :
He give notice lo another eclnmn of thia lima
when and where he will hear the teitimony in
aid eaae, of which all ptrnoni Intereited will
take notice.
Wo have received a now lino of piece
goon, ot ne lateit nyiai, tor ovarcoui and luit
ingi, which we ar able to make up at abort no
tice and lowest price. Pleaae call and Impact.
A. TuanmuaKR, Merchant Taylor,
Pie' Opera lioute.
Lectuhr. A lecture will bo deliv-
red io the Court House on Thursday (Thanks
giving) night, Nor. 26tb at 8 o'clock, by Kev.
J. J. Teiroe. Subject 1 "Ingersoll." Lecture free
Come mil 1 A coll-otbo will be lifted for the
benefit of tho Wett Clrarfifld Church.
Mr. and Mix. Ezra Brown, who havo
been v I fit Ing at Mrs. B's father's, C. Howe, tiiq.,
and other friends and acquaintances io this vi
cinity for several weeks, departed on tbo train on
Tutiday morning of last week for their horn at
Rarlon, Alleghany county, Maryland.
Good Applks. Wo are under obli
gation to liaitihOJ, Bargcr, Krq , of Bradford
township, for n big of very fine apple of the
"Eii," puua;.GL. It tak?? only about fifty to 1
make a bunbel. Ther Is an opeulog on every
farm io the eouoly for three or four of those trees.
Why not plant tbem t
TliK Grano Kits. The Putrons of
Iluitbaudary of Clearfield county bold their regu
lar annual meeting In I'ie'a Opera Home on
Thursday last, and elected officers for the ensaing
year. We failed to get a Hit of the newly elected
officers. We learn that Eiiiha M, Davis, of Penn
township, waa re elected Master.
List of lettors remaining unclaimed
io the PoftuOigat at Clearfield, Pa., lor the week
ending November Ibih, 1880 :
(Jeorge Buioum, Mi is Annie Boyers, Miis Mary
Couteret, J. Ilatrbrr, D. II. Hester, J. A. Morr.y,
A. C. Quinby (2), J. W. Shiwl, Mlu Alio Walls,
A hunting party, accompanied with
guns and dogs, arrived on ths mail train last
Monday and registered at the Leonard Ilouie.
Tbey w on tbilr way to tho mountain for a
two weuk's bun'. The party is Messrs. II. 11. Harp
ban, and Hurley, of Ttrone ; J. U. lUItt
inei atdBrank Ilfprlht, of Huntlrgd'tn county,
abd S. 1 Frie, of Altoona.
Tho J'hilipnburg Journal, of last
week, says: "The 'looal freight' crew, on this
branch, with Qeorge Crowther, a conductor, left
their teveral potitioo in th employ of th Rail
road Company, on Thursday mrning, to a new
set of hands. John Wood ring, of Tyrone has ac
cepted ihe eondu.-torship of the same. Tn eima
assigned by tb retiring party, ia, that additional
work wai auigncd the trin, which hd klrcady
ro flic lent to do, as frequently the train men were
eompellod '0 be out lots at night before the day's
work could b completed."
A Compliment. Tho November
number of the Penn4ylvanta ScKoolJoumat, pub
llahed at Lancaster, speaks of oar Educational
Interests in Ibis way : "W have aeeo a news
paper report of the examinations and educational
Dfrtlns n..1 in Clearfield eouoty during the
Autumn months. Thes meetings partook of ihe
nature of a revival and were attended by oae
AriidVfd and uvtnijf Jtrt Pirtcton and four thorn
and patroo New School houses, better furniture,
mor apparatas, bighsr salaries for teachers, and
other improvements, seem to be th ordsr of the
day in Clearfield, under the leadership of tbslr
sntrgetlo Superintendent."
