Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 20, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If (.aid la edvanet.or wltblo thru nuBtbi .11 Oft
It iid slier (bra and baton an Booths... 1 to
Ifald alter tbeaiplretlon of ail niuahta... t 90
. 4r Messrs. 8. M. P am wo ill A Co., Newt-
ptr Advortisiog A (tents, it Pmrk How, eorner
Keck nan Ktrert, art our duly authorised Agents
in , ) or vty.
Mrt1iuitlt F.icopal fhurchRer. tiao.
Lurv, Pe.'tr. Serrieea aer fiahbetb tt Ju
A. Ma.aod 7) P. M.
Hahbetb Sobool at 0 A. M.
Prayer Meet i opt mrvty Wednesday, at 7i P. If.
Coma unioo SerTiet, Ant Sabbath of ever
noMth, at mi A. M.
West t'lWflcld M. E. Charrh. Ret.
riiAHLKi W. lli'aMLBT.Paitor. Preaching ever
alternate Sunday, at o'elork, P. M. baoda
Ho h uo I at 21, P. M. Alt aro Invited to attend.
Ireett) terlan Church Rev. H. U.Bdtmir.
-Sabbath services morning and evening Sab
bath Sobool at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wed pes
Jer evening.
Ilaitla. C'liurrh. Rt. , Pastor
Sabbath tJchoulatft P.M. Prayer Meetiag etr
Wednesday evening.
Ht. Frauds. (.'.lurch CatholicRev. p
J.r)HKRiiAii. Imine service at 101 A. Jo1., on
th Rrst.tbtrd and luurtb aundavsot eeoh month
Vespers etid Heoedietion of the blessed tioeramant
at 7 clock, v. . ruoday school ovary bun day
afternoon ui o eioea.
una op to ld lira qoartbb tisiiona coca.
Pcotiad Monday of January,
Third Monday of Marsh.
Fit at Monday of J una,
Pi urth Monday of September.
Fit at Monday of J one.
tieoond Monday of November.
public orricaaa.
Prttidtnt ftdyHon, Cbarlt-a A. Mayan
Lock Haven ,
Aitant Law Judgt Hob. John II. Or via, of
A$otinl Judgt -Abram Ogden, Clearfield J
Vincent U. Holt, iMearnald.
ProtXanotarjf Kit Bloom.
Rtaimltr and Htcordmr L.J. Morgan.
Traaturtr Philip Dolts.
IHttrict Attorney J. F. McKtnrlck.
SfrifJmt MahitflT.
Ihpniy 8htrifi. I. Thompson.
County Vurtfjror Samuel P. MaCloskey, Cur
oensvtllt. Count Commiitioner C, W. Kyter, Ornhnm
ton P. O.j Elah Johnston, QramplaD Hills P. O.j
John.Norrii, Nr., Corwensvllle
Ctmmittiontrt' Cer) Juhn W. Howe.
County Anditor Wtlllam V. Wright, Cloar
Arid : Joseph (lilliland, Tttrea Hum; J, 8. Nor
rip, Woodland.
County Corentr Jatnrs A. Monro, Clearfield.
Jura Committiontrt Andrew J. Jackson, Clear
fled, Win. R. Hrown, Clearfield.
Snptrintmdrnt of Public Sckoottml. L. Mo
(juimn. Clearfield.
Stahrttf Wtithf Mtaturn J file W.Carlile,
offi at Lu'herturg Pa,
Notnritt Public John W. WrtRley, Win. Ra-d-'bauKh,
Cvrua Gordon, Clearfield, Joaepb R.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwenirillo ; J. A. Living
tons, Kulloii City.
Mnr Sjtteial oolumn ta decidedly interesting Id
a l"Cnl point of view, and profitable reeding to
outiidori who want to aava money.
"Will tou take wboat, au or corn for aub
crij iioD f" We Hrv oflt-n inquired of in tbii way
bj li tter fru netron who rcii le at a diitanoo
(km Clearflt-ld. Wo again aay yea. The receipt!
of a mponaihlt merchant or mill owner In the
v'h-inity, will answer us jot as well as the e-th.
To illluatrate: If any of oar patrons will deliver
of a bug of grata at the ulll of Joseph II. Droth,
In Cbect townrbip, Ilorano Patehlo, Id Barnaldo,
Tiiomas II. Foreey, In Qreham, Win. Porter or
Shaw'r, In Lawrence, or Brown A fieyler'a, at
Ritkton, I'oion township, and forward tbeir
rerclpts Tor tho unoont, we will credit them on
tMr account fur the same. In able way all may
loon pity what they owe, If they will pursue this
Bilk fringes in great TftrioLy fur
dress trimmings, at T. A. Fleck Cu'a.
. e ntm
The bent titling cornet ever made
la bow to bo found at.T. A. Fleek A Co.'s.
A now tino of ill wool canhmtirew, in
Ibo late bow shades, jit received a4 T. A. Fleek
A Co'a.
Perioni promnturolv trrav can bave
their hair reslored to Its youthful beauty, by using
Hall's Vsgetable Sicilian Hair R enow sr. the best
article io the market
Tho Penrtvat)ia Kuilmad annotincoB
an eieursioB lor Itae Mountains, to start oa
Tbarediy morning of this week, tickets to
bo good for three days, Tha eimirslon will take
1b a ride ap tho Narrow Giiago Railroad to Bell's
Hep. Faro from ClearSold end return, 91.4V
This will bo tbe last eieuraion of the season
i mm m I
Farmers, remember that Guinzbtirg
ta paying full market prices fr all kinds of
Country Produce and Furs, and sella you bis
Clothlnf, of which be has a very fine stock on
band at ibo lewcat eaib prloos. la fact, yon aaa
got at tiulnib-jrg's a, bettor bargain tbaa else
where In tbo ouuDty, Oct. JO-lm.
iw e mm
Paul Tescho, tho Gennuii, who was
oooviotod at a former teiia of Court, fur the
larceny cf property 1b CurweDivllle during the
Urea lltto oror a year ago, and who has alnoo
been eon fiord lb our county priioo, was aeutooeed
week before last, by JuJgo Orvls. to sit months
impriionment Id tie Clearfield jnl. Tbo motion
fr a aew trial waa o renal J.
Death of A. C. Finney. Ail tho
old sett'ere will reoolfeot tha oame ol 4. 0. Fin
ney, who resided la this burojrh for a number
of yean, removing from hero to tVilliainipert la
1875, and afterwards to Kanras. Ha died at
Kaotas City, Mo., on Wednesday last, tha 13th
Inst., 1b the b9ih yr of his ago. Mr. Finney
waa a member of tbe Coaslitotlooal Convention
of Ibis State la 1873.
Moke Fikk. We learn that tho Haw
and shingle mill of William Wiagert, situate 00
a branch of Laurel Run, in Drady. township, was
con u toed aboot midnight oa Friday night last,
the 1 Mb Inst, Coaiiderable luuibor was also do
olroyed. The milt waa operated bv Mr. Alii.
Tha loss to Mr. Wingert will roach frm
f.VOO to Ifl.VUO, and that of Mr. Al la about
$2,000, Tbe origin of tbo Bra is unknown.
im 1
Lint of let lent remaining unclaimed
in the I'oMcffiee at Clearfield, Pa., lor tbo Wttek
ending October l$th, 1880 : 1 r
Weitley lieaken.Ueo.W.Jinlew, Miss Ilattio
Flick, Win Urnh, Furdaa Knarr (1), Jno. Lor
dan, I)oLbla Lewis, Misa Alice Lewis, Isaac M.
LWargooJ, Miklo McUuarern, Charles L. Merrit,
Mrs. Kate ShauVr, Mrs. Mary Turner. I
riannuiA, caw i mores and cantons in
till stock at T. A. Fleok A Cie.
' - ! mm
Window shades in newest styles and
mi var it i j ( . a. rieca to a.
Yoa cannot po ainttts in anything
ju" yo oan ai 1. a. rieci uo a.
Mommio cloth, in cotton and wool,
dress ginghams, and tbo Fall etylee la dreaa eel
tcoes are among iho latest arrivals at T. A. Fleck
A Co'a.
If in need of a carpet, call at T. A.
Fleck A CVs, oho have just received a new In
voice of carpeting, which will bo sold at great'y
reduced prices.
