Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 27, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
irtid in adrance.or within three noDthi.,.$3 00
If afief ibe expiration of ill moDhta... I 00
-Metrt. B. M. pRrrmaiLL k Co.. New
.H,ttr A drer lining Agente, 17 Park How, corner
Illitnn Street, art our duly autborlaed AgooU
in Nw YoM t.1.7.
Mrlliodlit !:ploonl C'horrh Rt. Uno.
tmur, I'Mtor. Heriicei tfj 8kbt,.h t 1V
A. M., mtid M r.
Mbhatb rtrhool at 9 A. M.
1'n.yer Meeting every WedaMdaj, it Ti P. M
Cdiun.unioa bervlee, ant 14 ab bath of arer
jntntb, ai ii a. n.
MM Cleartteld M. K. Churrl,. Rtr.
(,'n a iilri W. DtiRMLir. Ptitor. Preaching ererj
eliornata 8unle, at o'clock, P. M. Bun fin
johool at it, r. h. ah ara m v ilea to attend.
Preb)teriau Cliurrb Rt. 11. B.BtmaR.
- H&KbKlb wrTioee morning ami evening Hab
ijkth Hohool at I P. M. Prajer Meeting VVednee-
i? e renin.
llajtllat Church. Rot. ' , Paitor.
PaMmtb (School at I P. M. Prayer Mealing ovorf
Weilneade evening.
M. Franc le' Church Cthollr Ror. P
J. Shirhian. l)ivioo eervice at loi A. 34., on
ihe flrat, tbird and fourth Kundavtof each month;
)f rf and Benediction of the lileiied Saaranent
i 7 o'clock, P. M. fcunduy School it try bun day
firnoon at I o'olook.
tin a or lotDiao QuaaTKi iimioki 00 car.
c'ind Moo day of January.
Third Mundiy of March.
Ktrst Monday of J una.
fourth Monday of Beptember.
Firat Monday of Jane.
Heoand Monday of Norenibtr.
ruiLio orricBRi.
Fretidtnt Jtdgt Hon
. ock Haven.
Charlti A.
A'liitamt t,nw JudgtHon. John II. Orrli, of
Afoeinti Judgei A brain Ogden, Clearfleid)
Tinrent B. Hull. Clearfield.
Protknotary II loom.
HtgitUr and Rtordrh, 3 , Morgan.
Trmwr Philip Dotta.
IHttritt AttormtwJ. F. McKenrlck. ,
.Shtrijf Jimee MahafTey.
lUpuiy Sktrifff. I. Thntrpion.
foNMfy arveyor Bamual F. MeCloekey, Cur-
County Cnifioner$)-C. W, Kyler, Gri ham
ton P. 0.; Elah Johnaton, Grampian IU1U P. 0.;
John Norria, Br., Curwemvllle.
Commi$tiomtr' Chrk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear.
fi-M: Joieph (lilliland, Tbrea Hum j J.S.Nor
ri, Woodland.
County Coroner Jamca A. Moort, Clrarflald.
Jury CommiMionrt Andrew J. Jack ann, Cloar
Be 1, H'oi. R. Brown, Claarfield.
SuptrintttHtnt 0 Publit Aoa M. L. Uo
Quown, Cleiirfteld.
Stnltmf Weight & Mwtwt Jerae W.Carlila,
nfTire at Lutherborg Pa,
,Vfdri Publit John W. WrlRley, Wm. Ra
clnufch, Cyrua Gordon, ClearfleWj Joaeph R.
Irwin, N, K. Arnold, Curwenavillti J. A. Llving
ulnne, Dullola City.
our Svrcinl tsoxmo ii decidedly Intaraatlng In
m point of view, and profitable reading to
uutntdera wbo want 10 aavo money.
"Will jou take wheat, oat or oora for lub
rt ri ti(n V W are often inquired of In thli y
1 li tter from patront wlio reaUo at a diitanca
fn m Clearfield. We again lay yea. The receipt!
of a rttf i'tiiiole merchant or mill owner in the
tii-inity, will aniwer ut Jurt ai well aa the aaah,
T' illluitrate : If any of our patrona will dalirer
u n h-. of grain at the mill of Joaeph II. Uretb,
in Chest township, Horace Piitchio, to Bornaido,
Thomna II. Forcey, in Or-ham, Wm. Porter or
Mian', in Lawrence, or Brown A Feyler'e, at
Rdckton, l'ni'n townahip, and forward their
rm-ipta for the rvmunt, we will eredlt tham on
tiuir account Tor the inuie. In thit wny all may
to;n pay what they owe, if they will puriua tbia
fcdrAdrertitwra and others will bear
in mind that all aiclea intended for publication
In thie paper must bo banded i, not lattr tbaa
Tucxlay, at fl A. M. Don't forget It!
Thanksgiving day druwotb nigb,
and tha war ou Turkey will aoon commence.
Tbere aro qui to a number ol canes
of loirltt ftver among tht children of Ihii plaea.
Minn lletkio Heiehhoid, ol Bnjokvillo,
ii viiiiing br brother, Dr. lleidhhold, ia tbia
P ' m .
Mr. James M. Jordan, of Uig liun,
Jt-lTerion county, It T.ilting icUli.oa la tbia
Tho new railroad depot at Tyrone is
roinplatcl. Tht Brut ticket wat aold in it on tht j
18th intaot. ;
Mr. (ieo. V. iihoom and family re
turned home from their riait to tba Weat on ;
Moi.d.iy evening.
Tho boys nro Kelling ready to ap
propriately obierre "Hollow Kre," wbiob aeeurt !
next Baturday nlgbt.
(.'apt. Gniilin baa the material on tbe
ground for laying a new flag-atone pavuneni In
Iron! of the poatofflot bullliog. j
. - m m
Tho mail train north laft Wcdncs '
duy waa delayed oTtr two houra ly tht wteck of
a freight train near Pbillpaburg. I
i a-
Many residences along the routo of
ihe " walk - round" laat Wedntaday tvcidng waa
handtnueljr and brilliantly Illuminated.
m a ew
Dr. Stowart was over the mountain
latt week on a hunting eipeditlon, and brought
burnt with him tht remaina of a wild turkey.
- la m -
"J.. F. i)aviH, of Tyrone spent Sun
day with bia father, P. II. I-fle. Kq., of Mt.
'nQZ.IUtigto AVtee." Bad bt never been
with hit father?
The snow wiui one and a half inches
Mec ptt Cretaon on Tueaday of laat wetk. It
I would have been that depth here had It not melt-.-
ad a fait a it fell.
I Democrats, don't bulievo any senna
I tional atoriea you may bear from Republican
'i, auurcea betweta now aud the aleetlon. Look out
f'T roorback, bug-a-booa and Ilea.
(.ideon 1). lioodlcllow and George
a It. Cooper, of thit p'ace, aremeiubera of tba en
gineer cor pa, now engagod is turreylng tbt rail
V'lnd route from Curwenavilla hi tbt Charrylret.
f An intorcstingliulo sonVf Mr. Hiram
T. King, aged lira yearr, died in tbta borough,
n Sunday artoing, of diphtheria. Two other
children la Mr. King'a family ara III with ihe
'roe diataat.
. Ertrays. We publish quito a num
ber of eitray uottoee thit WKh, tiaoog them a
Garfield repeater by Larry FlooJ, tf Central
Point. Ha tbinbi tba beaatloat tha road on Ita
trt-tvrn from Ohio.
1 llradlord township turned out tbe
wanner delegation to tha Dsmooratlo meeting
leat Wedntaday. Be a 1 del a largo numbt-r of
ajons, bugf iea, ate.,: .there were W horsemen,
tiding three abrnaft, tndieatlrt wpnsaumeof
429. v
y mmm mm i.
Tho first snow flakoc of the acason
fall la ibia section on Tuesday or laat week,
Oci,t.r tlih, aisoaVlutn wt bava beta hwig
Wd and dlaffTfb.t weather. Tba weather wise
predict told and wintry weather the balaare af
Iht month.