The Week of Prayer. Tho Evan
gelical Alliance hal lsued its programme for the
Week of Prayer, Jan. 2d to 9th, ISSI. It Is sug
gested that on Sunday, J.ouary Id, isrmonB be
preached from the text, "Jesus Christ tho same
yesterday, to day, and furerer." January 3d, the
general topic 1 praiie and thaukaglving for all
blemnge f Jan.dih, humiliation and oonfessloo
for personal and national sins ( January &tb, pray
er for tbo church of Christ, that it may be fruitful
audoBitrd; January fitb, prayer for Ihe young
and their Instructor., for parents, colleges, and
Sunday schools j January Tih, prayer for all na
tions and rulers, for universal liberty, for essia
llua of wars t Jantiiry fitb, prayer for Christian
in.iiioni and all eugag id in prom oting them.
More About the Wreck.- The
Tyrone Utrmld of Saturday last tn speaking ef
the recent wreck at tb "Uig Fill" oa our breueh
road, says 1 Mr. Latham who was mixed up
in th 'Big Fill' wreck, last week, is recovering
from his Injuries- Th body of John llalligao
was recovered from the debris, about 12 o'clock
on Tbundy,and after being brought to towu was
prepared for burial. It waa at first reported that
tbeaeoideot ocaurred oa the higheit part of tb
fill, but this wa a miitak. Tho a.igio Jumped
the track thre or four rod this aids of th maio
fill and plunged dun over ihe aeeond 111 Into a
mall ravine. A number ot eoal ears were thrown
from tba trick and went down either side ef the
embankment into lbs gorge, wbieb 00 on side is
1(14 feel deep, Oa Monday mott of tbo wreck
waa cleared away. Louking down from the top
ef Ibe fill, the dismantled track carriages at the
foot of tb slope appeared no larger than the
running-gears of a diminutive baby cart."
William firoeius lelt bii hem In Lawrtn.
townahip, near Cleat lie Id, I'., al 1 o'clock P. hi.,
on Saturday, Nwv. 13tb, Ictti), aioce which liiue
nothing ia known of hi wbereaouuis or his late.
At time he has appeared lotutwkat straiige in
hi talk, and fours are couriered by hia family
that be oat, to a ai of osjuUI dcraogtiuvui,
waudered away troia nil home. Ills puraoiial de
lenption is as follows 1 11 la of Usrmsn deiouut,
and speaks lumewbat broseu Rug! lib was 44
ean of age, weighs about 100 pouuds has
baal eyes, lair eouipIxion,datk brown hair, out
short 1 bsad partly bald saudy and slightly
gray wankers oB side of faoe and ebio, closely
trimmed high Lrebead 1 whB last leoft be had
on coal aud vest of a salt and pepper mixture;
pants vt a heavy steel mix tare, almost black ;
oUek felt hat plaugtmwul Bbees, two beekle
enbleauked can too ttMael undershirt aud draw
ersj and heavy gingbaua everibirt brown me
bine-nit woeUn ooeke. Uu upper lip was
baved, aod has a wart oa it. Any intorwatitu
oobeerniog bis ebereaeouis will be tbank fully re
ceived by bis wife, Mrs. U. S. Breius, at Utear
field, Pa, Kx changes pleas oopy.
JIaptino. The Lock Haven Demo-
nrat of the lllh Inst. Bay t M fher was a rail
ing flood ia the West Branch at this place oa
Sa turds y night, and It bob ti need until yesterday
morning. At thi writing (Wednesday P. M )
the water I ap about thirteen tech as. Since
Monday between fifty and oevoaiy-fiv raft that
were lying between Renove and Look llavea dam:
pasted down, the nest ef tbem fur Marietta,
fore or lour left thi plane this morning and
four or five remain. Th bourn here Is abaet half
fall, but Bol tightly packed. About 30,100,00 j
I eat of lumber reached WiiUamsporl oa this rise j
"Ardell'i Mosquito Creek drive reached ihisj
plan yesterday. B aery's drlvo from Kettle
Creek was at Queen's Rub dam last (Wednesday)
Bigbt. Th Corporation drlv wa at Drury'e
hna )iteiday, and wai supposed to bav reached
North Point last night. Glynn's drlv we. not
But llltl tlmkef wa tmersd at this place,
Shenfi Mabafley dragged four rafts Item Ueyi's
to bhaw'l dam, with tbo expeetallun of wintering
theas there. There wa ao rise In tbo river be
tween ibe mooih of Clearfield creek and the mouth
or the Sinoemahoning worth untying fur. From
LMk Uav'ea to Colombia tb river kept at a good
rafiing stage for a weak, aed ear lumbrma who
bad raft we for down as Lwek llavea bav been
busy In seeding them dews, below, where they ar
rt III lag food price.