- mt a
Making the buying of dress and dry
gonds a study, careful uees la aeleollng tbo same
abd selling them at the right figure baa made
T. A. Fleck A Co's the popular dry goods house
In ClearOeld county.
mm e a
Huy Youa Mill Now ! Wo aro tho
proprietors ol a baw Mill, ooaipleio to every par
ticular, whloh wo will aell very cheap. For par
ticulars, ad dreaa K. A. A W. D. BIULER,
tachS,'eO tf. Clearfield, peaa'a
mt 1
A Fact. An an vert mem out inserted
la the RappiLiraa will reach more readers than
If published la all the other papers la the ooun-1
ty.and coit tho adrtrtlset lata than one-half
fa other words, an advertlaimcnt published in ;
oar Jrarnal Is worth double the price of that
charged by any other publisher In tbe county.
Mis a fact." tf.
On Balari'ey nlfbt last, the 16th Inst., a ba
bone waa stolen from ibo stable of tbe subscriber,
la tblt borough. Ttie hore Is aUut 16 bands
high, alita mane and tail, and right bind foot
wuua up 10 pasture joint. Front leet long and
flatt right for loot turns in. and baa a tew
sbosoa. Us is pretty well up in yers. Weight,
about 1,150. M. 6. Oonax,
CLBiiiriiLn, Oct. 31, lit HO-3 1,
Macbibki, Etc. All persons wanting a flrsl.
class Sewing Machine tnoald buy tho New Im
proved l.ig hi-Runnlng Weed, for sale by John 8.
Beers, Clearfield, Pa , or Miles R. Been, dealer
in Machines end Organs, Reynold sv tils, Pa.
may 10th-5m"
Orb Bt'xrmaD Pan Cbbt. Disoocbt oh Old
Paicia. Hewing Mar bines can bow be purchased
at Merrell's tin and variety store, from Ab up
wards. All binds of sowing machines repaired
on tbe shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Collector. 'a Pat if I Wo have prepared
a form, and have oa band a largo quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sales," which have ooea an
proved by tbo bobcat legal authority In too
Courts of this oounty. At Twee ay 6'sare per
dosen wo win malt any number to tbo Collector
ordering tbem. A Collector, wbea compelled to
advertise property, bust Dost up not less 'hB
three nutiece Ib tho most public plaoaa la his
oorwugn oriownsbip. 1.
flttv gkflrrrttsrmraia.
5,000 Rail Road Ties,
CurweoavllU, Pa, Jaa. f, 78-tf.
Wmran. Delivered at tbe Rail Road.
irtO.ntio Sn tnoh shaved shingles.
I 'ift.liiiO 34-incb aawed shingles.
no,0it0 tret of pine boards.
5(111,0(10 U ltct shaved booitl.
4,01)0 railroad ties.
iti.OdO feet of good hemlock boards.
Forwhlub I will pay tho bichest market orlco.
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point 00 tha
Tvroae A Clearfield Railroad.
J. F. Ktuwia.
ClnrllcM, Pa., Oct. 10, 1878 tf.
ArarAdvertisurs and others will bear
in mind that all articles Intended for publication
in this paper must bo handed Ib, aot later than
Taesday, at 9 A. M. Don't forget It!
Tho bands were out Tuesday night
giving oar citlsens a midbuht aerenale.
. - m a
Tho moon whs dissiputin lat Sun
tiny night it was full, and out all uight.
1 mm a-
The heat of tho carpet and hum of
tbe bouse-cleaner Is beard again ib tbo land.
Dr. Byron WhibIow, of this place,
tinted hii old homo at Benetette, Klk oounty
last week.
Dr. Stewart, Dentist, will bo abpent
from his office from Monday, October 18th, to
Halurday October SS i, inclusive. St
mm a -
Mihs Alico Flegu! rottirned homo on
Tuesday of last week from aa eiteaded visit In
eastern Ohio and westara Pennsylvania.
Tho Kxeelsior Opora Company will
open tliu new 0;ere House at Iullon neit Wed
nteiay.lbe 27th Irot., with a grand ball-
Tho proelauialion und Imt ot jurors
ors (or the two weeks term of Court in November
aj pears la this Issue of the Rmpublioah.
Tho building adjoining tho Sliuw
House oa the east, occupied in part by Mr. Tift's
law efflce, baa recently been covered with a Btw
ihtDgle roof.
mm- mw
Joho Bowman, Jq , grandfather of
Rev. Jeso B. Yonng, well-kBowu In Ibis Motion,
died at bis homo la Berwick, Pa., oa tbe 11th
Inst., at tho ripe old ago of 9.
imm e mm
Some person, evidently more hungry
(ban honest, spirited away a l-g of motion and a
seven poBnd roll of buttar from the Mansion
Home larder last Saturday nig tit.
Mr. Daniel Stewart, if Bradford
township, and Mrs Mary Bradley, of tblsbor-j
oug,h, have been duly qualified as Adminiairatora 1
ol (be citato of the la'o Wm. 8. Bradley, deceased
Th episoolic la aL'uilt vipiting the
horse fra Uitli) ibrovgliout he oiuntrj, bat ta a
miller form tban ia former attacks. The horse
in Alloooa, Pittsburgh, and ether cities, aro
afflicted with It
Owing to the abtumea of tha pastor,
Iter. H. I. Butler, at Synod, wbieb begins at
Chuubemlinrg, oa Thursday and e tatinuoi over
Sabbath, then will te no -sir flees In tbo Clear
Cl(l Presbjterlan Cbarcb neit Sabbath.
Tho Kxeetuors Kale ot the pniprrty
of K Dan vet, Sr.,' late of Penb
otaaed, baa been adjoornoj until Friday, Nor.
4th. Further particulars may bo obtained by
reference to our advertising columns this week.
mm -
Tho picnic and danee, which was
beld at Ibo Park Ib Merrol,a wotd,"oo Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday evening of last weok,
parsed quite pteaiantly lo all concerned. The
silver eup was awirded to Miss Koa Merrell, of
CMeola,as tho tet and noit graeful watts ;r.
A Sad Affliction. Two daughters
or Jotrpb Jacoba, formerly a resident of Bradford
townpbip.bat now residing at DuBois, died on
the Uth inst., tvithin ttctty mlautes of each other.
They were aged respectively 11 and IS years,
and tho cause of their death was that dreadful
disespe, diphtheria. Tbolr remains, acc'tmpanied
by the sorrowing father, were brougit to tbia
place oa Tueday last, and the two were buried ib
one grave in the Clearfield cemetery. Mra. Jacoba
and another child were lying quit III at tha time
of tbe fur.eral.
Farm En, Look HeukI Lytlo will
give you hi s: best market prices for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, lliK'kahent, Hotter, Kggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all h r.f produce lie has
the larger! and leu HlecWd stock of groceries,
t ea, colli ea, molaMee, spices, oil sslt, sogar,
queens ware, tub, backets, baskets, churns, Ac,
io Clearfield county. lie buys his goods Is large
quantities from manufacturers and first bands
for cash, srd taka the advantage of all
discounts, and so he is eaaHedtoiell at lowest
price, lie gives cash prices tor produce, and sells
bis goods at tho lowest prices in the county
aept-24-'7 tf
mm mm - I
Larok J. en it kii Contract. D. W.
Holt, of Philipsburg, has received the contract to
furnish tho lumbar for the erection of a ncwele
valor for tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com
panyat Loruat Point. Tha Philipsburg Journal,
ia speaking of tbo contract, sara: "This cob
tract eicaeds 1,000,000 feet of lumber and Is to
bo com elated by the fiftceath of Drttmbcr aext
But, Mr. Holt, with bis usual ooergy and enter'
prise, has a largo crew of workman la tbo woods
now getting out the timber, and wilt bo doubt,
come out ob time. Mr. Holt alio recently pur-
chaied the Farrey timber near Morrlsdale, eftl
mated at 1 0,000. yO fet of white pine."
Ntw Daily Stauk Line. James L.
Lcavy baa succeeded in having a dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Peunfield, and will
herrafler rue a dally stage between tbe two points.
His oontraot began with April let, and the stage
will leave t learfiold every momfng (eiccpt Sun
day) at 8 o'clo.k, making connections with all
trains on the Low Grade Railroad at PennOdd, re
turning after the Inst train Iho same evening.
I'aisengcrr end freight will be carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of the hotel! will he attended
to. Iftapr'IMr
'mm mm
1680. FALL A WINTER. 1880.
flrand op. r.iog of MILLINRRY 0001)8, at
II. Lehman A Co.'s, Opera Uou e, Clearfield, Pa.
Tbe latest novel ties In Hats, Botnets, Silks,
Velvets, Satins, Pluibeev Fancy Feathers, Wings,
Flowers and Ornaments, Ladies' CLOAKS and
D0LLMANS, Shawls, Blankets. Sklrta, and a
full Hoe of DHESS UO0DS, Flannels, Ctoaklngs,
etc. Thanking the citiicni of ClearGeld and
vicinity for past fsvg a, we soltait a oontinuanco
ol the same. H. Liiiuam A Co.