? A Misfortune. We regret to learn
thai tba Bnt dwelling hooae of lluatoa llelcbol,
Vb Karthaua townahip, took Ira out da laat
week and wai totally JeaUyed with nearly every -trng
la it. A defeoTivo flee waa tbetauaa af tbt
Ire. Tbia la a vary serious luaa ta Mr. Ilelokel.
; The special train from Uoutadale,
hweula and Pbillpaburg, ua Wednesday avowing,
rat tompoted of tea oari and twa taglnei. It
Voughi ovei acre ml march log elaba from Philips,
wrg, the i'biliptburg and lloatadale D raat Baada
tb ta aaiform, aad Its er 109 men.
We learn from a very reliable sou ret
V truancy It practised ta aeeat aatent among
b bo)t af tha primary gradet la oar borough
jkoola. Pareota will dt well tt leak after their
Ua and tea ta It that ibey art not idling away
jn precltut mom to la aad gulden eppertunitlta
'ih-.r ihtri Ure a
I The liuiinio MuyerCumbinalion gave
w dramatic eniertaioaieats In rte supera uqbm
P wwek. On Friday arealng "Katbaletn Ma
araea j er St. Patrick's Eta" waa played, and
I Satarday ara a lag tht Twa Orphan' w
kdarad (n. awaaaer weiiby af Dae merit.
Mb talertalnmenU vara daaortlag at" lagar
Mlwrt tbaa wet areeaet.
Tho boat fitting cornet evor mailo
e now 10 e iuna at T. A. fleck A Co. 'a.
- -' ' iw a ,
A now line of all wool
the late saw ahadaa, Juit received at T. A. Heck
A Cu'a.
... m n 1
For tolda), couhd, bronchitiii anil
II afftctlona of tba lungi, like Ayer'a Cbtrry
Comb Along. It will be noticed
by their adrerllaement In thli liua that the
Kdgar Tho mi on Site) Worki at Orayavllle,
UunlingdoB eouaty, wast to gira emptoywent to
two hundred more men.
imm m
LUt of letters remaining unoluinud
in tbe PokoAo at Carfleld, Pa., Ir the week
ending October SAtb, 1880 :
Puian Cullman, Tbomaa Caldwell, Peter Pen
nell, Allot Hal ion, Mkbat), Thomaa
8ilei, Daniel Znea.
- -
Well Pleaded. Mr. A. V. Goally,
Preaidcnt of tba Bullion Eichaage Bank, gum
ail City, Pa., In a recant letter to Prof. Smith, !
Principal of tba Iron City College, Pituburxh,
aaya: Ian pleaaed with ay oonna at your Col
Irge. I would not Uka a imall fort one for what
I learned Ihera." P,ttkmiyk Cmwtimt tfxxfte.
M 1
KKTURN Thohr Cam Cam and
Toncnaa W hare iht namtaof flrtT.atreo per-
aona baring i ihtlr poimtlon Capa, Capei and
Torohea belooging to tba Demooratie Commiitet.
If they are return! Ij Saturday night, It will
ra ua iba trouble of acnliog a man for I he to.
. J. P. Ill HCtirin.n, Cba'o.
W. K. Wallah, Seo'y.
- m 9 mi
Tho bucket and tub factorv nf T.
K. Lltoh Soui, at Brook tile, wai put In opera -
tlon week before laat. Ita capacity will be about
otto bucket! aid SuO tube per day. There art
mllliunaja an tnlcrprla of tbia kind. We have
plcu'y of material which oould be utiliicd in Ibii
way in Clearfield county, tut which la allowed
to go to dcitruotion.
The stinninir season has futrlv onun.
rd, and It behoove ua to warn thoae who engage
In the aport or hunting to guard carefully again it
aooiJcnta. Tbaktllcifportimen never riika bia
own life, or the life of any one tlae, by carrying
bia gun la auti a poaition at lo endanger any toe
by in diiobarge. It la y.t aa eaay to acquire
earelul nebili aa oareleai onea.
' m e 1
A Vitrran (ioNE. (ieorgo Knurr,
Ihe oldeat oiliiea reaidiug In Brady towothip,
ilied at the reaiJence of bia ion Adam, In Trout
rille, on Sunriey, tho 31th bit., aged nearly 03
yean. He waa born in Germany and settled In
Brady tuumhip forty odd yrara ago, where he
alwaya drporied bimaelf u an hone it, ioduitrioua
eiliaen, aud raised a large family, lie wai a lint
Old School Uerratn, alwara pilfte and poaitlvt
with everybody be met.
e ewi
Mr. Kruncis Murnhv. aHintcd by bis
aon, Thomaa E , cluted bia lebora in tbe Temper
en oe work ia tbia ptaco for tbe preteut with a
meeting In the M. E. Church laat Sunday even
ing, He la holding a aerita of meeting! tbia
week In our neighboring town, Curwenavilla. Bia
meeting held her tvery eight lait week wtre
largely attended, the room bring crowded full
each night
Put Him Out. A Now Washinir
ton eorrerpoadanl inform ua that a achool teacher
In that bornugb, one day laat week, adjourned bia
atbool whi'e a R adlcal perait wai paaatng and
ordered bia puplla to cheer for OarReld, the Credit
Moblller De'Jelyer hero. If be wanta to learn
bia puplla to eheer, be almuld aelect the name of a
patriot, aud not tht of a man who baa a public
iofamoua reoor-1 recorded at the Federal Capitol,,
pat In the hooka by bia own party frlenda. I
In Place. The Tyrone JJcraU of
laat week aayat"The Pennaylvania Railroad
officiate at tbia place are all comfortably quartered
a their new roomi in the large brick building,
which, by tha way, La nne af tha faandaomoat and
ioat aubatantial railroad bulldlnge to bt accn
anywhere on tbe Una between Philadelphia and
Pittaburgh. In faet, It la really an ornament to
tht town , and Mr. Blair la entitled to mora than
ordinary pralat for tbt Intereatand cart ha mani
fested In aecnrlng for Tyront a depot building
that Ihe prouder! eitiien can look upon with a de
gree of Increaaed pride."
A Fairbanks" Is a convenient
ynonym for a weighing machine or aealea, aa
nearly perftet of Ita kind aa it li poaaible lo pro
cure, whttbtr It otoupiea a plact on Ihe druggiat'e
counter a or la at a freight depot, and large enough
to weigh a loaded train. Tha firm of Fairbanks
A Co., bava a w rld wide reputation, and we are
glad to learn Ibat ainoa tbt Centennial, their al
ready Important foreign trade baa Inoreaacd In a
moat gratifying manner. Bvery well appointed
farm ahould Lava tba meant of weighing every
thing Ibat la told from It or bought for it, and
tbia ean t lupplfed by Fnirfaanka A Co , 48
Wood at reel, Pittaburgl, Pa. Amtriean A-jricul-
- m - -
Iron City Culleuk. Hut lew per-
auai eovparatircly art awart of tbt faellitiea
affurded by thia institution fur preparing yoang
men for aciltt buainaaa lift. Wt preiumt there
la not another Inatitutirn in tbt United Slatta
that offer! equal ludncementt In tba way of ac
quiring a thorough practical buiioeta education.
Tba principal, Prof. J. 0. Smith, la tnt of tht
lost thorough and beat known educator! In the
country, and hla aaalatanla are all well iuultled
and thoroughly trained teaebera. Tbt college
room! lurpaaa in neat neat and elegance anything
wa bare tvor aeea In the way of aoh iol aeeommo.
datlons. PitfbmrgJk Pott, 17fA t Milan I.
Having known tbta institution fur ye are, we
would adrift parent! wbo bavt ioub to educate,
or young men dtalroua of preparing Ibemielvee
for bualoraa, to eall tn or wrltt to Prof. Smith
for circular! eoatalniag full Information.
A preliminary meeting wai held on Monday
night of laat week by a number of our cltixena,
at which lima arrangeinante were made fur a
grand bant after tht low la and four-footed beattt
or tha earth and air in the vitUlty of thla portion
of Clearfield coanty. Tht party waa separated
Into two ban la, and W. C. Car Jon and Fred
Sackett were cboaen the CapUina lo marsh all tht
huttt, tht taring party to abide by tbt tome
quencee In tuch eaaet made aod provided thet
la. treat tht winning aide to n aupper.