A now lino of all wool calinwe, in
the lale oew ihadti, Jait r ace 1 red at T. A. Fleck
i Co'i.
The AHoona Sun saya that fully a
thousand bogi bar died in UuatlogdoB and Blair
oouatlu thin Fall from cholera.
Mommio cloth, in cotton and wool,
dra gingbami, aod th Fa II styles In dreii al
Icoes ar among th lateit arrivals at T. A. Fleck
A Co's.
Making tho buying of drcas and dry
goodi a aiudy, earefulneii in selaoling th same
aod sailing them at Ibe right figures has made
T, A. Fleck A Co's th ppputar dry goodi houM
In Clearfield county,
Farmers, remember that Guinsburg
is paying foil matket prlrei fur all kinds
Country I'rtduc and Fori, and sells you bis
C hot bin p, of whkh be ba a verjr floe stock on
band at Ihe It west cath pi Ices, In fact, you can
gat it Oulnthbrg'sa teller bargain than cite
where in tb ouuotr. Oct. 30-lm.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
In th Rn pub uc a it will reach mora reader than
if published in all tha other paper in th eona-
ty,and 00 it tbo advertise! les lhan one-half
In other word, an advertlwment pubtlsbed In
oar jrurnal Is worth double tb price of that
charged by any othar publisher in lb county.
It is a fact." tf.
Coal In. If any of our coal bank
men leel like trading suuie ef their product for a
series of numberi of copies of tb CLKinriSLD
RiriiBMCAN, w will gladly show tbem where 10
put two or three hundred bushels 00 account la
thai way. Wo bav a bin at our residence and
on at tho office that will hold a load every now
and then. A bint to the wis Is a vary sage re
mark, and should be sufficient. Nor, 10-31
ante I W
New Daily Staoc Line. James L.
Leavy has succeeded in having a dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Pennfield, and will
hereafter run a dally singe between ths two point.
Ills contract began with April 1st, and th stage
will leave I learfield every morning (except Sun
day) at 8 o'clock, making connections with all
trains on ths Low Qrade tt ail road at Pennfield, re
taming after the last train the same evening.
Paisengerssnd freight will be carried at low rates.
Order left at any of th hotel will be attended
to. 16apr7V-tf
Grand opening of MILLINERY GOODS, at
II. Lehman t Co.'i, Opera IIoue, Clearfield, Pa.
Tb lateit uov.ltiai In Hats, Bonnets. Sllki,
Velvets, Satins, Plushes, Fancy Feathers, Wings,
Flowers and Ornament, Ladies' CLOA KS and
D0LLMAN8, Shawls, Blanket!. Skirts, and a
fall line of DRESS UOODS, Flannels, Cloaking,
te. Thanking th cltitens of Clearfield and
vicinity for put favo , we solicit a continuance
of tbe same. II. Lbumh A Co.
Oct, 13, ISSOjf.
Farmers, Look Here I Lyllo will
give you highest market price for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Batter, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kinds of prod do. lie has
the largest and best selected stock of groceries,
leas, coffees, molasses, spices, oil sett, sugar,
queensware, tubs, buckets, basket, churns, Ao.,
in Clearfitld county. He buye bis goods io Inrge
quantities from ma w- lecturer! end first bands
for cash, and takes the advantage of all
discounts, and so be I enabled to isll at lowest
price. He gives cash prices for produoc.and sells
bis goods at the lowest prices in tbe eouoty.