Oct, 18, 1880 tf.
Jiit Iteoelreil.
Just Itecdved by ARNOLD, at
Car Load Nova Hcotia Plaster!
Car Load puro Corn, ltyo and Oats
Chop !
Car Load Deakon Salt I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour I
Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, fit-A
Iciy-SiiinL'lcs, Burk. K. It. Ties and
Grain will be taken In exchange.
Curtrensvillo, May 1, 1U7H.
XTOTICB IN D1VORCE.-I, the Court of
11 Common I'leasof Cleerfleld oounty. No. II,
June Term, lft?9- A tint ml-tm Hmr
Almlra Krise, by bar next friend William
Urabam va. O. U. P. Krise.
Tbo nndersiroed Comsaiseioaer ainolntod bv
tbo aaid Court to lake testimony io the abnve
eaae, give oLdee that be will attend to tbo dU
ol bia appointment at his oftce ia the boron rh of
l lcarOold, fa., on Friday, ucuiber Z2d 1HC0, at
1 0 clock r. M., when ana wnsre all partiea in
terested may aiteud. ucuak n tllbLL.
Com miss loner.
Clcaifleld. Pa., Oet 6tb. 180 St.
Prices of Shingles,
Corwensvllle, Jaa. 0, '71-tf.
AM of tho white plae, hemlock and oak tmber
I oa 2T acres, being part of tbo George U a baker
rBvi,ia murm ionuip, tor saie, 1 no nnuer
aigned will receivo proiiosals for aaid limber.
either by the loot or for tbo whole amount, with
sucb time to remove it aa mav bo acreed upuo.
Attv's for the Owner,
Clearfield, Pa., Bopt. SS, ICSO-tf.
ANY parties ia need of a Raw Mill are hereby
Informed that I will sell tbem 000 aa good
as new. oiera s niooas, a
Balling, .ntl .11 tb. otb.r fliloni In good ordor.
ror lurio.r iniortntuon. innrfi,
Oircolt MiUi, Cliarlild Co., F.
M.rob , I lis, ir.
Clbarpibld, Pa., Oct. Ivih, 1S80.
"A Bio Dividb." TheAltoona Trib
was, of the lftth last., gives the following : "Dr
D.R. Uoodand Uaorge M. Briibin, of Osceola,
heirs of Dr. Daniel Houls, were la Huntingdon
on Wednesday, and received the amount of the
Judgment awarded lo tbe oaee of D. R. Good,
traitee, against 11. H.Sfalllingford.ofthe Kittan
nlnlng Coal Company, tried Ib the Huntingdon
County Court at tbo November Term, 1678. Tho
amount of tbo verdict was f2tf,(M4 Si, which,
with interest and costs, amounted to almost
3,000. Tho verdict wta (or Iheprioo of severe
hundred thousand tons of bi'auiocm coal wined
on ibo Unlaofthe plakntitT in Clearfield county
The eosu on tho docket wsre lii.ii.
II. M. McKnally, lor some months
pas, the looal agent ia this place of the New
York Fqultahle Life Assurance Company, bas
area promoted, aad left last week for Philadel
phia, where bo will enter the office oftbe Oenoral
Agent, N. 828 Chestnut ftroet, at a fair salary.
A bay horso waa stolen from the
stabls of M . B. Ogden, In ibis borough, last Satur
day night, lit waa tracked to tbo corner or
Beooad and Cherry afreets, whrre tbo trail was
lost on acottbt of the fallen leaves. We learn
that tha horse vat found running loose at or
near Wallaoatoa on Moaday.
By bills printed at this oflieo, wo
leara that Mr. Thomas li ill will tell a lot of per
tonal property on his premises la tbo village of
Stonstiile, io Botfge tawoship, at public tale, on
Tharrdy, October Sltb. The properly consisli
tf horses, tattle, bogs, farming atsaiils, boust
btld goods, Ao. Sale to eowaenee at 9 o'olock
Albert U. Row, of the ItaftBman'i
Jvutnal, bet pure based Ibo vacant lot on tbe
soutbsut toroer of Third and Locust atreeu '
from Ueorge W. Rbeeu, aad has brwksa grtuad
fur I be fttaodilUia of a brtoh ro" deoeo, which
ill be completed Beat Bummer. Tho fonndatioB
will belaid tbia fa' I, altar wbleb operation! will
bo raspeaded watt I Syria g.
imm a
The Fair held at Punistilawnoy last
tk was a grand aueeesa ia every reiptet. Tbe
receipts, exhibits aad atlenJeaso Urgo. ll
a titiwaUj thai 10,080 ptoplt vert on tho
iroaad on Thursday, wbieb waa Aoetgnaiod as
"Ohlldron'a 4,,- af imm atheol fhlldron wltbla
a radiu of Ua mllti at lead I eg la a body, la
ahargo of tbeir Uaebert, and being admltttd ta
tat eibl bltloB fret of charge.
Buttkd to Death bt a Uam. Tbo
Uunliugdon Awe rays ao aged woman named
Mrs. Mary MeCahan, who resides near Cora
propt's Mills, met with a strange aad fatal acei
dent on Monday afternoon last. She bad gone
lo a neighboring orchard for tbe purpose of
gathering apples, and wbila stooping down to
pick soma of the fruit a vicious ram that was
in the field plunged with groat forte against her,
knocking her oa tbo bead with lis horns, an
rendering her insensible. Before assistance ar
rived tho animal broke firo ribs on tbo left side
of her body, and oae rib on tbo right aide. Both
home made impressions in the skull buriiOnUlly
with the woman's eyes. She was picked ap and
taken to her boms where sba'soon expired. She
was sged A3 ytars.
mt e a
A Comkt Coiirnal Prof. Swilt,
Astronomer of the Warren Ubn-ivatory,
Rochester, N. Y., disjovered a largo comet on
tbo evening of Ojlober 10th. Tbe new oelesliai
viator it In the Constellation of Pegain', right
asccmio.i, 31 hours and 80 mi tut as, declination
north 17 drgiees and DO minutes. Its ra't of
motion Is quite slow, being lo a boitbwestera
dinelioit, uo I It Is supposed to be approaching
tbe sua. It hai a v ry strong cobdeosellon on
obt aile of tbe centre, in addition to n star-like
nucleus, which indicates that It il throwing of an
attended tall. From tho faol of its oitraordl
nary si is, aud also (Let it is euro in g almost di
reeUy toward the earth, gives good mason lo
suppose that Ibis will be one of tha moat brilliant
and rimarkabta comets ol lbs present century.
Wait and watch for It
Burglary. Tlnevori entered tho
store room Ib the Old Western Hotel," bailding,
ob Second street, during Tuesday nlgbt of last
week, aad atule a lot of welch attains, watches,
revoUan, A),, to tbo ammnt of about j0. The
burglar gained an antraaio by brsakiog a large
pane of glas ia tbe fr nt wio ! The nib
was occupied by M. C. Parker, of f urweaevIHe,
who has been sailing goods there at auatlia after
noons and evenings for tbo past throe week a.
No arrests have been made. We have kard of
several cases recently where "moonlight mechan
ics" baTo been making tbe mic Ives ooosplcaoua.
Wt would warn our readers to keep their premises
carefully guarded agalnt tha scamps. Get n ball-d-jg
and ahot gua both ready, and ate tbem
effistaslly If yoa get a ebunee,
Explosion. During the Knpuhlican
Jollification at Curweasvllle last Thursday nigbt,
tbo csnnon, which was being fired by Wm. R
Brown and 'others from tbia plats, exploded and
brokt Into hundreda of pieces, and It waa obt of
the most miraculous things la the wor d that bo
one was injured. Ona piece shattered tbe gate at
tbo residence of Mr, George Kettteberger'a resi
dence, and anothvr aVw acrueia Wt, makiagqaltea
holt In tbe wall of ibe building occupied by J.
R. Irwin's drug atwre, while another piece passed
through n attend story window In tho tame
building, demolishing tbe sasb, aad tbe door aad
frame on the other aide of the room. P lotos tf
tbtgaa lew la all directions, and tuny aerates
had narrow eaaapea. Homo made oanaoas should
brrtatttr be ruled out of order.