Friday being iba time fised upoa, the bnnteri
alerted taily in the moruinf, dad in the costume
approprUla (j their yicatlon, and wroded their
way lo tha furcate, determined to make a good
Tba tear pari of (leorgeC. A Tho ma! W.
Moure's ilore room waa decided upta aa Ihe
place to report, and ahirtty after dark tbe returns
began to artlva aud ware not all in until a late
hour. Meaara. WiliUta W. Betta, Joseph Shaw
and I). W. Moore were Ihe jo Iges la eiitniueand
telly the aTtoatil. The renalt fouted up at M
lone ;
Cait. Canun
James M'Laughlia.
fiflfCapr. Sal-krtt 31
TVjKd heavy (to
J5 J. L. Kraglt 4
71! A. M. Fleck JO
3.1'M, R. Cowdnak... In
4lKard Mitebell 0
UlT. A. Fleck b
o l). MoOaogbey IT
lo! Henry Bridge H 44
el A. M. How h J"
4tjKd UoodMlow 4 I
8 Harry Milla 6 I
S'John MoClellaa .... 8 I
li. II Ale
1. R. tullertua
J. K. Harder
0frg C Moore..
8. 1. hn) der
J. A.Kt.ick
J. Holler rr...
Watren 'i'bora.,
Cbarlaa Irwin -
W. M. hhaw r...
Paul Weaver
C. M. W heeler.
J7W. Jl. Mulbollan
3V0. L. Moore
F. Chorpeoing
Amoa Kennard...r..
Rubt. Hiephenaon
Edward Hurebfl-ld.
4lr. Haiobbold..
Charlea li-lfrd...-L.
J. Morgan .... H
J. H. Uiaier
M. fl. Ulaula
Lr Winil.w
tleorge Weaver..
Samuel Worrell
Jemea Mebaffey...M
iJoba Keoter
K. N. Hhaw
Frank Cordon......
Kdward Hbeem ..
Or. Stewart
Frank A. Klemtac.
Miller Hloom n
James Kerr
Thomaa Cleary...
Dr. VanValaab....
A. B. Weaver
Or. Srbeurer
Fred Moaaop H
AI H. Read.
-Juan w. Wrlgley.
J f. McKenrick..
W.M. MoCallougb
U.b M. Dobarty...
Ueorge Barrett.. .
Or. liurebneld
, 4 WO
i 80
Not oat.
Tbt amtunt of game f la ugh tared wai as fol
lows i Pint squirrels, 161 1 blaok iqulirela, 88;
gray squirrels, St I pbeaaanta, 24 j trawa, 1 ;
plgeona, t owla, 1 1 ducks, I j rabbits, I.
A plat squirrel cool ted 8 black or gray, 4;
pigvon ar dock, 4 1 pheasant, 8) rabbit, I j hawk
or wacdeeck, f ground bog, S raccoon, 9
trow, 10 j awl, II looa, 16 foi, 10; wildcat,
40 ; doer, OA ; bear, 80 panther ar wolf, 1 10.
Henry Bridge's airing of game toalaiaed ait
pheasants and an awl.
Jamta McLaughlin, who haa tht largest teora
oa either aide, abut tlevta black and gray squir
rels aad ana pbeeiaat, btildei tea alulae. Ut
daat It with ban Doherty'a gua t but Iea ald la
tay nothing abaut that.
Sam Worrell, who mot at tbt mart on Captala
Saehttl'i aide, bad ihe greateit variety, via : Ai i
plat squirrels, two black squirrels, two phcaaaata,
out dusk, ont pige a aad tw a orowi,
B4 Leevy hilled the rebbit, and Juha K.
llardar abet Poe'a raves.
Tba tuppar wit atreod at the Leonard Uoaat
aa Monday araalag, and wta got let up la good
style by Mr. It. Newton Shaw ard kit astlilaati.
Tht boaters with lb lav I led gutilt enjoyed
tha fa tat, at wall ai tht Maaen af mirth thai
Me wad.
Garfield's De Oolyer Record.
$5t000. $5,000. $5,000,
Flunnuln, cuHnimorod and cantons in
nil etock at T. A. Flask A Co'a.
Window abaduA in newest styles and
(rem Turitij at 1. A. tlCCR 101.
You rnnnot go stniiis in anything
;wu wmi 11 you call ai T. A. f ieri Vol,
- m 11 .
Mommio cloth, In cotton and wool,
ami gingbawa, and tbe Pall atylea In dreai tal
Icuei art among tbe lateit arrlvala at T A. Flerk
m Co'a.
If in need ol a carptt call at.T. A.
Fleck A Co, a ho bavt Juat received a new In
voice of earptling, which will be lold at greatly
reduced prioea.
m e -
Multing tho buying of dress and dry
good a atudy, earefulneia in aeleotlng the aame
and telling them at tht right flguree hat made
T. A. Fleck A Co'a the popular dry good houaa
In Clearfield county.
- - mm mm .
Buy Your Mill Now t Wo aro tho
proprietera of a Saw Mill, eomplett In every par
tloular, which wo will aell very cheap. For par-
ttculare, addreaa R, A. A W. D. BTOLER,
tohlSO tf. Clearfield, Poan'a
m 1
Farmers, rememtor that Guinaburg
li paying fnll market prlcca for all kinda of
Country Product and Pun, and eel la you hla
Clothing, of which he baa a very fine itock on
hand at tbe low eat cash prlott. In fact, you tan
gat at Guintburg'aa belter bargain than elta
whert In the county, Oct. 20-1 10,
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
In the Rrpcblicar will reach more readers than
if published In all tht other pa pari lo tilt conn
ty.and cost tba advert! act leat tbaa oncbalf
In other worda, an advertisement published in
our Jrurnal It worth double tht price of that
charged by aoy other publisher la Ihe county.
It la a faot.M tf.
mm - mt -
Nkw Paily Staoe Line. James L.
Lcary haa auocecded in having a dally mall eatab.
Ilahed between Clearfield and Pcnnlleld, and will
hereafter mo a daily stage between the two point a.
Ills contract began with April 1st, and tht itagt
will leave (learflald every morning (eioept Sun
day) at 8 o'clock, making connection! with all
Irainaon Ihe Low Oradt Railroad at Pennfleld, re
turning after tbe Imt train the lama evening.
Person gere end freight will bt carried at low ratea.
Orders left at any of Iht boteli will bt attended
to- 10pr7U-tf
1880. FALL & WINTER. 1880.
(Irand opening of MILLINKKV QO0I8, at
II. Lehman A Co. 'a, Opera Uona, Clearfield, Pa.
The lateit aottltiei In HaU, Bonnets, Silks,
Vclrtta, Satins, Plushes, Fancy Feat lien, Wlngi,
Flower! and Ornaments, Lad lei' CLOAKS and
D0LLMANS, Shawls, Gianketa, Sklrta, and a
full line of DHKtS U00DS, Flatmela, Cloaking i
tto. Thanking Ihe cltitena of ClearQtld and
vicinity fur peat favo a, we lolioit a'oontinuanoa
of tht lama. II. Lihuas A Co.
Oct, IS, IftSO if.
, mm mrnn
Farmkrs. Look Here! Lytlo will
give you highest market price for Wheat, Oati,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butler, Kggs, Onlona, Apples,
dried frnlti, and all kitds of produce. lit haa
tbe largest and teat selected itock of groceries,
teas, coffeei, mo lanes, ipicei, oil salt, sugar,
queen a ware, tubs, buckets, basket!, churn a, Ac.,
in Clenrfield oouuty. He buyahii goods In large
quantities from manufacturer! aud flrat hands
for oaab, and laHea Iht advantage of all
discounts, and aohe ia en allied to aell at lowest
prioea. He give! oaah prion for procIuce,and aella
his good at tha lowest prices la tha county.
St'pl-,14- IV u
m 9 m
CLEARf IELU Coal Tkade State
ment of Coal and other freight! aent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennajlvaiila Rail
road, for tht week ending October Ifth, 10, and
tht aame lima lait year :
For the week
Same time laat ytar a
it, an
.. 3,6)11)
Previously during year..
9me time laat year
Total In IShO ...