Trespasser on Railroads Cannot
Rkcovbr Daw ao as on InJtaiEB In tbe Su
preme Court, to senlon al Pittsburgh, In the ease
of Joho McCsuley vs. th Pan Hindis Railroad
Company, an action to recover for Injuries to a
minor while playing on tho railroad, the follow
ing waa laid down by Judge Paxsoo as tbe law
in the en :
"Bsceptal craning, where the public hare the
rittht ol wav.auau who stepi bis foot upon a
railroad track d'es so at hia peril Ths Company
has not only the right of way, but it is eioiuiive
But ah tiniee and for all purpoies." Juntos Pnx-
ioo eootiniee: "Wi live in the age or steam ana
of rapid development. The world demand quick
transportation. I a creased speed oeeeiailatea io
oreaced danger. Holding, as we do, such cor
porations to a strict responsibility for negligence,
it 1 our duty to give them a ear track. Tbe
rule Is not only proper ia it eel f, but la neceosary
for tb preservation of life. Its property is no
looger a subject lor discussion. It ought also to
be equally wt-11 under flood that pareuts who per
at it their children to trespass upon the track of a
railroad ore guilty of negiigonoe. U is oot only
gross hut culpadte negligence, as it imperils tbe
live of eblidren so ticipaiiiog as also tb lives
wi um it' p'lMt; Tbe ebild ,
waa playing on iba oar where he ought not to 1
have been, by the negligeooe and want ot ear of
bis father." I
I was appointed to tbe Clearfield M. I. Circuit
last S.ring. Arriving, I found the Church to
Went ClertrUsId had n-eo sold by th Sheriff De
cember SI st previous. W ar now trying lo
redeem It and pay off all other iodrbteduess,
which, oosts an! Interest added, amounts to a
little tiver$l,U0. The ereditura kindly agree to
be aalisflnd lor about ftfl'O, if paid by January I,
1HKI. I am soliciting aubfC'ipttons isaib, and
payable in thirty day) conditionally, tn: That
if all claims be not paid by Jaouary 1st, all
money wilt be refunded tu the subsonbers.
Committee are nw soliciting articles lor hold
ing a FESTIVAL In tho WIu AM, adjoining
the FutfB(W, to begin Wednesday, Nuveiober
17th. PlevM do nut aay, tbvn, iey j tor we are
needy I
Supper will be fnrniihed Wednesday, Thurs
day, friday and Sa'orday, RefreiBtneals eaab
evening. Uystera a ipee ally.
Tbe Metbodiet Hyuioel, in several itylcs of
binding, will be ofleiod lor lale, A grani Tur
key dinuer on Thursday.
If any, who are disposed to aid, bo missed
by tbe Cuiomiliee, pleao report to Mr. W. Rinks
H 'daes, or brinf, or Seu-J it ti tho Wigwam 00
the days mentioned. Rav. C. W. Bukhlbt.
SntwaviLLH, Pa., Nov. llih.lflSO.
M. EniTon i 1 have received a n urn her ot let
ters in the last two weeks stating that a report
was in circulation, that 1 was trying w persuade
the teachers 1 not attend tbe County Institute,
and askiiig my reasons lor so doing. Ibis report
is a labriuation, and wholly without foundation,
as my oooueetion with Ihe County lonuute kiooe
187 should prove, When 1 have spoken to any
leauber on this suJrot, 1 have urgeu kiin or her
to not fail to attend during ibe enure session. I
havo attended every Institute bold In tbe county
since lr07, eicept one, an 1. have oot iced with
satisfaction, Ihe increnied lutereit nunilcited
ce-b year Irum that time lo tbe present. Thvn,
at too eommg liniiiuta, we eipeet to Bid ew-b
otbsr la such a degree and manner, that everv
member will be better prepared lor tbo work ef
teaching. As heretofore, we will receive instruo
tton frwio Ibe heal educators to ibe country. Te
many of our teachers the institute oiler th only
oppwrtutilli during Uio Winter, ol bearing lectures
ly persons eiuiueut ia their rerpeeliv vacations,
I tie velue ol suon an o purtunity you know full well
Ihen, 1 womd dtiira end eeiueitiy urge every
leacner lo ine cuuuly to attend the Cuuaty lu
stituto Irum the epemng to tbe closing svisivn,
eweSiotiog reports to the vwntrary.
hopeotfuliy, W. 8. Lvtubb.