Francis Murphy. On Saturday
avenlng leet, Mr. FrsnoU Murphy, the femeua
Temperance Isttartr. ateompaaled by bit son,
Thorn aa arrived la Iowa, and on flan day ev
ening tbe first of a strict tf Gospel Temperaaco
meetings was held la Ibo M. K. Church. Kvsry
avetlehle aeat la tho anarch was etc up led. Rav'a
Ueotgo and II. Better otcopied tha
stand with Mr. Murphy sod assisted la the ser
vices. Afters few remarks, Mr. Bailer Intra
duoed tho speaksr, who talked fur aa boar or
more ea "ReaJ Ufa," aad eatertatood tna aadl
eace la a way that nobody olio but Mr. Murphy
eoaidde. Thett moeltngt will bo ooatlaaod every
algbl tbia week ta the Court Hoass, aai s
prater mealing ta ronnestloo thtrawltb will bo
btld la tba Ittlaro room of the M. IL Charen
from t to t o'tloeb eaeb trteraeon. 1
PttuxscTAwnitr, Oct. 1 1 tb, 180,
Kditob RkiM'Blicam : I want room in your
onlunma o corroct a mistake you ui de In an arti
cle which you took horn tbe Kevniddsville Pamr.
Ti at ats-iuto man bud it, that Jucub Kuutt, of
Irouville, Clear tie d county had a horse killed
on the com to o i iu Big Hun boroutrh, Jefierson
county, end in a trial in Court the borough waa
put into a bill of nliiT . Tbe figures are correct,
but Ibat is all there is true about it. 1 am a oiti
soo ol McCalmont towmhip, Jeflerion county,
and have been for eitnei'n yvari, an I reside
within nine Billos f Reynold'Villo. My horse
was injured to the rt, and nt on tbecosiMcas
as stated by tbe lte noidsville lellow. lie. bow-
ever, belongs to that class of edit-rs who seldom
tells tbe truth unless a lie wil I Dot suit as well.
Your friend, Jacob Kiiti.
a i a
ment of Caul and other freights lent orer the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending Ootobvr lid, 1880, and
the same time Ian year t
For the week
Same time last year
Previously during year
Same lime last year
Total in 1B80
Same time last ytar
lacrosse .', ,
Miscellaneous freights
Flour, per ewt ,
Buckwheat Flour, perewt
Corn Meal, per ewt
Ohnp. rye, perewt
Chop, mixed, per ewt
if ran, per ewt
Wheat, per ban he I
Rye, per bmhel
Outs, por bushel
Corn, ears, per bushel
Buckwheat, per bushel
Clover seed
Timothy eed
Potatoes, per bushel
Apples, per bushel
Onions ,
Hams, per pound
Shoulder, per pound
Dried Beef, por pound
Chickens, per pair
Butter, per pound
E(ti per doten ,
Sail, per sack, larire
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Apples, per pound
Dried Peaches, per pound
ilea os, per bushel
$3 00
1 80
1 In
1 80
1 40
1 Ofl
1 00
8 W
S 75
1 80
1 Oli
S 0l
la tha matter of tht ) In the Orphans' Court
tstatt of John Bar of Clearfield county,
moy, dee d. j PcootylTania,
The under lined Auditor, annotated bv aaid
Coart. to make distribution Oftbe balance remain.
ing la tbo bands of Lawretoe Flood, Adminis
trator, Ac. of taid dee'd , amnff the nartiaa
legally entitle) thereto, bertbv eivat notioa that
be will ait for the puipi'te of his appointment t
his office in Clearfield, oa TM I HsLmY tho 2Mb
day of OCTOBER, A.D. 1880, at ItoViock A.M.
Clearfield, Pa., Out. 13, IftM-St.
-1ST cars.
That Pow-wow. The Iccul" of tho
Journal, of this place, takea nearly a column of!
bis paper last week to apologise and try to ex
plain why tbe recent Hadioal mtetlrg In this
place was a fallnra in nnmbtrs and tntbufiasm
compared with tbt Democratic matting ol tbe
nigbt previous, and in doing ao abuses bia neigh
bors wonderfully. Those who witnessed tht pro
cession eaa judgt for tbtmselraa.
Tbo Journal dotes its article with tha rtmark
that when fibltld waa speaking, "tho editor of
the BartrBLtcAR cannot uota a single aentenee
which could bo called disrespectful except to
the Democratic party "
The first words that Shields altered, la our
estimation, was not at all eompllmtnUry to tbt
Repabiieaas assembled. He aaid t "I am aur
pitied to set such an Intelligent looking audience
as tbe one bufore mt." About one-half of tbe
audlenoo were Democrats, which gavo it a show
of respectability , and that is what surprlied the
Democratic Meetiniis. Last week
Democratic meetings were beld at Ibe following
places, via: . ,
Oa Wednesday evening, Judge Parrel t and 8.
V. Wilson, Ktqi , addressed a large and enthusi
ast lo maettog atPandiie, in Lawrence township
On Thursday tvtniog tbo eitlicn a of West
Goshen were ably entertained by Frank Fielding
and Frank Snyder, Esq.
Ob Friday evening Frank Sojder and Wm. A
Uagtrty, Esqs., addressed tbt residents of Lower
Bradford, In Egypt School bouse. Both made
good speeches.
Oa Saturday tvenibg, the Democracy of Mt.
Calm school district, In Lawrence township,
listened atltntlvely lo ibreo good addretaea by
Lawyers Suyder, llagorty and Brockbank.
Tbo Bluo Shirt Detaooralia Martial Band
furniihed Iho muaio lor all thast meetings, aud
tha nowhere of said band wish to return thanks
tu Messrs. John A. L. Flsgal, Maltha Wlltoo
and David Bloom, for tbe elegant toppers furn
ished during tba visits to their respective tcaall-tita.
Mork Railroad. An Enuinoorini;
Corps commenced work, on Monday last, to sur
vey a railroad route from Curwensvill, via
Prunvilit and Bell's run, to tht Cherry Tree, a
listacco of thlrtythreo miles, Tbia Important
ovement baa bten the result of Ibt effort of a
few of our enterprising tltitsai, who hare long
felt thai tho luteroits rd our oouaty, and espeolally
tba southern portion, demanded railroad develop-
meat ; and In tbo quickest poifiblo manaer, tbay
bara arrange! for ibt aurroy, and tba work fats
actually o mneooed. Tho citisena along tbe
roote havt tentri bated iotitst tbt project with
a liberality that be li kens tbeir appreciation ol
the Obttrprlsa.
Aa soon as tba aurvey Is completed, an effort
will bt made to Induct tho Pennsylvania hall.
Road Company lo extend tbeir lino up Ibo rlvar.
Wt bopt tbt liiat la Bot far distant when We
ball bavo railroad communiostica with our ap-
rirw neighbors, and tha fy ef "waitiog Ua,
flood will be obviated by enabling our lumber
from that tcetioa to law tbtir lumbtr at
homt aad ship It to market by rail.
rnuADKLi-niA, Oct. ISih There waa an active
movement in wheat, with large sales at an ad -
nee of lie tier buibel. Cotton Is s eadv at IUo
lor middling uplands. Bark is entirely nominal.
bceus trover runtinues Inactive at otfuT3e.
Timothy and flax era unchanged. Flour and
Meal Flour ta in fsir demand and firm. Sales
of 1,0110 barrels, including MioneMita extras,
elear,at$j.ii(y,,do. do. raight a $A Sjfat, V34 ;
Pent-avhania lamily at $jfm .5tl ; western do. at
rd ij((L0..a, mid also I OOU barrels Q rard
Market street, Camden, Hiypt and t'beltenbam
oa p. I.; patents at (0.7 .,(0,8.2 d. Hye flour is
urm ai j.di(a,.v.
Uraia Wbvat It active, excited and Jfilli
per bushel higber. Sales of 6.U0U ineludinv ra.
jected at $l.03(cj) I. II ; rep and amber, track and
aoat, at al .17, aud No. I red. elevator, at fit IT.
At tne opn rxard, Brt call 1A.0O0 buibels Oolo
sold at fl.l(V((q.7 6.000 bushels October
sold at l.ltj(4l.7f b.voo bushels, Dceemfer
at l.ll ; li.oou buabels do. .tills: lo.tlOU
buibeUUu , at 8I.IM. Hie Is firm at W4l rui-.
Cora is ia fair diuand, and prices area sbedt
oeiee oi i,tvu ombels, Ineludiog reject
ed at64jo; mixed wester a at bUa,Sbo. aad Tel-
low, at 6.Hc. At the epen board, first call, 64e
was bid lor Oeltber I 6 f.r November, and 6Xo
wr vctcuioer , ,uiw oueneit Aovetuber told 6Jio
Oats artquittaod aocbanged. Salts of 10,000
ou.ock, taoiuJing wntto at Mta,i2, and rejected
and mixed at ai(o3io.