Same time laat year
otsir rnMiaara.
Lumber , IDS cars.
Miscellaneous freight! ..HuH "
- - m e i
ii;w Mail IIoute to Luthkrhihiro.
The DuBoii CoNKer.oIlaat wttk sajl : "Thanks
to the ingenuity and piratttranot of Mr. Ueo.
Walk, a new mall route baa beta titablisbad be
tween DuBoia aod Luthersburg, making a through
daily mall from Clearfield and tha east. Thia ii
uf intitimable value to DuBoii and tbt outlying
country, as heretofore It waa neatly a week 'i Job
to send a lettar lo and get a reply from Luthers
burg. Tba change began Ojt ibar 10th and ii
now in full blast. An effort will now be made to
extend tbt routt to Brockwayvillt with no doubt
f lucocii. In ease of tba attention a daily
atago will connect tbe two potnii, giving Brock
wayvillt and vlclaity advantage! of oominun'ica-
tloo with Pittihurgh equal to thoae enjoyed by
any tows nlongtht Hot of tht Low Urado Rail
road. Mr, Walk la also at tba bead of this move
ment, and Stnator Wallace la "a power behind
tho tbront."
Ma. Kditoh t A large number of tht TemDer-
ance men of both political parlies, wbo bvlieve in
prohibition, and eipect it will ultimately triumph,
wnen amea 10 ut cooitiient witb their belief and
foto tba l'robltitton ticket, answer: "It will be
throwing away our Tolta to vote for It thia time.
aa wt cannot by any possibility elect our candi
dates, and it will bt only helping tbe oppoiite
It it not true that minority votes are thrown
away, If given lor tba right. All greet move
men te for truth and reform begin with minor it iea .
It ii better to be In a minoruj of one, witb tbe
approval uf conscience, than go with the mu'ti
tude to aupport a wrong.
HI propost a plan by which Temperance men
ean bava their vutea count, and not interfere
With their long cheriabtd parly.
it ta to pair off wito ont of the opposite party ,
and both vote tnt Prohibition ticket, which will
leave the majority juat aa before.
lo illustrate i buppoat an election district haa
o0 Republican and 100 Democratic votri. If 26
of the Republican! pair rff with 28 Democrats,
and all vote for Prohibition, Iht Deoioca'ic ma
jority will be 30 aa before, while tbe Tern) eranre
eue haa gained 80 vutea.
n e bvlieve luuuaende nf good oltitem art wak
ing up to tbe eviii and eriuei of intemperance
atd drunkard making under sanction of law.
Aa a crime, )l muat be aupprea ted hv tbe aame
mtana all other trimaa ara by human tawa. 1 he
ballot made the law, and tnoooraeea and ntotecla
tha crime which it ought to prohibit.
ne noia me bailor, and, with tbe means in our
handa, it wr reluia to do our dulv. ean we shirk
Iht responsibility 7 li it not moektrr for Chria-
tian men to ark Hod lo bleu tbe causa of Ti m
pi ranee, while they refuse to Tote fur ll 7
Lei i ne in ut eoosutent and vote as they pray.
Jamkb Dowlku,
Hamuhl Drickkll,
Bortalde, Pa. Oct. 21, 18SU.
Garfield's De Golyor Record.
$5,000. $5,000. ' $5,000.
MArniajKt, Etc All vertont wanting a flirt.
a I ass ewing Maebint should buy tba New Im-
& roved Light Running Weed, lor tale by John S.
eers, Clearfield, Pa., or Milei R. Been, dealer
In Macbtuei and Organa, Heynoldsvllle, Pa.
may mb-im
On a HownaaD Pan Csrt. Disootiwr aw Old
Pairaa. Sewing Machines can now be purchased
at Merrcll'a tin and varMy store, from 46 up
warda. All kinda of aewlng maoblnea renal red
on tht ahorlast notiea.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1077.
Coi.Lir-ron'a Pn.aa I Wa hart prepared
a form, and have on band a large quantity, of
Diana "uoiiector a rales," which nave been ap
proved by (ha highest legal auihorily in tbt
Courte of thla county. At rWeafy 0li per
doteu wt will mall any number to Ihe Collector
ordering them. A Collector, when aompeUed to
advertiaa properly, muat post up not leea than
tore noiieea la tnt moot public placet in bta
borough or townahip.
WaaTBO. Delivered at tbe Rail Road
infl.nii XSIneh shaved shin glee.
110,0110 24-Inch aawed ahinglea.
KiO.OHO feet of pint boarda.
60", Oot U-frrt ahaved boopi.
6.OH0 railroad ttet.
6U,0li0feetof good hemlock boards.
For which I will pay tha higheet market nrlet,
dellvervd at Clearfitdd, ar at any point on thi
Tyrant A Claarfield Railroad.
J. F. Kaaaaa.
CTear field, Pa Oat 10, IflfO-tf.
Just Rccived by AHNOLD. at
Car I-osd Nova ESeolia riastorl
Car lKad pure Corn, Ityt and Oats
iimp i
Car Load Deaken Salt I
Car Load of Choice Family Klonr !
Car Load Pry Goods, Grocorios, Ao.I
gkajTSbintrlee. Bark. 11 R. Ties and
Gram will be taken In exohsngo.
OuTwensvllIe, May I, 187H.
RVOY WOCiDWARD. On Tu.iJ.t, Oolokw
I2lh, bT Her. A. II. Hoo.n, Mr.
B. Ituoy tml UIm AuimU Wnnilv.rd, dsuibiar
ul Win. D. WrHMli.rd, Nr , tiler fnUli, Clr
fl.lil eounly, P..
KH1T.KK IIOItK AI Ih. bota. of lb,
brlil.. 00 Onlubor ITIh. 10, l.t ll.r 8. H. Win
pr.Mr, B. F. Krlla.r rj.l MIhK. O. Ili.ra.boih
uf Urlj Uiwnibip, oe.r Lulbr,burg, Clc.rB.ld
ouunly, P..
LOltD BOm.E. At Hi. H. I. F.rinna(.,
(llan Hop,, on Thunday, Uclntwr 141b. IHrtv, bj
Her. P. Ad.Bii, Mr. Join J. Lord and UIm Ann.
J. BodU, .11 or UIm Hop ooaotjr, P..
IIOHN-M1U.KK.-A! lb. Lutheran Parana,
aa. In Lulheril.Mr,, on Tur.dar, Orlubar IVlh, Her. John T. UladKIM, 1). W. Hon and
UIm Molll. Miller, bulb of Dulloi., ClearD.ld
oouorr, ra.
lU NTKR-AllFOKD.-On F.iurd.r.OloWr
llllh, 18flll, I.T K. Warin., J. P., Mr. William T.
Ilonter.or (Juliob l.wnrhlp, Clearflald eouatr,
and Mill Mar, K. Arfurd, orTjrun. borongb.
in ill.KR-MAINKR-Atlh. M.n.lna lino...
Ckarfleld. on Mender, Oolnber Sth, O.
now., ceq., nr. u.j.llubltr and AJlea H r.
Malnea, both or tirabau luwnablp, CU.rfl.lil
oount, Pa.
HNAHR. At tbt ruidcnot of bia aon. Adam
Knarr, in Troutville, on Sunday, October JJih,
imii, ueorge anarr, in tnt lUii yearol nil age.
KINO.'-In ClsarOrtd boroush, on Sunday tr
tntng, October lltib, lohO, 0f diphtheria, Uaorge
luung, aon oi uuam i. ana Herv a. hin.
aged j jeeri.
COUNCKL In Luthersburg, on Friday, Oo
tt.herad, la0, Josit William, aon'of g.e, and
Mary Councel, aged 1 month and V daya.
CLiAttriiLD. Pa., OoL 27lb, 1880.