Tb programme has been issued from this
nffloe, ia pamphlet form, of tho Seventeenth An
nual Session of tbe Teacbars' Institute, which
convenes la thi place, December 20th, t con
tinue one week. Tb program m ha beea pro
pared with much car by our Cuunty cuporln
tendeot, iid Is replete with Important educational
ubjeta I be dlsoussod by our leathers who will
k i up parted ia their work by tb following emi
nent gentlemen from abroad! Col. J. P. Sao ford,
of Maribaltown, Iowa Wallace Brace, A. M , of
Pougbkespile. New York) B. V. D.Ureff, A. M ,
of Patierioa Cliy, New Jersey ( a ad. Prof. B.
Fraok Pinkerton, of Uolttdaysburg, Pa.
Never In tb History of tb institol has
tha re been selected such ao array of talent to
instruct and entertain oar teachers and people,
and ai a result of th nrgy and enterprise
thus shown w confidently eipeet that every
teacher in tb oeuaty will be present.
Our people, we believe, felly realia their obli
gations lo this Institution, which has become as
permansnt as tb annual school term. It le
therefore, useless for say that they ow It
their hearty support. It will bring to our town
at least three hundred Is dies and gentlemen, who
aro members af the In it I tote, besides two er thre
hundred spectators, who oome from every section
te witness the proceedings. No sorreot ostima tw
an be made hot wo ar af In laying that fii.Ooo
will b left la our town by those In aiteedaao.
Oar streets, stores, hotels, and private boarding
bees will be thronged by an ia Indigent Boss.
pany af Indie and g tat lime during the week.
Superintendent McQuewu informs as that Buck
ba beta the demand this year for hiiofalef two
lareri, Bruce and Seeford, that to leeare tbem b
wid be eempelled t psy tbem one-tkirJ mete
for their service thaa lat year. He so the price
of admission fur ih eatir eurea has beea ad
vaoeed Irons seeaaty-flee eats t on dollar.
Mooday van lag's tatertalumeat, which
will eoBStit ol sa Address ef Welcome by lion
Q. R. Barrett, Select Reading by Mis Mami
IrvlB, aad a lector by Prof. OcOraff, will be
glvsa tt of barg. Wi tolstak tb sentiment
ef ear peopl very meek If Ike Opera House Is
aot filled t overflowing during each vatog thai
th IsetlteU 1 la section.
Clearfield Coal Thade State-
most of Coal and other fralgbu aent over tb
Tyroo A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rait
road, for th week ending November flth, line, and
th lam Urn lastyeax 1
For the week
Sam tim last year
Previously daring ystr
Same tim last yar..
Total In IPSO
Sam tim last year
OTBSt rnxiOBT.
Miscellaneous freights. ...
...,lfJ ears.
....... I all
McCRACKEN KAl'FFMAN. At the rsii
rlonca ol the bride's tisrsnts on Sundr. Nov. Tib. Rev. 0. B. Ague, Mr. 11. D, Mt'Ctt acuta
aod Uies IUtiib K KAUrrnax,tiotb ol llelltowo
hip, Clearfield ooonty, Pa.
BNYDKR. In Ball township, oa Balnrday,
Nov. U, IStiO, Wravxr SaroiB, soo of Jacob C.
Snyder, in th I lib) ear or bii age,
ROHERTS. In Knox townibip, 00 Thursday,
Nov. stb. la flu. Bkhjahib 8, ReBSrtra, aged 08
years, 8 months and U days.
lUeotre oouoty papen picas opy j
Tbe deceased was born In Uuotlogdon oouoty,
July 24tb,l8lt. Ills paraata moved te Milesburg,
Centre eouoty, whan he was quite young. In
1810, be came to Clearfield county and settled in
Knox township. Soon alter coming to tbo eouoty, ,
he married MaryJ. Kennedy, with whoa be
lived happily until her death, nearly four years
ago, Tb Bummer following her death, while oa
a visit to bis sister la Uo.onville, Csotr county,
he was suddenly Urickin down with paralrsis.