Hbisky It firm. Sales of 100 barrels w titer o
Cbicaoo, Oct 18th.-Flonr la good demand at
tun prises. nneatactiTt, Or mar and unsettled
No. 8 red Winter, $1 III j Ho t Chicago Spring
810IKI Old for easnt Sl.ft2i for November
1'04 tor December sales at l.01raI 0!ii (or
November; 81 Hi(l 'M fir Deeemberi N 8
oo. v;f(avc; Kjevied, 7x(u77c. Corn active,
firm and higher i irr-ular and onseliledi 4fle
bid for eaibj 40t lor October i 4li(d41ic for
uueemoeri eiaiateixo lor ifeceuibert 4h(40c
lornayi irgniar,yta. Oats excited end bibber.
can ouiiona nrmart a.tio lor cash and October
M'ic lor Movembor ; Slic for December i reiected
2ic. Hve Arm al 84o. Barley in lair demand
at J 7c. flaxseed flJnl.ZS. Pjrk
lira; 819 lor cab ; $l.67 lur Noveiuh-r ;
812 804(d U ft lor December; I2 1 1 V. i
ftr January. Lard moderately active and Bigher,
except for cash $ 3018.40 lor task i .16(til
8.17c for November; fo.10 for January. Bulk
moata dull; shoulders. i 10 ; short rios, $7.04
short clear, $8. Wbisky steady.
In tbe matter of the ) In the Orphans' Court
estate of Jseob V of Clearfield county,
Uearbart, dee'd. j Ptnnalvanta.
Tht undersigned Auditor, appointed by aaid
Court, to make distribution of tba dower money
arising from tbo death of tht widow tf Jacob
Uearbart, and paid Into Court, or about to bo
paid in, among ibe parties legally entitled thereto,
hereby gives notice that ho will ait for tht pur
pose l his appointment at bis office in Clearfield,
on FRIDAY tho 20th day of OUfOttKR, a. D.
1880, at 2 o'clock P.M.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 1 th, I SSO. Jt.
T TIAVB returned to my old husloess, abd will
X bo f und at Ibo Planing
street, CLE AHFIlf Ll PA.
kinds of
Mill office, on Pino
where I will sell all
f- 0)1(1 lll'Nlll:l.n,or,. Wnr.r 4 0.
t), nil If. Iboai.Bd buik.l. ol OATS, low,
uiil will ptj onh or prodoB..
C:tO.IJ, I't, Ao. II, 1171-lf.
HTR A tmp.Ml.Koa th. preml,.i
J of tb. aubwribor rotUiDi lo filouai lown-
, on or .bout lb. Slit of Jul? I.", ll,bl
nnu ran, ion rM wbllo, .til boul Icd
yori old. Tb. owa.r ! to torn, for
w.rd, proTO bt. n. th. ).,.) eh.r.M
mnd t.ko bar bw.t. or lb. b...t will b. dliBo,l
w. Hniui. IO UW.
Foml, Pa, Oat. I, lii Jt.
vroTK'E to Tm:.wp.Mj.:.Th.
XI oi
A largo stock of which I havt always on band.
Also, II AY RAKKS and all other machines used
by the Farmer, at well at materials for repairs.
I will exchange the above articles for
At I contrmplatt bulcberlnr, and would ba
pleased to have tbe trade oftbe farming pub Ho,
r.i.Aiw, nr. uiiun It,
Clearfield, Pa., June 9, 1 sso tf.
grur tltrrtisnnfnI3.
TSTR A Y.Cime trespassing on the premises
A J oi me suosoriocr, resiumg to Urabam town-
lti. oa or about tho first of Julv last, a BLACK
blEKR, two or three years old. Tho owner Is
requested to oo me forward, prove bit property,
pay mi irgai oaergva ana laae toe animal away,
or ii win ue uivpoaca ai as me law direct.
Kylsrtown, Pa., Oct. 6, ISfO 8(.
I1KTRAV NOTK E- Came trespassing an
J the premises of tbt undersigned to lira-
ham township, oa or about the first of Mav last.
a reu anu wuiie spoiled steer, aoout ono year old
Theotnerla hereby noiifiud to coma forward
prove bis property, pay tbo legal charges, and
lake tht animal away, or I will dispost of It at
tbe law directs. J MOinn.
Urabamti n, Oet. SO, 1880 Si.
OIIOUMAklMw.-I hereby Inform my pa
KJ want, anq maDainujn wenerAi, that 1 bave
removed my ahoeinaking shop to tho room la
Urabam 's row, over H. I. Snyder'a Jewelry store,
nu vub. i mnt prtrparwa io uo an Bindl or Worh
ib my not oneaper tban any other shop In town
All work warranted aa good aa can ho done an,
where else. Positive! tbs Is tbe cheannat ahnn
vi-w'i"' euo. ii, vniatviMii.
Deo. 11, 1878-lf.
Is hereby girm
tr-tioa on the eaute of WM B. RHADI.KY, late
nf Clesrfleld boroogh, ClearBeld Co, Pa., dead,
hating been duty granted to the onueriigned, all
persons liidtihteil to said cetate will please m .ke
mmediato pa)mnt, and those havina el.lma or
demands BRainst tho ssmt, will present them
properly authenticated for Settlement without
Clearfield, Penn't,
Woodland, Penn'a,
Oet. 20, lfifiO 8t Administrators.
DUKI.AP-IIUr'K.-At the residence of Mr
Michael Ureuo, Lutbcrsburg, Pa , oa Saturday
October fib, I ono, by J. Uamiltoo. K-a . Mr. M,
II. Donlap and Mist Edna Huff, both of Union
township, Ulearleld oonoty, Pa.
8CNDKRLIN-.RHRA.-0a Tharsdav. 0u-
ber I4tb, I'JBU, by Ret. U. B, Auaue. Mr. L. H
HuoderliB, of Bell township, and Miss Amanda
M. Kbva, of Ouraaldt borough, Cieertteld oouol.
HAUK-MATLKY. In Pbillpaburg, October
, i maw, mj uiwu jia, bm.. air. Lather Hare.
ol Cleartteld oounty, and Jrtiea Hallo Matley, ol
r Hiiipaoeirg, veoirw evuaiy , l l,
LKn Is SNYDER. Atlht reside oca of Me.
Samuel finvder, el Jr ,on Ihusrday, October l4tk,
I two, by Ret. 1. Kdwardi, Mr J-iaes K, Lew.i
and Miss tviitabetb beyder.ell al tw Millport,
FINNRY. In K antes CM v. II limn r I. or,
Wedanetlay, Oeiuber Uth, Iht", A. ii. Finaey,
formerly ot ibis borougb, aged A yean, S months
aad 12 days.
fMILttY In ltradv toon. bin. am Vrirf.
Oeiober lath, IfihO, of typhoid paeuatoala, Eda
L. Smliey, age4 e year a, 11 me 010 a and lit days
BAILOR. Ia Jerdaa towaakln. a Tumi.t
Oeiober 6th, I but. Anna Sophie, daughter ol
Samuel aod Ellen Bailor, axed 1 tear, li
and 1 day, .
Oar darHtg A" A baa g .at aad left aa, aad
onr btmt Is tb I to loaolj. Oh, how wo miss yoar
ilttitform. Wt will tea yoa oa Earth again
navtri bi yoa Aava anly ftnabetrata wejeeme
as ta the Heavenly mansions, whsrs ws ibalt part
navtr nwrt Motnaa.
J Hon. C. A. MAVKR. Presldei,t J ..,).. ar
tbe Court of Common Pleas ot 'be twenty. filth
Judicial District, eotnnnscd of Ibe counties of
i;iearn.eia, l en ire and Clinton, and Hon. Aih
Osurm and Hon. Vincrnt B. Holt, Aswclato
rfuugea oi iiterooia county, hav Issued their
precept, to mt directed, for tbe boldlog of a Court
oi tiinmui neas, a toe court lloua, at Clear-
Bold, 10 and for tht county nf (,'lcarBr.M nnn
meeiTgonthel0Culld Sunday of NnfM IriPiHl,
ocuig in mu uay oi lilt BtoUtU, and COD
inuii g two wee at.
NOTICE la thertfort hereby glvej to lurnrs and
wiiaeises, Ib and. for said counts of C eartiaU iu
oa ana appear in their proper nersona. at
o'olook A. M. of aaid day, to do ihoea things
wuicn in muir uvubii pertain to ut aont.
U1VEN nnder my band at Clearfield, this ISih
day al October, ia the year of our Lord one
inousabd eigni Hundred and eighty.
JAMKs M All APPLY, Sheriff,
aot 20 to.
JURY I. INT. Names and loealioe of (host
persona drawn at Jurors to strrt at N jvem -bar
term, oommeneing an tbo ttoond Monday,
(8tb) aad continuing two weeks;
Al. Logan, Clearfield.