Flour, per owt 03 00
Buok wheat Pluur, per cwt 1 0
Corn Meal, per cat 1 80
Chop, rye, per owt 1 00
Chop, mixed, por owt M. 1 40
bran, per owi 1 U0
Wheal, per buahel 1 O0
Kye, per bushel H 0a
Oats, per buahel 44
Cora, aura, par buahel 86
Buckwheat, per bun hoi 60
Clover aeed ,. 0 U(i
Timothy need 8 7
Potatoes, per buahel 40
Applaa, per buahel, , 4u
Ouioua H 1 80
llama, per pound la
boulder, per pound HHkm 0 j
Uried Beel, per pound 16 ;
Chick una, par pair &0
Butter, per pound 20 j
KK'i P-r doaen . 18
bait, pr sack, large t Ov
Coal Uil, por gallon lo
Lard, per pound Hi
lned Apples, per pouud . 7
Oried Peaubea, per pound 12
Beana, per outUel 2 Olf
PniLADELi'mA, Oct. 2&tb BreaiatuITi art leu
active and;.Uuur and wbuat art quotably lower.
Cotton sells to a moderatt eilent ai 1 1 io lor mid
dling uplands. Bark li nominal at $2tf per toa
lor No. 1 queroitron. Seeds Clover tsquiatand
unchanged. We quota at 6i(r)7ic. Timothy ii
steady at fZ. 70(.00. rlax is aearoe and in de
mand at $1 35. flour aad Meal Tht flour mark
ket is dull and I Hie per barrel lower, with aales of
1,400 barrels, including Minnesota extrai at
$j,2ofm6.;6 lor clr, and at f6.12,(6.7i for
straight; Pennsylvania extra lamity, at i!'2i((i)
5.SU ; waatuin do. at $o 60(6 2j, and patent! at
t7(y,8.4l)f also, I, DUO barrels Market ilrtel,
(i i aril, Camden, Ktypt and Cheltenham p. t,
Ryt Hour it ilaajy at f.&O per barrel. Corn
meal ta nominal.
Urain Whtat li in limited demand and rather
lower, tialet of S.OOO buihels, ineludiug rejected,
at 11.05(5,1.08 f rod and amber, track aod alloet,
at $1.12, aad No. 2 red, tlevttor, at $1.2J. At
Ihe open board, first oall, 81 11 waa bid for Oc
tober ; $1.12 for November $1 Jj for December;
(1.16a iof January. Rye ia quiet and u no hanged;
lVnnaJta,Qi, at VSo pr btshel. Corn la moder
atlv actift and prlcoi are steadily maiotaloed.
Hales of g ooo buabela, inoluding yellow, at 55 lo ;
mnej &4 j0 KDd rejected at 6 Jo. At tbe open
hoard, first call, 8,0lttl bushels January at fiie ;
bunhrla do. 6:il8; 64o waa bid for Ootubcr ;
i4io fur November; l3o for December, and 62o
for Janunry. Oata ara in good demand and firm,
filee of 10,000 bu.heli, ineludinf white, at itU(
'o, and rejected mixed, at 87)((U-lriio.
Whiskey ia dull, tialei of 1 UU barred wtitara;
at $1.11.
Cricaoo, Oct. 35th. Flour quiet and firm.
Wheat unsettled; opened weak and lower; closed
ttrin at outaide prices; No. 2 red winter, OUf't)
Uitjc; No. 2 Cbicagt spring, $1 for eaah ; fl Ouj
for Novemlier II.U21 fur December; No. 8 do.,
y2io; rejected, 72(yi J Ha. Corn dull, weak and
lower, closing itrongar ; SftifrbitOla for eash ; 40c
bid lor November; 40(y,41o lor December; 464c
for Maj ; rejected, ao. Oati atrong and higher ;
2!io lor casb ; lOo for November : ai'ao for De
cember. Rye easier. Barley easier, 82ia. Flat
seed, $l.244((til .IS. Pork in fair demand but at
lowtrraleei 016.78 for raab t II. IIO bid for No
vember; $1180 for December $12 8 bid for
January. Lard dull, weak and lower and heavy
oaab ; $7.82 for November ; $7.60 bid lor Januiry.
Bulk meat unaetlled and lower shoulders, $4.00
short olear, $7.70, Whiakv ittady and unohaufed .
IHTRAY M4ITICR.' Camt trtspai.iog an
A tht premisea of tbt undersianed In Ura
ham township, on or about the firat of May last,
a red and white apottcd near, about one year old
ine oner ia nereny noituea to come forward,
prova bit property, pay tho legal ebarges, and
take tha animal away, or I will disport of it aa
the law directs. JMK3 MOVKR.
Uraham tt-n. Oat. 20, 1880-31.
SUOi:lAklN;.-I hereby Inform my pa
trons, and mankind in general, that I bavt
rcmoTod my ibocmaking ibop to tho room In
Uraham 'a row, over H. I. Snyder's jewelry More,
and that I am prepared to do all kinda of work
in my lino cheaper than any other abnp la town.
All work warranted aa good aa tan bt dona any.
where elat. Poaitlvely thli la tba cheapest ihop
in Clearueld. JO.1. II. DKKR1NU.
Dee. II, IM78 If.
UTUHH NOTICCNolice libera.
j y $"
ven that Letters Teitamentary en the
iate of JOHN R VAUOI1T, lata of Karthaua
townahip, tlearfleld anunty, I'ennaylvanla, de.
cetaed, having been duly granted to the under
signed, all persona Indebted to said estait will
please makt immediate payment, and thosa hav-
ng claims or demaoaa against mt ratne. will
present them properly authenticated fr settle
ro an I without delay. J. W. POTTKR,
Karthaoa, Pa., Sept 29, lARO-flt.
la hcrehy given that Letters of Administra
tion on tht estate of QHKKNWOOD Ml-CRACK-EN.Iate
of Knox township, Clearfield county, Pa.,
deceased, having been duly granted to the under
signed, all persona indebted to laid eitatt will
please make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claims or demands againet ihe aame wilt pre
sent them properly authenticated for settlement,
without delay. JOHN MuCRaCKKN,
Administrator O. T. A.
New Millport, Pa., Sept. 32, lr-HiJ-t,
J ia hereby giri-n that Lettera of Adminia-
tml ion on the citato of WM. H. BRADLUV. late
uf Clearfield bnrouptb, Clearfield Co, Pa., dee d,
having been duly granted to tbe unuersigned, all
peraoni Indebted to said estate will please mike
immediate pavmnt, and thosa having claims or
demandi against the same, will present them
nrotjerlv authenticated for Bptllpmant taithnni
learflrld, Penn'a,
Woodland, Penn'a.
-.l-?!!.'.!80 Adininistratori.
J Hon. C. A, MAVbR, PreaHflbt Judire of
the Court of Common I'leaa of 'he twenty fifth
Judicial Dialrict, composed of the eountlea of
Clearfield, Centre and Clinton, and Hon. Aiuam
Oanan and Hon. Vincent B. Holt, Associate
Judaea of Clearfield eountr. hare lasued their
precept, to me dtircted, for tbe holding or a Court
of Common Pleas, at the Court House, at Clear
field, in and for tbe eeunty of Clearfield, torn
meneingnn tbaHccuiid Monday oi Nov., IMHO,
beluff the Hth day of tlit montli. and ton-
tiBuu.g two waeka.
MOT ICR la therefore hereby glroj to juroraand
witnesaet, in and for said county of C'tarficld to
ba and appear In their proper persons, at 10
o'clock A. M. of said day, to do those things
which In their behalf pertain to be dona.
UIVKN under my band at Clear (Veld, this 18th
day of October, in tbt year of our Lord one
tbouaand eight hundred and eighty.
JAMK4 MAHAFPhY. Sheriff.
oot 20 to.
TIIRV I.lNT.--Namoi and laoatloa or those
persoas drawn at Jurora to aerve at Njvora.
bar term, eowmanoing on the aeoond Monday,
(8tb) aad oontinaiug twa waeka i
TnaviRsi it) anna, let wrkk, hoy. 8rit.
AI. Logan, Clearfield.
Rdwtn Cooper, "
S. Taylor,,
(lea. Ketlleberger, "
T. A. Hoover, "
D. Kepharl, Oaeaola,
A. D btewart, Houti'd,
J araea llainea, lleocaria,
Thomat Hill,Bcgga,
David Mease,
A. B. Brtllhart. DnraV
J. A. Ko'aer, Ooebcn.
H. B. Taylor,
Henry Urable, Graham,
W.R. Diokersoa.Uuliob.