Within a few days be received two strokes. From
these, he recovered sufficiently within three or
four months to return home again. With ths ex
ception of a partial helpleesoos of tb loft side,
h njoved eomnartftLrely good health until
another aud final attack a few weeks ago. 11U
ord was calm and peaceful. The deceased united
with tbe Fruit hill Presbyteran church In IBM,
and In February, la&J, ho waa oboiau, ordained
and installed a Ruling Elder In tb sum church
He was a consistent Christian, and a wis ouu-
selor, and will b greatly missed by ua all.
MirniRRi, Etc All perions Wanting ;a first-
nlass Rawing Uaohin shooid euy me new im
nnived Liaht-Runntnc Weed, lor tale by J..ho S
Beers, Clearfield, Pa., or Miles R, Beers, dealer
in Mao bines and Organs, Keyooldsville, Pa.
may lUiu-em
Onr llt'MnRBb Pin Crrt. Diicocbt or Old
Pbicb. Hewing Machines can now be purchased
at Merrell's lin and variety store, from 80 up
wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July IS, 1877.
Collbctoh'i Balm I W hav prcpard
a form, and have on band a large quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sales' which have been ap
proved by Ihe highest legal authority in tho
Courts of this county. At Tuvntg Ctt$ per
do ten we will mail nnv number to lue collector
ordering tbem. A Collector, wbeo compelled te
odvurtiM property, muat post up not less hn
three nouce lo th most public piaoas in nis
thorough or township. tf.
WAtiTiin Pelivered at th Rail Road.
lOO.ono 20-lnch shaved shingles.
I'Hi.ntift 24-Inch sawed shingles.
I(i,0ll0 leet of pin boards.
&fl',tliiti 14 -feet ihaved hoops.
M"i) railroad lies.
Ml,0i0 ft-et of good hemlock boards.
For which 1 will pay the higheit market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or al any point on tbe
Tjrone A Clearfield Raiiro.d.
4. I. ii ha Man.
Olonrfield, Pa., Oot. IS, 1S78 tf.
Just Received,
JuH Iteoivctl by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Scotia rUstcr!
Car Load pure Corn, ityt and Oata
Chop I
Cur Load Don ken hall I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour!
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocorios, &e.l
Sk-Si in tiles, Bark. It. It. Ties and
Grain will be taken In exchange.
LurwcnaviIIe, Muy l, 10711.
P., " Mtb
3 Oil
3 811
I ill
1 00
I 40
I 00
I 00
a oit
1 to
I Oil
t on
Fle.r, per ewi.
okwheat rionr. berewl
Cum Meal, ter ewt...M.
Chop, rye, perewt
Cbop, mixed, per ewt
nran, per owt
VYbeel, per bnibel
Rve, par buibel
Oata, par buibel
Corn, .are, par bmhel
Buoh wheat, perbu.h.l
Clover leed
Timothy teed.
fotatova, per buehel.
Applet, per buibel
llama, ttr pound H
Shoulder, per pound M
Uh.d Deal, p.r pound
Cbickena, par pair
uutler, per pound
agKii per doaon
Salt, par aaek, large
uual uii, per gallon
Lard, per pouud
Dried Apploa, per pound
trried I'eaeh.a, per nounil..H..
Uttaoa, per buib.i
PniLAnFLFRTX. November 1 6'h -Tn Floor bo
ehanee. Wheat Is ansetrled and it-Tegular. Lorn
and "eta are steady. Cotton 1 quiet and steady
at Hie for middling uplands. Bark Is nominal
at 29 per t.n for Ho. I quercitron. Seeds
Clnver Is steady at 1(74 as in quality. Timothy
aod fls ere unchained. Fbur and Meal Flour
is In limited rrqneil and steady. 8al-s of I.OflO
barrels. Including Mlnoeiota exirae, wnwr.iv
Tr low to oho ire elear. and 8. I2i(fl" 8 or
straight Penn-ylvaoia oitra family at 86 26t
6.S74 t weitcrn do. l$bM($G 2b, and pit an at
80 7bi4H.2&. Rye floor is strady al ti S7(T6 60.