Edwin Cooper, "
8. Taylor, Carweaavllle,
Ueo. Ketlleberger, "
T. A. Hoover,
D, Kspbart, O'Cftole,
A D Stewart, llouu'd,
Jatau Haines, Beocarla,
Thomsa Hill, Bcggs,
David Moose, 1
A. B. Brlllkarl, Dura'e,
a. P. Wileon, Brad lord,
Robert Lewie, Cheat,
Oeo. I. Miles,
Emil Migoot,Covlogioa,
Joseph liroia,
D. F. Cpeltn, Decatur,
D. A. Wise, Fvrguaoa,
iJ. A. Koiaer, flothta.
6. B Tsylor, "
itenry Orebit, Oraham,
W. E DickeraoB.tlulirk,
Oeo Emeriok,Karthaua,
K Colborn,
tl. Heehandorn,
WmWtft. Jr.. Knox.
.4 Fullertoa, Lawreooe,
T. 11 Shaw,
tieorge Karat, M rrll,
no. ns t,
W. Y. Adams,
Wm. Flynn, Pean,
Wm. Lloyd, Woodward,
Thut. Matbera. "
J at. Camp bail,
0. R. Patrlrk, Bornside
E. M. Wiito. "
Joha Lytic, Hr ,Claar'd,
Ueo. Jordan.
Ad. Tosor,Carwcnavllle,j
Aadrew mover, M
Wm Botttrr, Honttdalt,
W. M. Henry, L. Cits,
W. A. Browa Oaetolt,
II. II. Rice,
R. M. Pardoner,
Aad. Ulnar, Wallatcttn,
Jai. Hagerty, Beocarla,
Asbory Bloom,
D. Lambert, Bagga,
D Diaoa, Biadltrd,
tint. Arteb, Brady, i
Jaa. Mr-Qaliken, Chtet,
B. Summtrvlllt, Cbtst,
Chat. Dtnnis, Dreattr,
H ft 8'ewart, ttirard,
Slorrts Daelap.Orebam,
V Spenror, Uollch,
Ueorge Browa, llosloa,
iJ. H. IjowIs, Jordoa,
,J...B..8,., '
U. rJ.HIioh.ll.Lawrooeo,
1.BO.I U.ll, '
tjMrg. Uotl.r( "
M. K. Bora, "
J. M., Morrla,
iana roito. "
Mom. Win, Plba,
Kobort Uift, -
n. W.WH, uo,n,
B. F. D.ffeabaugh, W'J.
Improved Spring Beds,
Tho noderslgned begs leave to Inform tbo cltl-
ttns or t'learfleld, and tht public generally, that
he has on hand a fine assortment of Furniture.
neb as Walnut, Chestnut and Painted Chamber
Suites, Parlor Suites, Reclining and Extension
unairs, i,aiiei- ann urn is Easy Lbatra, the Per
forated Dining and Parlor Chairs, Cane Seats and
Windsor Chairs, Clothet liars. Step and Exten
sion Ladders, Hat Racks, Scrubbing Brushes, Ac
ooklng Olossee, Chromos, Ac, which would
8'iitable for Holiday presents.
datil0'7l JO HI TROUTMAN,
Re-Union of Trade.
fTllIK nnderaigned wishing to Inform the public
j. mat oa opened a
At tba old stand la Trontrllle, Clearfield oounty,
Pa., on tbo 1 Sib Inst., with a full stock of
DRY CifHiim, (JttOCI.ttlEft, NOTIONS,
lloola, HHoet, VAC,
In faot everything toot found in a firat-elasastort,
all of which I am daltrminvd to sell at tha lowest
oath prieea.
Will And It to their advantage to do thtlr dealing
with mt, as tht highest priott will bt paid for
Orain, Shingles, or Produot of any kind. Pari
or one half cash will be paid. Trading for
Shingles or Lumber of any kiod a rpeoialty. Also,
agent for
Singer Sewing Machines.
Ilarine made arrangements with Eastern mer-
ohantt to sell goods fur on tied me, therefore eall
and set. as I will bt enabled to sell cheaper than
tht cheapest. J. W. CAHLILB,
Troutvlllt, Pa., Sept. 14, '79-ly. Agent.
Westorn Mel Corner !
Read the Prices :
Business mid Dress Suits,
SO to $25 !
Every Conceivable Style of Pnn-
taloonsfrom $1.50 to $6.G0.
Overcoats, from $8 to $20.
Boys Suits, from , $4 to $12.
Reliable Material and Supe
rior siyies.
Clarl.ld, Pa., Oat. lOtb, ldS lia.
. in
fpiIE onderrlgned haa arrived at tbe conclusion
X to aell off all bis stort goods and a large
ouinant of other personal property oa hit prem
ises, at MULSONUl'KO, at a Dublie Auetioa.
oommeneing ob
Tuesday, October 12th, 1S80.
At 10 o'clock A. M., and to eonlinna from day to
day until all tha goods and property named are
d I 'posed of at whatever price Ihev mav hrin
The property eonsista of 6TOKK tiOODS OF ALL
tilts Us, such na cloths, sat metis, easslmerea,
u ii me, uiiiainea, nneo, armings, csilooos. trim
ings, ribbons, lace, ready-made clotbint. boots
and shoes, haU and capsall of the best material
and made lo order hoes, socks, gloves, mittens,
Coffee, tea, sugar rice, molartet, flih, salt pork,
linseed oil, fieb oil, carbon oil. Hardware, quecna-
ware, tinware, castings, plows and plow castings,
nails, spikes, corn cultivators, cider presses, an d
all kinds of axet. Perfumery, paints, varnish,
gla.s, and a general asssrtment of stationery usu
ally kept in a country store
ALSO, HUMMUS and CATTLE, a two horse
sgcin, n two-hone cairiase. and a sarin waeon.
together with n lot of farming utensils and other
personal properly too numerous to mention.
amounting to lesa tban $10 must bo paid upon
thadelivtry of tho property. On sales over $10,
a credit ot all months will be given by furnishing
approved security, or a discount of per ten t.
will bt ma It oa tht bid if tbe cash li tendered.
Frcnrbvillt, Pa , September 24, 16-0 -if.
To those in Need of
Walnut Furniture !
TO parties ordering FURNITURE through i
I will furnish with
Walnnt, wood top chamber soils aa low at .'.....1)5
W el nut, marble lop chamber suits as low as... 8:1 &
walnut parlor suits, upholstered in hair-cloth,
terry or raw stlfe, full spring, nil epbottered
la back, at low at 433
Walnut parlor mils, aobohvartd ia Blush $AA
Plttforin rockers from JI0 to $J5
Laiingra, full spring, from. $0 to 2t
Solas, full spring, from $10 to $28
ttalonl, wood top tables from fl to $10
Walnut, marble lop tables from $1 tt $16
Walnut book coses irom $20 to $A0
Walnut wardrobes from $21) to $W
Walnut sideboards Irons ...$18 to 860
Walnut ball racks from $10 to $10
Hair mattressoa from $10 to $?&
Woven wire maltrestea from $8 lo $1
nalaut window torntet as low as, fl
Camp Chairs, all Prices,
All the abort geoda warranted to bo made of
tbe best material and superior workmanship.
i-r-aiisfaciion guaranteed in every case.H-
l aeep on Band nil Binds or cbeap furniture,
Brackets, Flower Stands, Wall Pockets, Towel
Itacks, Sewing Stands with basket. Panel
Pictures, Picture Frames, Photo
Statuary, Lithographs,
Oleographs, I'hoto Cards, 1 bromoe, Ac,
Which I will aell at crest I v reduced rrioet. Hive
mt a call, and yon will be convinced that you can
buy goods gheaper from me than from any other
dealer la ibis part or tbe Stato.
One Door East of Mossop'i Store,
Ortobar IS, IRS0-II.
iDdorilaned rMkdioo io fiulleb lown.kln
b.rah, ,lroa .ub!ie aotlo. to tbo,. p.r'l., wan
aro lo Ibo babitui trtipaialn, oo bi,ir.mieao, oa
wrll aa all olb.ra wbo u.j b. loclio.d .j oomuilt
io. wrons. mat tba, mnai .1. .1 h..n..
I will onforoo tbo l.wa,aio.t all potaooa wlibout
ra.prot lo K.rllea found bootii.f or atrolli..
orrr m, preniiaao wltbnut my ooaaot. A word
to tb. wiro abould ba aulfiolattt
JdllN M. JO HI) AN.
Kama,, Oot. tb, 1'80 3t.
and all kinds of
(10 TO
O. B. MERUELL, . Aul,
CLEARFIELD, PA. Jan. 2, 'AO-tf.