Ueo Rmtriok, Karthaua,
R. Coluorn. "
U. lleckeodora, N
wn. Wisa, Jr., Knox.,
A Fullerton, La wren oa.
T. II Shaw,
Uaargt Ktrta, Morris,
Kd. II ess,
W. Y. Adams, M
Wm. Flyaa, Penn,
W.M. Barchflald.Han'y,
Wm. Lloyd, Woodward,
Toot. Mathers.
b. P. Wileoa, BradlurdJ
Robert Lewie, Chest,
Ueo. I. Mile,
kmll Mtinot,CoTlogtoi,
Joseph Urosa, '
D. F. Copelin, Decatur,
D. A. Wi.e, Fergutua,
Ilea. Campbell,
t a an as a Jvaoaa, In, waaa, nor, thru.
0. R. Patrick, Burnildt,
B. H. vVtite, "
John Lytic, Ar , Clrar'd
Ueo. Jordan, "
R. Summervllle, Cheat,
Chaa. Dennla, Dee star.
R H Btewart, Uirard,
Morrla Danlap,Uraham,
M. Hpearar, Uullnb,
tleorgt Hrowa, Haatan,
O. II. Lewis, Jordnn,
Jno. awaa, Sr., "
Hemnel Bell, "
Ueorge Heller, '
M. R. Been, '
J. M. llolt.MorrU,
Jamet Faltoa 11
Meeaa Win, Pike,
Robert High,
U I k..J. (
ltd. Toaer.Curwenavlllt,
Aedrew eiover, M
Wm Bottorf, Hoattdalt,
W. M. H-ry, L. City,
W. A. rtnna Haceola,
II. II. Riee, "
H. M. Pardoner, '
And.Klear, Wallatetna,
Jaa. Hageriy, Becearia,
Aibury lliocm, "
l. Lambert, Begge,
D. Dtaon, Biadlwrd,
Uao. Arick. Bradr.
Joo. MeVilihen, Cheat,
B. P. Iiflfr,baagb,W'd.
gtiv flmUsrmrnts.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curwenirllle, p.. Jan. I, '71-tT.
Curwenivllla, Pa., Jan. 9, 'Tl -tf.
May Concern t The onderalgned, having
huen appoialed Aaaignaa for the benefit oferedi
tora by Jaa. B. Uraham, of Clearfield borough, all
persona, therefore, having el aim a agaloat him will
present them to ua for settlement, aad those in
det ed to tbt said 'J rah am art required to let tie
and make payment to ua,
Claarflald, Pa., Dee. 24, 1879-tf Aaalgneta.
ANY partial In need of a Hill areheuOiy
Inlormed that I will H on. u (ood
. d.w. blern Uloeka, ft
nllloB. and all III. other flxturM in good order,
for furlber iDhrmatioD, ed.lrni
0eol. Mill.. ClaarOelil Co., Pa,
March , 1880 tf.
In tha matter of tht 1 In the Orphan a Court
estate of John Bar- of Clearfield oouuty,
moy, deo'd, j Pennsylvania,
Tha undersigned Auditor, appointed by laid
Court, lo make distribution of the balance remain
ing in tbe bands of Lawrenot Flood, Adminis
trator, Ac, of aaid deo'd , among tho partita
leaallv entitled thereto, nereoy give notice tuat
he will ait fur the puipcao of hla appointment at
hla oRineia Clearfield, on THURSDAY tha JHth
day of OCTUBKK, A. V. 10, at ICloVlork A. M
W. Ar H.MIttH 11 ,
i , Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa., Oot. IS, 18S0-8L
In tbe matter nf tht In tbe Orphans' Court
tatate of Jacob nf Clearfield ooanty,
Uearhart, deed. J Ptnnsylvauia.
Tbt uoderslsned Auditor, anpolnttd bv aaid
uourt, to make distribution or toe dower money
arising from the death of tbt widow of Jacob
lloSrhart, and paid ioto Court, or about to be
paid in, among the parties legally an titled thereto,
utreoy givea notice tnat ne win an tor me pur
pose fif his appointment at hia office in Clearfield,
on FRIDAY tho 2Vih day oroCfObER, A- D.
ltfHO, at 2 o'clock P. M.
W. A. UAdKlUT,
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 1 lb, 1680 .It,
Improved Spring Beds,
The undesigned begs leave to Inform tht eltl-
aens of Clearfield, and tbt public generally, that
ha hai on hand a fine assortment of Furniture,
raoh aa Walnut, Cheatnut and Painted Chamber
Huitei, Parlor Buitee, Reclining and Eltenaion
Chalra, Ladies' and Gents1 Easy Chain, tha Per
forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cant Beats and
Windsor Chaira, Clotbea Bare, Step nnd hi ten
sion Laddera, Hat Raoki, Scrubhiug Bruabea, Ac
ooklng Gleisea, Chrumsi, Ac, which would
I'iiuhle for Holiday present!.
Re-Union of Trade.
THE underaigned wishing to Inform tha public
that bt opened a
At tht old itand In Troutvlllt, Clearfield county,
Pa., on tht IStb init, with a full itock of
Hootn, Rhocs, Etc
In fact tverrlbint to bt found in a ftrtt-claa atore,
all of which 1 am dettrmloed to sell at the lowaat
oaab prioea. '"
Will find it to their advantage to Jo their dealing
with me, ai tha hie heat pricea will be paid for
Grain, Shinglea, or Produce of any kind. Part
or one-half cash will bt paid. Trading for
Shinglea or Lumber of any kind a specially. Atao,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
Having madt arrangement a with Kan tern mer
chant! to aell gnda furnished me, therefore call
and Bee, aa I will bo enabled to aell cheaper than
the rbeapest. J W. CARLILR,
jrouivitie, re., rtopt. 71, iv-iy. Ageni.
1 Corner !
Read the Prices :
Business nml Dress Suits,
$0 to $25 !
Every Conceivable Style of Pan.
taloons from $1.50 to $0.50.
Overcoats, from $8 to $20.
Boys Suits, from ft to $12.
Reliable Material and Supe
rior Styles.
I,. auiNznuuo,
ClartiU, P.., Oct. 10th, lRSe lu.
Valuable Real Estate I
TY rirlu. nf .o order le.ued oot of Ihe Orphan,'
If Conrtof ( learneld riantr, Ferm.Tirania, the
aanriUned Kieenlort f th,.at.t.of HICHAHD
UANVKH. Mr, lata ol P.n. tuwnablr, in eai'l
wanly, deeeasrd, Kill m!! at Piiblta ,aler 00 the
premiwa lo aaid towniblp, .0
Friday, Novemlier 5th, 1880,
AT 9 O'll tK K P. M.,
All that ct' tain tract at land, or farm, situate In
tie township aforerald, bnuadel and described as
follows t On the Nnrlb by laada of Nelaon Walker,
on tha Kaat by Jeast hpeneer and William K.
Denver, on tha South by Joaeph Davfa, and on
tho WasLby Allen McDonald eontaiaing
Moraor1fai,abontbl.TV ACKKH of which are
improved and in a food statu of cultivation, hav
ing thereon erected a log dwelling hoaae, log
baru, and all neceraary outbuildings, together
with a fink UKC1IAKU good troit, and ex
cellent water.
One-third of tht price moat ba paid down, and
tht balance la two equal annual avmenta,wiih
Interest, secured by llond and Mortgage on the
Sxeoutora af Kitntt of Richard Dativar.Kr., dee'd.
Grampian Hills, Fa , October lit, 18H0-U.
SherilT's Sale.
)Y virtue of aundry write of Vea. K.t Issued
J out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear
held Co.. and to me directed, there will be exposed
to PUBLIC HALK. at tba Court House, in tbo
boron nh of Clearfield, Tn., on
Thuraday, October 'AbUti, IHrtil,
AI 1 o'clock, p. M , Iba follnwing de new I bed real
estate, to wit t
A certain trant nf land lltaate In Walla oc ton
borough, C learneld county, Pennaylvania, bound
ed ea the north by an alley, on the eaat by an
alley, un tha tooth hy ClearAerd itreei, and nn
tbe weal by lot of A. Kraofi.and known In plan af
aaid borough as lot No. 07, and having thereon
erected a targe frame bouse, frame stable, and
other outbuilding. Sailed, taken ia execution,
and It bt told as the properly af u tjaimtl.