01,1-,Tbe wheat market I li-verim ana
rather higher B.tes ef 0,010 bushels, including
rejecied. at 81 OtftlJO t red and amber, track
nnd grain depot, at 81. 10,(3)1 IM. Rnd No I
red, elevator, at Bl .in, ai me open wnru, u
hufhels Decmhor. at 8I.K! i i,v0 bub-li do.,
at 81.18 I 10,000 buihels January, at 8l.2ji 0,
600 hnnhels do., at 81 and S, Ol'O busbels do.,
at 81 Ji'i i 81 10i wa bid for November. Rye is
steady at 9 He for Pennsylvania. Corn The do
mend has fallen off, but pileesare steady. Sales
of 6,00(1 buahels. Including yellow, at frti(5Uo ;
mixed at etfrt, and rejected al &8o. At the open
board, first call, 8.01-0 bun he Is January sold at
A tic f8e wai bid fir November, and iOo for Jau
nsry. Oats are in fair request and ifredv- Sal -a
of 7,000 buf-bele, latudiflf whit, nl 0(rv42c, and
rrjerted and mixed at fin(o)HVj
Whi-ky is firm. Sales of 100 barrels western
at $1.11.
C ti ro a oo, Nov. Hlh.-Flour steady. Wheat
arllvo, firm and higher; No 2 red winter. 81 i41
(g)l fJ No. t Chicago spring, 01 0Jfr)l.6 for
nah t 8105 (or Nevewber; 1 t6 J for Dreember;
81 Of J (,v I .w7 lor Janeary ( No I do 0i(itfl,c.
torn Imrly active and a shade higher: 4Jj lor
eaihi 4i(o94c for lfMmberf 4jfay421o Ur
January) 7e naked fcr May. 0tfi-r, Sfjc
for cash , Sle bid for December) l(.llse for
January a."Jc bid for May. Rye Armnr nt file.
Berley Irmer at 8Ha Prk easier M ftflfU 26
foreaih) $li 14 bid fnr Nnvemberf 812 ilO bid
for liecembrt 8I1.65( IX o7 for January. Laid
eaileri A6(U,H.07 foreasb 8 0H for Deoem
berf 8 87f(aS.I for January. Bnlk meats
easier j shoulders, 84 0 ; short rib, 87 1 ) short
elear, 87 20. Whliky Heady.
lint; drrrtUrmrnts.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curwensvlll. Pa Jan. 8, 1871 tf
lF,F,a rtH P A I, K. Thirteen hive of
1 Italian Bee wbirh I will tell cheap for
oaih, or oschange lor wheat, ror lurHier in
formatloR oall en or address th undersigned.
Nov ft,78 tf. Clearfield, Pa.
H f ON EV TO l.OANOe flrtt elasi Im
A-vl proved farm property, by tbe Mutual Lite
inieraofia v"mi'a" v" '
ge, In earn from ll.Ool up. Fur farther in
formation apply to tbe nnderaigned.
Clearfleld Pa., May 7th, 187 if.
JY May I'onrwra f The undersigned, having
beea appointed Assignees for tbe benefit of eredl
tors by Jaa. B. Ore ham, of Clearfield borough, all
pereons, theretere, having elaimi egninit him will
pre-ent ibem lo ws for setttemeol, aad tbo In
del ed t the said Jrabam ar required I Mill
and mak payment to e.
Clearfleld, Pa.. !. 14, 1871 tf ) Algnes.
OIlOKMAKINfl t herebv Inform bt t
O troas, and mankind In general, that I have
removed my shoemaklng chop to tbe room ia
Orabam ' row, aver S. I. Snyder' Jewelry More,
and that I am prepared I do all kind r work
ir my Hoe ehoaper tkaa any ether ebnp In town.
All work warranted aa good as can be don aav-
where else. PoeitlTely tbi la tho cheapest shop
In CI earn em. job. it. vitxinu
Dee. II, 1178 tf.
Urw diirrtlsfmrnti
Fall and
"X- JpyLnJEiCJESL cfc CO.,
Wo offer In this deportment a lino assortment of nil Wool Motnio Cloth forty-
six mcnes wiuo, ranata Uloth in all colors. 0 4 wool nutting Flannols
all shades, Novelty Trimmings, a full line of Colored Cash
moros in all the luto new colors.