M.r 11 Sm
Thomas A. Duckett,
I HEREBY glvt notice lo tha eltiaeot of Clear
field and tbo surronndinn vicinity that I am
prepared at all times to furnish families and
manufacturing establishments with a superior
quality of
Coal, Wood g Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver In a few hours'
notice. I am always ready to haul and deliver
Irom and to tbe depot, or anywhere cite, and
move families and household goods anywhere on
soon nonce. Titos. A. DI'CKKIT.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. 31, 18S-tf.
jaT iT so tT m
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CuMwensville, Pa.
Valuable Real Estate 1
mormrr i.y fnx.v township t
virtoo fan ordor larofdout olth. O.pbooo'
II i:nurtort;ioornrld counlr. Fnno.rl.anio, th.
oalrrUn,d Kxeoutor. itf Ilia 0,'ateof RIIIAKD
IMNVKH. Kr, lata of Pono tnwnabip, lo aaid
onunlo, donoaipd, will ao:l at Pjtilio aala, oo tb.
prra lii or io aotd towmbip, oo
Friday, November 5th, 1880,
ATttO'tKK K P. M.p
All thatet taln tract ot land, or farm, situate In
tbe towntobip afore a id, bounded and decribed a
follow.: On Ibe lSortu by lands of Nelson Walker,
on tne Keel by Jeast Kpeer end William K.
Denver, on the Suih by, Jot"kb Davis, and oo
tbo West by Allen Moll .nald. eoniai ting
Mora tr less, about oiXl ALKKd of whl-b are
improved and in n good state of cultivation, hav
ing thereon erected a log dwelling bouse, log
bam, and all aecceary outbuildings, together
wilbn HNH (JHCllAHD of good ftnit, and e
oolleot water. ,
Oat-third of tho prlrt mast bt nald down, and
tht balauoe ta two equal annual payments, wit b
Interest, ttcured by bond and Mortgage on the
icoutori of Rslatt of Richard banvnr.Mr., dee'd.
uramptaa Hills, ra , uetober in, IBiU-ta.
SherilT's Sale.
HY virtue of sundry writs of K JEr., Issued
out of the Court of Oomtaon Ptoas of Clear.
Held Co., and to me directed, there will beetposed
10 runuiu o .!.-. ai inv uonn iioust, la tba
borough of ciearHeia, ra, an
Tha rod ay, frrtober Hih, lMm,
At 1 o'clook, P. Un tba following described real
estate, to wilt
A aertaln tract of land altaale In Wallaeetoo
bnroufh, riearBeld county, renaavlvanla, bound
ed on the north by ao alley, on tho east by an
allev. on the Booth bv Clearfield at rai, and an
tbt weal by lot of A. Fran't.aad known in plan of
saiii norouga at tot no. or, enl bavtng thereto
erected a large frame bouse, frama a tab la, and
other outbuildings. Heised, taken la eteiutlon,
and It ba told as tbt property tf Isaao 8btme.
All that certain niece of ground alteato la the
vllletoof Uullols, Clearfield cmat. Peotsrveuie.
bounded and described at follows i Hounded an
the south bv kng street, nn ibt wtst bv Church
street, on the north by aa alley, en tht oait by
land of Doll-Is A Fuller, and known in general
plan of l ht filiate al DuUuis, la bandy township,
aa lota No. IT, IN and 10. Tha tola art tattooed
with a god board fence. B itad, Usee la eaea- j
tton, and to bo sou as iae property or J. A.I
Dud lap, I
Taaua op Sii.n. Tha prlet ar turn at which
tba proportv tball no struck of mutt be paid at tbe 1
time of sale, ar snob Mker arrangemeau made as 1
will bo opproved, otherwise the property will be
tmmeoiaieiy put op mimii again at the espeose
and risk of the person lo whom il waa struck of, 1
aad who. la ease of deficiency al suck re-tale.
thai) make good tbo tame, and in aa Instants
will tat Deed bt pre sealed in Court for ton II rasa-1
tloa unless tha money Is artoally paid ta tbt
Kherlff. JAMK1 MAllAVPBY,
Raiairra Optica, Sharif.
Clearfield, Pa., Ock , ll. 1
802 Acres of Coal and Timber Land.
T)Y vlrtoe of n deed of voluntary assignment
1) from N., Jr., aro Mary M , bis wife,
l o John J. Ihonipson and V. M. Currier, in trat
for the benefit of aredilort, deled tht Uth dev ol
Hepteraber, A. D. IftTo, and recorded in the olfi;t
lor recornng deeds lor tne counties of .lenereoa
and Clear Ha Id ; and by virtue ol a deed of assign
ment from tho Said J. J. Thompson and 0. M,
Carrier to mt, in trust for tbt benefit of the cred
itors of laid N. Carrier, dr., dated the loth day
of Decrmbcr, A. u. ln",9, and of record in the
office lur recording deed in aod for tbe counties
of .leffrrson nnd Clearfield, I will offer for rale at
public fiction, at the Court House, in Uronkville,
Jt'flersoa counlr. Pa , on
Thursday, October 28th,. 1880,
all the right, title and interest of aaid assignors,
and all tho estate, right, title and Interest,
assigned to me by virtue of Iho above mro'loned
deed ol assignment, er, ia an4 lo tbe following
arson neq properiirs, situate in llualoa township,
Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, via:
1st. Hegmniog al a post O. C. at tht tooth -test
corner ot tract t.HDh ; thence north I east M0
perobe lo n birch O. C Ihonco South 8ka west
;io perches to county lino; thence along taid
Clearfield Jonnty line south 23 west Mb perches
to the Intersection of county line and Ibo ton th
orn boundary lino of tract 43113 ; thence along
said boundary Mot south Kit0 east Iftl 910 per
cbet to tho place of beginnitir, containing IV7
aerea, mora or icsa, ao t aeing all that pari ol
warrant No. 4,!Vii, Ijitig east or said aoun'y lint.
Sd. Beginning at n time oo lint between traeta
4:hwm and lilio tbenee along said lino north 1
oast i nv litre nee to a birch tiee O. U j t benoe along
tba sum hern boundary line or tract 41..A eontb V
east 2i0 pare he a Iu a pest j thence anu'b 1 wtst
mo prrcors to n post: ibeoct aurtb to wtst liu
percBct io tns place ol ntginniog, tontainlna 240
aetet, more or less, and being the north wttt tor
nor oi warrant rto.
3d. beginning nt n birch 0, C . al tht tou h
wt.lern ovrner of tract 42:tfi thence north 1
east an perches to the Intersection of tbo county
ii in who me chi era oeuneary imo oi trael no.
4W j tbrneo nlonc aaid oouatv lino norti 11
enat 140 perebeo to the talortetllon of said oounty
en a, mu wm nvriflcrn wwnaery iineot tract Nil
il'St: thence along aaid boundary line too th 8V
easl 161) pen bos to hemlock thence south 1
west .120 pernbee to tbe northern boundary line
of No. 4aUt( theneo along aaid boundary I me
oorta at- wen j jo-perches to the place of begin
ning, tontaloiog 4.ifl aerea, mure or lest, aod ba
ing that part et the western half of Warrant Nt
42.10 lhat lita east ef tht Jailer sen aod Clearfield
oounty line
4ib. Beginning at a birch at tbo Booth eastern
oorner of tract No. 497 i then.-e north 99 west
la perches to tho county line ibrnoe along aaid
tourty Una north fl east Tl perabet to a post
then at tooth h9 tatt 9 perches to Ibo western
owndcry tint or o. l;tO( tbenee south I" west
ti perehet to tht plsotof bteinning, eon tain ma
nine and sliteen hundredths ceres, Mure or less,
and being tbe southeastern eomer of warrant No.
4vr, lying tat. of the muoly Una.
Timhervil with PINK, HKB Ltffjn. ANU
HAHI WIHI. Rtttntnin tbtlamont
tnppoted to ba all andtrlald with bltnminons
tool, .bough aa yet undeveloped. There It a val-
nanie mine seven rot vein now open aBnnt two
miles tenth of tht abovt land, on Ibo eld Otbora.
Carrier A Beam land.
It It dlr'anl aboat throe miles from the Mock.
da lo (HI Held, new being developed.
lat ntareei raiireaa ei at tea is t-aiia t rati,
abent lbrt mtltt distant, an tho Low Urailo
Dirt. ton ef the Allegheny Valley Railroad.
Ttnna op Data. Ono half oab. balanoa la
one ) ear, with Into rest tronrtd by judgment bend
wita approve! twcwrlty.
ror lurtaor mrormauoti add rem too anatr-
signed at Brocket! It, Pa.