All that certain piece of ground situate la Iba
lilac uf Du Hole, Clearfield county, Peneey vanla,
bounded and deaerlbed as follows! Rounded an
the south by Long street, oa tha wett by Chareb
street, ea the north hy an alley, on tha aast by
land of DoBile A Fuller, and known la general
p'anoftha eillaac al Do Bole, In Handy township,
aa lota No. 17, IB and IV. Tht lota ara Incloaed
with a good board fence. Relied, taken la eiow
ilea, aad ta ba told aa tht property of i, A.
Duo lap.
Tintvt or Sat.a. Tbe price or turn at which
the propertv aball be struck off must be paid at the
time of sale, or suck other arntngemeola mads aa
will ba approved, otberwlaa tha property will ba
immediately pot ap and sold again al tbe expense
and risk of tba person to whom tt wai struck off,
and wbo, In ease of deficiency at anon re Salt,
shall make good the same, and In na ta si ante
wdl tbe Deed ba presented la Court for eo an naa
ti nil a alaw Ihe money la actually peid ta Ua
Sheriff. JAMK1 MAHAiPRV,
nanrr'a Omca, I Sbarlff.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct , 1M,
Urn 3.dirrtis(tnrnttf.
AM of the white nine, hemlock and nek imbet
on 278 aorea, being part of tbt Ueorge llabakar
tract, ln Mortis tunnibip, Is for aala. Tha under
algned will receive proposal! fur laid limber,
uuer oy me loot or lor ine wnoit amount, wnu
aucn time to remove it ta mar bt agreed upoa.
Atty'a for tbt Owatr.
Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 22, lttSO-tf.
Farm For Sale.
Tba tubrcriber aw offera hit farm for sale.
The property la loealed one mil and a half north
of Claarfield. eonlaiaing KIOII I V l IU;H,
most of which ia cleared and under good cultiva
tion, good two-atory "L" houae, large frame bara
and other neeeasary outhulidinga, together with
an orohard of all kinda of fruit. Tha whott la
uoderlaid with a rein of good ooal. Thit prop
erty will be exchanged for smaller property. For
further particulars tall on tbt premises, or by
letter addreaaed to JOHN C. RKKD,
ieptambar I, lSHO-lm. Clearfield, Pa.
Join Iran & Bros,
-1 KALI. KS 15
AH Kinds of Merchandise,
-sren as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
sii iitr. t nun: it,
Tho Only M:inufuoliirer in Clourfivld
t County of the
hoi k, chop o t r.r.n
.ftir.ii-.', o.r ..
I"a?"Casli iinid for nil kindtt of
urain vvneat, Ke, Uats,
Corweoirllla, Pa., Joo. 3, 18S0-tf.
KTOlti: !
To those in Need of
Walnut Furniture !
10 paniee ordering FI RM Tt'RK through mt
. I will furnish witb
Walnut, wood top chamber suite as lowaa ff5
Walnut, marble top chamber auiti aa low ai...$.,i
Walnut parlor auita.upholaterad la hair-etoth,
terry or raw iilft, lull spring, all uphoatered
in back, aa low a $33
Walnut ptrler lulls, upholattred in plush $flt
Platform rock en from $10 ta $li
Leuogei, full apring, from $1 to 2D
Sofas, full apring, from $10 to $26
Walnut, wood top tables from $1 to $10
Walnut, marble top tables from $1 t 6
Walnut book cases from $20 to $10
Walnut wardrobe! from $M to $tl
Walout sideboards from
Walnut ball racks from
Hair mat trestee from
Woven wire mattrtaaea from
Walnut window oornict aa low ai...
$18 to $n
,...$! to $:tu
...$10 to $25
.$ to $V
Camp Chairs, all Prices,
All tha above aoda warranted to bt made V
tba belt material and superior workmanship.
(ar battel action guaranteed tn every caee.
1 keep on band all kioda af cheap Purniture,
Brack at i, Flower glands. Wall Pcksls, Towel
Hacks, Hewing Htanda witb basket, Panel
Pictures, Picture Frames, Photo
Htatuary, Lithograph!,
Olrographa, i'boto Carda, Chromoa, Ae.,
Whioh I will lellat greatly red used price t. Giro
mt a call, and yon will be convinced that you ean
boy goodi gheaper I row me tbaa from any other
dealer In tbia part of tha State.
One Door East of Mossop'c Store,
October 13, lSSO-d.
892 Acres of Coal and Timber Land.
1)Y vlrtne of a drrd of voluntary asllgnment
1) from N. Carrier, Jr., and Mary S , bia wife,
to John J. Thompson and C. M. Carrier, In trait
fur the benefit of creditor!, dated tht lllh day ol
(September, A. D. IMlt, and recorded In the office
for rerortlng deeds for tba oouatiea of Jefferson
and C learflald; and by virtue ol a deed nf asm un
man! from tht laid . t. Thompson and C. M
Carrier to me, io trust for the bene lit of Ihe cred
itors of laid N. Carrier, Jr., dstrd tbt Irtth day
of December, A, 1. l7lr, and of record in Ihe
office Inr recording deeds In and for Ihe rountits
of Jefferson and Clear Held, I will offer for sale at
public auction, at the Court lloure, In brookviile,
Jefferson county, Pa , en ,
ThnrHtlny, October 2Stli, 1880,
all the right, title and Interest of laid aoslcnon,
and all tht iMate, right, title and interest,
assigned to ma by virtue of the above mm toned
deeds of assignment, of, ia and to tha following
deacrihrd properties, situate In Huston township,
Clearfleid county, Pennsylvania, via:
1st. Beginning at a post O. C at tht south
east corner ot tract s.W ; thence north 1 " east 120
perches to a birch 0. C j thence toutb Km weat
:t perrbee to county lino; thence along laid
Clearfield ooanty line south 3" west perches
to the intersection of county line and tho aon th
orn boundary line of tract thence along
said boundary line sou tb ( east 11 I It per
ebei to Ihe plaea of Ofginniflg, containing IV7
aorei, more or less, an t being all that part of
warrant No. 4BH )ng eaat of aaid county Hot. 1
Id. Beginning at a pint on Una between tree is
dr.tfi and tbene along aaid line north 1"
east 110 perches to a birch tree O. O thence alorg
tht southern boundary lint of traot 49Mit aoutb ay
eaat 1l9 percbei to a post j thence aou'b 1 west 1
HO perches to a poit; thence north nU west tbO
perchet to tha place of beginning, tontalning ltl
aaree, more or lest, and being the north w at cor
nar of warrant No. 4221V.
Id. Beginning at a birch 0. C, it tht loath
wtitern corner of tract 42it thence north 1
aaat Vd pirehai to the Intersection of tbt county
line with ihe eastern boundary line of tract No.
43V7 t theioa along laid eoumy line north 12"
eait 140 perrhra to the intersection of aaid tounty
line, with the northern boundary line of tract No.
49.40 1 thence along aaid boundary Hue south IV I
est 1 no ptrrhea to hemlock) thence aouth I0
west Hit) porches to tba northern boundary line
of No. 42 lb; l hence along aaid boundary line;
north 8V" west ISe perehtt to tha place of begin- I
nlog, containing 4'M acres, mur or less, and ba I
Ing that part el iht westcra half of warrant No. I
426 that liea eait of th Jaflerson and Clearfield '
county line.
4tb. Beginning al a birch at tbt aouth eastern
Mruer of trant ho. 4?H7 thenc north 8V west
la perehee to tht county line; laeaae along aaid
eourty lint north 11 eaat 71 ptroket to a peat :
Iheae aouth h9 eaat 9 perebca to tbt western
boundary lint of Ne. 43i tkeote aoutb I wett
M perebea to Ibe plao of beinning, mmtalning
alee and aialeca huadredtha aerea, mur or lesa,
and baing Ibe Mulheeeteia corner uf warrant No. !