A full and complete line of Black and
ell tlictn al lower prices than can be
A full line of long nnd (quare, Foreign and Domestio Wool Slinna in groat
variety of now designs.
Exquisite novcltica for Fall and Winter wear In great variety.
Mourning; Goods.
Thii department ia constantly mipplitd with new and fronb goods, and sold
. with a small profit.
Ir. this department may bo found Diagonal Coatings, Bosket Cloth, Beaver
Cloth, Sackings iu all tho now shades. Aluo Casnimcrs and Suitings
for men and boys' wear.
Our Fall and Winter stock of Underwoar comprises all Wool and Morino
for Ladies, Gents and Children. Hosiery in all qualitica.
Gent's SLirts, Collars and Gii.ff.
A good assortment of Ladies' and Gent's Glovos, Perfumery, Focketbooks,
and fancy Articles ol all kinds.
This is one of tho most attractive
supplied mill tne most iuninonabie goods, nice and tastefully trim
med Hats and Bonnets always on hand.
A handsome line ol Itibbnns and Neckties. We also have a lull line of
Brocade Ribbons of all widths, and tho newest and most desirable
shades. Also a Bne assortment of
Ladies' and Gent's Neck Ties,
Laces and Embroideries.
We have a full assortment of Laco. A largo lino of Hamburg Edgings at
various prices. This department is also complete.
Wo offer at all times the greatest and most complete, variety of bandker
cbicls llmt can be found in the county ut very low prices.
Damasks, Table Cloths, Napkhs, Towels, Spreads.
We would call attonlion to our complete assortment in this Una.
Wlute& dolofed tflaipelj,.
We also bare a largo lino of Blankets, Tickings and Calicos of all tha stand
ard makes, Bleached and Unbleached Maslins.
O J. 3RL 3E
In this department may be found a full
other varieties of Carpets, the prices
In this department will bo foond an assortment of Furniture Chlnts, Oil
Shading, and Hollands in all colors. Also spring and balance Fix
tures and Trimmings.
OUR MOTTO .--"Quick Sales and Small Profits."
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
ClearBeld, Tena'a, Mot. 8, lSSO-tf.
Culorod Silks. We ohall continue to
purchaaed elnewliere in thii county.
departments in our house, and Is always
3ES "3C &
and complete stock of Brassols and
of which will speak for themselves.
i ir
Gurwensville, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers nnd nwnufaclurers, receive good9 at
car lond rates, hence enn compete with New York nnd Philadel
phia houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, ndvances mnde on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
ent. 1, ISM If. '
E INVITE the people
inspection ol our large
READY made
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As we buy for cash only, wo nre enabled to give our patrons
every possible advantage. Our
an np tea to Mcrcnnnt Jniloring, is complete. We employ only
first-class workmen, nnd nre prepared to make suits at short notice
and unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks for past favors, nnd solicit your future
Room No. 4, Pie's Opera House Block, Clearfield, Pnn'a.
September 20, 1880-tf.
AH kinds of Caaketa and Coffins
short notice, including the finest as
faotured. Our
oonrBB pniaausn'tTzin
la the best In use, and will be furni.hed when required. Funerals attended
in any nart of the county. Call at
your ordors at Troutman'a Furniture
octl,79 1j.'
(wj ftmtmtf
ti -
FiTTaBunon, X'J-.
Tho most centrally located first ctass House In the City. Htreet ears pass
tho door every five minutes to all the Depots and all parts ol both cities.
Tuns, 12 to Pit Day. W ALSU k AN DKILSON, Proprietor.
a-The CLiAartiLO Rifvimcan recaived weekly at tb Hotel aad placed
on file for th benefit of geesu from this section. ootZT-Sm.
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of Clearfield and vicinity to the
and well selected stock of
lino of piece goods, especially
"X" J. X3L 3E. 3FH ,
kent on hand, and furnished to ordsr on
well as the cheapest that can N man.,
my oflice, on Second street, or leave
Htore, adjoining the Fentofllc.
JAB. I. LttVA V I,
m Clearfield, Pa.