0c. It, lilt IL Aailgatatf V. Oartlar.
Valuable Real Estate
BY virtut of an ordtr of tht Orphans' Court of
Clearfield oounty, the undersigned Admin
istrator of the estate of George B. Kelly, dee'd,
will sell at public sale on tho premises ia tbt
borough of Houtidale, Cltsrfield county, Pa , on
Mondny, November lnt, 1880,
At IO O't lock A. Mo,
All of the Interest of said decedent in tbt follow
ing described real estate, vis : All that cert at a
lot of ground situate ia the horeujth of flontiiele,
counly of Clearfield and Hiato of Pennsylvania,
fronting on Briibin st., about 30 feet, and running
back to an alley called Spruce alley about ono
hundred aad fifty feet, nnd being tht one-half of
lot known in the nlan of llouUdala u lai Na sad
bounded by lot of flouts beirt on oot side, and
tht othtr part of said lot on tha other tide. bar.
Ing thereon erected a two-ttorp frame building
:tli40 feet, with a two -story kitchen attached to
it Iftx2ti feet, and outbuildings, Tbo same is now
used as a hotel property.
One-half cash at time of tale, and tho residua
in ono year from the day of sale with Interest, to
bt secured by Bond and Mortgage or Judgment
Hand. W U. KELLY,
Adm'r of estate of O. B. Kelly, dee'd,
Clearfield, Oct filh, 1H8U-4U
Desirable Ileal Estate !
Estate of EicJiirl Sluw, Sr.,Dcc'i.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers nnd ninnufiicturers, receive goods ot
car load rates, licnee can compete with New York and Philadel
phia liousen.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
Fopt. tt,
rpHB ondwIgnaH, Fixator, of Ihoaalaloof
niL'liAKU dotra,ad. will orT.r
at noon, aalo al I&.I UI HT IIOI BK.IO tbo Dor
ough of Clrarficld, Vm., oo
Monday, December fith, 1880,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M.,
Tba followiDg oaluablo real aatato, via !
Tba thm alcrT BRICK HOTKI. oronrl.
corn.r oi jw.ra.i ooa riral atrrota. in tbo bot-
ousb of CloorBrld, knowo aa
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lott of ground thereto belonging
zoo leei on ftlaritl street, and ItV
leet on rirst at reel, with a two -story
JJJjJk lei nrotier bat tiatv bed -rooms and
all oonveoiencrs for n Urst-class
bnttl- Ono of the most desirable bote! properties
ia Ceatral Pcansyhnnia.
The above will ba told together with a two
story frama dwelling boose on Market street, ad
jacent to tbe Hotel, aud ono other frame dwelling
oouss and a two-story stort nuiiamg, an fronting
on Market street. Alto, a frame dwelling bouse
fronting on first ttrset.
ALSO, All that certain lot, known la the
nlaii of C'terfteld borough at Lot No litfl
fronting 60 fet on Locust a-reel, run.
ning back 1 1 2 leet, more or less, to an alley
nub dwelling house and all necessary out
bulidlrta thetroBirecled,andoiher improvements'. of A.!,:
Orc'lbird carb at delivery of good deed, and
ihe balsneo to bt secured by bond and mortaaae.
payable in one and two years, with Interest.
fturvlvlag Kt'ra of H lobar d Hhaw.Ur., dee'd.
Clearflo'd, Pa., Oet I, 1MI it.
TTTE INVITE the people of Clearfield and vicinity to the
v inspection of our large and well selected stock of
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As we buy for cosh only, we ore enabled to give our patrons
every possible advantage. Our lin.o of piece poods, especially
adapted to Merchant Tailoring, is complete. We employ only
first-class workmen, and arc prepared to make suits at short notice
and unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks for post favors, and solicit your future
Room No. 4, Pie's Opera House lilock, Clearfield, Penn'a.
September 20, 1880-tf.
The News From
Boots and hoes,
ats and CapjJ
k Furnishing hi:
That Ever Came Into the
OlawlalJ, Fa., Soot. II, 111, la.
xyisrxy iei.'X' jTaz. teste. 9
All liinilo of Cbfkcli and Coffin, kept on hand, and lurninhod to order on
abort nntico, including iho finoot as well tho clienpent that can ba man.
luciured. Onr
oortpsii r'li.xiszin.'vziri.
Ia tho bent In on, and will be fiirnichcd when required. Funerala attended
in any part of Ihe county. Call at my odico, on Second atreet, or loara
your onlcra at Tronlman'a Furniture Hlore, adjoining Iho roMofllco.
oet 1,79 ly.' (Mearfiold, Ta.
Jtfitr gifrttsfnttnts.
MOfiP.V TO I.OAK.-Oo ar.t rl.M Ira
pro. 1 farm pron.rlT, k, tho Molool Lllo
lo.oraooo vonnan? til now lork. oa lr,t Mori-
!., la uai Iron $l,ti on. for falbor la.
forraatiiia appl, lo tha anit.rat,nail.
Cloarirli Pa., Ma, Tlh, HT, tf.
AMHKlNKI'.n NOTICK. Te Wlliioa It
Ma, Conrera Tha oo0.r,i,o.d, ha.ln,
boo appoiot.d A iiiini.1 for tb. brnrflt of orodi
tora b, jaa. b. Orali.oi, of CtoarBrld rjoroo,h, oil
porMa, tborafora, ha.iattololoiaoK.loathini will
pr.Molto.aa lo oa ror artilaoiai, .on tooao to
d.t od lo tho aotd 'Jrohaoi aro roqatrod to aotllo
aad Mahja pariooat to oa.
aiw a nn a. itinuKK,
Claort.ld, Pa., Ie. 14, UT, If Aarliom.
11XKCIITIIH' KOTK K.-Noti.. la h.r.
J hr .lor toot T.,toon.otorT 001 th.
o.utoof JOHN H VAUUIIT, lata of Karthaoa
towoahip, Cloara.ld oooatr, roanaolfoala. do-
m4, harln, bota dol, graotod to tho wadar-
lao.d, oil poraooa tod.oi to aoid oaloto will
plcaio aaoho loaaaodlat poyomt, ood thoao h.r.
in, Olaiaia or aoroaoda alaloat tho ,.mo. wi l
proMot thora proporl, aathotlotod for oattlo.
aot wilboal dolor. 1. W. POTTER.
Karlt.o,, ', f,,i. ,k,
la harolio wivoa that Ultora of Adoilolitra-
nuo oo Iho onatoof OKKoNWOOD MrCKAl K-
KN.Iato ol a ooa towoahip, Cloarltld ooonlr. Pa..
daoooatd, ho.loa bo.0 dol, graatad to tho wodar
algaod, all paraoaa lodbt.d to aotd oatato will
ploaao aoho loaotadialo pajoirat, aod thoao hat-
to, olaiaia or doaaooda ag.loat tho aaaao will pro-
it thooi proworlo aolhrfitlpolod far (tLaaaat, dolaj. JOHN McCHACKIN,
AdoMotatrotor V. a. a.
Row MUlporl, P. , apt. II, I IN.,..
35fw 3idirrttsrmrnt5.
Corwonarlllo, Pa., Jaa. I, 'tl tf.
KUn POR AI.K.Thltt. hl.oa of
Holloa Haaa wblrh I will a. II ohoaa for
ooah, or aiohoogo for whoat. Foo f.rtaor la.
fortoatloa wall aa or oddroaa Iho aodoralrood.
N.r. 1, lf. CloaHl.ld, Pa.
f.1! A KM I.ANIrH PflR PAI.R-I. Dwatoa
A ad Plaa lowo.hlpa, Cloarl.ld ooool,. wau
It.aaooabl. tiatot,.o lor port of aorohaoo z y
taooo,. Prloot ( M ta IK.H par aora.T a roaorrrq.
opt. le, lT lf.
r aikn . .
P.nt.ld, Pa.
I Wattin a (aaaa,
Cloailold, Pa,
Farm For Sale.
Tba tobstrfber aew affert bit far as for sate.
The proper tt It loealed oae tjlle and a half north
of Clearleld, ooataiatog KIUHTY Al ltKH,
mat ef wbieb le eke red aad aoder toed tail, ta
ttoo, food twe sterj MLn btase, large fratat bara
apa etoer arcestar niballejlngs, together with
aa trebard tf ad blade of frail. Tbe wbela la
aeierald Mb a tela of food tool Tbia orep
ert will he eitbangod for sss alloc ore pert, tot
fartaor aartieaiart tell oa tat arets.tet, ar br
Ittltr addrototd to 0. BKBD,
ieotatabar I, lIM-tai. OkarAtld, Pa.