4eit7, lying eaai of th county line. I
Tim here J with riNK, llfc.WMHft AND
HAKI) WOOD, filtuat in the lamoua
auppoied lo ba all underlaid with bituminous
ooal, though al yet ondeveloped. There ia a val
uable mine coven not vein now open annul two
ml It a aouth of the aboyo land, an Ik aid Oiborn,
Carrier A beam land.
It la distant about threw mile from Ibt Hork
dale fill aV'Irlal. now being developed.
Tha nearest railroad at anon la frnlla Creek,
about three miles distant, on Ihe Low Urea
Division of the Allegheny Valley Kailroad.
Tanaa or Balc. One half eaah, balanct In
oa year, with lot reel at cm red by Judgment bead
with approved eecurlly,
Far lurtber Information iddrtaa tha under
tflgned al Brookviile, Pa.
fM. IX, lflM.St. Aarlgnetof N. Carrier.
(" OOO lll'rlllEI.aU Oeor. Weaver . C.
O. want ,r. thonaaod boahala of OATS, iw,
and will pay eaah r prodoo..
Cle.rli.a Pk, Anf. II, l7,-tf.
and all hinds of
00 TO
O. II. MKRIfEU;, . Agent,
CI.EAHFIKLD, PA. June ,, 'SO If.
IIIAVK ratoroad to my old hutlaeu, aid will
b. fi.ond .t Ihe Planio. Millolho., oo Pio.
tnal, CLKARHKLU, PA., where I will aell all
kind, of
A larfr. took of whleh I bar. .Iwera on hand.
Alio, MAY RAKKrl and all other
lij tba Partner, aa well ai oi.trrial, for repair.
I will aichaoiro th. .bora arliole, for
A, X oontaniplale botcherinft, and woold b.
ple.aed to bar. tha trad, of tbe f.rmine; public
Cle.rOald, P., June a, Usll.lf.
M.j i: Sin
Thomas A, Duckett,
I1IKRKDY give notice to tbt cltlaem of Clear
field and tbe surrounding vicinity that I am
prepared at all timet to furnish familial and
manufacturing establishments with a auperior
quality of
Coal. Wood Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver in a few hours'
notice. I am alwaya ready to haul and deliver
Irom and to the depot, or anywbero elae, and
move fa mi I lei and household goods anywhere on
shortnotio. VII OH. A. DUCKEIT.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. Hi, 1880-tf.
Valuable Ileal Estate
BY virtue of an order of th Orphans' Court of
Clearfleid tounty, the undersigned Admin
istrator of the estate of Ueorge B. Kelly, dee'd,
will aell at public aala ou the premises in the
borough of llouttdal, Clearfield county, Ta , on
Monday, November lnt, 1880,
At IO O'Clork A. M
All of the Interest of aaid deoadtnt in Ibt follow
ing described real estate, vit : All that certain
lot of ground situate in the boron -h of flnatsdalt,
county of Clearfleid and State of Pennaylvania,
fronting on Drill, in at., about 30 feet, and running
back to an alley called Sprue alley aboat one
hundred and fifty foot, and being tba one-half of
lot known in lhi plan of Houtsdele aa lot No. 2t'-B,
bounded by lot of Uoutt heirs on one side, and
tht other part of aaid lot oa tht other tide, hav
ing thereon erected a two-atorr frame building
3tli4Q feet, with a two-atory kitchen attached to
It 11x20 fret, and outbuildings. Tbe aame ii now
used as a hotel properly.
One-half cash at tint of aala, and Iht reef due
In one year from th day of aala with inlereal, to
bt etcured by Bond and Mortgage or Judgment
Bond. W. U. KKLLY,
Adtn'r of eatate of O. B, Kelly, dee'd.
Clearfield, Oct. Slh, 18ttU-4t.
Desirable Ileal Estate !
Estato of Eichard Shaw, Sr., Doc'l
TDK nniler,itri.1, PzMatnn of the ett.1. of
KR'IIAKb HHAW, t-r., deael, will orT.r
at poblie aala at the COURT IIOUbK. lo tbo hor
ougb of (Mearfiald, Pa., on
Monday, December Ctli, 1880,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M
Tb. fullowlof rolaobla re.1 aetata, la :
Th. Ilirrt ilorr 1IRICK 1IUTKL proverlr,
eorner of Market .od Firet atreete, lo tba kor
oogh of Claaraeld, known oa
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lotiof ground thereto belonging
luu leei on Market street, ana liv
dwell me bouse attached. Tbo ho-
.'JJ.aUJaC let proi-er baa liilv bed rooms and
all conveniences for ft flrit-claia
hotel. One of the most desirable hotel proper ties
in Central Pennsylvania.
The abort will be told together with ft two
tory frame dwelling bona on Market itreet, ad
jacent to the Hotel, aud on other frame dwelling
boos and a two-story ator building, all fronting
on Market street Alio, a frame dwelling houae
fronting on Flrat itreet.
AL80. AH that eertaia lot, known ta the
plat, of Cleat Held borough at Ut No Lilt, . .
fronting 60 fet oa Locuet etreet, run
ning bark 172 feet, more or less, to an alley Irg H
with dwelling houae and all necessary out
buildings thereon reeted,and other improvements.
One-third cash at delivery af good deed, and
the balance lo b encored by bond and mortgage,
payable in out and two years, witb interest.
A. B. Ml AW,
flurrhing KVri of Hiehard Shaw, Sr., dee'd.
ClearlVd. IV, Oct. fl, 184 It.
The News From
Boots and hoes,
ats and CapJ
Gut's Fmiitiif Goods
That Ever Came into the
rwrl.l I, Pa , ( 11, IKM Ioi.
6 C.
o "
B t
I u
a. or
t u
S c
9 .
.3 C
o g
i i
Curctrcnsvillc, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers nnd ninnufiicturers, receive floods ot
car loud rntes, lience enn compete with New York nnd Philadel
phia houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to linul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, ndvnnces made on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
Fapt. 2,
TTTE INVITE the people of Clearfield nnd vicinity to the
inspection of our largo and well selected stock of
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As wc buy for cash only, we are enabled to give our patrons
every possible advantage. Our line of piece goods, especially
adapted to Merchant Tailoring, is complete. We employ only
first-class workmen, nnd are prepared to make suits at short notice
nnd unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks for past favors, and solicit your future
Room No. 4, Pic's Opera House liloek, Clearfield, Penn'a.
September 29, 1880-tf.
TJ 3T 33 I3DFl."XJrk.X.a3!rt.,
All kinds of Cnakots and Coffin, kept an hand, and lurnin!ied to onler oa
aliorl notice, including tho finct as well as tho cheapest that can ba mini-
faclurcd. Our
oonran pimsiinviin
Is tho boat In ue, and will be furnirhed when required. Funerals attended
in any part of the county. Call at my oflice, on Second street, or leare
your orders at Trout man's Furniture. Store, adjoining the 1'ostnAlce.
oct 1,79-ly.' Clearflold, Pa.
; : 3 si V A ? i ; 5 1 1 1 1 m,i:r.",i.i.. tut vCii .-1,11 1 a I
Tho most centrally located firnt-clawi Ilonso in the City. Ktreet cars paaa
the door every Ave minntes to all the Depot, and all parte ol both cities
Trans, 1260 I'm 1)t. WALSH A ANDKIISON, Proprietors.
twrTlie ClioRpikld Kipublican received weekly at the Hotol and placed
on file fur the benefit of guest from this section. octZT 3ra.
griv gkflwtisfinruts.
MONKY TO I.OAM-0, lr,t .I.h !
ro.l far ,rimart;, Ut. 1.11.
raoe. Cooipaa,f hew Y.rk, oa Sret mnti
(., lo eooio Iroai tl.Ou, op. Por forlbar la
rortaatluo apply to tha owar,i(aa.
rirarl.14 Pa, Ma, TU, H7 If.
af afat
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TIF-M lt I.E.T.I,W hire,
J) Itallaa DM whir. 1 will Mil llw, hr
eaab, or eioh.i,,. for wbaal. Per lorUw la.
f.raiatloa wall oo er titntt Ik. aeeanlr....
. .. l.t. KRAMKH,
No. ,t tf. CI..HI.I4, P..